#naru x umino
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Late submission for day 4 of @smquickies2023 , prompt "Three's+ Company". (Although this preview image is rated Mature (M), the full image is explicit! The expanded (explicit NSFW) version can be viewed on Bluesky or Twitter). Set long after the 1992 anime series in the Crystal Tokyo era, the revived Nephrite (age 25) has joined in a polyamorous relationship with Osaka Naru (age 20) and her other boyfriend Umino Gurio (age 20). However, in this timeline, Naru is a transgender girl (AMAB). Nephrite and Umino are both very supportive of her, though <3 This bed scene takes place after my earlier NSFW comic, 512TR(ans)! Alternate version:
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mimithealpaca · 1 year
“i wanna draw shippy art, so give me a ship!” #11
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mochibuni · 3 months
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Sailor Naru and Tuxedo Umino
For @sailormoonrarepairweek Day 1 - Magic
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All characters will be aged up accordingly. Reblog for a larger sample size
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
If you're still doing the Salty Ask game: 22, 23, 26, 27 for Sailor Moon please!
22. Popular character you hate?
Seiya. I cannot stand them. The way they just bulldozed Usagi's boundaries? Ick. And then, I'm pretty sure they only backed off when they found out Mamoru actually died. After all the times Usagi turned them down? Please leave this planet and yeet yourself into the nearest black hole, Seiya 🙄
23. Unpopular character you love?
Umino. He was a good boy, and I think he and Naru are cute together. They had an underrated relationship in the show, and I wish we got to see how things turned out for them.
26. Most shippable character?
I think it's probably Usagi. I have my ships for this show, and I don't really deviate, so I'm going by how often I see Usagi/X when I'm scrolling. I think she is the most shippable just based on that alone.
27. Least shippable character?
I don't know....Mamoru? I feel like I only see him shipped with Usagi, but I could be wrong.
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Good endings & new beginnings
I made the entire week. Happy happy! Anyway, I've been talking quite some with @kankuroplease about her Aori in my Ikigai Au as Irukas partner and because its been on my mind, i made this. whoop. Its also based losely on a sketch she made of iruka and Aori that I'm not sure I can share, but believe me its cute!
Umino Iruka x OC
Rated G
2640 words.
for @narutoocshipweek Day 7: Free day.
The life long friendship of Aori and Iruka ends in one night.
Iruka was slouching on the chair next to the dining table and watched Aori walk over to take herself a drink from his fridge. She knew where things in his apartment were exactly from the many times she had been over, and treated it like her own second home. He was feeling low lately and had been pretty much since his breakup a few months ago.
Aori was perceptive as ever, knowing Iruka’s many moods very well from a decade stretching friendship between them and so she had spontaneously decided to come over and cook him dinner. Katsura was out on a mission and needed no assistance and so she was essentially free. She had invited herself over and Iruka had known that fighting her on this would do him no good, so he just let her in and let her do her thing.
“Ruki, stop being gloomy”, she said and put her drink down on the table to sit right next to him. “You didn’t have to break up with her if that's so hard for you to take and Naru-chan is also back.”
He sighed. Right, it had been his choice to let Sora go, but it had been the right choice to make. After all Sora hadn’t loved him, never really, not in the way he wanted her to and so it was only right to cut her loose, especially since she would have been way too nice to cut herself loose. “You know I had to”, he said in reply and Aori shrugged her shoulders.
Seemingly assessing the situation she went right back into teasing mode. “Well, I guess she didn’t like your hideous haircut.” She swirled her finger around the top of her hand to mimic his ponytail. “Maybe you should have kept your hair more open.” Iruka only hissed in reply. 
Aori wasn’t one to give up when the first try didn’t work so she poked a little more: “Maybe you just weren’t good enough of a kisser and that was the issue.”
Somehow this accusation riled him up, because his eyes shot up to look at her directly. “I’m excellent at it, thank you” he shot back and Aori shrugged: “I have a hard time imagining that.”
He sat forward in his chair and punched his fist to the table so hard that her drink almost fell from it: “I am a good kisser. Even your damned big mouth can’t take that away from me.” She laughed, “Oh yeah?”
The laugh quickly died in her throat as he jumped up and grabbed her by the sleeve. “Oh yeah”, Iruka said, anger and disappointment and frustration seeping out of him with every movement. He would never be able to make Aori stop teasing him endlessly for many things, but he was able to prove her wrong in this specific regard and he was going for it, before his brain could tell him how bad of an idea it was.
Iruka leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers so quickly that she yelped a little in surprise, crawling her fingers into his arm on her sleeve, but she did not push him away or draw back. Aori just sat there and let herself get kissed and he did kiss her, longer than one second or ten or twenty, longer than necessary. When he drew back he was so thoroughly out of breath as if they’d been making out for ten minutes, even though it was more like two.
The anger had vanished like a doused fire and he now stared the consequences of his actions right into the green eyes. Aori was red from cheeks to ears to neck. Her lips were slightly opened and parted as if she too could not believe what had just happened to her. Because for all her loud teasing and bossy attitude deep down she was a person that was easily embarrassed. Iruka had seen it when she was younger and was crushing on Might Gai. Aori stopped acting like a normal human being when she was around a person she had a crush on, when she was embarrassed. It was like her brain just shut off. 
Iruka took a step back. “I- I’m sorry”, he said and now wished he could turn the time back to five minutes ago. Aori said nothing and just averted her eyes from him. “You - you riled me up and I- I was impulsive, I'm so sorry.” He didn’t know how to save the situation. It was already bad enough that he had effectively ruined their long friendship, a friendship that was important to him, but what was worse was that he had liked it. That he had not immediately drawn back because he had enjoyed it. That wasn’t good. That could lead to nothing good.
Aori put one pointer finger to her lips and breathed out in a way that it whistled a little. She was still red and seemingly contemplating something. “Well…”she said, every word out of her mouth was very slow and deliberate, “... I guess you are right, I can't argue that you are bad at it.”
“I- It does not matter, really…” he waved the answer away with his hand and tried to take another step away from her, but she was now the one who caught his hand before he could. She got up and stepped forward to him, so that she was standing right in front of him. For a moment he thought she was going to tease him, poke him, pull his cheek or ruffle his hair, any of that old friend stuff she normally did, but she just stood there looking up to him. 
“Ruki”, she whispered and he hummed in reply, “Do you think I can do it again?” 
“Eh, do what again?” Of course he had a certain idea what she meant but she couldn’t possibly mean what he thought she meant because that would mean….
Her hand found its way to his cheek and maybe she was after all thinking what he was thinking she was thinking, Iruka thought and felt like he was about to black out. “Sure,” he pressed out and still half believed that she was talking about something entirely different.
But then they kissed again, right there, standing flushed against each other. She kept the hand there on his cheek and he put his on her back. As if they had never done anything else they could follow each other through it, feel and taste the other with ease. Aori was sweet, half from the soda she must have had and half from her own scent and before his brain decided to completely give up control of his senses, Iruka at least could ask himself what this meant for either of them. Then his body switched to automatic.
Dinner slipped their minds completely as they spent the evening over and over kissing each other like they were some teenagers in love. Aori pulled the band in his hair out and stpped back to take in the way he looked with it down. He couldn’t take the stare, couldn’t take the admiration, so he pulled her back into him. Once they found the bedroom they stayed there just getting to know each other deeper than they even had before. They effectively buried their innocent childhood friendship and neither of them objected, even though they maybe should have.
The awkwardness came back in the morning when they both awoke next to each other. Iruka didn’t know what to say to Aori, who seemed thoroughly embarrassed and red faced. So they lay next to each other, one arm of his lazily placed under her head, and stared at the ceiling without talking. At least at first - then the stomach started grumbling.
“Do you want- “ he started, because what else could he do but invite her to stay for breakfast, but she cut him off with an embarrassed laugh: “Oh, funny, huh, that’s the second childhood best friend you’ve slept with… haha… soon you’ll have a bingo… haha.” Iruka furrowed a brow. She was back to teasing him apparently.
“Well,” she said, throwing her legs over the sides of the bed, “I have to go. I have- uh- training to do! So..! I guess I see you around, Ruki.” Aori put on her clothes quickly and he knew immediately she was lying about where she had to go. Not only because she didn’t have either of her weapons, but also because she put on her top the wrong way around and didn’t notice. She was just fleeing from the awkward situation and Iruka couldn't blame her.
Still, it hurt. It felt terrible actually. He’d had no luck dating at all in the past few years when one considered that Sora hadn’t loved him, all the dates after had ended in nothing but disappointment and now this! Maybe if his brain had functioned like a normal brain he could have stopped himself from ruining the strong bond they had still had yesterday, but as soon as he had carried Aori into this room from the kitchen, as soon as he had stepped over that threshold, he had effectively ruined that. Forever.
But Iruka had liked it all. By all accounts it should have been weird between them, it should have felt like kissing a sister or a close relative. That was not how it had been, however, at least not to him, which made the situation complicated. He wondered how she felt about it all and for a bit considered searching for her to talk it all out, but then he shied away and decided that he would just wait for her to come to him. If she didn’t ever come to him at all, well, that would just mean their friendship was over and they could never speak to each other again. Easy as that.
He spent the day in his apartment waiting for the door to ring, which was childish of course, but he couldn’t help it at all. In Iruka’s mind, it was easier for Aori to find him here if she wanted to come talk and he really hoped that she would. Saying that their friendship was effectively over was one thing, but actually realising what that meant was another. He didn't want to lose all of that. There was also this part of him that barely dared to believe that maybe something new had begun, even if something old had ended, but that was such a long shot, that he pushed it away as soon as it crossed his mind.
It was dark out already again when the door actually did ring. Iruka stood back at his kitchen counter and cut his fingers with his sharpest kitchen knife trying to cook dinner. No matter how many times he had done it, he seemed to still be clumsy when it came to cutting vegetables. His whole body tensed when he could hear the sound of the bell and like a machine he turned around and walked to the door, forgetting completely to put the knife down. He held it so hard that his knuckles turned white when he opened the door. He breathed in and out.
“Aori!” The sound escaped him more elated than he wanted to. Aori was in front of his door, now wearing her shirt the right way around. She was red in the face. “Ruki”, she replied and held her gaze somewhere at a point across his shoulder instead of his face.
Iruka stepped to the side to let her walk in and she did, getting rid of her shoes in one swift motion. For a moment he was reminded how she had walked in the day before and decided to cook for him and how much more fun and easy going both of them had been. This now was hard work, the air heavy with anticipation. 
“That’s a really cool knife you have there”, she laughed weakly, “Haha- you are so good with those vegetables, I think, haha.” He blinked in confusion. What the hell was she saying? Sure, it had been pretty awkward between them when she had left, but now she was being completely nonsensical. Was she that embarrassed to have slept with him? He sat next to her on the kitchen table just like they had sat on the night before.
“Th-hanks”, he said and realised he was still holding the knife. He put it down between them as if it was a weapon either of them could grab to end the misery of their existence. He was thinking of what to say, but Aori was once again faster than him. She cleared her throat and said: “Iruka, I - I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
It took him out more than he would have suspected that she used his full name out of a sudden. There was a heat on his cheeks that he couldn’t quite explain. He stammered a “Okey” as a reply and felt a little like he was the biggest idiot in the entire village. What was even happening to both of them?
“Yesterday…” she started and he interrupted immediately: “Oh, we don’t- we don’t have to - to talk about that, we can just, you know, not- not talk about it.” Idiot, idiot, Iruka thought to himself. Of course they needed to talk about it. Aori furrowed her brow and shook her head: “No, no I want to say something, Iruka, ok?” His full name again. He bit his lip.
Aori let out a deep breath: “So… I’ve thought about yesterday and tonight - a lot, actually, like all day really- and uh - “  She stopped for a moment to apparently compose herself. “If-if you wanted, I mean if - if you were up to-to that I mean, if you have nothing else to do….” 
“Spit it,“ Iruka could feel his stomach turn on him with each new word coming out of her mouth. He didn’t dare speculate what her point was, too strong was his fear of being disappointed.
“Right, uh- All I’m saying is if you would- would be up to do it again- , eh, if you wanted to do it again… I wouldn’t mind.”
He blinked in disbelief: “Joke? Are you.. Joking?” He felt like he needed her to confirm it again. All of this seemed so very unbelievable. 
“No! No. I- I mean that, Ruki, I … truth to be told, liked it a lot.. W-with you, you know?” she mumbled and looked like she almost bit her tongue. Suddenly he understood her comment about the knife earlier. In all his confusion Iruka had totally forgotten that Aori stopped acting like a normal human being when she had a crush on someone. When.. she had a crush… on someone…. His brain felt like it was frying itself at the revelation.
“Right, ok, right, yeah, ok..” Iruka tried to piece it all together. Before he knew what he was doing he grabbed the knife on the table and cut the hairband in his hair off to let the hair fall down over his shoulders.
Aori let out a baffled: “What was that for?”
“I don’t know, I’m fired up, I can’t tell you what’s going on. I’m so-”
She once again cut him off by pulling him by his shirt to her and when they kissed he suddenly felt like a weight that he had carried all his life had been lifted from off his shoulders.
Something was ending, but something was also beginning.  Eventually Aori drew back and pulled a little on his loose hair: “Seriously though, Ruki, how tacky was cutting your hair loose. Is that how you think you can get a girl?” He grinned. Maybe not all things were ending.
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smokingbomber · 2 years
oh no, star trek: the crystal generation and its not the same one the other minibangers were thinking of
moon kingdom never fell
somehow history manages to produce the 21st century of star trek anyway
there is time travel bc both have time travel
inners and outers and earth friends (naru, asanuma, umino, the x-files club friends, former villains, family members) start out the crew with usagi as the captain like in martian successor nadesico
they pick up chibiusa/ruri/wesley crusher in the future with the asteroid senshi and helios and the meanads/maenads and the amazon trio
they pick up the SMC shitennou via transporter beam and alternate history once they have chibiusa and setsuna and helios and saturn figuring out where to look, bc their ship's doctor (or science officer, mamoru and ami are hard to sort that way) is sad and misses his rock boys
turns out theres a fuckton of named crew on that little ship
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Ten Years - Naru x Nephrite - Sailor Moon
Summary: It had been ten years since his death, a lot had changed but she still visited him
Pairing: Naru x Nephrite
Chapter One
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Naru stood in the graveyard, flowers in hand besides a small stone, balanced against the outer wall. The wind blowing through her now hip length red hair.
It had been ten years. Ten years since she had lost him since he had tragically died.
She was happy, she was in love again, spending the last nine years with her now husband, Umino. She still met with her best friend, Usagi, often, meeting with her and Mamoru regularly for double dates, looking forward to her future child being friends with their Usagi’s own child, Chibiusa.
She smiled, absently brushing her hand over her now swollen belly. She had spent many years coming to this graveyard. Many of them with regrets that there wasn’t anything for her to visit. She had bought him a headstone five years ago, and made sure to bring him flowers as often as she could.
‘Nephrite.’ She placed the flowers by his stone, lingering a hand to the carved name upon it. She often wondered if things would have been different if he had lived. If they had gone for that chocolate parfait. Would she have married him, perhaps it would have been his child she carried now.
She often felt guilty for these thoughts, she loved Umino but he wasn’t her first love. No, there would always be a place in her heart for Nephrite, her love for him had never wavered. She liked to think he would be happy for her, often thinking about him from afar.
Umino could never understand if he knew. But it didn’t stop her, she felt close to him this way, smiling again at the headstone. ‘Goodbye Nephrite, I’ll see you soon.’
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serenitypixxie · 5 years
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Have I mentioned how much I love their relationship?
Because I love these guys’ relationship. Umino camps out for the night to get everybody the best picnic spot and Naru packs him a bento, more than likely full of all his favourite foods. And look at the way it’s lit up under his face! None of the food is actually glowing (I hope. That would be bad.) but just knowing that Naru made this for him means that it’s like he’s just been handed a treasure chest full of gold.
It’s just a really sweet relationship, and I really love these guys.
My very vague knowledge of future seasons tells me that these guys play less and less of a role in the show, and that makes me kind of sad too.
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sailormoonrewrite · 3 years
Episode 2: Punishment Awaits: The House of Fortune is the Monster House!
"Explain something to me Jadeite," a woman in a long purple dress with a silt up to her thigh sitting cross-legged on a throne of ice and stone, holding a an ebony black staff that held in its claw-like hinges a glowing ruby orb that illuminated her beautiful but cold features as her orange eyes bore into the golden-haired man that kneeled before her. "How does one of your youma Morga not only fail to collect energy for our Great Queen's resurrection, but allowed herself to be destroyed by a mere child with a tiara," the woman said, never raising her voice but making her anger quite clear. "And then tell me how does one of the Four Generals of the Dark Kingdom allow one of his underlings to be so incompetent?"
"My queen if I-" the one she addressed, Jadeite, who raised his head fear prevalent in his eyes as he tried to explain himself.
"Silence," the woman said without raising her voice but the man stared fearfully before lowering his back to the stone floor. "Since I know you're just going to make up excuses, I'll tell you how. You have become over-confident and sloppy that you let your subordinates arouse suspicion that allowed that girl to find her and therefore us," the woman continued as she watched with glee as Jadeite shook in fear at what will happen next. The woman raised herself from her throne and with each step narrowed in on him like a predator would their prey. "Now usually, I wouldn't trouble myself with such a useless waste but you should thank your lucky stars I still have some use of you despite your former incompetence," the woman said as she stood only centimeters which did little to ease his fear. The woman with a sickening grin grabbed Jadeite's chin with her long, sharp fingernails she said, "And your former failure will not have a repeat," as she dug her nails into his cheeks breaking his skin.
"Y-yes my queen," Jadeite said, which finally made the woman let go of his chin allowing it to fall to stare back at the ground.
"Good, be gone," the woman said before tapping the pointed end of her staff on the ground and a void of black and purple energy swallowed up Jadeite and teleported him to the city the humans of this era called Tokyo inside an alley way from their eyes.
Jadeite held back a growl as he stood up from his kneeling position before dusting himself off. "Useless, she calls me," he said under his breath. "I'll show her who's useless," he continued as he snapped his fingers transforming his gray uniform with the red lining to a pair of gray slacks and a red button-up with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses. Now disguised as one of them, Jadeite slipped out into the busy streets with his eyes scanning the area for potential energy-creating machines. The bakery? Maybe. He did have a youma who could steal the appearance of the owner and use the sweet treats as life energy absorbents. Or perhaps an arcade. He could use those video game screens to suck the energy out of the customers and make a pretty penny on the side. So much to choose from in so little time, he thought with a smile, a wicked cruel smile as he watched the humans with disgust, imagining the bright future that lay before them once the Dark Kingdom conquers them and it shouldn't be very long now. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize until too late that he had been knocked to the concrete. At first he was shocked, his eyes wide and confused looking around before his eyes landed on a girl with short red hair and a green bow, staring at him and his confusion turned to anger. How dare this brat!? He was Jadeite! The most powerful of the Four Generals of the Dark Kingdom! How dare some human brat think she was good enough to be in his presence much less have the gall to not step up aside when he was walking!? He should turn her into an icicle for this indiscretion! Or better yet carve a youma and sneak them on her.
"Are you okay?" the girl asked.
Jadeite growled as he stood up with the thought to unleash a blizzard on her when he noticed many other humans ahead of her standing in a straight line that entered a building with a wooden sign decorated with stars and a moon and this distracted him for a moment to forget the girl ahead of him and focused on the people before her. "What's happening?" Jadeite asked out loud which caught the girl's attention.
"You aren't here to see the Madame?" she asked which made Jadeite narrow his eyes at the girl before shaking his head. The insolence of this girl! How dare she presume that he would partake in something as silly socializing with humans, especially this so-called Madame. Jadeite took a deep breath, reminding himself that he would be able to get more human energy if he didn't allow them to know he wasn't one of them. "You should. She's incredible! She's able to predict your love life and future using tarot cards."
Jadeite raised an eyebrow at the girl. Humans actually believed that. Seers may exist, but why would a pathetic human be granted such a gift? The idea almost made Jadeite burst out into laughter. And love? Ha! He didn't need love. But seeing the future, huh? Humans did like to know what will become of them, didn't they? A weakness, but weakness he could use.
"Wow, Usagi-chan, you're really talented at that game," Usagi heard the male voice behind her which caused her to smile.
"Thanks, Motoki onii-san!" she replied to said man as she continued to push the buttons on the arcade game staring at the screen where Sailor V was running, jumping, and firing her moon wand at the yakuza enemies in the game. After she got separated from Naru who wanted to go to the fortune teller across the street, she decided to head to the Game Center Crown that was owned by her super cool friend Motoki's family, and it was her favorite place on the planet besides her own bed and that's saying something.
Continuing to mash at the buttons on the control panel, Usagi was faced with the boss of the level who seemed to be some high rank Yakuza boss who transformed into some kind of green-skinned monster who shot energy rays at Sailor V. Usagi's fingers were firmly to the buttons by that point, a huge smile spread across her face, as she pressed them in order of up, up, duck, shoot, up, shoot in order to avoid the rays. Duck, up, shoot she continued as she watched with giddy eyes as the boss's health continued to deplete until the red overpowered the green. She just needed to shoot one more time and she gets to go to next level!
"AH!" she heard a familiar voice scream, throwing her off her game and causing the monster to get a significant hit to Sailor V ending with her losing half of her health!
"NO!" Usagi cried loudly before sheepishly smiling noticing the eyes of the patrons and Motoki on her. "Sorry," she said to them before they turned back to what they were doing before turning to the jerk who caused her to lose health to see it was Umino with a giant chocolate milkshake stained down his black uniform jacket and big tears crawling down beneath his glasses.
Now she could leave him to wallow his chocolatey misery and get back to finishing her game since it was his fault that she might lose with his scream. No one would blame her. Umino was the one who spilled a chocolate milkshake on himself. Why should she deal with losing her yen over him?...Then again, as much as she hated to admit it, Umino was her friend and it wouldn't be right.
Taking a deep breath, Usagi gout out of the game chair as the tell tale Game Over screen came up as video game Sailor V was hit with another energy bolt. "Motoki onii-san, would you mind bringing out a wet towel for me," Usagi said turning with a big smile before with big eyes saying, "Please." Motoki nodded and seconds later brought out a wet cloth and Usagi continue over to Umino who was still loudly crying over his ruined jacket. "Umino," Usagi said in exasperation as she began to try and rub off the chocolate stain off his jacket but to no avail as it was already seeping into the fabric. "Could I see your jacket?" she asked and Umino didn't reply, just stared at her with a big goofy smile. Then again a lot of interactions with Umino were usually goofy. Still no reply. "Umino? Your jacket?" Usagi tried again which seemed to catch his attention.
"Hehehe! Sorry, Usagi," Umino said before taking off his jacket and shoving it into her face which she grabbed, placing it on the table they including Umino had shared before she ran off. Usagi continued to scrub harder and harder trying to remove the giant stain, but it just wasn't working. Sighing, she grabbed it up and pick it up to give it back to Umino who had been staring at her this entire time which okay she had his jacket, but this stare felt different somehow.
"Uh, everything okay Umino?" Usagi asked as she handed the jacket back to him.
"Huh," he said, dazed before shaking his head. "Oh no. I'm great. I'm fine!" he cried.
"A-alright then. Here's your jacket back," she said as she handed him the still stained but not as badly jacket which caused him to stare at her again with that same smile.
When she was about to comment on, she heard the bell to the arcade open followed by a loud, "Usagi-chan!" Said girl turned to see Naru with a huge smile stretched across her face which caused Usagi to run over to give her a big hug.
"So did they tell you who's your true love?" Usagi asked as they walked back to their table that Umino was still standing next to.
Naru nodded. "She told me that we will see each other soon enough," she then got a big smile with smiling eyes. "I hope he's handsome and super cool!"
"I bet he will, Naru-chan," Usagi replied before resting her head on her hands with a big smile stretched across her face. "I hope I'll find someone like that too."
"Then you should go see the Madame too," Naru replied which made Usagi blink before smiling. "She's the best of the best! I read that she once found a child using only her psychic powers
"You're right! She probably already knows who he is!" Usagi said jumping out of her seat, with her hands clasped, and the smile growing bigger by the moment. "Thanks, Naru-chan!" she cried as she ran around and hugged her best friend before gathering her things, and running out of the arcade.
Usagi stared at the line. Usagi felt like crying. She guessed she wouldn't be finding out her true love today. How was something like that even possible? Where were all these people coming from? Why today? How could Naru-chan stand waiting in that line? It was practically to the third store! Usagi slumped forward, somewhat bitterly reminding herself that must at least mean she's good at her job. Maybe she should just come back tomorrow, but then again whose to say that the line won't be as long, if not longer tomorrow. Usagi groaned at the choice before her, starting to walk away from when she heard a familiar male voice call out to her. This made her whip around and with a big grin on her face before rushing to hug the dark-haired man.
"DADDY!" she cried. Yes, this man was her father, Tsukino Kenji, who hugged his daughter back. "Why are you going home now?" Usagi asked since usually her father came home late due to his job as a magazine editor.
"Yeah. There was a gas leak at the building so everyone has to finish their assignments at home," Kenji said as they started walking away from the stores. "So what have you been up to?"
"Oh, um...Well, I went to the Crown first then I tried to head to that fortune teller's shop, but..." Usagi trailed off as her eyes turned towards the long line which her father saw as well.
"That's a shame but don't feel too bad. Most, if not all, of those psychics are fake anyway. Believe me," Kenji said before seeing the confused look on his daughter. "When I was still a reporter, I did a story on a street psychic who was secretly stealing money from her customers when she gave them their 'fortunes'. So don't feel too bad sweetie."
Usagi looked down for a moment, pondering her father's words. Sure, they made sense but Naru's words came back to her about how Madame managed to save people using her abilities so that can't mean they're all fake, right?
"Anyway, we should head home since I'm guessing you still have homework to do," Kenji teased which broke Usagi out of her trance.
"Um..." Usagi began, scratching the back of her head nervousness prevalent in her voice.
"I take that it's a yes then?" Kenji continued, looking over at his daughter.
"Um..." Usagi said with an awkward smile that was clearly not working on Kenji. "Daddy I hate studying! And Mama always gets so mad at me when I don't and I don't like it," Usagi said with her puppy dog eyes that had always worked on him in the past but this time it seems not.
"Your mother just wants you to succeed, sweetie," Kenji said. "And after yesterday's test, you're lucky she didn't ground you."
Usagi groaned before looking back at her father and nodded. "I know, Papa. But it's still hard and stupid," Usagi whined.
"Fair enough," Kenji replied before with a sigh and clapping his hands. "What do you say, since we're here anyway, why don't you and I head to the market to grab something for Ikuko?"
Usagi sighed in relief and nodded with a smile as that father and daughter headed off to the supermarket.
Umino had just exited the Crown Parlor carrying his stained jacket, he glanced down at the stain, and his face flushed red as he remembered how kind Usagi was when she was trying to help him get the stain out and it made his heart race and a warm feeling rise inside of him. This strange emotion was very new to him and yet not unwelcome but why was he feeling it towards Usagi of all people? They had known each other since they were quite young so why only now was body reacting like this? For once, Umino was unable to understand something, which was rather odd given his intellect, and yet he couldn't. Oh, how he wished there was a book or a teacher who could help him through these strange thoughts.
Almost if by an act of fate, a flier blew straight into his face that he peeled off to get a better look at. It was a purple and gold flyer with the words reading 'Lady Balm Sees All' over pictured tarot cards. Lady Balm, huh? Well, he knew about Madame but not Lady Balm. Maybe she's a traveling fortune teller? Sure, he as a man of science didn't believe in such nonsense but, Usagi and Naru seemed sure that fortune tellers would help them. Maybe she could help him? Pondering over this new development, he saw another young man with blonde hair and blue eyes, maybe slightly older holding a similar flier. "Excuse me!" Umino called out to the young man who looked over at him as he came running up, flier still in hand. "What do you know about Lady Balm?!" Umino said sticking his flier in the man's face.
The man stared at him for a moment before smiling and asking, "Why do you want to know?"
Umino looked down before saying, "That is for private and personal matters sir, but if you must know, I have..." how should he put this? "Affection for a friend of mine."
"Ah, I see. Well, I actually just came from there, and believe me, if you want to see if you and your friend will ever be together, go see her," the man answered.
Well, that seemed logical and confirms Umino's theory on why he had not heard of her before but they already had a local psychic but Umino peeked over and saw that the line was still rather long. Umino let out a sigh but if he held the flier, then perhaps he should at least see if it was a legitimate business. "Where can I find this Lady Balm?" Umino asked, looking up at the man, handing him the flier.
The man continued smiling at him before directed, "Just head up the street until you find her tent."
"Th-thank you," Umino said and he started running up the street. As he did however the man's kind smile slowly transitioned into a sinister one as he watched his retreating form, the flier being tossed away from his grasp.
Unbeknownst to both of them though, someone else was watching them from behind his book who caught the fly away flier. Someone with blue eyes and short, ebony-black hair.
Umino had arrived to the large bright purple, star-studded tent with a sign that said 'House of Fortune' on the end of the street near the beginning of the residential area. The 14-year-old took a minute to examine the temporary structure before taking a deep breath and stepping in where he found an elegant set up with curtains above a table decorated by a purple tablecloth and a red cushioned seat where a beautiful young woman with long, ebony-black hair and blue eyes fashioned with red eyeliner and wore a simple violet robe.
"Welcome," the woman said, gesturing towards the seat before her. "I am Lady Balm."
"Oh, um...Hello," Umino said stumbling into the smaller seat before sitting before her. "My name is Gurio Umino."
"I know, my dear. I also know what you want," Lady Balm said as she presented her tarot cards.
"Oh you know about Usagi?" Umino replied with his cheeks no doubt turning red.
"I do," Lady Balm said taking out her tarot cards and shuffling them as Umino watched before staring. He could've sworn they were starting to glow. "Now, tell me, dear. You want this Usagi, do you not?"
"Yes. She's so beautiful and kind," Umino said, his eyes still staring at the deck of tarot cards that were beginning to glow brighter the faster she shuffled them.
His eyes started to grow heavy as the woman continued to speak, "I see. Have you ever thought she wanted a more...authoritative man?"
"Authoritative?" Umino repeated in a slow, sleepy tone. Why was he so tired? When did his vision become so blurry? She shuffled them faster and yet, he still couldn't look away. What was going on?
"Yes. And don't worry, I will help you with this," Balm said, setting down her tarot car before looking up at Umino with a smirk. "But first, sleep." At this, Umino fell off his chair as one of the glowing tarot cards rose from the shuffled deck and floated towards Balm's hands who stood up and walked over to the passed-out teenager. Balm bent down as the floating tarot card revealed itself to be The Devil as it drifted into Umino's back before disappearing.
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" Usagi cried as she ran down the cement of the sidewalk to her school as the recently found talking cat, Luna, followed behind.
"You know Usagi this wouldn't happen if you would just wake up earlier," Luna replied who for the past two days had been living with Usagi in order to train her to be a proper Sailor Senshi, however, a part of her thinks this might be an impossible task.
"But I love sleeping," Usagi whined as they came upon the school. "Well, I guess I'll see you after school then Luna!" she cried as she waved at the cat standing behind her.
"Just remember that after school we still have to find...," Luna told the teenager who simply rolled her eyes.
"The other senshi and the princess, I know, I know," Usagi said, waving Luna off. "And we will but, I have get to class first!" With that, the blonde senshi turned on her heel, leaving Luna alone on the sidewalk who just shook her head. Why wasn't Usagi taking this seriously? You would think after what she saw with that creature at the jewelry store that she would realize the Dark Kingdom are a legitimate threat that won't just go away because you don't think about it. The cat sighed at this, before turning away from the school and running from the building because even if Usagi didn't want to find the princess and senshi, doesn't mean she can't.
As Usagi ran inside, praying that the clock will turn back so she won't be standing in the hallway again, she felt someone roughly grab her upper arm. She was shocked and snapped her out of her prayers, her eyes widening in fright before looking over. Who would- "Umino?!" she cried out, questioning. At least she thought it was Umino. His hair was still in his usual messy hairstyle and wore his thick white glasses, but what made her eyes widen was the fact that he wasn't wearing their school's black uniform but instead a light blue suit. It wasn't even that great of a suit "What are you wearing, Umino?"
Umino smirked at her, "Like it?" he asked, trying to be smooth but he came off as creepy which even Usagi noticed.
"You know you're going to get in trouble if you wear that to school right?" Usagi said as she pulled her arm away.
"So what?" Umino replied with a shrug. Usagi blinked in frightened surprise. What did he mean 'so what'? This was Umino. Smartest in the class, follow the rules to the point of obsession, was rarely seen without his uniform Umino. What happened to him?
"There's something I've been meaning to say to you, Usagi-chan," Umino said walking towards and her stepping back towards. What was going on!?
"Are you feeling okay?" Usagi asked with an awkward smile as she tried to sneak into the school grounds because this was just strange but her hand was caught and she felt herself being tugged backwards, right into the arms of the weirdo Umino who was now staring at her with a smirk that made her cringe.
"I want to tell you something, Usagi," Umino said, coming closer to her until their noses were practically touching but he continued to grip her arms, holding her in place causing tears to build up in her eyes. "Ever since yesterday, when you helped me with my jacket, I wanted you," he says, his breath in her face.
"Wanted me?" Usagi practically squeaked out as she tried to pull herself away from him. This wasn't the Umino she knew. The Umino she knew was a dork who wanted her and Naru to study all the time, he would never act like well...whatever this was!
"Yes," Umino said as he leaned in close, his mouth inches from her quivering one. What was happening right now!? She didn't like this! She felt tears began to leak before the dam in her eyes finally broke and she began to bawl out of fright.
"UMINO-SAN!" came another familiar voice and they both turned to see Naru with her hands on her hips and her eyes blazing with fury at the strange acting schoolboy. "What do you think you're doing with Usagi?" she demanded as she marched over.
"Jealous?" Umino said with a smug smirk which just made Naru roll her eyes.
"For you? Of course not. I came because I heard Usagi crying," Naru said as she grabbed Usagi away from Umino who proceeded to hide behind her.
"I was just trying to confess my feelings for her," Umino shrugged before smirking before turning his gaze to Usagi. "So what do you say, Usagi-chan?"
What does she say? WHAT DOES SHE SAY!? First, he grabs her and then tries to kiss her without her consent causing her to break down crying, and thinks that she'll say yes after all that?! Usagi was about to shout this at the Umino who she could only assume must be a fake when another voice came out.
"What are you three doing out here?" the voice ordered and Usagi turned her gaze over to see it was Sakurada-sensei who for once she was glad to see. Maybe upon seeing the teacher, the fake-Umino would drop his persona and the real Umino would be here to stay.
"Don't you have a class to be teaching?" Umino said with disrespect dripping off his tongue, quickly dashing Usagi's hopes that Umino would be Umino again.
"I don't like that tone, young man," Sakurada-sensei said walking over to the group.
"And I don't care," Umino said, crossing his arms over his chest staring down the teacher.
Sakurada-sensei then wore the same stare of shock on her face as Usagi and Naru at seeing this blatant display of rudeness and disobedience from one of the school's top students.
Sakurada-sensei snapped our of her daze before yelling at the student, "Do you want to be sent to the Headmaster's office!?"
"Sure, especially if it means I'll go home early," Umino shrugged, uncaring at the threat.
Usagi looked over at Sakurada-sensei who now had a vein starting to pop out as she stared at Umino, disbelief and rage in her eyes too stunned by anything . She then turned her gaze back to Umino who was now walking behind the teacher before his devious smile growing bigger as he did something no one, not even Madame herself could have predicted, he flipped up their teacher's skirt! It caused Sakurada-sensei to grasps the edge of her skirt, her cheeks bright red, her mouth open in surprise and a bit of horror, a face similar to Naru and Usagi who could barely comprehend what they just saw. Umino meanwhile just continued to laugh before walking into the school without a care as if the last eight minutes didn't just happened.
Usagi and Naru looked between each other and then back at their teacher, who still in a state of disbelief before that changed to pure unbridled rage that for once was not directed at Usagi but the schoolboy who entered the building. "HOW DARE HE!?" Sakurada-sensei cried out in anger before marching inside after him, with the two girls following behind since they didn't want to turn their teacher's ire on them, only to arrive to see an egg flung their seething teacher's face with the egg white dripping off her face, as the students who did that roared with laughter before running off, their jeers following them
Usagi and Naru looked between each other then back at their teacher who was practically by this point. What was happening today?
The rest of the day provided no answers and Usagi wasn't sure if she would ever get any since, throughout the day, students who were usually decent and respectful people were mocking and belittling the teachers, ignoring all instructions, and many of them had actually walked off the school grounds causing more than a few teachers to demand their expulsion or even leave themselves out of anger. Usagi herself had been trying to avoid the chaos since sure she was terrible at school but that didn't mean she wanted to be expelled since her parents would most definitely take away her Crown privileges if she did. Why did this all start happening? Who could've done this? How does nearly the entire school just randomly turn bad? And what the heck was wrong with Umino?
Usagi was snapped out of her thoughts as she nearly got hit in the face with a rice cake that landed on the door. "Hey!" Usagi cried out before turning to see her would-be assailant and saw that it was the very person she had been thinking about surrounded by a group of students who held different food items directly at her. Usagi turned pale as she clung to the door, fear written on her face. What the-?! Why are they-? What!? Food began to fly as Usagi shut her eyes bracing for impact. An impact that never came. Usagi blinked her eyes opened still unsure if she hadn't been hit before cautiously looking over to see food plastering the door beside her which she knew led to the faculty room, while the students happily laughing and jeering. Why were they-? What the-? Before Usagi could finish her sentence, she was ripped away from the scene before the other students could notice her which was probably for the best especially when she saw it was Naru who saved her.
"Are you alright, Usagi-chan?" Naru asked once they ducked behind a corner that hid them from the strangely-acting students.
"Y-yeah, I think so," Usagi said as she remembered her classmates' mocking faces including Umino's, someone she's known since diapers who all of sudden just became a different person. "Why are they acting like this?" Usagi asked with her head hanging down, tears about to fall down her cheeks. Sure, Umino was a weird nerd but she'd much rather have that than the rude creep he's become.
"I don't know about everyone else but Umino was fine when he left the Crown yesterday," Naru said, her eyes drifting off.
Usagi looked up at Naru and asked, "Do you think something might've happened to him after he left the arcade?"
Naru stopped and looked at Usagi before shrugging, "Who knows? Maybe some evil monster is inhabiting Umino's body or something."
Usagi nodded as she wiped off her tears with the sleeve of her uniform. "Evil monster, huh?" Usagi repeated. Could it be?...No. It has to be something else. It had to be! Or that would mean she would have to be in danger by those things again! Still, if he started acting strange after he left the Crown, what could've happened to make his personality do a 180 like this? Should she look into it?
"Usagi-chan?" Naru asked worry in her voice and Usagi looked back over to her.
She gave out a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of her head before looking back at her friend with a smile on her face, "Nothing. Just...I'm thinking about heading to the Crown now." Usagi asked.
Naru looked at questioning. "Don't you have homework to do?"
Usagi started to walk off the wall to the door with her hand behind her head, "Oh yeah, you're right. I'm gonna go to do that. See you tomorrow," she finished waving before rushing out the double doors and then out of the school.
The white brick wall was where Usagi finally came to halt when she heard someone call for her, "Usagi?"
The blonde had made her way to the Azabu-Juban Shopping District where her first lead from Naru came from. "So Umino, stopped being normal after he left the Crown," Usagi said out loud as she observed the distance between the Crown and the other shops and stalls. However...she got nothing. Everything here was just like it had been yesterday with people going in and out doing errands, buying clothes, or just having fun. There was absolutely nothing different about anything here and thus no clues to the strange occurrences that were happening to her classmates except for the fact that there weren't any customers to Madame's Fortune Teller Shop. But that didn't help! This was hopeless!
"Mm..." Usagi began to whine. "WHY IS INVESTIGATING SO HARD!?" Usagi cried out, kicking the concrete sending one of her shoes flying.
"OW!" then it hit someone. She looked up to see it was sitting next to a dark-haired man who now had a prominent red mark on his cheek which he was rubbing. He looked somehow familiar though but where. He turned and looked over at her, his eyes covered by sunglasses with a book in his left hand while his right grabbed the shoe sitting next to him. "I'll got on a lamb here and assume this is yours," he asked, holding the black shoe out to her.
"W-well, y-yes," Usagi said, blushing from embarrassment but desperate not to show it to him as she snatched the shoe from his grip before staring at the man.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" he asked analyzing her before his eyes drifted to the odango hairstyle she always wore. "Oh. You're that bunhead girl from the jewelry, aren't you?" he said before his gaze going back to his book. "So tell me, bunhead. Do you always introduce yourself to people by throwing objects in their faces or am I just special?" he asked in a monotone voice.
Usagi's face continued to turn red as she hopped on one foot trying to get shoe back on. "I...You...," Usagi said as she stomped the ground to finish putting her shoe back on. "What is wrong with people today? Especially men! First, my friend acts like a jerk, then my classmates all turn into jerks, then I bumped into you who is a jerk!"
She saw him turn his head to stare at her with his creepy blank stare and she glared right back daring him to say anything which came in the form of the least expected thing she would've thought he would say, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Usagi paused at this staring at his lack of expression only fueled by his sunglasses that hid his eyes so even that she couldn't tell. "Oh like you really care," Usagi said, crossing her arms and looking away from the male. "I bet you just want to make fun of me for it like you did with my test, so no I don't want talk about it so there!"
"Alright, then," he said, turning back to his book.
Usagi paused again. Alright, then? ALRIGHT THEN! "What do you mean alright then!?" she cried out, attracting his attention once again.
"You said you didn't want to talk about it and if you don't want to talk about you don't, and I won't force you if you don't," he said as he turned to his book.
Usagi stared at him for a moment for what reason she didn't know but she felt a blush coming to her cheeks. She also didn't know why she did what she did next. "Move over!" she found herself crying out as she fell onto the bench next to him before gathering herself, sitting.
He didn't seem to have much of a concrete reaction to this, or not one that Usagi can tell with the naked eye, however, he did set the book down and stared at her.
"So, I go to school and my friend Umino, who is nerd by the way, grabs me and tries to kiss me despite me telling him to back off and I mean who does that first of all, and says he wants me," Usagi said to the man sitting next to her. "Then we go into the school and throughout the day people were acting like jerks to everyone even teachers and I don't know why! And I'm trying to find out why but I can't!" Usagi covering face with her hands.
"...I'm sorry you had to go through that," he said as he put his hand down on his knee before looking back over at her. "Does this Umino wear large glasses and have a black uniform?" he asked.
Usagi blinked at him before nodding. "Why were you the one who cast the spell who turned him into the worst person on the planet?" she asked, holding a finger in his face which hardly changed his reaction.
"Yes, I somehow have powers that can change a person's personality and I used that to change a middle schooler so he acts like a jerk to some bunhead girl I barely know," he said going back to his book.
"So you admit it?" Usagi asks.
"That's called sarcasm bunhead," he replied.
"Then how do you know Umino then?" she questions.
"Yesterday, I saw your friend talking to a man about this," he said before pulling out a folded paper out from his book and handing it to Usagi who unfolded it to reveal it was an advertisement for another fortune teller shop called the House of Fortune ran by a woman named Lady Balm which made Usagi remember what her father said about fortune tellers and how they were all scam artists, but was that right to judge them based on their profession? However, how did Umino take a 360 degree personality turn around? Maybe it was worth investigating. "Your friend headed in that direction," he said pointing in the opposite direction, "so maybe that will help you, bunhead."
"My name is not bunhead!" Usagi cried out. "But thanks, though you're still a jerk," she continues.
"Well, you're welcome I think," he replied before going back to his book and Usagi stood up to walk over to the House of Fortune, being watched by the dark-haired male's gaze before it turned to a brown schoolbag sitting beside the bench.
As the day turned to night, Usagi arrived at the tent that housed well the House of Fortune, ready to discover what happened to everyone or at least get another clue. Pulling back the flaps, she saw a beautiful woman with long ebony black hair wearing a purple robe playing with a set of tarot cards who hummed a little tune to herself. Everything seemed fine to the blonde middle-schooler.
"Um...excuse me," Usagi piped up still standing on the outside of the tent.
The fortune teller stopped for a moment before smiling, gesturing at the girl to enter which Usagi did, though tripped on one of the pillows scattered around the tent. "How may I help you today?" the fortune teller said as Usagi pulled herself up.
Usagi gave a nervous chuckle but said, "Oh, um...I just wanted to ask you if you've seen my friend Umino yesterday?"
The fortune teller, Lady Balm Usagi guessed, raised an eyebrow before nodding, "I did indeed. Why do you want to know?" she asked.
"Oh, um...He started acting strange yesterday and I heard from someone that he came here so I was wondering if he seemed off to you when he came here," Usagi awkwardly asked staring in to Lady Balm's eyes turned cold, peering deep inside her, chilling her to the bone as she stared back. It was hard. It was so...inhuman. She felt sick.
"I did. He came in asking about his love life so I did my job and gave him his fortune," her eyes still bearing into hers as she went back to playing with her tarot cards. "Would you like to take a seat and talk about it? I can see that you're worried child," Lady Balm said through a strained smile that even Usagi could see. The tent began to feel suffocating with every shuffle of the cards and it made Usagi dizzy. She grasped her head, trying to gain her footing. She had to get out of there. She had to leave! "Perhaps even take your fortune if you like."
"No, thank you. I just came to see if you've seen him and since you have, I'm gonna head out, bye," Usagi said as she started to turn around, those cold eyes still on her back when the flaps closed by themselves, tying the ropes together, sealing her in with the fortune teller. Usagi looked behind her to see the fortune teller standing up, her hair hiding her face causing Usagi to freeze from fear.
"You should've just sat down," Lady Balm said in a coarse, witch-like voice her her face turning up to reveal her pale skin turned green, her teeth sharpening as she summoned her tarot cards. "Now your energy will be provide nutrient to Our Great Queen like the rest of your pathetic species!" she cried, throwing the tarot cards to the ground, summoning in dark fog her classmates and other humans including Umino, who had glowing crimson eyes that bore into her, terrifying and breaking her heart.
"Umino," Usagi whispered sadly. Well, at least now her question was answered on what happened to him. Now, how does she undo it?
"Now my puppets, capture that girl and bring her here!" Lady Balm cried out and the possessed humans rushed at Usagi who finally broke out of her trance and took her transformation stance since she had not other choice at this point. She had to transform.
"M-moon Prism Power Make Up!" she cried for a moment and in a flash of pink ribbons and pure blinding light temporarily blinding the evil fortune teller and group Usagi stood Sailor Moon now took her place. Taking a deep breath Sailor Moon took a deep breath before saying, "How dare you take advantage of innocent people trying to know what fate has in store for them!? I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon and in the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"
The monster halted before smirking, holding up her hand stopping the assaulting humans from attacking Sailor Moon. "So you're the girl, who Morga was defeated by? I shall take even greater pleasure in this victory then," Lady Balm said before directing the humans to attack as she brought out more tarot cards made of metal, throwing them at Sailor Moon who managed to just barely dodge the number of obstacles before her. A tarot card actually flew past her ear and caused a tear in the fabric of the tent causing her to actually turn pale and shocked from how close it came to cutting her beautiful face. Okay, she wanted out of here now! Coming here was a mistake a big one.
Sailor Moon then felt the group of teenagers coming towards her, trying to grab her so to avoid them she fell to the ground to crawl away from them which at least seemed to confuse them as they began looking around for her but not enough to look down. However, no time to breathe yet as Balm caught her and was now throwing her tarot cards at her, causing Usagi to have to get off the floor and make a run for it even diving under the desk in order to avoid her attacks.
However, this was all for not as she was grabbed by one of the possessed humans from under the table and when she turned she was horrified to see that it was Umino.
"Umino! UMINO! Please wake up!" Sailor Moon cried to her friend but he didn't even look at her as she was presented to Lady Balm.
"I must commend you I suppose. Not many are able to resist my mind control, however, you won't be able to fight this," Balm said as she grabbed Sailor Moon's face with one hand while the other summoned another tarot card that glowed with dark energy that spun around to reveal it was the Devil car that was coming closer and closer and right when it was inches from Sailor Moon's skin, a rose came flying in, striking Lady Balm's wrist then knocking the tarot card from the monster's hand causing it to melt away before disappearing purplish-black smoke.
Sailor Moon, along with Lady Balm and the other possessed humans, turned to see who managed to make their way into the sealed tent and saw it was, "Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon cried gladder than glad to see him who had managed to enter the tent and was now standing the entrance.
"You use people's wants to learn their destinies as tools of deception to cause malice to grow within them which makes them hurt the innocent and for that I can never forgive," Tuxedo Mask said glaring.
"Where did you come from!?" Lady Balm demanded of the male who gave no response. "Answer me!" she tried again point a tarot card who made no attempt to answer her which infuriated the monster. "Rip him apart!" Lady Balm cried as the masses of classmates let go of Sailor Moon and went after Tuxedo Mask, who pulled out a cane and began to fight back against the possessed students
Sailor Moon for her part managed to stand up and try to sneak around Lady Balm to get a good shot at her but unfortunately for her, Lady Balm wasn't stupid and she looked over at the sailor guardian. "And where do you think you're going?" Lady Balm mockingly asked as she summoned another razor sharp tarot card and aimed it at Sailor Moon.
"EEK!" Sailor Moon cried as she ducked and dodged the incoming onslaught.
"Sailor Moon!" Tuxedo Mask called as he continued to fight off the teenagers but keeping an eye on the . "Watch where they're thrown!"
"Huh?" Sailor Moon questioned. Watch where they're thrown? What did that mean? Sailor Moon didn't have much time to think on this as Balm threw another tarot at her head that she barely managed to dodge by hopping away before looking to see the tarot card coming toward her, trying to dodge the tarot cards Sailor Moon jumped again nearly falling backwards into the pillows that surrounded the rooms when she noticed something familiar about the attack. Up, up, Sailor Moon ducked again by falling to the ground as a tarot card came at her once more. Wait a second. "THIS IS JUST LIKE THE SAILOR V VIDEO GAME!" Sailor Moon cried in joy confusing not only Tuxedo Mask who stared at her as though she grew a second head, but the possessed humans and Lady Balm who briefly stopped stopped her attacks and stared at the fourteen-year-old superheroine before quickly shaking that off and summoned more tarot cards and hurled them at Sailor Moon, who filled with more confidence grabbed a pillow off the floor threw at Lady Balm stunning her for a moment as Sailor Moon jumped out of the way of the tarot card before ducking again as another tarot card came for her once Balm was almost out of her trance. Keyword, almost.
Sailor Moon smiled when she saw Lady Balm left her with an opening. "Moon Tiara Boomerang!" Sailor Moon cried out and as her tiara left her head, it began to twirl until it was a blinding light she threw as Lady Balm's torso, piercing her before reducing the fake fortune teller to moon dust.
Sailor Moon cried out in happiness as the teenagers around the disappearing House of Fortune began to fade away until there was nothing left of its existence with Devil tarot cards raising from their bodies before dissipating into the same smoke as the one intended for her. Filled with jubilation, Sailor Moon turned around to where she last saw Tuxedo Mask with thrill in her voice and joy in her chest cried out, "Did you see that, Tu-? Tuxedo Mask?" she asked again, only to find that besides he unconscious bodies, she was alone.
Where did he go? Why did he just leave? When did he leave? Well, he probably had other things to do but still, who is he? Why did he help her? What did he want?
Sailor Moon began to ponder this when she heard a voice calling out to her from the ledge of one of the buildings. "Sailor Moon!" she called again and said heroine turned around to see Luna who hopped down from the window she had been lying against.
"Luna!? Where have you been?" Sailor Moon asked with her hands on her hips.
"Trying to sense sailor guardians or the princess," Luna replied before she noticed the group of formerly possessed teenagers. "What happened here?"
"Oh just solving a mystery on why my friends were acting so strangely and then defeating an evil monster all myself freeing everybody from her wicked ways!" Sailor Moon said in pride with her hands on her hips.
"Well, congratulations Sailor Moon but right now, you should change back into Usagi before someone sees you," Luna said and led her down an alley where Sailor Moon transformed back into Usagi who gave a large yawn, ready to head home.
"OH, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?" Umino cried out to Naru, tears trickling from behind his glasses as he took sips of his chocolate milkshake. Ever since the incident with the fake fortune teller, a number of students had been banned from returning to school until the next week due to misbehavior with Umino being one of them. Oh he could still remember the look of pure fury and disappointment written on their faces.
"Well, to be fair Umino you did flip up a teacher's skirt and threw food at the teachers," Naru shrugged as she bit into a fry.
"And the worst part is Usagi-chan will never love me now," he said, hitting his head on the wooden table, tears pouring onto the table.
"Come on, Umino. You shouldn't be so sad. Sure, Usagi might not like you that way but at least she's still your friend and after what you did to her at school, I'm surprised she'll even let you be that much," Naru assured him, however, Umino just raised his head slightly to stare at Naru before going back to crying.
"You're not helping!" he cried out in between sobs. As he did this, however, the door to the Crown Parlor opened and in ran an excitable Usagi with the biggest smile on her face and a bounce in her step.
"Naru-chan! Madame just gave me a clue about my future husband," Usagi said as she scooched in next to Naru as Motoki came over with a burger, fries, and chocolate milkshake. "Oh thank you, Motoki onii-san," Usagi thanked him who replies with a small smile before going back to his job. The teenager paused a moment before looking over to Umino who was still bawling his eyes out. "Umino, are you okay?"
However, instead of an answer for her question, Umino raced out of his seat, fell to his knees, grabbed the hem of Usagi's skirt, and crying into it. "I-I'm so, so sorry Usagi-chan!" Umino cried out. "I don't know what came over me!"
Usagi's face of shock turned into one of goofy dismissal. "Don't worry about it Umino! I think you just were...out of it for the day," Usagi shrugged off, trying to find a reasonable explanation to the monster's existence that besides Luna and Tuxedo Mask no one knew of.
Umino sniffled hard before nodded and profusely thanked Usagi who was just trying to calm the excitable nerd down before he went to sit down. "Come on Usagi, don't keep me in suspense!" Naru cried out grabbing Usagi's hands. "What did Madame say!?"
"She said my true love is closer than I think but in the person I least expect," Usagi said in between bites of her burger that was already halfway in her stomach. "I wonder who it is!"
"Me too. Hopefully, it's not going be some creepy old man," Naru said, tapping her chin.
"Yeah hopefully," Usagi said as she took another bite daydreaming about the man she'll marry one day.
Up Next: The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love
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sailor-moon-rei · 5 years
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by  イセケヌ
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Here's a couple of SFW pages from 512TR(ans), to set up the story, establish the passage of time, and sort through some emotional stuff prior to the NSFW parts. I think these moments can still be relevant to my SFW projects here on tumblr.
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I do hope to make a SFW longer-form story about events like these as well! Hopefully in the not too distant future...
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
Sailor Moon Crystal - Episode Three Recap
First things first, Beryl is still horrible. Great villain, but an awful human lol.
And YES! Nephrite and Zoisite are here!
And Rei’s design.... is SM Crystal trying to make me ship everyone with everyone else and find the females’ designs pretty? Because if so, they’re succeeding greatly lmao.
Her interacting with the little girl (Mie, I think) was adorable, even if it was for a second!
Also LMFAOOOOO Umino is the best. ‘And the final destination is hell’ I’M DEAD. Love him lol.
And Luna spilled the tea better than Sophie Turner does. (Don’t worry I still love her lmao) Kids in public schools suck sometimes with gossip and just in general! (Take it from someone who switched to homeschooling because of it)
HAHAHHAHA Usagi going from sleepy and stubborn to perking up is hilarious when she found out they’d be meeting Ami at the arcade! But was it for her girl crush or her favorite place? ;) Okay I’ll shut up about Usami for a minute lol
Ooh, what’s the new trinket she got from the arcade machine? I’m interested lol
‘You might get to catch a glimpse of a really pretty girl’ I WAS FUCKING RIGHT. Ami Mizuno is a bisexual icon. I believe in this. I called it.
HOLY HECKING CRAP. Usagi BLUSHED when she saw Rei for the first time. And she had literal hearts in her eyes. If MamoUsa wasn’t my OTP/endgame, I would die for UsaRei to be canon.
REI KNOWS REI KNOWS REI KNOWS. She knows she’s a Sailor Guardian
Oh shit I was wrong
And Usagi literally got off of the bus to go follow Rei and said after Luna questioned her ‘she’s so beautiful’. Yep, she’s bi.
Seriously, Dark Kingdom? We knew y’all were assholes, but kidnapping a little girl? Come on!
Also the ladies at the shrine were so rude. They’re like Amelie Graham de Vanily multiplied into three separate people, and that’s them; a supreme level of bitchiness lmao.
‘They get spirited away’ and then the crows fly above her. Way to make it seem like the trailer/a sneak peek of a horror film hahah.
Also, CUTE that Mie and Rei are friends! Age-gap friendships rock!
Usagi and Ami’s bracelets are 👌👌👌
LUNA HOW DENSE CAN YOU BE?!?!??!?! Usagi has the same hairdo as the Princess, how have you not figured it out yet? I’m starting to think Ami is the only intelligent source of life on this team
Lmao at Mamoru being next to her on the bus. Was not expecting that lol.
Awww Usagi blushing is adorable. OTP deserves fluff and happiness 💗💗💞💞💞
YASS KWEEN! Usagi sticking up for Rei is everything I never knew I needed 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
And to the three women? I get you’re all concerned about a little girl, as you rightly should be, but accusing someone who she’s friends with and mutually trusts is wrong? Please screw off now, thank you very much :)
And aww poor Rei. Now I’m getting Kagami Tsurugi vibes from her lmao
Also LMAOing at Rei running through the street. Don’t get it by anyone lol
I hope he crashes the bus. But then again the Generals are my sons and I love them so I’m very conflicted kasjksksjsjahaksjakas
‘Do you think that could be the Demon Bus?’ No Luna, it’s a damn Nissan Honda Focus. Lmfao.
Also Tuxedo Mask holding Luna is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Also ‘that girl’ is your future GF and wife
Also off-topic and kinda dumb but Rei’s gorgeous knocked out sksjskssjjsk
Awesome that the bracelets are communicators. Do the glowing dots mean she can detect each one of her Guardians? Blue is Mercury, red is Mars, green’s Jupiter and yellow would be Venus
Also loved Luna and Ami speaking in sync lmao
The transformations still rock! (Although I think I prefer 90′s for transforming lol)
Usagi and Ami: I love you two to bits, but don’t interrupt the JadeRei I just got.
‘You’re only human’ SERIOUSLY JADEITE I DIDN’T NEED THAT SONG TO POP IN MY HEAD LMFAO (love that song, being funny haha)
She owned that transformation
But wtf the pose with her arms behind her neck is so weird lmfao
R.I.P JadeRei, you were a beautiful ship. Well at least we still have UsaRei and Reinako eventually getting some moments
Also that wink Usagi shot Rei was 👌
Does this mean Nephrite’s gonna appear next episode? (To my followers who’ve seen it, do not spoil or else I will rage)
This was an awesome episode! I love Crystal so far, it’s great! Can’t wait for more!
Until my next recap!
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mochibuni · 2 years
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Naru and Umino's Wedding Day
Finished preview for @dropsofmoonlightzine ! Pre-orders start on April 1st!
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mayomoyo · 6 years
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Sailor Moon doodles
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