#RP things
givemeangstymemes · 9 months
Lately there has been an increase of a new anon thing. Someone sends blogs something random, apparently mostly nsfw or the like, tagging someone else's blog in those asks. THE TAGGED BLOG IS NOT THE ONE SENDING THESE ASKS! This someone is just using their URL for whatever reason.
So instead of blocking or even harassing the URL named in the ask, block and report the anon!
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hiero-green · 3 months
no actually you don’t get context
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squidkid15 · 2 months
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Oops hogs
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rpmeme-dump · 2 months
Send "❥" and I will share a ship I have a bias for with my muse!
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midnightsaboteur · 11 days
I am... moving!
Over the coming week, I will be transitioning to a new RP blog. Since March 2022, this blog has served me well, but I'm now at a stage where I feel that a new home (and name) is needed, alongside a slightly fresh slate.
It's my aim to complete the transition by May 31st, and so before then I may be slower than usual when it comes to replies. This is because I'm coding a new muses page on my upcoming blog. Please bare with me during this time.
I'm also taking this opportunity to make some small changes to threads and muses. I will be dropping some muses that I haven't used in a long while, whilst some which I don't have muse for anymore will also go that way. Similarly, I'll also be dropping a slight number of threads where my muse is struggling. There won't be major changes or drops, but I thought best to say so now.
Finally, ahead of this transition, I'd love to know if you're still interested in following and/or writing with me. So, if you wanna, please hit the like button!
I will provide my new URL after the transition, in case anyone misses this post.
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problemchildzu · 10 months
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Love me some tired dad wholesomeness. Kyaris is off screen enjoying his mate loving fatherhood even tho they’re tired as fuck.
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gilmoregirl · 3 months
i want to state the last week has been incredibly hard for so many, not only because of the gossip, accusations, and losing a place of comfort that caused a lot of confusion, angst, and anger, but also because some of us have been juggling it alongside difficult moments in real life as well - a time in which we could have used community the most. writing this out is mostly for those who are not comfortable reaching out to ask what happened, to be informative, and as a way for us to put the past firmly behind us and find a healing and joyful place to land in our future.
for those who weren't there from the beginning, let's make a few things clear. madi created brittle heart all on her own - from the site itself, the codes she'd made previously, to the discord. it was her solo build, which was never questioned. a few of us (myself and bertie) joined the site as members from the very first day. it grew quickly, and madi had included in the rules to reach out if you were interested in staffing at all. i was the first added to staff four days after it opened, and shortly after we added on athena and mads - a choice i'd made alongside madi as she asked for my input. prior to brittle heart, i'd had no idea who madi was, had been, or the sites she'd made in the past. i knew she'd returned from a year-long hiatus, but was incredibly excited for the future of bh. she urged all of us from day one - even when it was just the two of us - to make our own stamp on bh, add what we wanted, to help improve on what she'd already started. most of the things added in were majority member suggestions, and a few skin edits and discord updates that we thought would help the member base. a few weeks later, bertie and robin were added in at madi's suggestion - while we were a well oiled machine as a team of four, two more admins would allow for some of us to take absences without the growing member base needing to suffer. staffing was smooth, outside of a few intense member related issues that we made sure everyone had a voice in to respond as a team. it was so easy until it wasn’t. 
things began to take a turn during the week that the march madness event had been posted, on march 1st. from the moment i woke up on saturday, until the moment i went to bed late sunday night, my anxiety was at an all time high. there had been a misunderstanding from madi that myself and another admin had been arguing in the staff chat, when in fact we were just two passionate people who talk best by explaining every detail of our thought process, discussing what version of tallying points made the most amount of sense for the event via google sheet. madi had woken up to it, and while i was still asleep, was telling people that they had a "tone" because she'd misunderstood the conversation, a word that she'd been using on a more frequent basis. reading back it was confusing, and felt pointed at one person in particular, but we tried our best to shake it off and push forward. a bit later, a new channel appeared in the staff section labeled "staff issues", with a detailed message about how frustrated madi felt. it directly spoke about how bh had moved so far from the original vision, her original vision, and she was upset with that, and the size of the staff team she'd added on. it was long, and i could tell it was something she needed to get off her chest. i was the first to respond with a long message of my own, showing a lot of love for every single member of the staff team, including madi, and what she'd created. i did offer that i was a little confused, because we often polled in the staff team about decisions, and she'd responded to most of them (if not all), so i was unsure which particular moment had felt like too much. another member of staff responded with a lengthy response of their own, pulling away a bit from the staff issues during a large chunk, and going after two other admins by name for a personal issue regarding a face claim that no one was aware was a problem - because they hadn't expressed it was. one of the people named responded directly to the issue, a little confused, and apologetic, but it quickly spiraled away as madi accused them of making it all about them, and within minutes it escalated to terms "gaslighting" "abusive" from madi, before she quickly stated she would just close down bh instead.
what had turned from a difference of opinion about things like rewards points, badges, how to set up the future social media of our fictional roleplay site had suddenly turned into opening triggering wounds for everyone involved, and how this was madi’s site, her vision, and we were all just players within it - something she had the power to end at any minute all on her own. it stung, and made us all feel used for the talents we'd shared - skinning, discord building, our intense activity and worldbuilding, as well as general upkeep and moderation of the site. things settled for a bit as madi left to collect herself, and we all sat in the mystery of how she'd feel when she returned. would we suddenly be kicked from the server? would the site show up offline? we didn't know. the pit in my stomach grew, because while i'd spent the better part of my day trying to be ultra positive - if someone said this, if they apologized like that, it would all get better - i suddenly started to realize how uncomfortable i was with the idea of staying after how quickly things had spiraled and the harsh language used. when she returned, madi apologized, but once again made it clear - anyone could leave, as this was her vision, and hers alone. she wanted to find a way to return the site back to that, and while she appreciated our help, she could handle it if we no longer wanted to continue.
imagine spending every day for over a month, building connections, large and expansive group plots, starting a new skin day one of becoming staff as directed, helping direct others to requests that weren't even your own, staying up half a night alone to build an event you were so excited for but never got to participate in, just to be told suddenly that it meant absolutely nothing to someone you thought you were building a real friendship with. after a full day - of which i spent the entirety of it online - i went to sleep knowing we'd likely be leaving bh. be it out of pure anxiety, fate, or whatever else, the four of us woke up at odd hours, and decided it would be better to remove our things and leave a message rather than do it during the messiness of the middle of the day. so we did. we left a goodbye message in the staff chat, outlining how much we loved bh and our time on it, but if we were truly not all equal partners (as it had been said by madi multiple times we were - and was now being rescinded on) we didn't feel comfortable continuing on. it felt like the choice was stay on bh, be silent, do as we were told, or go, she wouldn't care either way. we left a note to members because we'd truly cherished that community, but felt belittled and didn't know how to continue on after what had been said. according to madi the night prior, anyone could leave, and it wouldn't change a thing for bh. we didn't know that she'd immediately take our goodbye down, post a message about closing the site, only to post a poll about maybe keeping it open before disappearing and leaving it all to rest on mad’s shoulders.
after leaving, the four of us decided we wanted to build something new, something ours - that we could all share and make it a point to expand upon with new voices when the time came. as we were brainstorming, we were sent screenshots, dm's, and a lot of inquiring messages. at the time, we didn't know how to respond, we wanted to keep it light, and give bh a chance to succeed without tainting it with what we'd been through. while we couldn't stay, we didn't want to ruin everyone else's good time. mads messaged us all privately, asking if we wanted any plots removed, and we gave the details of which we were comfortable leaving to bh, and which we weren't - some of the characters and families on bh were created years prior, and belonged to their original owners who weren't comfortable with others continuing those plots. around noon on monday, madi sent me a message stating she was sorry and leaving the rpc - and offered us bh. she mentioned she was leaving quickly - within the hour - and it gave us a sense of urgency to act and respond. the four of us were uncomfortable to going back to bh as if nothing had happened, as all we could see was how it was now madi's vision, and hers alone, and even when we'd forgiven her for the harsh words used, there would always be a shadow of her in its wake - she'd built it, and that would never change. in her goodbye message to me, it felt clear she would not be posting a goodbye message or actively closing the site, and had even told us if we didn't feel comfortable returning to use it as a way to reconnect or offer new projects. we decided to go back to close it properly, and give the members we'd written alongside the closure after a rough and frankly exhausting weekend. we wanted to be clear that we adored you all to not waste another moment of your time. we went back knowing we were there to close it up - and never attempted to lead anyone on - but waited as this whole situation caught the one remaining staffer at the end of their workday, and wanted to ensure they were fully up to date on what was going on and approved the sentiment before we posted a goodbye.
i'm sure you're wondering why this is now being recounted, of which there are two main reasons. one is the amount of whispers and gossip that has gotten back to us, insinuating we were somehow the problem, how we gave people hope in the two hours we were back in the discord waiting for mads to return home so we could post the goodbye. telling others the reason it closed was over things like face claims, or other menial issues, or because we just wanted to start a new project. the other is because now a total of six people have come to us or realized their own past with madi. one was someone i've known for over a decade, and while we don't rp much together these days, we chat every now and again. they asked me about bh - and about madi- and if she was still pulling the same shit. they used specific phrases and words that madi had used against us, and let me know this happened to them too, on another site. in just a matter of days, so many people had shared an incredibly eerily similar experience - madi created something, was unhappy with the direction it was going after some time (usually within a one or two month mark), caused a commotion by using intense and directed language, and left others to pick up the pieces after she walked away. she's gone by multiple aliases - madi, myah, blair, and this behavior has spanned the better part of a decade, if not longer. pulling people in to be her closest of friends, making everyone feel as if they're on equal footing, before pushing them away and hoping for the best. if it hadn't been for the fact that many - and i mean many - people have come to us in the last week, i'd never speak publicly about this. 
i want the best for madi, i truly hope her tumblr goodbye message is right, and that she spends more time surrounding herself with loving family and friends, finding new joys and good fun. i hope she heals from the events of what happened. but i do not want it to be made out like i, or my close friends, were in the wrong here when we were merely the newest in a line of many that have been sucked in and then spit out at the expense of someone else's vision. no one owes anyone enough to stay in an environment where they are berated, put down, treated as lesser, or told that while their work is great they are not allowed to hold an opinion. this is a hobby, it's meant for light and fun, and joy, and that is frankly all that any of us want for ourselves and our futures. i’m sorry if the closing of bh was difficult for you, as it was incredibly hard for us to leave, but we did so because of the difficulties experienced.
i do not plan to discuss this again. if you would like to reach out, my discord dm's are open. for now, thank you to anyone who has read this, i'm going to enjoy less time being so chronically online, touch some grass, eat some snacks, focus on the writing that brings me joy with people that support and value one another, and show those closest to me some love. i sincerely suggest you all do the same. 
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cakeinpants · 1 month
So as you probably know, I'm not a native English speaker, so whenever I write for an rp, I always run the text through a translator to check for mistakes or better ways to phrase things...
The translator trying to spell the names from the story will never not be funny to me x)
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tamlindair · 1 month
So wild that we used to be super active in rp groups on the daily, do multiple long ass replies and like, I even used to admin rp groups before but now we are all like
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fishalthor · 5 months
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↳ dream team ( rand / mat / elayne ) @luckhissoul - @caracarnn - @agoldenlily
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Sentence starters based on things we’ve said about our apartment complex : part 2 (because the drama never ends)
feel free to change/add to them to best suit your needs/scenarios!  ♥ ** drug/alcohol mention. swear words used**
"Alright, I got gossip."
"Does every apartment building have this much dog drama?"
"I say hi to their cats in the window when I walk by."
"He always knows what's happening. He's just outside reading and crushing beers all day."
"Her dog dragged her across the yard. I tried not to laugh."
"Good news, this person upstairs is moving out next month."
"Someone is going through it because 'What was I made for' has been blasted on repeat for like 3 hours."
"Who leaves 3 boxes of frozen fish sticks outside?"
"Careful someone is stealing packages."
"They smeared dog shit on the windows!?"
"Geez, that poor kid."
"I'm not taking a joint off that guy."
"I don't know if they ever sleep. They are outside walking around the complex like, every hour."
"I did not need to see that person in their underwear."
"You gotta keep that door closed or the raccoons will come in."
"I've literally spoken to them twice and they've already told me in full detail about their only fans."
"I love it they have both their cat and bunny outside on a leash!"
"I feel bad, my dog made that kid cry."
"And we stood outside for like an hour watching SNL skits on her phone."
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givemeangstymemes · 9 months
When you write an innocent rp thread and something one muse says or does links back to something random you wrote in a previous reply and suddenly everything makes sense and you seem like an absolute genius
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spookycatrpmemestuff · 11 months
psst, never worry about taking a while with threads, okay? real life comes first. RP is just a hobby, for whenever you can and want to do it. I would much rather have you take over a week or a month if needed and return to your threads and have fun with them rather than feel the need to churn out replies every day and start disliking writing. please, take all the time you need. I can wait. <3
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theoldshadow · 1 year
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     rand al’thor + elayne trakand + mat cauthon
   merry christmas  🎅 - @caracarnn & @agoldenlily 
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rpmeme-dump · 3 months
Send my muse a name and they'll say what quadrant they'd want them in
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midnightsaboteur · 1 month
For my mutuals and/or those I have threads with
Give this a like if you'd be interested in writing with me on a new blog.
The context for this ask is under the cut...
Essentially, In recent weeks, I've been debating whether to call time on this blog after over two years. I've had a lot of great threads here, but I've also experienced a chunk of threads being dropped lately.
To put a number on this, approximately 50 threads have been dropped in four months. By 'dropped,' I mean threads that have been over a month or more without a reply from an active mun not on hiatus.
This has been disheartening, to say the least, and it's made me wonder if the best approach now is to go semi-private and more selective. Hence, I'm putting out this ask to determine interest and to see if I should go down such a path, or just brush my dropped threads rate off and carry on here.
I also appreciate talking so openly about this 'issue' might prod certain sensibilities, but I believe it's better to be open and clear.
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