#maxfield stanton
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Late submission for day 4 of @smquickies2023 , prompt "Three's+ Company". (Although this preview image is rated Mature (M), the full image is explicit! The expanded (explicit NSFW) version can be viewed on Bluesky or Twitter). Set long after the 1992 anime series in the Crystal Tokyo era, the revived Nephrite (age 25) has joined in a polyamorous relationship with Osaka Naru (age 20) and her other boyfriend Umino Gurio (age 20). However, in this timeline, Naru is a transgender girl (AMAB). Nephrite and Umino are both very supportive of her, though <3 This bed scene takes place after my earlier NSFW comic, 512TR(ans)! Alternate version:
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mitsukara7 · 2 years
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Main project tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/arikitari-josei-osaka-naru 3D model WIP renders in Blender by Mitsukara (me). The Ferrari Testarossa is edited from a model made by Yokatann: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/low-poly-ferrari-testarossa-2dc9a378ce1947ef97079e0a8bffe5e4
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pareidoliajules · 2 years
I have some Thoughts abt age differences in Sailor Moon.
(For reference, I am referring to the DiC dub version that everyone else hates with a passion, and will be using those names. If you have a problem with Serena vs Usagi, just....have those problems somewhere else. 😘)
So Serena is canonically 14. Amy is presumably also about 14, since she's in the same grade as Serena, along with Molly (who is one of the main points of this post).
Rei is older, but still in high school; I'd put her at 16 or so, but going to a different school than the others. Every bit of Rei's furious annoyance with Serena can be explained by Local Gay Sixteen Year Old Forced To Put Up With Fourteen Year Old Crybaby. Rei also has Actual Responsibilities; she helps her grandpa at the temple and helps keep her grandpa from,,, idk, being old and alone or whatever.
And Then We Have The Boys.
Andrew, at the arcade, is definitely An Adult; he's saving for med school, and we later learn he's already in university.
We learn that because that's when we learn how old Darien is, which was a big point of confusion and curiosity for me. He's also Definitely An Adult; I'd had him pegged as early 20s or so, but there's an argument to be made for like....An old, independent 18-19. If you squint. However, I still say adult-adult, because when he makes Serena cry in public (for the zillionth time), everyone stares at him and he's like Oh Shit Please Stop Crying, as an adult would do if they made the 14 yr old they regularly bully have a meltdown on the city street.
And then we have.......Nephlite.
So Nephlite is not only an Adult, but he's an Adult-Adult. Like, to put him at human years, I'd say 40 or so. He's also a Demon From The Negaverse.
Molly, age 14, develops a big ol crush on the 40 yr old Demon from the Negaverse. Because of course she does. This is where things get complicated, because...on the one hand, the show without a doubt condemns these feelings and any """relationship""" that would come from this. Molly puts herself in danger and endangers others to try and "help" "Maxfield Stanton" or whatever his fake human name was.
I was of the mind that this is actually a good message; it lets the Demon From The Negaverse thing be the text, while the 40 Year Old Man thing be subtextual, and hopefully sort of included so that when the 14 year olds watching the show meet a 40 year old man who shows undue interest in them, they can go, wow, I bet you're a Demon From The Negaverse and get the fuck away from them.
But. But. But.
Nephlite gets redeemed. Sorta. Molly's love awakens something in Nephlite, something like humanity. Or something. He cares for Molly. He saves her life.
So. Um. Is the message that the 40 Year Old Creeper can maybe be a good-ish guy after all? Because that's,,,,, not great. Molly gets traumatized and he disappears into pink sparkly dust in her arms. Sailor Moon says that they're "in love" and that's why the Negaverse is against it.
Guys. Ladies. Friends. He is a 40 year old demon. She is 14. I feel like they came close to having a great message, but then kinda. tripped on the finish line. AND they tripped on the line of trying to give texture and character to the concept of Evil. It could've been really interesting, but it came at the cost of the better, more important message of Fourteen Year Olds, Don't Date 40 Year Olds.
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smsezpod · 1 year
EPISODE 04: THIS WON'T WORK ON QVC (Fet. Dame Scarlet Anznable)
Discord community hub: https://discord.com/invite/hytg7K6xym
Ramses and KRF are joined by Scarlet Rhapsody's Dame Aznable and they discuss things like growing up waching Sailor Moon, Goldfish Warning, KRF realizing he's a Zoisite, Shark Tank: Sailor Moon Ediiton, the inconvinence of Transforming against someone's will, Ramses and KRF's crush on Maxfield Stanton and MUCH more on this edition of Sailor Moon Sez!
Scarlet Rhapsody: http://scarlet-rhapsody.com/ Scarlet Rhaspody's youtube Fet. Convention Tea: https://www.youtube.com/@scarletrhapsodyconventiontea Dame Scarlet Aznable on ancient Anime w/ KRF: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kamenriderfurry/episodes/Saban-Moon---Toonmakers-Lost-Sailor-Moon-Pilot-e1n7j8t Hiroshi Doi's Sailor Moon site: http://www.usagi.org/doi/smoon/ Ken Arromdee's Sailor Moon FAQ: https://www.sailormoon.org/faq/
Scarlet Rhaspody's panels at Wondercon 2023: Mythology of Final Fantasy: A Summoner's Guide to Summons https://sched.co/1JiFF Make Mine Mecha: A History of Giant Robots https://sched.co/1JiIm
Kamen Rider Furry’ show: Ancient Anime
https://twitter.com/AncientAnimePod https://www.instagram.com/ancientanimepod/ https://anchor.fm/kamenriderfurry
Ramses’ other show: Saturday Morning Squad
https://twitter.com/SATAMSquad https://satamsquad.tumblr.com/
Ramses and KRF's other show: The Saint Seiya Cosmocast
http://www.stcosmocast.com https://twitter.com/stCosmocast
Team’s personal twitters: Kamen Rider Furry: https://twitter.com/KamenRiderFurry Ramses: https://twitter.com/El_Ramses Team’s Instagrams: Ramses: https://www.instagram.com/el.ramses.83/ KRF: https://www.instagram.com/KamenRiderFurry KRF's dedicated doll instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedollfurry/
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raganaherb-blog · 5 years
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Lace Necklace with Jade (nephrite) and Rhinestones.  Symbolizing the love between Neflite and Molly from Sailor Moon. Obviously, the Nephrite represents well, Nephrite, but why Rhinestones for Molly?  The first episode!!! In the first episode of Sailor Moon, Molly and Serena go to Molly’s Mother’s jewelry store and they talk about if she has Rhinestones. 
I made this with Molly in mind.  She seems like the type of girl who would wear lace and pearls, slightly neo-victorian. the necklace has rhinestones on the lace its self and false pearls on the loops with the white Nephrite and Rhinestones. 
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mary2j · 7 years
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lgbtqa-pride-icons · 6 years
Hello! May I request a cow in flower crowns with a pastel pansexual flag and pastel demiboy flag? Or regular cows as long as they're cute! Please and thank you 🐄💖
posted!! i hope you like them! - mod tavros
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terrifiedmouse · 6 years
Gosh I was so happy when I saw Legault added in, BUT CANAS (CAN OF ASS) IS A DREAM COME TRUE!
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ivelostmyspectacles · 7 years
In the middle of reading your Priorities KH fic and I loooove it! This is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for in anticipation for KH3 and being such an akuroku fan. Just wanted to say.
Omg thank you?? It was a lot of fun to write (and also proved to me that the writers of the game are so... so much more creative than me, wow) and I hope we get some kind of resolution in KH3 about Roxas? like I know Disney ain’t gonna give us AkuRoku, but we can dream, right?
Thank God for fanfic lol
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oak23 · 4 years
i wished anime boy heads were easier to find cuz I wanna do a Nephlite Maxfield Stanton doll
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
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Welcome to my sin... The Sims!
I made this with GW characters and have a handful of BP characters in there. At this stage of the game (+ slight fic inspo):
Duo Maxwell was killed in a botched mission where his escape van exploded after taking down an enemy base. Trowa Barton was his partner on that mission; CPR, sending SOS and carrying him halfway through the lot didn't save him.
Duo Maxwell returns to the world as "Max Shinigami", and pursues his former brothers-in-arms. Also learns that Maxfield Stanton, AKA Nephrite (former general in Prince Endymion's court, prior to the attack and brainwashing of Queen Metalia), is his uncle. Of course he's sent Duo back to the land of the living - on a specialized mission that only he can handle.
Duo could only return to the world with short hair, and his cobalt blue eyes have a rather grayish tint. He's argued with his uncle and the rest of the spirit world countless times about keeping his hair long and braided, along with his eye colour. They've insisted that doing so will restore feelings of distress and grief for his fellow ex-Gundam pilots.
Alive for the moment, he finds it rather cool to see the others sharing a house; how Wufei pursued a career in Law; how Heero plays his guitar as a hobby; Quatre's still generous and Sally Po didn't age, it seems.
However, Trowa has beef with him, and for what exactly? No one knows Max's true identity yet. Max doesn't agree with some of their life choices, especially not the way Trowa handles his relationships.
Heero Yuy loves spending quality time with the others. Recently started working undercover missions - so long as his enemies don't catch on easily.
Wufei has a slight crush on Sally. I mean, she's still hot.
Quatre knows about Heero's undercover missions, yet keeps it secret. He doesn't want to mess things up and lose him the same way they've lost Duo.
Max eventually learns why Trowa's being shifty... Even coming on to him. On separate occasions, Quatre and Wufei had informed him that he still regrets failing to save a former comrade six years ago. Too many people in this town remind him of Duo.
Meanwhile, Heero makes an enemy in Erik Stevens at a Birthday party. He has no idea they're somewhat close in age, nor the fact that he's a former operative who is plotting to overthrow the King of Wakanda... Oh wait, they've taken some of the same classes at MIT, but Heero couldn't stand his attitude back then.
No problem! Rest assured, Erik makes his move and befriends the others (although he secretly hates Quatre's guts), but he's quite chill. Also stole the code that their former enemies used to attack Afghani civilians, where Duo died. Erik never knew anything about The Preventers, though.
A handful of Wakandan spies reside in the city Heero Yuy has settled in, and they specialize in STEM and Art-related careers. Trowa doesn't realize he's dating (and two-timing) the niece of Quatre's old friend from the coffee shop. His other lover looks a lot like Lady Une. Other prospective lovers: Unknown. Problems ahead.
Wufei doesn't like the new neighbour who broke into his house last week. They have major beef - which will escalate. Trowa hates this guy and demanded he gets out of the house. I can't name this bad guy, yet.
@thisweekingundamwing I wish I had Sims 4, but there's too many ads on that version.
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gaymergal · 5 years
Tagged by @rainbowserenity
Nickname: ^^; kinda hard to shorten Amber. Am open to random nicknames. I use gaymergal for most social media accounts.
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 5’3
Hogwarts house: :3 Pureblooded Slytherin (my last name is literally listed on the sacred 28)
Last thing I googled: Maxfield Stanton (my girlfriend and I are thinking about getting dog and idk why the idea of a tiny dapper dog named after Nephrite’s weird alto ego struck me, but it then had me in stitches...we‘d have to take the pup to get parfaits :’D )
Favorite Musician: I’m terrible at picking favorites and I mostly listen to soundtracks to video games / movies. The Gamechops Zelda and chill mix has been my most recent ear worm
Last movie I saw: The favourite
Following now (my top tags): wlw, kda, supercorp.
Song stuck in my head: It's quiet uptown Hamilton Soundtrack
Followers: 672 (dispite the “purge” it’s mostly bots)
Do I get asks: very rarely
Amount of sleep: very sporadic like probably most commonly 5-7 hours ish?
Lucky number: 17
Dream job: I had wanted to get into translation when I was in college. Ended up not going down that job path and now have a career with new york state as a civil servant. My dream job now would actually probably be in the same kind of office setting I am now just tf away from having to supervise people. I am far to awkward for leadership positions. I’ve recently started applying for jobs outside of my office that don’t require supervising staff.
Instrument: I would really like to learn piano.
Languages:Native English, まあまあ日本語, ein bisschen Deutsch.
Favorite Song: (so bad at picking favorites) Terra's theme from Final Fantasy 6 or literally anything from the Chrono Trigger/Cross soundtrack have the tendency to give me heavy nostalgic feels.
Aesthetic: loose comfy clothes, soft blankets, hot tea or cocoa, baby animals, books.
Tagging @tiny-firefox @heyitsmargo45 @datlint
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mary2j · 7 years
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guacameowle · 6 years
A little funny anecdote. My mom and I LOVE Sailor Moon and we both have our first respective anime crushes because of Sailor Moon. For me it was Prince Diamond, even as a kid I had quite the crush on him and ever since villainous princely types with a crush on the heroine just make me swoon. Whereas for my mom she LOVES her men with 80’s style man-manes and the man who had the best was Nephrite. That and she loves that it was Naru who calmed his raging heart back in the 90’s.
Prince Demande  👀👀👀👀👀I feel that. I too have a thing for evil princely types, can’t help it. Tiny me was hella confused when Tuxedo Mask went evil for a while in the 90s anime & I loved it?? so much?? He was extra teasing during that time too & I was giddy from it. 
((Sailor Moon episode “Ice Princess”)) “Smooth moves Sailor Moon.” ::I faint:: I was very easily impressed as a little girl. 
“80′s style man-manes” I’M WHEEZING. He had so much hair! It must have had powers of its own.
Oh man. OH MAN. I disliked Naru/Nephrite so much. I ship the Senshi/Shitennou so hard that little me took it as a huge offense when Nephrite & Naru had their promises of getting CHOCOLATE PARFAITS together. Didn’t matter Jupiter didn’t remember Nephrite & that he was under no obligation to remain loyal in any way… BUT I KNEW & I WAS IN A RAGE! Maxfield Stanton, you trollop! 
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lgbtqa-pride-icons · 6 years
May I have a Helios (Sailor Moon) Demiboy?
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uurameshii-a · 7 years
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✩ uurameshii's Follow Forever! ✩
Adsfdgh okay 300 followers~ Idk where all you lovely cinnamon rolls came from but I needed to express my love for all of you because you’re all precious babes and I want to give you all the things!
Team Urameshi | Ride or Dies
@thislovelylady / @cleversmile | @jardinfleursduciel | @slayersheart​ | @tearfulusagi |@killingmoonlight | @maggiestein | @gwijxnghxnyxng | @blushingxflorism | @immolatiism |@kindanoko | @musesxvows / @fox-in-human-clothes | @thievingbat / @standstrcng |@forgottensoulreaper | @kcguya / @rebclvixen​
Lovely people who I stalk adore and want to interact with more! <3
@cinderspewed | @kxronue  | @vinelashed | @tsubasayorukage | @watashi-ga-kita | @daiikonn | @windridertenoh | @yukigafuru |  @divinaaquis | @scionoflorelei | @sweetlydreamed | @buiwarrior | @galacticdemon | @lnstinctalone | @ninctailcd | @nuriiko | @nushibing | @fifteenhundredyearsandcounting / @linathefishkiller | @juhachigogo | @kitsunextsuki | @jcgenshi | @stormgraced | @13xwishes | @excessiveadaptationsyndrome |@leporemx | @beautyshocked | @masterofzawarudo3 | @kitsunerozu | @snsdva | @bopnty
Lovely people who I have yet to interact with, but need to soon! <3
@castershot | @ayekanaru | @oshikakei | @healersigned | @maxfield-stanton | @gxrdianofsxlence | @luminesis | @heartbrooch | @earthsno1champ |  @womanlythiefx | @mcsyndrome | @beautiihaunts | @altruisticpower | @flamebourne | @featherchan | @lilmissginga | @mihoshi-kuramitsu | @megane-beasts | @vulpiclaw | @chxbii |@hibanaraikou | @mangymctt | @palincarnation
I apologize to anyone I might’ve missed! I love you guys!~ Much love to all my followers, mutuals and non mutuals. <3
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