ladythylia · 7 months
1525 Blue jean baby, L.A. Lady….
Outfit- Cynful -Denim Jumpsuit – Denim Hair- Sintiklia – Hair Gigi – Light blondes Eyes-.ARISE. – Beena Eyes-Cloud Lashes- [MJN] -Diamond Rare {CATWA} Hair Accessory- *LODE* Headwear – Kamilla [blue] MakeUp-:::WILD:::Makeup -Paris Eyeshadows CATWA/OMEGA/BOM MakeUp- .:: StunnerOriginals ::. Lips Summer Jewelry- FINESMITH – Grapa Lapis Jewelry- -SU!- Medusa Piercing Shoes- N-core -Denim…
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astreids · 20 days
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just memorized your coffee order because it was the most basic decent thing to do. not because it gave him an excuse to talk to you, even if it was for two minutes.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just always kept a spare hair tie with him because you once mentioned that you always forget to bring an extra with you during missions. not because he always remembered every little thing you had ever said.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just didn't particularly like gojo, especially when he was making you laugh. not because he wanted you to laugh like that with him.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just felt his heart drop to his stomach when you got injured on a mission because that's what he'll feel for any other colleague. not because he couldn't bear the idea of not seeing you ever again or hearing you call him 'kento, my angel.'
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just asked to be paired with you because you spoke the least amount of nonsense and you proved to be a good company. not because he was slowly losing interest in talking to anyone else who wasn't you.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just read the books you recommended because they were already on his reading list. not because he wanted to talk to you all the time about everything and anything under the sun.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just brought you your favourite food whenever you seemed in a bad mood because he needed you to focus on the task. not because he didn't like seeing you upset and the thought of you being all sad and teary-eyed made his heart hurt.
nanami kento swore that he didn't love you. he just hated the idea of you loving someone else.
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librastyle · 9 months
Paid in Full
thinkin of a master plan ︵‿︵‿︵ [LIBRASTYLE 1439] ︵‿︵‿︵ ・┆✦ Featuring ✦┆・ Majesty @ CakeDay {⭐⭐August 13 – now!!!⭐⭐}╰┈➤ Plastic Cross Bra & Show Sum’in Skirt 🚺 Fits: Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn & Mounds, Peach CakeDay 🚕🚕: https://tinyurl.com/SL-CakeDay ・┆✦ Featuring ✦┆・ Majesty @ Level {⭐⭐August 07 – August 24now!!!⭐⭐}╰┈➤ Retail Signs & Kiosks 2023 Pack [Copy/Mod] LEVEL 🚕🚕:…
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cacaocheri · 8 months
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this mental image wouldn't leave me until i drew it so here you guys go
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jaylillustrates · 10 months
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my love letter to gaster speculation and fandesigns :)
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rxmye · 14 days
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𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 — pristine and perfect, filled with grace and elegance, yet tainted with greed . . greed for you . .
gender neutral reader / yandere oc x reader / slight religious themes?, I suppose it's a fictional religion, I'm still world-building / pathetic and submissive yandere / suggestive content? / he paints the reader as a source of comfort / stalking, which is conveniently described as 'adorable' and 'innocent' behavior /
masterlist | requesting rules | character info . . . a/n: ok so the person mentioned is supposed to be the God of this world, their introduction will also be out soon enough . . currently dropping hints here because world-building fun!!
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Takamoto was an Arch-angel, one of the highest ranked angels in heaven—he was pure and truly the definition of elegance, he was never greedy, and he was almost always seen smiling or happy. For he, was truly contempt with his life, and position.
Takamoto was always someone who had truly been satisfied with all that he was given, he never craved more—he always thought and frankly believed, that he had received all that he deserved and that he should be contempt with what he has. He never really had any passion or desire for anything more—he was grateful with everything—he believed all his hardships had reasoning behind it, and that it will all eventually be solved. In fact a part of him believed he deserved any hardship he came by.
Many would believe he was naive for that sort of mindset, and many angels did truly believe him to be just that, yet against all odds he rose up the ranks fairly quickly for this sort of mindset, and of course his loyalty to his beliefs. Takamoto was sweet, he'd help everyone out, and would introduce new souls, and angels throughout the lands of heaven on his free time, he'd help guide souls and his fellow angels everywhere he could . . yet things slowly changed when he first met you . .
Takamoto was visiting, what could only be described as the countryside of heaven, with vast green fields, cozy homes, acres of farmland, etc . . He was checking in for this years harvest, as per high courts orders . . when he saw you, you were so graceful, your wings sparkled in the light, you were radiant, you're eyes glimmered as both of your eyes met for a brief moment . . he felt his heart skip a beat. . his face was heating up slightly, his face dusted with shades of bright pink.
His mouth hung slightly open, as his gaze lingered on you figure, taking in the sight—your wings were lovely, much smaller than his . . were you a new soul? Perhaps you were a lower ranked angel and hence why you both never quite met . . He wanted to know more about you—he need to know more about you—where were you going? . . . and before he knew it, he found himself following you, trailing behind you silently.
He found himself frequenting areas he last saw you, it was all so innocent at first, many of his fellow coworkers described him as a young schoolboy in love, teasing him for his oh so adorable behavior . .
Takamoto didn't notice how much you were invading his life, he hadn't even been able to hold a proper sentence with you yet . . . but even then his thoughts consumed of you, whenever he did paperwork, he'd doodle your face, his room was filled with various portraits of you . .
He found himself overtime growing desperate, impure thoughts flooding his mind, greed sinking its claws into his sensitive and naive hurt—he was the utter picture of perfection, just look at him, he was everything an angel . . a human, anyone should be!?!? Why aren't you looking his way!— . . he took deep breaths, his own fingers digging into his skin, as he tried calming himself.
Gold drips from his arm, the bruise left from his fingers still fresh—golden blood stained his pretty pale fingers—pupils dilating as he took deep breaths, a ruined portrait of your face on the aisle, paint splatters surrounded him, tainting his legs, as a mirror lay broken on the floor.
"Fuck", he cussed softly, tears threatening to spill, his usually well-kept hair was a mess . . "why can't I draw them . . ?", he asked, his voice hoarse, as he tried his best to contain the anger he felt at that moment, "why can't I fucking draw them??", his nails dig into the floor, as the door creaked open.
You need to love him, you need to see him. He had never craved someone's validation, he deserved this, he deserved you! He could offer you everything, he was perfect! Everyone he knows, envied that about him . . surely you'd notice, you have too . .
He turned to face the person at the door, tears now dripping down his cheek, he mumbled something under his breath, before he started begging, "Please, please, help me . . my lord"
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@ rxmye , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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sky-high-standards · 2 months
Yandere Host x reader
Gonna try a new writing style for this one
Yandere host~ Who was on the job charming his clients and giving them a false sense of worth when you walked in
Yandere host~ Who couldn't deny that you were very beautiful, and he couldn't wait to toy with you.
Yandere host~ Who was shocked and offended when you pushed him away and said it was your friend that had a hosting appointment not you.
Yandere host~ Who did indeed charm your friend but glanced at you every time as a desperate attempt to make you jealous or convince you to make an appointment yourself.
Yandere host~ Who was stunned and flabbergasted to find out that you weren't interested in him at all how couldn't you like him he's so pretty.
Yandere host~ Who decided to get close to your friend to get closer to you which did indeed work.
Yandere host~ Who was thrilled to find out that you'd be making host appointments, but that joy turned into jealousy and heartbreak when he found out you made appointments for other hosts and not him.
Yandere host~ Who would ignore his clients and stare at you from across the room with jealous eyes burning holes into the people that would host you.
Yandere host~ Who asks your friend everything about you which makes the whole thing about you not her.
Yandere host~ Who genuinely falls in love with you after hearing more and more about you.
Yandere host~ Who constantly asks you out and gets pouty and sulky every time you reject him only to ask you again the next day.
Yandere host~ Who one by one "gets rid of" all the other hosts so you'll have no choice but to let him host you.
Yandere host ~ Who's the definition of clingy and loves your personal space and is the equivalent to a puppy when you're around.
Yandere host~ Who always slips something into your tea and you always wake up in his embrace or with marks on your neck and chest (or both more often then not).
Yandere host~ Who will do anything and I mean anything or your attention and much more for your affection.
"Why can't you love me? It can't be that hard..."
Remember Jesus loves y'all and he's the truth the way and will forgive and deliver us if we put our faith in him.♥
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yandereend · 12 days
Yandere Househusband
How he met his spouse
TW: usual yandere stuff, male yandere, obsessive behavior, yandere wants children
Please keep in mind that English is not my native language thanks💛
P. 1 please let me know if you want more
Doesn’t everyone just hope to one day find the perfect partner and settle down with them, start a family and live happily ever after. Thats exactly what our little Tyler always wanted.
Tyler came from a nice home, he was an only child but his parents had a lot of love for him, and even more for each other. He always admired his parents relationship, his father being the strong breadwinner and his mother being the docile housewife. It was the perfect relationship in Tylers eyes and there was nothing he wanted more than to have that too.
In school Tyler couldn’t care less about his grades, it’s not like he was incapable of learning, quite the opposite but he didn’t see a reason to spend his time learning about math or physics if he wanted to be a househusband anyways. Thats right my dear readers Tyler was just waiting to find the right spouse to settle down with.
So for that reason alone he always made an effort to appear put together and pretty in school, he was lucky to have enough confidence to not let others opinions about his appearance affect him. So he was always helpful, nice and friendly to everyone. But even with his best efforts he couldn’t find the one. Thanks to his obsessive nature he often over thought his love life and if he will end up alone. (Your in 10th grade chill dude)
All that until the greatest day of his life were he met you. You were the new student and he immediately volunteered to show you around, became your partner in assignments and your new best friend.
To be honest you were smitten by Tyler, nobody gave you that much attention before and it wasn’t long before the schools pretty boy was your boyfriend. Tyler was thrilled that everyone in the school knew that you were his and he yours. And oh dear how Tyler admired you, you were so attractive, strong, smart and capable. He was so excited to finally settle down (dudes only 17), after graduation.
And Tyler always wanted to impress you, he would join his mother while cooking making sure to pack your lunch, clean your room while he visited you and even did your laundry. Wait didn’t you have more underwear?
And in exchange he just wanted to be pampered back. He would give you his bag if it was heavy, would depend on you for homework and always expected you to stand up to the jocks when they made fun of his more feminine clothes.
And oh did I mention that Tyler was a little bit manipulative, just a tad bit but I mean why would you need friends, you can go shopping with Tyler. Your family goes on vacation? Ditch them and go with Tylers family instead, they have the money don’t worry. You should also consider his parents, they were so supportive of him and you, his dad even showed you the family business if you wanna inherit it.
So when your graduation day finally came you and Tyler hosted a party together, and after you had a few drinks Tyler dropped on his knee and asked the big question, to which you in your tipsy state happily agreed.
So don’t be surprised when 2 months later Tylers parents bought you two a house (yes they’re that rich), your Tylers dads new intern and your lovely fiancé plans the most romantic wedding ever. And hey, there’s no escaping now darling.
Thanks for reading please let me know if you enjoyed it 💛
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artifexsilence · 1 year
CREDITS Lelutka| Raventhe Skinnery| Sandra- honey BBHMaitreya| Lara V5.3Shi Hair| Biyn v1Ascendant| Oceans Nails 01LUCCI| Ethereal Eyeshadow- 1 Mimikri| Kick Flare Pants / Stevie blackMimikri| Striped Sweater / Stevie blackFOXCITY| Insomnia-1 Cigarette PropExposeur| Top Model poses TAGSLelutka, the Skinnery, Maitreya, Shi., Ascendant, Lucci, Mimikri, Foxcity, Exposeur
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lexotanmerlin · 1 year
Lex # 4879
♥Hair: Exile –  Elia by Kavar Cleanslate ♥Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1 by jaden.nova ♥Body: eBODY – REBORN – by eBODY ♥Skin: [Glam Affair] Magnolia Skin [Lelutka EvoX] Basic Line by aida.ewing ♥Tattoo: Fewness – Your Sign – Cancer by Fewn Daddy ♥Tattoo: Puddles. Zodiac Tattoos by Veronica Cuddles ♥Veins: Izzie’s – Body Veins & Cellulite (combined) by Izzie Button ♥Earrings: e.marie //…
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ladythylia · 10 months
1520 Sexy isn't a shape it's an attitude
Outfit- MeHoney – Elvira Bodysuit and Belt – White Hair- DOUX – Octavia hairstyle [BASIC PACK] Eyes-.:I ProFect I:. Diamond  Eyes Lashes- [MJN]  MinxLove {CATWA} Hair Accessory-*Illusions* – Gemini mask MakeUp-Zibska ~ Polly Eyemakeup MakeUp- Zibska [Cyberpunk Promo] ~ Caelia Lips Jewelry- Limited Addiction – One Ring Collar – V1.2 Jewelry-~~Ysoral~~.:Luxe Piercing collarbone…
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Damian stared at you and then your new pet.
You looked at him innocently. Eyes wide in anticipation of his following words.
“I enjoy your competitive spirit. I truly do.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
How did you even get this thing? He had been keeping track of all your heists recently but never heard of you going to the zoo or anything.
Sometimes he wishes he agreed on Tim’s offer of 24/7 surveillance. Damn it. If only that didn’t mean his older brother got to see you in your bed/bathroom too.
“Get to the point, Wayne.”
“Maybe a panther is a bit too much?”
“You’re just jealous cause I’m spending more time with the better Damian.”
“That’s besides the point.”
“So you are jelly!”
“Yes. Yes I am.”
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rafecameroninterlude · 2 months
toxic!rafe manhandling toxic!reader when she gets bratty or snappy with him
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warnings: sorta toxic relationship, cheating accusations, arguing, cussing, yelling, physical violence
[11:15 PM] ‘ray <333’ stopped sharing location with you
“what the fuck?” you sat up, staring at the words on your screen like they weren’t real. you called him not once, not twice, but ten times until you were pacing back and forth, imagining your boyfriend balls deep inside someone else. he said he’d be out dealing with barry on the cut, and that was more than enough reason for you to think of the worst. eventually you calmed down, your head shooting in the direction of the door once you heard it open. “what are you doing up still?” rafe tossed his keys on the dresser, plopping down on the bed with a sigh.
“it’s two in the morning, rafe.” your voice was eerily calm, immediately making his eyebrows knit in confusion. “yeah, and?” he reached for your arm, which you pulled away. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” he got up, dragging you with him. “why did you turn off your location?! you didn’t answer any of my calls.. what do you expect me to think?!” you shouted, pushing him in the chest, which turned out to be useless because he didn’t even budge. “i expect you to understand that if i’m not answering the phone it’s because i’m busy conducting business,” his grip on your wrists made your skin burn, “i didn’t just stop sharing my location, but i turned my phone off altogether because barry gets all fuckin’ paranoid. i wasn’t fucking around if that’s what you think.” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“you’re a liar.” you shoved him again, this time making him stumble. “how many times have i told you that i don’t even want to look at anyone else, let alone fuck them?! while you’re here driving yourself crazy, i’m out there making money for us so i could keep you happy,” he followed you into your shared closet, taking the bag you were stuffing clothes in, “you’re not going anywhere.” you shot daggers at each other, both of you fuming with anger. “i know that look in your eye. don’t do anything stupid, y/n.” you glanced at the keys on the dresser, rafe already two steps ahead of you as he picked you up and pinned you down to the bed. you let out a yelp, unable to move underneath his weight.
“i love you, alright? i would never hurt you like that. what did i say when i first put that promise ring and that pretty little finger?” your gaze softened, as did rafe’s. “you said you’d always be honest with me.” he nodded, letting your hands free. “i meant every word.” his voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned in slowly, taking your lips in a gentle kiss. as much as you adored this soft side of rafe, you couldn’t help but grind against him, his teeth nipping your bottom lip in response. “now i have to fuck you back in your place.”
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kayshla19 · 1 year
Dentro de la tormenta me das paz...Style3122 by Kay ღ Lush ღ Blogger Via Flickr: thisiskayshla.blogspot.com/2022/12/style3122.html No Te Vayas No te vaya', no te vayas Tengamo' en la cama otra batalla Aduéñate del tiempo Dentro de la tormenta me das paz De querer a un hombre tú eres muy capaz Y es fascinante cómo te desplazas por debajo de las sábanas Del secreto de tu boca quiero más No te vaya'
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
How familiar are you with Star war legends?
not very but I think this is how a crossover between legends and (my) canon and would go down:
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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tlouwhore · 4 months
ellie is obsessed with kissing you everywhere, not just sexually everywhere but is genuinely so in love with you that she needs her lips on your body.
i think her favorite place to kiss is your shoulder—waking up lazily beside her in the late morning. its a slow day as the sunlight drips into the room, her arm draping your waist as she gently touches her lips to your exposed shoulder. when you talk she wont move her lips, she speaks against your sunned skin continuing to plant delicate kisses to you. she shows her love through the brisk breeze of her lips.
she also loves to kiss your neck. loving to feel her lips against the soft beating of your heart, infatuated with the warm drum. in love with loving you, the beating of your heart a melodic metronome to her devoted whispers.
she never does it in public though, she thinks of it as a sacred worship to her lover. a private prayer to the warm skin of her goddess. she wakes every morning to revel in your beauty, her loving devotion to you running through her veins like codeine.
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