#Of course he took the opportunity to mess with his husband
tswwwit · 1 year
I had a dumb idea based on this ask, and then I wrote it!
Short Reincarnation thing where Bill gets his stupid body killed before meeting Dipper, and years later DIpper stumbles across him anyway.
When Dipper sees the faint golden glow in the distance, he staggers up to his feet.
Finally, after endless gray and black and white. After aimless wandering, with nobody to see or hear, nobody to call - 
There’s a light.
Dipper walks towards the light slowly. Cautiously. Then faster. Soon he’s running, eager to see what’s in front of him for the first time in the last probably-four-hours.
Who cares what’s ahead of him? It’s different from everything else around; it has color.
Maybe it’s a way out of here.
He never should have gone to Gravity Falls. Not even with his semi-new confidence with his still-new magic, hoping he would find answers, not even to look for The Thing. Leaving Seattle to explore the infamously magical, dangerous, and nearly impenetrable woods here has to be the dumbest idea he’s ever had.
The glow in the clearing stays steady as he approaches, a steady unflickering light. A beacon. 
Dipper stumbles into the patch of grass between the trees. Nearly trips, before he stands still, chest heaving.
What is it? He doesn’t see anything around. There’s a fallen log, and plants, an old shove leaning against a nearby tree, and. 
The bright gold light is coming from the ground. 
Dipper takes a few, slow steps closer. Arching his neck, leaning into see what might be emitting that light, in the patch of soft bare ground underneath the grass. There’s - 
A triangle. 
Dipper frowns at it.
 Whatever happened to send him into weird gray not-time, it was obviously magic, These woods are magic, this entire thing is because of magic. Obviously this thing is magic, too. 
That can’t be great. 
But while Dipper doesn’t know what this thing is, it’s the only thing around that’s not monochrome besides himself. That has to be a sign. Good or bad, he’s not sure.
He crouches down nearby. Not getting too close, yet. 
Yeah. Definitely super magical. This close, it’s a bright light even in Dipper’s magical senses, and he’s pretty shit at those even for an amateur. 
The object’s made of… gold? Maybe. At least it looks metallic now that he’s close enough to get an idea of the texture. Larger than Dipper thought at first glance, but small enough to theoretically pick up if he dared. And for some reason there’s a miniature top hat rolled off to the side, which is like. What. 
Also, it’s chained to the ground. 
A very thick yellow metal chain - gold again? Maybe - that’s linked to one of the corners. It’s long enough to meander around the clearing and pile in a neat coil near the fallen log, then back to the center before abruptly delving into the soil.
Hesitantly, Dipper edges a little closer. Nothing happens. 
He waves a hand, and gives it a vague magical poke. Looking for movement, or like, big flashy stuff, or a reaction.
Okay. Big magic inside, but not reactive. Possibly inert. Dipper’s filing that under ‘good’ in terms of signs, but he’s ready to revise at a moment’s notice. 
Since the triangle isn’t doing anything, it’s up to Dipper to take action. Fumbling at his side, he keeps his eye on the shape. Just in case it - he doesn’t know, explodes or catches fire or something. 
Dipper finds what he’s searching for, and grips it tight. Nodding, once.
When in doubt, poke it with a stick.
He pokes it. 
In a flash, the shape leaps from the ground, opens one huge, slit-pupiled eye and gets right in his face with a huge noise that Dipper will later remember is ‘BLARG’. 
Despite himself, Dipper screams. The thing screams back at him, thin black arms flailing wildly, inches away. Dipper screams even louder, making a failed leap backward to hit the ground on his butt.
“AHHHH - HA! Ah ha ha ha ha!” The yelling devolves into wild, delighted laughter. The triangle crosses an arm over its front as it cackles, smacking a hand against one of its legs. “Whoo! Oh man! You shoulda seen the look on your face!”
Dipper stares. His heart is pounding, he’s trying to catch his breath. He lets go of his shirt, patting vaguely on the ground for the stick. 
“You were all like ‘Aaaugh’!’” The triangle flails dramatically again, then starts laughing harder. It  wipes under its eye. It looks, as much as any shape can, both totally thrilled and completely unrepentant. “Totally worth it.”
“You asshole.” Dipper sits up, trying to calm down. Unfortunately he truly has lost track of the stick, because he wants to throw something at this jerk.
“Ah, c’mon! You made that way too easy.” The triangle shrugs, lifting up two hands. It flaps a hand in Dipper’s direction. “Some guy all alone in the woods? No backup? No idea what he’s doing?” Its lower eyelid turns up. “You’re a tempting little opportunity, kid!”
Dipper says nothing. He simply glares, and flips it off.
And okay, that is a point, if you look at the situation in a totally twisted way. Dipper is kind of stranded and ignorant and - 
Wait, shit, he is.all of those things, and if this kind of thing is around, then what else is. 
Dipper pushes himself to his feet, and glances around quickly - but, no. Besides the jerk in front of him, nothing’s changed. Nobody and nothing around. Still very… still.
There’s a tap on his shoulder and he jumps - 
But it’s the jerk. Again. One noodly arm extending unnaturally, just to bother Dipper with a poke or two.
“Easy, sapling, there’s nobody here but us.” It says, tugging Dipper closer with one hand, and flapping the other in a semi-reassuring way.. “You can tone down the jumpiness for the moment! Believe it or not, I ain’t got any plans to hurt ya.”
Dipper shrugs, still examining the woods. It’s as silent and unmoving as always, so. Maybe they are alone here. One point in that thing’s favor. 
For lack of anything to say, Dipper flips it off for a second time.  It starts laughing again, clasping its surface.
Weirdly enough, Dipper kind of does believe it. That it doesn’t want to hurt him. Hell knows It had the jump on him, he had no defenses and didn’t expect anything to defend against. And it used that to be annoying, instead of harmful.
He looks it over anyway, still skeptical. It waves back, looking oddly cheerful and glowing slightly brighter.
Alright. No creature Dipper knows about fits this description. There’s magic, sure, but he doesn’t have enough experience to get a gist of it there. All he can tell is that it feels a lot more powerful than it looks, and that makes him vaguely uneasy.
Since he can’t get a read on it, and doesn’t know what to do with it - 
Fuck it. Dipper just asks. “What are you?”
“Usually it’s ‘who’, not ‘what’, kid.  Way to make a guy feel appreciated.” It - he - chides, sounding annoyed. One  of this creature’s arms goes down in a curve to grab the hat on the ground, setting it on his top point. “But since you insist, I’m the local demon in these parts.”
Demon. Great. 
And an even greater sign for where Dipper somehow ended up, if this is the type of creature he’s running into.
Where the hell is he, anyway? How the hell did he get here. What does he do with this thing? And most importantly -  
How quickly can he get the fuck out. 
“What, chupacabra got your tongue? Introductions are in order!” The demon shoves his other arm at Dipper, palm up. Like he’s offering a handshake. “Name’s Bill.”
Dipper nearly shakes its hand - the first stupid move - and nearly speaks his own name, then stops. Glaring at this creature with suspicion. 
Which is when the rest of the information hits home like an arrow. 
Dipper drops his arms, holding them stiff at his sides. “Wait. Bill, like. Bill Cipher?”  He shrinks back in alarm. 
“Wow. Really?” ‘Bill’ says, looking grumpy now. “Now that’s rich. I don’t go around assuming every human named ‘John’ is the same guy, now do I?” He floats away a bit, slightly turned to the side. Eyeing Dipper with clear disapproval. “Real classy of ya, kid.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.” Dipper grimaces. He pats the air a bit, awkward. Bill turns slightly back towards him. “I shouldn’t have assumed.”
He guesses that was a bit dumb, anyway. Bill Cipher has a totally different MO. 
That guy’s powerful demon who can wander around reality. Arson and murder and mayhem are his favorite hobbies. He travels around wearing a handsome human form, adding chaos to the life of whichever mortal he’s picked that time around, with terrible delight.
Not exactly the same level as this Bill, who’s stuck in the middle of nowhere, pulling prank-level jumpscares. 
If a demon like Cipher could be chained up in some weird gray pocket dimension, one of his mortals would have done it ages ago.
“Hey, no biggie!” Bill brightens up, facing Dipper again. He must not have taken the assumption too harshly; he almost looks pleased. “Not a bad guy to be compared to, all things considered.”
Dipper can’t help but make a mental note. Kind of interesting, that Cipher’s well known even outside of reality. That being compared to him is flattering, too, he didn’t expect that. Aren’t there books about this sort of thing? Dipper kind of wishes he’d studied more about demons, even though he never thought he’d need to - 
But this isn’t the time to get sidetracked. No matter how interesting it is.
“Uh, I’m Dipper.” He gives Bill a little wave, instead of taking the again-offered hand to shake. He knows better. Bill drops his hand, thwarted for the moment. “It’s. Interesting to see you.”
Which is true. In that Dipper, finally, has met another… ‘person’ in the place he’s ended up, and that means…
Time to get information.
“Where am I?”
“First time visiting, huh?” Bill floats over, the chain making a strange tinkling sound as it drags behind him. He slings an arm over Dipper’s shoulder in a companionable way, and Dipper tenses. “Lemme introduce you!
“Welcome to the liminal space between dreams and waking! The infinite realm of thought! The Nightmare Realm - or Mindscape, if ya like.” Bill waves over the woods in a broad gesture - then sighs, letting his arm drop. “Though since we’re in the extra liminal bit near your place, it’s not nearly as fun.”
That… makes precisely zero sense. Dipper waits, but Bill’s started glaring at their surroundings instead. Hardly helpful.
Dipper tries to squirm out from under his arm, but it’s oddly difficult to shake off. “That doesn’t make sense.”
“It means we’re stuck in the outskirts, kid. The blendy-in part! Specifically the bit where it’s real solid, cause it’s closest to your usual digs.” Bill flaps a hand over the monochrome scenery, looking annoyed at the scene. “The reality-adjacent burnt edge of pie crust, instead of the golden-brown, juicy, gory middle. Not the best part by miles..”
One bit of information, then. Dipper’s not quite in a different realm, or outside of reality. No, that would be too simple. 
Instead, he’s wound up in the spot where reality bleeds into another dimension. Where things aren’t one place or another, not one thing or another, and there’s probably a lot of magical theory that has a ton to explain all of it, except he hasn’t finished reading those books.
In theory, Dipper would take his time, and try to figure it out. Piece together the bits he’s learned. Maybe even ask Bill for input, since he seems to know about all of this stuff - 
In practice, he keeps running over the words Bill used earlier. 
‘We’re,’ Bill said. Including himself in the previous term, even though he’s an actual, literal demon.
And, ‘Stuck’. Bill said.
“So….” Dipper lets the word trail for a while, palms sweating. He rubs them on his jeans, trying for a smile. “Is there a way out of these… edges?”
“Unless you’re an advanced expert in interdimensional dynamics? Probably not!” Bill shrugs, sounding cheerful despite the horrible news he imparts, or maybe because of it. “Hope you enjoy silence and stillness, Pine Tree.” He pats his surface, eye shut with pride. “But if ya don’t, you’re welcome to hang with yours truly!”
Two horrible options. Dipper stares at Bill for a long moment, not sure what to say. 
He’s not an expert, not at all. He has magic, a lot, apparently, but he barely knows what he’s doing with it, doesn’t know how he has it, and mostly it just makes stuff explode. He can barely light a candle without consequences, much less escape the borderlands of a realm of freakin’ thought.
“Oh,” He says instead. All the air seems like it’s come out of his lungs. “Have a seat, kid.” Bill darts over towards the log, gesturing Dipper closer. He pats the wood invitingly. “After all, misery loves company!”
Feeling numb, Dipper walks over. He turns around, and sits down. 
After a moment, he rests his face in his hands. 
“So! I already know you’re not from around Gravity Falls,” Bill says, floating a few inches over the log and right next to Dipper. Patting thigh, which would almost be reassuring except for everything, ever, and the way he gives it a weird squeeze. “I woulda seen it!”
“Yeah.” Dipper glances over, briefly. Then looks forward again.. 
“Boy, you’re turning out to be a great conversationalist! How lucky for me.” Bill says, very dry. He throws his arms in the air. “Figures. You’d have to be brain-damaged to wander these woods for no reason.”
“I had a reason,” Dipper protests. One he didn’t understand, sure. But he had one.
“Oh yeah? What?”
“I just - I had to.” Dipper folds his arms, looking away. Somehow it makes even less sense when he says it out loud.
Bill shrugs, and says nothing. For a while, actually. Dipper does the same, mouth shut.
Maybe Bill’s planning something, or maybe he’s hoping to hear about Dipper’s vulnerabilities - but Dipper wasn’t born yesterday. He might not have had magic until a  few years ago, but he’s still not an idiot.  He’s not blabbing about his life to a demon of all creatures - 
For about five seconds. 
He can’t help it. The silence feels so deeply wrong that he has to break it. “I don’t know. I just felt-” 
Like he was being drawn here. Like there was an invisible thread, tugging gently at him until he couldn’t ignore it. Whispering, in quiet words, that he might find what he wanted.
A subtle, but effective temptation. Dipper did the stupid thing. He came here on that idiotic whim, and now look what’s happened. 
Maybe he should have known better. But.
For the longest time, Dipper has felt like something’s missing. Nothing he could ever really explain, or make sense of. When he lets himself think about it, which is rarely, it’s The Thing; a feeling so vague he can’t even put a name to it. 
All he knows is that something’s gone and it sucks. Like a piece is missing in his own personal puzzle, maybe dropped off the table or skimmed across the floor, and now he can’t find the stupid thing for the life of him. Doubly infuriating because it was the one last piece he needed, right before it went and fucked off.
When he got his magic, that helped with The Thing, a little. When he started actively looking for The Thing, that helped, too. 
But he still doesn’t know what it is, much less where it is, and he might never find the answer.
Not that he’s telling Bill any of that.  
“I had an impulse, and a stupid idea.” Dipper shrugs. “You know how it is.” Hopefully he does. If not, Bill will find out how annoying getting no explanation is.
“Bet you have a lot of those.” Bill says, amused. He stalks over the log, prodding Dipper in the side. “Probably famous for it!”
“Shut up.” Now Dipper flicks Bill on the side, annoyed. He’s not the only one included in that terrible adjective.  “What about you? What brought you here?”
“None of your beeswax.” Bill sets his fists on his edges, looking proud. “I’m doing exactly what I wanna be doing.”
Dipper casts a long, deliberate glance over the chain, and raises an eyebrow. Bill glares at him.
“Yeah, yeah, things could be a little more lively, whatever.” Another dismissive wave. Bill hops from the log onto Dipper’s leg, and drops down with a surprisingly heavy feel. He shrugs. “But hey, you’re gonna be with me for the foreseeable future! I can work with that.”
So Bill is trapped. He’s come as close to admitting it as Dipper’s likely to get. 
On an impulse, he pats Bill on his weird, metal back. If it’s a back; Dipper’s guessing because it’s the surface that doesn’t have his eye on it. Bill makes a pleased sound, so it must not be too weird.
“I’m guessing your whole deal is, what, mystery hunting? You don’t seem the monster hunter type.” Bill prods his arm, squeezing his bicep with a narrowed eye. “Or hey! Maybe you were just dumb enough to poke around for no reason!” Oh for - Dipper just said he had one. Bill knows that, he’s just being a dick. “I’m not dumb.” He sits up a little straighter, jabbing a thumb at his chest. Lifting his chin in defiance. “At least I’ve never been chained up.”
“Ah, a real vanilla guy.” Bill rubs under his eye thoughtfully. Dipper feels his face warm with embarrassment, waving his hands. That’s not what he meant - and Bill brightens up.. “Guess ‘adventurous’ only goes so far, huh?”
Dipper splutters, not sure how to respond. Bill waggles his upper eyelid, nudging him in the side - and Dipper can’t not respond to this asshole.
Unfortunately, Bill’s ready with a retort for every protest. Dipper can’t let that lie, so he has to accuse him of his own stupidity back, and forth, and back again.
They actually keep at it, for… longer than Dipper expected. More easily than expected.
He kind of thought that being trapped here, trying to keep up conversation with Bill, would trail off into awkward silence more often than not. Dipper’s never been great with small talk, he has to plan, like, half of his conversations in his head before they happen. 
Turns out it’s hard to feel awkward when you really want to make the other guy shut up first.
Bill’s still a jerk, sure. Dipper's known that from moment one. He starts arguments without a purpose, delighting himself with stupid puns, and it turns out he finds it hard to resist a double entendre. That’s a weak point; Dipper can use it. He has to think on his feet to keep up with him, there’s no time to get mired down. 
It’s all pointless, stupid bickering. Bill prodding at him, Dipper responding and prodding back. Bill’s pretty cagey; Dipper doesn’t get much from him.
Bill, though. Gets a lot. Probably more than he wanted, because Dipper finds once he starts talking about some things, he has a lot more to say about them than he thought.
He’s not sure why he’s doing it. Or how he started. He knows Bill hasn’t used magic on him, he can feel that much, it’s just….
Bill keeps asking pointed questions, so he’s asking for it. Dipper hasn’t been able to talk about some of this before, and Bill’s a literally captive audience. Possibly because Bill couldn’t tell anyone else Dipper knows, and partly… because he’s a terrible listener, which kind of helps. Like it doesn’t matter what Dipper says, because Bill won’t care enough to use it against him.
“Not to mention going through magical puberty, like a decade too late.” Dipper finishes, after going over a long, long list of complaints. About his shitty life. About how much things suck. He waves over the air for emphasis. Bill, sitting on his thigh, leans back so his hat isn’t knocked off. “Do you know what that’s like?”
“Likely hilarious! But so what?” Bill sits back up, kicking his legs idly. Which also means he’s lightly kicking Dipper’s other leg. “What’s wrong with more power?”
Dipper opens his mouth to argue. Then stops. 
It makes sense that a demon wouldn’t get it, due to, well. Being a demon. They’re all power hungry. To Bill, this could only seem like a good thing. He wouldn’t understand how-
“More power means solving some problems, alright.” Dipper changes tactics, rubbing at his eyes. There’s a headache coming on, he can feel it. “But now I have different problems. Bigger ones.”
“Aha! Inexperience.” Bill brightens up a bit more, waving off the rest of Dipper’s concerns. “Easy, kid, that’s all temporary. Once you get used to blasting things to pieces, you’d be amazed how many problems are flammable!”
Dipper feels his mouth draw into a thin line. He doesn’t know what he expected. 
He drops back onto the log, resting his chin in his hand. Bill pats his lower back, and starts rambling on about optimal targeting techniques, but Dipper’s not paying attention.
Different experiences, and different problems. He’s in a different place, which has totally eclipsed the Thing problem. Bill’s here too, but he doesn’t seem like the major issue.
The big one, right now, is going home, and how the hell Dipper’s going to do that.
“There has to be a way out of here.”. He’s not going to give up. Not now.
“Well,” Bill draws out the word, slow and with a detectable hint of smugness. “There might be one way to get your butt back to reality.”
Dipper tenses up. 
Right. He should have seen this coming, because Bill’s a demon. He hadn’t forgotten that fact, but he’d put it out of the front of his mind. 
“I see where this is going.” Dipper folds his arms, and gives Bill an unimpressed look. “Let me guess. You’re an expert in interdimensional dynamics.” 
“Never said I wasn’t!” Bill’s lower eyelid is raised in amusement. “To tell the truth, sapling, I’m one of the best in the biz.” He throws in a wink, even with one eye. “You really lucked out meeting me.”
Another thing Dipper should have expected. Bill might be stuck, but he never said the why, only implied it. The chain should have been a clue. A demon would know how to handle dimensions, too, since they can be summoned and dismissed. And trapped.
Demons are also notorious for another thing. Dipper’s not looking forward to it.
Escape isn’t going to come without a cost.
“What do you want,” He says, flat. 
“Make a deal with me!” Bill floats up and in front of Dipper, arms spread invitingly. “I’ll show you how to get out of here in seconds, no problem.”
“What’s the cost.” Dipper remains stern. Glaring, now. Bill hasn’t gotten to it yet, but there’s going to be a catch. 
“Yeesh, way to rush things.” Bill wags a finger, almost chiding. “A jaunt back home can’t be all you want! Think about what you’d really want out of life. ‘Cause I’ve got more magic to work with than you could comprehend!”
Bill waves his arm, and this time - 
Okay. Dipper has to admit it’s impressive.
Wherever Bill gestures, a small scene plays out, like a movie. Bright and colorful, standing out against the bland background. 
“You could ask for fame!” A brief shot of Dipper, being lauded by a crowd. Bill snaps his fingers. “For riches!” Piles of gold tumble around fake-Dipper’s feet, burying him to the ankles -  another snap. “Or hell, even True Love!” 
And a shadowy figure sneaks up on fake-Dipper, then seizes him by the waist, lifting him up. Fake-Dipper looks surprised, then annoyed. He struggles, kicking out helplessly, right before he’s dragged off into nothingness.
Dipper stares at the lingering void left until the ‘screen’ vanishes. Then, incredulously, at Bill.
Bill pops up in front of him again, fists set on his sides with pride. “Name it, kid, and it’s on offer. I could get you all that crap that humans like and more!” 
“I’ll pass.” Dipper flips Bill off, much to his amusement. 
“What, too intimidating?” Bill leans in, nudging Dipper with an elbow-adjacent bend of his arm. “Be reasonable, Pine Tree. You’re gonna make a deal anyway. Why not get something cool while you’re at it?”
Okay, fair point. If Dipper’s risking his soul, he might as well get something else while he’s at it. 
But it’s also dangerous. Bill’s going to cheat, and lie, and according to what he showed Dipper has a totally different view of what’s actually appealing to humans. Making this deal too complicated could only end poorly. 
Everything he’s offering probably comes with a catch, anyway. Fame would probably be for, like, accidentally exploding a building, money from a murder or whatever. Bill’s idea of ‘love’ is just. Yeah, Dipper’s going to pass. And even if there weren’t a huge pitfall waiting for him - Bill certainly couldn’t give Dipper what he’s really looking for, especially when even Dipper’s not sure what it is.  
For a moment, then, Dipper lingers on the image of his shitty apartment. How cold it’s going to be when fall turns into winter, and how his car is starting to make unnerving sounds when -
He shakes his head to clear it.
“Just get me out of here.”
Bill groans, clearly disappointed. “Yeah yeah, stubbornness. But ya gotta sweeten the deal for me, too.” He rubs his fingers together, eye narrowed. “Make it worth my while.”
Of freaking course there’s a minimum buy-in. Dipper groans, rubbing at his eyes. If he has to add onto this - 
“Alright, fine.” He throws his hands in the air.. “Like, enough gas money to get home.” That shouldn’t cost too much. Hopefully.
Bill remains undeterred. He narrows his eye, skeptical. “That’s it? I get skipping over the ‘fame’ one, alright, that can be a pain. When everyone knows who you are, they get all up in your business! But you’re not gonna ask for any affection?” He blinks for a moment, spreading his hands and somewhat incredulous himself. “‘Cause I got-”
“Some really bad ideas.” Dipper says. Bill looks miffed, crossing his arms over his golden front. “Are we doing this deal or not?”
“Hmph. You got no idea what you’re missing out on.” Bill sniffs, which is weird because he doesn’t have a nose -  “Fine, we’ll do it your way. Spoilsport.”
Dipper straightens up, feeling a sudden burst of pride. Bill’s bothered, which means Dipper avoided a trap. He’s in a little less danger. 
“Now, about getting you back to reality. That’s some tricky business there, but I got ideas.” Bill taps under his eye, thoughtful. He stares off into space, pupil changing shape and size, flickering for a moment before it snaps back to ‘normal’. “You’re gonna need a life spell.”
Dipper’s experience is pretty limited, in that he’s only had magic for a few years, but he’s not stupid. To change back dimensions, and get home, life magic doesn’t fit. All it deals with is flesh and blood and a bit with spirit, but that can’t apply here. He thinks..
“What do you mean, what? Who’s the expert here, anyway?” Brightening up, Bill swings an arm around DIpper’s shoulder again, half-guiding and half-dragging him into the middle of the clearing. “You got the magic for it, you got the talent for it. You lack the education for it, but I can walk you through the basics, and we can cram everything into the same spell! One and done, easy.”
“That’s… convenient.” And concerning. Dipper stares at the bare earth under his feet, shifting under Bill’s arm. “So how do I-”
“Ahem.” Bill clears his nonexistent throat, tapping a fist against his surface. He gives Dipper a meaningful look, though what it’s trying to convey is impossible to parse.
Dipper glares at him. Another catch, probably. “What now.”
“You called it earlier, kid! Before we start rifling through the guts of it,” Bill drifts closer, until his eye is right up near Dipper’s face. He pokes him on the cheek with amusement. “We gotta discuss my price.”
Right. There was always going to be one, wasn’t there. 
Dealing with a demon. The stupidest thing possible. 
“How much?” Dipper asks, voice flat. Adding, before Bill can speak up - “I don’t really have much, uh. To me.”
It won’t be cash. Even inexperienced, Dipper knows that much. Whatever Bill asks for, Dipper’s soul’s not going to be on the table; he’d rather be trapped than do that. Maybe Bill will request a demonic thing, but Dipper doesn’t have any connections to other magical beings, any cool relics, or any secret knowledge. 
He really hopes this isn’t going to be painful, or traumatic. Or anything physical, for that matter. Dying in the process of escaping kind of defeats the point.
“Hm. Lemme think.” Bill hums for a moment, eye narrowed. “One spell, complete with escape from the realm you accidentally stumbled your ignorant ass into, and one dose of obscene wealth-” Dipper clears his throat, loud. “Alright, minor wealth, loser. That should run ya…”
Dipper stuffs his hands in his pockets, waiting with growing unease. Bill’s rubbing under his eye in thought, like he’s trying to see how much he can gouge Dipper for. Hopefully it’s not flesh. 
Then Bill stops, and holds up a finger. “One kiss. Seems fair to me!”
Dipper stares at this… thing for a moment. “What.”
Bill glows brighter, seemingly pleased with himself. “Pretty great deal, am I right?” 
“Very funny.” Dipper gives him a derisive look. “What do you actually want?”
“A kiss, kid. With tongue.” Bill says, very seriously. He shuts his eye and wags a finger in the air.. “We’re talking a real tonsil-tickler here, none of that chaste peck crap.”
“With who?” Dipper has a dreadful suspicion. Which isn’t helped by the way Bill gleefully points two thumbs at himself. “You can’t be serious.”
“Dead serious, sapling.” Bill spreads his arms wide, lower eyelid rises in a simulacrum of a smile. “One frenching for one freedom. You couldn’t find a better bargain even if you did have options!”
The worst part is that’s probably right. What Bill’s asking for sounds like it’s the cheapest thing on offer. Most demons would put the price point so much higher - flesh, souls, family, mass slaughter - that it wouldn’t be worth considering. 
Dipper can’t believe he’s considering this.
“And it’s not going to like, burn my mouth with acid, or suck out all my organs, or-”
“Boy, are you paranoid. Typical,” Bill says, sounding exasperated. He rolls his eye in its socket, around and around, before settling back on Dipper. “You can’t kiss back if you pass away, kid! I want active participation, and you’re only up for some lip action right now.”
Dipper remains skeptical. He leans back a bit, making a face.
But the request’s bizarre enough to feel honest, and technically it’s better than the other things Dipper was imagining. All in all, a quick kiss actually does seem like a bargain.
Which means Dipper shouldn’t trust it one bit.
Thinking about it, Bill’s been stuck here, for who knows how long, without access to much. No hanging out with other demons, no manipulating humans. Lacking anyone to talk to, or -  have other mouth actions with, or anything. He’s not operating on standard demon motivations. Likely this has a different angle. Something else he can use to exploit.
Why would Bill want this?
Dipper looks him up and down slowly, lips drawn tight. Trying to figure him out.
Bill clearly takes his attention as interest, because he straightens his hat, and adjusts his tie with obvious pride. He wipes at his surface, hums a little tune, and there’s a squeaking sound as he rubs a wrist against his side. Like he’s polishing it.
Or…. maybe  it’s a bargain because Bill actually wants to make out. The primping can’t be anything but alarmingly sincere.
“Okay.” Dipper gives in, and lets his shoulders drop. Being trapped has obviously tanked Bill’s standards - or his uses for pounds of flesh. Either way, it’s worked out in his favor.  “Let’s do this.”
“Glad to hear it!” Bill floats closer, cupping Dipper’s face in his weird hands. They're oddly soft for a guy who’s mostly made of metal. “Now pucker up, buttercup, and we’ll seal the deal.”
“Don’t call me that,” Dipper says. Bill squishes his cheeks a few times, until Dipper smacks his front.
“Eh, I got other nicknames to use,” Bill says, and draws Dipper in.
Dipper shuts his eyes. He doesn’t want to see this. Whatever’s about to touch his face, it’s probably terrifying. 
For a moment he’s tempted to call it off, but then Bill will protest and maybe cut the deal off, leaving him right back at square one and with less bargaining power. Too late to back out.
Sterning himself, Dipper lets it happen.
There’s… a mouth? Against his mouth. Something, anyway, and it’s not soft but not sharp or stinging, and for the moment his face isn’t melting off. Dipper can work with that. 
There’s a tug on his shirt, and Bill makes an insistent ‘mmh!’. Right, he has to participate. Damn it. 
Kissing Bill back isn’t hard, if he pretends he’s not holding onto the edges of a demonic shape. And forgets the fact that he’s buying his freedom with a makeout session. When a few seconds pass and Dipper hasn’t exploded or turned into a monster, he even manages to relax. 
Yeah. He can get through this. It’s not too bad. Honestly, Bill’s handling this pretty well, all things considered. It’s not slimy or sloppy, or particularly rough.Their teeth haven’t clicked together once, if Bill even has any -  and he doesn’t smell bad. Or like anything, really. 
So, surprisingly, it’s not the worst kiss Dipper’s ever had. Bill, apparently, has some experience in this area. That raises so many questions.
Something wet flickers against his lips, and very reluctantly, Dipper lets them part. This could be - 
 Huh. Bill tastes like…. basil? Of all the things Dipper was expecting, that wasn’t even on the list. And while he’s made of metal and sharp corners, he’s warm, too, and his hand cupping the back of Dipper’s neck runs up and down in a way that’s almost. Nice. Tonsils remain uninvolved, too. If Bill’s forgotten that part, then Dipper’s not going to bring it up.
He’s not sure how long they spend like that, because - well, after a while it’s kind of interesting? That Bill can do this at all. That needs investigating. If Dipper needs to take a weird route to study it, well, that’s acceptable losses. He can deal.
Until there’s a slow slide up his thigh, and a hand squeezes Dipper’s butt.
Dipper shoves this jerk away, grimacing. That wasn’t part of the deal. “Hey! Hands off.”
“What hands? They’re right here!” Bill blinks innocently, and offers them up for Dipper’s inspection.
Now that’s just bullshit. DIpper reaches behind himself, seizes the offending limb, and shoves it right at Bill’s surface. “What about this?”
“Oh wow, what a surprise!” While Bill’s third arm gives Dipper a jaunty wave, he shrugs with the other two. A fourth one pops out and smacks against his edge in mock surprise.  “Where’d that come from?”
Yep. Still, absolutely, one hundred percent asshole. He doesn’t know what he expected.
Dipper flips him off. Again. He wishes he knew more obscene gestures, because this one just makes Bill laugh. 
“I’ll call that a deal fulfilled, sapling. Very nice, by the way! You really went for it!” Bill’s glowing bright, unperturbed. Glossing over the fact that he’s been caught being a pervert. “Even I can’t claim you didn’t pay up.”
Dipper wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, and shrugs. “Just show me the spell.”
“Aw, but it was a fun time, am I right?” Bill tickles Dipper under the chin, lower eyelid raised. He gives Dipper double finger guns, beaming.. ”Next one’s on the house.” 
Dipper rubs at his eyes. Honestly. It’s a good reminder. 
If it weren’t for Bill’s sheer dickishness, he might have said something nearly positive, and that would have been a huge mistake. 
A deal, done. A payment, made. 
Now, to actually get Dipper’s portion. 
Though it takes some arguing. Or rather, a lot of arguing, and a relative armload of innuendoes, only half of which make sense - Dipper, eventually, steers Bill back onto the right track. 
Turns out the trick is questioning whether or not he can actually do it. Questioning Bill’s competence, or knowledge, lights a fire under his nonexistent ass. 
Pride, Dipper notes, is a weak point for Bill. Though he’s not likely to ever need it again, it’s still nice to know.
Bill’s also surprisingly okay to work with. Kind of like the kiss, Dipper expected it to be painful, but Bill actually, amazingly, knows what he’s doing. Albeit without making Dipper have questions he’s not sure he wants the answers to. 
Bill projects an outline of the circle that needs to be drawn, Dipper can easily trace it. His knowledge truly is deep, too; Bill has an encyclopedic knowledge of sigils and runes, and only minorly goes on tangents about destructive and chaotic energy. 
And, though it sucks to admit - he was right again. 
The spell Dipper needs to cast truly is simple. At least on Dipper’s end. All he needs to do is power the thing, and channel it with some theory that Bill described in gory yet helpful terms. 
But the spell *is* life magic. Magic’s not enough; it needs a little more, as Bill put it, ‘oomph’ to get it going.
Dipper flicks the pocketknife open, ready to draw it across his palm. He steadies himself with a deep breath.
Blood is connected to it, magically. A few drops is all it should take. Then it’s over. He’ll be done here.
He’ll get to go home.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bill grabs Dipper’s wrist before he makes the cut. “Piss poor placing, kid. You want the back of the arm or a leg or something.” He wags a chiding finger. “More blood, and more convenient if you wanna grab anything later.”
Dipper honestly hadn’t thought of that. In movies and stuff, everyone goes for - but. Yeah. 
Yet again, Bill’s been oddly helpful. 
In fact, this entire time he’s been oddly, annoyingly helpful. When Dipper was stuck. When he wanted to complain, and the deal really could have been worse. Maybe it’s only because Bill’s been bored, and he doesn’t have anyone else to mess with. Or because he kind of thinks Dipper’s… worth kissing. 
In any case. It’s the sort of thing he should probably mention.
“Uh. Thanks.” Dipper says, feeling awkward. “You’ve been kind of cool. For a demon.”
“Ha! Now that’s rare!” Bill drifts upwards, fists on his edges. He looks supremely amused. “Glad you spoke up, sapling.” Somehow, he winks with only one eye. “I won’t ever let you forget it.”
Back to ominous, then. Dipper’s going to try and ignore it
“Okay, well. See you… hopefully never again.” He states, and draws the knife over the back of his arm. Just a nick, but enough to draw a few drops.
As Bill starts laughing, Dipper shuts his eyes for a second time, kneeling on the ground, and muttering the chant. He’s already memorized it, no need to listen to Bill anymore. 
Goodbye, demon, goodbye, awful grey realm - 
He draws on the magic, that deep and infinite pool inside him, and pushes.
There’s a strange, clinking sound. A rush of magic out of him,more than he’s used before, it almost leaves him dizzy, and the spell itself clicks into place, complete.
That’s it. He’s done. He’s - 
Dipper looks up.
Everything’s still monochrome, so. That’s not good. 
He gets to his feet slowly, checking - but no, no change. Still stuck, in this impossible liminal realm. 
With a start, he realizes that nothing’s glowing in the clearing, either.
Dipper looks around, suddenly alert, but he doesn’t hear anything. Not a laugh, or a mocking comment. No matter how he looks, there’s no chain. No gold. No freaking Bill around, completely vanished from sight - 
“That son of a bitch.” Dipper clenches his fists at his sides. 
Goddamn it, he should have realized. That entire thing was incredibly, recklessly stupid. It was a trick, Bill’s been freed - and Dipper’s still trapped. 
But you know what? Fuck Bill. Dipper doesn’t need him. 
He’s smart. He got here to begin with, and he didn’t need some asshole to help him with that; he can get out as well. He’s going to figure this out, learn a hell a lot more about demons, get really great at magic, and - and all sorts of other things, too, all out of sheer spite. He’s going to get out of here-
As he clenches his fists, jaw tightening, color washes over the scene.
Dipper blinks again. Then waves his arms, suddenly confused.
That was fast. Almost as fast as thought. 
There’s a breeze on his skin, the smell of the forest in the air. The sky is less dark, though it’s nearly sunset. Dipper spends a long tense minute, watching the sun relative to the horizon, tension tight in his chest. Feeling a huge shudder of relief, as it does, in fact, move. Time’s moving. Time’s normal, and the world is normal, and real.
The spell did work. On a delay that Bill never mentioned.
Dipper taps his foot on the loose earth beneath him, folding his arms.
Great. Now he can’t be mad at Bill. He was as good as his word. 
All in all, Dipper could have made a worse deal, if he doesn’t think too hard about Bill and what he might be up to. The trade, such as it was, did end up fair. 
A freedom for a freedom. That’s about as fair as a demon can be, and all for the low, low cost of. Some lip action.
For some reason, Dipper’s still really annoyed. 
If he knew Bill was going to get out too, well. A heads up would have been nice. Not to mention that Bill just went and fucked off somewhere without so much as a ‘see ya’, or a ‘goodbye’, or - 
But it’s good, really. That they won’t meet again. Better for both of them.
Because If they did, Dipper would have to tell him he’s a jerk, and a bastard. Bill seems like he needs that reminder every once in a while. Or every few days. Or hours. 
So again, good that he’s gone; Dipper’d probably lose his voice if he had to be around him too long. Good riddance.
Dipper stands in the clearing for a while, watching the light fade as evening sets in. Alone in the forest again. Safe in reality. 
After a while, it’s starting to get chilly; he wraps an arm over himself, squeezing the opposite bicep. .
It’s been a very long day. 
He takes a deep breath, and slowly lets it out.
Then the soft earth shifts under his feet, and something grabs his ankle. 
For the second time in a day, Dipper screams. 
A sudden yank makes Dipper lose his balance, but he catches himself before he hits the ground, braced on his elbows. He swears, pulling his leg away on impulse, kicking at the tight grasp on his leg -
And stares in horror as a dirty yet well-manicured hand pulls him closer, impossibly strong. Dragging him down into the earth it burst out from. A few more urgent kicks gets the thing off him, and Dipper scrambles back.
The hand pats around for him, searching, then pushes against the ground. Bringing out an arm, then a chest, a full head that shakes off the dirt. An eye rolls around in one socket, while the other is missing or covered with dirt, and it wears a wide, rictus grin. With very sharp, very white teeth. 
Dipper struggles to his knees. Sweat is breaking out on his forehead, as whole human man - thing pulls itself out of a shallow grave right in front of him. There’s no time to react; it’s up on its feet before he can gain his own. Too steady, and way too fast for the living dead.
Shit. Life magic, of course.
So It wasn’t a trick after all. It was a trap. 
Dipper not only set BIll free but raised, like, a zombie, or something, to take care of the rest. It’s going to finish him off and leave no evidence but a bloody smear on the grass. He tries to leap back but it's already got him by the shirt in a tight grip, dragging him in.
Okay, no time. Last resort. DIpper hates to do this, but. He tenses up, holding his arms out and reaching for his magic. Pulling on it, hard. 
The fire rages, it lights up the whole clearing as it spreads. Dipper can feel it engulf himself, spread around the clearing, and engulf his assailant - 
To absolutely zero effect. Not even a sizzle, what the hell. 
Dipper spends a moment to be indignant as the creature lifts him up, and up, until his feet don’t even touch the ground. What the hell. He’s always been able to explode stuff, and the one time he actually wanted to, it doesn’t work?
“Trying to heat things up, huh? Nice try, sapling, but it won’t work.” Says the man holding him, sounding delightedly amused. “As a guy once said - I’m extremely cool!”
Dipper snaps his gaze downwards, towards that voice. “That’s not what I-”
He stops. Stares. 
Then glares.
A golden eye winks back at him. Some of the dirt has dried from the fire; now it flakes off in patches, revealing an eyepatch instead of an empty socket, and a suit instead of the yellow of lividity. Dipper’s idly tempted to insult his fashion, before he remembers he still can’t touch the freakin’ ground.
While the other shape didn’t have a literal smile, if you plastered it on a human face it would be a one-to-one match.
“You’re kidding me.” Dipper says. Somehow he’s not surprised.
He gets an eyebrow wiggle, and a brighter smile. The man lifts him up like a carnival prize; his suit really is tacky, Dipper should tell him that. And that his voice is so annoying, and he has a very handsome, very awful face. 
Bill cackles. Clearly thrilled.
“Really? Dipper says. Then, feeling tired. “Oh, come on, Bill. That was a dick move.” He lets his arms drop to his sides.
So obvious, when you think about it. So clear, when you know what’s up. 
There were so many chances to spot it, and Dipper was so dumb.
Bill Cipher, dream demon. Infamous for a lot of things, power and insanity and all of that - but mostly for wandering reality, tied to a mortal. While wearing a human shape. Obviously he has another form, being a demon and all, but it’s not like there are many depictions. Bill Cipher doesn’t stride around Earth without wearing his skin suit.
Well. Guess who just went and made him one. 
Dipper should be more upset. He should be furious. But mostly?
He’s thinking about how he’ll get Bill back for this. 
“What’s with the long face?” Bill Cipher asks, looking absurdly pleased with himself. A huge grin as he bounces Dipper in his grip, sharp teeth bared. “Everything went according to plan!”
“I’m an idiot,” Dipper states, before kicking Bill once. It doesn’t work, but it was mostly a gesture, anyway. “And you’re an asshole.”
“Sure am! But you’re my idiot now, sapling.” Bill says, cheerful as anything. He swings Dipper around, then over his shoulder like he weighs nothing. Throwing in a pat on the back, presumably for insult. “Good to see ya again!”
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
cw: discussion of past parental death due to overdose, mention of drug use
Steve stumbled upon the article when he was helping Robin collect articles for a project for her Industry Studies course.
He didn’t think much of reading about another small time musician getting caught up with the wrong crowd, and overdosing or getting in a drunk driving accident. It seemed like a pretty common theme. It was terrible, sad, horrible, but he’d seen about 30 stories like that in the last two days and he was kind of getting numb to it all.
Until he saw the name Munson.
Until a picture of a woman with long, curly hair and Eddie’s smile stared back at him next to a headline that read: “Kentucky Country Queen Dead at 27.”
He read the article with tears in his eyes.
Elizabeth “El” Munson, a hopeful country singer and guitarist, was found dead in her home by her six year old son, Edward. The boy reportedly tried calling his father at work with no luck before finally calling his uncle, Wayne Munson.
Toxicology reports show that she overdosed on multiple illegal substances. At this time, it is believed to have been accidental and no foul play is suspected.
It has now been made clear that Elizabeth was seeking a divorce from her husband, Al Munson, but had not been successful as lawyers were unable to locate him until her funeral. Their son has been put in the care of Wayne until further notice.
Robin found him 20 minutes later, staring at the page with swollen, red eyes. She took the paper, read the article, and put it back in the files wordlessly.
“I don’t think he wants us to know,” she finally said.
She was probably right.
But Steve had grown pretty close to Eddie over the last six months, had opened up to him about his parents, his fake friends, his concussions and nightmares. Eddie had started opening up to him, too.
He thought he had, anyway.
He told him about how his mom died when he was young and his dad was awful so he moved in with Wayne. He told him about how his dad appeared every couple years looking for money or a place to stay and Wayne always turned him away.
But he never really talked about his mom, always said he barely remembered her.
Did he know what happened?
Steve asked Wayne the next morning.
He’d come by to pick Eddie up for a day with the kids, but Eddie hadn’t set his alarm and was still asleep.
Perfect opportunity to find out more.
“So. Eddie’s mom.”
Wayne tensed over his plate of toast and scrambled eggs. He didn’t look up, just took another bite of food.
“Does he know how she died?”
“Do you?”
“Newspaper said overdose,” Steve tapped his fingers nervously against his thigh. “Says Eddie found her.”
“Trauma messes with your memory.”
It was final, a statement that left Steve with more questions, but a certainty that he’d get no answers.
“Yeah.” He gulped. “I’ve heard.”
Steve doesn’t bring it up to Eddie for a while.
He figured Wayne’s reaction said a lot about what Eddie knew or would be willing to share.
But they were a little high and alone and Eddie’s hand was warm in his and his filter was broken.
“I’m sorry you had to be the one to find your mom.”
The air around them was thick. The silence was deafening.
“Me too.”
Eddie’s voice was quiet, nothing like his usual playful tone.
Steve immediately wanted to put this conversation in reverse, pretend his curiosity didn’t matter.
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie moved closer to Steve, his arm a constant pressure against Steve’s. His head leaned against Steve’s shoulder.
“Wayne doesn’t know I know how she died. He doesn’t know I know my dad gave her bad drugs, convinced her all the up and coming musicians were doing a new strain of heroin. She’d kicked him out of the house,” Eddie’s breath caught. “She shouldn’t have let him come back that day. I heard them arguing before I left for school. She told him she was finding a manager and recording an album and that she was divorcing him. I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew it was bad.”
“Eds, you don’t have to tell me.”
“I know, Stevie. But you know everything else.” Eddie’s face turned until his nose and mouth were pressed against Steve’s arm. “I went to school. Didn’t think about it. Figured my dad would be gone when I got home and might come back in a few days once they cooled off. But when I got home, he was gone and my mom’s bedroom door was closed. And I opened it and there she was.”
Steve turned so he was face to face with Eddie, cupping his jaw and rubbing his thumb along his cheek in encouragement.
“I don’t even know why I tried calling the store first. I didn’t even know if he still worked there. But then I called Wayne and it’s like he just knew.” Eddie’s eyes closed for a moment. “Don’t think he’d ever gotten to our house so quick.”
“Did he know all this?”
“He knew enough. I stayed with him and then my dad gave up his rights. Lied to the counselor about what I knew so Wayne wouldn’t freak. Kept it up for a while,” Eddie let out a small exhale that slightly resembled a laugh. “I read the article about eight years ago. A kid in my class made a joke about me being an orphan because of the drug problem in America as if he even knew what that meant and I decided to see what the newspaper reported.”
“Do you play because of her?” Steve asked.
Eddie blinked back at him.
“I play for a lot of reasons. But I started because of her, yeah,” he whispers. “You’re the first person to ask me that instead of give me that look of pity.”
“I’m sad about how it happened, but giving you pity doesn’t change it. I’d rather hear how it changed you,” Steve whispered back.
They were close, legs intertwined, hands touching bare skin under shirts and on faces and necks.
“It changed everything for me. Wayne packed us up and moved us here as soon as he legally could. Probably for the best. Well,” Eddie gave a small smile. “Definitely for the best. Wouldn’t be here with you if he hadn’t.”
“Do you ever go back?” Steve did his best to ignore the fluttering in his stomach.
“Her birthday every year. She’s got a nice spot near her mom.” Eddie bit his lip. “It’s actually coming up in a couple weeks. Maybe you could come with me?”
“Me? Are you sure?”
Eddie nodded. “If it doesn’t weird you out that I talk to her. I like to give her updates on my life, Wayne’s life, music. Think she’d find it quite funny that I bring the guy I’ve had a crush on for two years.”
It takes a minute for the words to sink in.
“Two years?” Steve’s lips curled up into a smile. “I hope I live up to expectations.”
“I think she’d like you. She’d definitely make fun of me for having a boyfriend who wears polos though.”
“Is that how you’d introduce me?”
“If you’re okay with it.” Eddie leaned his forehead against Steve’s. “I know we haven’t talked about what we-“
Steve pressed his lips to Eddie’s, nearly knocking their noses together painfully in the process.
After the initial shock, they both relaxed into the kiss.
“I’d love to go. As your boyfriend,” Steve said after pulling away for air. “What was her favorite flower?”
“Gardenias. Always wore perfume that smelled like it. Why?”
“Because I have to impress her, right?”
“You realize she’s not gonna actually see or hear you? She’s definitely dead.”
Steve snorted. “I know. But she can still have nice things. Maybe us bringing her nice things in death is a way to apologize for the not nice things she had in life.”
“You’re a pretty incredible boyfriend, sweetheart.” Eddie kissed the tip of his nose. “And you now know more than Wayne, so it’s time for a pinky promise.”
Steve giggled before holding up his pinky. “I swear I won’t tell Wayne anything.”
“And you’ll kiss me whenever I want…”
“That’s a guarantee.”
“And you’ll let me win at Go Fish…”
“Not a chance, Eds.”
Eddie laughed. “Worth a try.”
Steve curled his pinky against Eddie’s. “So do you think she’d like me?”
“Oh. Oh god. She’d love you. You’re exactly who she’d want for me,” Eddie rolled his eyes when Steve flipped his hair back confidently. “And she’d braid your hair every night while you gossiped and sipped tea.”
“And what would you do?”
“Probably just soak it in. Appreciate having her and you around. You’ll just have to gossip with Wayne.”
“Wayne doesn’t strike me as-“
“Oh, he’s got you fooled! He’s a worse gossip than the ladies at the hair salon. Just ask him about the mailbox at the end of the road sometime. Make sure you’ve got an hour to spare.”
“Really?” Steve’s eyes lit up. “Is he home now?”
Eddie pulled Steve forward until he was flush against his front. “No and I have much better plans than gossiping with my uncle.”
“Oh?” Steve’s brow raised.
“It involves my bed and handcuffs. You in?”
“Hopefully you’re in.”
“God, you’re ridiculous. C’mon, now I’m even harder from your stupid flirting,” Eddie sat up and tugged until Steve followed. “Can’t believe this is how my night’s going.”
“Believe it, baby.”
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sc0tters · 6 months
Baby Fever | Matthew Tkachuk
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summary: on your wedding day Matthew thought he’d get you to himself, but seeing you with his cousins gives him an idea he just had to see through.
kinkmas: day four (breeding)
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, nipple play? swearing.
word count: 2.18k
authors note: can we believe that this is my first wedding fic? sorry it took so long but I think we got to a good place! Matthew is a man I haven’t written for a lot but I love it when I do get to. If you want to read more from kinkmas you can find the masterlist here!
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You knew you had always wanted a winter wedding.
The cold had been your favourite kind of weather as it meant you could sit at a fireplace with a blanket over your lap. Now living in Florida you weren’t promised your white wedding, but Matthew found a cabin that you two had fallen in love with. After being together for five years and countless jokes from his family as they would ask how Matthew got you locked down and even moving to a different country for him.
A mere six years ago you started off as his neighbour who knocked on his door early one Saturday morning as you needed eggs to fulfill your pancake recipe. In return for those eggs he got himself a free breakfast that morning and your number after weeks for trying to muster up the courage to talk to you.
Yes you, the girl set on pursuing her dreams was the one who made Matthew a mess.
Now you were sat a few seats across from him as his younger cousins giggled recounting the story of how Matthew was in love with you “hey now let’s not embarrass me to my wife.” Matthew shook his head as his hand squeezed your shoulder “can we talk for a bit?” He asked motioning to you to follow him “I’ll be back.” You offered the girls as you nodded “didn’t know I’d be chasing my wife on my wedding day.” The hockey player mumbled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he pressed a kiss to your head.
It made you smile “what can I say I’m a hot commodity today.” You teased as you two began to head outside where it was quiet “are you okay?” You furrowed your eyebrows sensing that something was on his mind “can’t get over how fucking gorgeous my wife is.” His confession made you scoff as your cheeks turned red “Matty.” You warned as his hands went dangerously close to your ass.
He laughed as he leaned down to kiss your lips “let’s go to the room.” Matthew proposed as you were all staying at the hotel tonight.
But of course you stood there like the good wife that you were as you shook your head “what about our guests?” You whisper yelled as his hand pressed against your lower back pushing you in the direction of the elevator “if anyone asks you can tell them I wasn’t feeling well.” He rolled his eyes pressing the button that illuminated your floor number as he waited for the elevator doors to shut before you dared to lay a hand on your now husband.
However Matthew didn’t feel the same way as you as he turned to you with a grin placing his hands on either side of your face as he leaned down to kiss you “fuck you’re so pretty.”He groaned swiping his tongue across your lower lip as you moaned into his kiss.
You two remained like that as the boy peppered kisses along your jaw and neck “I need to open the door Matt.” You coughed as you struggled to grab the keycard from his pocket.
Matthew opted to behave for a few minutes offering you your focus as you huffed opening the door as you both pushed in not letting your feet stop you until you were met with the couch. He took the opportunity to unzip your dress revealing your white lingerie “god.” Matthew mumbled watching as you stepped out of your dress that was now a mere blob on the floor. Leaving you in your underwear and heels.
What you didn’t expect was that he’d move to sit on the couch before he dared to touch you once more “c’mere.” Matthew motioned to you to sit on his thigh as he spread his legs open stretching the fabric of his pants over his muscular legs.
Your mouth watered as you straddled his thighs “so glad to finally have you all to myself.” The hockey player smiled as you gripped at his shoulders “been yours all along.” You quietly clenched your legs as his thigh bucked beneath your clothed cunt.
His lips brushed over yours “been thinking about you all damn day.” Matthew nipped at the skin of your neck forcing your breath to be caught in your throat “what about me?” You groaned feeling his eyes undress the little amount of clothes you had left on.
Matthew let his fingers brush over the strap of your bra “these boobs.” He began pulling the straps to your arms revealing your nipples that peaked from the cool air that hit them. His smirk looked up at you as you whimpered pinching your lower lip between your teeth as you oozed anticipation “please.” You begged giving Matthew a nod as his lips latched onto your left breast leaving his tongue swirling around your nipple.
His eyes fluttered shut as relief painted his body as he hummed at the taste of you on his tongue. Matthew continued his movements sucking and swirling the sensitive bud until you’re slick with his spit rocking your hips against his thigh. Your chest is heaving as you whined feeling goosebumps prick at your skin. Heat shoots from within you and it settles in between your legs “fuck!” You moaned making him sink his teeth against your nipple.
Matthews lips were plump as he brought his hand up to cup your other breast to equally share his attention with “gonna make a mess on your pants.” You warned tugged your fingers through his curls as he rolled your nipple between his fingers.
If this was any other day Matthew would have watched your eyes roll back into your head as you came by the mere flex of his thigh. But as his cock throbbed against the fabric of his pants and the knowledge that your loved ones would soon notice your disappearance “baby I need to fuck you so badly.” Matthews confession made you moan as you nodded.
Within the blink of an eye Matthew had his shirt unbuttoned and his belt unbuckled as you pulled his cock out from under his boxers “been thinking about your tight little pussy too.” The hockey player watching in awe as you drove the head of his cock over your clit making your body shake with pleasure “what about it?” You groaned smiling to yourself as you let your cunt swallow his cock as your walls adjusted to his size.
Foreheads pressed together as it seemed you both forgot how to breathe. The mere gesture of embracing each other almost being too much for you both but he couldn’t handle it as the first to pull away “how you’d look so full with my babies.” Matthew cupped your stomach brushing his thumbs over where your uterus sat beneath your skin. It was a topic that neither one of you had ever gone into depth with as you both agreed that kids would be in your futures “how your breasts would grow full.” You began to move your hips as you smiled settling into your rhythm.
Matthew watched as your eyes adjusted to the dim lights that lowly illuminated the room around you both “I want you to put a baby in me Matthew.” You pleaded clenching around his cock at the thought “want to be full of your come.” You had gone off of the pill last month as you knew you were getting to the stage of wanting kids, now it was beginning to matter that he wasn’t wearing a condom either.
It was hot hearing those words fall from your lips “I’m gonna fuck my pretty little bride so hard she forgets her name.” As soft as Matthews words were you knew it was a serious promise when he picked you up and lay you on the couch bringing himself back to the driving seat of this moment. Your response came in the form of a yelp as Matthew wrapped your legs around his waist “please Matt.” You begged as his pace ruined your once slow one.
The hockey player was desperate to fulfill his desires of seeing you full as he watched his cock bottom you out, hitting your g-spot resulting in your moans painting the walls. Sure to be heard by anyone who dared to be on this floor away from the party. It was dirty how your swollen lips and squashed curls that pressed against your back acted like encouragement to Matthew as he laughed “and to think you acted like you wanted to be down there with all of them.” The hockey player clicked his tongue as he shook his head mocking the innocent act you upheld when you were downstairs smiling at his parents like you didn’t have thoughts of having their son between your legs.
With the only response you allowed to let leave your lips being in the form of whines “but now you’re sat here fucking my cock dumb.” Matthew cupped the back of your head bringing you even closer to him as your hand went behind your bodies finding your clit “want it so bad.” You felt your breathing grow irregular as you struggled to focus “fill me up Mat.” You pleaded beginning to cry as pleasure built up in your body.
Those words were like butter to your husband who tugged at your lower lip between his teeth “won’t last when you speak like that.” Matthew groaned shaking his head as your cunt clenched around his throbbing cock “me too.” You stammered feeling the room around you grow hot as your legs began to shake.
Sounds of skin slapping echoed between you both as your face began to contort “go ahead baby.” Matthew ordered as his cock could only handle so much of this before he came himself “milk my cock pretty girl.” His tongue swiped over your ear lobe finally sending you over the edge.
Low grumbles left your lips as you clamped around his cock in spurts as the movements of your fingers strumming against your clit struggled to keep you focused “s-shit Matt.” You croaked out as your vision went blurry making your eyes screw shut as white specks cascaded over your eyelids “don’t stop.” You pleaded finally getting shut up when he embraced your lips in a hungry kiss.
Matthew wasn’t far behind you as his chest began to grow tight but at the moment he was focused on fucking you through your orgasm “such a pretty girl.” He mewled flaring his nostrils as the coil in his stomach snapped “fuck!” Matthew took the hand that was once behind your head and now pressed it against the arm of the couch to keep himself up.
Your cunt was coated with his release making you smile as he continued to slowly fuck you “gotta make sure it all stays in there baby.” Your husband teased as he pecked your lips.
The moment that was so small was full of so much love between you both that you almost didn’t hear the knock at the door.
Key word, almost.
Brady had been sent up to see where the two of you were “I get you’re a happy couple you two but if we could go downstairs and act like I haven’t just heard that I’d be happy.” His words made your cheeks turn red as you were only met with the sound of Matthews laughter.
Matthew pecked your lips as he smiled “down in a sec!” The panthers player yelled back as he sat up straight hearing the sounds of his brothers footsteps leaving the hallway. His hand reached down to your panties that were on the floor as he smiled “you serious about wanting my babies?” Matthew looked to you for confirmation as you placed your legs in his lap “so serious.” You nodded smiling as he did the same.
The hockey player helped slide your panties over your legs and pressed against your cunt “gotta make sure you don’t lose any of that then.” It made you squirm as you thought about keeping his load of inside of you “now as much as I wanna stay here with you.” Matthew sighed as he brushed your hair out of your face.
You let your lips form a pout already thinking about what he was going to say “we should probably get back before they send him back up here.” There was a hint of amusement in his voice as he pecked your lips “would hate for him to have to hear what you sound like when I have your cock in my mouth.” You smirked seeing Matthew process the image in his mind.
Using the little energy you had you got up and giggled “you’re sending me to an early grave.” Matthew groaned pressing his head into the pillow behind him.
As he watched you place your hands on your hips “that’s why you married me Tkachuk.” You spun around and walked to your dress letting him stare at your ass.
Matthew was living, the life.
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jungle-angel · 4 months
Morning Makeouts (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: The Bob Floyd Fuckfest Saga continues (lol)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sylviebell
Warnings: SMUT!!!! No minors allowed.......like ever (lol)
You and Bob were immensely enjoying your little vacation as always, taking every opportunity to enjoy it at its fullest as well as each other's company. Never in your lives had you and Bob felt so close as you did on that little island paradise in the Florida Keys. Of course you missed being at your home in Montana, but you had desperately needed a break from the mundane, every day goings on.
"Alright, look at me," Bob instructed, adjusting his camera. "There we go sweetheart, PERFECT!"
There you were, right in the ferns in the backyard of the beach cottage where no one stood a chance of seeing you, butt naked with Jimmy, your blue and yellow parrot perched on your wrist. He flapped his wings, just as Bob had begun snapping one photo after another, capturing the perfect image for your new photo album.
"Thank you my sweetpea," Bob said, taking you right in his arms and kissing you.
"Anything for you Bob," you answered, kissing him back. "Truth be told, that was actually alot of fun."
You and Bob were both a giggling mess as you kissed each other, unaware of how far you were stepping back until you both tumbled into the soft little sand pit in the middle of the bushes.
"Sorry baby," he apologized.
"Nope, you're ok Bob," you laughed as he looked down at you.
You could see his eyes darkening as he leaned his head down and kissed you sweetly, drawing a moan from your throat. It wasn't long before you felt his weight on top of you, the kissing growing more heated as something fell from the tree branch and hit the ground with a *THUMP!*.
"No worries (y/n), just a mango," Bob chuckled.
You laughed, but the look in Bob's eyes told you he was up to something, especially when he bit into the mango. "Bob what are you doing?" you laughed.
"Shhhh, just let me for a second?" he whispered.
You felt the cool, sticky juice dripping onto your sternum and down your exposed breasts. Before long you felt Bob dragging his tongue all over your curves and down to your navel where he licked up the mango juice, leaving little love bits and kisses in its wake. The pleasurable moans that came from you were what kept him at it, working his tongue like an artist's brush, swirling around your nipples and up to the soft spots on your neck.
"Mmmm......my turn," you purred.
Bob's eyes went wide but he gladly obliged as you helped remove his shirt and his jeans. You couldn't get over how perfect he looked in the early morning sunlight, his pale skin made soft in the glow of the sun. His boxers were the only thing left that had imprisoned his throbbing hard-on, coming off and being tossed aside with the rest of his clothes. You had almost forgotten how big your husband actually was until you saw his cock standing hard and ready.
"There we go sweetpea," he cooed. "Just.....just a little bit.....oh....there we go......there.....oh honey look at you, taking me so well......that's it, there's a good girl......right there now......good girl."
You moaned happily as his cock gently eased its way into your aching entrance, one little inch at a time. Soon you were sitting pretty right on him, your hips adjusting to his length.
You watched with pleasure as Bob's features took on a scrunkly, laughing look as the mango juice dripped onto his chest. You gladly returned the favor he had given before, licking up the juice as Bob pushed his chest a little closer to your face. Your tongue swirled around his nipples until they became hard, pointed little peaks, kissing the undersides of his tits.
You both came at the same time, Bob thrusting his length as deep in as he could possibly go. You lay skin to skin with each other on that warm patch of sand, gently feeling each other's bodies beneath the warm Florida sunshine.
"Think we should go for a sea bath later?" Bob asked.
"If it gets the ungodly amount of mango juice off of us, then I say yes," you laughed.
Bob kissed you sweetly, holding you against him. It was mornings like this that he lived for most, when it was just the two of you.
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dearestspirit · 6 months
a note heard in heaven - 00 (prologue)
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mizu x fem!reader | au based on the film the handmaiden | word count: 1,294 | warnings: mdni. this series will contain sexual and dark themes, including: abuse, sex, sexual assault/harrasment, period typical misogyny, murder, allusions to suicide, and period typical stigmas against mental health. series masterlist | next part
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There’s something to be said about opposites attracting; it seems Mizu’s life has led her to more run-ins with cushy, uptight rich people than she’d like to count. So when a con-man named Taigen finds his way to the lodging she shares with her ‘friends’- as in, a bunch of criminals dealing in forgery- asking her to play the part of handmaiden to another snob? Convince you to marry him, and then ship you off to where you’re never heard from again? The inheritance going to your absolutely grieving husband, of course, then to be split with her receiving half. She’s quick to scoff in his face. Until Taigen, deceivingly taking on the title of The Count to charm you, shows her just how much money you’ve been left to inherit. Even half of that sum is enough to make anyone do anything. Still, the back of her prideful mind nagged her with how demeaning the task was. The other part: the down in the dirt, tired of cleaning messes she didn’t make, re-sewing clothes from her childhood to keep using part, knew this was her one opportunity. Someone born like her rarely had a shot at anything worthwhile.
It was no question that in a few days time, she’d find herself alone in a carriage making its way to your estate. She knows the game she has to play, and she swears she’s winning before she even sees you.
Women like you are all too easily captivated by men like Taigen, she posits. You’ve already been married off to a wealthy man– one much too old for you, having lived on his property since a young age. From what she’s heard, you’ve barely ever set a foot outside those walls. That loneliness? A weak point, perfect to deliver a final blow to. Taigen was closer to your age, attractive, and could at least pretend to have some sort of importance. Mizu would act as something of a cupid. Set you on the right path, to a man with a good heart… she doubted it’d take even a week to get you to crumble in his arms, if your current husband’s behavior was anything to go by.
It takes a long journey to make it to your residence. Buried away in pitch black depths of forested land, the sense of isolation is cold. That chill sits in Mizu’s chest, keeping her on guard. A few soldiers halt her and her guide. Eyes peer in, leering and skeptical. With a few words from the coachman, they’re easily cleared and sent inside. She finds some unnecessary task to busy herself with, easing her nerves; counting the bumps in the dirt path until the horses reach the front door.
Thirty-seven. There’s thirty-seven uneven jostles of the cart before Mizu steps out, greeted by an older woman holding a lantern. Taigen had briefly informed her of the elder. She, Madame Kaji, was the most established housekeeper on the property. She took in all of the maid girls, training them and making them properly useful. A warning echoed in his statement of her: “She’s strict. Do not fuck up around her, or you’ll be scraps for wild animals to feast on and our whole operation goes up in flames.”
As if she would really believe that.
She wouldn’t.
Until the woman walked on ahead, maneuvering through the home with ease. As if she’d escorted thousands of to-be handmaidens through here. Mizu grunted, taking a few large jogs in order to catch up with the madam. This place was already testing her patience, her disinterest palpable.
“I’m surprised that your recommendation from The Count was taken so seriously, considering your apparent… circumstances of birth. Though he assured me your experience far outweighs any problems that may arise from such a condition,” Madame Kaji looked at Mizu only from the corner of her eye, unwilling to look directly. “The Lord’s main house is made up of two wings which you will familiarize yourself with. Then, the library. There’s also the servant’s quarters, but you won’t be using those as the Lady’s handmaiden.”
Mizu follows, lugging her belongings behind her wearily. Travel had been long, her body ached from sitting in that cramped carriage cabin, and now she had to listen to this borderline hag rattle off rules to her. All she has to do is be polite and meet your way too high standards, right? Who cares who the tea leaves go to, what soap must be left over? It was all meaningless etiquette so that when the poor somehow didn’t play by these rich rules, you could sneer and laugh in their faces. Mizu wanted nothing more than to climb into her new bed and sleep. Sleep until maybe she didn’t regret this decision any more.
Though, her regrets start to dwindle as she’s led through the grand hallways. Entire staircases bigger than any room she’s ever been in, exquisite paintings lining every empty inch of wall space they could, and various ancient relics on display made her shudder. The opulence of it all was astounding. Her whole bloodline– past, present, and future– would never see the amount of riches that you and your husband bask in. Honestly, if she weren’t trying to stay in the good graces of Madame Kaji, she’d let out a snort at how overdone the decor is.
She’s taken through a few more sliding doors, more Japanese style than Western, until Kaji stops in her tracks. Nodding her head to the left, she points Mizu in the direction of your door.
“This is where the Lady sleeps, and this,” she directs Mizu’s attention to the small chamber across from your doors. “is where you’ll be sleeping. The Lady often has nightmares, which you will attend to her during. It’s best to keep you close.”
Mizu nods, opening the door of the compartment. She can feel her eye twitch. It’s barely more than a glorified cabinet. The space contains only a wooden slab with a bedroll and pillow on it. There’s space under for her to put her shoes and luggage, but little else. Before she knows it, Madame Kaji has left her behind, apparently satisfied with that being the end of her tour. Mizu’s head lands against the door of her ‘room’ with a thump. She makes quick work of her shoes, shuffling them under the bed, along with the rest of her things.
It’s strange, though. She finds herself unable to lay, rather, turning herself around to face your quarters. Her hands tremble, shakily trying to pry your door open just a tad. She closes one eye, doing her best to peer in.
Moonlight streams in through your large windows, illuminating you in a heavenly glow. She can’t quite see your face from where she stands, but she can make out your figure underneath white sheets. She takes another moment to watch. Her breath practically wracks through her body, as if it’s dawning on her, her sudden proximity to you. Never had she been in the presence of someone so… unattainable, or otherworldly, almost. Somewhere in the house, a thud resounds loudly. Mizu nearly jumps out of her skin, shutting your door in an instant. Chest heaving and mouth dry, she settles herself into her compartment. Dragging her hand down her face, she tries to get her heart to relax. Taking one last glance towards you, your room, she finally flops back against the hard bedroll, agonizing over the uncomfortable nature of it. Exhaustion seeps into her muscles, eyes easily drooping shut. All she can do is hope the rest she gets tonight prepares her for the day ahead.
It won’t.
Because it isn’t long until a bloodcurdling scream rips through the house.
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a/n: i usually put my authors note up top, but this one is probably gonna be egregiously long. this is just a prologue, but i hope it’s an exciting enough start to something i’m so thrilled to be writing. it overjoys me that people showed so much interest in the idea. the plot of the handmaiden is one that means a lot to me. i can’t wait to explore mizu’s character through the lens of that plot. with the content this story is going to be diving into, i really want to perfect it and take my time on it, so please bear with me if it takes a while to get through and complete. right now, it’s looking like the series might be 6-9 parts, not including a prologue or epilogue. i can’t guarantee anything, but once part one is out i’d like to upload at least one part a week, possibly two. also, the count is taigen because due to such a huge involvement the count has in the story of the handmaiden, it’ll be easier reading to make it a known character than continuously referring to him as a vague male character. i do actually like taigen as a character, promise. also, i know the handmaiden takes place in japan occupied korea, but this will simply take place in japan. i’m not the most historically knowledgeable, so the setting will probably lean more towards blue eye samurai in terms of time period, dress, etc. it may end up being some weird mish-mash situation, but i’ll do my best to have it at least flow well. anyway, thank you for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts!!
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Hello. I read your repost and found the story of aemond in the brothel completely intriguing. you could write a story for aemond x reader, after the wedding he goes to bed with his wife, but first he talks about the experience, demonstrates vulnerability, which he never showed.
Hi! I am a hot mess after the events of today! Aemond needs all the love and I am more than happy to write a fic that delivers!
Aemond x reader | illusions to non-consensual intimacy from Aemond's past | healing | fluff | give the man a hug!!
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Your wedding day was everything you had ever dreamed of.  Most women from the noble houses of Westeros did not have the privilege to marry the man they loved, and how you loved him.  You stared up into his face as he repeated the Old Valyrian vows of unity, his long silver-white hair shone as it fell down his back and over his shoulders.  His violet eye, gaze always so intent on your features, flickered between your own eyes and his smile widened as you took your turn to recite the vows of marriage.
Aemond was not the monster so many whispered him to be.  He had been rather cold to you upon first meeting, true, but once establishing you had not judged his character before getting to know him, Aemond had opened up to you like a well-read book.  You had fallen for him twice as fast as he for you, and now here you both stood, at the precipice of matrimony.
Aemond leaned his head down and captured your lips with his in a chaste kiss, you were so caught up in the moment, the sound of cheering dulled in your ears, all you could hear was the rush of blood as your heart thrummed happily.  The festivities were a blur of dancing, eating and kissing with the eagerness of two newlyweds desperately in love.
When the hour grew late and the moon rose high in the sky, reflecting with luminesce off the rolling ocean, Aemond grabbed your hand and tugged you to follow him off the dance floor and away from the boisterous room.  Several hands slapped him jovially on the shoulder as you ran past, eager to be alone together.
Finally turning the corner of an empty corridor you were led by the hand into Aemond’s spacious chambers, shutting the heavy oak door behind you.  He turned to you immediately, pushing your back against the wooden frame, your face in his hands, and kissed you fiercely. You lips molded against his, moving with him as his hands found the nape of you neck. Your own fingers twisted in Aemond’s silky hair, tugging slightly, eliciting a small gasp from your new husband.  You pulled again, his mouth opened slightly against yours, and you used the opportunity to run your tongue along his.  Your right hand slid down to the tunic fabric at his waist and tugged him further against your body.  
Aemond broke your embrace with sudden abruptness, he stepped back slightly, running a hand through his mussed hair and eyeing you with something akin to guilt.  “Forgive me, Y/N.  I need a moment.”  
You moved away from the door and followed him further into the room. “Of course, my love.  There is no need to rush.”
You walked to the dresser, running the back of your finger down his cheek affectionately before passing him.  Aemond leaned into your touch briefly before turning his back to you.  His shoulders were tense, and his left hand was clenching and unclenching, a sign you knew from him to mean he was stressed about something.
Standing by the mahogany dresser, you began pulling the numerous pins from your hair, until it fell loose about you. “Aemond…would you mind helping me with my dress?  I crave to be out of this suffocating corset.”
Aemond started, as if he had been lost in thought, before turning to you.  His eye ran up and down your form quickly before he stepped forward with the ghost of a smile upon his lips. “Of course, lady wife. Turn around.”
Some of the usual mischief had reentered his voice, giving you hope all was well. You turned to present the back of your dress to him and you felt his long fingers begin to undo the lacings.  Aemond made short work of the dress ties, making only a few grunts of annoyance as a piece of fabric caught.  You made no effort to catch the dress as it fell in a heavy pile to the floor, leaving you in nothing but your shift. A brief silence, a pregnant pause, before you felt his hands caress your sides with featherlight care.  His lips found your exposed shoulder and he placed chaste kissed along it and up your neck.  You tilted your head, scrunching your shoulder up, and laughed. “Aemond, please, that tickles!”
You felt his hot breath stir your hair as he laughed with you, his hands still moving up and down your waist.  “Say that once more, Y/N.”
You felt a sly smile tug at your lips. “Tickles?”
The light touches at your sides transformed with alacrity into prods and pinches at your ribs, causing you to twitch and try to break free of Aemond’s clutches. Between you struggling against his wicked fingers and laughing, you were soon gasping for air. “Aemond!” You had turned to face him, pushing against his chest and trying to slap his hands away. “Aemond, stop it!”  Tears of mirth began to prick at your eyes, his own laughter intermixing with yours. “Aemond, please!”
“Ah, there it is.”  He ceased his torturous administrations at once. “The word I like so much coming from your lips.”
He kissed you again.
He backed you up until the back of your knees hit the mattress and you collapsed onto it.  Aemond followed, leaning over you, nose brushing yours.  
You stared up into his handsome face, fingering the silver hair that pooled on your chest.  “I love you.”
Aemond’s eye widened briefly, his pupil dilated leaving only a small ring of purple. To your disappointment, your husband pulled away from you again.  He moved to sit next to you on the bed, looking down into your confused face, he ran his fingers through your hair splayed on the mattress. “I must confess something to you, Y/N.”  
Your heart stuttered at his words, a sudden weight in your chest.  You sat up to meet his eye level, placing a hand on his knee. “You can tell me anything, Aemond.  You know this.”
He put his own hand over yours, studying your expressions with his keen gaze. “I have been with a woman before.  Though it was not exactly…” He struggled a moment to find the words. “Not exactly my idea.  Aegon took me to a brothel, when I was thirteen, he wanted to educate me in…the ways of the flesh. Said I needed to learn how to be a man.”  Now that Aemond had begun speaking, the words spilled from him in a flood of barely surprised emotion. He stared at you with an expression bordering on pleading, silently asking you to understand. To forgive him.  “I did not want-I did not ask to go.” Aemond became frustrated, he stood and began pacing the room in agitation.  “I was already seen as less than a man because of my eye, saying ‘no’ to a woman was simply not an option for me!”  His usually velvet voice was raised slightly, sounding strained.
Your chest constricted, heart hurting for him, the man you so admired and cherished.  He had stopped pacing and remained remarkably still in front of you, eye fixed upon your face.  “I did not want it.”  He repeated softly, his fist closing in upon itself briefly before relaxing again.
“Aemond…” You held your arms out to him.  A question.  
With a heavy sigh, Aemond came into your embrace, burying his hands in your hair as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I will never stop loving you, Aemond.” You repeated his name like a prayer. “I will never send you from me, so long as you remain honest with me.”
Aemond sunk to his knees in front of you, bringing his face level with yours.  You noticed the wetness on his cheek and brushed at it with your thumb.  “You are the warmth in my heart, the hope in my darkest days.  But most of all you’re my love.”
Aemond’s breathing shuddered at your words, his lower lip trembled slightly. “My heart is yours, Y/N, and ever will be.  Until the end of the world.”  
His hands moved to grip your upper arms, gently pulling you into him.  You ran your hands along Aemond’s back, pouring all the love you felt for him into the embrace.  
The two of you remained in that position for a long time, the minutes moving with tender slowness, as you breathed as one.  You would cherish Aemond all your days given the chance, and you knew his love for you would last all of this life and into the next.
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
Fandom: ATWOW
Pairing: Ao'nung x fem!na'vi!reader, Olo'eyktan!Ao'nung x fem!na'vi!reader (Metkayna!fem!reader)
Warnings: grammatical errors (feel free to tell me!), older Ao'nung, angst? mention of death BUT HAPPY ENDING <33
please, let me know if you liked it!!! thanks!
THE SONG IS NOT MINE!!! IT'S CALLED: if the world was ending.
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Y/N has always been mysterious. Even as a small child, Ao'nung remembered her as a small, quiet girl. But even when he got to know her, and played with her in the water, she never told him anything about herself. He could talk for hours and she said nothing.
He started liking Y/N as a teenager. She was really pretty, not pretty, beautiful, and caught the eyes of many. Ao'nung had to fight for her, for her favor. For the favor of the mysterious beauty, as he called her. That nickname got on Y/N's nerves.
But Y/N didn't want him. She didn't want the others either.
Ao'nung didn't understand. He went then, 15 years old, to his father, all unhappy with Y/N's rejection.
"Son, now listen carefully," Tonowari told him.
His wife, Ronal was amused by this, she liked that the girl taught her son a lesson that he doesn't always get what he wants. Of course, she felt sorry for him. But it brought a smile to her lips that her son is growing up. She was sure that girl liked him, she knew it from the way Y/N looked at her son. They were too young to have serious love.
"You shouldn't tell your mother this. But Y/L/N's girls were always mysterious as well as beautiful. So very much. Ah. I knew her mother, Ao'nung. She was a beautiful woman. Honor to her memory,"
Ao'nung never knew Y/N's mom, Y/N didn't like to talk about her. It was known that she died because someone from the sky people killed her.
"If I didn't know your mom back then, I probably would have thing with her. And maybe not. She already had a thing with Y/N's father by then." Tonowari thought.
"Dad, what does this have to do with what you want to tell me? Ugh,” Ao'nung rolled his eyes.
"Sorry! I want to tell you, son, that the girl has some secrets that she doesn't want to tell you. Some painful secrets like her mother. You know, she may be beautiful, but is she worth it? To love someone who will never reveal himself to you?"
"Marriage is not boring then, you still have the opportunity to learn something about each other," Ronal appeared out of nowhere.
"Ronal," Tonowari said and Ronal apologized with her eyes and walked away with some herb she had come for. She left them alone.
"But mom is right, dad. I want her and one day I will have her," Ao'nung declared confidently.
His father messed up the hair on his son's head. “Okay, Ao'nung. But wait a little longer, because now you are a child. And she's too. Everything will come. And choose with your heart, not your mind. Whether she will be your wife or another, love each other."
10 years later
Y/N was holding the blue flower Ao'nung had given her. Olo'eyktan. Her husband.
This year was so sad. For the whole clan. Tonowari died. In battle. Ao'nung didn't take it well and Y/N stood by him. She wiped his tears and comforted him. But Ao'nung had to become their leader. He has to be Olo'eyktan like his father. Y/N knew his father would be proud of him.
"But he would like you to stand up. To be strong," she put her hand on his shoulder.
Ao'nung took her hand and looked into her eyes. She was now his support in these difficult times. Not that he didn't have support from his pregnant sister, but his sister had enough of her worries. He didn't want to bother her. And his mother? She went away somewhere. She needed to be alone. After all, she lost her husband.
Only Y/N didn't leave him. She stood by him. She always stood by him. It was strange, Ao'nung sometimes acted like a jerk, but for some strange reason, she was always there for him. She once revealed to him that it was because she liked him.
"Ao'nung, I look at you and see a strong leader in you. Like your father. You will be a wise and strong leader. I am proud of you,"
Ao'nung dropped to his knees before her and kissed her hands.
"What are you doing?? Get up!” Y/N ordered him.
Ao'nung ignored her.
“Y/N… be with me. Rule with me. I love you."
Y/N had tears in her eyes. "Ao'nung..." she didn't want to believe what was happening. Her childhood friend, who had been chasing her for years, had grown up and become a man. And now he is kneeling in front of her and begging her to become his wife.
"Please. You are my only comfort. Hope."
"Yes. Ao'nung. Yes.” she threw herself around his neck and Ao'nung kissed her tears away. They kissed each other's tears. They always loved each other, even though Y/N ​​took longer because.. she didn't even know why. But she knew one thing her heart belonged to Ao'nung.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Ao'nung slept hard. Y/N didn't. It didn't make sense, they made love all night, they promised each other their love, they mated and they were married. She should have been tired. But she wasn't. She stared at the sky full of stars.
She turned and looked at her husband. He was so handsome. He always was, but now he seemed the most handsome to her.
She had one thing to do. She simply had to. She had to say goodbye and start over. She hoped Ao'nung would forgive her. He might not even notice.
She kissed him and stood up. She threw on her clothes and quietly went to the water. The whole village was asleep and that was good. She quietly called her Ilu. Then she stroked it and they set off.
She had to go to the Tree Of Spirits.
The sea was so magical at night, everything was lit up and sea life was bustling under the water.
When they reached their destination, Y/N sent Ilu away and went to the tree. She connected her braid to the tree.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ “Y/N. Every night, every year. You will always come," her mother hugged her.
Y/N was shaking, tears in her eyes. "Mom. I miss you,"
She stroked her hair. "I know, honey."
"Mom... I came to say goodbye to you. I love you but…” Y/N looked at her mother.
"I know. It's time. Don't give up. But to let go," her mother whispered to her.
"I am letting you go. All those years..."
“It wasn't your fault, Y/N. Stop blaming yourself. It was my decision."
"I could have saved you"
"You were a child. What mother would not sacrifice herself for her child?"
Y/N cried:" I saw it. I saw how they killed you. In a brutal way. It never left my mind. I couldn't save you."
Her mother grabbed her hand. "Angel, I'm dead. And I am at peace. I never once regretted my decision. It was the best decision. To let you live."
She sighed. "But promise me something. You won't come here again. You let me go. A new beautiful life full of love awaits you."
"Your husband will love you until his last breath. But you have to forgive yourself. I forgive you, even if I have nothing to forgive, but if it gives you inner peace, then I forgive you. Eywa forgives you too," the mother touched Y/N's heart. "Now is the time for you to forgive yourself."
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
𝑾𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕?
𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒕.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Ao'nung smiled in satisfaction. He finally smiled. He was smiling after those long dark days. He had a beautiful passionate night with a woman, his wife, whom he sincerely loves.
He turned towards her to say something, but she wasn't there. He got up angrily. He must be dreaming of that! He went outside, but she was nowhere in sight.
The sun was slowly rising and Ao'nung looked for her all over the village. She was nowhere.
Did she run away from him?
Of course, it was too good to be true. Of course, she left. She left him like everyone else. He roared like a wounded roar and fell to his knees.
"Ao'nung," his sister walked up to him and wanted to get him to his feet. "You don't know what day it is today, do you?"
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Y/N had a big problem. She had inner peace, but she found out a terrible thing. And that she was much longer there than she planned. She found it out by the sun. She was afraid to go back to the village, but she had to be strong.
She hoped that no one would be waiting for her on the beach, but she was wrong. There were a lot of them. But Ao'nung was not there. Y/N's heart skipped a beat. Was he angry?
"Olo'eyktan! She's back!" someone shouted and Ao'nung appeared from the shadows, like a god of vengeance. He had an angry expression on his face. But he didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone, so without a word, he grabbed her hand and dragged her to where they would have privacy.
"Shut up. Now I'll speak," he said angrily, making sure no one heard them.
"How could you do this to me? After our night, you just disappeared. Do you know what it was like to wake up and you weren't there? I was really worried about you! Y/N!” he yelled.
Y/N looked down. She felt useless. She was sorry.
"Ao'nung, I would never leave you. You know that." she whispered.
Ao'nung looked down at her. "Really? How can I trust you?"
Y/N fell to her knees. "Sorry. I'm sorry, but I had to do it. I had to forgive myself," she whispered.
"Get up," he motioned to her, but she didn't get up. She shook her head. "Punish me if you want, I deserve it, Olo'eyktan."
Ao'nung's expression softened. “I don't want to punish you, y/n. I love you too much for that. But please, let's be honest with each other." he sat down. "No more secrets. I don't know if I can handle any more secrets. I used to like that about you, Y/N, that you were mysterious but now.."
"I understand that. And I have nothing to hide from you. I'll tell you everything," she took a deep breath.
1 year later
Ao'nung kissed his wife passionately. She giggled. "Ao'nung, stop! Someone can see us!"
"Then let them see how I love you," he rolled his eyes.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you so much, my husband"
"I love you too, my mysterious beauty."
"You know I have nothing to hide from you anymore," she sighed and Ao'nung grabbed her hand. "I know, but I still like that about you and I always will. It was part of you and it still is."
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆
𝑰'𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
𝑵𝒐, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒚
𝑾𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒚𝒆
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luvly-writer · 3 months
Ch. 20 The smiles are made of ice
Author's note: Hope you enjoy! If you want to be added to the taglist, just leave a comment!🫶🏽
Warnings: I don't know much of Bernard's character so I just had some fun with it. He is a petty ex trying to get back with our man.
Taglist: @w31rdg1rl @mxtokko @loonymoonystuff @grandstrangerphanthom @1lellykins va @cangosleepnow @dreamspectrum @its-maemain @tamimemo @nightw-izhu @trasshy-artist @gabriiiiiiii @cassini-among-the-stars @pank0w @writing-for-the-hell-of-it
There was an saying on the upper east side that went like this, with the queen of gold, you expect mercy, with the queen of silver, you beg for it; but with the queen of ice you should forget it cause it won't help you at all.
This was the case at tonight's gala. The Vanderbilt's had made their appearance at the Wayne's Charity Ball and the crowd was loving it. Not only was the press hungry to get full coverage of the two ex-lovers seeing each other again in public, but people were excited both in social media and in the crowds. How would they behave? Would they be amicable? Was the spark still there? That las one was the easiest question to answer seeing as everyone knew the spark was still there. The dazzling Vanderbilt with the dashing Wayne.
The one thing that no one was expecting but made the entire night more enticing, was one Bernard Dowd in the crowd who had come per someone unknown's request.
Y/n was chatting up people left and right. Although she was not part of the family business, she still did her part in maintaining the Vanderbilt name clean and golden. They all did their parts without a hitch, charm, and dazzle without a hassle.
Y/n hadn't had the chance to see Tim yet, seeing as they both were busy mingling with their respective families, it was a charity gala after all. Everything was going smoothly...until one blond got too close to a certain ravenette.
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Y/n locked her phone and glared towards where Bernard was talking with Tim. Seeing her glaring, Mark and Antoine smirked at each other and walked towards her, each standing her each side of her.
"What's wrong, Baby V, your boy toy's flirty with his ex?" remarked Antoine, always one to want to get a rise out of her. Hearing this, Charlisse neared them and took her husband's arm, "Please, a Vanderbilt is never jealous" Then she turned to Y/n, "But this one just so happens to be" she teased. Mark, Antoine, and Charlisse laugh loudly.
"Stop tormenting the poor girl!" Chasticed Aurora, walking towards them with their parents. "Y/n, Timothy is utterly in love with you, all is well" she said looping Y/n's arm with hers.
"All will be well once they get over being oblivious to one another" teased William, making Franchesca slap him lightly in the arm in a scolding matter. "My sweat pearl of the ocean, go talk with him. He invited you to this event, which means he wants you around. Dont waste a good opportunity to spend time with him." Her mother encouraged and everyone agreed. Just as she was about to answer, she saw Bernard reach for Tim's hair and move it away from his eyes with wink. and. that. was. it.
"Rora, hold my things," she said as she handed her purse and phone to Aurora and began walking towards Tim and Bernard.
"The Ice Queen makes her return it seems" purrs Charlisse smirking and they all agree. As noble as the Vanderbilts were, everyone knew there were sharp teeth hidden behind smiles. They never took kindly to being messed with, and as kind as she was, that queen was still made of ice.
She strutted across the hall, gliding with class and poise. She charmed everyone with her shining smile and lovely gaze as she got close to the pair. Tim noticed her first. Of course, he did. She had caught his eye the moment she walked through those doors and they had never left her figure. What a woman. He smirked as he saw her getting closer and offered his hand for her to take once she got closer. She took it willingly, and latched onto his arm.
"Timmy, my sweet, how have you been?" she asked sweetly but he recognized the hunger in her eyes, he knew the cold growing in her gaze and wondered what possibly could have happened for the ice queen to resurface.
"Angel, I am better now that you've blessed us with your presence. You enjoying the gala? Your favorite band is playing tonight." he said inhaling her perfume. God, she was addicting.
"Absolutely! You know good music never fails to put someone in a good mood. My family has absolutely enjoyed it. I think Aurora has already tired Mark out with too much dancing." she responded
"I have not seen you on the dance floor tonight. Why is that? I know it is not because of a lack of suitors." He continues, hoping she will say she was waiting for him.
"Well, I-"
They both looked the side and finally, Bernard made himself present.
"Timmy? I thought you hated that nickname, Tim" he said looking at Yn up and down. Seeing this, she offered him her best smile.
"And you are?" she said, wolfish smile present
"Oh, you don't know who I am?" Bernard mocked her tone, "That's surprising"
"It's why I asked my dear" she responded.
"Angel, this is Bernard, my ex," said Tim, already sensing the tension.
"Oh really, pleasure to meet you, I'm-
"Y/n Vanderbilt, his other ex, yes I'm aware." Said Bernard tightly. He looked at her up and down again, "How...gorgeous is your dress, Miss Vanderbilt. I have to say, it looks much too humble for a Vanderbilt"
This hit a nerve with Y/n and Tim knew it. Rule #1 with old money, NEVER LOOK DOWN ON THEIR CLOTHES. He felt her squeeze his bicep and laugh airily. "You think so?" she said moving a little to showcase her dress, "My lovely friends at Dior made sure to get me a one-and-only. I told them tonight was special," she said looking at him dead in the eye.
"How modest for the occasion, you know, it being a charity ball" retorted Bernard. He was coming for her wealth.
"It is perfect for the occasion. You see, too much bling calls for too much attention, bright colors look for dramatics," she said, eyeing his light green suit, "Black is sleek, elegant, professional, and perfect. Anyone with knowledge of this type of event knows this. What do you think, Timmy?" she said gazing up at him. This time he knew she wasn't just being passive-aggressive with him, she was being sincere. Asking for his opinion on how she looked in the night.
"I think, you look absolutely gorgeous like always, and would you look at that, once again, my tie matches your dress," he says winking at her and she giggles softly.
"Tim is a black tie, you have a million of those" deadpanned Bernard but was ignored by Tim, who was too engrossed with Y/n.
"You think so?" she asked softly
"You know, I always think you are absolutely ethereal" he responds just as softly.
Just as she is about to speak again, they are interrupted by a man looking for the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. "Save a dance for me, gorgeous, I'll be right back," he said as he walked away.
She giggled and waved goodbye. She turned to look at Bernard, alone and right where she wanted him. She extends her hand at him and says, "A dance?" She gives her most beautiful smile and he knows he is fucked if he declines. There are too many people watching.
"Of course"
As they near the dance floor, she walks by her family and the Waynes. Dick and Jason are looking at them with their mouths open, Stephanie, Barbara, Cass, and Duke were intrigued and drinking everything up. William and Bruce were caught up in a discussion, and Damian was nowhere to be seen. Charlisse, always one to adore utter chaos, winked at her sister once she caught her eye. The finally reached the dancefloor and so the music began.
"So Bernard, what brings you here? I didn't know Tim and you stayed friends after all of it"
"We didn't." He said shortly, she noted he did not want to engage in conversation with her.
"Oh...pity. Tim is a most loving friend" she says
"I'm sure he is, Miss Vanderbilt. Which is why I came. To see if that friendship could be rekindled" he said. The way he said friendship rubbed Y/n the wrong way. He was not here for a friendship.
"That so" she said and smiled at him, "How curious"
"Listen, you may think that just because you were his latest kink, that it won't happen. You are just a little girl with money, and once that runs out of style, you both are left with nothing in common. No middle ground, nothing to base a romance on. What Tim and I had was real and I'm here to prove it. You are just another obstacle in our way. "
From an outsiders view, it must have looked like Bernard has said the funniest joke to the young woman with how hard she laughed.
"Bernard, let me correct you. I am not a little girl with money, I am a woman with power. Don't get them twisted. And if you are so sure, why hasn't he made a move yet? Where's your invitation to a dance? Let him make it public that Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne is back with Bernard Dowd. Oh wait..he won't. Want to know how I know that?'' She got closer to his ear and whispered, "Because Bernard my sweet, did you notice how easy it was to ignore you in my presence? Keep that in mind for the rest of your night" Y/n giggled and twirled herself just as the dance was over. She clapped at him as she looked at him dead in the eye. "And one last thing...if you love your career, I suggest you don't touch him again. Connections do wonders in this world, you know. Enjoy the rest of your night." She winked and walked back to her family.
Not too long later she feels someone's presence behind her and turns to find Tim, looking at her knowingly. "You owe me a dance"
Gladly, they both walk towards the dance floor hand in hand, hearing camera shudders as they did. Once there, the began to slow dance, swaying side to side.
"Now, angel, what could have poor Bernard possibly done to get the ice treatment this lovely night. And don't think lying is an option because you know I know your tells." He said lowly in your ear and you knew you were a goner.
"He was too close" you muttered and Tim laughed hard.
"What do you mean too close?" He asked filled with amusement
"Did you invite him?"
"No, angel, his invite was accidental. They forgot to erase him from my list of invites. It was a mistake." he reassures and you relax a little.
"Do you miss him?" Y/n asks looking up at Tim, fixating on his lips for a moment and then staying on his eyes. He smirks, having caught you looking at his lips, and answers. "No, I do not. Things are...different now. I have someone else in mind" he says looking directly into your eyes and for a moment you swore he could be talking about you.
"Which is whomst?" She asks and he huffs
"Don't tell me you don't know?"
"I am scared to find out" she whispers. Just as he was about to answer, they heard clapping. The music stops and it is time for Tim to make his speech thanking everyone in assistance. He gives her a kiss on her hand and walks away, promising that they will talk later.
As she walks back to her family, she makes eye contact with an angry Bernard. She gives him a knowing smile and walks towards her family's table. There Mark, Antoine, William and Charlise raise their glass at her whilst Aurora and Franchesca roll their eyes at them.
Y/n laughs at their antics and sits down.
That night as she was preparing to go to sleep, she heard a notification from her phone go off.
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Bernard and Tim was a rocky breakup at best that really left them both super hurting. It was messy and the public had a blast with it. The fact that Y/n helped avoid a scandal really helped Tim’s image. They are still the public’s #1
Tim is tired of holding his feelings to himself
He had once said he’d never go detective on Y/n but after that talk where they “ended” things, Tim’s brain went on override and decided “fuck it”. So he did it and was able to understand that Y/n feels something for him. Looking back at the videos and the pictures helped him get there. Not only that, when they started to hang out more often, he noticed it. Now he just needs to fess up so that he hears it from her. He does not want to pressure her into it. If he has her, it will be because she wants to be with him.
He literally forgets the world when he looks at her.
Bernard had been flirting with him but he couldn’t keep his eyes away from Y/n. He is mesmerized by her and it will always be like so.
He knows she’s jealous. Why do you think he was so smirky and amused? He knows his baby. He also knows Bernard was pissing her off. So he didn’t mind her being bitchy.
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multiharlot · 3 months
giving him the papers // matt murdock x age gap!reader
summary: out of everything you'd planned for your future with matt, divorce wasn't one of them.
warnings: none? i don't think? matthew is the warning? idk?
series masterlist || main masterlist || add yourself to my taglist!
when matt walked into the loft and you weren't there, he'd just about lost his mind. he thought you were gone forever, and he wouldn't blame you for that. he couldn't. he'd dug his own grave. he hadn't bothered unpacking his bags, he just sat on the couch, waiting. hoping and praying harder than he'd ever hoped and prayed that you'd walk through those doors and come home.
home, he'd thought.
what a home you'd created for him.
a home filled with love and comfort and warmth. and then he'd ruined it in a matter of moments, like the desecration of the holiest of churches. now he'd be forced to kneel to prayer on the roughest of hardwood floors. the god he'd begged to grant him the grace of your love would turn his back to the mortal man now begging and pleading for your grace and love and forgiveness once more, yet his eyes turned only to watch you. he watched as you sat there, deflated, on your knees and entirely unsure of wether you should be praying to the god that would ever let this happen to you. unsure of what you'd even be praying for if you were to pray at all.
for a husband who would always be half there? a husband who'd so easily forgotten the woman he'd married and loved the moment he took one step out of your grasp? for a marriage that would always have foundational cracks. you knew you couldn't build a home on cracked foundation, but dear god did you want to.
matthew was everything you'd ever wanted.
was. is.
you weren’t sure anymore. you had no idea what your relationship stood for now. you’d always had trust issues always had each other. always had honesty. and now you had nothing. you were scrambling to pick up any crumb of hope that might’ve sprinkled itself between the cracks in the broken tile on your best friends bathroom floor. and you’d come up empty handed.
a big part of you was angry. so angry at him. you couldn’t understand why he’d do this to you? why he’d let everything fall apart and destroy the beautiful life you two had created with each other? but no one ever asks the snake why it bit them. they tend to the wound.
so that’s what you decided to do. you decided to tend to the wound. it will always be the nature of the snake to bite. there’s no reason in asking redundant questions like “why?”
you picked yourself up off the floor. you took your shower. you did your hair. you put on your outfit. and you went to work.
and that's what you kept doing. day after day. week after week.
and while you carried on, matt waited. waited for divorce papers in the mail. waited for you to come home. waited for you to show up in his office, screaming and shouting at him and trashing his entire office. he waited for anything from you. but nothing came.
until the fourth week.
your heart was pounding and thumping in your chest and you started to feel woozy. you weren't really sure what to do in this moment. this wasn't how you wanted it all to happen, but this is how it was happening. and before anything, you knew you had to tell him before he found out otherwise. because despite what he'd done, it was only right that you told him yourself. he deserved that much.
your hands were shaking as they hovered above the door to the loft. matt could hear you, of course. you figured he could. but he just waited patiently behind the door. he'd never been so nervous in his entire life. he could hear the envelope shifting in your hand, and he had a feeling that he knew what they were. he was waiting for the moment they'd come, but he was happy that you'd brought them to him yourself. happy that he had the opportunity to salvage your love from the mess he'd made.
when you finally gathered the courage to knock, matt waited a moment. hoping that maybe you wouldn't notice that he'd been waiting behind the door this entire time.
"i appreciate the patience and letting me keep my dignity, but i can see your shadow under the door, matt."
matt swore he'd never heard something as beautiful as your voice in that very moment.
you sounded congested. and your voice was hoarse. like you had a cold.
or like you'd spent the morning crying.
"hi" he let out, as he opened the door.
"hi matthew" you nodded, walking past him and into the apartment.
your heart was beating so hard in your chest that he was sure it was about to fall out.
when you'd walked in, you just stood at the end of the hallway for a moment. the memories of the place you once called home bringing a sinking feeling into your chest. and in that sunken pit began a burning fire of rage and disgust.
"so um...h-how are you?" he stutters out
matt wasn't sure he'd ever been this nervous for anything before in his life
"good" you nodded, taking a seat on the couch
matt sat down across from you on the arm chair and you'd both sat in silence for a moment. neither of you knowing how to approach the conversation.
"i'm sor-"
"please don't." you quickly interrupted, shaking your head.
you didn't want him to beg on his knees in front of you. you didn't want him to bow at your feet like he was attending sunday worship and you were the statue of his goddess that he was required to bow in submission to.
"i just...i can't just give in and roll over and give up on us without a fight. i can't do that. i messed up, i know. i really messed up. i took what we had and rubbed it into the ground like a finished cigarette under my foot. you deserved so much more than that. and i'll do whatever i have to do to fix this. to fix us." he pleaded, coming over to you and sitting on his knees in front of you, desperately clutching his hands in yours.
he could hear the envelope that you were still clutching in your hands crumpling beneath his grip. it encouraged him to tighten his hold in hopes that it would destroy the papers you were holding in your hands.
you weren't really sure what to say, and you weren't even sure you could remember how to speak in this moment. you barely knew how to approach this when the man you married wasn't on his knees groveling in front of you, let alone when he is. so you let the papers do the talking.
you pulled one of your hands from his and handed him the envelope, not saying anything.
"baby please-"
"just...please?" your voice quivered and matt could feel you shaking. but he had a sliver of hope that because you hadn't entirely let go of his hands, that maybe this was reparable.
he refused to let go of your other hand while he grabbed the envelope. the envelope wasn't sealed, so he'd just reached in and grabbed the papers. there was only two pages, which made him furrow his eyebrows. divorce papers were never this thin.
"can you just...read it please"
he took his hand from yours and reached out to the paper, only to not feel any raised braille, and he chuckled for a moment.
"i know it's been a while but i'm still blind."
shit. you'd forgotten to translate the papers into braille. which means you were forced to tell him. to speak it out loud. to make it real. it was already real, but like...really real. very very real.
"it's okay....you don't have to tell me." matt attempted to console you after hearing how your heartbeat ticked up.
you shook your head, taking a deep breath in and looking down at the papers in his hand.
"no i...i need to. you...it um. i am..."you tried to sputter out, but then you just sighed, tears welling in your eyes.
this wasn't how you wanted this to happen, and it started to make you angry.
"this wasn't how i wanted this to happen." you cried, attempting to control your breathing but not doing a very good job.
matthew got up from the floor in front of you and sat down next to you on the couch as you let yourself sob. let yourself feel it.
"i know baby. i'm so sorry. i want to fix this, please let me fix it." he pleaded softly, reaching out to wipe the tears from your face.
"i want to be angry at you. and i want to hate you. but i don't and i don't think that i can. and when i thought about how our life was going to play out, this wasn't part of the plan. and now i don't know how to do this. i don't know how to tell you. this was never how i wanted this to happen."
"you can tell me baby. it's okay." he nods, wrapping his arm around your waist and wiping the tears from your face with the sleeve of his hoodie.
you reached down, grabbing the papers, staring at them as your tears dripped slowly onto the pages. you couldn't tell him.
so you didn't.
you stood up and grabbed his laptop that was connected to his printer and you printed out the pages from your email. you were determined to do this the way you planned. because you couldn't bring yourself to do it any other way.
matt sat there listening to the pages printing, and listened to you walk back over to the couch, taking a seat next to him.
"here..." you said softly, placing the papers in his lap.
he raised his shaky hands onto the page and began to read, and then his hands stopped.
"what...what is this?"
"please don't...make me say it. please."
his eyebrows furrowed as he kept reading, and then he stopped. his fingers hovering over the words.
"we....it- what?" he breathed out.
BAHAHAHAHA I LOVE A GOOD CLICHE WOOOOO PREGNANCY TROPE (corny i know but i have a plan i promise)
@luvr-bunnyy @glowstick-lesbian @anothersworld @Mrbillymontgomery @inas-thing @fuck-goes-on @eddiemvnsonss @nia_um @multibishh @takeyour-pants-off @afootnoteinyourhappiness @slut4murdock @multibishh @alexxavicry @drunkangels @desert-fern @caseket @dvredevil-s-initivls @thychuvaluswife @scoliobean @babyblue0t7
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positivegvfthings · 10 months
I Got It For You Daddy-DRW
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Golf was a shared pass time in your family growing up. Every Sunday, your parents would drag you and your siblings out of bed and off to the greens to play a couple of holes. In High school, you were a state champion all four years, which landed you the opportunity to play for Belmont University with a four-year scholarship. The summer before your last year at Belmont, you met Danny on the course where you were working at the time. That next summer you two were married and now you have a three-year-old son. Who is eager to learn to play just like his mommy and daddy. 
Contains: Dad!Danny, fluff, just all-around cuteness
Word count: 1090
“Daddy waked up, we’re going to da greens” Jude eagerly jumped onto the bed waking your husband up
“We are, when did we make those plans?” Danny asked. 
“Mama said we’re going, she woked me up and got me doughnuts.” Jude replied. 
“Well, if mama says we’re going, we’re going.” Danny laughed. “Let’s go get you dressed silly boy” 
“Okayd” Your son said as he moved off the bed, and ran down the hall.
“He’s the energizer bunny this morning” you laughed as Danny shook his head at his sons antics. 
“You said we were going golfing, so I’m blaming you.” Danny chidded. 
“I can’t help that our son wants to be just like his daddy.” You smiled. “Now go get him ready before he starts destroying his room.” 
“I’m going.” Danny sighed, finally rolling out of bed, and walking down the hall to your sons room. You quickly pulled out an outfit suitable for the occasion and got dressed before heading down to Jude’s room. 
“Alright buddy what’s the rule?” Danny asked. 
“Shoes and belt” Jude cheered. 
“That’s right my boy.” Danny smiled. “You look good, you feel good, you win.” After hearing that the two of them were doing okay, you continued down to the garage to load up your SUV with Danny and your bags. Just as you finished loading up the car, Danny and Jude were making their way outside. They both had on blue polos and grey pants. 
“Look mama, daddy and I match” Jude cheered. 
“I see that baby boy, you both look so handsome.” You smiled. Danny blushed at your compliment. 
“Thank you mama, you look really pretty today” Jude smiled.
“Thank you baby. Are you ready to go golfing?” You asked. Jude nodded his head and ran to the door where his car seat is. 
“I got him babe. You do look gorgeous today my love.” Danny said and moved to get your son into his car seat. 
“Thank you handsome.” You replied, then closed the trunk and got into the passengers seat. Danny soon got into the drivers seat and started driving to the golf course near your house. When the family arrived, Jude’s excitement could not be contained. When you got him out of his seat, he immediately started running towards the club house. 
“Judas Robert Wagner, come back here right now” You yelled at him. Jude stopped in his tracks and came back to the car. You squatted down to his level and began speaking to him. “Jude I know that you’re excited, but we can’t run in the parking lot. You gotta wait for mama or daddy to go with you okay?” 
“Okay mama, I’m sorry.” Jude teared up. 
“Come here bubba” You sighed and wrapped him in a hug. After a few moments, you let Jude go and took his hand in yours. “Should we go help daddy with the clubs?” Jude excitedly nodded. You and Jude walked to the trunk of your car to see Danny standing there with the bags. 
“Are we ready?” Danny asked. 
“YES!” Jude cheered. You grabbed your bag and walked with Jude and Danny to the club house. After getting checked in and a golf cart, you three were off for the first hole. 
“You’re up first my love” Danny smiled. You nodded and grabbed the things you needed. “Alright buddy should we mess with mama when she takes her swing?” 
“No! We gotta be nice to mama” Jude yelled. You looked over at them to see what the commotion was. Danny sent you a shy smile so you ignored it and got lined up again. You took your first swing, that wasn’t too bad. You went back to the golf cart and smiled at them.
“Your turn babe” You smiled and took a seat next to Jude. Danny grabbed the driver out of his bag and headed to the tee. 
“Mama, Daddy asked if we should mess with you but I told him no.” Jude tattled. “I think we should mess with him” 
“I agree buddy.” You smiled at your little boy, under all of the awe he has for his father, he’s still a mamas boy.  
“Daddy’s gonna swing. Ready mama?” 
“Ready…1…2…3” you counted down. 
“FORE” You both yelled, Jude bursted out into a fit of giggles. Danny turned around and glared at you both with a shy smile on his face. Danny eventually made his way over to the golf cart, with a smile on his face.  A few holes later, Jude was starting to get wrestless, so you let him run around the golf cart for a bit while you and Danny took your swings. 
“I think I need a nine iron” Danny shouted as he observed the course. You got the club from his bag and began walking up to him, when Jude stopped you and asked for it. 
“I wanna bring it to daddy.” Jude explained. 
“Alright baby, here you go” You smiled and handed off the club that was larger than him. 
“I got it daddy!” Jude shouted as he ran to Danny. 
“Thank you buddy.” Danny complimented. Jude ran back to you with the other club Danny had, you put it back into Danny’s bag and watched Danny. 
As the day winded down, Jude got crabbier and crabbier. Danny was finishing up at the 8th hole, as you held Jude in the shade of the golf cart. 
“Alright, I think it’s time to get the little one home.” Danny said as he crawled into the golf cart. 
“You can play the ninth, I’m okay holding him.” you replied. 
“I know,” Danny sighed. “I’m okay with heading home too, I think some AC might do us all some good.” 
“Take me home Mr. Wagner” you said. 
“Anything for you Mrs. Wagner.” Danny smiled and started heading back towards the clubhouse.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Pedri sees how reader is with kids and wants some of his own
wc: 1900+
My sister and her husband have an event to go today so I agreed to babysit my niece who just turned 2 which I love to do but today I will have help or more like company as Pedri has the day off from training so he's coming over as well. Pedri has spent loads of time with my family but he hasn't seen much of my niece as he's always busy and since she's so little it's not often she comes to family events. I've been really excited as I love getting to spend time with my niece and on top of that I'd never pass up on the opportunity to spend time with Pedri so putting the both together makes the perfect day in my mind. 
My sister dropped my niece off early this morning so I gave her breakfast and then put her down to watch tv for a moment while I cleaned which is when my doorbell rang so I answered it and let Pedri in. Straight away he gave me a hug and a quick kiss before running off to find my niece which made me laugh but I just went back to cleaning. When I was done I went back into my living room to see Pedri with my niece sat on his lap playing peekaboo with her. It melted my heart seeing them play together and to see the smile on his face when he made her laugh just had me dying inside. On occasion I get baby fever especially in times like these but I never tell Pedri as I know he won't want a baby yet as he'll want to focus on football instead for a few more years. 
After just staring at the two of them for a few minutes I went to join in on the fun. As soon as I sat down my niece crawled onto my lap and so I started to tickle her as I've done it since she was a baby and every time she lets out the cutest giggles. She wriggled and squirmed in my lap but I just kept going and Pedri even started to tickle her too which really made the room fill with little toddler giggles. Eventually she'd had enough and so I let her go and grab a toy to play with which she brought back over to me so Pedri and I sat together to play with her. 
All day I was running around and playing with my niece because even at her nap times she didn't want to sleep because she just wanted to play and I can't blame her as I was having fun too. Towards the end of the day she finally seemed to run out of energy and I finally got to sit down with Pedri who has basically just watched me the whole day instead of us actually getting to spend any time together which I feel quite bad about because he chose to spend his day off with me. When I finally sat down my niece curled up in my lap and fell asleep which I knew was coming as she hadn't had a nap all day. I thought about moving her but it was too much effort so I just let her sleep in my lap while I rubbed her back and fixed her hair which was a mess from playing all day. 
When it was time for my niece to go home she was still asleep so I picked her up gently and took her to the door to give her back to my sister which of course woke her up. The poor girl got so upset as she didn't want to leave so I had to take her to the car myself and then promise I would see her soon before being allowed to go back inside. Pedri was waiting for me on the sofa and because I was completely exhausted I just collapsed on top of him wanting to finally spend some time with him. He quickly moved so that we were both laying down and then wrapped his arms around me while looking into the distance clearly deep in thought. 
Pedri's POV
Having kids isn't something that I have thought about at all really up until today. For some reason seeing y/n with her niece all day gave me baby fever and has had me seriously thinking about having a baby. To start with I just liked watching her play with her niece but the more I watched the more I started to think differently about it. Seeing y/n be able to make her niece so happy and have her giggling so easily made my heart melt instantly it was just that adorable. My mind really started to spiral when her niece curled up on her lap to sleep and all I could imagine was that being our child and what things would be like if we actually had a baby.
Once y/n had given her niece back to her sister she came and laid down on top of me but I didn't really pay much attention to her as all of my thoughts were coming consumed with imagining our lives with a baby. I tried to tell myself that these feelings would go away and that it's normal to get baby fever every now and then but honestly the feelings were so strong that I don't think they will just go away. Deep down I knew I wanted to have kids with y/n some day but I never thought about it anymore than that but now it's all I can think about and I don't know if I want to wait a few more years until it's the so called right time. I can't help but feel like our lives would be complete if we had a baby and I know it's a lot of work but I think I'm ready for that because as long as those sweet moments like the ones I've witnessed today happen every now and then everything else will be worth it. 
After giving things a lot of consideration and thinking about how having a baby would affect the both of us and our lives I came to the conclusion that there is never going to be the perfect time so why not just do it now. Of course I want y/n to feel ready too because having a baby will affect her more than me but as soon as she's ready I really want to start our own little family. 
"Y/n" I said getting her attention 
"What's up pepi?" She asked 
"I think I want a baby" I said 
"You think" she questioned 
"No I know I want one I've been seriously thinking about it all day and I know it would be hard but now is as good a time as any but of course I want you to be ready" I started to ramble 
"I'm ready Pedri but are you sure I mean I don't want is having kids to affect your football career too much" she said 
"I'm 100% sure I want us to be able to have the moments you had with your niece together with our own child" I said 
Being the sensible one in the relationship she made sure that we talked everything through like finances and how we would make it all work with me being away for games. Once we talked about everything it was clear that we were ready and could make it work if we really wanted to. After our conversation we sat in silence for a while and I watched y/n as she was thinking about everything we had talked about before saying anymore. Eventually she said that she wanted to start trying but she didn't want to put any pressure on it by tracking her cycle or anything like that which I agreed to. We were both in agreement that it would happen when it was meant to so there was no need to make it stressful by trying to do everything under a strict schedule. 
Your POV
It has been about 6 months since Pedri and I started trying and so far I have got my period on time every month which has been a bit disappointing but when we started trying we agreed that it would happen when the universe thought we were ready so I've been using that to not get too upset. Pedri has really been lifting my spirits too as he doesn't let me get upset about it instead he'll take me out on a date when my period arrives which distracts me which I really appreciate. 
These last few weeks however I've been extremely tired and emotional and I've even started to feel nauseous as well which I haven't felt any other month. As much as I've felt horrible I didn't want to get my hopes up too early so I have been waiting to see if my period would actually be late and now it is a few days late. Despite having all the right symptoms it's still hard to get too excited as I know that this can happen and the in a few days I can get my period. Pedri has been trying to convince me to just take a test as then we will know if I'm actually pregnant or not and if I'm not he promised me that it wouldn't be the end of the world but it would still be upsetting. 
Now that my period is 4 days late and I've been feeling more ill every day I finally agreed to take a test as if I'm not pregnant then I probably need to go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok. As soon as I said that I wanted to take a test Pedri was up and by the door waiting for me which made me laugh as I think he might be more excited than I am. He drove straight to the store and dragged me in but from there I had to lead him to the right aisle as he didn't know where the pregnancy tests were. Once we found them he was quickly googling which ones were the most accurate and then he picked up a few so that we would definitely get an answer. He gave me all the tests and sent me to the checkout alone because he didn't want people to see him and put our personal business out there especially before we are know for sure. He waited right outside for me and drove back home in record time because he wanted to know as soon as possible. 
I went and took all of the tests right away and left them all out on the counter in the bathroom before going to find Pedri while we wait. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back while trying to offer encouraging words although it was obvious that he was starting to get nervous too. We ended up just standing in silence for the rest of the time before the timer went off and it was time to look at the tests. That was when it started to feel real that we would find out if our lives will be changed forever in just a few seconds and all of a sudden I didn't want to know. Pedri took hold of my hand and he led me into the bathroom where I picked up the tests and saw that they all said positive. 
"I'm pregnant" I whispered trying to hold back tears 
"We're going to be parents" he whispered back 
Straight away he pulled me into a hug and both of us let a few tears of happiness fall. We were going to be parents in just a few short months and I couldn't be more excited to go on this journey with Pedri. 
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killerskillercaptain · 10 months
Pillow Talk with Levi Ackerman : Eren
Themes : comfort, fluff, canonverse, romance, Levi and reader are married, late night conversations, deep conversations, reader showing concern about Eren.
This ficlet is part of the PILLOW TALK WITH LEVI ACKERMAN BOOKS. Make sure to follow the next ones by asking to be added to the taglist or by checking the Masterlist !
I Kuchel
II Kenny
III Hange
IV Erwin
V Farlan & Isabel
VI Mikasa
VII Eren
"Another sleepless night", you thought while laying on your king-sized bed, limbs all out. You stared at the ceiling, analyzing each crack on it when you heard the familiar sound of the bathroom's door being opened.
The wooden door would shriek every time someone got in or out of the shower, and no wonder, this place was so old it got you wondering how it was able to withstand the test of time.
You and Levi were staying in this secret base for some additional days. Soon enough, you'll be off to your next stopping point : Wall Sina.
Pixies had requested your presence along with the captain to discuss future strategies. Hange had given you the blueprint of a new advanced weaponry she was working on. The instructions were clear : show the higher ups the new efforts made into this technology, hoping they will find it interesting enough to demand another funding from the nobles. You prayed they would find Hange's work worthy of their time...and money !
"Shit. How long are we gonna keep begging like this ? Those rich bastards with their guts as saggy as their money pouches sure know how to make us crawl to them. All that wealth but they never lift a finger to help unless we stroke their ego, it's not enough for them to cheat on taxation apparently. Plus they always think of us as weak...who do they think is protecting their fat-asses ?!"
He threw a pillow on the bed before plopping down with a heavy sigh.
"Why do we have to be the ones begging ?".
"It has always been like this Levi, and you know it. It's never gonna change" you said eyes still firmly locked on the ceiling.
"If he didn't mess up the original plan, we wouldn't have to come up with this stupid weapon case !"
You knew that by "he", he meant Eren.
"Levi, try to be in his shoes-"
"Yeah right, he's gonna get my shoe right in his face again if he doesn't stop screwing things up !"
"Can you imagine how hard it is for him ? He just learned that he can transform, can you imagine what it's like...turning into the thing you hate the most ? Turning into the very thing that killed your mother...jeez. He only recently realized that, it's as new to him as it is to us, of course he's having a hard time assessing this, let alone control it ! Think of the emotional turmoil, think of-"
Levi shut you up with a kiss on the lips, they were still wet from the shower. He muffled your last words because he honestly couldn't care less about the excuses you were making for the fifteen-year-old boy.
"Stop taking his side, he's a soldier, he has to learn to tame himself anyway"
"Yeah" you let out in a defeated breath
"I don't know about his titan abilities, but he needs to be tamed. That brat has an ego as big as a titan's ass"
"He is still a kid Levi, i can only imagine how disoriented he might feel, dealing with such powers at such a complicated age, don't you think ?"
You lifted your palm and caressed Levi's cheek softly. You sensed he was letting his guard down so you took this opportunity to steal a kiss from your ever so-stoic husband.
You couldn't hide your concern for the cadet. Yes, he was an annoying fifteen-year-old boy with absolutely impulse control. His anger makes him want to prove himself to anyone who would dare provoke him, yet you had a soft spot for him and his devotion. After all, he was only a child when he witnessed his mother getting killed by a titan. He must have felt so powerless back then, that's why he probably feels he has no time to waste or to think and always launches head-on into danger.
"Look at us fighting about Eren as if he was our child" you chuckled.
"We don't have time to empathize with his situation, we need to know how to deal with him"
"Yes captain, but not tonight" you said sliding your gown off your legs, your shoulders, then your head, before tossing it in the corner of the room.
You tossed a leg over your husband's torso. His skin was wet yet warm and extremely comforting. You liked to rest your head on the crook of his neck, taking in his scent, he smelt so clean, as he always did.
You stayed in this position for the longest time until Levi's body turned cold and started to shudder. Feeling him quivering underneath you caught you off guard and you realized how late it already was. Levi slipped away and started to dry his damp skin, the moon casting a sweet light on his delicate figure. You couldn't help but ogle him, watching each and every one motion he made with the old towel.
Levi was literally shining under the dim moonlight.
"But damn, can you imagine turning into a titan ?" you said, both amused and repulsed by the thought.
"Well, at least i would be tall...and i would be the one looking down on our generous providers for a change, instead of having them staring down at me all the time"
He wasn't looking at you but he could hear you muffle a sweet laugh in the dark.
"Levi, you're perfect the way you are-"
"Go to bed already !"
Taglist : @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @notgoodforlife
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 20- The Professor- Neville Longbottom
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Authors note: sorry for missing two days personal issues will release all thirty one as I work through them.
Warnings: blow job/hand job,fingering, sex.
You woke in the morning, feeling frisky because the pregnancy hormones were driving you crazy. Laying next to you was your husband and the solution to your problem. Neville wasn't awake yet snoring softly, his hair a mess and his mouth open wide, he would probably be embarassed of his sleeping state but he was perfect because he was yours.
You ran your hand over his legs as you watched him stir a little in his sleep at the touch. You repeating the movement inching further and further towards his morning wood. He started hardening more with your slight touch. As you wrapped your hand around his cock. Sliding your body down his until your mouth is over his morning wood. You look up Neville as you lick from the base up to the tip, gently repeating your movements before wrapping your lips around him.
as your lips wrap around his head. You look up again to see if he was waking up yet, while you swirl your tongue around and flick it against his head.
You slip your mouth further down his shaft as his eyes flutter open. "Morning" you say as he moans at the feeling of you massaging his balls, rolling them in your hands. You suck harder as he pushes his hips towards you.
Your tongue slid up and down his shaft as you used your hands wrapped around him following your tongue strokes with your hand strokes. You took him deeper loving the way that he felt in your mouth. One hand cupping his balls and the other the base of his shaft. "Fuck" he choked out gripping your hair tightly.
Your mouth bobbed back and forth your lips sliding up and down his cock. As his hips thrust forward again as he tries to increase how deep you can take him. You felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat as you looked up at Neville, your eyes watering.
You released him from your mouth with a satisfying pop, your tongue licked his pulsating vein of the underside of his cock. Your lips wrap around him again working him in and out of your mouth.
His hips shift helplessly as he pants gripping your hair in his hand thrusting into your mouth. As you swallow and gag around the head of his cock. He curses as he shoots a stream of cum pooling on your tongue and streaming down your throat. You try to swallow it all although his massive loud proves too much as it runs down your chin. After some more satisfying sucks from you, you pull his limp cock from your lips wiping your mouth with your hand.
"Morning Professor", You laughed, your words jolting his memories "Fuck,I'm going to be late" he announced running to the shower. He quickly showered and shaved, you took this opportunity to stare at yourself in the mirror. “Glowing,my ass” you mumble turning to the side to get a view of your growing bump.
The truth was Neville loved the look of you, of course the growing breasts were two MASSIVE pluses. But he loved the thought of his seed inside you growing his offspring. It turned him on and your trimesters were filled with lots of appreciation sex. Neville kissed your neck, “you’re beautiful my wife” he said staring at your reflection. As you waddled past him to have your own shower.
You entered your bedroom to dress and saw him dressed sharply for his teaching role. “Have a good day gorgeous” he said giving you a peck on the lips before running out the door.
You sighed as you pulled out your white scrubs, you were working as a matron in the hospital wing at Hogwarts while Madam Pomfrey recovered from her hip surgery.
You loved the kids at school and loved to visit your husband throughout the day and night. Your day was filled with tending to deadly wounds, wiping tears from crying first years. Scolding the older kids who knew better than to challenge the Whomping Willow.By lunchtime you were starving and still incredibly horny as you tended to the wounded out on the Quidditch pitch you saw your husband animatedly teaching his third years. His passion was really doing things to you.
Fed up, you entered the Herbology greenhouse, where you spotted your husband fertilising his pot plants. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your lips to his neck. “I missed you” you mumbled into his collar. He turned around and gave you a kiss.”yeah, what did you miss about me?” He said smirking.
“I miss your cock, I’m so needy for you” you whined as Neville’s face darkened with a blush. “Well, we can’t have that can we?” He smirked nibbling on your lip. He sat you down running his big strong hands over your uniform. “Did I ever tell you how much I love this outfit” you shook your head in response as Neville waved his wand making your clothes fly around the room. You were naked in front of him opening your legs to give him a view of your wet cunt.
So, he slowly began rubbing you, at first around the lips of your vagina tracing the folds of your slit, up and down he circled it slowly before slipping a finger inside you, he rubbed faster watching the way your tits juggled or the movement of your bump as you breathed. And the moaning coming from your lips as you rocked against his fingers. Your words became faster, louder, less coherent as your orgasm built. As you shuddered vigorously around his hand.
As he pulled away you noticed his cock erect at the scenes in front of him. “I really need you inside me” Neville looked stunned at this “still not satisfied” you shook your head as you unbuckled his pants releasing his thick cock.
He bent you down over his desk as you felt the tip of his penis against your entrance. He slowly pushed his cock before he moved slowly in and out using your wetness to glide him easily.
He pushed deeper than paused and withdrew before sliding back in slipping in deeper each time. You thrust against him meeting together with force and causing moans and grunts when you finally connected. His speed increases and you yelp as the impact gets harder.
With each thrust you seem to bury yourself into the desk, your body crashes like a wave as an orgasm rushes around you. His chaotic thrusts pushes him over the edge with his pushing ending with warm cum shooting against you before collapsing against you panting.
As you have strength to lift your body apart and get dressed. Neville kisses you “satisfied?” he asked, “satisfied” you agree.
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unholy-screeching9 · 11 months
If you're still taking hc requests I'd love to see some bottom Dice,,maybe bdsm mixed in there
Of course, dear! I hope this was up to your tastes. Sorry this took so long!
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Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons (GAME)
It’s no secret to you (or to anyone, really) that King Dice clings to control. It’s in his nature, as a power-hungry and greedy man. 
He is at his happiest when everything plays out exactly how he wants it to in his head. When he has the chance to manipulate any situation, or even any person, he snatches the opportunity as quick as it comes. 
For what it’s worth, you don’t blame him one bit. As one of the only mortals hired by the Devil, it’s important to Dice that he makes his mark. That he shows everyone that just because he is more physically vulnerable, that doesn’t mean he is some kind of punching bag. 
Oh, no. King Dice is the one pulling the punches. 
More often than not, this dominant behavior applies to the bedroom, as well. When you and your husband are intimate with each other, it’s almost ALWAYS likely that Dice is the one to take the reins. 
However, every once in a while… there’s a night where the King lays down his crown. A night where he is the one who surrenders. 
The nights where you take control.
There are a plethora of different reasons that you might be taking charge for the night—perhaps Dice isn’t feeling his best and needs some help in relaxing, or maybe it’s a special night for you, and obedience is one of your husband’s gifts to you.
However… Your favorite way to take control is to earn it. 
You don’t just get to take over the rules just by asking politely, as cute as you are when you do so. That’s not how Dice’s game is played. If you really want something? You have to take it. 
At first, you’re upfront with your demands, using a straight-forward, ‘no is not an answer’ attitude. This approach usually causes a bicker between the two of you, going back and forth until you eventually rip his clothes off of him and shove him on the bed, overtaking him while he’s off guard. 
This method works flawlessly, for a little while. Although, while you two make love, Dice does become a bit of a brat to you, exaggerating his moans and whines to the point where it’s unbelievable. 
It’s almost like he’s mocking you. Rarely does Dice ever take you seriously when you’re topping him for the night… as cute as he is while keeping things humorous, it really is annoying. 
However, overtaking your husband and truly bringing him to his knees is an art that requires experimentation and skill. And as far as you are concerned, you are an artist. 
So, you start getting a little more creative with your tactics. Becoming a brat yourself, until Dice finally lets up and allows you to have dominance. Pinning him down, engaging in a playful little wrestling game and winning out of sheer determination, despite the fact that your husband could very easily take you down. 
But recently, you’ve found an approach that works every time, without fail. 
The ropes. 
Oh, how invigorating it is to get home before your husband, grabbing the bindings that he had used on you so many times before. The look of infatuated horror when he walks in and sees you waiting patiently, the ropes securely wrapped around your hands? It’s delicious. 
Dice may be stronger than you, but you’re quicker on your feet. And in this game, speed is key. Just your luck. 
As soon as you catch him, and effectively tie him down? The knowledge that brattiness and struggle would be futile forces Dice to surrender, and he is yours for the night. That confident, menacing demeanor that was supposed to be so permanent dissipates, and all that’s left is a pouting, naked, blushing mess tied up in front of you. 
But the fun doesn’t just stop at the ropes. Those are only to make sure he doesn’t try any funny business while you’re in charge. What really brings on the entertainment and pleasure is the box of… tools, that you keep under the bed. Those are what really make Dice squirm in his place. 
As your lover adjusts to his current situation, you rummage through the box, looking for your favorite. You feel the familiar sensation of leather tresses brushing against your fingers, and you quickly pull out to our prize, grinning smugly.
The flogger. Your weapon of choice. 
“Y’know, you look so adorable all tied up like that, Dice. It’s like you’re a blank canvas, waiting for me to paint you.” 
The look that Dice gives you is absolutely exquisite. You don’t think you’ll ever grow tired of watching those confident, icy eyes turn soft on you, practically begging you for mercy. And goodness, you haven’t even started yet. 
“Oh, doll, please go easy on me with that thing, you know how sensitive my skin can get!” 
“Easy, babylove. I haven’t even touched you yet! What happened to your confident charisma?” You laugh to yourself, creeping closer to his tied up form on the bed, shaking the flogger teasingly. “Alright, sweetheart. If you be a good boy and sit tight for me, I might answer your pleas.” 
Dice grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes, shut, bracing himself for the impact of the flogger’s crack… But it never comes. He waits a little longer, muscles tense as he keeps up his guard, but the familiar sting of pleasure and pain never comes. 
What he expects even less is the ticklish feeling of soft leather brush up against his bicep. Oh…
Oh no. 
“Besides, my King… There are so many uses for this thing that don’t just involve pain. Sometimes, it can bring laughter.” 
Straddling his lap, you rest a hand on his right shoulder as you brush the tresses of the whip along his bicep, enjoying the sweet melodious sound of his laughter. 
Such a shame that he always insists on being the one on top… he really is so cute when he lets you control him for a change. You relish in the time you spend teasing, tricking, and marking Dice up like a work of art. 
You continue to let the flogger’s strings sweep over your lover’s skin, slowly making your way to that ticklish spot that you had discovered a long time ago: his neck area. 
Oh, you’ll never grow tired of the way he squirms underneath you, his uncontrollable laughter echoing through the room as you continue to tickle him with the very same tool you’ve used to lash him up. 
“I–doll, what–what are–you dOING–?!” Dice spits out between guffaws, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as you continue to gently swipe over his collarbone. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about that, highness.” You smirk as you quickly crack the flogger over his chest, earning a beautiful roar of surprise from the man pinned beneath you. “I’m just keeping you on your toes…” 
“Aw come on, that’s not fair! I asked you to take it eASY—!” You don’t let him finish, playfully shaking your flogger’s tresses against his chest and sliding down to his stomach. 
Another sweet spot.
Another bout of chortles erupts from Dice’s throat, the man struggling against his restraints. Those tears that threatened to fall finally started rolling down his cheeks, picking up his mascara along the way. What a beautiful work of art his tears make of his face.
And that smooth, ivory skin as he tries to move away from your flogger’s teasing. Shining as he starts to sweat from the heat of the room, along with his hindered ability to breathe. So soft. So flawless.
You want to mark it up. 
Out of nowhere, catching your husband completely off his guard, you suddenly crack the flogger against his chest, relishing in that loud, pained whine that your husband let out. Dice grits his teeth in an attempt to curb his vocalizing, not wanting to appear weak in front of you. 
He’s fighting back, in his own, adorably pathetic way. 
Another crack of your special tool, this time, over his stomach. Still wanting to have a little dignity, the man keeps his teeth gritted, letting out a choked grunt as he squeezes his eyes shut. More tears fall down his cheeks, much to his protest. 
“Awww, what’s the matter baby? You don’t wanna whine for me?” You coo teasingly, going back to the gentle ticklish movements with your flogger once more, forcing another round of laughter from your poor lover. 
“I— N—!” 
How precious. Dice can barely even talk. Usually, the man would have a lot to say to you, even when you’re playing with his senses like this. You must have finally cracked him. 
“C’mon, Dice, use your big boy words. Lemme hear what you have to say…” 
The man struggles beneath you, trying desperately to curb his laughter and stop squirming so much. This is absolutely humiliating. How could you render him so helpless? Completely at your mercy? 
“N—No—! Never—! I won’t—I won’t whine! I won’t beg, cry, plead, none—!!” 
Ooooh, such bold claims from a man who can barely contain his laughter from something as small as a little tickle from your flogger. Dice is always one to talk a big game, even when he doesn’t exactly have the upper hand. 
He wants to play? Oh, you’ll play. 
Another crack to that beautiful porcelain chokes out another agonized scream, your husband throwing his head back as fresh tears streak down his cheeks, sweat starting to bead at the sides of his head. God, he is glistening beneath you. And that’s not even the best part. 
The real kicker is the pressure building against your thigh, that is perfectly snug right in between Dice’s crotch. He’ll never tell, but dammit, he likes what you’re doing. The proof is leaking slightly onto your leg. 
You know what he wants. But he has to earn it. 
“You poor, poor thing… Look at yourself, Dice. Look at how you squirm underneath me, your cock pressing right up against me. You try to act tough, you deny your feelings and cling to the last smidge of authority you think you have… come now, highness. You enjoy this.” 
“Yes, babydoll. You love it when I use your fear against you, don’t you?” 
The pressure is growing. That voice you’re using against him is driving him nuts. Even if he refuses to tell you, he doesn’t need to. You can feel it. 
Another crack of the whip. This time, right on his inner thigh, near his hardened erection. Oh, how he howls. It truly is such a beautiful sound, one that you don’t get to hear often. Usually, the roles are reversed, and Dice is the one undoing you. 
How amazing it feels to be the one taking the reins. You should do this more often–you’ve certainly got the speed to do so. 
But that’s something to think about at a later time. Right now, there are more important things to deal with. 
“I’ll drop the funny business and give you what you want, baby. I can see the longing in those glossy greens of yours. But I’ll only pleasure you if you ask for it.” 
Hearing you talking to him with such authority and demand makes Dice sick to his stomach. It’s not just the way you’ve stripped him of his dominance, and humiliated him in his own chambers. It’s not just the way you’ve ruined his beautiful skin, marring him with scars that will surely last over a week. 
What pisses him off the most is how his body betrays him, and proves you right. You’re absolutely right. He does love it when you smack him with that damned flogger of yours. He loves it when you toy with his emotions like a cat messing with its prey. It turns him on. Dammit, he needs you. He needs your help. 
“I.. Doll…”
“Hm? What was that, Dicey? Please, do be a dear and speak up.”
“Please, darlin’, please help me out here. I’ve let you have your fun, and you’re right. Your tricks worked like a charm. Now would you kindly wrap this up and get it all over with? I’m starting to get antsy here!”
You lean back in his lap, placing a hand on your chin as you think for a moment. Seconds later, you shake your head, laughing lowly as you lean forward, getting right in your husband’s face and running your hands over his bleeding collarbone. 
“That was such a good try sweetheart, you almost got me! But you haven’t been too well behaved since we’ve started tonight… How do I know you’ve earned it? How do I know that you really want it?”
Dice hisses at the sharp sting of your touch, fidgeting underneath you as the last bit of his iron shell starts to flake away. Even your fingers are rendering him helpless, and fuck, as much as it infuriates him, he wants you to continue. He needs it. 
“Doll, please! I’m not gonna ask again! Would you please cut the bullshit and just FUCK me already?!”
Ooh, that was the WRONG tone to use. Now, you wonder if he’ll earn anything. 
“I know you aren’t showing me attitude, you little bastard. You forget that I can do anything I want. I could end this right now if I really wanted to, and you’re starting to tempt me.”
That certainly shuts him up, real quick. Blushing in embarrassment for losing his temper like that, he looks away, hiding his reddened face from your gaze. Why do you have to be so captivating when you warn him like that? Why was that so hot?!
“P-please, I…”
You crane your neck to get a better look at him, and a malicious, victorious grin graces your features at the sight. You’ve finally made him break. 
Dice’s face is crumpled in dismay, and if you really listened hard, you could hear the tiny hitches in his breaths as he does his best to keep his desperate tears at bay. The sweat that had formed on his face earlier has finally started to drip down the sides, leaving small wet streaks of pink blush running down his cheeks. 
He’s trembling beneath you, his eyes shut tightly as he tries to keep his composure. The casino manager is hanging on by a thread, and fortunately, you brought scissors. 
“Dice, I’ll give you one last chance.” You murmur seductively, cupping his face and tilting his head towards you, forcing him to look you in the eyes. God, he looks even more pathetic with the light shining over his face. He’s so damn handsome, even when his makeup is streaky and his tears are flooding his face. 
“But this time, you need to beg for it. Otherwise, you can go to bed unsatisfied. Deal?”
And there it is. The thread has been cut. Dice leans his head right into your waiting palm, sniffling and kissing all along your fingers as if the gesture would be enough to convince you. His shoulders heave forward, trying to get closer to you. He’s aching for your touch, no matter how little. 
You smirk to yourself, poking your pointer finger at his lips, demanding entrance. He complies immediately, allowing you to slip your finger inside and explore that bratty little mouth of his. In fact, he goes the extra mile and sucks on it, allowing you to push your middle finger against his tongue as well. He lifts and lowers his head onto your hand, his tongue expertly working around your digits until you’ve decided he’s done enough. 
When you pull your fingers away, a small string of his drool connects the tip of your middle finger to his bottom lip. Aw, now that’s just priceless. 
“Such an obedient little princess, all of a sudden… You want me to fuck you, pretty boy? Is that what you want?”
“Yes, darlin’! Please, please fuck me, I’ll do anything. I’ll beg, I’ll sit, I’ll kneel, whatever you want! I’m dyin’ here, angel!” 
“Dying, you say? Well, I suppose I can’t have a dead husband now, can I?” You tease amusedly, gently pushing him back so he lays against the silky pillows. 
“Please… I’ll be so good for you, sugar. Anything you say, and I’ll do it.” 
“Alright, honey. I guess I’ll give you what you want.” You relent, smiling warmly and positioning yourself above his throbbing cock. “You ready?”
You’ve never seen Dice nod so quickly in your life. How adorable is that? 
What’s even more charming is the loud, piercing whine he lets out as you lower yourself onto him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you steady yourself. You don’t have to sit there much to tell that he is practically overflowing, due to burst at any moment.
Well, this won’t take too long. 
Wanting to hear more of those melodious noises, you finally start moving, finally giving dice what he had been wanting that entire night. Struggling against the ropes, your lover cries out in pleasure, bucking his hips along to your slow, sensual movements. He matches your rhythm easily, despite being so restrained. If anything, you have to commend him for such expertise. That truly takes some skill. 
“F-faster, baby, please-!” 
Awww, how sweet. He’s asking so nicely. But you didn’t recall asking him to speak.
You lean forward and crash your lips onto his to shut him up, taking his head in your hands as you continue at the pace you’re currently in. He wants you to go faster? He’ll have to wait patiently. 
You won’t lie, though, the little whimpers and moans he releases into your mouth are so pathetically endearing that they do tempt you to go faster, in pursuit of your own release. You suppose that to please yourself, it wouldn’t hurt to also please your husband at least a little. 
So, you pick up your pace, only slightly. However, to your surprise, it’s still enough to drive your husband into a groaning and crying frenzy underneath your form. The whines he makes double in volume and length, and his hip movements speed up to match your rhythm once more. With how rough he’s trying to be, you can tell he’s so desperate for more. It’s so entertaining to watch. 
You can feel his cock getting closer and closer to release from inside you. You can also see it on your husband’s sweaty and tearful face–and hear it in his voice. 
But you aren’t quite done yet. 
You slow back down to the pace you were going at the beginning, much to Dice’s dismay. Before he can complain and ask why you slowed down, you deepen your kiss, cutting off any air that Dice was breathing in. Silent, sweaty, and his lips all over yours–exactly how you like it. 
A wonderful reminder that tonight, everything is up to your standards. You have the final say. Man, does that power feel amazing to hold. No wonder Dice enjoys his job so much. 
“I know you’re confused at why I slowed down, sweetheart, but if I’m being honest? I don’t know if you can handle it if I pick up the pace. You’ll be done before I say so–”
“No-! I mean, n-no. No, I won’t. I promise you, baby. I said I’ll be good, and I mean it. I’ll be good, and I won’t cum until you let me. Please, please speed up, mi corazón. I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” 
“Hmm… Well, since you promised. But let me warn you, King.” 
You grip the bottom of his head, forcefully tilting his head up towards you, staring him down as you cease both your own movements, and his. 
“You cum before I say so, and I will wreck you so hard everyone in the casino is gonna wonder why you’re walking so funny. You’ll be lucky if you aren’t out there in a wheelchair if you defy me, you understand?” 
“I understand, sweets. Anything you say.”
Taking his word, your grip returns to his shoulders once again, and you start to pick up the pace. Faster. Faster. Until every time you come down on his cock, his entire length disappears inside of you. 
Oh, LORD, that hurts. It hurts so fucking good. You start to wonder if you had been punishing him for waiting this long, or yourself. 
It doesn’t take the both of you long to get lost in each other’s trance, finding your steady, quick rhythm and working through it together. Dice’s head slowly lolls back as he does as much as he can, trying so hard not to lose his composure.
When you make a threat, it’s best to take you seriously. And Dice does not want to explain to his boss why he can’t show up for work the next day. 
But god, you feel incredible on his dick, the way you slide on and off of him with such smooth rigor, your skin slapping against his over and over again, creating a beautiful sound that he’d never grow tired of. It’s enough to get him close. 
Too close. Way too close. 
Dice is towing that line now, and he knows it. If he doesn’t gain his composure soon, he’ll end up misbehaving, and then you’ll REALLY be upset. 
He can hold on for a little longer. He can sense that you’re getting closer too. He can do this. Just a little longer…
Just… a little… 
Suddenly, your lover screams in ecstasy, his eyes squeezing shut as he releases every last drop of seed inside of you, stuffing you so much that a little leaks out and starts to run down your thighs. Oh, fuck. 
“…I…D-doll, I’m- I’m sorry. I know, I promised, and I broke that promise. I don’t know what came over me, I swear! Please, please have mercy on m–”
“Aww, Dicey, it’s alright.” You muse lovingly, cupping his face and pressing a warm, tender kiss to his sweating forehead. 
What do you mean it’s alright? Surely, for someone who was disobeyed after putting up with his attitude all night, it would be anything but okay. 
“I… Are you sure?” 
“Yes, Dice, of course! It happens. Mistakes happen…” 
Before Dice can truly feel the relief of being off the hook, he feels your nails dig deep into his shoulders, drawing a bit of blood that ends up trickling down and mingling with the small beads of blood left from your flogger’s wrath. 
The man lets out a soft growl of pain, gritting his teeth and reflexively struggling against the ropes, but your nails in his flesh aren’t even close to the amount of pain you have in store for him. 
“Ah! Be careful, sweetheart. You move against those restraints too much, and you’ll end up with rope burns.” 
There’s something off about your tone. Sure, it’s kind and concerned, but it’s just… eerie. There’s a hint of malice that’s enough to make Dice slightly uncomfortable. 
“Darlin’, are you positive it’s alright? You seem a little tens—!!!!” 
Before he can finish, you start pounding yourself onto him, moving with such force that could break his legs if you aren’t careful. The suddenness of your movements knock the wind right out of Dice’s lungs, and all that he can do is gasp before holding his breath, tensing up as you continue to shake the bed. 
Holy SHIT, that hurts. Dice has really done it this time. 
“S-sweet—sWEETHEART! Ple-ase! I’m—!” 
“Easy now, my king. It’s all gonna be alright!” You call back to him with that same overly kind voice, bringing down your nails and scratching up his shoulders as you fuck him into the mattress, chasing after your own release. 
He had ONE job. One simple task: to wait until you said he could cum. It’s not like he was doing much of the work, either—Dice is tied down. He can’t use anything to aid you. That’s not how this night works. 
The ONE thing you asked him to do, and he blows it. How disappointing. 
Because now, you have to chase your own release, all by yourself. Dice was supposed to help you, but now, he’s just an exhausted shell of the man he was just a few minutes ago. Just like you had been thinking since the beginning of the night. Pathetic. 
“D-DARLIN’—! I’M- I’M S-SORR—!!” 
The man can’t even speak properly. Every time he tries, you knock the breath right out from him, leaving him gasping for air as you continue to release your anger on his poor shaking legs. 
“You don’t have to apologize, baby! Things happen!” 
Oh, but he does. He knows you better than anyone—you’re pissed. Beyond pissed. And you have every right. He understands. He’s been such a bad boy, he deserves every ounce of pain you inflict on him. That’s how punishments work.
Jesus, does it hurt to get a taste of his own medicine. 
The minutes that pass by feel like hours for Dice, and seconds for you. Once Dice finally gets the hint and shuts his trap, the only sounds in the room are his restrained moans and shouts, your ragged breaths as you continue to chase after sweet release, and the harsh creaking of the bed moving way more than it should be. 
Eventually, you finally reach your climax, spilling your juices all over Dice’s front, covering his stomach. After he dared to disobey you, you’ve finally had your revenge. When you slide off of him and collapse beside him, panting heavily, you slowly look over and admire your handiwork. 
To say that Dice is exhausted is an understatement. The man looks beaten, his breaths shaky and labored as he comes down and recovers from whatever the hell you had put him through. His legs are barely functional, unmoving aside from the slight tremors that come from the shock of your sudden wrath. 
A small stream of saliva runs down his chin, slowly trickling down the two face of his head, disappearing near his neck area. Sweat drips down his skin as well, leaving him drenched, hot, and sticking to the sheets below. The ropes he had been struggling against are still keeping his wrists tightly bound, and you can see the slight red marks from where he had tried to break free. 
You should probably untie him, at the very least. 
You slowly reach over and undo the knots, lazily tossing the ropes off to the side. You can deal with them later. 
Dice barely moves in response, slowly sliding into a semi-comfortable sleeping position. The aftermath of your orgasm is still very much stuck to his stomach, mixing with both his sweat and your own, but neither of you have the energy to clean up. 
His hand slowly, shakily, finds yours, and he squeezes longingly, silently asking you for a cuddle. You give in, and roll onto your side, snuggling comfortably against his side and resting your head on his shoulder. 
Alright, you’ll give him this: he’s so warm. So warm. It’s so nice, you don’t want to be anywhere else. Even if he had disappointed you, you suppose that the cuddles will make up for it. 
You pull up the duvet to cover the both of you, and you settle back down, starting to drift off to sleep when Dice’s low, tired voice catches your ears.
“‘M sorry, pip. I didn’t mean to…” 
Okay, that’s really cute… no matter how hard you try, you just can’t stay mad at him forever. Squeezing his hand, you laugh softly and press a kiss to his cheek, gently rubbing his chest to help his shaking form ease into sleep. 
“Oh, King… It’s seriously alright. I really do mean it this time, I promise. I love you.” 
Finding comfort in your words, your husband finally finds slumber, the tiny shakes in his body slowly dying down as he relaxes. You smile and kiss his shoulder, gently rubbing his chest through the silky covers. 
At the end of the day, it really was an accident, and your time together was still some of the best you’ve had. You can easily find it in you to forgive him. 
Besides… the next morning is where he’ll really feel his punishment.~
Bottom!King Dice x Reader NSFW Headcanons (SHOW)
To many high-end demons who roam down in hell, King Dice seems nothing more than some helpless little lackey that kisses the ground the Devil walks on. A foolish mortal that kisses up to those in power after they give him a smidge of authority somewhere. 
But they don’t see the full picture. 
While they do see Dice bow at the Devil’s feet when he needs to, and watch how much effort the man puts into his work to please his boss, they don’t see the other side. They don’t see the true power Dice has over other people. 
Dice may have his show, and all the fame, money, and glory he desires because of the Devil, but everything in the show truly is Dice’s. He is the one making most of the decisions, from the music to the set design. 
His band appears right from the palm of his hand. Dice decides who to choose for contestants. The clothing he wears is from his favorite tailor. He appoints his driver. The food he eats. The very ground he walks on. 
Dice is in charge of everything, down to the tiniest of details. He’s not some clueless wannabe star who takes what he’s given—aside from his boss, he is the one to make the moves. The alpha. The leader. 
Even in hell, some of the imps recognize Dice for the authoritative and powerful man he is. He’s respected. Idolized, even. There isn’t a meeting that goes by where the showman isn’t bombarded with excited chatter and questions about his work. 
And hey, Dice would be a dishonest fool if he said he didn’t enjoy the attention. He adores it. The peasants cheering his name before he even walks on that stage, the way his cards answer every last call he makes, his boss’s pleasant idle chatter with him… hell, even the carpal tunnel from signing so many damn papers every day gives him fulfillment! 
But there’s one place that he enjoys using his power and dominance the most. And you can’t lie—you enjoy it just as much. 
Under the sheets. 
There’s just something about the authoritative tone that Dice uses on you in the bedroom that hits just the right spots in your head. The way he fondles over your body with those perfect hands of his. The flicker of bright, piercing green in his irises that peeks through whenever things really start to heat up. 
Dice truly is a wonderful sight to behold when he has the chance to show off his control over you, and you’ll never grow tired of his ways of taking over the bedroom.
However… Just because you enjoy one thing doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy another, right?
Sometimes, you’re the one who’d like to be in charge for the night. Dice just makes the idea of dominance so exciting, you can’t deny that you’d be happy to take over every once in a while. 
Curiosity turns to fondness over the idea. And eventually, that fondness turns to craving. Need. But Dice, despite the loving gentleman he is, doesn’t give up so easily. It’s not in his nature to just hand over his authority like it’s some pleasant little gift he bought you. 
The only ways you’d ever get the chance to top him are if he is too tired to make things exciting, or if he needs you to relax him after a stressful day. Otherwise, things are on his terms. 
But the more you imagine taking the reins, the more determined you are. 
You know fully well that Dice will never give you such power just by asking nicely. He’ll think it’s adorable, sure, but you’ll need to try a lot harder than that if you really want to get your way. The showman may be a sweetheart who’d give anything to see you happy, but even so, he’s not your little puppet.
It’s alright, You’re prepared for such things. 
You know your lover better than anyone else in the world. You know his strengths, his motivations, the things he holds dearly. You know his weaknesses, both out of the bedroom, and in. 
And boy, are you ready to use those weaknesses to your advantage. 
To get what you want, you need to be unpredictable. You need to catch your lover right off his feet, so you never strike at a set time frame. Your catch could happen anywhere–in the limo, in your chambers, even in Dice’s own dressing room. 
The latter is certainly your favorite. 
How splendid it feels to sneak into Dice’s domain through the back door, waiting patiently for his show to conclude, perched neatly atop his velvet sofa and listening to his smooth voice manipulating his audience. You’ve chosen a rather enticing outfit to wear, in hopes of sending the hint as soon as Dice comes in to see you. Your special box of ‘tools’ sits right beside you, waiting with you just as patiently. 
You know it’s go-time whenever you hear the overwhelming applause come from the auditorium, your husband sensually thanking everyone for coming out tonight as the curtain finally closes. This is it.
The door to the dressing room creaks open, and in steps your husband, looking bleary-eyed and ready to head home… until his eyes fall onto your waiting figure. He can’t help but stare in awe, confused yet longing eyes tracing and memorizing every single hair on your head. Every thread of fabric on your outfit. Well, he’s certainly awake now. 
“Oh, sweetheart, you look absolutely wonderful tonight. What’s the occasion?” 
You can’t help but chuckle at his dumbfoundedness. It seems that his eyes have completely missed the box that was sitting beside you, too focused on your erotic taste in fashion. Perfect. 
“Nothing too special, dear…” You muse seductively, standing and sauntering over to your husband. Smiling at his adorable fascination and desire, you kiss his cheek and reach at his bow tie, completely undoing it with one firm tug. 
“I just thought that maybe we could have some fun in the studio tonight. You know, to celebrate yet another successful night as Inkwell’s biggest star.” 
“My, my! How forward of you tonight, my love.” Your lover smirks in response, his hands snaking around your sides in an attempt to seduce you right back. “You don’t even want to wait until we’re home, hm? You want me to treat you right here?” 
How sweet of him to try and get you to melt into his arms, as he does every night. But tonight is different. Tonight is your moment to shine, after he’s had many moments on his show. And you have him right where you want him. 
“You’re right about one thing, sugar. I don’t want to wait until we’re home, the ride is rather long. However…”
You grin wickedly as your sleek handcuffs secure perfectly around Dice’s wrists, trapping him in his own hold against you. His eyes widen in shock as you easily slip out from his arms, the chains of his restraints clinking together as he tries to break free. 
“Wait a minute! Doll, what are you–”
“Easy there, tiger. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just need you to be still this time around, that’s all~” 
Setting your special box on the floor, you guide the awed showman over to the couch and sit him down, straddling his lap and pushing him back. 
“Tonight, you’re mine. Right here, in a space that’s supposed to be your own.”
“What do you mean I’m ‘yours,’ just what are you getting at here? Uncuff me right now, you little rascal!” 
You laugh mockingly at Dice’s outrage, leaning down and pulling something out of your box, holding it up and examining it. Your eyes deem the tool adequate, and you shift your position so Dice is forced to lay down, briefly uncuffing him for a moment to reposition his arms. 
Dice makes a move to launch at you and reclaim dominance once again, but you’re just slightly quicker than that. You shove your entire body weight against him, shoving him down against the soft cushion. No more funny business. Now it gets real. 
“Now you listen to me, six-sides…” You growl threateningly, grabbing his arms and forcing them above his head. The slight tremors in your husband’s form feel intoxicating against your still, confident legs as you re-cuff his wrists together, this time using your long rope to add extra security.
“You will NOT disobey me tonight, or put up any sort of fuss. You know damn well what you expect of me when you are in this position, so why do you think I should expect any less?” 
Before you can go too much further, you realize that you’ve got some fabric to remove, first. Holding the excess rope by your mouth to keep Dice in place, you rip off that goddamn suit of his, tossing his now wrinkled waistcoat, vest, slacks, and undershirt behind the couch. Tch. Pathetic pieces of cloth. 
“You're my bitch, you understand me? You're nothing but a shaking, horny little puppet. Tonight, you’re my plaything, and nothing more.” 
That tone of voice you’re using. The dirty language coming from your normally refined and polished vocabulary. Your embarrassing attempt at displaying power. Power that is supposed to belong to Dice…
How… How DARE you?! 
“Now you listen to ME, you harlot.” Dice sneers from underneath you as you make quick work of the ropes, securing his chest and torso with expert knotting before moving down to secure his feet together. “You think you can speak to me like that, here? In MY dressing room? In MY studio? In MY domain?! You have THREE seconds to remove these pathetic ropes and uncuff me, and apologize for your insolence, or I swear to Satan I will–”
Dice’s words are cut off with a harsh, stinging impact to his chest, and replaced by a high-pitched howl of pain. Oh, shit, that hurt. What on earth did you…
Oh. Oh, no. 
Not that. ANYTHING but that. 
“Shut your goddamn mouth, Dice.” With gritted teeth, you lean down so you’re inches from Dice’s face, waving your trusty flogger for good measure. “And don’t make me use this more than I need to, you got that? I will make that porcelain skin RIDDLED with scars, scratches, bruises, ANYTHING to make you submit to me. You don’t fucking scare me now, you bastard. You’re pathetic. And you’ll do nothing, if you want to keep your head.” 
Slowly, Dice’s mouth closes in submission, but boy, if looks could kill? You’d surely be dead. Even so, you can’t help but scoff at his death glare, feeling completely unphased at the threatening flickers of bright green his irises give off. Oh, he is pissed. 
But you could not give a damn. 
“Good boy. Now, stay nice and quiet for me, and maybe I’ll reward you instead.”
You ignore Dice’s furious grumbling under his breath as you continue tying him down to your liking, smirking at your handiwork once you finish. There’s no way he’ll be able to try any more moves on you now, not after your knotting. 
Which is great, because your next trick would be the cause for a heap of squirming…
You slowly tug down Dice’s boxers, bringing them down to his knees before putting your flogger to work once again. Except this time, it’s not to inflict any pain, but rather, something much more joyful.
Dice’s laughing, even when he might not want to, is always such a melodious sound that graces your ears. And god, there’s nothing that brings it out more than when you gently flutter your flogger’s tresses over his inner thighs. His weak spot. 
You never usually get the chance to play with your husband’s emotions like this, but watching him wriggle beneath you, trying without success to escape from your grasp? You make a mental note to do this more often. 
To ground Dice back to reality, and make another beautiful mark on his ivory flesh, you suddenly crack your tiny whip against his hip, relishing in that precious whine that you hadn’t heard in way too long. Yes. Definitely do this more often.
“H-how–! H-how dARE you! You little BRAT! S-stop thi–AGH!” 
Another blow from your tresses, to his stomach this time. As cute as he is writhing beneath you, you have no tolerance for brattiness. Not tonight.
“Watch it.” 
“MAKE me, you–AAHH!!” 
One last crack of your tool for good measure, and Dice is finally looking down for the count. Dark tears pricking the corners of his squeezed shut eyes as his eyeliner mingles with the clear liquid, his pearly whites gritted in an effort to conceal his agonized yet aroused groans. 
“Had enough?” You beckon, teasing his nipple with your free hand as you run the flogger along his sides. 
Reduced to a twitching, mumbling mess, your husband weakly nods, his cheeks red in humiliation. This… This is torture. You are evil. But yet, Dice doesn’t want you to stop. 
Alright. Maybe he can let go of his pride for one measly night.
“I… O-okay, dumpling. You got me. I-I’ll back down for tonight. JUST for tonight though, you hear me? You can have your fun for ONE night. Don’t tell me I never gave you anyth–MMH!”
Sometimes, you find that all you need to shut that blabbering mouth is to kiss it. If he weren’t being such a brat to you, you’d have half a mind to do it more often. He really tastes just delightful, when you have the chance to snag his lips right after his show. 
That cinnamon chapstick combining flavors with the leftover hints of red wine from his saliva make such a heavenly combination, even after effectively shutting Dice up, you can’t bring yourself to pull away just yet. You want to enjoy your meal, just for a bit longer.
When you finally pull away, you can't help but grin at Dice’s disappointed moan, mourning the loss of your soft lips against his own. God, he’s lucky he’s so damn cute looking like that!
“Awww, what’s the matter, princess? You looking for something?”
That disappointed look is quickly replaced by another embarrassed pout, your lover’s cheeks darkening just that much more. 
“S-shut up. I don’t want to hear it.” 
“Too bad, hun. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in what you want.” You admit in mock sympathy, running your finger down his cheek. Your hand slowly, sexily, trails down his side, manipulating him into believing your touch was for comfort before bringing your hand down on his ass, laughing softly at the pained grunt Dice tries to hide between his teeth. The tears that had threatened to fall earlier finally make their way down, leaving dark violet streaks all over his face. Absolutely beautiful. 
But there’s something else that you notice, pressing up against your leg. Something that you had been waiting for since you first started toying with him. Finally, there he is. 
“Look who’s finally coming out to play, Dicey! It seems that I’ve finally got you cracked, and what, with one spank? You mean to tell me that’s what got you hooked?”
“I s-said, sHUT UP–!”
Another spank to his reddening ass, and Dice is a whimpering, wailing puddle between your legs. God, how pathetic. He really is your perfect little slut tonight. 
“What was that, baby? I couldn’t hear you.” 
“N…Nothing, doll…”
“That’s better.” You smirk, gently pumping his hardened erection with your hand, looking him right in his pathetically watery eyes. “Now… do you want me to fuck your brains out or not?”
“...” Oh, watching that internal struggle between want and stubbornness is hilarious! The way Dice’s eyes flicker back and forth as his head leans down in thought, both sides of his brilliant mind fighting for the correct decision. You didn’t know he could be so indecisive, even when he doesn’t have that much power. 
“I don’t know if you heard my question, Dice.” You lament, your hand speeding up and gripping him twice as hard, choking out an excited screech from the quivering man beneath you.
“I said… do you want me to fuck your brains out, or NOT?!”
“Yes!! Sweetnessl, please!! I n-need you!” 
“One more time? You’ve gotta speak up, baby, I can’t hear you.”
“Don’t you DARE swear at me, boy!” You bellow from above him, your free hand squeezing his nipple in warning. “You BEG, and you beg NICELY, you understand?”
“Good.” Smirking at your success, you lower your bottoms and take a seat on his waiting cock, painfully slowly. From there, your puppet is nothing but sensual screams and praises as he finally receives what he’s been craving. 
But as with many things in Dice’s life, after adjusting to your form hugging his length, he can’t help but need more of it. And he isn’t afraid to be vocal about his desires, either. 
“B-babydoll… I…”
“Oh for hell’s sake, Dice, what? What do you want from me, hm? Go on, spit it out.” 
“I—n… I need y…” Ohh, the poor dear. You’ve rendered him speechless, it seems. 
“C’mon, use your grown-up words, sugar bear. Come on, tell me what you want.” You smile lovingly, manipulating him with your sweet sweet voice as you cup his face, wet with desperate tears. 
“I need you, my love. Please, please start moving already…”
Laughing at his helplessness, you slowly start bouncing up and down, pinning him by the shoulders as you ride his cock at a snail’s pace. You can feel it inside you, Dice is full. Dangerously full. You’re sure that once you’re finished with him, you’ll be so stuffed you might just feel queasy. 
But that’s alright, You’ll take it. You’ll take every last drop, if it means Dice will submit to you completely and cum into you at your discretion. 
That’s the key. This time around, Dice is cumming on your terms. And before you go too crazy, you need to make that known. 
“B-baby, faster! Faster, please!” 
Perfect timing, too.
“Now, Dice, you listen to me and you listen good. I’ll give you what you want, but you need to promise me something, alright?” You pause in your tracks, making sure you have Dice’s complete attention. 
After whining in despair at the cease in movement, Dice does his best to recollect himself before looking back up at you, panting heavily, a small sliver of drool running down his chin. 
“Anything, doll! Anything!! I’ll promise to beg, kiss, hell! I’ll even BARK if that’s what you want! Just say the word, and I’ll promise! But fuck, baby, if you don’t start moving again I don’t know WHAT I’ll do!!” 
“Easy there, casanova. As appealing as the thought of you barking for me might be, I only need you to do one thing.” You lean forward, your nose touching his front pip, your hot breaths mingling together to create a suffocating heat between the two of you. 
“You will NOT cum until I tell you to. Do I make myself clear?’
“CLEAR AS A DIAMOND, BABY! You have my word! Now ple–”
“Ah ah ah,” you tsk in disapproval, skeptical of his quick answer. You want him to mean it. That answer was way too quick, laced with arousal. 
“You better not be pulling my leg just to get what you want, showman. Promise me again, with meaning.” 
Dice takes in a shuddery breath, trying to get a grip before completely breaking, leaning his head back as more darkened tears stream down his blushing cheeks. He lets out a whine of despair, his eyes squeezing shut. He wants you so bad, it’s physically painful. 
“Sweetheart, I promise you, I’ll do exactly as you say! I won’t even THINK about cumming until you give me permission! I mean every word!” 
Still a bit too desperate for your taste, but you figure you’ve tortured him long enough. You run a couple fingers along the bottom edge of his face, fondly teasing him with your touch as you finally start to move your ass again, this time at a much faster and rougher pace. 
“Alright, hun, you win. As long as you keep your word, I’d say you’ve earned your fair share tonight.” 
What sounds like a simple transaction in your voice, means everything to the man pinned beneath you. Holy FUCK, you’ve started moving, and you’ve started moving quick. Yes. Yes! 
To hell with insisting on control! To hell with stubbornness! Damn it ALL, if it means Dice gets to feel like this, completely at your mercy! 
The man bites his lip to keep from screeching too loudly, not wanting to damage your hearing. You’re giving him exactly what he wants, even though he’s put up such a fight with you all night, the least he could do is spare your eardrums. 
But as much as Dice wants to conceal his excitement, you want him to let it all out. And in an effort to coax out his screams, you dig your nails into his shoulders and drag your fingers across his chest, the scratches from your hands hatching over the slightly scarred marks on his chest from your flogger. 
It works like a charm. Forgetting all about decency, Dice screams in pleasure, throwing his head back as you continue chasing your orgasm. His hands reflexively struggle against the restraints, the ropes and cuffs surely rubbing his skin raw. 
Not that Dice would care. With the way he’s acting over your skin crashing against his, you wonder if he even notices the pain. Probably not, since all he’s whining about is how much he loves you, and that he doesn’t want you to stop what you’re doing at all. 
Though you want to tell yourself otherwise, you can’t help but thrive off of Dice’s sweet praises as you concentrate on your rhythm. Even when he is dominant, he’s sweet to you, but when you’re in charge? It’s on a whole nother level. 
Literally, all you are doing is lifting and lowering yourself onto his dick, but your lover may as well be renewing his vows to you. It’s priceless! 
“Oh my WORD, babydoll, you’re incredible! Please don’t stop what you’re doing–GOD, just like that sugar! JUST LIKE THAT! You’re so fucking good at that rhythm, sweetheart, I should hire you as a conductor!! SHIT, RIGHT THERE! THERE, BABY!”
And he keeps on going, from there. It’s so, so adorable, you can’t help but lean forward and kiss his precious lips as you pick up your pace, pounding against him so hard the both of you start to see stars. 
His muffled shouts of pleasure, as well as the straining in his voice, let you know that he’s starting to get close. And yet, as he promised, he holds it in for you. Just as you had asked. 
Good heavens, such a good boy he’s being! 
“Mmm, baby, you’re being SO good for me, you know that? See how easy it is to be satisfied when you don’t put up such a fight? You could have had this so much sooner if you had just surrendered from the beginning!” You moan into your husband’s mouth, smiling into your kiss as Dice whimpers back in apology.
“Mmm! Mmmfh, mm… MMM!~”
“Oh, I know you’re sorry, sweet cheeks. It’s okay, I forgive you. You’re just too adorable to stay angry with!” You giggle in response to his newfound language, pulling your lips away from his and grinning at the string of saliva connecting your mouths together. Perfect. 
“I feel you getting close, baby. You remember your promise, don’t you?” 
Biting his lip so hard he almost draws blood, Dice quickly nods, doing everything in his power not to explode into you until you say the word. So obedient. It’s almost strange to you, as just half an hour ago, he was putting up such a fight. How quickly the tables can turn!
“I-I remember, doll!” 
“Good boy. Just stay like this, for a little bit longer. And then I’ll let you cum, okay? But DON’T move a muscle until I say you can cum.”
Completely tense, Dice nods in agreement, gasping for air as you continue to shove yourself onto him, finally starting to get close as well. Now this will be one of the best sensations you’ve felt in a long time. 
Starting to struggle to keep it together yourself, you lean down and bite on his shoulder, muffling your pleasured shouts as you feel your insides come close to exploding. 
Alright, You’re ready. But… 
“Dice, are you ready?”
“YES! Yes, baby, I’m ready!” 
“Are you sure you’re ready?” You can’t help but tease him one last time, smiling against his shoulder as he roars in desperation, that familiar horny rage back at full force. 
“DAMMIT, BABY! How many times do I have to FUCKING say it?! I’M READY!” 
“Watch it, mister. You might just prolong your wait if you start being a brat again.” 
Dice winces slightly in regret at losing himself, much to your amusement. He pants heavily as you continue bringing him closer to the edge, until eventually:
As soon as the words escape your lips, you feel Dice’s erection twitching as he explodes every last bit of his seed into your ass, filling you up so much even your stomach expands a little to hold it all in. The screams of euphoria that come from above your lowered head are sounds that you will hold onto until your dying days–they are perfect! 
It’s enough to push you over the edge as well, and once again you sink your teeth into Dice’s collar bone as your own fluids explode from underneath you, splattering all over Dice’s front like a work of art. A beautiful, sexy, delicious work of art. 
You finally know just what you want to give him for his reward. 
Tiredly lifting yourself off of Dic’s cock, allowing the excess seed to spill between your legs, you smile warmly at your short-winded king as you rest your hands on his knees to keep him still. And then, you let your tongue do the rest. 
Despite being out of breath, Dice finds the strength to groan in pleasure as you drag your tongue across his stomach, lapping up every last drop of fluid you can find. He lets you know just how incredible your tongue feels against his skin, wondering aloud just how you might taste. 
If he must know, you taste deliciously salty, with a hint of iron as the tiny beads of blood from his new flogger scar mingle together with your juices. It’s delicious. 
He has been good for you ever since you had started fucking him, so maybe you could give him just one more reward, right? 
Once you finish cleaning him up, making sure every ounce of liquid has been taken care of, you lean back up and press your lips back against his. Upon feeling his mouth open slightly as he gasps in surprise, you slip your tongue right inside, your taste buds connecting with his and allowing your husband to learn exactly how you taste. 
Exquisite, as far as Dice is concerned. 
While he is distracted with the different flavors happening in his mouth, you find the energy to stand completely, pulling up both your bottoms and his boxers. You quickly undo the ropes and handcuffs, feeling a little guilty at the red marks that mar his flesh. 
Being the gentleman he is, Dice doesn’t let you wallow for too long. 
“Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. I’ve put you in similar situations before. Besides, I… might be a bit of a masochist.” 
Oh, really now? 
“Hm… I’ll have to remember that for next time, then.” You tease warmly, tossing the restraints aside in favor of snuggling on top of him, smiling sleepily as your husband’s arms lazily wrap around you. 
“Mmm… as much as I hate to give up my reins again, next time can’t come soon enough.” Dice admits softly, pressing a tired kiss to the top of your head and letting out a yawn as his eyes start to flutter shut.
You both rest comfortably against each other, finding comfort in your skin’s contact. But even as you slip off into dreamland, your mind wanders, and you ponder Dice’s last statement in yearning. 
He is absolutely right, next time can’t come soon enough.
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68 notes · View notes
thehollowwriter · 3 months
Warnings: None
Key: Regular text is for the present, italics is for flashbacks, bold is for journal entries
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
Lamentations Pt 4
Silas sighed. He pressed his pointer fingers together, then pressed them against his lips. He peered at his last entry. Those last words.
Pretty. Clever. Sharp.
That's what Morrigan called him, and he still remembered the emotions that flooded him when he processed the words.
Shock. Confusion. Flusteredness.
He was pretty sure Morrigan was messing with him at first, but that wasn't really Morrigan's idea of funny.
He had felt so restless that night, tossing and turning and scratching nervously at the wall, trying to find some purpose, some rhyme or reason for those words.
He thought of those gleaming, mischevious eyes and that wide toothy smirk, and his heart nearly lost all semblance of control.
Silas sighed and moved his hands to grasp his pen once again, just as he had done before.
Well, at least this bit would be easy to write.
Our encounters changed after that night. Not in a negative way, no, not atball. Though I will admit the atmosphere was tense when Morrigan came in the following week. I think he thought I was going to chase him off for what he said. But no, I did no such thing. The opposite, really.
Our relationship entered an odd limbo of flirting with each other and not much else after that. There were lingering touches, long-lasting (and I will admit, sultry) glances, flirting, his tailfin would curl around mine and I would let it, and of course, far more "fights" than usual.
When he requested that I teach him how to hunt, this seemed to worsen in a way. He would watch me with bright, burning eyes, hanging on to every word I spoke as if it were gospel.
I would watch him in turn, entranced by the sheer skill and ferocity in his movements as he copied my instructions . Too many times would a hunt turn on it's head and we would end up "fighting."
It's funny, really. To an outsider, it would seem like we were trying to kill each other. But we knew better. It was a dance. A waltz. A sign of trust proven by throats left unbitten and bellies left unslashed.
Morrigan was absolutely capable of killing me. It wouldn't be easy, and I would be able to cast something to get him away, but it was a possibility.
My magic was technically stronger, but his was far more refined, and his arsenal of spells was like no other. I was more patient and calculating, he was far more vicious and had an absolutely fascinating ability to simply force himself through whatever injury he was suffering from and keep going.
My malnourishment left me vulnerable, easy to break. And yet... he didn't. He was so careful. So practised. There were a few moments when we tangled with each other, where he would pause and glance down as if he feared he had broken me. Of course, I always took the opportunity to take victory over him, but I appreciated the sentiment.
Thinking back on these moments always brings me to those times where the fight was briefly forgotten, and we would simply gaze at each other in silence.
It's so easy to get lost in Morrigan's eyes. Brilliant, beautiful pools of turquoise like that of shallow tropical waters.
There was always so much in Morrigan's eyes. So many emotions and thoughts. So much knowledge. So much... adoration.
And then, the spell would break, and we would either go back upside or continue until we tired or one of us won.
My grandfather always teased me, muttering things like "Ah, young love" and reminiscing about when he met his own husband, and sometimes even teasing Morrigan.
However, I remember the day he got serious with me, staring into my soul with bright amethyst eyes that had witnessed things I could never begin to conceive.
"Yes, grandfather?"
"Sit down."
Silas sat down, suddenly feeling a lot less like a 33 year old business owner and more like a child about to get scolded.
"Silas," His grandfather spoke slowly, carefully, as if this were the most important conversation they would ever have. "I want you to think very carefully about your feelings for Morrigan. You're an adult, and you can make your own decisions, but I must advise that you decide where you want this... thing with him to go. He's clearly head over tailfin for you, and the two of you have been going in circles for months. You can't keep that up forever."
Silas opened his mouth to protest the very idea of having feelings for Morrigan or vise verse, then closed it again. He leaned back and blinked, taking a moment to think.
Morrigan. How could he ever describe how he felt about Morrigan?
A million different feelings and emotions flooded him at once when he was around Morrigan. Excitement, joy, amusement, thrills, admiration-
Love? Could that be what this was? He wasn't sure. He didn't know what romantic love felt like, not really. He attempted a date or two in the past, but while it didn't end 'badly', he never felt anything.
What could he say? They were nice, but they weren't Morrigan. They didn't make his adrenaline spike like Morrigan. They didn't snap back at his remarks like Morrigan. They didn't make him laugh with stupid jokes and puns like Morrigan. They weren't clever like Morrigan. They were not unafraid to fight him like Morrigan. They did not allow his teeth near their throat with such absolute trust like Morrigan.
...They didn't speak of the children in their life (at least those who had or interacted with children), the one's who's future was in their hands, with such care and love like Morrigan. They were not as odd, nor as ruthless and delightfullypowerful as Morrigan.
He could go on forever. It was quite simple, really. They were just not Morrigan.
Silas gazed at his grandfather and nodded his head.
"Yes, grandfather. I will."
I was quite absent-minded the next few days. Morrigan occupied my thoughts whenever possible, slithering into the cracks and crevices of my mind like a mischevious moray eel.
Yes, I was quite sure what I was feeling was some sort of romantic attraction. Morrigan made my heart pound, my blood rush, and my fins flare like something out of a cliché romance novel.
I eventually came to the decision that I wanted to give Morrigan a courting gift. Now, this was no lighthearted whim. Even in the Abyss, courting gifts were treated with utmost importance. In fact, damaging or breaking them was considered bad luck, especially if you were neither the giving nor receiving party.
I spent ages pondering what to make for Morrigan. I didn't bother worrying if teeth or bones would scare him off. He stuck with me that long and flirted with me on the regular. If something as simple as teeth bothered him, he would have been gone years ago.
The question at hand was what teeth to get him. The tradition of courting gifts went back hundreds of years, and it used to be common to kill a particularly dangerous, feared, or difficult to kill animal or person and present whoever you're interested in with some remnant of the carcass.
Usually, it was jewellery. The most common was a simple necklace of teeth. It shows your potential partner that you're capable of protecting them. If they reciprocate, they do so by making a courting gift to give to you in return.
It's still in practice today, but pretty things like seashells are becoming more popular over teeth and bones.
I had so many different possible creatures, even people, to choose from that I just couldn't decide. Barracuda? Moray eel? Swordfish?
I was so distracted with this that I almost completely missed Morrigan's arrival with a single yellowfin tuna in hand and a smug grin on his face
He had gotten so good at hunting under my guidance, but stealth was where he truly excelled.
"You..." Sillas' eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the tuna. His tuna. "I-"
"You're awfully distracted today, Silas," said Morrigan with a toothy grin. "Don't even notice me come in. What's going on in that mysterious mind of yours?"
Silas huffed. "I'm tired. But still, well done. I didn't even suspect you had arrived."
He was met with a smaller, more genuine smile. "Well, I did learn from the best."
Silas sent a half smile back, trying to act like his cheeks weren't warming up. "Hmm, true. What will it be today?"
"One yellowfin tuna," Morrigan began, holding the tuna up higher with that grin of his stretched across his face. He had such a stupid grin. Silas loved it. "four mackerel and and one octopus."
"A whole octopus?"
Silas raised an eyebrow and went to package Morrigan's order, pondering whether or not he should make a remark about how Morrigan never ordered his "specials."
"That's new. What's the occasion?"
"My ma's birthday. She loves octopus."
"First time she's sent you to buy that from me."
Morrigan shrugged. "She doesn't want to get it her usual way anymore. A pair of octopus mers, mother and daughter, recently moved into the city. Ma says it would be disrespectful."
Silas furrowed his brows, then blinked at Morrigan. "What-"
"Yeah, I don't get it either. Apparently, one of the octopus mers is starting up a restaurant. You may have a customer. Mom told her about you."
"She did?" Silas questioned, surprised. He made an effort to ignore the pun. "I didn't expect-"
"Me neither." Said Morrigan. "She said all sorts of lovely things, a list of recommendations and compliments a mile long. She's usually so... unpleasant about you. Sorry. She thinks you're a-"
"Bad influence?" Silas finished, handing Morrigan his order. He knew the words quite well at this point. "Mm, I'm not surprised. I did turn you into a stone cold hunter with a taste for blood, after all. And I tried to kill you."
Morrigan's grin twisted into a smirk. "And I'm all the better for it. I'll happily do it all over again. Especially if it's to see you every week."
As he spoke, he shuffled about with his satchel and placed a pouch on the counter. It was created from seaweed and coral, like most things in the sea were, although it was larger than purses usually were.
"I've gotta go. I cannot be late today. See you next week Si!"
"Morrigan-" Silas began, but Morrigan was already gone. He sighed and picked up the pouch, muttering about keeping the change, and opened it to count the madol inside.
"Really, Morrigan, forgetting y-"
Whatever quip about to come out of Silas' mouth died on his tongue. His mouth went dry, and his heart began to pound as he peered at what lay inside the pouch.
Slowly, he reached inside the pouch and pulled the object of his shock free.
A necklace. A necklace of teeth, of orca teeth, strung on a carefully crafted string of seaweed and magic. A particularly spiney murex shell was the centrepiece of the whole ordeal.
Silas swallowed, his heart pounding so fast it nearly jumped out of hus throat. Quickly, he rifled through the pouch. There was the payment for the mackerel and octopus, and nothing else. No note. There was no need for one.
The message was loud and clear.
Trembling, Silas traced the large, sharp teeth and clutched the necklace to his chest.
A courting gift. Morrigan had given him a courting gift.
A flurry of emotions suddenly exploded inside Silas and he hastily swam to the second floor of the building, bursting into the kitchenette and scaring his grandfather into dropping his newspaper.
"Sea Witch, Silas, someone better be dying." The old shark gasped.
"No- No- Grandfather, Morrigan- he-" Silas gave up on words and carefully held up the necklace. "Look."
His grandfather's eyes widened, and then the surpised expression was replaced with a smile.
"Well now, it looks like he beat you to it. You plan to present him with one as well? ...If that is what you want?"
The question went unanswered for a while. Silas gazed at the necklace, then pulled his hair away from his neck and slid the necklace over his head.
"Yes," He murmured, thumbing at a particularly large tooth. "More than anything."
The thought of being with Morrigan, the thought of wearing his courting gift while he wore mine, filled me with a sense of what I can only describe as giddiness.
I knew what to get him then. Whatever I previously had in mind was dwarfed by the fact that Morriganbhad managed to pull the teeth of an orca, the oceans' top predator, whether by killing it, seriously wounding it or some other method.
How was I going to top that? It was simple, really. Find a bigger orca.
My grandfather found this incredibly amusing, of course, as he did with most things involving Morrigan and I.
"Always so competitive." He said to me. "Even when it comes to courting gifts."
He was right, of course, but competition was a constant between Morrigan and I. It is something that remained even after our friendship gave way to romance.
Besides, I was the better hunter.
With that in mind, I set off on my little journey to find an orca. Orcas do not scare me. They don't compare to the horrors down below, and I have eaten orca before.
The actual hunt of that orca when I found it is not too important. The important part to me is making the necklace.
It took a while for me to pull out the teeth I needed. I had to be precise and careful so I didn't damage them or get them stuck. Then, after dropping them off at home, I swam to the very edge of the city of Atlanta.
It was the closest I had ever been to the city. Perfect, sparkling, and bright, fitted amongst a beautiful coral reef where the sunlight could reach. It hurt my eyes and made me nervous.
Nonetheless, I got what I wanted. A volute shell. A fairly large, very pretty volute shell. I may not understand the logic of presenting pearls and shells to your partner, as they prove nothing about your abilities, but it was a part of Morrigan's culture and I wanted to include it alongside the teeth.
I returned home quickly and, using a combination of seaweed, rope, and magic, began putting the necklace together. Small bone knives and some more magic helped me pierce the holes I needed, and then I laced the rope through the teeth and shells.
It took a very long time and was a frustrating process, but I was very particular about how I wanted it to look and refused to settle for second best.
I was quite proud of myself when I finished. I knew how to craft bags, pouches, traps, and weapons, but I never made jewellery. This necklace of teeth, with the volute shell functioning as a pendant, turned out well. It looked beautiful.
When Morrigan came in next week, he was nervous. I know this because his stealth utterly failed, and I caught him before he could get a fin in the door.
We had our usual banter, although Morrigan was much more stiff than usual, then sold him his fish and carefully placed the necklace inside Morrigan's pouch alongside his change.
"I'll see you next week, Morrigan," Silas said softly, sending the mer a half smile.
Morrigan's earfins drooped, and a disappointed expression briefly flashed across his face.
"Uh- yeah. I'll see you next week, Si." He said. He began to drift out the door with none of his usual sassy comments, muttering to himself.
"Make sure you count your change, Morrigan," Silas called to him. "My math is off today."
"Yeah, okay." Morrigan called back dully. There was the sound of shuffling. Then, a pause. Then, a gasp of surprise and delight.
Morrigan shot back into the shop so fast he was a mere blur of dark green. He grasped Silas by the arms and nearly knocked him over, turquoise eyes as wide as saucers.
He was already wearing the necklace. It looked incredible on him.
"Y-You're serious?" He gasped out, disbelief all over his face.
Silas simply sent him a smile, and that said enough. Morrigan's fins fanned out in excitement, and he slid his hands down to Silas' hips.
"May I?"
Silas nodded.
Morrigan pulled Silas close and coiled his tail around Silas', carefully wrapping his arms around him.
"I'm so glad you said yes," He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought you weren't interested."
To his surprise, Silas huffed and leaned forward so their foreheads bumped together. "I'm afraid being uninterested in you is impossible.
Silas could feel Morrigan's heart speed up, though he didn't respond. He didn't need to. They simply stayed like that for a while, staring into each other's eyes, turquoise on amthyst.
After some time passed, Morrigan slowly moved his hand to cup Silas' cheek, the tips of his claws pressing harmlessly against the rough skin.
"I love you." He seemed to say, although no words were spoken. Silas put his own hand on top of Morrigan's and stroked it with his thumb. "I love you too."
Rough, scarred lips met soft, radiant ones in tandem.
Guide: Start, Prev, Next
A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading all the fluff! I was smiling the whole time while writing, hehe (except when Tumblr deleted the whole thing >:()
Tagging: @distant-velleity @theleechyskrunkly @the-banana-0verlord @cynthinesia @cyanide-latte @boopshoops @whspermy-name @officialdaydreamer00 @elenauaurs
For reference, the murex shell looks like this:
Tumblr media
And the volute shell looks like this:
Tumblr media
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 8 months
Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou Stellaworth Booklet “Her Long Day” Part 6
Still haven't figured out what I should do next.... I sorta wanna go translate the Shimabara Disturbance drama, but the tl I found has some parts that are missing text, and I just don't wanna go look up what I ned to fill in those gaps...
whatever. maybe i won't do that. good night. 😂 i'm too tired to think right now. waking up before 6 am really messes me up unless i'm travelling.
Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou Stellaworth Booklet “Her Long Day” Part 6
Translation by KumoriYami
Chǒushí · Kazama Moment 《1~3 o'clock》
It was 3 o'clock, the time when all plants slept, and when the gates of the underworld [I guess?] were open.
If things were as usual, I would have fallen asleep long ago…
Unfortunately, today I woke up, perhaps from hearing the sound of insects.
As I huddled under my blanket, I heard something outside… a minute sound.
The chirping of insects was wrapped in the sound of the wind and the sound of footsteps on gravel.
...Was that the sound of a cat or dog walking by…?
I lifted up my groggy head head, and opened the door a finger-wide crack, and looked outside——
"——I didn't think you'd be awake at this time."
"Could it be those watch dogs are forcing you to work day and night?"
My weary mind immediately cleared up, and my eyes widened.
Standing there was the one who had repeatedly crossed swords with the Shinsengumi and declared that he was going to take me away—.
"——Be quiet."
Just as the yell was about to leave my throat, my mouth was covered, and I could only desperately twist my body.
But Kazama-san's arm was like it was made of stone, and I couldn't pull away at all.
"It's useless, although female oni have powerful/strong vitality, their strength cannot be compared to that of a male oni."
"……Listen, just stay quiet. As long as you promise not to yell, I will let you go."
I did my best to nod, and to my surprise, Kazama-san really did let me go."
"Why are you come here at this time? Could it be that you wanted to take advantage of how everyone's asleep..."
"That's ridiculous. Do you think that I'm the sort of vulgar man who would attack a woman at night?"
What happened just now, I did really feel that this was similar to being attacked…. I always felt there was a sense of incredulity with this, so I asked again.
"….Then why did you come here? It doesn't seem like you've answered my question yet..."
"……This flower/These flowers."
Kazama-san hesitated for a moment and handed me a flower.
"This is… a sunflower/These are... sunflowers…?"
"That's right. Early this morning, beautiful sunflowers bloomed in the garden of a house in the Satsuma Domain, and since I thought it'd be a waste if only I admired them. Thinking that, I involuntarily thought of your face. You are surrounded by a group of insensitive men all day long, and have no opportunities to see such beautiful flowers."
If Kazama-san's words were true, he really came just to send me this flower/these flowers…
"…….Even if you say that, with you suddenly coming here, I can't believe it…"
"Why suddenly? Is there something strange about a husband who treasures his wife giving her flowers?"
"Of course, you are my wife."
…………As expected, I couldn't communicate with this person. Kazama-san slowly extend his hand towards me, who was at a complete loss for words.
"Of course, if you want me to take you away right now, isn't that another matter?"
"I don't....!"
I trembled and hurriedly took a step back.
Kazama-san's hand abruptly stopped.
"Hmph… Who would have thought that there would be a watchdog awake at this time."
Kazama-san sighed, turned around, and then disappeared into the darkness.
"——Let's meet again someday in the future. Next time, it will have to be in a place where no one will disturb us."
Yinshi · Sannan Moment 《3~5 o'clock》
——At that moment, a voice came from the depths of headquarters.
"——Apparently an uninvited guest came?"
"Ah…… Sannan-san……!!"
"——Oya. To go as far as to intrude at this time, how truly careless."
Sannan-san looked in the direction Kazama-san disappeared in and lowered the hand he had on his sword.
At the same time, I collapsed to the ground, as if the ties around had me had been unraveled.
"It's alright, Yukimura-kun. Did you get injured?"
"Nn. I'm okay. Thank you……"
I sat paralyzed on the ground and looked up at Sannan-san,, and noticed tha tmy hands were shaking.
Although he was joking about that bitter experience, it really could have been quite dangerous.
——If Sannan-san hadn't come, what would have happened?"
While I trembled as I imagined that, Sannan-san, he——
"……Forgive me/I apologise."
He took hold of my hand, and slowly pulled me so I could stand up, then he wrapped both of his hands around my hands.
"——As expect you're terrified, your hands are still shaking now."
"……Yes. As soon as I thought that I was saved, all the fear came bursting forth……"
"I'm sorry. If I was able to notice a bit sooner, you wouldn't have been so scared."
"N-No, it's not Sannan-san's fault! You saved me…"
"……Hehe. Yes. At least the worse was avoided."
Sannan-san urged me to sit down, and the two of us sat by side in the corridor.
Even though my body was still shaking now, he smiled.
"It's alright, I'll sit with you here and accompany you until you calm down."
"Apparently, I'm meddling——"
"No….. if Sannan-san doesn't mind…. please."
Perhaps my words went against his expectations, so Sannan-san's eyes wiedened, and he was speechless.
".......Are your words sincere?"
"Nn... is that no good....."
".......You aren't afraid of me even though I've become a rasetsu?"
Sannan-san gazed into my eyes, and I laughed/smiled.
"......I think that genuinely scary people wouldn't say that sort of thing. Although it's true that Sannan-san hasbecome a rasetsu……."
"But, I think that your heart is the same as it was before."
Actually, until just now, Sannan-san had been saying consoling words to me,…. .
"......Oya. After hearing such adorable words, I can't do anything bad now."
Sannan-san stroked my head, as if to say that he had surrendered.
"Then… until you can peacefully fall asleep…"
Afterwards, Chizuru's moment
—Then, after that—
Sannan-san stayed and chatted with me until the sky faintly became green.
I completely calmed down and returned to my room as well.
"Today… I should say yesterday, a lot of things happened from morning until night……."
I got under the blankets again, and what happened all day long began to gradually resurfaced in my mind again.
"Waking up early, seeing Souma-kun, cooking together with Heisuke-kun…… going on patrol……"
If I fall asleep now, I didn't know if I'll be able to sleep before daybreak.
"......In the middle of the night, Kazama-san came over for some reason…. then… Ah, Hijikata-san…. I don't know if he'w awake after that…"
Incredibly, as soon as I was covered with the blanket, I immediately felt drowsy. Tired to the point where I couldn't resist.
With my narrowing field of vision, between the gaps of dreams of reality, I mumbled to myself.
"……Tomorrow too…… I'll work hard……"
Until I was woken up again shortly after by the sound of birds, a new day was about to start again. I finally slept peacefully again so I could get a moment's rest——.
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