violetvulpini · 2 months
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TOXIC YURI!!! Colored sketch commission for my dear epic friend and very talented artist @awzominator!!
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krispykollection · 2 months
Peanut Butter
Part 1: Anjay
"Seriously Anjay you're eating more of that stuff? Look at yourself, do you really think you need more? You're practically bursting out of your skin already."
Gosh, I almost can't even believe how we got here. If you had asked me if I'd be standing backstage at a local bodybuilding show with a hulked out and glistening version of my best friend Anjay, I'd have for sure thought I were hallucinating off some bad lunch… Funny how close to truth that would end up to be.
It all started 3 days ago when an unannounced package appeared on our doorstep addressed to Anjay. Not only was he not expecting anything, the contents were even stranger. Pulling off the packing paper revealed contents not immediately familiar to two skinny young men like us.
To the left a shimmery pile of purple blueish fabric. Anjay held it up cautiously as it unfurled. The garment presented itself as a bikini, the sight of it filling both of us with an awkward embarrassment of being in possession of such an obscene object.
Anjay quickly dropped it on the table before turning his attention back to the box. I had to lean in closer to make out the next object of mystery. A brown bottle of… tanning oil? "What kind of crazed sex fetish shit is this, David?" Anjay turned to me and questioned.
I didn't know what to say, so I just looked back down at what's left. The remaining item, while on the one hand familiar, only served to confuse further. It was a container of plain old peanut butter. At least something normal, but what on earth did it have to do with any of this? As I picked it up to examine it closer a final item was revealed underneath, and with it an explanation.
"Ohhh" we remarked in unison with the kind of trailing off that makes it clear we're still skeptical. It was a pass for what appeared to be a local bodybuilding show and not just any kind of pass, one for a competitor. That well explained the first two items, not a bikini, but a pair of posers, and not just any tanning oil, the kind used to cake a fake shimmering bronze sheen onto huge muscle heads so they can show off their freakish masses onstage.
The peanut butter could be reasoned to be just a backstage snack for a lunk like the probable intended recipient, but that's where the last mystery comes into play. The name on the badge, it was Anjay's. Realizing the same, he flipped the top flap of the box back to check the address on the shipping label, sure enough it was ours. "Hmph…" he said defeatedly.
In an effort to put a quick and tidy end to the strange past few minutes we had found ourselves in, I offered up a solution. "I guess there must be some other Anjay Bajwa in the area, the show probably just got the wrong address."
Anjay tacitly agreed. I'm sure we both knew the obvious holes in that explanation, our town isn't all that big, and being solidly in the midwest of the united states, Anjay Bajwa was not exactly a common name.
"This guy probably wants this… stuff, right? Should we, uh, try to find him?" Anjay weakly questioned.
I conjured up the image of the intended recipient. Some roided out freak standing wider than a doorway with arms bigger than my head ready to crush someone like me in a single moment. A rush of fear ran down my spine. With a similar picture playing out in Anjay's head, we turned to face each other and in unison uttered "Nah…"
Anjay put the items back in the box and loosely closed the flaps. He tossed it in the corner of the room to hopefully forget about, at least for a awhile.
I wish I could say the strangeness ended there, in fact that was almost true, all the way up to this morning.
I woke up before Anjay. The apartment was bare so I decided to head out early, grab a coffee and a bite, and run some errands. When I got back in the late morning I could sense something was off even before I opened our front door.
Through the opening door I spotted not Anjay, but a nearly naked yoked out freak. I stood frozen for a moment. He was thankfully facing away from me admiring himself in the small mirror hanging on the wall. I spied something familiar, the colorful posers. That's when it hit me, this must be the other Anjay looking for his package. A rush of fear shot down my spine, what if he's pissed we had it? Just look at those fucking arms, that back, he could pulverize me without breaking a sweat.
I stood there long enough for the creature to take notice. As he turned to face me, my fear took it's place as a side dish, with a main course of bewilderment. It was Anjay, my Anjay, from neck up at least, or what's left of it. Finally I broke my silence exclaiming "What the hell, man?!"
"Dave! I'm soo glad you're home! Bro, drop that stuff but hold onto your keys, we gotta hurry!" I instinctively stepped out of the way as he came powering towards me. In another second he was out the door, a gust of wind cast from his wide torso the only remnant by the time I had spun around. He was halfway down the hallway by the time I made it out the door. I was astonished he could move so fast with how big his legs had gotten, they clashed with every step yet he was practically sprinting to the parking lot. Still he was clad in nothing but those posers, but passerby's opted to say nothing, either terrified by the sight in front of them or insanely aroused.
Thankfully I hadn't locked my car doors, otherwise Anjay might have ripped the door clear off the hinges. The shocks of my late model sub compact protested as he slammed his weight into my passenger seat. Jeez, how much does he, does Anjay weigh now? Following his lead, I quickly hopped into the car myself. As I got in though, I slammed into what felt like cement, but turned out to be Anjay's arm.
"Huh, sorry bro, not used to my new width." Did he always say bro so much?
"Where exactly are we going in such a hurry?" I ask. That's when he pulled out another familiar item, the badge, pointing at it and exclaiming "Remember this? The expo center!"
"You've got to be kidding me!" too much had happened, too much had changed, it's all I could blurt out. "Look at me Dave, I'm gonna clean up bro!" Okay, that's a bro every sentence. "C'mon, we're gonna be late!" I took a second to sit and process as he sat by anxiously… "Okay, fine we'll go, but you gotta tell me what the hell happened to you."
Anjay was more than happy to tell the story of his morning. He started before I could even shift into reverse.
"Bro! oh my god bro, you won't believe it! So I woke up and there was like nothing in the house, but then I remembered that peanut butter from the other day. I grabbed a big ol' spoonful and plopped my ass on the couch."
As he spoke I found it hard to pay attention to the road, he was so animated, only exaggerated by his newly huge muscles, they were bulging everywhere at the slightest movement.
"A few minutes later, I started feeling this fuzzy feeling, I didn't know what it was, but it felt good. Bro that's when I noticed something else, my body was moving under my clothes, I lifted up my shirt and I had abs, abs bro!"
He took the opportunity to point at his obvious abs, flexing as he did.
"Once I connected the dots I practically ran back to the tub and dug back in… and before I knew it I looked and it was half gone! I knew I had fucked up, so I ran to the bathroom to check out the damage."
"My clothes were pulling apart at the seams, huge fucking peaks ripping through the arms, pecs busting out the front." He flexed each muscle group as he called it out. "Fuckin' delts, abs, quads, lats, traps, my god bro, you have no idea how good it felt, how good I feel!"
I recognized some of those words as he said them, using his obvious context clues for the ones I didn't. I had no idea Anjay was so knowledgeable about muscle.
"I didn't want to completely freak you out." Mission decidedly not accomplished. "So I tried to find something to wear, but the only thing that would fit were those posers… when I slipped them on bro oh shit, they felt so good, I looked so good, but then something else happened. My mind started filling with all this new knowledge… muscle groups, workout routines, diets, supplements, cycles, poses! Before I knew it I was a champion bodybuilder, through and through!"
"Yeah, you can say that again…" I said acknowledging the physical embodiment of his statement. "I'm worried those posers might of sucked some knowledge out of you Anjay, since when do you use bro as a punctuation mark?"
"Haha, don't be silly bro, I've always talked like this… and call me AJ."
AJ? I sat there just wishing for my friend Anjay back, not this beefed up bro'd out version of him. Hesitantly I continued, "Ok… AJ, I just didn't know you were so into muscle?"
"I wasn't…" he paused "at least I think I wasn't, but I mean look at me bro, who wouldn't want this?" With that he raised both of his arms up to flex. As he did his lats? flared out and brushed my shoulder. "Shit, I didn't even know you could even have muscles there."
"Bro I got muscles everywhere and then some. Look at the class on my badge, super heavyweight… damn right! Fuck, I'm so pumped, I'm gonna crush it!"
Anjay… I mean AJ, had his bare foot on the ground before I had even come to a full stop upon arriving. Again I followed in tow. Unlike at the apartment, the sight of a muscleman clothed only in a shiny pair of posers was of shock to no one inside. It's what they're all here to see, what I was here to see I guess?
He led us straight backstage, scattered around were other men and their own companions all getting ready for their time onstage. Looking around I was shocked to realize that AJ was the biggest of any of them.
"Bro, take this," he handed me the bottle of tanning oil "you gotta help me tan up."
I was taken aback "I uhh… well I mean, I don't uhh." I looked around, elsewhere many men were doing the same, but I couldn't I mean, we're friends, but I.
"Fine," he grabbed the bottle back "I'll get started."
He dotted the bronze tan across his chest and started rubbing it in, following it up with his legs and arms. If you thought he looked insane before, with the shimmery coat of tan his new freakish form really popped. Halfway through, I heard his gut grumble, he turned back to grab something else, the peanut butter.
"Seriously Anjay you're eating more of that stuff? Look at yourself, do you really think you need more? You're practically bursting out of your skin already."
"I told you bro, call me AJ. Anjay sounds so… formal. As for this," he says as he gulps down a spoonful "I'm lickin' this baby clean…" "Now, I've done as much as I can, I need your help buddy, I can't reach my back." He contorts his arms up and over or behind and up showing just how far he is from reaching.
"I guess there's one downside to all those shiny new muscles," I quip.
"I wouldn't call it a downside, not when I have a bro like you…" with that he made a little pouty face unbecoming of his brutal form. I relent and swallow my awkwardness. "Hand me the bottle." His eyes light up.
I walk around AJ, and I mean around, and find myself staring at the contrasted light patch of his wide back. Man, I really wish I had gloves for this, I lament as I squirt a dollop into my palm. Distributing it between my hands I took a deep breath… here goes nothing.
I feel a jolt of electricity run though me as I make contact. Something's changed, something's flipped. I watch myself as I spread the bronze coating. The back in front of me is the same, but the interpretation has changed. It's not shocking, nor disgusting, it's a thing of beauty. I zoom out in my head, my god, the whole thing is, he is, AJ is. I feel my hands gliding over the many ridges of his back, turning perfection into more perfection. That's when I notice something else, the effects from the latest bite of peanut butter… he's growing. I can see his flesh expanding between my fingers, I can feel it press ever so slightly more against my hands. I've never felt so connected to AJ and I know he can feel it too. The world around us taking a backseat to our own shared reality.
I reapply and venture my hands further down south ensuring that his colossal glutes get the attention they deserve. I pull down his posers, ensuring every inch gets covered. Before I know it my fingers found themselves deep inside as I gently tease his hole. Electricity shoots through me again as I watch him squirm.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a figure coming in hot to our left. Fuck, we're busted, I think, followed up quickly by a different thought, wait, what the fuck am I doing?
The figure comes into focus, it's a frantic respectfully beefed up man in an official looking polo.
"There you are!" he yells out to us as I casually snap AJ's poser back into place. "You missed check-in, you better come with me right now if you don't wanna get DQ'd."
Not allowing for any protest he grabs AJ's hand to lead him away, muttering under his breath as he does, "These lunks, the big ones can't hold a thought in their head outside of their next rep…"
AJ grabs the peanut butter as he stumbles, then walks away. In between bites he shouts back "Grab a seat bro, I'll be lookin' for ya!"
With nowhere else to go I follow his instructions and find a seat in the amphitheater. In the relative calm I have a moment to process the events of the past few hours. Here I am, sitting at a bodybuilding competition waiting for my best friend to walk onstage and show off his insane muscles. I thought about how I feel about that, I have a vague recollection of being scared and confused, but now it seems clear. AJ's got muscles, he's a bodybuilder, of course we're at a bodybuilding competition. The only thing I feel now is anticipation.
I flash back to backstage as I sit and wait. I can't get the image out of my head. His muscles… so big, so hot, muscles are hot, AJ is hot, fuck! AJ is hot! I can't wait to see him again, to touch, I shiver. Almost on command the lights in the amphitheater lower to signal the start of the show.
Competitors start marching onstage, they all have nothing on AJ, I think, only confirming more as they continue to appear. The stage slowly fills as each hits their mark. Still no sign of AJ. I briefly worry something happened to him.
But then, the backlights of the stage are snubbed out by a hulking figure. It steps out under the stage lights. It's unlike any other man up onstage, it's hard to believe it's man at all. It's AJ.
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A hush washes over the amphitheater. You couldn't just see, but you could feel his movements, you could hear him coming. The thuds of his footsteps, the stretch of his posers trying to hold back the mass he's become.
He hasn't even flexed a muscle yet but all eyes were on him. I had no idea a man could be so beautiful. He is absolutely bursting with muscle. Every limb, every surface stacked with veiny glistening meat. I find myself getting hard. I stroke my cock through my shorts and make note of many other men in the audience doing the same.
AJ is wearing a cocky smile confirming that he is aware of all our gazes. He coyly takes his place in the lineup, pretending that there's any possible way the show will go on as planned now that everyone has seen him.
To their credit, they did attempt to run though a few poses, but even those onstage found it hard to hold form when their attention was quickly snapping back to their muscled colleague. Noticing this, AJ steps forward to give everyone what they wanted, his juicy up body, up close and personal.
AJ goes through an entire routine like he's spent ages perfecting every pose. His front double bi threatens to encase his head in delt and bicep meat. His ab and thigh positively does. And those thighs, wide sweeping drops of muscle, transforming into carved marble columns as he stomps down.
He turns around to face the other competitors, winking at their astonished faces as he does. It's time to give everyone else the a view of what they've been seeing. His lat spread seems to just go wider and wider without any sign of stopping. And his glutes, my god, they're absolutely planetary.
Spinning back around, AJ playfully takes a customary bow indicating the end of the show. It was indeed the end of the show and he needn't move from that spot on center stage. Not wanting to keep the godlike figure waiting, officials rush out and crown him champion.
There's no lineup. Second, third, who cares, everyone else is a blur. He's first, second, and third both in size and perfection. Medals in hand, AJ turns and leaves the stage, leaving the crowd to reflect on what they just witnessed.
I find AJ backstage, swarmed by all types, attendees, officials, media, competitors, they all couldn't get enough of him, couldn't get close enough to him. He sees me and pushes his wide body through the crowd like it's nothing. He doesn't even skip a beat as he scoops me up and carries me out of the room.
I can tell I weigh nothing to him. I'm a warmup weight. Even without being terribly stressed, his muscles were putting on a show for me. I watch his biceps and pecs bulge to hold me, just taking in the sensation of being cradled by muscle. We lock eyes and smile knowingly.
AJ whisks us away into a side room away from the crowd and gently sets me down in front of him. The room is bare aside from us and the plastic taped on walls and floor for tan smearing muscle beasts like AJ. Not exactly what you'd call ambiance, but it didn't matter. We have all we need.
Without saying a word I step forward and place my hands on his chest. He flexes in approval. I feel a jolt run though me as I feel his pecs shift from beautiful pillows to striated boulders. I lean down and press my cheek against his cobblestone abs. I linger just feeling the motion of his gut contracting and expanding with every breath.
I bring my hands down to his posers and slip them down, his dick pleasingly flops out already semi-hard. As he comes to full mast I realize it's larger than I remember. It didn't grow as much as everything else, but it's still impressive. A stiff golden rod setting itself out from his dark bronzed quads.
I wrap my lips briefly around just the tip before taking it in deep with a skill like I had done this hundreds of times before. I'm in ecstasy as I feel AJ fill me so completely, as I hear him moan with pleasure while I hit all the right spots, as I watch his quads twitch up close and personal with every suck. His movements and breaths become sharply staccato as I take him to climax.
AJ grunts with gorilla-like intensity as he rockets three hot, huge, loads down my throat. I stand up and wipe my lips as AJ comes back down to earth. Once he does, he chooses to finally break the silence with, "It's your turn now, bro." His voice booms deeper than I remember, the statement hitting me like a ton of bricks. He turns around and fully drops his posers, struggling briefly against his quad meat as he does.
My already erect member twitches even harder at the sight of his uncovered ass. Even more so when he leans forward and his massive cheeks split. I hastily drop my pants and am practically pulled in like a vortex. I place my soft hands on AJ's granite glutes before inserting my cock into his waiting hole. I'm glad I went in so deep with the tan earlier, it serving as rudimentary lube.
As I begin to thrust, I watch the dancing mountainous landscape of AJ's back in front of me. His ass is magnificent, so firm and tight. Every few strokes he squeezes his mighty glutes ever so little sending pleasure rocketing through me and also reminding me that he could crush my dick to smithereens in a single flex if he wanted to, this only serving to rile me even more. Regardless, it's clear who is in control in this moment, he wants this just as bad as I do.
I collapse forward onto AJ's back as I cum. We both stay in this position for a few seconds while we catch our breath. Standing back up, we make ourselves as decent as we can. AJ pulling his skimpy poser back into place and me pulling my pants back up and trying and failing to wipe the stripes of bronzer now all over my skin and clothes.
I laugh as I look up at AJ. "What?" he asks.
"Sorry, I wore a spot out on your tan, haha."
AJ chuckles to himself as he turns to face me. "Oh shit bro, but look at you" I'm practically covered in splotches of bronzer. "Honestly, doesn't look to bad on ya, have you ever considered bodybuilding?" AJ heartily boasts. We both chuckle with the silly question serving to encapsulate the wild ride we both have been on.
"Something tells me there's a lot more of this to come, but first… this tank bro" AJ slaps his bloated muscle gut, "she's gonna need a lot more than peanut butter to fill 'er up."
With that we head back out together in search of what I assume is an ungodly amount of food to fill up my hulking best friend… boyfriend? possibly.
We're a total mess, anyone looking at us would have no trouble putting together what we just did. We hold our heads high regardless, because who gives a fuck, like you wouldn't if you could. But you can't, so might as well flaunt what's mine. Besides in reality no one is giving me a second glance next to him.
In that first stroll together as an item out in the world, AJ and David find themselves in a place of pure joy and contentment, ecstatic about their budding new reality and relationship. Little did they know what was coming next.
Waiting innocently on their doorstep… another package… Wonder who it's addressed to?
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luveline · 1 year
𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 | 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
when internet trolls poke fun at your appearance while working on a case, hotch is there to make you feel better. fem!reader, 3k
tw cyberbullying, poor eating habits, criminal minds typical violence
You're not a media liaison or anything close, but with JJ off for maternity leave and Penelope in Quantico, there's a face needed for the press announcement on TV, and you offer to step in. 
You aren't particularly eager to do it, but Hotch doesn't have the time or wherewithal and such a high intensity case, not while Spencer is at half-mast, migraines rendering him ineffective and stubborn. You're trying to keep the ship sailing smoothly, doing your part of the profiling while juggling media and supporting the police sergeant that's heading the tip line.
You're not expecting to become a joke. After a red-eye, three sleepless nights trying to find a missing woman in Oklahoma —the domestic violence capital— and a full day without something to eat, you're aware you don't look your best, but you aren't sure what that has to do with your missing person. 
The FBI — fugly bitches International. #FindDanaLangley
Damn, are they not letting those agents sleep or what? She looks terrible ! 
she should be less worried about Dana Langley and more concerned with the dead woman in the mirror, ew 
hope theu find her just so they stop putting this creature on TV #FindDanaLangley
"Well," you murmur, wondering if it would be inappropriate to burst into tears, "these aren't especially helpful." 
Derek looks at you, his gaze measured, and you know he's not sure how to react to you or what's happening. He settles on his usual loving encouragement, because he's a very good friend. 
"Don't listen to all that," he says, throwing his arm around your shoulder, "those trolls wouldn't know beautiful if it hit them in the face. But we could always try it?" 
You sink into his hold, needing the reassurance even if you wish you didn't. "No hitting," you say, covering your mouth to hide a large and possibly fugly yawn. Your head is racing with regurgitated insults. "It doesn't matter, Derek. Promise. We have bigger stuff to deal with." 
The door opens and Hotch and Emily step inside, Rossi just behind them. You're thinking Hotch is going to agree with your sentiment, no time for comfort when a woman's life is at stake, so you move away from Morgan to sit in front of your laptop again. 
"Is something wrong?" Hotch asks. 
You meet his eyes just long enough to smile at him. "Nothing. What did Amandla have to say?" 
Emily retells the alibi of Dana's ex-girlfriend and is clearly suspicious but without proof, you're forced as a team to move on to the next lead. Spencer returns shortly afterward and you try to brainstorm your next step. 
It's Penelope that pulls through. "You asked me to cross reference the neighbours at Dana's previous address with people crossing state lines, right, after that one guy ended up being kinda icky? Well I did that, and nothing came up, which was–" 
"Garcia," Hotch interrupts. 
"Right. Long story short, one of the neighbours recently had an extreme falling out with Icky Guy after a years long friendship, his name is Justin Mantova, he has extreme PTSD with documented episodes of confused aggression, and he's been seen coming in and out of a storage unit in Paseo Storage Solutions for the past four days." 
"Address?" Hotch asks. 
"Already sent to your phones." 
"Thank you, Pen," you say. 
"Just go catch the bad guy, pretty girl," she says. 
Ah, so she's seen the tweets too. You frown rather than smile, reminded again of what's been said and wishing you could be anywhere else. 
You get your wish and forget all about personal grievances for a while, concerned with the safe location and extraction of Dana Langley. The operation is clean, and she's hurt but has a great chance at a full recovery. It's quick, it's professional. 
You're falling asleep in the SUV on the way back. Hotch at the wheel, Spencer in the backseat, you rub your eyes from the passenger side and try not to look suspiciously morose, but it's impossible. Hotch is too good at his job. 
"Are you sure everything's okay?" he asks. With Spencer's window open and the wind whipping, it's hard to hear him. 
"Is everything okay?" 
"I'm just tired." You don't look at him. It's rude of you, but if what they've said is true —you'd seen the photographs, and you looked tired, sure, but you still looked like you. "Just tired," you say again. You snap your mouth closed when your voice wobbles. 
Hotch is regularly too sweet on you. Most of the team say it's a crush. Emily calls it 'character development. Whatever it is, he's nice to you. He warmed up to you near immediately when you first joined the team, and he's been as welcoming months later as he was in your first week. 
Maybe he feels sorry for me, you think, submerging yourself inch by inch into self pity. 
The three of you regroup with the others at the police station to pen immediate recounts of what happened before you can forget, tying up loose ends. 
Finally you're able to go back to the hotel. Another half an hour and you're in the lobby.
"We'll go home in the morning. Nine AM flight, meet in the lobby at eight thirty," Hotch says. "Get some rest." 
You disband. They've squeezed you in all over the place, and you're lucky enough to be next to the elevator on the second floor. Hotch is the third floor, and everyone else the sixth, so you say goodbye to your colleagues and exit the elevator, stepping onto the second floor with a parting smile.
You can't know it, but Hotch notices the way your smile falls before the doors have well and truly closed. Your shoulders slump in defeat. 
You trudge into your room and don't bother turning on the lights. The door closes behind you and the mask you'd been holding up starts to crack. You put your laptop in the closet despite temptation to boot it up, knowing no good can come of looking at the tip hashtag again. 
You head into the bathroom to pee, and you're confronted with your appearance as you wash your hands. 
You stare at yourself. 
You look tired. 
Tears well as you look at yourself. You're not those things those people said. You're pretty, and when you smile everyone knows it. There's nothing so beautiful as a smile. You can't summon one, but you know it's the truth. 
Or, it should be. 
A single tear falls down your cheek, quickly followed by a second, and a third from the other eye. You ignore them, tracing the line of your bottom lip, the texture of your skin on your cheeks, the slight sunken effect of your under eyes. 
A knock makes you flinch. "Fuck," you say, wiping your cheek with the back of a hand, twisting on the spot like looking into your room might reveal whoever it is at the door. Probably one of your team. "Hello?" you call. 
"It's me. It's Hotch. I know it's after hours, but I wanted to speak with you."
Whatever reassurance he has to give might actually make this all much worse. You don't want any pity from anybody, you just want today to be over. Still, you wiggle your toes into the plush hotel carpeting, debating only for a moment about the pros and cons of pretending to be asleep. 
"Hey," you say, opening the door. You wipe your eyes and hope he takes it for a tired gesture rather than a method of hiding the glassy sheen at your waterline. "Hi, Hotch, how are you feeling?" 
"Fine. Tired. Thank you for asking." 
"Do you want to come in?" you ask. 
Hotch follows you into your room. There's an armchair across from the bed next to a desk and an old TV sitting atop it. Your suitcase is still open on your bed, your pyjamas crumpled in the shell. You close it before Hotch can see. That's another thing to add to your list: being a slob. 
"It's very clean in here," he says. 
You startle. "What?" 
"It's clean, considering how long we've been here. Have you ever seen Spencer's room at the end of a case?" he asks. 
"No, is it bad?" 
"It's like a paper hurricane."
You look down at your knees, hyper aware of his gaze on your face, tired of feeling uneasy in your skin. 
"I wanted to say thank you for doing the press release yesterday. You did an amazing job. It's something to be proud of." 
Of course he's talking about the press release, the one thing you need to not think about. 
"Did Derek tell you?" you ask. 
"Tell me what?" he asks, voice sharpening.
You look up. Hotch is a picture of concern, professionalism slightly off centre. 
"Something's been bothering you. Something Derek should've told me, I'm guessing." 
You chew over your words. "Uh. Hotch, it's really nothing, it's a hiccup. The press release, I…" You really don't want to have to say it. The words get stuck at the back of your throat.
He leans forward. "What?" 
"I looked sick. On TV. I looked really unwell, and it– it actually–" Why are you stammering? What's wrong with you? You laugh and it's not your laugh but it's better than your nonsense stuttering. "Sorry. On the press release, I didn't look my best, and it was a hot topic. That's what I thought Derek told you about. But I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, Hotch." 
"I don't feel sorry for you." 
You wince, "No, of course not." 
"Two seconds," he says, putting his hand forward in the air between you. "A hot topic? I don't understand." He looks genuinely apologetic. 
"The tip line got clogged up with comments about my appearance," you say. You phrase it as a professional error rather than the embarrassing event it represents in your personal life.
His lips curl downward. "Saying you looked tired." 
"Saying I looked unagreeable." 
"As a friend," he says, tone softening, "could you tell me what they said?" 
Heat blooms in your cheeks and behind your eyes, your throat aching as you scratch at a nonexistent itch in the crook of your elbow. "Um. Well, there was a lot of them, and they weren't all about me, but the ones I saw, they seemed to think I needed more sleep. That I–" 
Hitch rarely interrupts, but something in your voice must impel him. "What did they say?" he asks again. 
"That I looked like a creature. That they hoped Miss Langley would be found, so that they didn't have to see my face on TV again. Hotch," you say, your throat sounding as tight as it feels, "it was pretty bad, but it really doesn't matter." 
"I think it matters if it's upset you," he says. 
He has the warmest voice when he wants it to be, so dulcet, almost melodic. You'd think it was a practised phrase, but he speaks freely. 
"It didn't," you lie. 
Pointless in your line of work and automatic anyways. Hotch doesn't deny you the safety of your untruth, but he doesn't entertain it, either. 
"You're beautiful when you're tired," he says. 
You don't mean to, but you hold your breath. The silence that follows his remark is deafening. 
"You're beautiful," he says, again, as though you could've missed it the first time. "Regrettably, you're very tired, but you don't look any less pretty. Don't think what was sent in to the tip line has any merit." 
"Are you saying that as my friend or my boss?" you ask. It's meant to be a joke that lightens the mood. 
"Neither," Hotch says.
You gawp, and then falter. "Why…" 
Hotch is close enough to offer a hand, and you're feeling stupid enough to take it. He squeezes tenderly, looking you straight in the eye. "I'm sorry about what's being said. I had no idea. We can pull the video, and the tipline should stop now Dana's been found, but it doesn't erase what's already happened. I'm so sorry. It's not right, and it's not fair." 
"It's a hard job, right?" you ask.
His hand is so so big, and not as soft as you'd pictured. It doesn't make a difference, not when he's touching you like you might shatter. 
"That's not the job," he says.
"It's silly to care, though. About what other people think." 
"I hope you care about what I think. The merit of an opinion comes from the person, and the relationship you have with them. Anyone who knew you would know that you're beautiful." 
"Inside that counts," you say, not fully comforted, but trying to give him an out. 
"You're beautiful on the outside," he says, giving your hand a small shake. "You're an amazing woman, of course. But I, for one, enjoyed seeing your face on TV."
You try not to smile too hard, directing your gaze at your joined hands lest he get a read on you.
Hotch must know how you feel about him. He'd be an awful profiler if he didn't. You fawn when you're around him even now, months down the line from your very first meeting when you were sure your heart would ricochet from your chest, the intensity of your instant crush like nothing you'd felt, not even as a schoolgirl. He'd been tall, striking, classically handsome and completely unaware of the fact. Now he's sitting across from you and he doesn't seem so tall, nor so striking. His caring side shines like a gem. It's blinding, and it really does make you feel better. 
"I cried in the bathroom," you confess, rubbing your thumb against his in minute, near imperceptible circles. "I wish it didn't matter to me, how I looked. I know I was doing something important, and there wasn't time to freshen up. Maybe I should've just asked somebody else." 
"You did it perfectly. You were perfect. No one else could have delivered the profile to the public that professionally, and that astutely." 
Hotch stands up, and you don't know what to do. You decide to look up at him just as he takes your face into his hands. 
"No crying in bathrooms, okay? It would… it breaks my heart thinking about it. You come to me."  
Such a dramatic statement, yet Hoch lays it out like it's an unquestionable truth. No bravado, only a sincerity that makes your throat hurt. His frown slides back into place as his palms warm your cheeks. 
"You're so busy, I could never," you say, shaking your head. 
"Time and place, sure, but. I will always try to make time for you. I hope you know that by now." 
You nod dazedly. Hotch's hands drag with a pressure down to your neck, your shoulders, leaving tingling skin in their wake. He looks at you and time stretches, a few seconds pulled out of order. It's his closeness, and his affectionate, empathetic smile. 
You nod again. 
He relaxes. 
"Try and get some rest, okay? You need to take care of yourself. I know it's hard to ignore how you feel, I know today was hard, but you're one of the strongest people I've ever met. I have faith in you." He gives your shoulder a final squeeze. "Are you alright?" 
"Yeah," you say. It comes out much more quietly than intended.
"Rest, honey. Call me if you're upset again. I mean it." 
He smooths your cheek with the back of his forefinger and you wonder if this is some weird fantasy. Hotch makes for the door, and you know for sure it's real when he says, "And no more caffeine tonight." 
"No more caffeine," you agree. 
He doesn't realise he's twice as bad as a coffee. Your heart races all by itself, his phantom touch on your cheek. 
"Hi, beautiful," Derek says. 
"There's the girl of the hour," Rossi says. 
You roll your arm in a bow, eyes stinging from the bright lobby lights but otherwise quite happy. Hotch called you beautiful last night. Hotch called you honey. People on the Internet who have nothing better to do thought you looked gross, but Hotch thinks you're pretty. It's hard to focus on the negative with a positive that good. 
"Good morning, my favourite boys," you say sweetly. 
Spencer looks up from his book. "Hey." 
"You didn't say hello," you say, "you excluded yourself." 
Spencer frowns and goes back to his book. You offer him a mini cookie from your pocket and he perks up, better when you whisper, "You know you're my favourite, Reid." 
"We all know that's a lie," Emily says, rolling her small suitcase to your left and nearly trampling your foot. 
"Unfortunately so," Rossi agrees. 
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." 
"Hotch looks chipper this morning, doesn't he?" Derek asks, nodding. You follow his nod too quickly and give yourself away, earning a scattered round of laughter from your tired team. "Got you."
"Laugh it up," you say. You're on a high that can't be killed, even with their collective teasing. 
"Why are we laughing?" Hotch asks from behind you. 
You jump half out of your skin. 
"We were laughing at Y/N's swift observational skills, but we spoke too soon," Emily says.
Hotch takes a moment to smile at you. "Hey, you look a little more rested. Feeling better?" 
A flush rises to your cheeks. "Much," you say, sounding foreign to your own ears. 
Hotch gives a pleased nod and clasps your shoulder gently before manoeuvring around you. "Let me go see where JJ is." 
He walks around the lobby corner and into the hotel restaurant. You have your face in your hands before he's gone, harassed by quiet whistles and giggling. 
"She's so embarrassed!" Rossi cheers, like a proud dad. "How hopeless, young love." 
"Someone please shut him up," you beg, rubbing your aching eyes. It's an excuse to hide your smile a moment longer. 
"Are you still tired?" Spencer asks. "You look tired."
"She does not," Derek says severely. 
You raise your head with a smile. Tired or not, Hotch thinks you're beautiful. He liked seeing you on TV. You lavish the memory.
"I'm genuinely exhausted," you say eventually, a smile stretching from cheek to cheek as you stand tall again.
"I want whatever kind of tired you're feeling," JJ says as she arrives, Hotch a step behind her. 
You meet his eyes. You think he might not acknowledge what's been said between you —it wasn't strictly professional to have held your face in his hands like that, after all— and the beginnings of disappointment creep in, until he stands at your side, his fingertips brushing yours. It cannot be accidental. 
"She wears it well, doesn't she?" he asks the group. He gives no time for an answer. "Everyone ready?" 
You practically vibrate your way to the SUV. Not a bad case, as they go. 
thank you for reading, so much! I hope you enjoyed! if you did and you have the time, please consider reblogging cos it makes me happy <3
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
so a thing this fandom does that remains FASCINATING to me, as a function of the fact a lot of this fandom is people's first fandom or only current fandom, is just... assume a lot of things it does is a scourge that this fandom has invented or doesn't exist outside of it? or like, is uniquely bad here? and i won't deny that sometimes mcyt fandom is a bit more intense by virtue of numbers, but like...
duo names: confusing fandom-injokes to describe duos and groups tend to be an anime fandom thing specifically for many historical reasons, but they're not uncommon. hey quick--if you haven't been in KHR fandom, can you guess what 1827 is? no? i'll give you a hint: that's actually a ship name. or, ygo fans, tell me the difference between puppyshipping, prideshipping, violetshipping, and rivalshipping. my hint is that they're all kaiba ships and two of them are actually the same ship. good luck!
reducing characters to a specific trait: have you read fic in another fandom before? i would recommend you go do so and come back to me. my example here is "sasuke likes tomatoes", for the record.
common au fanon that's confusing to outsiders: my deep cut here is "when i got into certain tv fandoms i was baffled by the existence of sentinel/guide fics", which is a slightly older tv fandom thing so many of you probably don't know what i'm on about. but trust me: in certain fandoms it's ubiquitous and unless you've watched a completely different tv show you're gonna have to entirely pick it up from reading fic. oh hey, hybrid aus and watcher!grian, nice to see your relative here,
fanon being treated as canon: did you know there's this whole bnha character, naomasa, who is treated as canonically having a lie detector quirk? did you know that, best i can tell, that's not in canon anywhere, it just got echoed through fanon enough that everyone treated it as canon? 'fanon trait becomes so ubiquitous everyone assumes it has to be there' is not a new thing. also, batfamily fans, i have been lead to understand the tim and coffee thing is also this.
characters being treated badly to make a different dynamic look better: the fact we have the term 'character bashing' tells you all you need to know, here. if anything my one complaint on this front isn't even that it's happening--it's that i wish bashing and/or "not [character] friendly" was tagged a little more frequently, haha.
characters being reduced to their family dynamics: tale as old as time. "even the family dynamic thing" yes even that. just because this fandom tended to be particularly ship-adverse in the past didn't mean it didn't do basically the same behaviors as any fandom with shipping did with those dynamics, just gen. and other gen fandoms also do that. yes, down to the "and shipping reduces them to a ship, unlike my gen dynamic, which is very in-character; why can't people just be friends?" thing. some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
characters being reduced to their ships: some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
The Discourse: yeah this is an "actively running show" fandom thing, but also a hiatus fandom thing. ask a homestuck about vriskourse sometime. as much as i hate to say it, it probably made doomsday discourse look cute.
and those are just like... some things i've seen people complain about on my dash recently. idk it just hit me there are probably fans in mcyt fandoms who are assuming that some things (like hybrid aus or duo names) are the kind of things that only happen here, so i thought i'd offer some examples of other places they happen! i also have even more examples if you'd like.
to be clear: this isn't shaming anyone for complaining about any of these things. lord knows i go complain to my friends about it all the time, just the other day i was complaining in the category of 'they keep bashing my guy'. it's more of just... a gentle reminder that maybe we're big, maybe we're loud, maybe we have problems... but these problems aren't always unique.
so uh. we're all suffering together i guess...?
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
What Are You Waiting For Then? (Daemon x Reader)
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Hey guys sorry for keeping you waiting, one of my friends was visiting so I was all day doing tourist activities, this was actually so exciting and refreshing to write!
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“Nathaniel! Mother come quick Nathaniel is back!”
All Daemon saw was young woman ran barefoot heading towards his fellow soldier, Nathan was a man that got recruited to fight alongside Daemon to the Stepstones, he was a brave and honourable man that was shipped to the Stepstones under the fellow banners of the noble house resided in Lys named “Fyresteel”, they were the first to respond to the call for aid, the young strong man truly embedded their words
“None shall be left behind”.
The woman crushed her body to the knight almost knocking him over, she had wrapped her arms around him like her life depended on it, her clothes were semi tarnished and the hem of her dress dirty from the mud.
A few moments after she pulled away in arms length, examining Nathaniel with her eyes, the look she had on her face showed how close of a bond they shared, tears clouded her eyes as she gripped on to his biceps.
“You are back, safe and sound”
“If I died there would be no one to mess with you dear sister”
The woman did not respond, she only hugged him one more time to which the knight responded with the same warmth. Daemon was astonished by the tremendous declaration of emotions, he loved his family yet he had never been that close to his brother, if Daemon were to be back Viserys might share a hug however there would be no engulfing nor tears shed for his safe return.
“My boy! Oh my boy is back!”
A middle aged woman paced in their direction with her arms wide open. The younger woman reluctantly pulled away from her brother to make room for what Daemon guessed was the boys mother, she wiped her tears with her hands as she sniffled.
“I apologise, it is just we have not seen our brother in such a long time, I am (y/n)”
“Daemon and no need to apologise, you should be proud of your brother, he fought fiercely and was one of the most trusted soldiers in battle”
“You should thank me for that, Nathaniel always liked to wrestle with me in the mud when we were children”
“Come on, don’t stand there they are probably hungry, come inside”
Daemon was stunned by their hospitality, they had no idea who he was, no clue of his heritage yet they welcomed him with open arms to feed him just because he appeared with their family member.
It was a small cottage, mostly made out of wood and stone, it was warm from the fireplace that burned under a big pot, the smell of home made food hit Daemons nostrils like a brick, his stomach rumbled with anticipation and his tastebuds begged for something warm.
“Does your friend like goat?”
“Goat is excellent my lady”
“Oh bless you young man, I have not being called lady since I gave birth to Nathaniel”
“Mother please!”
“What? This tall handsome boy was at the same size of a little kitten when he was born, he gave us all a fright we thought he would not survive”
Daemon chuckled at the comment that made Nathaniel hide his face behind his hands. Nathaniel was the only man that followed Daemon at his crazy plan of invasion, now he had to withstand his mother ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks with endearment.
To be honest Daemon did not care much about that, his eyes were set on (y/n), the girl had the same energy of her brother, noble, altruistic, bright, as supper was served he got caught in a trance that was her voice, he could listen to her speak about anything all day, the affability that radiated off from her was addictive to say the least, if you combine it with the earthy scent he was in true bliss, surrounded by people that took care of one another and honoured the word “family”.
Daemon had stayed with them until the moon turned, he would go around the farm with (y/n), not allowing her to lift a finger or doing her daily chores, to see a Targaryen prince milk a cow and gather chicken eggs was truly a surreal sight for anyone, Daemon felt at peace with being just Daemon, he was not “the rogue prince” nor “prince Daemon Targaryen”, his name sounded the best when it rolled off (y/n)s tongue.
“I will marry you one day”
“Will you take me back to the castle? be a princess of the seven kingdoms while I twirl in pretty dresses?”
“No, I will give you your own castle, you will be the queen of my heart and the ruler of our family”
“What are you waiting for then?”
Daemon flew to Kings landing at dawn, to bend the knee in front of the iron throne and beg for his marriage to be annulled, to humbly request to wed another now that he proved himself worthy and honoured the kingdom.
“Annulment? I thought you were a bit loose in the brain but this is a new type of madness even for you brother”
“I won the war against the crab eaters, I led the army to victory”
“And you assumed that it would make you invisible, you swore to be with this woman until the end of your days”
“Your grace, I am sure you are aware that the wedlock I am under was not a burden I chose to carry”
“Burden!? The lady Rhea is a respectable lady, you stand there and ask me to make Runestone our new enemy so you can marry a common beggar?”
“She is not a beggar”
“She is nobody!”
“She loves me! I do not know why but she chose to love me”
“My starlight, you are ravishing”
“Daemon, we are to attend a funeral”
“You will be ravishing at the funeral”
“I hope so, this is the only dress that fits me”
(Y/n) had given birth to 5 children already, to squeeze out children one right after the other meant her body had changed since they got married, her breasts had swell from breastfeeding their youngest son and the weight had managed to get comfortable.
Daemon could not keep his hands off of her, he found her new curves to be tempting, she looked like a well taken care of woman, the woman that blessed him with creating a home and children inside her, the goddess that put herself in danger to expand their family.
After moving to Pentos to elope against the kings wishes Daemon wanted to fulfil his promises, give her a castle and make her his queen.
(Y/n) was a marvellous wife and confidant, Daemon had spend all his life fighting for a place at the table, to be seen as worthy as his noble brother, the heavy weight of competition was suddenly lifted by (Y/n)s magical touch that showed him what it truly is to be accepted, to be nurtured and cared for with compassion and respect, Daemon would often watch her sleep while she rested her head on her pillow and just admire her, how could she be so… good to him?
“You are the most wonderful woman I have ever laid eyes upon”
“Seems like you are the only one that thinks like that, they are all eye balling us like we are their lunch”
With that mention from how beloved wife Daemons focus shifted from the diamonds (y/n) held for hues to observe what was behind him, to his displease he found the people from his bloodline gawking at his family, to the point that the eldest son Maelor of theirs clung a little closer to his mother, grasping her clothing with his fist for comfort and protection.
“Listen to me, stay close to your mother and myself and everything will be fine, understood?”
“Yes father”
The second born child, their first daughter Melody responded, Melody had a soft spot for her father, ever since she could walk she would wobble behind her father and wait for him to pick her up and spin her around. Daemon pinched her cheek before he took his wives free hand -since she was holding their youngest babe Aelor with their other arm- to lead his family to the place the ceremony would be held.
Daemon had promised his wife that he would not leave her alone, he guarded his partner and offsprings during the whole ceremony, choosing to stay far back than get close to his immediate bloodline members Viserys and Rhaenyra, he was content with sitting down on the bench and play with their fourth child their daughter Hera on his lap.
“I know my sweetling, I know”
(Y/n) cooed at the babe that was starting to get fussy, (y/n) had done her best to keep the babe comfortable however no one can predict when the babe wants to feed, only thing we know it’s babes are hungry often and they do not like to wait.
“What is the problem starlight?”
“I must feed him”
“Go on then”
“Daemon we are not home, if I start feeding him-“
“You will be a mother that is taking care of her babe and does not scoff in the natural way by having other woman nurse your kin”
“We know that stands true, they do not”
Daemon puffed out a breath before he reluctantly let his daughter off his lap to stand up and take (y/n)s cape to create a little curtain around his wife, as a way to assist her with putting her mind at ease so she can breastfeed that youngest member of their family.
“What is happening?”
“She must be feeding the babe”
Ottos face squirmed up in disgust at the sight of the babes own mother pulling her breast out for the babe to suckle on and in such a prestige setting, Alicent on the other side was certainly intrigued to say the least, not for the feeding part but to how attentive the rogue prince was to her, the man that had a heart made of steel was now pulling silly faces to make his children laugh and shielded his lover from invasive looks of disapproval like the one her father had.
“I think he is finished”
“Let me do the rest starlight”
Daemon had done this multiple times, their children had been very close in age so sometimes Daemon had to do the digestion process while the older one was in their “I only want my mother” time of age, so in order to relieve his wife he gracefully took his youngest son in his arm to pat his back so he can digest his food.
“Father, why is mom a starlight?”
“Often times I had to travel at night with Caraxes, the light that came from the stars gave me hope and guided me to safety”
Their daughter was a sucker for fairytales, so to listen to her father talk in such a poetic way for her mother compelled a weak smile dance on her lips, (y/n) reached to tuck a small strand of the toddlers dark hair out of her face until Melody wrapped her arms around her mother to hide her face in her mothers neck.
“What a beautiful scene, you have grown to be a wonderful father”
Viserys interrupted the precious moment by slowly approaching with his cane. Daemon instinctively took a step to stand in front of his wife, his natural need of protecting her kicked in and even though Viserys was his brother he did not take the chance.
“You honour me your grace”
“we are brothers Daemon”
“Mayhaps, long time ago we were”
“Maelor why don’t you take your mother and siblings to play at the shore? I’ll be with you in a moment”
“Oh yes! Come on mother let’s go”
Maelor was smart but not witted enough to figure out why his father allowed him to lead his mother away from this interaction, the young boy was too excited to notice the stern look (y/n) shot to her husband as she took the small babe from Daemon to give him and his brother some privacy.
“I know we had our differences howbeit I come with good intentions”
“I am sure you do, until Otto whispers accusations against me”
“We mustn’t hold grudges, I am here to offer a sumbol of peace”
“Which is?”
“Your children are unfortunately considered illegitimate, I own up to the mistake of not treating your lovely wife as equal, after the funeral I shall announce to the court that we affirm your wife and children as such, let us become a family again”
“My children are my family, my wife is my family”
“And your brother is willing to acknowledge that”
Daemon let his gaze fall upon his children, (y/n) was chasing around their children while they laughed along, all of them adored their mother, every time he would watch their faces light up and (y/n) smile it was equivalent to floating around the clouds, that was the reason he took them to Pentos, to ensure they were safely tucked away in their own world, no harm, no ill minded people, just pure and utter bliss.
“I would deeply appreciate that, I however have nothing to offer you in return of that favour”
Daemon was rudely awakened by his wife bursting in their room, clearly disheveled she stared at him as tried to catch her breath, (y/n) would often wake up in the middle of the night to make sure her children are alright, this time it seemed she was right about it.
Daemon was on his feet in no time, silently he followed her and she was making it difficult since (y/n) was basically running.
“I am alright mother, I cannot say the same for Aemond”
“What happened?”
“I wanted to go for a ride and I found them fighting so I called for help, I did not get involved I promise I just called the guards”
“I am not mad at you sweetling you did the right thing”
“Right thing? He ran away when my son was been beaten”
“He called for help”
“It was too late for that”
“What would you rather have him do? Fight off all the others and risk his own life”
“So it is better than my son is the only one that got injured?”
“I did not say that-“
“Stop! All of you. We are family”
“It was my sons that were forced to defend themselves your grace”
The young woman spoke up as she stood in front of the two brunette boys and one of them was also stained by blood. If she had to be honest she did not care about what happened, only that her children had no part in any of it.
“He called us bastards”
The young one explained, the room grew cold all of a sudden, like someone had stolen the light out of everything. Daemon stepped a tad bit closer to his wife, the word scratching his heart enough to irritate him, it stand true but unfortunately his children could technically be called such ridiculous words.
“Where did you hear such lies Aemond?”
“It was Aegon”
All eyes were on the boy with the king white hair who was somehow dumbfounded by the accusations. The king, even though he was frail and had almost withered away approached his son, Daemon could detect some type of fury on his weak and dissolved face.
“Now you tell me… boy, why did you say that? Aegon!”
“We know father, everyone knows. I do not understand why is there a problem with it, prince Daemons children are also bastards”
“Careful now young man, we do not want you to miss an eye as well or a tongue”
Daemon was taken back by his wife threading a prince, he also noticed how her hand clenched Maelor shirt compelling him to get closer to her. (Y/n) was his wife, his love, his body, mind and soul belonged to her, she was aware of how devoted Daemon was to their family, still to hear such vile insult made her blood boil.
“My father offered for your children to become legitimate, so for the time being and the past few years they were considered b-“
The only thing that interrupted the prince was Daemons footsteps that approached Aegon, he did not touch him, he just stood right in front of him and eyeballed him right into his soul. Aegon by just pure instructed had shrunk as much as he could and avoided making eye contact with Daemon.
“Finish your sentence, go on”
“Daemon I can handle my son”
“I disagree brother you can allow your children to dig their claws into one another until the only thing that is left of them is bones but I refuse to let this idiot speak like that about MY children. With that, we shall bid you goodnight, we will be departing at dawn and hopefully we will not hear from you ever again
Requests are open!
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starberry-cupcake · 2 months
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This is a one chapter update because this chapter was 25 years long and I don't want my post to be also that long, even though you're all being super nice about it (thank you ♥).
previously, in harroweena the ninth:
this happened
now, chapter 6:
harrowbean wakes up and is taken somewhere in a wheelchair
we get no sleep in this ship
we get no face paint, no black robes, no sleep, no security from people who wanna suffocate you in your sleep, no explanations
lyctors need a union
as in unionization, not as in a combination of people, that they did when slurping their cavaliers
the person carrying her is very upset at everyone
turns out, she's a lyctor
her name is mercysomething
we have an ortus 2, a mercysomething and an augustine
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harrow mentions eyes again and says that Lyctors "kept their own faces, but the eyes they stole from someone else. You had been lucky that your own transition was not as startling"
Lucky, you say...
I don't know about that
anyway, this mercysomething is supposed to be the saint of joy
I'm assuming lyctors are given their names through the ancient art of sarcasm
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on that note
harrow: "if you had not of late become the Saint of Emesis"
me: wait, I gotta look something up real quick
me: yeah, that's funny
mercysomething is angry and in a hurry
a bunch of time is spent with mercysomething being angry and treating people like crap and being unpleasant
she's arguing with everyone she comes across and takes harrow to a hangar
yandere twin is sitting on a crate watching a necromancer make a ward with blood and bleeding to death in the process
harrow sits next to her and they are like sportscasters of blood-painted wards
according to the necrocasters, it's a ghost ward
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yandere twin updates harrow on the fact that they're at war and they've been attacked and they're down to three Old Lyctors and two Baby Lyctors
it would explain why mercysomething is upset all the time
mercysomething wants to take the emperor somewhere else and the guy commanding the ship doesn't want to let him leave
emperor guy comes in and kind of does this to mercysomething
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yandere twin and I are LIVING for all this pute/salseo/gossip/however you wanna call it
harrow isn't as interested
I complained in gideon because gideon wasn't interested in things I wanted to look into and now I'm gonna complain about harrow not being interested in Drama
emperor the fool says: "I know exactly who is behind this terrible blow, and they were fools to show their hand"
yandere twin and I
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when emperor guy sees the necromancer bleeding out he goes "for fuck's sake"
it's a quote, not me being funny ha ha
remember when I said this guy is a mess?
that's becoming exponentially more evident
I want to punch him in the face at all times
I don't know how people can be respectful to this dude
the reason there isn't any face paint for harrow in this ship is that the emperor uses it every morning to paint on his clown face
they've been alive like 1000 years or whatnot and they're all a fucking group project going off the rails
so emperor guy, mercysomething, not!dulcinea (now in a coffin package), yandere twin and harrow get in a ship inside the ship
a smaller ship inside the big ship where the emperor has been for the past bunch of years
the small ship has the blood ward for the ghosts
but, before going in, emperor the fool fixes the necro that's bleeding to death
I honestly think she would have preferred to just die
which, same, if he was my boss
necros also need to unionize
cavaliers more than anyone tbh
if cavaliers unionized, idk if there would be any lyctors
emperor guy and mercysomething argue about people they know and we don't yet know
and mercysomething was telling harrow previously that the former ninth was prettier than her (anastasia, heart don't fail me now, courage don't desert me) and telling yandere twin the former third was prettier than her (cyrus? cyril? something like that)
which, absolutely juvenile behavior for someone who's like a 1000+ years of age or whatever
why would we care who she finds prettier????
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ANYWAY, throughout this I was once again thinking
nobody here has G & P initials
it's been driving me mad this whole time
gideon and harrow found that former lyctor quarters
and it said "ONE FLESH, ONE END. G. & P."
that was before the note with gideon's name in it was read
and all this time I was thinking those were a set of necro-cav from the previous lyctors
but nobody here has those initials
the only P is the cavalier of Ortus 2 and there's no G
if the G is the previous Gideon, the one not!dulcinea mentioned, it would explain why there was a note that mentioned a Gideon in the quarters
it would not, however, explain who the fuck that other gideon is, who P is and why they aren't in the list with the other combos
augustine is a former fifth because his cav's last name is quinque
mercysomething's from the eighth because her cav's last name is oct, and because she's annoying to be around
ortus 2 is from the second, because his cav's last name is dve
cyril cyrus whatev is from the third because the cav is trinit and mercysomething mentioned him to yandere twin, who is from the third
ulysses is from the fourth because the cav is tetra
not!dulcinea is seventh because the cav was heptane and because it was a very important thing in the previous book, as we've established
anastasia (dancing bears, painted wings) is from the ninth because the cav is novenary and she was mentioned to harrow
cassiopeia must be sixth, because it's what I have left, but I don't recognize the root of the last name to make a clear parallel from the top of my head
the emperor's guardian is A.L.
I'm taking note of an emperor's guardian who isn't around anymore
could it be ice cube barbie???? idk fam, she's looking at him a lot
giving me magic knight rayearth vibes again
this but with backstabbing instead of love
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ANYWAY, all of this to point out that there's no G & P and it's driving me up the wall
now, to a very important thing
for me, maybe it's just me
the enemies or whatever are called "remnants" and their leader apparently has been gone for "nearly 20 years"
this is me desperately making timelines with gideon's mom and gideon's birth and the 2 details I know about gideon's mom and her birth
you know what, I'm gonna quote, since I went to fetch it
"One day eighteen years ago, Gideon's mother had tumbled down the middle of the shaft in the drag chute and a battered hazard suit, like some moth drifting slowly down into the dark. The suit had been out of power for a couple of minutes. The woman landed brain-dead. All the battery power had been sucked away by a bio-container plugged into the suit, the kind you'd carry a transplant limb in, and inside that container was Gideon, only a day old."
I'm gonna just...put a pin on that that in the cork board
I don't know you guys, I'm just gonna
let me pin that
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I'm probably being wrong a lot more than what I'm getting right but I'm just telling you what goes through my mind, if I'm making a fool of myself, it's too late to act like I'm not a fool
I am also putting my clown paint on like the emperor
harrow thinks the emperor talks in plural about her at one point and idk if that's the case tbh
we then get emperor guy explaining how they need to go to their safe space base with a name I can't remember
a fancy name very lord-of-the-rings-y
let's call it emperor's mojo dojo casa house
and to get there as quick as they need to, they have to cut through the River
the one with the ghosties and ghoulies
that's what the ward was for
if they went through regular means, it'd take too long and, doing it this way, they could be there super fast, but they need to get in the River and come out the other way in the right spot
and intact
so it's this situation
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so, in order to do that, they have to hold on to their souls and their cav souls and whatever they've got using the skills from the first test
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we didn't even get to all the tests, people started dropping like flies
because the emperor had one loose lyctor who thought she was in a telenovela
the point is, if they drift too far while crossing the River, something else can come into their bodies
we did learn that, because it happened to duracell bunny nephew back in canaan house
but we learned it because mayonnaise uncle thought he was tough shit and ruined it, not because of the tests
harrow, doing her best, thinks "you felt alone in your head"
WHICH IS GREAT for our gideon notes
also, no camilla mention or appearance in this one
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(I'm having a lizzie bennet theme going on for Reasons for the time being)
so, we're leaving harrow and yandere twin trying to learn for the first time how to not die by crossing the River because the emperor plans things terribly and mercysomething is too preoccupied being upset at everything all the time
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graymanshoots · 3 months
FWB!Ghost x GN Reader x pastHookup!Konig
Tags: Hookup,semi public sex, regret, angst, yelling, ginger konig, konig doesn't wear his mask constantly like ghost (Only on the field), vulnerability , crying, arguments,no beta we die like men
Part: 1 - 2
A/n: I finally finished this on two days of no sleep and a missing beta reader. Hope guys enjoy the tad bit of spice at the beginning and as needed 18+.
Seeing the head of ginger hair standing out not only cause of its color but because it belonged to the tallest person in the room, filled your stomach with stones.
The memory of the familiar face shot through your mind like a bolt of lighting igniting your nerves as you tensed next to your teammates.
You were all shipped up and sent to a warehouse a couple of weeks after finding out you’d be working with kortac.
Having arrived days before they had you were granted time to stop for a drink with johnny and kyle. Price didnt join claiming he wanted to be prepared and if price isn't coming neither did ghost much to your benefit.
Maybe if he had come you would be piss drunk with the team probably getting dragged back to the warehouse by the man himself, instead you were barely tipsy with your cheek pressed into the leather seating of a stranger's car.
His broad chest rubbing against your back with each harsh thrust, the car surely visibly shaking on the outside.
You dont even have to guess how fucked you would be if he remembered you and decided to ope his mouth.
You cross your arms over your chest and lean against one of the metal support beams that the building had an abundance of.
Despite your wishful thinking the red headed man's eyes fell on you and you knew he knew.
You were quick to notice the slight quirk in his lip before going stoned face once more.
He introduced himself as “konig” before introducing the rest of his team, his eyes occasionally flicking over to you.
“Fuck sake, this guys huge.” Kyle whispered to you coming around to your side.
Kyle had no idea how true his words were, the phantom feeling of being filled by Konig's thick cock.
You nod in acknowledgement to what Kyle says letting out a sigh, “Laswell described him as a battering ram, yeah” you say.
You don't fail to notice the way Konig eyes you up every chance he gets like he had done in the bar nights prior. When you saw him in the bar he was far more blatant with his staring, his interest apparent as he shifted his stance debating on whether to approach you or not.
Rubbing the sweat built from nervousness off his palms and onto the tight cargo pants he wore he finally came over when the boys were getting another round of drinks to approach you.
The conversation between you two was short as you both seemed to have the same goal in mind: get laid.
After Simon you hadn't slept with anyone else but it was a welcomed gift to feel wanted again.
Konig was definitely someone you found attractive, you wouldn't have had breathy moans pulled from your throat in the back of his car if he wasn't.
But he wasn't simon.
A small piece of you felt guilty while the rest was saying fuck it, ghost ditched you not the other way around.
You mentally return to the conversation when you hear your name being said, you realize price is introducing the team and you give a small acknowledgement, your fingers twitching at your hip.
“Oh, I’m familiar.” König responds to your introduction with quick ease causing your teammates eyes to fall on you. Johnny gave you a knowing look of mischief, his bright blues having seen you with the man before you disappeared from the group.
“Just a brief meeting in a bar, unfortunately I did not stay long enough to meet the rest of you.” He clarifies noticing your subtle glare.
The encounter was anything but brief, you thought to yourself as the conversation was then drawn off of you.
It’s wasn’t until later that you bumped into the behemoth of a man.
“You were so vocal a few nights ago now you walk around quiet as a mouse.” He comments a smirk playing on his uncovered lips.
“You pester all your random hookups?” You retort your lips stretching into a thin line as you looked up at him.
“Just the ones I have to work with, mein Freundin.“ he chuckles ignoring your unamused expression.
“Well if that’s all I’ll be going.” You sigh not wanting to get involved any further.
But as you pass his hand grips your wrist and suddenly your back in front of him with his other hand at your chin.
He forces your head to the side and a smirk comes to his lips as he looks at the newly exposed skin .
“So schön, sie sind wie eine Blume .” And then he’s gone and already halfway down the hallway by the time you gather yourself.
Ghost walking down the opposite side of the hallway having seen the interaction from a distance. His eyes arrow on you and then the retreating redhead.
You let out a huff of frustration when you see him and reluctantly start walking in his direction.
“You two seem close, got anything you want to share?” He questioned you his tone accusatory. After weeks of barely speaking to you he breaks the silence to ask about a personal situation.
“It doesn’t concern you lieutenant.” Your quick to respond but he doesn’t want to take that answer.
“It’s concerns me when it’s involves an enemy and You.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why do I concern you Ghost? I’m just someone you used to use so fuck off cause I already know what your thinking.” The words come out harsher and more bitter than what you intended. Your frustration and resentment to the man you wish you didn’t love coming out almost full force.
Ghost stiffened at your words, his jaw and fists clenching as you brushed past him.
Once he could no longer hear your steps his entire body deflated his shoulders feeling heavy with shame.
He was being unfair to you and he hated himself for it but he felt so selfishly it was hard to stop.
Ghost adjusted his mask and shook off the guilty feeling that loomed over him before continuing down his path.
You could feel your skin buzzing with irritation, your palms stinging from being squeezed into tight fists. Why did he have to make everything in your life harder every time?
No matter how many steps you take away, ghost manages to still be right on your tail. You found yourself spacing for the rest of the day until your sat across from the same person you didn't want to see again that day.
Ghost sat across from you staring you down as you ate the unappetizing food served in mess.
His gaze was unrelenting; he looked as if he was aching to say something but stopped himself instead opting to tap his finger on the edge of his empty plate idley.
“Y’think Lt’s mad at ye?” Johnny questions quietly from his place beside you. You narrow your eyes at the sergeant, “Why would he be?”
Johnny had this look on his face like he did something he wasn't supposed to as he clicked his teeth and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“He asked aboot whit we were up to at the pub, an i think i might ‘ave talked ye into some trouble.” he confessed glancing over at simon who was still boring holes into the side of your head.
You didn't have time to retaliate against your teammate for his loose lips before simon was standing from his seat arms crossed. “We need to talk, now.” His tone was sharp, his words spoken in that usual gruff manchester accent.
You sucked your teeth and agreed not wanting to make a scene in the mess hall, mentally you vowed to eventually get johnny back for damning you.
After leaving mess ghost lead you to an unoccupied meeting room shutting the door behind the both of you.
“Looks like you got a type.” Ghost started leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
“Don’t fucking start with me ghost, what i do outside of work is none of your damn business.” you hiss plopping down on one of the many chairs in the room.
“Don't tell me it's not my business when you have a drawer of shit at my apartment.” he retorted, his eyes narrowing on you. His body was tense and his shoulders squared like he needed to move but wouldn't allow himself to.
You could feel your eyes burn as your frustration grew, your fists clenching and unclenching.
“You can throw all the shit away, i don't even know why you still even have it.” you mutter looking down at ghost’s shoes avoiding his glare.
“I kept them because i ca-” you cut ghost off before he could say anymore, “Dont you dare fucking do that to me simon!” you snap meeting his glare with glazed eyes.
Standing from the seat you approached Simon's further tensing figure. “You're a jackass, Simon, y’know why? Because i told you how i fucking felt and you fucking left. Now im living my adult life and you want to act like im your fucking girlfriend or something, let me move on!” you were borderline shouting the frustration bleeding out of your eyes and into your voice.
Simon couldnt hold your gaze anymore he couldn't stand that look in your eyes or the dampness of your cheeks. He could feel the words crawling into the back of his throat but none of them were the right thing.
What could he say to fix this, what could he do when your fury spoke so loudly that he wanted to shrink away.
“I…” he took a breath “Im sorry” his arms hung loosely by his side, fingers tapping rapidly at his palm.
“Sorry doesnt change the fact that you left, then treated me like nothing, and ar now trying to grill me about my sex life when you removed yourself from all of my personal life.”
You wiped your face as your tone came down, the short burst of aggression dying down with it.
“I'm tired simon, I devoted so much to you for so long for it all to end because you cant figure yourself out.” You bring your eye’s down to the ground again before back up at simon.
“You’ve had years of us playing this cat and mouse game, if your still confused, if your still unsure, if you don't want…” Your eyebrows pinch together as you clench your jaw.
“If you don't want me, then why are you here? Why are we even having this conversation if your actions speak your truth, because that's all I have to go off of?” Your question struck Simon and his breath caught in his throat.
He rubbed his face over the mask, the feeling of the fabric suddenly becoming so suffocating.
The rough material rubbed uncomfortably on his skin as he pulled it off his chapped lips parting for a heavy breath.
He disheveled with his messy blonde hair and eye bags that seemed deeper than usual.
“You’ve ruined everything for me…” he starts your eyebrows furrowing at his words.
“Everything in my life is so fucking mixed with yours and i can let it go. I thought avoiding you would help make you leave every piece of my being but it just made it worse. You know what happened to my family, and i dont want to use that as an excuse but im fucking terrified of seeing you in my nightmares.” Simon's lips are drawn into a thin line and his body slumps into the wall, his shoulders dropping.
“I know im an arse and big fucking mess and selfish as all hell, but i feel different for you and i dont know what to do with it.” his shaky hands clasped together in front of him.
“You have no idea how many times we’ve been together and i just wanted to have all of you, how many futures that have lingered in my mind over our years together. I want you for the rest of my life but I don't know how long that life will even be.” simon looks to you with a tired sigh.
You feel frozen in your spot the bitterness and frustration in your chest deflating into an equal exhaustion.
“Where do we go from here simon? I love you and I've loved you for over a decade but I can't keep going if you’re going to take years to tell me what you want.” You say stuffing your hands into your pockets unsure what to do with them.
“I like who i am around you, and i dont want to loose one of the only good things left in my life cause im being fucking daft. Am I too late?” his tone was soft almost a whisper. It felt so uncharacteristic for a man like simon ‘ghost’ riley to say something like this, to speak so softly and seem so nervous. You almost felt unsure about how genuine his words were but his glazed eyes had crushed your doubt.
Bringing your hands from your pockets you hesitantly grabbed simons hands before pulling them around you. He immediately melted into the hug, his hands gripping at you as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold you so tightly.
You could feel his relief as you held onto him his shaky breath evening out and his muscles going almost lax.
“We can try again.”
[Good ending] :)
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mikanotes · 2 months
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lost in translation ft. eunhyuk x gn!reader 4.4k words
genre: angst comfort, ‘enemies’ to possibly lovers warnings: deaths, injuries, blood, mentions of kissing and also suicide (?), smoking, cursing, canon divergence idr half of s1, guns, slightly suggestive at the end author’s note: this was requested! i kinda strayed off the original request sorry TT it got a bit angstier than it should’ve but oh well! have this i missed him
summary: The development of your feelings for Lee Eunhyuk in the middle of an apocalypse, and struggles of leadership.
Green Home Apartment is not a place you would ever allow to crumble.
From the very first hours of the outbreak, people saw a leading figure in you. A seemingly natural instinct to guide people and keep them as safe as possible. Someone strict, just firm enough to keep panicking residents in line and gentle enough to reassure other equally terrified people.
The perfect leader, really. It wasn’t exactly the role you would have wanted had you imagined yourself in this situation prior, but you felt you didn’t really have a say in the matter. You were just a college student, and within a few hours, at least ten people in your apartment building had voiced out their agreement on you being the perfect captain for a broken and sinking ship.
So when this guy with a blue flannel gave off the same impression as you apparently did— enough to convince people he would be a good leader, too— you were mildly relieved. Part of you felt like it was a good thing someone else would take the reins for this whole thing. It was too much pressure for you. But another part didn’t feel at ease. After all, you didn’t know this guy. People trusted him for a reason— He did seem mature, headstrong, and determined. Good with instructions and quick-witted. But you didn’t know if that would be enough to let the people here, or you, at least, survive this.
If you were to survive this in a group, you would need to have some kind of authority when it came to making decisions. Surviving alone was fine, but being stuck with so many people meant certain chaos, attempts at democracy leading to stupid decisions, and your life being stacked between at least twenty others with barely a word to say when they would all eventually be led to sure death. You’d damn near experienced it already, and that was more than enough for you.
So you didn’t step away when Lee Eunhyuk, as you eventually learned his name to be, took the place of a leader. And thankfully, it seemed the residents hadn’t expected you to. So weeks ago, you and Eunhyuk were appointed as leaders of Green Home during the monster apocalypse.
“Going there would be suicide.”
“So you suggest we stay here and wait to die? Do you genuinely think the people in the next room over will be fine with that?”
Leaders who get along perfectly.
“I suggest you use your head a little. There’s resources in much more accessible spaces than this. The store at the side, for example?”
“I’m not sending anyone there.” Eunhyuk states blankly, in his usual emotionless fashion. You narrow your eyes and bite back a scoff.
“Right, I almost forgot it’s about sending out people with you. You’re a coward, you know that?” you say, and he glances at you from the side.
“And you’re just as selfish.” he says, turning to face you properly, “Let’s not pretend you’re any better than I am because you act courageous. You’re terrified.”
“And you’re mistaken. Why don’t you go out there and get to the storage room yourself?”
Eunhyuk’s tongue presses into his cheek and his fingers tightens into a fist. He presses his hand to the table and tilts his head a little, nodding slightly. “We both know without a leading figure this group is done for.” he says, tone much calmer than you’d anticipated. The restraint he has over his anger only serves as fuel to your own. You bite the flesh of your lip.
“Am I not a leading figure?”
“You are, but are you a good one?” he asks. There. There it is, the hint of anger. That cutting edge to his tone. It’s nearly imperceptible but it makes you want to bring out all of it.
“Do you believe I’m not?”
You step closer. He looks down to your feet then back up to meet your gaze. “You’re dodging the question.”
“It’s a weird question to ask.”
You’re close enough to punch him, now, if need be. You won’t. But it’s a good thing to note.
“I don’t think it is, all things considered.”
“Uh,” a meek voice comes from behind you. You turn towards the door to see a man from the group stand with a bottle in hand, moving around uncomfortably, “The others are arguing about rations… You should come.”
You take this as the perfect opportunity to clear your head and not to let your irritation get the better of you. You hum absentmindedly and walk past him to get to the store where you expect everyone to be, leaving the man and a scowling Eunhyuk behind.
“Is- Is something wr—”
“Everything’s fine.”
Everything is wrong.
It’s been less than a day since your argument with Eunhyuk when a new problem enters your life. A guy that looks about your age, that you remember walking past when he moved in, who fell from nine floors high in the stairway. He’s lying on the floor with blood all over and around him. Everyone is scrambling to take a look and Seo Yikyung has to be the one to hold them back, because you and Eunhyuk are too busy checking the supposedly dead man’s pulse for the third time.
“He’s breathing.” you sigh, pulling away your trembling hand from his face again. This is insanity.
“It’s impossible…”
“Get a grip.” you shove Eunhyuk’s shoulder, “Impossible isn’t in our vocabulary right now. Weird as this may be, we can’t just leave him here, so start thinking or I’ll make the decisions.”
He’s shaken out of his thoughts, alright, but now he seems another kind of confused that you can’t bring yourself to try deciphering. He calls your name but you don’t respond.
You don’t exactly look down, but you start to kneel to reach towards the body on the floor. You need to carry him somewhere else, where no one will see how bad it is. There’s kids here and the adults aren’t reliable. You can’t let this cause more trouble.
Your gaze is looking anywhere else but at the corpse— Person. Alive. You almost grab him when Eunhyuk stops you with a hand on your shoulder, effectively causing you to flinch.
“It’s fine. I’ll do it.”
He hoists the limp body up on his back with some effort and holds him tightly so he doesn’t fall. “Tell them to go elsewhere. It’ll only cause issues for them to see more than needed.” he tells you, nodding towards the hallway. The blood that gets on his clothes and the state of the one he carries unsettles you a little, but you nod and hurry outside.
“Go to the daycare.” you say, voice hoarse. Everyone’s chattering does nothing to help you calm down. You’re not sure if they didn’t hear you or if they simply don’t care. “I said go! Right now!” you exclaim, much louder. 
The talking silences and everyone reluctantly heads to that place, though clearly still trying to get a glimpse of the situation. You breathe out sharply and stare down at the floor. Your reflection meets you halfway on the tiles, showing you just how little control you currently have on the emotions you usually hide so well. You’ve seen people get killed too many times since this all started but this is was one too many. 
You can’t even tell if the stranger’s fall was accidental, if it was suicide, if… You can’t think.
Eunhyuk passes by you and you barely notice. Or rather, you force yourself not to notice.
So much blood.
The sun sets and rises again. Tension does as well.
“We can’t keep on using him.” you say upon stepping into the security office. Eunhyuk is leaning against the desk, eyes trained on the several CCTV screens when you come in, and he seems like he’s about to leave the moment you start talking. You close the door and he gives up. He seems to know there’s no point in trying to leave, now.
“Don’t play dumb. We both know you’re not.”
“High compliments coming from you.”
You sigh and step further into the room. “I’m not in the mood to argue, Lee Eunhyuk. Cha Hyunsu, he… He doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. You know it, too.”
Eunhyuk is silent. You see his thumb tapping against the desk rhythmically, like he’s thinking hard about something.
“Lee Eunhyuk.”
“I heard you.”
“Then say something!” you scream.
Eunhyuk turns to look at you. You take a breath. It’s unlike you to let your anger turn to yelling but you feel hopeless. Cha Hyunsu is just a boy your age trapped in circumstances he never asked for, and forced to do the worst part of the work around Green House. Eunhyuk never wanted to send anyone upstairs, yet he decided to send Hyunsu there. Because he’s a monster? Because he survived a several floors high fall? Because he was doomed to live in-between two kinds of evil, neither of which truly accepts him?
It just feels like it hits you harder today that this world will continue to be this cruel. And you two are not making it any better.
“This is the best way.” Eunhyuk says, unfazed. “The group needs to survive. You said it yourself. Cha Hyunsu’s the best bet we have at getting this result.”
“We saw him die, Eunhyuk.”
“He’s alive. You know that.”
“This is unfair.”
“The world is unfair.”
You look elsewhere, annoyed. Eunhyuk calls your name in the same tone he always does. “Your sympathy is useless.”
“What kind of leaders are we if rid of any compassion?”
“… The kind needed to survive.” he says quietly, gaze cast downwards. “Jisu asked for band-aids. Could you bring them to her for me?”
Anything’s a good enough distraction from whatever spiral you feel yourself falling into.
Days pass. Your anger subsides.
“But didn’t you say it was okay to go there?”
“No, I didn’t.” Eunhyuk crosses his arms, “Who told you that?”
A name is mentioned in reply.
You sneeze.
“Aye, did you catch a cold?” Eunyu scoffs, laughing smoke at the face you seem to be making. “That’s bad. Catching a cold during an apocalypse? Seriously.”
You and the girl are sitting on the fire escape stairs, on the floor closest to the main hall. She has a habit of disappearing to go smoke, or whatever else she does, and you don’t want her getting killed. She didn’t seem to mind you coming to check up on her the first time, and now you have a habit of disappearing to hang out with her.
“I’m fine.” you click your tongue, “Anyways, you shouldn’t be smoking out there. If your brother was here he’d be pissed.”
“Who cares? Let’s not act like he ever shows it.”
You roll your eyes a little and chuckle. “Sure.” you hum, “Still. What’s the point in smoking? During an apocalypse, too? That’s bad.”
She flips you off and you return the gesture, earning a laugh in return. You don’t talk to many people in this place. Your age differs from nearly everyone. Eunyu’s a bit younger, so you’re mostly watching over her. Then there’s Hyunsu, but there’s a nearly visible wall between him and everyone. You can’t blame him for putting distance between you two especially. As far as he’s concerned, you’re also responsible for the errand-running he’s been told to do.
There’s Yikyung, but you’ve struggled to get close since you told her to shove off when she had Eunhyuk pinned to a wall. You’re not sure why you did that, even now. She’d be better company than him, maybe. And you understand her reasons.
Then there’s Eunhyuk.
“Serious talk, listen up.” Eunhyu huffs, “What relationship do you entertain with my brother?” she mimics a serious sounding voice that’s so unlike her. It makes you scoff in amusement.
“He’s a…” You trail off. What is he? A friend? An acquaintance? Whatever could be considered a coworker, at the moment? A fellow leader? “Uh, a person.”
Eunyu gives you this look that is so clearly judgemental that you consider jumping off the railing promptly.
“Yeah, no shit. Good to know he’s not turning.” she scoffs, “I know you hate him. Spit it out.”
“I don’t recall ever feeling that way.” you lie with an obviously fake smile. Eunyu threatens to throw her lighter at you. “He’s fine, alright? We just work together, I guess.”
“He likes you.”
“He doesn’t hate you, I mean. You’re not stupid, so you noticed, right?” she says before bringing the cigarette to her lips again. You’re confused and it must show because she sighs in annoyance. “Clearly, I’d say the real leader is you out of you two. Aren’t most decisions yours?”
“They’re ours. Mostly his. Trust me, my opinion isn’t as valued as you might believe.”
Her expression suddenly sours and she curses under her breath. “And I think you’re wrong. Anyways, I’ll leave you with the jerk.” she coughs, pushing herself off of the stairs, “Bye.”
You hum curiously as you watch her leave before turning around. Lee Eunhyuk. Of course.
The first thing he does is shove your shoulder.
“What the hell?” you scoff, scrambling up to your feet before you can lose your balance. It’s such an unexpected move from him that you can’t help the words that slip past your lips. “What’s your deal?”
“Returning the gesture. What’s yours?”
“The gate to the store alley. I said it should stay closed.” he says, “So why are three people on their way back from there telling me I allowed it?”
“Because I allowed it.” you say casually. “It had medicine, water, and some canned foods. Besides, we needed fresh air.”
He stays silent for at least half a minute before he steps closer to you. Close enough for your hands to touch if your arms were to move an inch. “It’s not safe. I said so enough, didn’t I?”
“Have you ever cared about safety?”
“I have—”
“About the people’s, about the half-monsters’s, about yours?”
Your name sounds tense when he says it.
“About mine?”
“Do you ever stop talking?” he grits his teeth. His eye twitches. You wouldn’t have noticed it had you been further away. No, you… you would have. You know his every feature and emotions too well by now. You would realize the most unnoticeable of changes from him. Any of them.
He’s angry.
“Does that piss you off? That I talk so much?” you say, “Is it a problem because you never do? Does hearing someone so much get on your nerves? Should I leave the leading you? Are your decisions supreme? Am I too talkative? Is that it? Is that it?”
He kisses— He almost kisses you. He stops short of pressing his lips against yours, short of holding your collar and bringing it up to meet his chest, short of everything you only now realized would’ve been so good to have.
For fuck’s sake. “You’re holding back.”
“There’s no point in causing unnecessary fights.”
“You’re a coward.”
You tilt your head, like you want him to finish his sentence. You do. He’s realized this much.
He takes a breath to calm down and steps back, much to your dismay.
“I know why you used to be so self-centered.”
“That’s…” you trail off, before laughing in disbelief. “What?”
“You almost got killed at the alley to the store, the one you just allowed to be opened. First day of the apocalypse. I remember it. You looked terrified. Then you put your survival above anyone else’s.” he says, “And yet now, you keep on trying to go. That’s something I don’t understand.”
You swallow, images of that monster nearly killing you with its claws, and dragging away a bloodied, dismembered corpse when it failed to find you. The feeling of someone pulling you back into the shadow so you wouldn’t get noticed, and the chaos that ensued in the main hall so quickly that you never got to see who it was.
… Wait?
“That was you.”
“It doesn’t matter who it was. You changed.” he cuts off any questions you might have, “You used to be selfish. People falsely believed you were a good leader just because you seemed strong. But you didn’t care about anyone’s lives except yours.”
“… So what? What changed?” you ask quietly, “Did you fall for it, too? Because I’m still the same, as far as I’m concerned.”
“You don’t get it.”
“I do—“
“The you I first talked to in the security room would’ve never went out of their way to make sure some high-schooler is doing fine. They wouldn’t have been this upset over a random half-monster running errands. You would have been unbothered. And that store you seem so obsessed with would’ve been emptied of the basics before anyone could get them. But it was full, wasn’t it? The store was untouched.”
You’re not sure what to say. Where is he going with this?
“Fine.” you settle with that. “Let’s say that, somehow, you’re right. Then should we talk about you? That you changed, too?”
“This isn’t about me.”
“You never talk this much. Why are you so obsessed with this?”
“… I just wanted you to know.” he says, but it sounds like he’s withholding another response. “It didn’t feel right for me not to tell you I knew about what happened after all this time. Also I need you to come back now. People are gonna crowd the store too much for it to be left without any rules.”
You look away. Decide. Look back at him. “Fine.”
Lives come and go. The obvious is ignored.
A lot of guns were pointed at a lot of people’s heads today. You’re unsure why the image of Eunhyuk stuck to the floor with a gun pointed to his forehead is stuck in your mind so much. It keeps rewinding— Reminding you that you were both helpless there, that you got lucky he even survived it all.
There’s so much blood everywhere.
Someone says your full name, with a tone much too casual to match what seemed to be politeness and with such ease that it can only be one person. He grabs your arms and tries to catch your gaze. “Are you okay?”
“Are you crazy?” you whisper, looking at him. He looks like a mess. “You almost got killed, Eunhyuk.”
“So did you. Don’t downplay it.” he argues. You expect his grip to loosen now that he’s seen you’re alright enough to talk but it only seems to tighten, “We have a few minutes to get it together before we have to go back to the usual. So be honest for once.”
Being honest…
You look at him, and your eyes are burning. “Fuck, Eunhyuk, I don’t know why I’m this scared.” you cough out, hands tensing at your sides.
He carries something gentler in his gaze, something you’re unfamiliar with. His hand drops to your wrist and he squeezes it. “Breathe.” he says, and you try, but it’s like you’re struggling to get the air in and out of your lungs. It’s burning, too. Why?… You’re panicking. That’s why. Your breaths come out short and that uneasiness who loves to get in the way of your thoughts is back. You can’t do anything, right now— you wouldn’t be able to get anyone to survive, let alone yourself.
Eunhyuk’s hand grabs your hastily and he brings it to his chest. “Slow down. Just breathe. That’s all that matters, right now.”
“Are you breathing?”
“I am. I need both of us to be. So listen to me.”
And just like a doctor would, he guides you to something calmer. Your gazes are locked the whole time. He insisted. Don’t look anywhere else, he said, just me. He helps you remember how to breathe again, helps you remember how to think, and helps you remember you have a lot to do immediately.
“We need to go.” you say, back to the closest thing to normal you could manage. ���Hyunsu’s gone. Did anyone get shot? You should—”
“You should go grab the medkits. The ones in the nursery. Bring them here. I’ll take care of it.”
You don’t argue. “Okay.
Ah!” — But you nearly lose your footing. You hear Eunhyuk breathe out something that almost sounds like a laugh and turn around to glare.
“You’ll be lightheaded for a bit. Be careful.”
“Oh, yeah, okay.” you scoff. You hear Eunyu yell something along the lines of ‘It’ll be fine, so stop looking and get to work—‘ but you’re too far away to catch all of it.
The skies darken before the light comes back again. Things are eerily quiet.
When leadership becomes worthless, it’s hard to keep a proper sense of identity. Everyone has seen you and Eunhyuk as their leaders for a long while now. But since Jung Uimyeong’s arrival and the clear impact he’s had on the group’s dearest Cha Hyunsu, the atmosphere has suffered a drastic change. It feels tense for everyone but the newfound duo. It’s suffocating.
But instincts remain the same. Survival is key, and that means gathering information is, as well. You need to get what Uimyeong’s plan is before it escalates, but you know he would have no interest in talking to you.
So Hyunsu, it is.
“You don’t trust me.”
“But I do! I’ve always trusted you, Hyunsu.”
The latter keeps on walking and you have to jog to catch up. This is ridiculous, how could he allow a stranger to change him so much? Did he convince him the people here were the real enemy? You wouldn’t be surprised. Still…
“Just stop and have an actual conversation with me.” you scoff.
He does just that, stops in his tracks, and you nearly run into him. He turns around slowly to look at you. Hyunsu’s expression is usually devoid of emotion but now it’s just cold. “I don’t want to talk to you. Everything you say’s a lie. You don’t trust anyone here. I’ll say good luck to the people who still think you’re a good leader.”
“Isn’t that too much?” Eunhyuk. “Especially since you know it’s not true. Or were you influenced by that guy so easily?”
Hyunsu glances at him, then back at you, before directing his glare to Eunhyuk again. “Find someone else to run your errands. I’m tired of it.”
“That’s not—”
“Leave him be.” Eunhyuk says as Hyunsu walks away. You sigh and rub your temples. This isn’t good. “There’s no point in trying to reason with him now.”
“So what, we don’t do anything? Leave things as they are?”
“We do.”
You sigh and turn around to let your head drop on his shoulder. Eunhyuk brings his hand to the back of your head and leaves it there. You’re not sure how or why this change happened between the two of you after the shootout, but neither of you mention it. It might be for the best.
“I’m tired.” you mumble.
“You should get some rest.” he says quietly, “There isn’t much to take care of, right now. You should be able to sleep for a bit.”
“How long is a bit?”
“Until I wake you, approximately.”
“… Fine by me.”
The sun sets—
“Wake up.”
“Hmm…?” you force yourself to open your eyes and look up. God, the world’s blurry. “What?”
“Switch. I need to rest for a bit.”
You nod lazily and sit up on the bed, making space for him to sit. He settles at your side and turns to look at you. “Look here.” he says (demands) with a hand on your jaw. You turn and feel like he’s scrutinizing your face. “Any injuries?”
“Not anything new, no.” you say, “You?”
“The same.” he sighs, dropping his hand. It’s your turn to touch his face. You hold the side of it in your hand and let your thumb graze the skin under his eye. His glasses are good to hide his eyes, you think. But you’re always close enough to see them. After the shooting, you remember something, despite the state you were in.
“You cried.” you say. He hums inquisitively at that. “When those guys barged in and stuff. When you came back after going with them, you looked like you’d been crying.”
“Not really. I was just upset.”
“Is there not enough reasons to be upset in this place?” he deadpans, and scoffs silently when you give him a look. “I couldn’t save Ms. An. I watched her get shot.”
You have half a mind to hold back from squeezing his head to death. “And you didn’t think it worth mentioning? That’s bad, Eunhyuk.”
“I’ve… Seen worse.”
“That’s stupid.”
“You’re stupid.”
You look at him with wide eyes. “Take it back.”
“Or else?” he asks. Oh. Oh. He’s teasing you. What the hell? This is new. Your hand drops to grab his collar. You get deja-vu. Something similar happened before. He looks down at your hand then back up at you.
“You really want to find out, do you?”
There’s something in the air. Something you would’ve usually described as tension, but it almost feels comfortable. You know Eunhyuk well yet you can’t tell what’ll happen next. You could guess, though. Each word and touch means more now than it used to.
(Maybe they always meant something, maybe you just chose to ignore it.) 
He stares at you for a few seconds then tilts his head to the side, expression unreadable. “I do.”
Your fingers tighten around his collar and he smiles. His hand comes up to wrap around your wrist, slowly pulling it away from him. “Hey…?”
“But I don’t think I’ll find out about anything. You’re a liar, after all. And a coward, just like me.” he says, all whilst gently pushing you to lay on the mattress. He does it so naturally it takes you a moment to realize. He hovers over you with your wrist still in hand. “Is that fine with you?”
“You insulting me or you pinning me down?”
“You decide.” he sighs, pressing your wrist down gently next to your head, “Would I be wrong to assume you don’t really mind either of those?”
You decide to shut him up instead. He takes it well.
“You taste a bit bloody.”
“Deal with it.”
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bradpittwh0re · 11 months
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faceclaim: sydney sweeney
pairings: brad pitt x actress!reader
warnings:fluff , lovers to exes to hopefully lovers again
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liked by pittbase, y/nbaby09 , bradstan11 and 7,128 others
theteaonbrad it looks like from inside sources that brad pitt and y/n l/n has decided to call it quicks after dating for 2 years , tmz reports
view all 3,726 comments
y/nfan61 i literally just screamed "WHAT THE HELL" out loud
y/n+bradfan84 and our delusional ass thought they were going to announce an engagement soon
pittfan24 we were really in a delusional era
bradstan04 swear didnt he just get her name tattooed!!!
y/nfan23 i guess it didnt mean that much for him
y/nstan452 can you guys stop speculating about a relationship your not in
twitter's reaction
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liked by jacobelordi, , y/nstan04 and 820,286 others
yourinstagram new campaign @miumiu the wander bag
view all 623,383 comments
y/nfan34 so its just business as usual babes
y/nstan74 she is not going to address nothing
y/nfan02 the face card never declines
jacobelordi 😭
cassiedefender ariana what you doing here ?
bradfan04 omg its true brad is always the first one to like her pictures but now he has not liked it at all
y/nfan88 she is the miu miu it girl
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liked by jacobelordi, yourusername and 956,175 others
euphoria y/n stuns in custom miu miu at l.a euphoria premiere
view all 263,907 comments
y/nfan01 we are so proud of you y/n
y/nfan02 she has the post breakup glow to her
pittfan24 nooo i miss her and brad together
y/nfan04 we don't want this we want the next album
jacobelordi so amazing 🔥🔥
yourinstagram aww thanks jacob
y/nstan82 is it just me that are seeing y/n and jacob's interactions cassiedefender yess , i thought i was the only one , i hope they just friends but that picture is not helping their case
y/nstan82 dont really know if they're friends or dating but i kinda ship it
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liked by y/nsfan62 , y/nstan04 and 27,374 others
tmz brad spotted out and about in l.a the same time as y/n's premiere , accident or intentional ???
view all 13,070 comments
hater87 damn he really let himself go
pittstan62 and still looks better than you on your best day
bradfan42 himbo brad conformed
pittfan24 omg not all their close friends but y/n , she must have done something
bradfan36 stop guessing its literally none of our business
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liked by bradpittfan76 , y/nstan04 and 97,743 others
deadline after production was halted in late year it is now confirmed that the film "Anyone But You" will start up filming again next month in Australia
view all 23,842 comments
y/nfan87 well this will be so awkward
y/nfan52 and its a romcom 🥰
bradstan45 jacob is probably on the floor somewhere
y/nfan04 I need this to bring them back together
author note -gonna make a part 2 for this later and send more requests
452 notes · View notes
phefics · 1 year
ship: billy loomis x fem!reader x stu macher summary: a tickle fight with billy and stu takes a turn when the boys realize how much they like hearing the reader beg. warnings: dubious consent, degrading names (slut), tickling word count: 1.6k
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It’s an unconventional arrangement, dating two boys at once. You certainly hadn’t befriended Billy Loomis and Stu Macher with the intention of falling for either of them, let alone both.
But, shit happens, especially when your two best friends are attractive and fucking inseparable. Dating one of them would end up as a package deal, anyway. 
Kids at school couldn’t quite figure you out. One day, you’d be seen getting carried bridal-style by Stu, the next, you’d be holding hands with Billy. Some people thought you were a cheater, some thought you were a beard to hide a gay love affair.
None of you gave a shit what anyone thought.
Your parents weren’t home, and you had invited the boys over for a movie night. Stu had arrived first, because he lived closer, and although Billy got there only a few minutes later, he walked in on an interesting scene.
You had left the front door unlocked, and as he walked inside, he heard shrieking coming from the living room. He panicked for a moment, thinking Stu had broken the ‘Don’t Kill Y/N’ rule, but as he tiptoed into the room, all he found was Stu straddling your thighs, tickling you.
He couldn’t help but grin at the sight. “What’s going on here?” he asked.
You and Stu both jumped at his voice, so caught up in the moment that you had forgotten he was on his way.
“Billy, help!” you cried, still giggling like mad as Stu’s fingers slipped beneath your sweater, scribbling over the skin of your stomach.
“Help? Sure, I’ll help,” Billy said, giving Stu a smirk as he approached, kneeling down on the floor beside you.
He easily grabbed your flailing wrists and pulled your arms up, pinning them over your head.
“Can’t smack me anymore, hm?” Stu teased. “Thanks, Billy, I was startin’ to fear for my life there.”
“No problem. We couldn’t let that pretty face get bruised, could we?”
While you agreed that Stu had a pretty face, you wanted nothing more than to punch him in it as his fingers creeped higher, tickling your underarms with a newfound vigor, now that you were helpless to stop him.
Your laugh grew in volume, in intensity. “You fuckers,” you gasped out, kicking your legs wildly. “I’m gonna kill you both, cut it out!”
Billy let out a low chuckle, his breath ghosting over your ear. Stu, meanwhile, giggled along with you, clearly pleased with himself for starting this whole thing.
“You want us to stop?” Billy asked. “Cause it seems like you’re having fun…”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re smiling like crazy,” Stu added. “Why would we stop makin’ you smile, baby?”
"Besides, we're certainly having fun."
You whined as his fingers slowed to a torturous, feather-light touch, just ghosting against your skin. “You guys suck,” you said, breathless.
Billy hummed. “Really? We suck? That’s not very nice, Y/N. Stu, I think we need to teach her some manners.”
“I agree.”
And with that, Stu’s hands began tickling you again, dancing over your entire torso, never lingering in one spot for too long. Billy adjusted his grip on your wrists so that he was only holding them with one hand, using the other to flutter over the side of your neck, making you scrunch up your shoulders uselessly.
This was awful. It was torture. But…There was something exciting about it, too. Being held down like this, helpless and pliant beneath their touches as they exploited your weak spots…Stu’s hands brushed against your chest as he went, and you weren’t wearing a bra, and you felt your nipples grow hard at the quick, barely-there contact.
“You gonna apologize to us?” Billy asked.
You shook your head. You had nothing to apologize for. They did suck, you were just telling the truth.
“Always so fuckin’ stubborn,” he sighed, before using his free hand to tickle your armpit, making you squeal.
“Maybe she’s not giving up because she likes it,” Stu said. “She’s such a slut, I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns her on.”
If the tickling itself wasn’t hot, those words certainly were. You felt your pussy throb when you were called that, felt a thrill up your spine.
Billy chuckled. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said. “How about we make a new deal, Y/N? Stu’s gonna pull your pants down, and if you aren't wet right now, we’ll stop. But if you are, well…Maybe we’ll take the rest of your clothes off and keep going.”
The fingers stopped, finally giving you a chance to fully catch your breath. Your skin buzzed with the phantom sensation, your head spun from their teasing words. But most of all, you knew for a fact that you were wet, and your heart pounded in your chest at the realization.
Stu gave you a mischievous grin before getting off your legs and grabbing the waist of your sweatpants, yanking them down to your knees with no preamble, and cupping his fingers over your mound, pressing against your folds through your panties, feeling the obvious dampness that only made his grin grow larger, more devilish.
“You were right,” he said. “Little slut’s getting off on this.”
You opened your mouth and shut it again. What were you supposed to say? Deny the obvious? Attempt to elaborate that it wasn’t really the tickling, it was everything combined? Would that really save your dignity?
Billy laughed. “Fuckin’ knew it.”
You let out a soft whimper as Stu’s fingers rubbed against your pussy, trying to buck your hips to gather more friction.
“So needy,” Stu muttered, almost to himself.
Billy released your wrists and made quick work of pulling your hoodie over your head, the cold air making goosebumps rise on your bare skin. Your nipples hardened even more, and you grew even more aroused as you were stripped.
Stu pulled your pants down the rest of the way, and your underwear, too, leaving you naked on the carpet and blushing like mad.
“Ready for round two, baby?”
You shook your head, squirming wildly as they caged you in between their bodies. “Please, I—”
They didn’t let you finish. If you really wanted them to stop, you knew what to say, and you hadn’t, so they had no reason for showing mercy.
Stu began squeezing up and down your thighs, occasionally scratching behind your knees as well, while Billy dug into your ribs.
The combined sensations made you burst into laughter, slightly hoarse with how loud you’d been the entire time. You thrashed, but they easily dodged your flying limbs and kept tickling.
“So fuckin’ cute,” Billy cooed.
“Fucking adorable,” Stu agreed.
You wailed as Stu ran his fingers over the sole of your foot, toes curling in an attempt to block the feeling, but it did nothing to provide any relief.
“Please,” you managed to say. “I can’t take it anymore, stop it!”
To your surprise, they did. Your begging usually only turned them on more, and you doubted they were truly going to stop.
Stu positioned himself between your thighs, pushing them apart so he could bring his face to your pussy, looking up at you with those sweet blue eyes.
Billy’s hands came to grab your breasts, and you moaned softly as his thumbs brushed over your nipples.
Stu licked at your entrance teasingly before beginning to eat you out, holding your hips and easily finding your clit with his tongue.
Your head lolled back into Billy’s lap, legs spreading even wider to give Stu better access to your aching clit.
All the rough-housing, the name-calling, the teasing had gotten you so worked up, and they were finally going to give you some relief.
Or, so you thought.
Slowly, Billy’s touch became light and ticklish again, blunt fingernails tracing along the curve of your tits, up to your collarbones, down to your sides. You squirmed and laughed softly, trying to ignore it and focus on the pleasure Stu’s tongue was bringing you, but that bastard had also begun to wiggle his fingers against your hips, all while focusing the rest of his attention on your clit, causing a mixture of moans and giggles to spill from your lips.
“So pretty,” Billy murmured. “So sensitive, too. But you take it like the good girl you are, hm? You’ll take whatever we dish out, won’t you, slut?”
“Yes,” you reply, your speech slightly slurred.
“You gonna cum for us like this? Fuckin’ helpless, fuckin’ adorable…”
You whined as Stu’s mouth brought you closer to climax, and Billy’s words were certainly helping. “Yes,” you said again. “Please, make me cum…”
You felt Stu chuckle against you, the heat of his breath making you twitch.
Their fingers were still tickling, in that maddening sort of itch that made you want to crawl out of your skin more than it made you want to laugh. It kept your entire nervous system alert, buzzing like electricity as you drew closer and closer to orgasm.
“That’s our girl,” Billy said. “Begging like a good slut. You can cum baby, cum for us.”
His words were all you needed to be pushed off the edge, legs shaking as you came with a cry of pleasure.
Stu popped up from between your thighs, all wild-eyed and adorable, like he was so proud to have given you that orgasm. His lips were shining with your wetness, and Billy leaned over you to kiss it off for him.
As your boyfriends kissed, you flopped back against the carpet, breathless and spent. Your skin still tingled and you felt high off of adrenaline.
“How ‘bout we get you cleaned up, huh?” Stu said, gesturing at the sticky mess on your thighs.
You blushed. “My shower is not big enough for the three of us,” you said.
“But we could run you a bath,” Billy suggested. “And you could watch us have a little fun…You got us so fuckin’ hard.”
You could see both of their cocks straining in their pants, and grinned. “That sounds like a plan.”
An unconventional relationship, an unconventional sex life…You couldn’t care less if it was strange. It was fucking perfect.
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poweringthroughthis · 2 months
trouble maker | wong yukhei
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sfw (suggestive at the end, a curse word)
ship: lucas x male reader
desc: lucas and (name) hate each other for the stupidest of reasons. but as their debut showcase approaches, they realize they might have to work together.
The tension between lucas and (name) was palpable as they sneakily eyed each other in the practice room, waiting their days for their turn to debut in the kpop industry. The two were set to take the world of music by a storm in their respective duos.
Their agency was committed to try out a new style of teams. With the globalization of kpop and gradually spreading acceptance for queer idols(thanks to icons like Holland), the officials deemed it fit to launch two different duos, all males, centering their primary concept on 'chemistry' or 'love'.
(name) and his teammate Mark, panted in their ending pose, backs touching each other's as the music finished playing. lucas and hendery were observing them with keen eyes, catching their breaths after finishing their round of rehearsals earlier.
hendery whistled, "that was amazing guys!", complimenting his labelmates as Mark and (name) offered tired smiles. the latter turned to smirk at lucas who looked annoyed at hendery's praise for their competitors.
"yeah, (name) can dance" lucas started, "..for a beanpole., he finished with a light snort, making the taller male sport an angered look.
"fuck off, shortie. at least i don't need a ladder to reach the top shelf" he retorted.
"that's an exaggeration. and at least i don't have a face that looks like a deer caught in headlights!"
"you-" the fiery exchange was interrupted as the door to the room opened, the common manager-to-be of both duos making an appearance, instantly making the 4 males stand up as the man never barges in during practice unless it is important.
"Guys." he began with a serious tone and a hint of restlessness in his tone. "we need to talk. there's been some..changes".
"Is this what I think it is?" Mark was the first one to inquire, indirectly voicing out each trainee's worst fear but the manager was quick to intercept.
"No, no. God, no. you boys are still debuting. you deserve it. but there are some..line-up changes. apparently, the company now feels it's a waste of potential variety to debut two duos in the same concept. "
the boys exchanged looks with each other. they'd been together for a while now, going through thick and thin as good friends. it'd be a shame to part ways so close to their debut, after promising to fulfill their dreams together.
"so we had a meeting and decided on one hip-hop duo, and the other to continue in the same theme. naturally, hendery and mark have been paired up together as they fit the rap concept more." he finished explaining the news.
soon after, the manager had left, leaving the boys reeling from the news. at least it was no new members and the 4 were only shuffled amongst themselves, they told each other.
days passed, and mark and hendery started spending more time in the studio instead of dance practices, working on their verses. having love for hip-hop since forever, the two seemed happy which reassured their friends.
lucas and (name), on the other hand, were having a hard time toleration one another. even though they were extremely professional, personal feelings kept aside as long as the song played but despite their undeniable talent and charisma, their constant bickering threatened to overshadow their potential success.
the dynamic between the two was anything but harmonious. they clashed over everything, from song choices to choreography to who should get more screen time in their debut music video. each disagreement only served to fuel their rivalry, pushing them further apart even as they were forced to work together for the sake of their debut.
One particularly heated argument erupted during a late-night rehearsal, when Lucas criticized (name)'s dance moves as sloppy and uncoordinated. "You move like a clumsy giraffe," he taunted, earning a scowl from the taller.
"Maybe I'd dance better if I didn't have to carry your dead weight on stage," he snapped back, his patience wearing thin. he stormed out of the room, both of them fuming.
they couldn't go on like this. no matter how good they perform on stage, if the dynamic behind the scenes was going to be this flaming, their stardom was destined to be short-lived.
But just as it seemed like their partnership was doomed to failure, a moment of unexpected vulnerability changed everything. after a late-night practice session, (name) accidentally let slip a personal insecurity that had been weighing heavily on his mind, causing lucas to pause in surprise from drinking water.
"I never asked to be taller than everyone else, you know?" he admitted, his usually confident facade crumbling in the face of his insecurity. "It's not easy standing out in a crowd for all the wrong reasons."
Lucas, who had always viewed (name) as an annoying trainee to be defeated, suddenly saw him in a different light. He realized that beneath the bravado and insults, there was a person with their own struggles and insecurities, just like himself.
In that moment of shared vulnerability, the walls between them crumbled, and a newfound understanding and respect blossomed. They put aside their petty disagreements and focused on their shared goal of creating something truly special together.
they had seen each other work their asses off for this and they decided to let the world know just that.
as the day of their debut finally arrived, Lucas and (name) took to the stage with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. the practice sessions leading up to the fateful day had a new emotion lingering in the dance room: admiration. which slowly seemed to blossom into newfound feelings. those of fondness and liking.
Their performance was nothing short of spectacular. their voices blended harmoniously, their dance moves synchronized effortlessly, and their stage presence was nothing short of electrifying. there was no denying the undeniable chemistry between them when they performed together. after their debut song, the suggestive moves in the duo's dance cover of the song 'troublemaker' had the audience gasping for air. they had prepared this one as a surprise to make a bold statement on their first day at work. they weren't to be taken lightly.
Cheers and applause resounded at the music bank set as Lucas and (name) took their final bow. And as they stood with foreheads resting against each other's, breathless and full of adrenaline, there was no trace of animosity between them, only a shared sense of accomplishment and by the tension, a budding romance.
Lucas turned to (name), a smirk on his face. "hey doe eyes, you ready for our next performance?" he asked, gesturing to the empty hall while taking off their microphones.
"bring in on, shortie" (name) winked in response, as he walked towards an empty room without looking back, gesturing for lucas to follow him using his index finger.
"let's see how much of a 'trouble maker' you can actually be, shall we?"
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din-miller · 1 year
Keldable Kisses
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Din forgets to give you a kiss in the morning and you take it personally and decide to get payback by wearing a hat with a visor preventing his much needed marketplace keldable kisses.
Warnings: the plot is literally just about keldable kisses, It's all fluff, His first name is Din, married couple, female reader, reader is a tease, mentioned protective Din, reader has hair but length is never mentioned, stupidly soft din, swear words, does star wars have hats? Baseball caps? They do now and they're the bane of Din's existence
A/N: Din's cloak gets a bigger supporting role then Grogu because like all great writers I forgot about him three paragraphs in.
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It's petty, you know so, but that doesn't stop you from pulling out an old dusty hat you found years ago on some backwater planet during a hunt with Din.
It's nothing special, no eye-catching design. It's black with a white visor to protect your eyes against the sun. Definitely not fashionable but it's practical, which leaves you with no good excuse as to why you're wearing it on a planet with no sunlight.
And you're definitely going to need an excuse when your husband sees you wearing it. You could opt for the truth; tell him that he forgot to give you a kiss this morning before putting on his armour and you're petty enough to deprive him of keldable kisses for the rest of the day.
Yeah, no, that wouldn't go well. He wouldn't let you leave the ship until every part of you has been kissed – twice over.
Okay, that doesn't sound like the worst punishment and if you didn't need supplies from the local marketplace, you'd let your husband manhandle you into next week.
The sound of the ramp hitting the ground echoed through the ship shortly followed by Din's voice, "Cyare, you ready? We're on a time limit, remember?"
"Of course, we wouldn't want to waste precious daylight." You tossed one of Din's old cloaks over your shoulders, clasping it together at the front and left the room.
"I know you're joking but in case you're not, I want to remind you that there's no sunlight here. Make sure you dress accordingly-," His helmet tilted up and you know he's staring at the hat, "What are you wearing?"
"Oh, this old thing?" You canted the visor down, fingers sliding along the rim, "It's just something I found. Why, you don't like it?"
He shook his head, bundling together everything needed for the short trip, "I never said that. If I recall correctly, I was the one who picked it out."
"You blindly grabbed whatever hat was closest to you because you found the seller creepy and wanted to leave."
"I knew I'd regret telling you that," Din sighed and placed Grogu in his pram, "And he was creepy. He kept flirting with you, his eyes barely left you."
"My knight in shining beskar armour." You teased him.
Din hummed in agreement. You know he secretly loves it when you refer to him as yours. He tilted his head down, bringing his helmet to meet your forehead in a keldable kiss, the first in what he assumed would be many throughout the day.
You bit your lip when your visor prevented him from doing so. He growled, displeased at not being able to rest his forehead against yours in a kiss. He stepped back and reached up and you're quick to grab Din's arm stopping him from taking off your hat.
Din shook his arm, trying to wiggle out of your grip, "What are you doing?"
Your hand tightened, eyes blinking up at him innocently, "What are you doing?"
"Trying to take off this stupid hat."
"Oh, it's stupid now? Maybe I'll go get a second opinion from the creepy guy."
"Just take it off, mesh'la." Din puffed out his chest. He's totally peacocking and it's unfairly attractive. He knows you wouldn't actually track down that creep, but the thought probably has his possessive side reeling.
"No, no I don't think I will," You ducked out from under his grasp, your fingers slipped into his and you pulled him towards the ramp, "Now come on, we're on a time limit, remember? Wouldn't want to waste precious daylight!"
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You had seen the lights from the Razor Crest, but being planetside, underneath the glow of orange lights you find yourself speechless.
You were originally a little worried about how well you'd be able to see in the darkness of sky. Having one of your senses dulled in this line of work made you feel on edge, anyone could be lurking in the shadows. Din had reassured you that he'll keep his helmet's night vision on until the three of you are back in the safety of the ship.
But that no longer felt necessary underneath the marketplaces string lights. When you told him such, he just shrugged and replied that it's better to be safe than sorry. He's never been one to risk the safety of you and the child, so you don't argue.
"You know, you'd be able to see the lights better if you took off your hat." Din said, his hand resting against the dip of your lower back as he guides you through the near empty market.
You rolled your eyes. You've been waiting for him to bring up the hat again. It's not hard to tell he's still upset over not being able to kiss you.
"I can see them just fine, thank you." You're lying. Din is one hundred percent right. Your neck is going to be sore tomorrow from tilting your head back to see the lights properly.
Din shook his head with a sigh but didn't say anything else. You took his hand and brought it up to your lips making what you assume is eye contact as you pressed slow kisses to his gloved fingers.
"Cyare." His fingers twitched and his other hand reached up to your head. You make a gross wet noise as you loudly gave his ring finger one last kiss before dodging his attempt at taking off your hat.
"C'mon, we need supplies."
The two of you walk through the marketplace grabbing the much needed supplies. You're hoping to get everything here and not have to make another stop.
Out of the corner of your eye you see two twi'lek engaged in what you could only describe as a passionate lip-lock. They're young, not that you could see their faces with each other's tongues shoved down their throats. You turn away, a blush on your face.
"Hey, you two osi’kovids," Din barked, startling them and you, "There are kids here-,"
"Okay," You quickly interjected, grabbing Din's arm and dragging him away. You call out over your shoulder to the couple as you go, "Sorry, he's not himself when he's hungry."
Din grunted at your words and you turned to face him, "Was that necessary? Grogu's the only child here and he's unfortunately seen worse. And calling them shitheads, seriously?"
He huffed, "Mandalorians' view public display of-,"
"-what are you talking about-," The corner of your lips turned up, "Oh my gosh, you're jealous! No, no don't argue, you totally are."
"I am not jealous, mesh'la. Mandalorians'-,"
"Is that right?" You grinned cutting him off again, hand daring to trail down his arm, fingers lingering a little too long where his armour doesn't cover his flight suit, "All these years of marketplace keldable kisses, you've been disrespecting the Way. I guess it's a good thing I'm wearing my hat."
You know keldable kissing in public is not breaking any Mandalorian laws. In fact it's encouraged to shower your riduur with the love and affection they deserve. Din is just being a big baby and taking his frustration out on innocent people.
You chuckled at his defeated silence and sauntered away adding an extra swing to your hips as you went. Behind you Din mumbled something to Grogu and the tone of the child's coo made it clear that he's taking your side.
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"Oh thank you! This is my riduur's favourite fruit."
Truth be told, you're enjoying the way his self restraint chipped away with every seller you spoke too.
The gentle squeeze of your hip following your words has you hiding a grin in the fabric of your cloak.
"Do you have this in a smaller size? My ad'ika would look so handsome in it!"
Behind you there's a sharp intake of air and you know if you were both in the confinement of the ship he'd be pressing his lips against the skin of your neck, telling you how amazing of a mother you are.
Surprisingly it only took those two comments for him to finally break.
"You-," Din forced out through clenched teeth. It's most definitely supposed to sound like a warning, but it comes out more desperate than anything else, "-need to stop."
He led you into a small alleyway and you stepped as close to him as possible without knocking your hat off, "Stop what?"
"Saying things that make me want to kiss you."
You licked your lips slowly, not missing the way your husband's hand flexed against the top of his thigh, and nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders, "Well, if you had kissed me this morning before getting ready-,"
"That's what this is about? Because I forgot, for the first time ever mind you, to kiss you?"
You nodded, "Yeah, pretty much."
Din reached his arms up and back, fingers closing around the fabric of his cloak and brought it up and over to cover the both of you.
"What are you doing?"
"Setting things right," He replied, nudging your foot with his own. Normally he'd wrap a hand around your back but since he's unable to, he'll settle for any form of contact he can get, "Take off that stupid hat, then take off my helmet."
"But babe we're in public, there are kids here and you know how Mandalorians view-"
Din growled, one hand shifting to hold the cloak up and the other carelessly knocked your hat off before gently cupping the back of your neck, gloved fingers curled underneath your ear to settle in the softness of your hair. His helmet met the warmth of your skin. You jumped a little bit at the sudden coldness against your forehead.
He chuckled and pulled you flush against his body. It made it harder to take his helmet off like this, but you managed. You reached up, fingers curling beneath the top of your husband's chest plate and pulled him down to you.
Din surged forward, not patient enough to wait for you to kiss him, his lips brushing against yours in the softest apologies, swallowing your groan of approval.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
This came to me while ask were closed, but now they are open :)
Okay, okay, I know this is a stretch, but hear me out. Let's say Buddy is a young maximal (I'm thinking leopard) who somehow escaped their universe and ended up on lost light. How would the lost light crew react? (I think this buddy would be an ankle biter for funsies)
Back into Beast wars! Lets go!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Maximal getting sent to the Lost Light
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy has a leopard alt mode.
They are Cheetor’s Amica
Buddy had been with the Maximals since the very beginning.
From busting Predacon behind or busting their own helm into a tree in one of Cheetor’s pranks.
Being Cheetor’s Amica can do that to you.
This evening seemed to be going as normally as it could.
Maximal’s vs Predacons.
Good vs bad.
The battle was going to the Maximal’s favor.
Buddy had just finished off Inferno when they saw something in the distance.
Tarantulas aiming a weird looking gun at their Amica.
Buddy sprinted in their leopard mode to Cheetor.
Cheetor turns as Tarantulas fired the weapon.
He froze in his place.
Buddy leaped in front of Cheetor taking the hit.
A blinding light surrounded them and vanished into thin air.
Cheetor looks in horror at the spot where his Amica was.
The rest of the fighting had stopped when they saw the light.
“Interesting… it wasn’t supposed to do that.”--Tarantulas
Cheetor turns in anger to the Predacon
“WHAT DID YOU DO!”--Cheetor
Transforming into his beast mode Cheetor is ready to maw the Predacon.
Optimus Primal holds him back as he thrashes around.
“Maximal’s fall back!”--Optimus
“Fall back?! No! Buddy needs us! Buddy needs me! We can’t just—”--Cheetor
“Cheetor right now we need to make it back to the base alive. We can worry about Buddy when we are safe.”--Optimus
“Buddy’s not safe!”--Cheetor
“If Buddy is dead do you want to make their act in vain?!”--Dinobot
Cheetor tenses up in Primal’s arms letting him be carried to the base.
Buddy’s helm is pounding and feels someone picking them up by the scruff of their neck.
Rodimus is just confused.
One minute he was walking away from one of Magnus’s boring meetings when this fur ball hit him in the helm.
He wants answers.
Buddy is quick to realize that they are at a huge height disadvantage of this potential enemy and decides to do the next best thing.
They bite his servo.
Buddy gets dropped to the floor and gets ready to book it when Rodimus grabs their tail.
“Hey! Let go of me!”--Buddy
“You bit me!”--Rodimus
“I don’t know who you are!”--Buddy
“So, you just bite bots you don’t know?”--Rodimus
“Pretty much!”--Buddy
Rodimus pointing to his chassis.
“I’m an Autobot. I’m one of the good guys.”--Rodimus
Buddy immediately stops struggling and looks at him curiously.
“You an Autobot? Haven’t heard anyone saw they were an Autobot in a few decades.”--Buddy
“Decades? What do you mean?”--Rodimus
“I mean that its only Maximals and Predacons now. Only those who survived the Great War still go by Autobot and Decepticon…”--Buddy
Buddy looks around and starts thinking.
“…I think I’m far from home…”--Buddy
Rodimus looks with a bit of sympathy to the smaller bot who was starting to come to terms with the fact they were in a place nowhere near their home.
They looked concerned and a bit frightened.
“Listen, I’m one of the Co-captains of this ship. I think I know a couple of mechs who can help.”--Rodimus
Rodimus extends his servo.
“What do you say? Friends?”--Rodimus
Buddy looks at him and his servo.
They shake his servo and begin to follow him to the lab.
“What’s your name anyway?”--Rodimus
“I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
“Buddy? Sounds more of an Earth name.”--Rodimus
“I get that a lot. And you?”--Buddy
“Rodimus Prime.”--Rodimus
Buddy stops in wide optic.
“YOU’RE Rodimus Prime?! Really!”--Buddy
Rodimus puffs his chassis a bit.
“Yes I am—”--Rodimus
“Oh Primus! I just bit my Amica’s ancestor!”--Buddy
“Your What?!”--Rodimus
There is a lot of explanation to do with Brainstorm, Perceptor and Nautica when Rodimus walks in with a smaller, much furrier bot by his side.
Brainstorm is just buzzing hearing about a new dimension.
Buddy just wants to get back home to their Amica.
Good news was that whatever gun Tarantulas shot them with was temporary. They would go back home as soon as the effects wore off.
The bad news was there was no way in predicting how long they were going to stay in this dimension.
For now, Buddy becomes an honorary crew member until they go back home.
Rodimus sets up a meeting and greet in Swerve’s for Buddy to meet the crew.
It was almost cute seeing Buddy freak out seeing some of the bots from the stories back home.
Buddy looks over at Drift with wide optic.
“Is that who I think it is?”--Buddy
Swerve looking at Ratchet who is talking to Drift and Rodimus.
“Who Drift? Yeah, that’s him—Buddy?”--Swerve
Buddy speed walks to Drift in their beast mode and happily hops to the bar top and sits in front of him and Ratchet.
Buddy just stares at both with wide adoring optics.
Drift raises an optic.
Buddy starts purring.
“That’s new…”--Rodimus
“They’re just purring, that not new.”--Ravage
“How do you know that Ravage?”--Drift
“That’s an off-topic question.”—Ravage
Buddy wasn’t going to tell them about that yet.
Speaking of Ravage, Buddy and him got along surprisingly well all things considered.
Buddy and Megatron… that one was a bit more complicated.
 Buddy staring at the giant grey mech in front of them.
Megatron was getting uncomfortable.
“Do you need something?”--Megatron
Buddy keeps on staring.
“…At least your not a purple dinosaur.”--Buddy
“A what?”--Megatron
“A WHAT!?”—Whirl
A few more days pass and Buddy starts feeling all tingly.
They had a feeling that they were going to get sent home now.
Buddy raced all around the ship telling their goodbyes to their friends.
“Goodbye everyone! Thank you for everything!”--Buddy
“No problem, Buddy! Let us know next time you’re in our dimension again! Maybe we can go meteor surfing!”--Rodimus
“Rodimus that is a terrible idea.”--Ratchet
“Great grandpa Ratchet’s right.”--Buddy
Meanwhile in Beast wars…
Buddy pops into existence in the base landing on Rattrap.
“Rattrap its me! Stop screaming!”--Buddy
Buddy gets off Rattrap and helps him up.
Rattrap blinks several times before whacking Buddy with a wrench.
“You deserve so much more than that kid! Do you have any idea how long we were looking for you? And so, what? For you to just pop into existence!?”--Rattrap
Buddy rubs their helm a bit.
“I guess?”--Buddy
Rattrap sighs before giving them a quick side hug.
“Its… its good to have you back Buddy. Now go find your Amica. He’s been acting all crazy since you pulled that stunt.”--Rattrap
“Yeah I—”--Buddy
Rapid pede steps start getting closer.
“…Do you think I can out run him?”--Buddy
“With the messed up weeks he’s had, not likely.”--Rattrap
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cozage · 10 months
The Daughter's Return: Month 4
A Steamy Situation
Part One | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
This idea was sent to me by Anonymous! CW: it gets a little steamy in some parts Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 3.3k
“You didn’t tell us the mission was at an onsen!” you whispered, your voice full of excitement. 
“Because I knew you would pester me about getting here faster,” Marco griped. “Go check in. We can’t be seen together.”
You squealed in excitement and reached for Ace’s hand. This weekend was going to be so much more fun than you initially thought. You could already feel the air change, both you and Ace thinking of what the two of you could do. 
“No,” Marco hissed, slapping your hand away. “You’ve got the solo room. Me and Ace have a business suite.”
Your mouth dropped as you stared at Marco, trying to fully understand his words. “Excuse me?”
“Go!” Marco said, pushing you towards the front door. “Remember your code name!”
But you weren’t ready to give up yet. “You take the single room!” you pouted. “Come on Marco, seriously? Just let me and Ace-”
“No.” Marco’s voice was low and serious, indicating his decision came from someone higher than him. And there was only one person higher than him. “We can’t be distracted. Distractions-”
“Mean death,” you grumbled, finishing his words for him. Your eyes flitted over to Ace, a silent message passing between you two: Find me tonight.
Your check-in went smoothly. You operated under the name Astrid Cleminson, but the man at the desk didn’t even ask for an ID. 
Your only goal was to find the pirates who were rumored to be staying here; ones who had plans to attack an island under the Whitebeard Pirates' protection. Maybe if you found them today, Marco would swap rooms with you. 
Your room only fueled your desire to share it with Ace. You had gotten a private onsen with your room and a beautiful patio with lush, green plants scattered throughout it. You wanted nothing more than to sit all evening in that hot spring with Ace, the two of you quietly enjoying each other’s company. But Marco had robbed that from you. 
You quickly unpacked your things and went to find the communal female bath. Nobody there would know you had a private one in your room, and you needed to find these pirates as soon as possible so you could enjoy a bit of vacation away from the ship. 
You stayed in there for an hour, desperately listening to all of the conversations around you, but if there were enemy pirates, they didn’t show their hand. You finally gave up and retreated back to your room. 
Funnily enough, you were inserting your key just as your neighbor was inserting his. You turned your head to see who it was, and your eyes found your favorite freckled boy. 
He gave you a cocky smirk. “Come here often?”
“Ace?” you whispered, looking up and down the hallway. “You guys are my neighbors?!”
“I guess Marco had it set up this way so it wouldn’t be obvious to any onlookers if we walked into each other’s rooms.”
“Wanna come into mine now?” You turned the door handle and raised your eyebrows at him, all but begging him to join you. 
His eyes lit up and his smile became devious as he followed you into your room and quickly shut the door behind him. 
Ace was on you in an instant, his lips pushed against yours in a hungry desperation. The two of you had been traveling with Marco for almost a week now and had hardly had a moment to yourselves. Even sleeping, Marco made you guys split up. It was almost annoying how much of a dad he was being on this trip. But now it didn’t matter. You had Ace all to yourself. 
You whined into his mouth, pulling at the buckle of his pants. Normally Ace made fun of your desperation, but today he obliged with quick eagerness, as if the two of you were running out of time before you had even started. He loosened his buckle and pushed his pants off, leaving one less piece of fabric between the two of you.
His fingers twitched at the hem of your shirt, which was all you needed to break away from him to quickly pull it over your head, throwing it on the floor. You didn’t need any encouragement today; just a small touch was enough to make you crazy. The two of you stumbled over to the bed, trying to stay close but still working on your own clothing. 
Ace was fumbling with the buttons of his own shirt, trying to desperately pull them apart. 
“This is why I hate shirts,” he mumbled, clearly struggling with his task at hand. 
You gave a soft giggle at his attempt and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him back into your lips again. You were so desperate for more of a taste of him. Your own tongue swirling against his, with moans of desperation filling the room. 
Your fingers skillfully trailed down his shirt, unbuttoning each one until there were none left. You had to admit, Ace always did look good in a button-up, and you loved that he didn’t have to break away from your lips to take it off. 
A knock came at the door, startling you both. You paused for a moment, lips still locked. 
“Ms. Astrid?” Marco’s sharp voice came from the other side of the door, and you wanted to weep. Just ten minutes. You only needed ten minutes without him constantly checking on you. 
You pulled away from Ace, his face turning into an instant pout as you cleared your throat and prepared to speak. 
“Yeah?” Your voice came out uncertain, but you knew Marco could hear your voice through the door. 
“Do you know where my assistant is?” Marco asked, his voice quiet and stern. 
“No!” you called out. Ace, growing impatient, began sucking on your neck gently, trying his best not to leave marks.
“Really?” Marco’s voice called. You could hear the skepticism in his voice, but you didn’t care. 
“Mhmm,” you hummed. Your brain was starting to get foggy, and you prayed Marco would go somewhere else for just a few minutes. You just wanted a little time with Ace. 
“Interesting,” Marco said. 
Ace bit at your tender flesh and you started to moan out, but his hand quickly flew up and clamped over your mouth to muffle your lewd noises. 
“It’s just weird,” Marco said, still right on the other side of your door. “Because his key is in our door. And your key is still in your door.”
Both of you froze, and you could hear the knob starting to turn. You had seconds before Marco opened the door and found the two of you half-naked and entangled in an embrace. 
You had just enough time to break apart and throw Ace’s shirt over you before Marco swung the door open, a look of disappointment already on his face. 
“Can’t you guys focus on the mission for 5 minutes?” he scolded, staring down at the two of you on the bed. 
“Can't you leave us alone for ten?” you shot back. You couldn’t help your foul mood. Being in such a beautiful place like this and having to pretend like you and Ace were strangers was killing you. It wasn’t fair that you were stuck here alone. It wasn’t fair that you couldn’t be with Ace. 
“You need to grow up,” Marco said, his voice short and snippy. “Learn some control, both of you. People’s lives are on the line. People who are under our protection. Or did you forget that part of the job?”
You rolled your eyes “It’s not even a difficult mission-”
“I don’t give a rat’s ass if it seems like a difficult mission or not. You need to treat every mission like it’s your hardest one yet, or else you’ll get overconfident and you’ll fail. And people will die.”
The words stung, and you thought back to your failure just a few months ago. You were supposed to protect those people, and you had failed. 
Ace sucked in a breath, knowing where your mind had gone. “Now hang on, Marco-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Ace. The two of you have been getting away with things because you technically got the mission done, so Pops lets it slide. But we’re not doing a sloppy success this time, and we’re sure as hell not failing it. So I need you guys to actually focus on something other than each other for 5 seconds and we can get this over with.” Marco paused, realizing he may have been a bit too harsh on you. “And then you guys can resume whatever was happening before I walked in, okay?”
You both knew he was right, even if he was rude in his delivery. It was pointless to argue anyway. Ace sighed and got up from the bed, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead as he went. You couldn’t bring yourself to watch him go or to make eye contact with Marco. You were too filled with shame. 
And then they were gone, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
You were steaming from Marco’s words. You could feel it. But he wasn’t wrong. You had failed or sloppily completed all of your major missions over the past few months. Some of them hadn’t been your fault for failure, but you had to wonder if you would’ve been more aware of things if Ace wasn’t always on your mind. Even things as mundane as grocery shopping seemed to make you and your commander stumble these days; your minds were simply too cluttered with the thoughts of each other.
The realization of his words brought tears to your eyes, and you struggled to blink them away. You didn’t want to be a failure. You had trained for two years so you wouldn’t be a failure. And yet here you were, struggling to focus on the task at hand because of a boy. 
No more. You would complete this and every mission from here on out with perfect accuracy. Failure couldn’t be an option anymore. You refused to mess up. 
You didn’t sleep well that night. The victims of your failures came to visit you in your dreams, accompanied by Marines you feared and everyone’s opinion you valued. They all mocked you for your decisions and pain. Eventually, you decided your own conscious thoughts were better than the subconscious ones, and stared at the sky until you saw the sun start to come up. 
At breakfast, you kept your eyes peeled and ears open for any hints of pirate or coded words. You saw Ace, but the two of you quickly looked away from one another. You had a mission to focus on. 
You went to the woman’s bath and cleared your mind as you dipped into the water. You had to listen now for any tips.
“He did what?!” 
“I swear, the whole thing!”
“I’m going to try to go to Sabaody this summer!”
“Aren’t you worried about the Celestial Dragons?”
“They don’t scare me!”
“If we want that aggressive of a timetable, we’ll have to leave today.”
“It’ll take five days to reach it?”
“Five days if we’re lucky.” 
There. Your eyes snapped over to the two women talking, and you memorized everything you could about their physical appearance as you focused in on their conversation. 
“It’s a small window, but there’s only a week where the Beards aren’t around. So it's best we move quickly.”
The Beards was a horrible codename, but it made it easier to know they were the people you needed to eavesdrop on. There was only one problem, the two women were getting out of the public bath and beginning to retreat to the changing room. 
You didn’t want to look suspicious for exiting as soon as you entered. And you certainly didn’t want to look like you were following those women. So you did the only logical thing. 
You began coughing. Not a dainty cough either. The type of cough that makes people think you’re about to lose a lung. You jumped out of the water, still coughing, and stumbled back to the women's dressing room. 
The women immediately stopped talking as you entered the changing room, but you could sense they didn’t think you were a threat. You quickly got changed and exited the room, desperate to find Marco before they left. 
The women followed you out, and you continued to feign your cough, hoping it would draw Marco or Ace. 
Miraculously, Marco rounded the corner and began casually walking toward you. You pointed a finger subtly at the two women behind you so only Marco could see it, and passed by him without any further indication that you knew each other. 
Marco would take care of the rest. The two of you had worked together long enough that he knew your simplest signals and what they meant. Now, all you wanted was to return to your room and rest.
You slept for hours. It was a dreamless sleep, thankfully. You needed the rest and probably would’ve slept all night if you hadn’t been woken up.
A knock came on the other side of your door woke you, and you opened it to find Marco on the other side. 
“Can we talk?”
You gave a silent nod and followed him down the hall and out of the building. 
“They left this afternoon, so we can drop the cover stories now,” Marco said. 
You gave another nod to acknowledge his words. You still weren’t sure where you stood with him after yesterday. 
“Do you feel better?” Marco asked. “It’s always nice to have a solid win.”
“Yeah.” You kicked a rock down the path. The air felt heavy with tension, as if you were about to get scolded again. 
“Listen, kid. I’m not mad at you,” he said. “You just needed some sense talked into you. And spite is like, your greatest motivator, y’know?”
You looked at him curiously, surprised that those were the words he chose to speak. You were expecting a lecture, but that didn’t seem to be the case. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you do everything out of pure spite when someone says you can’t do it. And you need the sense knocked into you or you’re too stubborn to change. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I know,” You said. And you believed him. Marco never said or did anything to intentionally hurt you, but he also wouldn’t spare your feelings when you needed to be corrected. 
“Well, our mission was successful. So go.” Marco pushed you back towards the onsen. “I think he’s waiting for you at the bar. Don’t make him wait too long. I have a report to make, it’ll probably take me at least a few hours before I get back to my room.”
Your eyes grew wide. “Really?”
“Go! Before I change my mind!”
You gave him a grateful smile and took off back towards the bar. Finally, you’d get time alone. Finally, you could relax. You just had to find him.
You slid onto the barstool next to Ace, but he didn’t even bother to look over at you. It was semi-crowded in the bar, and you knew he wasn’t exactly expecting you to be sitting next to him in such a public place. 
“Two drinks of your finest sake,” you said to the bartender. Your voice prompted Ace’s head to swivel toward you, shocked that you were actually next to him. 
You grinned over at him. “I’m celebrating.”
“Celebrating?” Ace questioned, a soft smile appearing on his face. It was always good news when you were smiling. 
“Just closed on a really big job. I’ve got the weekend to relax now.”
Ace’s eyes lit up, understanding the subtle explanation you were giving him. “That is cause for a celebration.”
The bartender set two drinks in front of you, and you slid one over to Ace. “Just need someone to celebrate with now,” you said, your eyes lingering over his body. 
“Oh, I’m always down to celebrate a big accomplishment,” Ace said. He threw down some money for your alls drinks, grabbing his drink in one hand and your hand in the other. “Lead the way.”
You grinned, picking up your drink and pulling him along with you, trying your best not to seem overeager to anyone else in the bar. But the moment you were in the hallway, Ace slammed you up against the wall and pressed his lips against yours. 
“Fuck,” he moaned softly. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”
“So eager,” you teased. Normally those words came out of his mouth. It was nice to have the tables turned on him for the moment. 
Ace’s mouth twitched upwards into a smile. “Shut up,” he mumbled, his lips already dipping down to make contact with yours again. But you pulled away at the last second, continuing your playful act. 
“My room,” you whispered. Your fingers intertwined through his and you quickly pulled him down the hallway, trying to get to your room as fast as possible. 
You fumbled with your key as you struggled to unlock the door. Ace was as patient as he could be, kissing the nape of your neck as he stood behind you, pressing his body flush against your back. 
“Let me kiss you again,” Ace whined. 
“Let me open the door first,” you giggled. “Then you can do anything you want to me.”
You could feel his cock twitch against you, the air charged as both of your minds scanned the possibilities your words held. 
“Anything?” he whispered, his voice unable to contain the lust and desire he was feeling. God, you missed being this close to him all the time. 
You hummed in agreement. You didn’t care what he did in the moment. And usually when you gave him free reign like this, it always ended up being a night to remember. 
“I have a private hot spring too,” you said, clicking open the door and turning back to face him too. “Wanna see it?”
His eyes lit up. “I haven’t been in a hot spring yet. Couldn’t get in the public one since our cover would be blown.”
“Wanna go try out this one together?” you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Oh, that and so much more.” His grin grew devious, and you knew you’d be feeling the ramifications in the morning. You should’ve cared, but the thought only made the anticipation in your core grow heavier. 
He picked you up and carried you across the threshold of the doorframe, his lips back against yours again. It was a good thing you had taken that nap because the night was just beginning. 
The two of you became one that night, in many different ways and forms. You were afraid to let each other go. Afraid that you might not get another moment that could be this intense. You didn’t break apart until the sun began to rise, the two of you collapsing into one another for a momentary reprieve.
“You are incredible,” Ace whispered, his fingers ghosting across your skin. 
“I have a good partner,” you said back, giggling lightly as he kissed your nose. 
“I think we can probably get a good thirty-minute nap before Marco comes to get us.”
“We could.” You hummed, considering that option. Your thoughtful expression turned mischievous as you looked at your partner, still slicked in sweat from a night of activity. “Or we could go one more round.”
Ace’s face spread into a wide grin, and his lips instantly began dotting kisses across your skin. “Your wish is my command, princess.”
As he positioned himself above you, you couldn’t help but think: he really was the most wondrous man you’d ever laid your eyes upon.
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blouisparadise · 5 months
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Today we have the fifth part of our short fic rec list! All of the fics on this list are a nice quick read that is less than 10k. If you missed the other parts to this rec list, you can find part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here. Happy reading!
1) Shut Your Mouth, Baby | Explicit | 3,028 words
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
2) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3,557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
3) Tide’s Deathless Death | Explicit | 4,350 words
The Red Serpent gleamed in all of her marvellous glory from where she was anchored a meagre few miles away from the land. Her flag waving proudly in the afternoon sun. The image was certainly memorable, of the flag, that is; a serpent coiled viciously around a human heart, fangs sunken into the organ and blood oozing from the very spot. If not for the ship herself, the flag had its own repute of conveying the message that the captain was not to be trifled with. There was no single man who had survived after taking up arms against the captain. Well, there was one man, but including him amongst the hoard of common faces would be a foolishness on the feared-by-all captain’s part. That man currently stood silently staring after the captain, palm curled around the handle of his blade, and teeth clenched in anger. He was certainly going to relieve all the navies of their plight by taking down the captain. At least then, in his relatively newfound life of piracy, he would have done one good deed.
4) Always Tell The Truth | Not Rated | 5,027 words
Harry is Louis’ dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn’t be the end of the world.
5) I Knew It From The Start | Explicit | 5,233 words
Louis starts calling Harry ‘daddy’. Consequently, Harry discovers that he has a daddy kink.
6) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
7) Outline Of My Sins | Explicit | 6,551 words
Prompt 453: AU where alpha Harry is an art student who is taking a figure drawing class and omega Louis is the nude model. In the many years that Harry has taken art classes, he has never been more hot and bothered than now, having to stare at a beautiful nude omega model for hours.
8) Shouldn’t Cry (But I Love It) | Explicit | 6,586 words
They're roommates. They're quarantined. There's a small problem coming up.
9) Your Name Is Tattooed To The Bottom Of My Heart | Explicit | 6,613 words
Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday.
10) Leave Like The Summer Breeze | Explicit | 6,551 words
When Louis and Zayn are stranded in Alabama, a farmer offers them shelter. He just asks for one thing in return.
11) Smile for the Camera for It Knows Everything, Hollywood Star| Mature | 6,676 words
Prompt 132- The story of Nancy Reagan being called the blowjob queen of Hollywood but it’s Louis.
12) The Writing On the Wall | Explicit | 6,705 words
When BookToker Louis receives a gift basket filled with all his favorite sweets, wines, and stuffed animals alongside the new Harry Styles book, he’s shocked at the story he finds in the pages.
13) Muffins & Cigarettes| Mature | 7,591 words
Louis pouts. “You can’t pout your way into this, Louis”, Harry said as he was fixing his tie, watch and rings glinting against the soft sunlight filtering through the window. “Of course, I can. Watch me.”
14) The Knothead Neighbor| Mature | 8,058 words
Prompt 3: Neighbors AU, preferably ABO! Harry works evenings/nights (maybe like a surgeon something that requires him to be gone for long hours) and has a cat. The cat has a little kitty door at the back so that it can explore and such. Louis just moved next door and the cat seems to always end up at his door. Eventually, Louis lets the cat in, as he’s new and he’s feeling quite lonely. They become fast friends, so much so that the cat prefers to stay with Louis rather than go home. Harry gets concerned that the cat starts to stay out all day/night so he eventually leaves a note attached to the cat’s collar with its name and phone number. Louis texts him telling him he’s his neighbor and not to worry, the cat just likes to hang with him as it might be lonely. Harry gets pissed that this stranger is stealing his cat so he goes to confront Louis and tell him to stop stealing his cat. Of course, as soon as he sees Louis, he falls in love with him and the rest is history. (If ABO could be cute that both Harry and Louis like to cuddle with the cat because it holds the other’s scent)
15) Kiss It Better | Explicit | 8,080 words
Harry shakes his head with a light laugh and leans down to kiss him again which Louis happily accepts even if he is a little confused by the reaction. "Baby, not a night has gone by that I haven't thought about you in my bed, naked, and begging for my cock." Blinking up at him with wide eyes, Louis opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. While they did flirt a lot over the last few weeks, Harry had never said anything like that. It shocks him as much as it turns him on. "News to me." "I won't lie and say I like random hookups or casual sex, but to me this isn't what that is." Louis swallows thickly, unsure of what to say to that but once again Harry gives him an out. "So, If you want we can stay up here and I can show you all the things I've thought about doing to you." Another kiss, quick and sweet. "Or, we can go back downstairs and we'll dance all night."
16) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
17) Should Be, Meant To Be | Explicit | 9,174 words
Prompt #65: Louis signs up for a Sugar Daddy dating website on a drunken dare. He forgets for a while, until one night he gets a notification for a message request from none other than his really hot (really rich) boss, Harry Styles.
18) Into It | Explicit | 9,197 words
Louis meets Harry. They hit it off.
19) Something To Prove | Explicit | 9,425 words
Louis is the first and only omega to work at Red Valley Medical Center. Despite being more than qualified, he still faces prejudice for his career choice everyday. From patients refusing his treatment to condescending alpha doctors intervening with his work, practicing medicine in Boston is more challenging than Louis had ever thought it would be.
20) Sugar Water | Explicit | 9,454 words
When his most familiar begins to feel all too unfamiliar, Harry finds out what it means to love like real people do.
21) Hook You Up (Charm You Down) | Explicit | 9,600 words
Swiftly, Harry raises his right hand to his head. Bringing two ringed fingers up, he touches the brown hat sitting on his head, tipping it with a raise of eyebrows in the direction of Peter Pan. He punctuates the whole action with his signature smirk. The reaction is almost immediate. Like Harry hoped it’d be. Though he expected the grin he received, he can’t say he directly expected the man to come forward his way. But he surely isn’t going to complain. “Captain! Fancy seeing you there,” Peter Pan says when he reaches Harry’s space. And wow. Seeing it from up close, Niall was right. Face of an angel, totally Harry’s type and all that. 
22) Poppies In May | Mature | 9,603 words
And maybe he deserves it, Louis thinks bitterly. His hand curls around the fence tightly, and he feels like if he lets go he’ll slid onto the cold ground and never fucking get up again. Maybe standing here, staring at Harry’s hunched over, retreating back is what he deserves.
23) Wanna Do Nothing With You | Explicit | 9,606 words
The accident happens in the stupidest way possible. One minute Louis is demonstrating a skateboard trick he’d just learned for Lottie, the next he’s waking up in a hospital. He’s told that he wasn’t unconscious the entire ride, but he has absolutely no recollection of it. One second he’s fucking around in his own garden and the next he’s being assaulted with the strong sterile scent of a hospital. So. There’s that.
24) Hello, My Name is Louis | Explicit | 9,686 words
Louis hurried to hang up the phone and take off his headset, throwing it away as if it was burning hot. He hugged himself by the shoulders and hid his face in his knees, sitting in his desk chair like a swimmer ready to dip into a pool, a pool of embarrassment. Not many people got past "Hello, my name is… " and even fewer engaged in a full conversation with him. And if they did, it usually went better than this.
25) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9,699 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
There are a lot of people Harry might expect to find on his doorstep at three o’clock in the afternoon these days. It could be the delivery man, come to drop off the pair of boots Harry impulsively ordered online last week. It could be one of his neighbors, dropping by to complain about how a party he’d thrown weeks ago had clogged up the street. It could also be any number of his friends in L.A., who stop by unannounced most days to mooch off Harry’s food or whisk him away to try some new yogurt shop.    As a rule, it definitely cannot be Louis Tomlinson, although Harry’s blinked at least three times now, and it’s still Louis standing there, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag at his feet.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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