#Richard Dawkins
a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Hi would it be okay if i asked you why you detest richard dawkins?? Cause i also hate him to pieces and would like to share some indulgent hatered of this fucking old ass shit man. Please go off
I mean, to go FULLY into it would require me to write an entire essay, and I just don't want to?
But the short version is
antitheism is cultural genocide and patently bullshit
focusing on genes rather than the whole organism in evolution is patently ridiculous when the minimum unit of evolution is the *population*, not the gene
in fact, when you realize the minimum unit is the population rather than the gene, you see that altruism and social behavior are very beneficial, even across species (see: symbiosis), and "selfishness" "red in tooth and claw" "law of the jungle" are just bullshit things some people made up to justify their crappy behavior (re: racism. their crappy behavior was racism.)
IQ and intelligence are smoke and mirrors we invented to convince ourselves we're more evolved than other animals (we're not, and every organisms has the intelligence it needs for its environment, adapted for its ecology, and that means that a diversity of intelligences is actually a good thing like diversity of anything is a good thing)
the man is a eugenecist and that speaks for itself
I hate him, and I hate that we live in a world where he is still alive and Stephen Jay Gould is dead, zichrono livracha
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"Religion is a distraction from true education." -- Richard Dawkins
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h0rifix · 9 months
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"𝔦 𝔞𝔪 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔟𝔢𝔠𝔞𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔦𝔱 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔰𝔣𝔦𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡"
- 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬. (unknown date). ‘unknown work’
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Nature is not cruel, only pitilessly indifferent.
Richard Dawkins
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest cheetah or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a cheetah wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the cheetah or a gazelle – when the sun comes up, you better be running.
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bear-of-mirrors · 8 months
I never want to hear another atheist get mad about being called “culturally xtian” ever again.
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cerebrodigital · 2 months
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Richard Dawkins sobre la biología #Frases
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spilledreality · 11 months
On conflict theory
Basically, the first serious attempt at creating a scientific field of archaeology was done by 19th century Germans, and they looked around and dug some stuff up and concluded that the prehistoric world looked like the world of Conan the Barbarian: lots of “population replacement,” which is a euphemism for genocide and/or systematic slavery and mass rape. This 19th century German theory then became popular with some 20th century Germans who... uh... made the whole thing fall out of fashion by trying to put it into practice. After those 20th century Germans were squashed, any ideas they were even tangentially associated with them became very unfashionable, and so there was a scientific revolution in archaeology! I'm sure this was just crazy timing, and actually everybody rationally sat down and reexamined the evidence and came to the conclusion that the disgraced theory was wrong (lol, lmao). Whatever the case, the new view was that the prehistoric world was incredibly peaceful, and everybody was peacefully trading with one another, and this thing where sometimes in a geological stratum one kind of house totally disappears and is replaced by a different kind of house is just that everybody decided at once that the other kind of house was cooler. The high-water mark of this revisionist paradigm even had people saying that the Vikings were mostly peaceful traders who sailed around respecting the non-aggression principle. And then people started sequencing ancient DNA and...it turns out the bad old 19th century Germans were correct about pretty much everything. The genetic record is one of whole peoples frequently disappearing or, even more commonly, all of the men disappearing and other men carrying off the dead men's female relatives. There are some exceptions to this, but by and large the old theory wins.
from Mr & Mrs Smith, cf Margulis vs Dawkins, Graeber vs Hobbes, and critiques of Randall Collins's (via Weber) conflict theory
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fallensapphires · 6 months
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Places: Fairy Gardens
There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies?
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magentacat · 1 month
The fact that Richard Dawkins now promotes creationist specifically because they agree on the transphobia should be all you need to know to understand why some of us call him superficial and conservative.
As if the years of him pushing for "evolutionary psychology" (full of unfortunate implications about race and gender) weren't already a red flag.
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epilepticsaints · 14 days
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nando161mando · 1 month
British biologist Richard Dawkins accused student protesters of antisemitism during a recent event. Then, he runs away when stumped on a follow-up question.
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"... when two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong." -- Richard Dawkins
The midpoint between a truth and a falsehood is still a falsehood.
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a-typical · 1 year
It is, when you think about it, remarkable that a religion should adopt an instrument of torture and execution as its sacred symbol, often worn around the neck. Lenny Bruce rightly quipped that 'If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.' But the theology and punishment-theory behind it is even worse. The sin of Adam and Eve is thought to have passed down the male line - transmitted in the semen according to Augustine. What kind of ethical philosophy is it that condemns every child, even before it is born, to inherit the sin of a remote ancestor? Augustine, by the way, who rightly regarded himself as something of a personal authority on sin, was responsible for  coining the phrase 'original sin'. Before him it was known as 'ancestral sin'. Augustine's pronouncements and debates epitomize, for me, the unhealthy preoccupation of early Christian theologians with sin. They could have devoted their pages and their sermons to extolling the sky splashed with stars, or mountains and green forests, seas and dawn choruses. These are occasionally mentioned, but the Christian focus is overwhelmingly on sin sin sin sin sin sin sin. What a nasty little preoccupation to have dominating your life.
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correctopinionhaver · 2 months
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dawkins: "i just think that god is a delusion."
peterson: "the jungian interpretation of religion..." *starts to tear up*
dawkins: "oh no, not again. okay, fine, god is real. just please stop crying."
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apenitentialprayer · 1 month
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I have found it an amusing strategy, when asked whether I am an atheist, to point out that the questioner is also an atheist when considering Zeus, Apollo, Amun Ra, Mithras, Baal, Thor, Wotan, the Golden Calf and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I just go one god further.
Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion, page 77)
Sed contra
I think that this particular argument is awfully….. stupid; and ironic, because it tries to place the Christian and atheist on some sort of equal footing of sympathy, where the atheist says "See how you reject all those other religions? That's all I'm doing, I'm just going one step forward with your religion and your god." But the truth and the reality of the situation is that the atheist is actually standing entirely alone. Because on the fundamental question of the existence of divinity, or God, the vast majority of people agree, regardless of affiliation, or creed, or culture, that there is a divine nature, or there is a god of some kind that we can turn to in worship and adoration. The atheist on this most important question stands utterly alone when he says that virtually everyone is wrong "except for me." Theists may disagree about the specifics of religious doctrine, but at least we agree on the fundamental question.
Brian Holdsworth (Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?)
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