#Primer Projects
officialrailscales · 2 months
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🎨 11.5” MCX-SPEAR LT Loadout
Karve-P | Coyote IR
HTP XOS-W 3.5-Slot MLOK Scale | MiniDot Texture | FDE
TerraCore G10 XOS-H 4-Slot MLOK Scale | MiniDot Texture | FDE
QDX Sling Mount | Terra Bronze
MCX CSMR Button | Terra Bronze
- RS
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seaquestions · 13 days
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more furry hockey league drawings. transcript of the relationship chart below ↓
conor about blake: obsessed with him since he was 16. deeply jealous. WANTS to win against blake. NEEDS (instinctual) to hurt him. blake about conor: whiplash at the way conor acts around him vs everyone else. pretends to be weirded out but that's a blatant lie, he's very into it lol.
blake about lucas: best friend by default. "it's normal to be a little obsessed with your goalie." lucas about blake: likes that blake is comfortable enough around him to be the arrogant bitch he rly is.
lucas about emil: grew up together, ex-teammates. doesn't want to see him ever again, but will still respond to texts & act like nothing's wrong. emil about lucas: he misses lucas a lot. totally oblivious to the fact that he contributed to lucas' destroyed self-esteem. just wants to be boy best friends again.
emil about conor: trying to get conor to get out of his shell & be less anxious all the time. happy to not be the youngest anymore. conor about emil: follows him around like a lost puppy. road trip roomies. a little scared of him, but it's ok.
emil about blake: YOU!!! blake about emil: who?
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starscelly · 2 months
everyone being soooo nice to me in the tags of my primer …. my mom said it’s okay for us to run away together and elope if your mom says it’s okay
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himbeaux-on-ice · 1 year
tnt broadcast bribing me for putting up with biz for another game by providing this photo of a bby mark stone
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leettle... 🥹
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solradguy · 7 months
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Trust me when I say that not having worked on Lightning the Argent for almost a month now, again, drives me crazy just as much as I'm sure it's driving everyone else waiting for the EN translation crazy arrghgh
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nairanorica · 3 days
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Mockup featuring a duvet cover sponsored by my grandma. It feels a little big in some spots and I think I need to cut down on the flare on the... flaps? But I'll have to try it on with the petti and underdress to judge properly tomorrow
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kitnita · 10 months
also in the past 24 hours i started seriously getting started on the robotter primer. & like a couple months ago when i was talking about my plans to do it i said 'there’s probably gonna be less biographical blind spots' and let me just say OH MY GOD i need to become less unhinged in hoarding information on these guys. that was an Understatement.
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hyulata · 2 months
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testing some new spray paint on a panel 🥹💗 it's much nicer than expected, hopefully it dries well
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sherlockig · 2 years
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im going to celebrate my brothers birthday today so that's why i am dressed and dolled up. my hair is still wet because i cant plan properly and my best friend has borrowed my blow drier.
also i saw Halloween ends last night and i actually liked it. its not perfect but god was i entertained and that is all i want here in life - to be entertained by media.
am i wearing two dresses tonight? hell yeah. why wear one dress when you can were two. also you guess right. i dont own any pants, or well i do but i never wear them. nylon tights and dresses 7 days a week.
also how to you take pictures without the reflection in your glasses? and also you guys clean your glasses??! l a m e
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aldieb · 1 year
sangfielle is probably furthest toward the “yes” end of the “art can change the world” spectrum of media i’ve encountered (ex. they see a model of a city and the hitman stops tracking pickman, the painting that changes you into one of the people depicted). which makes me wonder in a somewhat curmudgeonly way: who’s making art about how art can’t change the world? i would like to see it
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mythesque · 1 day
i genuinely cannot pick a favorite out of tsukasa's commissioned songs. ive been just laying here for like half an hour, listening to all of them, picking them apart, turning them around in my brain but it just feels impossible to choose haha like the closest thing to a conclusion ive been able to come to is that its not 88☆彡 but i still love that song!!!! but the other three i can listen to any one of them and plausibly be like "oh yeah this could be my favorite." filament fever and mr showtime occupy a more similar space in my brain like the reasons i like them are more similar than the reasons i like tondemo wonderz, so i could almost say those two are tied for my favorite but then it feels so wrong to not also pick tondemo wonderz and so we are right back where we started w a whole three out of four being my ""favorite"" and basically the moral of the story is tsukasa has good commission songs LOL
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readbythestarlight · 7 months
major salt below
I’m sooooooo tired of working my ass off at 40 hours a week to pay towards a house where 50% of the adult residents don’t even cover bills let alone any of the mortgage, only to have those same 50% of people turn around and not be willing to do the bare minimum on a project on their day off just because it wasn’t “their idea”.
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cozygirlsimmer · 2 months
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Fresh Primer - A SKINBLEND FOR TS3
hello everyone! I am so happy to finally upload Fresh Primer, I know it was a more anticipated project of mine! this skin is a mix of Ephemera’s Fresh Skin and Kurasoberina’s Primer Skin...two out of three of my favorite skins to exist for TS3! as mentioned in this post, this concept was made sometime last year right before my first PC died on me and I am happy that I could finally get back around to it!
the name itself is self-explanatory of how it came to be, but I had this idea of thinking of a "fresh" coat of paint for skins that are so loved in this community! but enough of me rambling on, that tends to happen, especially because I am sick right now with a cold.
Information about Fresh_Primer
for all ages (except for babies non-default (four-tone ramps; purple icons) 2K face and body textures
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@pis3update @simfluencer-network
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Realistic Tips & Tricks to Become "That Girl"
Some alternatives to having an entire day before 9am that allow you to enjoy your life and help you find pleasure in reaching your goals. Enjoy xx
Focus on a consistent sleep schedule, not select times: Structure your day around your energy, not an idealized schedule is guaranteed to not work for everyone. Wake up at 6-7 am, if you're a true early riser, and head to the gym to get your day started. Otherwise, there's no reason why waking up at 8-9am and getting in an evening-time workout session is lesser than.
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Create a "pleasure" and "pain" list. Own your inner masochist: Open up a fresh journal page or web document. Create two separate lists titled "Pleasure" and "Pain." The first list captures all of the simple pleasures that make your days enjoyable (from coffee rituals and your skincare routine to small work successes, daily movement, and indulgent evening treats, like a favorite TV show, a glass of wine, tea, etc.). The second list captures the tasks you regularly dread or procrastinate out of hatred and overwhelm (includes tedious or mentally-draining work tasks, meetings, chores, difficult workout sessions, necessary conversations with emotionally immature people, etc.). Looking over these two lists gives you an overview of your daily experience to help you (realistically) optimize your day for more ease and enjoyment.
Incorporate a pleasurable element into every ritual: Find ways to pair these more "painful" activities with something pleasurable. Examples include having a favorite coffee or tea while working on a draining work project, listening to a fun playlist, taking a walk/doing a face mask or massage while having a less enjoyable conversation, etc.)
Leverage habit stacking: Build habits on top of one another to set yourself up for success. Use a nearly mindless or enjoyable "cue" to spark action that results in habit formation. For example, use sipping your morning coffee as a cue to read your 10 daily pages or do some journaling. Leave your workout clothes out beside your bed with your yoga mat all laid out to make it stupidly easy to get your workout done right away. Have a playlist curated and opened to let you press "start" immediately when you need to begin your work day.
Create a capsule menu/wardrobe: Streamline your everyday meals and outfits by curating a handful of healthy breakfasts/lunches/dinners/snacks and outfits that you can put together mindlessly throughout the week. While creativity in these areas is fun, pre-determined options for busy days can help minimize decision fatigue. Know what staple groceries you need in your kitchen to make these recipes, and ensure to keep them in stock when going on your weekly grocery run. Have a few go-to outfits for work, running errands, working out, and social outings. Choose 5-10 well-fitting wardrobe staples that pair well together in the front of your closet at all times.
Become a playlist master: Curate different playlists for particular tasks, activities, and times of the day. Having playlists for creative/admin work tasks, reading, working out, cleaning, waking up, and winding down for the day can give you the energy to focus and not procrastinate or simply enjoy a necessary task more.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
Sending you healthy and prosperous vibes xx
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squeakadeeks · 2 months
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"The ringing bells? Oh, that's me! ... too loud?" ✨🌸🔔🧚‍♂️
Oh my gosh I'm so happy with how Silverbell cookie turned out!! I've been working on him for a good long while (longer than lagombi believe it or not!) I had to custom layer all of the suiting fabric with a sheer flatlining and he used at least 120 flowers! I can't even begin to think of the rhinestone count...he for sure holds the title as the sparkliest costume I've made which is.....saying something 😵‍💫
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foam on this project was from Coscom Cosplay Supplies! I also used their primer on the bow and it twas 👌 v nice
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Imagine Shanks finding out you're a painter
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You: *humming along to some music as you apply a fresh coat of paint to the wall of the galley*
Benn and Lucky Roux: *walk in*
Benn: Hey Kid.
You: Hey
Lucky Roux: Did you make sure to use the mold resistant paint?
You: Yes Roux.
Benn: And you applied the sealant before the paint?
You: *nods your head* And the primer, I got this man, thanks for checking in on me.
Benn: Alright then, I'm just gonna open this here winder to get some fresh air in here, so you don't get high off the paint fumes.
You: aww, but that's the best part.
Lucky Roux: *snorts* Let me know when you're done, so I can start dinner. Also, when you are done, you might want to put up a barrier, so none of the others accidentally lean on it.
You: I enjoy seeing them covered in paint. So I think they're gonna be in for a surprise, or at least the boss will be. Because I bet you a thousand berry that he's definitely gonna lean in the paint.
Lucky Roux: I'll take that bet.
Benn: I ain't, because he'll definitely gonna do it.
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The next morning
Shanks: *Still annoyed that he got paint in his hair the night before* is this shit finally dry?
Benn: yeah, the kid didn't paint in straight lines though.
Shanks: what! But they're usually so meticulous about doing tasks perfectly.
Benn: it was on purpose too, take a close look.
Shanks: *leans in and glides his fingers across a floral design in the brush strokes* do you think they like painting?
Benn: I believe so, that, or they inhaled too much paint fumes and decided to have fun with it.
Shanks: both are possible... Didn't they repaint the hallway, and bathrooms?
Benn: yeah? They painted patterns there too.
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Weeks later
Shanks: Hey (y/n) I got you something! *Presents you with a colorful variety of house paints, and a bunch of supplies*
You: ... Wow, that's a lot of paint, are you wanting me to repaint every room on the ship?
Shanks: no silly, for you to have fun with. We noticed the patterns you painted in the galley and thought you might like more colors.
You: but where would I paint?
Shanks: where ever you'd like.
You: *Kisses him on the cheek, scoops up the supplies, and runs to your room*, Thank you!
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Two days later in the galley
You: I finished my room is it okay if I paint this wall now?
Shanks: Go for it.
Benn: *watches you run off* they painted their whole room you know.
Shanks: I saw, I was impressed they managed to paint such steady line work with the ship moving so much.
Benn: I think the little maze design the pained on their door frame was my favorite. Do you think they take requests?
Shanks: I dunno.
You: *pushes the box of supplies onto one of the tables*
Benn: is it okay if I asked you to paint something?
You: sure!
Yassop: Wait, you take requests! I want the pillar in my room painted.
The crew: *crowd around you listing off the things they want painted*
Shanks: Guys, let em breathe for fuck's sake! Make a list so they can start painting.
Lucky Roux: I ain't writing down my request because it's simple, don't paint any more realistic bug on the damn walls. I nearly shit myself when I saw the cockroach you painted in the bathroom, that was not a fun surprise at three in the morning.
You: only termite holes, got it.
Lucky Roux: (y/n) no! No termite holes.
You: fine fine, although the fact that the paint on that cockroach didn't even get to dry before one of y'all smacked it, is hilarious.
Shanks: no more realistic bugs, dear, in fact avoid painting realistic critters all together please.
You: ugh fine.
Shanks: I have a project I'd like you to paint, but I'll need to get you a canvas for it. *Winks at you and wiggles his eyebrows*
Benn: Gross.... if he's getting a nude I want one too.
Shanks: You want my nudes too?
Benn: I want a nude of myself, ding-dong.
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