#Prince Oberyn
the-djarin-clan · 1 year
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📸| Photoshoot for Esquire magazine - Norman Jean Roy
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I wasn't ready for this….
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jinxispunk · 4 months
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prince oberyn martell ☀️
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charliedawn · 8 months
GOT characters x Reader
"Please. Dance with me."
Sandor Clegane :
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Sandor was standing near the exit—ready to call it a night. He was tired of seeing all those high borns dancing and getting drunk on expensive Dornish wine. But when he was about to leave, he felt an arm wrap around his and looked down to find you—clinging to his arm. He was about to ask what the hell you were doing when he noticed how terrified you seemed.
"Please…Don’t let him take me."
You were on the verge of tears. He looked in the direction you were staring at and found some lord with a sleazy smile on his face. He was walking your way and Sandor instinctively raised his hand to clasp it on your arm.
"The lady’s taken. Piss off."
He felt you tense up next to him, but his hand on top of your arm kept you in place as the man decided to finally leave. Once he was gone, you wanted to thank him…But, Sandor pulled away and walked away.
…He needed a drink.
Daenerys Targaryen:
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When a man offered you a dance, you smiled and tried to politely decline the offer. But, the man wasn’t having no for an answer. Finally, he grabbed your arm as you were about to leave. Fortunately, Daenerys arrived just in time and stood between the both of you.
"I believe she has been quite clear. She doesn’t want to dance with you."
The man was about to protest, but quickly reconsidered. He left and you let out a sigh of relief. But, as you were about to thank her, Daenerys turned towards you with a soft smile before offering you her hand.
"Would you like to dance with me instead ?"
Her hand was opened invitingly and her eyes showed nothing but good will. So, you took her hand with a smile.
"I would be honoured, khaleesi."
Ser Jorah :
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"Would you dance with me, Ser Jorah?"
Jorah looked up at your hand and was about to politely decline your offer when he noticed your uneasy smile and the other man standing a few feet away behind you. He immediately understood the situation and smiled before taking your hand.
"It would be an honour, my lady."
He kissed the back of your hand and you smiled before being led away. You swayed left and tight slowly together and even though Ser Jorah only wanted to dance to help you—he found himself enjoying it as well. You closed your eyes and didn’t even think about your 'problem'.
You just enjoyed the dance until the very last moment when you had to part.
"Thank you."
Whether it was you or him who said it first—neither of you could tell.
Brienne of Tarth :
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Brienne had just won her final battle for the tournament organised by your father. She had put to the ground many of your father’s best knights and when her face was revealed…You were immediately impressed. A woman of such strength on your side would surely end in a successful alliance.
So, you waited.
You waited and when it was time to celebrate, your eyes landed on the fiercest woman who had succeeded in defeating most fighters of the court. Her eyes didn’t settle on you however.
You felt a little disappointed by it, but the night was far from over. You tried again and again to get her to see you, but she always seemed to escape your sight. Finally, you decided to give up and sit down. But, you then felt a hand land on your shoulder and when you looked up, you found one of your father’s choices staring down at you with a malicious smile.
You tried to tell him no. He ignored your request.
But, he finally listened when the woman you had been trying to talk to suddenly appeared behind you in all her armoured glory. She didn’t need to speak a word as the man immediately released you and walked away.
"Are you alright, my lady ?" She asked you and you replied with a smile of your own.
"I am now."
Jon Snow :
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Many people had warned you about Jon Snow. Some called him the King of the North—others a demon. You weren’t really interested in rumours though, but by the truth.
Hence, you had accepted to go and meet with him.
A war was brewing and you knew that strong allies were necessary. However, when you found yourself in front of the man who claimed to be Jon Snow, you immediately knew it couldn’t be him. The man before you couldn’t possibly be the King of the North. He wasn’t a giant. He wasn’t heavily armed. Or looked like a living dead. He seemed…normal.
"I am Jon Snow."
You looked him up and down.
Before he could say another word, you threw a dagger at him and he didn’t even flinch as it landed in a tree behind him. You both stared at each other for a minute until you finally smiled.
That man was Jon Snow.
For you saw no fear of death in his eyes.
"A pleasure to meet you, my King." You introduced yourself and bowed before him. "…The man who danced with Death and survived."
Tyrion Lannister:
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Tyrion was aware of your situation. He knew perfectly well of the unfortunate circumstances of your upcoming betrothal. But…He couldn’t bring you even more dishonour by agreeing to dancing with you.
"Do not look so disappointed, my lady. Even though I am sure you are quite lovely, I wish you to spare yourself the humiliation of dancing with an imp."
Such harsh words which ignited a general hilarity that made you red in the face with fury. But, not against Tyrion. You didn’t blame him for his refusal. You knew how it sounded and the pain behind such a request. But, you didn’t want to give up. So…You did something that no person had ever dared. You knelt before him—your eyes staring at the floor in respect.
"I see no imp. I see a valorous and just prince. And I still wish to dance with you. Please."
It made the crowd around you fall silent. Tyrion’s eyes widened and he seemed speechless for a while. But, he finally smiled before slowly reaching for your chin to lift it up so your eyes may meet.
"…Don’t you lower your gaze. You hold more bravery and wit than anyone else in this room. And if that is truly your wish ? Then I would be more than happy to dance with you."
Jaime Lannister:
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You were sitting down when you felt a presence in front of you as you ate. Your eyes looked up to find your ‘fiancé'. He was looking at you with such disgust that all food got stuck in your throat. You knew it was but an arranged marriage, but everyone knew that your betrothed hated your family with passion. Your eyes glanced away and met with another man. He smiled at you. You smiled back.
Unfortunately, your betrothed caught the exchange and suddenly grabbed your arm—ready to strike. But before he could as much as lay a finger on you, the tip of a sword was pressed against his throat.
The room fell silence as none other than Jaime Lannister had come to your rescue.
"I believe this is no way to treat a woman—even less a lady."
He then sat down next to you and smiled before eating next to you—an arm wrapped around you. The message was clear. And the man left.
"…You will get in trouble for this." You warned him, but Jaime replied with a cocky smile.
"I am a Lannister. And lions are not scared of insects."
Oberyn Martell :
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You were trying to leave the party. This was too much. A man was persistently trying to get a dance with you, but you didn’t want to dance with a man who surely did not care about you. You were almost there when you collided with another man who grabbed you before you could fall to the floor.
You looked up and your eyes widened as you saw who it was.
"Prince Oberyn of Dorne…" You gasped and the man gave you a small smile before looking behind you at the man following you.
"Is this man bothering you, my lady ?"
You gulped and suddenly took his hand. If you were to say anything, your father would blame you.
"Please. Would you dance with me, Prince of Dorne ?" You asked and the man following you seethed.
"You were promised a dance with m—!"
"I believe the lady asked ME for a dance." Oberyn cut him off with his usual charismatic smile. "Unless your title happens to also be Prince of Dorne."
The man huffed before walking away and you let out a sigh of relief. You were about to leave when Prince Oberyn grabbed your wrist.
"Now now…Where are you going, little sunflower ?"
You frowned in incomprehension until Oberyn smiled again and pulled you flush against him.
"…I believe you owe me a dance."
Peter Baelish (Littlefinger) :
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Lord Baelish had had your eyes on you for a while and he knew that being part of your powerful family would be extremely valuable. Hence, he asked your father for your hand. But, there were too many contenders for him to even be considered as a good choice. So…He observed you.
You were young, but promising as you danced with grace and proper etiquette with all your possible choices. But, he could see right through you. You weren’t exactly happy to be here. And when one of your possible betrothed stepped on your foot.
He stepped in.
He took your hand and almost pulled you away from the man. You were about to thank him, but Baelish had other plans.
"What will you give me for my rescue ?" Baelish asked you. You sighed. Of course he’d want a reward for acting like the hero he wasn’t.
"What do you want ?"
Baelish seemed to think about it before offering you his hand with a smirk.
"A dance."
Your eyes stared at his hand suspiciously. But, at this point ? You would have accepted anyone’s help in order to escape. He pulled you flush against him and started dancing with you. Your eyes widened as he led you away to the center or the room.
He knew everyone could see the both of you, but he didn’t stop—not even when you tried to pull away.
"Lord Baelish…That’s enough."
Your father tried to stop him, but Lord Baelish only smirked before surprising everyone by kissing you. Your eyes widened and you were momentarily took off guard. When he pulled away, he smirked before glancing challengingly at your father.
"Now…About my wedding proposal ?"
Sansa Stark :
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"My lady…Would you please give me the chance of a dance ?" You asked Sansa who hesitated for a moment before smiling and slipping her hand in yours. You smiled before kissing the back of it and led her to the dance floor. Sansa had always wished for someone to take her hand and make her feel like a princess.
She had first thought Joffrey to be the one, but that felt like eons ago. She had long learned her mistake. But, it didn’t mean she didn’t still wish for someone to make her remember what it felt like when her innocence and virtue were still recognised.
And you were more than happy to make her remember who she used to be.
"You are beautiful." You told her truthfully and she smiled.
She even graced you with a small chuckle as you made her twirl and made sure not to touch her that might trigger her in any way. After her awful treatment under Ramsay, you only wanted her to feel at ease. At peace.
And she knew it.
When she looked at you and a smile graced her lips—your heart seemed to skip a beat.
The pretty wolf was still a stealer of hearts, and you couldn’t wait for her to devour yours.
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studioghibelli · 2 months
yellow - an oberyn martell x reader
summary: you've struggled to feel at home in the kingdom of dorne, far away from the land you once knew. your new husband, oberyn, has just the remedy to help you feel better.
warnings: arranged marriage, implied age gap, not canon at all, some fluff, smut (bath time fun time, cock warming, cock riding, i suppose a slight praise kink, prince oberyn being a good husband, finger sucking, etc)
note: for my sweet angel twizzy @ilovepedro this is for you <3 love you forever! also this has not been edited or spell checked LMAO sorrryyy. i know for sure that this isn’t my best work, but writing for a completely new character was definitely a bit of a challenge! nonetheless, i hope you all enjoy this. xx
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There was a certain depth to his eyes that you had never noticed before, a silky richness that lay dormant behind the honeyed orbs that so often glowed from his skull. He was beautiful, no doubt, but your marriage had been one of comfort, a simple decision made without love between two kingdoms.
When you first arrived to the golden shores of Dorne, the first thing you gathered was how.... bright it was. Yellow flowers, golden dresses, amber tile work- it was a tapestry of color that your usual dresses of navy and lavender put an unwelcomed stain upon. You were unsure of how welcomed you would be, by the crowds, by the king, by your prince.
Yet now as you straddled him in the bathtub, soapy with orange scented bubbles and steaming hot water, his fingers pushing down the back of your throat were a welcome reminder that the prince not only welcomed you, but desired you.
He had found you in the dark of night, when sleep had abandoned you, and the silver light of the moon poured through your sky lights, bathing you in her cool richness. Oberyn had placed his mouth on your neck, his hand on your stomach, and his sweet words of comfort melted through your ear like dripping nectar, filling your chest with a warmth that you had not felt for quite some time.
A hot bath? he had asked, and you would have been a fool not to follow him naked down the dimly lit hallway.
And now you were here, water gently sloshing between the two of you, his hard cock nestled deep within the walls of your aching pussy, his mouth sucking a hardened nipple as his fingers gathered your dripping spit from the pad of your tongue. Oberyn was well versed in the ways of sex, and he had opened your eyes to a multitude of earthly delights that were once lost on your naive mind.
"Do you feel me inside of you, little dove? How hard I am for you?" Oberyn's teeth dragged across your jaw, a shiver coursing straight through your spine.
"Yes, my Prince. I do." You words were hot as your breath slipped from the partition of your lips. You couldn't help but drag your hips, his thumb tweaking at the swollen bud of your clit.
"And you.... look at you, dripping all over me. What a precious thing you are. You can hardly stand it, can you?"
You threw your neck back, his hand moving to the bottom of your neck. Oberyn held you there, his hot palm pressing into your flesh, as his middle finger traced shaped upon your clit. He stared at you curiously, intently, as though you were the only woman he had ever known.
“What is it?” You asked softly, the grip he had on your neck loosening.
Oberyn’s umber eyes softened, and he sat back further against the bathtub, bringing you down with him. Chest to chest, he looked at you through wet lashes, lips parting.
Something in the air shifted.
Something felt different. It was a sudden and subtle change, but one you felt nonetheless. One that made your chest compress with a newfound sense of anxiety.
“Are you happy here?” His voice was barely a whisper. His rough knuckles ghosted over the height of your cheekbone. You gulped thickly, staring back at him through the dim light of the bathroom.
The air was thick, palpable. You could have chewed on it if you opened your mouth for a mouth full of it.
Were you happy in Dorne? Were you happy with him?
The Prince was fun, charming, witty and bold, and you had seen the skill he possessed in combat. Any woman would be lucky to have him. You had seen the way he treated his nieces and nephews running about the back gardens, you had seen him talk to his brother about diplomacy and war. His hands were rough and his heart was gentle, he was the perfect dichotomy of both man and warrior.
He was Oberyn.
Curious, charming, playful Oberyn.
Your Oberyn. Your husband.
Husband. The word still felt foreign to your tongue.
Your thoughts wandered to the first night you spent together, Oberyn feeding you chocolate dipped cherries, licking dripping honey from the valley of your breasts as you two spoke of future dreams and childhood memories, lazily tangled up beneath silken sheets and a starry sky. He had shown a side to himself that not many people had the pleasure of knowing, a side to himself that you became fiercely enamored with.
"Happy?" You finally chimed. "Happy..."
Oberyn rested his forehead on yours, his hands running down your soapy sides. "Yes. Happy? I want you to be happy here."
"I am. With you." Your fingers found the wet strands of hair clinging to his forehead, and you tenderly pushed them back. "It was an adjustment, as all things are. But I have found myself.... very- very happy to be here, sharing my evenings with you."
Oberyn smiled, meeting you mouth with a tender kiss. His fingers traced gentle shapes into the small of your back, and you melted deeper in to him, like wax pouring off the sides of a candle. The Prince held you close, and you felt safe in his arms, safe against his chest, safe in his embrace.
He pulled back, basking in your beauty for a moment too long. "Sit back." He cooed, gently helping you off his lap. Your back pressed into the other end of the large tub, bubbles spreading across the valley of your breasts. "Spread your legs for me."
You did as he asked, parting your thighs so Oberyn could gaze upon your most sacred place, the place he had spent hours worshipping, like a lost man on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. There was hunger in his eyes, a dark, animalistic, primal hunger, and it slowly spread through the smile on his face.
"You're so beautiful, little dove. You were made to be a queen. My queen." You giggled softly, resting a foot on the edge of the bathtub as he crept closer. The tip of his index finger swirled across the opening of your cunt, and he smiled a devilishly smile at the feeling of your arousal.
"For me? You shouldn't have." He leaned forward, his teeth sinking in to the soft flesh of your neck. You moaned out as his fingers sunk deep within you, immediately finding the soft spongy spot that made your toes curl. Oberyn was skilled like that- he knew how to make you come undone in a moment, he knew how to play you like a violin, and you would gladly fill his ears with the sound of an orchestra.
Your hand rested on his broad shoulder, pulling him closer as he kept filling you up with two of his thick, long fingers, exploring parts of you that no man could ever find. His name was a mantra on the tip of your tongue, and you were the woman begging for penance. Like a prayer, Oberyn filled your mind. He was your redemption, he was your savior, and he knew how to elicit the sweetest sounds of devotion from your lips.
"That's it, my love. That's it. Do you want to cum?"
"Please, my Prince. Please make me cum." You were whining now, but you couldn't say you cared very much. And neither did Oberyn. In fact, it only made him crave you more.
"Come straddle me. I want to feel you cum on my cock. I want to feel your pussy again." Oberyn's voice was hot and breathy, and he brought you with him as he laid back, helping you align your pussy with his throbbing length.
When you sunk back down on to his cock, you both moaned in unison, the dull edge of his nails digging into the supple skin of your thighs. He held you glued to him, stuck in his grasp- but you weren't complaining.
You placed your hands on his chest, guiding your movements, allowing yourself to memorize the gleam in his eye. The way his lips parted, the way his brow creased- with each movement you made, Oberyn only became more beautiful.
Oh, he was so beautiful. Wasn't he? With sun kissed skin and soil rich eyes, there wasn't a time he had ever looked at you and you hadn't felt that tugging at your stomach, that creeping feeling of love waving her ardent arms, screaming out that she knew your secret. Your deep, dark, terrible secret: You were in love with Oberyn.
"Oberyn." You cooed breathlessly, moans rumbling through your chest as you rocked yourself on his dick, feeling his thick length twitch at the seductive mention of his name.
"Yes, little dove?" He rolled your clit between his forefinger and thumb, a shit-eating smirk crossing his plush lips. You stared at him, mouth hanging open wordlessly, as he brought you closer to the brink of orgasm. "What is it?" Oberyn's words were laced with a hint of ego.
He knew what he was doing to you. He knew how to make you cry out.
You had completely forgotten where you were and the fact that you were on top of him, but in one swift movement your back was pressed into the tub, and Oberyn was sinking in to you once more, now on top of you and calling the shots.
You looked down at where your bodies met, your throbbing clit being rubbed beneath his middle finger as your pussy hugged his dick, each thrust filling you with more and more pleasure, each movement only making you want him more and more.
You could barely warn him before your orgasm hit you like a strike of lightning, and Oberyn's groans of pleasure as you tightened around him filled your chest with a certain kind of pride you had not known before meeting him.
Your nails dragged down his wet back, his hips jutting in to yours as he chased his own climax. Oberyn looked down at you, a smile twitching on his mouth.
"You always look so beautiful like this. Beneath me. All spread out and open for me."
"For you." You whispered back, a smile spreading across your face.
A deep, guttural groan escaped him at the sound of your sweet voice, and before you could say anything else, Oberyn was emptying his load deep within you, teeth barring down upon the blade of your shoulder.
You two lay there for a moment, letting relief blanket over your bodies.
Later that night, when Oberyn was cradling you in his arms, fast asleep beneath the sheets, you were still wide awake, staring up at the richly adorned and painted ceiling.
How you ended up here was beyond you. It had all happened so quickly, and fate had reared her head rather suddenly.
As you looked at Oberyn, nestled snuggly in his golden robes, you thought to yourself: maybe yellow isn’t so bad.
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morallyinept · 2 months
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Happy Oberyn Day! ☀️ 10 years of this Dornish Prince today!
Images via Stainsofpascal IG 🖤
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happilyhertale · 7 months
A royal encounter - Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader x Oberyn Martell
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Summary: Daemon had a great idea to bring a breath of fresh air into your marriage. But his plans were thwarted.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader x Oberyn Martell
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; oral f receiving, fingering (f in v and f in a), p in v sex, p in a sex
Author’s note: To celebrate the one year anniversary of my very first posted story, I've decided to finally post the Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader x Oberyn Martell story.... I hope you like it! And… Thanks for reading my stories for a year! 🖤 I am very happy that you still want to read my stories!
English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 3.3 k
Other stories of mine
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You cling to the railing with your hands. Daemon's hands dig into your hips almost unpleasantly, the marks of his fingernails will be visible for a long time. His thrusts slowly subside and his breath comes heavily. A warm breeze envelops you, here on the balcony of your old chambers. You have sought a little excitement, escaping the boring ball that has lured many lords and ladies to King's Landing. That's how Daemon came to practically push you into your old chambers for a bit of excitement.
You are both still breathing heavily as Daemon slowly pulls out of you. His soft laugh rings out as he gently kisses your nose.
But then this gentle moment is interrupted as someone applauds you and a clap is heard.
For a second Daemon's gaze meets yours before he looks over his shoulder and sees Prince Oberyn Martell standing in the middle of the chambers. He grins, "Perhaps I should have tried harder to seduce a Targaryen princess after all," Prince Oberyn says cheekily. In one movement Daemon pulls his trousers completely up and spins around, his eyes narrowing.
"Oh, is the Prince of Dorne trying to make a pass at my wife?" hisses Daemon.
A gasp escapes you and you try to hide your naked body behind Daemon's. Your gaze wanders, searching for your dress, which Daemon had torn off you just moments before.
As Prince Oberyn chuckles, "No... But now that I've seen how much fun you've had, I wish I'd had it too," he says to him. Daemon's gaze falls slightly over his shoulder, seeing you trying to cover your body. He sees you reaching for your dress, which is lying on the floor.
He looks back at Oberyn and his mood suddenly seems more relaxed. He starts to button up his shirt, "I think we were just looking for a little excitement here," Daemon replies.
"But..," Daemon adds suddenly, "if you want to join us, I could certainly be persuaded."
You are pulling up your dress and frowning when you hear his words, "Daemon? Did you just invite Prince Oberyn to a threesome?" you ask him a little shocked.
Daemon hears your words, but before he can say anything back, Oberyn intervenes. 
"A threesome?" asks Prince Oberyn with a grin, "I would have thought you were a jealous husband rather than an adventurous one...". Oberyn's words echo through the chambers and your eyes fall on Daemon again. You know he can be jealous, but this time something else is reflected in his eyes.
Daemon chuckles softly, "We could have a good time in these old chambers here," he says mischievously, "It might make everything a little more exciting." Daemon turns slightly, looking you straight in the eye, "What do you think? Is the Prince of Dorne a threat to our marriage?" he asks you gently. His thumb gently strokes your cheek.
You are not easily embarrassed, but this idea makes you blush. You bite your lip lightly, the pulsing between your legs reignited. Prince Oberyn was a handsome man. No less handsome than your husband, but in total contrast.
"No... he's not a threat. I only love you..." you say softly to Daemon.
Your gaze drifts to Prince Oberyn and his mischievous grin jumps out at you. He begins to unbutton his shirt and his lightly tanned chest is revealed. It is a stark contrast to your fair skin. Gently he brushes his shirt off his shoulders, revealing muscles that are rather small compared to Daemon's – he is defined but slender in stature. You step forward and stand next to Daemon.
But Daemon's gaze follows Oberyn's actions as he unbuttons his shirt, looking at his wife. He sees pure lust in Oberyn's eyes, the brown of his eyes barely discernible – his pupils dilated with lust.
Daemon notices how handsome Oberyn is and feels an excitement welling up inside him.
Oberyn's gaze falls on Daemon's face and notices Daemon trying to hide his excitement, but he sees his eyes fixed on the scene before him. A smile spreads across Oberyn's face. Oberyn walks towards you and slowly kneels on the ground in front of you.
You gasp briefly as his gaze goes up to you and he smiles at you. His hands reach for your dress and slowly begin to lift it.
The blush on your face continues to spread to your cleavage. Never has another man been about to touch you like this.
As Oberyn's voice brings you back to reality, "The blush is much more visible on your pale skin, Princess," he murmurs, "No need to be nervous, you'll enjoy it"
You bite your lip, even though you don't want to be nervous, you feel it flood through you.
You feel Daemon behind you, his hands on your shoulder. His thumbs glide gently over the crook of your neck. However unfamiliar this situation may be, Daemon's touch soothes you.
"Well?" asks Oberyn suddenly, "Do you want me to have her?" 
Your eyes slide from Oberyn's to Daemon's purple eyes. Slightly peeking over your shoulder, your lips meet, "I want you both, Daemon..." you whisper against his lips.
Oberyn chuckles lightly as he lifts your dress further. You're not wearing any undergarments and as Oberyn pushes your dress up to your hips, your light pubic hair is revealed.
"Mmm, the silver hair of the Targaryens..." he murmurs, pressing his face into it. A smile crosses his face, the smile of an artist when he sees the masterpiece he has created. 
You gasp as Oberyn presses his face into your pubic area. You exhale heavily, watching Oberyn enjoy the warmth of your private parts.
Daemon watches Oberyn and a slight, excited growl forms in his chest. Your previous words, "I want you both," also add to his arousal. Daemon's lips gently touch your neck as his hands begin to slide your dress down from your shoulders.
Prince Oberyn lets his tongue slide slowly through your womanhood. His fingers gently pull apart your folds so he can fully enjoy you.
You moan as you feel Oberyn's tongue find your bundle of nerves and gently circle it.
A "mmhmm" sounds from Oberyn as he pushes his face further into you. Your breath quickens as you feel Daemon lightly bite the soft skin of your neck and Oberyn circles his tongue faster. Your moans echo through the chambers.
When Oberyn suddenly lets go of your warm core and you whimper in disappointment. Your eyes fall on Oberyn, who looks up at you. His lips are glistening with your juice. Slowly he stands up and begins to open his trousers. Meanwhile Daemon lets your dress fall to the floor. His hands slide to your breasts, massaging them lightly. His thumbs and fingers grip your nipples, teasing them lightly. His lips continue to caress your neck as another moan leaves your lips.
You are now standing naked in front of them both. And your teeth don't want to release your lip. As Oberyn takes one of your hands and leads you away from Daemon. You take a step and slip out of your dress, which is lying at your feet. Slowly he leads you to the bed.
You climb onto the bed and Oberyn, who is naked himself, lies down beside you and begins to caress your body with his fingers. You see how Oberyn's hot length is already aroused and unlike Daemon's, a dark ring surrounds his size. You can't resist, you run your fingers through the hair. Oberyn grins at you and now he lightly bites his lip.
Your eyes fall on Daemon and you watch as his gaze is fixed on you. A shiver runs down your spine as you see his gaze follow Oberyn's fingers on your skin. Daemon begins to undress, his eyes never leaving you. First his shirt falls, revealing his muscular torso. The scars from all the battles won litter his pale skin. Your arousal rises immensely. As Daemon undresses from the waist down and his arousal immediately springs free, you moan. The way Daemon stands in front of you and Oberyn's fingers find their way between your thighs is too exciting.
Daemon's attention is on you, the love of his life, and the tanned man next to you, caressing you on the bed and sliding his fingers through your wetness. Daemon comes towards you with long strides, gently sliding himself onto the bed with you. His fingers find your hips, reach into your curves as he begins to play around your nipple with his tongue. You moan again as his teeth begin to nibble lightly. 
Daemon's lips slowly glide up your neck. A game of kisses and light bites until he encloses your lips. You breath into his mouth as Oberyn slides his hand to your bottom and turns you to Daemon. You lie on your side, your hand glides over Daemon's chest to his neck while your tongues dance wildly around each other. Oberyn brushes your silver hair aside and begins to kiss your neck softly. His fingers slide down your thigh, until his hand reaches the curves of your bottom and grips firmly. You whimper into Daemon's mouth. Oberyn releases your butt cheek and lets his fingers slide between your thighs. You whimper again as he covers his finger with your wetness and slides it to your butt hole. He applies light pressure and your whimpering repeats itself.
His fingers are slick with your wetness, easing the way as they tease the sensitive spot. He wants to push you further, to see how far you're willing to go. Experimentally, he stroked his fingers against your hole.
Oberyn's breath hitches as your hips begin to move slightly. A soft sound comes from you and your bottom presses lightly against his finger, your slight gasp sending a wave of satisfaction through him. He pressed a little harder, his finger slowly sliding into your tight, forbidden entrance.
The feeling of you around his finger, it all fueled his desire, igniting a primal need within him. He let out a low grunt in response, his own pleasure intertwining with yours.
He could feel his own cock hardening almost painfully, aching for the intense pleasure that only you could provide at the moment. The sound of your whimpering, your vulnerability and need, only served to heighten his own desire to please you.
Daemon's fingers mirror Oberyn's movements as his fingers slide between your legs. His attention is on your clit at first until he slides them inside you. You hear him growl softly as he feels the walls of your cunt already clenching around his fingers.
Daemon looks at you with slightly parted lips, enjoying the sight of ecstasy on your face. "You always take my fingers so well inside of you," Daemon mumbles a little breathlessly, "just like my tongue... My cock"
You whimper again and your fingers grab his biceps.
Daemon growls again and his gaze falls on Oberyn, who grunts slightly as he slides his fingers into your butthole.
"The princess is so tight," Oberyn murmurs and Daemon feels a tingle inside him as he hears the words. You gasp and bite your lip lightly as Oberyn's fingers thrust deeper, his warm breath on your neck.
Daemon lets his lips meet yours again, both of you breathing heavily, his fingers thrusting faster into you, completely wet with your juices. He starts to insert another finger into you and you moan almost desperately. The sensation of your wetness coating his fingers only fueled his desire further, knowing that you are becoming more and more receptive to his touch. He elicits a long whine from you as he curls his digits against your sensitive walls.
You feel the fingers thrusting into you. But this time it's so much more than usual. Daemon's fingers keep rubbing over the rough part of your wet walls, making you whimper, while Oberyn's fingers keep stretching your tight hole, awakening the feeling inside you that you need to feel so much more.
You moan out loud and before you've fully realised it, you feel Daemon's fingers pull out of you and slide his hot length through your wet folds. You whimper slightly each time he grazes your sensitive pearl. You moan even louder as he presses lightly against your entrance and you whimper again at the thought of how perfectly he will fill you.
"I think the princess will be perfectly filled tonight," Oberyn whispers, followed by a slight chuckle, as if he can read your mind. His lips still pressed against your neck as his fingers continue to explore your depths.
Daemon thrusts hard into you and your walls give way to his size. Daemon grunts loudly as he's back in his warm, soft home. His large hand slides to the back of your thigh, but you are distracted by the penetrating thrusts. He grabs your thigh and guides your leg closer to his body, placing your knee on his hip so he can penetrate you deeper.
He thrusts forward again and again, conjuring up the sweetest whimpering noises from you.
When you suddenly feel Oberyn's fingers leave your tight hole, you almost feel an emptiness inside you that needs to be filled. But then you feel his cock sliding along between your thighs from behind. Again and again he rubs it through your wet folds, soaking it with your wetness, while Daemon continues to thrust into your cunt.
Oberyn's cock throbbed with desire while his lips are still pressed against your neck. His breathing becomes heavier and you feel the warmth on the soft skin of your neck as he positions himself at your tight entrance.
You're slightly distracted by Daemon's thrusts and grunts, but you feel Oberyn begin to press the tip of his cock against your butt hole. You cry out slightly, but it ends in a long moan.
With a deep, primal grunt, he presses the tip of his cock against the entrance, feeling the resistance and tightness that awaits him. The whimpers and moans escaping your lips only fuelled his desire, his own need becoming unbearable.
But your butthole quickly gives way. Still slightly stretched by Oberyn's fingers, it almost greedily envelops the tip of his cock. You hear Oberyn moaning in your ear, breathing heavily.
"Gods... Princess... I haven't even been all the way inside you yet and you already feel so divinely tight," Oberyn murmurs breathlessly – you can only whimper.
Oberyn follows Daemon's rhythm and every time Daemon pushes your pelvis backwards, Oberyn takes the opportunity. Your bottom is pushed towards Oberyn again and again and each time he thrusts a little harder to meet your movements.
You feel yourself getting restless and your hand suddenly reaches for Oberyn's bottom. Your hand grips his small, firm bottom and squeezes gently. Oberyn continues to thrust slowly but firmly and you are caught up in the feeling of wanting to feel him deeper, but the slight pain forces you to take it slowly. But your hand starts to push him closer to you as a mix of whimpers and moans leave you. Oberyn stretches you further and further and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
With one final, powerful thrust, Oberyn conquers your tight hole and moans loudly. You cry out briefly, but the pain quickly subsides and gives way to pure pleasure. You realise how completely filled you are. Daemon and Oberyn are now thrusting in unison and you are trapped in their grips – and you don't want it to end. You put your head back and Oberyn immediately turns his attention back to your neck. He bites in lightly as he thrusts into your tight hole.
"Gods... Gods... fuck..." leaves his lips again and again.
With a primal instinct, he grabs your hips and slides closer to you. His thrusts now go deeper. He savours your tightness and the pleasure he brings you. The sound of your soft cries and moans fill the air as Daemon and Oberyn thrust into you, driving them both even further into a state of primal lust.
Daemon's hand is still on your thigh, lifting it slightly as he thrusts into your cunt. Oberyn's fingers grip your hips tighter as his thrusts penetrate you from behind.
Daemon grunts to himself, feeling the unusual resistance on his cock every time Oberyn thrusts into you and it turns him on. He thrusts harder and feels your cunt literally pulsating. His hand slides from your thigh to your breast, gripping it tightly as his lips slam onto yours. A wild kiss, accompanied by whimpers and moans, unfolds between you.
Your foot slides to the back of his thigh, wanting to pull him closer, needing to feel him deeper.
Daemon breathes heavily and grunts as your kiss ends. His eyes are fixated on the sight of you taking Oberyn's cock up your ass as he continues to fuck your cunt. The combination of your actions, the raw lust emanating from you, elicits a primal moan from deep within him.
With each thrust, he feels the lust building inside him and the need for release becomes almost unbearable. But he wants to savour this moment, savour your pleasure, revel in the intoxicating connection you share. Daemon's hand lets go of your breast and slides to your leg again.
His grip is firm and so are his thrusts, which become more intense and violent. The sound of your moans and the beginning trembling of your thighs only fuel his desire and bring him even closer to the edge.
You feel that you are about to come. The sensation of being filled in both holes is almost too much and you feel the familiar pressure spreading through your abdomen.
"Yes... Come on my cock," Daemon grunts, " Show me how good it feels for you to be filled like this," he grunts as his cock starts to twitch dangerously as well. Oberyn starts grunting behind you. He can feel your whole abdomen literally start to clench. His hand slides from your hip to your warm core. You look down, breathing heavily, and see Daemon thrusting into you and Oberyn's fingers begin to rub your clit. You are a moaning mess. The pressure inside you becomes almost unbearable.
"Be an obedient wife... come while our cocks fill you," Oberyn grunts in your ear as his fingers rub faster.
You only whimper, followed by a loud moan.
"I'm going to fill you up, princess... My seed will fill this tight hole," Oberyn grunts further, thrusting deeper.
And then you come, your cunt clenches around Daemon's cock, milking him and driving him over the edge with you. He growls and grunts loudly, pumping his cum deep into your cunt with deep thrusts.
Oberyn follows shortly after you and dresses your dark walls in white. He bites the back of your neck and immerses himself in the sensation. The grips on your body are firm, the feeling wonderful.
You whimper softly as the grunting around you slowly dies down. There is a smell of sweat and sex in the air. Heavy breathing echoes off the walls. Your light whimpers come to a climax as the two of them slowly pull out of you. Exhausted, you let yourself sink against Daemon's chest while Oberyn lies on his back, breathing heavily. His hand rests on your bum, stroking it gently.
"Maybe I should visit King's Landing more often after all..." mumbles Oberyn as he looks up at the ceiling.
Your eyes are closed, but instead of a reply, you hear a slight chuckle from Daemon.
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sweetenerobert · 5 months
oberyn martell x male!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, MINORS DNI, modern au
prompt: cuckhold au + "i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together." "crawl to me"
summary: trying to think of ways to get back at your boyfriend for cheating on you; the result is you having sex with your nemesis, oberyn martell, in front of him
warnings: infidelity, cocky!oberyn, breeding kink, dirty talking, fingering, edging, mild praising kink, male masturbation, use of a vibrator, unprotected p in a, oral sex, spitting, handjob, cuckolding kink! (forced cuckholding ;)), no use of y/n
word count: 5.0k
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a/n: dividers by @saradika
a/n: I FORGOT ABOUT THIS! SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! SCHOOL TOOK OVER MY LIFE, consider this a Christmas gift, that's been in my drafts for months
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The noises played in your head like a neverending record. The moans, the yelps. The squeaking, your boyfriend’s voice – all those noises played in your head. You came home early from work, noticed your boyfriend was also home, and didn’t think of it. That’s when you went upstairs and made a dreadful discovery. You saw your boyfriend fucking someone else – a woman, in your bed. And you hated yourself that you stayed at your door, knowing that it would make your stomach churn and twist with each moan escaping her lips.
You’d left right before your boyfriend had cum – not wanting to bear with that, you went and acted like you weren’t there. You had driven to your favorite coffee shop and ordered a coffee, and you’d been sitting next to the large floor-to-ceiling window ever since. You often kept glancing at other people and noticing groups of friends and couples, and you wanted to cry; seeing the couples reminded you a lot of you and your boyfriend until your gaze landed on Oberyn Martell.
You and Oberyn weren’t the closest bunch – you practically despised him, and he enjoyed making your life hell on earth at work. The both of you worked together, and you loved your job but despised Oberyn – and hated that stupid nickname he gave you: Dove.
You drove your gaze back to the window, hoping he didn’t see you. Your curiosity got the best of you as you slowly glanced toward Oberyn’s position, and you saw him glancing at you – quickly looking back at the window, shaking your leg, hoping he didn’t see you.
Once you heard a chair screech in front of you, you knew it was undeniably Oberyn sitting in front of you. You could feel his penetrable gaze traveling on you. This feeling of sadness turned into a feeling of annoyance, and you were ready to thrash at Oberyn.
You could hear an exhale escape Oberyn’s lips, and you just wanted to bash his skull in with the coffee mug in front of you. “Hey, Dove, fancy meeting you in a place like this.”
“Fuck off,” You spat.
Oberyn whistles. “Feisty, aren’t we, dove?”
“I’m not in the mood to play Oberyn. I’ve had a rough day,” You announced.
Obeyn crosses his leg to rest on his other leg as he studies you. He could see your face written with distress and sadness written all over it. Something had made you look the way you did, and he didn't know about it.
“What’s wrong, Dove?”
“You, you're bothering me when I want to be alone,” You exclaimed loudly. Noticing people had turned their heads, looking back at you and Oberyn.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
Oberyn had a scowl slowly coming on his face; his jaw had tightened. You’ve never seen Oberyn mad before — he’d enjoy making you annoyed, but you’ve never really been angry.
“What happened.” it came out more of a statement from Oberyn than a question — a command more than concern.
“And you care because?” You question, turning your head to him.
“Anything that makes my dove mad doesn't deserve to live.” His tone made a chill travel down your spine, and your heart stop for a split second. You didn't want to answer him. If anything, you wanted Oberyn to leave and forget he ever saw you here. But, you knew he was persistent, and he wouldn't go anytime soon unless you told him what happened.
“It’s been like ten minutes, and I’m already going to tell the person I hate the most my business,” You huff a breath as you rub your hand across your forehead.
You slide your hand from your forehead — connecting with your thigh, making a twahp sound on impact.
“I’ve been having a rough afternoon,” You shrug. “Came home to find the supposed love of my life, fucking some woman, and you know what sucks? I stayed.” Oberyn looks shocked by your statement but doesn’t show it. “Yeah, I stayed and listened to everything. Did I get off on it? Hell no. I hated everything. I left before it could get any worse.”
You intertwine your fingers — a knuckle placed on the tip of your nose. A sniffle escapes your nose, reminding yourself of the terrible events that happened minutes prior. Your tear ducts felt heavy, and your nose felt congested. A tear slid down your cheek as you placed your palms on the table, and your head felt heavy.
Glancing at the wooden table, you felt your head get picked up — seeing Oberyn's finger pick your head, and you could see the concern on his face; his thumb wipes the tear slowly crawling down your face.
"Dove, you shouldn't cry over someone like that. You shouldn't cry at all. You're too perfect.” “Oberyn smirks, caressing your cheek. You slowly push Oberyn’s hand away from you and glance at the window again, trying to avoid any eye contact with Oberyn.
“Dove, look at me.”
You shook your head like a stubborn child. “Dove, I need you to look at me so you can listen to what I will say.”
“I can listen to you like this.” You shrug.
Oberyn was getting annoyed now — which would’ve been the first time, only if you saw his face. Oberyn fixes his legs to be next to each other and outstretches one of them to reach you. His foot made contact with your crotch — rubbing his foot along the print in your pants. You yelped in retaliation — looking at Oberyn. “What are you doing?”
“Getting your attention, and now that I have it. I need to ask you something.” Oberyn states, placing his legs in their original position.
You cross your arms and huff a breath. “What?”
“What are you going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he obviously can't get away with this.”
“What exactly am I supposed to do?” You question.
“I don't know, kick him out?” You shrug. “It's the only thing I can think of.”
“That’s all?” Oberyn questions.
“You can come up with the most creative insults you can throw at me, but when it comes to your scumbag boyfriend, you’re fucked?”
“Well, what do you have in mind, evil genius?”
“I’ve heard the best way to get over someone is to get under someone,” Oberyn smirks.
You shoot an eyebrow up and look at Oberyn with an annoyed look.
“Is that what you want me to do? Sleep with someone to get back at him? What is this, high school?”
“Not just anyone.”
“Then, who do you suggest?” You shrug and cross your arms.
Oberyn points at himself with a smug look on his face. You look at him with an annoyed look on your face. “Please tell me you’re kidding,” You spat.
“C’mom, I’m the best option.”
“Ethan, the homeless guy down the street, is a better option than you.”
“You know me—” Oberyn started.
“I despise you — and I hear the stories about you; you're a player — a playboy. I shouldn't get involved with someone like that.”
You’ve been aware of Oberyn’s “activities” for a while, ever since one of your Co-workers ranted about him to you — one of the many reasons you hate him. He was known for leaving people hanging after quote, “giving them the night of their life.” It frankly made you want to barf hearing anything involving having sex with Oberyn.
“Look, you’re one of the last people I want to hurt, but I want to see this scumbag crumble, knowing he lost someone as perfect as you.” Oberyn started.
You couldn't tell if he was messing with you or being genuinely serious, but all you knew was heat rose to your face.
“But, I promise. I won't hurt you. I want to see your ex suffer a little bit.”
“You promise this will work?” You question.
Oberyn places a hand over his heart. “Cross my heart, and hope to die.”
“Hopefully,” You scoff.
“But, you have to give me a week.”
“Give you a week for what?” You asked.
“Ah Ah Ah, it's a surprise,” Oberyn smirks.
“I hate surprises,” You grumble, crossing your arms.
“C’mom dove. You’ll like this one.”
“One week,” you firmly spoke. “That’s all I’m giving you.”
“Splendid, That’s all I need, dove,” Oberyn winks.
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You essentially had to act like you still loved your ex-boyfriend: every talk, every hug, every kiss, and every interaction you had, you had to pretend like you cared. When, in reality, you wanted nothing to do with him.
And Oberyn was being more secretive than his usual outgoing personality. It often made your skin cold thinking about it. Oberyn was never closed off or reserved — always outgoing even when work needed to be accomplished; he always had time to talk or flirt with someone.
The end of the week had come faster than expected. It made you uneasy but also ready for anything. You heard a knock on your door while pacing — waiting for Oberyn. Your breathing became rushed and nervous.
As you opened the door, an exhale became longer than you expected. Seeing Oberyn wearing a long chestnut-colored lapel coat.
"Surprised to see me, dove?"
"Yes, I thought my "boyfriend" came home earlier than expected," You breathed.
"If I had a dollar for every time I heard that —" Oberyn started.
"Oberyn," You insisted.
"Kidding, can't take a joke, can you, dove?"
You step to the side to let Oberyn in. He walks in, and you close the door behind him. "I'm about to trust you with something so vulnerable about myself, so no, I can't take a joke."
Oberyn turns to look at you and rests his hands on your shoulders. "Dove, with me, you don't have to be afraid. Your body's a temple that I'm going to respect. Don't be scared."
"What do you think I'm going to do to you?" Oberyn questions, taking his hands off your shoulders and on his hips.
You took a breath, looked at the floor, and then up at Oberyn. "With him, he treated sex like a mission to complete — a side quest before returning to the main story. But with that girl, it was like she was something important, and I don't want to feel that way again." you find yourself looking back at the floor, a tear building in your tear duct.
Oberyn lifts your chin with his finger and plants his lips on top of yours. The kiss was soft, and the feeling of Oberyn's lips on yours made your body fire up — a feeling you've never felt with your boyfriend. Backing his head from yours — finger still on your chin, a smirk on his face. "Too stunned for words, dove?"
You push his hand off your chin. "No!" You exclaim, a wave of heat rushing to your face. "You don't have that power over me."
This rush of energy was coursing through your body like a drug; you yearned for more of it.
“So, where is the bedroom, sweetheart?” Oberyn asks.
You don't answer his question and walk towards your room. Opening your room door and seeing the bed made your anger boil — for the moment. Your boyfriend made it, and you find it as a sign that everything is normal — when, in reality, it isn't.
“Quaint, your boyfriend got a drawer?”
You point the nightstand next to the bed. Oberyn takes his jacket off and places it on the foot of the bed. He drops to his knees in front of the nightstand and opens the top drawer.
“What are you doing?” You question.
“All cheating assholes have something to hide. You aren't the least bit curious?”
“No, why would I be—” You start; as you thought about it, you somehow found yourself on your knees next to Oberyn. “I get top, you get bottom.” You state.
“I’m usually the top, but you know, there is a first time for everything.”
“I will punch you in the face if you keep these innuendos up.”
Oberyn laughs as you shove him. “Let’s get to searching.”
You open the top drawer, trying to find anything. After pushing things around, you found nothing worth explaining, closing the top drawer and looking at Oberyn. “Your turn,” You shrug.
Opening the bottom drawer, you back up and stand up to your feet, lying on the wall far away from him. Your eyes travel to see Oberyn bending down and his pants accentuating his rear end. You were tempted to whistle and compliment Oberyn.
“You like what you see, Dove?”
“It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen,” You admit.
“It's a nice ass, thanks for noticing,” Oberyn smiles.
“It’s a little hard not to notice. Is that what girls from the office are after from you?” You question.
“Girls and guys,” Oberyn corrects. “I’m not a manwhore for just girls, Dove.”
“Well, I didn't know that,” You shrug.
“A lot of people don't know I swing for both teams.”
“You learn something new every day,” You mutter.
A thud made you look at Oberyn as he pulled a box out of the drawer. You question the image you see on the box as Oberyn just sneers. “Is that a—?”
“A vibrator? Yes, Dove. It is,” Oberyn nods.
“Why would he have—?”
“Oh shit. Do you think my ex’s used it on that girl?”
Oberyn shakes his head. “The tape’s still on it. Meaning: hasn't been opened, or he’s waiting to use it.”
Hearing that a vibrator hidden in your ex’s nightstand drawer hasn't been used was a huge relief for you in a certain way. Oberyn holds the box as he has an idea and then looks at you. “Should we use it?” Oberyn asks.
“What? I wouldn’t even know what to do with that.”
“Let me do all the work, Dove.”
“What would you even do?” You state, crossing your arms.
“That’s a surprise, but first,” Oberyn States, walking towards you. “I need you to get on your knees.”
To say you were shocked was an understatement. Your eyes wanted to pop out of your head after hearing those four words. ‘get on your knees.’ Something about hearing those words made you want to fumble on your words but be mad at the same time.
“Make me,” You smirk.
Oberyn smashes his lips against yours in a hungry kiss — surprising you. Your teeth almost clash, his tongue exploring your mouth as his hand slowly trails down your chest to your bulge. It felt hard under Oberyn’s palm — betraying your hatred for him and weakening your knees.
Your knees dented the wood under you as you broke the kiss. You see Oberyn smirking and walking to the foot of your bed — placing the box on the mattress. Seeing him slip his shoes off, hearing his belt unbuckle being undone, and seeing his pants slide off. You notice that Oberyn wasn't wearing any underwear. Your face would've exploded if you didn't contain yourself.
Seeing Oberyn's cock made you feel like you were in an out-of-body experience. It felt like you were shocked but didn't show it. Watching Oberyn sit at the edge of your bed, wags his pointer finger towards you — arching his finger towards him.
"Crawl to me," Oberyn commanded.
Your body had a mind as you placed your hands on the floor and slowly crawled toward Oberyn. A more giant smirk appeared on Oberyn's face as he saw you crawl closer to him. "Such a good boy, dove," Oberyn muttered.
Your face was close to Oberyn's shaft — covering your face. You wanted to make Oberyn shiver, make him feel a way you've never seen him before. Placing your tongue on his shaft, bringing your tongue to his tip and back to your mouth.
You watch Oberyn release a breath — sounding like a whistle. "Such a tease, dove."
You hoist yourself off your hands and look at Oberyn — winking at him before you take the tip of his cock in your mouth, quickly retracting away from him. Watching his hips buckle forward, you can't help but sneer. "Desperate for my mouth, Oberyn?"
"You know what you're doing, dove. It's written all over your face," Oberyn grumbled. "So why don't you do something about it," Your question sounded more of a sarcastic comment. Oberyn takes notice of that. Tracing his hand on your cheek — thumb trailing your bottom lip. "We're going to whip that attitude of yours into shape."
Holding your face, Oberyn leads your mouth towards his cock. A long exhale leaves his lips as your mouth goes down his shaft — agonizing slowly. You pick your head up as you bring your hand to the base of Oberyn’s cock and start stroking his dick as you bring your head up and down.
Oberyn leaned on his elbows and enjoyed the pleasure your mouth brought him. Apart from Oberyn being secretive for the past week. He hadn’t jerked off and slept with anyone, so the build-up of cum had been stored in his balls for the week, and Oberyn was ready to burst.
“Baby, you're so fucking perfect. I don't know what is wrong with that dumb ass.”
Removing your hands, you start to go down deeper on Oberyn’s cock as you feel the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Clenching his teeth together, his moans escaping his throat — through his teeth like water.
“Baby— Ah— your mouth has a grip. I could cum fucking your face right here.”
“Why don't you then?” You ask, stroking his cock. You have a one-sided grin on your face. With inhuman speed, Oberyn picks you up to your feet — planting his lips on yours as your hands find the back of his neck. The hatred between you and Oberyn vanished in this moment. His hands explored your body as he touched your pants button — undoing them and sliding your pants past your feet. “Get on the bed, Dove.”
You complied with Oberyn. Your bare knees make contact with the mattress; you watch Oberyn grab the vibrator and take it out of its package. He held the device in his hand, hitting the button. Oberyn watched it vibrate in his hand.
“Asshole already put the batteries in. Bad for him, good for us.” Oberyn crawls after you, his face close to your cock. It twitches against his breath against it. “Has he made you cum before, dove?”
You reluctantly shake your head. "Like I said, there is a first time for everything," Oberyn snickers as he lowers the vibrator on your cock. Once you made contact, your eyes snapped shut, and you arched your back and fists towards you. Oberyn places a firm palm on your navel, forcing you to stop moving. "No squirming, dove." His firm demeanor sent shivers down your spine and made your cock twitch in anticipation of what was coming.
You heard your front door close, and your eyes snapped open. You attempted to move, but Obeyrn's hand on your navel prevented you from getting up. "Ah, Ah, Ah, dove. Where do you think you're going?" "He's back. We should stop." Oberyn looked at you with annoyance. "Do you think that asswipe cared whenever you came home?"
"But, Oberyn —"
"Let me make you feel a way you haven't experienced before."
Your breathing hitched as you looked at Oberyn. "How would you make me feel?" You gritted. "Happy, loved, wanted, cared for, everything someone as perfect as you should experience."
You calmed yourself — eyes drawn away from the door and closed. Feeling yourself grip the sheets — your moans intertwining together with your breathing. You felt as if you were about to cum, and that's when you heard your bedroom door squeal open.
“What the actual fuck is going on?” You heard Issac, your “boyfriend’s” bellowing voice. You kept your eyes shut so you didn't see Oberyn turn his head.
“Ah, just the guy I’ve been wanting to see. How are you doing?” Oberyn asks. In your head, you were laughing, but in reality, you were trying so hard not to cum right now.
“How am I doing?” Issac repeats. “How do you think I feel seeing some guy — pantsless next to my boyfriend’s dick?”
Hearing Issac emphasize that he’s your boyfriend made you want to punch him in the face; you would’ve — if your legs didn't feel like jelly. Spiritually Oberyn could feel your anger rising to your cock as it shifted for a split second.
“I don't know, dove, how should your cheating-asshole boyfriend feel knowing you're feeling more pleasure than ever before?” Oberyn smirked.
“Cheating? DOVE?” Issac exclaimed. You could see Issac’s eyes pop out in your head, and when you heard his tone.
“He -hould feel fucking dumb,” You gritted. You brought your arms resting above your head as you felt yourself about to cum any second.
“I should beat your ass for putting dumb thoughts in my boyfriend's head, man — and overall being anywhere near him.”
“But you’re not.”
“And why is that?” Issac asks, cocky.
“Because you’re going to go through my jacket and see the Manila folder and its contents inside, you're going to sit yourself down in that seat in the corner and watch me fuck the hell out of your boyfriend and cum deep inside him that I get him pregnant.”
You slowly open your eyes and see Oberyn smirking at you and Issac looking shell-shocked by what he just heard. And being honest, you were shocked yourself.
“I would do what he says. He can be pretty convincing,” You breathe. Oberyn smirks.
You turn your head — eyes strained from closing them. Issac rummages through Oberyn’s coat and sees the Manila folder he quietly dreaded. Sitting in the corner, he opened it, and the look on his face made it seem he got caught in a big lie. “Do you want to tell him, or should I? I don't mind either,” Oberyn shrugs.
“How did you get these?” Issac seethed.
“Okay,” Oberyn starts, ignoring the question. “Dove, what he’s looking at are photographs of himself and the girl he’s been cheating on you with — going on dates, going out, the whole nine yards.”
You wanted to scream, but the pleasure Oberyn delivered you on a silver platter brought you into overdrive, so you stayed mute.
“Fuck, Obeyrn. Your intense,” You spoke between clenched teeth.
“You close, baby?”
You nod. “I’m about to cum,” You exclaimed.
Your body wanted to give way, just to feel the immense pleasure you've yearned for.
Until Oberyn retracted the vibrator away from you, you looked like a deer in headlights while Oberyn had a shit-eating grin on his face. “W-what are you doing?”
Oberyn shrugs and looks at you. “Making you squirm.” His hands are firm against your inner thighs — feeling his nails press into you, his mouth slips onto your cock, and you arch your back in satisfaction. With Oberyn's mouth going slow on your cock, a rush came through your entire body. On the brink of cumming -- Oberyn cupping your balls in his hand, you wanted your cum to shoot down his throat.
Bearing your teeth, you grip the sheets again, glancing at Issac. He was pissed, but that made you want to cum even harder. "Hurt, doesn't it? Watching the love of your life enjoy someone else."
"Baby, it didn't mean--"
"Save it," You sucked in a breath. "Save it for someone who cares."
"Fuck, Oberyn. I'm close."
Oberyn takes his mouth off your cock; you watch your cock twitch on your navel, seeing precum leak from the tip. "Can I please cum, Oberyn? Please, it feels so good." You beg.
Oberyn shakes his head. "Not yet, baby.” Oberyn looks around and sees the look of despair written on Issac’s face — Oberyn’s cock twitching in retaliation. “Don’t be sad, Issac. Come on, sit right next to your boyfriend, and you’ll feel all better,” Oberyn smirked.
“Fuck off,” Issac spat.
Oberyn sucks in an inhale through his teeth and tsks at Issac. “Come on, don't be a poor sport; go ahead,” Oberyn nods to the open spot.
Issac reluctantly gets up and sits next to you. The look on his face read anger but was hidden by despair underneath it all. He was mad at you and Oberyn but angry and sad at himself.
“Come on, we don't have to do this. I mean, you already made your point with this whole “show” you’re putting on,” Issac argues.
“Oh, then I must haven't made it more explicit,” Oberyn nods.
Oberyn slides the tip of his cock slowly inside you. A sharp exhale. “Fuck, Oberyn. You could’ve warned me,” You groaned.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
Your hands dig into Oberyn’s shoulders, making crescent moons etched onto his skin. His thrusts start slow and gradually pick up the pace. Your moans bounce off your bedroom walls. “You like hearing those moans, Issac? Having to hear them off someone else cock?” Oberyn breathes.
Issac can't help but stare at your face with each pump Oberyn was pushing into you. He knows that enjoying each thrust Oberyn delivers. Issac couldn’t tell if he was pissed off or sad at the moment.
“C’mon, you love that cock, don't you, Dove.” Oberyn grunts.
You nod, snapping your eyes shut again. “Fuck, Yes. I love it so much, You whine.
“Your cock is so fucking amazing.”
“That’s it, dove.”
“You see, Issac, this is how you treat art. You treat it with the love and respect it deserves.”
Hearing Oberyn refer to you as art made your cock dribble with precum. Inhaling a breath through your teeth. Oberyn’s hips quicken, and you can't help but snap your eyes open.
“Ugh! Fuck! Oberyn! You’re so fucking big.”
You couldn't if you said that to praise Oberyn or piss off Issav, but overall, you were stating the truth. You haven't felt this good during sex in such a long time. Oberyn loved the moans, the yelps, and the cries that escaped your mouth.
Oberyn’s hands slide on your cheek as he trails your bottom lip with his thumb. Looking into your eyes, he plants his lips onto yours as his thrusts start to slow down, and your nostrils breathe out air of relief.
As Oberyn backs up from your face, he looks up to Issac, seeing the sadness ride his face but then quickly to anger as he sees Oberyn’s face staring at him.
“Dove,” Oberyn breathes, backing his hips from you. “Turn around for me, I want to see that perfect ass.”
You happily obliged as you got on all fours, your feet dangling off the edge of the bed. His cock pressed up into your ass, but you could also feel it lift off of you. Oberyn spits again, and this time you don't pay any attention to it until you feel Oberyn’s cock gently glide in. You take a long, deep breath in.
“Damn, dove, I can barely fit it in,” Oberyn growled. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Oberyn’s cock was slowly and brutally stretching you out, relishing every inch of your insides. Oberyn’s thrust began slowly as his thighs slammed into your ass, but his hips had other ideas. Oberyn’s gradual thrusts grew more intense, yet you were smitten with the whole thing. Your moans would not stay on your lips, and as you advanced, Oberyn’s cock would slip out of you with every clap.
“Fuck, you’re intense, Oberyn,” You breathe.
“You haven't seen nothing yet, dove.” Oberyn teases you by sliding his cock between your ass cheeks. "You want this dick... right, dove?" Oberyn sneers, looking at Issac.
“You want your worst enemy to get you pregnant?”
You nod your head, almost begging for Oberyn to fuck you. “Yes, I do.” Oberyn notices your begging tone as he shrugs his shoulders and slides his cock inside you.
Oberyn’s thrusts get hotter, more powerful, and more animalistic. It was like something that you never experienced in ever. Your enemy making you feel this way and letting you enjoy the moment with him was something you didn't know you needed.
"I can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together,” Oberyn grunts, glancing at Isaac shooting a wink.
"Damn, Oberyn. I'm about to cum,” You ignored Oberyn’s statement.
"Cum for me, dove," it sounded like a command more than a statement. Your cock throbs, and you exclaim your moans as stings of cum hit the sheets below you.
“Fuck, Dove. I’m going to cum,” Oberyn gritted his teeth. As Oberyn’s hips keep going back and forth into you, you grip the sheets under you as you hear Oberyn’s sudden groans and feel his cum swim inside you.
“See, that’s how you treat someone as amazing as dove here.”
“I see you enjoyed your little show so why don't we —”
“Get out,” You breathe.
“What?” Issac questions.
“I want you out of my house, all your shit gone by Thursday. I never want to see you again,” You state.
Issac can't believe what he’s hearing even though he was expecting it, as he expected a slap to the face. “Where— where will I go?”
“I don't fucking care, anywhere but here.”
Issac suddenly stands up, Manila folder in his hand, and storms out of your bedroom, slamming the door.
“You okay, dove?”
You nod. “I feel great. Thank you.”
Oberyn brings his palm to his chest and acts fake shocked. “Did you just say thank you to me?”
“Don’t make me regret it,” You snapped.
Even though you were both covered in sweat, Oberyn couldn't get enough of you when his lips connected with yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth as his hand hooks under your arm onto your chest.
“You are the best sex I’ve ever had,” Oberyn admitted.
“That needs to be on a shirt; I need that in recording.”
“You’re suchan oddity.”
“You love it,” You smile.
“Yeah, I do.”
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heartpascalispunk · 2 months
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i need him ❤️‍🔥
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sofikiii · 1 month
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Save me, Oberyn Martell, save me
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axelsagewrites · 7 months
Obreyn Martel*Duty
Pairing: Obreyn x f!reader
Kinktober Day twenty-eight: mutual masturbation with Oberyn Martell – you always heard that the dornish were more sex positive than most, but you hadn’t expected Oberyn Martell of all people to show you just how good it could feel
Word count: 1550
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Warnings: arranged marriage, innocent reader, making out, neck kisses, mutual masturbation, talks of sex, praise, one bite, smut 18+
Masterlist Here
Kinktober List Here
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You knew that the Dornish would have different customs and secretly you were excited to explore them when you realised being a woman was not seen as a punishment there. However, what you hadn’t expected was how welcoming and how open they were. The kisses left on your knuckles had been a kind gesture, but you would flush at the casualty of skin at court.
You supposed it was just due to the heat and your own dresses soon became thinner as you waited for your wedding night. While your family worried for their alliance you worried for your husband. You’d heard many rumours about Oberyn Martell, that he was as smart as a whip and deadly as snakes. The Dornish handmaidens had told you he was kind, but the anxiety lingered till you finally met him. He was gorgeous and sweet words slipped off his tongue effortlessly. When he would escort you through the gardens his hand would rest on your waist, and you wondered what the glint was behind his eye. Then the wedding night came. The day had been beautiful. The tables were lined with spiced cakes and deep red wines. The music echoed in your mind still as you recalled how the dornish danced like free spirits. Obryen had been kind, whispering in your ear who was who and making sure to introduce you to all his friends. It could not had been more perfect. That did not stop your nerves however when you remembered the bedding. You were relieved to find out they did not believe in the bedding ceremony however your ladies’ words of encouragement struck fear in you. “It wont last long,” “Just close your eyes and dream of something else,” “It will hurt but you cannot let him know,” Shudders ran down your spine as your ladies finished undressing you. you were left in a thin shift however when your ladies left you soon wrapped a robe Oberyn had gifted you around yourself and sat on the bed.
“Wife,” Oberyn’s voice snapped you from your thoughts. You smiled at him as he crossed the room. His hands cupped your cheeks softly as he brought his lips down onto yours. they tasted like sweet wines and moved like water against yours. When he pulled back your lips chased him, and he chuckled as your face flush. “Oh, sweet wife,” he mumbled, his thumb stroking your cheek before he stood. “I will only be a moment,” he said as he began to take off his jewllery, setting them to the side. You nodded, internally bracing yourself as you took off the robe. You sat it down gently beside the bed before slipping beneath the sheets, laying down waiting as your ladies had instructed you. when Oberyn turned around, now in just a thin undershirt and his trousers, he smiled, “Are you tired my sweet? I suppose the day has been long,” “No,” you said quietly, your cheeks burning as he moved to sit on the bed beside you. you leaned up slightly, eyebrows creasing in confusion, “Arent you supposed to well,” you began to stutter out as he sat above the sheets beside you, gazing down at you in confusion. A wash of relisation covered his face, “Ah yes, forgive me,” he chuckled making your skin grow hot, “I didn’t think you would wish to do that so soon,” obryen moved to lay beside you, still on top of the sheets as you grew more confused. “I thought we had to,” you said, “It is my duty is it not?” Obryen smiled softly, brushing the hair from your face sending shivers down your spine, “I suppose some may call it that though I confess in time I hope you do not view it as such. What else did your ladies tell you about it?” he asked. You paused for a moment before turning to lay on your side facing him, “They said that it hurts but it doesn’t last very long. is that true?” you asked, growing frustrated at the way he laughed.
“It doesn’t have to hurt no,” he said, smiling, “Their husbands are just impatient. Sex is,” he said, noticing how your eyes fell in embarrassment as he spoke, “a beautiful thing. Its something to be enjoyed, by both parties,” he said, his hand slowly moving up your arm, “There is no reason you should not enjoy it,” His hand moved to cup your cheek while his eyes gazed into yours in a way that made your mouth grow dry. A few moments passed before he whispered, “May I kiss you?” he asked. You nodded yes and his face dipped down to meet yours. It was soft and tender, but you could not help feeling a growing excitement in your stomach. “Have you ever done anything like this?” he asked, his nose brushing against yours as you shook your head no. “Have you ever touched yourself?” “I-uh- “you stuttered before finally answering, “Yes,” you whispered, skin flushing hot. “Good,” he mumbled against your lips, “Do it now,” “What?” you began to question only for him to cut you off. “Trust me my sweet. I want you to feel good,” he mumbled, pulling you in for another sweet kiss, “Let me show you how good your duty can feel,” he whispered making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “Okay,” you mumbled back, your lips brushing against his as you leaned up to capture his lips this time. your hand slipped beneath the sheets, slowly moving towards your wettening cunt as Oberyn’s lips began to move. He kissed your check before trailing his kisses along your jaw. You whimpered when he began to suck soft spots under the corner of your jaw meanwhile your fingers ran up your slit. “Are you doing it?” he mumbled against your skin. Pressing up further, your finger slowly moved up till it was rubbing soft circles against your clit, “Yes,” you breathed out, glancing down to notice the bulge straining against his trousers. “Are you going to…?” you asked, voice trailing off as your eyes flickered back to his face. Oberyn chuckled, seemingly understanding your words, “How could I not be tempted by such a pretty sight?” he asked, his lips moving to kiss a line down your throat as his own hand slipped beneath his trousers. Your fingers sped up, rubbing fasted circles into your clit as your thighs clenched together. with his free hand Oberyn pushed the hair off your neck, allowing his lips to move down to the crook of your neck, sucking on the soft skin lightly making small moans leave your mouth.
Seeing him stroking himself at the sight of you gave you a small boost of confident as you moved your hand to slowly press two fingers in, curling them preciously as Oberyn moved his kisses to your collarbones. Your free hand moved up till your fingers were circling your perked nipple over your shift, catching your husband’s attention. “May I?” he asked, slowly moving the sheets down. You nodded, your eyes locked with his as he pulled the sheets down, “Such a pretty little thing,” he praised, his hand running lightly over your clothed breasts before suddenly squeezing one making you gasp. “Please,” you whined, your back arching slightly as your body craved his touch. Oberyn’s eyes locked with yours as he slowly pushed your shift down past your shoulders, exposing your nipples to him. His hot breath fanned over the sensitive buds before he suddenly took one into his mouth. You moaned as he began to suck the sensitive bud, his tongue flicking over it as his hand sped up beneath his trousers. You felt your fingers speed up, a warm feeling growing in your stomach as you began to approach your peak.
It didn’t take long for your stomach to tighten, your toes curling as you felt your body tense. Oberyn had clearly felt it too as he mumbled curse words against your skin, and you felt him speed up his pumps till you wondered if his hand would fall off. Moans left your lips as you felt yourself tumble over the edge of your peak, moaning his name lightly. Oberyn buried his head into your chest, his breathing becoming heavy as he chased his own release. “Fuck,” he gasped, his teeth briefly sinking into your skin before pulling away as he swore one last time as his body stiffened. Gasping, he rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, “I’m sorry my love I don’t know- “ “Its okay,” you assured him, your hand moving to hold his arm gently. Oberyn smiled at you, leaning over to press a kiss on your cheek before he quickly got up to change into fresh sleep trousers. When he came back to the bed he slipped beneath the sheets, pulling you into his chest which you gladly accepted, “I know it was not the wedding night you imagined,” he said, trailing circles on your hip with his thumb. “It was better my love,” you said, noticing Oberyn’s wide grin at how you copied his words, “As long as in time you give me a proper wedding night,” you joked. “Oh, I can promise you I will,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @nyotamalfoy @valeskafics @asgards-princess-of-mischief
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palioom · 8 months
day eight - breeding kink
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pairing: oberyn martell x f!reader
word count: 657
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n; breeding kink, dirty talk, mirror sex, unprotected p in v, creampie
• kinktober 2023 masterlist •
His hands felt like fire on her skin, his soft lips on her skin like a burning trail, his beard like sharp little blades. So overwhelmed, his hand holding her chin tightly and making her look.
“You will look so gorgeous with my little viperlings inside of you.” He rasped against her ear, biting her earlobe softly. Her legs were spread wide as she knelt in front of him, giving a perfect view of his cock buried deep inside of her in the mirror Oberyn had asked to be placed at the foot of the bed. His cum was already trickling out of her, his stamina and devotion endless as he fucked up into her again and again, only taking breaks when absolutely necessary.
But never pulling out of her, his chest molded against her back.
“You’ll love that, won’t you, my dove?” He cooed, thrusting up into her again, the wet squelch borderline obscene and making her whimper. “Round and full of me? Our viperlings?”
She nodded, biting her lip. Eyes fixed only on where they were joined, where the sticky, white mess dripped onto the sheets.
“Yes, Oberyn.” Her voice was barely a whisper, exhausted but so determined to make this work. Sweat covering her skin, her hair sticking to her forehead. “Fuck me full of you, breed me, give me a child.”
Desperate for one, she had done everything possible to prepare her womb for a child. Oberyn was adamant to fulfill her wish, wanting a little baby as well, and he wouldn’t stop until they had it.
“I will, my sweet.” His free hand cupped her breast, tan and veiny, with thick and strong fingers, his other keeping her head in place as she moved to rest it against his shoulder. He needed her to watch, his own eyes flicking back and forth between the wanton expression on her face and her swollen, wet pussy stuffed full of him and him only. “Make you so round, I cannot wait to see your breasts grow heavy.”
She nodded, just about ready to collapse, the intense feeling of another orgasm welling up, still sensitive and aching from the previous ones.
“I want them so much, I want your seed.” Tears welled up in her eyes, her hands holding onto his, onto his body. So desperate and whiny. “You will keep me pregnant? Give me more and more?”
Oberyn’s tongue danced over the shell of her ear, pulling her closer against him. Hips stuttering at her begging for him to keep her pregnant, to fill her with his seed again and again. The thought of it would drive him insane, to keep breeding her, just like she said.
“Nothing would excite me more than fuck my seed into you until it takes.” He groaned, his hand on her breast moving in between her legs, finding her swollen and overly sensitive clit. She whined and tried to shy away from him, everything too much. Wanting nothing more than to carry his children. “Oh, my sweet, to hear you begging for me to give you a child - you do not know what you just unleashed.”
She convulsed around him again, her body weak in his arms, eyes still on the cum that ran down his cock and onto his heavy balls, dripping onto the sheets. Barely noticing as he added more with a deep groan, his fingers only slowing down when his hips had stilled inside of her.
Oberyn guided her down onto the sheets, knowing she had been thoroughly worn out, never slipping from her.
“I will give you all the viperlings you wish for, my dove.” He whispered into her ear, brushing the hair from her face. “I will give you my seed as often as you wish for it.”
She hummed, feeling so full and warm and spent. Slipping into dreams of his strong hand on her swollen belly.
Again and again and again.
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thebookbutterfly · 2 months
Hey there! Could you possibly write a Sandor Clegane x gender neutral reader where Sandor has a soft spot for reader and reader feels the same? He tries to hide it but one day reader get’s hurt and he patches them up and maybe confessions come out?
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🦋 Little Bird— Sandor Clegane x gn!Reader
Summary: You get injured in an ambush. Sandor carries you to safety and takes care of you.
Tags: #so much hurt/comfort, #a teensy bit of angst, #fluffy ending, #potentially OOC Sandor Clegane but personally I think he is pretty baby girl, #request
Warnings: Gender Neutral, no use of Y/N, descriptions of blood and injury, mentions of death, cannon compliant threats of violence, no beta and no ‘ragrets' [1,371 words]
AN: This is a request by @agender-wolfie. I really hope that this is what you were looking for! It came out a bit longer than I intended, but I am such a sucker for hurt/comfort tropes I really shouldn’t be surprised lmao. I wrote this all in one sitting and I haven’t done any editing so please excuse any errors. Happy reading! 🦋 Love BB
If you like this work my requests are currently open! So please give me your ideas ;)
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You hissed a curse, gravelly and threadbare, as Sandor sidestepped another fallen tree.
A jumble of vulgar expressions that barely registered to you as they left your mouth. Almost all of them taught to you by the giant man holding you to his chest. The hound cradled you surprisingly gently, but his tension was evident. It was written all over him.
His scarred face, which you so rarely got the opportunity to study, was pulled into a broken grimace. The rest of him taut like a wire ready to snap beneath his armour. If you weren’t bleeding all over him, you might have reached up to prod the furrow of his brow. A silly attempt to smooth away Sandor’s permanent scowl.
The thought shattered as another wave pain tore through your ribs. Every bump in the path sowing fresh agony in the ruined skin and muscle.
Sandor ran a calloused thumb over the side of your knee in apology. Uttering clumsy noises of comfort as he picked up the pace.
“We’re almost there. Hold on just a bit longer, little bird.”
His gruff voice was cut with a noticeable amount of panic. Your brow scrunched at the unusual sound. You had gotten used to many things about Sandor as you travelled North with him. His rough sense of humour, bitter attitude, scarred face and huge stature were familiar to you by now. Underneath those things, his kindness and his softheartedness had become apparent to you too.
All the vulnerable pieces of himself that he smothered and choked beneath layers of vulgar humour and recklessness, had been presented to you in glimpses as you got to know him. But panic? Panic was new to you.
The farmhouse that Sandor had marked out in the distance finally drew into view. Up close it was a measly grey thing. The stone masonry looked haphazard at best but its chimney puffed with life. Behind it a barn lay with its doors open and rattling in the freezing wind.
You expected Sandor to head straight for the shelter of the barn but instead he strode to the front door. The family of four, seated around the dining room table inside, scrambled back as he slammed open the door with his usual subtlety. Which was to say— none at all.
You groaned as the sudden movement jostled your wound. Normally you would have chastised him for being so rude but your head was swimming. Too weak to lift your hand, you focused your energy on your eyes. Willing them to stay open, if not for your sake then for the sake of your worried companion.
An old man stepped forward to speak but Sandor cut him off, “One of you better be a healer, because if they die I will mount all of your heads outside on sticks.”
It was an ugly threat and they paled. The youngest boy whimpered looking suddenly ill. A younger woman with dark hair and a generous smattering of freckles stepped forward. She gestured a slightly shaky hand towards the table before him, before turning to her family.
“Clear the table, quickly. We can lay them down here,” her attention shifted back to the massive man standing in the doorway, “I’m not a healer by profession but I’ll do everything I can.”
Sandor seemed pleased enough by this answer. The rest of the family had been wise enough not to put up a fight and so Sandor stepped forward. He eased his grip and lay you down on the hastily cleared surface.
He moved to step away and let this stranger do her work but you whimpered. Fingertips clutching at air until he shifted back into reach.
A leather belt was stuffed between your teeth as your tunic was torn up the side. Unfamiliar hands grasped at your arms and legs. Holding you down with a bruising grip. All the while, Sandor brushed his bloodied fingers over your forehead and through your hair. The warmth of his skin a small consolation for the pain you were about to endure.
The woman lifted a needle and thread. With a glance at Sandor and his affirming nod she began to count down and you closed your eyes, unable to look.
Fire. Your body was on fire. You arched off the table. Trying to escape the agony, the needle slowly piecing your flesh back together. The table shook as you thrashed but the hands holding you down didn’t falter. Sandor’s gravely words of comfort were the last things ringing in your ears as the world went black.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first thing that you noticed when you woke up was the lack of pain. Your side still ached, the wound tender, but it was a dull throbbing now. No longer, the screaming torture it was as Sandor carried you away from where you were ambushed.
The second was the warmth. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been this warm since you and Sandor had journeyed across the border into the North. Sandor.
You opened your eyes slowly. The lighting was dim but from what you could tell you were inside the barn. The door was closed now though and soft orange candlelight illuminated the space.
You lay on your good side underneath a thick layer of blankets, and next to you lay the man your eyes sought for. His arm tucked you to him, large calloused hand resting somewhere on your lower back.
His heart thudded rhythmically beneath where your head lay on his chest. His even breathing and faint snores filled the quiet. Despite your inner protests it was the most comfortable you had been in years.
You gazed up at him, not wanting to wake him just yet. Sandor didn’t sleep nearly enough and you were content to watch the way the candlelight danced across his skin. It caught on his scarred cheek. Shadows flickering on the panes of his face.
Unable to resist you lifted a hand to his cheek. Your touch was featherlight but his eyes snapped open. Sandor’s gaze flicked to you immediately. Scanning you for distress and finding none, his body relaxed.
“Seven Hells, I thought you were going to die. Never do that again,” he said gruffly. His cheeks were flushed but he made no move to shift away from you.
Your voice was cracked from screaming but you still managed to mumble, “M’Sorry.”
Sandor sighed, “It wasn’t your fault, little bird.” He reached into his pack and pulled out a water-skein. Unscrewing the top he held it out towards you.
“Here, drink. Then you can go back to sleep,” he said.
“Thank you.”
The moisture eased the pain in your throat and soon you were snuggled back up under Sandor’s arm. The wind howled through the rafters and you both sat in silence for a little while.
Your thoughts broke the quiet, “Thank you for carrying me here. Thank you for staying.”
Sandor’s eyes met yours, they were unguarded and soft in a way that seemed reserved for you. Reserved for these conversations in the dark.
His voice was low as he replied, “I would have carried you to the ends of the earth, little bird.”
You studied him, the scars that mottled his skin, the cut on his brow and the curl of his mouth. Something deep within you settled, like a cat stretching out on a rug.
“You’re a good man, Sandor Clegane,” you said.
The conviction in your voice hit him harder than any blow on the battlefield ever had. The tidal wave of emotions that followed threatened to take him under but he swallowed them down.
You pretended not to notice his watery eyes and he lifted his spare hand to stroke your head. “Go to sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
You nodded sleepily, too tired to fight it off any longer. A few seconds pass before you feel it. The soft press of his lips on your forehead. They linger there for a while before he pulls back, the warmth that they leave behind searing like a brand on your skin. You smile as you drift off, lulled to sleep by his warm embrace and steady breathing.
“Goodnight, little bird.”
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janaispunk · 2 months
little lion
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pairing: Oberyn Martell x OFC
word count: 394
tags/warnings: alcohol consumption, i think that’s it?
a/n: @catchallfangirl gave me the prompt “finally, something we can agree on”, oberyn and thirty minutes to write. this is the result :)
follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates and find my full masterlist here!
dividers by @plum98 <3
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She sips her wine, tuning out her father who is rambling on about uniting houses and how much good it would do for the people of the realm.
It’s not about the realm, let alone the people living in it. She knows it, he knows it, everybody in the room knows it. It’s about power. It’s about the iron throne and ensuring who will sit on it.
The man two tables over from hers catches her wandering gaze and raises his own cup in a quiet toast. As he drinks, he winks at her. She hates the blush creeping up on her cheeks, hates the fact that he can see it, even in the candlelight, if the smug look on his handsome features is any indication. She hates his dark eyes, the glinting of the golden chain around his neck, the way it accentuates the panes of his strong chest, his golden skin, visible through his robe.
She needs some air.
Quietly excusing herself, she rises to her feet and leaves the hall, climbing stairs until she reaches one of the higher floors where the thick stony walls open into big windows, overlooking the city below them.
Lights are twinkling in the darkness of the night, until the city gives way to the ocean, moonlight reflecting off of its surface.
She feels his presence before she hears his quiet steps behind her.
“Prince Oberyn.”
“Hello, little lion.”
Goosebumps form on her neck. He’s closer than she anticipated, she can almost feel his breath on her skin. His voice is low, gravely behind her, his accent wrapping around the pet name. The stupid pet name that he won’t stop using and that sounds way too good from his lips.
“I told you not to call me that.”
He tuts gently, twirling one of the long blonde curls of her hair between his fingers, before giving it a light tug.
“Why did you leave?”
“I was bored.”
It might not be the whole truth, but it’s not necessarily a lie, either. He chuckles, still playing with her hair.
“Finally, something we can agree on.”
She turns her head towards him, eyes searching his. He’s much too close. He gently trails one finger over her cheekbone.
“We shall leave the talking to your father and my brother. Let me walk you to your chambers, little lion.”
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thank you for reading! if you liked this, please consider reblogging, leaving a comment or sending an ask. interaction is what keeps writers going <3
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lincolndjarin · 5 months
my way.
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pairing : oberyn martell x f!reader
summary : being the prince of dorne can often be a rather stressful job, it's hard to give, and give, and give. sometimes you just need to be on the receiving end for a little while.
warnings, tags, etc : five seconds of plot to build up to a whole lot of porn, pegging (obvi), medieval strap on, glass toys, fingering, oberyn sucks the strap, allusions to other partners, referring to a dildo as a cock, multiple orgasms, overstimulation if you squint, premature ejaculation?? idk he cums fast bc i'm a sucker for that, cum play, reader has brief penis envy idk if that's the term but yeah, spit as lube bc its the olden days or whatever, anal sex, soft & loving sex, sort of a gentle dom vibe from reader, they're married <3 <3 <3, aftercare, i didn't really edit this as much as i should have (i'm sleepy) so apologies in advance
a/n : hello lovelies !!!! i am back from my little break with a little middle aged man pegging!! check out @wannab-urs who put together this entire project for a full masterlist of everyones works soon <3 apologies if i'm a little rusty i'm still getting back into my writing groove :3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Everything always has to be his way. 
If you didn’t love him so much it would probably irritate you more. And when it does bother you he always does his best to fix it but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Your sweet prince has always done right by you but he’s never done it your way, and when things don’t go exactly as he wants them to he becomes a real pain. 
You know it isn’t entirely his fault of course. The combination of never being told no and having to make decisions that affect the people of Dorne in real time, often leaves him stressed beyond comprehension. 
Today it seems to be particularly bad as he paces around your shared chambers. You had spent your day reading and baking bread, everything had been perfectly fine until he burst through the door, rambling about a funding dispute he’s been having with his brother for weeks now. You can tell by the glint in his eye that things clearly aren’t going his way, before you get a chance to comfort him he snaps at you. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” It’s a small critique, you have been staring at him waiting for this sort of thing, so you take control of the situation rather quickly. 
“Let me give you a chance to apologize before this becomes a fight.” You cross your arms in front of your chest. He immediately picks up on the annoyance in your voice as his features soften from anger to shame. 
“I’m sorry.” He really means it as he bows his head a bit. “It’s just- It’s been a difficult day.” He makes his way over to you, taking one of your hands, kissing your knuckles. “I’m sorry, my stars.”
“I know, my moon, it’s okay.” You move the hand he holds to his lips, cradling his face briefly as he smiles, to your dismay it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s still tense. 
“I think I’d go mad if I didn’t get to come home to you each day.” You don’t doubt that. 
“Why don’t you let me help you out a little?” You wrap your arms around him, letting your fingers tangle in the hair at the base of his neck. “Let me take care of you.” You barely speak above a whisper now as his body starts to relax in response to your touch. He walks you towards the bed until the backs of your knees hit the mattress, just as expected he immediately takes control of the situation, barely letting you get another word in as his hands slide down your waist like they’ve done countless times before except this time you catch his wrists before he can get that far. “Can you lay down for me?” The moment you ask the question he raises an eyebrow before complying, moving to sit with his back against the headboard as you go to your nightstand. 
You’ve used the toy a few times before with your other partners but as far as you know Oberyn’s never even seen it. You haven’t made any effort to hide it from him but he’s always so quick to act when it’s just the two of you, he never gives you much of a chance to do anything but take what he gives. No wonder he’s so stressed, he’s never taken a moment to just receive. 
The moment you crawl up the bed to him he’s already back on you. All teeth and hands as he pulls you against him, you have to force yourself to pull away from him though it pains you greatly. 
“Not yet- I want to try something new.” You don’t give him a chance to question as you reach across him to your nightstand. You just had a new toy made, hand blown glass, for this sort of occasion, as you toss it down next to him his eyes squint in confusion before going wide. 
“Where did you get that, my love?” His words drawl a bit, his Dornish accent hangs heavy in the air as you lift your dress over your head, tossing it aside, sitting before him completely bare as you slip into the leather straps, cinching the buckles carefully before taking the toy and holding it in one hand languidly. 
“A glass smith nearby has been more than willing to experiment with his craft for me. Is this something you’re interested in trying?” You can already tell what his answer is going to be based on his expression but you still want to hear him say it. 
“Of course, I’d try anything for you.” He purrs softly as you push him back into the pillows. You lay him back, an action he’s done to you countless times before, tugging at the cords of his robe. Between the two of you, eager to get him undressed, it only takes a moment before the fabric hits the floor. Once he’s as bare as you are you’re able to see just how much the idea thrills him as his red tipped cock slaps against his stomach. 
“Do you think you can relinquish control for just a little while, my prince?” You rake your nails against his chest lightly as he nods. “Good. I don’t want you to worry about a thing, put all your focus on taking what I give you, do you understand?” You stop your hands movement downwards right as you reach the patch of hair on his lower stomach. 
“Absolutely.” He flashes you a toothy grin and you can’t help but respond with one of your own. 
“You will do as I say then. And if I ask something of you that you do not like then you will say stop, is that clear?” You want so badly to take his cock into your hands or mouth but you’re trying to be patient as you pull your hand back. This is for his sake, not yours. 
“Perfectly clear.” His hips twitch upwards a bit, almost taunting your resolve as you press him back down into the mattress. 
“Lovely,” You hum, stroking the glass toy between your fingers before bringing it to his mouth, tapping his lips. “Open.” He complies quickly, parting his lips as you slide the tip of the toy in, reveling in his moans. He looks so… right, like this. Eyes wide and eager as his tongue laps at the cool glass, tracing the ridges, legs spread, and cock twitching in excitement. You can’t help but wonder why you didn’t do this sooner. 
You push the fake cock just a little further past his lips before letting him take hold of it, turning to other matters. 
“Warm that up please, you wouldn’t want it to be cold when I fill you up.” As you murmur those words he groans against the glass. 
Unceremoniously you spit into your hand, giddy with excitement as you nudge his legs a bit further apart. You spread the plush flesh of his ass to notch your digits at his hole, gently pushing just the tip of your pointer finger in, feeling him tighten around you with a gasp. 
“Relax, my love.” You coo, waiting until his muscles release a bit before pushing onward. This isn’t your first time doing this sort of thing of course but it is the first time he’s going to be taking something other than your fingers or tongue, so you work him open slowly. Watching the stress unravel from his body as you work in a second finger, curling and scissoring them as his back arches, cock bobbing against his stomach as his fingers grip the sheets around him. 
When he’s able to take three of your fingers you pull the toy from his mouth with a soft pop, the toy slick with spit and properly warmed easily slips into the designated slot on your harness. He watches with a palpable anticipation as you get yourself situated. When you’re ready you’re kneeling between his legs, glass cock standing proudly against your pelvis. 
“Ready?” You ask as you gently lift his legs, bringing his knees to his chest as he nods, damn near whimpering. 
You push into him, slowly, as you gauge his reaction. Usually he’s all grunts and grumbles during sex but now he’s gasps and whines. His hands clutch the pillows surrounding his head as he tries to push himself further onto the toy but the position you’ve got him in keeps him in place. 
“You want more?” There’s a mocking lilt to your voice as he nods rapidly.
“Yes- please.” He purses his lips as he whimpers and you’re more than happy to oblige, watching the sight before you as his hole swallows your cock, his own dick leaking against his stomach, begging for a release. You adjust your hips a bit, watching his back attempt to arch as you do so. “Th-there.” His voice is strained as you hit that sweet spot inside of him. Ever so gently you pull out before rocking yourself back against it. 
“There? Is that what you want?” You continue to speak in a teasing tone but you truly want to know, this is all for his sake, you want so badly to make him feel good. His cheeks are flushed, warm skin slick with sweat as he continues to nod. You repeat the motion a few more times, caught off guard when he lets out a low whine and you watch as his cock pulses, untouched, as he paints his torso. His breath catches in his throat as he does so. “Oh my, look at the mess you’ve made, and so quickly.” You drag a finger over his heaving chest, scooping up some of his spend to taste, letting the bitter sweetness coat your tongue. “You were more pent up than I thought, my love. I think you still have some stress that needs releasing.” 
“I-I’m sorry.” He stammers, looking a bit embarrassed but you immediately shake your head, leaning forward to kiss his forehead while simultaneously sinking back into him.
“Don’t apologize for feeling good, sunshine. That’s what this is all for.” You bump your nose against his, hoping to reassure him. “Do you think you could give me one more, I just want to make sure I get all the stress out.” You emphasize your words with a small push of his legs tighter against his chest, earning a soft mewl from him. 
“I can do one more.” 
“Wonderful.” You kiss his cheek before picking up the same pace you were at just moments ago. Happily watching his cock jump back to life. You take the opportunity to drag your fingers through the cum cooling on his abdomen, drawing little shapes as he begins to reach that same peak rapidly all over again. You adore the sight of your glass cock sliding in and out of him. He takes you so well, his hole fluttering as he lets you fuck him. You wish you had a real cock just so you could feel him tighten around you but this will have to do. His neglected dick continues to rest against his happy trail, desperate to be touched. This time you help him out, wrapping your hand around his cock, with a few quick pumps he’s coating his stomach in cum all over again.
It’s positively euphoric to see the prince of Dorne like this. 
Just for you. Spread before you without a care in the world, stuffed full of your cock and happy as can be.
You give him a moment to catch his breath before pulling out, peppering his cheeks with kisses before slipping out of the harness and leaving to get him some water as well as something to wipe him up with. 
You gently wipe him down with a warm washcloth, cleaning him while continuing to kiss his face as he yawns. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles, taking your face in his hands, pulling you forward for another kiss. 
“Anytime, we take care of each other, I’m just glad you’re feeling better.” You climb under the blankets with him, tangling your limbs with his as he rests his face in the crook of your neck, clearly exhausted as he falls asleep against you. You feel your own exhaustion hit, smiling to yourself as you close your eyes. You couldn’t be happier that he let you try things your way.
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softiedingo · 6 months
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Pedro in his Oberyn era was so 🫠🫠🫠
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morallyinept · 15 days
Triad - An Oberyn Martell GIFLET
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Uh, Jett, what the heck is a GIFLET?
Just a short 500 words or less drabble, based on inspiration that I got from a GIF. Simples.
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It's you, bub.)
Word Count: 498
Scoville Smut Rating: None, it's fluff. You’re safe.
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here
Enjoy! 🖤
This GIFLET was inspired by the below GIF 👇🏻 Requested by @sir-thisisadndserver
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"I should say something…” Oberyn says, his voice low as he helplessly watches you from afar in the golden garden.
“The decision has been made, love. You cannot interfere with fate.” Ellaria murmurs, watching you buy his side.
“Fuck the fates!” Oberyn hisses.
Ellaria pats his chest and the heavy thrum of his heartbeat under his flaxen robes reverberates under her fingertips. In another situation she might be jealous. She might’ve taken his dagger and plunged it into your heart herself for coming in between them.
But that’s exactly where she wanted you, in between her and her paramour, and the more the three of you spent time and long nights shared in their bed, the more they had opened up and made a comfy space for you.
The more they had both fallen for you.
Something that took all three of you by surprise at the intensity of it.
And now, you're leaving, called away to different lands for your humble service, far from Dorne, and the two of them are bereft.
“There is a way.” Oberyn says, eyes fixed on you as you move about the garden with stems in your basket. You look back forlorn at them knowing your days here are numbered.
“I take her as my wife.” He looks down at his lover, the only one who he’s ever wanted to be wed to, the only one.
And yet now, in a decision born of passion and longing, she nods, her acceptance acquiescing his brashness.
He’s desperate not to let you go and so is she.
“My second…” He says deeply. “We may not be tied in name or law, but in heart, you are my primary.” He assures her.
“I do not doubt it, my love.” Ellaria smiles, cupping his face, a kiss brushed across his lips. His hand cups around her own as he holds it to his heart.
“She’s not a bastard. Your brother will allow it. She can stay with us.” Ellaria states.
“Then let’s tell her the good news.” He smiles and she watches him start forward through the marigolds towards you.
You look up to see your Prince approaching and it stuns you at how he leaves you so breathless.
“My love, I have solved the matter of your departure.”
“Yes?” You query.
“Yes. You shall not be not leaving.”
“But… how? The king, he-”
“You leave the king to me, flower. All you need to do is take my hand.” He holds it out to you and you hesitate.
“He means in marriage,” Ellaria confirms, coming up behind him. “If you marry Oberyn, you can stay in Dorne with us.”
You smile. “Really?” You glance at them both, heart swelling and legs feeling weak.
Oberyn takes you in his arms. “We can be together, all of us.” He runs his nose across your throat.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted,” you sigh dreamily into his face.
Ellaria smirks, reaching for you too. “Gods… can we all just kiss, already?”
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