#Recalled Time
recalled11 · 2 days
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The sillies
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trippygalaxy · 1 month
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Small doodle of Time from @recalled11 !!! Hes a little fella and love him very much :)
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l3ominor · 3 months
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I had Hyrule Warriors on my mind today, so I decided to design what Time looked like back then. He's just a littol guy. Just a small dude. He has such a baby face for being 15 years old
I also headcanon that he didn't know Hylian back then, and spoke using fairy translators. Then Captain, being the awesome older brother that he is, helped him learn to sign and speak.
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majorproblems77 · 24 days
Recalled update! So I am here to yell about it for 30 minutes thanks :)
*Scrambling to escape the void that has consumed me over the last few weeks.*
Okay, so we've got a recalled update! Im very excited and have been pouring over this update for a while.
Uni is consuming my life haha.
they are headed towards the castle while having some very important discussions. Mainly, what on earth do we call you all. (Which in its own right I find amusing haha. )
Okay, time for the important things! Recalled and all panels belong to @recalled11 and its wonderful artist @l3ominor. Go check it out!
You can find the comic page here!
Now lets get started because if i dont scream about my blorbo in approximately 5 seconds I'm gonna die
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I love group photos of any Calabar, it's awesome to see them all together. And watching fabrics flow is detail that I am obsessed with thank you.
Its the blorbo, look at hims.
Also i love how chill he is about this. Like, 'oh more problems? Awesome, I needed something to do today' kind of vibe I love it.
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Sky's walking stick! I love how inclusive of all sorts of things this AU is i thoroughly enjoy it. He gives me the I can kill you with this walking stick, but also have you met my wife vibes and i love him.
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Time and Malon running off like this brings me great joy i love them.
And, sky. Are we talking about your journey or something else cause that's pretty ominous there. foreshadowing? Are we gonna get more about the past of these heroes at one point I'd love to know more about them.
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It is a massive Hyrule, espically when you think about just how long it takes to get across each of them in-game. Wild's game it actually takes so long to get across even just Hyrule field.
Time please step back from the edge you're giving me anxiety.
Also backgrounds my beloved. Beautiful i love them.
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When i tell you i was laughing at this for a few minutes i mean it oh my god this is wonderful.
And Malon?! OMG
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I find this so damn funny. Its wonderful.
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Im so glad everyone is confused it makes this 10x funnier.
(You think when they get to know each other better he'll let Sky/Sun have a go? I would love to see that so much.)
Also seeing Wild smile, Like really smile. The boy deserves the world.
Im glad he's having fun. Its also great to see Zonai tech being used after the events of the 2nd game like this.
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Yes, let's step into the wooden box of who knows what together? It'll be fun! :D
Flower, you gotta remember that these people have never seen this sort of thing, please explain.
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Like you're doing right now flower? Like you're doing right now?
Everyone is so trusting of this box. I love it.
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Just gonna say how GENIUS this is? LIKE A LIFT USING ZONAI WHEELS
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This tells a lot
Sky is just impressed, look at how happy he is. Wonderful bean
Sun is hanging out, (Is she holding his hand? Thats cute) :D
Captain the professional as always.
Malon and Time are the absolute chaos of the group. Just look at them, Time has obviously never seen something like this and so him being the one who's like basically fallen over here makes so much sense.
Got me cackling again tho, I love this group of idiots a healthy amount.
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Them <3
I was thinking about it tho... And the sailcloths they are identical. And we know they are married...
What if the sailcloths are a sign of marriage in this universe? Why else would they both have the same one, down to the blue outline on the edge that is closest to them. Like you give your lover a meaningful symbol to show your love for them, and in Sky's case he made a sailcloth for sun after she made the one he's wearing for him during the events of Skyward sword.
I think its the same one because his one looks significantly bigger than hers, which to me tells of a practical use as well as a decorative or symbolic piece. 332
Like im probably reading too much into this but then again. They are so cute that they would actually do that.
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Captain pulling the absolute shenanigans of a group back on track. He is the brain cell of the group you can't change my mind.
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Why is everyone in this comic so damn adorable okay, these guys are just cinnamon rolls who saved the world.
Just look at Time's face? You can't tell me he isn't the most cinnamon of the rolls.
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Have I mentioned how much I love Captain? Cause he is just so chill, but also professional. Professionally chill? Sure.
I can see a stressful situation coming up, and he just is the stoic leader who gets everyone in line and ready to fight the threat.
And flower, Who is just so sweet. I can understand not wanting to be referred to as princess now that their Hyrule is like how it is. I'm surprised this hasn't come up sooner. But it's cute.
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Oh the silent princess. How symbolic you are.
I know people are not really into the flower thing but I am, you think we will see some nightshade at one point?
The flower.
The 2 flower heads, one open, one closed, The blue into white. With the yellow detail. It's Flowers colour pallet to a T and I love it. Maybe as we progress through the story we will see pictures of the silent princess again but with a flowering bud or maybe if something bad happens a slightly sad looking one?
I am obsessed with symbolism, so if those become a thing watch this space cause I will be excited about it!
(In fact looking at it I think, the stem in the middle and the yellow on her clothes are colour-matched. A nice detail!)
Okay thats all from me! :D
Have a great day/Night!
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plumadesatada · 2 years
just remembered a fic on AO3 (or more likely LJ because it had that distinct late 00's experimental vibe) that appeared double-spaced oddly, in that some paragraphs would be spaced normally and others would have double or even triple spaces in between. it was about one half of the otp getting over the other's death (or coma, can't remember which), so all the comments were about how poignant the use of visual spacing was as a means to convey all the emotional holes in the character's life.
and then the author replied like... *giggle* guys it's NOT double spaced. try selecting the whole text
and we were all like "no WAY"
but we selected the text, and yes!!!
the "holes" in the story? they were actually lines and actions from the dead/coma character's ghost, rendered invisible to the eye by the simple trick of coloring the text the exact same as the background, revealed by nothing more than a click and a drag of the mouse
a story about the profound loneliness of losing your the partner of your life and having to make do without them, without anything to fill the holes they'd left behind, suddenly became a story about the profound helplessness of seeing someone you love suffer from your absence while you are right there, unable to do anything about it, unable to communicate that you love them enough to suffer unseen and unheard with them, just to keep them company they'll never know about
it was then that I truly realized how *superior* the digital medium is to plain printed paper, how the medium and the format can add to a story.
I think about that fic about once a year. I wish I could find it again
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sirenetica · 8 days
May I request 3rd life desert duo? :3c
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forecast0ctopus · 3 months
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enterprise diplomacy event
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bigfatbreak · 1 month
In the changeling au, what does “keeping” mean? I know there’s the whole thing about faeries tricking people into “giving” them their names, but what actually happens in this au? Like what would the actual consequences be in a practical sense?
(And I assume nothing happens if Adrien just learns the names through other means bc they have to “give” it to him?)
it means that people who's names he has are susceptible to his illusions and persuasions, even if neither party knows it
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they can't perceive what he doesn't want them to, and they're more likely to agree with what he asks, even if its wildly out of character for them. he doesn't know he has this power, he just thinks his friends are really nice to him
and yeah, if he learns someone's name secondhand, it doesn't count. it has to be a direct interaction, and it has to be comprehensible
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time-woods · 9 months
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maybe reflecting on the past doesn't hurt as bad as you thought
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closeup + version without blur
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arealtrashact · 1 month
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Out of the frying pan
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froggiethelesbian · 10 months
There’s something about four teenage ninja turtle brothers in the sewers that makes the neurodivergent people come alive
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recalled11 · 3 months
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Directionless Pt. 4
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5
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bittwitchy · 3 months
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some new sad girl guy spring dialogue for sebby!
also bonus bc its summer 13 now and i already gave him a bouquet
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l3ominor · 4 months
I am
So incredibly mean
To my poor boys.
Have an art.
TW hands
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majorproblems77 · 3 months
Hi! Its time for a Recalled update! :D
Ive been following this comic for a while and i really enjoy the concept for it, I highly recommend you go and check it out over at @recalled11.
It's an interesting take on the links meet idea and i love the art style and the character designs.
Now, this is a rambly post, no I'm not sorry. Please sit with me, grab some popcorn and some hot chocolate or a hot drink of choice. Prepare to sit for like 30 minutes :D
Also prepare for blorbo hype cause he's here too :D
Lets get started!
All panels belong to @recalled11 thanks for the permission! :D
Alright here we go!!!
First off, it must must be said.
These backgrounds are incredible. like, oh yes oh hell yeah *chefs kiss* I love them.
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So at first i was a little confused about the glowing eye, i was looking back at the other pages and back to here and thinking about if it's just a Wild thing. Which would make sense right?
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Then they throw this curve ball
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Man's like, bionic? eye is doing work for us and I'm here for it. the blue glow as well, yes. Just yes.
Also with this panel. We know each of the arrows while a Link is holding it points to a Link. The same goes for Zelda.
And i've been brainstorming who is who.
So, If I've got this right, based off what i could figure out in panels where the compass appears.
Mainly this one
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From directionless 2
White (Blue white?) - Wild
Green - Time
Blue - Captain
And now
Yellow - Sky
Let me know if you think it's different! :D
Moving on!
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The detail in this is making me so excited, I'm wondering what it means when an arrow acts like this. Is it travelling towards the compass? It is exclusive to just Sky's point? Little thunderbolts spark from it.
Maybe im reading too far into this but the others dont do this, so Im definitely intrigued by this!
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I love a full-body shot of anyone, and I love how Wild looks! The little poncho and the details with the scaring!
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Now I've not found any official names for the loftwings yet, I personally use Crimson and Luna. And will differ to these unless told otherwise. But if there are official names please please tell me! :D
Also is this the camera attachment? A zoom feature? I figure we are gonna see more of wilds ability as we go through but I'm thoroughly enjoying finding out what he can do!
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This is the correct reaction when you see a GIANT BIRD flying at you at speed. The people of Wild's world have been through so much at this point the assumption of another monster first its absolutely fair.
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When I tell you I had happy clappy hands at this panel I mean my phone fell to the floor with more than a thud.
There's a lot to unpack here, first the reigns with that little gold detailing from the clasp. The saddle? Is it a saddle for loftwings? The leather straps around Link's loftwings.
And Sky's design!
If you know me you know that SKSW is my fave game and that SS link if my fave in pretty much every AU that i encounter. This one is no exception
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I'll go into detail later, when we have the detailed screenshots. But just look at my boy!
Also the goggles were a nice touch! It just makes sense for them to wear them, they fly so damn fast imagine the dust.
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Captain is a fight first ask questions later, man is ready to go!
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Crimson is out here getting half pages and he deserves every inch of space he gets. Such an extra boy and i love him. The details with the feathers flying from both of them too. I love it. I love them
Loftwings my beloved!
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Shout out to Zelda for landing Luna not right in the way of everyone, Sky please. Your scaring the adults. The kids think it's cool and want a ride.
But the detailing on the feathers and the eyes even from this far is just incredible.
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Crimson please, your scaring the adults. Im here for just the amount of people in lookout landing who sprung to its defense.
While wild is just up here chilling out, This is a totally normal Tuesday!
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this reminds me of my chill cat and it makes me love Zelda's loftwing even more. Just a birb chilling.
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And this reminds me of my other cat. Loud noises!
Are loftwings in this universe just giant cats? Two types, Chill and crazy.
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The real mvp right here. He is ready to fight the big bird.
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From a later panel, we can see that the one at the back here is Captain. This means he not only drew his sword he was straight-up ready to fight by this point. He is fast!
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Sky my beloved, god I love his design so much.
Also captain's face, He's seen the green tunic and is like. Well, its another child to add to our collection better put the sword away before he does something.
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Yes malon, yes they are! And they are wonderful! :D
Time looks worried, is Time afraid of birds? My understanding of oot is that he and the owl were friends?
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My fave panel, the best boy with best birb.
Crimson totally knows this is a comic and breaks the forth wall to smile at the reader as well as the others in lookout landing. I love the details here. I love him so much.
He know's he is stunning and will flaunt it every opportunity he gets
Also Sky and Sun having matching sailcloths? I am in love. I love them both.
I'm gonna mention the feathers now too. I love the details of them having their loftwing feathers in their hair as like a head dress. That's such a cool idea i love it!
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These two panels had me laughing I wont lie.
First off, Sun responds to Hylia. That is the face of someone who's heard their name. Second off, Flower is a mood. running out of bed with a sword, questions later style.
The detail on Zelda's loftwing too. Such a pretty creature. So well-behaved.
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Also, Zelda(flower) asking captain what's happening and the link responds rather than one of her captains.
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I really like captain, He's a chill guy. while Sky is just confused. Really cool of captain to be the one to introduce first, he seems to be the one who will be the main referral when it comes to authority. I assume he will be the one who introduces first for all of them.
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Time for me to be excited about their designs.
Skyloftian goggles, I love it. It just makes so much sense.
I love Sun, Her dress, the way she's got an sailcloth wrapped around her shoulders like that, the way she's got loftwing feathers not only behind her ears but at the end of her longest braid too. I'm very excited to see more with her.
And Sky! where do i start without going on a twenty minute rampage about him. The way he's got his sailcloth around one shoulder like that. I assume to make it easier to use if he ever needs to use it to land. The loftwing feather hanging off his belt. (Which I notice Zelda doesn't have. Is this just a him thing?)
I can't get over the headdress with the loft wing feathers. Is that a skyloftian thing? Is it ceremonial? Is it because they wanted matching headgear?
I want to know more about Skyloftians in this universe.
Also totally not Sky being an absolute cinnamon roll. Beloved. I love him.
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Time and Malon are an absolute mood. time just existing in a state of confusion. And Malon being excited about loftwings. Me too malon, Me too! Let Malon ride one of the loft wings as soon as possible.
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Captain behaving like a dad already. Gives me 'Where is the wild child' vibes. Which is funny, cause Wild is older than him.
Oh and I will mention the scars on Sky's face, I love the scars that they all have. It's all so detailed. Sky's lightning, Captain's burns. And the two cuts on his face.
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The fact that this is an expression at all, let alone one that the rest of them are not going to understand cause you know, No remlits on the surface. Poor cinnamon roll man is confused.
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Again chill dude with all the friends, i love Captain so much. He's just here to help you out.
Oh man, I enjoyed this update, this was good. I love Sky he is wonderful.
Im sure she can and im very excited to see what's next!
thanks for listening to me ramble for so long. I'm gonna get something to eat and you should too.
See you later! :D
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lastoneout · 1 year
why do people on the internet know so much about the epic of gilgamesh
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