#Pentecost muse
imxthexhandler · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have. ---------------------------
( @mcltitcdes- I couldn't decide if it should be focused on our PR AU or with the Moon boys, so...)
v: Cancelling the Apocalypse
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The first person Amelia talked about Joshua was Alexis. After that, every K-Day, Alexis sticks by Amelia's side unless she's on duty so she doesn't have to be alone. The tradition expanded to include Sonny as the three of them became best friends.
Amelia refuses to fly (unless it is absolutely necessary) if Axel is not the pilot. He is the only one she trusts. To try and keep her calm during flights, if they're alone, Axel will bust out singing his favorite karaoke songs, with Amelia singing along with him. Their favorite is "You Really Got Me". Axel prefers the Guns n Roses version, Amelia prefers The Kinks.
Nearing the time of the attack on the Breach, Amelia noticed Pentecost's repeated missed calls and messages from his private medical doctor. She confronted him about it a couple of times, each time with him denying it. After he was suited up in his dive suit, Amelia confronted him for the third time. The two had a brief argument before Amelia tearfully told him goodbye and thanked him for giving her a new life with the PPDC.
Amelia waited a year after Yancy's death before she tried to reach out to Raleigh, knowing on some level what he was going through and wanting to spare him the same despair that consumed her. He never contacted her back, but every three months, she kept trying to send him messages- whether by letter, by email, or by phone.
Mako was the one to teach Amelia how to speak Japanese. She found out Raleigh spoke it similar to the same way Mako did. She stated to Mako in Japanese (with Raleigh present) at the canteen, sipping on coffee, "He's cute. His attitude needs some work and his brother was better looking, but he is cute." Raleigh glanced up with a completely serious expression, staring at Amelia, "Oh, you think I'm cute?" Which made Amelia choke on her coffee and hiss at Mako for not telling her that he knew Japanese. Mako and Raleigh still tease her about it.
Moon Knight and Mr. Knight
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Once Amelia and Steven started seeing each other, Amelia began experimenting with vegan recipes. To get a majority of the Avengers to try them, she usually has to leave out the fact that it's vegan.
Even though Amelia will straighten up the flat while they are away on business for Khonshu, she will not touch Steven's books. She will make sure they do not gather dust, and will clean underneath them, around them, but she always keeps the stacks right where Steven left them.
Both Steven and Marc can be very distracting when Amelia is trying to work on something. Marc is much more dramatic and direct, but Steven is just as bad, he's just more polite about it. Damn those brown eyes.
When Amelia was first interacting with Marc and Steven, she had an easy code with them to know who was fronting at the moment. Steven's was asking about tea time; Marc's was discussing the Cubs.
Amelia spent the night with Steven first during their first date. The two literally spent the night talking until they ended up falling asleep on the couch together. Marc was the first to spend the night at her apartment, surprising her with dinner and flowers.
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rowenabean · 11 months
today at church I was chatting to one of our new pastors (been in town since Easter) and she said "this rain is something else, I've been praying about it because I've never felt any rain like it maybe there's something spiritual at work" and like. this is my problem with very pentecostal pentes. because I feel like this is a Prime Case of attributing things to spiritual forces without sufficient information
I fully believe it may be the most rain she's ever felt. It was a lot of rain. But for us? Those of us who've lived here a while? This is the 5th? 6th? very heavy rain event in the last 18 months, not even particularly bad in terms of rainfall, if you want someone to blame it's definitely climate change (and also possibly la nina)(although I was hoping that we would have a dry patch with the switch to el nino and unfortunately, the rain)
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As they are spending the Pentecost weekend at the Fort, the story set there. Your Strawberry
He sat at his desk, glancing at the clock and groaning. He had promised her not to sit over his files for too long. But he had forgotten the time. They were here to relax for a few days, but they couldn't do it completely without work. He knew she would never interrupt him, yet he felt guilty taking advantage of her generosity. He closed the pen he had just been writing with.
Then suddenly it was dark. Without warning, the light had gone out. He frowned. Since it was already the middle of the night, it was indeed pitch black. He fumbled on the desk for his mobile phone, but before he found it, it began to vibrate. Gratefully, he reached for the glowing display and saw that his security team was calling him.
He answered the call and learned that the power had gone out in the entire fortress. He was told that it would be taken care of. They also wanted to know if he needed help. He replied in the negative and asked that he be called when the situation was resolved. When he finished the call and went to activate the torch on his mobile phone, he saw that the battery was already in the red. He remembered that he wanted to charge the phone overnight and cursed as the display went black.
He got up and slowly crossed his office. Carefully, he looked for the stairs that led to his bedroom. When he reached it safely, he opened it quietly. He did not want to wake his wife in case she was already asleep. No sooner had he entered the room than he heard her voice trembling in fear, "Is that you?" He had not thought of her being afraid of the dark. "Yes, chérie, I am here," he said softly.
"Where are you?" he wanted to know. He heard her irregular breathing. "I'm sitting on the bed," she brought out pressedly. After a few steps he was with her. He wrapped her in his arms and realised she was trembling. Her head pressed against his torso and he wrapped his arms around her body. "It's all right," he reassured her. "It's just the electricity is out. It's being taken care of. You don't have to be afraid. I'm with you." He felt her slowly relax. "Don't go away," she pleaded softly.
"I won't leave," he promised. "Do you have your phone around here somewhere?" he asked quietly. "On the nightstand," she said. "I need to call security and let them know my phone is out of battery," he explained, searching for her phone on the nightstand. After taking care of the call, he turned back to her.
"You weren't in bed yet when the power went out," he noted. "No, but I was about to go to bed," she explained, feeling him reach for her T-shirt and pull it over her head. "What are you doing?" she asked with a smirk. "Undressing us so we can go to bed," he said in a slightly husky voice and immediately unclasped the bra at her back. "Let's get rid of the fear," he whispered to her as the bra lost its hold. "All right," she whispered as softly as he and she slipped his T-shirt over his head.
Despite the darkness, they had quickly shed their clothes. Nestled close together, they lay down in their bed and he drove away her fear completely by distracting her thoroughly. As she lay contented and relaxed in his arms, the light suddenly came back on and they winced as her mobile rang a moment later. He reached across her and took the call.
Grinning, he hung up. "Maybe that was a sign," he mused. "The light went off when I realised I'd been working too late and the light came back on after I gave you my time." He leaned his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry I left you alone all evening," he said ruefully. She caressed his cheek and replied, "I didn't necessarily need a blackout, but you were there when I needed you." Tenderly she kissed him and they fell asleep in each other's arms.
Helloo sweet 🍓! ❤️
See? Darkness is not so bad after all! And especially when they are together.
And maybe Brigitte could start telling someone to cut off the power whenever she wants to take Emmanuel away from the files 😉
Thank you so much, Strawberry! ❤️❤️❤️
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cambriancrew · 2 years
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There are sooo many instances where entities DO stick around and are experienced outside of specific settings.
We recently went to a conference on Invisible Presence, with several anthropologists, cognitive scientists, psychiatric professionals, Zen Buddhists, another tulpamancer, and more. There were discussed sooo many instances of persistent, "out of bounds" entities.
Like the experience of a nun talking with Jesus while just sitting and relaxing, envisioning him as feeling thirsty and pouring him a drink of lemonade. When the anthropologist being told about this asked how often this sort of experience happened, the nun was startled by the question, as if the question was entirely missing the point. Always, she answered.
There was an anthropologist who discussed talking with what she described as her inner child while going into a toy store and feeling like a teddy bear there was representative of the inner child. Journaling with the inner child felt like talking to both part of herself and like talking to someone outside of herself.
There's also the Vineyard Evangelicals - Tanya Lurhmann was at this conference. They experience talking with God in their day to day life, all the time. They're not the only Christians with this sort of experience either. It's particularly common among Pentecostals, but it's experienced across the whole religion - like the Catholic nuns I mentioned above.
There was anthropologists studying entheogens there too, including one who studied ayahuasca. At first, he only experienced the ayahuasca spirit (which mostly just told him a bunch of different things to do to improve his life, rather like a nagging mother) while tripping, but eventually got to the point where he could get into the right mindset to experience conversing with it without the ayahuasca.
There's also mediums who have spirit guides, entities they connect with over and over, across the course of their life, both while channeling and during their daily life. Or who just have a particular spirit, sometimes one of their own deceased relatives, who they keep in contact with.
There's people who seek out their guardian angel, and talk with it (or in us Willows' case, "them", as we have four) across their whole life.
There's authors who have muses - characters or other entities who they talk to on a regular basis, both in the context of writing and outside of it.
There's Neale Donald Walsch who spent countless hours writing down what he experienced as God talking with him, both when he sat down to write and day to day - enough to fill several books.
And that's just examples of this sort of thing that we Crew are personally aware of. There's likely so many more that we don't know of.
So the claim that cultural and religious experiences aren't persistent and only occur in specific contexts? That's completely wrong and utterly ignorant of how these sorts of experiences actually happen.
"Out of bounds" and persistent experiences are much more common and everyday than you might think.
And imho, they're just as valid an experience of plurality, should the experiencer wish to identify them as such, as any other.
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penhive · 9 months
Journal Dated 5th Sept 2023
I heard the noise of the fan and it was grunting sweet orgasm. The greatest inspiration for a writer is travelling to different places and experiencing people, places and cultures. Imagination for the writer has no limits. A writer beautifies the language in colorful words. The muse of passion is living in my world. There is no philosophy that can quench human experiences. Is the age of romanticism over? Don Quixote celebrates individuality. The pen is a serpent that curves words. God’s favor will catapult me to fame. She had breasts as small as grapes. A dream is the heat and light of the sun. The leaves lying on the tree are corpses without any moment of wind.  Saw an info-mercial in Facebook which boasted of a pyrite stone to attract wealth. Then I wondered I how I can reduce my God, Creator into a piece of stone. My God is worth more than a pyrite stone. These days I am addicted to watching travelogues and I feel astounded and my urge of wanderlust is growing stronger. Whatever happens I won’t lose hope. Better things and better days are yet to come. Though I am having doubts about Christianity, still I am remaining a staunch Christian of faith. Every day I am doing the best I can. What is beauty? Beauty is the flower of meaning and the nectar of appreciation. I wish I am packing bags and moving to different destinations.  I have bipolar disorder but I don’t care.  I have found love in a Filipino woman who is 10 years older than me. I hope to visit her. I hope I can visit her, and write poems on her body. I was able to write poems for Valerie who came from the UK as a teacher for exchange program. I wrote 2 poems for her and she went to England and had it framed. Though she was keen to have sex, I being a puritan, declined politely. Muse is an erotic nude wanting to be fucked. I love the smell of tobacco sweet and sensual. My prayer to God is to help me transcend the poets, novelists and philosophers that I have read and all the art that I have seen. I wonder why God did not eliminate Satan then there would have been no evil in the world. Is sin hyped too much? Art for me is the religion of the soul. I went to a Pentecostal church and the pastor there was condemning drugs and alcohol. I smiled in irony as booze and dope were pleasurable experiences for me. The high I got while consuming weed has been incredible. Emotions are volatile passions of the heart. Stoicurean is a blend of stoic and Epicurean.
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seizonshe · 11 days
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[    ᴸᴼᴬᴰᴵᴺᴳ ˑˑ        ]    welcome    to    #seizonshe,    a    private    and    independent    medium-activity    blog    for    𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙾    𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙸    from    𝙶𝚄𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙼𝙾    𝙳𝙴𝙻    𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙾'𝚂    PACIFIC    RIM.    strictly    first    movie    and comics based,     and    multiverse,    with    verses    for    𝙳𝚄𝙽𝙴,    𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁    𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚂,    𝙳𝙲    &    𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚅𝙴𝙻    𝚄𝙽𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴,    𝙵𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚈    &    𝙼𝙾𝚁𝙴.    written    adoringly    by    𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊.    no previous knowledge of pacific rim required, as i wish to explore mako as her character beyond canon. psd by jeyneedits &. borders by me.
(1) aesthetics, (2) prompts.
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an    exploration    of   : the    sci-fi    genre,    the    tragedy    hero,    the    force    within,    the    pupil,    the    soulmate, the quiet soul, the sword made of flesh, the softness of feminitiy &. the female rage, the longing for belonging, the strike of traumma.
𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: 森マコ  Mori Mako (RANGER N. R-MMAK_204.19-V) 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚃𝙴: January 9th, 2005 in Tanegashima, Japan. 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈: Sumako Mori (deceased), Masao Mori (deceased), Stacker Pentecost (adoptive father, mentor, sensei), Jake Pentecost (adoptive brother). 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽: officer of the pacific defense corps J'Tech, ranger in training, engineer, later pilot of the jaeggar gipsy danger aka lady danger. 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃: 5' 5" (1.65 m) 𝚆𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃: 121 lbs 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙴𝚈𝙴𝚂: black (with blue highlights) and brown. 𝙹𝙰𝙴𝙶𝙶𝙰𝚁 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙽𝙴𝚁: Raleigh Becket. 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻 𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: bisexual, demiromantic. 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂: resilient, strong, respectful, brave, reverent, resourceful, trustworthy, single-minded, methodic, disciplined, organized, clean, loyal, pure. 𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂: stubborn, demanding, rigid, cloistered, intolerant, introverted, hermetic, dogmatic, lonely. * NOTES FROM THE ORIENTATION: more information about the pilot can be found on the ranger file above.
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this blog is private and selective which means i'll only reply and answer mutuals.
i welcome affiliates ! but not exclusives.
the only thing i recognize from the second movie is jake. everything else... nah. so please respect that.
if you don't know pacific rim you are more than welcomed to follow anyway. i have many multiverses coming up, like modern, spy verse etc and mako is genuinely an easy muse to interact with.
while i speak portuguese, spanish and english, mako is japanese. i'll have to use the translator for whenever she speaks in japanese, so forgive any mistakes, please.
reblog memes from the source, please.
don't be a bad person. no hate speech. i won't interact if you use youtubers, shady celebrities, and the like. i do not engage in callouts if not to help someone else. this is a safe space for everyone no matter what.
i love plotting, so let's have fun !
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cogentranting · 2 months
A musing from this morning for your consideration:
(Re: her first parade costume specifically, but also that symbolism carried forward) Katniss Everdeen the Girl on Fire=
Pentecost? (fire as a sign of the presence of the Spirit at the start of a new age) The burning bush? (Burning but not being burned up and God speaking through her) A pillar of fire by night? (the people being led out of bondage) A martyr who doesn't burn?
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rejo1ced · 7 months
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#REJO1CED: an independent original character roleplay blog. written by avery , twenty - four , she / they , cst. triggering themes will be present , follow at your own risk.
a study in: escaping your past , discovering yourself , music making life mater , desiring to fit in , self - destruction , addiction , battling with your religion , &. much much more.
affliated with : @crushsung
LINKS : headcanons. playlist. pinterest.
001 ; this is an independent &. private writing blog for an original character , all graphics found are created by me-- activity is considered low to medium 002 ; mature &. triggering content will appear on this blog. said content will be tagged as either ' cw ' &. / or ' tw '. if you need anything tagged , please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know. 003 ; this blog is heavily plot focused. plotting is the best way to get interactions going with me , as i find it the easiest way to connect to our muses and get things started. ims are always open to mutuals. inbox memes will be treated as starters ; feel free to reply to any of them. 004 ; the general dni applies here on my blog , if you are an individual who writes / supports topics like homophobia , transphobia , racism , sexism , and other gross behaviors , i will not hesitate to hard block. 005 ; ships are one of my favorite things , but with that being said , i'm only down to ship if their is chemistry between our muses. don't hesitate though to reach out if you're interested in shipping! 006 ; i've recently become a fulltime stay at home parent , and i'm still learning how to balance that with my other priorities. that means i may not always be around. my real life is always my top priority and that means my activity may vary drastically. I just ask that you please be patient with me.
name. dylan michelle price nicknames / aliases. professionally know as dylan price , but friends call her dyl or d. gender. cis woman. pronouns. she / they. birthday. september 12th , 1998 ( verse dependent ). age. verse dependent , 25 - 27. sexuality. lesbian. current location. new york city , new york. birthplace. huntsville , alabama. spoken languages. english ( fluent ) , spanish ( fluent ). education. high school graduate with some college , went for two years studying music. occupation. struggling musician trying to make it. faceclaim. liv hewson voiceclaim. julien baker. eye color. dark blue. hair color. strawberry blonde. body type. slim , almost too thin due to her addictions. height. 5' 4" scent. cigarette smoke , wears old spice krakengaurd deodorant and body spray. tattoos / piercings. tba. just know she's covered in them. personality. appears aloof , quiet , passionate , distant , thoughtful , caring.
dylan price has always fought with her religion-- she grew up in the south . she was raised in a pentecostal church , and with an love for music from an early age , it was no surprise when she joined the churches praise band. christian music is an obvious influence in her own personal music. her new single rejoice is the perfect example of it. but , that's not all that her religion has influenced. from an early age , dylan knew she was a lesbian , she recalls when she realized , after a middle school soccer game , she was sitting in the back of the bus with her then best friend ( she made sure to exclude her name and wouldn't budge on the details ) held her hand. dylan describes it as your vision clearing after you get glasses for the first time. seeing the leaves in trees and not just blobs of color. this revaluation though , led to inner turmoil-- was the way she was enough? did her god , the one she worshipped now hate her because of who she loved? this struggle eventually led to her leaving the church and her hometown of huntsville.
the next step for dylan, she recalls was scary-- newly eighteen she loaded up in her in her 1997 subaru outback ( a detail she said she couldn't leave out. ) with everything she owned , two suitcases of clothes and an old guitar , and set of to new york with her then girlfriend ( we tried to press for this information too , but she did not budge ). the next years of her life were filled with struggle. dylan faced joblessness in new york , as well as homelessness , an addiction to cocaine as well as many other drugs-- she says this was the worst time of her life, her mental health was spiraling and she attempted to end her life two times. she said she never expected to make it past the age of 23-- and luckily that wasn't true.
at twenty - four , dylan's music career started to make bounds. former musican , liddell , discovered and vouched for the budding musician when she discovered a video of dylan covering one of her songs. this support led to her being picked up by an up and coming indie record label lavender songbird records , and the creation of her first album eye to eye's release.
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cool-trina-world · 2 years
The Great Spiritual Darkness Chapters 14-15
The Antichrist Takeover of the Modern Church and New Age Movement
By: David John Oates
Copyright © 2022
The Great Spiritual Darkness By David John Oates Copyright © 2022
Published by Reverse Speech Pty Ltd., P.O. Box 2148 Hackham SA 5163 Australia
[email protected] http://www.reversespeech.com http://www.davidoates.com
Whilst David John Oates holds copyright on this work, full permission in given to copy or distribute any of this work in whole or on part, providing it is done with full credit given to the author for the work and no financial gain is sought or obtained for the reproduction.
At this stage of the book, you must be wondering are there any good preachers out there and which path is the right path for me to follow? Unfortunately, I found very few genuine ones, and as this book continues you will see that this disease plagues not only the Pentecostal church but the Protestants, the Catholics and other sects as well.
It seems as though the whole church is on the wrong path. And they are. The sad fact is, that they have forgotten even the most basic of Christ’s teachings, starting with selling all you have and follow me, and even down to the simplest command of all, of not praying in public but rather go to your home and pray in private. Jesus called those who pray in public, hypocrites. So why does the church do it? Where did all the creeds and chants and prayer books come from? Did Jesus teach the church to do that? I don't think he did. Correct me if I'm wrong.
At the time of writing this book, there are a series of posts flooding facebook, telling people that God is going to give you millions of dollars and wipe away all your debts, all you have to do is claim it and say amen. These posts are getting 1000s of comments all saying amen, thank you Jesus and posting their prayers. So I’ve been posting to these threads saying why on earth do you think Jesus will answer a prayer that is contrary to everything he taught and the way he lived, and why are you doing all of this publicly when Jesus said to do it private. I wonder what people will think who posted to these threads when their “prayers” do not come true. Of course, they have deleted my posts. It seems that dissenting opinions are not allowed. Why am I not surprised?
Jesus called us to a life of service and sacrifice. He never promised that we would become millionaires. He never promised that life would be easy. In fact, he said the opposite. In Luke 9:23, Jesus looks at his disciples and tells them, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”
In those days to pick up your cross literally meant a death sentence. It meant losing everything. In fact, as I said earlier, all of Jesus’s disciples, except for one (John), died horrific deaths as martyrs. Christians were routinely crucified, fed to the lions or suffered some other horrific fate. Nowadays we complain to God if he hasn’t given us enough money to pay the mortgage for the month. We think that going to church every Sunday and reading our bible and saying our prayers, or even declaring we are born again and washed in the blood of the lamb, will save us. It will not.
It is by the thoughts of your heart and the musings of your soul by which you shall be judged. Just because you say Jesus is Lord and he sits on the throne of my heart, does not make it so. Do you house the orphans and homeless? Do you feed the hungry? Do you visit those in jail? Do you mix with the downtrodden and drug addicts, and those who are lost and rejected? Have you sacrificed your life to follow Jesus? Have you left everything behind to follow in his footsteps? I suspect very few people could say they have.
Unfortunately Jesus’s words and teachings have been watered down to mere platitudes and lip service. Very few people turn the other cheek anymore. They hit back. Do you know anyone who has sacrificed their whole life to follow Jesus? (And I don't mean they run a big church and have used their congregation’s money to buy a big expensive house and car). I know of only a very small handful.
Today, the majority of the christian church live in luxury. They worship God from their Golden Pulpits and glass temples while the church provides parking space for their expensive cars. They teach positive affirmations and a life of blessings where all your desires are granted to you by God. Just watch a sermon on TV, or drive past the churches in your neighborhood and you will see why christian leaders have such bad reversals.
I don’t know when the church got off track, I just know they did. Maybe church historians can point to a time when this happened, but I suspect it has happened gradually over the centuries. We have had our prophets over the years who have tried to bring the church back on track. I think of Martin Luther and Charles Wesley to name just two. But their influence has been short lived and once they passed on, their legacies, too, degenerated into yet another church saying forbidden prayers every Sunday with no real power.
What do you think Jesus will say to the church when he returns? What will he say to you? He actually tells you in the new Testament what he will say, in the book of Matthew, 7:22.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and performed many miracles. Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’”
Doesn't this sound like something a church pastor would say, “But God, I preached every Sunday, I spoke in tongues and prophesied. I cast out demons and healed cancer. I am born again and washed in the blood of the lamb.”
Is this something you would say?
So why would Jesus say depart from me? It’s because he doesn't listen to what your conscious mind says. He listens to what your heart says. He sees the secrets you hide, your inner thoughts, your real loyalties. Do you know the voice of your heart? As I said in my Preface, do you know that in the last days, this voice will be revealed publicly for all to hear?
Do you realize this is happening now? Reverse Speech reveals the voice of the heart. It is the voice God hears and God answers. This is why he tells you not to pray in public. Because that is what your conscious mind is saying and that is what you want others to hear you say. Your unconscious only talks in small still whispers. This is the voice that God hears and this is the voice I will continue to reveal publicly in my writings.
Yes, we are in the days of a great spiritual darkness, where people give lip service to religion but do not know its real power. This does not only extend to religion but in many other areas as well, politics being just one which I will discuss towards the end of this book.
How do we change this? Well, the first thing we have to do is recognize its exists. This book is a step forward in that process. I wish you courage and fortitude to take the steps necessary.
The next church I looked at was the Episcopal church in the United States. They are an offspring of the Anglican church with a congregation of almost 2 million. The current residing Bishop is the Reverend Michael Curry and it is he who I reversed for this expose.
Michael Bruce Curry (born March 13, 1953) is an American bishop who is the 27th and current presiding Bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church. Elected in 2015, he is the first African American to serve as presiding bishop in The Episcopal Church. He was the also the Minister who married Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. His net worth is approximately $2 million.
The sermon I analyzed was from May 2021 at the Washington National Cathedral. It doesn’t start off well. As he says says forwards, “and now in the name of our loving, liberating and life giving God,” he says in reverse, “Never love a man.” This may sound innocuous but it is the opposite of Christ’s teachings which are to love all men. His next reversal occurs as he tells a story from his past and it says, “Boring talk, they’re not fed.” This reversal speaks for itself.
However, the voice of his heart only gets worse from there. As he tells the story forward, with great passion, about the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, he says in reverse, “Denied death of Jesus, you will laugh at the dead.” This is nothing short of blasphemy. If you deny Jesus died, then there is no resurrection and Christianity is meaningless. No wonder he will laugh at the dead – cos they’re dead. No more to come. Sorry folks.
He continues preaching by extolling the virtues of another preacher and says backwards, “Feel Satan.” This is immediately followed by a very clear and aggressive reversal that says, “Send your death force. Start attack.” His preaching is not passionate because of an anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is passionate because he is destroying, with malice, the foundation stones of Christianity. A Christianity, I might add, that he doesn't believe in anyway because he then says backwards, preaching with passion, “Fuck it. It’s a lie.” He doesn’t believe a word he is saying.
It is Satan in his reversals, therefore his heart, as the next reversal shows, “the Satan visit.” He says this backwards as he talks about the love of Christ forwards. Rather in-congruent I would say.
He finishes off his sermon by saying forwards, “Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly dove,” and backwards he says, “See, what use.” Indeed what use does he see in the Holy Spirit when that is not the spirit he extols from his heart.
Okay, so I didn't do any good with Episcopalians. Maybe the Lutherans will be better. To this end I reversed the Rev Elizabeth Eaton, the head of the Lutheran church.
Elizabeth Amy Eaton is the fourth Presiding Bishop, and the first female Presiding Bishop, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She was elected on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, on the fifth ballot. She was re-elected to a second six year term in 2019. Her net worth is nine million dollars and she is paid a staggering four million dollars a year annual salary from the church.
I began by reversing a lecture she gave at the University of Saint Thomas but only found one reversal which said, “her sin is Satan.” Like Bishop Curry, this is not a good start. I then moved to a more informal discussion as she was interviewed in front of a church congregation, hoping for better results. Her first reversal started off well saying, “I know he was logos.” The gospel of John refers to Jesus as the word, or Logos.
However, her reversals begin to deteriorate as, firstly, she talks about the catechism saying, “It’s so big in the shit.” There is that theme again that we saw in earlier chapters of this book. Theology and Jesus don’t seem to mix. The Catechism teaches church doctrine and her reversal basically says its full of shit.
Then as she continues talking about following the commandments of God, she says in reverse, “A demon, God is toxic.” Clearly she believes in God because she called him Logos in a previous reversal but does she follow him? This reversal would seem to suggest that she does not, as does the following reversal, “Blood with demonic.”
Her last reversal, unfortunately, says it all, “Then I’m so fake, I fool Eve.” She might fool her feminine, right brain, but I doubt she fools the Logos.
Undaunted, I moved onto my next Protestant denomination, the United Church of Christ, headed by the Reverend John C. Dorhauer.
John C. Dorhauer is an American Protestant clergy member, author, and theologian. He currently serves as the General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, a Mainline Protestant denomination. His net worth is unknown.
The speech I analyzed from Rev. Dorhauer was his commentary on the George Floyd murder.
His first reversals starts off well as he talks forwards about enemies needing to seek peace. Backwards he says, “we want to know who seek it.” However, the reverse dialogue goes down rapidly from there as forwards he starts to connect the killing of George Floyd with white supremacy. The reversal on this section says, “feel with my hell.”
As he continues talking about the George Floyd killing, his next reversal says, “Buying a lock, the share of Satan.” This is followed by a reversal that says, “what a fake,” as he talks forwards about the risks to black Americana by police officers. These reversals are occurring simply because he is trying to create a false narrative by connecting Floyd’s death to white Supremacy, which it was not, and bigoted police officers.
Next he talks forwards about dismantling systems of oppression and says backwards, “kill the blame, Satan.” He is espousing a satanic doctrine of hatred rather than stating the situation for what it was. His next reversal confirms this by saying, “our God is Satan,“ and his final reversal says, “I am Satan.” Once again this occurs because he is creating a false narrative of Floyd’s killing being the result of White Supremacy. Whether he knows it or not, he is adding fuel to the fire using a doctrine of hatred which he is pretending to fight.
This preacher does not espouse the love of Christ. He creates a false atmosphere of hatred. His God, therefore, is not the god of the Bible, but the God of the dark realms, Satan himself!
And the sad truth is, this is true of almost every church I have examined so far. They are not following the God of the bible, as they claim and they have allowed the Antichrist take over of the modern church.
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rowenabean · 1 year
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trudith · 5 years
Philippians 1:29
"For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him"...
To me this means that it is a gift, a privilege to suffer for Christ.
Suffering for the sake of Christ comes with the territory of believing in and serving Jesus Christ. In the same way we sign a job contract and have to deal with all the stress that comes with the job and at the end of the month (or whatever pay cycle applies to you)you get your salary, a similar situation exists, if you suffer with Christ, at the end of your life, you get to reign with Him.
Christ himself said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." We all know the crucifixion story and have read the horrible things that were done to Jesus on the way to Calvary...we have signed up to carry the cross (suffer) and obey the Lord no matter what every day of our lives. First of all, it's difficult for one to deny themself, considering that there is a constant battle between the spirit and the flesh, plus go through various trials, testing and temptation daily. But, when we look at the reward that He has promised to give unto us if we remain faithful to Him is worth it all.
Stay with Jesus for all the trials of this life will be worth it after all.
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jay1x1rpblog · 5 years
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virtuousouls · 2 years
jake tags
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palmerasenfuego · 3 years
what i’m reading
the complete stories, clarice lispector
adam and i spoke with ken baumann about “beauty and the beast; or, the enormous wound” for a lil something we’ve been cooking up that yes of course i’m behind on (sorry adam) but besides “beauty and the beast,” a stunning piece of literature, i’ve read the first handful of stories and i know i’m late on this bandwagon but clarice lispector is hot shit
the 120 days of sodom, the marquis de sade
speaking of hot shit...
great expectations, kathy acker
despite this being the slimmest acker novel i’ve read (the others being love and guts in high school and empire of the senseless, one of my favorites) it’s probably the densest and most enigmatic. and since i have huge holes in my literary knowledge i have no idea how much she really plagiarizes or if she’s just treating literature as a smorgasbord for plating what may be to some tastes a disturbingly upalatable melange, but to mine is a charmingly chaotic comfort dish.
in the devil’s snare, mary beth norton
i have 5+ books on the salem witch trials to read, probably overkill but hey so were the witch trials (booing, tomatoes being thrown) no but seriously folks, the witch trials were some crazy shit. this book posits that the psychological and political effects of skirmishes with the wabanaki indians to the north of salem village goes some way towards explaining the atmosphere of fear and mistrust that plagued essex county in 1692. i’m only about 100 pages in so I’m just learning about these Indian wars, and honestly not exactly retaining all of it because like I said I have 5+ books to read for a paper i have to write for my mlis program, a paper where i’m going to argue something to the effect of “damn, historical events are basically impossible to understand or adequately explain yo”
the white goddess, robert graves
i understand this even less than the details of king philip’s war, because i have 0 knowledge of celtic mythology or whatever, and graves presents his argument let’s call it idiosyncratically around i guess interpreting and also editing? a long poem titled ‘the battle of the trees,’ as a way of interrogating the structure of myths. i’m not there yet but my understanding is he posits, sort of like frazer with the golden bough, that european poetic myths all center around praise of what he calls ‘the white goddess’ and that patriarchal christianity decentered this most sacred of muses, causing poetry to decouple itself from its rightful aim, ie invocation of the white goddess. interestingly, in the preface, he claims that poetry of a “magical” quality still occasionally gets written, but not by poets “conscientiously” studying the “grammar and vocabulary” of poetic myth, as graves sets out to, but through an “almost pathological reversion to the original language—a wild Pentecostal ‘speaking in tongues’” which begs the question, then why set out to rigorously study the grammar of poetic myth? 
the crying of lot 49, thomas pynchon
not exactly reading this so much as studying novella structure; also on my reference list is djuna barnes’s nightwood, which i recently read and loved in inverse proportion to how much of it i “got.” might also revisit good morning, midnight by jean rhys, or maybe something by marguerite duras. 
gravity’s rainbow, thomas pynchon
yes i’m reading gravity’s rainbow again okay, but it’s adam and angie’s fault this time
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finishinglinepress · 3 years
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FLP FEATURED AUTHOR OF THE DAY: As the former Executive Director of The Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland, one of the largest literary centers in the USA, Stewart Moss helped establish creative writing programs for adult immigrants, and members of the military being treated for neurological and psychological trauma. Moss has essays included in “Retire the Colors: Veterans & Civilians on Iraq & Afghanistan” (Hudson Whitman/Excelsior College Press, 2016) and Plume Literary Journal, and poetry in the spring ’16 edition of Origins Literary Review. He has also been featured in “The Poet and the Poem” podcasts at The Library of Congress. He was educated at Union College (NY) and Harvard University. A native of Boston, MA he resides in Annapolis, MD. His chapbook For Those Whose Lives Have Seen Themselves: Poems is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/for-those-whose-lives-have-seen-themselves-poems-by-stewart-moss/ Please share/please repost
ADVANCE PRAISE: For Those Whose Lives Have Seen Themselves: Poems by Stewart Moss
For Those Whose Lives Have Seen Themselves opens with the question “What is seeing and knowing/ what I see” and launches a quest for the answer. In these palpably sensuous poems of Rilkian adoration of the natural and human world, the speaker is “in a perpetual state of unrequited love, / always exposed and reaching out/ then attending to the silence.” When this tender, devoted attentiveness is reciprocated and “…the quickening world/reaches forward and grabs the quivering brain” rhapsodies of ecstasy, imagination and language—poetry, poetry! explode on the page. Gorgeous, celebratory, healing and redemptive, this collection is essential reading for our times.
–Nancy Mitchell, The Out of Body Shop
In this extraordinary chapbook, Stewart Moss describes its theme in both the title and text of the very first poem, “A Kind of Attentiveness” — “that groping outward/breath by breath/as the quickening world/reaches forward/and grabs the quivering brain…” Isn’t it exactly this willed attentiveness that draws us to poetry in the first place? If that’s so, then Moss has us readers from the jump. And what a far-flung world it is – hallucinatory and intimate, ferocious and kind; here is Tripoli, here Amsterdam, here a park, where we sit beside our (for by this attentiveness she has become ours) daughter’s stroller. Far-flung, yes, but exquisitely, viscerally detailed (“the day hemorrhages dust/into a cloudless sky”); masterful in craft, privy to the deepest human signs and secrets (“Like Adam/in his first embrace,I was pulled into the world/of blood, then into the whiteness/that covers blood.”). But perhaps above all, it is generosity that is the animating virtue here. Consider for a moment the title poem, when the poets says, with a grand sweep of a superb host’s or magician’s arm one imagines, “Welcome all who have traveled the long road/from where your deepest dreams began/in the wild ferment of sleep,” who could resist such an offer? Who could not ask of this immensely gifted poet, Just one more, just one more? An entreaty to which Mr. Moss graciously accedes page after marvelous page. And will go on doing so, one hopes, for many years and many books to come.
–Danny Lawless, The Gun My Sister Killed Herself With, and founding editor of Plume Poetry Journal
Stewart Moss has a rare ability to draw the sublime to everyday people and situations. For Those Whose Lives Have Seen Themselves touches the ordinary with a light that can only be elevated by language and craft. Moss knows what cannot be said, and then he says it beautifully–rarifying meanings made clear and sustainable because his poems are lived experiences. These stories, sequenced with ideas and memories, make us return again and again. “Reading Buber” begins ‘Everything in the living world is connected/ to everything else.’ What an excellent description of this book where the poet’s authority and humility are so well connected. Here is a poet whose passion is vibrant on the page, making us the lucky recipients.
–Grace Cavalieri, Maryland Poet Laureate
For Those Whose Lives Have Seen Themselves:, by Stewart Moss, lays bare in contemplatively elegiac poems the plat of the poet’s heart. The emotional range and voltage of these poems is extraordinary – from pedestrian observations of the natural world to epic musings on ontology. Regardless of where his gaze lands, Moss fashions a poetry that is at once profound and accessible. This is the poetry of witness, the excavation of not only the human heart, and what keeps it beating and yearning; but also the literal terrain of exotic, often forbidden, dangerous countries that Moss explores and renders with documentary precision, and the thrumming language and aural mastery of a composer. Ultimately, this splendid volume is a meditation on shared humanity, its triumph and frailty, the precarious perch from which we all tenuously depend, testifying that “Everything in the living world is connected / to everything else. / Just the appearances of things /are different.” This is a beautifully wise book, of peace and surrender, and blinding illumination.
–Joseph Bathanti, North Carolina Poet Laureate (2012-2014) & author of The 13th Sunday after Pentecost.
#flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry
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revelation19 · 3 years
You still don’t know what you’re talking about. Mark 9:1 alludes to exactly the interpretation Matthew has in mind. If you say they don’t, then you’re admitting to a contradiction. This is exactly why the transfiguration, a made up story, follows Mark 9:1. That is the fulfillment of seeing “the Son of God” and his kingdom in power. So your version is so twisted, it overlooks the obvious. They claim Jesus said something like this and since he was wrong, they made up the transfiguration
Anyway, animal suffering, since you do not see the link they have to humans, will always be irrelevant to you. Even if I say that if God is good, he wouldn’t allow apes and dogs to suffer, you wouldn’t budge. The fact that Christians don’t see that is evidence of their moral decay. If God lets your dog get cancer, then don’t keep him alive when it happens. Sounds reasonable? Perhaps to you since they’re so inferior to humans. So of course I will reference a better system because yours fails.
But you Westminster kids, under your blood oath, have a viciously circular system and bark down Moser’s tree to say “well, everyone is circular!” That’s why your theology is lacking and your epistemic grounds are shaky. You reason in a circle, committed to a self-defeating system and so you rationalize and squirm and get pissy because deep down, you know all this but deny the truth because you’re just a scared little boy who doesn’t want to burn in hell forever. Sad
You’re right, Mark alludes to the same interpretation as Matthew because guess what... they all have the same interpretation in mind. Appealing to the transfiguration doesn’t help because it’s in all three as well. Luke specifically goes on in Acts to show how the transfiguration and pentecost are linked because it’s all part of one redemptive historical arc. And by the way, the gospel writers didn’t make up the Transfiguration. Peter mentions it in 1st Peter 1:16-18 which is dated before Mark, the earliest Gospel. You’re just flailing around trying to psychologize why authors from 2,000 years ago would reference things and coming up with any conclusion that suits your narrative. That’s not evidence, that’s not definitive. 
But you’re right, even if you would say a good God wouldn’t allow apes and dogs to suffer I wouldn’t budge... because you cant just say things and expect me to be convinced. You have to show why a good God wouldn’t allow that. You’ve already admitted that animal suffering, death, and disease isn’t evil, nor is human suffering, death, and disease for that matter since you believe we’re all just animals. So God allowing it isn’t evil... therefore, if there is no evil, there is no problem of evil, is there? So you have to show why it’s evil within in the Christian system itself. You’re trying to make an internal critique, to show why Christianity is inconsistent with itself. But your only source for this is claim is that you (an observing subject) don’t think it’s what a good God would do.
You can keep bringing up Westminster all you want, but it doesn’t help you make your case. It sounds like you have a problem with the institution, not me. By the way, you never followed up on seeing the student handbook. Like I said before, there’s no doctrinal statements that we sign, and I’m pretty sure we never made any blood oaths lmao. 
And finally, I get why you’re trying to get under my skin. You’re losing this argument badly and want me to get distracted. I’m not going to. Explain to me how animal suffering, disease and death is evil according to the Christian system itself. I’m still waiting on an answer that isn’t just your subjective moral musings or an appeal to evolution.
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