#Nace fanfiction
scarletslippers · 7 days
You know what I just realized? One day Nancy and Ace are going to tell their story, and laugh. In that way that couples do, when people ask how they met or got together. They’ll talk over each other and interject and laugh. And it will be lovely.
“So I’m standing there, just having worked up the courage to tell the girl I’ve loved forever that I have feelings for her, and she does nothing. Just stands there, staring at me.”
“I was in shock! I couldn’t process!”
“That is not true, you always process. Anyway, then her dad walks in—”
“The worst timing, let me tell you—”
“So then I just left. I had no idea what to do. I thought maybe I had just ruined the best thing I ever had.”
Nancy leans closer, entwining their fingers together. “You didn’t ruin anything.”
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reviewdiaries · 6 months
Perfect Cover
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When Nancy gets a case that sends her off to a weekend house party, Ace tags along as her perfect cover fake date. It'll all be fine, she's a professional, she can cope with pretend dating Ace for forty eight hours. At least, that's what she tells herself whilst the case unravels and they find themselves in ever more compromising positions.
A very Merry Sleuthmas to @pluckysidekick thank you for such a delicious set of wants from your Sleuthmas gift, I had so much fun writing this - I hope you enjoy it!
You can read the fic here!
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nacefanfiction · 11 months
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Congrats @ Nace Fandom! We reached 1000 Nancy/Ace fics on ao3! Woohoo!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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flythesail · 6 months
The Sea Princess
“Greetings,” said the man. George, Nancy, and… she felt Ace join them, his arm brushing hers. “I am Abe Tamura of Castle Icarus—representing the Hudson royal family."
Nancy exchanged another glance with Ace, unsure of the correct reaction.
George deadpanned. “And I'm George Fan of the Kingdom of Clam Chowder.”
Tamura’s eyes narrowed.
Not that one.
He let another moment pass, then continued: “I bring news from the king himself that it is safe for our lost princess to return.”
Ace’s brows rose. “Is this a joke?”
Nancy looked over her shoulder, expecting to find the princess there.
Tamura bowed to her.
“That would be you.”
Read on ao3: In which Nancy isn't just a Hudson. (She's royalty.)
For @biancagrace02 for the @secretsleuthexchange! Happy holidays!!!
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pluckysidekick · 7 months
Hello Drewds, Merry ‘Nace is Still Endgame’ for all who celebrate! To commemorate, here’s Chapter 3 of I Put a Spell on You, my post-endgame, Sin Eater-saving, Black Door-destroying, Dads-dadding, Nace-sleuthing-sexily era fic!
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GIF courtesy of @hucklebucket
This chapter has it all: cute morning after banter, new characters, new clues, a sexy library scene, suspect sightings, spooky vibes, dinner with the Dads, shocking reveals, and more!
A taste:
Nancy woke to the smell of coffee.
“Rise and shine!”
She cracked open her eyes, saw the empty space next to her, and flopped over to face where the voice was coming from. Ace stood next to her side of the bed holding a cup of coffee.
She accepted it gratefully and took a sip.
“Again, how do you have so much energy?” He looked chipper, already showered and dressed in jeans and his light blue sweater, hair still damp.
“I told you last night, it’s being with you. You’re like a Red Bull.”
“I don't know, it seems to have the opposite effect on me.” She took another sip.
“Are you saying I wear you out?”’
Read more on Ao3
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ghostmaggie · 1 year
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tapped on your window on your darkest night
Words: 30,548
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Nancy Drew/Ace
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Season/Series 01
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1kD2SbOEvx5Dr11dzMZM6E?si=56a176a0b3bb49a0
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47819497
She’s sitting behind the Bayside Claw, Horseshoe Bay’s number-one ramshackle tourist-trap seafood joint, wearing a wrinkled blue uniform and trying to stretch out every second of her hard-won ten-minute break, talking idly about nothing to a strange, inscrutable boy whose last name she hasn’t even bothered to learn. And, well. Maybe doing a little more than talking. - Or: What if instead of hooking up with Nick pre-canon, Nancy hooked up with Ace?
A year ago, Nancy never would have pictured herself here.  
That’s in both a metaphorical and a physical sense.  
On the one hand, she’s washed up and burnt out, barely treading water and generally one wrong move away from an emotional breakdown, desperately missing her mother and spending most of her waking hours pretending she doesn’t care that she’s not at college like she’s supposed to be, that her life has gone completely off the rails.  
Meanwhile, she’s also sitting behind the Bayside Claw, Horseshoe Bay’s number-one ramshackle tourist-trap seafood joint, wearing a wrinkled blue uniform and trying to stretch out every second of her hard-won ten-minute break, talking idly about nothing to a strange, inscrutable boy whose last name she hasn’t even bothered to learn.  
She’s kind of made a habit of it, since that day her first week when she’d stumbled across him back here, sitting on an overturned bucket.  
It had been a particularly bad day. She had woken up in a worse mood than usual, and everything just seemed to remind her of her mom, and her mom’s absence. And then George had snapped at her even more than usual, and Bess had spilled something cold and sticky all over her, and when her ten finally hit, she just wanted to find a place to be alone and cry.  
But then: Ace.  
read more on ao3
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missflufffanfics · 10 months
Since the Nace hugs hit me right in the feels go ahead and send in my ask box Nace hug prompts!! I want to write fics for them :))
Examples: Hug after a fight, Hug after dangerous situation, fluffy hug, Giddy hug, Grieving hug, or something more specific etc
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winterlovesong1 · 6 months
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We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we made
Summary: Transported to a different time, Nancy and Ace work together to get back to their own time...hopefully in time for a family holiday dinner. Title from Timeless by Taylor Swift.
For @stormofsansas as a part of the @secretsleuthexchange- thank you for being such a wonderful person within the Nace fandom - I hope this brings you some joy this holiday season!
“All this because I wanted to…” He slumps down, feeling the static build between his flannel shirt and the defeat looming over his chest where his heart lies. He draws his feet out over the linoleum floor, a smudge resulting from the rubber sole on his leather boots. He once had this same floor memorized, in the stains, in the stickiness, and the smudges – that one unglued tile in the corner by the stainless fridge a particular point of note. But this was not the floor of the Claw he knew. This was another version of it. The version of what would be. Or could be.
Read the rest here
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perfectpurls · 3 months
Double Date
One of the prompts for the latest @nacediscord sprint event was "double date," and being on Spring Break meant that I could spend the whole day writing. The result? Three times Nancy and Ace accidentally end up on double dates, and one time they get a double date all to themselves
A Preview:
“Would you like to join them?” the waiter offered when he noticed the foursome standing around the table, casually chatting. Nancy couldn’t be mad – he clearly thought he was helping – but then it was too late to say no, too late to find a polite way to tell her dad and step-mom that she really didn’t want to be on a double date with them. “I’ll make it up to you,” Ace promised, his breath hot against her cheek as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You’d better,” she murmured, squeezing his thigh once under the table before she pulled her hand away, the picture of poise as she joined Jean and Carson’s debate about their latest case.
Read the rest on AO3
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secretsleuthexchange · 8 months
nancy drew fanworks secret santa - 6 days to sign up for 2023!
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What is Secret Sleuth? Secret Sleuth is a fanworks 'secret santa' style gift exchange created for the Nancy Drew (CW) fandom!
What happens if I sign up? You'll be assigned a 'match' to create a gift for and given information to help guide you. You'll have 6 weeks to create something for your match. As this is an exchange, you will also receive a fanwork gift from your own 'Secret Sleuth'. Where can I find out more? Check out our intro post for 2023. This has all the information you should need. If anything isn't clear, please send us a message. How can I sign up? Fill out the sign up form here. Sign ups close next Saturday, 4th November 2023 at 1pm ET / 5pm GMT / 6pm CET.
Don't be shy -- give Secret Sleuth a go and connect with fellow ND fans this holiday season! <3 -- The SSGE Mod Team
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likestosolvethepuzzle · 4 months
A long car ride leaves Nancy and Ace in unexpected territory.
By special request for mastress (ipso_facto)
Eternal thanks to @pluckysidekick for the continued beta and support.
Thank you to @nacediscord for hosting the Valentine's Vigil!
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scarletslippers · 1 year
Literally procrastinated brushing my teeth to write this. I'll get it up on ao3 later because I have to go to work 😂
Dedicated to @flythesail because you know why, Ash. You're the reason this dialogue spark happened.
“And then we, uh, you know.”
“Oh.” Ace sounds surprised. “We did? Here? Like, in this bed?”
Nancy huffs a quiet laugh, forehead creasing as she considers his question. “Sort of? It was your apartment but it looked different than this. You know, like how things in a dream are not quite right but they feel familiar? The bed was in front of a window.”
“I don’t even have a window big enough to put a bed in front of.”
Nancy laughs again. “Maybe interior design wasn’t Temperance’s specialty.”
Silence falls between them, the comfortable kind they always used to share, and Nancy closes her eyes, soaking it in. Ace made that comment about losing a friend and she hadn’t realized just how much she had missed this. That loving him was getting to love all the parts of him. 
“Was it good?” Ace asks so suddenly that it startles another loud, watery laugh out of Nancy.
“That’s your question?” she asks incredulously. 
“Well, yeah.”
“Ace,” she begins in almost exasperation. “It was great.”
“Hmm,” Ace hums again.
“Oh no, that’s your jealous ‘hmm’.”
“I am not jealous.” He protests, but his voice says otherwise. 
“Nice try.” Nancy looks over at him with a fond smile. “But I know you.”
“He—that version of me got to be with you. Of course I’m jealous of that guy.”
“Well, that guy also died,” Nancy quips, the laughter rapidly draining from her voice as she realizes the weight of her words, having been caught in their banter. 
She looks over at Ace, finding similar tears brewing in his eyes. But he just looks concerned, worried for her, not upset about his death. She’s not sure why she expected anything else. 
Instead, Ace smiles, pulling her back to right now, making real memories, here, in his bed. “That guy is definitely missing out. He didn’t get personally delivered bagels and pickles.”
Nancy smiles too. “A winning combination, really.”
“Hmm,” Ace muses for a third time, only this time Nancy can tell it’s soft and sappy. “Just like us.”
She rolls her eyes but smiles wide. “Yeah, Ace. Just like us.”
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reviewdiaries · 1 year
I slipped, I fic’d some more. It’s a problem.
But also! What if Ace went to singles night? What if the curse had actually been broken at Icarus Hall but no one realised it yet? What if our crazy lovebirds finally got some happiness (and more kissing) as a change from the angst?
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
You’re the most I ever wanted
“Why did it end? Was it fate?” Nancy takes another sip of her drink, slumping slightly further down onto the table. Every time she shuts her eyes she can see Ace walking away from her, shoulders bowed, steps heavy. Wishes she could pour the alcohol directly into her eyeballs to scrub the image clean.
Rating: Mature Words: 3,845 AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48330007
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nacefanfiction · 9 months
✨ nace september fic-a-thon
the have a nace day discord is running a fic-a-thon event today!
what is a fic-a-thon?
a fic-a-thon is a day dedicated to reading fic, leaving kudos, comments, bookmarking your faves, and hyping up our fandom's wonderful fic writers in whatever way you can!
september's theme: fic you've been meaning to read
september's theme is your 'to be read' list. is there a fic you've been rec'd a million times and never got to it? wanted to read all the secret sleuth fics last year? an author you've been meaning to check out?
well today is the day! whether you spend 20 minutes or 3 hours, finding some time to start a fic you've wanted to read for a while -- it all counts!
what else should we do? just read?
reading is key, but so is appreciation! leaving comments on what you read can be really important in making fic writers feel appreciated for all the hard work they put into creating content for this fandom. even the smallest comment can make a fic writers day.
so, go forth! read some fic and enjoy yourselves!
Link to the ao3 feed for nancy/ace
Link to the have a nace day discord server
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nightspires · 5 months
you made my heart surrender
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They hadn’t meant to keep it a secret. Really. It just so happened that Bess, Nick, and George weren’t super great at noticing that their two friends were dating now. And that fact had amused Nancy and Ace so much, they wondered how long it would take them to catch on. -- An alt post 3x09 fic, where Ace didn't get sucked into the liminal space and Nace got to have their conversation at Nick's loft and they got together. But the rest of the Drew Crew just like, don't notice. Nancy and Ace start to wonder -- what would they have to do to get their friends to realise they are dating?
my gift for sam (@acesdrew / @tinydevils) for the @secretsleuthexchange 2023!
read now on ao3
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pluckysidekick · 11 months
I decided we needed to see Ace wanting to break the curse. And some sexytimes - so I combined them into a new fic set after 4x06, (I’m Gonna) Love You for a Long Time.
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GIF courtesy of @thatonekimgirl
I give you my new one shot fic, in which Ace has an idea. Here’s a preview:
“I was lying.”
Nancy stared at Ace, stunned. He appeared breathless, but she could see over his shoulder that Florence was parked outside, so at least he hadn’t run all the way to Icarus Hall this time.
“About what?” She held onto the door, not quite ready to let him back in - literally or figuratively.
“I was wrong. You almost dying in my arms scared the hell out of me. Still does. But - I have an idea.”
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