#Muse: Aizawa
historias-multorum · 2 months
How were you ruined?
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ruined by loneliness
you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
Tagged by: @heromuses 💖
Tagging: @ethereallyloved @rigelig @primcrdia @gurengan and anyone who wants to give it a go!
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fandom-madness69 · 9 months
Y'all have no idea how absurd it is to me that I'm almost TWENTY THOUSAND WORDS into a FUCKING FANFICTION but I can't get past the first 5k words of my original book. Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy
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frogsonalotusleaf · 1 month
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UA had already added a large room to his place for Eri. The kitchen & den were remodeled, too.
“Eri, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
The girl was hiding behind his leg, but looking up with big red eyes.
“This is Shiori. She’s special to me. Say hello.”
“Hello,” the small girl began, wondering exactly what special to Shota meant.
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herostoried · 3 months
Shouta knows that the world he's ended up in isn't the same one as home.
But it still stings to see Izuku Midoriya standing across from him - a villain.
Even Shouta's surprised at how much his chest aches as he looks at him; meeting his eyes with a gaze that's heavy and tired. He can't help but feel like he's failed Midoriya somehow... despite having never known him in this world, he'd always thought that if there was anyone who'd never be capable of villainy - it would be this boy.
The very fact that he was wrong makes him wonder how well he ever truly knew him. It's an irrational thought, and Shouta's well aware of it, but even so... did his Midoriya ever have doubts? That possibility is scarier than it has any right to be. Because, deep down, try as he does to suppress it... Shouta knows that he's been having doubts, too.
And if even Izuku couldn't face them, does Shouta even stand a chance?
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"Why'd you show your face here, kid?" he asks, tone as dry as ever, but there's something exhausted in his tone, too. He wonders what kind of relationship the Shouta here had with this Midoriya - if he ever tried to save him, or wrote him off as just another villain.
"You know I can't just let you go now."
@vsagis ( starter! )
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togethersmiled · 11 months
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                                                     REACH OUT!!
an independent my hero academia multimuse, written by meri. currently featuring ochako uraraka and himiko toga, with more muses to be added. if you’re interested in interacting, please consider liking or reblogging, and thank you so much!
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eraseur · 4 months
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"I'm so tired..."
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vixlenxe · 6 months
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I said Violet is easy to influence when she's fresh out of the lab, & I was not fucking joking SHBFHJSBDSH
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erxsxre-archived · 1 year
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senpaisisters · 1 year
The New Visiting Muse is a Girl!?
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Tomo Aizawa has joined the dorm of the Senpai Sisters! One of Shikimori’s jock friends, tombody Tomo is excited to spread her wings in college and make more female friends despite being surrounded by guys most of her life! Like Shikimori she isn’t staying in the same room as Uzaki, Nagatoro, Marin and Komi but she will be around for a lot of the shenanigans going forward.
I’m not ENTIRELY sure how I plan to do visiting muses here and she may just end up as permanent if I feel like it but for now feel free to have fun with the new tomboy girl!
Also this is NOT an April Fools joke, just odd timing.
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the-wild-card-hand · 8 months
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"I had a few Halloweens where I changed it up slightly...granted it was asked I did this and I didn't quite get it...though Mic did enjoy letting his hair down once. Shinso was in the back."
Aizawa proceeded to show the Halloween photo from last year
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historias-multorum · 5 months
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The bar was becoming almost like a second home for Aizawa. He liked to visit whenever he finished a rather hectic week with students. Right now he was 4 shots of vodka deep and was feeling it for sure. Not exactly drunk, but definitely tipsy.
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violetlunette · 2 years
honestly asking this mostly bc i dont have any erasermic pals to brainstorm with but. what kind of erasermic do you think is the closest to canon. does that make sense?? like. given what we see with erasermic in canon, if they were to be read as romantic, whats the most feasible way they’d have like.. happened? or How would they be romantic? does this question make any sense at all. i was just thinking because i found that i preferred reading erasermic as highschool sweethearts, but given how they are in the manga, esp with how aizawa was in vigilantes, it just doesn’t seem like. Canon. obviously it doesnt really matter, enjoy what you want, but its an interesting thing to think idk!!
So, I’ve been thinking about this myself, and here are my thoughts. I’m going to mainly focus on how I think they would get together myself. Keep in mind everything is based on opinion, not facts. So, take it with a grain of salt. Also, this was written in a hurry between other stuff, so hopefully, it makes sense and I addressed everything you asked, anon.
I think Hizashi would notice his feeling first but would keep them to himself. He would be too afraid that revealing his feelings would lead to him being rejected and damaging their friendship. I believe Hizashi would start crushing in high school as he seems very fond and even defensive of Aizawa even then. In high school, another reason Hizashi would hide his feelings is that he would believe Aizawa likes Oboro, whom he is much closer with. As adults, Hizashi hints at his feelings to Nemuri while they’re drinking. Nemuri, being the big sister type and the romantic comedy best friend, would go to Aizawa and just tell him. The reason for this is that Aizawa is oblivious as hell to things like this, so if he isn’t told flat out he will never get the idea. Shouta is startled and even surprised. He never thought of romance with anybody. Whenever he got those urges he just had casual sex with a sex worker or Midnight. (Sorry, but my brain refuses to accept that this man is a virgin. At the very least I think he’d experiment a few times.) He thinks about it and shoots down the idea of a relationship as he believes it would be irrational. Both have more than one job, each as time-consuming as the next, and their hero jobs are dangerous. Every other day Aizawa stares death in the face and he knows he won’t be lucky forever. He doesn’t want to leave Hizashi with more pain than he has to. Not to mention it hurt Shouta enough to lose a friend, how would he feel if he lost a lover? Even so, once the idea is put in his head it stays there and Aizawa starts watching Hizashi more. Shouta also finds himself feeling more territorial toward the man. Every time someone gets too close Aizawa would feel a pang of jealousy. Who is this person? Why are they so close? What do they want? Then Aizawa would suddenly wander over them and stand a bit too close to Hizashi. (Like how a puppy or cat will suddenly come over when you’re petting another animal.) Hizashi would notice this quickly but wouldn’t know why as—as far as he knows—Aizawa doesn’t view him romantically. Adding to this Aizawa would suddenly find himself thinking of how to fit their schedules together, living arrangements, and other things. Basically, he would be thinking of how to make it work while also insisting to himself that it wouldn’t. Things would be like that for a while as neither is willing to make a move, so Nemuri would have to step up again. She sends them on a mission where they have to go undercover as a couple which has all levels of awkwardness as Hizashi has no idea Aizawa knows about his feeling and Aizawa is partially in denial, partly considering still. A series of events happen and Hizashi tests the waters by saying something along the lines of, “Well, that was fun! But I doubt we’ll do anything like that again.” The Shouta, finally making a decision would go, “Well, what if we did?” Hizashi would be confused till Aizawa finally clarifies. It would be awkward and Aizawa would lay out everything that could go wrong and that was against them—but eventually would state that he wouldn’t hate the idea. (He’s shy.) Hizashi would ecstatically agree. After that Aizawa would initiate their first kiss. (Hizashi is passive, Aizawa is not. When he wants something, he’ll go for it aggressively.)
At first, there’s a lot of awkwardness as neither dates much and the rules of dating don’t exactly apply. Like, neither would want flowers or the like. For the most part, Aizawa would take the lead on things. Hizashi has always followed him and that doesn’t change here. However, Hizashi would drop hints here and there when wants something, such as hand-holding. Aizawa, now that they’re in a relationship, would be more attentive than before, so he would pick up on these hints faster than before. Hizashi does all the PDA but Aizawa doesn’t mind one way or another, though he does get shy if it's in a crowd. (Sex stuff, however, would remain behind closed doors as that’s their personal space.) An issue that would pop up is that Hizashi might mother-hen him too much as Aizawa really does not give a damn about personal safety. Shouta would quickly get annoyed with Hizashi coddling him like a child. On the other hand, Aizawa is determined not to lose anyone like he lost Oboro, and would become more protective, demanding that Hizashi not take dangerous jobs and such. This would make Hizashi feel insulted as not only is he an adult man, he was a hero. But they’d talk both would back off (mostly). And that’s all I got for now!
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goodheartt · 9 months
tag drop pt. 9
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togethersmiled · 1 year
pssst........ hello ;w;
it’s been a while, but i’m gonna try working on some replies/threads this week!! and just so you all know, i’ve decided to move himiko toga from my multi to this blog as a secondary muse, making this blog a dual-muse blog for both ochako and himiko! ochako will still be the main muse here, but i wanted to try out having them both together - i might move himiko back later, but we’ll see how it goes. thank you for understanding! <3
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fateopposed · 2 years
Starter call!
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Like this post for a starter from Ochako!
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hermajsty-a · 1 year
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whoops slides in an eri tag dump !
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