#Razorblade Meltdown
iltaimpi · 5 months
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo OC: Zucca Korhonen
{I've been working on this for several days. While I will keep the old post, which has also been updated, up, I'm posting this as a new post.}
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{Notice: Contains body horror, mention of suicide, general light gore, lots of blood.}
{Hildá Áile Gurbbet, legally Kurpitsa Lauri Kemppainen, born in the Suomi area of Sàpmi but moving to Italia at a young age and subsequently being raised there, was a... relatively normal child, all things considered.
Their general home and guardianship situation had some oddities, as they were frequently passed awkwardly between various legal guardians due to hectic family affairs and other assorted tragedies.
This trend of frequent relocation started when they were very young, still living in Sàpmi, after the suicide of their mother; the ensuing mental disintegration of their father made him a danger to be around for both himself and others, not to mention more than unfit to care for a very young child. Kurpitsa was thusly moved to live with their very Christian grandmother and less religious aunt in Helsinki.
This lasted briefly, perhaps a year or so; one day, they got home from school to a fleet of emergency vehicles. They were never told what had happened to their grandmother and aunt, but they'd heard in passing that there had been a gas leak, and they were left to fill in the blanks from that. They were effectively hauled off to stay with their aunt-in-law—their uncle's widow—in Italy, far from home (though they could never quite remember where in Italy it had been), until she, too, ended up dead; the death officially alleged to be the result of her actions following a psychotic break, even though she'd never been reported to have shown any symptoms of psychosis. They attributed it to a "very rare byproduct" of the grief of losing her husband. Kurpitsa wasn't sure they ever really believed it, but they hardly knew the woman anyway, so they didn't feel compelled to dwell.
Somehow, Kurpitsa seemed to skirt most of the direct trauma or grieving periods that one would expect to result from the deaths. This was perhaps due to factors such as them being too young to understand the death of their mother, much less the concept of suicide; never having seen the bodies of their grandmother (whose behaviour may have actually been more traumatic than her death, though it didn't seem to stick with them either) or their aunt when the two presumably died; and not having particularly close with their aunt-in-law—the woman wasn't even directly related to them and lived all the way in Italia, for crying out loud! Kurpitsa barely knew her, nevermind had any kind of relationship with her.
Perhaps, though, it was also because, instead of grieving—a natural and healthy thing to go through after such things—and dealing with trauma that should've theoretically originated from all the death surrounding them, they just got used to it.
The trend of these relocations was that they allegedly happened due to general mental instability within the older adults of the family or the vulnerability of more stable ones due to (occasionally supernatural-seeming) hazards of the area they lived in. Or otherwise, just in general terribly bad luck.
So it was a while until they finally settled to live in Napoli with their cousin, Rutabaga (who had changed her name from Lantuu to 'sound more Italian' and usually went by Rita) and uncle, Nauris, who kept his Finnish name and usually still called Rita "Lantuu".
The Korhonens were who they managed to stay with the longest, from between the ages of around 10 to 15, coming to see their cousin more like a sister and building a real relationship with the two. Ultimately, Kurpitsa took the surname of Korhonen—to attach themselves more meaningfully to their family—and, at some point, the forename Zucca, presumably to better fit in with their Italian peers, similarly to Rita, as they felt insecure with their distinctly Finnish name.
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When Zucca was around 14, Nauris died—relatively peacefully, it seemed at the time—of "health complications", but ones that Rita swore up and down that her father was too young to have, so foul play must have been involved; she swore she was going to figure out what actually happened. Her opportunities and capability for this mission were, however, minimal.
At the same time, in the aftermath of the death, Zucca's cousin insisted that unless something better could be arranged, she was capable of and willing to responsibly care for Zucca. Her insistence was an attempt in earnest to offer some sense of stability to Zucca, allowing them to remain in the place they'd lived in the longest, with someone they'd lived with the longest, instead of dragging them off to some other family member (or worse, the system) instead.
Unfortunately, veneered stability could only do so much against alienation and mental instability; Zucca had hit the point where, despite their efforts to fit in with their Italian peers, feelings of isolation became a rampant issue, and the other chemical imbalances were becoming prominent. Being at the age of typical teen angst with a family history of Issues, even if their peers didn't alienate and ostracise them, the rut of anxiety and despair they'd hit was inevitable, and in a vicious cycle, being seen as "troubled" made them more alienated and ostracised.
But when they dared to finally tell Rita why their mood had tanked, Rita responded well with support and understanding to further foster the trust between them and (with the help of some... very low-end counselling they could afford) help Zucca find some foothold, at least some solid ground to stand on while travelling through teenage social darkness.
As far as anyone could tell, Zucca had finally met equilibrium and was in a relatively stable mental state, which was more than they could say for quite a few of the other people in their family, sadly.
But there was one hitch: Rita was a Stand User, whereas Zucca was not. Though they had no Stand of their own, through experience with Rita, Zucca developed at least some general awareness of Stands from Rita; they knew plenty about what, loosely, Stands "were", and, most importantly, how they were typically used for extreme and supernaturally-charged combat. They also had some idea of their cousin's Stand ability, or at least what it could do.
「Heart Demolition」, Rita's Stand, was rather intense. The way that Zucca understood it, through the transmission and reception of information, such as that spoken by mouth or written on paper, a fire could be ignited—the more upsetting the words, the more intense—either burning the mouth of the speaker, to great suffering; effectively allowing the speaker to "breathe fire", still to great suffering; or otherwise simply setting the paper alight, which really didn't bother the paper much although it certainly did it no favours.
Unfortunately, being an older-teen, younger adult Stand User in that area of Italia, living an admittedly quite challenging situation, especially in terms of finance, and most of all still particularly searching for answers she'd not had an opportunity to reach, Rita was led to the seemingly inevitable: attempting to join Passione. With the suggestion of a "friend" of hers, though Zucca wasn't sure which one—they'd later wish they did, they’d love to give them a piece of their mind—Rita had supposedly met with the so-called 'Polpo', and, as many others had, attempted an initiative test... omitting the fact, of course, that she already had a Stand, much like a to-be preeminent "Gang-star" later would, but with a far-less-victorious outcome.
Zucca, by then at the age of perhaps 15, like with Stands, had at least some vague awareness of what Rita was getting herself into; in fact, they knew a little more than they probably should've, to the extent of understanding the dubious nature of Passione, but still having faith enough in their cousin not to cast doubt on her decision.
When Rita explained what this test entailed, Zucca respectfully tried to keep their distance from the lighter so as not to interfere. Inevitably—though Rita had, at the last second, realised and attempted to salvage the flame—the lighter burnt out when her attention drifted for a few seconds too many.
Zucca, clueless as anyone else in their position would be, suggested that the lighter ‘hadn't burnt out, just very low’ and that, 'technically', if the flame was ‘fed’ without striking the spark wheel, then there would be no harm, no foul, surely, right?
They didn't have any matches in the house. Or other lighters, for that matter. Both were rarely a necessity. So Zucca instead suggested that Rita use 「Heart Demolition」, offering to write something on a paper for Rita to set alight, mostly just out of a desire to feel like they were helping. Rita, none the wiser and happy enough to let her cousin feel useful, so to say, attempted as Zucca suggested, setting the paper alight with a tiny flame.
Though the spark wheel had been untouched, the reignition of the flame, of course, summoned 「Black Sabbath」. A confrontation began, and Rita, though she tried her damned best, didn't have much room to escape or otherwise manoeuvre about, considering they were indoors. However, though they couldn't see what was happening and had no means of protecting themself, Zucca intervened anyway, trying to protect Rita or at least give her a fighting chance. Because they got in the way—perhaps trying to act as a distraction somehow—the Stand, it seemed, refocused on Zucca, ultimately piercing them with the Stand Arrow, to Rita's—and, well, surely their own—dismay.
Zucca's next memory was a blast of heat and blinding light, coupled with a wild burst of, perhaps, blood, from behind them. As if in ignorance of the situation, they turned their head; behind them, they saw Rita, standing for a brief moment—covered in bewildering lacerations from which bloodied razor blades of varying sizes appeared to emerge—before crumpling to the ground, motionless, the blades disappearing, her body seeming to dehisce from itself where the deepest wounds were. Odd movements came from some of the slices on her body, like eyes opening on her flesh—on second look, Zucca found that they were eyes, and making "eye contact" with one of these, they could see the memories of their cousin, leading right up to the memory of what had just happened, what Zucca's brain had failed to process, and at that, Zucca fall apart—literally.
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With a burst of blood and a deep, internal, slicing agony through their whole being, Zucca—somehow still alive—collapsed as their own body, like they witnessed with Rita's, fell asunder, turning them into a shattered mockery of a human form. Despite this, they found themself still both completely conscious, cognisant and even able to move, though barely, between their body not being attached to itself and the combined numbness and immobilisation of the agony. Their ears rang, and where their vision landed first was upon the Stand that had attacked, remaining for a brief moment amongst firelight before it appeared to vanish.
The entire room had effectively been shredded to fragments and utterly torched, still ablaze, even, to the extent that the outer wall had a hole in it, the window blown out. Yet, somehow, nobody seemed to have caught on to the fact that anything had happened at the time despite the noise that they had so blatantly been deafened by and the fire, to Zucca's fortune and misfortune alike. The only thing left unscathed, it seemed, was the lighter, which Zucca reached out to, grabbed, and tossed into the inferno, not affording it a chance to burn out again, like it meant anything to them.
Somehow, they managed to get up partway, limbs reattaching as if they'd never come off, the places where the dismemberment had occurred marked only by pain and protruding razor blades, and pulling those out proved futile and agonising. They barely managed to lug themself over to their cousin, praying to find her alive, reaching out to touch her to... shake her, wake her up. But any chance of her survival was soon obliterated; as soon as a blade stuck in the palm of Zucca's hand came into contact with Rita, the razors that had retracted into Rita's skin suddenly re-emerged, ripping through her body entirely, completely dismembering her, to Zucca's abject horror.
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Zucca remained in the wreckage amongst the flames, frozen in bewilderment, staring at the dismembered pieces and hoping one of the two of them would wake up. They were utterly unable to process after seeing what had just happened. But finally, from the corner of their eye, a glint off the metal of the lighter they'd thrown in their frenzy caught their peripheral and seemed to give them a twisted motivation.
Rita and 「Heart Demolition」 had passed the torch to them.
They manoeuvred over to collect the lighter despite the flames and stayed by the body, immobile and mourning, until they heard distant sirens at early daybreak as the fire had already dissolved to ash and, somehow, they were still alive. Whether the sirens were approaching them to finally investigate whatever unholy disaster had occurred in the Korhonen household or whether it was a coincidence, Zucca decided it was in their best interests not to find out. Besides, they had something to take care of.
Dazed, they somehow managed to stand, now whole again, yet the evidence of their wounds was still visible, the blades still lifting slightly from their flesh, but now hardly more prominent than thorns on a rose. Aside from the slice marks, they blatantly showed damage from the proximity to the fire, though this, too, was more subdued than it realistically should've been. Because, of course, between the fire, smoke, heat and dismemberment, they should have been dead.
Stepping through the ash and smoke, staggering as they struggled with the pain and the inability to focus, they made their way to their room, which the fire seemed to have failed to completely engulf. The clothes they'd had on were torn and scorched, and, setting the lighter down with no concern to further damage it could cause if something else caught alight, they did their best to put something less conspicuous on, only to tear up the new clothes in the process of putting them on. And giving up as the sirens were now fully audible, getting closer, they grabbed their longest coat, covering their head.
By the time anyone could be bothered to actually investigate the long-burnt-out fire and commotion—whether the delay had been out of fear or genuinely nobody had heard or seen anything—someone had already left through the hole in the wall instead of the door, gone to finish what someone else started.
And while it was unclear why the fact that she was a different person entirely seemed to be glossed over, nevermind how she managed to accomplish the heist-like task in the first place, Zucca left a member of Passione... and would very shortly thereafter, by chance, meet a very concerned young man known by most as Buccellati—concerned, no doubt, due to the fact that the young teen was... visibly not in a fantastic state at the time, on account of the whole 'not-really-doing-anything-about-the-injuries' thing, and probably looked entirely lost as her brain was now catching up and she had started to realise she didn't exactly have anywhere to return.
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Zucca would soon learn that she now had a Stand.
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「Razorblade Meltdown」.
Zucca Korhonen's deeply disturbing Stand, 「Razorblade Meltdown」, is a Close-Range Power Type humanoid Stand. Despite being a power type Stand, the type most typically suited for Stand-to-Stand combat, 「Razorblade Meltdown」 is actually quite rarely seen... as the Stand's ability makes Zucca herself quite the dangerous entity, and that's usually enough.
By use of her Stand, Zucca can bare dangerous razor blades that create deep slices in and extrude through her flesh, even to the point of dismembering herself, which she uniquely can survive and reconstruct at will, though, unsurprisingly, it does appear to be quite excruciating to do so.
This effect is typically inflicted upon others—often on a non-fatal scale—to make use of the 「Razorblade Meltdown」's actual primary ability; when a victim is subject to the slicing effect of the Stand, these slices open into eyes, and making eye contact with these allows you to see the victim's memories.
The effect and, subsequently, the ability, is typically inflicted through contact with the Stand or, more commonly, contact with the blades (or sometimes her blood) when she's using the ability on herself.
The most direct way to inflict the effect upon a victim is when the victim makes contact with the blades coming out of Zucca's skin, which will typically impose a critical-severity full-body impact, and if Zucca is not focused on controlling the ability, can often lead to death. Making physical contact with her blades twice will almost always kill someone immediately via dismemberment. The ability's effect can be undone—though the injury and pain will still be evident—but whether this happens can be case-to-case.
The drawback of her potent ability lies within one simple fact: she must have a genuine mental breakdown or panic attack to effectively use 「Razorblade Meltdown」 (especially to utilise the ability in, say, combat). Typically, in doing this, she extends the effect through every available spot of her body, and the razors extrude to a severe degree, sometimes even "shooting out" and damaging everything around in the most extreme of circumstances.
While her ability is massively powerful and a great asset to have both for combat and for interrogation, it also makes her insanely dangerous to be around while active; she cannot be safely approached until the ability deactivates, but the ability won't deactivate unless she mentally stabilises / calms down or passes out; so it's a bit of a catch-22 in that regard, and she can be seen as a liability because of it... There's also often a lot of screaming. Again, it's quite painful.
Though she is prone to cry while using her Stand, this isn't generally as well-known as the very obvious screaming; often, by the time anyone approaches her, once her ability has been neutralised, she's already stopped.
She can be a bit concerning to be around for those with a touch more empathy, such as most members of Buccellati's inner circle; because her ability requires her to have a breakdown or be pushed past her limit mentally to be used effectively, she often keeps herself on the brink of hysteria or keeps traumatic wounds fresh so she can send herself into a mental or traumatic breakdown if ever she needs to use her ability, instead of trying to figure out if she could learn to use the ability in a stable mental state.
As a result of this self-destructive "necessary evil", she's easily spooked and often struggles to control her own tears seemingly at random. Though she can be pretty friendly and fun to be around, she also, at times, zones out, struggles to even speak and suddenly isolates herself from a conversation group out of fear, anxiety or general self-consciousness. If she doesn't seem tense, she usually looks quite tired instead, which she attributes to the frequent blood loss that comes with using her Stand.
While not necessarily a member of the immediate primary group associated with Buccellati, she falls within the same sort-of "sector", to put it loosely; she at the least works with them frequently but possibly belongs to a 'parallel' group. It would seem that Buccallati's group is, perhaps, a bit more compassionate to her than her own group, which might be the thing that's starting to balance her out.
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Initially, her intention lacked the desire to be involved with the organisation. Something of the opposite, actually; on a surface level, she blamed 「Black Sabbath」 - and Passione by extension - for her cousin's death despite holding significantly more turbulent feelings buried within her regarding the event. Still, despite joining with a hunger for revenge, she instead found a sense of family to substitute for the one that had been taken from her and soon lost the will to harm them.}
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Update 19.12.2023: Polished up and refined the story. Changed some details and corrected some unclear wording. Update 10.1.2024–16.1.2024: Added new pictures. Still a bit hasty, but better.
Update 4.5.2024: Grammatical revisions.
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vandalamagazine · 5 years
DRAGONFORCE To Kick Off North American Headlining Tour This Week
DRAGONFORCE To Kick Off North American Headlining Tour This Week
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International extreme power metal unit DRAGONFORCE will kick off their anticipated North American headlining tour this week. The trek will commence on October 1st in Tucson, Arizona and conclude October 12th in Ventura, California. Support will be provided by Dance With The Dead and Starkill. The following day, the band will set sail as part of the first annual Megacruise. See all confirmed dates…
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m3t4ln3rd · 5 years
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Video stream: DragonForce - "Razorblade Meltdown" Band: DragonForceSong: “Razorblade Meltdown”Album: Extreme Power MetalRelease Date: September 27th, 2019Label: Metal Blade RecordsPre-order: MetalBlade.com/DragonForce (U.S., CA) All options (AU, NZ, SA) Ward Records (JP)
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metalshockfinland · 5 years
DRAGONFORCE Launch Video For New Single “Razorblade Meltdown”
DRAGONFORCE Launch Video For New Single “Razorblade Meltdown”
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On September 27th, DRAGONFORCE will unleash their 8th full-length, Extreme Power Metal, worldwide. Produced in Los Angeles, California by Damien Rainaud at Mix Unlimited, Extreme Power Metal was also recorded, in part, on guitarist Herman Li’s livestream channel on Twitch (twitch.tv/hermanli) with participation from the fans. For a preview of the album, a video for the new single, “Razorblade…
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spvrkvoid · 3 years
Transformers: Cyberverse but with Dragonforce songs as soudtracks
Esp with this one
Also listen to theese, the're HIGHLY EPIC 😳
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allstarsmash · 3 years
thank you razorblade meltdown by dragonforce for giving me the motivation to crush my algebra homework
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humbae · 3 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @do-androids-dream-ao3acc Thank you!
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and No idea how to accomplish that, so I shall put Spotify’s Your Top Songs 2020 on shuffle and list the first 10 songs!
1. Heart of Steel by Beast in Black
2. Razorblade Meltdown by DragonForce (has one of the best music videos ever, I recommend taking a look: here)
3. I Will Build You a Rome by Cain’s Offering (was listening to this album when I flew to Norway and back, will forever remember that trip and summer whenever I hear these songs)
4. The Smoking Gun by Dynazty
5. Endlessness by Nightwish (the new album was such a disappointment... bring back the fantasy nonsense kkthxbai)
6. Universe on Fire by Gloryhammer
7. Memory by Avantasia (Ahhh, early Avantasia is just the best of the best)
8. Fannybaws by Alestorm (”He went to battle naked, wearing just a tiger's pelt”)
9. Edge and Pearl by Machinae Supremacy
10. Always Will Be by HammerFall (HammerFall and Stratovarius together was the first concert I ever went to, right front and centre, got picks from both bands)
This was fun, thank you for the tag!
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My teeth are rotting out of my head no matter how much I take care of them, because dental health is more determined by genetics than habits, and I'm bankrupt on tooth health on all sides of my family. 
"eviction protection" just makes it so everyone goes homeless the same day. Landlords can't technically kick anyone out until that day, but they can start the process otherwise, and once that day hits - bam. America top homeless in the world.
still don't have jobs. health just gets worse. less and less likely for there to be any aid or treatment.
all the small things I try to look forward to aren't even possible
"sure would be nice to hug a friend" good luck they're all 200+ miles away
“maybe I could have boba tea one last time" lmao no
"maybe I can at least die in manageable pain without a mouth full of razorblade broken teeth edges" I'm sorry was that triple the suffering? you got it!
These last days of mine are just. Constant break down. Infinite meltdown. Misery forever. There’s nothing else I could possibly do that I haven’t tried already. And none of that has made any difference. Everything just keeps getting worse.
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wubboxify · 4 years
I broke my air guitar tryna play razorblade meltdown srry boys
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miserydotpng · 5 years
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razorblade meltdown
(this is about childhood trauma, just wishing i could remember all the good things.)
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iltaimpi · 5 months
{JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo OC: Zucca Korhonen; No-Text Version.}
Notice: body horror, excessive blood, light gore and inexplicit dismemberment.
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Full OC Profile and Backstory:
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Tonight I had the pleasure to attend the Dragonforce show at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco. To my surprise, the music venue was full almost to the point of looking like a near  sold out show, which was surprising to me because of the current coronavirus scare in San Francisco ( and the rest of the world), which has a lot of people taking precautions and trying to avoid big crowds or events all together.
First up that night was symphonic metal band VISIONS OF ATLANTIS from Austria. VISIONS OF ATLANTIS is an Austrian-French-Italian Symphonic Metal band that was formed in August 2000 in the beautiful town of Bruck an der Mur. VISIONS OF ATLANTIS have featured harmonies of male and female vocals since the beginning of their career, which makes them extraordinary and distinctive from other bands of the genre. This band has been around for awhile and since the bands creation back in 2000 they have put out  seven studio albums two EPs and nine music videos.
As soon as the band got up the stage, Clémentine Delauney  (female vocals) caught my eye with her very cool stage outfit that reminded me of an elvish wizard/mage. They opened with the song The Deep & the Dark of their 2018 album of the same title, it had  a very catchy and powerful chorus sung by both vocalist that you couldn’t help and join in and sing along, and  I also loved the power metal  guitar riffs. I believe The Deep & the Dark was an excellent choice to open the show and get the crowd going.
The band followed up by the song New Dawn of their 2011 album Delta. Visions of Atlantis played a mix of old and four new tracks from their new album Wanderers  and ended the set with the fan favorite song from their previous album Return to Lemuria. I really like that fact that VISIONS OF ATLANTIS has two very talented vocalist (male and female), their voices  blend together wonderful with the bands style. Clémentine Delauney  has been with Visions of Atlantis Since 2013 and Exit Eden Since 2017 while Michele Guaitoli has been with VISIONS OF ATLANTIS since 2018 also does vocals for Temperance since 2018, Overtures since 2003 and Kaledon since 2003.
Visions of Atlantis are:
Clémentine Delauney – vocals
Michele Guaitoli – vocals
Christian Douscha – Guitars
Herbert Glos – Bass
Thomas Caser – Drums
Set list of songs played at Regency Ballroom in San Francisco 3-8-2020
1) The Deep & The Dark
2) New Dawn
3) Heroes of the Dawn
4) A Life of Our Own
5) A Journey to Remember
6) Nothing Last Forever
7) Return to Lemuria
Their new album Wanderers is out now
Second up was Unleash the Archers. Vancouver, Canada based Unleash the Archers was formed in late 2007 by vocalist Brittney Hayes (a.k.a. Brittney Slayes) and drummer Scott Buchanan with former member Brayden Dyczkowski on guitar. Since the bands creation, they have won multiple awards like Best Metal Band 2015 Vancouver Whammy Awards and Best Vocalist 2015  Vancouver Whammy Awards.
If you have ever been lucky enough to attend  an Unleash the Archers show you will know these guys have no problem getting the crowd going. As soon as they started with the song Awakening from their 2017 album Apex, not even a minute into it, the crowd had already formed a mosh pit and was going at it.
Unleash the Archers opened with two songs  of their 2017 Apex album (Awakening then The Matriarch) followed by Soulbound. The highlight of their performance for me was when they performed Apex and my all time favorite Tonight We Ride from their 2015 album Time Stands Still.The energy Brittney Slayes (Vocalist) and the rest of the gang bring to stage is incredible and quickly spreads towards any crowd to who they perform to. Their new album will be coming out sometime this year, follow them on Facebook to know when the album gets release.
Unleash the Archers are:
Brittney Slayes – Vocals
Scott Buchanan – Drums
Grant Truesdell – Guitar, Vocals
Andrew Kingsley – Guitar, Vocals
Set list of songs played at Regency Ballroom in San Francisco 3-8-2020
1) Awakening
2) The Matriarch
3) Soulbound
4) Northwest Passage
5) Ten Thousand Against One
6) Tonight We Ride
7) Apex
Now it was time for the UK extreme power metal band DRAGONFORCE. Founded in 1999 Grammy-nominated extreme power metal band DRAGONFORCE is based in London, England. Their platinum-selling record, Through the Fire and Flames, brought them international acclaim and was featured as the most-challenging song on Guitar Hero II Their energetic and humorous live performances have won them fans on every continent. These guys did not hold back with their stage props, they had two giant arcade machines (one on each side of the stage) and some really killer looking neon rave glasses with lights on them.
From the get-go in the first song Highway to Oblivion they blasted out confetti’s out of  cannons towards the crowd which was very awesome and got the crowd fired up. on their second song “Fury of the Storm” they shot up the Co2 cannons and by the third song , vocalist Marc Hudson came out with a handheld cannon Co2 Cryo Gun and shot towards the crowd.
Unfortunately during the 5th or 6th song they had some technical issues and kept losing power on the stage, the band members  were real professional about it and did the best they could to keep the crowd entertained with great constant back and forth interaction, at one point we had Herman Li (guitarist) doing some stand up comedy. The crowd really seemed to not mind the technical issues as they understood sometimes shit happens and they were getting a very unique out of the ordinary show.
Once the crew had fixed the technical issues, DRAGONFORCE continue the show as nothing had happen and played the rest of their set.
To sum it all up these guys was a lot of fun to see on stage, everyone had a blast even when Dragonforce was not playing music and was just standing on the stage drinking beer and going back and forth with the crowd cracking jokes. At one point near the end of their performance they sang a cover of Celine Dion  My Heart Will Go On which you all know from the Titanic movie. But the highlight of the night was when guitarist Sam Totman, let a guy in the crowd borrow his guitar, next thing you know they started performing Crazy Train ( Ozzy Ozbourne) , Aquiles Priester (DRAGONFORCE touring drummer) nailed it on the drums while Sam Totman karaoke style the shit out of it! Their new album Extreme Power Metal is out now!
Dragonforce is:
Herman Li – guitar
Sam Totman  – guitar
Marc Hudson – vocals
Gee Anzalone – drums
Alicia Vigil (touring bassist)
Aquiles Priester (touring drummer)
Set list of songs played at Regency Ballroom in San Francisco 3-8-2020
1) Highway to Oblivion
2) Fury of the Storm
3) The Last Dragonborn
4) Ashes of the Dawn
5) Heart Demolition
6) Video game medley
7) Black Fire
8) Razorblade Meltdown
9) Cry Thunder
10) Remembrance Day
11) My Heart Will Go On
12) Through the Fire and Flames
Remaning tour dates below.
Sat, MAR 14 Red Flag St. Louis, MO
Sun, MAR 15 House of Blues Chicago, IL
Tue, MAR 17 The Agora Theatre Cleveland, OH
Wed, MAR 18 Saint Andrews Hall Detroit, MI
Thu, MAR 19 Roxian Theatre Mckees Rocks, PA
Fri, MAR 20 Palladium Worcester, MA
Sat, MAR 21 Warsaw Brooklyn, NY
Pictures and review by Alex Macias. Please visit Alex @ his website for more stunning images. alexmacias.photoshelter.com
Concert Photo Review: DRAGONFORCE with UNLEASH THE ARCHERS And VISIONS OF ATLANTIS @ Regency Ballroom – San Francisco, California Tonight I had the pleasure to attend the Dragonforce show at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco.
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happymetalgirl · 5 years
Dragonforce - Extreme Power Metal
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You know it's about to be real when famed British Guitar Hero III band, Dragonforce decide to release an album titled after their self-ascribed style of power metal. The band have been on a bit of a creative lull for the past couple of releases, but a commitment to indulgence in the glorious as this album suggests might be exactly what this band needs.
I say it like that because this album is in some ways exactly that, and in other ways more of the compositional problem that's been plaguing Dragonforce. The most notable shining feature is the not just speedy and technical but also expressive and creative guitar soloing on this album; the crazy sweeps and whammy bar hammering and smooth pedal utilization really do make the solo style a unique one.
But I wish it wasn't just the guitars carrying all this weight. I wish the vocal melodies were more similarly expressive and the drumming given the chance to be a little flashier too.
The album does also take a little dive into some retro synth flavoring, as the cover suggests, which ultimately just gets blended into the rapid-churning Dragonforce flurry with naturally mixed results.
The song "Highway to Oblivion" opens the album in the best way possible and captures this fighting spirit with which they thrive via soaring melodies and emotive light-speed solos so emphatically that has made their best songs their best. Indeed, this is one if their best songs in years.
The following song, "Cosmic Power of the Infinite Shred Machine", keeps the energy up pretty high and even makes pretty great use of the synths the album's retrofuture cover foreshadowed while Herman Li and Sam Totman continue to dazzle. The song "Heart Demolition" integrates these old-school 80's synths a little more thoroughly and takes on a more wholly 80's vibe in its composition, but it really is the adventurous guitar solo that ends up shining again in the middle of a steady, but unimpressive composition.
The anthemic "Strangers" later on in the track list ends up achieving its intended compositional inspirational feel even more completely with these synthwave elements, not entirely reliant on Li's and Totman's vibrant soloing.
"Trooper of the Stars" is an incredibly energetic, sugar-amped speedfest that helps earn this album its title, the expressive guitar soloing, again, in particular. While not the most structurally or compositionally flooring, the band's performances do quite enough to make that not really matter.
But more meager songs like the autopiloted and disappointingly unflashy (by Dragonforce standards) "Razorblade Meltdown" and the dragging lighter-waiving power metal ballad "The Last Dragonborn" (which is not sufficiently salvaged with its short solo) are very much just regular, average power metal. And other songs like the homogenous "In a Skyforged Dream" and the sentimental tribute of "Remembrance Day" are only really worthy of any attention during their solo sections (guitar or keyboard).
The power-metallified cover of "My Heart Will Go On" that closes the album only serves to show how homogenizing the band's beloved extreme Power metal formula can be, as an instrumental version of the song would probably just blend in with the less exciting of the aforementioned tracks.
While definitely better than their previous, writer's-block-ridden records, Extreme Power Metal is a somewhat disappointingly un-extreme album in the Dragonforce zeitgeist. It really should be an album more consistently packed with the bits of flair that do make it exciting and give it such life on its best songs. But too often it seems like the band just settle for speed and the usual easy routes to their "glorious" sound. My one surprise was the lack of indulgence in their favorite lyrical phrase (which I was kinda lovingly hoping for)
a little far away/10
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musicalterna · 4 years
Lista 2019
38. DragonForce - Razorblade Meltdown
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lasagnachronicles · 4 years
collection of cool zines i found
1 - Book Your Own Fuckin’ Life 3
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by Maximum RocknRoll + Rocco Publishing 1994
a diy resource guide into booking your life like a musician. laid out like a phonebook pretty neat
2 - bOING bOING Issue 02
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by Mark Frauenfelder and Carla Sinclair 1988
influence in the development of the cyberpunk subculture. It reached a maximum circulation of 17,500 copies
themes include technology, futurism, science fiction, gadgets, intellectual property, Disney and left-wing politics
3 - Nightly Walk
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by Joseph Park 2018
about inspiration and creation
12 x 16.1 cm, 28pages / 3-color Riso Print, limited edition of 333
4 - incompleteness of the moment
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by Olya Andrushchenko 2019
consists of my personal photos, mostly random photos of places I've been to during my summer vacation in my hometown
5 - Anathema
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by Hector Kimura 2015
inspired by philosophical concepts and their creators
Launched by Olho Vivo at the Feira Plana  +  risography at  Meli-Melo Press
6 - All The Pieces Fit Together 
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by Kristina Alijošiūtė 2018
consisting of paper collages and their visual explanations, revealing details usually left unnoticed inside the final composition
Risograph print in crimson, flat gold & black by Drucken3000 Risografie, Berlin
7 - Round Hours
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by Yeji Yun 2018
printed by Knust Press, Extrapool in Netherlands
just about some cats
8 - Pale Blue Dot
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by Meli-Melo Press, São Paulo 2019
Blue Dot is a photograph of the Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 spacecraft
9 - Zine of Mouse
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by Bobby Bao 2020
exactly what you think it would be
10 - Rain Drops & Broken Hearts
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by Leanna Perry 2018
Complex illustrated patterns weave in and out of stark black and white supergraphics 
Nostalgia for early 2000’s Myspace emo graphics bleeds out of heavily adorned diamonds, butterflies, razorblades and traditional black metal lettering
11 - Flash Zine
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by Jake Foreman 2017
Rubber band bound Risograph prints
200x280mm 28 pages 100gsm Kaskad Curlew Cream paper
Limited edition of 50. Signed and numbered
12 - Tohoku Zine Travelogue
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by Ryan Len 
made for The Workbench
documents topics and travels of interest, with the inaugural issue about Ryan's life changing trip to Tohoku, an area badly hit by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami
features a french fold binding, allowing readers to peek between the pages and beneath the surface, uncovering his thoughts
13 - Countries and Cities #02
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by Paul Katterl 
made for Sketchbox
a series of zines displaying pictures from foreign places
all photographs shot in 35mm film
14 - GON Comic Zine
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by Kosco Kosco 2018
15 - OPIO Zine Second Edition
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by a collection of artists 2019
printed magazine about latin american art and design
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by Galya Dautova 2018
one page zine about differences between disc golf and golf
17 - Overprint Zine
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by Anna Linder 2015
Self-initiated project Since I learned the screenprinting technique, I have been very fascinated by the result you get from reusing the same paper for test prints, with a totally random combination of images layered on each other.
cut down to a4 and created handbound zines
18 - The Darknet Zine
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by Kasia Wieteska 2017
made for Be Polska
19 - Sudario
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by Atto 2014
Design and Risograph-print of Sudario. A photographic fanzine curated by The View From Lucania.
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by Marie Schelkens 2017
zine about cursing. 'Godverdomme' means 'God damn it'
It contains some articles and stories about cursing, swear words in different languages, little games and puzzles and a poster at the end
booklet is completely transparant so the text is not readable and you would be swearing because of it
there is an orange paper that you can put behind every page, if you would want to read it
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by Kamila Staniszewska
collaborative zine created during 3-days workshop between Klasse Thomas and Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
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by Bobby Bao 2020
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by Kris Andrew Small 2020
24 - meiauns zine
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by Pianofuzz Design Studio 2015
collaborative zine with the professionals who were part of the team
proposal of this work was to make a relation of the space / individual / studio, seeking to answer the question of the exchange between the human (singular) and the studio (collective)
25 - Ruins.
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by Once Were Pop 2018
describes an open-minded surreal walk between temples,
columns and all the relics of the Roman Empire
collection of 10 pieces 
digitally printed with an old HP 5200 Laserjet
26 - Bauhaus Zine
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by Ellie Liew 2019
a zine dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus
27 - American Dream
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by Harry Diaz 2014
self published zine that dives into my perception of what it is to pursue the American Dream
24 pages, printed on a risograph with purple soy based ink
28 - Undressing
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by Tina Siuda
using silkscreen to print all the elements, including the color of the cover
there are only 30 copies
29 - Nightnight
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by Hyunjung Huh 2018
a one page zine
30 - Fears & Loathing
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by Ren 2015
5 color Risograph zine printed by Victory Press
explores personal fears and anxieties
31 - Filth.
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by Erin Rimmer 2015
about sexual objectification of women in media
32 - Y2K Survival Guide
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by Jackson Green 1999
a guide to help people navigate the chaos that was surely to befall us as soon as January 1, 2000
made entirely by hand, from scraps of articles relating to Japanese reactor meltdowns, NASA documents, as well as period-correct tabloid newspapers
33 - chaos vs order
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by Dennis Zorn and Jonas Mollenbeck 2016
apart of the 3h zine project - creating a zine in just 3 hours
looking at a new way of designing without restriction
34 - Lithography Zine
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by Karolina Krol 2017
35 - RetroGAY
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Pedro Nekoi 2019
36 - RedBlue
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by Boynova Maria 2019
37 - Deconstruction in history of art as a tool.
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by Vasilisa Aristarkhova 2019
contains typographical experiments' catalogue, quotes about deconstruction and self-reflection on the topic
38 - Boat Man
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by Aysha Jumari 2019
illustrated fictional narrative, told in an 8-page zine, about the fate of a bumboat operator from the sleepy, coastal district of Changi in Singapore
39 - Shifting Self & Self Shifters
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by Owi Liunic 2019
40 - Dog Zine
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by Susannah Garden and WES 2018
A5, 26 page zine printed on a risograph with 2 colors
donated 20% to local dog shelters
41 - Disorder Zine
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by Daniela Efe 2019
42 - Paper Empty
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by rengally 2019
43 - Photo Zine 01
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by Nabila Paramita 2019
44 - Snakeskin Zine
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by Eugenio Cara 2019
45 - Rally 2U
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by Annu Kilpelainen 2019
published by Tan&Loose
24 pages, 4 color risograph
46 - el futuro 
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by Sartorio Pedro 2019
20 page fanzine printed on inkjet
47 - Part Shoes
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by Hannah Ferguson 2020
a short fold out zine
printed on letterpress
48 - Question Zine
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by Agata Chudzik 2020
49 - Sun Valley
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by Justin Uy 2020
inspired by Japanese Street Fashion
50 - Wired
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by Tasha Campbell 2014
hand stitched typography zine on how technology effects society
0 notes
myremains · 4 years
Dragonforce - Extreme Power Metal
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Track List:
Highway To Oblivion
Cosmic Power of the Infinite Shred Machine
The Last Dragonborn
Heart Demolition
Troopers of the Stars
Razorblade Meltdown
In a Skyforged Dream
Remembrance Day
My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion Cover)
These were my first ever proper rock and metal show back in 2005, with support from Mendeed and Godsize both of which are now dissolved (much to my despair), since then I mean they really blew up with the Guitar Hero franchise (Everybody knows “Through The Fire And The Flames” and to a lesser extent “”). They Formed in 1999, although back then they were known as DragonHeart, this is their 8th studio album but it is the first not to feature their very long term Keyboardist and the last to feature their extremely long term bassist so this has the potential to be different. I will open up by saying the excitement isn’t really there for me anymore, I didn’t even know they were releasing this album whereas when they used to drop albums there was promotional material everywhere I have barely seen this one promoted, I hope that's not a sign of rapid descent.
I’ve listened to the whole thing numerous times since it’s been released and quite frankly considering I did not have overly high hopes for it, considered those opinions silenced. Album opener “Highway To Oblivion” is a prime example of how these guys have changed over the years, since ZP left their overall feel has changed even though the musical content is near enough the same, now we’ve gone to geeky themed tunes which incorporate video game style themed lyrics. “The Last Dragonborn” admittedly they wrote about skyrim however I’m fully addicted to this particular track, feel like a warrior recounting a tale on my way to work every morning. “Troopers of the Stars” is a marvelous combination of geeky in terms of the guitar work, powerful in the story telling aspect but also a damn good rock and heavy metal style too which is the best thing about this band, they can utilise such combinations and it just fucking works. “Remembrance Day” is a contribution to their ballad collection in flamboyant style, possibly one of the best works they’ve ever done in this style.
They’re capable of being a global phenomenon, they were one for so long but even though here they prove they can still bring it with the writing and recording - and the gig the other week showed just how much they’ve grown as performers - they’re going to have to just persevere now, really fight for their spot. Also can I just say that with covers, you’re meant to feel like the band could have written it themselves, not just that they can perform someones song and their rendition of “My Heart Will Go On” could easily (if I didn’t know better) be the sort of track they would write themselves, so a big Kudos for that one lads.
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