#Old married couple Mace and Plo
jessicas-pi · 5 months
So originally I was gonna do 3, but this one got REALLY long, sooo....
May I present the Jedi Get Hitched AU?
I posted about it once before here (and it got FANART!!!!) but other than that I haven't said much of anything else, soooo... here's more! and it's ENORMOUSLY self-indulgent.
The basic premise of the AU is that the clone wars end happily except the clones don't have rights but the Jedi find a loophole that will make them recognized as sentient citizens if one of them marries a Jedi, cue Aayla kicking open the door to the jedi council with bly in tow like I VOLUNTEER
ANYWAY. bly and aayla get married (they both freak out about it and Fox and Quinlan respectively have to give them pep talks before the wedding.) All seems well... and then Anakin saunters into the Jedi Council room one day and brings up that now that they're getting married (it was a one time thing, skywalker--) NOW THAT THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED, maybe they should consider that perhaps it would lower political tensions if a Jedi married, like, a senator or a planetary ruler or something. and the council is all like 🙄 skywalker we know this is just about you and senator amidala and he's like what??? haha no, i was talking about obi-wan and duchess satine. but while we're on the topic, i could definitely marry senator amidala too. she just adopted those twins and i could help raise them. they're force-sensitive, what a crazy coincidence amiright?? and plo and shaak are just lowkey planning their wedding and subsequent adoption of All Their Sons and mace. mace wants a break. please.
fast forward in time. Several more jedi have gotten married. Mace has retired from the council, citing "an excess of tomfoolery and nuptials" as his reason. Anakin married Padme, Obi-Wan married Satine and they officially adopted Korkie as their son, and Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress got married. Vostress is also currently running a jedi-nightsister exchange student program...
...which is how Merrin, 16 and slightly awkward but eager to learn more, ends up in the Jedi Temple, with a few other Nightsisters, though they're all a few years younger than her. Cal is assigned to give them the tour.
"Welcome to the Jedi Temple!" he says, holding one hand out to her and the other hand waving around them, indicating basically the whole jedi temple. it's supposed to be just a gesture, but then Merrin puts her hand in his. Completely seriously. Cal is like "...okay" and they hold hands for the rest of the tour.
Five years later, there is a second jedi-nightsister wedding.
Jocasta is delighted at the number of records being set within her lifetime.
(Jocasta is also officiating all the weddings, btw.)
A couple years after Mace resigns from the council, he decides to plan a shatterpoint lineage family vacation. So Mace, Depa, Grey (who is an unofficial part of their family), Caleb, and Caleb's brand-new Padawan, 11-year-old Ezra (who is pretty young to be a padawan, but he was following caleb around all the time anyway so caleb figured he might as well just make the apprenticeship official), all pack up... and go to Ryloth.
Caleb, who twenty-five at this point, promptly gets his first crush.
Mace Regrets This Vacation. He's actually started seeing marriage Shatterpoints. Depa and Grey, meanwhile, think it's really really funny that Caleb gets flustered around Hera, and Ezra has made more than a few insinuations about political alliances via marriage. Depa warns him that Caleb will get his revenge, but Ezra dismisses it. (Said revenge does come about, several years later, in the form of Caleb asking if Madame Nu needs to prepare to officiate the second Jedi-Mandalorian marriage in recorded history. Ezra kicks him in the shin. smh padawans these days just have NO respect for their masters.)
Ezra highly encourages Caleb to marry Hera.
It does not take much convincing.
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thestarwarslesbian · 11 months
Whenever you need sombody (1)
Time for some Hurt!Obi-wan people!
Tagging @starrrgazingbunny as Scar is in the second part but you need to read this one to get some context.
The war was still dragging on. Anakin had spoken with the chancellor about the estimated time till the end of the war. According to Palpatine it was the Jedi council who were delaying the war and causing the rest of the Jedi to fight. Anakin stormed into the middle of a council meeting. 
 It didn’t look like a council meeting.  
Mace Windu sat on the floor arm around his old padawan. Next to him on the chair was Plo Koon who was plating the hair of the Jedi master sat on the floor in front of him. With closer inspection Anakin realised it was Obi-wan. It was hard to recognise him with longer hair after months apart. “What do you want so bad you had to barge in here Skywalker?” Asked Mace 
“I want you guys to tell me the truth.” Said Anakin. He was going to get to the bottom of the corruption within the council. The members looked like they were contemplating on whether to answer. 
 “Obi-wan is the only qualified Jedi that is a general,” Spoke Mace. “He is a recognised General on Melida/Daan. Which means he is the only Jedi to be recognised, formally by legitimate armies, as a General.” They were really telling him the truth. Maybe, they weren’t running the war after all. He had heard that his old master hated talking about his past before Anakin. Maybe it was because he was a child general.  
“Retired, meant to be, I am.” This shocked Anakin. Master Yoda retired. He stared at Yoda on his place on Obi-wan’s lap. If it was meant to be now, then the Council definitely wouldn’t have planned for the war to go on that much longer. Next Kit Fisto “I have slept with everyone on the council bar Yoda, Plo, Mace and Obi-wan.” Okay. It wasn’t a surprise to Anakin that Kit had slept with majority of the council what had shocked him was that he hadn’t slept with Obi-wan. He was sure Kit would have tried to sleep with him first. Next Plo Koon spoke, “I’m married to Mace.” Okay, thought Anakin, Fork in a kitchen. It was to be expected, the two did biker like an old married couple. 
“I am banging my general.” Shaak Ti spoke up from the seat she sat on. In her lap was a baby Yoda? Did Yoda have a child or was it the same species. The rest of the council went around sharing secrets. All of which made Anakin confused. Why would they just tell him their secrets. Obi-wan’s voice broke him out of his thoughts. 
“I was sold by Qui-gon at 14 to the hutts” “WHAT” Okay so maybe not everyone on the council knows all secrets. “I was kept as a pleasure slave until I was 24 because of my biology.” Obi-wan the next part quieter than the rest.  
“Hold on.” Anakin said breaking the shocked silence in the council chamber “You were a slave?” Had his master really been like him? A slave? But to be kept as a pleasure slave was something much worse. “Yeah, I still have the slave chip as I was kept by Jaba the Hut. That’s why I never went back to Tatooine or planets in hutt space because I was well recognised amongst the Hutts and slave owners.” 
“OMG!” Anakin final knew where he knew Obi-wan’s face from. “That was you!” 
“Please, don’t talk about it when I’m around. Please Anakin.” 
“Leave, like would you. Obi-wan?” Obi-wan nodded as he stood up after lifting Yoda of his lap. “Here.” Shaak said passing the baby Yoda to him. “Grogu wants to stay with you.” Obi-wan took ba- Grogu, into his arms looking on the edge of tears before leaving the room. “Care to elaborate?” Mace asked once the council members had sat in their seats. 
Anakin took a deep breath. 
“When I was young and still living on Tatooine. Jaba the Hutt used to parade around the streets. No one really payed that much attention. Once a year there was a day when everyone on Tatooine gathered and watched the high up people offer something or someone to Jaba. The tradition also extends to visitors on the planet. When I was 1 it was the first time I went, I remember it very vividly, a Jedi turned up dragging a boy with him, no older then 14. The kid was begging him not to. He had a slave collar. This bit is a bit fuzzy, but my mum told me when I was older. The Jedi said he offered this boy as a force sensitive, Stewjon pleasure slave on his lap. You never saw the slaves face. Jaba had never been so excited over a gift, mum took me to a different room, but I could still here Jaba ‘breaking in’ his slave. The slave was Java’s favourite toy. He was used everywhere possible. A year before Qui-gon found me, the slave escaped and their where pictures of him placed all over, I always knew I recognised his face, I had seen it constantly for over a year.” 
“Then why was Obi-wan’s braid so long?” Mace enquired. “Qui-him said that Obi-wan was protecting the Duchess of Mandalore.” 
“Honestly, I wouldn’t know.” 
“I can’t believe none of us knew.” Plo whispered from where he sat on Maces lap, at some point in the story he had gotten up and moved seat. “Told, I was.” Yoda said. “Obi-wan, by. Secrecy, sworn to, I was.” 
“Should we talk about it with Obi-wan?” Depa asked.  
“That will be up for Obi-wan to decide,” Shaak said. “But the question remains why did you want us to tell you the truth, Skywalker?”  
“I was talking with the chancellor, and he said that it was the council that was making the war drag on like you wanted it to. What I saw wasn’t much help in what he said too.” 
“Talk about later, we shall,” Yoda spoke. “For now, find Obi-wan we must. In the temple he is not. In the force, feel it, I do.” 
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swbumblebee · 3 years
“Stop it.”
Mace Windu was a Jedi Master, and as such had years of training resulting in near limitless patience.
A limit, however, that his closest companion and partner in time-travel was testing with his constant pacing. And huffing.
Plo Koon ignored his request. Mace sighed.
“Would you just sit down? You’re not going to bring them home any quicker and you’re wearing down my rug” he warned.  
Plo looked at him, looked down at the rug, and continued pacing.
“I don’t know what you’re worried about” Mace continued, happily ignoring the sulky silence. “We know their mission goes well, we’ve done this before!” he exclaimed. “It’s a resounding success and half a planet ends up with a crush on Obi-Wan.” He said matter-of-fact.
He felt a reluctant pulse of amusement from Plo in the Force, as much as the man tried to keep it off his face. Mace could always tell.
He stood up, joining him in front of the sofa.
“Nobody gets blown up, nobody gets injured.” He reminded gently. “The Tume agreement is signed, as it is every year, and they both live to worry us another day” he said kindly.
Plo shook his head.
“I know how it went last time. I remember the debate” he corrected. “But things could be different my friend, we have changed the timeline. The smallest difference could be vital, and we have made a very large difference.” Plo explained, in his usual measured voice. “We have altered young Anakin’s temperament; Force only knows that he’ll do. And Obi-Wan has much less to prove.”
Mace frowned. His friend was making some irritatingly good points, but he remembered the two boys standing in the council room not one week ago; a familiar determined glint in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s eye that, in the coming years, would move planets, and Skywalker looking up at all the Masters as if they hung the stars.
“They will not disappoint us” Mace said surely.
Plo stopped.
“I know” he sighed. “I just…worry. It is most unbecoming of a Jedi” the Kel Door admitted.
Mace smiled.
“We are no longer typical Jedi my friend, and you are not the only one.”
It was true. Despite his words of reassurance, waving the two off in the hanger had brought a distinct clench in his stomach, and the training droids in the dojo had had a very long week.
Both froze, two very familiar force presences making themselves known, and not a moment later Mace’s commlink chirped shrilly.
They grinned at each other.
“Master, Knight Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker have just requested permission to land” the unidentified voice on the other end of the call informed them professionally.
“Thank you, Windu out.” He closed the link without a second thought, already grabbing his cloak and joining Plo, standing impatiently, by the door.
“Wait – we can’t both go!” Mace exclaimed, the thought suddenly occurring to him as Plo reached for the door control.  
The other Jedi looked at him, clearly irritated.
“Why not?”
Mace rolled his eyes. One of them had to be sensible.
“Plo, how’s that going to look? Two senior council members waiting for a new Knight and a Junior Padawan? People already think we’re too close” he exclaimed, frustrated with his friend.
Whilst they both had a wildly different attitude towards the A Word (developed over the course of the war and in their new situation) appearances were something they had to be mindful of.
Whilst his expression did not change, the Force around Plo expressed just how much of a toss he gave about appearances.
His friend folded his arms.
“Alright, we can re-convene at the flat later. I will meet them in the hanger.” He said calmly, as if it was some kind of compromise.  
Mace raised one eyebrow.
“Any why do you get to welcome them home?” he asked archly.
“You waved them off” Plo said simply. “It is my turn.”
“Ah that’s not how-Plo!” he cried out, outraged as Plo quickly opened the door and strode out into the corridor, pushing Mace gently back with the Force whilst he made his escape.
Leaving the Master of the Order spluttering at the injustice of it all, in his wake.
Plo was working hard to keep his happiness behind his shields as he strode into the hanger just in time to see the temple shuttle land. He ran a critical eye over it, having a sudden vision of Skywalker’s battered old ship in that first timeline. As liable to explode as it was to put the wipers on.
Thank goodness that was a bridge to be crossed in the future. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for Anakin adopting ships.
Obi-Wan ruffled young Anakin’s hair, laughing as the boy tried to squirm away, as they descended the ramp. The playful scowl on Anakin’s face transformed into excitement as he sensed Plo and turned to him, held back from running over for his usual hug by his Master’s lightning quick reflexes, grabbing a wrist and holding him back.
Plo sent a wave of welcome over to them both in the Force as they came closer, a genuine smile on Obi-Wan’s face and Anakin practically buzzing with excitement.
Obi-Wan bowed deeply in respect, clearly nudging Anakin through their training bond to do the same, and the boy hastily followed suit.
Plo held a hand up and nodded at them both as they rose smiling. Both looked absolutely fine, perhaps Obi-Wan a little tired, but Plo had a feeling that was more to do with the energetic ten-year -old he’d just spent a week with, than the challenge of the mission.
“Welcome back” Plo once again pushed his pleasure at them in the Force. Predictably, Obi-Wan’s eyes slid away from looking him in the face, but he smiled gratefully all the same as Plo plucked the bulky pack out of his hands and shouldered it. Anakin nearly skipped as they all headed towards the exit and made for the Kenobi/Skywalker residence.
“Thank you Master, it’s good to see you-“
“Master Plo, it was so wizard we went in a hyperlane and the pilot let me sit up front and Chose was awesome Master it was hailing when we got there, like really hard rain! And they had massive beds and loads of puddings and me and Master Obi-Wan went to a play with singing-“
As the child rambled excitedly on, Plo shared a bemused look with a resigned Obi-Wan, sending him a wave of amused sympathy at him in the Force. Received with a dry raise of the young man’s eyebrows.
It must have been a long week for the twenty-three-year-old.
Content to let the child’s happiness wash over him, and Obi-Wan appearing to enjoy the lack of expected contribution for once, the journey to the flat was mostly uneventful, only a few Jedi casting them amused looks at Anakin’s wild gesticulating.
“Anakin, Obi-Wan!”
They were stopped from keying in the door code by Mace’s cry of greeting as he rounded the corner towards the little group. Ignoring Plo he went straight up to the boys, Anakin beaming at him and Obi-Wan bowing once again.
“Hi Master Mace! Guess what? We saw hail on Chose and-
“Anakin” Obi-Wan blissfully interrupted before the whole recount could begin again. “Why don’t we get inside and get the tea on and then you can tell Master Mace and Master Plo all about our mission” he suggested firmly, in a way that was definitely not a suggestion.
“Yes Master”
Obi-Wan keyed in their code and stepped inside, Anakin following happily kicking off his boots by the door.
Mace, still giving Plo the cold shoulder, stepped inside first. And made a distinct noise of surprise. Plo followed curiously looking over his shoulder.
“Obi-Wan – what happened?” he asked, aghast.
Plo held back an unseemly laugh.
The flat was a tip.
There were robes on the floor, he spotted two pairs of boots sticking out from under the sofa and a discarded pack under the table. What looked like the entire Temple’s supply of mugs were scattered on almost every surface, alongside precariously stacked datapads and flimsy piles on the tables and on the floor, some of which had fallen over.
As he picked his way across the room, avoiding random bits of droid and one or two power tools, Plo could spy a half-eaten bowl of cereal on the kitchen counter when he peered inside, and about three days worth of washing up. A laundry basket was sitting next to the washing machine, overflowing with brown and beige.
The two young Jedi stood awkwardly in the middle of the flat.
Obi-Wan flushed a little.
“Ah, we left on quite short notice” he offered.
“I don’t think it’s that bad really” Anakin offered with an awkward shrug, slyly kicking something further under the sofa.
“This is….” Mace was lost for words. Whilst Plo hadn’t spent much time in Master Kenobi’s home the first time around, he had always thought the man to be fastidiously clean, and what he had seen had been very tidy.
Anakin however, was no surprise.
Plo could sense Mace doing the same thing he was, adding “domestic help” to the Obi-Wan Support List. They’d been so focussed on studies and their boy’s personal development they completely forgot that the Knight had never lived by himself before, never mind taken care of a youngling!
Obi-Wan apologetically shoved some pads and an old robe off the sofa to make space and disappeared into the kitchen to put the kettle on.
The two Masters sat down gingerly. Anakin on the floor opposite.
“Your mission was a success?” Plo asked conversationally as Obi-Wan reappeared with the mugs of tea. Plo caught Mace peering at the rim for signs of prior use, and gave him a look.  
“Yeah” Anakin answered before Obi-Wan could get a word in “the Chosians didn’t like me at first but they really liked Master Obi-Wan and they spent ages talking. And people kept giving him stuff.” The boy explained with a disgusted expression. “Flowers and cakes and-“
“Yes thank you Padawan” Obi-Wan interrupted loudly, his ears turning a rather bright shade of pink. Mace smirked at him and Plo sent his partner a mental swat.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
“The mission was a success and the Tume Agreement has been updated and signed.” The Knight took a sip of his tea. “We will not need to go back for a while, it should be valid for another ten years” he finished casually as if accomplishing something no Jedi had managed before, on his first mission, was an afterthought.
Mace and Plo shared a look.
Just like last time.
It was a huge relief that their presence had had no adverse effects on the Negotiator’s skills. As Plo sat and listened to Mace congratulate the blushing young man he had a thought.
What could these two, The Team; the best Jedi of his generation and the most powerful force user ever, accomplish with the support of Mace and Plo this time around?
The Sith had better pack their bags. He thought smugly.
To get a feel for the whole set up of Obi-Wan Anakin’s first mission when they were assigned it “the first time around” read this Snippet Of Nothing, which is the mission being discussed, and is from the councils point of view. 
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writerofmanyfandoms · 6 years
Forbidden Romance: Chapter Four
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Summary: Things seemed as if they couldn’t get any better with Obi-Wan. Life was looking up, even if your relationship was a secret. But what would happen if the two of you were caught? Will Obi-Wan leave the council to be with you, or will he choose the Jedi council?
Pairing: Obi-Wan x Reader
Word Count: 2184 
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! Sorry for the super long delay! I have been quite busy in real life. This is the second to last chapter for the series, and I am kind of sad. I really love this, and I am so proud of it. After this, I have some requests to do, and a Halloween themed Batfamily one coming out! Also, don’t forget to send in a description of yourself and what fandoms you like, and I will ship you with anyone! I’ll make a post about it with a little more details! Also, this was way longer than intended. GIF belongs to GIPHY.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or the characters.
{Chapter One} {Chapter Two} {Chapter Three} {Chapter Five}
You were on cloud nine, honestly. Ever since you confessed your feelings to Obi-Wan, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. It was amazing, everything you wanted and more. Plus you had to admit, sneaking around with him was kind of hot. You were afraid things might have been awkward, but everything seemed so natural and so right. The two of you were so careful, making sure that you weren’t affectionate in public. But when the two of you were home alone, it was pure bliss. You two were either making out or cuddling and having the best conversations. You lived for your time together.
At the back of your mind, you wanted more. The two of you couldn’t sneak around forever, could you? You really wanted a future with Obi-Wan. You wanted to one day have children, but you knew that wasn’t possible. You knew you couldn’t ever have a real future with him, could you? Other than hiding and keeping everything a secret. Sure, it was fun for now. You definitely didn’t want to ruin a good thing, so you tried to keep your insecurities to yourself. However, Obi-Wan was always really good at sensing how you felt and you ended up telling him. The two of you agreed to live in the moment, and try not to dwell too much on the future.
Obi-Wan had been gone for a couple of days now, him being needed for a battle near Naboo. You always missed him so much when he was away, but it seemed as if you would never get to see him again. Time seemed to pass slower now, and he hadn’t even been able to contact you. You tried to keep in the loop without seeming too obvious, although that proved to be a challenge.
It was like any other day for you without Obi-Wan. You ran some errands and came home to relax. You heard a knock on the door and found it a bit odd. You weren’t expecting company. As you opened the door, the biggest smile appeared on your lips, as your arms flung around the man in front of you. “Obi-Wan! I was beginning to think you would never return!” You exclaimed, resting your head in his neck.
Obi-Wan ushered you inside, shutting the door behind him. “I’ve missed you too. Besides, I have to come home to see you. What would I do without you, Y/N?” He asked softly, kissing the top of your head.
“Probably be very bored.” You teased, giving him a quick peck on the lips as you lead him to the couch. You couldn’t believe the surprise, you definitely weren’t expecting it. Had you known, you would have celebrated or something. “Do you want to go to our usual spot for lunch?” You asked as he pulled you closer to him.
“I’d rather just spend some quality time with you for right now if that’s okay?” He asked you, as you nodded up at him. That was definitely something you didn’t mind. You could spend all day with Obi-Wan, and still miss him the minute he left. The last couple of days, while he had been away, was quite hard, but seeing him again made it all worth it.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, enjoying the other’s company. Occasionally one would strike up a conversation until it would quiet down again. Even if the two of you weren’t talking, you enjoyed his company. His presence just made you feel warm and fuzzy, and you never wanted this moment to end.
Although it didn’t take long for his stomach to growl, both of you laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world. “Sorry love, I guess my hunger got the best of me,” Obi-Wan told you, a grin on his lips.
“Don’t be sorry honey, I can go and make you something quick.” You tell him, sitting up, brushing your fingers through his hair, before softly kissing his forehead. It didn’t take you long before you were whipping something up for him, loving the sweet kisses he gave you as a reward.
Obi-Wan had been home for a few days, and you got to keep the Jedi mostly to yourself. You loved every minute of it, even Obi-Wan accidentally falling asleep at your place. You cooked the man meals, and the two of you spent the downtime holding each other. It seemed too good to be true, but you had fallen madly in love with him. Obi-Wan was everything you dreamed of and so much more.
You were dismissing the younglings from your meditation session when you noticed the handsome Jedi leaning against the door frame. “Missed me?” He teased, smiling as he embraced you. You had to admit, he was getting a little braver, but luckily it was a quiet day at the Temple.
“Of course.” You told him, kissing his cheek as you pulled away. “Obi-Wan, you are getting brave. Better be careful before someone sees.” You warn him. You knew what would happen if that did happen, and it definitely wouldn’t be good for him.
“I know, Y/N. I just can’t help myself around you.” Obi-Wan said with a sigh. If only this was easier. If only attachment hadn’t been forbidden. He wished he could turn to Qui-Gon for guidance, wondering what his old Master would advise. He would probably tell Obi-Wan to listen to the force and see what the force’s will was. Obi-Wan wanted a future with you so bad, and it was getting to the point that it was all he thought about. “A quick kiss won’t hurt.” He said softly, pressing his lips against his own.
You tried to discourage him, but as soon as he had kissed you it was as if your body melted. You could stay like this for eternity, but you had to compose yourself right now. The sound of footsteps had the two of you pulling away, but the sound of a familiar voice made your face turn a bright red.
“Master Kenobi, what is going on?” Mace Windu asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
You could see the Panic in Obi-Wan’s eyes, and the two of you quickly tried to think of an excuse. “We were just discussing some different meditation techniques Master Windu.” You say quickly, though you realize how stupid that really sounds.
“That isn’t what I saw. What I saw is forbidden by the code, and can result in expulsion from the Order. I am afraid you are to report to the Council in a couple of minutes, I must go brief them before you arrive.” Windu said, his eyes sharp on Obi-Wan as he turned quickly to walk away.
“Obi-Wan, what are we going to do?” You ask him, but he just wraps his arm around you in comfort, not saying anything.
The two of you stayed in the embrace, tears streaking your cheeks. This couldn’t be happening. You loved him, you couldn’t lose him. “Whatever happens, we can get through this together, okay?” He told you, brushing the hair out of your face and kissing your temple. “Trust me.”
“I do trust you Obi-Wan, but this is serious. What if they kick you out, over me? I am not worth it. This is your life.” You say, not being able to help as more tears began falling.
“Hush now, don’t cry. I can think of something, don’t work.” Obi-Wan said quietly, though he was afraid to admit that he was scared too. “Y/N, go wait for me at your apartment. I will settle this matter, I promise you. I will return and I will let you know.” He told you, the two of you kissing before your departure.
Deep down you knew what he was going to choose, and you couldn’t blame him for it one bit. You knew the Jedi Order meant so much to Obi-Wan, and you couldn’t ask him to pick between you or the other. It just wasn’t right. You quickly hurried home, your stomach in knots.
It didn’t take long for Obi-Wan to reach the council, a little nervous as he walked in and stood before everyone. “Obi-Wan, you know this is against our code. Explain yourself to us.” Windu said as he sat back in his chair.
“I know attachment is against the code, but I love her. Before the days of the new Republic, Jedi used to fall in love and marry. It didn’t turn out so bad. I let the force guide me, and I feel a force connection between the two of us. The force pulls us together, and I know it doesn’t do it without reason. The force brought us together, surely it wouldn’t tear us apart?” Obi-Wan argued, looking between the members of the council. Surely he could be a Jedi and still choose love.
“Master Kenobi, falling in love is a distraction. If something were to happen to her, do you honestly think you could remain level-headed? No, your fear, anger, and hate would begin to consume you.” Plo Koon countered.
“Yes, I trust myself enough to know I wouldn’t turn to the dark side.” He countered back before Yoda shook his head.
“Only one. Crucial it is for Jedi to give up attachments.” Yoda told him, causing Obi-Wan to sigh in defeat. He knew what the right choice was.
It didn’t take you long to get back to your apartment, everything seeming fuzzy. You knew this wouldn’t be good for you and Obi-Wan, so you did the most logical thing. You began to pack. You started throwing what you could into a small bag, running frantically around. How could you make him choose between the Order and yourself? It wasn’t fair, and you refused for him to make that choice. You grabbed a brown cloak he had left at your place, and put it on, pulling the hood over your head. It was time for you to leave, you left a note on the counter, and left as quickly as you could.
Obi-Wan ran faster than he thought he could, jumping over every hurdle and obstacle in his way. This was important. He needed to tell the love of his life that he chose her. He wanted her to know how important she was to him, and how he would never let her go. They could start a family together and actually plan their future.
As he reached your door, he found it odd that it was pushed slightly open. Concern washed over him as he slowly opened it more. “Y/N?” He called out, taking a step in. “Y/N!” Obi-Wan said louder, walking into the bedroom. “Where are you, I have good news for us.” He said hopefully, walking back into the kitchen. He noticed a note on the counter, and as he realized what it was, a lump formed in his throat.
‘My dearest Obi-Wan, I love you. There is nothing more to it. If given the opportunity I would spend the rest of forever with you, and watch as our children and their children grow older. I would love to be your wife, to be able to make you happy for all of our days to come. However, I know how much the Jedi Order means to you. You do an amazing job in the council, and have fought bravely during the Clone Wars. You are unique, and I will never find another man like you. I wish you well my beloved, and I hope you can learn to forgive me. I didn’t want you to have to choose between me and something else important to you, so I decided to choose. My love for you is everlasting, and maybe someday the force will bring us together again. Until that day comes, my heart will still beat for you, Y/N ‘
Tears began to fall from his eyes, Obi-Wan clenching the note in his palm. “No, no. Y/N, I wanted to be with you. I loved you.” He cried out, as a dull ache plagued his chest. Obi-Wan may not have been sure about everything, but he was sure about his love for you. He ran out of the apartment quickly, you couldn’t have gotten far. His voice echoed as he called out your name wherever he went until he felt your presence leave. This was really goodbye.
As the ship began to take off, you found yourself clutching the robe closer to you, silently crying. You could never return from this, it was too late. The damage was done. You were hopeful that one day you would find each other again, but now was not the time for the love that was shared between you two. You knew he would be happier living the life he had grown accustomed to.
“Obi-Wan, I will always love you. Please don’t forget me.” You whispered before the ship jumped into hyperspace, leaving behind the only world you had ever known.
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The Clone Wars: The Movie!
Here we go! Time for the movie! And if I’m right, Ahsoka! Yay! Let’s hope this isn’t as long as my previous posts have been. Ah who am I kidding? This things going to be longer than the Great Wall of China! I apologize ahead of time to anyone insane enough to want to read this.
It’s still loading. Fuck our home wifi is bad. Hey, there’s something! Here we go!
Duh duh duh!!! Dramatic theme music and exposition, HEY PLO KOON!!!
Wait one didley darn minute, innocent my ass that’s Jabba the Hut’s cruise ship... Ok, I guess his son counts as an innocent. Yeah, I’d be cautious to help him as well!
Of fucking course fucking Chancellor Darth fucking Sidious wants to help that slug. I’m with you Mace, this really is a dark day indeed.
Kay, seeing Chancellor Sleazy Sith being all chummy with a dude he literally disarms and blasts out a window is fucked up. Hindsight’s 20/20 I suppose.
Sending a messenger... You’re sending AHSOKA, YOU SNEAKY OLD TROLL!! :D
Look out Artoo! Oh, Anakin and Obi-Wan are bickering like an old married couple. What else is new.
Aaaawww, look at that trooper patting Artoo! AAAHHH! Look out! No!
Come on bring that thing down! NO! .... That poor trooper.... He stood up and then BAM! ...Gone... And there’s that hurt again.... I have a bad feeling about this endeavor.
Trooper, I give you A for effort, but try not to punch clankers, for your own health if nothing else.
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Xanatos III
First Part
Second Part
“I can’t believe that we are finally returning back to the temple, it has been years,” the tall blonde Padawan spoke out, while checking the system. They would soon exit hyperspace.
The ginger haired man, whose hair had long since grown out of the Padawan hairstyle and who was now sporting a beard, chuckled. “Indeed.”
“Do you think they will remember me?” he was mostly referring to his uncles – even though they had regularly had contact via holo transmission – but to a couple of other Jedi as well. During their ten years of partnership they had travelled across the whole galaxy and they had often met other Jedi, sometimes even other Master-Padawan-Teams. Anakin had been able to make quick friends with his fellow age mates and something that sounded suspiciously like the Force, told Obi-Wan that it wouldn’t have been the case, had Anakin remained in the protecting halls of the temple.
“I am sure they will,” the ginger haired Master – after a specially gruesome and hard mission, he had been granted the title of a Master, by Yoda and Mace personally – reassured his charge.
The blonde hummed. “You have to remind me, to write Mom,” Anakin said.
“Of course.”
Needless to say, Obi-Wan and Anakin had travelled to Tatooine one more time. The older of the Jedi had gambled – with Anakin’s help – until they had enough money to buy the boy’s mother from Watto, who had been hesitant at first, but eventually craved in, at the large amount of money he had been offered. Now Shmi Skywalker was living in the palace of Naboo, as a maid for everything. She was paid, had a proper roof above her head and had even married. Anakin had been unsure about the last part, but quickly warmed up to his stepfather. He was just glad that his mother was finally free and most importantly, happy.
“Do you know what I will do first, when we are back in the temple?” Anakin asked, his voice was eager and at this moment, he sounded more like a nine-year-old than the man of almost twenty years that he was.
“What will you do, my ever energetic Padawan?” he teased. He himself was bone-tired, but apparently Anakin was not… or the adrenaline was, what kept him working.
“I will take a long and hot shower, Master.” A blissful sigh escaped the younger male and he leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed.
“That sounds lovely, young one,” Obi-Wan offered. He too craved a real shower, but he would gladly allow Anakin the precedence, as long as there would still be some warm water for him as well. The only thing worse than not showering, was showering with ice-cold water and Obi-Wan knew what he was talking about.
With that, their brief conversation was more or less ended and the ginger haired Jedi allowed himself to fall into a light trance. It was just enough to let him rest and to collect some of his own thoughts, the Force knew that he desperately needed it.
Obi-Wan was not sure who was more glad to be back, himself or Anakin. It was true that the young one did not really know anything about the standard temple life, but that was no real problem. Obi-Wan had decided to raise and train him without the Council, without people watching and bothering him, just because he was supposed to be the Chosen One. Also, this trip that has lasted ten years, had brought them very close together. Only a team that trusted each other to one-hundred percent, could survive in the wilderness on their  own and it was clear that they had proven to be able to do so. Otherwise, they would not be walking down the slowly lowering ramp.
 A smile appeared on the bearded male’s features. He had immediately sported his brother’s all too familiar Force presences in the small crowd that had gathered. It was nice to see so many people eagerly awaiting their return, especially after all these years. Granted, there were also those, who just wanted to take a look at the infamous Sith-Killer and his Chosen One Padawan, but most of the assembled, were friends or family.
Both Feemor and Xanatos wasted not another second. Somehow they managed to make their way through the crowd and then they found themselves in front of Anakin and their youngest brother. Immediately, Obi-Wan was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug that he eagerly returned.
“Welcome home,” Feemor mumbled, while the raven haired Knight had already moved on to the Padawan, who was now towering over him.
“Oh my… Ani, you have certainly grown.”
“Hello, uncle Xani,” grinned the blonde and he too wrapped his arms around the raven haired male.
“It is good to be home,” Obi-Wan replied to his oldest brother, who nodded in agreement. A silent promise for stories was exchanged, before he turned his attention to Anakin as well.
The ginger haired Master let his awareness drift through the hangar bay. He was slowly cataloging everyone, who was there. Of course he immediately recognized the approaching forms of Master Yoda and Windu, who were accompanied by Kit Fisto and Plo Koon. There were a lot of other familiar presences, but one was missing.
A heavy arm draped over the Master’s shoulder. “He is not in the temple, the Council sent him on a mission,” answered Xanatos the unspoken question. He was still as good as ever in reading Obi-Wan’s moods and thoughts.  
“I see,” he said, his tone giving nothing away. In truth, he did not even know how he was supposed to feel actually. The man he had considered his Master and father for years, had not ones tried to contact him and every time Obi-Wan had called, he had received no answer. It was as if Qui-Gon did not want to have anything to do with him anymore, but that thought was absurd, if he could believe Feemor and Xanatos that is. The two older Jedi had not forgiven their former Master and it was clear that a certain part of them never would, but at least they had still contact with him and even asked him for help and his opinion. Obi-Wan never had that luxury.
“Lighten up, you will meet him soon enough, I am sure of it,” Xanatos continued.
“I am sure,” he said and gifted his companion a small smile.
“By the way, I like your beard, it suits you. I would advise you to keep it that way, a full beard would make you look old, but the – what is it called? – Door-Knocker-Style certainly suits you.”
“Thank you, it was Anakin’s idea.” He replied, feeling the blonde’s pride at having been praised.
“Of course it was,” Feemor teased. Obi-Wan just shook his head in amusement and freed himself from the older Jedi’s grip, intending to greet the two approaching Jedi Masters.
“Master Yoda, Master Windu,” he said in greeting.
“Obi-Wan,” Mace Windu inclined his head in respect.
“Good to have you back, it is. Missed you, we have,” Yoda’s aura was warm and the blind man could tell, even without seeing it, that the green troll’s eyes were shining.
“The Force told me it was time to return,” he answered cryptically.
“Well, we are lucky it did,” the Korun Master stepped forward and the two men clasped each other’s arms in a friendly greeting. During the last few years and especially after the fiasco with Qui-Gon in front of the whole Council, Mace and he had become rather good friends.
“Now, with all due respect Masters,” Xanatos interrupted, “but we saw him first and therefore I won’t allow you to take him away already, not before he and his Padawan have spared against Feemor and me that is.” He was grinning broadly, showing his pearly white teeth.
“Arranged, that can be,” Yoda hummed.
“Of course we will watch,” dark brown eyes looked challenging at the raven haired man.
“Ah, good. The more people seeing Obi-Wan being beaten by me, the better,” there was no real menace in his voice, just teasing.
The ginger haired Master in question huffed. His Padawan brothers did not know about his status as a Jedi Master yet and they did not know that he had studied Soresu and made it his main fighting style.
He would never have accomplished this feet without Master Dooku. The man had been strangely friendly and open after he had heard that Obi-Wan had saved Qui-Gon from certain death. Not that Obi-Wan would complain, he had grown rather font of the often eccentric Jedi that was his Grandmaster.
“Your pride will be your downfall,” he retorted.
Both Xanatos and Feemor groaned aloud. “Please, you sound like Master Jinn,” complained the blonde Knight. Again, Obi-Wan only shook his head. 
“That wasn’t fair,” complained Xanatos loudly, causing the whole crowd of spectators to laugh. He was sitting cross-legged on the training hall floor, with his arms crossed before his chest and the biggest pout in Jedi history plastered on his handsome face.
“I hate to say it,” Feemor’s voice was muffled, because he had yet to move from his position face down on the floor, “but it was.”
Anakin and Obi-Wan shared a look. They had bested the two Jedi Knights on the floor, who gave no indication to move any time soon. That was fine by Obi-Wan, perhaps he would have at least some time for a light meditation then. Then again, there was a whole crowd of Force users in the training halls, he probably would not have another calm minute and neither would Anakin, who seemed a little bit uncomfortable with the whole attention he was getting.
“Since when are you a Master of Soresu?” the raven haired male asked.
“Correction, Knight Du’Crion, THE Master of Soresu,” Mace Windu gave his opinion. He and Yoda had made their way down from the ranks.
“Master Dooku taught me the few times our paths collided. I don’t know, I guess it suits me better than Ataru ever did.”
Feemor huffed and finally pushed himself up so that he was lying on his back instead. “Could have fooled me, there were still enough Ataru parts in your fighting style.”
“And don’t let us begin on your Padawan,” Xanatos grumbled. He had always been a bad loser. Undoubtedly, he would work on his skill and come to challenge his youngest brother at some point in the future again.
“I hate to interrupt your chat,” Mace voice held a hint of amusement, while his face was set in s stern mask, “but I would like to talk to you Obi-Wan.”
Surprise could be seen for the briefest of second on the bearded male’s features. But it was gone as soon as it has appeared, leaving absolutely no trace behind. Out of instinct, the blind man straightened, his eyes directed at Mace’s face, at least more or less.
“Yes, Master?” he had a feeling that it was something important and formal. The Force gave him no warning though and he allowed himself to relax just a little.
Mace cleared his throat, he too had straightened his spine and with his best Councilor voice, he began to speak. “On behalf of the Jedi Order, we would like to offer you, Master Kenobi, a permanent seat on the Jedi Council.”
Everyone in the training hall – who had been able to hear what was being said – was stunned. It was so silent, you could have heard a pin falling.
“You… you want ME, as a Council member?” he could not quite believe what he was hearing. It was a great honor to be even considered, but an even greater honor to actually been offered a seat and a permanent one at that. Obi-Wan was not quite sure what to make of it, nor did he know what to reply.
“Obi-Wan, what are you waiting for, say ‘yes’ already,” Xanatos encouraged and even Feemor nodded his approval. It was nice to have support from two of the most important people in his life.
“You truly think I should become a Council member?” he asked.
“Of course, who would be better than you… except me of course,” everyone knew that the raven haired male was simply joking. It was well known that Xanatos loved his freedom and therefore he would never settle down to become a Council member.
“See it as a great opportunity for the Order. You are young and you have fresh ideas. Perhaps a few changes might be exactly, what the Order needs.” This time it had been Feemor, who had given his honest opinion about the matter.
Obi-Wan bowed his head. “I am truly honored by your request, but the decision does not only lay with me. I have a Padawan to think of and his future is more important to me than a seat on the Council.” There was a reason, why Council members rarely had Padawans of their own. Their duty to the Order was so time-consuming that they would not have enough time to properly take care of an Initiate, especially a young one.
“We understand the difficulty and of course we make sure that you will have enough time and freedom to continue the training of Anakin Skywalker,” the dark skinned Korun Master reassured.
“Master,” this time it was Anakin who spoke up. The blonde had remained utterly silent up until now, but he deemed it necessary to step in. “You should agree. It won’t be too long until I reach knighthood and since we are back at the temple, you can ‘dump’ me on Master Xanatos or Master Feemor.” His reasoning sounded logic and there was nothing Obi-Wan could say against it.
“And you will be alright with it?” he just wanted to be absolutely sure. He would love to be on the Council, it had been a secret wish for a long time now – ever since people an dJedi Masters had said that he would never even become a Jedi Knight due to his blindness – but Anakin was more important than his own personal desires.
“Of course,” he smiled brightly.
“If that is the case,” he waited for a couple of seconds, just in case someone wanted to change his mind, “I would gladly accept this offer.”
“Welcome on the Council, Master Kenobi. Expect great things from you, we will,” Yoda inclined his head when Obi-Wan bowed in respect.
“I will not disappoint you, Masters,” the bearded male vowed.
“Know that, we do,” with that the topic was closed.
Who would have thought that, after they had just returned from their year long absence, Obi-Wan would suddenly find himself on the Council? The Force truly moved in mysterious ways sometimes.
Of course Qui-Gon had heard the news of the return of his latest Padawan. It was basically everything everyone seemed to talk about these days. The long haired Jedi could hardly blame them, after all they were talking about the Sith-Killer and Master Negotiator, as well as his Padawan, the so called Chosen One. But all the pride he would have felt for Obi-Wan, evaporated in the face of the tremendous guilt he felt every time the blind Jedi’s name was mentioned. It was an all-consuming grief that squeezed his heart in a painful way and would not let go. It seemed as if he would forever carry this burden of shame with him. But he did not deserve anything else. After all, what kind of man was he, to throw aside his bright star without a second thought? Qui-Gon did not know what had driven him to his actions and he was not sure if he really wanted to know. Of course there would have been other methods to get the Council to allow Anakin to be trained, he could have sworn to be the good little Jedi they all wanted him to be for example. It would have been worth it, for Anakin’s sake. But things hardly went as planned, which is why Qui-Gon was watching from afar, how his precious boy became a member of the Council and how his Grandpadawan became one of the best swordsman the Jedi Order had ever seen.
 He stayed away from them, despite the almost overwhelming pain of having a loved-one so close, but also so far away. It was as if a piece of him died every time he spotted his child, without being able to face him and to properly apologize. He did not deserve forgiveness, which is why he was not going to ask for it. That and how could he face Obi-Wan? Surely the younger male would not want to talk to him ever again. The Force knows that he would react like this. Then again, he had always been a lesser man than Obi-Wan…
A shaky sigh escaped the brown haired man, whose hair was turning silver already. He shook his head, his midnight blue eyes landing on the ginger haired male with a longing look, and then he turned around and vanished. Little did he know that a pair of unseeing eyes was following him.
 “Coruscant to Obi-Wan, please respond. Coruscant to Obi-Wan, can you hear me? Over.”
Obi-Wan barely refrained himself from rolling his eyes at his brother’s attempt to be funny. “Xanatos,” he eventually acknowledged the Knight.
“It is painful to watch, the way your eyes glass over whenever you feel him in the same room and the way his eyes become teary, whenever he spots you,” Xanatos was completely serious for once. “You should talk to him, the way things are, you are both hurting each other without even wanting to, let alone realizing it.”
A sigh escaped the bearded male, “I know… but I don’t want to push him. I can feel his grief, his self-blame… he is not ready to confront me yet, no matter how much it hurts to see him in such pain and peril. I truly wish I could go to him, but I have a feeling that it would only make matters worse, at least at this point it would.”
The raven haired boy did not look convinced. “Do you mean it or are you just trying to find an excuse for avoiding him further?”
Furious blue-green eyes came to rest on his face and Xanatos actually flinched. He now understood why his little brother was such a great diplomat, with a look like that, even his worst enemies would cave in.
“I am not a coward,” his tone was as dangerous as his look.
“I know and I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just… you cannot avoid him forever and neither can he you for that matter. You are part of the Council now, it is only a matter of time until he will be summoned before them and what will you do then? An awkward stare-down perhaps?”
Obi-Wan grimaced. “I am very much aware of the problem at hand, thank you very much.” He was only partly in lecturing mode right now. “But despite our personal quarrel, we are both Jedi Masters and very much able to control our emotions and keep the interaction level inside the Council chambers at a professional manner.”
A groan escaped Xanatos, “I cannot believe that we made you agree. You are already sounding like one of them and here I thought you were stronger than this,” it earned him a cuff to the head that definitely would leave a slight swelling. “OW!” “You deserved that,” the blind man said matter of fact and with that, the topic was closed, at least for the moment. He even turned back to his meager meal.
Xanatos mentally sighed. He suddenly felt much older than he actually was and he also felt guilty for having treated Qui-Gon so badly those last few years. It was clear that the man was hating himself enough already, without Feemor and him adding to it. With new found determination, the raven haired Knight made a mental note to contact his older Padawan brother and then he and the blonde would go and confront his former Master. If they could not convince him to go to Obi-Wan, then they would at least let him know that he was still very much loved, not only by them, but by the youngest member of their small family as well, and he did not mean Anakin by it.
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