#My Textiles Design Class
author-a-holmes · 1 year
Hi detective love
Pick one (or a few) ocs and describe a typical outfit. And, of you're feeling fancy, a nicer outfit for some event. Reference photos are optional.
Hello Sleepy, darling <3
How. How did you know that I'm actively working on compiling Artist Reference Sheets for my characters right now? :D
I don't actually have any set up for my Fey Touched project (yet!) but I do have some for Stolen, specifically Stella and Reilly.
And, since I know you've expressed an interest in Stella before, lemme share some of her preferred outfits...
Shoving it below a cut because it's image heavy <3
Stella Korazon (Stolen)
By choice, Stella dresses for simplicity and effectiveness. She dresses in muted browns to help her blend in, and likes clothes with pockets to keep her thief tools easily to hand.Her boots are her most expensive item, because she travels across Moryann. They have to be sturdy, hard wearing, comfortable, and also silent when she’s breaking into people's homes.
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Her leather trousers are also well worn with travel. Stella’s pants are laced closed, and also have lacing on the lower half of the leg so they can be adjusted around boots, or for riding.
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For shirts, Stella is partial to long tunic style shirts. Usually in linen or wool, and still in muted tones although she sometimes departs from brown to other natural dyed colours such as greys, greens, or blues.
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Her tunics are usually long enough to hit the pubic bone/half way down the ass. The sleeves will be narrow, or tight. She can’t have loose sleeves when picking pockets. The reference image below has open sections on the sleeves, but they might also be solid fabric. Her shirts are really the area Stella has a variety of styles.
The neckline could be wide, as in the reference image, or it might be close to the neck, or it might be v-neck and laced.
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Stella also wears a thin brown leather belt. It’s long, and wraps around her waist twice, before being tied off in a loop-like knot.
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Attached to her belt, usually on the left hand side, is one small brown leather pouch. It’s where she keeps her thieves' tools.
Stella's never really had an opportunity to wear a nice outfit to a special event, until Book Two, Takeover.
I send her and Reilly to a ball and have to put my scrappy little thief into a gown so I may or may not have put my Highschool textiles design class to use and drawn her a dress...
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The dragonfly brooch is worn on her hip and can be used to hold back the skirts to give her a larger range of movement. Additionally, hiding beneath it's tail and wing segments, this dragon fly is hiding an intricate set of lockpicks.
The lovely Knutty (@knuttydraws) accepted a commission of Stella (And Reilly) based on these details, so I'm just going to show that picture off at the end, because I never get tired of staring at it...
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kekaki-cupcakes · 6 months
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horrorwebs · 1 year
#yesterday and today aaaaaa :) i thought i was gonna be miserable but no#yesterday i arrived at drawing class and i thought the girls from last time [3 weeks ago] barely remembered me/were annoyed by me. but no#i arrived at class [packed w like 70 ppl who all dont know each other] and they scream MY NAME :D [greetinf]#like right as i stepped into the class they were in the middle of it#so i say hi to them and also these two guys who i rly like that i had met before starting class while on a trip w friends who i was hoping#i could talk to. well we all sit outside clas to work together so we talk a lot and its really cool and i love them already!#and today i was scared bc i knew only 1 girl from design class [ok actually 3 more hut 1 is more like a classmate thing and the other 2 we#talked once and i dont remember their names] b i arrived and didnt see her so i sat alone scared then i saw her and went over to her table#n i made friends with her friends theyr really cool! especially this one guy i sat next to we talked a lot it seems like we are similar#and in the other 2 theoric clases i know this 2 girls that i also shar drawing with and theyre both really sweet so its cool!#bad thing is that all of them are in diff careers than me [graphic design architecture and textile design] i havent mer anyone from mine#[<- image and sound design]#so im scared next year ill know no one again! but atill im so happy en#yesterday was so fun with these guys#and like one of the guys i knew when i met him i was like waow hes so cool i wish we could be friends but ill prob never see himagain#AND THEN I SAHRE A CLASS W HIM . i though maybe hed be annoyed but no he made conversation asked me questions + asked be to b in his group#anyway the teacher separated ghe groups and made them themselves but eitherway! hes so cool and weird. and the girls are great too like#super kind and sweet and it wa svery fun#spikeposting
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eternal-brainrot · 1 year
hehehehe convinced someone in my class to read gideon the ninth hehehehe :3
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chainsawmascara · 5 months
Figuring out where every companion fits in my Suddenly A Thing art school au doodle world is. Going to be interesting.
God's favorite princess who started it all is in general fine arts. She loves charcoal, painting feels like a necessary evil but it's secretly what she's always wanted to do.
Lae'zel is clearly in metalworking/sculpture.
Astarion is in textiles, specifically embroidering and fashion design/history. He has an entire brand built in his head. He works at an upscale fashion store part time. He judges EVERYONE.
Wyll???? Wyll's studying art history and debating going into curation. He's a trust fund kid and his father is deeply disappointed THIS is what he's doing with his college fund. He spends free time in the dark room. Darkroom photography has no place in the world these days, but he loves the classics and waxes poetic about 35mm film and its versatility - he does some oil painting over certain photos for flourish. It's phenomenal. He doesn't think it's that great. Everyone disagrees.
Gale is. Gale is the english major from the sister university who decided a double major is a good idea (it isn't, he is suffering) and hurled himself into abstract/surrealism. (It works very well in his favor when tara steps in his paint and walks on the canvas. He had a three hour anxiety attack and decided he did it on PURPOSE.
(Part of me wants to slam him into dark room photography and i will not elaborate. Maybe he sneaks in to hang out with wyll. He cannot be good at everything but he NEEDS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. He's a recurring subject of wyll's work.)
Where the FUCK do i put karlach. She's on a roller derby team outside of school. But what does she DO. She's in there somewhere but WHAT DEPARTMENT.
Dammon shares classes with Lae'zel bc that's The Most Obvious Thing. He's a natural.
Isobel? Pottery. Aylin doesn't go here. She's just The Girlfriend also on the roller derby team and hangs around.
Rolan is obviously into impressionism. He's the manet of the school, trying every artist's style in a desperate attempt to find his own despite cal and lia both knowing he HAS his own style and it's GORGEOUS but he just can't see it himself.
Alfira is also in the textile department. Astarion hates everything she makes. She plays music at local clubs on the weekends. Lakrissa is her bartender girlfriend who studies sequential art.
I need to keep this going, I'm on to something here.
But where the FUCK do i put KARLACH.
Edit: 9 fingers is the drug dealer. I went to art school, i promise you there are so many gatherings based solely around that, she'd be there constantly. Jaheira and Halsin are figure study models. Jaheira probably has her hand somewhere else in the school, she'd definitely have something to do with installation pieces, I'll get there let me cook on that one. Minsc is. Fuck. I need to figure that out. We're GOING SOMEWHERE HERE, WE'RE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.
Someone is in the jewelry department it's someone it's SOMEONE maybe lae'zel dips into it bc metal casting NO IT'S MINTHARA. MINTHARA. YES. I WILL JUSTIFY THIS WHEN IT'S NOT 2AM BUT TRUST ME IT'S MINTHARA. Intricate wire wrapping with gem stones she gets from 9 fingers, she has 5000 tools for it and no one realizes how violent whitesmithing tools are but I've BEEN THERE TRUST ME and the wire wrapping gives big spiderweb vibes, it's perfect, i love it, yes, she's in cahoots with astarion on a future design house and the bickering is CONSTANT.
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lucydoodlessometimes · 4 months
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The mostly-crazy darling of the Lunar court, Prince Jacin Clay-Blackburn!
Breaking my general pattern of posting the girls first so I have a little extra time to get my interpretation of Winter just right, so let's talk about Jacin.
Jacin approaches Winter's plot points with a certain characteristic gruff-ness, but he notably keeps her general kindness to the working class of Luna (something adjacent to what I think he'd have expressed in the books, if he wasn't so busy jacin-ing about winter). He's got lots of light, airy fabrics in his design, but retains something of a more fitted feel than winter to show this- big, billowy sleeves, but paired with well-tailored slacks. His wardrobe leans into lunar extravagance and almost ephemeral textiles in court, when he's actively trying to remain on "Levana"s good side (another thing he retains from the books- much more concerned than winter with remaining too small a nuisance to deal with- even if he inevitably fails because it isn't actually winters fault levana wants her dead).
Cinder | Kai | Cress | Thorne | Scarlet | Ze'ev | Winter
Original Au by @healing-winston-pratt
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bowtiepastabitch · 8 months
Let's Talk Costuming: Come on, Hamlet! Buck up!
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Welcome, my friends, to the Renaissance, or to be more specific in geography and time, the Elizabethan period! Shakespeare! Protestantism! Great fun! For context, this scene likely takes place sometime around 1599-1601, towards the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign.
What I find most interesting about clothing of this period (aside from how silly looking some of it is) is that this is the era of ~*sumptuary laws*~ so every piece of clothing you see tells you a story about the person wearing it! Of course, I can't imagine Crowley or Aziraphale are all that concerned with being mistaken for a duke or somesuch, but it's fun to image what an onlooker may have thought of them.
Note: The focus of this analysis will be on Aziraphale's costume and on Elizabethan sumptuary laws. Crowley is up next, and his costume analysis will focus more on composition.
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[text of a Royal Proclamation dated 15 June 1574, British Library]
Sumptuary laws have been around for a while, and they served a dual purpose during the Elizabethan period. First and foremost, they set to reinforce class boundaries by forbidding one to dress above ones station, but they also sought to reduce foreign imports of excess frippery that drained English pocketbooks. The proclamation even warns that young men of the realm, having spent their fortunes on fine clothing, will turn to lives of crime to satisfy their appetites.
These laws regulated all kinds of things: the textiles one could wear, in what colors, how much a guy could pad his calves out for ultimate sex appeal, really anything you can think of. That's not a joke, in fact a man in 1565 was detained for wearing "a very monsterous and outraygous greate payre of hose," which likely refers to a 1562 regulation on hose, ruffs, and swords. Hose could not be "containing in the netherstocks and upperstocks more than one yard and a half, or above one yard and three-quarters at the most, of the broadest kersey, or with any other stuff beyond that proportion," nor could they be lined excessively or constructed with too much fabric.
This same law regulated ruffs, like the ones we see at Aziraphale's neck and sleeve cuffs, to only a single width of ruffle, which dear Azi is following:
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Where he might find himself in a spot of trouble, though, would be in the colors he's wearing. The color combination is rather divine on him, but the use of gold embroidery on clothing is forbidden unless one ranks as a Viscount or above. Now, could it be argued that Aziraphale, as an angel and a principality, has a privileged rank of his own? Yes, it could, but that takes some of the fun out of this.
His doublet (cute little jacket) appears to be a silk damask dyed in a lighter shade of blue, so likely woad. He would be safe in all these regards. Were the blue indigo, he could get in trouble for that, however, as that rich shade of blue was reserved for the upper echelons of the gentry as well.
Swords notwithstanding, the cut of Aziraphale's garments is reminiscent of several of the gentlemen in the foreground here:
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[Royal procession of Queen Elizabeth. Printed by and for J. Nichols and Son, London, 1823. Folger Shakespeare Library]
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As usual, we see Aziraphale in a tasteful iteration of the era's clothing that incorporates his character's color scheme. The incredibly dramatic silhouettes of the era definitely leave their mark, but he ends up looking rather refined rather than ridiculous.
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[The Tailor, Giovanni Battista Moroni, 1565-1570]
This portrait gives a great view of these outrageous pants up close, as well as a jacket very similar in design to the one Aziraphale wears in this scene. The primary difference between the two is that the tailor is dressed appropriately for a craftsman, plain colors and not much extraneous ornamentation. Against this, Aziraphale certainly stands out, with his fancy trims and such, and would thus necessarily be identified as a member of the gentry by anyone in his vicinity.
This is important, because his positionality in this world is very clear. As in many of our historical moments, Aziraphale's wish to blend in only extends to a certain degree. He complies with the style of the era, and I suspect even enjoys his little games of dress-up, but as time goes on he creates more distance between himself and the garb of the peasantry. In some of the biblical era flashbacks, he's dressed rather plainly, but in later periods we seem him as a knight, a rather foppish Victorian gentleman, and finally in his well loved 20th century gentleman outfit that he keeps well past the point of anachronism.
He leans into these little luxurious identities in part because he is an angel, yes, but he is also slowly falling in love with all the beautiful little things that humanity has to offer. And what does the renaissance give him? Great works of theatre, luxurious gold embroidered silk jackets, and slutty little pumpkin shorts.
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He's adorable, you have to admit. My sources, for your further reading pleasure or to prove I did my research:
Ta ta, have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed our little history lesson.
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Could I request Vil, Malleus, Ruggie and Jamil with a Fem!Yuu who is a seamstress that is really, really good at sewing, knitting, embroidery, and other forms of textile design.
If you're to busy to do this request, I completely understand.
Love your profile picture btw, it's so cute!
~Sure I got time~
Seamstress!Yuu x Vil , Ruggie, Malleus, and Jamil
(NRC is a mixed school with boys and girls.)
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Crewel stepped over the scattered bolts of fabric as he tried to get to the bed. The room was a mess as always with sketchbook paper littering that girl's desk. Said girl was in a deep burrowing in layers and layers of loose fabric, pillows and discarded ribbons.
"My dear pup, I don't know how you will manage to get to class when you can't even wake yourself up." Crewel said to his ward as he pinched her cheek.
The girl grunted and tried to pull away before mumbling in her sleep."Five more minutes."
Crewel stared at her incredulously as he pulled harder.
"Five minutes, soon you will have no minutes! The carriage will be here soon and you're room is a mess, your hair is matted, and your not ready for school!" Crewel was rather upset.
If he had it his way she'd be shipped off to an all girls school in France but she chose NRC for some reason. Sure, it wasn't a bad school and he could look out for her, but the boys there where characters. Why did she want to transfer there?
After prodding her, Yuu eventually shook herself awake and prepared for the big day. Her stuff was packed and her familiar Grim was at her side.
"The carriage is here!"Crewel called up the stairs. The girl came running down with her hair combed and uniform tidy.
Crewel sighed fondly over the girl. She had grown so much from when she was just little pup. Her mother would be so proud.
Divya, was an extraordinary woman. He misses her dearly but her daughter was still his treasure.
"Divus? I'm leaving."Yuu looked at him with concern in her eyes.
"Oh right," He said pushing his feelings down as he kissed her forehead "Be good pup. I'll see you there."
"See ya, Da- Divus!" She panicked before rushing out the door.
With that she entered her coffin and had Grim stay at home until she the entrance ceremony was over. When she awoke it was time to stand before the magic mirror.
Her soul resonated with one dorm one made for her: Pomefiore
She stood up a little straighter when she heard it. Part of her had doubts but now she knew. Her smile was wide as she saw her guardian smiling at her as though there was no doubt. She was just like him and Divya, people who understood beauty and perfection.
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Being a housewarden meant keeping his students in line. That meant also keeping students from fighting. The girls were currently dealing with a problem. One he had to take control on.
The new girl had caused a mess involving dye. Vil would have to punish her by making her clean. Though he couldn't help but do it half-heartedly.
She was rather meek about the whole ordeal and apologized over and over. She had done it with the best intentions of adding a color to her list of fabrics and it just got everywhere.
He couldn't deny that it was a rather nice shade of lavender. Still, he could see this becoming a problem. He chose to give her a room where she could do her dyeing hobby in peace. They had a room for such things anyways even if it was abandoned.
Form that day he rarely saw her. When he did she was scurrying around campus gathing materials or with friends.
He found out why from the girls. Yuu was working on something big and they were helping. They were bubbly and giddy as can be when he asked but they never told what I was. They did say something about the upcoming ball and cheaking on her. His curiosity peeked, he entered the sewing room.
The room wasn't dusty like before but the smell of old wood lingered mixed with perfume and paint. Yuu stood in the center with glasses perched on her nose and measuring tape around her neck. She was placing pins on the hem of a gown. Her eyes focused on getting it just right. She nodded before pulling out her pen and using her unique magic [Let's Stick Together] causing the pieces of fabric to fuse together.
She fingers danced across the waterfalls of handspun lace as she pulled, cut, and sowed the gown. It was the same color that drew Vil's eyes.
He looked around as the seamstress focused and became taking note of other objects in the room. Mannequins were lined up in rows. Each had a suit or dress that was meticulously crafted but some were bare. Each were designed beautifully. The moment he touched the silk of one the suits his eyes caught sight of a silhouette.
In the corner of the room was a mannequin covered by linen.
Vil eyed the unaware girl and heard the 'click clack' of her hands weaving lace designs.
He lifted the blanket and he was more then just enraptured.
The suit was quite grand, vintage but new.
When Vil saw it he felt a pull in his chest. One you'd get if you saw something perfect for you while browsing and you are over taken by such a need and desire for it.
He wanted this suit. The ball was in ta few weeks and had a outfit planned but he needed this suit. Only this one would be worthy of him.
His eyes went back to the girl who finally looked up.
"VIL-SAMA!" She shouted her glasses falling off her face but still attached to the chain around her neck.
"I see you've been working very hard." Vil praised her with a pat on the head. Yuu wrinkled her nose blushing at the remark.
"What are you doing here?" She asked dumbfounded.
"I wanted to check on you. There is so much silk and satin here you'd think it was my closet." Vil mused.
"Oh, this? A few of the girls are paying me to make their gowns for the ball and a few boys too. I've been making them in pairs." Yuu said showing off her latest gown to be finished.
"I see, what about that one?" Vil pointed to the suit that was hidden away.
"Oh, not that one. It wasn't really made for anyone." Yuu shook her head as she pulled the cover back over it. "It's not worth looking at."
Vil felt a sting in his chest. How could he say that about something so stunning, something she made with her own hands.
"You seemed to work very hard on it. "Vil said keeping calm.
"Yeah, I guess. It's not very good though. I think I made it to match some kind of prince aesthetic but messed up. Besides what good is it if no one would wear it." Yuu sounded upset with herself "It's better sometimes to stick with what you know people like. People like handmade clothes. Something made for them, not for me."
Vil wanted to argue with her but he couldn't. She was right in some aspects. Only some.
"I'd like to commission you. Make me a suit just like this one here. Fix a few things. Change the materials on the undershirt and skirt to silk." He ordered her.
Yuu agreed reluctantly. She was sure Vil would think her design was cheap and while looking fancy at first, its commodity won't last.
Still, Vil didn't let her slack on his suit and came in regularly to check on her. Almost everyday he came to watch her and advise her on styles. He even modeled a few things she was working on. Sometimes when she was having bad days he'd just sit with her until it was over. When he needed her, she'd rush over to the shoot to fix whatever the problem was. Sometimes the stylist on set just didn't get it right. They were quite the duo. It was clear from the nickname Vil gave her. Ube.
There were only three other girls in the dorm and they noticed Vil hanging around. Soon enough they were giggling amongst each other as they helped the seamstress with her work.
One girl in particular who had become Rook's little spy as of late made it no hint that the ball's theme had them going in pairs. She also made it no hint that Vil would be behind if he didn't find a partner.
"So tragic it is! Almost every girl is already taken and so are the guys." Belladona said throwing her hands up as she spoke.
"Is this you asking me to go with you." Vil had seen this tactic before.
"Of course not, Rook is taking me. You're so busy I doubt you realized that a certain girl hasn't been asked." Belladona was Yuu's closest female friend. After the dye incident, they began forming a friendship. All the girls loved the hardworking seamstress. They just didn't want her to miss out.
Vil got the message and berated himself for not thinking of this. Almost immediately he went to visit Yuu who had finished the last of her commissions just in time with a few days to spare.
"Vil! You're here! Look I'm finally done!"She showed off the finished lineup of outfits with pride.
Vil didn't looked happy though. He knew the owners of each of the set. He felt something missing.
"You're missing one" he said simply.
Yuu looked around for a second before shrugging.
"What do you mean? Yours is right here." She asked.
"I meant yours. You aren't going to make your own dress for the ball?" Vil asked knowing how much pride she had in her work.
"I didn't think I'd have time to. I had a design but with all the orders..." She fell silent "It's fine Vil, it's just a party. I'm happy to see everyone else shine."
"What good is it to say that? How can you see everyone else shine when you aren't even there." Vil has been annoyed by this women for too long.
"Vil?" Yuu asked feeling the temperature shift
"I am so sick of your self depreciating martyr complex! It's either, my work isn't good enough or putting everyone else before yourself. Can't you just admit that you are a talented person, that your hard work means something? Why can't you just see yourself like I do? Someone who's talented, beautiful, and caring. Why is that so hard?" Vil poured his heart. He didn't knownhe was holding this back. Every thought he had at the back of his mind was rushing out. "I'm sorry. It's just...I wish you'd care about yourself more. I want you to be happy."
Yuu knew Vil cared but she was dumbstruck at how much he cared. They had never put it into words.
"I'm sorry. I guess I never...thought you felt that way." Yuu said "I doubt I'll be able to go now anyways. I only have three days left to make one."
"Then allow me to help." Vil didn't know much of dress making but he had seen Yuu do it enough to get an idea.
Thankfully Belladona, Dory, and Aza came in to help as well. The dress was finished in record time.
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Yuu loved it. I was better then she imagined.
"Well then, all it needs now is a suit to match." Vil said rolling the mannequin that wore his suit to stand next to it. "It looks best like this."
Jamil knew it was cold but he was only going to be out for a few minutes before returning to his dorm. It was not that long a walk. Beside he had a jacket on.
"Jamil! Wait!" Yuu called out to him, her basket of yarn bouncing on her arm. "It's cold out!"
"I'll be fine." He said waving goodbye.
"No, don't. Put this on first!" Yuu wrapped a big scarf around Jamil's neck.
The chunky knitted scraf was only the beginning as a hat and mittens were added on. All he needed now was an obnoxiously cute knitted sweater to top off the look. Granted it was a rather comfortable scarf.
Still Yuu was a bit of a mother hen. Something fostered by being the tailor of the Pomefiore dorm. Having the fix clothes all the time.
Jamil had been a recipient of that treatment after getting a few rips and tears. One he got a rip in his PE uniform while dismounting his broom she immediately mended it with her unique magic.
He had seen her use it a few times to punish her rowdy friends by fusing their hands to walls or statues to keep them from moving.
Jamil didn't know whether to be thankful or annoyed by the mother hen. But time told that he began to rely on her help. After an incident involving a carnivorous plant in the greenhouse he managed to ruin his uniform jacket and didn't have time to fix it. He left it in her care.
"Don't worry I'll give it back to you before classes tomorrow." She said brightly before scurrying off like she always does.
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Jamil couldn't believe what he got back the next day. It was his jacket but it was beautifully embroidered with gold.
"You didn't need to go that far." He said trying not to look bashful.
"Oh, I guess i can just cut out the thread." She responded a bit disappointed.
"Absolutely not! You made this for me! It mine!" Jamil yelled pulling the jacket on and keeping away from her.
"Aww, Jamil~ I knew you'd love it!" She cheered as she tired to hug him.
This was something special just for him. He doesn't like his things taken away. When others saw him in wearing it they were envious. So much envy that everyone wanted one. Embroidered uniforms were the new trend after all.
Actually, Jamil felt something vaugly familiar about this. He went to the trophy hall to check his suspensions. Inside a glass case was a uniform from a former student that was kept.
"Divya Khatri"
She was first place in many art competitions. Their were even a few pictures hanging in classrooms that were her's.
What Jamil was looking for was the similar style in the embroidery but now all he could see was the last name.
I guess we all have something we want to live up to.
There is no such thing as wasted material. Every leftover scrap of cloth is useful.
Ruggie would often drop off old clothes he wanted tailored or recycled. Yuu didn't ask where he got it but she was able to make such cute outfits for the hyena. It saves money on material and they can dye the clothes however they want.
It was around Christmas when he asked Yuu to help make clothes tosent back home to his family. A few babies were born recently in the neighborhood and he wanted to send something.
Yuu agreed immediately and began knitting something for the children.
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She might have gone too far because she ended up with a lot more clothes then she realized. She remembered that Ruggie's community is pretty big so a few extras for the bigger kids would be useful.
By the time Ruggie came to check on her she was working on something bigger. A quilt, you can't welcome a cub into the world without a quilt. It's something they need all their lives.
Ruggie had to pull her out of her sewing haze with a shake.
"I don't think you'll finish in time." Riggie said nuzzling her cheek.
Yuu pouted, a bit disappointed but understood.
"Don't be sad, why don't you come visit and we can work on it there." Ruggie chimed trying to maker her feel better. "I'm sure the kids would like to thank you in person."
"Really? I'll ask Divus and we'll go as soon as break starts!" With this she immediately started rexting her guardian.
"I've always wondered. Why do you call your dad by his first name?" Ruggie asked tilting his head makingnhis ear wiggle a little
"Divus isn't my dad. He just raised me after my my mom..." She didn't say the rest but you know the rest.
"It's okay, I understand. We have more in common then I thought. We orphans gotta stick together!" Ruggie said going back to nuzzling his giggly friend.
It's a good thing Divus didn't see that.
During the break Yuu spent time finishing the quilt with Ruggie's grandmother. Divius supervised the visit of course before they left to go home.
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Malleus liked watching Yuu work. Specifically watching her use the loom. It was calming to listen to the calming clacking of the wood knocking against the frame.
Even more he liked the spinning wheel when she was making yarn. The monotonous sound was calming and familiar.
"OW!" Yuu yelped as she pulled her hand way from the silver needle. A small drop of ruby blood fell staining the white yarn.
Immediately Malleus was at her side holding her injured hand.
"Are you feeling alright?" He asked "Do you feel faint?"
"I'm fine, I just need a band-aid. Rook will probably know any minute now and tattel to Vil again." Yuu sighed, she would be banned from the work shop until it heals.
Whatever compelled his sweet little lizard brain to lick the wound was beyond her. But it worked whatever it was supposed to do because the pin prick healed.
"Unhand her Roi du Dragon!"Rook shouted as he appeared out of the great blue yonder AGAIN!
Yuu isn't even surprised. He was doing it on purpose.
After that happened Yuu wanted to apologize for her vice warden's behavior AGAIN. She made him a embroidered handkerchief.
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Mellues was very proud of his handkerchief and thanked her for it buy gifting her a pouch of jewels from his hoard. How thoughtful.
Only for him to come back with puppydog eyes with the scorched handkerchief in hand.
"I'm sorry, your precious gift was ruined." He was clearly upset.
"Don't worry, let me take a look at it." Yuu comforted him as she gently took the cloth.
It had a few singed holes in the fabric. Yuu made a 'tsk' sound as she examined.
"It was an accident." He said as if he asking for forgiveness.
"It's no problem. I could just fuse the fabric and re embroidery it or...I can just not" She said thoughtfully.
"Not?" Malleus asked.
"Well I can't unburn it. It's burnt. I can remake it but it won't be the same handkerchief I gave you. I can however stich around the holes and fuse it, preventing it from unraveling. With a bit of tlc I can make it better without distorting the original design." Yuu explained taking the cloth over to her desk.
Malleus agreed readily as he watched Yuu save his handkerchief.
Halfway through Divus called asking what she wanted for dinner.
"You are very close to the professor. Are you two related?" Malleus asked after she hung up.
"He's my guardian. Raised me since I was 4 and I learned everything I know from him and mom." Yuu answered.
"Oh, he's your father. I had no idea." The dragon said a bit surprised.
"No, not my dad. He was there for me when mom died. They dropped me off in front of his house when no one else could claim me. He was barely an adult back then, like 20." Yuu said in a clipped tone "He had enough to deal with without a kid being dropped in his lap. He probably sees me more as a sister then a daughter."
"Did he say that?" Mallues asked seeing the hurt in her eyes.
Yuu had spent her life blaming herself for Divus not being free.
'Of course not. I just assumed-" Yuu started but stoped "Let's just finish this first."
Yuu rushed home that evening since it was the weekend. After greeting the dogs she cornered Divus in the kitchen wearing that dalmatian apron she had made him when she was 9. It had red ruffles and she made one for herself with pink ruffles to match. She had out grown it a long time ago.
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"I'm home, Divus." She said peeking into the pot only to receive a slap on the hand with a spoon.
"Not yet pup, I don't want you sneaking bites before I'm finished." Crewel said sternly as he ordered her to help instead of being a nuisance.
Yuu got started on the salad like always as she huffed like a tired puppy.
"Did you have a good day at school?" Crewel asked checking on the potroast.
"Yeah, Malleus needed help fixing his handkerchief." Yuu said cutting up the lettuce.
"I'm not sure about you hanging around him. He's polite but he's still dangerous even if he doesn't mean to be." Divus was more worried about Yuu dating then the potentially dangerous dragon.
"Dad! Please don't, I can hang around boys and keep myself safe." Yuu whined.
Divus didn't say anything at first.
"Dad?"He whispered under his breath a smile creasing his lips.
"I meant Divus!" Yuu blushed.
Crewel turned down the heat on the burner before turning to face Yuu.
"Yuu, don't force yourself. You call whatever make you feel comfortable. I've been wanting to talk about this with you. I've raised you since you were little. You're as good as a daughter as one that was my flesh and blood. You're my little girl." Crewel said reaching over hugging.
"Thanks...dad." Yuu held back tears as she hugged him back.
Over dinner the two talked about the normal event of the day.
"Hey, dad? Can we talk about mom?" Yuu asked, he knew Divus never liked talking about her. It hurt him alot.
"She was my best friend. She was older then me when we went to NRC. She was brilliant artist too....."
Crewel talked on and on about his memories of Divya. He never mentioned how she died, he focused on her life. Sharing the good time just like she would have wanted.
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darkurgetrash · 17 days
Get to Know Me Tag ~
Hiya! I got tagged in a few different 'get to know me' tags so I thought I'd just combine them here, hehe. Thank you so so much to @dutifullylazybread @weaveandwood @orangekittyenergy and @blackstaff-blast — I really love these tags, both answering and reading others'. What can I say? I'm a gemini.
No pressure tags! ~ @lemonsrosesandlavender @savriea @graysparrowao3 @heytheresunflower
Do you make your bed?: Yes! I'm not a neat-freak, but I consider myself quite neat
Favourite number: When I was a young child someone asked me this and I didn't know what to say so I pretended it was '86'. Since then, that's always just been what I've said… couldn't tell you why lol
What's your job?: Between roles atm, but usually a copywriter
If you could go back to school, would you?: For sure. I was really let down as a kid by the system, if I could go back but with the wisdom I have now, I would love to. As for further education, I loved my undergrad but I can't see myself realistically studying more on account of chronic illnesses
Can you parallel park / Can you drive a manual car?: Nope. I was good at parking and driving back when I was first learning over 10 years ago but never took my test because I got a lot of anxiety driving. I live in London now, so there's no urgent need to learn, but I will have to some day.
Do you think aliens are real?: Yes. Ain't no way we're the only life forms to exist in the whole universe, pleaseee
What's your guilty pleasure?: I love Britney Spears 💁‍♀️
Tattoos?: A small one, on my ankle. Two hands in a reference to Twin Peaks. I also just love the design — even if my tattoo artist did a slightly shoddy job and told me they did the exact same reference on tonnes of people ayyy lmao
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Favourite type of music?: Easy answer is indie, though even that is a huuuuge umbrella. Some of my fave musicians are Mitski, Bright Eyes, AURORA, Radiohead, EELS, and Thumpasaurus. Also, a long-time MCR fan.
Do you like puzzles?: I'm wayyy too ADHD for them tbh but I don't mind some types of puzzles, like in video games. But even then, they can't go on for too long, lol
Any phobias?: Crowds are def my biggest one. I’m scared of pretty normal things I’d say, like hornets. I do have a lot of sensory issues though that give a similar feeling, the most unusual being cardboard. Do NOT touch it near me, I WILL scream. And slight trypophobia… 🤢
Favourite childhood sport: Always hated sports and exercise, even as a kid
Do you talk to yourself: I sing to myself (and in general) a lot and have big echolalia, but I don't really talk to myself in the traditional sense. Now my partner on the other hand… he does not stop yapping for even a second in the day.
What movie(s) do you adore?: The immediate go-to's in my brain are The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Your Name, and… Shrek. Non-ironically.
Coffee or tea: Earl grey tea with oat milk, please! If not an option, I'll go for an oat milk mocha.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?: I… okay. I don't even know if I should admit this, but it's kinda funny… but remember, I was a CHILD. like, FIVE. My sister wanted to move to Africa and be a mango farmer (???) and I wanted to go with her so I said I wanted to sell shoes there because I saw a gap in the market. 😭😭
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Last song I listened to: No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
Favourite colour: Lavender
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Favourite flavour: Depends on what it is, but most likely either chocolate or strawberry
Current obsession: BG3, if y'all couldn't guess. 😂
Last thing I googled: 'Sacrum'. Girly doesn’t know what body parts are called.
Favourite season: Late autumn
Skill I'd like to learn: I'd looove to be able to sew and make clothes but I am the most cack-handed person you will ever meet. I literally got kicked out of textiles class when I was in school because I was so bad they thought I was messing about on purpose 😬…
Best advice: Be cringe, be free. People will either not care or think you're cool for your authenticity.
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Currently watching: I don't really watch TV! Still getting through Dungeon Meshi, lol
Currently reading: I've been trying to read 'Interview with a Vampire' since the start of the year, but my brain only has room for BG3 fanfic it would seem… SO, here's a list of my current bookmarks hehe. Special shout-outs to @lemonsrosesandlavender @crystal-overdrive @ghostcouncil @weaveandwood @sinelaborenihilsr2 @dutifullylazybread @notlikeparis
Relationship status: Been in a relationship since 2016! Also, taken by Gale Dekarios in my head. 💜
Sweet/savoury/spicy: Big, BIG sweet tooth.
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gothethite · 3 months
Tired of people going 'all goth fashion is super easy to diy and everyone should do that instead' because like... yes a lot of it is but some very much not. So some thoughts on how much I'd recommend diying various goth fashion stuff as someone who does a lot of it:
Simple jewellery is definitely much better to diy and particularly chains and stuff. I remember going to dangerfield one time and they had a chain with a bat ornament on in for 20 dollars 🤣 ... you can get a bunch of chain from the hardware store pretty cheaply and the exact same bat pendant on it I had got like 20 off etsy for 5 dollars. It usually doesn't take that long and extra tools e.g. pliers are helpful but not necessary - 10/10 absolutely recommend for all goths or other people interested in gothic fashion
Same thing goes for distressed clothing/fishnet shirts there are tons of tutorials for that kind of stuff, and it generally doesn't require that much time, experience or materials 10/10
Minor clothing modifications e.g. some tailoring, adding/removing parts, mending damaged old clothing, changing buttons - this is something that is really useful in everyday life, usually doesn't take that long and is very useful for turning normal clothing into more spooky stuff 9/10
Designs on clothes or patches: if you get some fabric paint, screen printing ink, bleach or even acrylic you can paint designs onto clothing pretty easily. Personally I like dilute screen printing ink as it gives the nicest surface, but it can be a bit of a pain to use as you have to do a lot of layers, and it doesn't colour the fabric intuitively in the way that fabric paint or acrylic do 8/10 - would recommend very strongly to anyone who enjoys art, and recommend trying at least once to people who don't enjoy art as much (you can always make stencils), but it does take a long time and you need some materials. Also, for patches particularly for small bands it can be better to order them from the band to support the artist, but also lots of bands don't have patches or merch or international shipping to some countries makes it not accessible
Embroidery: often looks really good and professional in a way that painted designs don't, takes absolutely ages. 7/10 - would recommend very highly for people who enjoy textile stuff and maybe trying a bit for everyone but yeah if you don't enjoy it it's a pain
Smaller articles of clothing: I've made some waistcoats and shirts and stuff which have been pretty fun and it's really good to be able to do specific designs you wouldn't be able to buy (e.g. my skeleton one) and get stuff to fit right. They were all hand sewn and took a pretty long time (however you can also do it while listening to online classes or whatever), + a bit of time to learn techniques and stuff. Definitely a cheaper than buying them 6.5/10 - do it if you enjoy textile art stuff but will probably be a really painful experience if you don't and you're hand sewing. Also useful if you've got sizing or dimensions that mean you just... can't buy stuff that'll fit which is how I got into sewing
More complex sewing: I've made 2 (well, finished one and 98% of the way through another) long spooky coats and one cape with really complicated edges and embroidery and stuff. Coat 1 was entirely by hand out of not great fabric and took absolutely ages but was definitely vastly cheaper than buying it from the store, and it fit well and everything. With the cape, I got repetitive strain injury in my thumb that still is a bit of a problem 3 years later! With the final coat it was mostly by machine and then touching some stuff up by hand e.g. edges of the lining, making the eyelets and stuff, but it still took ages. Also, something I never see people talking about with diy goth clothing is how hard it is to get the materials - there were only 3 black brocade fabrics available in my city - One was really bad quality and I tried to make a shirt out of it, but it kept falling apart. One was 150 dollars a meter. The one I ended up using was really nice and reasonably priced, but I got the last 2.5 meters of it so it almost wasn't an option. So when people talk about diying clothing being cheaper it can actually not be that much because a clothing business can get fabrics in bulk + unless your city is really big there are probably not many options, so there's also shipping costs if you then need to order fabric. Out of curiosity I compared how much the coat cost in terms of materials to the price of a similar looking coat off dracula clothing which is a pretty well known and apparently quality materials and ethically made goth fashion shop and it came out a bit cheaper but not massively so (not counting shipping...) so 3.5/10 - fun to do if you enjoy textile art as a hobby, not even vaguely a practical alternative to buying a coat
And then there's other stuff like more complicated jewellery making and leather work which idk much about
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furbygoblinxiv · 11 months
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And finally, the entire reason I started this mini svsss design series, part three, some iconic misc demons: Meng Mo, Six Balls, and Sha Hualing ft Liu Mingyan. Close ups and headcanons under the cut!
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Ok so first up is Mengo Mo. I gave him a more space and night themed design since I thought it'd be interesting if he hailed from a clan connected to that sorta thing, hence why he was able to keep his spirit alive and so powerful in the dream realm after having been smited lol. Like a sort of magic only those demons learned all those years ago, hence why there aren't many other master dream demons. Based completely on nothing but "hey dream magic and shadow teleporting powers could be similar if you squint", I gave him design elements to match my design of Mobei Jun's mom from part 2 of this little series. Are they distantly related? Eh who knows lol 🤷‍♀️. Beyond that, I gave him clothing pieces from other demon cultures to show how much he's been Around. I made his hair all billowy since I thought it'd be fun for that to be part of his smoke like experience.
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I wanted to maximize the Little Guy energy, and also wanted to only use six colors on him. I like to think hes a fun and colorful mix of scales and feathers. I also made him have a similar outfit style to Sha Hualing as if they hailed from similar areas of the demon realm, which I made the west. I have his only piece of jewelry being the supposed clan crest on the waist bc hes a lower class demon. If he unbraided his hair he'd have a flowing mohawk of sorts...anywho
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Queens, icons, legends. For Sha Hualing, this is more of a casual fit, I imagine she probably wears wayyy more jewelry than this. I wanted her outfit to be fun, revealing, and very easily blown off in battle lol. Liu Mingyan, by contrast, is wearing the head disciple uniform of Xian Shu, which covers 100% more of her lol. The light color fabric with color accents paired with the grey shoes and grey belt, which has drapery and embroidery that matches the theming of the peak is something I tried to match for the inner/head disciples, like Ning Yingying and Luo Binghe in part 1 of this mini series. I like to imagine that Xian Shu specializes in textiles and fabrics, and thus the disciples there would have an enchanted piece or two on them at all times. I mean, an enchanted face covering would ensure that no one unwanted saw your face, right? Anyways, I gave Sha Hualing purple on the earrings and Liu Mingyan red and gold on her hair crown to symbolize…something lol.
Anyways, not as much to say this time, except that I love Six Balls. Also I miiight post peak lords next? It really depends. Anyways, thanks for reading o7
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SSR Jamil Viper - Dorm Uniform Vignette
"M-My heart..."
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―Last Night
[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Jamil: We're inviting the Headmage and throwing a "Banquet to Showcase the Scalding Sands"?
Jamil: …Once again, you've got us wrapped into some trouble without even considering others.
Kalim: But the Headmage said he was trying to figure out where he wanted to go on vacation, right?
Kalim: Our country would be perfect.
Kalim: So, we in Scarabia should show him just how amazing Scalding Sands can be!
Kalim: I'll leave the decorating and menu to you, Jamil. Leave the parade preparation to me!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Hallway]
Jamil: Yeah, but even if I'm told this just the day before...
Jamil: Well, it is the Headmage we'll be hosting. If we throw a half-baked banquet, it'll reflect on our dorm negatively.
Jamil: I'll have to make sure this banquet is an absolute success, for Kalim and the dormitory… And also, for my sake.
Jamil: Alright. First up is decoration.
Jamil: However, just being beautiful won't be enough. It should express the culture and traditions of the Scalding Sands.
Jamil: …All the ideas I keep coming up with would just take too much time.
Jamil: Hmm… I must find a way for beauty and culture to intermingle… Beauty and culture… Beauty…
Jamil: Ah! Right!!
Jamil: I should ask "that person" for this sort of thing.
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Lounge]
Vil: …And so you've come here to ask for my advice in designing your venue for a party.
Jamil: Yes. We need beautiful furnishings, beautiful table settings, and beautiful entertainment…
Jamil: As I kept thinking the word "beautiful," I could only keep picturing your face, Vil-senpai.
Vil: Oh, is that so?
Jamil: Kalim prepared for us some of our country's traditional fabric to use as decoration for the party.
Jamil: I have the fabric here. The cloth is bright red, with a large peacock design.
Jamil: I was hoping to humbly request the advice of what to do with this fabric from someone with as much aesthetic sense as you, Vil-senpai...
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say.
Vil: …But you can't possibly be expecting to receive my expertise for nothing, now, are you?
Jamil: (Haha, I knew it'd come to this! Good thing I came prepared.)
Jamil: I would never dare to expect for the epitome of charismatic beauty, Vil Schoenheit, to assist me for free!
Jamil: How could anyone ever be so rude. As return for your advice, I will gift to you one roll of this delicate fabric.
Jamil: As it is, textiles in the Scalding Sands are extremely high-class.
Jamil: Moreover, these fabrics woven by private artisans on behalf of the Asim family can't be found in any store…
Vil: I can tell with one glance just how well-made this cloth is without you having to explain any further.
Vil: Well, I was just searching for fabric to make into a new suit. I'll accept your request.
Jamil: Really? Wonderful!
Vil: Let me take a closer look at that textile you brought.
Vil: …I see. It's woven so delicately, and yet the large design has a rather strong impact.
Vil: I supposed it would be customary to use this fabric as-is and frame it or lay it out to showcase the traditional artisan craft.
Vil: I think I would like to devise a different way to use it…
Jamil: Wow~ This is all so educational~
Jamil: (Great, Vil-senpai should take care of everything now. I'll just nod along from here on...)
Vil: Someone, bring my fabric shears!
Pomefiore Student: Yes, sir!
Jamil: Your shears?
Jamil: …Wait a moment, what are you using those scissors for? You're not…
Vil: It should be obvious.
Vil: I'm cutting it up.
Jamil: Aaack!! Now that very expensive cloth is in two strips!!!!
Vil: And I'll cut it once more to make a thin, long flag.
Jamil: H-He cut it again! One roll of this cloth could feed a family of four for one whole month and still!!
Jamil: What a waste…
Jamil: Wait… What is this…?
Jamil: By making those deliberate cuts on the traditional pattern, he's made a whole new pattern appear!!
Vil: That's right. If you simply stay within in the norm, it will only be a tasteless venture.
Vil: And although a certain someone has been throwing around pointless flattery since he got here…
Jamil: (Urk!)
Vil: You can't allow yourself to forget to be daring whenever you try something new. Dedicate yourself to being sensational.
Vil: The word "safe" does not exist whenever I have a hand in producing something.
Vil: Now then, you go grab another pair of fabric scissors as well and cut the cloth exactly as I tell you to!
Jamil: Y-Yes!
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[Main Street]
Jamil: Whew. I'm beat…
Jamil: Vil-senpai… I appreciate that he doesn't do anything half-hearted, but he sure knows how to boss people around.
Jamil: There were a lot of scrap fabric left over, so it took a while just cleaning up, too.
Jamil: …Well, at least I've figured out the decoration issue.
Jamil: Next is prepping for the dishes that we'll serve at the banquet. It's already past 15:00, so…
Jamil: …Wait, past 15:00!? I've got less than 3 hours until the banquet starts!!
Jamil: Thanks to Vil-senpai's long explanations, that took much longer than I expected. At this rate, I won't finish in time for the banquet!
Jamil: I have to figure something out so I can make the food in time.
Jamil: Make… the food…
Jamil: …Alright.
Jamil: This time, I'll have to ask "that person"!
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Jamil: (For this banquet that Kalim just sprung on us to show off the Scalding Sands to the Headmage…)
Jamil: (In order to make it a success, I need to make traditional dishes from my hometown…)
Jamil: (I don't think even I could prepare all of it by myself.)
Jamil: (And so I decided to call in support. And when it comes to cooking, it has to be this person…)
Jamil: Trey-senpai. Thank you for your help.
Trey: No problem. I'll do my best for you. After all…
Trey: You're going to prune all the rose trees in Heartslabyul as recompence, yeah?
Jamil: …Yes. As long I can make it through this party.
Jamil: (When it comes to the workload, I think I lost out here. It's fine, I'll just put on a cool face, and keep my head down…)
Trey: So, do you know what you're serving?
Jamil: Yes. I intend on creating a menu based on traditional Scalding Sands dishes.
Jamil: The main course will be a whole roasted lamb. Ordinarily, I would have marinated it in spices for three full days, but…
Jamil: I have some already pre-seasoned in the freezer. I'll have to use that for today.
Trey: Sounds to me like you're pretty meticulous, already planning ahead for this banquet.
Jamil: Kalim just loves to randomly invite people over, so I make sure to make arrangements ahead of time.
Jamil: Place the meat in the oven and roast it over low heat. While it cooks, we can prep the other dishes.
Jamil: We have to make seafood sauté, green salad, potato and bean spread, lightly toasted bread and dessert…
Jamil: Basically, I need another set of hands. First, we'll start with peeling the potatoes!
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Jamil: Great. With that, all the dishes are done.
Trey: Everything smells delicious… Especially the cooked meat!
Trey: …However…
Trey: The visual might be lacking a little bit.
Jamil: Eh, really?
Trey: Yeah. Everything on the plate is brown, so I feel like it's missing something.
Trey: I have these roses that I picked to turn into jam. Maybe if we scatter these petals…
Trey: See? Doesn't it look much more gorgeous with all the red in the dish?
Jamil: You're right! It gives off such a striking impression now!
Jamil: From time to time, my younger sister will say that my cooking looks bland.
Jamil: We used to get in so many fights about that… I guess it was because of the color.
Trey: Haha. Well, here in Heartslabyul we have a few guys who're picky about how the pastries look, so I think I get how you feel.
Trey: The most important thing when it comes to cooking is the taste, of course.
Trey: So I'd love to say that visuals don't matter, but…
Trey: We created a real delicious thing. Shouldn't we want people to enjoy it from beginning to end?
Jamil: I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Next time I head home, I'll make sure to surprise my sister.
Trey: Great, then let's decorate the other dishes as well. I have some edible flowers, too.
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[Main Street]
Jamil: Thank you very much, Trey-senpai!
Jamil: …Alright. I've finished prepping the food now, too.
Jamil: …I wonder how Kalim's parade preparations are going.
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Kalim: Looks like the animals are here. Let's go meet them at the Main Gate!
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Jamil: Hm? Speak and they shall appear. It's Kalim. I think I'll check in on him from afar…
Scarabia Student C: Will you really be bringing lions and elephants here too? What if they get loose on campus…?
Kalim: Hahaha, it'll be fine!
Kalim: What do you guys think you need to be able to communicate with animals?
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Jamil: (Hey, that's too easy. The answer is "Animal Linguistics")
Jamil: (Use animal linguistics to teach the animals he proper route for the parade…)
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Kalim: The thing everyone needs to be able to communicate with animals is…
Kalim: A GOOD BOND!!!!!
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Jamil: !!??
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Kalim: We're all living creatures just the same, so it'll work out if we just ask them for help.
Kalim: After a little break, let's open up the cages and build a relationship with the animals!
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Jamil: …He's going to release the lions and elephants from their cages without proper preparation…?
Jamil: Why… Why is Kalim always so careless when it comes to animals…!?
Jamil: Since he was little, he'd always just go right up to tigers and leopards and try to feed them…
Jamil: …I've got a bad feeling. Every little thing is making me more anxious by the second.
Jamil: I can't rely on Kalim one bit. I'll speak with the animals myself…!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Kalim: Headmage, I hope you'll enjoy your experience as we show you just how we honor our guests in the Scalding Sands.
Kalim: Alright, time for the feast!
Jamil: Somehow… We got the decorations, food, and parade prepared in time…
Jamil: I've run more today than I ever have in any basketball game. I'm worn out…
Kalim: Hey, Jamil. You look a little tired.
Kalim: Oh yeah? That's great then.
Crowley: The decorations are spectacular, and the food is absolutely top notch.
Grim: Gobble, snarf, munch. It's so gooood!
1. Hey, use your manners!
2. Chomp, chomp, chomp.
Kalim: The Headmage and all the other guests are happy, too. Thanks for setting up the place and for prepping all the food, Jamil.
Jamil: …You're welcome.
Jamil: But it's too early to get complacent.
Jamil: As the host, you still have your own part to play during the parade finale, don’t you?
Jamil: Go and get ready for that.
Kalim: Yeah, alright!
Jamil: Geez…
Grim: Jamil!
Jamil: Hm?
Grim: Your dishes are so so so good!!
Jamil: …What do you think, [Yuu]? Does the traditional food from Scalding Sands suit your taste?
1. It's delicious.
2. I've love to eat this every day.
Jamil: Heh. Well, good.
Jamil: Oh. Looks like the parade is starting.
Jamil: Headmage, if you will, please come and watch the Scalding Sands Showcase parade from the balcony.
Scarabia Student C: U-Um, excuse me! Vice Housewarden!!
Jamil: Hm? Why are you in such a panic?
Scarabia Student C: Well… [whisper, whisper…]
Jamil: …
Jamil: …What!?
Crowley: Hm? Did something happen, Viper-kun?
Jamil: N-No! Nothing whatsoever.
Jamil: I must leave for a little while to attend to some other matter… Please continue to enjoy your time here at the Scarabia banquet!
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[Scarabia Dorm – Hallway]
Jamil: This is the traditional Scalding Sands parade of animals. We'll be releasing the parrots as part of the finale…
Jamil: And the host of it all is supposed to give a grand welcome!
Scarabia Student C: We searched everywhere, but the Housewarden's nowhere to be found…
Scarabia Student C: At this rate, we won't be able to do the grand finale.
Scarabia Student D: I know! What if you go out as the Vice Housewarden, in place of the Housewarden, Viper-senpai?
Jamil: I can't.  That would smear the host's― Kalim's reputation.
Scarabia Student C: But we can't find him…!
Scarabia Student D: And while we're stuck here, the parade is still going… What should we do?
Jamil: …Calm down, everyone. It won't help to panic.
Jamil: You are all insightful and calculating students of Scarabia, are you not? Whenever something unexpected occurs, you must tackle it with a level head.
Scarabia Student D: …You're right, Viper-senpai.
Scarabia Student C: Apologies for losing our head there.
Scarabia Student A: Vice Housewarden! I've been searching for you!
Jamil: Hm?
Scarabia Student B: Um… There's something I need to tell you about Kalim-ryōchō…!
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Jamil: …I understand now.
Jamil: Because of your mistake, the parrots all flew away. So, Kalim went out in search of something to mitigate that.
Scarabia Student A: Yes… He said that it would be fine to start the parade, but…
Scarabia Student A: Sorry. Everything is our fault.
Jamil: …We can figure out who's at fault later. Right now, we have to think about how to solve the problem at hand.
Jamil: Based on what you've said, Kalim headed towards Diasomnia…
Jamil: No matter how fast he pushes that magical carpet, it will still take at least 10 minutes.
Jamil: There's only about 5 minutes left until the parade finale. No matter how you look at it, he won't make it back in time.
Jamil: …I have to do something to buy time until Kalim returns.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Crowley: Tigers and elephants, lions, monkeys and peacocks… This parade is so lively with so many animals.
Crowley: I'm moved to tears that I'm able to witness such a spectacular parade from the dormitory's balcony!
Grim: Ooh! The parade has made it to the fountain.
Grim: The music's amping up, too…
1. Here comes the finale!
2. This is the most exciting part!
Crowley: I wonder what surprise ending they have in store for us!?
Crowley: …
Grim: …
1. The animals are just going around in circles.
Crowley: Their movements are strange, I wonder what may be afoot. Or, perhaps…
Crowley: Perhaps there was some sort of problem…?
Scarabia Student C: The Headmage and the others are starting to notice… Is he still not here!?
Scarabia Student D: If this keeps up, our parade will be a failure…!
???: The Asim family never fails.
Jamil: …That is, not so long as I have a hand in things!
Jamil: Here in the shadows of the tower above the roof is the perfect place… Flourish for me, my wind magic!
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Crowley: Oh? Something is falling from the sky.
Crowley: This hail of red against the backdrop of the white Scarabia dormitory is utterly stunning.
Grim: Whatever's fluttering down keeps stickin' to my nose, it's so annoying!
Crowley: Grim-kun, you just don't get it. This is a rather stylish happening.
Crowley: I could gaze upon this forever.
Jamil: The scraps of fabric that Vil-senpai cut and the rose petals that Trey-senpai gave me…
Jamil: I didn't think they would come in handy in this way. It's definitely not something that even I could have predicted.
Jamil: Anyway, I was able to give us more time by giving them a little bit more of a show. All that's left is…
???: …Heeey!
Jamil: What's that flying this way…? It's the Magic Carpet! He's here!!
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Kalim: Hey, Headmage! And [Yuu] and Grim! Thanks for coming to Scarabia today.
Kalim: Nothing makes me happier than being able to host valued guests!
Jamil: Whew… With that, the parade's done and done.
Jamil: I guess I'll start heading back to the lounge. Where's my broom…
Jamil: But anyway, how long does Kalim plan on staying on that carpet?
Jamil: I get so anxious watching him fly around on that carpet while standing…
Kalim: Woah, woah, I'm losing balance… Aaaah!
Kalim: I'm faaaaalling~~~!!!
Jamil: WATCH OUT!!!!!
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Kalim: …That totally scared me. I accidentally fell into the fountain.
Kalim: …Hm? But I'm not injured…?
Kalim: …Ah, Jamil! I guess you must have used your wind magic to help slow my fall.
Kalim: Thanks a bunch. I didn't get hurt at all.
Jamil: I thought... M-My heart was going to stop… Ugh.
Kalim: But, oh man, I'm soaked… This is so terrible. Hahaha!!
Jamil: It's not something to laugh about. I was completely beside myself!
Jamil: Stop being so careless!!!!!
Kalim: Urgh. …Sorry for worrying you.
Kalim: …Hey, did you see the parade finale? I did so good!
Jamil: …Yeah, I saw. Good job today…
Jamil: ...me.
Crowley: Wow~ The decorations, food, and parade all made for a spectacular banquet!!
Crowley: It must have been very difficult for you to prepare everything for this, wasn't it?
Kalim: Nope, not at all. Right, Jamil?
Jamil: Yes, not at all.
1. Great job!
2. Thanks for your hard work…
Jamil: (What a day today was. I don't want to deal with a banquet as troublesome as this one ever again…)
Kalim: Headmage! Come back and visit us anytime, even if it's not for vaca…
Jamil: Kalim!
Kalim: Hurp.
Jamil: Next time the Headmage asks anything of you, you need to make sure you answer "I'll consider it."
Jamil: Whatever it is, you need to come and clear it with me first.
Jamil: …Understand?
Kalim: …Hhhhew. You covered my mouth so quickly, that startled me.
Kalim: Sure. I don't really get it, but okay!
Jamil: You truly are the most useful Housewarden I could possibly have…
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Requested by Anonymous.
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midsummerdolls · 5 months
Doll profiles for my modern dolls! Since my collection has changed much over the past few months. Under the cut because this will be long!
Most of my modern dolls aren't canon character dolls, and any who are (namely Corinne) are still a little bit divorced from their canon counterparts, because I have fun with extrapolating storylines for my own dolls, and trying to make them fit in alongside their new friends. On to the bios!
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Lena Grzegorczyk (she/her)
Lena is the oldest doll in my collection, and therefore I think it's apt that she is my oldest character. She's 14, and enjoys learning new things. She loves to read and draw, and she just got a guitar for Christmas! She is also obsessed with vintage fashion. Her dream job is to work with textiles someday, in any capacity. Lena's favorite color is red!
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Tsukiko Matsubara (she/her)
Tsukiko is happy, confident 13 year old! She loves experimenting and trying new things, and her favorite thing she owns is her little science kit. She's fascinated by chemistry, and would love to do something with that someday! For now, she spends her time messing with her camera, and doing fun (safe) experiments in her kitchen. Tsukiko has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which often has her using hand-crutches. Her favorite color is turquoise!
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Divya Patel (she/her)
Divya is a sweet, caring 12 year old. She is on the local youth's swim team, and she enjoys painting and sewing, and her favorite class at school is art class! She had a blast with the pottery unit. She's not quite sure what she wants to do someday, but she has plenty of time to decide! Divya is half Gujarati, and half Afro-Brazilian. She's good friends with both Tsukiko, her classmate, and Lena, who she met at an after-school art club last year. Her favorite color is light pink!
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Andrés Fuentes (he/him)
Andrés is really excited that he made it onto the boy's soccer team. He just came out as trans, and was worried that he wouldn't be allowed to participate. Andrés just turned 13, and in his spare time he loves to play the drums, which annoys his family to no end. He does brilliantly in maths, which makes him think he might be suited to something like accounting, but he hasn't thought too much on the subject. His family is Puerto-Rican, and he speaks Spanish at home. He was also born hard-of-hearing in his right ear, and he's working towards becoming fluent in ASL. His favorite color is green.
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Nihkko Lehtinen (he/him)
Nihkko just transferred to this school district this year, and he has found a good friend in Andrés on the soccer team. He's 12 years old, and outside of playing soccer, he's looking forward to this year's school production, which he wants to audition for. He loves to sing and dance, and wants to put those skills to use! His family is Saami and Tatar, which makes him really proud! His favorite color is yellow!
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Esme Adrianov (she/they)
Esme is a quiet, stubborn 12 year old. She doesn't move outside of her social circle much, but she deeply values the friends that she does have. Despite being rather shy, she isn't afraid to stand up for her and her friends when needed. They enjoy running on the track team, and they love baking and experimenting with fun, new recipes! Her family is Unangan, and her parents raised her to be really, really proud of that fact. She is good friends with Nihkko, Andrés, and Nanea. Their favorite color is blue!
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Nanea Jeon (she/her)
Nanea is a sweet, confident 12 year old! She loves biking around town with Esme, and working in the gardens with her parents on the weekend. She loves to write as well, and she's written a few short stories that she is extremely proud of! Nanea is half Hawaiian and half Korean, and she greatly looks forward to when she can see her cousins, who all live so far away! Her favorite color is light orange!
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Amarah Adeyemi (she/her)
Amarah is a friendly, confident 12 year old! She draws a lot in her spare time, and enjoys creating new clothing designs in her sketchbook- it's her dream someday to have her own clothing line! Otherwise, she enjoys maths and history, and she loves hanging out with her friends after school at the park. She's Nigerian, and her family moved to the US when she was young. She grew up speaking Yoruba, along with English, at home. She's close with Corinne, who she met in 3rd grade. Her favorite color is purple!
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Corinne Ziyì (子义) Tan (she/her)
Corinne is a kind and resilient 12 year old. In her free time she enjoys winter sports such as skiing and ice skating. After school she enjoys helping around her mother's restaurant or going to the park with Amarah. Her favorite subject is history- she finds it interesting and engaging. She thinks she'd like to go on someday to further her studies in the humanities- her name, Ziyì, means someone who will stand with righteousness, and she feels that it fits her and her goals very well! But all that is a long way off. For now she's happy to spend her time as she does. Her favorite color is mint!
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Eloise Gruenberg (she/her)
Eloise is an introverted and studious 12 year old. She loves school- she loves learning new things, and challenging herself. Outside of school, she loves to dance. She finds the movements therapeutic, and it helps her recenter herself. Eloise is half black, and half Ashkenazi Jewish, and her faith is something that is really important to her. She was born with albinism, which affects her ability to see clearly, so she wears glasses and uses a cane when she's out. She finds that brightly colored clothes are her favorite- and she enjoys putting together fun outfits in the mornings. Her favorite color is red!
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itsmm4hiii · 1 year
Designing Fate - T. Mitsuya
Synopsis: Majority of students join school clubs whether a sport or a something else that is their passion. Both Y/n and Mitsuya are in the same boat, stuck around bothersome teenage girls as they share a table in textiles.
Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya X Female Y/n
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‘A guy?’ 
A small nod among others, their faces glued to one another. Snapping back and forth perfectly like the evil step sisters they portrayed. Between the five of them gossiping about little things, they used mostly their hands to hide the spiteful things that blurted out of their mouths like some sort of disease. 
‘Yeah, that’s what the class roll said when the president looked over it. Thirteen girls, one boy.’ 
‘One boy?! Jeez he won’t be the looker, any guy who isn’t doing a sport is laughable.’ 
A small smile perked on your lips, yet they wouldn’t know. The overhanging shadow fallen from your hooding hid every single facial feature except for the white string that fell either side of your face from your headphones. The soft buzz of the beat you knew blew against the stale atmosphere. 
‘Alright everyone!’ you heard the club president shout, 
You followed the rest of the herd, until your shoulders brushed. Your eyes snapped in confusion yet met with ones that look too relaxed to do anything of the sorts maliciously. His hands were thrown in the pockets of his sweater. He stopped and followed behind you, as you entered the classroom. Majority of the desks were shoved together by groups of friends. 
You found the first desk away from anyone, your feet laid upon the desk as you heard the buttons of his jacket hit the edge of the stool as he took a seat beside you. The regular murmur of females giggles and gossip filled the air as they slowly began on whatever little project caught their attention in the first second of even being in class. 
Your eyes flickered back to him, from his back he pulled out a jacket that you hadn’t particularly seen before yet only knew the symbol. The fabric was mostly shredded apart from the writing that ran down the sides and on the front breast of it. 
‘Tokyo manji?’ you muttered quietly, 
You hadn’t faced a member before, yet your brother's fan cries about the juvenile gangs in the area and how they were so subpar from actual yakuzas. He only knew them because he was a yakuza member. His eyes lit up as they snapped towards you, your head leant towards the sky as the hood fell off your head before you stared down once again at the jacket. 
‘Yeah how did you know?’ you heard him question, 
You smirked softly, ‘my brothers a higher up in an actual yakuza,’ 
‘Actual?’ he grumbled, 
His eyebrows raised, a smirk jerked upon his face as you could see some of his ego was chopped down. You didn’t mean it on purpose as you stared at him with a smile, 
‘I mean he isn’t a boy riding around his mates.’ 
You heard his soft chuckle, strung between a man’s ego being knocked off its pedestal and actually finding it funny. He scratched his neck, you slowly held the fabric so it would bulge as it went through the sewing machine. Your eyes snapped, the faces of horrid little witches giggling as their heads snapped back to the front where they should have been originally. 
‘There’s a meet up tonight,’ he paused, ‘How about you-’ 
You grimmed and placed your hoodie upon your head, covering your face once again, ‘So not even one lesson in and you already invited me on a date.’ 
He chuckled and nodded, 
‘Well sure, prove me wrong.’ you chuckled, 
Your arms wrapped around yourself, the jumper was beginning to grow thin as the wind snapped passed. The large mountain of bikes lined in a row made you think you were in the right place. You watched footmen walk up the stairs of an old temple. The thud was the first thing you heard before you felt it. It impressed upon your shoulders as a gasp of a breath escaped your lips. 
The black jacket laid upon your shoulders, your eyes turned towards the owner of the jacket. He had a peculiar soft smile upon his face. 
‘Thought you were a smart girl, it’s winter and it gets cold.’
Your eyes rolled, as his hands dropped from your shoulders and slacked into his pockets. Your eyes darted to the other men, in your arm closest to him you link arms the other trailing to your side. You walked up the steps and to find the crowd of men, they were laughing and playing with one another. 
You rolled your eyes and kept glued to his side, his friends eyes popping wide made you smile. His hand pulled your hoodie off and you returned to favor with a glare. You met many of his friends especially his team yet you stayed glued to him the entire time the furthest you went was an arms length and that was to get a drink. 
‘Thanks for tonight, Mitsuya.’ 
You smiled, pulling his jacket off your shoulders, folding it in your hands as you stood before your door. You handed it back to him, He chucked it over his shoulder, your arms wrapped around him as you gave him a small hug. 
The familiar click of the door made you nervous, you watched his eyes grow wide and his grip on you go cold. Your eyes snapped back towards the door. Your brother stood there, a hand still upon the door knob as his face rested in anger. 
‘Y/n, in.’ he grumbled, you were pulled by your hood into the door. You stood just in front of your father, seeing an almost shocked look on Mitsuya as you walked away. 
You heard mutters of a conversation, yet nothing that you could honestly put your finger on or make out in words. Except, for Mitsuya saying yes sir like a broken record. You felt bad, you should have told him that your father was hard towards boys but you knew you would have to apologize to him tomorrow in the textiles club.
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brown-little-robin · 16 days
Fun fact which I’ve been meaning to say but since we’re complimenting each other it reminded me to actually tell you!!
I was a community college art studio assistant for back to back semesters before graduating, and I took/had taken metalworking, drawing & composition, oil painting, 3-D and 2-D design, but never did textiles, ceramics, or the stained glass class.
as the studio assistant, I worked with a lot of the setup and behind the scenes. And one of the things I used to do was mix up the batches of clay for the pottery classes, and I really enjoyed working with the mixing machine and learning about the formulas for different clays (and learned about glazes at the same time). I was also responsible for stacking the kilns (absolutely terrified me that I’d drop something😳😳)
I never once touched clay myself to make anything. So when you talk about your work and items and creativity, it’s the part I never did, so I kind of live vicariously through your enthusiasm and experimentation?? I’ve done Sculpey clay, that sort of thing, so I understand a bit about shaping things, but obviously real ceramics is quite different. So every time you post about your creations, I read the whole captions, and the processes, and visualize what that would be like
and I enjoy it all very thoroughly♥️
Hiii Ella! so sorry, this ask reached me on a busy day and then I just completely forgot to answer until after graduation asldkfjklsd
anyway this has been living in my head rent free since April 15! That's so cool!! in my studio the students did all the maintenance and clay-making work as part of our, like... Responsible Studio Worker Training? so I'm a little shocked that your school would make someone ELSE do that work. make ur artists gain appreciation for the ENTIRE art process!!! at least when they're beginners!!! but that's just a bunny trail lol. I'm glad you had the opportunity to play with clay as a material even a little! 💕
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f1mike28 · 7 months
Mercedes‑Maybach S680 Haute Voiture. 1 of 150 „A Design Icon“.
The Mercedes-Maybach S-Class formed the starting point for the Mercedes‑Maybach S680 Haute Voiture.
There were no limits for the team during development. We often sat in the vehicle and asked ourselves what needed to change. The experiment was unprecedented, both in variety and form.
This is clear right from the two-tone paint finish typical of Maybach: the combination of dark nautical blue and light rosé sits somewhere between classic and trendy
As in fashion, textiles play a formative role in Belinda Günther’s day-to-day work. So it’s no surprise at all that the designer raves about the contrasting bouclé fabric made of blue, beige, rosé and gold yarns. It is the embodiment of quality and luxury.
As with impressionism, you also have an incredibly beautiful overall impression here of colour and effects working together. The materials used – including the bouclé fabric are also showcased in an accompanying collection consisting of handbags, suits and dresses.
Mercedes-AMG One man, one engine Handcrafted by Michael Kübler @f1mike28 in Germany Affalterbach. Driving Performance is my Passion! Mercedes-AMG the Performance and Sports Car Brand from Mercedes-Benz and Exclusive Partner for Pagani Automobili. Mercedes-AMG Handcrafted by Racers.
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