laureala · 3 months
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AMELIA AND OWEN in Grey's Anatomy 20.01
I gave her smoothie and now she could die!
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forbescaroline · 1 year
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FORBESCAROLINE'S 9K CELEBRATION TOP 20 GREY'S ANATOMY SHIPS (as voted by my followers) #17. Owen Hunt and Amelia Shepherd Why aren’t we building our life? I don’t want to waste our time on conversations or some hypothetical lives someday. I… I want a real life… and I want it with you.
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japrilsanatomy · 1 year
Grey’s Anatomy Poll: Day 25
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adroitnewt4 · 13 days
Owen bringing up when they used to be married and telling Amelia to trust her gut 😍🥹
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drreporting · 4 months
What if Amelia’s family came to the wedding?
When Amelia walked into her wedding reception, she was simply happy to see her family gathered together to celebrate her special day. She couldn’t wait to dance, laugh, and catch up with her sisters Nancy, Kate, and Liz, as well as her mother, Carolyn.
But as the night went on, Amelia realized that her family had other plans. They were determined to remind her of the moment she almost ditched Owen at the altar and use it as a pressure point in almost every conversation.
Nancy was the first to bring it up, casually mentioning it in a conversation about the weather.
“Remember how it was pouring rain on your wedding day, Amelia? Almost like the universe was trying to tell you something,” she said with a smirk.
Amelia rolled her eyes and tried to brush off the comment, but Kate couldn’t resist chiming in.
“Yeah, and then you ran off and left Owen standing there like a sad puppy. I’m surprised he still wanted to marry you after that,” she said, causing the table to erupt in laughter.
Amelia felt her face flush with embarrassment. She had been struggling with her addiction at the time and it had caused her to make a rash decision. But she had worked through it and she and Owen were stronger than ever.
Liz, the youngest of the sisters, joined in on the teasing.
“And let’s not forget how you were about to leave Seattle without even telling anyone. Poor Owen had to chase you down at the airport. How romantic,” she said sarcastically, raising her glass of champagne.
Carolyn, who had been quiet up until this point, couldn’t resist adding her two cents.
“I have to say, I was very disappointed in you, Amelia. I raised you better than that. Leaving a man at the altar is just not something a Shepherd woman does,” she scolded.
Amelia had had enough. She stood up from the table, her fists clenched in anger.
“That’s enough. I made a mistake, a big one. But I’ve apologized to Owen and we’ve moved on. It’s time for all of you to do the same,” she said firmly.
Her family was taken aback by her outburst, but they could see the pain in her eyes. They all apologized to Amelia and she could see the genuine remorse in their faces.
As the night went on, Amelia was able to let go of the hurt and enjoy her wedding reception with her family. But she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that they had used such a vulnerable moment in her life as a weapon in their conversations.
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fyeahkaimelia · 2 years
why does everyone hate owen hunt
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tinylittleshepherd · 2 years
This is story one of six on fanfiction. There’s another 2 to 3 ‘books’ published on fictionpress ( https://www.fictionpress.com/~graciebecker) however I stopped at book 5 as the story no longer featured Omelia & family as front and centre, rather then Original characters. 
Full disclosure: I am not a huge fan of the way this series is written as I feel like nobody is really written in character however it’s still a good read if you're looking for a long Omelia fix. 
There is another author who also published these stories in similar format with permission so don’t be alarmed if you come across a duplicate! 
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umbriasud · 1 year
San Valentino, un messaggio d'amore esempio per una società migliore
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Gesù vuole che il fuoco che è venuto a portare sia acceso. Egli ha portato il fuoco del battesimo. Quel fuoco nuovo della veglia pasquale è la Sua resurrezione. Egli vorrebbe che tutti noi ne venissimo bruciati per essere purificati come oro nel crogiolo.
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rrrauschen · 6 months
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Alice Rohrwacher & JR, {2020} Omelia Contadina
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elipsi · 7 months
"sono qui dalle 9 di mattina" bro prima di tutto sei stato tu a decidere di fare riunione dopo cena invece che prima di cena, sei stato tu a fare un monologo di 40 minuti invece che lasciarci parlare e soprattutto c'è gente qui che ha avuto lezione dalle 8.30 quindi anche basta con questo vittimismo del cazzo
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incamminoblog · 10 months
Card. Angelo Comastri "Pietro e la pietra"
XXI Domenica del Tempo Ordinario (Anno A)  (27/08/2023) Vangelo:  Mt 16,13-20 Pietro e la pietra – Card. Angelo Comastri Type your email… Subscribe
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japrilsanatomy · 1 year
Grey’s Anatomy Poll: Day 16
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adroitnewt4 · 2 months
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The way Amelia looks at Owen is so... 😩😍
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drreporting · 4 months
Owen running the ER with his baby strapped to his chest
Owen was used to chaos. As an attending in the ER, he had seen it all – gunshots, car accidents, heart attacks – and it never fazed him. But running the ER with a baby strapped to his chest was a whole new level of chaos.
Ever since Amelia had gone back to work at the hospital after Rosie was born, Owen had taken on the role of stay-at-home dad. He loved spending time with his daughter and didn't mind taking on the responsibility of caring for her while Amelia worked long shifts as the head of neurosurgery.
But today, Amelia had been called into an emergency surgery while he was on shift, and had asked Owen to keep Rosie at work with him. He had been hesitant at first, worried that he wouldn't be able to handle both his job and a baby, but Amelia had assured him that she would be fine in the ER with him.
So here he was, walking through the busy hospital corridors with Rosie strapped to his chest in a carrier. She gurgled happily, completely unaware of the chaos that awaited her in the ER.
As they entered the ER, Owen was immediately bombarded with calls for help. He quickly handed Rosie off to one of the nurses, who cooed over the adorable baby and promised to keep an eye on her while Owen worked.
He dove into the chaos headfirst, barking out orders and directing the staff with ease. It was a busy day, with multiple traumas coming in at once, and Owen barely had time to catch his breath.
But every so often, he would steal a glance at Rosie, who was contentedly playing with a toy that one of the nurses had given her. She was a reminder of the beautiful little life he and Amelia had created together, and it gave him the strength to keep going.
As the day went on, Owen couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in running the ER with his daughter by his side. He had always been a competent doctor, but today, he felt like he was on top of the world.
Amelia had been right – Rosie was a good luck charm. Every patient he treated seemed to be responding well, and there were no major complications. Even the staff seemed to be in a good mood, taking turns stopping by to coo over Rosie and offer their help.
But as the day began to wind down, Owen's exhaustion caught up with him. He collapsed into a chair in the break room, taking a moment to catch his breath. As he closed his eyes, he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.
Opening his eyes, he saw Amelia standing next to him, looking exhausted but relieved. 'You did it,' she said, smiling tiredly. 'You ran the ER with a baby on your chest.'
Owen grinned back at her. 'I couldn't have done it without Rosie,' he replied, reaching up to adjust the carrier on his chest.
Amelia's eyes softened as she looked at her fiancé and daughter. 'I know I don't say it enough, but I am so proud of you,' she said, her voice filled with emotion.
Owen's eyes met hers, and in that moment, an unusual feeling washed over him – a strong sexual attraction to his soon-to-be wife. He couldn't explain why, but seeing her standing there in her scrubs, her hair slightly disheveled from a long day of surgeries, made him want her more than ever.
He stood up and reached out to pull her into a hug, careful not to disturb Rosie. 'I love you,' he whispered in her ear, feeling her arms wrap around him tightly.
'I love you too,' Amelia replied, her voice shaky with emotion.
As they stood there, holding each other in the midst of the chaos of the ER, Owen couldn't help but feel grateful for this crazy, unpredictable life he had with Amelia. And he knew that with her by his side, there was nothing they couldn't handle.
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artofkelseywooley · 2 months
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Heya everyone! I'm excited to get to show a bit of the passion project I've been working on in the last year. These are the main characters of the middle-grade fantasy book I've been writing: The faun siblings Panmiel & Omelia and the satyr Hobkin!
Tidbits about the characters:
Omelia: Older sister, headbutting champ, headstrong, but always reliable.
Pan: Good-hearted & awkward young brother of Omelia. Hopes becoming a Full Horn will win him respect from his herd.
Hobkin: Mischievous & free-spirited. Friend or enemy?
Writing a book for kids and tweens has always been a dream of mine since I was little. I used to write a lot but when my storyboarding career launched, I found myself putting my writing aside to focus on that. But during this rough period of turbulence in the animation industry (and with some kind encouragement from the amazing @briannedrouhard) I found time to get back into a passion I used to love. Creating a world and characters of my own and doing sessions with my writers' group has been really healing during all the hardships of the industry in the last two years. I'm only about 5 chapters away from completing the story and I'm so excited to be able to share more!
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