#OC Kestia Nodala
wild-karrde · 3 months
Guarded - Part 3
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A/N: NEW CHAPTER REWRITE ALERT! This was honestly one of the chapters I was most excited to rewrite, and I hope you all love it as much as I did. As always, thank you to the wonderful @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta-reading this for me!
Chapter Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4.8k words
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It was late, and as usual, Tech wasn’t sleeping. Hunching over several datapads at the table in the main sitting room of the suite they shared, he rubbed his temples as he pored over the information Captain Typho had provided him. He was certain to pass out when exhaustion overcame him, either in the chair he was sitting in, or perhaps he’d be lucky enough to make it back to the bedroom he was sharing with Echo. He was surprised to hear his brother’s snores already from down the hall. 
He rarely sleeps, so at least there’s that.
Sleep was never something that came easily to Tech either, not with the way his mind constantly turned, poking and prodding at information and cataloging it for later use. It was rather fortuitous that he’d proved capable of functioning on less sleep than most, and he often took advantage of the late hours to spend time alone with his thoughts. 
The others had closed their doors, which had done little to muffle Wrecker’s grunts and louder snores as he tossed and turned. He’d wound up in a room by himself with Tech and Echo sharing and Hunter and Crosshair bunking together in the last remaining room. The tension between the sergeant and the sniper was still thick enough to cut with a vibroblade, but Tech was hopeful that perhaps the forced proximity would help lessen the strain between them. 
Perhaps they’ll even have a fruitful conversation at some point. 
He didn’t always necessarily express himself in the same ways as his brothers, but he knew he really had no right to be critical of anyone’s interactions with Crosshair. After everything that had happened, he could barely look his brother in the eye.
I missed it. I just assumed he was correct when he stated his chip was gone. I should have known. I should have noted the differences in his behavior, the headaches. 
I just missed it.
The guilt wracked him nearly every second he was around Crosshair, and it had made his interactions with him difficult, so he’d limited them. He knew if they were to effectively function as a team again, it was something he would have to overcome. That seemed to be the biggest challenge for him at the moment, but one that could not take priority over the mission they’d been tasked with. 
Tech had been going over the security system for the palace, memorizing protocols and trying to get an idea of where vulnerabilities existed. He still wasn’t sure why they were needed here, but he was determined to do his best to help anyway. The work made him feel useful in a galaxy that had seemingly decided he and his brothers had outlived their utility. He understood the move to decommission the clone army from a practical standpoint, but it didn’t make him less resentful of the treatment of his brothers, both what he had observed with his own eyes and what was still just rumors. He just hid that resentment far better than most, deeming it an unhelpful feeling in the long run when there was so much more to be done, including helping the brothers the Empire had abandoned. And people like Queen Nodala and Captain Typho, whether that help was desired or not.
He leaned back in his chair, rubbing the indentations on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose left by his goggles as he sighed deeply. 
By all accounts, the system is sound. The only vulnerabilities lie in the human factors. Logs. Timeliness on rotations. And only so much can be done about that. 
A quiet, nearly imperceptible sound in the hallway made Tech turn his head just in time to see a shadow pass under the door. It could have been anyone walking by in the night, but something about how quiet it was, clearly intended to not draw attention, piqued his curiosity. Quickly, he slipped his boots back on and slid his blaster into its holster before quietly opening their door and stepping out into the corridor. 
The only sound was the echoing of his bootheels on the marble flooring as he pursued the shadow as quickly as he could without drawing attention. Stealth had never necessarily been his strongest skill, and he felt especially exposed, striding through the seemingly inescapable moonlight that poured in through the large windows. 
At least Wrecker’s not with me. He is physically incapable of sneaking up on anything.
Suddenly, Tech rounded a corner and was in the open air, a railing stretching out before him that looked out over the private palace gardens. Somewhere, a waterfall gurgled and the leaves of the trees whispered together in the cool night breeze. He shivered slightly before noticing he wasn’t alone. 
A woman leaned against the railing, her long dark hair hanging down her back in waves. She wore an emerald green robe and matching slippers, a cream colored nightgown peeking out from underneath. Her elbows rested on the stone railing, and she had her eyes closed as if savoring the breeze that tugged gently at her hair. 
Tech froze, watching her carefully for a moment before ultimately deciding she wasn’t a threat. Judging by the fact that no one else was around, he knew she was the shadow he’d been chasing, although he couldn’t understand the need for her to be sneaking around. Particularly since she presumably had permission to be anywhere in it at any time. 
Cautiously, he approached. As Tech’s footsteps grew closer, the woman turned to look at him, green irises piercing him in the dark. He’d clearly surprised her, but she recovered quickly, smiling disarmingly. 
“Good evening, Tech.” 
Her smile flickered almost imperceptibly. “You don’t have to use formal honorifics for handmaidens.”
Pushing his goggles up, Tech tilted his head to look at her. He wasn’t sure if this was a test or just a ruse, but he decided to place his cards on the table. Honesty had always been his default method of engagement, even sometimes to a fault. 
“Yes, but you’re no handmaiden,” he countered.
Her eyes narrowed and an amused smirk at her lips. “What makes you so sure?”
Tech moved to stand next to her, lowering his voice slightly. “Were all of the queen’s handmaidens present when we were introduced today?”
She thought for a moment, trying to determine where he was going with this. “Yes. We were all there.”
Tech nodded, watching her carefully. 
“Alright. There were six handmaidens in the room. It was hard to see all of their eye colors, but one I did see definitely had brown eyes, very different from the queen’s eyes, which are green like yours. Another had a scar through her eyebrow, nothing terribly obvious, but enough to where she has a gap in the hair that grows there, which you don’t have. The two that were flanking the door we entered from were several centimeters shorter than you, a subtle difference, but one I noted. And of the last two, one had hair of a similar color to yours, but it was straighter, so unless you curl your hair specifically to sleep in, that rules you out, and the other has a widow’s peak, a genetic trait that you do not share.”
Her eyes were wide, but he shook his head. “These are all subtle things that could easily be covered one way or another should they be decoying for you, so I wouldn’t be too concerned. I just notice more things than most people. But yes, by process of elimination, you are Queen Kestia Nodala of Naboo…m’lady.”
She laughed quietly, shaking her head. “Very impressive. Although I’m not sure whether to let you talk to my Captain of the Guard or not seeing as he’s already very paranoid about my safety.”
“You are on the bad side of someone willing to send assassins to kill you. I would consider that cause to worry,” he replied.
The queen pushed some of her hair behind her ear. “I apologize for the subterfuge. I’m just not normally recognized outside of my regalia, and most don’t see me like this anyway. It always feels like armor, so to speak. People respect me more, but also, coming upon someone I don’t know well without it on feels…” her voice trailed off. 
“Vulnerable?” he offered. 
She huffed a laugh. “Exactly. It was a reflex of sorts, if I’m honest.”
He nodded. “That is understandable, particularly since we only met this afternoon. But I would argue that you are, in fact, quite vulnerable without a security escort.” 
The queen nodded, a quiet sigh escaping her. “I just needed to get some air. Alone.” 
“I apologize for disturbing you then. Good night, m’lady.” Tech turned on his heel to leave. 
“Wait,” the queen said quietly. 
Tech turned to look at her, and something in his chest fluttered as her eyes met his. He straightened his stance reflexively. It felt as though she was appraising him, weighing something in her mind. Her eyes were kind though, and he felt his face warm under her gaze. She watched him as he stood stiffly for a few more moments, hands clasped behind him. Finally, she seemed to come to some sort of decision. 
“Would you care to walk with me, Tech? I’m having trouble sleeping, and I find the gardens help calm my mind. And,” she said, grinning mischievously. “It would be irresponsible for me to be out here alone at night without some sort of security escort.”
Tech dipped his head. “Certainly, m’lady.”
“So there’d be no reason to tell Captain Typho you found me out here then. Right?”
“I suppose not, m’lady.”
She nodded, striding towards the stairs before pausing, glancing back over her shoulder at him. “Oh, and Tech.”
“Yes?” he asked, pausing.
“We’re going to spend an awful lot of time together for the foreseeable future as you and your squad have been assigned as my personal security. When it’s just the two of us, please call me ‘Kestia’ or ‘Kes’.”
The lack of formality jarred him, but he nodded quietly as he followed her down the walkway to a set of stairs that led into the greenery. Her hands were clasped in front of her as she stepped onto a carved stone path, her robe and nightgown whispering around her ankles while his bootheels clicked against the pavement. They walked quietly for a while, Tech trying to determine the correct distance to follow, and ultimately finding Kestia matching his stride. He wasn’t certain if she was being intentional, but he surrendered after a few experimental pace changes, falling into step next to the queen. 
If Kestia noticed his experimental prodding, she didn’t comment. She strode through the garden, and while she seemed relaxed, Tech could tell her mind was racing as she paused at certain features, breathing in the scent of various flowers or allowing her fingers to trail through leaves on a willow tree that hung over them. He’d experienced plenty of nights like this where his thoughts kept slumber at bay, but while he normally immersed himself in datapads, he could tell this was Kestia’s equivalent, her best way of working through a problem. 
“If I may, what’s keeping you up at this hour, Tech?” the queen asked, finally breaking the silence as they followed the path along the trickling brook that wove throughout the garden.
He turned to look at her, meeting her eyes in the moonlight, glittering at him like precious gems. There was a hint of amusement playing at the corners of her lips, but her interest seemed genuine, not manufactured out of some sense of social propriety. He took a deep breath. 
“Several things actually.”
She nodded. “Well, would you like to talk through them with me?”
He stared at her with a puzzled expression. She shrugged. 
“I find it helps me sometimes.” 
She seated herself on a stone bench as he stood in front of her, eyes trained on him like a pupil awaiting a lecture.
Nodding, Tech pushed his goggles further up his nose, trying to ignore the nagging fear that he’d bore her. 
“I’m trying to determine the best way to increase our fuel efficiency on our gunship. It seems as though we’ve been running hotter than normal, and while I’ve run the usual set of diagnostics, I cannot seem to discover which part is faulty and causing the ship to consume fuel at a faster rate.”
She stared at him intently for a moment. “May I ask a potentially stupid question?”
He smiled slightly. “There are no stupid questions, m’lady. In my experience, those keep you from making stupid mistakes, which are more costly.”
“You’re still calling me ‘m’lady’.”
“A habit I shall endeavor to break. In the meantime, what is your question?”
“You’re operating under the assumption that it’s some part beyond the fuel system that’s misbehaving, causing the fuel pump to provide more fuel than would normally be required, correct?”
“That is the most logical conclusion, yes.”
“Have you considered that perhaps the fuel pump itself is faulty? Maybe there’s nothing driving a higher fuel consumption, but perhaps the pump itself is doling out excess. Or perhaps there’s something in the ship’s programming that’s making the pump think it needs to provide more than what is required.”
Tech’s mind was suddenly so busy, turning over her suggestion, he didn’t notice the queen’s surprised expression as he sat down abruptly next to her, nor her amused smile as his leg began bouncing energetically as he examined the feasibility of her line of thinking.
“That is not a thing I had previously considered,” he conceded, internally chiding himself. “It’s certainly plausible. I’ll have to check.” 
She smiled, nudging his shoulder with hers. “Sometimes I find it’s easy to go down the path that is the most logical solution and get stuck there. Glad I could help. What else is on your mind? Perhaps I can help solve all of your problems.”
Tech nodded, missing the joke completely as he ticked down his list. 
“I’m working on a new design for a cybernetic limb for Echo. He’d like to have the use of a hand while also maintaining his slicing capabilities. I’ve been attempting to come up with a housing that will be able to tap into his neural system the same way his current appendage does while also maintaining his scomp link within the wrist.”
“Ah, I’m afraid I cannot help you there,” Kestia said quietly, folding her hands in her lap. “Cybernetics are well outside of my area of expertise, and judging by Echo’s neural equipment that’s visible on his head, I have to imagine his is quite complex.”
“You would be correct, but I think there’s an elegant solution. I just have to tweak a few elements of the design concept I’m working on to ensure he’s comfortable with it.”
She hummed in reply, but Tech’s brow did not unfurrow. Kestia noticed.
“There’s something else, isn’t there?” she pressed. 
Tech felt his cheeks warm once more as he swallowed hard. He wasn’t used to having someone read him so easily so quickly, to seemingly understand him. His brothers did of course, but they’d spent the vast majority of their lives training together. Understanding one another without verbal communication was a necessity for effectiveness. And survival. 
She’s a politician. Being able to read a room and those in it makes her successful. Of course she’d be able to notice things such as personal traits. She wouldn’t have been elected queen by such an overwhelming margin if she did not have such a skillset. 
It did little to calm the sudden flutter in his stomach. He stood, taking several paces to put some space between them before turning back to face her, his hand stroking his chin as he thought.
“Yes there is another thing. But I fear it is somewhat forward and perhaps could be construed as rude.”
She tipped her head back and laughed, a reaction far from what Tech had expected. But at this point, he was starting to understand that the queen defied any and all expectations he had previously assumed. 
“Well, it’s about time someone was rude to me,” Kestia joked. “Everyone defers to me constantly, so I welcome your forward thoughts and potential rudeness.”
Her mirth did little to decrease Tech’s discomfort, but her eyes were boring into him where he stood, and after quickly weighing the options, he decided candor would once again be the best approach. He unconsciously started pacing in front of her while she watched from her seat, her hands still clasped in her lap as she leaned forward, seemingly eager to hear Tech’s thoughts.
“Very well,” Tech replied, taking a deep breath. “I…I struggle to understand why we are needed here. You have a quite capable security force from what I’ve seen, so why recruit a secret fugitive clone team that the Empire is very interested in catching? What added value do we bring?”
She smirked, flicking something off of her robe’s fabric. “Honestly, I find your presence here equally troubling, but I was very much overruled by Captain Typho and several of my advisors and confidantes, including a certain senator that I know colluded with Typho to send you here. I would rather have handled this internally and on my own, but even the Naboo guard has limits. I’m sure you’ve noticed we don’t exactly have a strong military presence, so it’s not as though I could have some strong show of force to get my enemy to back down.”
Tech nodded. He had researched the planet and its culture and was well aware of Naboo’s hesitancy to militarize, even after the Trade Federation invasion that had occurred during Queen Amidala’s rule. 
“Do you even know who the enemy is?” he asked. 
“I do. But I doubt you’ll believe me.” Her expression was a neutral mask, completely unreadable to him. It frustrated him, especially when combined with her conversational obfuscation.
“I’d be more likely to believe you if you were candid with me about everything, including the reason why your life is in danger,” he retorted, trying to keep his mild annoyance from poking through his facade. 
“Iden told you-“
“Resources. Yes, but you and I both know that a simple mining dispute doesn’t put the life of a planet’s elected monarch at risk.”
She eyed him carefully, clearly considering her options. Tech did his best not to cross his arms, fearing he’d portray hostility and send her retreating into the palace. Finally, she sighed. 
“Will you tell the others?”
Tech nodded. 
“It would be helpful if we understood our current situation better. Vague details make it harder for us to prepare and formulate any contingency plans. I cannot hide information from my brothers that will help keep them safe. And you.”
Something shifted within her as he watched. She looked away, still contemplating, but he could see her jaw set in a hard, determined line. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she dipped her head, appearing to come to a decision.
“Alright, I will trust you with this. My captain was hesitant because he is very fearful for my safety.”
“Understandable considering what happened to the last Naboo leader he was charged with protecting.”
“That wasn’t his fault. He-“
Tech cut her off gently. “I know it wasn’t. I am merely saying I understand his determination to protect you. He obviously cares very deeply for you.”
She smiled a little, her gaze drifting to a slightly more distant point. “Gregar and I were close as children. He’s always been protective, but sometimes I feel that Padmé Amidala’s death has made that part of him even more fearful.”
Tech nodded in understanding. Kestia’s eyes fell to her lap as she nervously picked at her thumbnail.
“A few months ago, I was informed that one of our mining survey droids detected a massive deposit of Bandorium in one of our lakes. The droid had malfunctioned and wasn’t even supposed to be in that area.”
Tech tilted his head. “Bandorium? I thought that metal only existed on Bandomeer.”
“Until this point, it did. Naboo would be the first place that it’s been discovered outside of Bandomeer.”
“Its use in cloaking technology and its rarity makes it incredibly valuable,” Tech recited, recalling one of the many articles he’d read on intergalactic mining during his time as a cadet.
“Indeed, which is why I had the droid’s memory wiped.”
Tech’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I’m afraid I do not understand.”
She nodded, still picking at her thumb before finally meeting his eyes. 
“That metal is incredibly valuable to the Empire. They’ve pillaged worlds for far less. This deposit was found near Gunga City, the Gungan capital. In order to mine the deposit, the city would have to be destroyed and the population displaced. In addition, there are numerous Gungan holy sites within the vicinity that would almost certainly be destroyed.”
She stood, pacing in the grass as Tech had been a few moments before. Tech watched her quietly. 
“I had the droid’s memory wiped because I did not want the Empire to get word of this discovery,” she continued. “We classified the information and limited any distribution, compartmentalizing where we could, but some of the information still got back to the Empire. Not the location, only I have that information. However, even just the rumored discovery was enough to inspire the Empire to try and coerce me into revealing the location. But I’ve seen how Imperial mining operations plunder worlds. I know that they’d consider the Gungans collateral.” 
She stopped, turning to look at him, her eyes pleading for some sort of tacit approval, validation that she’d done the right thing. It struck him as odd, particularly from someone that seemed as set in her convictions as Kestia did. 
“When I ran for this office and took my oaths, I swore to protect Naboo and its people, all of its people,” she said so quietly it was almost a whisper. “So I cannot allow that to happen.”
Tech nodded, contemplating the information. Kestia resumed her pacing. 
“Unfortunately, I have made my distrust and distaste of the Empire fairly well known. I stand up against them, and they certainly don’t care for it. Moff Panaka has continued to offer his very unwanted advice about how I should disclose the location and allow the Empire to mine what is required, how it will strengthen Naboo and its place in the Empire, as if I would sacrifice my planet and its people to curry favor with those that are only hungry for power and subjugation.”
Her voice was angrier now, and a vein in her temple throbbed as her pace quickened. Tech was taken aback slightly at the aggression and passion coming from the monarch that had been so subdued when they first met. She suddenly seemed to remember herself, pausing her rapid steps to look at him, a flush spreading across her cheeks as she sheepishly tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “I apologize.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about. I am happy to listen if that is what you require.”
Kestia dipped her head gratefully. 
“Anyway, there have been…threats made. Moff Panaka has repeatedly warned me that if I did not comply, there was a chance the Empire would intervene and elect a new monarch that would be more sympathetic to their cause, someone that would allow them to occupy. What they don’t realize is that I’ve destroyed all records of the location. The person that made the report directly to me has since died quite suddenly. I suspect foul play, but seeing as the threats and assassins haven’t stopped coming, I can only assume they didn’t get the information they needed. Information that only exists in my mind.” She paused, looking at him. “And now, yours.”
The revelation was shocking to Tech, and he let out a sharp exhale. He’d never been one to garner or pursue the trust of others, and yet, Kestia had entrusted him with this information after only a few hours. Information that the Empire was apparently willing to kill for. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his expression neutral. He’d have to examine how he felt about this later. For now, it felt important to keep Kestia talking, to glean as much helpful information as he could front his very sudden and unexpected rapport. 
“You believe the Empire is attempting to have you killed in the hopes that the next monarch will access the information and reveal it.” It was intended to be a question, but it came out as more of an accusatory statement than intended. 
Kes shrank back slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. She did not waver, but he could feel her appraising him again, trying to determine if she had misjudged him, if he would take her seriously. 
“I do,” she said firmly. “They can’t risk an outright invasion and have the Empire’s name attached to my death, at least not yet, so they hire assassins like the one that recently visited my quarters.” The evening was warm, but Tech saw her shudder slightly at the memory. “I do not believe the Empire will risk an all-out war with Naboo yet to subdue me and my people.” She noted the twitch of his lips. “You disagree?”
He sighed. “A while ago, yes, I might have disagreed with you. Now, I’m not certain. The Empire has grown more dangerous as it’s become more powerful. More bold.”
She relaxed slightly, seemingly relieved that he at least didn’t completely discount her theory. 
“Why not just remove you from office?” he asked after a few moments. “That seems the more politically savvy route. Attacking Naboo’s elected leader is a blatant attack on the planet’s sovereignty.”
“They cannot do it without support from our politicians here, and most of them are against occupation as well. I have plenty of support on my planet. The only way for me to be immediately removed would be…well, to kill me.”
Tech nodded. As conspiratorial and far-fetched as it sounded, he couldn’t deny her reasoning as the pieces fell into place in his mind. If the Empire could keep its name from being tangled with the assassin and pin it on some disgruntled political fanatic, then they could easily slip their own pawn into place while simultaneously tying the hands of any objectors. At best, anyone that made accusations would look like raging conspiracy theorists, and their political careers would crumble. At worst, the Empire would claim treason, and they’d never be heard from again. He sighed, scrubbing his fingers under the rims of his goggles again. 
“So, now you know,” Kestia said slowly. “Do you believe me?”
Tech sighed, meeting her eyes. “I believe they will continue to try and remove you, but ultimately, if they do not succeed, I do not doubt they will try to make an example out of you and your people, one way or another.”
Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, and she quickly turned her back to him, wrapping her arms around herself as she stared out across the gardens. Tech slowly moved to stand next to her, studying her features as she thought. He was suddenly struck by how terrifyingly beautiful she was, and how much he found her determination admirable, even if he feared it was against insurmountable odds.
“They can try, but I will not yield,” she said quietly.
Tech hesitated before gently placing a hand on her arm. It felt like the correct thing to do, even though the action seemed to surprise them both. But she did not pull away, instead meeting his eyes. 
“And that is why you need us,” he said softly. “To support you in this endeavor should the Empire ramp up its efforts.”
She watched him carefully, and Tech felt his stomach flip slightly under her gaze. She was somehow even more imposing when she was out of her regalia, a normal woman in every aspect of her appearance. And yet, here he was, trying to remain steady as she pinned him down with her emerald irises. After a few moments, she tossed him another grin that almost felt flippant after the conversation they’d had. He suspected it was meant to put him more at ease than anything, and he was once again struck by how naturally she deployed the tools of a politician. It should have unnerved him but it didn’t. At all. 
Another thing to be examined at a different time. 
For now, he felt content to just exist in this moment rather than planning six steps ahead, a feeling he was unfamiliar with. It felt pleasant as he took in the sounds of the garden, the feel of the breeze on his cheeks and in his curls, and the smile on Kestia’s face.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” the queen of Naboo said, a teasing glimmer in her eye. “I would rather you have wasted your time when this is all said and done.”
He gave her arm a slight squeeze, returning her smile. “As do I. Kestia.”
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Tag List: @redheadgirl @witchklng @djarrex @arctrooper69 @sleepingsun501 @ladytano420 @echos-girlfriend @zoeykallus @leftealeaf @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall @ariadnes-red-thread @goblininawig @merkitty49 @fives-lover @ladykatakuri @runforrestr @baba-fett @daimyosprincess @obihiddlenox @bucketbunny99 @fordo-kixed-rex @nerd-ika @amish---paradise @arctrooperechy
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Author’s Notes: Hello Hello! So this fic is a little different as it's the first gift fic i've ever written. This was a gift for the wonderful and talented @wild-karrde on her birthday. It's a little "What If?/AU" ending for the series of fics she's written (The "Karrde-verse" if you will). This is purely me making up what could happen and has no basis on any future plans for the series, so there's no spoilers for the future of her fics here, but there are spoilers for her already written fics: "In Command", "Guarded" and "Reunion". If you've not already read those, go check them out!! Disclaimer: all the OCs mentioned in this fic are Karrde's and I have no baring on their wonderful creation.
Pairings: Captain Rex/ofc!Senna Aven/Atiniir, Hunter/Gregar Typho, Crosshair/ofc!Iden Vena, Echo/Sabé. Mentions of: Tech/ofc!Kestia Nodala and Garazeb Orrelios/Alexsandr Kallus.
Summary: With the wars and fighting over, members of the rebellion had finally set out and taken the chance to pursue their own lives outside of the conflict they'd known for so long. While they may be apart for now, their found family always finds time to see each other again.
Warnings: General - Fictional swearing
Word Count: 3.2k
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The morning sun was low, casting a beautiful peach hue across the horizon. Senna’s bare feet quietly padded out onto the patio, while she cradled a cup of caf darker than the backdrop of the galaxy. The heat permeated the cup and warmed her organic hand as she went to take a sip, sighing as the bitter drink bloomed down her chest.
Across the farm, she spotted her husband, battling with one of their farm assistant droids who was giving him the runaround. A fond smile overcame the Jedi’s face as she watched the former captain curse after the runaway droid before shaking his head and returning to tending to their crops. They’d been blessed with a plentiful harvest this season which was set to bring them in enough credits to get the ball rolling on their retirement plan. Senna still could pinch herself, after everything they’d both faced over the majority of their lives, the universe had finally brought them their happy ending.
With that glowing feeling in mind, she set down the steps from their home and out into the farm.
Rex’s forehead glistened with a sheen of sweat from his manual labour, a look she never grew tired of. “Hard at work I see.”
“Someone has to be,” he teased with a cheeky smirk. He dropped the plough he’d been using and cracked his back, stretching his arms above his head to the point where his shirt rose up his abdomen ever so slightly, catching Senna’s eye. Ever the captain, Rex of course caught her in the act. “See something you like, Master Jedi?”
“Maybe I do,” she replied before stepping into his space. Rex’s hands found her shoulders, gently brushing down them before pulling her into a soft kiss. Even after all these years, these little moments with Rex managed to set her heart racing like a teenager falling in love for the first time.
All too soon he pulled back, running his hand down her left arm and cradling her mechanical fingers in his. Senna didn’t miss the way his thumb smoother across the worn-in Jaig Eyes etched into her ring finger, or the small smile on his face as he did so.
She squeezed his hand in hers before lifting the other to take another sip of her caf. “You excited to see everyone later?”
“Can’t wait,” Rex replied with a bright smile. After most of them had parted ways following the war, there was no denying the family bond between the companions they’d made over the years. They’d made a pact to always remain in contact, and to do a big meet up a few times a year when their busy lives managed to align.
“Come, let’s get you cleaned up. We better get started on cooking.”
“Yes ma'am.” Rex’s soldier voice came out in full force with his reply. “You know, we wouldn’t need this much prep time for food if you didn’t invite Wrecker.” He grumbled under his breath as he trudged back up towards the house behind his wife.
While Rex got himself showered and ready, Senna set about gathering the ingredients they’d been stockpiling for this very day. A plethora of local fruits, vegetables and meats, along with a few special imports, all sat spread out among the obnoxiously long makeshift dining table they’d cobbled together. Trying to fit sixteen people into their home around one table was a feat of engineering if Senna did say so herself. But they’d cracked it in the end. Some of their neighbours had old materials they didn’t have any use for, so in the end they were able to bolt together a few different shape and height tables along with a variety of chairs in different styles.
She heard Rex jogging down the steps, turning around she saw him pulling an apron on and his face was all business. “Alright, where do we start?”
They’d spent hours chopping, peeling and marinating for all the dishes they were looking to provide. They worked as a cohesive unit as she followed Rex’s lead and they moved around their cosy kitchen. It always made Senna chuckle internally. It seems they always managed to make just as good a team off the battlefield as on one.
A pinging noise grabbed Senna’s attention, directing it to the oven where one of their main courses was ready to go. She pulled a large meat joint from the oven, the steam from the heat settling on her brow as she heaved the dish onto the countertop. She wiped her forearm across her forehead, attempting to dislodge the flyaways from her face that had curled onto her damp skin.
While she took a moment to cool down after tackling the oven, her eyes fell onto the clock and immediately widened. “Hells it’s nearly fifteen standard.” Senna exclaimed as she looked down at herself. She had forgone the apron, leaving her clothes covered in various spice mixes and oil stains.
Rex chuckled at the state of her and nodded towards the stairs. “You go get ready, I can handle it from here.”
Twenty minutes later, Senna descended the stairs, now ready for their guests. However, she was stopped in her tracks by the smells of glorious food wafting through their home. “Dank Farrik we’re good.” she announced as she walked up behind Rex and wrapped her arms around his middle while he stirred a large pot of Joopa Stew, a meal he’d mastered from his time on Seelos and one that always gave him that look in his eye when he thought back fondly on his time with Gregor. “He would’ve loved this.” Senna said quietly as she squeezed Rex in a soft hug.
“Yeah, he would’ve.” Rex replied while giving her a small smile and reaching down to squeeze her arm in return.
The hum of ship engines pierced through the sounds of nature outside and Senna’s heart jumped with excitement. “They’re here!” she yelled to Rex before dashing to the front door.
The all chrome shuttle was powering down as Senna reached the door. The ramp slowly extended out to reveal Hunter and Typho with two little identical Pantorans in tow. Hunter had one of the twins perched on his shoulders, Senna thought it might be Padmé, allowing the little girl the chance to be a few centimetres taller than Gregar, and it was clear she was loving every minute of it. Typho followed suit, his large hand clasped around a teeny tiny blue one as he led their other daughter forwards towards the house.
It’d been a few years now since the couple had adopted their young daughters. They were on a relief mission with the Rebellion when they came across the two orphans, the Empire having abandoned them to the streets with no support. After they’d brought the two tiny pantorans back to base and had them cleaned up and well fed, It’d not taken much for Hunter and Gregar to decide to take the twins in as their own children. At the time, it was the most natural conclusion as the two men just radiated the energy that they were ready to be fathers.
“Mr and Mrs Atiinir, it’s good to see you again.” Gregar called out warmly, the skin around his eyepatch creasing as he smiled.
“Ah the Typhos!” Senna replied as she went to greet Gregar in a tight hug, before squatting down in front of Hunter and Gregar’s other daughter.
“Auntie Sen!” she squeaked before launching herself with a surprising amount of force at the Jedi, causing her to fall flat on her backside as she caught the tiny bundle of joy.
The woman laughed, affection welling up inside of her as she cradled the little one close. “Good to see you too, Kestia.” Senna looked up to see Rex clasping each of the men in a hug before Hunter handed off his pantoran backpack to the clone captain, who restored the young girl's height once more as she was placed on his shoulders.
“Daddy, look how much taller I am on Uncle Rex’s shoulders!”
“Alright alright, no need to rub it in.” Hunter grumbled with a fondness in his eyes as Gregar and Senna chuckled at his expense. The former came up behind Hunter and placed his hands on his shoulders before leaning down to kiss his cheek.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way.” Gregar spoke softly to Hunter whose face broke out into a flustered flush, still so easily riled up by his partner.
Hunter cleared his throat, trying to will away his blush before speaking. “We the first ones to arrive then?”
“Yeah, we think Wolffe, Fives, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair and Iden will be coming together from the military base. Echo and Sabé should be here any minute and I think they were picking up Omega on route.”
“It’ll be good to see them all again.” Hunter replied, clearly looking forward to reuniting with his old squad and closest siblings.
“No Ahsoka?” Gregar asked.
Rex shook his head before explaining, “she’s off on a mission at the moment, but she sends her love along with the Ghost crew.”
After the Typhos had been settled in, two more ships landed across the farm. The first belonged to Iden and Crosshair, who’d passed on the option to share a ride with the four brothers flying from their base of operations. The second, was those very brothers, who were taking a surprisingly long time to walk across to the house.
“So, how’s married life treating you?” Senna asked Crosshair while Iden caught up with Gregar and Hunter.
“Not much different,” the sniper grunted. His words had caught Iden’s attention and made her roll her eyes at the man.
“Ever the romantic.”
Crosshair replied, his confidence still in full force. “You knew what you were signing up for with me, Lieutenant.”
“And I question my choices every day,” Iden joked before dipping down to give her new husband a quick peck. Senna couldn’t help but smile at Crosshair and Iden’s antics, the sniper had truly met his match with his beautiful wife.
Not a second later, Padmé and Kestia came dashing inside, and Crosshair’s rough demeanour immediately softened at the sight of his nieces. The sniper hooked an arm around Padmé as she ran past, making the young girl squeal in delight before he pulled her onto his lap.
The sniper leaned down conspiritally to talk to the little Pantoran. “You miss me?” he questioned and she gave the most enthusiastic nod, to the point Senna feared she may hurt her neck. Crosshair gave a small smile. “Missed you too kid. You been causing havoc for your dad for me?” His question made the young girl giggle.
“Don’t corrupt her.” Hunter complained to his brother with a smirk, who rolled his eyes at him for having ruined his fun.
Senna’s attention was redirected when the front door burst open, making the hinges rattle as Fives stood in the doorway looking pleased with himself. “Honey I’m homeeee! You miss me?”
The Jedi shook her head with a fondness at having her friend burst back into her life in such a characteristic way. “Like a droid misses it’s processor.”
“I was actually talking to Rex.” Fives clarified with a smirk as he leaned back against one of the countertops next to where Rex was cooking. Senna huffed before shoving Fives in the arm, falling straight back into their easy banter.
Next through the door were Fives’ fellow travel companions, the first being Wrecker, who bounded in excitedly. Senna and Rex had no time to escape before Wrecker cradled them both in a bone-crushing hug. “Missed you guys!”
“Back at you, Wreck.” Rex groaned out the reply against his lungs wishes.
After her organs returned to their original places in her body following their hug from Wrecker, Senna watched as Tech and Wolffe strolled in. Without even saying a quick ‘hello’, Tech was straight onto the technical talk, his eyes locked onto his datapad as usual. “Before we came, I found out about a device which may help with your harvest monitoring. I took the liberty of setting up a prototype which I've installed in your barn.”
“That’s great, thanks so much Tech.” Senna said with a heartfelt smile before knocking Tech’s datapad out of the way and clasping her friend in a tight hug. “Now come here. I missed you, Goggles.”
“And I you.” the genius replied genuinely before relenting and wrapping his arms around the Jedi.
“Uncle Tech!!”
“Hello little Nebula.” The genius greeted Kestia Typho with the nickname he came up with while the little girl latched onto his leg with an iron grip. He smoothed a hand down her lilac hair and she beamed up at him. Gregar watched on with a smile that nearly brought Senna to tears as she thought about what it must mean for both Gregar and Tech to share these moments with the little girl.
Senna knew Tech had never had another partner following the death of the queen of Naboo that he loved dearly. There were many nights after where Tech and Senna would sit and chat, well she let Tech talk while she listened to every word he had to say. The clone had never anticipated falling in love, especially not in the way he did and with such a powerful and head strong Jedi. But Kestia Nodala had been everything to him in the short time they had together, and when she passed, Tech knew that had been it for him. He’d never feel with another person what he felt with Kestia. As hard as it was to accept she’d gone, decades later, Tech held the love they had so dearly to his heart. Senna knew how grateful he was to have even known her at all and she could sympathise. The times she’d been away from Rex, on good terms and bad, had been the hardest things she’d ever had to do. Now, Kestia Nodala may be gone, but her legacy lived on in Hunter and Gregar’s little girl. The way she gravitated towards Tech so naturally, it was almost as if she knew.
Across the way, Rex had clasped Wolffe in a brotherly hug which started off as awkward as it always did before Wolffe finally relaxed into the affection and returned the gesture.
Finally, the last ship descended into the designated parking zone, and eventually Echo, Sabé and Omega all strode up the few steps to the house.
Hunter was first to the door as the trio stepped through, making a beeline for Omega who despite being a grown woman, still locked her arms around her big brother’s neck as if she were only ten. “Hey kid.” the former sergeant greeted.
“How’s Alara?” Wrecker asked the young Jedi with a large grin of barely concealed restraint which Omega returned.
“She’s good, the students absolutely love her. For a non-Force sensitive, I think the temple would be lost without her at this point.” Omega’s cheeks tinted rose as she spoke highly about her girlfriend. There’s no question she’s related to Hunter then, Senna thought smugly.
Sabé was immediately commandeered by Iden and Gregar the moment she set foot into the house, leaving Echo to catch up with Fives, Wolffe and Crosshair who all clapped the man on the back in welcome.
After all the greetings were done, everyone settled around the large, makeshift table to start their feast.
Everyone’s plates were piled with layers upon layers of food and Senna could almost laugh at the image of her and Rex a few days prior panicking that they didn’t have enough to feed everyone. Oh how wrong we were, we’ll be eating leftovers for the foreseeable.
Across the table, scattered bits of conversation were being relayed. “We got a message from Kallus by the way, he’s settling into Lira San life pretty well by the looks of things. Also think he and Zeb have made things official.” Fives announced in between bites of his food.
“Kriffing finally, was sickening watching those two make doe eyes at each other during the rebellion.” Wolffe grumbled, making everyone chuckle.
“Want to watch your language in front of the kids, Uncle Wolffe?” Fives teased mercilessly.
“Call me Uncle Wolffe again-”
“Sorry, Uncle Wolffey.” Wolffe’s glare hardened further as he dropped his spoon into his meal and turned his full attention to Fives, who was not phased by the commander’s threatening gaze in the slightest, still grinning like a loth cat. Beside Fives, Echo rubbed a hand down his face, clearly perplexed that his brother simply never learned.
Thankfully, before things could escalate further, Rex stepped up behind them and placed a hand on each of their shoulders with a chuckle. “That’s enough you two.”
It still blew Senna’s mind to this day that Fives, Tech, Wolffe and Wrecker all managed to live together without killing each other every other week. Aside from the cutting sarcasm three of them shared, as a group, they couldn’t be more different people. Yet somehow it just worked. Wolffe and Wrecker got on like a house on fire, it seemed during the times Wolffe struggled integrating with the rebels, Wrecker’s easy companionship and encouragement to join him on the blaster ranges had helped bring the old commander out of his shell more and more, which had been a relief for all of them to see. Fives’ energetic nature matched with Wreckers’ perfectly, making the two of them complete menaces to Tech and Wolffe. But in the quieter moments, when Wolffe and Fives would share war stories and memories from a time so long ago, Wrecker would regularly assist Tech with whatever experiment or invention he was tinkering with. The unlikely quartet had remained with the rebellion turned New Republic following the fall of the Empire. The dark cloud of the Emperor’s influence had left havoc and destruction in its wake on many worlds which were now struggling to rebuild. The four clones were part of the relief teams, helping different colonies and species create new lives and homes on their war torn worlds.
Senna sat there for a moment as she took everything in, the pleasant chatter of her big family all settled around the table. Rex as he joked with his brothers, while Omega relayed stories to Hunter as his eyes glowed with pride. Tech’s subtle glances at little Kes, smiling as he watched his niece assist Echo in giving Fives absolute grief, every bit the strong woman she was named after. Gregar, Iden and Sabé reminiscing about the past. Crosshair and Wrecker as they joked amongst themselves, the previous fractures in their close relationship long forgotten. For some reason, Senna knew that moment right then would be forever etched into her mind as one of pure bliss and happiness. The result of everything they fought all those years for finally came to it’s head as they sat all together in freedom for the first time. Senna’s eyes stung ever so slightly as she marvelled on her found family. She thanked the Force for giving her such a beautiful moment, before she returned to her surroundings and aided Kestia and Echo in their teasing of Fives.
Across the room, Rex caught her eye, having noticed her time of reflection. His voice echoed softly in her mind. Everything alright?
She gave him a content smile that held everything she felt in that moment. Never better.
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stormyblue90 · 2 years
Artbreeder Creations!
@wild-karrde​ Behold! Using Artbreeder I decided to create how I personally envision your OCs Senna, Kestia, and Iden! These are just my ideas of what they may look like, hope you enjoy.
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Jedi Master Senna Atiniir (formerly Aven)
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Queen Kestia Nodala of Naboo
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Lt. Iden Vena
Just a few notes on my imaginings of your girls.
- I imagined Senna to kinda have light brown skintone to make her blue eyes stand out more, almost like the Water Tribe of Avatar. I was very happy with the shade of blue for her eyes.
- For some reason I always imagined Kestia with some East Asian features, and it just stuck. Doesn’t help that the Naboo Queen makeup and some of the gowns are HEAVILY inspired by East Asian cultures.
- Iden I imagined to have rather sharp, harsh features, black hair, and warm colored eyes. A beautiful but deadly sort of vibe to her which I think would work well with Crosshair.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hi there! I hope that you are feeling better. I have a request for your 400 followers celebration. Tech + “Aurora means dawn”.
I loved the scene from Guarded where Tech wakes Kestia up to see the combined aurora and meteor shower show. I’ve had this story idea in my head that I’m not talented enough to write, and wonder what you’d do with it. Tech has a relationship with a woman, but they are separated unexpectedly (either he thinks she died at the rebel base where she’s stationed or they broke up over messy relationship stuff). She ends up having their daughter and names her Aurora unbeknownst to Tech. They meet for the first time when Aurora is four because they’ve been in hiding due to Aurora’s Force sensitivity. Mom and Tech are not Force sensitive. I used to work at a non-profit that served highly-gifted kids and their families. The family dynamics of dealing with a super smart kid reminds me of what it would it be like to raise a Force sensitive. There are too many ways I’ve thought of how this would develop, which is why I don’t write. Lol. I don’t mind if the fic turns out that he’s just explaining the phenomenon to Nita, Ari, and Omega, or some shell-shocked survivor of some awful Imperial action. Have fun with it, and congratulations on your follower milestone!
Ok so this is a LOVELY story concept, and I ENCOURAGE YOU TO WRITE IT VERY MUCH!! I LOVE IT and would love to see your take on it (if you ever feel comfortable writing and posting it). In the mean time, I did get a brain worm tied to your last thought. I hope you like it.
Rating: T (mentions of grief)
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“Alright Nita, why don’t you pass me that blanket?” 
The young Pantoran grinned before making her way over to where Senna was crouched, handing her the heavy blanket she was carrying, which the Jedi spread across the last mat that was lying bare before giving a nod of satisfaction. “Perfect.” Tech dumped the load of pillows out of his arms, tossing a few towards Arni, who carefully placed them along the edge of the mats that they’d laid out. 
When Tech had told the younglings that there was going to be a once-in-a-millenia aurora over the base tonight, all three of them had been eager to watch, and Senna had offered up the ramp of her ship as a viewing spot. Omega, Arni, and Nita had immediately set to work dragging some spare bunk mats, blankets, and pillows out to the base’s tarmac along with a few choice snack bags Nita had been saving for a special occasion. Chuckles, Wrecker, Echo, and Fives had all opted to join in as well. 
“Tech, what’s an aurora?” Nita asked as she plopped onto the mat between Fives and Chuckles, offering Fives some of her snacks, which he happily accepted. Tech turned towards her, adjusting his goggles, clearly preparing to launch into an explanation. 
“To begin with, the word aurora means ‘dawn.’ This name is due to the lights that appear to glow brightly in the sky during the event. Auroras are caused by the sun or suns in a system releasing energized particles during a solar storm, and when these particles strike a world’s atmosphere, the gasses within the atmosphere interact with them, causing auroras through a process known as ‘excitation.’” 
Nita yawned, clearly bored, but Arni was paying rapt attention to Tech’s explanation, their head resting against Omega’s thigh with their lekku draped over her lap. “I read somewhere in the archives that early Force users believed that the dancing lights were the souls of their loved ones reaching back to them, letting them know they’d found their place in the Force.” 
“That’s really lovely,” Omega commented, smoothing one of the wraps around Arni’s lekku that had gotten twisted. 
“Yes, many more primitive cultures came up with fantastical explanations for things they could not yet understand,” Tech stated. Senna nudged him with her shoulder, and he blinked at her. 
“Don’t be such a buzzkill,” she murmured, plopping down on the mat closest to them. 
“I’d hardly say explaining things in a scientifically accurate manner is being a buzzkill,” he muttered back, sitting down next to her. 
“Shhh it’s starting!” Wrecker almost shouted, a grin stretching across his face as the first shades of color erupted across the sky in waves of greens, pinks, and purples. Nita clapped her hands excitedly as Chuckles sat back on the heels of his hands, tipping his face skyward. Echo and Fives both laid back, Echo tucking his hands behind his head as Fives snuck more of Nita’s snacks.
They all sat quietly, occasionally unleashing an excited whisper at a particular wave of color or a gasp of awe. It truly was a brilliant display as the colors rippled across the night sky. 
“You know, I understand how some beings may have thought that this was souls reaching back to them,” Senna whispered quietly to Tech, leaning over so that only he could hear. 
“Yes, but you and I both understand the science, so we know that is not the case.”
“Do you really think we have everything figured out from science?” Senna asked, her tone a bit teasing. “I can move things with my mind and do things physically most humans can’t. No physics can explain that.” 
“The Force is a concept that hasn’t been studied enough in depth,” Tech conceded. “But I’m positive that with time, we’ll be able to explain how it works and how Force sensitives are able to channel it.”
Senna shrugged. “Perhaps, but in the meantime, I’m alright with not knowing. It kind of adds a bit of wonder to the galaxy, in my opinion. And even with the science and math that you and I love so much, I still find magic in the universe around me. In life, in death, in all of it. And sometimes I do think the beauty around me helps me better remember those that have had an impact in my life.” 
Tech sighed. “I can find beauty in things while understanding an aurora is just an aurora.”
Senna just smirked at him, clearly about to make a snarky remark when suddenly, a new strand of color erupted across the sky. Where most of the green streaks had leaned towards a yellow-green or grassy color, this one was more of a seafoam green, a lone strand stretching out in waves across the sky amongst all of the other colors, the brightest by far. Senna didn’t say anything, instead slipping her fingers into Tech’s and squeezing his hand. Tech said nothing, his eyes locked on the streak across the sky. His mouth hung open slightly, and it was as if he were afraid if he blinked, the light would disappear. 
Senna was the only other one that had experienced Kestia’s Force signature, seen its turquoise, seafoam green color and felt its warmth. One of his fondest memories of the time he’d spent with Kes was when he’d watched a simultaneous meteor shower and aurora on Naboo with her. He’d never forget the way her eyes had sparkled or the way she’d smiled at him, her expression filled with wonder in spite of the war tearing her planet apart around them. He’d loved that part of her, the part that always found wonder and hope in the galaxy, even in the darkest times, and in this moment, despite all of his logic and reasoning, he couldn’t deny that this aurora felt like Kes reaching out to remind him of that. Tech’s eyes were misty behind his goggles as he watched the wave of color shimmer for a few more seconds before it began to dissipate. As it faded, so did the remaining streaks until just a few wisps of colors remained. 
The younglings groaned in disappointment as Chuckles, Echo, and Wrecker began helping them grab items to carry back inside. Fives was snoring quietly on his back until Echo nudged him with his foot, and he jumped, grumbling indignantly. 
Senna and Tech sat together quietly for another moment before he turned to look at her. She smiled warmly at him, giving his hand one last squeeze before standing and helping the others gather up the bedding. 
Tech smiled to himself, reaching up to wipe at his eyes under his goggles. 
“Thanks Kes,” he whispered. “You always were one to make sure I keep things in perspective.” He chuckled quietly to himself. “And to tell me when I’m wrong.” 
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Thanks for participating in my 400 Follower Celebration!
Tag List: @seriowan @partoftheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @dnxgma @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @moonstrider9904 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @sleepingsun501
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Ok I don't know why, but I got the image of Kestia cheering Tech on during a riot race, but of course at the same time worrying, trying not to show it, because of course those races are very dangerous. Then when he wins running over to him, hugging him and kissing his cheek.
So here's the thing...
Our girl would have absolutely encouraged this type of behavior (as impulsive as she is), but she also has a raging competency kink (and a lack of bashfulness). In this AU, assuming Kes has already left Naboo and abdicated (because if she still has the title, she probably has a little bit more hesitation about engaging in public salacious behavior), Tech will be lucky if all he gets a kiss on the cheek and not something MUCH less subtle in front of that entire audience.
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wild-karrde · 2 years
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HELLO LOVELY HUMANS! It's that time again! THANK YOU to everyone who has decided that this account is worth following and endured my terrible jokes and crack head canons. You are all THE BEST! Forehead kisses all around!
Gonna try out a few new activities this go around for the celebration, so feel free to select from any of the ones listed below! Make sure you specify which option you're looking to do and any pertinent details (character names, quotes, etc.) I'll be taking submissions in my ask box up until next Sunday (4/24). Here are the options:
1. Quote Ficlets: this works the same as it has in the past. Send me an ask with a line of dialogue and a Star Wars character, and I will write a short one-shot for it! All ficlets can be found on my Master List.
2. OC AMA (NEW!): send in an ask to any of my OCs, and I will answer in character. My OCs are:
Senna Aven/Atiniir
Versa Horne
Kestia Nodala
Iden Vena
3. Fic Discussion (NEW!): send me an ask about anything you want to know about any of the fics I've written. It can be questions about plot, decisions I've made, or just if you wanna talk about it.
Thank you again to everyone that's followed along here! I truly appreciate all of you (especially the last little bit)!
- Karrde
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Crosshair + "I'm glad I finally got to kiss you" (Rating - M) Captain Rex + "You are so stubborn." "You like it when I play hard to get." (Rating - M) Crosshair & Tech + "Breakthrough?" (Rating - G) Echo & Fives + "I can't go through that again" (Rating - T) Hunter/Gregar Typho & Fives + "Echo, control your twin before I kick his ass." "Oh no, you're on your own." (Rating - T) The Bad Batch + "Plan 7" (Rating - T) Echo/Sabé + “I’ve never been anyone important...” (Rating - E) Echo/Sabé + “I need you” (Rating - T) Captain Rex/Senna + “Would you want to have children?” (Rating - M) Wrecker + “I’ve seen the most beautiful stars and galaxies, but they pale in comparison to the beauty of your soul.” (Rating - G) The Bad Batch + “Wait, if you’re here, then who’s driving the ship?” (Rating - G) Commander Cody/Obi-Wan + “I looked at you as friend until I realized I love you.” (Rating - G) Crosshair/Iden + “If you keep doing that, I”m going to make you scream my name all night long.” (Rating - E) Hunter + “This is why we can’t have nice things” (Rating - G) Echo/Sabe & Fives + “I’ll just leave the two of you two it, whatever it may be.” (Rating - M)
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Working on "Reunion," but in a bit of a rut.
Feel free to send me asks about my OCs. Could be about anything. Maybe just talking through them might get me in the right mindset (stuff like this does weirdly work at times).
If you're new here, here's a list of my OCs:
Senna Aven/Atiniir Versa Horne Kestia Nodala Iden Vena Nita Arni Chuckles (feel free to ask about others...these are just the main ones)
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