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Vintage official(?) chibi artwork of my blorbos!
Source unknown, artwork found at: http://chibiland.dearchibi.com/chibiothers.html
Thanks to @kunzoi-archive for helping me find these! I knew the Shitennou chibis existed, but that site has many more season 1 characters:
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My main desktop computer is broken, and I'm having trouble getting Blender to work on my laptop, so it may be a bit longer before I get more artwork done. I am still working on my story, and working on writing notes, so hopefully I can still get something done! In the meanwhile I wanted to share these here.
If anyone knows the original source for these let us know!!
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historia-jaeger · 1 year
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You can't like a shipping and you don't need a comprehensible reason. It's enough if you prefer another shipping with one of the characters. Everything fine and dendy. But I'm not a fan of bogus arguments being sought to badmouth a shipping. And with that, I'm addressing the bogus argument that people use to belittle NephNaru. Nephrite would be much older than Naru, Naru is still a minor at 14 years old. Shipping would be pedophile. Teach me otherwise. But as far as I know, Nephrite's age is unknown. But I guess he's 16 years old. Why do I think that? Because Naru is 14 years old, same as Usagi and her friends. It's clear. They're in the same class. Sailor Moon is the same age as her Senshis. So I'm assuming the Shittenou must be Mamoru's age, also 16 years old. This means that Nephrite would be of legal age, in contrast to Naru, but at most two years older. Nevertheless, that Shipping then has nothing to do with pedophilia. And if NephNaru is still criticizable, then every other shipping in Sailor Moon is also criticizable. Starting with Mamoru x Usagi, Seiya x Usagi, Shittenou x Senshi (specifically Nephrite x Makoto) and finally Helios x Chibiusa. Even the incestinous sibling relationship between Ail and Ann seems fine. But NephNaru. Oh my gosh. That's pedophilia. lol I just want to throw my hands over my head.
If you're bothered by relationships between minors and adults, please don't watch Sailor Moon. Above all. They don't go to bed together. The relationship is only illegal if they sleep together. Otherwise, everyone can love whoever they want. Please stop sexualizing any relationship. Thanks. -------------------- On the picture is a reedited screenshot from Sailor Moon Crystal, showing Naru und Neflite together.
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saturninretrograde · 1 year
Sailor Moon Says if you confess your love to an age inappropriate evil general, and he takes advantage of it...that energy is still valuable?
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mina-martin · 2 months
a year and a day
since I last updated my fic. not abandoned! but I am a slow writer, and life happens. in the meantime, I don't think I ever shared this amazing fanart on tumblr:
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A commish by Supreme Moon Senshi on insta! If you've seen gorgeous aqua colored fanart of Sailor Earth that looks like it could be official 90s art, than you've seen his work. :)
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pareidoliajules · 2 years
I have some Thoughts abt age differences in Sailor Moon.
(For reference, I am referring to the DiC dub version that everyone else hates with a passion, and will be using those names. If you have a problem with Serena vs Usagi, just....have those problems somewhere else. 😘)
So Serena is canonically 14. Amy is presumably also about 14, since she's in the same grade as Serena, along with Molly (who is one of the main points of this post).
Rei is older, but still in high school; I'd put her at 16 or so, but going to a different school than the others. Every bit of Rei's furious annoyance with Serena can be explained by Local Gay Sixteen Year Old Forced To Put Up With Fourteen Year Old Crybaby. Rei also has Actual Responsibilities; she helps her grandpa at the temple and helps keep her grandpa from,,, idk, being old and alone or whatever.
And Then We Have The Boys.
Andrew, at the arcade, is definitely An Adult; he's saving for med school, and we later learn he's already in university.
We learn that because that's when we learn how old Darien is, which was a big point of confusion and curiosity for me. He's also Definitely An Adult; I'd had him pegged as early 20s or so, but there's an argument to be made for like....An old, independent 18-19. If you squint. However, I still say adult-adult, because when he makes Serena cry in public (for the zillionth time), everyone stares at him and he's like Oh Shit Please Stop Crying, as an adult would do if they made the 14 yr old they regularly bully have a meltdown on the city street.
And then we have.......Nephlite.
So Nephlite is not only an Adult, but he's an Adult-Adult. Like, to put him at human years, I'd say 40 or so. He's also a Demon From The Negaverse.
Molly, age 14, develops a big ol crush on the 40 yr old Demon from the Negaverse. Because of course she does. This is where things get complicated, because...on the one hand, the show without a doubt condemns these feelings and any """relationship""" that would come from this. Molly puts herself in danger and endangers others to try and "help" "Maxfield Stanton" or whatever his fake human name was.
I was of the mind that this is actually a good message; it lets the Demon From The Negaverse thing be the text, while the 40 Year Old Man thing be subtextual, and hopefully sort of included so that when the 14 year olds watching the show meet a 40 year old man who shows undue interest in them, they can go, wow, I bet you're a Demon From The Negaverse and get the fuck away from them.
But. But. But.
Nephlite gets redeemed. Sorta. Molly's love awakens something in Nephlite, something like humanity. Or something. He cares for Molly. He saves her life.
So. Um. Is the message that the 40 Year Old Creeper can maybe be a good-ish guy after all? Because that's,,,,, not great. Molly gets traumatized and he disappears into pink sparkly dust in her arms. Sailor Moon says that they're "in love" and that's why the Negaverse is against it.
Guys. Ladies. Friends. He is a 40 year old demon. She is 14. I feel like they came close to having a great message, but then kinda. tripped on the finish line. AND they tripped on the line of trying to give texture and character to the concept of Evil. It could've been really interesting, but it came at the cost of the better, more important message of Fourteen Year Olds, Don't Date 40 Year Olds.
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sokumei · 6 months
is your book skelig by david almond??
No but I did find what it was from. Its from the English translation of the Sailor Moon novels Sailor Moon : Diamond's Not Forever. Its just that the names were changed for the localization and I remembered Sailor Mercury because she was on the cover. I'll probably read that one so thank you for the new book recommendation
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Looked up to see stars at night and to my surprise there were none to see.
Maybe I'm like Nephlite from Sailor Moon and I need to feel the power of the stars at night to feel connected.
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Minimalist Wallpapers
Mini Moon Item Wallpapers
Sailor Moon Weapon Wallpapers
Sailor Moon Locket Wallpapers
Sailor Moon Wand Progressions, Locket Progressions and miscellaneous items Wallpapers
Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Chibi Moon Collage Wallpapers
Princess Serenity and Sailor Scout Ghosts
Queen Beryl, Jedite, Nephrite, Zoisite, Malachite/Kunzite Desktop Wallpapers
Queen Beryl, Jedite, Nephrite, Zoisite, and Malachite Phone Wallpapers
Neo Queen Serenity; Luna, Artemis and Diana; and Alan and Ann Wallpapers
Emerald, Sapphire, Prince Diamond and Wiseman Desktop Wallpapers
Emerald, Sapphire, Prince Diamond and Wiseman Phone Wallpapers
Rubeus and the Nega Moon/Spectre Sisters Desktop Wallpapers
Rubeus and the Nega Moon Sisters Phone Wallpapers
Sailor Moon Transformation Wallpapers
Crescent Moon and Tiara Attack Wallpapers
Moon Scepter Attack Wallpapers
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sailormoonblogs · 4 years
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Hey everyone!! I’m thinking about making another blog for, “Howl’s Moving Castle”. Its a beautiful movie, and one of my favourites. Also, It would be great if you guys could let me know in the comments what you think :)
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voliol · 4 years
I knew Utena was (intentionally) derivative of even more classic shoujo/magical girl works, but now I’ve found a character that feels like Utena distilled, including the gorgeous long hair, the red car, the planetarium and the creepiness. Well, maybe half the creepiness but that’s still a lot; it’s Nephlite from Sailor Moon!
...oh, he’s so stupid though.
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moonjewelz · 4 years
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My mum's reaction to a scene I accidentally came up with for a future book in The General Series.
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Late submission for day 4 of @smquickies2023 , prompt "Three's+ Company". (Although this preview image is rated Mature (M), the full image is explicit! The expanded (explicit NSFW) version can be viewed on Bluesky or Twitter). Set long after the 1992 anime series in the Crystal Tokyo era, the revived Nephrite (age 25) has joined in a polyamorous relationship with Osaka Naru (age 20) and her other boyfriend Umino Gurio (age 20). However, in this timeline, Naru is a transgender girl (AMAB). Nephrite and Umino are both very supportive of her, though <3 This bed scene takes place after my earlier NSFW comic, 512TR(ans)! Alternate version:
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endlesshoard · 5 years
Starter for @youhavebeendestroyed
     Nothing hurts more than a heartbreak, not even his recently closed wounds hurt as much as his heart did. He was released from the hospital after his battle against Zoisite, and wanted to see the little parfait-loving girl named Molly. To hold her in his arms and tell her he was here to stay and be by her side. Nothing could be as shocking as to witness the girl who taught you to love be so loving to some scummy little nerdy boy....a lucky....nerdy boy...
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     He wandered through the streets carelessly, deep in thought on how he should destroy the nerdy little boy and gain Molly’s love again. He was tired, his body sore .He unbuttoned his shirt a bit to look at the bandages, to check if they were alright. Tsk, seems like a bit of green blood came out of his stitched wound. He didn’t bother with it nor did he close his shirt. He looked at the shops and entered the dumb looking parfait shop Molly mentioned. He pulled himself onto a stool and sat at the bar and ordered said chocolate parfait.
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    Sweet, soft, smooth and yet...ever so comforting. He stared at the parfait with broken eyes, thinking that this is what she wanted to share. Molly wouldn’t betray him, no she isn’t like that. She’s like this parfait. To be enjoyed at the moment before it melts away from proper care. He has been hospitalized for months, of course Molly would become lonely and meet someone else. What to do with his life now? It felt empty and dull since his home has been destroyed. He took another bite before he realized that he felt watched. He turned his head, spoon in his mouth, to notice someone staring at him. He glared before taking the spoon out of his mouth and swallowing.
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     “What are you looking at? Never seen a human eat a dull parfait?” 
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t-unmasked · 5 years
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Nephrite decides to introduce his new girlfriend to Zoisite and Kunzite as the #SailorMoon Shitennou group chat continues.
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0nmy0uji · 5 years
four generals aesthetic board by @shadow--mint
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skuggspel17 · 5 years
Shitennou 10 gif
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