#One of my own WIPs that makes me cry because I need someone to love me that way
caterpillarinacave · 4 months
I love Charlotte and Henry and they're super underrated. And I would VERY MUCH like to hear the headcanons whirring about in your brain.
Oh well buckle up cause literally all I think about is head cannons. Like, you know how cells replace themselves every few years? Mine have replaced themselves with head cannons. *Sorry it took me a hot moment to answer this ask, I was busy howling into my pillow whenever I tried to articulate thoughts.*
First of all, they’re very cuddly. They basically sleep on top of each other (Charlotte hasn’t needed a pillow in decades). Henry cant sleep well without Charlotte in his arms and Charlotte can’t sleep well anywhere other than Henry’s arms so it works out. Plus, they both do that thing where they jerk awake like the world is ending and scare the shit out of each other, so sleeping in a hug that basically pins them both down saves some energy at 2am. Henry’s perpetually cold and sleeps under like, four blankets, so Charlotte just wears summer nightgowns all year and wraps herself around Henry like a koala.
Naturally there’s an angsty side to the incessant cuddling because that’s just the way I role.
Charlotte sleeps with her head on Henry’s chest so she can always feel him breathing because, by the angel, she remembers when he wasn’t. She sleeps with a hand on his pulse point because she wakes up in the middle of the night and she’s still half asleep they might as well be on the floor in that mountain and she might as well still be desperately swearing she didn’t imagine his heartbeat.
While on the topic of soul crushing feelings of guilt, y’all remember from Clockwork Angel that Henry was the one who told Mortmain what a Pyxis was? And he wanted Charlotte to tell the clave that and she wouldn’t because “they already treat him so badly”? Because I do. And so does Henry.
(I’ve got a whole WIP that I love very dearly about this head cannon and this chess game hehe) There’s one random old tutor who goes to the London institute once a month-ish, basically to hand out a few weeks of homework to any shadow hunters who don’t have their own tutors. Most shadow hunters who live in a more rural area show up a few times a year so the clave knows they’re alive and at least somewhat literate. Charlotte attends them every month since, you know, she lives there, but Henry lives somewhere around Yorkshire so he shows up every few months. The professor is kind of a dick ngl. He doesn’t help Charlotte with any school why would a woman need to be so well educated? “Go on find a husband and stop worrying you’re pretty little head” sort of shit. Henry drives him insane because he’s a) some random kid who’s smarter than him and b) didn’t use any of the professors materials to get that smart. Professor Douche is constantly trying to get him to be wrong about something, or at least flustered about something and he doesnt ever do either of those things, and even more aggravating he refuses to get upset. (He honestly just assumed the professor wasn’t that smart.)
Charlotte’s a really good student of course, but she’s having a shit time with some mathematics and the professor absolutely refuses to help her with it. Eventually she asks Henry if he wouldn’t mind helping her with it, which he’s happy to do (once he figures out that’s what shes actually asking lol.)
Charlotte is incredibly distracted the entire time by Henry’s freckles (and eyes. And hands. And the way his hair curls on the nape of his neck. And the spots of gold and green in his hazel eyes that flashed as bright as the sun when the light catches them. And-), but they get through it in an hour or two which leaves them alone in a deserted wing of the institute. They end up playing a game chess. Charlottes a decent player and thought since Henry had never showed any interest in chess it would be a probably be an evenly matched game. She didn’t know what hit her. He beat her in like, eight minutes, eighty percent of which were spent on the last two moves by Charlotte who, upon realizing she was fucked, spent five minutes staring at the board trying to figure out when he even started beating her. She was sitting there having a whole crisis, (she’d been distracted by a man who probably doesn’t like her, and certainly doesn’t think much of her now after a pathetic loss like that and now she’ll have to sit hear and wallow in failure-) just preparing for him to start that whole smug gloating thing men do when they win and Henry you know. Didn’t. He just put the pieces away and thanked her for the game, in that very genuine way, with the gloomy London evening light casting a depressing shadow across the room, a shadow that he stood out against all gentle, kind, bright and brimming with a sort of barely contained passion. If Charlotte had ever doubted that shadow hunters had come from straight angels then sitting there, looking at a boy stained in soot, who she loved more than anything else to walk the earth, she would never doubt it again.
(It wasn’t until after Henry won and noticed Charlotte hadn’t said anything in a while that he remember people don’t like losing. Honestly he was playing just to be around her and he would have thrown the game if he could conceptualize how to do that on the fly. They spent like five minutes in autistic silence waiting for the other to stand up and declare newfound hatred.)
In true British fashion the a modern tea bag would kill them both.
When they were both 13 or 14 Charlotte mentioned she was dreading winter because it’s so bleak and dark (and her mom had died a few winters before, though she didn’t drop that in casual conversation). Anyways, come winter Henry brought her a marigold preserved in something like resin. She kept it in her jewelry box for years and after they got married she found out he had literally dozens of them. Whenever he came across a particularly bright flower he preserved it and set it aside. He was never quite brave enough to give them to her pre-TID, but he now leaves them for her when she’s particularly sad or stressed. She keeps them all in a drawer- they fit together like little tiles, and still look as fresh as they would had they just been plucked from the ground.
Somewhat surprisingly Henry doesn’t really lose stuff, with the singular exception being his own medical equipment. He’s lost the leg braces he wears every single day of his life before. Charlotte’s not usually speechless but she wasn’t sure what to say to that one.
Henry gave Charlotte a watch with a hands and numbers that can glow the same way a modern day one would. It’s absolutely beautiful, durable and accurate, even if Henry set himself on fire at least four times making it. (They can say with confidence that that watch is fireproof)
Honestly, I could go on and on, then on some more, but technically I’m supposed to be writing a paper on gut micro biomes that’s due tomorrow, so I figured I’d cut myself of. In conclusion, I love them dearly, they love each-other dearly, they deserve the world, all I can think about is them, and the world can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
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januaryrabbit · 1 year
how seventeen would act around their s/o while drunk heheee
pairing: seventeen x gn reader, established relationship, fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, cursing, mentions of sleeping over and physical affection w/ the boys but it’s meant in a fluffy context, not a suggestive/mature one!
other disclaimers: lowercase intended, probably typos, setting is hanging out with all the boys and with you!!!!!
a/n: i just realized in my wip post i said "crush" instead of "s/o"........WOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ANYWAY hello everyone, i’m finally back with another post! i;m sorry for the very long hiatus, i p much always have something going on in my life lol @-@ but i have time now to actually write!!! i hope you enjoy this one hehe -mina
✩‧₊˚clingy drunks:
mingyu: this man will not leave you alone. he is in love with you. and he’s cheesy! in a sweet way :) will kiss your hand every few mins, lean on you, or put his arm around you so you lean on him hehe. i think he would also want you to reciprocate the clinginess too hehe,,,it makes him feel loved :3 i can see him moving your hand to his hair to ask you to play with it, and if you stopped, he would just take your hand and put it back in his hair LOl. he strikes me as someone who would take care of you (kinda like how he takes care of drunk hoshi hehe) and makes sure you're ok, even if he's drunk himself :]
seungcheol: omg omg HES GOING TO DOTE ON YOU SO MUCH!!! “jagi are you ok” “jagi do you need water” “jagi i’ll walk you to the bathroom, be careful”...he doesn’t realize that he himself is wobbling around and spilling water, LMAO. he just wants to help his baby!!! would def ask where you’re going if you get up, ask you to stay over with him, etcetc. would always have an arm around you and constantly LOL. would also go on a random rant about how protective he is of you HAHAHA!! like “Y/N . IF ANYONE MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. TELL ME RIGHT AWAY . I WILL DEFEND YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH  EVEN IF IT’S MY OWN FRIENDS I DONT CARE WHO I HAVE TO BEAT UP (svt: BRO WTF?????) . GOD I LOVE U SOMUCH .” pls give him some water and a kiss!!!
junhui: i don’t think he’d necessarily be like talkative or doting, but i think he’s the type to just want to be around you and would sit really close to you :3 he almost gives me like Protective Bf vibes in the way that he’d just wanna be by your side to make sure you’re feeling ok too. plus, junnie just likes your company! i can picture him sending a lot of smiles toward you every few minutes because he’s so happy you;re his partner and he feels so comfy with you next to him :) also he likes leaning his head on your shoulder and he WILL show you cat pics the entire night…..pls comment on all of them or he’ll get sad. he also gives me the vibes of someone who has lazy days with his s/o after a night of drinking hehe…napping, hotpot and movies :)))
✩‧₊˚loud/emotional/(verbally) affectionate drunks:
soonyoung: MESSY U WILL HAVE TO CARE HIM !!!! did you see him on lee youngji’s show?? so cuteeee :( he would just shower you w/ affection heheh. im picturing him hugging you from behind like how he hugged the ice in the youngji ep and he would nestle his head into the crook of your neck and reach over to kiss your cheek :3c he would announce like every 20min how much he loves you to the whole room like "THIS IS MY PARTNER I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH THANKS!!!" and would post blurry pics of the two of you on his story with typos "i lvoe tehfm sonmchch" HAHA!! youll definitely have to sober up to take care of him hehe. would definitely start crying bc he loves you so much and YOU have to comfort him……you and mingyu get him to the car that night because he can’t walk by himself. the next morning hes like babe that was so fun round 2 of drinking tonight???????????? (horanghae pose)
seungkwan: BRUH KWAN GETS INTO (JOKE) ARGUMENTS WHILE HE’S DRUNK I HAVE NO DOUBTS!!! 90% of the time he’s trying to pick a fight with mingyu or chan i just know it I KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!! but with his s/o, i think he’s the type to be like HONEY THIS ONE IS FOR YOU and he starts belting a love ballad and singing directly to you HAHA!!! (vernon: why are u always trying to outsing everyone. no one else is singing.) seungkwan ignores vern’s comment and keeps going tho. he almost moves himself to tears by how much he loves you and how much love he’s pouring into his performance LOL. you tell him you love him too and that he doesnt have to sing VERY LOUDLY IN PUBLIC to profess his love !!! its not that serious pls sit down!!! and hes like MY LOVE FOR YOU IS SERIOUS . and that’s how you end up with a pouty and drunk kwan!!!!!!!!!
chan: oh my sweet chan,,he would just shower you with affection LMAO like “i love you. you’re amazing. you look so beautiful right now, you know that?” type of thing. he’s just the biggest simp hehe. i think hes also the type to just wanna have fun, he'd prob cheer you on if you took a shot like FUCK YEAH BABE GO OFF!!!! but i also think that he would be doing EVERYTHING for you. "i'll pour your shot!!!!! don't lift a finger SERIOUSLY!!!!!" asks you every 30min if youve had water. (you: yes. i had some 30min ago. when you GAVE ME SOME.) gets you snacks. if you needed to throw up he WILL hold your hair with a drink in the other hand (for him)!!!! he also helps you put your jacket on at the end of the night. it doesn't matter how drunk he is, he's firm on taking care of YOU!!! <3
✩‧₊˚(physically) affectionate drunks:
wonwoo: he’s all smiles for you hehe. clings onto your arm whenever you’re near him. he wouldn't be too loud or anything, but i think he'd shyly whisper compliments to you now and then about how you look nice or how much he loves you. i think he’d be one of the more chill people, he just feels happier than usual bc of the alcohol hehehhe. usually, wonu is pretty good at keeping himself composed when you show him affection. but when he’s drunk, i think he’d react a little more…he strikes me as someone who’s more verbally/physically affectionate when it’s just you two, but around friends/family he tones it down. but when he’s drunk i think he would be comfortable having you sit on his lap or having an arm around you <3
jihoon: i am convinced lee jihoon is a different man when he’s drunk!!!!!!!!!  i have a hot-ish take when it comes to drunk uji…omg woozi would SOOOO open up physically and emotionally to you..and he’d be the type to always, Always have an arm around your waist and constantly hold your hand, looking at you with a smile that leads all the way up to his eyes. he’s someone who has dealt with a lot in his life, but in this moment, he’s so grateful to be here with his friends, and someone he loves that also loves him for who he is. the reason i think he’d be like this is juts because like. he doesn’t drink much, but when he does, feelings he’s been keeping to himself finally come up to the surface. also his face, neck and ears are constantly bright red because of the alcohol LOL. but ALSO they'd be red the next day when he realizes how he behaved in front of you hehe…. don't tease him too much about it or he'll die of embarrassment!
seokmin: dont ask me why bc idk but i think he would ruffle your hair constantly because youre so cute. then he would get distracted and talk to the bros for a bit, look at you again and remember how cute you are and ruffle it again sorry i dont make the rules!!!!!!! dk is definitely the loud/funny drunk hehe…hes the type to be giggly/try to make everyone laugh :) but i think he’d definitely try to make you laugh the most !! mostly in terms of physical affection though, i think he’d just dote on you a lot…like you know in the dingo video how he kept kissing woozi??? yeah he does that to you. along with the hair ruffles. and the attempts to get you to laugh. good luck. you’re going to drown in affection from this man LOL. 
✩‧₊˚happy/chill drunks:
vernon: HE WILL CARE YOU this man is all vibes. he’s just here to have a good time lol. you’ll probably be the drunk one who needs to be taken care of :3 but if he was somehow convinced to get really drunk, i think he would still just be vibes. but happier vibes. i think he would just laugh at everything and keep a hand constantly on your knee heheh. also i think he would encourage seungkwan’s antics more when he’s drunk i’m just saying .
minghao: minghao is just relishing in the moment of enjoying his time with his friends and partner~ he doesn't strike me as someone who drinks much, kinda like vernon. he'd be more focused on having a good time with everyone! i think he's the type to have hangover remedies ready for you at home for the next day. i think he would also be the type of bf to know when to cut you off LMAO like “y/n’s had 4 shots….hyung STOP pouring them another one!!!!!!!!” he just seems like he'd be prepared to take care of his partner :) you're so lucky!! he’s also the type to observe you and take pictures/videos if you’re doing something funny while you’re drunk LMAO!!!!
joshua: josh is a giggly drunk i have no doubts. also in the dingo video that man was RED af!!! would probably be like “im fine im SO SOBER RIGHT NOW…BABE TELL THEM HOW SOBER I AM!!!” he is not sober. i also think he would be the type to compare hands with you LMAO. you’re just like ???? you know how big both our hands are???? you’re literally my bf???? and hes like I JUST WANTED TO CHECK OK!!! tbh he seems so fun to be around LMAO like he on the way to the hangout hes like “babe lets match each other if u drink i drink” and ur like HELLO SIR???????? WHO IS DRIVING US HOME?????? (jeonghan does and he sleeps over.)  he just wants to have FUN and let loose with the homies and his partner!!!! consequences are for TOMORROW, y/n!!!!!! (he might start sulking if you don’t agree to match him but it’s fine you both know your limits hehe)
jeonghan: i see him as someone who doesn’t go too wild when drinking. kinda like vernon and minghao, i think he’s more there for vibes than getting fucked up lol. if anything, he’s doting on you because he finds you so cute, especially when you’re drunk hehehe. HE would be the one to ask you to do aegyo or something and when you do he just dies of cuteness lmao. i think he would also tease you in silly ways, like convincing you that he and s.coups are actually long lost brothers who found each other in college, or that seungkwan is a natural blonde. and of course you believe him which is the funniest shit ever to him!!!! LMAO!!!!! your shock and wonder at his blatant lies is the cutest thing to him. don’t worry tho he’ll tell you the next day nothing he said was true, except for when he said he loves you :)
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wonwoonlight · 9 months
Through the night, through the day - Seungcheol (unfinished)
A/n: a little something from my discontinued wip that i really wanted to finish but no longer has it in me to. Happy three years to this blog, here's to writing for yourself and not validation of others 🍻 thank you for all of you who have been reading my stuff up until now.
Loosely inspired by: AKMU - Last Goodbye, Adele - All I Ask
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Seungcheol isn’t sure who’s to blame for the current situation he finds himself in.
Is it his because he fell out of love first?
Is it yours because you refused to break up with him even after he honestly told you what love he had left for you is barely romantic at this point?
Or is it his because he had let you refuse the break up simply because he felt too bad about forcing it on you?
But he believes as much as it’s a mutual decision to start a relationship, it’s also a mutual decision to end it. He certainly still loves and cares for you enough not to simply leave despite your refusal to end the relationship; but what he has for you is not something he thinks he should be feeling for a girlfriend.
He misses that spark. That thrilling sensation and the way his heartbeat would pick up at the sight of someone’s–your–smile.
And, unfortunately, it’s practically nonexistent now and, at some point, he hates himself for losing it because you still look at him like he holds the universe while he simply feels a pinch in his heart because he feels bad.
His phone lights up with notification, a picture of you and him grinning at the camera flashing before the screen turns black again. He sighs as he takes another sip of his drink, the alcohol burns his throat the same way your smile burns his heart.
Jeonghan’s right. He needs to be stern and stop dragging this more than necessary. The both of you deserve better; him, to finally stop feeling guilty because he can’t leave you behind, and you, e to find someone that will love you like you deserve to be loved.
At some point, Seungcheol knew the role was his to fill, but that’s no longer the case and prolonging this would only hurt the both of you in the future.
Like the two of you aren’t hurting on your own already now.
He bites his lip as he imagines the hurt in your eyes and the forced smile you’d give him.
He downs the shot and orders another.
Seungcheol imagined you’d be pressing your lips together as you suppress your tears, shoulders tense and jaws tight when he tells you once again he thinks it’d be better for you two to break up.
After all, that was your reaction the first time around.
What Seungcheol did not imagine, however, are your empty eyes and the way your hands limply stack against each other; your shoulders hunch in defeat and a corner of your lip twitch a faint smile for a millisecond before it turns straight once again.
Like you know it’s coming.
Like you’ve been bracing yourself for it.
There’s a painful squeeze in his heart at the way you’re not meeting his eyes, and he fights fights fights the urge to take your hands and apologize because he’s the one that’s ridding himself of that right.
How is he supposed to handle you like this?
Then again, isn’t this an attempt to let go of that responsibility? Because he doesn’t know anymore how to handle you without the romantic filter over his gaze towards you?
He’s starting to think it would be much better if you had been crying instead.
“Okay.” You say softly, voice barely even a whisper. But it doesn’t matter because he’s heard it and his eyes widen because he doesn’t think you’d agree so easily after the fight you put out last month. “But… Can I ask you one last favor?”
“Can you take me to that camping ground we went to two years ago?”
He blinks, not expecting it at all.
“The one we went to for our first anniversary?”
For the first time in so long, the smile you give him doesn’t make his heart lurch with guilt.
He suddenly tries to think back when was the last time you actually, genuinely smiled at him with happiness in your eyes.
You always have that fond look in your eyes–something so soft and full of love–even after he asked for the break up last month. You still look at him that way after that and even right this second.
But happy?
When was the last time you laughed happily in his presence?
“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to go back but don’t really have any reason to…” You frown to yourself, your lips purse in a way that makes him want to squish your cheeks like he used to. “A farewell trip… if you will. Is it okay?”
“Sure.” He says without thinking. That’s the least he can do for you; he hasn’t exactly been the best boyfriend nor even person in general the past month, and the fact that he’s staying with you out of obligation because he doesn’t know how to break it off after your argument has been eating him inside out. If this is what you need to finally let him go, he doesn’t see why it would be a bad idea.
He still cares for you. Just not in the way people in a romantic relationship should.
For you, he’d still do anything if it’s within his reach.
For you, he'd still do anything to make sure you're happy again.
You’re still his friend before anything and Seungcheol always always tries to do his best for his friends.
“When do you want to go?”
“This weekend is fine if you’re free.”
“It’s Mingyu’s birthday, I already promised we’d go out for a drink. Is next weekend okay?”
“Sure. Do you want me to make the booking?”
He shakes his head. Perhaps it’s him wanting to compensate, but if this is going to be a farewell trip, might as well do everything for you so he can convince himself it’s okay to let go of the guilt he’s been holding over himself if only a little.
“I’ll do everything. You just wait and be pretty, okay?” He smiles cheekily, which you can only smile back in return despite the way your heart cracks little by little at how easy the words tumble out of his lips.
And he wonders why you find it hard for you to let go.
“Why are you brooding like your screen has personally offended you?” Jeonghan asks, plopping on the sofa next to Seungcheol.
It’s game night, something he and his friends promised to hold at least once a month. It’s Jeonghan’s turn to host the night, and Seungcheol has come almost two hours early only to focus on his macbook and barely even says anything to him, the owner of the place.
Not that it’s a rare occurrence, Seungcheol does have the tendency to do this from time to time. Just barge into his place, grunts a greeting, and leaves after an hour or two.
“I’ve been trying to book this spot in the camping ground but it’s not available.” He sighs.
Jeonghan tilts his head, interested. Seungcheol hates planning with passion, yet he's apparently doing a very thorough research for some reason.
He looks at the amount of tabs open on his laptop, and when he asks about them, Seungcheol simply says he’s making an itinerary and is currently checking all the possible places he might visit around the camping ground. He points out some places, says their pros and cons and where he currently stands about visiting them.
“Who’re you going with again?” When he mutters your name, Jeonghan can’t help but get more interested. “Didn’t you say you’re breaking up with her?”
“Yeah. She said she wants to go there one last time… I don’t know. For old time’s sake, maybe? Anyway, I don’t see anything bad about it so I guess why not.”
“You’re breaking up with her.”
Seungcheol sighs and puts away his laptop. His best friend can get like this sometimes and, at the wrong times, it really gets on his nerves.
“I am. It’s a goodbye trip of some sort, okay? She said we’ll break it off after that. Just one last trip, that’s what she asked; how can I not give her that?”
“Why would you go on a trip with someone you’re breaking up with? Isn’t that kind of the point? To stop seeing each other?”
“Look, I’ve been with her for three years, almost four, even. And it’s not like we’re breaking up because we’re fighting or what–I fell out of love. It’s on me. And I still care about her and treasure the time I’ve shared with her. If there’s anything I can do to make this breakup bearable for her, I would.”
Seungcheol clenches his jaw at the way Jeonghan is looking at him; his eyes calling him stupid and pathetic at the same time without his lips saying anything.
“You’re just compensating because you feel guilty, then.”
“And it’s wrong for me to do that?” He fumes, not getting where his best friend is going with the talk. If he thinks this is one of those days when it’s fun to push all his buttons just for the sake of it, Jeonghan definitely chose the wrong topic to do so. “Why are you complaining, anyway? It’s not like I’m making you come with me. Do you not like the idea of me giving her closure? Do you secretly dislike her all this time?”
Jeonghan looks at him sharply, daring him to say more about how he feels about you. He knows Seungcheol threw the last sentence just to spite him, because of all his friends, you’re closest with Jeonghan and the feeling is pretty much mutual. Of all the partners Seungcheol has had, you’re the one that clicks with him the most; you seem to care about Seungcheol’s friends the same way you would your own friends. If there’s anything Jeonghan appreciates, it’s loyalty.
Always loyalty.
He’s sure he would also be devastated due to your break up with Seungcheol if it means he might lose someone he treasures as much as you.
“It’d only be harder for her, you asshole.” He grits his teeth. “Why would you give her hope by doing this much preparation for a fucking goodbye trip?”
“Because she asked for the trip!”
“What you’re arranging is a romantic getaway not a goodbye trip!”
Seungcheol falters a little at this, and before he can say more, the intercom beeps, signaling the other guys’ arrival. They share one last look with each other before Jeonghan gets up and opens the door, Mingyu’s rowdy voice followed by Wonwoo and Seokmin immediately dissipates the tense in the living room.
A few hours later, it’s still a little awkward between Seungcheol and Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Seokmin approaches them separately, and when the only thing they get is a set of reassurance that they simply had a disagreement, they let it go and decide it’d be best not to bring it up for now.
“By the way,” Seokmin opens the talk as Mingyu puts down cans of beer on the table. Seungcheol immediately reaches for one and the others wait for Seokmin to continue talking. “Is your girlfriend okay? I saw her in the hospital today.”
The way Seungcheol immediately chokes on his drink would’ve been funny otherwise. He wants to make sure that it’s his girlfriend Seokmin is referring to, but he’s currently one of the only two people with a partner in this room and one of them is Seokmin himself.
“Oh… you didn’t know?” The younger guy winces, though he thinks it’d be best to tell Seungcheol anyway. No matter how small it might’ve been, he would want to know if his girlfriend somehow had to visit the hospital. “I was visiting a friend and I saw her walk out of the building but she didn’t see me and she was already too far away for me to call for her.”
“She didn’t say… I didn’t even know she went to the hospital.”
Jeonghan holds back a snicker, of course he wouldn’t know. Seungcheol hasn’t exactly been attentive to you since the moment he realized he’s falling out of you, head too deep in guilt and his own thoughts that he forgets to actually take a look at what’s in front of him.
The conversation goes elsewhere, and once Seungcheol is sure the attention is no longer on him, he whips out his phone and texts you to ask if anything happened.
[20:31] did you go to the hospital today? seokmin said he saw you
[20:44] 💜: oh, yeah. severe cold case, no worries tho! Is seokmin ok?
[20:45] you literally said severe, how am i supposed not to worry?
[20:35] why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve gone with you to the hospital
[20:47] 💜: it’s still just a cold haha. i simply got checked just in case. but they made sure it’s nothing but cold.
[20:47] Calling 💜
“Please stop trying to make it look like you’re not sick.” Seungcheol cuts immediately into the case, standing in the kitchen where it’s less noisy. “Why didn’t you tell me? I was with you a few days ago.”
Huh. Wait.
Was that why you looked a little out of it?
He closes his eyes in contempt and curses himself for not noticing. No wonder you looked so lethargic. So much for a boyfriend.
“It’s really just a cold, Cheol.” You try to reassure him, though your strained voice nor the cough that follows right after aren’t really doing a good job doing so. “You know the weather has been crazy these days.”
“Still. Why would you go to the hospital alone?”
It’s not easy for you to blink back your tears as you press your lips together, hoping Seungcheol would mistake your heavy breathing is due to your cold. You wonder if Seungcheol does all of this purposely. What a cruel man he is, asking you to break up with him and then scolding you for not telling him you’re sick, that he’s worried and asked if you want him to come over tonight.
Does he or does not want to cut ties with you?
“Cheol… Look–I… I simply thought you’re busy and it’s no big deal. I should be fine after a few good night sleep, they didn’t even prescribe me that much medicine and that should say something, right?”
Something stirs in him at how exhausted you sound, and he imagines you’re laying down in your room by the sound of rustling he hears across the phone.
“Have you had dinner?” He asks instead, looking at the digital clock on Jeonghan’s fridge.
“Not yet. Maybe later.”
“Alright, I’ll just wrap it up here and come over.”
“What?” You immediately sit up, not exactly pleased with the way this conversation is going. “No, Cheol. Just hang out with the guys, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re sick, why would I be here?” He argues.
You sigh, not sure anymore the cause of your headache.
Is it your cold?
Is it him?
Probably both.
Why is Seungcheol so adamant in taking care of you when he has asked to break up last month and then asked once again not even a week ago?
Why couldn’t he be a jerk and just leave you alone?
Why does he feel the need to make sure your feelings are still intact when he has, according to himself, no longer felt the same intensity he thought one should have when they’re in a relationship?
It’s really your fucking fault for asking for him to reconsider. But, then again, you didn’t expect him to accept it at once–what was even the point of asking for a break up if you’re going to crumble after one refusal?
You didn’t know what to say the first time he asked for it. Because you know… you know it’s coming. You’ve felt the way he’s been pulling away, the way he’s been less and less interested in what you have to say, and how he’s been enjoying his time not talking to you than the other way around.
It hurts.
It hurts so much because this is the person who used to listen to you like you personally hang every single star in the universe by yourself, one that used to stare at you and pay attention to everything you say because he said he doesn’t want to miss anything only to miss half the things you’re saying because he’s too busy staring at you.
And when he asked the second time… you pretend to cough to hide your sniffle, wiping the tears that have managed to escape your eyes before you try to hurriedly hang up the phone.
“Cheol, I need to–”
“I’ll be there in forty minutes.”
He arrives in thirty, fusses over dinner and your air conditioner system and forces you to rest even after you relay what the doctor told you; that you should be okay in a few days.
It’s 1 in the morning when he leaves your place, and he only does so after you pretend to be asleep in hope he’d go home instead of staying over.
You feel him caresses your cheek softly and pats your head before he leaves, and you’re pretty sure you can feel him staring at you for a good three minutes before you hear your front door click.
You fall asleep an hour later because you’re too exhausted from crying and your head is pounding because of the same reason.
Fuck Choi Seungcheol.
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ghost-bxrd · 19 days
I think the one that concerns me most that I really want to know more about is "little birds in little graves" because, given context, one bird is for sure Jason. So who the other, or others, is, has my morbid curiosity. I'm also hoping this is mostly a metaphorical title.
It could be Dick. We've all seen how well you write those two being brothers. It's wonderfully heartbreaking. The 'grave' of his being depression, guilt, or regret of not saving Jason, or being distant with him, whatever, pre-death.
It could also be Tim. I haven't seen much of him from you, which is a lil sad, he's probably my favorite. This isn't pressure to write him more, you're doing fantastic! I just have a lot of thoughts on his character. The 'grave' for Tim being his personal mission to keep the Batfam on track in the wake of Jason's death. Something he never really digs himself out of.
The last real option I'm seeing for our second bird, is Calvin. You've been focused on him, you've had thoughts! And I'm really thinking "Screaming sounds a lot like birds singing" might be a more Calvin focused WIP. But it could be Calvin! This is a much slimmer chance than Tim or Dick, but it could be! I think it was an ask, but someone mentioned Calvin saving Jason from Joker after the Court had him watch Joker. So it could very well be inspired off that.
Damian or Steph could technically also be the other bird, but I really haven't seen you mention them, so really low hopes on that.
Personally, the most interesting, and most complicated, way to explore the "little birds in little graves" thing would be to explore how that applies to ALL of them. How being Robin is a sacrifice, a burial, of youth and innocence had before. I know Gotham isn't a great place, but the Robins have definitely seen more than the average Gotham kid.
I have many thoughts on this title, and what it could mean. I do know for sure, it will probably make me cry.
Hehe yes my first thought reading through half of your ask was “awe, why assume there’s only two birds and two graves?” Especially because Bruce has so many birds flying around. 🤭 although, arguably, we could say that Dick wouldn’t need his own grave because he’s .1 seconds away from crawling in beside Jason anyway. 👀
I love your thoughts on the title btw! And I’m DYING to share the contents with you guys but first we need to build some more suspense 😩
Rest assured though, Tim is going to feature a lot more frequently in the series from now on. ✨ I’m really going to put our poor “Replacement” Robin through the (proverbial) wringer, wahahahaha!!! 😈
As for Calvin… well, we’ll just have to wait and see. But one thing is for sure, the Court of Owls isn’t as “destroyed” as everyone suspected 😌🦉
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 27 will be posted soon.
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Currently 26 chapters completed: 1M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 27 because at the end of Chapter 26, while Buck was sleeping, he made a sound that Eddie hadn't heard before. He immediately sat up in bed and called Eddie's name but he was in a daze and to Eddie, he appeared to be still dreaming but since his eyes were open, he started talking to him to get his attention.
They spent the majority of the day before in the hospital after Buck collapsed in Eddie's arms and suffered a bradycardia event of epic proportions. He was unconscious and unresponsive after he received a package that was delivered to the firehouse while they were in Europe. Once he opened it and read the letter, he reached the part where it stated someone died and it reminded him of his own death and it triggered the event.
He had an MRI, EKG and an ultrasound to confirm what prompted the two events. After the results were returned, Dr. Salazar discharged him with a Holter monitor that he has to wear for 48-hours so she can check to make sure his heart hasn't suffered any long-term effects from the lightning strike. Currently, they're home alone since Chris is still at a sleepover.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 27 of Eddie trying to console his husband after he woke up in a state of sheer horrifying terror.
The sounds escaping Buck’s lips through his cries are filled with pain and suffering and Eddie recognizes it because he remembers it’s how he sounded when he started destroying every piece of furniture in his bedroom with a baseball bat almost two years ago.
“I love you.”  Eddie admits.  Then he starts speaking Italian.  “Ti amo, amore mio.”  [“I love you, my love.”]
As he continues holding on to his husband, he comforts him as they cry about the fact that Buck died last year.  He tries to compose himself several times but the weight and the magnitude of seeing Buck hanging from the aerial is a picture he can’t get out of his mind.  He reminds himself that they both can’t lose it because one of them needs to be coherent just in case Buck becomes unresponsive again like he did while they were at the hospital yesterday.
Even through their brokenness, he keeps talking to his husband.
“You’re alive my love.”
“You’re in the present with me and it’s January 3, 2024.”
“It’s been almost ten months since that night but you’re here with me and I’ll never let you go.”
“We’re going to die on the same day at the same time in 50 or 60 years from now.”
Buck’s cries are getting louder as he continues to feel every ounce of grief he’s been avoiding since last year.  And when his Holter monitor starts beeping, Eddie knows that sound means one of two things, either Buck’s heart is beating too fast or too slow.  Neither option is good because they’re both detrimental and they can both lead to Buck’s death if they aren’t resolved quickly.  If it’s beating too slowly again, he’s experiencing another bradycardia event and if it drops below 30 bpm, his heart could stop beating and that will lead to him dying.  If his heart is beating too fast, then he’s experiencing a tachycardia event which means he could have a heart attack if it’s not lowered to a level of 100 bpm.
In a soft and calm but stern voice, he calls, “Evan, my love! Can you hear me?”
He’s still crying but he nods his head while it’s lying on top of Eddie’s shoulder.
With the alarm still blaring, he says, “Amore mio, I need you to you to listen to me.  We have to get you calm so your heart rate will stabilize.”
Buck’s trying, he really is but he still feels that tug at the back of his head trying to take him under but he’s fighting to stay alert so he can remain responsive and conscious.
“Shh... my love.  I need you to listen to me and I also need you to breathe with me too.  Can you still hear me?”
He opens his mouth and he tries to speak but it takes several seconds for him to inhale enough air into his lungs so can respond.
Eddie doesn’t let go he just keeps holding onto him with their chests pressed together.
Is Buck going to suffer another bradycardia event? 👀
Or could he suffer from tachycardia this time? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-26 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 27 will be posted soon.
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gffa · 2 years
Sometimes I cannot believe how much I appreciate the Obikin fandom and how much it’s spoiled me for giving me ridiculously charming fic, incredibly funny and hilarious fic, fic that breaks my heart, fic that heals my heart, fic that makes me want to gnaw on my own arm because I’m in awe of how amazing the authors are, how much a fic can smack my id straight on, how I can roll around in the fluff or wallow in the angst, how the fic runs the gamut of Obi-Wan and Anakin’s lifetimes, whether set during the Clone Wars or during the time of the Rebellion, whether it’s something nice or whether it’s Anakin being all Vadery and awful, there’s always someone writing something that makes me want to barf up rainbows for how good it is. So here’s a bunch of STAR WARS fics I think everyone should read because the fandom is amazing and there’s very few things I enjoy more than the feeling of being sated on a bunch of good fic. Or lots of quality banging. Or crying about these two idiots having terrible lives. Or just crying about feelings in general because you guys are amazing at punching me right in them. WHAT KIND OF FIC YOU’LL FIND HERE:
OBIKIN RECS - CANON-COMPLIANT (-ISH, WHATEVER) AT LEAST UP UNTIL THE GALAXY GOES PEAR-SHAPED: ✦ Lonely Hearts Club by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 7.4k    There are some things not even Chosen One can fix. Anakin learns this the hard way after a mission goes wrong. ✦ To be remembered by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 16.3k    Various moments in Obi-Wan’s life, from his time as Anakin’s Master to the first nine years he spent on Tatooine. ✦ Out of the Bag by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 8.1k    Obi-Wan has made his peace with his inappropriate feelings for his former Padawan. He knows there’s no room in their relationship for romance, and he’s used to denying himself for the greater good. He has everything under control: until Anakin comes back from a mission looking and acting a little different, and suddenly the relationship between Master and Padawan becomes a little fuzzy. ✦ every kind of love by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & qui-gon & cast, 2.7k wip    Thousands of years pass and change is inevitable, even for the Jedi Order. Different groups break off, form new traditions, but in the end, they are all Jedi. And when the war comes, they fight for peace. ✦ of talks and romantic gestures by izazov, obi-wan/anakin, 3.8k    Obi-Wan just wanted to arrive back to Coruscant on time. Anakin had other ideas. ✦ nor the suns fall by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, 1.4k    “Hey,” Anakin says sharply—too sharply, he knows, and with a restless edge of fear. Obi-Wan’s eyes are blown so wide they’re hardly recognizable, barely a shadow of blue. They’re sliding closed again, the arc of his lashes too slow to be just a blink. Anakin takes a firm hold on his own voice, pitches it just keen enough to anchor beneath the blazing, barren sky. “Hey, stay with me, Obi-Wan.” ✦ wanting was enough by y0u_idjits, anakin/padme (& obi-wan/anakin), 1k    A reporter asks another question but she doesn’t listen, too busy noticing how Anakin’s smile goes softer, sweeter, as Obi-Wan answers, and she becomes aware that he has never once smiled at her like that. No, this is a smile reserved only for Obi-Wan Kenobi. The realisation burns her to her core. ✦ illicit affairs by Urgirl415, obi-wan/anakin (& anakin/padme), NSFW, 2.2k    Anakin needs something that Obi-Wan is more than willing to provide. Even if it means having his doorbell rung in the middle of the night. Or, Anakin cheats on Padme with Obi-Wan. Regularly. OBIKIN RECS - FUCK THE NOISE OUT OF ANAKIN SKYWALKER’S HEAD: ✦ Satellite Mind by intermundia, septemberist, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 19.3k    Five times Obi-Wan heard Anakin’s thoughts, and one time Anakin heard Obi-Wan’s. ✦ He’s Bringing Sweet Salvation by Is0lde, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, some d/s, 5.1k    Anakin has been naughty and learns a little about patience, consideration and what we deserve ✦ eat, sleep, wake (nothing but you) by decideophobia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.7k    Obi-Wan twists his fingers inside him, pressing, pressing, and Anakin jolts with pleasure the exact same moment when an entirely different kind of noise rips through the room. A stomach growling. His stomach growling. Aggressively. ✦ Pretty Please by Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 8.7k    And with Obi-Wan’s words, Obi-Wan’s mouth on sensitive skin, and the way his hand presses Anakin possessively against his body, it’s all too easy for Anakin to slip up again. All too easy for him to throw his head back as his eyes fall shut and moan out, “Daddy.” ✦ coming quietly undone by MisanthropyMuse, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 7.6k    “So, now’s later?” asks Anakin softly, one corner of his lips curling in amusement at the incoherent sentence that can only make sense for the two of them. “Force, yes,” responds Obi-Wan in a heavy sigh of relief, before raising his head and crashing his lips onto Anakin’s. ✦ hands-on by treescape, 3.6k    Anakin’s been driving Obi-Wan mad. Obi-Wan does something about it. ✦ One’s Craze by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 17k    As Obi-Wan learns the extent of Anakin’s greatest desires perhaps he’ll also learn his own. ✦ turn softness to rage, then tears to rain by starwarsyndrome (I_write_fanfiction_sometimes), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5k    Anakin Skywalker is the force made flesh, and sometimes that tears him apart at the seams. Obi-Wan has always been able to hold him together. How he does it changes as the years do ✦ Be Mindful of Your Thoughts (And Words) by des_nuages_de_paris, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 7k    On a routine ship voyage across the stars, Anakin starts to get a bit bratty. Obi-wan decides to entertain him - and put him in his place. ✦ Baby Teeth by stardies, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, a/b/o, 8.2k wip    During a mission, Anakin runs out of suppressants. Obi-wan Kenobi is called in to tend to his former padawan. ✦ hang it off my shoulders by transkenobi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 7.4k    Obi-Wan looks at him a moment, a frown flickering over his features but his eyes are unbearably soft. “I could leave. Or…” he swallows, averting his gaze for just a moment before he meets Anakin’s eyes again with a quiet resolution that Anakin recognizes all too well. “Dance with me.” Every irritated thought and rebuke comes to a halt and Anakin opens his mouth, brows knitting, completely thrown off. Of everything he’d been expecting Obi-Wan to say, it wasn’t that. What? “What?” ✦ a lesson learned is a lesson earned by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 4k    Anakin refuses to talk and Obi-Wan coaxes it out of him. OR Anakin learns a lesson and Obi-Wan learns one too. ✦ PARK THAT BIG MAC TRUCK RIGHT IN THIS LIL GARAGE by badut, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4k    Anakin Skywalker loves dick, but he loves big dicks even more. Specifically Obi-Wan’s. This has now become a problem, but it all works out, eventually. ✦ touch of heaven with a wild side by demi_fae, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.3k    “That was one of the things we were able to figure out while you were…” Anakin gestured to Obi-Wan who nodded for him to continue. “You would have to ask Kix about the specifics, but it’s some sort of combination reproductive and defense feature, and at this point it’s basically orgasm or…” Obi-Wan choked back a laugh. “Or death?” He asked, expecting Anakin to laugh with him. The silence that met him told him more than anything Anakin could have possibly said. “Oh.” “Yeah.” ✦ Pretty Kitty by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 2.2k    “Master, you always take such good care of me,” Anakin says, a little chirp coming after his sentence, as his thumb rests on Anakin’s plump bottom lip. ✦ to seek something is to believe in its possibility by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 2.6k    Anakin teases Obi-Wan to get what he wants. Spoiler alert: it works. ✦ Punished Hole by WhyIsBubbleGumBlue, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 1k    Anakin gets smacks on his bottom hole, and then they fuck. ✦ Taking Care by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin & quinlan, NSFW, 8.5k wip    A night out with Quinlan should be just the thing to help Obi-Wan relax after the outbreak of the war and all that entails. Anakin, as always, is there to make things difficult. OBIKIN RECS - DARTH ASSHOLE CAT SHOULD BE GRABBED BY THE SCRUFF OF THE NECK AND SCOLDED BACK TO THE LIGHT: ✦ flash point by treescape, obi-wan/vader, nsfw, 2.8k    After capturing Obi-Wan on Mustafar, Vader does the only thing he can think of to keep his former Master close: he freezes Obi-Wan in carbonite. Every so often, he can’t resist the temptation of seeing Obi-Wan again and brings him out. ✦ this too shall pass by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/vader & cast, NSFW, time loop, read the warnings, 5k wip    Anakin falls to the dark side and takes up the mantle of Darth Vader,butchers Jedi,betrays all he knows and loves, and he is left to burn on Mustafar by the man he once called master.Anakin becomes Darth Vader-and then he wakes up and lives it again-and then he wakes up and lives it again-and again-and again-and again. ✦ game plan by treescape, obi-wan/vader, NSFW, raised a sith!anakin, 11.2k    Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It’s kind of a thing. ✦ Coming back and going forward by Enthusiastic_Enthusiast, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, read the warnings, d/s, 5.5k    Lord Vader has finally found a way to send his mind back in time. He is young and healthy again, and can’t wait to get his revenge on Obi-Wan, to make him pay for his betrayl, to push him down and make him pay. This time when the republic falls, Obi-Wan will witness it first hand, on his knees by Vaders side. The only problem? Vader isn’t the only one to return. ✦ Electric Love by thedeadparrot, obi-wan/vader, nsfw, 3.4k    Vader stepped forward, deeper into the cell, and reached out one hand. It pressed against Obi-Wan’s tunic, clean metal meeting dirty fabric. Vader’s suit only had the most rudimentary of sensors – he preferred to use the Force over his physical hands. But this was Obi-Wan Kenobi offered up for him, and nothing less than physical touch would do. OBIKIN RECS - FUCK YOU, CANON, THINGS GO A LITTLE NICER IN THIS UNIVERSE: ✦ After everything, only us by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 9.2k    Eight years after the Clone War came to an end and Sidious was captured, Anakin and Obi-Wan spend an evening together. Distance and circumstance have separated them for too long, but on this night, Anakin ends up with more than he could have hoped for. ✦ After the Storm by Ripki, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia, 7.3k    If asked a year ago where he would be in the future, Obi-Wan would never have imagined himself in the middle of nowhere, mending socks and discussing latrine maintenance. ✦ The strongest stars… by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin & beru & cast, 7.4k    The war’s end seems to be close, with everyone looking forward to it. And when Anakin is doubting himself the most, an unexpected visit arrives at the Temple. ✦ Homestead by JSwander, whohatessand, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia & cast, NSFW, 46.2k    After their failed altercation on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi secretly stows away with his former Padawan now turned Sith Lord and traitor to the Republic. ✦ O Trespass Sweetly Urged by Artemis_Unbound, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.6k    Anakin and Obi-Wan witness a sex ritual while on a mission. Obi-Wan doesn’t understand why Anakin is so scandalized by this, until Anakin admits that he’s never had sex. Obi-Wan…might need a minute to process that. ✦ climb like peas and beans by septemberist, obi-wan/anakin, trans!anakin, 4.9k wip    Anakin Skywalker is different in a way that he can’t quite name, until he can. Obi-Wan Kenobi never fails to see his apprentice for who he is. And everything changes. ✦ sun of my right hand by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & luke, 4.3k wip    What remains, keep it close. Holding the newborn he had carried from one end of the galaxy to the other, Obi-Wan Kenobi could not bring himself to give up the last member of his family. Instead of giving Luke to the Lars, Obi-Wan decided to raise Luke himself. OBIKIN RECS - WORLD IS HARD AND COLD, OBIKIN FLUFF IS SOFT AND WARM: ✦ Rotten Work by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, 2.8k    Obi-Wan: I’ll take care of you. Anakin, with bloodshot eyes and a broken back from hours of terrible posture: It’s rotten work. Obi-Wan, who needs to bathe this man for his own sanity and health: Not to me. Not if it’s you. ✦ darkness shared, darkness halved by ahandsomebabe, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 8.2k    Or: the one where Obi-Wan manipulates their force bond to give his partner multiple orgasms. ✦ Languages by Crowgirl, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.5k    So Anakin pulls out a map and makes a list. ✦ deception: epilogue by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.2k    Anakin and Obi-Wan renew the physical part of their relationship after Rako Hardeen ✦ Levels of Sincerity {cahshee, ankai'a} by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 1k    In which Ahsoka Tano has the most embarrassing Masters in at least two languages. ✦ who a person truly is cannot be seen with the eye by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, spanking, 3.6k    Anakin purposely avoids doing what Obi-Wan tells him to do. ✦ watch the time go by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, a/b/o, 5.9k    Obi-Wan has scheduled pack-bonding time. Obi-Wan also has a lot of work to do, not that Anakin and Ahsoka care. Or, pack bonding with the disaster lineage in the middle of a galactic war. ✦ small gestures and grand vows by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 6k    Or, five times Obi-Wan and Anakin show how devoted they are to each other, and one time somebody demands proof and they are insulted. ✦ quiet the mind and the soul will speak by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 2.8k    “You look tired,” Obi-Wan observed, his hand on his chin, after a particularly long strategy meeting. He matched Anakin’s pace as they walked through the halls. “Yeah, well,” Anakin yawned. “Someone woke me up early this morning,” he teased in a quiet voice. OBIKIN RECS - MODERN AUS CAN BE FUN AND CHARMING AS HELL AND A GREAT CHANCE TO MAP CANON DYNAMICS ONTO A WORLD WHERE THEY CAN HAVE A HAPPIER LIFE, IT’S A WIN ALL THE WAY AROUND: ✦ Prompted - Chapter 18: Brotherhood by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 7.1k    Obi-Wan was already looking at the jail roster online when his phone rang. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 19: Hard Racing by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern AU, F1 racing au, 6.5k    He wished he was back in his car, where everything made sense. His brain sometimes felt like a computer during a race, processing so much information in fractions of a second. He felt like he blended with the machine around him until he was just the operating system of the car, not a person at all. ✦ à la carte by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & quinlan & mace & satine & cast, NSFW, modern au, 55.6k    Anakin Skywalker is a perfectly normal grad student. He spends his days at the robotics lab, his evenings working at an upscale restaurant and his weekends on inadvisable hookups. That is, until Obi-Wan Kenobi saunters into his workplace and sweeps him off his feet. ✦ turn back now (i’m haunted) by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & cast, modern au, supernatural au, 41.7k wip    Anakin Skywalker’s house is haunted. Luckily for him, Padmé knows a ghost hunter. Unluckily for him, it’s the hottest, most english-professor ghost hunter he’s ever seen. And extremely unluckily for him, he’s starting to get the feeling he understands maybe ten percent of what’s actually going on here, not to mention what’s at stake. ✦ short shallow gasps by mysticmjolnir, obi-wan/anakin, d/s, 4.9k    Obi-Wan gets surprised by Anakin when he comes home from work. ✦ does he make you laugh? by y0u_idjits, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 3.6k    “Tell me it’s not about screwing the guy who’s screwing your husband.” “Ex-husband, and they’re not screwing,” Obi-Wan snipes at her. “And it’s not about that.” There’s a long pause. “Okay, it’s not all about that.” An Ocean’s Eleven AU ✦ recipe for disaster by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, modern au, 9.8k    When Ahsoka tells Anakin she doesn’t want to learn piano anymore, Anakin is heartbroken. He doesn’t care about the instrument, obviously, but he’s practically in love with her teacher. Obi-Wan offers up a solution to their impending separation, and it’s not dating like any normal person would suggest. Instead, he’s gonna teach Anakin how to cook. Except Anakin’s a pretty well-known chef, and Obi-Wan is absolutely awful in the kitchen. ✦ cute guy, fast car, i’m all yours by wanderlove, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 7.3k    In which Anakin saves a rich lawyer from a low-level Hutt enforcer and gets himself railed as a reward. ✦ For Me, It’s You by edge_of_night, obi-wan/anakin & shmi & qui-gon & cast, modern au, 15.8k wip    Obi-Wan knew one day he’d have to return home. As long as his father still lived, a piece of him would always be there. No matter how much he wanted to forget—he was raised there, he learned and grew, and spent his most formative years there. It’s also where he first fell in love. ✦ Morning delights by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.1k    Obi-Wan woke up to the smell of Anakin cooking breakfast and decided to help. He swears those were his only intentions. ✦ Flashing Lights by des_nuages_de_paris, obi-wan/anakin & padme & satine & mace & cast, NSFW, modern au, 26.6k wip    “Trust me.” Obi-wan turned to him. “It’s better than photoshopping it out. It gives him an edge. The scar, the hair, the brows…” He looked back over at Anakin, feeling his stomach flip. “It makes him look tough. Not enough male models can be pretty and tough.” “So I’m pretty?” Anakin grinned. ✦ i saw you and i knew by TheSopherfly, obi-wan/anakin & cody & rex, modern au, ballet au, 12.9k wip    Anakin and Obi-Wan are dance partners at a contemporary dance company. They try to keep things professional. (It doesn’t work.) OBIKIN RECS - WHAT DID CANON EVER DO BUT BREAK OUR HEARTS ANYWAY? TIME TO TELL CANON TO FUCK OFF AND WRITE AN AU: ✦ the ageless dark by maragny, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cody & rex & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, sith!anakin, 25.6k    Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic, does not know what to make of his opponent, Separatist General and Sith Lord Darth Lessus…especially when he dreams of Lessus’ eyes, his smile, his voice saying Master, you’ve gone where I can’t follow. ✦ I only want you near me by Tomicaleto, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dragon!obi-wan, 5.2k    Anakin tries to get used to having a dragon as a mate. Hunting days seem to be part of the routine. ✦ A Price Like No Other by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & cast, nsfw, a/b/o, raised a sith!anakin, 3.6k    Never found by the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker at fourteen was pretty, and valuable. He was worth slightly more than the average slave, could count his worth in peggats, truguts, wupiupi, and Republic credits; water, too, if need be, and there always was on Tatooine. And then the heat came. ✦ you love him dearly by shatou, obi-wan/anakin & cast, raised a sith!anakin, 2.3k    Anakin wakes up, panting, alone in the dark. Obi-Wan suggests meditation. ✦ tactile orders by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, senator!obi-wan, 3.2k    Anakin is assigned to accompany Senator Kenobi on a mission. They’re stuck on a ship together for four days. ✦ In Pursuit of Cold Water by JSwander, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, merman!anakin, 41.4k wip    Obi-Wan resolves to rescue a very stubborn merman from captivity and back to the ocean. ✦ et si les étoiles sont cachées by shatou, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, raised a sith!anakin, 2.8k    “Master, what were you thinking?” Ahsoka hisses, eyes darting from him to the closed door of his bedroom, from where the sound of Anakin’s pacing is obvious. Her hand is still clutching one of her lightsabers, alert. ✦ always and forever by obikinn, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dragon!obi-wan, 2k    “I think you should fuck me while you’re a dragon, tonight.” -Anakin Skywalker, known monsterfucker ✦ Fine Pearls & Bad Leather by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, bodyguard au, 1.6k    Lord Kenobi spends the night in with the captain of his personal guard while abroad in the Lake Country. ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & mace & yoda & rex & palpatine & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 63.5k    Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can’t refuse. These things are, actually, related. ✦ together again by Anonymous, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, a/b/o, sith!obi-wan, 2.8k    Anakin has been in hiding for months when his Alpha finally finds him.
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
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Rating: Explicit (E) Word Count: ~ 5.2 K (i have no chill, it seems) Notable Tags: Mafia Boss Steve Rogers, Daddy Kink, Age Difference, Established Relationship, Manhandling, Spanking, Slapping (pussy and face), Crying, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Multiple Orgasms, Light Breathplay, Office Sex, Desk Sex, Possessive Behavior, Flirty Bisexual Bucky Barnes A/N: Ugh y'all, these two. This has been in my WIP folder for so so long now and I'm thrilled to finally finish it and share it, even if it almost ended me and even if I hated it by the end because I'd been staring at it for far too long. 😅 Special thank you to those who looked it over and reassured me constantly, @vilkasdaina, @maddiewritesstucky, and @sweeterthanthis. Find more of Daddy and his Kitten's story here. Read on Ao3 here. I hope you enjoy! 🧡
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You try your hardest to not let the power go to your head. 
The love of your life may be the feared and respected leader of the underbelly of the east coast, but you know who he comes crawling back to each night, who has the honor of worshiping him in a way that no one has had the privilege to before. 
While you try your hardest to not let said power go to your head, it never fails to do just that each and every damn time you’re reminded of your possession over each other. And if it goes right to your pussy as well as your head, who can blame you?
The moment you catch Bucky’s eye from down the hallway, you can hear the relief in his voice, can see it in the way he takes a deep breath and lets his shoulders drop. 
“Fuck, doll— I’ve never been happier to see someone in my whole fuckin’ life,” he exclaims as his eyes run down the line of your body, his eyebrow arching immediately. You aren’t sure why he’s surprised; he warned you that pulling out all the stops was necessary on a day like today. 
“I’m happy I could make your day,” you joke as you reach for each other in greeting, Bucky’s fingers wrapping around your nape, lips pressing tightly against your cheek. He smells like spearmint, a bit musky like he’s worked up a sweat at some point during the day. You’re almost certain it’s sweat brought on by his boss and you already feel the need to apologize on his behalf for working Bucky up over what is assuredly nothing.
“Sweetheart, if you can fix his fucking attitude you’ll make more than just my day.” 
You’re sure you should be offended on some level, degraded maybe, but being called in to help improve Steve’s piss poor mood makes you feel special, makes you hot right where it counts. Knowing that others have done what they can to help improve his mood, his sharp tongue and his short patience, with no success makes you feel unique, privileged, one of a kind. It makes you hold your chin high. 
You know what your Daddy needs, know that you hold the answer to what will improve everyone’s day, starting with Steve’s own. Everyone knows why you’re here, everyone knows what you can bring to the boss that no one else can, and you aren’t ashamed in the slightest. 
You’re almost tempted to drop the thin, knee-length jacket you’re donning to the floor right where you stand outside Steve’s office. Then there would be no trace of doubt left behind as to why you’re here and what you’re bringing to the boss. 
“Anything I should know?” you inquire softly, Bucky immediately sighing and running a hand down his face in response to your question. 
“Nothin’ new, same prick as always, just maybe…times ten. Can’t get two words out without him snapping at you, not one goddamn thing is good news. Dealt with some trouble down in the borough himself, went a bit far. Might still be bloodied up from that. Didn’t even lift his spirits any.” 
It’s worse than you thought. Your plan immediately shifts in your head where you stand. He doesn’t need a docile, sweet partner— he needs that final push. You nod your head, mind quickly made up, and turn towards Steve’s office doors. 
“You sure you don’t wanna stick around, Buck?” you tease quietly, and it’s indeed a bad day if Bucky, although he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, shakes his head as he begins to walk away. 
“Goddamn, you know I’d love to, doll. But I can’t stick around and look at his ugly fuckin’ mug for one more second; I gotta go do some damage control. He may owe me for this, but I owe you.” 
Another time then. 
You wouldn’t have needed Bucky’s warning to know that Steve is indeed having an awful day; the state of his office is enough of a sign that things are not going well. Chairs are misplaced, papers scattered and quite obviously unorganized on both the coffee table and his desk. Steve enjoys a calm work environment, is a man that prioritizes tasks daily, enjoys sunlight and openness, demands serenity from the aspects of his life he can control. 
Steve is not having a very good day. 
You don’t bother locking the door; you aren’t worried about others seeing you with the boss. You almost hope it happens; it might improve his mood even further. You make quick work of the belt on your coat, slipping it off from your shoulders and draping it along the back of a chair. The crisp air of Steve’s office slips up your spine, your neck, down your nearly nude form. It’s comforting as it spreads across your heated body, has your shoulders squaring on their own accord. 
Your matching lingerie set is black and sheer, leaves nothing to the imagination with the strings of your thong resting high on your hips and your bra cupping your breasts perfectly. You leave your heels on, just as he’d like, same with your stockings. Steve is weak for the feel of their sheerness, softness, on his skin and you’ll take any sort of help you can get. 
His back is turned to you, his attention placed solely on whatever it is he is looking at at the table behind his desk. Even hunched over and irritated, he exudes such natural power and dominance you can’t help the warmth that builds between your legs, the way your eyelids droop at the sight of him alone. His dark slacks, his crisp white dress shirt that’s open at the collar, the ring on his pinky and the matching gold of a watch at his wrist, the ink that litters his body with purpose— he’s so obviously a man in charge. 
You want to console him, want to press your lips to his temple and hum, want to sit yourself in his lap and ground him, but from what Bucky has told you, that won’t work today. You're racking your brain of how to proceed when Steve is the one to speak up first.
You should have known that he would be more than aware of your presence. You’re the one that has snuck into his office unannounced and here he is, speaking up with a stern enough voice that it startles you. 
“What are you doin’ here, kitten?”
His tone demands an answer, an honest one and a quick one. It’s an impatient tone you aren’t used to but one that fits this environment. You’re bristled at his shortness but you don’t let it show, keeping your chin high and voice firm. 
“What do you think I’m doing here?” you respond with, beginning to slowly make your way in Steve’s direction, heels muted against the sprawling rug in his office, trailing your fingertip over the leather seats as you prowl. He scoffs then, a tiny noise that could be mistaken for something it isn’t, but to you it almost feels like a slap to the cheek, and not the kind you’re fond of. 
You continue to take steps in his direction nonetheless.
He turns and looks over his shoulder and there’s a brief moment where you feel you’ve won, where you feel victorious in your purpose in the way he allows himself  to drink you in, eyes damn near a physical touch as they roam your form. It is but a moment though, and he’s quick to turn his attention back in the other direction. 
You don’t think he’s ever rejected you. 
In fact, he’s always been quick to do the opposite, to make you more than aware that he craves you day and night. 
You’re immediately miffed, more than so. You look like a fucking bombshell, you left work early, you’re ready to help melt the stress away from your boyfriend’s day— how dare he not drop everything and crawl in your direction? 
You think you’re angry now, but then you hear him mumble a curt, “I’m a bit busy here, sweetheart,” and that’ll do it. 
Fuck him. 
You can’t even stop to see this situation from his point of view, can’t calm your emotions long enough to consider the circumstances that brought you here. You’re standing here in stockings and sheer lingerie and red bottoms and he wants to dismiss you? No, no. You don’t even hesitate to go for the kill, go right for what will piss him off the most. 
“Oh, that’s fine,” you start, voice deceivingly angelic as you glance down at your pristine manicure, paid for by him of course. “Bucky seemed to think I could come make your day, but if you want to be a dick about it, I’ll go see if he is willing to take full advantage of all of this.”  
You don’t even wait for him to say anything, digging your heel into the carpet as you turn your back on him, your body trembling all over in anger. You make sure he gets an eyeful though, the cherry on top surely being the sway of your hips, the view of your ass he can never say no to. 
You make it two steps towards the door after reaching for your coat before his hands are on you.
He wraps a thick arm around your waist, his other hand coming up to curl around the front of your throat, yanking you back against his chest. You can immediately feel the way his own body trembles with caged emotion, and while it should be a comfort to you, it is anything but. It could be pent up emotions from the day, it could be ones you’re bringing out right now. It could be a combination of the two. Either way, you do not find solidarity in your shared outbursts.
The fight within you is strong. You’re ready to take him on and if he wants to go about it in such a physical way, then so be it.
“You wanna run that by me again, kitten?” he spits lowly into your ear, holding you roughly against the rigid line of his much larger body. You don’t make it easy for him, twisting and bucking as much as you can as he pulls you back further into his office, further away from the door. As physically useless as the fight is, pushing back feels good. You dig your blood red nails into his forearm, thrash against his hold. 
“Yeah, sure,” you bite out like a brat, making sure to speak clearly. “If you’re not going to take advantage of me, I’m sure Bucky would love to. In fact—” 
Your words are muffled by his hand, the last of them drowned out by his growl. You kick over a chair as he picks you up off the floor, knocking it to the ground as you flail, and as you reach his desk, you happily tear your teeth into Steve’s palm. He only grunts in frustration, hand coming back down to your neck in an instant, frustration evident in the way his fingers curl around the column of it.
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth,” he whispers against your temple, and you can’t stop your husky laugh as it tumbles out of your mouth. 
“Daddy doesn’t mean that.”
With a noise of frustration, he has you shoved over his desk at the waist, hip bones digging sharply into the expensive oak. Your coat is long forgotten a few steps back and his hand is on your ass without pause, squeezing roughly at one cheek and then the other. The set of smacks that follow are startling, painful and succinct. 
You love it.
The huff you let out is intended to be one of irritation, of shock, but instead it comes out laced with throaty pleasure. Damn Steve Rogers and the size of his hands, his strength, his intimate knowledge of everything that makes your pussy throb and your walls crumble for him and only him. 
He may have you deliciously and physically restrained, but you’re still more than upset he didn’t want a taste of what you’ve brought to him, a taste of this. But he still hasn’t covered your mouth, and you’re not quite done pushing his buttons. 
“Daddy loves it when my mouth is wide open. Right, Daddy? Didn’t you say something like that last night?” 
You rarely speak to him this way, goading and aggressive, and you momentarily question whether or not you’re crossing a line. That is, until you feel his cock dig into the cushion of your ass cheek, the grind unintentional if his grumble turned bitten-off groan tells you anything. Perfect— you’ve just figured out how to help improve your boyfriend’s mood. 
You roll your ass back into his cock, swirl your hips back against his bulge.
With a snarl, he flips you, tosses you onto your back onto his desk. 
Goddamn. You pause for a moment to take note of how fucking hot Steve is when he’s angry. It’s different when it’s at you, you see this now. You’ve witnessed his anger directed at others, but you’ve not once been on the receiving end of it. Maybe you should make him angry more often. 
His chest heaves as he looks down at you, stormy eyes slow to rake over your surely flushed body, a normally slicked-back lock of hair curling over his forehead. The tattoos that lace the column of his throat seem more pronounced with his open collar and his heaving chest. There isn’t a stray beard hair in sight, the salt and pepper hairs trimmed close to his skin. The pause drags on for a few seconds more and you almost feel the need to heel and spread your legs and to give in. But that’s not what Steve needs. 
Instead you spread your legs and bring the point of your heel up to dig into his shoulder. 
He visibly grits his teeth as he gazes down hotly at you, his hands coming to grip your waist tight enough to make you wince. But you don’t break eye contact, even as he leans into your heel, even as he digs it further into his shoulder. Fuck, you’re in love with this man. 
“You think Bucky would tell me to keep my mouth closed?” you whisper without shame, leaning up onto your elbows to drive the point home. “You think he’d appreciate me coming into his office in his favorite pair of panties of mine, just about begging to be fucked?” 
It’s harsh, yes, but you’re still upset and you have a job to complete; you’re not a quitter. And it pays off immediately when Steve all but growls, “You think he can give you somethin’ I can’t?” 
You dig your foot into his chest with a hard shove. 
You can’t see the confusion in Steve’s features but you know it’s there. He can stay light on his feet all he wants but you’re hard to keep up with, you know this. 
Dropping your foot from his shoulder, you wrap both of them around his waist, damn near yanking him towards you. The impressive bulge in his pants is hard as steel and you whimper softly yet unashamedly when it grinds in tight against your panty-covered pussy, eyes still on his. Feeling his need for you, it’s easy for the anger to slightly clear and for you to finally consider the kind of day he’s had, that he needs you to prove to him that this is part of your purpose as his partner. 
“No, he can’t, Steven,” you sternly tell him, voice low yet demanding as you reach for the collar of his shirt, tugging. “No one can give me what you can give me.”
A spark of a flame reaches his eyes then, hitting him right where it counts, right in that possessive bone in his body. You speak into his mouth, his warm breath on your tongue causing your chest to constrict.
“But if you want to be a dick about me showing up looking hot as fuck, showing up just so you can fuck me and go about your day as the boss, then yes— I’m gonna tease you about someone else appreciating me” 
Steve rolls his hips slowly, deeply, rumbles as he rakes his hands up your torso to palm roughly at your breasts over your bra, your nipples pebbling immediately. He pinches them both before his hands are moving on. You hiss, clit throbbing at the rough attention. 
“You’re a real fuckin’ piece’a work. You know that?”
You dig your heels into his back when you huff, brazenly nipping at his chin. 
“Of course I know that. Now, fuck me, Daddy. Take it out on me, use me to feel better. Come on.” 
Steve never needs to be told twice; he’s a man of action. He takes full advantage of being told he has complete access to your body, reaching for the strings of your panties and ripping them down your legs carelessly. 
“Of fucking course you wore the stockings. Knew from the moment you walked in here. With these on, you’re up to no fuckin’ good.”
He grabs and squeezes at handfuls of your thighs as he speaks and you finally cave and give into the moment with a whine, head falling back onto the desk. Steve shoves your legs apart in the air around his body, his hand coming down tightly over your bare pussy, first one time and then a few smacks after that. Fuck. The sting of it is exactly what you want, what this moment is worthy of, and you clench desperately around nothing in response. 
“Motherfucker,” you damn near snarl, and where you’d normally spread your legs further and pout, you try your hardest to pull them tightly closed. Steve needs a fight, needs to burn off more energy than a normal fuck will provide him with. He proves you right once more when he pries your legs apart, uses a kind of force that you rarely see. You’re no match for his strength. Your legs are barely pressed together for two seconds before he’s got them spread yet again with a growl. 
You barely get out a hiss of “Yes,” before he’s draped over you, mouth latching onto your neck. It’s so much. In your head you hadn’t got as far as this, your plan only reaching up to you convincing Steve to have his way with you, and even that hadn’t gone as planned. You hadn’t considered how difficult it would be to keep your goal and purpose in the forefront of your mind while Steve actively ravaged your body. 
His mouth is brutal on your neck, the press of teeth and the suction of lips enough to leave you gasping, your hands making weak attempts at pushing him away. You feel him reach between your bodies and fumble with his belt, the zipper of his pants, and you force out an impatient noise to rile him up further. 
“Come on, Daddy— give it to me,” you murmur, reaching around to dig your hands into his ass. “Show this little pussy why you’re her Daddy, why you own her.” 
“Fuckin’ hell, kitten…”
He brings his hand up to his mouth, collects spit on a few of his fingers, brings them back down to his cock. He doesn’t slam his way inside of you, and while he ensures you aren’t in unwanted pain, that first deep slide is enough to shove you halfway to your climax already. The girth of him never fails to take your breath away, to send you sailing into orbit. 
His deep and appreciative groan is enough to have made all of this shit worth it, the chaos that was this almost failed attempt at providing your boyfriend with stress relief. It’s also enough to send you that much closer to your orgasm. 
There is no difference between the pushiness and aggression leading up to this point and this moment; Steve fucks you with unabashed emotion and need. You aren’t used to this, this sort of raw need, this force. The walls of your pussy strain to take him, to adjust. The sensation of Steve on top of you, between your legs, the whole weight of him pressing you into his desk, being selfish is foreign. 
Where Steve is usually smooth and focused and giving, this version of him is anything but.
He isn’t concerned about you for a second, not your pleasure or your feelings. His hands delve up into your hair, the both of them, twisting them as he fucks roughly up into your pussy, grinding and rolling and humping. He holds you where he wants you, restricts your movements and keeps you where he can best get his dick soaked. It’s a form of bliss you’ve not once experienced, and your shared eye contact, this heavy gaze he refuses to break, makes you choke on a sob. 
“Fuck it,” you bite out against his mouth, barely able to hear your words over the rush of blood in your ears, over the sound of him fucking into you with abandon. “You fuck that pussy like no one else can, Daddy. That’s Daddy’s pussy.”
Steve curses. Even as you say the words, you feel them directly in your clit, the throb of them intense. The forceful grinds with every other thrust presses the base of Steve’s cock tight against your clit, each one making you choke down a whimper. You’re shaking where you lay, nails digging encouragingly into the meat of Steve’s ass, legs spread wide, knees pressed back towards your shoulders. Steve has full access to you, as he deserves. The glide of him is sublime, the stretch of him enough to leave you panting, in and out, in and out. 
Your pussy feels so good being used the way that it is. You can’t catch your breath.
You aren’t the least bit surprised when your orgasm tears through you.
“Oh shit, that’s yours, that’s Daddy’s. That pussy comes for Daddy, all for—”
“Jesus Christ, you’re gonna milk me fuckin’ dry. Haven’t even been inside’a you for a minute and you’re fallin’ apart.” 
You openly sob, tears springing to your eyes as the sensitive walls of your pussy suck Steve in, flutter and pulse around his girth. He doesn’t stop, cock digging into that sweet spot inside of you, movement prolonging your orgasm as you groan. Your pussy is so wet you can feel it soaking the inside of your thighs, the base of Steve’s cock. 
You have half the mind to note that your plan is working, that Steve is finding his footing again, that he’s confident and feeling dominant, in charge. You can’t hold back your lax smile, and the way Steve all but scoffs at the sight of it makes you turn your face and reach for his teeth with your jaw. 
“Surely that’s not all you’ve got,” you hear yourself pant shakily, your voice and the way your limbs tremble betraying you in an instant. “Come on, big daddy— show ‘em why you’re the boss.”
He’s climbing onto the desk, still inside you, without a second thought. 
“Yes, yes—”
The smile that’s spread across your face is only present for a few seconds before you’re biting it away, Steve’s hands in your hair moving, one curling to scruff you by the nape of your neck. The other tears at your bra, impatiently ripping one cup down, your breast spilling out and into his waiting hand. He squeezes at you roughly, fingers smacking down tightly over your nipple. 
Your head bounces with his thrusts, only to be pulled back by Steve’s hand on your nape. He uses you like a doll, like a toy. It all makes you want to scream: the new angle allowing for Steve to fuck messiliy into you, the complete physical dominance, the animalistic noises Steve continues to let out, how wet and wrecked you feel and sound. It’s enough for tears to begin to stream down your face. 
Looking back, you’ll surely blame it on how startlingly emotional you became as he fucked you mercilessly, how unprepared you were for your body and mind’s reactions. You may blame it on how cockdrunk you are, how out of your mind the feeling of Steve dicking you down so thoroughly made you. 
You raise your hand and bring it down hard across his cheek. 
The crack of it is so shocking to you, both in sound and sensation on your palm, that you gasp raggedly. The moment seems to have called for it, such harsh treatment, but you hold your breath when Steve grunts, hips stilling, eyes wild when his head snaps back down to look at you. 
When he doesn’t say anything, you whimper, your whimper easily turning into a hiccup, too nervous to speak.
He punches his hips forward, silencing you with the stretch of him, with feeling him up in your guts. You blink back your tears as you bite down onto your lip.
“Again,” he finally rasps out, the hand on your nape slipping around to the front of your throat, squeezing. “Fuckin’ hit me again, kitten.” 
That’s it for the both of you.
Your opposite hand is up in the air and you do what you can to bring it down onto Steve’s other cheek with another sob, all while he fucks into you so roughly your body scrapes across his desk with every thrust. The smack is sloppy and only slightly makes contact with his jaw, but it’s enough to send the two of you hurtling towards your orgasms. 
Yours is so blinding it almost hurts, the way it bursts from your center and outwards. You can’t make a noise, a scream lodged in your throat, body making a valiant attempt at arching up into Steve’s own, shaking. You lay there and take your climax, let Daddy rob it from your body, drink it up. 
You know he’s coming by the way he squeezes your throat and bites out a gritty, “Fuck.”
“You better think twice about comin’ into my office and teasin’ me with your pussy again, little girl,” he pants into your ear, voice rougher than you’ve ever heard it to be, just able to cut through the fog in your mind. “Fuck, you wanna come up into my office tellin’ me you’re gonna go let somebody else have what’s mine?”
There’s not an ounce of fight left in you as your pussy continues to pulse and quiver around his cock, as you lay there splayed for him, taking his load.
“No, no! It’s Daddy’s, s’daddy’s pussy, all for Daddy. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m—” 
You’re babbling nonsense, the roll of Steve’s hips not slowing, the stroke of his cock along your inner walls making you dizzy. Your voice has turned nasally, small and whiny, just like Daddy likes it. Steve’s hand trembles around your neck. You can feel his come leak out of you, how messy you feel as he continues to fuck into you, hips slowing but not halting like you’re used to.
“No,” he groans, shaking his head, his lips smearing messily against your cheek, your jaw. “You’ve got nothin’ to be sorry for, baby. You know me so fuckin’ well, know just what your Daddy needs. You’re perfect, fuck, a perfect goddamn angel.” 
There’s nothing else he could have said that would make you feel the way you do now. You’re pushing overstimulation, thighs trembling around Steve’s waist, chest heaving as you’re left sucking air into your lungs. Your body and mind have been sent to hell and back and you didn’t realize how badly you wanted to hear Steve reassure you that this was okay, that everything you’ve done and said was acceptable. 
You pull him down to you with another hitch in your breath, fingers slipping through his hair, arms winding around his neck.
He begins to litter your face with kisses once he finally does slow and eventually stops the slide of his cock, hissing, body settling down onto your own with a heaving sigh. The weight of him is hefty but welcomed, the reminder of his sturdiness something that you let settle into your bones. 
“Don’t be sorry, kitten. I won’t allow it. Not after that.” 
You hum.
“So bossy,” is all you murmur into his beard, your legs slipping down the backs of his own, holding him close. 
“I’m pretty sure you were just tellin’ me to prove I was the boss, so…”
You merely harrumph in response; you’re done arguing for the day, possibly the week.
After a few blessed, silent moments of breathing and coming down from your shared high together, you begin to let a sense of accomplishment slip through your mind. You were brought in to help, to bring Steve out of his head and to improve his mood and therefore the mood of everyone else in his presence. You’ve made a difference, have helped your Daddy, were thoroughly dicked down in the process. And even though this was more emotionally heavy than you anticipated, you feel good. 
“I’m sorry,” Steve eventually breaks the silence with, pulling his head back in order to look you in the eyes as he apologizes. He always has to look you in the eyes when you’re sharing serious words. Communication is something he values highly, your constant honesty with one another a must for him and in turn you. In his line of work, how he spends his days, he can’t risk the two of you not being on the same page.
He kisses your lips softly, his hands slipping through your hair.
“I’m sorry for not giving you the attention you deserved when you walked in here, baby.” 
You shake your head. “I should have been more cognizant of your mood and how your day has gone. I’m sorry too.” 
He kisses you again, once and then twice, lips soft and gentle with your own. 
“What I’m not going to apologize for,” he whispers then, voice deep and mischievous, “is everything that led up to you smackin’ me.”
You giggle, first softly and then louder as Steve grips your chin and doesn’t let you shy away from his eye contact. He nips at your chin. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. Where the hell did that come from?” 
“I don’t know! I…it just felt right. I’m so—” 
“Nope,” he cuts you off quickly, nose nudging your own. “No apologizing, I already said that. You’re perfect. I’m serious— this was just what I needed.”
You sigh into his next set of kisses, exhaustion slowly seeping into your bones.
“Well, you’ll have to thank Bucky for this later.” 
“I will do no such thing.” 
He slips from your body then, motioning for you to stay where you are and to not move. You don’t think you could sit up without help. He comes back from the adjacent bathroom looking everything provider and Alpha and Daddy, slacks buttoned and white shirt tucked into them. He cleans you off with a warm washcloth, puts the pieces of your sexy getup that are out of place back to where they belong. His hands linger on your thighs, stroking at the softness of your stockings. 
He touches you with such gentleness and care. It’s so different from the touches he gave you just moments before, the ones you can feel growing sore already. 
“I love you,” you find yourself whispering once he’s pulled you into a sitting position on his desk, taking a seat behind it in his chair. He pulls you easily to the edge, takes both of your hands into his own, brings them each to his lips. 
“I love you as well, sweetheart,” he purrs, hands moving to grip at your hips, to pull at them like he does when he’s feeling ready for another round. Surely he isn’t, not after that. He leans forward, kisses the top of each of your breasts. 
“I was rough on you wasn’t I, kitten? Gonna have to make it up to her later, get my mouth on her and give her kisses to—” 
Bucky doesn’t even knock when he enters the office, walks right in as if it’s his own. He doesn’t care that you’re practically naked, that you’ve obviously been fucked to the edge of your life, that the two of your are surely flushed and marked enough to prove what you’ve just been spending your time doing. He walks right up to Steve’s desk, hands in his pockets, casual. 
“You missed the show, Buck,” Steve grumbles, pulling you closer and gathering you into his lap, not wanting your near naked body to be seen by his right hand man. As if he hasn’t seen it before. Bucky whistles low, throws a wink over your way that you catch over your shoulder. 
“Oh, no no no,” Bucky rumbles knowingly. “I don’t think anyone in this house missed that show…Daddy.”
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welcometololaland · 9 months
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wip wednesday
y'all - i feel like i've been so fucking annoying lately but i'm here to request one thing of you - give me some juicy snippets to read because i'm finally on top of my shit. and i've always wanted to start wip wednesday (for all i know someone has already started it but don't rain on my parade! let me live in denial) and now i maybe can. This is from ALTA which is (omg) so close to being posted. 10 days. fuck. i'm not ready (i am).
“She’s really gone, isn’t she?” TK asks, his voice breaking as his head remains burrowed into Carlos’ shoulder. He’s stopped shaking now, which Carlos takes to be a good sign, but he’s cried so persistently that the whole front of Carlos’ jacket is wet. 
He pauses, leans back and cups TK’s face in his hands, using his thumbs to brush away a few errant tears. He briefly considers making a passionate speech about TK’s mother being dead but not gone – living on in his heart – but then he decides for pragmatism. He thinks TK will appreciate that more, anyway.
“Yes,” he says simply. “But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to accept.”
TK sniffs, his glazed eyes staring helplessly into Carlos’ own. “What do I do now, Carlos?”
Carlos sighs, brushing away another of TK's tears. “I’m not really sure, TK,” he admits. “But right now, I can take you home. It might be nice to cry somewhere that isn’t your high school computer lab.”
A tiny, hesitant smile appears at the corners of TK’s mouth. “I think my dad will be relieved,” he says. “He keeps asking why I haven’t cried yet, like it's some kind of crime.”
“Well, he’s definitely going to be pleased to see you,” Carlos points out, as TK nods tearfully. 
“Could you— Do you mind coming with me?” TK asks as Carlos steps back and drops his hands. “I don’t really want to be alone and my dad is driving me nuts. My other friends…they wouldn’t understand.”
“I hope they do understand, TK,” Carlos replies solemnly, collecting his books and following TK out of the darkened classroom. “I think everyone will do their best to support you.”
TK makes a non-committal sound as they walk down the empty hall – devoid of students – amplifying the sound of their sneakers on the linoleum. “Not like you,” he says, after a pause. “I know we’ve only been friends for a little bit, but you’re different.”
“Oh yeah?” Carlos asks, pushing open the front doors and following TK down the steps. “In what way?”
TK pauses, looking back up at Carlos as he descends the stairs, a pensive look on his face. “You’re good, Carlos,” he replies simply. “You’re good for me.”
Open tag for anyone to share but also some targeted attacks under the cut (with insane requests, feel free to ignore me)!!!
@theghostofashton (need some exes to lovers PLEASE), @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut (boxing AU boxing AU!), @goodways (got a tasty treat shannon?) @reyesstrand (food fic???) @strandnreyes (please don't hurt me but you can if you want) @rmd-writes (just because i love you) @heartstringsduet (FIRST AID?!) @carlos-in-glasses (what's next up CIG?) @birdclowns (your wip snippet game has me blurry eyed, i must know more) @fitzherbertssmolder (any comic progress?) @louis-ii-reyes-strand (been loving your snippets) @lilythesilly (fighter pilot AU?!) @kiloskywalker (tarlos fighter pilot AU????) @sanjuwrites (soulmates????) @three-drink-amy (teacher AU teacher AU teacher AU!!) @chicgeekgirl89 (any yachts about?) @lemonlyman-dotcom (some music fic for my ears???) @wandering-night19 (4 x 18 coda???) @thisbuildinghasfeelings (cross stitching update??!!!) @freneticfloetry (something from the soulmates timer fic???) @alrightbuckaroo (summer parisian au my beloved!!!!) @cha-melodius (you've got mail AU????) @redshirt2 (anything you would like to contribute, i'd just love you to keep feeding me!) @iboatedhere (how are those prompts???) @orchidscript (lovingly bullying you to keep writing) @marjansmarwani (i know the words are hard but also i am lovingly bullying you as well <3) @morganaspendragonss (has angst queen got anything this week?) @lightningboltreader (THAT ANGSTY ONE BED THING I AM SCARED BUT I WANT)
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onomatopiya · 11 months
writer tag game!
hiiii thank you @avi-why for tagging me this game seems so fun :D
1. is there a common piece of writing advice that you disagree with? alternatively, is there one you think (generally) most people should follow?
oooooh okay! generally i dislike any hard absolutes like "don't use adverbs ever" because i mean. no piece of advice like that will ever be universal and it's important to consider what Your Piece of writing needs rather than trying to fit a set of ~arbitrary guidelines~
as for advice i think works, i think consistency in writing will always be key to improvement. i like. very heavily stagnated in actual writing after covid (i was like. good lord i was 15 then. wild) because i got bogged down trying to make my book Perfect. and i think if i had actually written more during that time i would be a much better writer now! more writing = more improvement and practice makes pretty damn close to perfect etc etc
2. you can have dinner with any author, living or dead. but the catch is that after the dinner, you and that author will team up against a third writer in a no holds barred cage match throwdown. which 2 authors do you pick?
OOOOH ok. i'm currently very enamored with andrew joseph white and lee mandelo's writing because they both write GORGEOUS prose so maybe one of them? OOO or r.f. kuang . i think tolstoy should get got in the cage match. cry old man
3. have you ever experimented with poetry, plays, or screenwriting? what was the result?
YES i have and now i have a web series. help girl this was not supposed to be longer than a short fiction piece and yet. also shameless self plug you can read my web series about a dead girl haunting her own narrative HERE: https://gloryburning.substack.com/
i do want to experiment more with poetry though!!! that's one medium i haven't really dipped my toes into so to speak
4. what type of rancid twitter discourse would your current wip generate?
oh god what discourse WOULDN'T rr spark. i definitely think having an aroace mc weaponize someone else's attraction to him is probably um. discourse worthy. my top fear is that someone unironically ships lahar (romance and sex repulsed aroace) with anthony (horrible white savior who has no semblance of self) some other notable things that happen in the book:
diversity loss the capitalist kendall roy ass character (anthony) is gay
people of color get to KILL
ruh roh! tragedy :(
horrible horrible body augmentations with dangerous and ableist implications
so much murder. so much assassination. god bless
5. what author would you love to be compared to? what author would you hate to be compared to?
OOOOOOH . uhhhh i love so many authors oh god. i do love neil gaiman i would be so floored if someone compared me to that guy. OH and terry pratchett . probably would not want to be compared to like. jkr. booooo
6. design the ideal piece of merch/swag for your wip.
oh this one is so me bait. i have serious merch and then deeply unserious merch
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7. free space: what's one thing you really want to talk about in your writing that no one ever asks about?
I LOVE soulmate horror and just. idk taking different concepts and hitting them with my aroace beam. i love aroace horror i love aroace people. and i think there should be more weird aspec fiction
and question time. putting them below the cut along with tags
what's the first story you can remember writing? how does it compare to the way your writing has evolved? where do you see your writing going in the future?
what parts of yourself (if any) have gone into your current wip? alternatively, how would you fare if you were suddenly dropped into your own wip?
what's one quality of your writing that feels completely unique? what's one thing you want to improve upon in the future?
make or share a meme that you feel captures the essence of your wip.
what are your goals as a writer? do you want to publish? is your writing for your eyes only?
which of your characters is your favorite to write and why?
free space: feel free to be self indulgent--do you have any aus or your wips? if so, what, and if not, what aus/fanfic would you write of your work?
tagging: @macywrites, @cream-and-tea, @saltwaterbells, @coffeeandcalligraphy, @wren-is-writing, @encrucijada, @snowinks, @chayscribbles, @cuntylittlesalmon, and anyone else who wants to do this
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player1064 · 2 months
feb 2016 🤔
WIP asks but it's just the various sections of my happy (???) beville (/angsty carraville) WIP
quick authors note this is smutty but not THAT smutty but also possibly the smuttiest thing I've ever written in my life which is not saying much but this is just to say. go easy on me on that front 😅
February, 2016.
It feels a bit pathetic to admit, but Gary’s only slept with one person his whole life. His mates tease him about it, even Becks does sometimes, but to Gary it’s almost a point of pride. He’s spent the last twenty years honing his skill in the art that is making love to David Beckham, and he’s not just tooting his own horn when he says he’s damn good at it.
This, though, this isn’t making love. This is fucking, plain and simple and ugly. And it’s not David.
He’s on his back on a king-sized bed in a hotel room in Barcelona, and he’s staring resolutely up at the ceiling trying not to think too much about the fact that it’s Jamie Carragher looming over him, Jamie Carragher pinning his wrists above his head, Jamie Carragher’s dick pushing inside him.
It’s rough, not in an unpractised way (almost suspiciously not, when Gary thinks of the cool silver band still sitting on Jamie’s finger), but in a ‘this is all I want from you’ way. In a ‘this is all you deserve’ way.
Becks is never rough with him. He can’t be, it’s just not who he is. Even when they were younger, when everything was new and exciting and they were still trying to learn what made each other tick, even then, when Gary had asked if he could try throwing him round a bit, he’d never been able to make it work. He loves Gary too much to hurt him, he’d said, apologetic. Not even consensually.
Jamie Carragher has no such fucking problem.
He’s muttering as he thrusts, a mixture of insults and obscenities that Gary’s mostly tuned out. He scrapes his teeth over Gary’s sensitive spots, just on the wrong side of too much pressure, and he presses his fingers so hard into the soft flesh of Gary’s middle that he just knows it’s going to leave a mess of bruises behind.
A mess of bruises which Becks won’t ever need to know are there, because when Gary goes home tomorrow it’ll be to the house he’s renting in Valencia, the one that’s always so jarringly quiet and empty because Becks isn’t there, Becks is still in Manchester.
The thought makes tears prick in his eyes, and Jamie pauses, moves a hand up to touch Gary’s cheek, unnervingly gentle. Gary has no choice but to look at him, them, to remind himself what it is exactly he’s doing here. That’s enough to push him over the edge, he feels a tear well over and roll down his cheek, clamps his lips shut before there’s a chance for a sob to escape.
Jamie, still too gentle, brushes the tear away with his thumb. He’s frowning, worried even as he’s panting from the exertion, even as he’s kneeling there with his dick halfway into Gary’s arse.
“Don’t,” he says quickly, looking away again with an embarrassed blush. “Please, just don’t. I said I wanted a distraction, didn’t I, so fuckin’ get on with it.”
“Are y’sure?”
Gary nods, and Jamie does too, just once in confirmation, before his fingers go to grip Gary’s hips and he pushes back inside of him, the force of it painful in the exact right way.
Later, when they’re done, Jamie rolls off Gary and onto his back, sweaty and exhausted. He grins when Gary turns his head to look at him, opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, and Gary leaps out of the bed to run to the bathroom and throw up.
Oh, God.
What has he done.
Jamie gives him a minute before following him into the bathroom, squatting down next to him to rub his back as he sobs over the toilet bowl.
“This is makin’ me feel all wrong, Gary. I never meant to upset you, I thought you wanted it like –”
“—I did,” Gary interrupts. “I did, this is nothin’ to do w’that. ‘snothin’ to do w’you, don’t be so full of yourself.”
“Well excuse me for worryin’, I’ve never ‘ad someone cry while I’m fuckin’ them before.”
“You fuck a lot of people, then?” Gary asks, turning to look pointedly at Jamie’s wedding ring.
Jamie bristles. “Maybe I do, yeah. None of your fuckin’ business, is it? You’re the one who was askin’ for it, you desperate slut.”
Despite having come just a few minutes ago, despite being knelt on a cold bathroom floor with tear tracks on his face and the taste of vomit in his mouth, Gary feels his dick twitch with interest at the words, just a tiny bit. He feels his cheeks flush, hopes Jamie hasn’t noticed.
“I’ve never –” Gary takes a shaky breath. “I’ve never done nothin’ like this before. I’m – I have someone. I’ve had someone, for last twenty years. We never, uh, we’ve never had to live apart before, not for this long. It’s been tough. And that loss, today…”
He sighs, lets himself lean back against Jamie’s bare chest, lets Jamie press a kiss to the crown of his head.
“It stops feelin’ so bad, eventually,” he says softly. “The guilt. You get used to it. But I know, the first time is – I never knew you ‘ad a partner.”
“No, ‘cause it’s none of your fucking business, Jamie. And this isn’t – this isn’t a first time, it’s an only time. You might be able to fuck around all you want, but that’s not me.”
“Ha ha,” Jamie says flatly. “Who knows, Gary, maybe you’ll be back in Manchester with yer partner sooner’n you think, the way people were goin’ on in that press conference.”
“Don’t even fuckin’ joke about that, Carra, what a shitshow.”
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msnihilist · 4 months
you know about the fanfiction thing you said I remembered that I always wanted a long fic about ben which is about him disappearing and getting captured and and when while everyone think he's dead all the people who care about him come running to his rescue and kind of like help him to cure his mental or physical wounds but never really saw anyone writing it actually and I'm not that good to write something like this :( so I just wanted to know does anyone like something similar to this story lol
Well, anon, there are two sure-fire ways to get what you want: do it yourself, or pay someone else to do it. (I happen to take commissions, and I'm currently working on a Ben 10 one right now!)
I think you can do it yourself, though :) You already have an idea, and passion is the perfect starting point! Why not open a document and just write a scene that you think would be cool? You don't have to share it with anyone. Everyone starts somewhere.
I've actually got a WIP that's pretty similar to your idea that I'm about 8.5k words deep in. It's about Ben going missing and the lengths his friends go to in order to bring him home.
While I work on that, here's some already-posted Ben-whump fics to keep you busy, anon. And remember: leave comments if you want to foster a community. If you enjoy any of these fics, please let the author know!
These three are all oneshots.
Old Wounds, New Bruises by lenin_it_to_win_it
After seeing some of Ben's scars for the first time, Rook is determined to protect his partner from further injury. However, Ben's emotional wounds prove harder to manage.
Only Fools Would Love Me by Yalvaberry
"Ben, Ben, please, please, please no, I don't-" A sob.
Kevin looks back. His mind feels jumbled, split into two - Morgg is getting away! - but his feet don't want to cooperate, they seem to have a mind of their own as they carefully lead him back up the tunnel he came from.
"Ben, what do I-"
Kevin listens as he trudges back. The dirt crunches beneath his feet. Curiosity pulls at him, pushes him forward, morbid, because somehow, somewhere in his head, he thinks he already knows what he's going to see.
Set during the episode "...Nor Iron Bars a Cage" in Ultimate Alien. What if Kevin accidentally kills Ben inside the mines?
You Can Hold Him (Just Not Too Close) by MashpotatoeQueen
Ben puts the Omnitrix back on, and she stares at it in hatred- only for a moment though, just one moment- and wishes that her cousin had never found it. Because now Ben isn’t a fan of being held, not anymore, and the reason for it lies in that stupid watch.
(That stupid watch that saved the world, that makes Ben feel safe even as it puts him in danger.)
But she says nothing, nothing until late one night Ben calls her, and his voice is shaky and a little too high to be normal, breathing coming too fast and jokes falling a little flat, and she remembers the conversations at three AM in the old Rustbucket and this time she gets them for what they are.
She hums, says quietly, “Ben, you’re okay, you’re okay. You’re safe.”
And Ben laughs, except it sounds a bit like crying, and he’s murmuring about how sorry he is, about how he usually calls Grandpa Max, but that Grandpa Max is gone and he doesn’t know what to do-
“It’s fine.”
It’s not- her kid cousin being too terrified to be alone in the dark in his own room will never be okay- but she doesn’t say that. Just hums again, quietly, and says, “It’s fine, Ben,” and prays that it will be soon.
Here are some of my own fics that deal with Ben-centric hurt/comfort:
Nothing Left to Say
Gwendolyn makes the executive decision that Ben needs to be emotionally vulnerable for a day. The fastest and easiest way to achieve that is with a truth potion. It seems like a good idea on paper, but it soon becomes clear why the formula is a forbidden one.
Some things, it seems, are better left unsaid.
Meteor Shower
With the aftermath of Captian Nemesis’ escape from prison and Jennifer Nocturne’s alleged kidnapping, Kevin realized that he had some mending to do with his teammates. [Episode continuation of “Catch a Falling Star.”]
Put Your Strength Down
There's blood smeared on the doorknob when Sandra gets home. Her stomach clenches with worry, but it doesn't rattle her the way that it used to.
Every time she does this, Sandra reminds herself that it could always be worse.
The timer starts at fifty-nine, and it immediately begins counting down.
Kevin only has a minute to make a choice that he'll regret for the rest of his life.
Overloading the Omnitrix should be near-impossible, but as faulty as the Ultimatrix is, Ben really shouldn’t be surprised that it blows up in his face. Literally.
The Omnitrix had long-since been, well, attached to Ben’s wrist. Unfortunately, Ben didn��t anticipate just how far it would go to always be a part of him.
The World Grows Green Again
When Ben's life is saved by a masked stranger, it offers Ben and Rook a glimpse into a horrible future.
Diamonds Are Forever
A year after Petropia’s re-creation, Ben and Rook are assigned a deceivingly simple job on the planet — overseeing an "official yearly Plumber check" to ensure that societal development and reassimilation with the galaxy is going smoothly.
With Tetrax acting as their guide, it soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems. Digging through conspiracies and figuring out who can be trusted, they find that the glittering surface of the planet is covering a horrible plot against the Petrosapiens, which may hide roots closer to home than any of them realized.
NOTE: This is definitely the fic where I hurt Ben the most! Emotionally, psychologically, and especially physically. He leaves this fic permanently disfigured. Ben gets stabbed, passes out from blood loss, watches his allies get killed in front of him, is experimented on, fed through a tube, is betrayed again and again, and much, much more.
There's also a section of this fic where Ben is kidnapped and Rook, Gwen, and Kevin must work together to rescue him.
I tagged DAF with blood and gore, body horror, major injuries, and I'm not fucking joking!!
Anyway, anon, I hope that provides some reading material/writing inspiration :) Good luck! I believe in you!!!
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elvenbeard · 11 months
WIP Wednesday!
Aaahhhh!!! It's Wednesday again!! thanks for the tag and reminder @theviridianbunny :D
Okay so... I have too many wips, but what is new?
Modding Stuff
Currently trying to get into pose modding because I'm loving what @humberg is doing and we're kind of egging each other on with stuff to make XD I'm loving it!!
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This is pretty much all I have as of right now, I wanna get started with some hand holding poses (humberg is doing all the cuddling in the meantime :D). There's gonna be so much fluff, be ready for it!!
Still trying to find my way back into Blender, but I love imagining all the scenarios and scenes and asödhfasödfhsdf really looking forward to this XD In the meantime, all my other neglected modding ideas are crying. I need more hours in my day!
Writing Stuff
Continuing "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar" a little bit more slowly, but steadily! Chapter 7 is in the works and the boys are gonna be in trouble 👀
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VP Stuff
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Just the tiniest preview!! I took these like two weeks ago but still didn't get around to editing them 😩 I need more hours in my days 2.0. But yes, get ready for some summer vibes pics soon-ish (I hope). And yes, I'm still obsessed with @pinkyjulien's Dad Shirts, don't call me out.
Art Stuff
I have actually done a tiny bit of drawing (although I wanna do so much more 😩 I need more hours in my day 3.0... and someone to just pay me to do blorbo content 24/7 so I dont need a dayjob anymore XD). No but really XD I sketched out several little comics MONTHS ago and never got around to refining them a bit, I would like to start with this one though maybe:
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This is page 3/10, my fave so far XD A lot of work is still needed, as I wanna do this in full color, because, why not XD But yeah... with everything else currently on my to do list it's hard to start somewhere sometimes XD
What would you start with? XD *youtuber voice* let me know in the comments!
If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged to share a WIP of your own :3
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steddieficrecs · 1 year
Steddie WIPs/Unfinished Fics
⚠️read at your own risk⚠️
Smokin' in the Boys Room by SgntToastybuns
Steve Harrington is nearing the end of his senior year of high school and he has no idea where he's heading in life. His parents are absent, he recently broke up with his girlfriend, and now he's talking to crying band geeks in the boy's bathroom. Maybe getting high with Eddie 'The Freak' Munson will make him feel better.
AU without the Upside Down and Steve becomes friends with Robin and Eddie much sooner.
who are you? (the right one) by percylicious39
"Now, Wayne obviously knows about his nephew's preferences in partners, that one time a glaringly indisputable proof, but he couldn't quite frankly give a single damn about it, love is love and all that crap. Not that he'd understand anything about that crap. Anyway, he has seen Eddie shove enough boys out of his tiny bedroom window to know that they never get to spend the night, and they never get to prepare Eddie's favorite tea at four in the morning on a Wednesday without Eddie even being present in the room. So what the actual hell is this one doing here? And where is Eddie?"
Or five times Wayne meets Eddie's boyfriend and that time he finally learns his name.
Operation Get Steve a Boyfriend by MothToTheFlame
“Steve,” Dustin declares, a hand placed on his chest. “It would be my honor to be your wingman.”
5 times Dustin tries to set Steve up with Eddie, and the 1 time it actually works.
Eddie Motherlovin' Munson by VacumCleanr (CharTheQ)
In which Karen Wheeler has a thing for long haired metalheads in tight jeans, and Steve is jealous as all hell.
Punk Princess by YouMakeMyHeartHowl
Steve Harrington spends the summer of 84' learning about Punk culture and Queer culture and comes back his senior year as a whole new man
Eddie is gay panicking all over the place
So is Steve
Harrington Charm(s Hellfire) by sailors_ink
Sometimes Eddie thinks the real Upside-Down is his life after they close the gates and save the world because this? This thing where his band, his club, his friends are all intruding on his own personal Steve time?
Not fun. No, not fun in the slightest.
off the beaten path by pukner
"I'm saying this," says Steve, loudly, cutting him off, "because someone I love is, uh, gay. And I love them, but like, platonically. And also me calling you a queer might've been a little hypocritical, in restrospect."
There is a long, baffled pause.
"What," says Jonathan, "Steve, are you--are you coming out to me?"
Steve frowns, "Oh, yeah, I guess I am. Cool."
Or, post season 3, Steve manages to figure out that he's bisexual, despite his best efforts to repress it, comes out to Robin and Jonathan Byers of all people, and figures himself out. Also, there's a cute guy who might be actually insane running the kids' dnd club and he's got his eye on him. And his bandana.
Too bad Eddie Munson hasn't had a similar revelation. He's still under the impression that he's a straight man obsessing over Steve Harrington for normal, extremely heterosexual reasons.
OR: Steve figures out he's bi before Eddie figures out that he's gay. Eddie still manages to fall first.
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In by KiaraMGrey
When Steve finds himself alone and without friends, following his breakup with Nancy, he decides what he needs is a distraction. Maybe some new friends who don't remind him of the bullshit life he gave up. When he literally runs into Eddie Munson, school drug dealer and self proclaimed freak, an idea begins to form. Who better to show him what life outside popularity can be like, than someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks?
And Eddie? Well, Eddie is just bracing for impact.
you can let it all go by lyrical_litany
After the portals close, life goes on. Eddie and Steve sort through it together.
the future of the Party through the eyes of Eddie and Steve.
Caught in the Middle by Yamiswift
In the aftermath of Vecna Eddie can't seem to stop himself flirting with Steve. In the space of a single conversation he's told the guy to keep the jacket, compared himself to a fair maiden, and fucking winked apparently! Surely there's still some monsters left so he can fling himself into the upside-down and not have to face how embarassing he's being.
Steve is certain that all the feelings he's been having about Eddie are platonic with a captial P. True, he can't stop looking at the guy, and touching him, and thinking about how pretty he is and how soft his hair looks- But that's all totally normal friend stuff. Totally, completely, normal.
A fic exploring how the aftermath of vol. 2 could have gone had Vecna been defeated a few minutes earlier. Featuring Eddie's disaster flirting, The Jacket, Steve and Robin playing detective about Steve's sexuality, a Bi-awakening, Steve and Eddie co-parenting six children, and everyone else's reactions to the whole mess.
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'Allo! 7, 8, and 15 for the ask game? :D
7. what are three songs you put on your WIP-playlist this year?
So I don't really have a wip playlist, but I have a general playlist I use for writing (mostly essays for school, but anything that's being a pain in the ass or I need to get done I use it for) plus a couple ones form when I'm working on specific wips, and those got a bunch of new editions! (the entire playlist, actually, the playlists for writing a specific wip didn't exist until this year).
Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin (fun fact: I couldnt remember the name of this song when I was talking to my friend once so I called it the harmonica lesbians song) (frost & fire/enna's prequel writing playlist)
Once and For All from the Newsies musical sound track (herald at dawn writing playlist)
Big Dreams in a Small Town by Restless Heart (herald at dawn AND frost & fire/ennas prequel writing playlsit)
8. what are three things you're looking forward to next year?
I'm really looking forward to doing the worldbuilding for herald at dawn. its going to be so much fun, i can't wait. and also working on fleshing out the proper plot of ennas prequel and frost & fire. and the third thing is probably just getting back into writeblr in general because damn did i not have any spoons or motivation for like a year and a half. but i has both of those now!!!
15. time for shameless self-promotion! answer with a piece of writing you want others to see/read! (if you have nothing posted/published this year, any other year is fine too ^^)
I love this bit so much. so fucking much. its the prologue to enna's prequel and i love it.
631 words. tw/cw: referenced murder, blood, graphic description of torture (no actual depiction of it, its a threat made by one character to another), someone trying to kill their relatives
In the tunnel there was a girl standing alone. Her name was Enna. She was crying, tears streaking tracks down her cheeks, and her shirt was wet with blood that did not belong to her. She stood in a stone tunnel with an arched ceiling. The floor was hard packed dirt, with the occasional flagstone poking out from underneath.
Her black-and-blue hair was in a simple braid down her back. It ended just above her waist. She was staring at someone in the distance, no more than 15 feet past. Her eyes were wide and wet; despite that, they were fierce, a hint of fire burning in the depths inside them. She reminded the elf at the end of the passageway of her mother. Stubborn and full of a fierce anger; one that was strong enough to burn down cities.
She didn’t make any move towards the elf. She knew she couldn’t win whatever fight would happen if she tried to stop him. Enna did not yet wish to join her brother in death. Instead, Enna asked one question. Just one, and nothing else. “Why?” she said, voice shaky. “Why did you kill my brother?”
The elf half turned, his face cast in shadow. “You wish to know why?” the man laughed, a deep, bone chilling, hollow laugh that Enna would never forget. “There are more powerful forces in this world than you know, girl, and it would do you wise to listen where your brother did not. Stay out of matters you do not, cannot, understand. Die now and redeem yourself from the crimes of your mother.”
“You knew my mother?” asked Enna, her voice soft and hollow.
“Yes. Why would I not, Enna Marie?” The elf leaned forward until his face hit the edge of the pool of low lamplight. Icy blue skin, a face framed by black hair, and a pair of eyes she saw in her own face everyday. Green eyes, eyes the color of emeralds and of even finer stones Enna could not hope to see. “I am your uncle, girl,” he spat. “I know of every ‘accident’; of the blasphemy that resulted in the birth of you and your heathen twin.”
His voice echoed as he drew back from the light. “I will make you pay for that. I will make you bleed and I will make you until you scream until that little dammed father of yours comes running. And I will make him watch as I bleed his two little girls dry, just as I did to his son.”
“My father is dead,” said Enna, softly. It was the only thing she could think of to say. “I don’t even know his name.” But no one was around to hear her. Echoing in the silence was a bone chilling laugh that would haunt her nightmares for decades to come.
Her uncle was long gone by the time anyone came down the passage to accuse her of fratricide, of the murder of her brother.
It was not Enna who had killed her brother, not Enna who had committed that most grievous of transgressions, the killing of one’s own blood, not yet. It was her uncle who had killed Zephyr, who had murdered the son of his once beloved sister.
But her pleas of innocence were not to be believed, and Enna would carry that blame for a decade and a half. Some people would never forgive her. Some people forgave her even before she did it, and some people believed her—that she did not need to be forgiven, because she had not done anything.
Enna would not die an innocent, not today. She would run, and run, and run. She would keep running until she could run no longer, and then she took the name Marie.
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atths--twice · 7 months
20 Fanfic Questions
I was tagged by @baronessblixen during the craziness of Fictober and I didn't get a chance to read her responses to her own questions until today. I also had the time to answer my own 20 questions. 😊
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
1,638,714. And the vast majority of those words have been written on my phone. I would say… about 95% of them. (Please imagine a blinking eye gif here, because whaaaaaat…😳)
3. What fandoms do you write for?  
Mainly The X-Files, but I have written one for Sex Education and also a Mary Poppins story. (Bert and Mary were my first ship. I saw it in the movie theater in 1980 when I was five years old.  Even that young, I had a little shipper heart because I wanted them to be together so badly.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Per Cor Meum 
Shared Kisses
Green Is Not Your Color
After the Credits
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?  
Yes and no. I used to be much better about it, but I so often don’t respond on ao3, but I do on social media outlets. I think it’s more the ease of it and the accessibility of a social media site. But I absolutely love and appreciate every single comment. I cry or laugh over them and always share them with my bestie. They make me incredibly happy. ❤️
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?  
I don’t think I have any. I try to leave the story with a somewhat happy ending, or at least a hopeful one. That’s always my goal because… maybe there’s hope. 
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  
Hmm… most of them. Like I said, I try to leave them hopeful and at least attempt happiness where it may not have been previously. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?  
I have before, but only a couple. The one that sticks with me the most though was from an anonymous person who left a comment that said when an idea is discussed on social media and a story is suggested to be written about said discussion, I’m always quick to get a story out, before giving others a chance to do the same. So as a result, I’m a horrible person who writes “insipid” stories just to say I did it first and “you just… you SUCK at it.”
When I first read that, it hurt for sure, because it made the time I spent writing a story that immediately popped into my head and would not stop begging for my attention, seem trivial and small. It made me feel as though my writing was inconsequential and I should stop wasting my time doing it. It put a dark cloud over me for a wee bit, but then I got past it, though it still sticks in the back of my head there and I think about it from time to time. But I’m still here and still writing stories, almost at 300 now, so whoever wrote that can go ahead and get fucked. ✌
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes I do, but not always. And I suppose by kind, it means mild or hardcore, so I would say somewhere in between. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? 
No. I’ve not done that as of yet. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Stolen, no. But I was approached by someone about the dialogue that I used in a story being similar to what they had written in their own story. But as I pointed out to them, it was the dialogue from the show itself, so… 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have a few times! It’s fun and I enjoyed working with all the writers. 
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Mulder and Scully for sure. I adore them so much. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a couple that I do want to finish so badly, I just need to do it. So, I’m going to choose to say, please continue being patient with me. 😊
16. What are your writing strengths?
Humor, I think. And banter. I love writing fun dialogue and imagining the way it would be said for real. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think, without sounding like I’m being pompous, and also because I've been told by a few people, I’m pretty good at creating a story a person can fall into, imagine and enjoy. So, I think my personal weakness is sticking to one story until it’s done, although I’m better about it now than I was in the past. At least I think so. 😊 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would be nervous to do it, wanting it to be perfect. If I did, I would seek out help from a native speaker so I would then get it right and not just rely on the translation feature. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files 
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Soulmates ❤️ I spent over a year on that story, off and on, and then six months of writing it every day, with other stories created in between. It’s the one I’m most proud of and the longest one I’ve ever written. 
I'm tagging @tofuttim @agent-troi and anyone else who feels like playing.
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foreverdolly · 1 year
i am completely rotted over your upcoming Elvis works!
𝑪𝑹𝒀 𝑳𝑰𝑳 𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: “elvis is a straight up lil asshole in this fic. he's manipulative and babies the hell out of you on purpose as a means to demean and infantilize you.”
i know this story isn’t meant to be romantic but i’m so excited to see how you write this and how it plays out!
𝑫𝑶𝑳𝑳𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑺𝑬 | 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲𝐝𝐨𝐦!𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: “you're elvis's pride and joy. graceland is nothing more than your oversized dollhouse. you run the show and the big man in charge wouldn't have it any other way.”
I AM COMPLETELY SCREAMING OVER THIS. describing Graceland as nothing more than an oversized dollhouse for little!reader’s enjoyment is amazing! this has literally been stuck in my head for days omg. i cannot wait for this!
𝑴𝒀 𝑩𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑺𝑻 𝑮𝑰𝑹𝑳 𝐩𝐭 𝟓 | 𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: “he can't stand even the thought of being away from you for a second. this man is writing letters home to you whilst using his own tears as invisible ink.”
excuse me?! this is so poetic and i’ve missed these two so much. i can’t wait for whiny!elvis!
i legit can’t wait to post these upcoming works. my elvis fics aren’t as popular as my austin ones, but i have so much fun writing them. my personal favorites out of the elvis wips are “cry lil sister” (i’m not afraid to admit that obsessive-possessive men make me feral. the more desperate he is to control her?? the better. this fic is toxic as hell but good god almighty is it hot. i mean- the way he babies her WHILST fucking her has me getting up to take breaks in between writing. “you’re nothin’ but a lil baby, aren’t ya? this is why you always need me to look after ya. i wouldn’t want anyone to try and take advantage of ya, honey. you’re just too naive. too sweet.”)
and then “aloha from hawaii”.
the enemies to lover dynamic is so fun to work with between the reader and elvis. the reader is incredibly witty and has a short temper, so her and elvis have a lot of playful (cough cough flirtatious) confrontations. one second he’s choking her in a public restroom, and the next he’s on a rampage because someone even looked at her wrong. he knows he should hate her for what she did to his cousin, but his cold, dead heart warms anytime he’s with her. drives him crazy.
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