#Oxford Road Show
dms-a-jem · 5 months
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Depeche Mode - Birmingham Odeon - Feb. 3, 1984
Behind the Scenes from Oxford Road Show
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dbstaches · 1 year
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: NYC is welcoming one of the most famous physicist and things seem to look great. More physics in pop terms and more of the sweet couple. For some time.
a/n: part 2 of physicist! reader. im so excited for you guys to read it! again i am sorry if i butchered physics in here - i hope my notes were correct...
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liked by scienceandharstyles, hArrysbtch and 34 302 others
harryupdates HARRY spotted in NYC today!
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hArrysbtch he didn't listen to Europe's prays, he can't leave America
harrysmoustache oh ive missed my husband SO MUCH
harrysmylife harries come on, what is his lockscreen?
⤷ hArrysbtch it looks like a building or something
⤷ harrysfan44 i think it's some old building, i posted the screenshot
⤷ scienceandharstyles it's one of the buildings on the Oxfords campus! Dr ysn has her lectures there
⤷ hArrysbtch so im assuming he has dr yn in front of that building, you can see a head on that lockscreen 😭
scienceandharstyles he can be there with Dr ysn! she said she had some open lectures in US!
⤷ harrysfan87 yes! imattending her lecture at NYU tomorrow! i can't wait
⤷ harrysfan33 and in three days she has a lecture with physics students at Colombia University!
meetcutesnyc 👀👀
⤷ hArrysbtch ohhhh, you know something
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache and 22 301 others
harrynyc I SAW HARRY AND YN TALKING WITH THE METTCUTESNYC GUY TODAY! and then dr yn snapped this photo for me 🫠
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harryupdates oh im following that account immediately!!!
hArrysbtch harry answering questions about his relationship??? it can't be...
⤷ harrysmoustache maybe he finally feels comfortable
⤷ user48 I hope she isn't forcing him to
⤷ hArrysbtch he's a grown-up man, ha can make his own decisions
The video started with a grey pavement and part of the road visible on the screen and two pairs of sneakers approaching the cameraman. Hard-core fans of Harry would recognise those pairs of shoes plus legs wherever they would see them, they couldn’t be mistaken. The colours of them were unmistakable, taking away the need to be rather invisible. Sneakers pacing right next to Harry were just as funky as his, but in more pastel shades. They were slightly unfamiliar to the fans, but considering the account posting the video could mean the only one person - Dr YN YSN. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you,” started the voice behind the camera. “Are you a couple?”
Now, the camera was showing both of the faces. Harry’s partially covered by the navy hat and big sunglasses, and YN’s with a huge smile on her face. They both were wearing cosy outfits. A pair of Pleasing hoodies, shorts and high, white socks.
They both were interrupted mid-laughing. Harry slightly but seemingly tensed at the abrupt question thrown at him on the street of NYC, but immediately calmed down at YN’s hand squeezing his lovingly. He wanted to politely move forward, saying something like ‘yes, we are, but sorry we are expected somewhere near soon.’ But YN, his sweet YN, loved meeting and talking with new people. And he loved her for that. 
“Hi! Yes, yes we are,” she answered with a smile, but just like Harry - didn’t stop walking towards their destination. 
“Would you mind telling me a story of how you guys first met?” 
“Oh, I know you guys!” YN exclaimed. “You’re the ‘meet cutes’ account on Instagram, right?” 
YN stopped in her tracks, making Harry take a step back to join her. 
“Yes, we are!”
“I love those videos. They are so sweet. Remember the one I showed you with that elderly couple?” With the last sentence YN turned to her boyfriend, a big smile on her face. 
Harry nodded his head, mimicking her smile. There was no day when he could look at her without breaking a smile. She was such a ray of sunshine that shone over him and to him from the moment he first saw her. 
“Go ahead,” Harry whispered to YN. “If you want to answer some of the questions, I’m okay with it. I know how much you love those videos.” He encouraged her. 
YN looked at Harry longingly and with love spelled in her gaze. It wasn’t like he said that only for her happiness. They did talk about their public appearances, PDA, articles, her career, his career, fans, students, colleagues, professors. They talked about everything and came to the conclusion that those were their lives. Nobody should have decided for what they should and shouldn’t. It was their decision. 
That was how they decided that they would talk with YN’s dean and ask for permission for Harry to be on campus. Of course, it was granted - YN being one of the best researchers and the best lecturer at Oxford, and Harry being dean’s daughter's idol since his One Direction days. It just worked in their favour and as long as he wasn’t distracting students AND staff (including YN) it was very much okay for him to be there. Then they talked with Jeff (after YN insisted on it, ‘he is managing your career, Harry. Of course we should talk with him,’ she said one day). He obviously was happy for Harry, teasing him for the duration of their meeting, asking to be the best man at their wedding ‘after all I am the one who planted a seed of curiosity in that imbecile’s head’. 
“How did we first meet? Well, in person it was at our mutual friend's party, he introduced us to each other and the rest would be history.” She smiled at the end, gazing for a moment at Harry then back at the man, who asked the question. 
“In person? Was there any other occasion?” 
YN laughed and bumped her hip at Harry’s. “For me, the party was the very first time meeting him. I mean, my students talked about this lovely man all the time. I heard about him, I listened to his music. But the first time was at that party.”
“Have you met your partner earlier?” The question was directed to Harry. 
“Not met, no. But my friend actually sent me a link to a video where she called me a God particle. I couldn’t let that slide and looked for her wherever I went,” Harry answered, face turned towards the interviewer but his eyes were on YN, looking at her beautiful smile. 
“What were your first thoughts after meeting or seeing each other for the first time?” 
YN sighed, “you go first. You’re better with words.” 
“Uhm, after seeing that video I thought ‘how did she make physics seem so easy?’ and then ‘I’d love to see more of her.’ Just the way her passion for science beamed through the screen made me infatuated,” Harry longed. “Even though I'm very bad at understanding science.”
“But you’re learning!” YN interrupted him. “You now understand aspects that I teach, it’s very impressive.” 
“Thank you, love. Uhm, but when I first saw her in real life I thought that ‘I need to talk to her. I need to ask about that God particle and how much of a responsibility of being one is upon my shoulders’.” 
YN laughed, throwing her head back slightly. She loved when he was talking about that night. 
“What about you?”
“When our friend introduced us I greeted Harry with the thing that I firstly thought, ‘I've never thought I’d meet the God particle.’ And thankfully he laughed and it seemed to work for us.” YN explained with a smirk. 
“Now, could you tell me what is your favourite thing about each other?” 
“Her passion," Harry answered immediately, not giving YN a chance to do it first. "Or either wanting to learn and understand more and to teach others about what she loves. Watching her take time to help her students, staying after hours and grading all those papers, being the inspiration to others, to me - to be better and share my passion and knowledge with others. Yeah, that’s my favourite thing.” 
For his whole speech, YN was looking at her lover’s eyes trying to find that gleam that usually made her feel present and conscious in this fast paced world. 
“You’re gonna make my cry! No!” 
She hugged him, hiding her face in his hoodie. Harry embraced her body tightly, kissing the side of her head, murmuring ‘I’m sorry” and ‘I love you’. 
After a few moments for YN to calm down, she stood straight next to him (one arm around his waist, wanting to be close to him), taking a few breaths in. 
“My favourite thing about Harry is how deeply he cares and loves people close to him. It’s one thing being loved by him and a very much different thing seeing how his love is absorbed by his family. The way he showers them in so many different aspects of love is astonishing. It’s from mundane things like doing groceries to him driving to your house at night because you needed someone to talk to. I just love how he loves people in a poetic but human way.”
While watching that video people could tell how much those two loved and cared for each other. The way they looked lovingly at the other while they were talking said much more than a thousand words could describe. 
“Final question, what do you look for in the future?” 
“Woah, hard question,” YN started, placing her finger under her chin in a deep thought. “I think I look forward to spending more time with this guy. You know, just sitting at home and being around each other, sipping tea, holding cats and just being close.” 
“Seeing her happy with who she is makes me the happiest. So I’d love to see that for as long as it lasts,” said Harry squeezing YN closer to him. 
“Thank you guys, so much. What are your names?”
After Harry pointed at YN to tell it first, she introduced Harry and then herself with a little smile present on her sun kissed face. 
“It was very nice talking to you. You really made my day. Thank you!” She said and went to squeeze the interviewer's hand. 
“My pleasure. My sister became science obsessed because of the videos of you teaching. She’s 10 but started reading books about Physics for highschoolers,” said the man. 
YN pouted, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. 
“No way! That is so sweet! I’ve read some of the books about physics for younger kids. I’ll look over my library and just DM it to this account? Would that be okay? I’m sorry but I just love hearing about younger people being excited about science,” YN stumbled a little over her words, getting too eager about the subject. 
“Yes. She would love it.” 
“Fantastic. Have a good day!” 
“Nice talking to you, mate,” Harry said, shaking the guy's hand. 
While the camera was filming the couple walking away hand in hand, the voice could be heard from behind it, “that was the most nerve wracking interview I've ever done. But they were so cool.” 
meetcutesnyc Physics connects people
my parents!!!!!!!
i can't believe that you bumped into them
'at our friend's party' is a nice way of saying that CHRISTOPHER NOLAN introduced you to each other
passion? being the inspiration? dr yn ysn is the IT girl
'i love how he loves people' 🫠🫠🫠
just the way he looks at her... he may think we do not see his eyes behind those glasses but i did... I did and there was a BIG NEON SIGN SAYING I LOVE YOU
you can see how much they love each other
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liked by yourinstagram and 3 402 others
nyunicersity Because of the interest of Dr YN YSN open lecture, we are moving it to our main lecture room! There might still be some space for you! Come and learn with the infamous Dr YN YSN.
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yourinstagram Everyone is welcome!
harrystyles ❤️❤️
harrynyc Can't wait to attend it!
harrysfan44 finally the lecture I am wiling to attend!
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 25 302 others
harrysfan44 Dr YN YSN at the beginning of the lecture. Later she did not stand behind the pulpit. She was walking around asking people if they understood everything, she answered questions. That was the best lecture I've ever attended. Now I understand the hype!
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harryupdates she is the best!
hArrysbtch I just love the person streaming this after dr yn ysn said it was okay to film her because she knows that a lot of people weren't let in the room
⤷ harrysfan44 yes! she even argued with our Dean to let people in if they were okay with sitting on additional chairs and the floor. she just wanted everyone to be included!
user34 was there any topic explained in pop terms??
⤷ hArrysbtch yes! she explained the moment of inertia using music idols and dispersion was based on One Direction breaking up
⤷ user34 what?! really?
“Okay, so anyone knows anything about dispersion?” Dr YN YSN asked the full to the brim lecture hall. 
“Yeah, it’s a rainbow?” Answered one of the students. 
“Well, not exactly. Dispersion is the dependence of the refractive index of the centre of the frequency of the light wave in the centre. One of the effects of the dispersion is the fact that the light of different wavelengths so different taint, dropping on the line of two centres at the angle different than zero, refracts at different angles. You can observe that when the white light is being refracted on prisms giving you the beautiful rainbow. All in all, what is the most important. Rainbow is not dispersion. Rainbow is the effect of dispersion,” YN explained quickly the topic, drawing on the blackboard the prisms and various colours. “Do you understand?”
The lecture room was silent. Strangely silent which made Dr YSN turn around quickly and take a look all over the room. 
“Okay. What is not clear. Dispersion or prisms?” 
“Prisms,” was said by most of the people. 
“Yeah, they’ve just had a test on dispersion and failed on explaining the effects of it,” commented in rather rude tone one of the professors, causing Dr YN YSN to raise her eyebrows. 
“Okay. Ehm, another chance to make you understand. Give me a band I can work with right now to explain it. Don’t be shy, you can scream it to me, don’t hold your hand up. I want to hear the answer.” 
After a moment of whispers bouncing off the walls, one brave student spoke up, “what about One Direction?”
Dr YN YSN smiled and blushed slightly, looking momentarily at her left, right where Harry was sitting. 
“I see what you guys are doing. I’ll work with the thing you gave me. Alright. Uhm, connections. White light is the band. One Direction, right? Right.” Dr YSN started with drawing the prism and one simple white line almost touching the border of the triangle. “Here we have their path together, right? No obstacles, they shine together. But then boom!” She aggressively drew the line towards the border, touching it. “2015 happened. They met the obstacle, the 18 month hiatus, isn’t that right?” 
She turned around with a smile, making a room laugh and sneaking a glance at Harry who was putting his head in his hands. 
“Okay. So when they met that 2015 it was their line of two borders, border one saying ‘stay together’ and border two saying ‘it’s time to move on’." She touched the spaces on the board to visualize what was being said.
"As white light reacts, it cannot have the same opinion which in our case is the angle of the way the light is dropping. So, it bounces off in different directions, becoming different colours. All in all. They were all one name, yes? White light equals one direction. After meeting the obstacle - 2015, so line of two centres -  they are given different names - now blue, red, yellow, green, purple and so on. Do we understand it better now?” 
DR YSN once more turned towards the room, leaving the drawing of the prisms behind her. 
“We do.”
“Yeah, but that connection was uncalled for,” someone commented, making people laugh. 
“Well, you were the one asking for One Direction. I gave you what you wanted,” YN laughed. “Alright, any more questions?”
she is the moment
i love that woman with my whole heart
she is beautiful, she is successful, she is smart, she bagged one of the sexiest man alive ICON
she is the icon, the legend, and she is the moment
another time I understand physics only because of Dr yn ysn and not my professors - but really covering the hiatus was uncalled for
thank you, Dr ysn!!!!
the way she smirked at Harry when commenting on the 2015 fiasco? Icon behaviour right there!
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liked by harrystyles, scienceandharstyles and 201 201 others
drynysn Thank you to everyone who attended the lecture at NYU! It was amazing to see you all there! I cannot stress enough how unfortunate it was that some of you were not let into the room. I spoke up with the Dean, and we agreed on one more open lecture being held in two days. So if you still want to hear some cool facts about physics, cosmos, and more, come! I will be waiting and fighting for you to be let in!
ps. isn't it the coolest library?
ps2. This is the new account I will be using to post some little videos explaining some of the concepts in physics!
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harrystyles There is a beautiful woman covering some of the bookshelves. I am too mesmerised.
⤷ yourinstagram you cheeky 🫠
scienceandharstyles this is the best way to get into young people's hearts!
harryupdates I loved the stream! I understand so much and learn even more. Amazing as always!
hArrysbtch the way she was fighting the old man to let people in??? iconic behaviour!
harrysmoustache the impact this woman has! this account already has more than 500k followers!!!
⤷ yourinstagram it's craaaazzzy
⤷ drynysn wrong account... but it is crazy
⤷ hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 5 302 391 others
harrystyles NYC 2023
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yourinstagram Your support is all I need ❤️
harryupdates I lived to the day that Harry Styles posted a photo with his girlfriend
hArrysbtch yeah yeah yeah, you are in love (I am crying)
harrymylove NYC is looking god on you guys
annetwist Congratualtions you guys!
⤷ yourinstagram Annie! Thank you, xx
⤷ hArrysbtch what did harry do?
⤷ annetwist He's my son.
⤷harrystyles Thank you, mum ☺️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1 029 291 others
drynysn Hello! Here are even more physics answers to questions you might have had throughout your whole life. Hope you enjoy it because I loved answering those!
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harrystyles Still no god particle, disappointing
⤷ drynysn Criticism accepted.
⤷ harrystyles Will there be a part 3?
⤷ drynysn Maybe. But still no Higgs boson.
hArrysbtch this is what I needed just before my classes
harrysmoustache she's doing her makeup and explaining quantum physics... she really is amazing
scienceandharstyles I will miss those lectures after graduating 😭
wired Oh, this is one of our best videos!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 34 291 others
harryupdates HARRY AND DR YN YSN spotted in Oxford today!
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hArrysbtch they are back!!!!!
harrysmoustache dr ysn has tattoos???
⤷ scienceandharstyles yes! she has multiple!
⤷ harrysmoustache she is even cooler, oh god
harrylondonboy it's a nice time of the year to take a trip to Oxford and bump into them
harrysfan39 the holding hands, the outfits, the camera???
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liked by user34, hater37 and 684 302 others
celebrityupdates Is this the kind of pictures that the professor of one of the most prestigious universities in the world should pose for? This and more pictures of Harry Styles and Dr YN YSN are on our website, link in bio.
view all 492 201 comments
harryupdates this is so sick and twisted, you should find some good lawyers
hArrysbtch you little bitches, this is invasion of privacy
harrysmoustache I remember the case similar to this, and the couple went to court and won. so prepare some money
harrysmylife fuck you, disgusting pigs
user47 absolutely not kind of pictures I'd think this good of a professor is part of!
user93 I don't like the picture (considering the role she has in young people's lives), and I don't like invasion of privacy.
harrysfan192 will that mean she'll get fired?
⤷ hArrysbtch they would be crazy if they even thought about it!
⤷ user92 there are different laws in different universities but I think they could do it
a/n: do we live it as a mystery or should i start preparing part 3?
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manicpixiefelix · 4 months
This is going to sound so pretentious to say, but I think that one of the most incredible things Emerald Fennell did with Saltburn was give it's audience both everything and nothing all at once. But which I mean that every moment we see on screen is so carefully chosen and wonderfully detailed. Every second of the story that Oliver chooses to tell us is perfectly crafted to give us the exact story he wants to create, nothing more and nothing less. Saltburn's narrative lives and dies in Oliver's obsessive recollection, his confessional. Its why these characters who are so clearly and wonderfully rich below the surface can, at a glance, come off as shallow. Oliver didn't care!! And the one he did care about, he gatekept so jealously (I saw someone else's meta discussing this and I absolutely agree) to the point where we as an audience barely know who Felix was. We don't even know who Oliver was, at the end of the day; he was manipulative and ambitious and obsessive and - I could not tell you a single thing he genuinely liked that wasn't Felix. Because that's it, isn't it. That's the story of Saltburn. Everything revolved around Felix, and Felix was everything, and so Oliver's story only focuses on the absolute tragedy of having everything and then losing everything in that one Summer.
And nothing else.
Emerald gave us the gift of Oliver's everything, and the vague, nebulous nothing that he cares about just behind it. The hints of more, jumping off points of intrigue and imagination, things we can extrapolate from and speculate about. There is so much room in this world around it's implications and offhand remarks for us to all build upon. We don't even know if Venetia is Felix's older or younger sister???? There is limitless space to play in this world, both before the events of the film, but also between the few moments Oliver chooses to show us. We see twenty minutes of Oliver's Full First Year at Oxford before he goes to Saltburn, so much of how he falls for Felix and becomes his friend goes so unsaid and unseen, little more than a montage, and Barry and Jacobs's phenomenal chemistry selling their closeness, so we don't have to know each detail.
But that's the thing, that's just bliss; the falling in love is a given in this story, he opens with that. These moments would simply be nothing on the road to everything.
Its like Emerald Fennell is kissing me directly on the forehead and giving her blessing to fill in the blanks. She knew we would; she literally said she knew Saltburn would be a hit on Tumblr, she knew what she was doing. This film was made for those of us who like to over analyse media and also create vivid and intricate headcanons and sometimes both at the same time.
Tumblr, and creatives especially, love Saltburn because it deliberately lets us play in its world, in that sweet spot between everything and nothing, all at once.
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wellofdean · 2 months
OK, I was going to reblog this excellent post by @luckshiptoshore so go read it, because yes. Yes!! YES!!! But then when I got started my post got super long and I felt bad tacking it onto her post and decided to make my own in response to these tags:
#i am actually a bit obsessed by the whole hunting as queerness metaphor#it’s so clearly something everyone involved in the show is thinking about#supernatural
Gurl, me too! Like go back to the start! By the time Supernatural began, the backlash against the Joseph Campbell Monomyth-style mode of storytelling had already begun in the hallowed halls of USC film school, and yo: I was there at the time of Kripke's graduation, and my best friends from college are full scale big giant time filmmakers now, whose names I will not share on main because it's uncool, and I don't want that attention, but... yeah. I am referencing FIRST HAND SOURCES on this.
But, for a real source? The Oxford English Dictionary places the first use of the term "Queer Theory" in 1990, with Queer Studies as an option in the academy by 1992. I know the kids think it's a new-fangled thing, but Kripke graduated USC in 1996 (I graduated in 1995) and it was ALL THE RAGE by then. My friends read queer theory in their Critical Studies courses in the Film School, I read it in the College of Humanities getting my degree in Literature. By that time, you could not get through that school with any degree in any non-STEM subject without knowing about ye olde postmodern lenses, queer and feminist theory, and without knowing how to employ those lenses.
Queer refers to sexuality, yes, but the word's earliest use (again, according to the OED) is in the 1500's, meaning: strange, odd, peculiar, eccentric. Also: of questionable character; suspicious, dubious.
So, ok, in 2005, Enter Supernatural, episode 1:
Presented? Two brothers. One actively seeking credit in the straight world that is not available to him in the bosom of his family: Stanford, law school, hot co-ed girlfriend, the other bound to his fractured, wounded family by duty, yes, but also by love, living on the fringe, alone, fighting monsters, and chasing after his father's approval, and who has long since given up any dream of being 'normal'. Episode 1 presents Sam's call to adventure, which he refuses when it's just familial duty, honor and love calling him, but accepts when the show takes a very straightforward and very telling path by classically fridging his woman. Ok, now he's on board. Like John, whose motivation is another dead woman, his motivation is revenge. So far so straight!
Dean though: he's different. He is already on the adventure and he was not 'called' or given the option of accepting or refusing because he had no agency when his feet were set upon this road. He does not fit the straight world at all, because he is cobbled together out of love, duty, deep guilt, striving, desperation and fear. This is who he is now, in some elemental, incontrovertible way. It was not a choice for him, he was born to it. His mother is dead, and we later learn, she made the choices that brought them all to this fate. Dean remembers her idyllically, but he is not motivated by revenge, more than any other thing, he wants to be worthy. He wants his father's approval, his brother's love.
Enter Supernatural's main theme: fucked up relationships between men enmeshed in patriarchy, which will eventually expand to include fucking GOD HIMSELF.
And like, there are SO MANY CLEAR STEPS ALONG THE ROAD in season one, and I am not even talking about sexuality and gender here, but there is SO MUCH TO SAY about it in season 1. But I am not talking about that -- I am talking at a structural, narrative level, the whole thing is just fucking all the way queered, yo.
The big climax?
At the end of the season, Dean says: "I just want my family back together. You, me, Dad... it's all I have." He is Sam's mother, John's partner! His vulnerability and emotion is feminized and contrasted with Sam and John's more overtly driven by their more masculine/straight heroic revenge quest. John: "Sam and I can get pretty obsessed, but you always take care of this family." Only that's not John talking, it's Azazel, and Dean knows it is because his father would never forgive how soft he is, how he will always choose love and family over revenge. Then, in the end, the show makes a huge point of telegraphing that Sam is finally aligning with Dean by refusing to shoot Azazel because he's possessing John, and Sam just can't do that to Dean.
Sam and Dean are thus bound together and cemented into a marginalised path, living on the road, haunting liminal spaces and cheap motels, confronting the monstrous everyday. Sam is presented as the brains of the operation, he does research, logics his way through things (masculine) while Dean is the heart who acts impulsively and on instinct and intuition (feminine).
It later transpires that Sam has a piece of the monster inside himself, and Dean has to learn to love the monstrous, he has no choice, because Sam is his brother and then Cas... and, and, and!
Like... I could go on and on, citing ENDLESS EXAMPLES. This could be a literal book. Maybe one you need to read with a magnifying glass like my condensed edition of the OED. LIke, the queerness of Supernatural is DIZZYING and MYRIAD.
But basically? FROM THE START, hunting is a queered version of family, and within that, Dean is a queered version of a Campbellian hero. Hunting is a metaphor for otherness and liminality, and that's even before you say a WORD about sex. It starts in deviation from the norms of family, masculinity and expands from there on so many levels both in story and on a meta level. The story is flesh on queer fucking bones.
I'm so sorry, but anyone who thinks queerness was not BAKED INTO Supernatural and more specifically into Dean from DAY 1 has clearly never seen Dean's insane lip gloss in season 1, and vastly underestimates the cultural awareness of people who write shit in Hollywood, and also the other people who put pink lip gloss on pretty boys in Hollywood. Nothing that gets on your screen wasn't a fucking choice made and approved by a LONG LIST of people who know what they are about.
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
Until Then
Pairing: Florence Pugh X Fem! Reader.
Summary: Attending Toby’s concert in Oxford you also go the chance to meet Florence. 
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings: mentions of a hangover. 
Type: Fluff
Author Comments: This is a request from my old blog! 
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Excited was an understatement when your boss approved a couple of days off for the concert you had already brought tickets too, enough if he said no, you would’ve called in sick anyways. You’d been a fan of Toby Sebastian’s ever since Florence would post some of his music on her Instagram story. You were also clearly a huge fan of Florence Pugh’s acting. The concert was on a Thursday night, so you’d requested to have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off from work to really enjoy your time. Wednesday night you packed your things and got ready for the train ride to Oxford early Thursday morning. 
You’d heard around on social media that Toby & Florence’s dad owned a café in Oxford and you wanted to check it out once your train arrived you checked into the hotel that was a few blocks away from the club Toby was playing at then you made your way to Café Coco for some brunch. The café was slightly packed with younger people, some were taking photos of the wall which confused you slightly until you were able to see that Florence had written a message and signed it. “Table for 1?” the waiter greeted you as you took in the beauty of the café. “Yes please” you smiled as he then directed you to a table outside in the sun, he gave you a menu and told you the specials for the day before telling you he’d be back in a moment to take your order.
You ordered a Full English Breakfast and a hot chocolate. “We’ll get that out to you as shortly” the waiter smile as he took the menu back and wrote down your order on the little notepad. “Thank you, are you guys usually this busy?” you asked. “Yes and no, the owner’s son is playing the club down the road so that would explain the younger people taking photos of the wall inside” he gave a soft laugh before walking away. You flicked through social media as you waited for your order, you saw that Raffie had posted on her story that she as going to the show tonight, you weren’t surprised as it is her older brother. Toby had also posted about getting ready for tonight’s show which made you even more excited. Your attention was taken away from your phone when you heard a group of young adult’s squeal with excitement.
Looking up from your phone you saw a familiar face throw a soft smile at you when your eyes met. Your heart sunk as your mind froze. Florence was here, surrounded but a small group of young adults asking for photos and autographs. You gave her a soft smile back before her attention turned to the calling of her name. Were you dreaming or was this real? You thought to yourself before the waiter placed the plate of food in front of you. “Starstruck are we?” the waiter smiled as he noticed you had looked like you’d just seen a ghost. You blushed with a smile before looking up to the waiter, “I- n-…yeah” you finally admitted. The younger male chuckled, “you should go say hi, Flo super cool, we love her!” he placed your cutlery on the table and walked away.  As much as you’d love to get up and say hi, you didn’t want to bother her and seeing as she already had a fair few people wanting her attention you decided to take that little smile, she sent your way as a blessing and dug into your brunch. 
You’d been enjoying your night as Toby performed all your favourite songs, you sang along and sueded to the music, you were a in the 3rd row from the stage, you made sure to take plenty of photos and videos for your memories. As Toby was performing you couldn’t help but people in front of you whispering and pointing to your right. You turned your attention as you saw Florence feeling the vibes of the show, singing and dancing. Her attention was purely watching her brother doing what he loves, she had you in an awe moment. 
Before the show ended, Toby had Raffie and Florence join him on stage to sing with him. The crowd loved it as much as you did. Midnight was such a vibey song for you, a song you’d listened too most mornings while getting ready for the day or whenever you were in the bath having a relaxing evening. You made sure to film that whole performance so you could always go back and watch one of your newly found memories. 
After the show you decided to end to the afterparty, now with the hopes to say hi to Florence. Your nerves were strong as you saw her standing around some fans, taking photos, laughing with them, and hugging them. You knew if you had come with friends, you wouldn’t be this nervous just to say hello but being by yourself the room looked way to packed for you to process. You ordered a drink from the bar and found a spot to sit while you talked yourself up to go meet Flo. 
“Hey there!” you heard a thick British accent break you from your thoughts. Looking up to see Florence smiling at you, her eyes sparkled with the dimed lights, “Hello” you smiled back at her. “I just wanted to pop over and say how much I love your outfit!” she complemented. “Really? Wow, thank you!” you replied completed stoked that she even noticed you with people surrounding her. “Did you enjoy the show?” she asked, slowly taking the seat across from you. “I did, thank you! Toby is amazing and so were you and Raffie! I’m so glad I came! Although I am sad it’s over” you chuckled a little at the end. “Over? It’s just starting!” Florence winked jokingly, “were you at coco this afternoon?” she questioned. “Coco?”, “the Café” she replied as you came to the realisation of what she was talking about. “Oh yes! I was” you laughed slightly, “it’s a lovely café” you added before smiling at her again. “It really is! I take it your from out of town?”, “I am! I’m just here until Saturday” you replied while looking at the necklace she had on. “Well I hope you enjoy your stay” Florence smiled back at you while she noticed your attention on her necklace. 
“Do you like dragonflies?” she added. Quickly turning your attention back to her green eyes you nodded lightly, “I do, I think they’re really pretty and unique”. “Here, you should have this then” she spoke as she reached behind her neck and undid the latch. “Oh no, I couldn’t” you insisted, “how about you keep it and when we meet again you can return it?” she looked at you with a gently but loving smile, placing the golden necklace in your hand. “No, really, I can’t do that, I mean…. this is such a once in a lifetime moment for me” you replied, handing the necklace back. “Please, take it. Maybe in 10 years we meet again, until then, it is yours” she spoke, refusing to take the necklace. “What’s your name?” she added, “Y/n” you replied. “Well, Y/n, until we meet again, please keep the necklace” she smiled before getting up from her seat. “Thank you, you really didn’t have to do that” you smiled at her. “Have a wonderful night” she spoke as she walked past, tapping you on the shoulder. 
Later that night as you laid in bed, dangling the necklace in front of you, you couldn’t believe the events that took place tonight. You met Toby, Raffie and Florence! You questioned why Florence was so insisted that you keep her necklace, maybe she liked the fact you didn’t crowd her or maybe she saw how much you liked the little pendant. Did she mean what she said? Could you meet her again in 10 years or so? Was fate that good, that strong? The thoughts kept you awake for hours, slowly making you more and more tired, soon drifting off to sleep wondering why Florence spent the time she did with you. 
The following morning you decided to go back to Café Coco for breakfast, this time you ordered a breakfast tea and an omelette before making your way around the city doing some sight-seeing and shopping. “Back again I see” the waiter from yesterday smiled to you as he placed your tea in front of you, “what can I say? That food was banging!” you replied with a smile. “I’m glad to hear that” he chuckled, “your food shouldn’t be too much longer, yell out if there is anything else you need” he added before placing a bottle of water on the table. “Thank you” you said as he walked away. The café wasn’t as crowd as yesterday, in fact it was sort of peaceful how quiet it was currently. You sipped on your tea as you flicked through the news articles on your phone as the city slowly became louder and louder with the chitter chatter of by passers. 
“Please tell me that’s tea and not coffee” you heard a voice over you, you looked up and were to surprise to see Florence standing there with a smile. “It’s only right to have a tea this early in the morning” you smiled back to her. “I totally agree, tea all day every day” she joked, causing you both to chuckle. “Is this seat taken?” she asked “please, be my guest” you replied with your hand out, gesturing her to sit. “How was the rest of your night last night? No hangover?” Florence asked as she sat down across from you once again. You tried to hide the blush that washed over you, here she was, sitting across from you, the green in her eyes shined through as the sun hit her face just at the perfect angle. Proud of yourself for not completely freaking out over the fact Florence was willingly wanting to have more than a 20 second encounter with you. “I had a great night, I didn’t drink that much but I think if I were here with friends than the story would be completely different” you replied, “Oh you’re here alone?” she questioned. “Yeah, none of my friends were able to score the day off work to come to the show last night so I came alone, although it’s not that bad, I can relax and do some sight-seeing without feeling like I’m boring them” you let out a soft chuckle. 
“Oh no no no! I can’t let you see the city of Oxford by yourself!” Florence replied, “let me take you around, it’ll be fun, I can show you the real oxford and not whatever google says you need to see! What do you think?” she asked excitingly. “I don’t see why you!” you replied giving her another smile. “Perfect, we’ll have breakfast and head off”. 
You almost forgot about the deal from last night, “oh before I forget! Here you go” you spoke as you pulled out the golden dragonfly necklace from your purse and handed it to Florence. “You said, until we meet again that I could keep this. Well, here we are, meeting again” you added as she slightly tilted her head and smiled. “Keep it, I think it might be the perfect story for the future” she spoke, leaving you confused on her comment. “Are you sure?” you asked, “of course, and if you don’t enjoy your time today then I’ll allow you to give it back” she explained just as the waiter came back with your food. 
*Huge time jump*
“Darling! Dinner is ready” your wife called from the kitchen, “I’ll be there in a moment” you spoke back as you freshened up in the bathroom. You stood looking at yourself in the mirror for a moment as you fiddled with the necklace you wore daily, reminiscing on the day Florence made the comment of the necklace being the perfect story for the future. “Babe we’re waiting!” you heard your wife call once more. You smiled before you left the bathroom and made your way downstairs to the dining room. “Mumma look! We made spaghetti!” your daughter ran to you with her arms out. “It smells amazing” you smiled as you picked her up and placed her on your hip, “is everything okay my love?” Florence turned to you as she placed a bowl of salad on the table, “everything is perfect” you smiled before giving her a soft kiss, “ewwww” your daughter cringed at the scene causing you and Florence you chuckle. 
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archivists-plus-one · 16 hours
So I've had a running theory for TMAGP for a while now and I think today's episode gave me just enough to somewhat solidify it... 
(Special thanks to @clare-89 for helping out with this!)
Spoilers for The Magnus Protocol up to + including episode 19 below:
Chester - Sulphur (The Soul)
Okay so my theory is that each of the TTS Gang represent/are connected to each of the three alchemical primes, and this is what keeps FR3-D1 'balanced'. And I'm pretty sure I've connected the dots...
I think this is the most obvious of the three - he has had every single case that has been categorised as “transformation” so far, and the other cases he’s had have all related back to The Magnus Institute, been very ‘Eye’ orientated, or mentioned Hilltop Road or interdimensional travel (And the doppelganger case did say it was in Oxford…). Transformation also has a deeper meaning - in alchemy, it is believed that the human soul has the capacity to transform, and the process of doing so is very similar to what happens on an alchemist’s bench. 
Norris - Salt (The Body)
So it was while I was putting this together that I realised that Norris has actually only had four cases so far. His first one, the first case we heard in the show, was about a reanimated body which no longer talked or acted like the person it was.  If that doesn’t say it’s a body lacking a soul or a mind, I don’t know what does. The second one was the first with the infection in episode 3. This one, to me, could have been ‘The Mind’, but it is quite literally about a person losing his mind, and his body being taken over by whatever this weird plant infection is. The liminal space episode has many soulless, mindless ‘bodies’ acting as ‘NPCs’ in the services. And I think the Mr Bonzo case is quite self explanatory.
Augustus - Mercury (The Mind) 
Okay, so we have only had two Augustus cases, and at first I mostly gave him ‘Mercury’ because it was the last one and he had to fit into it somehow, but looking closer at the cases…he does. The violin case from episode 4 had a couple of instances of ‘mind control’, to a degree - The first being when the writer’s tutor is compelled to jump out of the moving carriage, and the second when the writer plays the violin and it appears to compel everybody to murder each other. The case from episode 18, with the person building a ‘house’ in their mind, is, again, also pretty self explanatory. 
But the thing that pulled this all together for me from episode 19 was actually a line from Colin:
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If we are to believe that Chester is connected to sulphur, this would absolutely make sense - Sam has been becoming too obsessed with listening to Chester’s cases, particularly about The Magnus Institute, and he has been warned multiple times that it’ll “drive him mad”.
He also says that the world will end with too much mercury. Maybe this is why Augustus is only ‘allowed’ to read out a few cases? And if we’re running with the jmj theory that Augustus is Jonah….well, we’ve seen how too much of him can end the world. And Jonah did have the ability to see into people’s minds.
Another interesting thing here is that “Stasi” was the secret police agency of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) between 1950 and 1990, and was both hated and feared. Knowing that FR3-D1 is written with German source code, I can’t help but wonder why they would have commissioned the program, and exactly why the OIAR have access to it. And exactly what really happened to Klaus…
Of course, as always, I entirely expect to be completely wrong about everything, but... What am I if not a nerd.
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pers-books · 3 days
William Russell obituary
Stage and screen actor who was part of the original cast of Doctor Who
Michael Coveney Tue 4 Jun 2024 17.40 BST
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William Russell, left, as Ian Chesterton, with William Hartnell as the Doctor, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara and Carole Ann Ford as Susan in the Doctor Who serial The Keys of Marinus, 1964. Photograph: BBC
On 23 November 1963 – the day after the assassination of President John F Kennedy – the actor William Russell, who has died aged 99, appearing in a new BBC television series, approached what looked like an old-fashioned police box in a scrapyard, from which an old chap emerged, saying he was the doctor. Russell responded: “Doctor Who?”
And so was launched one of the most popular TV series of all time, although the viewing figures that night were low because of the political upheaval, so the same episode was shown again a week later. It caught on, big time, with Russell – as the science schoolteacher Ian Chesterton – and William Hartnell as the Doctor establishing themselves alongside Jacqueline Hill as the history teacher Barbara Wright and Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman.
Russell stayed until 1965, returning to the show in 2022 in a cameo appearance as Ian and, since then, participating happily in all the hoop-la and fanzine convention-hopping, signing and schmoozing that such a phenomenon engenders.
Before that, though, Russell had achieved prominence in the title role of the ITV series The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956-57) – he was strongly built with an air of dashing bravado about him; he had been an RAF officer in the later stages of the second world war – and as the lead in a 1957 BBC television adaptation of Nicholas Nickleby, transmitted live in 18 weekly episodes.
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William Russell on the set of the 1950s television series The Adventures of Sir Lancelot. Photograph: Mirrorpix/Getty Images
When Sir Lancelot went to the US, the first British TV import to be shot in colour for an American audience, Russell rode down Fifth Avenue on a horse in full regalia, like some returning, mystical, medieval knight in the heart of Normandy. The show was a smash hit.
By now he was established in movies, playing a servant to John Mills in The Gift Horse (1952) and a clutch of second world war action movies including They Who Dare (1954) opposite Dirk Bogarde, directed by Lewis “All Quiet on the Western Front” Milestone – he met his first wife, the French model and actor Balbina Gutierrez on a boat sailing to Cyprus to a location shoot in Malta – and Ronald Neame’s The Man Who Never Was (1956), the first Operation Mincemeat movie, in which he played Gloria Grahame’s fiance.
Until this point in his career, he was known as Russell Enoch. But Norman Wisdom, with whom he played in the knockabout comedy farce One Good Turn (1955) objected to his surname because he felt (oddly) that it would publicise a vaudevillian rival of his called Enoch. So, somewhat meekly, and to keep Wisdom happy, he became William Russell, although, in the 1980s, for happy and productive periods with the Actors Touring Company and the RSC, he reverted to the name Russell Enoch. Later, he settled again on William Russell. All very confusing for the historians. His doorbell across the road from me in north London bore the legend “Enoch”.
He was born in Sunderland, the only child of Alfred Enoch, a salesman and small business entrepreneur, and his wife, Eva (nee Pile). They moved to Solihull, and then Wolverhampton, where William attended the grammar school before moving on to Fettes college in Edinburgh and Trinity College, Oxford, where his economics tutor was the brilliant Labour parliamentarian Anthony Crosland.
But Russell didn’t “get” the economics part of the PPE (philosophy, politics and economics) course and switched, much to Crosland’s relief, to English. In those years, 1943-46, he worked out his national service and appeared in revues and plays with such talented contemporaries as Kenneth Tynan, Tony Richardson and Sandy Wilson.
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Derek Ware, a fight co-ordinator, runs through a scene with Russell during a break in filming the Doctor Who story The Crusades at the BBC studios, Ealing, in 1965. Photograph: Mirrorpix/Getty Images
On graduating, he played in weekly rep in Tunbridge Wells, fortnightly rep at the Oxford Playhouse and featured, modestly, in the Alec Guinness Hamlet of 1951 at the New (now the Noël Coward) theatre. He had big roles in seasons at the Bristol Old Vic and the Oxford Playhouse in the early 60s, while on television he was in JB Priestley’s An Inspector Calls with John Gregson, and was St John Rivers in Jane Eyre.
He played Shylock and Ford (in the Merry Wives of Windsor) in 1968-69 at the Open Air, Regent’s Park, before joining the RSC in 1970 as the Provost in Measure for Measure (with Ian Richardson and Ben Kingsley), Lord Rivers in Norman Rodway’s Richard III and Salisbury in a touring King John, with the title role played by Patrick Stewart.
His billing slipped in movies, but he played small parts in good films such as Superman (1978), starring Christopher Reeve, as one of the Elders; as a passerby drawn into the violence in the Spanish-American slasher film Deadly Manor (1990); and in Bertrand Tavernier’s Death Watch (1980), a sci-fi futuristic fable about celebrity, reality TV and corruption, starring Romy Schneider and Harvey Keitel.
With John Retallack’s Actors Touring Company in the 80s, he was a lurching, apoplectic Sir John Brute in John Vanbrugh’s The Provok’d Wife, possessing, said Jonathan Keates in the Guardian, “a weirdly philosophical elegance”; a civilised Alonso, expertly discharging some of the best speeches in The Tempest; and a quick-change virtuosic king, peasant, soldier and tsar in Alfred Jarry’s 1896 surrealist satire Ubu Roi in the Cyril Connolly translation.
Back at the RSC in 1989, he was the courtly official Egeus in white spats (Helena wore Doc Martens) in an outstanding production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by John Caird, and both the Ghost and First Player in Mark Rylance’s pyjama-clad Hamlet directed by Ron Daniels. In 1994 he took over (from Peter Cellier) as Pinchard in Peter Hall’s delightful production of Feydeau’s Le Dindon, retitled in translation An Absolute Turkey, which it wasn’t.
He rejoined Rylance in that actor/director’s opening season in 1997 at the new Shakespeare’s Globe. He was King Charles VI of France in Henry V and Tutor to Tim in Thomas Middleton’s riotous Jacobean city comedy, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Many years later, in 2021, his son Alfred Enoch (Dean Thomas in the Harry Potter movies), would play on the same stage as a fired-up Romeo.
Russell is survived by his second wife, Etheline (nee Lewis), a doctor, whom he married in 1984, and their son, Alfred, and by his children, Vanessa, Laetitia and Robert, from his marriage to Balbina, which ended in divorce, and four grandchildren, James, Elise, Amy and Ayo.
 William Russell Enoch, actor, born 19 November 1924; died 3 June 2024.
-- I'm a bit annoyed there's no mention of the fact that William continued to play Ian Chesterton for Big Finish.
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veronicaisnotonline · 8 months
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The Smiths on the Oxford Road Show - 1985
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enchantedlandcoffee · 4 months
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Hey guys! Happy 28th! As I couldn't do a december fic rec list, I thought I'd merge them into one so this will be a big one :)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
"Are there any gays in here?" by @red-pandaaa | red_panda28
Explicit | 7.9k | Strangers to Lovers Or, Louis is fed up with meaningless hook-ups, Harry happened to visit Starbucks on a Wednesday, and Clifford is the best
You smile all the time ('cause how can you not show it)? by @thebreadvansstuff | thebreadvan
Explicit | 9.5k | Dentist Louis Or, Harry never liked dentists, until now.
Blue Moon by @aquietlarrie
Explicit | 152.9k | Alternate Universe - 1950s it’s the late 50’s. times are ‘simple’. rock n roll is in full swing. vinyl, music and dancing are the primary ways of entertaining yourself, and in a time where loving someone of the same sex is illegal, two strangers catch each other’s eyes across a dancefloor and do just that. over the span of a year and in between two cities, harry and louis happen to find each other at just the right time. through a hot and heavy summer and a bitter winter, their journey is one of self; self discovery, self-acceptance and self love. this is a story of navigating sexuality in a time where man and woman are the only accepted forms of love by law, where learning to hide your love for someone becomes a matter of survival and safety. a story where above everything, they stick together and weather the storm. its hard, incredibly hard, but no matter the road, it's one worth taking
Tangled in your love and light by @likelarryfics | likelarry
Explicit | 95k | Kid Fic, Alpha Louis Tomlinson, Omega Harry Styles Harry doesn't have time for romance or finding an Alpha between balancing work, studying and looking after his daughter, Bella. Enter Louis Tomlinson who's a romantic sweet Alpha, determined to win the omegas heart and turns Harry's whole world upside down, making him question everything he's ever wanted and known.
Lost Cat, Found Love by @wemadethishome
General Audiences | 4.5k | Established Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, Mild Hurt/Comfort Louis hates cats. But when his neighbor's cat goes missing, he finds himself much more dedicated to finding the thing than he ever wanted to be.
The Wind It Held Us Up by @itsnotreal | hazzahtomlinson
Explicit | 14k | Alien Harry Styles, Scientist Louis Tomlinson Or Louis had a feeling there was life on other planets, he just hadn't expected to meet someone from one.
now i know what a fool i've been by @28goldens | 28goldensfics
Teen and Up Audiences | 16.8k | Enemies to Lovers, Christmas Fluff harry and louis had one really bad date last year. now they're snowed in at zayn's family's cabin alone the days leading up to christmas and louis' birthday. can they make up or will this be their last christmas together?
come as you are by @stylinsoncity
Mature | Alternate Universe - Academia, Professor Louis, Student Harry louis is a professor of literature at oxford and harry is his newest and most eager protege. both are caught in a story about forbidden love, loss and second chances, in which one is on the brink of heartbreak and the other comes along when he's needed most.
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by @kingsofeverything
Explicit | 109k | Cheating, Older Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Alternate Universe - Beach, Meet-Cute Louis' life is steady and calm, moored by his marriage, and tied to his hometown, but after a chance encounter with another man, it'll never be the same.
Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
Explicit | 97k | Camping, Friends to Lovers, Video Cameras Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series. It soon becomes obvious to their viewers that there's something more than friendship between them. Eventually, they figure it out.
Probably still adore you (with your hands around my neck) by @lunarheslwt
Explicit | 13k | Persephone x Hades AU, Louis Tomlinson as Hades, Harry Styles as Persephone Or, after six cruel months of being separated, Persephone!Harry returns to his husband, Hades!Louis.
The Money Mark by @brightgolden
Explicit | 52k | Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Sugar Baby Harry Styles Or, where Louis is Harry's first sugar daddy who dumped him over text and their paths cross, seven years later.
Just You and I (a starry sky) by @justanothershadeofblue
Explicit | 7k | Christmas Fluff, Mpreg, Friends to Lovers "getting accidentally pregnant by his childhood best friend-with-benefits" was definitely not on Harry Styles' holiday to-do list - but apparently it's what has happened, so now he has to figure out how to tell Louis without ruining Louis' birthday, their family holiday, oh, and literally everything else about their lives. Oops?
kay's 25 days of smutmas series by shiptattou | @wecantalktomorrow
Niall Horan/Zayn Malik
If You Leave Me by @hellolovers13
Explicit | 5k | Alternate Universe - Vampire Niall spends too much time in his own head, almost breaking his (and Zayn's) heart in the process.
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dms-a-jem · 5 months
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Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know?
Oxford Road Show- March 1983
(Performance and Behind the Scenes)
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dbstaches · 2 years
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Dave Ball wearing a Leatherface T-shirt during Soft Cell's live performance on Oxford Road Show, January 1983
{ Happy Halloween! }
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anthroposeen · 15 days
tmagp 17 relisten notes!!
as always, tmagp and tma spoilers below the cut! hope you guys enjoy the breakdown :)
- she's been teleported to another road side, this time very close to a highway in oxford. she missed the play with sam and didnt have a way to contact him about it
- she wants to make up for missing the play by paying for their next date, and seems pretty genuine about her guilt and interest in him
- once the incident ends, she thanks the computer/chester for it. this could have been a sarcastic comment on her part, but it comes across as her acknowledging the case for what it is, and acknowledging that it is somehow curated for her. i think this is evidenced by her telling alice the incident wasnt very useful, implying she tries to find their meaning, and takes them as some form of sentience.
- he seems a bit peeved that celia didn't call him to tell him she had to cancel, and tells her to not make a habit of this kind of thing. i think its important to keep in mind that we've established he's very sensitive to rejection and people "not having time" for him.
- "im not a big horror fan" who's going to tell him?
- her computer keeps malfunctioning, showing a jmj error
- shes back to making bad puns and jokes at gwen's expense, a hard shift from her demeanor last episode
- she jokes to gwen about venting their problems as a group exercise, but denies actually having a problem to discuss
- she helps alice with the jmj error, and says that colin hasnt been in the office in weeks, though theres no more word in his whereabouts
- she also! denies having anything to talk about! great communication guys!
- narrated by chester/jon, read at celia's desk.
- incident pulled from the magnus institute oxford outreach center -> important for the obvious reason and because celia woke up in oxford the most recent time she teleported
- darrien is given low viability for agent, subject, and catalyst
- states that "continued incarceration" is the advised method of containing/studying the subject and phenomena, implying that sometime after the statement was given, the magnus institute incarcerated darrien for unknown reasons.
- the statement was given by a man named darrien -> episode 13 also featured a darrien, but it doesn't appear to be the same man to me, i think its most likely that ajn and johhny are just having a good time with recycling names.
- darrien was in a court ordered anger-management program and was transported across dimensions during a therapy session -> intense meditation seemed to be the trigger here
- the receptionist at his therapy office was a "big, soft looking guy" who stumbled over his words, this is followed by the mention of a "bookish looking guy" who darrien says gives him weird pervert vibes. while these are incredibly in character descriptions for them both, i cant say im sure these are alternate-dimension's martin and jon. ide also like to point out that these are characters from darrien's previous universe, not the tmagp one where he finds himself.
- when darrien wakes up from his meditation he has a strong migraine, dry eyes, a stiff neck, and he was dizzy. later, he discovers hes emaciated as he continuously passes out. these symptoms seem to go away as he stays in this dimension
- he woke up in the tmagp universe in a shopping center, coming from a magnus institute outreach post -> seeing as how we know the main building is still active, it could be that the outreach centers also serve as "portals"
- he experienced similar things to anya villette's statement in tma s3. he couldnt contact his employer, had no emergency contact to give the hospital, woke up in a different location, and was taken to the wrong address.
- the tmagp native darrien (who ill call other!darrien for clarity here) was welcoming to his lost doppelgänger, letting him stay in his house and offering him advice on how to keep his anger in check
- darrien describes meeting his other!self as "trying not to fall through the cracks" -> potentially a call back to anya villette's episode "cracked foundation"
- they reasoned the coincidence out by figuring they were half siblings, though they were both named darrien. they discovered a couple of time discrepancies, seeing as their dad died on different days
- the housekeeper, sharon, was wary of them, giving darrien a scared look and looking for opportunities to leave the room when he was around
- when darrien asks how other!darrien manages his anger, hes taken to a heavy door in the basement. there was a single drop of blood on the staircase leading down. ragged breathing and pleading for help rose from below the stairs, and darrien refused to be a part of this anger-vent exercise. he pushed other!darrien into the room, locking it back.
- darrien denies the invitation into the torture chamber, "i couldnt join him down there with my father", later saying he felt guilty for not killing other!darrien and "saving whatever poor soul he had kept". at first, i thought that his other!father was being kept in the basement and tortured, but i think he uses his dad as a metaphor for the anger they both carry. this opens up the scarier realization that other!darrien is just torturing a random person
- once he locked other!darrien in the basement room, he adopted his life.
- sharon didnt return to darrien after her vacation was up, and its thought that she reported him to the institute, where we can assume they began his incarceration
- "i'm ok/its ok" spoken by celia as she's trying to reassure herself
- no glitches after gwen and alice say they have nothing to share. its very possible this is because they dont want to share with each other
extra comments:
- the jmj wrror stops popping up after alice proposes talking out their issues as a team, but considering they dont actually do that im chalking it up to a coincidence for now
- this incident follows chester's normal shtick: statement from the magnus institute, directly targeting someones business, and sort of providing a cautionary tale
- this may be my favorite incident so far. it has a very similar vibe to the early tma statements, and an ominous music bit from s1-2 even played briefly as darrien meets his dopplegänger (at least, thats what it sounded like to me). it has a lot of revelation-centered horror that really grabs me, knowing exactly who will be in the house as darrien knocks on the door and following his dopplgänger into the torture room were so vivid for me, its the exact type of horror that always makes me genuinely creeped out!
- this episode raises a lot of questions about the stability of this dimension, and all dimensions in general since there seems to be reoccurring leaks/cracks. this manifests as celia teleporting across space, existing in this universe in general, the giant cavern in the magnus institute ruins, and darrien's adventures in universe-hopping.
- as i mentioned in the incident points, jon and martin have a sort of hinted cameo in darrien's original universe, but a part of me refuses to believe its them just because i enjoy the mystery set up after mag 200. if this is all the content we get of potential jon and martin dopplegängers, ill actually be happy with that. i really do enjoy the notion that they exist in some boring reality somewhere else, and martin still stumbles over his words and jon still needs anger management therapy. i like that theres consistency even in an alternate universe. im certain we wont be seeing these vague background characters again, but i would love to see darrien's reaction to norris's voice.
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anjelicawrites · 2 months
After the fair
Paring: Abraham x reader
Synopsis: during a horse fair you meet an old friend, Abraham gets jealous and needs to be reminded who you love.
Warnings: reader has burn marks, reference to nausea and vomiting, anxiety, fighting, crying, jealousy, Abraham’s possessiveness, reference to prejudice against the Romanichal community, kissing, fingering, p in v sex, kissing, scratching, overstimulation, titty sucking, pregnancy sex.
A/N 1: this is a sequel to this fic, but it could be read as a standalone.
A/N 2: I don’t know anyone from the Romanichal community and used Google for my research for this fic. I tried to be as accurate and respectful as possible. Please let me know if I’ve written something wrong so I can make the needed corrections!
A/N 3: reader is AFAB but not described. Where needed, they/them pronouns used. Reader is addressed as "wife".
It’s a beautiful spring day, sunny but not too hot. It explodes over the assorted smells of people, food and horses at the fair.  You’re all the happier to be able to inhale lungful of air without feeling sick: you’re roughly into the second trimester of your first pregnancy, the first having been a nightmare of nausea caused by any smell, throwing up and being afraid of losing the child slowly growing into your belly.
You know your body is still recovering from barely managing to keep anything down for months, you’re all belly now, the rest of your skin stretched thin over your skeleton, not that you care, now that you feel better and you can feel movements in your tummy.  Abraham is still worried about you and the baby, whenever he’s not with the horses, he’s hovering over you like a hawk, ready to go fetch the healers of the community as soon as he sees signs of discomfort on your part. It’s so endearing to see how uncaring of what the whole camp thinks of him, not when your health and safety are one the line: he’s always showed you his love and care, in the privacy of your shared vardo, and kept a more stern façade for the outside to see: now that you’re expecting your first child and had such a rough start, he doesn’t seem to care about what the other men think of him, only what the women helping you advise him to do to help you with the pregnancy.
Abraham is at the horse fair today with some of the animals he’s worked on during the last year and a half, you as well came to town to do some business with one of the book antiquarians you collaborate with; having been sick for so long, you had to put everything on hold and are itching to go back to trading antiques with all your contacts in the UK. You are tired and your ankles feel swollen, yet you are happy: you feel fulfilled by a very productive work day and you want to have a small wander around with your boots in the mud and under the sun, before telling Abraham you’re going back to the vardo to lie down for a bit, before dinner.
You turn around when you hear your name being called and spot an old friend from your Oxford days.
“What are you doing here? How are you?”
You are surprised and happy to see him after such a long time!
“I’m just enjoying a nice, sunny day.” He smiles. “What brings you here? It’s so far away from Badger’s Crossing!”
You try not to flinch at the name and almost manage: the poor man doesn’t know how much that spot still hurts you and you don’t want to ruin your day.
“I’m here with my husband, he works with horses.” You say with a smile. “Husband? Now, when did that happen?” “As it usually goes.” You laugh. “A little over a year ago.” “Congratulations for that and for the little one on the road!”
He hugs you again and you tighten your arms around his big frame with all your strength: he’s always been a good friend, a companion during the long hours of study in the library, a gentle soul trapped in the body of a giant.
“What about you? Are you still trying to climb the academic ladder?”
Minutes fly as he tells you all about his goals and achievements as you two walk around the fair, he’s always been flamboyant and enthusiastic about his field of choice, and he hasn’t changed one bit. He regards you with tales of Oxford life, making you laugh with his stories about your former professors there as he helps you navigate the uneven terrain of the fair, ending up with an arm as thick as a tree trunk linked with yours.
“So, where is your husband? I need to meet the man who managed to snag you away from your books and the rest of us, he has to be a remarkable person!”
“He is! There’s so many people I can’t see him.” You go on your tiptoes and shield your eyes from the sun. “There he is!”
Abraham seems to sense your presence and stares in your direction without you calling him, his expression darkens when he sees you with your arm linked to your friend.
“Hello husband.” You go to him and put your hand on his. “I met an old friend today!”
Abraham just stares at your friend, whose expression has changed as soon as he’s seen him: too late you realize your mistake.
Abraham puts his arm on your shoulder and pulls you closer to him as your friend tries to make some half heartedly small talk: you’re so used to be around your community, you’ve forgotten how lowly gadji think of them, how the distrust easily flows towards the Romanichal people who have welcomed you with an open heart. 
You are not sad when your friend bids a haste goodbye and leaves you with your husband.
“Who was that?” 
You can feel how tense Abraham is and you place your hand on his sturdy chest.
“An old friend from university, no one of importance.” You smile in his direction. “Are you going to stay here long? I’m going home for the day.”
Abraham stares at you, assessing your condition with a worry and care you’ve gotten used to experience.
“It’s not going to take me too long. You go along, take one of Peter’s children to accompany you.” “There’s no need for that. I will collect the book when we leave the area and it’s not that much of a walk.” “it is not negotiable.”
Abraham is always on edge when Cyril is not shadowing your every move, but you couldn't bring both the goods to the antiquarian and the dog and you had to leave him guarding the vardo.  You came to the city with some of the women, he’s not going to let you go back on your own: he wouldn’t have done it if you weren’t pregnant, to begin with, now that his first born is in your belly? He’s not taking any chances.
In the end the daughters of Esme Jones come back with you, their chatting easing a bit of your tiredness and annoyance towards Abraham’s over protectiveness. You love your husband, you don’t know what you would have done without him after Badger’s Crossing, but he needs to remember you can take care of yourself, even in your state. But the thought doesn't even cross his thick skull, he simply treats you as if you're made of glass, your opinion not even considered, and that irks you to no end. 
You have to lie down as soon as you arrive at the vardo to put your legs up, hoping to help with your swollen ankles.  You’ve turned the small transistor radio on, waiting for the radio drama to start, as you tap gently on your distended belly: the midwife has suggested you might be carrying twins, after you told her how the kicks seemed to be everywhere in your belly, at the same time. 
Truth to be told, your tummy is pretty big for someone around their fifth month and she could detect no strangeness in the way your child is growing and moving inside of you, perhaps twins it is?  The thought scares you a little, not because you don't know how to act around children, in your past life as a librarian you used to organize activities with them, and were pretty good at it; those were not your children, though, you didn't have to shoulder the responsibility of their well being for their whole life. If you're truly carrying twins, how are you going to manage? The idea fills you with the need of your mother, either adoptive or biological, to take your hand and tell you everything is going to be alright. 
Two sets of kicks drag you back from your anxiety, or perhaps is kicking and punching against your tummy?  You drum your fingers again but the child (children?) don't take your bait. 
“You really want to be a mystery up to the end, don't you?” You ask your tummy without receiving an answer. 
When Abraham comes back you’re midway eating toast with butter and sardines.  You were supposed to wait for him and share the kidney pie you’ve backed, maybe while sitting outside to enjoy the late spring afternoon, but you had this violent craving for food that you didn't want to fight, not after three whole months of nausea and vomiting. 
You’ve noticed he's washed himself before coming back, his ridiculous mane of hair wet and styled the way he likes, yet he looks aggravated: had something happen back at the fair?
You don't want to sound too apprehensive, but you can feel the tense aura around him, who doesn't respond, preferring to take a swing from the water bottle on the table. 
“What happened, my love?” You ask. 
Abraham's eyes are darker in the dying sun streaming from the window, dark blue like the stormy sea, his mouth set in a thin, unhappy line. 
“You know he wants to shag you, don't you?” He asks, the belligerent tone barely controlled.  “Who?” You're genuinely confused, feeling like he's thrown you in an ongoing conversation you've missed the start of.  “Your friend.” He spats. “The one from before. He knows you're spoken for, that you're carrying another man’s child inside of you, and he still wants to shag you!”
Slower than you want to, you manage to stand up to look into Abraham's eyes. 
“Abe, he's always been like that: expansive with his affection. Not once has he ever wanted to sleep with me.”
Abraham's brow seems to knit even tighter as he regards you.  
“You don't see it, but I could!”
The shadows on his face are darker, turning his beautiful face in a stern mask of disappointment; you stand your ground, feet planted on the floor of the vardo, eyes locked with his. 
“Let's say that you're right, that he wants me.” You grab his hands and put them on your tummy. “Tell me Abraham, whose child am I carrying? Whose seed has taken root inside of me?”
His hands clench at your words, his nose flares. 
“I’ve asked you a question, husband: who is the one who had me, who bred me? Was it him? Hmm? Who was it?”
Your nails are leaving half moons on pain in his wrist that he can't feel, his fingers spasm over your clothed tummy with the need to rip your clothes open to stare at your naked body: you’ve never been more beautiful and enchanting than now that you're full of his child, his cock is always at half mast with the need to be buried inside you warmth, now so tight and always welcoming.  You don't realize how crazy you drive him, how much he wishes to stay rooted inside of you for the rest of his life, to suck on your breasts until you're keening and begging him to stop, but he will not: he needs to die with your taste in his mouth. 
Your eyes stay locked for what seems hours but it is just seconds, before Abraham's hands evade your hold to grab your face, his long fingers in your hair to keep you where he wants you to be. 
“It was me.” He growls, before smashing his lips against yours. 
It’s not a gentle kiss, nor it is refined; his mouth slants over yours and his tongue invades your mouth, proprietary and hungry, while he backs you towards the bed and you kiss him back ferociously, your fingers already under his shirt, your nails raking down his long back.
He undresses you fast, almost ripping your clothes off your body and keeps his burning gaze on your skin while he undresses himself: you can see the hunger there, barely controlled after all the months you were too sick to sleep with him, but you still feel self conscious of the way your body is changing and of the way your scars are uglier now that your skin is stretched thin over your bones and your belly is already so big. You know he doesn’t see any of your imperfections, that he loves you, yet you wish to be perfect for him, unblemished for his eyes to see.
You slide up the bed to make space for his long body and spread your legs to accommodate his form as he hovers over you, his weight carried by his strong arms. He knows what you’re thinking, he can see it in the darkened hue of your eyes and in the way your fingers itch to cover your body with the bed sheets: he’s not going to have any of that. You are his, belong by his side, not under the heavy cloak of shame: to him you are as pretty as you were before the fire and the way your body is changing adds more fuel to the fire of his desire.
His lips are soft all over your skin, starting from your brow he kisses a slow path down your body, over your closed eyelids and your nose, his teeth nip your lips playfully and his mouth sucks at your neck, until you’re marked for the whole world to see. Gentle his tongue licks your burns and ravenously he sucks on your breasts, he murmurs sweet nothings at your belly and he smiles when he hears the child kick in response; his long fingers explore you slowly, you’re embarrassed by the squelching sound you hear and he’s having none of that.
“So perfect.” He murmurs, the blue of his eyes almost hypnotic. “So much tighter for me, and always wet.” “Aaaabe…” It comes out strangled as your back arches as much as your tummy lets you. “You’re always hungry for me? Are you not?” “Abraham, please!” You whine when his calloused thumb grazes your clit. “Answer me. Show me how obedient you can be.” He growls hotly. “Yes Abraham! For you! Only for you, husband!” You whine as your cunt tries to suck his fingers deeper. “What a good wife you are.” He purrs. “I think you deserve a reward, don’t you?”
The pads of his fingers start massaging that rougher patch inside of you faster as the thumb of his other hand takes care of your swollen clit and you cant your hips following his lead, moaning as the pleasure unfolds inside of you and spreads through your nerves, warm and familiar makes you whine and shake under his ministration.
“Abe! Abe!” You plead, needing his permission. “Close, Abe!” “Yes, now!”
His fingers move impossibly fast and your body vibrates with pleasure, trashes and arches drenched in sweat under his, your mind almost snapping when his lips curl around one nipple and suck hungrily as you come with a desperate moan.
“Oh God.” You pant, seeking his warmth. “You did good, sweet wife, so good.”
You feel pleasure lick at your nerves again when he uses his hand, drenched with the proof of your pleasure, to slick his erect cock with slow, deliberate strokes, his eyes boring into yours, daring you to look away.
“I love you.” You sob. “I love you so much!”
You don’t know where the tears come from, but they fall freely from your eyes and Abraham is fast in slotting himself behind you to hug you as tight as he can. With your big belly in the way, hugging from the front while laying down is difficult, you have to squirm a bit to hide your face against Abraham’s neck to cry, desperately, his masculine scent calming you and driving you into overdrive at the same time, heightening all your feelings for him, now exploding in your chest like fireworks.  Your emotions are so much stronger now that you’re pregnant, they escape your control, leaving you defenseless against your own self, and lost without your husband.
Abraham’s callous fingers dry the tears from your cheeks carefully, as if you’re made of glass and he’s afraid of breaking you with his oaf’s strength.
“Better?” He murmurs in your ear. “Yes. I don’t know what happened.”
You snuggle closer to his warmth, making sure his hand is laying flat on your belly and your leg is over his, wanting his cock to find home between your lower lips.
“You don’t have to.” He says and you know he’s telling the truth. “I know. I want you, please.”
The heath in your voice travels like an arrow to his cock, which swells once again, aided by the warmth of your cunt and the knowledge that you want him, and him only. He rolls his hips against yours, letting your smell, the taste of your skin pervade his senses. His hand takes hold of your tight to secure you against his body as you moan, reveling in the way his body responds to yours, how your desire entices him, how this magic can only work between you two, and no one else.
Slowly, Abraham enters you.  Ever since you stopped feeling so sickly, he tried to be as gentle as possible with you, choosing to forego his more rough ways to express the passion that consumes him, preferring to be gentler, to feel your body react to his, to just experience your pleasure and though that, find his own.
Both of you groan when he bottoms out and your walls hug his cock impossibly tight, almost to the point of pain when he starts to rock against you, his erection sucked in when he leaves your warmth, the velvet of your walls the sweetest torture, your moans spurring him on, your taste intoxicating on his tongue, as it is the softness of your breast in his hands.
His hips rock gently against you, a soft moan escapes your lips with every push in as one of your hands grab blindly behind you, scratching his naked skin, trying to pull him as close to yourself as possible.
“I’m here.” He growls. “Feel me.”
Your body shakes in his hold, your nails scratch his skin, pain and pleasure mix in your brain, leaving you a begging, screeching mess in his hold as his calloused hands grab and touch your breasts, your nipples so sensitive already that you keen, almost in pain. 
His touch is delicate, yet proprietary on every inch of your body; the way his free hand slides on your sweaty skin to grab at it, the hold on your hip to keep you flush against his bigger body, his teeth on your neck, everything marks you as his in ways the ring on your finger doesn’t.  Nothing compares to feeling him explore you and own you, to have his cock rearrange your insides with long strokes that make you whimper, to feel his index finger slowly play with your clit, keeping you on the edge of pleasure, not letting you fall, not yet, not before he’s fucked the fist of your cunt some more, heard your desperate sounds of pleasure, squeezed your breasts, now so big they fill his hands, marked you again and again.
“Abe! Abe!” You whine, you hips bucking against his hold “Shh, wait! Not yet!” he growls desperately. 
It’s so hard to control his own orgasm when your cunt sucks him in and he can only grind against you as you kiss him, ferocious and desperate, tongue and lips sloppy against his: how he wishes to keep the two of you on the edge forever, to stay rooted in your cunt until the end of times, to bully that rough patch inside of you until your voice gives, to never have to leave you again!
You come with a scream, white sparks explode behind your eyes as your cunt clenches so tight Abraham follows you immediately, his seed marking you yet again. His vision blackens for an instant, his orgasm infinite inside the sanctuary of your body, until all his muscles relax and he slumps against you, who lay breathless on the bed, overused cunt stained by his leaking seed, just basking in the feeling of his tired lips all over your sweaty skin.
For long seconds you two exist in this blissful silence, broken only by your ragged breaths, you two might as well be the last people on earth, the thick paneling of the vardo providing with all the soundproofing to believe the camp outside doesn’t exist.
“Are you still angry?”
You ask Abraham, after turning on your other side to look at his face. He’s more relaxed now, his hair a mess, his cheeks pink with exertion.
“I’m never angry with you. Your friend? He should know not to touch what isn’t his.”
There’s still an edge in his voice, that known possessiveness now enhanced by your state that’s the core of your husband. He means well and fears the gadji and their violence, is petrified by the idea of losing you, or the child: he’d die without either of you.
“I’m not sure I can call him that anymore, not after the way he looked at you. Shush! I don’t care that you’re used to it.”
There’s something in your husband’s eyes, an emotion you can’t decipher, too fast it disappears after he’s closed his eyes.
“You are truly a gift from God.” He says, and it’s the most romantic thing he’s ever told you. “I’m being just, that’s it.” You answer.
You cup his cheek and he rubs your palm like a cat.
“I’m so happy I’m carrying your child, Abraham.” “A pretty baby just like the mum.” “And the dad. Don’t sell yourself short.” “I don’t have much good to give.” He says with clouded eyes. “Don’t! If our child has half the courage and strength you possess, I could be happy. Don’t try to win this argument!”
Later that night, after you two had indeed eaten the pie outside, while chatting with your extended family, Abraham loses himself staring at you, asleep all curled up in one of his old shirts. The cotton isn’t loose on your body as it used to be, not with your protruding belly and fuller breasts to fill it, not that it matters: you always take his breath away. 
Slowly, making sure he’s not waking you up, Abraham moves the hair hiding the burn marks on your head and kisses the scarred skin with reverence: if the child is going to be half of the good person and the fighter you are, he can call himself a happy man.  You are too good for him, he can only try to live up to you and be a decent father, show the child the right way in this life, but with you by their side, he knows the child’s future is bright.
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics posted or completed during the month of August. We really hope you enjoy this list and that you give these fics a lot of love. Happy reading!
1) Untamed Desire | Explicit | 1333 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry isn‘t happy with the new securities work etiquette.
2) Bet On It | Explicit | 2945 words
Note: The main pairing in this fic is Louis/OMC.
“We should make a bet,” Louis says out loud, waiting for Dante to look up from his tablet and see Louis’ pouty lips. “Not a fucking chance.”
3) The Best Of Friends | Not Rated | 3226 words
This is mostly just narrative. So if that's not for you...well too bad. Oh, and top!Harry Bottom! Louis. So fucking long.....
4) Broken Nest | Mature | 3858 words
Louis hopes no one touches his nest, and when someone does, Harry is there to save him.
5) We Didn't Get It Right But, Love, We Did Our Best | General Audiences | 4965 words
“I can't be arsed to call Harry, it’s his fault” He said, a petulant huff to his tone that would have had Oli smirking to himself on a normal day. “This only happened because I was climbing on the counter to get the bath stuff he keeps where only his obnoxiously long arms can reach.” And really, Louis deserved the feeling that almost winded him when he went to show how he’d had to stretch. The sudden movement felt like ripping a hole through Louis’ skin, and if that hadn’t shut the omega up the genuine fear on his best friend’s face finally did. Damn karma, damn his stupid little animated hands.
6) Snow Storm Rut | Mature | 5560 words
Request: So basically Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were chilling at a picnic until it started snowing so they all went home. Louis was driving with Harry when they got a text that the storm was so heavy they needed to put the car next to the road. Suddenly, Harry felt his rut coming and needed an omega.
7) Wildest Dreams | Teen & Up | 17383 words
When Harry saw Louis at the Met Gala, it was love at first sight. Except for the fact that Louis has a boyfriend. Louis is head over heels for his beloved boyfriend, he’s sure they are gonna marry one day. But will Harry change all of that?
8) Only the Brave | Not Rated | 20032 words
He can do this. That’s the phrase Louis’ repeating nonstop, like a mantra that will help keep him upright and fighting. He can do this. He has to believe he can do this, or he’ll drop to the floor, exhausted, dead, or whatever, and he refuses to make his efforts go to waste like that. He’s a warrior, he has what it takes to help defeat the enemy. He just needs to make it to the City, and he’ll be fine.
9) Science & Faith | Mature | 36442 words
Louis Tomlinson is a science major who's dedicated his life to proving that love doesn't actually exist. Harry's the philosophy major determined to prove him wrong.
10) I Would Rather Go Blind | Mature | 67788 words
"I would rather go blind" is a heartfelt coming-of-age story set in 1960s England, where societal expectations clash with personal identity, and a young man named Henry embarks on a transformative journey at Oxford University. Harry Styles, the son of a renowned lawyer from a traditional and affluent family, steps onto the prestigious grounds of Oxford with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Caught between the weight of his family's expectations and his own desire for self-discovery, Harry seeks solace and understanding amidst the bustling student life. It is in this unfamiliar world that Harry crosses paths with Louis Tomlinson, an enigmatic and free-spirited fellow student. Louis possesses an intriguing blend of charisma, wit, and fearlessness that captivates Harry from the moment they meet. Drawn to Louis's magnetic personality, Harry finds himself irresistibly pulled into a realm of adventure, rebellion, and a newfound sense of liberation. Set against the backdrop of a transformative era for LGBTQ+ rights, "I would rather go blind" explores the struggles, triumphs, and personal growth of a young man grappling with his sexual identity in a time of societal conservatism.
12) Save Me (From Myself) | Explicit | 159327 words
The problem with being friends with Liam Payne was that he had a lot of friends... and forced them to be around each other. When they finished high school, both Louis and Harry were equally relieved that they wouldn't have to tolerate each other constantly or whatever it was that they did. For five years, it worked out perfectly. They'd only had to see each other a handful of times. Unfortunately, Liam had to go and get engaged, ask them to both be groomsmen, and then go full groomzilla on their arses. With just twelve weeks to plan the 'perfect' destination wedding and throw every ridiculous pre-wedding celebration Liam and his fiancée stumble across, it was safe to say they were firmly back in each other's lives. And no one could have predicted that was exactly what they needed.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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newsfrom-theworld · 25 days
Today's breaking news:
An injured child was rescued from the rubble of a bombed building.
The occupation forces severely beat a young man during their storming of the city of Al-Bireh.
The photojournalist Sami Shehadeh is injured in his leg as a result of an Isr@eli bombing, is still doing the media coverage of the Isr@eli war on Gaza.
The Isr@eli occupation forces continue bombing Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza.
76 prisoners arrive at Al-Aqsa Hospital, in the central Gaza Strip, after they were released by the occupation forces.
Isr@eli warplanes bombed a home in Beit Lahya, north of Gaza
Isr@elis cutting off the road in front of humanitarian aid trucks coming through Jordan at the Tarqumiyah checkpoint in the West Bank and are sabotaging the trucks and their contents of food supplies.
Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza: The "isr@eli" occupation commits 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 57 martyrs and 82 injuries reaching hospitals during the past 24 hours.
A Palestinian driver was killed, and another UN worker was wounded, as a result of the IOF targeting a UN vehicle east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip near the Al-Najjar Hospital.
Lest Isr@eli activists south of AlKhalil in the West Bank set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon , which were loaded with aid and headed to the Gaza Strip.
A gang of anti-Palestine agitators showed up to a student led encampment at Oxford University, UK to verbally abuse and harass the students
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