#Reece and Stacie
fundielicious-simblr · 5 months
🌲🍁🥧 Harvestfest 🌲🍁🥧
(Adalynn's POV)
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Happy Harvestfest! We all made out way to my parents house in Newcrest for a weekend full of family, food, and fellowship. One thing we tried to arrange beforehand was the grandkids picture since we didn't manage to get one last year, and now that the babies that were in utero last year have been born (and no one that we know of is pregnant) we decided now was the perfect time. We mixed up the kids so that there was a big kid-little kid plan, mostly for crowd control purposes so that they would be able to handle the toddlers. The oldest four (Noah, Luke, Chloe, and AJ) were holding the youngest four (Grace, Everett, Jackson, and Bethany). As the years go by and the children grow (and with more being born, Lord willing) we'll have to keep finding new ways to arrange all the children.
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Annette (21), Macie (33), Casandra (53), Allan (56), Ashton (17)
My parents and the girls at home are all doing great! Now that there's no longer anyone in school, my parents have more time for their other things, though it seems with the more the family grows the busier they'll get! My dad continues to shepherd the flock of Newcrest Baptist, there's a blossoming pastoral staff that also help to keep the place running for the Lord's glory. It also gives him time to travel to speaking engagements at other churches as well as different revivals, jubilee's, hymn sings, and festivals. My mother is also busy with her role as mother, grandmother, and pastor's wife. She somehow finds the time to show all of us that we're definitely loved and valued. She helps to homeschool Barrett and Kyleigh's kids whenever needed, as well as the kids coming to their house for music lessons. When they're not home or travelling to commitments, they're usually visiting with one of us that live out of town, they try and schedule their visits to us to coincide with their travelling for their commitments. My sisters are all busy busy bees! Macie splits her time between being at home or in ministry, and when she's not doing that she's visiting with one of us. Annette works as a babysitter helping families at church that need that extra support, she just loves children and is grateful she gets to spend time with children all day. Both girls remain in a season of singleness, and they're using it to the full, with our cousin Celeste getting married this winter they've been recruited to help with the planning and execution of the wedding. Ashton also babysits children in the congregation, she's in the church choir and spends her days helping out wherever she can. Since she has less responsibilities she spends the most time travelling, so she gets to spend longer amounts of time with the siblings.
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Mason (35) & Adalynn Leonard (34) with Titus (2) and Bethany (3m), Luke (10), Paul (8), Caleb (4), Joshua (6), Jonah (4), Noah (12), Aaron (9)
We are so thankful for the Lord's grace! Little Bethany joined our family this summer and we are over the moon that the Lord chose for this little girl to join us - her 8 older brothers and her parents are over the moon! We've had two kids get saved this year (Paul & Joshua) and it's such a blessing that we've been able to lead our kids to the Lord for his glory! Since the arrival of little miss, Mason and I have been feeling like the Lord is leading us in the direction of a new house. Since she's so young and has about a year in our room with us, we have time to see whether we're going to extend the house by adding a level or whether we'll move to a whole new house altogether. We've got a bunch of prayer warriors on our side so I'm sure we'll get an answer soon.
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(AN: Ignore the height differences, planning poses with so many sims means you gotta sacrifice a few things here and there)
Barrett (33) and Kyleigh Collins (31) with Preston (2) and Jackson (6m), Marigold (6), Daisy (7), Benjamin (9), Rose (8), Olivia (4), Violet (8), Jefferson (1), Allan Jr (9), and Chloe (9)
Barrett and Kyleigh are also thankful for a new blessing from the Lord, little Jackson made his appearance soon after Parker and Lana's wedding, so we got a 2-for-1 deal really! They're also prayerfully considering their house, so our prayer circles are really working hard in this season our two families are in. They also had two kids get saved this year, it brought so much joy to my heart when Kyleigh shared in our group chat that the girls had gotten saved and baptised at church! My parents started the tradition of gifting the 'savee' a bible and a family lunch, and it's such a precious tradition that they're able to now carry out with their grandchildren. They only have 12 grandkids that are in the average age range for getting saved (of course it can happen before or after that time period - all in the Lord's timing!), but as the grandchildren grow and continue to multiply they're going to need the Lord's help to get them everywhere that they're needed!
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Francisco (34) and Zoe Moreno (30) with Javier Jr (3) and Cassie (1)
Zoe and her family are happy and thriving in Windenburg, Francisco's job gives him weekends off so the family gets to attend church on the weekends. Zoe has amassed a solid amount of students that she teaches piano and violin, as well as some students that she video conferences for their lessons. With two young children to care for and a house to maintain, she's an expert at managing her time. They're slowly approaching the time when Francisco gets his orders and they've got to move, but they've not put their choices in yet so we have no idea where they'll be right now. Little Cassie turns two years old in a few months, so the plan is to have a birthday party for her when we're all back in town for Celeste's wedding. Ashton is heading back to Windenburg to spend some time with them as well as with Amira and her family, she'll ride back with them for the wedding.
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Shane (28) and Maggie Wright (27) with Iris (2) and Arlo Wright (2)
Maggie and her family are doing wonderful! They were in Sulani earlier this summer with Reece and Amira's families, it's wonderful getting to see my younger siblings bonding as adults with families of their own. Little Arlo and Iris seem to have grown leaps and bounds since I last saw them, the kids love getting to video chat with them and love whenever they get to visit with each other. Usually Maggie and her family will try and pass through to see us during their travels, so that's when the kids get to see each other.
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Reece (26) and Stacie Collins (26) with Liam (5) and Hazel (2)
Reece and Stacie have also been doing great, Liam has breezed through kindergarten and is getting ready to start grade 1. Stacie will be homeschooling Liam through a homeschool co-op, they said that they felt that was the best option for getting the kids socialised with like minded children.
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Beckett (24) and Mandy Collins (22)
Beckett and mandy are back for their yearly vacation from the mission field. It's so great to see them in person and hear the wonderful stories they have to tell about the great work that they're doing out there in Selvadorada. Whilst they haven't been blessed with a child as of yet, the Lord has kept them content with their current life and has showered them in blessings of many kinds. They'll be focusing on fundraising efforts for the mission field, as well as trying to see as much family as they can.
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Thomas (24) and Amira Eichelburg (23) with Maya (1)
Amira and her family are wonderful and thriving! Little Maya is such a sweet girl, a total reflection of her wonderful mother! Amira was such a wonderful baby and child, and Maya is exactly like her mother. Their little family are wonderful and are so blessed by the Lord, and they've been doing more travelling this year when their schedule allows. They'll be sharing Ashton with Zoe this winter as they get to have some quality sister time before we meet again for Celeste's wedding.
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Felix (26) and Priscilla Robert (21) with Andrew (2) and Grace (9m)
Little Grace has joined the family since we were last all together, and her name is so precious! Little Andrew is such a wonderful big brother and these two babies are the light of their parents lives! Priscilla always says that life in Oasis Springs spoils them with the heat, but she does miss having the traditional autumn and winter weather and is glad to be with family - as we all are!
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Charles (20) and Lorilee Collins (19) with Everett (9m)
Charles and Lorilee welcomed little Everett into the family around the new year, and have been thanking the Lord for that blessing. Lorilee has been sharing that she's been doing better than expected at the postpartum period, especially for a first-timer. They're talking about moving out of their apartment and finding a house for their little family (that they're hoping to expand!)
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Parker (19) and Lana (19) Collins
Lana was also a new joiner to the family this year! She's such a sweet girl and is a wonderful wife to Parker. Their wedding was beautiful and wonderfully glorified the Lord, which is a testament to the minds and hearts of Parker and Lana. As an older sibling, it's been my prayer that my siblings find spouses that challenge them and push them to the Lord, and I'm thankful to say that Lana does exactly that!
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We also managed to take a group picture! There's 55 people in our 'immediate' family - imagine that! There's my parents, then the 13 kids, the 10 spouses, and 30 grandkids! The lord has blessed us greatly and beyond our wildest imagination.
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For comparison, this is a picture from way before any of us got married, and then a picture with Mason, Noah, and Kyleigh in the family. Who would've thought that in less than 15 years we'd go from a family of 15 to a family of 55! This is probably the biggest example of God's goodness in our lives!
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Hillman is refusing to clean unless I pay her what I apparently owe her. Like all poor people, she's obsessed with money.
High-Rise, Ben Wheatley (2015)
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ragingphantom666 · 4 months
DC Dimensions project plan: Dark Trinity (vol. 1)
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Note: All plans are subject to change as new ideas arise. The project could even be scrapped.
In his quest for redemption, Red Hood has formed a team with his friends Artemis and Bizzaro. They soon find themselves in the middle of a revenge plot between Black Mask and a new villain called Skull-Face. Red Hood's are put to the test like never before.
Jason Todd/Red Hood - A former Robin who became an anti-hero after his death and resurrection. He seeks redemption for the criminal acts of his past, including the attempted assassination of Roman Sionis. He leads the team called the "Outlaws" in his quest for redemption.
Artemis - The last Amazon of Bana-Mighdall. She has found a home and friends in her team. Compared to the others, she is the most clear-headed.
Bizarro - A botched clone of Superman who was rescued by Red Hood from a Lexcorp black site. He is a gentle sole, but he is quick to aid his friends in his fight against evil.
Jack Gilzean/Jack Reece/Skull-Face - A criminal formerly associated with the Sionis Crime Syndicate that was left for dead by Roman Sionis. He creates his new persona based on Red Hood. He seeks revenge on Roman.
Roman Sionis/Black Mask - Leader of the Black Mask Crime Syndicate, member of the False Face Society, and current mayor of Gotham City. He has history with Red Hood and Skull-Face. His criminal life as Black Mask is only suspected, but never proven legally.
Dr. John Stacy - A scientist working for Skull-Face. He developed a serum that can grant a subject regenerative healing abilities, but the side effects are not desirable. He has a makeshift lab in Skull-Face's hideout built from stolen WayneTech and Lexcorp equipment.
Liam Hawkleigh/Gunhawk - A mercenary hired by Skull-Face to assassinate Black Mask. He is married to Gunbunny.
Bonnie Hawkleigh/Gunbunny - A mercenary hired by Skull-Face to assassinate Black Mask. She is married to Gunhawk.
Other Information
Skull-Face and John Stacy are original characters.
John Stacy was originally meant to be the main villain, but I realized he isn't as great a supervillain as I originally believed.
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*giggling and kicking my feet up in the air* you. i don't think i've asked you about your WIP and OCs yet. who are they? what's it about?
I have a lot of WIPs (none of them are finished and most of them are probably not coherent). My original story which I started when I was 17, called Safe Haven, is where most of my OCs come from. When I was in high school it started out as a dystopian themed story (not a very original choice in hindsight) but now it morphed more into a post apocalyptic in theme. I'm trying to work out the plot because I don't know how much of it I want to change.
I also lost several chapters when my computer died and I didn't back them up, and that kind of killed my motivation to write the story for the longest time.
My main OCs of that story are Livy, Reece, Aiden, and Harper. I made character sheets for them on World Anvil, but they're probably are a incoherent mess. I also have a side blog @story-safehaven which I use mainly for writing inspiration.
I also have a lot of OCs in the fanfics I've been writing lately, the main ones are Ash and Stacy from my fanfic for the game The Long Dark.
I'm also working on a Fallout fanfic that I haven't even posted yet which has been really fun to write. I just wanted to expand on my Sole Survivor and Courier more and give them backstories. I may share the first chapter in the future when it's done.
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“I’m 32, divorced and working at a shoe shop with my gay best friend. It’s hardly the Cinderella story is it?”
Inside No 9 : The 12 Days of Christine (Series 2 Episode 2)
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king-of-the-issues · 3 years
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Underrated Moments and Misfits (12/-)
Although she only features in the final episode of series 1, Jennifer brings so much comedy in such a short time. Although I wish we got to see more of this in series two the character works really well with the ‘thriller’ side of the show. Unassuming, just lurking in the background and easily forgotten only showing herself at the end to bring about the climax of the series.
Stacy Liu plays the character brilliantly in both series. Her comedy prowess is fantastic and she manages to bring emotion and drama to a character who can only move their eyes and hand. It’s clearly a testament to her skills as an actor that she is one of the very few who has featured in both Psychoville and Inside No. 9.
If you’d like to contribute a suggestion to this series, leave it in the comments and you will be tagged when it’s posted ❤️
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scenesandscreens · 5 years
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High-Rise (2015)
Director - Ben Wheatley, Cinematography - Laurie Rose
"Prone to bouts of mania, narcissism and power failure."
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grande-caps · 5 years
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Sceencaps || Inside No. 9 - Season 2 GALLERY LINK : [x] Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 3421 files  Resolution : 1280x720px
-Please like/reblog if taking! -Please credit grande_caps/kissthemgoodbye!
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(Adalynn's POV) (AN: This is one of 2 POV posts from Harvestfest. Let me know if you'd like posts [or even just 1 summary post] from the rest of the families from the other gen 2 siblings - I take pictures to compile albums for my own personal satisfaction and for comparison, so I'll have them in my google drive)
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L-R - Adalynn [33], Barrett [32]& Macie [32], Zoe [30], Maggie [26], Reece [25], Beckett [24], Amira [23], Priscilla [22] & Annette [22], Charles [20], Parker [19], Ashton [17]
Happy Harvestfest! It's my favourite time of the year because it's essentially our annual family reunion, everyone in my family makes the trek back to my parent's house in Newcrest for a weekend of family fellowship and togetherness - even Beckett and Mandy in Selvadorada. All week the boys were asking about when we'd be leaving to grandpa and nana collins' house, and the day before we left they spent it doing all these drawings for their grandparents and all the aunts and uncles that they're going to be seeing. Whenever we're in Newcrest, we stay at my parents house, the boys sleep in the old boys room, and the youngest 2 room with us in the spare room. Macie, Annette, and Ashton still sleep in the girls room, all our old bunk beds are in storage and they've all got their individual beds in there. We try and make it in a few days earlier to help my mum and sisters prepare all the food that we'll be consuming over the weekend, this year the other kids who had to travel in are either staying with relatives or in airbnbs in the area since I get first dibs on the spare room as the out-of-town sibling with the most children. Since most of my out-of-town nieces and nephews are quite young, it's important for them to have their own space to sleep and not have to deal with the noise of a house full of other kids. Barrett and Kyleigh have the most kids, but they live in the neighbourhood so there's no worries there on where they'll stay - though they are looking to move houses sometime in the new year with this newest addition on its way.
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Picture 1: L-R [Back] Adalynn, Macie, Zoe, Maggie, Reece, Barrett [Front] Annette, Amira, Priscilla, Ashton [Middle], Beckett, Charles, Parker // Picture 2: L-R [Back] Barrett, Beckett, Adalynn, Macie, Zoe, Maggie, Reece, Charles, Parker [Front] Priscilla, Ashton, Annette, Amira
Taking family pictures might just be my favourite part of Harvestfest, getting to see the pictures from every year that goes by and seeing the family grow and grow with the Lord's goodness. It seems like just yesterday that we were all living at home and fully involved in the hustle and bustle of life with 13 children at home. Those days were the best and I thank the Lord for choosing to place me with my parents and my siblings, my childhood truly was the best. Getting to update the various groups of pictures yearly is one of my favourite things to do, especially now that there are the grandkids, they even outnumber the original 13 kids that my parents had (AN: I genuinely didn't have the fortitude to try and pose all those children, toddlers, and infants - so just imagine that it happened. Maybe the next sim year cycle when these gestating babies have been born, because I need a good picture to use for my future 'before and after' posts.)
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(Back L-R -> Beckett & Mandy, Thomas & Amira, Robert & Priscilla, Lorilee & Charles, Parker & Lana // Front L-R -> Adalynn & Mason, Barrett and Kyleigh, Zoe & Francisco, Maggie & Shane, Reece & Stacie)
This was the first year we've ever taken a 'couples pictures' where all the married/engaged/almost engaged (*cough* Parker) got together for a picture. In almost 10 years we went from just Barrett and I being married to there being 9 married couples and 1 *almost engaged* couple. Between the 9 of us there are 26 children - with 3 more on the way! That's double the number of us kids, with the hope is that we will welcome many more in the years to come.
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This year we've got 3 pregnancies at the big house, knowing how my family works a few of us were expecting someone to announce their pregnancy when we were all together, but so far it's just these three ladies having babies. Priscilla also announced to us all that she's having a baby girl! She's due this winter around Christmas time, so we'll be getting her baby girl joining the family first. Her son Andrew is turning 2 next year, so she should have the same gap that I have with my boys with her kids. Kyleigh is pregnant with baby number 11 - imagine that! She and Barrett elect not to find out the baby's gender until she gives birth, so we have no idea whether this baby is a girl or a boy, her last 2 pregnancies were boys so I wonder if she's on a boy streak, she's due in the spring so I guess we've got a little bit more of a wait until we find out. Sweet Lorilee is having her first baby and she's carrying it so well! She's also due in the spring so she's just entering her 2nd trimester, she mentioned the morning sickness going down quite a lot which means she's able to actually enjoy the pregnancy now. She and Charles haven't decided if they want to announce the baby's gender, but her baby shower will be in a few weeks here in Newcrest. It would have been wonderful for it to be here whilst we're all here, but our weekend it already jam packed as there's more than the usual amount of relatives that came into Newcrest for Harvestfest, so it's a weekend full of reunions
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quiver-full-of-sims · 3 years
2-3, 14-15 for simblr asks !
2. how would you describe your style? I would describe myself as a family simmer, I guess! It’s hard because I tend to do a lot of things. Perhaps I should call myself a variety simmer? Or a “shops for CC and organizes her Mods folder more than she plays the game itself” simmer? :)
3. what is your favorite challenge? The Fundie Challenge, of course! It doesn’t have official rules, but I consider it a challenge- it has a theme, and there are plenty of restrictions on what your sims can do.
14. who is your current favorite sim? Dora and Immy are tied- I love them a lot, for very different reasons.
15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? Ohhhhhh boy, this is gonna be tough. I’ll do a “top 5″ list like you did!
#5 is Ella Mae from @meetthefundies! She’s such a sweetheart despite her upbringing that I can’t help but like her. She would be higher, but sometimes she says something that makes me go, “Ella, sweetie, what in the world are you talking about? just, what???” so she’s at number 5.
#4 is definitely Stacie from @fundielicious-simblr. All I want is for her and Reece to live happily ever after! 🥺
#3 is Maud from @alnwicks! I absolutely adore her rebellious spirit, and I’m super excited to see what kind of trouble she gets into with Cora by her side. 😈
#2 is Christina Talbert from @100talberts. She's annoyingly devout, but the way she types and thinks is hilarious. She's such a fundie weirdo, and I love it!
Aaaaaand coming in at #1 is Hannah, also from @meetthefundies​! Honestly, wow. This woman!! I am obsessed with her. She's tough, she's successful, she's FREE! It was fantastic to see her transform from a stifled child bride to a happy young woman!
Honorable mentions go to Rob Perkins and Naomi Wright, both also from @meetthefundies, for putting up with Rachel/Callie's crap. :)
Thanks for asking!
Play the Simblr ask game while I try to figure out why my game keeps crashing!
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traesth-etic · 3 years
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A N O S   D E P O I S . . .   — Overland Park, KS
PRESCOTT, Robert — Após, com sucesso, conseguir sua ascensão social, Robert havia realizado o seu sonho de se tornar um médico oncologista na sua faculdade dos sonhos. Agora, além de exercer a profissão que ama, também bancava a educação da irmã mais nova e o tratamento da mãe. Com seu próprio esforço, havia deixado de ser aquele rapaz inseguro e evoluído a um homem resoluto. Entretanto, sua vida amorosa era inexistente e o seu último sonho lhe esmurrava a porta: ser pai. 
REECE, Warren — Recentemente tornou-se pai de Jessie. Contudo, Warren Reece ainda seguia agarrado à mentalidade e atitudes imprudentes. Após o súbito falecimento do patriarca, assim que saiu da universidade, Theodore passou a administrar os negócios e, consequentemente, a empresa da família. Todavia, apesar do estilo de vida desmoderado e luxuoso, acometido pelos antigos atos insurgentes, Warren iniciava uma vida dupla à de marido e pai, inconscientemente e inconsequentemente afetando aqueles à sua volta - principalmente sua esposa, Jodie, que encontrava-se gestante novamente. 
HILL HARRISON, Richard “Dick” — Se alguém lhe falasse que estaria seguindo os mesmos passos da mãe em relação à carreira, não acreditaria. Seu sonho seria ganhar dinheiro com “Subs” na Twitch. Mas Dick agora pertencia à Divisão de Combate aos Crimes Cibernéticos do FBI. A única coisa que seguia em seus planos era Erick. Estavam juntos desde o ensino médio, casados há três anos e, agora, pais. Fora limpar os estábulos pela manhã, sua vida estava um conto de fadas.
TRAN, Tamara — Nunca imaginou que regressaria à cidade natal. Entretanto, após receber a notícia do falecimento da avó paterna, Tamara estava pisando novamente em Overland Park. Porém, dessa vez, mais madura, com uma carreira estabilizada e fleumática. Mas não imune aos fantasmas do passado. E, ao reencontrar aqueles que abandonou sem explicações, Tran percebeu que não poderia fingir que sua vida havia iniciado-se a alguns anos atrás, em Paris, nos braços de Jen. E que, principalmente, não poderia escapar do efeito que o ex-namorado lhe causava. Mesmo estando com Edward há tantos anos.
FOSTER, Kennedy — Seu longo histórico de detenções no ensino médio tornaram-se passagens na polícia. As chances de Kenny entrar em uma universidade de prestígio eram nulas. O rapaz havia se tornado um delinquente, constantemente sendo detido por desacato a autoridade, perturbação do sossego e vandalismo. Figurinha presente em manifestações, principalmente se as mesmas eram contra policiais - as quais sempre acabavam em confronto. A única pessoa que conseguia colocar um pouco de juízo na cabeça do garoto era Elisa, a quem o mesmo obedecia, como um cão.
SILVA, Maria Lúcia — Há cinco anos Malu havia estourado no meio artístico como cantora revelação. Desde então, seguia com parcerias de sucesso, patrocínios vantajosos e caviar todos os dias. Ainda assim, seu casamento seguia um grande fracasso. Seu segundo casamento, no caso. O qual era com o mesmo homem. As diferenças artísticas e a personalidade de Alex Turner eram como pólvora às chamas de Maria, e o gênio dos dois pesava na relação. Ambos eram um prato cheio para a mídia, conhecidos nos tabloides como “the on-and-off couple”. Porém, enquanto Lúcia o queria a sete palmos do chão em um dia, no outro derretia-se com as músicas em acordes pesados dedicadas a si.
CAVALIERI, Amber — Prestes a tornar a sra. Anderson, Amber encontra-se orgulhosa, quase pretensiosa, das suas conquistas profissionais, Sendo uma das melhores engenheiras nucleares do condado de Johnson - havendo se graduado com as maiores honras - e pioneira na área do uso pacífico da energia atômica na cidade. Contudo, nem tudo eram flores, e a mulher seguia amargurada com seu “eminente” destino amoroso. Apesar de estar noiva de Franklin há quase dois anos, Rachael odiava se imaginar na posição de matriarca de uma família. E, ao receber a notícia de que está grávida de três semanas do companheiro, envolveu-se em reações ainda mais agressivas do que normalmente tinha e autodestruição.
DONAHUE, Stacy Regan — Há dois anos com o curso de Engenharia Aeroespacial interrompido, Regan dedica-se a ajudar o namorado, Joshua, com sua loja de discos. Apesar do cotidiano simples que os dois possuíam, residindo no apartamento em cima do estabelecimento, a Donahue não podia estar mais feliz, completamente apaixonada pelo companheiro, mesmo após recentemente ser diagnosticada com uma instabilidade anímica. Porém o tratamento psicológico foi encerrado abruptamente, antes mesmo de se iniciar, após Regan descobrir que espera um filho de Michaels. Embora exultante com a notícia de que o amor dos dois crescia em si, Joshua havia sido explícito em declarar diversas vezes que não possuía interesse nenhum em ser pai. 
FORD, George — Um vagabundo na adolescência, um desempregado na vida adulta. O gosto por sexo permanece intacto. Assim como pelo skank. O pouco dinheiro que consegue é fazendo bicos de fotografo - apesar de nunca cobrar Lysbeth para registrar os eventos e apresentações da escola de balé. George é típico caso de “não tomar noção de situações de perigo”, como o bairro perigoso, a péssima relação com os traficantes e zero noção social. Principalmente quando a droga lhe embaralha os pensamentos. 
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marvelzombiesrp · 3 years
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They come from different places and not all of them got their powers the same way, but the heroes who have taken a spider for their emblem share a particular bond. While they were all apart when the infection struck, the priority wasn't finding each other. They had people to protect, and work to do.
The crisis has become the status quo now, and some of the spider heroes have taken up residence at Haven. Being out in the thick of it is valuable, but there's work to be done to protect known survivors. Jess had Gerry to think of, a safe place for her baby to grow up. Peter knew that his less superheroic abilities were of value to a growing community. Both wish they could go out hunting for their friends, especially since a number of them are so much younger than they are. Given the circumstances, messages over the radio waves will have to suffice for now.
Saychelle Gabriel is Anya Corazon Alicia Vikander is Jessica Drew [TAKEN] Arden Cho is Cindy Moon [TAKEN] Reece King is Miles Morales Andrew Garfield is Peter Parker [TAKEN] Candice King is Gwen Stacy [TAKEN]
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typingtess · 5 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Ten Rewatch:  "Smokescreen" Part 1
The basics:  The team faces a new terror threat.
Written by:  Andrew Bartels who wrote or co-wrote “Allegiance”, “Zero Days”, “The Grey Man”, “Humbug”, “Fighting Shadows”, “Driving Miss Diaz”, “Angels & Daemons”, “Where There’s Smoke…”, “Glasnost”, “Old Tricks” “Battle Scars”, “Fool Me Twice”, “Warrior of Peace”, “Reentry” and “The Prince”.
Directed by:  Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka”, “Granger, O”, “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the delightful romp that was “Monster”, “Superhuman” and “One of Us”.
Guest stars of note:  After several episodes of Rogers or the team running themselves, Esai Morales returns from "Diamond in the Rough" as NCIS Deputy Director Louis Ochoa.  Bianca Lopez's Paramedic character appeared in "Praesidium" in season six.  Kerr Smith as FBI Special Agent David Ross, Medalion Rahimi as NCIS Special Agent Fatima Namazi, Délé Ogundiran as Janet, Rima Haddad as Rana Azim, Stephen Chang as FBI Special Agent Yim, Stacie Greenwell as Sonya Morales, Julie Zhan as Annie, Toby Meuli as Dan, Amir Kamali as Abbas Jalal, Danny Boushebel as Wasim Ghulam, Austin Bowerman as FBI Special Agent Nelson, Raz Adoti as Masked Man, Reece Rios as Mr. Ryland and Gillian White as Instructor.
Our heroes:   Are in the middle of terror attacks.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Looking for Hetty and Garrison. Sam:  Defusing a bomb with literally a second to spare. Kensi:  Thinks maybe it is time to be done with putting their lives on the line all the time. Deeks:  Wants to be respectful to Kensi's choices but has thought for a while that it is time to be done with putting their lives on the line all the time. Eric:  Tries to support Nell while she's feeling down.  Doesn't do a great job but tries. Nell:  Her white paper on the Comescu crime family was unparalleled in its scope and so insightful. Hetty:  Seems to want to not be found.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Has a door that keeps the bar from his stairwell. Sam:  Planning a day of fishing with Callen and Tom Olsen. Kensi:  Can't sleep without with weird noises Deeks makes in his sleep. Deeks:  Makes weird noises when he sleeps. Eric:  Chooser of fonts. Nell:  Not a lot of light moments for Nell.   Hetty:  Absent.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks seems to be getting closer to a plan to leave the life they love working together because it is not a safe way to live.  In his own way, Eric tries to be supportive of Nell as she beats herself up for not foreseeing the terrorist's attack on the FBI SUV.
Who's down with BrOTP:  The fellas are going fishing!
Any pressing need for Harm and Mac:  Not today.
Who is running the team this week?  Ochoa is back.
Mosley watch:  Not a mention.
Fashion review:  To start the episode:  Navy blue long sleeve tee for Callen, A rare appearance of the brown henley for Sam.  Kensi is wearing her white and blue stripes henley.  Black long-sleeve tee for Deeks.  Dark blue sweater over a blue dress shirt for long pants wearing Eric.  Dark dress for Nell with a bow (feh).
On their "off-day", Callen starts the day in a long sleeve, dark blue tee-shirt but switches to the dark blue button down shirt when called into the office.  Sam stays in his black henley.  Kensi and Deeks start the day in bed with no fashion choices.   Later, Kensi is in a blue-green v-neck long-sleeve top and a military style "army jacket". Deeks has on a medium blue tee and his black jacket.  Blue short sleeve button down shirt for Eric with long pants.  Red plaid, bowless (yay!) dress with different color red panels and a black blazer for Nell.
Music: "Hunt You Down" by Lee Richardson, James Cocozza, Jonathan Murril and Raxstar is playing in the gym when Callen and Sam meet Fatima.
Any notable cut scene: No.
Quote: Kensi:  "We really can't keep doing this forever, can we?" Deeks:  "No, we cannot." Kensi:  "I mean, one more second and we would've been gone, you know? How many times can we cut it that close?" Deeks:  "Well, I haven't exactly hidden my feelings on the subject, but I also want to be respectful.  So, when you're ready to stop, so am I." Kensi:  "I know.  And I appreciate that.  Yeah, but then I, um I just think of people like David Sarraf, and how he just needed someone in that moment." Deeks:  "He needed you." Kensi:  "He needed his wife." Deeks:  "Yeah, but his wife wasn't there, baby, so he needed you." Kensi:  "I just want to keep helping people, Deeks.  And I love what I do.  I love it so much.  And I love it even more that I get to do it with you." Deeks:  "I'd be lying if I didn't say me, too.  But we also don't have to make these decisions right now.  I mean, the truth is we don't have to do anything, right now.  Let's just stay in bed all day." Kensi:  "That sounds wonderful."
A great conversation between two adults about their lives that doesn't include a gurkha, an icy body of water or racoons.
Anything else:   Things have really gone to hell.  Deeks is driving the Hellcat; Callen is on the hood of the Hellcat trying to jump to a trailer being pulled by a pick-up truck; Sam is inside the trailer trying to disable a huge bomb with the timer dropping to 60-seconds; Kensi, "my girl" according to Deeks, is fighting with a man on the non-bomb side of the trailer.
Callen jumps from the Hellcat to the armored truck.  On the roof the trailer, Callen winds up fighting hand to hand with a man who climbed to the roof from the truck's passenger window.  When the man pulls a knife, Callen pushes him off the moving vehicle.  Deeks nearly runs the man over as he hits the highway.  Besides falling bad guys, Deeks is concerned that they are getting close to the target.
With 15-seconds left on the bomb's timer, Callen has made his way to the front of the pick-up truck.  Killing the driver, Callen gets in through the passenger's side door, warning the others to brace themselves.  Sam is down to seven-seconds.  Kensi pushes her bad guy against the wall as she grabs handles for balance.  Callen slams on the brakes.
Deeks runs to the back of the trailer, imploring everyone to get out.  Opening the trailer door, Kensi is handcuffing her bad guy, Sam is folding up his Leatherman tool – the bomb has been defused.  Kensi looks Deeks and tilts her head.  There was one-second left on the bomb's timer.  "Wow."  Kensi and Deeks are both troubled.  Sam announces it was "too close" and Callen agrees.  The trailer is right by a huge battleship in port.
As the guy Kensi was tangling with is loaded on a gurney for a trip to the hospital, Kensi admits that she was struggling a bit in the fight.  Deeks understands – she hasn't slept in 48 hours, none of them have.   Deeks feels lucky he didn't drive the Hellcat into the harbor.  Sam thinks Deeks should stay in the Hellcat if he does ever drive in into the water.  Deeks wants a Hellcat of his own – trade in the Audi for one with flames on the side.  Kensi is not onboard.
Callen arrives with Agent Ross from the FBI.  Ross is impressed with what NCIS accomplished, Kensi thanks Ross for the FBI's great teamwork.  Ross explains the Mashriq Army only attacks live military targets. The huge battleship in port is actually a museum vessel.  It wasn't on the FBI's radar.  Sam thinks the attack was more symbolism than strategy and likely as effective.  Ross is going to tell Washington all the good work NCIS did that day as he takes a call from the FBI Director.  Sam hopes that gets them out of Washington's dog house.  The team is going back to the office.  Deeks wants to drive, Sam wants his keys – Kensi and Deeks are amused.
The team is unpacking their gear in the armory.  Sam never took a shot – he was too busy with the bomb.  Callen and Sam banter away about Sam cutting the bomb detonation a little close.  Kensi thinks he's bored, needs to keep things exciting.  Deeks agrees – a relationship with a bomb is like any relationship, "you got to keep it interesting or the spark goes out." Sam asks if they are finished saying thank you.  They are.
Eric and Nell arrive with info with a hit on someone involved in the case.  Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks all think the case is over.  Nell thought Eric told them it wasn't and vice versa.  They found one of the terrorists working for the Mashriq Army, Wasim Ghulam.  Kensi stops them – Ghulam is the man she was fighting with in the trailer.  Eric and Nell have multiple photos of Ghulam meeting with the same man in Los Angeles in different locations.  Ghulam passes items to the man – Abbas Jalal, a college student at Boyle Heights who is currently in class.
The team is about to leave for Boyle Heights when Ochoa arrives.  The FBI is picking up Jalal – Ross's team was aware of him for a while.  Ochoa tells the team they need the rest.  They're done for the day and they are off the following day.  Callen and Sam offer to put away all the gear.  Kensi is fine with staying, she's not even tired.  Sam warns her it is the adrenaline rush keeping her going.  Kensi and Deeks take up Callen and Sam's offer – Deeks has some ways they can work off their adrenaline.
The FBI has Jalal in custody.  Two agents are bringing him in to the safe house.  Jalal went quietly – did run, didn't put up a fight.  The two FBI agents are bantering about who is going to get credit for the arrest when the FBI vehicle hits a man.  Warning Jalal that they'll shoot him if he moves, the FBI agents go outside to see how badly the man is hurt.
The man is not hurt.  Once the FBI agents get close to the man, he rolls over and the agent driving the SUV.   A second gunman arrives to kill teh other agent.  Leaving the dead agents in the street, the second gunman and the man hit by the car take the vehicle and drive off with Jalal.
In bed, Kensi is watching Deeks almost sleep – which he thinks is creepy.  They joke about him whistling in his sleep.  He sounds like a dying swan.  Deeks is so embarrassed he's willing to sleep in the garage or on the porch.  Kensi thinks it is sweet.  The two cuddle.  Kensi realizes they "really can't keep doing this, can we?"  Deeks says they cannot.  One more second and Kensi knows they both would have died.  Deeks tells her he's trying to be respectful of her choices but he hasn't hidden his feelings on the subject.  Kensi appreciates the respect.  She remember David Sarraf who needed someone.  Deeks disagrees – he needed her.  No, Kensi thinks he need his wife.  Deeks insists Sarraf needed her.  Kensi wants to keep helping people. She loves her job, she loves doing her job with him.  Deeks admits he'd be lying if he didn't say "me too."  They don't have to decide anything right now except stay in bed all day.  Kensi likes that idea.  They share I love yous.
Sam is making his way to Callen's apartment.  On the phone with Tom Olsen, the three men are going fishing.   Sam hears someone yelling in Russian in the bar.  Kicking down the door, Sam find an unhappy Callen.  Deeks just put in the door to separate the bar from the stairway to Callen's place and now Sam kicked it in.
Picking up his phone from the floor, Callen explains he gets his morning coffee from the bar.  Sam sees Callen has his laptop opened with a map of Russia on the screen.  After Sam promises they will find Garrison, Callen passes on the pep talk.  Besides – the call was about Hetty.  She doesn't want to be found, Callen wonders why are they still looking.  As for his father, Callen believes he isn't going to like what they find.  Sam thinks they keep looking anyway.  Sam's phone rings – it is Ochoa.  They are being called in.  
In Ops, Callen and Sam arrive with pictures of FBI Agents Nelson and Yim dead in the street on the big screen.  Sam asks for details.  Ochoa says NCIS is back on the terrorism task force.  The place where the agents were shot was a dead spot for cameras but matching the surrounding street cameras, the shooting and taking of Jalil and the FBI vehicle took less than 30-seconds.  That’s training, according to Callen.  The assumption is multiple killers to take out two FBI agents.  
With the FBI processing the crime scene, Callen asks about the FBI SUV having a tracker.  It did – the killers disabled it 200-yards from the shooting.  An hour later, 911 got a call about an SUV on fire in a vacant lot.  Kensi and Deeks were sent to the vacant lot.  Callen wants to talk to Galum, the only survivor from the failed attack.  Galum is back in surgery.  Sam wants security upped at the hospital.  The terrorist took Jalal from FBI custody – Galum needs to be secured.
Nell sighs loudly.  She analyzed the intel on the Mashriq Army for over a week.  Callen tells Nell nobody saw what the terror group planned.  Nell thinks she was wrong about the group.  The others tell her they all thought the Army had a limited network.   "Tell that to Agents Nelson and Yim," Nell says sadly.  She wants to bring an analyst with more of a background with the Mashriq Army.  Ochoa agrees – nobody else is dying today.  
Kensi and Deeks meet with Agent Ross where the SUV was burned.  Kensi offers the team's condolences.  Ross tells them the two dead men were great agents.  Yim just became a father. Ross still had not informed his wife.  Ross tells Kensi and Deeks the trip out was a waste of time – there are no cameras within five blocks of the vacant lot.  There are no tire tracks.  The fire ruined any evidence inside the SUV.  Kensi asks if she and Deeks can look around.  Ross welcomes it but wants to know if they find anything, "I want first crack at these bastards."
Callen and Sam visit a boxing gym.  Nell's suggested analyst is there – one of the women in the ring.  The woman is cheap-shotted by her opponent Carrie.  Carrie is bounced from the gym but the gym owner thinks Carrie was baited.  Taking off her boxing headgear, the woman is wearing a hijab.   The woman is Special Agent Fatima Namazi.  She knows about Callen and Sam - Ochoa called.  She's ready to help.
Deeks finds Kensi near a homeless person's set-up.  Ross called Deeks – no prints or DNA from the SUV, not even Nelson's or Yim's.  Kensi thinks the homeless person had a direct line of sight – they need to find that person.
Fatima explains the background of the Mashriq Army.  They are not looking to establish an Islamic state or enacting Sharia law.  They are interested in taking the war out of their home countries and bringing it to America.  A number of people in intelligence think it is a strategic choice by the Army – there are dozens of terror groups fighting for a home state or Sharia law.  After interviewing former members, Fatima believes it has more to do about revenge.  Members saw their homes and lives destroyed by US attacks.  
Fatima asks about Abbas Jalal not being on anyone's radar before the near bombing.  Callen tells her the team thought they knew all the members before the planned attack.  Sam figures Jalal is important – you would have to be to kill two FBI agents to free him.  This doesn’t track with Fatima's intelligence.  No member of the Army has any information outside of what they do for the organization.  Jalal was taken because the Army needs Jalal to do something.  Sounds like another attack is imminent.
In Mosley's/Ochoa's/Rogers's office, Fatima is briefing Ochoa.  Near Ops, Eric tries to be supportive with Nell but Nell believes the agents are dead because she didn't bring in help sooner.  Eric mentions that Fatima is just out of FLETC.  That's fine but Fatima was also Navy intelligence.  She has the expertise even without the NCIS experience.  After seeing Fatima's childhood home was Beverly Hills, Eric drops some Valley girl speak.  Nell wants no part of that because Fatima is a resource they should tapped into earlier and that Valley Girls are different than women from Beverly Hills.
Fatima arrives.  After exchanging handshakes and greeting with Eric and Nell, Fatima wants to know if it is OK to call Nell, Nell.  After reading so many of Nell's reports, Fatima feels like she knows her.  Praising Nell's white paper on the Comescues, Fatima is a fan and even more impressed since Nell wrote it while working in Ops full-time.  Ochoa leaves the three to work.  Fatima is grateful to be involved.  Looking at all the intelligence, Jalal is a new figure to the Army.
Fatima walks into Ops and takes it all in.  Eric hands Fatima a tablet and explains he was helpful with the Comescu paper – mostly font choices.  Callen and Sam are on the big screen from the boat shed with Bana Azim sitting in interrogation.  Azim and her husband own a currency exchange business, Jalal worked for them as a teller.  This is an illegal job – Jalal is in the US on a student visa.  He can only work on campus.  
Sam asks about Bana's husband Omar.  He's missing.  The FBI has been looking for him with no luck.  The Azims left Iraq 23-years ago and have not returned.  They raised a family in the US.  There are no red flags around any of their business or personal behavior.  Callen wonders if Jalal recruited them.  
When Callen and Sam enter interrogation, Bana Azim wants to know about her husband, he has been missing since the prior evening.  Sam doesn't think that's a long time.  Bana disagrees – Omar comes home every night.  She leaves the currency exchange a little before he does so she can prepare dinner.   She made his favorite meal and he did not come home.  Omar is a cancer survivor – he had a hard time with his strength last year.  
Sam asks about Jalal working for them against the rules of his student visa.  Both Bana and Omar knew Jalal was breaking the rules.  Kind and polite, Jalal was from Iraq.  The Azims deal with so few people from their home country.  After becoming friendly, they offered him the job. Jalal could not afford meals on campus – always hungry.  The Azims thought the best way to help him was to offer him a job.  
Bana says they should not have offered Jalal the job.  Callen assures her she won't be arrested for breaking the rules.  No, Bana explains, as soon as Jalal started working with them, the exchange was losing money.  A closer look at Jalal's transactions showed he was stealing from the exchange.  The Azims fired him.  When Sam asks how Jalal reacted, it occurs to Bana for the first time that Jalal could have something to do with her husband's disappearance.  She begs Callen and Sam to find Omar.
Kensi and Deeks are sitting in the Audi, looking at the homeless set-up.  Deeks wonders how long they are going to wait for someone who may not have seen a thing.  Kensi thinks the "she" must be cold at night.  Deeks wonders why Kensi went with "she" but Kensi turns it to or he.   There are thermal blankets in the back of the SUV, Kensi is going to leave them near the homeless set-up while Deeks asks for a second stakeout team to be sent.
As Kensi is leaving the blankets under the makeshift tent, the woman who sleeps there arrives and is not happy with someone poking around her belongings.  Kensi promises she's just leaving some blankets.  Deeks walks closer, making the homeless woman a bit nervous.  Kensi pulls her badge which makes things worse. Kensi assures the woman she's not in trouble – introduces herself and Deeks.  The homeless woman thinks they have weird names.  She won't share hers but she assures them it isn't a weird name.
Kensi asks what the homeless woman saw.  The woman pulls out a small piece of paper from her coat.  After the FBI SUV was set on fire, the men inside drove off in a different vehicle.  She got the license plate.  Handing the paper to Kensi, who hands it to Deeks, the homeless woman gets a "good job" from Deeks before he calls it in.
As Deeks walks away, the homeless woman explains that there are a lot of "us" living in the neighborhood – they all look out for each other.  They warn each other when they see something suspicious.  Kensi tells the woman "I know" before saying thank you.  Leaving, the homeless woman asks about more blankets.  Kensi promises more.
In Ops, Nell and Fatima update Callen and Sam on the currency exchange.  Bana Azim was telling the truth – Jalal was stealing from the business.  He took more than enough to finance the attack in the start of the episode and for a second one.  Eric arrives.  The homeless woman's license plate was found pulling into a warehouse downtown at 10:30PM. Callen wants Eric to send the address Kensi and Deeks – they will meet there.
NCIS and the FBI are in full body armor going into the warehouse.  FBI Agent Ross wants to go in immediately.  Sam wants to wait until they have "eyes inside".  Ross is worried about tipping the bad guys off and everyone goes in.  Once inside, a man behind a folding table stands up and starts shooting at the FBI.  Sam quickly puts an end to that.  One of the FBI SWAT members was hit by the shooter but the vest took the bullet.
Once everything is secure, a sheepish Ross admits to a very "I told you so" looking Callen and Sam that he jumped the gun but letting his anger make the call.  Deeks finds some weapons in an open box.  There are plenty of similar-sized empty open boxes all over the warehouse,
There is no video footage of other men leaving after the van arrived.  However, side and back doors do not have cameras nearby.  The dead man was there to clean up what was left in the warehouse and get rid of all evidence.  He was in the process of taking apart a laptop when the shooting began.
Eric has traffic camera footage from nearby.  The FBI is going to run down license plate numbers while Kensi and Deeks are going back to NCIS so Eric can examine the laptop to see if anything is left on the hard drive.  The van from the previous night is still in the warehouse – Callen and Sam want to check it out.
In Ops, Nell ID'd the dead man as Lethabo Kahn, former South African special forces.  That makes no sense to Fatima – why was he with the Mashriq Army?  Kahn was discharged for insubordination ten-years ago.  Fatima thought Kahn was from Yemen or Egypt – the Army does not take in outsiders.  Everyone is from the Mashriq region.
A lot of the data on the computer was corrupted but using the world's largest Microsoft Surface, Eric tells Kensi the laptop's internet activity is still all retrievable.  The last website access was a map of a particular area downtown.   Since the Mashriq Army targets military sites, Kensi wants to know if there are any enlistment/recruitment centers nearby.  There are not.  Grabbing Deeks, Kensi is going to meet Callen and Sam in the area.
Callen and Sam arrive first.  Eric wants to know why they are not in their tactical gear as he sees them on the big screen in Ops.  Sam does not want to tip off the terrorists.  Eric is worried about the level of firepower the terrorists have.  Callen assures Eric he's fine.  There were two other thumb drives found in the warehouse – both had the intel about the same corner where NCIS is investigating.  Looking around, there is plenty of civilian foot traffic. The Los Angeles movie theater looks like a soft target to Callen.
Inside the movie theater, people are milling about.  A couple regrets their movie choice.  She's off to the restroom before they leave.  Looking around the theater, Sam wants to start evacuating the movie goers.  Theater manager Sonya Morales passes by.  Flashing their badges, and being told there are no discounts for law enforcement, Callen tells her about a credible threat to the theater.  Morales thinks Callen is kidding until he pulls the fire alarm.
Ochoa has all sorts of first responders on their way to the theater.  Fatima does not believe the theater is the target.  The Mashriq Army is about revenge and this doesn't fit their pattern.  Nell disagrees – saying revenge could make the choice of targets chaotic.   That is possible to Fatima – stopping the earlier terror attack may have them changing their targets.  Ochoa wants the theater evacuated but that's already started.  
Kensi and Deeks arrive.  Sam wants them outside in case the plan was to get all the people from the theater into the streets and try an attack there.  Callen spots Jalal at the top of the theater's grand staircase.  Callen and Sam approach Jalal, who shows an explosive vest when he raises his hands.  Sam tells Jalal "you don't have to do this" before a massive explosion.
Outside of the theater, Kensi, Deeks and all the people in the immediate area are knocked to the ground and covered with debris.  In Ops, Eric, Nell, Ochoa and Fatima lose all feeds.  Ochoa is calling to Callen and Sam but communications are disrupted.  Callen and Sam are conscious but disoriented.  Looking up, Jalal is still wearing the explosive vest.  Jalal is telling Callen and Sam "you have to…" when the vest explodes.
Callen and Sam struggle to their feet, both with facial cuts from flying glass.  The woman who left her boyfriend to use the restroom is desperate to find him.  Sam tries to reassure her while Callen tries to contact Kensi and Deeks.  Sam tries Ops but realizes the explosion likely caused everyone's comms to reset.
The woman finds her boyfriend Dan badly injured on the ground.  She tries to move him but Sam stops her.  Telling the survivors it is all going to be okay, Sam asks them to all move away from the doors.  Callen looks at the people near the doors – they are either dead or in bad shape.
Callen looks up and see the EXIT sign was dislodged in the explosion.  In the sign’s casing is more C4 – the doors are wired to explode when first responders open them.  Sam wants everyone away from the doors – they are all likely wired to explode.  Callen finds Sonya Morales, who is frightened and crying.  Using the theater's PA system, Callen wants her to warn everyone in the theater to stay away from the doors.
The comms clear up.  Kensi and Deeks want to come inside but Callen tells them to stay outside because of the C4.  Sam is still worried about an active shooter scenario with all the people gathering near the theater.  Kensi asks how will they first responders get in.  Right now, they aren't getting in.  Callen and Sam are going to tend to the wounded as best they can.  Kensi and Deeks are told to keep everyone away from the entrance.
As Kensi eases some lookie-lous back, Deeks has to grab a man racing to the theater.  His wife Cathy is inside.  Kensi sees a man wandering around the theater's marquee.  His left arm was blown off just below the elbow.  Kensi takes the bleeding man to a nearby bench.  Deeks has Cathy's husband held on the ground to stop him from entering the theater.  Deeks explains he has friends inside - they all have to stay outside.  Kensi takes off her belt and makes a tourniquet for the man.  Kensi tries to talk to the man but he's not answering.
In Ops, Ochoa and Nell are in full action mode.  Ochoa is preparing to contact everyone up the bureaucratic food chain while Nell is coordinating with the FBI, the LAPD bomb squad and all the first responders.  Fatima, however, is off to the side, appearing stunned.  Ochoa asks Nell how they went from concerns about a mass shooting to bombing with two current fatalities and more to come.  At Nell's workstation, Eric tells Ochoa there could still be a mass shooting – this time with FBI, LAPD bomb squad and first responders with the civilians outside the theater.  Ochoa wants a review of the nearby traffic cams – see if anyone is waiting to ambush the first responders.  Ochoa notices Fatima, asking Nell if Fatima is okay.  Nell thinks Fatima needs a minute.  Ochoa is going to the theater.  
Nell approaches Fatima, who says she is fine.  Nell tells her "It is okay not to be."  After interviewing dozens of bombing victims and bombing perpetrators, Fatima knows she can handle this.  Nell points out the difference between speaking to people after the fact and dealing with a bombing as it occurs.  Fatima does not know what to do.  Nell invites her to help sorting some of the security camera footage.  Fatima sits at Eric's workstation – Eric gives her a supportive smile.
Callen and Sam try to tend to the wounded.  Dan is in rough shape, struggling ot breathe and coughing up blood.  Callen is called to help a woman bleeding from her neck.  Talking over comms, Deeks has bad news – the other exits are wired the same way.  Some of the people in the theater are going to die from their wounds if they don't get help.
In Ops, Fatima has video from the Mashriq Army, claiming credit for the bombing.  As the terrorist reads his manifesto, Kensi and Deeks are working with the first responders to help the injured outside the theater.  Body bags are being used to remove the dead.  Inside the theater, Callen covers the body of a dead moviegoer while Sam tries to comfort theater manager Morales.  "No one is safe" and "To Be Continued" end the episode.
What head canon can be formed from here:  Really different ways at how the show looks at acts of terror bookend this episode.  The opening is the usual loosey-goosey action-adventure scenes the program specializes in.  Big action, big excitement, big fun.  The end is what acts of terror really look like.  No cool cars with super cool agents saving the day.  This time, it is innocent civilians like Dan and Cathy and their partners enjoying an afternoon matinee.  A great part one to this two-parter.
Kensi and Deeks are closer to their eventual next act, knowing they enjoy the lives they are living now.  There was a hint of Kensi's past here.
Tom Olsen is Sam's fishing buddy.  Of course he is.
Episode number:  This is part one of two episodes, episode 14 in season ten and episode 230 overall.
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marvelzombiespromos · 4 years
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They come from different places and not all of them got their powers the same way, but the heroes who have taken a spider for their emblem share a particular bond. While they were all apart when the infection struck, the priority wasn't finding each other. They had people to protect, and work to do.
The crisis has become the status quo now, and some of the spider heroes have taken up residence at Haven. Being out in the thick of it is valuable, but there's work to be done to protect known survivors. Jess had Gerry to think of, a safe place for her baby to grow up. Peter knew that his less superheroic abilities were of value to a growing community. Both wish they could go out hunting for their friends, especially since a number of them are so much younger than they are. Given the circumstances, messages over the radio waves will have to suffice for now.
Saychelle Gabriel is Anya Corazon Alicia Vikander is Jessica Drew [TAKEN] Arden Cho is Cindy Moon Reece King is Miles Morales [TAKEN] Andrew Garfield is Peter Parker [TAKEN] Candice King is Gwen Stacy
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ICE employee infodump
Here’s the information on ~1500 listed as working for ICE on LinkedIn. Photos of many of these people are available at archive.org. More info on how this was obtained available at GitLab. Find the ones in your area by using "search in page" (CTRL-F or CMD-F in most browsers).
This information has been removed from several websites already (hence the archive.org link).
Sorry about the ridiculously long post; I wanted it in a format where the whole thing lives on every blog that reblogs it so if I get suspended/change URLs/ragequit/etc, the whole post will still be available on the blogs of everybody who reblogs it, which doesn't happen if I use a "read more".
Each listing is formatted as “Name | Title | Location”. All information is as was posted on LinkedIn.
Euna Song | Staff Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Douglas Ruszcyk | Federal Law Enforcement | Greater Pittsburgh Area
Byron J. | Special Agent | Brownsville, Texas Area
Jason Brazie | Deportation Officer | Albany, New York Area
Matthew Allen (ICE/HSI) | Special Agent in Charge | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Joseph Reuter | Security Manager | Orange County, California Area
Nate Fontaine, MSM | Chief, Security Assurance Branch | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin Tyrrell | Supervisory Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Michal Grygo | Senior Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Christopher Tafe | Supervisory Special Agent / Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Gil | FEDERAL AGENT | San Antonio, Texas Area
Abu Saleh | Homeland Security Investigations | United States
Sharon Peyus | Homeland Security Investigations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Sayles | Computer Forensic Analyst | Greater Atlanta Area
Samuel Padilla | Computer Forensics Analyst / Human Exploitation Rescue Operative | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Stacy Wiechec | Senior Special Agent | United States
Mark Lenox | Enforcement Program Officer | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Robert J. Nieves, Jr. | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater Denver Area
Larry Orton | Retired Federal Law Enforcement (Deputy Field Office Director) | Greater Atlanta Area
Marco Suarez | Supervisory Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Sean Willman | Supervisory Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations | Greater New York City Area
Reba McGinnis | Unit Chief, Information Disclosure, Homeland Security Investigations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rob Patterson | Criminal Investigator | Greater Seattle Area
Terence Glover | Deportation Officer | Orlando, Florida Area
Edward Bradstreet, CFCE-EnCE | Special Agent | Greater Boston Area
John Czerapowicz | Special Agent | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Kevin Coleman | Special Agent/ National Program Manager | Greater New York City Area
Maria P. Sickels, PhDc | Intelligence Specialist | Anchorage, Alaska Area
Craig Nadler | IT Specialist Information Security | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Joey Bozik | Computer Forensic Analyst | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Justin Leone | Associate Legal Advisor - National Security Law Section | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shareef Smith | U.S. Law Enforcement | Greater Chicago Area
Rose Arenas | Contracting Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marshall Kennedy | Computer Forensic Analyst | Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Nicholas Volpicella | Computer Forensic Analyst | Orlando, Florida Area
Raymond Smith | law enforcement supervisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Paul Cotcher | Criminal Investigator | Grand Junction, Colorado Area
Deyon Washington | Law Enforcement | Greater Chicago Area
Agnes Hughes | bond control officer | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
George Rodriguez | Special Agent | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Keith Acosta | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Tom Betts | Supervisory Agent/Deportation Officer | Killeen/Temple, Texas Area
Mark Mendoza | (Fmr) Senior Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
Devon Haskins | Deportation Officer | Albany, New York Area
Eric Bowers | HSI Special Agent | Springfield, Illinois Area
Harry Burns | Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Albert Rabadi | Special Agent (Criminal Investigator) | Greater Los Angeles Area
Joel N. | Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations | Greater Los Angeles Area
Eric Munson | Special Agent | Houston, Texas Area
Craig Coleman | Computer Forensics Analyst | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Edward Mederos | Special Agent / Special Response Team leader. | Greater Los Angeles Area
Derrick Perry | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Jeff Barczak | Criminal Investigator | Tucson, Arizona Area
Courtney Norris | Deportation Officer | San Francisco Bay Area
Noel Lee | Deportation Officer | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Timothy Black | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Greater Seattle Area
Judith Almodovar | Law Enforcement | Greater New York City Area
Joseph Flippo | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Shelley Howes | Supervisor for Transportation Security Performance Evaluations | Greater Boston Area
William Kloiber | Deportation Officer | Greater Denver Area
James Burns | Personnel Security | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Christopher Wallace | Criminal Investigator | Cincinnati, Ohio Area
Sean Mullin | Special Agent | Syracuse, New York Area
Bruce Gauthier | Criminal Investigator | Greater Boston Area
Mike Fernandez | Supervisory Deportation Officer | Greater Seattle Area
Charles Hester | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Patrick Murray | Deportation Officer | Greater Seattle Area
Patrick Kearns | Detention and Deportation Officer | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Rick Diaz | Deportation Officer | El Paso, Texas Area
Victor Soto | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Leslie Brooks | Senior Special Agent | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Balvin Dunn | Deportation Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Eric Bradshaw | Deportation Officer | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Jarat Lee Santikul | Investigator | Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Thailand
Nicole Yandow | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Luis Maldonado | Detention and Deportation Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rich Gallagher | Intelligence Research Specialist | Greater New York City Area
Sir Streeter | Special Agent | Greater Atlanta Area
Lynn Ziegler | Retired | Greater Los Angeles Area
Natalie Hancock | Deportation Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Nelson Mercado | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Don Ivey | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area
Ruben Canales | Deportation Officer | Brownsville, Texas Area
Matthew Burns Jr | Law Enforcement | Northern Mariana Islands area
Don Bromberg | Senior Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jake ICE Phelps | Police Officer | Greater New York City Area
Scott Bocksel | senior special agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin 2509 Cronin | Senior Special Agent | Greater Boston Area
William Griffen | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater San Diego Area
R. Franklin | SPECIAL AGENT | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Melanie Thomas | Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
Chris Woluewich | Customs officer | Greater New York City Area
Stewart Harvey | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
daniel ramirez | Senior Special Agent | El Paso, Texas Area
Rachel Johnson | Detention Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Gary Reece | Retired law enforcement | Greater Seattle Area
Shelton Mirc | Senior Intelligence Research Specialist | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Willy Ochoa | Senior Special Agent | El Paso, Texas Area
Robert Babcock | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater Chicago Area
Joe Del | Deputy District Director Investigations | Greater Los Angeles Area
Mark Zito | Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) | Orange County, California Area
Dustin Mehsling | Special Agent | Greater Denver Area
Mike Macqueen | Investigator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brad M. | Deportation Officer (1801) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Adams | Deportation Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Gunnar Pedersen | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Andrew Onello | Security Assessment and Penetration Testing Lead | Columbia, South Carolina Area
Jake Dobberke | Computer Forensic Analyst | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Michael McCarthy | Deputy Special Agent in Charge | Greater New York City Area
Patrick J. "P.J." Lechleitner | HSI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) | United States
Daniel F Mikolay | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | San Angelo, Texas Area
R. Scott Harris | Special Agent (HSI) | Greater Atlanta Area
Jason Samuels | Special Agent | Greater New York City Area
Jada Keltz | Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Eric M. | Criminal Investigator | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
William Puff | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Greater Seattle Area
Patrick Fahey | Retired HSI Special Agent | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Chris Watkins | Supervisory Special Agent/Group Supervisor | Greater New Orleans Area
Monica Mapel | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | San Antonio, Texas Area
Scott Johnston | Program Manager, Law Enforcement Information Sharing | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jon N. | Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gabriel Martinez | Deportation Officer | Greater Seattle Area
LaShawn Powell | Special Assistant, Fugitive Operations Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alex Chan | Criminal Investigator/Special Agent | San Francisco Bay Area
Michael Calvo | HSI Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Wendy Ireland | Emergency Management Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Christopher Harms | Deportation Officer | Greater Denver Area
Brian Stewart | Special Agent | Greater Detroit Area
David Morris | Assistant Special Agent in Chart | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Deaton | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater Detroit Area
Martin Spille | Senior Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
Christopher Read | Senior Special Agent | Brownsville, Texas Area
Manuel De Leon | Federal Officer | Greater New York City Area
Paul O'Brien | Technical Enforcement Officer | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Brittany Tobias | Contracting Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Van Stephens | Special Agent | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Brent Moore | Senior Special Agent | United States
Samuel Nugent | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Scott Thompson | Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agent / Senior Firearms Instructor | Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Brad Maison | Emergency Management Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matthew Lopez | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Christopher H. | Special Agent and Computer Forensics Agent | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Christopher Jeffreys | Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist | El Paso, Texas Area
Shane Watts | Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Russ Spruance | Special Agent (Retired) | Hickory/Lenoir, North Carolina Area
Austin Shaver | Supervisory Special Agent | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Francis Kemp | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Maria Gilbert | Criminal Investigator | Houston, Texas Area
Robert Alaniz Jr. | Deportation Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Christopher Palazzo | Deportation Officer | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Rebecca Fisher | Deportation Officer | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Ronald Bissonnette | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Christopher Maloney | Criminal Investigator | Tucson, Arizona Area
Mark Rhoades | Deportation Officer | Panama City, Florida Area
Matthew Lester | IT Specialist (Information Security) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Schwink | Chief-Personnel Security Unit | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Miguel Palomino | Criminal Investigator | Greater Los Angeles Area
michael morris | Deportation Officer | Greater Atlanta Area
Bryan Wheeler | Deportation Officer | Amarillo, Texas Area
richard wilkens | Staff Officer | United States
Joshua F. | Special Agent | Burlington, Vermont Area
Joshua Kincaid | Law Enforcement Specialist | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Christopher Carter | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
John Hardisson | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Sean Nails | Deportation Officer | Greater Chicago Area
Derek Hadrian | Homeland Security | Reunion
Neil Marley | SPECIAL AGENT | Bismarck, North Dakota Area
Gilbert Longoria | Deportation Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Gregory Styles | Embassy Liaison Officer (DDO) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rosevelt Holdin | TFO / Homeland security | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Jill Martin | Criminal Intelligence Analyst | Houston, Texas Area
Scott Livingston | Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Gary C | Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Richard Espinoza | Deportation Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
Cambisi Anthony | Deportation Officer | Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Alex Bragg | Deportation Officer | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Ron Batley | Supervisory Deportation Officer | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Aron Brown | Personal Security | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Dale Kramer | Deportation Officer | Sioux City, Iowa Area
Howard KromeDMARC | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Antonino Giovenco | Deportation Officer | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Ronald Lee | Special Agent | Greater San Diego Area
Jerrico Leason | Deportation Officer | Colorado Springs, Colorado Area
Vladimir Martinez-Jimenez | Intelligence Operations Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
charlie250 Clem-Chalie | police | Dominica
Jerry Conrad | Special Agent | Yuma, Arizona Area
Bryan Moser | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
David Vargas | Deportation Officer | San Francisco Bay Area
Douglas Ruszcyk | Federal Law Enforcement | Greater Pittsburgh Area
Michael Higginbotham | Deportation Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Richard Kellner | Senior Special Agent | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Ken Yeung | Crim Investigator | Hong Kong
Cornelius O'Rourke | Special Agent | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Martinez Alberto | Investigative Assistance, Special Agent | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Jessie Hernandez | Deportation Officer | Greater Chicago Area
Bill Tupy | Sup Deportation Officer (retired) | Amarillo, Texas Area
Charles Hedges | Law Enforcement Officer | Portland, Oregon Area
Bridget O'Donnell | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Ryder Burpo | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Calivn Bradford | Special Agent | Houston, Texas Area
Adam Parks | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Baltimore, Maryland Area
James Bentz | Criminal Intelligence Analyst | Providence, Rhode Island Area
Jason Madrigal | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Annemarie Brennan-Linnan | Associate Legal Advisor, National Security Law Section | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Andrea Navarro | Dept of Homeland Security | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Bernardo Pillot | Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Kyle Burns | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Greater Detroit Area
Bryan McPherson | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Greater Philadelphia Area
Patrick M. Hudgens | Supervisory Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chaz Davis | Supervisory Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Ma | Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Paul Waldron, CAMS | Supervisory Special Agent | Greater New York City Area
Kurtis Palm | Deportation Officer | Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Jacob Ratliff | Homeland Security Investigations | Greater San Diego Area
Willie Phillips | Emergency Management Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sheila Blandon | Personnel Security Assistant | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Peter Fellenz | Deportation Officer | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Eric Fletcher | Senior Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
JD Y. | Deportation Officer | Greater Chicago Area
Justin de Castro | Deportation Officer | San Francisco Bay Area
Julio Castro | Law Enforcement Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jeffery Chappell, CFCE, ACE, EnCe | Special Agent | Houston, Texas Area
Justin Brown | Detention Lieutenant | Sacramento, California Area
Kyle Hobart | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Syracuse, New York Area
Brian Balkovec | Deportation Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Beth Thomas | Intelligence Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Miranda Collins | Contracting Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Anthony Estrella | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Christine Choo | Federal Officer | Orlando, Florida Area
Jarrett Atkinson | Deportation Officer | Houma, Louisiana
Joe Quattrocchi | Senior Special Agent (OPR) | Greater New York City Area
Anthony Miranda | Deportation Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
Richard Lall | Deportation Officer | Northern Mariana Islands area
Chatham McCutcheon | Deportation Officer | Portland, Oregon Area
Josh Turner | Computer Forensic Analyst | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Jeffrey Martinez | Deportation Officer | Columbus, Georgia Area
William Clark | Deportation Officer | Hartford, Connecticut Area
William Rusche | Special Agent/ Criminal investigator | Greater New Orleans Area
Christopher Cox | Deportation Officer | Greater Atlanta Area
Olajuwon Davis | Deportation Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Bjorn Olson | Computer Forensic Analyst | Spokane, Washington Area
Sean Velazquez | Deportation Officer | Greater Denver Area
John Tucciarone | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Jason Richardson | Law Enforcement | Greater New York City Area
Derrick Chism | Supervisory Detention Deportation Officer | Greater St. Louis Area
Leonid Peets | Law Enforcement Officer | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Timothy Tubbs | Deputy Special Agent in Charge | Laredo, Texas Area
Elvia Wilcox | Law Enforcement Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Daniel Main | Intelligence Research Specialist | Greater Boston Area
Miley James | Senior Special Agent | Orlando, Florida Area
John Bustamante | Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mercedes Jordan | Detention Officer at the El Paso Processing Center | El Paso, Texas Area
Jaime Maldonado | Deportation Officer | Greater Seattle Area
Kevin M Thompson | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer/ medical docket: detention standards & compliance | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Efren Chapa | Deportation Officer | Brownsville, Texas Area
Lee Totah | Criminal Investigator (Special Agent) | Greater Los Angeles Area
Felix Ramos, Jr. | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Greater Chicago Area
Robert Moore | Journeyman Deportation Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Willie Outlaw | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Tom Solem | Senior Force Protection Officer (CTR)/TRADOC | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Breder | Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dada C. | Special Agent | United States
Katlyn Woods | Intelligence Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aaron Raynor | Deportation Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
chris lugard | Army Officer | Nigeria
Derrick Eleazer | Federal Agent | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Christopher Wyatt | Personnel Security | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Martin Gutierrez | Homeland Security | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Jean-Claude Nolan | Federal Agent | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Rick Null | IT Specialist, Information Security | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Scott White | Deportation Officer | Yuma, Arizona Area
Scott Saving | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Keith Chan | Deportation Officer | Greater Boston Area
Anthony Martinez | Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Martin Bermudez | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Rochester, New York Area
David Williard | law enforcement speicilist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Sean Hayhurst | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Greg Hartfield | Detention and Deportation Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Whitney Payte | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Amarillo, Texas Area
Michael Gerwin | Security Specialisr | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Us Alerts | Security service | Macon, Georgia Area
Jim Reed | Federal Agent | Greater San Diego Area
Ryan Hubbard | Special Agent | Greater Nashville Area, TN
Rosalie Bullen | Criminal Investigator | Richmond, Virginia Area
Roberta Halls | Contracting Officer | Orange County, California Area
George Cole | Retired Federal Agent | Greater Chicago Area
A N | Detention officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
Scott White | Deportation Officer | Yuma, Arizona Area
Tim Jones | Criminal Investigator | Greater St. Louis Area
Brent Oxley | Deportation Officer | Little Rock, Arkansas Area
Sergio De Leon Jr. | Deportation Officer | Brownsville, Texas Area
Jorge Oliva | Federal Agent | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Larry Cannan | Special Agent/Coordinator | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Ibrahim Ashmed | Transportation officer | Greater New York City Area
Todd L. | Federal Officer | Syracuse, New York Area
ALEXANDER BRAGG | Deportation Officer | Wichita, Kansas Area
Bill Sloan | Deportation Officer | Sarasota, Florida Area
Juan Ramirez | Deportation Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
Jasper Chan | Deportation Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
Jared Smith | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Dr. John Drakeford | Law Enforcement Officer | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Area
Niko Ceja | Intelligence Operations Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Hector X Colon | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Rodney Abercrombie | SSO - Special Security Officer | US Military Posts in Europe
Joseph Williams | Chief Of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matthew Gabe | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Kendra Jenkins | Program Management Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Eliu Estrada | International Advanced Law Enforcement Training/ Course Developer/ Instructor | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Brian Sherota | Supervisory Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Sherilyn Streicker | Criminal Investigator | Greater San Diego Area
Amy Sprague | Identity Intelligence Operations Analyst | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Joseph Foster | 287g Designated Immigration Officer | Naples, Florida Area
Roger L. Aarons | Homeland Security Investigations Liaison to TSA | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brian Ramsey | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | El Paso, Texas Area
John Z. | Special Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
Gene J Paulauskas | Assistant Special Agent in Charge | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Michael Byrd | Deportation Officer | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Glenn Spindel | Supervisory Special Agent, Special Operations Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Miguel Ramirez | Supervisory Special Agent | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Brian Padian | Resident Agent in Charge (RAC) | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Mervyn J. De La Torre | Country Attaché/Supervisory Criminal Investigator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Guyer | Chief of Staff - Office of Professional Responsibility | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matthew Christianson | Emergency Management Specialist | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Mike Carney | Deputy Special Agent in Charge | Greater San Diego Area
James Wilson, Jr | 287(g) Program Manager/Supervisory Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
David Byrd | Senior Physical Security Manager | San Francisco Bay Area
Harold Honegger | Contracting Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sean M. S. | Detention and Deportation Officer (Program Manager) | Orlando, Florida Area
Shenan Carroll | Intelligence Analyst, Human Smuggling Cell | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Richard Lyons | Acting Assistant Special Agent in Charge, ICE Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) | United States
Brandon K. G. | Intelligence Research Specialist | Greater Philadelphia Area
Bruce Busby | Special Agent | Greater Atlanta Area
Kelvin Glymph | Deputy Assistant Director, Contracting Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Holscher | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nicole Solander | Group Supervisor | Sacramento, California Area
Cynthia Ludington | Managment and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tim Westlove | Special Agent/Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rajeev Sharma | Immigration and Customs Investigator, US Department of Homeland Security | New Delhi Area, India
Rich Nicorvo, CEM, PMP | Unit Chief, Incident and Special Response Unit | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Miguel L Carrasquillo | Technical Enforcement Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael McLaughlin | Intelligence Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles Gibbs | Deportation Officer | York, Pennsylvania Area
Logan W. | Deportation Officer | San Francisco Bay Area
Christopher Kudless | Computer Forensics Agent | Greater Philadelphia Area
Jeannetta S Evans | Watch Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kelly Anderson CHS IV, SSI | Enforcement and Removal Office | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jesse Lewis | Investigative Analyst | Burlington, Vermont Area
Chuck Kirk | Detention and Deportation Officer National Fugitive Operations Program | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joanne Johnson | Criminal Targeting Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Paul Valvo | Computer Forensic Analyst (HERO)(Human Exploitation Rescue Operative) | Hartford, Connecticut Area
Paul Bevard | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Adams | Deportation Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Heather A. | Special Agent | Brownsville, Texas Area
Jason Edmister | Deportation Officer | Columbus, Ohio Area
Christopher Jacobs | Deportation Officer | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
June Adams | Deportation Officer | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Frank P. | Special Agent | Greater New York City Area
Kristal Pena | Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Bhrugesh Patel | Law Enforcement Specialist | Orlando, Florida Area
Tim Lenzen | Supervisory Special Agent | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Christian Lamborn | Immigration Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Gerardo C. | USICE Agent (HQ) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marco Ruiz | Deportation Officer/Special Response Team Operator | Greater Chicago Area
Gabriel Ruiz | Deportation Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Creigon Ellis | law enforcement specialist | Greater Philadelphia Area
Daniel Finn | Deportation Officer | Greater Philadelphia Area
Lagarion Brown | Deportation Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Ariel Valdez | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Eli Moran | Deportation Officer | Richmond, Virginia Area
Lucas Penn | Deportation Officer | Stockton, California Area
Adam Khalil | Deportation Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Linda Past | Director, ICE Law Enforcement Support Center | Burlington, Vermont Area
Faith S. | Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ron Seely | Deputy Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Andrew Chiles | Intelligence Research Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Ricky Colegrove | Deportation Officer | Longview, Texas Area
Dan Athanasaw | Performance Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Banks | Deportation Officer | Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area
Carol Lazzaro | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Greenbaum Alan | Assistant Field Office Director | Greater Boston Area
Sylvester Phekoo | Deportation Officer | Greater New York City Area
Chris Chamberlain | Deportation Officer | Wichita, Kansas Area
Sara Badger | Law Enforcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
Brenda Allport | Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jake Summers | Student Trainee | Greater St. Louis Area
Chris Oslin | Investigator | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Daniel Kaiser, SFPC | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
CHRISTOPHER GAMEZ | Deportation Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Mark Elias | Designated Immigration Officer | Houston, Texas Area
Anthony Webb | Contracting Officer | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
William Flood | Intelligence Research Specialist | San Antonio, Texas Area
Regina Calhoun | Intelligence Analyst | Greater Chicago Area
David Singh | Deportation Officer | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Tanika Sanders | Special Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mary De Anda-Ybarra | Deportation Officer | El Paso, Texas Area
James Gwinn | Contracting Officer | Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Area
Walter Le Roy | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Howard Bolick | Special Agent / Legislative Fellow | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rik Webb | Designated Immigration Officer | Houston, Texas Area
John A | Deportation Officer | Greater Boston Area
Michael Sharp | Officer | Greater Philadelphia Area
Nathan Rasper | Detention Standards Compliance Officer (SME) | Alexandria, Louisiana Area
Gina Mostafaie | Government Information Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tammy Spicer | Public Affairs Officer | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Dan Cutchens | Recruiter | Greater Boston Area
Doug Green | Special Agent | Greater Philadelphia Area
Douglas Gilmer | Resident Special Agent in Charge | Birmingham, Alabama Area
Dee Norton | Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Director for ICE Air Operations | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Jason Henry | Unit Chief Law Enforcement Information Sharing Initiative | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rafa Conde | Hostage Negotiator HNT | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Jere Miles | Deputy Assistant Director, Investigative Services Division | Greater New Orleans Area
Stephen Miller | Field Intelligence Officer | San Francisco Bay Area
Fidel Esparza III | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Benjamin Buchta | Deportation Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Wm. David Jones | President Of The Board Of Directors | Greater Los Angeles Area
John O'Connor | Intelligence Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tim Colson | Intelligence Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Toni Dupard-North | Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer | Birmingham, Alabama Area
Elhrick C. | Special Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Joshua Rodriguez | Intern | Greater New York City Area
Matthew O'Brien | Special Investigator | Mansfield, Ohio Area
Robert Bernal | Supervisory Detention and Deportation Officer | Greater Atlanta Area
Elizabeth Leong | Intern | Greater Boston Area
Casie Matter | Paralegal Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Edgardo Centeno | Deportation Officer | Other
David Nejand | Security Assurance Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
JUSTIN DILONE | Deportation Officer (Operation War Fighter Intern) | Greater San Diego Area
Niko DeCristofaro | Internship | Greater New York City Area
Noor Phillips | Title III Moniter- Linguist (Arabic) | Colorado Springs, Colorado Area
Frank Franco | Senior Field Training Officer | Greater New York City Area
William Chin | Deportation Officer-Fugitive Operations | Richmond, Virginia Area
Douglas McKenna, PMP | Deputy Chief, Quality Assurance Branch, Solutions Delivery Division, OCIO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cherie Go | Sr. Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kenneth Padilla | Deputy Principal Legal Advisor for Field Legal Operations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Luis Rendon | Operations/Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
George Sterling | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater Atlanta Area
Jack Bennett | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater San Diego Area
Marc Moore | Field Office Director | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jeffrey D. Lynch | Field Office Director | Greater Denver Area
Hilary Pullen | Management Program Analyst GS-13-0343 | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Timothy Aitken | Field Office Director | San Francisco Bay Area
C. Denise Moore | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Al Santos | ICE OCIO Field Operations Govt IT and Project Lead | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Rozzelle | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sean Ervin | Assistant Field Office Director | Greater Atlanta Area
Kristy Singletary | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Will Williams | Program Management Officer/Contract Officer's Representative | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Conrad Agagan | Assistant Field Office Director | Orlando, Florida Area
Kelly Horecky | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joseph Lombardo | Deputy Field Office Director | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
John Martinez | Unit Chief for ICE Air Operations | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Tarah Murphy | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jacqueline Haile | Supervisory Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Richard Catalon MS, PMP, CISA | Branch Director, Acquisition Management, ICE Office of Chief Information Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jennell Thomas Lewis | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dionne Jones | Management and Program Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Robert Rochester | Sr Management & Program Analyst/Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jay Dell | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert J. Alfieri | Assistant Field Office Director | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Reiss K. | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Blake | Assistant Field Office Director | Scranton, Pennsylvania Area
Candace Kerr | Supervisory Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shonchotsani Y. | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lyle Boelens | Assistant Field Office Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
William Waddington | Management and Program Analyst | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Susanna Warner | Supervisory Management and Program Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Luisito Maligat | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Daniel Gross | Management Program Analyst | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Lovely Epps | Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Pamela Ashanti-Griggs | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Douglas Rustan | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kristine Brisson | Assistant Officer in Charge (AOIC) | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Beau Allen | Senior Field Training Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Miguel Vergara | Assistant Field Office Director | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Linda Tadrus | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kristal Watts | Mission Support Specialist / Fleet Manager | Greater Chicago Area
Corey Snyder | Safety & Health Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Derek Long | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Amy Powell | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Katherine Sheridan | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Megan Littlejohn | Enforcement and Removal Operations | Colorado Springs, Colorado Area
Tonja Cosey | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Hobart | Management and Program Analyst | Greater Denver Area
Jesse Williams | Assistant Field Office Director | Brownsville, Texas Area
Anita Holland | Supervisory Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mike Burtis | Exporter | Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Daniel Mackey | Management Program Analyst | Greater New York City Area
Jill Hicks | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Felicia Clark | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marcella Hayes | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dennis Garner | Enforcement Operations Supervisor | San Antonio, Texas Area
Benny L. Smith Jr. | Occupational Safety and Health Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Amar Mundzahasic | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Miguel Cruz | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nathalie Asher | Asst Field Office Director | Greater Seattle Area
Lisa Lockman | Management Program Analyst | Greater Seattle Area
C. Denise Winter | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Denise Moore | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Alfieri | Assistant Field OfficeDirector | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Cuthbert Jacobs | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Garry L Branch | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ray Linsdey | Enforcement and Removal Operations | Greater New York City Area
Benny Smith | Safety and Occupational Health Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alfredo Campos | Deputy Field Office Director | El Paso, Texas Area
John "Too Tall" Milian | Assistant Field Office Director | Greater New Orleans Area
Chelsea Elston | Management & Program Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Damian Matthews | Management and Program Analyst (Records) | United States
Jeff Searls | Assistant Officer In Charge | Rochester, New York Area
Paul Hester | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chrissy Ward | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Renee Shawn Clement | Special Assistant to the Field Office Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
charles willis | Supervisor Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mike Skelton | Contract Officer Representative COR | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Cynthia Ahmed | Retired U.S Customs Specialist | Greater Atlanta Area
Linda Ward | management program analyst | Orange County, California Area
elham kharazmi | expert customs | Iran
Cheryl Poisson | Management and Program Analyst | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Robert brother Culley | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater San Diego Area
Patrick Contreras | Field office director | Houston, Texas Area
Linwood Weaver | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kathy Baker | Supervisory Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robin Gladden | Management & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rene Rodriguez | Asst Field Office Director | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Margaret Garcia | Enforcement & Removal Operations | San Antonio, Texas Area
Pam Briggs | Program Analyst | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Megan Hier | Management and Program Analyst | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Rita Thompson | Manage and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas P. Giles | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater Los Angeles Area
Joseph M. Finck, MA, BS | Office of Professional Responsibility, Inspections and Compliance Specialist - GS 1801 | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cyrena Khoury | Associate Legal Advisor, Enforcement and Removal Operations Law Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Milian | Assistant Field Office Director | Greater New Orleans Area
Dan Ragsdale | Deputy Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Jennings | Field Office Director | San Francisco Bay Area
Walt Cain | Senior Advisor for Field Operations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael W. Meade | Deputy Field Office Director | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Henry Lucero | Field Office Director (SES) | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Janet Williams | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dilip Kinra, PMP, ITILv3 | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Trey Lund | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater New Orleans Area
Stephen Roncone | CFO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marisa F. | Acting Deputy Field Office Director | Orange County, California Area
Patrick Knowles, SHRM-CP | Management and Program Analyst | Burlington, Vermont Area
Paul McCloskey | Associate Deputy Principal Legal Advisor, Field Operations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elizabeth Kennett | Division Chief, Safety and Sustainability | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elizabeth Kiley | Enforcement and Removal Operations | Greater San Diego Area
Alethea Boss | Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shawn Byers | Deputy Field Office Director | Louisville, Kentucky Area
Terry Johnston | Deputy Chief, Solutions Delivery OCIO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bryan Wilcox | Deputy Field Office Director | Greater Seattle Area
Howard L. Weisman | Supervisory Insider Threat Ops Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Regina McCully | Space Management Specialist | United States
Nadia S. | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Paul A. McBride | Deputy Field Office Director | Houston, Texas Area
Michelle Brito | Management and Program Analyst (Facilities) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jennifer Uriostegui | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michellette Green | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Duane Hemphill | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Christopher Crespo | Immigration Officer 287 (g) | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Floyd Sam Farmer | Deputy Field Office Director | El Paso, Texas Area
Lisa Watson | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John P. | Presidential Management Fellow | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Briana Kreibich | Special Assistant to Field Office Director | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Kara Eutsler | Management And Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aida Polite | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Erin Dowling | Deputy Assistant Director, Resource Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jeffrey Morin | Supervisor | United States
Douglas Nagel | Lead Inspections and Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Martha Wamunyu | Financial Operations | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
James Shaver | Assistant Field Operations Director | Daytona Beach, Florida Area
Daniel Jaramillo | Immigration Officer (287g) Refugio County Jail | Corpus Christi, Texas Area
Joseph Nicolai | Management and Program Analyst | Dover, Delaware Area
Evelin Montenegro | Inspections and Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mike White | Officer | United States
Wes McCarville | Managment & Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
DAVID DRASIN | Assistant Field Office Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Isaiah S. Hughes | Supervisory Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater New York City Area
Rose Riley | Public Affairs Officer | Greater St. Louis Area
Kathryn Briskie | Contract Specialist | Orange County, California Area
Roderick Robinson | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
(Rey) Chandara Khlaing | Enforcement and Removal Operations | Greater San Diego Area
Samantha Seaman | Assistant Field Office Director | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Billy Lee, REHS/RS | Supervisory Industrial Hygeinist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marie Howell | Management and Program Analyst | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Michael Chesnut | Health and Safety Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chad Walton | Chief, TACCOM Maintenance Operations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cesar Sarinana | Operations | San Antonio, Texas Area
Mattie Johnson-Ross | Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cheri Kennedy | Management/Program Analyst | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Tonya G. Nowlin | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matt Gowin | Management and Program Analyst | Charlottesville, Virginia Area
Moris Tobar | Management and Program Analyst | United States
Floyd Gibson | Management Program Analyst | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Darren Williams | Assistant Field Office Director | Greater New York City Area
Antonio James, MBA | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Holly Taylor | Owner | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
David Thomas | Management Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rick Pulsinelli, CPA | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alex Folami | Field Coordinator | Greater Chicago Area
Dave Jones | Transport Officer | Greater Denver Area
Ralph Ferguson, MS, MBA | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Adams, MBA, CSHS | Safety and Occupational Health Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
marion harris | customs agent / part time | Melbourne, Florida Area
Jacquese DuBose | Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
KEHINDE Lateef | Transport officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
angela bozieux | transport/dentention Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Rachael Zarlinski | Social Work Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Emily Sprouse | Management and Program Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Taria Ramos | Assistant Executive Secretariat | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Maria Alexandra Laborde | Translator, Writer/Editor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Pallavi Shirole | Associate Legal Advisor | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Brandon Lowy | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Boston Area
Kelley Fowler | Attorney | Greater Atlanta Area
Kasey Podzius | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael McFarland | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Rodion Tadenev | Assistant Chief Counsel | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Elizaveta Ivanova | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Demetirus Cook | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Curtis George White | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Enrique J. San Miguel-Ruiz | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Bao Q. Nguyen | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Amanda Fischer | Assistant Chief Counsel | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Amanda J. | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Luke Nelson | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Steven Vezos | Assistant Chief Counsel | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Matt Chan | Assistant Chief Counsel (GS-14) | Greater Los Angeles Area
Dionne Gill | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Alok Kale | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Deborah Ho | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Carlo Zayas Morales | Assistant Chief Counsel | Puerto Rico area
Ross Militello | Assistant Chief Counsel | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Nicholle Hempel | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Sarah (Schreck) Lara | Assistant Chief Counsel | Portland, Oregon Area
Geoffrey Ling | Office of the Principal Legal Advisor | Greater Los Angeles Area
Margo Strauss | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Stephanie Williams | Assistant Chief Counsel | Houston, Texas Area
Tatiana Boza | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Amanda Brown | Assistant Chief Counsel | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Zachary Ista | Associate Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matt Hall | Senior Attorney | Greater Salt Lake City Area
Kate Cazayoux Brownlee | Assistant Chief Counsel (Employment Law) | Greater New Orleans Area
Anne Tokoph | Deputy Chief, Criminal Law Section | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shiraz Panthaky | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gwendolyn F. | Attorney | Greater Seattle Area
Danielle Paas | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
David Etches | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shani Dennis Williform | Associate Legal Advisor (Employment) | Houston, Texas Area
Erin Clifford | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Karla Mari DeVera | Law Clerk | Tucson, Arizona Area
Terry Louie | Senior Attorney | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Alyssa Benton | Law Clerk- Human Rights Law Section | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rob Ramey | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scot Rittenberg | Government Employee | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Carrie Johnson | Deputy Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Elizabeth Gross | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Kevin Bindus | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Daniel Rah | Deputy Chief Counsel | Greater Chicago Area
Julie Heaner Plavsic | Senior Policy Advisor, Parental Interests and Legal Access | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Walter Chahanovich | Attorney | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Blake Northway | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Medford, Oregon Area
Michael Brennan | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Boston Area
Lisa Schultz | Assistant Chief Counsel | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Patrick Dyson | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Ryan Seuradge | Senior Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michelle Phillips | Deputy Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Robert Smith | Chief of Staff, Office of the Principal Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Paul Hunker | Chief Counsel - Dallas | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Chris Coxe | Deputy Chief Counsel | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Cheryl Gutridge | Senior Attorney | Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area
Lisa Batey | Appellate Counsel | Portland, Oregon Area
David Walther | Contract Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Barrett Mc | Government Employee | Greater New Orleans Area
Jonathan Gibbs | Legal Clerk | Greater New York City Area
Michael Amezquita | Senior Attorney | Greater New York City Area
Krista Jones | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bob Feagin | Deputy Chief, Mission Support Division, Office of the Principal Legal Advisor | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Marguerite Mills | Attorney | Greater New York City Area
Kathleen Zapata | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lee Crystal | Senior Attorney | Greater Los Angeles Area
Lisa Putnam | Deputy Chief Counsel | Brownsville, Texas Area
Richard Brown | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater New York City Area
Randy Kung | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Maryellen Meymarian | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
William Padish | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Chicago Area
Charles Smith | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
Melissa Maack | Investigative Assistant | Tucson, Arizona Area
Rich OBrien | Assistant Chief Counsel | York, Pennsylvania Area
Thomas P Molloy | Trial Attorney | Greater Seattle Area
Brian Jasperson | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater San Diego Area
Travis Graham | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
LaToya Tribue | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brian Turner | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Denver Area
Wilbert Spooner, Jr | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater New Orleans Area
Neal Patel | Labor and Employment Law Attorney | Greater Chicago Area
Annie McElearney | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Seattle Area
Louis Russo | Attorney | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Winnette Mcfail | Investigative Assistant | United States
Matthew Hall | Senior Attorney | Greater Salt Lake City Area
Matthew Schautz | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Charles Neil Floyd | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Seattle Area
Michael-ru Null | Attorney | San Francisco Bay Area
Lisa Schow Schow | Legal Assistant | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Greg Ball | Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Robert Pate | Government Employee | Greater Philadelphia Area
Jenea Marjama, MBA | Government Employee | Greater San Diego Area
McClintock E | Assistant Chief Counsel | Brownsville, Texas Area
Luciana Dubuc | Assistant Chief Counsel | Providence, Rhode Island Area
Jonathan Graham | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Peter Mina | Chief, Labor and Employment Law Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Julio Ayala | Legal Intern | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Ryan Grant | Legal Intern | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Josh Levy | Assistant Chief Counsel | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Meghan Funk | Assistant Chief Counsel | Hawaiian Islands
Priscilla Gabela | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Ann Atalla | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Steve Chapman | Deputy Chief Counsel | United States
Michael Dreher | Trial Attorney | Rochester, New York Area
Nicole Schroeder | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Geoff R. | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Denver Area
Jacob Painter | Assistant Chief Counsel | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Ian Tomasic | Assistant Chief Counsel | Lawrence, Kansas Area
Jenelle Williams Oyekan | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Chicago Area
Devin Garcia | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Sandra Osmanovic, Esq. | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Angel Olivera | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Lynette Lowe | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Philadelphia Area
Ryan Stubbs | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alex Lee | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Tamaira Rivera | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Christopher Alwood | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vidhya Amirthalingam | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Katherine Aquavia Thomas | Associate Legal Advisor - OPLA | GILD | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Adam Panopoulos | Assistant Chief Counsel | Brownsville, Texas Area
Jason Stanley | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Seattle Area
Cathy N. | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gabe Kennon | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Suzanne L. | Associate Legal Advisor, West and Central Africa | United States
Kimberly Burgess | Assistant Chief Counsel | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Rey de la Garza | Assistant Chief Counsel | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Monica Mubaraki | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater San Diego Area
Andrew Fonte | Investigations | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Kelsey L. | Government Employee | Greater Boston Area
Christine Longo | Assistant Chief Counsel - Office of Chief Counsel - Denver | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Andrew Bonic | Assistant Chief Counsel | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Francisco J. Muniz | Assistant Chief Counsel | Brownsville, Texas Area
Michael J. Wynne | Assistant Chief Counsel | Orlando, Florida Area
Pamela Eclar Diéguez | Assistant Chief Counsel at Office of the Chief Counsel - Orlando | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Kristin D. Brudy | Associate Legal Advisor, Government Information Law Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alexander Laytin | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lacy Brinson McAndrew | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Antonio, Texas Area
Alford Danzy | Regulatory and Policy Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sarah Ellison | Assistant Chief Counsel | Laredo, Texas Area
Susan F. Bayles | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
George Ward | Deputy Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jason Bailey | Senior Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Frank Miqueo, MPA | Federal Goverment- Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Conner | Disability Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rachel Ali | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kat Danziger | Associate Legal Advisor | United States
Malissa Tucker | Special Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kathy French | Attorney | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Edward Kirksey | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ian Jones-Muñiz | Law Clerk | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jordan Jordan Reddish | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Salt Lake City Area
Lucien Lobban | Legal Assistant | Louisville, Kentucky Area
Alexandra Villadonga | Legal Extern | Greater Chicago Area
Timothy Pitner | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Silvia Ibarra | Legal Support | Greater New York City Area
Yury Roberts | Intensive Supervision Case Specialist | Greater Atlanta Area
Adam Jovanovic | Assistant Chief Counsel | Houston, Texas Area
Tim Kelly | Law Clerk | Portland, Oregon Area
Steve Gray | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater New York City Area
Daithra Mendoza | Legal Assistant | McAllen, Texas Area
Cassandra Davis | Legal Assistant | Greater New Orleans Area
Brandon Ficklin | Paralegal | Orlando, Florida Area
Ron Johnson | Legal Assistant | Tucson, Arizona Area
Tasha Wang | Contract Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Caroline Moore | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Atlanta Area
Vanessa Molina-Council | Contract Linguist | Greater New York City Area
Deborah Robey | Law Encorcement Specialist | Burlington, Vermont Area
John H. | Attorney | Greater Los Angeles Area
Robert Davis | Supervisory Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater San Diego Area
Clay Martin | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Detroit Area
Warren Hughley | Supervisory Immigration Enforcement Agent | Greater Detroit Area
Jayshree Reddy | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Sacramento, California Area
Esteban Garcia | Immigration Enforcement Agent | San Antonio, Texas Area
Carlos Moreno | Supervisory Immigration Agent | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Patrice Cureton | Special Assistant/FOIA Paralegal Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
alexandra Boraas | Law | St. Cloud, Minnesota Area
Verlee Vallente | Legal Assistant | Stockton, California Area
Melly Kordus | Immigration Enforcement Agent | San Antonio, Texas Area
Pedro Andino | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Sacramento, California Area
Dantonio Fowler | Investigative Assistant | El Paso, Texas Area
Calvin Woolard | Immigration Analyst | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
andy helfinger | immigration Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Raul Romero-Ureña | Immigration Enforcement Agent | San Antonio, Texas Area
norman Bradley | Immigration Officer | Orlando, Florida Area
Krystal Norton | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New Orleans Area
Stephanie Hammond | Legal Intern | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Jill Bhalakia | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Chicago Area
James Graulich | Assistant Chief Counsel | Louisville, Kentucky Area
Jonathan H. Yu | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Christina Bui | Associate Legal Advisor, Labor and Employment Law Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mark Murphy | Deputy Chief Counsel | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Sam Kim | Assistant Chief Counsel | San Francisco Bay Area
Katie Pull | Deputy Chief, Labor and Employment Law Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Theresa Sullivan | Assistant Chief Counsel | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Shantal D. Sparks | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Sean Patrick | Assistant Chief Counsel | Hawaiian Islands
Jason Pope | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Davis | Assistant Chief Counsel | El Paso, Texas Area
Ian Fiske | Deputy Chief Counsel | Orlando, Florida Area
Kelly Hyland | Associate Legal Advisor, Human Rights Law Section, Office of the Principal Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Philip Villeneuve | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sabrina Thanse | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Pamela Ataii | Attorney | Greater San Diego Area
Christine Kim, Esq. | Assistant Chief Counsel, Office of Principal Legal Advisor | United States
Jonathan Tabacoff | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Carolyn Abdenour | Assistant Chief Counsel | Brownsville, Texas Area
Philip Curtis | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Atlanta Area
Christina Marquez, Esq. | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Los Angeles Area
Jonathan Needle | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kishore Khan | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Natalie Salvaggio | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Neha Rao | Law Clerk | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Katheryn Rizzo | Associate Legal Advisor (Regulations) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michelle Messina Yates | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gretchen Weiss | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Detroit Area
Erin Keeley | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater Chicago Area
Cassandra Maximous | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kelly Kantor | Assistant Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Alexandra Heavner | Legal Intern | Greater Nashville Area, TN
Allison Ballinger | Law Clerk | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nicholas Bolzman | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lisa Kepple | Attorney | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kelly A. Foster | Assistant Chief Counsel / Trial Attorney | Greater Los Angeles Area
DONNA FLANAGAN | Legal | Greater Los Angeles Area
Nicole Dwyer | Legal Intern | Portland, Maine Area
Kathleen Baugh | Legal Intern | Lawrence, Kansas Area
Jeffery Knybel | Director - Office of Assurance and Compliance | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Hussein K. Saad | Law Clerk | Greater Detroit Area
Claudia Ochoa | Assistant Chief Counsel | El Paso, Texas Area
Cristobal Carreon | DO/Compliance Officer | San Antonio, Texas Area
Lance Lueck, CFCI | Resident Agent in Charge - Amarillo, Texas | Amarillo, Texas Area
Jody Prescott | Associate Legal Advisor | Burlington, Vermont Area
Buck Rocker | Assistant Chief Counsel | Tucson, Arizona Area
Rachel Feuerhammer | Assistant Chief Counsel | El Paso, Texas Area
Lincoln Jalelian | Assistant Chief Counsel, Office of Principal Legal Advisor | Greater Boston Area
Jack Spencer | Trial Attorney | Greater Atlanta Area
Mary-Ellen Walter | Asst. Chief Counsel | Greater Philadelphia Area
Ahisha Alexander, MSM | Contract Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Rebecca Fantauzzi | Associate Legal Advisor | Greater New York City Area
Howard Charles | Associate Legal Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alma Vanessa Montenegro | Student Trainee (Legal Assistant) | Greater San Diego Area
Ryan Matsuno | Asst. Chief Counsel | Greater New York City Area
Michelle L. Brooks | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shereen Herbert | Contract Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Domenic C. | Civil Servant | Tucson, Arizona Area
Ankush Joshi | Legal Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bryan Foltz | Legal Intern | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Mario Foster | Contract Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Watson | Data Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Catherine Blaise Metcalf | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Burlington, Vermont Area
Patricia Nayor | Legal Assistant | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Paul Woo Hoogenstyn | Investigative Assistant | Orange County, California Area
Missy Garza | Legal Assistant | Houston, Texas Area
Jessica M. | Legal Intern | Greater Los Angeles Area
Kathy Trim | Investigative Assistant | Greater Philadelphia Area
Veronica Bell | Director, HR Staffing Policy & Compensation Compliance | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aaron Murray | Government Information Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joshua Chadwick | Legal Intern | Greater Atlanta Area
Frances Green | Investigative Assistant | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Todd Bachinski | Mission Support Specialist | London, United Kingdom
manuel ramirez | Assistant Chief Counsel | Lakeland, Florida Area
Michael Cherry | Immigration Enforcement Agent | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Eric Alexander | 287G Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Maribel Padilla | Legal Clerk III | Brownsville, Texas Area
Joshua Jackson | Legal Assistant | Wichita, Kansas Area
Immigration Group LLC | Chief Counsel’s Office | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Gizelle Rodriguez | Assistant Chief Counsel | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Margaret Shea | Legal Extern | Greater Detroit Area
Danielle H. Garten | Assistant Chief Counsel | El Paso, Texas Area
Raizza K. Ty | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Martin Williams | United States Immigration and Custuoms | San Francisco Bay Area
Elizabeth Dewar | Assistant Chief Counsel | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cynthia McGee | Investigative Assistant | Greater Chicago Area
Jessica Wallace | Assistant Chief Counsel | Columbus, Georgia Area
Michael Webster | Retired | Burlington, Vermont Area
Femon Padmore | Legal Intern | Greater New York City Area
Kent Stejskal | Legal Volunteer, Office of the Principal Legal Advisor | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Sienna Haslup | Custody Programs Division Legal Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jonathan Markowsky | Law Clerk | Greater Pittsburgh Area
Laura Bortnick | Law Clerk | Greater New York City Area
Serena Voss | Contract Mandarin Phone Interpreter | Toledo, Ohio Area
Ken Clark | Deputy Assistant Executive Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Pat Elliott | Deputy Director, Systems Development Division, Office of the CIO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Daniel Reilly, Jr. PMP | Office of the CIO/Program Executive Office | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jennifer Longmeyer-Wood | Chief, Commercial and Administrative Laq Sivision | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Eric Feldman | Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Anthony Scandiffio | Acting Deputy Assistant Director | Greater New York City Area
Steve Stow | Assistant Attache | Saudi Arabia
Robert Bartolo | Deputy Chief of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
VINNETT RILEY-BAPTISTE MSHIA | Outpatient Coding and Documentation Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cori W. Bassett | Strategic Communication Director, Office of Public Affairs | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Timothy B. Worley | Special Assistant/Office Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jordan Christian Brough | Forensic Document Examiner | Washington D.C. Metro Area
gary mead | deputy assistant director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Maureen Gallen | Division Director, Support, Office of Professional Responsibility | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Harold Cates | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Fernando Pineiro | Deputy Assistant Director (FOIA) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Koransky Michael | Assistant Attache | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Andrea La | Executive Assistant to Acting Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shannon Ely | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jake Nelson | ENFORCEMENT AND REMOVAL ASSISTANT | Greater Los Angeles Area
Carl S. | Assistant Attaché | Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany
Michael Johnson | Section Chief, Visual Communications - ICE Office of Public Affairs | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sean Curran | Staff Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Clemente Hinojosa | (D) Chief of Staff for Deputy Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Carlson | Detention & Removal Assistant | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Area
Emerson Toledo | Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Field Representative | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gwendetta Gilchrist | Administrative Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Yanique Brown | Secretary | Jamaica
Katie Gray | Intelligence Assistant | El Paso, Texas Area
Ed Bennett | Chief, Staff Development | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nicole Spruill | Executive Assistant | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Tommy Mulhern | Deputy Director, Office of Human Capital | United States
Patricia Baldovich | Executive Secretary | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Paul Osterhaus | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elizabeth James | Unit Chief/Senior Admin Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Phillip Buyas | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Portland, Oregon Area
Marie Tedpahogo | A/Assistant Director Employee and Labor Relations | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Dobson P | Deputy Assistant Director | United States
Suong Vong | Deputy Chief, Civil Liberties Division, Office of Diversity and Civil Rights | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Barbara Gonzalez | Assistant Director (Acting) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas E. Feeley | Field Office Director - Senior Executive Service | Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Patricia Cogswell | Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nimisha Agarwal | Executive Director, Office of Financial Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jovonia Goetz | Assistant Director | Huntsville, Alabama Area
Corey Price | Assistant Director - Enforcement (SES) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alex A. Thornton | Enforcement and Removal Assistant (OA) | Greater Chicago Area
Jeremy Baker | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Patrick | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Karen Floyd | Senior Advisor, Office of Professional Responsibility | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tom Blank | Chief Of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Leslie Saucedo | Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Diversity and Civil Rights | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gaines Robinson | Staff Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Melanie Denkins | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Colorado Springs, Colorado Area
Tori Martinez | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Odessa/Midland, Texas Area
Rick Meier | Deputy Assistant Director | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Christopher Burrow | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Colorado Springs, Colorado Area
Matthew Guardiola, MA | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Phoenix, Arizona Area
David Evans | Deputy Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kelvin Carpenter | Removal assistant | Columbus, Georgia Area
Gary Dedios | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Greater San Diego Area
Richard Ortiz | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Allentown, Pennsylvania Area
John Taing | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Harold Hurtt | Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Edwin Roman | Enforcement & Removal Assistant | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Jason Bennett | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Dover, Delaware Area
Scott Lanum | Assistant Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sean Hackbarth | Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Relations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bryan D. | Enforcement and Removal Assistants | Greater Denver Area
Jewoo Kim | Enforcement & Removal Assistant | San Francisco Bay Area
David Potvin | Assistant Attache | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mark Lawyer | Chief, Regulations, Office of Policy | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Albert C. Wright III, MBA | Mission Support Assistant | Greater Atlanta Area
Andrew Christie | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Greater New York City Area
sheena singh | admin | Indore Area, India
Thomas Pailliotet | Administrative Officer | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Tita Aning Sahagun | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Orange County, California Area
Denise DeJesus | Detention and Removal Assistant | Providence, Rhode Island Area
Emerald Nunez, MBA | Chief Of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Belinda Minick | OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tondalaya Hawkins | Mission Support Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Wendy Clarity | Enforcement & Removal Asst | Medford, Oregon Area
Jessica Cabell | Mission Support Assistant | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Patricia Washlick | Administrative Officer | Greater Philadelphia Area
Gwendetta Gilchrist | Administrative Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joe Semyone | Deportation Assistant | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area
Vinny Hoy | Administrative Assistant | Greater New York City Area
Monica DeRozario | Administrative Assistant | Singapore
Val Tate | Staff Assistant | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
MohdTahirAbdRahman MohdTahir | Office Manager | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Shandawn Grider | Deportation assistant | Bakersfield, California Area
marie baumann | detention and removal assistant | Greater New York City Area
Bruce Taylor | Office staff | Providence, Rhode Island Area
kyeyune rodney | Office Manager | Uganda
Brandon Montgomery | Entertainment and Multimedia, ICE Office of Public Affairs | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Domenic Ionta | Section Chief for Budget & Program Performance | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sabrina Gray | Deputy Chief, Ethics Office | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Roxanna Rodriguez-Torres | HSI Office of Intelligence - Chief of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mayra O'Neill | Staff Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jeremy Mishler | Senior Advisor, Legislative Relations (Appropriations) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Moman | Assistant Director - Office of Investment and Program Accountability | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vincent G. | Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mark Atchley | Deputy Chief Of Staff | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Marlen Pineiro | Senior Executive Service | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Frank L. | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dontrell Smith | Senior Accountant - Office Assurance Compliance CFO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin Brown | Records and Information Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
HILLARY FLEMING | Executive Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vincent Bowen | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Great Falls, Montana Area
J'Anice Sanders | Enforcement Removal Assistant | Greater New York City Area
Dawn Kutob | Mission Support Assistant | Greater Atlanta Area
Kimberly Chunn | Staff Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Walters | Field Representative | Greater Pittsburgh Area
James Luong | Enforment Removal Assistant | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Alan Todd Cheney | Enforcement & Removal Assistant | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Jelani Scott | Program Manager/ Biometric Systems Group | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joan DiMartino | Forensic Document Examiner | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Rebecca Underwood | Enforcement Removal Assistant (ERA) | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Joshua Hailey | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Greater Seattle Area
Theresa Bertucci | Deputy Assistant Secretary | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aprell J. | Assistant Director | Orange County, California Area
Charles Garland | Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles Curry | Assistant Director - OFM | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Monica .. | Deportation Administration | Colombia
Beth Cappello | Deputy Chief Information Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michelle Escobar, CIPP/US | Senior Privacy Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas Homan | Acting Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kenneth Bailey | Civil Rights Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Norman Parrish | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Peter Edge | Acting Deputy Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin Langdon | Program Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rodney Gregory | Director, Business Integration | Washington D.C. Metro Area
William Ramey | Owner | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Ricky Corum | Acquisition Manager | United States
Sumesh Karivelil | Health Informatics Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Steve Acton | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matthew Albence | Executive Associate Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Conlon | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James C. Harris III, MBA | Division Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Maureen Gallen | Employee Engagement Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Kirby | Unit Chief | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Jason Mitchell | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alison Walder | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Keith Maly | Analytic Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ben Shih | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Maiwurm | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shreena Lyons | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elliott Harbin | Section Chief - IPR Center | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Collick | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Arnold | Deputy Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jack Bonner | Unit Chief | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Thomas Finley | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dean Hagadorn | Career Development Unit Chief | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Cynthia Echeverria | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ronald Craft | Strategic Planning Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lynece Edwards | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Maria Vega | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Martha Alem | Management Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mark Gromadzki | Section Chief | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Vantreese Collins-Hodges | Technical Trainer / Instructional Program Designer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Vernon Weibel | Analyst | United States
Ken Middleton | Chief, Employee Resilience Unit | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Kazimierczak | Analyst | York, Pennsylvania Area
Lewis Baker | Unit Chief, National Passport Program Manager | United States
Tiffany McNeill | Deputy Branch Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ben Samuel | Supervisor, FOIA Analyst | Orlando, Florida Area
Tom Webb | Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Jason Chilton | Unit Chief | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Winnie McDermott | Chief - Instructional Management Unit | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Austin Moore | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
eileen falzini | Chief Nurse Officer | Las Cruces, New Mexico Area
Wilson Hopkins | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lori deVenoge | Section Cheif | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dale Jepson | ANALYST | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Lanum | Executive | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jere Miles | Unit Chief, Trade Transparency Unit | Washington D.C. Metro Area
sadruddin abuwi | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Leslie Alexander | Analyst | Greater Los Angeles Area
Lawan Jackson | Management Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Judy.Thomas Judy.Thomas | Management Analyst | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Tony Putnam | Section Chief | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Darlene Davis | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
大红大紫 | mba 候选人 | Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Thomas Willoughby | Unit Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ryan Broadwater | Adjudicator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jerusalem T. Howard, Ph.D. | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Joseph | Chief, Information Technology Policy | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Debra Holborow Williams | Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jessica K. | Mission Support Specialist | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Sarah Todd, CFCM | Deputy Head of Contracting Activity (Acting) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Natasha Tyler | Acting Deputy Chief, Diversity Managment Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Lee | SharePoint and Web Services Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joseph Hale | Intern-ERO/Detained Program | Greater San Diego Area
Tiffany Smith-Ramiro | Policy Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Laurie Weeks | Policy Analyst | Norfolk, Virginia Area
Philip Quigley | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jamar Hudson | Senior Writer/Editor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Joel Lukens | Component Acquisition Executive Planning and Governance Professional | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ken F. | Acting Director, Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jeramy Silfies | Personell Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Stacie D. Jones | Chief Diversity Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tonya Stuber | HR Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
William Chin | Fugitive Operations Team | Richmond, Virginia Area
Barry Kobe | Section Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Christal Scott (ITIL, MOS Expert) | CEO/President | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jim Porter | Senior Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lisa Vignerot, PMP, ACP | Sr. Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alex Baden | IT Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Steve La Rocca | DHS/ICE Program Manager | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Muhaimeinul Khan, PMP, CSM | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Man T. | Program Manager | United States
Duane M. Tushoski | National Program Manager | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Anna Richardson | IT Program / Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ann Balough | SEVP Data Governance and Information Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Christopher Wallace | HSI Portfolio Branch Chief (Acting) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Erin Mundzahasic | Training Program Manager | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Karyn Becker | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kamillah Connolly | IT Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Omar K. Azero | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Timothy Gibney | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gary Kastorf | National Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gil Tucker | Supervisory, Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kojo Danso | IT Program Manager | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Ralph "Butch" Werchan, PMP | Regional Tac-Com Program Manager, Southeast & Midwest | Daytona Beach, Florida Area
Michael Pikus Reid | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Stephen Hall | IT Specialist (Project Management / Systems Engineering) | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Christy Mason | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mabeline Hall | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Amos Desjardins | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Heather Sykes | Program Manager, Trade Enforcement Unit | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles Cook Jr | Program Manager | Greater Los Angeles Area
Aaron Justice | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shaneka Jones | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cecilia Ripperger | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sean Stephens | Program Manager | Orlando, Florida Area
Veral Wright | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lisa McRae | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas McCabe | Program Manager | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Ralph "Butch" Werchan, PMP | Program Manager, Tactical Communications | Orlando, Florida Area
Mark Jackson | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nicole Larrain | IT Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tonya Sullivan | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sara Burns | project manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lisa McRae | Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
mdsaiful alam | Project Manager | Bangladesh
Crystal H. | Program Manager | Columbia, South Carolina Area
Mickey Witchuwong | Auditor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nathalie Lummert | Principal Senior Advisor, Custody Programs Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Steward | National Program Manager, Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Anthony J. Schlim | Program Manager - Records Management SME | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jaxon Sheriff-Parker | Enforcement Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cindy M. Gripper | Senior IT Project Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jesse L. Storey III | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Antonia Acevedo | Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles. Cook | Program Manager | Orange County, California Area
Rosa M. | Community Relations Officer (AOC: NorCal, Reno-NV, Hawaii, Guam, Saipan) | San Francisco Bay Area
Brittany Elliott | Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Crimes Center | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ryan T. Howe | Deputy Director, National Criminal Analysis and Targeting Center | Burlington, Vermont Area
Rob Lombardi | Deputy Regional Attache | Singapore
Katie Bay | Regional Attaché | Austria area
David E. | Regional Attaché | Argentina
Dawn Daggett | Policy Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Staci Leake | Special Assistant to the Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas Dale Carter, SPSS (Ret.) | Honorably Retired from Public Service | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Neeta Bajwa | Policy Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Akil Baldwin | Deputy Attaché | US Military Posts in Europe
Michael Williams | Community Relations Officer | Greater Denver Area
Cursten Knott | Congressional Liaison | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Barry Harsa | Deputy Attaché | Korea
Anthony Gomez | Special Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Wayne Baker | Division Chief, Policy, Planning & Records Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Mitchell | Resident Agent in Charge | Springfield, Illinois Area
Christopher Cady | Senior Policy Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David P. | Presidential Management Fellow/Privacy Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Farrah Rajabi | Policy Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
ALEXIS MULERO | Community Relations Officer | Puerto Rico area
Andrew Healey | Special Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Fernando Plascencia | Deputy Attaché Cartagena Colombia | Colombia
Lydell Butler | Residential Supervisor | San Antonio, Texas Area
Joseph Daniels IV | HR Specialist (Recruitment and Placement) | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Alisha J. Earle | Special Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rich Boronyak | Resident Agent In Charge | Greater Pittsburgh Area
Cynthia Ayres | SPECIAL ASSISTANT | Greater Philadelphia Area
Javier Ortiz | recreation specialist | El Paso, Texas Area
David Fisher | Deputy Director | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lonnie Brasby | Resident Agent in Charge | Boise, Idaho Area
Anthony Gomez | Special Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ralph Bradley | Resident Agent in Charge | Tallahassee, Florida Area
Gay Debbie | Special Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert T Martinez | Resident Agent in Charge | San Antonio, Texas Area
glenn spindel | deputy attache | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Smith M | Public Affairs Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Cynthia Simmons | Congressional Liaison | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lorena Prieto | Licensed Clinical Social Worker | El Paso, Texas Area
Kevin Williams | Senior Firearms Instructor | Greater Boston Area
Hilary Seleb | Special Assistant | Orange County, California Area
Sarah Silveira | Statistician | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Manda Walters | Community Relations Officer | Greater Chicago Area
Lynne Ford LCSW, CACIII | Program Coordinator | Greater Denver Area
John Mohan | Public Affairs Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Carolyn Arorash | Family Nurse Practitioner | Houston, Texas Area
Michael C. Brown | Chief Information Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Larrimore | Chief Technology Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rich Clark | Director - Technical Architecture Branch | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Galloway | IT Specialist (INFOSEC) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Bowman | IT Security Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kelly Stewart | Health Information Technology | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mona Wadhwa | Lead Systems Engineer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Irfan Malik | Director IT Operations | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lyn Rahilly | Assistant Director for Information Governance & Privacy | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles Bily | Network Analyst | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Eliza Dizon | Linux System Administrator | Norfolk, Virginia Area
Curtis Crawford | It Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
George Estes | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Roger Miranda | Chief, Human Resources Information Technology (HRIT) | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Amber Smith | Acting Assistant Director, Information Governance & Privacy | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Josh Shleien | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Laura Pluta | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brandon Andrathy | IT Specialist (INFOSEC) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Hoffmeister | Team Lead, Intelligence Group | Burlington, Vermont Area
Gordon Li | Lead IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Hung Nguyen | Information Technology Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Klay D Lato | Associate | Albania
Joseph Garner | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Justin Bruno | Lead IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bill Richard | System Engineering | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Serrano Carlos | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
DeVerah Bridges | Sr. Linux Engineer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Proppe | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charles N. Harris | Network Administrator | Greater San Diego Area
Elijah Spencer | System Administrator | Greater New York City Area
Shannon Lally | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Mangoba | Information Security Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Reshma Chaudhuri | Systems Assurance Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Steve Gigel | System Administrator | San Francisco Bay Area
Moroni Williams | Cyber Security Engineer (Team Lead) | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Tanmay B. | Cyber Security Engineer | Incident Response & Cyber Threat Intelligence | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Peter Lee | Associate System Administrator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gregory Davis | Network Analyst | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Steven Gabriel | System Admin | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Debbie Miller | IT Specialist | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Majid Didehban | System Administrator II | Greater Los Angeles Area
Gary (G) Miller | Management Information Analyst | Burlington, Vermont Area
Andre Shurn | Senior Systems Analyst | Greater Chicago Area
Rick Inzunza | ICE Cloud Broker | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Beverly Minor | Supervisory IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dion Dixon | I.T. Specialist | Hawaiian Islands
Steven Kata | Regional Information Assurance Manager | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Jeff Oakes | Regional IT Deployment Lead | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Carlos Serrano | IT Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bob Park | Team Lead | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Jeffrey Brown | Mission Support Analyst | Richmond, Virginia Area
Chris F. | IT Specialist | Boise, Idaho Area
Stephen Gonzalez | Senior Network Engineer | Greater New York City Area
Robert Gulley | TELECOM Specialist/Spectrum Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Neill | deployment lead | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Jose Vargas | Field Engineer | Asheville, North Carolina Area
Eric Delgado | Network Security Administrator | Brownsville, Texas Area
魏翼展 | sap 基础顾问 | Hengshui, Hebei, China
Keyona Fox | IT Coordinator II | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Taneshia McGuire | Team Lead, Supvy Senior HR Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Emanuel Parker, M.B.A, M.S.ID | Employee Relations Specialist | San Antonio, Texas Area
Francisco Ramos | Human Resource Assistant | Orange County, California Area
Putnam, Anthony | Division Training Manager | Charleston, South Carolina Area
Meir Braunstein | Employee & Labor Relations Specialist | Greater Philadelphia Area
Shelby Mikulec | Human Resources Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Kevin Kerns | Director, Budget and Program Performance | Greater Atlanta Area
Peggy Gaethke | Senior HR Specialist | Greater Los Angeles Area
Shannon Barnes | Human Resources | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Edward Ingram III | Human Resources Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
William (Scott) Slade | Employee Relations Specialist | Greater San Diego Area
John Sanker | Human Resources Specialist (Staffing) | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Susan Koonin | Employee | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jonathon Alcantara | Human Resources | Greater Los Angeles Area
Lena Kim | Human Resources Specialist | Orange County, California Area
Christine Ward | HR Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Allan Parks | Mission Support Specialist - Human Resources | Greater Los Angeles Area
Pamela Viteri-Fitzmaurice | HR Assistant CRT | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Reginald Irby | Lead Employee Relations Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robyn Luchau | Supervisory Human Resources Specialist | Greater San Diego Area
Bryan Hill | Human Resources Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Jeremy Davis | Human Resources | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Ken Kroll | HR SPECIALIST | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin Nguyen | Human Resources Specialist | Orange County, California Area
Travis Lennon | Human Resources Assistant | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Danny Alonso | Mission Support Specialist - HR | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Louise Hewey | Mission Support Specialist (Human Resources Unit) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Reynaldo Carrejo | Training Specialist 1712 | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Mark Tipton | National firearms training and tactics unit | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Valarie Sheppard | Senior Human Resources Consultant | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Megan Taylor | Human Resources Specialist | Orange County, California Area
Jeffrey Choi | Human Resources Assistant | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Sandra Crellin | Human Resources Specialist | Greater San Diego Area
Sherry Laster | Sr. Human Resources Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Olivia Hope Hunter | HR Specialist, Employee Relations | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Gugliuzza P | Lead Human Resources | Orange County, California Area
Jack Bonner | Chief, Basic Training Section | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Theresa Perez | Senior Human Resources Advisor | Greater Los Angeles Area
Marcia Joseph | Human Resources Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
reginald irby | Human Resources Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Hejin Scott | Human Resources Assistant | Greater Los Angeles Area
Jeffrey Sealey | Employee Relations Manager | San Antonio, Texas Area
Edward J Daly | Employee and Labor Relations Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Turner | Human Resources Specialist | Greater San Diego Area
Dane'le DuPree, MBA | HR Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Elena Kepper | Mission Support Specialist | Utica, New York Area
Kyle Ruchalski | Mission Support Specialist | Greater New York City Area
Dov Kawamoto | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Hoover | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ernest Chambers | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michelle E.J. Bundy | Mission Support Specialist | Richmond, Virginia Area
Oliver Francisco | Supervisory Detention Service Manager | Greater San Diego Area
Chris Cecere | State Mission Support Specialist | Fayetteville, Arkansas Area
Mark McGlinchey | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Erik S. | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Philadelphia Area
Brian Stiles | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mary Smith | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Todd Bachinski | Mission Support Specialist | US Military Posts in Europe
Christy Young | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Matthew S. Ferraro | Mission Support Specialist - Request Liason / Statistician | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Max Triveline | Student Intern | Greater Chicago Area
Craig Sumner | Mission Support Specialist | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Katrina Tasby | Supervisory Mission Support Specialist | Houston, Texas Area
Daniel Niesman | Student Intern (Mission Support) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brishauna Hawkins-Wesson | Mission Support | Richmond, Virginia Area
Eric Bergstrom | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Melanie Jones | Mission Support Specialist | United States
Mosi McCrary | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lugenia Ricks | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Los Angeles Area
Ashley Mendibles | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Los Angeles Area
Hoai-An Tran | Intern | Portland, Oregon Area
Carol Gordon, MBA, PhD | Mission Support Specialist | Portland, Oregon Area
Nikkia Taylor | Mission Support Specialist (MSS) | United States
Jen Levi | Mission Support Specialist | Greater New York City Area
John Laing | Detention Services Manager | Columbus, Georgia Area
Belinda Eller | Mission Support Specialist | San Antonio, Texas Area
Leo Atienza | Mission Support | Greater Los Angeles Area
Dina Gates | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
New Carol Edwards | Mission Support | Greater New York City Area
Bernie Lalime-Brown | Mission Support Specialist | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Shayla Chisholm | Mission Support | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Cheryl D Lewis | Mission Support Specialist | Greater New Orleans Area
Nathaly Gaffke | Mission Support Specialist | Phoenix, Arizona Area
John Laing | Detention Services Manager | Columbus, Georgia Area
Latoya Reese, MBA | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Chicago Area
Shaun Moss | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Seattle Area
Tom Wise | Mission Support | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Dorothy Jones | Mission Support Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Charlene Lovell | Mission Support | Greater New York City Area
Mary Gibbs | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Philadelphia Area
Kristy Mc Dowell | Mission Support | Greater Denver Area
Mom Work | Mission Support Specialist | Greater Detroit Area
Nicholas Maravich | Retired | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rachel Ross | Retired | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Scott Weber | Retired | Albuquerque, New Mexico Area
John Sherrill | Retired | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Dam | Retired | Greater Detroit Area
Rosemary Gonzalez | Retired | Brownsville, Texas Area
Sharon Baker | Semi Retired | Lincoln, Nebraska Area
Donna Forget | retired | Destin/Fort Walton Beach, Florida Area
Jenny Mellon | Retired | Greater Los Angeles Area
Bret Evins | Medically Retired | Greater Denver Area
gwenn reed | retired | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Leila Mukai | retired | Greater Seattle Area
Steven Davis | Retired | Santa Fe, New Mexico Area
Alberto Flores | Na | Greater San Diego Area
Francis Capdevila | n/a | Puerto Rico area
Roy Schoolcraft | retired | Burlington, Vermont Area
Kayla Morose | Intern | Greater Boston Area
Jacqueline Barsamian | Health Service Corps Intern, Clinical Services Unit | Greater San Diego Area
Scott Freni | Enforcement and Removal Assistant | Greater Los Angeles Area
Christopher Ortega | Paid Student Intern | San Antonio, Texas Area
Shayne Palmer | Intern | Lansing, Michigan Area
Tyler Oliveira | Intern | Greater Boston Area
Jaylen Johnson | Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Katherine Porter-Waldrip | Student Intern | Houston, Texas Area
Ramleekanchau Ramlee | Student | Malaysia
Natasha Wise | Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
andrew williams | Student | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kris Randolph | Intern | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Ronald Dorman | Officer | Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area
Kaylan S. | Digital Media Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin Leo Traynor | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Kelly Lowery | Visual Information Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Orlando Threadgill M.Ed Ed.S | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Breanne Wise | Accounting Technician | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Luis Iturriaga | Psychologist | Greater San Diego Area
Damian Davey | Officer | Greater New York City Area
Lowell Johnson | Supervisory Engineer | Altoona, Pennsylvania Area
Harold Hicks | Intellligenc Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Justin Poe | Office Automation Assisstant | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Erica Cooper | Law Librarian | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Blake Zorn | Officer | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Maurice Lee | Senior Business Operations Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lindley Maloy | Financial Program Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Stephen Golden | Accreditations Coordinator | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Matisha Montgomery | Supervisory Personnel Research Psychologist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rico Lindsey | Supervisory Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Kathleen Doyle | Financial Program Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Emily Puhl | Security Specialist | Baltimore, Maryland Area
James Coleman | Electronics Technician | Brownsville, Texas Area
drissa photographe événe- | Photographe salarié | Paris Area, France
Erica N. Williams, MPA | Systems Accountant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Geoff Harriman | Associate | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lauren Berkebile, CIPM | Privacy Officer (Acting) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michael Mullican | Tactical Communications Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Guillermo Marti | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
William Wilson | Security Specialist | Biloxi, Mississippi Area
Caitlin Shimer Soper | Illicit Finance Analyst (PMF) | Washington D.C. Metro Area
An Nguyen | Officer | Greater San Diego Area
mullai rajasekaran | booking officer | Las Vegas, Nevada Area
Hillary LaRose | Accounting Technician | Burlington, Vermont Area
chad miller | inspector | Wheeling, West Virginia Area
Anthony Callender | Officer | Greater New York City Area
Rachel Walker | Press Assistant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Chris Winters | Security Specialist | West Palm Beach, Florida Area
Sara Cheeseman | Archivist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jeaniae Lawton | Accounting Technician | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Fabian Molina | ICE Officer | Tucson, Arizona Area
Trevor Morgan | Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Pedro Rios | Officer | Greater New York City Area
Lisa Padilla | Accounting | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Albert Soto | Officer | Greater San Diego Area
Robert Gulley | spectrum engineer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Felipe Torres | Officer | Corpus Christi, Texas Area
Shuiab Ahmed | Software Engineer | Bilasipara Area, India
Dakota McMurray, PharmD, MPH, BCPS | Senior Public Health Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Julie Carter | Pharmacist | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Angela Silva | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Wesley Derrick | Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Gail Montenegro | Regional Public Information Officer | Greater Chicago Area
John Challis | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Erika Breaux | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Glenn McCormack, CPA | Forensic Accountant | Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida Area
Edwin Lun | ERA | San Francisco Bay Area
Clayton Washington | Supervisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Celia Garcia | Officer | Greater Denver Area
Rachel Monnot | Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Brett Dehm | Personnel Security Specialist | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Melissa Shanahan | Asset Forfeiture Specialist | Greater Denver Area
Sergio Braun | officer | Greater New York City Area
Steven Rush | Chief Pharmacist | Greater Atlanta Area
Travis Wessler | Asylum Officer | Greater Los Angeles Area
DeLaney Dickinson | Contractor | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Angela Valero | ERO | San Antonio, Texas Area
Matt Elliston | Agent | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kirt Temple | IT Architect | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Kurtessis | Personnel Research Psychologist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Khaalid Walls | Northeast Regional Communications Director | Greater Detroit Area
Jorge L. Colon Jr. | Collection Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dennis Cunningham | Senior Consultant-Custody Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
James Lee | Budget Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Martin "Marty" Ficke | Consultant | Greater New York City Area
Matthew Wilchek | Operations Research Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brett Borntrager | Financial Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gracielani Billings (Anela) | Editor | Columbus, Georgia Area
Rae'-Quiel Tillman-Kelly | Mission Specialist | Greater Atlanta Area
Hamid Shah | ADVISOR | Pakistan
isabella Moritz | consultant | Nigeria
Z Dimitri | Agent | Greater Los Angeles Area
victor rodriguez | agent | Greater New York City Area
Blanca Rios | Agent | Puerto Rico area
Jorge Hidalgo | Agent | Greater Philadelphia Area
Rachel Simon | Space Management Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Amy Delauter | Writer-Editor | Greater Nashville Area, TN
Sunita Subedi | Budget Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Gwendolyn Eveline | Section Chief, Budget/Property | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Carolyn Leary | EEO Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Judith P. Fai | Space Management Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Winston R. Churchill Canady, PHR, MBA, MSHRM | Supervisor & MS Specialist | Greater Atlanta Area
James Brown | Writer-Editor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Pierce A | Criminal Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Regina George | Registered Nurse | Alexandria, Louisiana Area
Rosaula Dacumos, NP-C | NP-C | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Charlene Miles | Writer/Editor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Shauna Burnett | Criminal Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nancy Emmi | Senior Criminal Research Specialist | Greater San Diego Area
Charlene Miles | Writer/Editor | United States
Joe Rosipal | electrical installation manager | Springfield, Missouri Area
Dean Boyd | Press Secretary | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Patrick Conklin | Enforcment Agent | Greater New York City Area
Mom Mom | Chief, Budget Formulation and Planning | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kevin M. CIPP/G | Privacy Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Wendy Berg | Senior Criminal Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Carissa Frasca Cutrell | Public Affairs Officer | Norfolk, Virginia Area
Mindy Watson | Writer/Editor, ERO International Operations Division | Washington D.C. Metro Area
SunSearra Ruffin | Registered Nurse | Greater Philadelphia Area
Leticia Zamarripa, ICE | Public Affairs Officer | El Paso, Texas Area
Harold Ort | Public Affairs Officer | Greater New York City Area
Derrick Roy | statistician | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Suzanne Edmundson | Bond Control Specialist | Greater Salt Lake City Area
Sharon Largo | Auditor | Greater Detroit Area
Becky Shoustal CPA, CGFM | Supervisory Accountant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elizabeth Williams | Budget Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Robert Adame | Instructor | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Megan Bailie | Budget Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jordan Holz | Senior Privacy Compliance Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jennifer D. Elzea | Acting Press Secretary | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Margaret "Molly" Stubbs | ICE Analytical Capabilities Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tony Daly | Writer/Editor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rhanishia Smith, RN, MSN | Clinical Research Nurse | Houston, Texas Area
Craig Hellmann | Fingerprint Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tyeshia J. Williams | Social Science Program Specialist | Houston, Texas Area
Justine Whelan | Public Affairs Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lori K. Haley | Public Affairs Officer/Spokeswoman | Orange County, California Area
Jesus A. Quilantan | Auditor | San Antonio, Texas Area
Merechia Davis CDP | Disability Case Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Alcinda Trotter | Nurse | Greater Los Angeles Area
Gary F | Auditor | San Francisco Bay Area
Reed Schuyler | Operations Research Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jason Brokaw | Criminal Research Specialist | Tucson, Arizona Area
Marlon Bowles | Forensic Auditor | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Perry Jones | Auditor | Greater Chicago Area
Pamela Peters | Radiologic Technologist | Greater Salt Lake City Area
Robert Valancia | Border Enforcement Specialist | Tucson, Arizona Area
Teresa Klein | Bond Control Specialist | Kansas City, Missouri Area
Paul Burkholtz | Accountant | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aaron Montgomery | Senior Operations Research Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Edie Lederman | Senior Medical Advisor, Infectious Diseases | Greater San Diego Area
Robert Arnott | Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Priscilla Forrester | Branch Chief - Financial Property | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sarah Rodriguez | Public Affairs Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Elizabeth Johnson | Assistant Director, Public Affairs | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kia Shoamotamedi | Operations Research Analyst | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jon Feere | Senior Advisor | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michelle Ramsden, Esq. CIPP/G | Privacy Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Brian Barrontine, MSOR, MSS, PMP | Operations Research Analyst | Mobile, Alabama Area
Eric L. | Forensic Auditor | Greater Boston Area
Matthew Bourke | Public Affairs Officer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Aristides Moura | Investigador | Brasília Area, Brazil
Karissa Marcum | Public Affairs Officer | Greater Denver Area
Luis Casanova | Public Affairs Officer | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Tom Byrd | Public Affairs Officer | Greater New Orleans Area
Casey Iwai, Psy.D. | Clinical Psychologist | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Michael 'David' Clay | Auditor | Jacksonville, Florida Area
Patrick L. | Criminal Research Specialist | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Shoemaker | Production Editor/Writer | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dan Eagan, CPA, PMP, CGFM | Budget Analyst & Section Chief, Investments and Financial Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Jeffrey Sanford | Auditor | Greater Chicago Area
Jordan Bell | Subject Matter Expert | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Nestor Yglesias | Public Affairs Officer | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Delinda Cockerham | Registered nurse | Alexandria, Louisiana Area
Deborah Whitten | Writer/Editor | Baltimore, Maryland Area
Albert Quinones | Registered Nurse | San Antonio, Texas Area
Danisha Robbins | Clinical Psychologist | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Mary Grant | Staff RN | Greater San Diego Area
Tammy Martin | FNP | San Antonio, Texas Area
Vincent Picard | Deputy Assistant Director, Public Affairs | Washington D.C. Metro Area
John Meehan | Federal Manager Network Engineering | Washington D.C. Metro Area
carol Carol Parker | Nurse Coordinator | Greater Los Angeles Area
Stephanie Mros | Nurse Manager | Tucson, Arizona Area
Norman Bradley | Supervisor | Orlando, Florida Area
Joshua Langelier | Supervisor | Burlington, Vermont Area
Timothy Brockman | Quality Assurance Manager | Phoenix, Arizona Area
Robert Podgorni | Senior Manager | Greater Chicago Area
Carlos Tapia Jr | Supervisor | Brownsville, Texas Area
James Hicks | Federal Sales Manager | Orlando, Florida Area
Joniel Genesis | Supervisor | Houston, Texas Area
Pankaj Garg | Branch Manager | Lucknow Area, India
Jocelyn Hicks | Mission Manager - HSI | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Sue Evans Cirocco | Finance Accounting Manager | Dallas/Fort Worth Area
Tomas Navalo | Supervisor | Charlotte, North Carolina Area
Manuel Avila | Supervisor | El Paso, Texas Area
Mark Evrard PMP, ITIL | Architecture and Engineering Branch Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
jennifer longmeyer-wood | Acting Deputy Chief Financial Officer | United States
Charissa Pallas | Head of Internal Communications | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bert Medina | Director OFTP | Columbus, Georgia Area
Ed Johnson | Director, Burlington Finance Center | Burlington, Vermont Area
Stewart D. Smith, DHSc, MPH, MA, CCHP | Assistant Director, ICE Health Service Corps | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Thomas Fraser | Assistant Director Financial Systems | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Stephen Antkowiak, PMP | Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Eric L Brown Sr, CPPM, CF | Assistant Director, Property Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Bryan Cox | Southern Region Communications Director | Greater Atlanta Area
Carlos Moreno | Chief (Retired) | Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area
Isabel Vázquez | Chief, Emergency Management | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Rosa Fisher | Branch Chief | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Dennis Slate | Chief of Psychology | Houston, Texas Area
Jason D. | ICE | Greater Boston Area
Nisha S. | Adjudicator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Lance A. Washington | MPA | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Adrienne Coates | MPA | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Mai Whelan | SEVP Adjudicator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Heidi Griggs |  | Washington D.C. Metro Area
David Long | National Program Manager | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Maria Loredo | ERA | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kirk Sheppard | MSS | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Kobe D | adjudicator | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Tammy Cyr | DDO | Washington D.C. Metro Area
Michele Fowler | ERA | Norfolk, Virginia Area
Carlos Bracero | D.O. | Norfolk, Virginia Area
Samuel Aquino | ERO | Wichita Falls, Texas Area
Zamarripa Leticia | Spokeswoman | El Paso, Texas Area
jc Jc | deportation and removal | Brownsville, Texas Area
Juan Soto | IEA | Laredo, Texas Area
Gilbert Garcia | I C E | San Antonio, Texas Area
Joel Garcia | D. O. | San Antonio, Texas Area
Albert Olvera | Detention | Brownsville, Texas Area
raymond Al bazy | MRT | Greater San Diego Area
Jimmy Jones | dude | San Francisco Bay Area
Kenji Smart | c/o | Greater New York City Area
Lisa Stenson | BCS STENSON | Greater New York City Area
B Rod | Deportation Removal assistance | Greater New York City Area
Francois Delisle | IEA | Burlington, Vermont Area
Again: check archive.org for photographs of many of these employees.
114 notes · View notes
fleurpodcastarchive · 2 years
anonymous asked: mw bipoc?
yes great question!!!!! sorry if it’s all over the place i was just spitting out what i could think of and i’m sorry it’s long!! if there’s a mistake, correct us nicely please!!!! we got 99% of these from a bipoc masterlist!! xoxo!
isabella peschardt, kawennáhere devery jacobs, amber midthunder, khadijha red thunder, denzeldion, stacy thiru, sirthestar, jordyn woods, saweetie, rickey thompson, strawhatdan, precious lee, haatepah, dasilvadakid, juliana nalu, blackbirdkhai, wisdm, glowprincess, duckie thot, kellyoubrejr, yvonnevictoria, claude_junior, naomi smalls, remiotun, ellisiyayi, donte colley, blackbirdkhai, curlyfrysfeed, lame.cobain, bby.plantain, bbyg6rl, luka sabbat, avan jogia, cheyenne_maya, lalatheislandgal, saweetie, wolftyla, torinaashtun, noemi campbell, flo milli, quintessa swindell, jordi webber, mason gooding, bryson tiller, aubrey joseph, michael evans behling, lucien laviscount, rico nasty, imaan hamman, juliana nula, fiona barron, sian lilly, christos_71, naswyn, aerincreer, eristheplanet, simply.cie, keohn.akins, koleendz, looseunicorns, desire mia, bby_cai, michelle domingos, jamilla strand, ange jose, chantel jeffries, ashley moore, sofia jamora, ryan destiny, queenpokoo, jay critch, janluis castellanos, omar apollo, giveon, normani, dominic fike, edie liberty rose, naressa valdez, kehlani, dojacat, beabadoobee, nxshaya, amirah strand, mariama diallo, chance perdomo, okdeon, daniel ezra, manny jacinto, aria shaheshemi, 6elim, keke palmer, diggy simmons, denzel dion, playboi carti, dolce edusei, reece king, quenlin blackwell, alexis.andrejr, stephblacklos, kiana lede, ayoubm_, symone, and lisa onuoha!
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