#Richard Grayson headcanon
melloollem · 2 months
Richard Grayson was decoded by Nothing New-Taylor swift.
I'm too lazy to work on it now.
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batfamilycannons · 7 months
A daily occurrence
Jason, English nerd, Todd: USE OXFORD COMMAS, CUNT!
Tim, I dropped out of high school I’ll do whatever the fuck I want, Drake: No.
Dick, I speak like 17 languages fluently and still refuse to follow or learn the grammar rules in this one, Grayson: a what?
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tarta-de-limon · 27 days
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It's the first time I draw them, still figuring out how to
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nightwolf14292 · 2 months
I like to imagine that if any of the Bat-Kids are out in public, whether they be getting food, shopping, patrolling, just walkin' around, whatever, that if they see the Bat-Signal pop on it's an unspoken rule between the siblings that they have to throw on their costume and try and find/deal with the trouble before Bruce gets there. Just to annoy him.
Batman: "Commissioner Gordon! I got here as fast as I could.. What's the situation?"
Commissioner Gordon: "Oh, Batman, thank you for coming.. It's alright, though, it's already been taken care of by these fellows."
*Gestures to the side where there's a couple of muggers sitting tied up next to Nightwing(He has pink, glittery shopping bags hanging all over his arms), Red Hood(He's rummaging through the bags Nightwing is holding, trying to find the black nail polish he just bought to touch up his nails after the fight), Red Robin(He's sipping a cup of coffee that he accidentally stole because he ran out of the cafe so quickly that he forgot to pay), and Robin(He's chowing down on a kids' meal from Bat-Burger)*
Batman: ...
Batman: *Subtle annoyed glare*
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ahfrickenfrick · 24 days
everyone who knows dick personally knows he is very smart, analytical, and geeky
however the news outlets have been spouting off ‘richie wayne’ ever since dick was taken in as bruce’s ward, and tend to write him as the ‘dumb hot’ stereotype
one night talk show gets dick onto it, under the premise that the money from that show would be going to charity, they put him up against random college students about topics they are majoring in
everyone expects dick to flirt or joke his way through the questions, so when he starts buzzing in first and answering correctly, they eventually question him
and with a shrug he says, “grew up traveling around the world, was vice president to the mathletes club that took nationals in high school at 14, and was actually in training to take up either a head aspect or a tech aspect of wayne enterprises; had to do classes and work for that, my best friend and i played video games and coded our own, also social media is easy to keep up with with my siblings and such” he finishes with a dismissive wave and smile, quickly running through the subjects that he was quizzed on
it quickly goes viral, and dick left that studio with a lighter chest and a bright smile
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aerascreamer · 7 months
« Adult Damian will look like Bruce. »
« Adult Damian will look like Talia. »
I raise you:
« Adult Damian will look like Dick to the point people start questioning who’s Damian’s actual father. »
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somecallmekay · 1 year
Dick is an acrobat, which means that, compared to the rest of the bats, he's one of the lighter ones. Additionally, since he was a trapeze artist, plus his years as Robin, this means he can always, ALWAYS, stick the landing. Jason, on the other hand, is the resident tank build, which means he's the heaviest with the most strength in the arms, rivalling that of Batman himself easily. With that in mind, I present my thesis. If Nightwing is annoying Red Hood, especially in front of Commissioner Gordon, Red Hood just throws Nightwing off of the building. While on the surface it seems cold hearted of Jason, he actually knows and trusts Dicks enough to know he'll be fine, and Dick could scurry away before Jason could grab him, but chooses not to. It's a way the brothers bond. Additionally, Jason sometimes does it around the manor, but only through open windows, because Alfred doesn't appreciate needing to replace them every week.
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rad-batson · 8 months
*Bruce and 9yo Dick playing chess*
Dick: Okay, I'm gonna take your pointy, sad-faced guy for my horsey guy.
Bruce: Stop, stop. *pointing to Bishop* What is this piece called?
Dick: I call him Dwight.
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
It's funny how easy it is to push Dick away as a happy-go-lucky sunshine and rainbows and unicorns man when he's really the angriest member of the whole Batfam.
Like, it took Jason 15 years and a reasonable cause.
Dickie was ready to murder a bitch at 8.
This boy arrived at the manor with nothing but a simple suitcase, a toy elephant, sass, and 500 pounds of spiteful anger.
And the only thing that's changed now is the suitcase.
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flame-343 · 2 months
Head Cannon
When Dick started dating, much to Bruce's dismay, they would occasionally go on missions and it would get awkward because apparently this mutant was an ex, than Dick refused to go on a mission because to do it he would have to be with an ex for half of it, it happened so often that Bruce made a file where Dick would put all of his ex's names on so they can stop running into this situation. Dick was furious, that was invasive and was completely stupid in his mind. The only time he uses it is to curse out Bruce if he ever opens it.
Eventually Jason comes along, Bruce tells Jason that when he is old enough to date, he has to put every partner he's ever had in a file, Jason doesn't really care until he comes back from the dead and Bruce tries to weakly make him stay by reminding him to update the file. It goes horribly wrong, now whenever the file updates you can tell it's Jason's solely because it's Victorian Era insults or pictures of bats just to scare Bruce
Damian isn't old enough to date in Bruce's eyes so he doesn't even have a file (as if that stopped any of the bats from dating)
Steph still vehemently claims she isn't Bruce's kid
However, Tim? He really couldn't care less about the file, but he wanted a reason to stay in the Batcave when he was supposed to be home during his time as robin so he just updated the file. He put the name, Birthday, day they met and when they got together, their favorite color, job, the works! Even now he still updates it when he's bored because no one looks at the file.
However if they do....... Tim has a LOT of explaining to do.......
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ev-arrested · 1 year
My favorite HC ever is Dick Grayson just. Acting dumb. In all aspects.
Richard John Grayson is perfectly fucking capable of cooking. Is stereotyped to be capable of burning water and is banned from the manor’s kitchen. His brothers have no idea he knows how to make a three Michelin star steak.
Dick Grayson is bisexual. He knows this, has known it for forever, and is 100% comfortable with it. Based on what others would tell you, though, he’s completely straight and is actually a little uncomfortable with being considered gay. 100% a fierce ally to his queer family and friends tho.
What’s navigation like for Dickie Gray? A master. Can track anything, navigate anywhere, knows a dozen methods for any given survival scenario. To everyone else? Dick cannot do it. Incapable. Directionally challenged. You’d think a trapeze artist would know which way is up, but no. He gets it from his parents.
Dickiebird? Excellent manipulator. We know this. His family knows it. Some of his friends know it. They pray for any poor soul who has no idea how manipulative Dick can be. They watch in the distance disappointedly, knowing that Dick’s victim just thinks he’s an ordinary, honest, standup guy, all the while not even knowing that despite being aware of Dick’s true nature, they are being manipulated in equal measure.
Related side note: Good ol Richy? Incredible conversationalist. Everyone knows this. It’s his whole persona. Wears that fact on his sleeve. He always finds a way to make everyone feel like he’s interested in the conversation, even if he would rather die than talk about the current topic for a second longer. And this goes beyond just giving occasional sounds of acknowledgment and peppering words like “cool” or “yeah”. Someone could be talking about the most boring topic imaginable, and he’d have a dazzling smile on his face, his body language signifying that he’s completely engaged, will even ask proper clarifying questions in an attempt to learn more. When he exits the conversation, someone asks, “wow, are you really that fascinated by (insert inane topic)?” and while Dick’s smile doesn’t even falter, he immediately drops the pretense and says, “Oh, absolutely not. That was the most boring conversation I’ve ever had in my life.”
Dick Grayson has gotten this far in life because people consistently underestimate him. He’s made himself come across as juuust incompetent enough (in very particular ways that don’t compromise his image as a capable leader), leaving everyone absolutely fucking blindsided whenever he pulls the rug out from under them about what they thought he was capable of.
And we love him for it.
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jaeryale · 3 months
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Bat brothers for the win
Enjoy my silly little pinterest pose inspired fanart of Dick and Damian<3
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batfamilycannons · 6 months
BatBrothers as college students:
Dick: that one guy who’s always dressed wildly, you think he gets dressed in the dark till one day you accidentally find his Instagram and it’s all daily fashion blogs. No one’s particularly sure why he’s here? He doesn’t seem to give a fuck about any of his classes until it’s time for moral debates, then he’s all in with the most eloquent points.
Jason: A nerd, he’s the dude who you think got in on an spots scholarship until you realize he doesn’t play any sports. He can, and will, go on rants about old books in class. He looks terrifying but will proof read your papers. Corrects the teacher and is always right. Lives in the library (everyone wants to know how he’s so buff.)
Tim: The dude who only comes to half his classes, sleeps through the ones he does come too, always has an energy drink with him, the campus cryptid. Yet he has perfect grades, and when he gets called on in class (always in an effort to catch him off guard cause he was sleeping there’s no way he knows what’s going on) he always gets everything right, calls the professors by their first names. Generally terrifying. (Has been seen wandering the campus at random times of the night, dorm mate has never had a normal interaction with him.)
Damian: Perfectly dressed, always in class on time, dorm mate “disappeared” the first week in, always has the vaguest tinge of charcoal on his fingers, never take notes, perfect grades. Might have animals in his dorm.
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dc-and-damirae · 4 months
Dick, working silently on a case until a loud THUD scares him: Dick, turns around:…Did you just fall asleep and hit your head on the desk? Tim, with a large red mark on his forehead: No.
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batsuggestion · 1 month
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not naming names but Dick Grayson
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gothamdwellings · 22 days
Is their place clean or dirty? ~ Dick Grayson, Jason Todd.
Warnings - none / bad grammar, not edited!
Richard Grayson has a tidy place, but not because he cleans. He simply doesn’t do anything. He is usually teaching yoga, training with Bruce or his brothers, going out with whichever friend is in Blüdhaven for the weekend, or simply working on an investigation. He doesn’t even have dishes in the sink, because he rarely cooks or eats in his own place. Where Jason’s apartment looks lived in on the best days, Dicks’s apartment is barren. He has a table and enough chairs for each Robin and a few folding chairs incase Babs and Cass join in on their game nights. He has nothing to connect him to Nightwing, but he does have Batman, Superman and even the Flash merch in a variety of items. A lone ‘Flying Graysons’ poster hangs on his wall, next to his varying degrees in law and social work. A picture of him and Bruce hang near, Tim’s prom picture as well, and a school picture of Damian. (Tim and Damian put those photos up, but Damian will not claim he hung his own photo as it would be ‘cringe’.) He has no photos of Babs, Star, or any other possible partners. Even the current one(s). His room only has a bed and a laundry hamper, he hangs his clothing and has a small plastic three drawer dresser for socks, underwear, and whenever else he needs stored. All in all, his flat is boring and also creepy by how well kept it is.
Dick’s ideal partner wouldn’t live with him, in fear of his identity being leaked and them becoming a liability.
Jason Todd’s apartment isn’t the cleanest, but not because he can’t clean, he simply doesn’t have the time. Being a full time vigilante means working awkward and long hours. Working from 8 pm until 6 am means he only has a few hours of sleep before his day begins. Jason tries his best to keep busy, it helps with overthinking. He’ll hang out with his friends and family, go to the library, have a quick snack (or meal) at his favorite ‘ma and pop’ diner. He will also spend a few hours in the batcave/belfry training each day, and then go to a normal gym and train there for an hour so people don’t wonder how or why Bruce Wayne’s adopted son is so jacked.
When Jason’s partner begins to come over he’ll make sure his place is cleaned, but after a few months out of the honeymoon phase he’ll go back to his old habits and it may get messy again. He would love if his partner helped him pick up, and even help him organize the wide selection of reading materials he has, from old newspapers, case files, and poetry.
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