#Part 1 of 4
tallbluelady · 7 days
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I forbid ye maidens all Who let fly your lovely hair To go down to Carterhaugh For Young Tam Lin is there
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icycoldninja · 4 months
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ICY~!!! HELLO~!!! I HEAR YOU SPECIALIZE IN ANGST~!!!! well well well, I got one for ya… I think? Maybe?
As a massive DMC simp, and a lover of feelings being thrown through the wringer, I gots a request for ya: how would the boys handle their S/O having a full blown spiraling panic attack? Like the entirety of it all? Also love ya works~ keep it up!
💜Thank you, for your compliments and the request. I live for this. To keep things extra angsty, I'll write each boy a fic of his own--starting with Dante.
Update: The three other fanfics have been released!
Perturbation (Dante x Reader angst)
WARNING: Panic attacks and potential anxiety triggers incoming, if you are uncomfortable with these themes, DNI!
Dante returned home that evening, expecting to find his beloved, beaming baby ready to run into his arms and welcome him back, as per the usual. However, when he opened the door, instead of being tackled by a hug, he was met with an empty, silent living room. "Babe?" He called, shutting the door and peeking into the kitchen. "You in here?" Several moments passed, but all Dante heard was silence. "Babe? Y/N?" He headed down the hall, looking into every room as he did so. He checked the living room, the bathroom, the laundry room, hell, even the linen closet, but you weren't anywhere to be found. This wasn't normal--something was wrong. "Y/N?!" He was starting to worry, running upstairs and frantically throwing open doors, looking for you. A few minutes later, he found you in your shared bedroom, where you where curled up on the floor, trembling, sobbing, and hyperventilating.
Dante's jaw fell open at the same time his heart dropped into his stomach. What happened?! Did you get hurt--injured, maybe? Did a demon show up while he was gone and terrorize you? No. No, that couldn't be it; there were no signs of a struggle, no furniture had been damaged, nothing. It couldn't have been an attack--whatever happened, it wasn't caused by an outsider. Dante opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly couldn't find the words. For once in his life, he was lost; speechless, with nothing to say and no idea what to do. He remained in the doorway, watching you sob and tremble. Your ragged breathing scared him; the tears that fell from your eyes broke his heart. It saddened him beyond belief, watching you break down like that.
He wanted to step forward, to snatch you up in his arms and cradle you until you stopped crying. He wanted to calm you, to squeeze you loving, to remind you that you were safe and loved, and that he would always be there for you. He wanted to comfort you and kiss you all over, making sure you knew how much he cared for you and how hard he would work to keep you safe.
Before he could even think, his body moved on its own. He was at your side in seconds, arms wrapped around your shoulders; your head pressed into his shoulder. "I'm here, babe," He whispered, rubbing circles into your back, and kissing your cheeks. "I'm always gonna be here."
It would take you some time to calm down completely, but for now, this was enough--for both you and Dante.
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drs295 · 2 years
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...even his hair looks so happy 💕
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unexpectedstormy · 8 months
Stew Pot Plot pt 1
Alternate prompt #9: Drugging -- Time, everyone
TW - nonconsensual drugging, unconsciousness
(1054 words)
Time sat on a folded blanket and leaned against Epona’s side, who was laying down. He played with the corner of the page of his journal, unable to focus on recording the day’s events with Sky recounting his own experiences with time travel as he folded and put away his freshly cleaned clothes. The other heroes were scattered around camp doing various chores or activities listening to Sky’s story and waiting for dinner to be done.
“What? You used a timeshift stone to sail a pirate ship through a desert?? That’s amazing!” Wind exclaimed. “I wanna go to your Hyrule next! I wanna see that ship in action!”
“Can I borrow a timeshift stone?” Wild asked, yawning. “I would love to see what it does in my Hyrule.”
“I’d like to give you one,” Sky said. “But I’m not sure if I can. There’s only a few stones left and the robots have been using them to rebuild their civilization. So far they haven’t been successful at mining any new timeshift stones, but we’ll see if they can spare one next time we go there.”
“I didn’t really have time travel, but I could freeze time,” Wind said holding up his phantom sword.
“One of my adventures used time travel,” said Legend, not looking up from the hookshot chain he was inspecting and regreasing.
“Same here,” Twilight said, cleaning under his fingernails with the tip of an absurdly large knife.
“As did I,” Time said. “But you know that story already.”
“How’s dinner coming? Is it ready yet?” Wind asked peering into the pot where meat, potatoes, and gravy were sewing.
“Not yet,” Wild yawned again. “The potatoes still need to cook for a while. They aren’t soft yet.”
“How long until it’s done? I’m hungry now,” Wind whined. He tried to stab an arrow into the pot to skewer a piece of meat, but Wild parried him with the spoon.
“Wind, relax,” Warriors said. “It’ll be done soon enough.”
“Does anyone have any extra food? Can I have a snack?”
“You can’t wait like… half an hour?” Wild said rubbing his eyes.
“Tired much?” Four asked with a half smile.
“Yeah, a little,” Wild admitted.
“I’m pretty sure that I’d shrivel up and die if I had to wait for half an hour more for food.” Wind complained and flopped dramatically over Sky’s lap.
“Would a carrot help?” Sky laughed and fished a carrot out of Wild’s bag.
“You’re offering me a raw whole carrot as a snack?” Wind asked incredulous.
“Sure. Why not?”
“Better than nothing I guess,” Wind sighed and swiped the carrot from Sky’s hand.
Time turned his attention back to his journal as the conversation around him turned away from stories and to the mundane. After having completed a quest in Twilight’s Hyrule they had suspected a portal switch was soon to come and had spent the morning doing last-minute preparations. Sure enough, just after lunch, a portal swept them away to the dusty red cliffs of Wild’s Hyrule just outside of Gerudo desert. With some difficulty, they managed to get everyone, including Epona, down the cliffs and into the valley along the road and halfway between Outskirt and Gerudo Canyon stables. Instead of trying to reach either, they opted to camp out where they were—after clearing out the monster camps nearby of course.
Finished with the entry, Time closed the book and wiped the quill nib clean before stowing them away.
“You’re really strugglin’ tonight aren’t ya?” Twilight asked. Time glanced up and saw Wild rested his head on his arm, nodding off as he waited for the stew to finish simmering. Wild inhaled deeply and slowly sat up.
“…yeah,” he said then stretched and yawned. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why am I so tired?”
“You did have watch three nights in a row,” Four said. “It’s probably finally catching up with you.”
“It doesn’t usually hit me this hard,” Wild said.
“Why don’t you go lay down? I’ll take over cooking for you,” Twilight suggested.
“Umm…” Wild trailed off staring at the pot. “I guess you can.”
“Do you want us to wake you up when dinner’s ready?” Twilight asked gently taking the spoon from Wild’s hand.
“Sure,” Wild answered and rubbed his eyes. He got up and ambled to his pile of possessions. Within minutes he was fast asleep.
Twilight stirred and tasted the soup.
“Just about, needs a few more minutes. The seasonings’ a little funky. I wonder what he put in it.”
“I hope it’s the seasoning and not the meat that’s funky,” Four said.
“No, the meat was fresh,” we just hunted it a day or two ago,” Twilight said.
“I know what’ll fix it, spices!” Hyrule said. “I have some beetle dust, Goron spice, nightshade seeds, dried larvae powder—”
“How about some rosemary and sage instead?” Time offered. “I have some other herbs as well.”
“That sounds much better than beetle dust,” Legend made a face.
“Maybe he put beetle dust in it already and that’s why it tastes weird,” Four quipped.
“I did not!” Hyrule objected. “I’ve been way over here patching up my socks this whole time.”
“Have you even washed those?” Legend wrinkled his nose at the holey brown stained socks.
“Course I have,” Hyrule scoffed.
“Are you sure about that? What did you wash them in? Wild’s stew?”
Hyrule responded by throwing a sock at Legend’s face.
“Here, let me,” Time took a seat next to Twilight with a bundle of herbs in his hand. Twilight handed off the spoon and Time busied himself tearing up leaves and pinching off rosemary spikes and dropping them in.
“I call the first bowl,” Wind piped up and dug through his stuff to find his bowl and spoon.
Time stirred the herbs into the stew and at the bottom of the pot under a pile of potatoes he found the small pouch of herbs and spices bound in cloth and string that Wild must have put in there earlier.
“That’s quite enough of that,” he murmured to himself and fished it out, tossing it aside. After a few more minutes, the potatoes were plenty soft enough—a little too soft—enough that they could have been mashed to make a potato soup. Oops. Oh well.
“Dinner’s ready,” he called.
(To be continued tomorrow...)
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hottubraccoon · 5 months
Great Kettering; land of Artistry and Pride.
south-east corner of the continent, primarily orc citizens
Character SHORT List:
Dima Grimscale
Dragonrider 2.0
Erick Livan
Felix Enrel
Harry Enrel
Julia Violet
Lindsey Livan
Miss Seashell
Pent Enrel
Kent Darkwater
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thomashetzler on Unsplash.
Great Kettering is based on the UK islands physical geography*. Great Kettering has slight weather changes with the seasons, primarily an increase in humidity and less rainfall in the summer months. Mostly known to be cold and wet overall. Tsunamis can happen along the coast to the south, and south-east. Earthquakes are small distant shakes from the far west. Droughts are rare and only in very dire situations. Lots of coastal towns are on the coast cliffs rather than the coast, and therefore are generally safe from the usual tsunamis that occur. Boat living... isn't uncommon yet dangerous depending on the time of year (hence the phrase, sturdy like GK's fishers). Earthquakes aren't an issue just noticeable along the west border. Great winters are prepared for a lot like Solistal does. 
*but only when I feel like it lol
GK is a mix of my personal headcanons for orcs and fantasy England. The most common form of landmark is the stone/moss circles, each with their own pattern, like a fingerprint. Generally, only those born in the area will be familiar with these landmarks without a map. Because of this, the moss circles are speculated to be linked to the orc-ish Aeons religion. Kelp forests are a special sight along GK coasts. The most well known location in GK is the sunken castle, and its bridges to nowhere. One explanation is that the coastal cliff was washed away and the castle was too heavy so it fell into the ocean to be forgotten, another blames the mythological 'Thorns' for putting it their during one of their tantrums. For a foreigner, the knight tourneys are a highly anticipated event due to the invitation of both the highest king and lowest servant. Most towns start with a safe drinking water source in the middle, market and community buildings around that, then common dwellings around those. For Kettering, the capital, there are 'districts' that citizens must get permits to build inside. These districts help with deliveries, city planning, guard patrols, and lock down procedures. Again, most towns are situated along the south coast, and it's either the direct coast or, if the cliffs are too severe, then it'll be as high on a hill they can get while still in viewing distance of the sea. On the north side of Great Kettering, it still follows the idea of the highest hills. Including Kettering, which itself has a 'natural moat' around it, although the city surrounding the castle has since expanded further around the lake as well. In smaller towns, people are clumped together, tiny and people live in each others pockets, whereas bigger towns are more spacious. That said, construction is trending towards taller rather than wider. Common structures are in the easy to acquire and transport materials, where the elegant marbles and quartz are left for Kettering or other religious sites in other large towns.
GK trade away seafood for different 'exotic' foods and their artisans are highly sorted after. They import from Solistal for specialty materials to craft with. Kamikita holds a chokehold on trading routes and this frustrates GK. They import from Birkina for island herbs and spices, as well as dyes for their crafts. Can be self-sufficient if trades were to be suddenly cut. The world trade is currency based but smaller store keepers accept barters... if you can talk them into it. Solistal's ores/minerals and their jewelcrafters are flaunted as expensive goods and a highly requested import. Whereas 'seals' or magical coins are the least sought after. GK's embroiders are the most asked for export.
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sapegin on Unsplash.
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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brasiliangp · 10 months
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CHRISTIAN PULISIC - Juventus vs AC Milan - Dignity Health Sports Park, Carson, California - July 27th, 2023
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bluespring864 · 5 months
Part 1: On being nervous, ups and downs during a match and the illusion of control.
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Novak Djokovic, Vice Sports interview (2019) in Serbian (with English subtitles)
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25thhanabusa · 2 years
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Celebrating the end of Oxventure Presents: Blades in the Dark.
With the finale bringing everything to a close, I desperately want more, but I think this was the perfect way to end.
A toast to the Hobby Horses!
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ask-de-writer · 2 months
About KALARA, (Part 1 of 4) :
MLP Fan Fiction
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KALARA, (Part 1 of 4)
MLP Fan Fiction
About KALARA he noted :
Well, Jonathan is learning all kinds of things today. These "monsters" weren't eliminated completely, and might not be monsters at all. His sister has access to magic, and he even seems to have learned some manners! XD
Jonathan still has some things to unlearn but, knowing that what he believed is largely wrong, he is a quick study. He is not at all dumb. And he really is a good colt.
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suedeness · 2 years
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Brett at the NME Brat Awards 1994
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
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Source: Venom: Let There Be Carnage | Behind The Scenes | Part 1
Link to part 1 gif post
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shinigami-striker · 5 months
Unused Crash Team Rumble Voices (Season 2) | Tuesday, 12.26.2023
Found some in-game announcer (voiced by Roger Craig Smith) audio clips datamined by someone datamining Crash Team Rumble before Season 2 even started back around September.
Anyway, check them out for yourselves and follow him on X (Twitter).
This is part 1/4. I'll have part 2 available tomorrow.
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Four Vignettes
I don't know what this is. Maybe it was inspired by my Spotify Wrapped? I'm still not sure I'm using the word "pastiche" correctly. I pulled at a few different threads and I wove this, whatever it is.
Robert Sheehan is outside my window again. Lucky for me, I'm on the 2nd floor, in my writer's studio above the corner bodega and he's standing on the sidewalk.
The window is open.
"Eileen!" he shouts up. "Come on, Eileen."
I leave my chair, push aside the pink-and-gray buffalo check curtain and peer down at him.
Putting his Irish accent on thick, he sings, "Believe me, if all those enduring young charms..."
"I'm dreaming," I say, interrupting his croon. "This is because I said you should play Kevin Rowland in a movie about Dexys Midnight Runners."
"Not a dream," he half-says, half-sings. "Don't you want to come down and go for a walk with me, just around the neighborhood?"
"No." The smell of hot tortilla chips warming in the bodega below makes my nostrils flare. I imagine the salt crystals on their flat surfaces. Craving the warmth and salt, I feel a hunger pang.
"Why not?"
"I've got things to do."
"Like what?"
I gesture at my laptop. "I have to write things. Legitimate things, fresh things, not just this Joyce Carol Oates pastiche."
"Eileen, you ain't telling the truth."
"Not my name," I remind him.
"Eileen, Erin, whatever. This is your day set aside for going for a walk with me and you know it."
I feel threatened. I close the window and go back to my laptop.
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fascinatedscrawls · 1 year
Title: Borrowing Trouble Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6287 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: Jewelry, Getting Together, Fluff and Smut, Eddie has a small crisis, So does Steve but he gets over it way faster, Hand Jobs Summary: When Eddie catches sight of the body chain Steve has wrapped around his waist it feels like he's about to explode. He's just not sure if it's going to be his head, his dick, or his heart that goes first. (It's absolutely his heart, Eddie's been gone on Steve for weeks now, but the rest of him isn't far behind.)
Excerpt: “Sure. Hey, Robin also said something about your cufflinks?” The flashy things clashed terribly with the jacket and button up she wore today, which was why Eddie even brought them up to her in the first place while wasting time at the video store. “She’s not giving them back until you return her stuff first. Any idea what she’s talking about?��
“What?” Steve frowns a little, obviously still processing the question as he reaches up to grab the two of them some glasses from the upper cabinets, the old t-shirt he’s wearing riding up with the motion. His expression clears just as the light catches something at his waist and Steve sounds far away when he says, “Oh, yeah.”
The far away part is mostly because Eddie's mind screeches to a halt with a noise similar to a guitar slide that runs all the way up the neck of the guitar at the sight of that thin gold chain wrapped around Steve’s waist.
Time seems to slow, the chain glimmering as it twists in response to Steve’s motions.
It’s hanging about level with his scars, drawing a slightly uneven line across his back just a couple of inches above the waistband of Steve’s pants, highlighting the little jut in on his sides and the dip of his spine and Eddie wants to touch it, to lick it, to-
Something breaks in Eddie’s mind at the thought. His composure? That guitar string from earlier? Perhaps the entire fucking thing?
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hottubraccoon · 2 months
Birkina; Land of Reflection and Greed
separate eastern island off the continent, primarily elf citizens
Character SHORT List:
Bennue Kayani
Chantal Thornton
Corselle Kayani
Ibarra Kayani
James Thornton
Tarfa Scaleborn
Theodore Thornton
The Valguard
Zyro Kayani
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2H Media on Unsplash.
Birkina is based on the Egypt coast physical geography*. Rains are light when they do reach the island, but magical storms are angry things; Birkina has casters in every city to protect themselves against these storms. There isn't much seasonal changes here, staying hot and clear year round, although their winter does have intensely cold nights. Some animals seem to prefer this as they migrate here in the winter months, away from Solistal's constant cold.
*but only when I feel like it lol
Birkina's most famous natural phenomenon are it's Rainbow Bay, an almost constant rainbow connecting the far ends of the bay, and the largest known reef system in their waters, the Great (Barrier) Reef. There are also some sunken buildings along the coast, in a different style to GK's underwater buildings. Scholars love to visit the towns closest to them. The most memorable man-made wonder is the Dudrana Lighthouse, which connects them to the mainland. It is magically enhanced to function and assist sailors in storms as well. Much of the buildings designs come from Arabian/Egyptian architecture and are built around the few rivers and/or oasis' on the island. With fewer areas to settle, the cities tend towards bigger more clustered layouts as many more people stick to the river ways.
Kamikita holds Birkina's access to the mainland, and has a choke hold on trading overall, so Birkina has trouble with getting access to certain things. This also means Birkina depends on Kamikita for a lot of their livelihoods. They export lots of dyes, spices, and herbs. There are also lots of fruits, different to Kamikita's, that they'd be willing to trade if they weren't restricted. As it is, dyes and spices are asked for Klenith-wide so those are the most farmed and exported goods that Birkina has. Currency is often used for mainland trading, whereas it is goods bartering within Birkina.
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chrisburrc on Unsplash.
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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1-800-dnkichu · 2 years
just me putting yuuji under a microscope and writing lil blurbs about him and the different types of love. starting with (drumroll please) CHOSO :D
I can't resist writing Choso and Yuuji. Best brothers. Even though I didn't really take time to write much. Only 1192 words. But I'm happy with it *finger guns*
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