sharky-the-idiot · 1 month
Born to live in cold ass areas... forced to be southern....
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gleggiegreenes · 7 years
rules: answer the questions and tag 10 other people
Tagged by @glennrheeality​ and @gleggie​, thanks guys!!!  ❤︎ ❤︎
a- age: 21
b- birthplace: Hamilton, Ontario
c- current time: 11:10 pm
d- drink you last had: Nestea Zero
e- easiest person to talk to: My mom, and my bestfriends  ❤︎
f- favorite song: I don’t really have one but it’s currently October so Seven Devils by Florence and the Machine 
g- grossest memory: the grease barrel in the back room when I worked in that Carvery at the grocery store. Nasty.
h- horror yes or horror no: yes even though I’m a baby
i- in love?: nah
j- jealous of people?: almost always, yeah
l- love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Walk by again 
m- middle name: Mary 🐍
o- one wish: Uhhhh I wish I didn’t have such an ugly nose lmao
p- person you called last: Canada Computers
q- question you are always asked: How’s school?? What are you taking in school??? What are you going to do once you’re finished school???? Do you like school????
r- reason to smile: Every time I see my pets or my friends send me a meme
s- song you last sang: I don’t remember something in the car probably
t- time you woke up: 8:45 am
u- underwear color: Black
v- vacation destination: honestly anywhere I never get to travel
w- worst habit: breaking at my split ends and pulling at my hair :/
x- x-rays: when I was 13 I kept throwing up for like 2 weeks and had a really bad stomach ache and they gave me an x-ray bc they couldn’t figure out what was wrong but nothing showed up lol
y- your favorite food: donuts
z- zodiac sign: Virgo
Tagging: My friendsies @glennrheesuschrist, @glenngrheene, @glennie-rhee, @eleanorshellstrops, @mainmanandy, @pammiwonderland, @ghostlyglenn
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festiveferret · 7 years
Tagged by @sirsapling Thank you for the tag!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - age: 29
B - birthplace: Canada
C - current time: 09:10 AM
D - drink you last had: Water - I used to hate water as a kid, but now I love it
E - easiest people to talk to: Hmm, I guess my hubby and my friends, but mostly anyone who is into the same things I am. I love talking to people as long as its not small talk. Small talk makes me die inside. I hate it. Even just thinking about it right now is making me rage out. Thanks a lot, quiz.
F - favorite song: I could never in a million years pick one favourite. How the very dare you even suggest....
G - grossest memory: I used to work as a vet nurse, so you really really don’t want to hear it.
H - horror yes or horror no: Absolutely fucking not. My friendo and I have an agreement that she can make me watch one (1) horror movie each year on Halloween and that’s it. Also they’re not allowed to be actually scary. We’re working through the classics.
I - in love? Yes with these two fictional boys who I just - WAIT I MEAN WITH MY HUSBAND YUP THAT’S THE ONE.
J - jealous of people? Not generally, no. I’m not naturally a jealous person.
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again? Oh god yeah. I fall in love so easily and all over the place. I love it. Walk by again so I can fall in love again, it’s my fav. 
M - middle name: All I’ll say, is that it’s my mom’s last name and as a child I was very salty that I didn’t get a “real middle name”
N - number of siblings: One brother and a sister in law. I’m accepting applications for additional siblings though, so get in touch.
O - one wish: Geez, I dunno. I guess, sadly, (I’m a boring adult) to make enough money that we can be comfortable and do the things we like to do, including travel, without worry. It’d be even more awesome if some of that money was from writing, but I’m flexible.
P - person you called last: Ummmmmmm probably my car’s mechanic, siiigh. It’s not looking good guys, she’s really sick. Please send love and motor grease.
Q - question you are always asked: “Are these all yours?” (I own a pet care company and frequently walk large groups of dogs together. People also love to say “hue hue hue you’ve got your hands full!” Yes, thank you, I hadn’t noticed.)
R - reason to smile: I smile a lot, but the really big ones happen when one of my foster pets gets adopted. Me and my dog do a little celebration dance every time. She’s getting old, but she’s still a fantastic dancer.
S - song you last sang: I sing near constantly, but probably it was Adele’s All I Ask. And it was probably loud. And it was probably off-key.
T - time you woke up: I wake up at 8:30am pretty much every morning.
U - underwear color: Well well well, you’d have to be wearing some for them to have a colour ;) 
V - vacation destination: Hmm, probably the Caribbean. I adore it there.
W - worst habit: Hmm, sugar probably. Is that a habit? Sugar is a significant portion of my diet. 
X - x-rays: Only once, I think. I fell off my bike and hit my elbow on the curb and they wanted to see if it was broken. It wasn’t. I feel like I’ve had another one, but I don’t remember. I’ve never broken a bone, though. (I feel like I should knock on wood for that... gently)
Y - your comfort food: Anything with sugar in it. See Above.
Z - zodiac sign: Leo
Oh lord, I think everyone and their monkey has already been tagged so I think I’ll have to do the whole anyone else who wants to can do it thing. Soorrryyyy.
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paintedrecs · 7 years
Rules - copy and paste this into a new text post, delete my answers and put in yours. when you’re done, tag up to 10 people!
I was tagged by @mad-madam-m
A - Age: Literally just asked my mom a couple days ago because I forgot. That’s what happens when you get to your 30s! My birthday’s next month, and I probably won’t do anything about it this year. B - Biggest fear: Never doing anything worthwhile with my life. More specifically, never getting all those books I want to write down on paper. When I Have Fears, by John Keats, has been my favorite poem since I was a teenager. I just...want to write things that matter to me, and to other people.  C - Current time: 1 PM D - Drink you had last: Tea and orange juice; I tapped away at this list while eating breakfast, then stopped for a while to read fic. I should probably rummage around for lunch soon... E - Every day starts with: Me lying in bed wondering if I really truly have to get up and if this day will be any better than the last. Then I drag myself out so I can drink a cup of tea. F - Favorite song: Hallelujah. I don’t really have a preferred version, but my first encounter was the Jeff Buckley one. I was a freshman in college; one of my suitemates brought in a boombox and wandered off as I listened to the song. It’s a sweet, melancholy memory that hasn’t faded one bit in all the years that’ve passed since. (In other words, once I truly love a thing, I pretty much love it forever.)  G - Ghosts, are they real: No. I don’t know what the afterlife is like, but I don’t believe in spirits hanging around after death, even if my apartment does make weirdly unidentifiable noises sometimes. H - Hometown: Born in Northern California, grew up in Central California, moved back to my birth area a few years after college. But I prefer the Steinbeck quote: I have lost all sense of home, having moved about so much. It means to me now - only that place where the books are kept. I - In love with: Books. Writing. A handful of fictional characters.  J - Jealous of: Published authors. Everyone who was able to go to AX this weekend. I was originally planning to go - until I quit my job and haven’t been able to find a new one and thus can’t afford anything. K - Killed someone: Uh. No. I still feel overwhelming guilt about the time ~20 years ago when I accidentally killed a lizard.  L - Last time you cried: A few days ago, while panicking about not having the money to pay rent this month. Although honestly, I’m feeling kinda down today. M - Middle name: Very weird, with too many vowels.  N - Number of siblings: Three older brothers. O - One wish: For the short term - to get a job that pays enough for me to keep paying my bills. For the long term - to have at least one book published. P - Person you last called/texted: Called - my mom? I don’t like talking on the phone, so it’s usually only her or job- or bill-related stuff. Texted - a friend of mine who lives in Canada, who sent a happy ‘merica day message. Q - Question you’re always asked: People very frequently stop me to ask for directions. I’m very approachable but very, very bad at giving directions.  R - Reason to smile: Dogs. Sterek fics. Books. Sheith merch. Chocolate. Jack Zimmermann. More books. S - Song last sang: I think something I made up when I was cleaning. I am a zillion and one percent not a singer, but I absently sing my thoughts out loud a lot of the time. Usually when I’m alone. Unless I forget I’m in public. T - Time you woke up: 5:30 AM, but I went back to sleep and woke up for reals around 9:30.  U - Underwear color: Currently green, but I need to take a shower, after which point, who knows?? Could be anything. Maybe foxes. V - Vacation destination: Favorite past one or one I wish I could do? I can’t afford anything for a while, so I’ll go with my three favorite trips that I’ve made as an adult. Cornwall (aka the setting of tide pulls), Montreal, Kaua’i. I loved all of them, but I’d go back to Hawaii first if I could. I just want to lounge by a pool with a pile of books and a mai tai or five. Although my birthday trip a couple years ago involved renting a house by the ocean and writing for a week, which was...amazing... W - Worst habit: I could call it procrastination, but it’s actually avoidance. I put things off for no good reason and end up getting mad at myself because of it way too often. Right now I’m avoiding: dishes, sending an email about my renter’s insurance, reading a script my brother sent me a month ago, cleaning the bathroom, getting groceries, making a dental appointment, putting away the laundry I washed yesterday, writing... X - Xrays you’ve had: Teeth (dental checkups, wisdom teeth), arm (broken - bicycle), foot (broken - ballet), chest (apparently fine but I was having worrying pains a few months ago). I think that’s it? Y - Your favorite food: My mom’s fajitas. But if you’re going with a generic category of food, probably pizza. I grew up thinking pizza was a choice between Dominos and Pizza Hut (Little Caesar’s sometimes, if you were in the right mood), and then I discovered that it can be so much more. I’d probably eat it every day of the week if I could. My very favorite pizza topping is asparagus and snap peas, although I like lots of different ones. Z - Zodiac sign: Leo. I fit aspects of it but not others. 
If you see this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!
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gayspacepilots · 7 years
Tag Game
So I was tagged by @mcbonescoy to answer these. (Thank you so much!)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 18 B - Birthplace: Canada C - Current Time: 11:45 pm (CST) as of making this, but it’ll be 2:00 pm tomorrow once it gets through my queue. D - Drink You Last Had: Water E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Everyone is hard to talk to. *chuckles awkwardly* But that’s just the perks of social anxiety. *chuckles awkwardly again* F - Favourite Song: I can’t stop watching Big Eden on repeat, so right now it’s a tie between Don’t Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes and Achin’ Breakin’ Heart, both by George Jones. Before that it was probably, House by Air Traffic Controller and Down in the Valley by The Head and the Heart. G - Grossest Memory: Eating a rotten tomato. The unpleasant tanginess churned my stomach for months after. I still love tomatoes, but they’re vile once they’ve gone bad. H - Horror Yes or Horror No: It depends on the type of horror and how I’m feeling. I usually end up watching them late at night, but I won’t leave the comfort of my locked room until morning.                                                              I - In Love: No, but there’s nothing I want more than to be. J - Jealous of People: No, I have too much depression and self-loathing to be jealous of others. K - Killed Someone: Fuck no. L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: You could hit me upside the head and I wouldn’t notice if you liked me. N - Number of Siblings: Just one, an older sister that’s always been there when I needed her. O - One Wish: I wish I could be anything but Aro. I’m tired of it and I hate it. If I could, I’d like to be panromantic. Everyone’s so beautiful and I would like to take all of them out on a date. P - Person You Called Last: My mom Q - Question You Are Always Asked: “What’s your name?”  I work as a server in an assisted living complex for seniors and not all of us wear name tags, plus I only started working there about 9 months ago. So I always get asked what my name is, sometimes multiple times by the same resident, but I have no problem telling them again. R - Reason to Smile: The AH guys, Big Eden, plants and nature. (I’m sorry, I’m having trouble thinking of some...) S - Song You Sang Last: To be honest, it was probably Achin’ Breakin’ Heart. T - Time You Woke Up: 6 am, I had to go to work, really early in the morning. But I got to serve some really nice seniors, so that was good. U - Underwear Colour: I am not answering that one.                                       V - Vacation Destination: I’d love to go somewhere where I could just be on my own and relax. Maybe New Zealand with those rolling green hills and the ocean... I don’t know. W - Worst Habit: Neglecting everything and everyone in my life when I go into huge depressive episodes. I’m sorry, but I can’t help it and I don’t think that will ever change. X - X-rays: Uh, I’m not sure how many I’ve actually had, it’s between 1 and 3. The most recent was because I broke my ring finger, and the other two, one was when I broke my collar bone and the other was when I had head surgery. I’m not sure if I actually got x-rays for those last two, I probably did for the collar bone, which would be why I know about it and I imagine that the hospital would have to have x-rays of my skull before sending me off to the OR. Y - Your favourite food: Uh, I’m really enjoying fried eggs, and Bibimbap, but my favourite is probably pan-fried salmon. Z - Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
This was a lot of fun!! I’m going to tag: @transspirk @tribblemaster @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth @sianatohan @laughingspock  @illogical-potato @go-embrace-messy-hair @kickedtotheside and @sonoberg​
And anyone else who wants to do this.
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talvin-muircastle · 7 years
ABC of Me
@misskatiegirl​ went and tagged me for this.  Ah, what the heck.  Let’s play.
A - Age: 44.  I turn 45 in August.  I’m old.
B - Biggest Fear: Not as bad as it used to be, but I am very freaked out in total darkness.  Thing is, I have both large pupils and large retinas, so “dark” is a rare thing for me.  I have excellent night vision (and despise bright light.  Hiss. Hiss.)  When I was 12 years old they took me down into a cave and turned out all the lights, and THAT is how I learned what total darkness looks like.  I do not like it.  I do not like it at all.
C - Current time: Sunday, May 7, 8:13 PM
D - Drink you last had: Scottish Whisky Tea.  It does not contain whisky, but it does come from Scotland, and it has malted barley in with the tea leaves.  I am inordinately fond of it for a guy who rarely touches real whisky.
E - Everyday starts with: Snap, Crackle, and Pop.  No, not the cereal: the body.
F - Favourite Song: Don Quixote by Gordon Lightfoot.  If I have a theme song, it’s this: (OK Tumblr moved it to the end.)
G - Ghosts, are they real?: Mmm…ambivalent, but I come down on the side of “probably not”.
H - Hometown: Philadelphia, PA.  City of Brotherly Love.  And Cheesesteaks.  And shitty sports teams.  And political corruption.  And pretzels.  And the Liberty Bell.  And the Pope came to visit.  So did the Democratic National Convention.  And the NFL Draft.  They keep closing off downtown.  Please leave us and the tourists in peace.  Have your National Security Event elsewhere next time.
I - In love with: @diannamuircastle​ now and forever.
J - Jealous of: My daughter’s skill with tools.  Any kind of tool.  Carpentry, knitting, crocheting, sewing: tools just fit naturally in her hand.  Love her for it, though.
K - Killed Someone: Not yet.
L - Last time you cried: Um…honestly, I can’t recall what brought it on.   There are days when I just want to hide under the covers, though.
M - Middle Name: No.  Just no.  I despise my middle name.
N - Number of Siblings: 1 older brother, we haven’t spoken in years.  I hope he is well.
O - One Wish: Impeach him already.
P - Person you last called/text: My daughter.  I was sending her a link to a YouTube Video.  
Q - Question you’re always asked: “W H Y?”  in reaction to a pun.
R - Reason to smile: Thinking about the answer to the previous question.
S - Song You Last sang: “All The Pretty Little Ponies”, singing along with Kenny Loggins.  Yes, it’s a lullaby.  I like it.
T - Time you woke up: First time was around 6 AM because that’s when we have to get up on weekdays.  Went back to sleep.
U - Underwear color: ….  White.   Why do you want to know this?
V - Vacation Destination: Mmm…I have never been out of the country.  New Zealand would be nice, but such a long flight.  Scotland, that would be awesome.  Even parts of Canada would be interesting.  
W - Worst Habit: I’m gonna go with the majority opinion here and say “Puns”
X - X-rays: Enough that it is actually a slight concern regarding radiation exposure.  I had LOTS of X-Rays of my pelvic region as a kid, because I was born without hipsockets.  8 surgeries, goodness knows how many X-Rays.  Also two broken arms (on different occasions) growing up.  One MRI on my lower back.
Y - Your favourite foods: Anything Mint, many things vanilla, I love a good gyro, and ham strombolis are nice, too.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo.  Roar.
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A-Z Tag Game
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
Tagged by: @bend-me-shape-me & @perfdeanw Thank you guys it made me smile!
a - age: 18
b - biggest fear: Drowning, or anyone I love dying
c - current time: 10:10am
d - drink you last had: some good old orange juice
e - every day starts with: me snoozing my alarm and then waking up with 5 minutes to get ready and get to the bus..
f - favorite song: I absolutely have no idea I love so many, I do have an a-z playlist of songs I’ll never get over (168 songs)
g - ghosts, are they real: I meant if they wanted to mess with me supernatural has taught me well..
h - hometown: Huonville, Tasmania (that little island under Australia)
i - in love with: anyone who is nice to me tbh, Destiel, J2M, and food
j - jealous of: People who are super outgoing and don’t struggle with identity (I’ve been the best I ever had this year and I’m proud af)
k - killed someone: No
l - last time you cried: Surprisingly for me not that recently, (it’s usually every weekend), it was a few weeks ago when I had a panic attack and was so damn sure that my mum was trying to abandon me..
m - middle name: Jayne
n - number of siblings: one sister, one brother, both older
o - one wish: that I live and everyone I love lives a full and happy life, with someone they love
p - person you last called/texted: I actually have no clue because I smashed my phone and only just got a new one, so i’ll probably guess mum?
q - questions you’re always asked: Why do people think it’s ok the judge and deny rights to people based off of something about them that doesn’t even affect you! (eg; gay marriage, women’s right, religious freedom,trans people, race) I’m a straight white female and i’m so embarassed that some people still have to fight to be accepted or even have basic rights! 
r - reasons to smile: Making people laugh, my friends, family, singing really loud, looking up at a starry sky, a good tumblr post, when amazing people tag you in tumblr chains
s - song last sang: Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen ( I have a good time singing it ;) )
t - time you woke up: like 6 and was pissed because it’s Saturday
u - underwear color: Idk why but I’m wearing bather bottoms? they are orange and black
v - vacation destination: Canada, Italy, Paris, literally send me anywhere with my two best friends and I’ll be good
w - worst habit: needs a lot of attention or will get sad, can be very lazy, is lonely a bad habit? I also get very angry and let it control me and I end up doing or saying things that make me hate myself the next day
x - x-rays you’ve had: I think I had one as a baby because they thought I had something wrong with me
y - your favorite food: Lasagne, Kfc, nutella, omg now I’m hungry
z - zodiac sign: Aquarius ♥
I’m tagging, (anyone that doesn’t want to do this that’s fine I understand ♥)
@useless-blog-nobody-follows @bluecheesecake3 @dont-forget-the-pie-bitch
@tributeofasgard @purgatory-destiel @casreallyistrash
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angel-shindo · 7 years
A-Z 8)
Lmao you litte shit! Here ya go!A: If im in love: Definitely!!B: Last person you talked on the phone with: @yoichisaohomo !! *cough* Tea *cough*C: How long its been since ive been kissed: A little over two months :(D: If i have preference between girls and boys: Girls for sure! Between being a total lesbian and just being generally more comfortable with them, yeah! Not that i have anything against guys, not at all, but a lot of the ones ive met are assholes while a rare few who im friends with are total sweeties!E: How many piercings you have?: None, really! I had my ears pierced when i was younger but didnt like the upkeep so just let them close. Ive thought about maybe getting a tongue piercing though!F: Give me options like hot and cold: Since you didnt send any, ill just go with those! I prefer cold for sure, you can put on as many layers as you like but can only take off so many without being arrested!G: The last person i said i love you to: My beautiful GF, @yoichisaohomo!!H: Last person i hugged: Hmm... probably my dad, although i dont remember when exactly!I: Last time i felt jealous and why: Hmmm... probably last night over something silly, it wasnt anything major as i try to reign that stuff in!J: Are you insecure? What about?: Oh god can i say everything? Is that an option? I mean, my writing, my personality, my appearance, my weight, just about everything tbh!K: Full name: Just for the sake of security im not gonna do my last name but my middle and first ones are Aisia Katherine!L: If i hav siblings: Oh ya, a curse if ive ever known one, im oldest of like, 8M: If i forgive betrayel: Depends tbh, if its a little thing like eating my cookies or beating me in a game, sure! Tbh thats not really betrayel but yeah. But big stuff, like spilling secrets or cheating, hell no, that's just too much.N: Favorite animal: Hmm... pugs and pandas!O: Where would i like to travel: Ooh! Japan and Germany and Liechtenstein!P: What kind of music i like: Hmm, i really like i guess pop stuff, stuff with dirty lyrics (lmao), and most everything but country!Q: Favorite flower: I like sunflowers and roses!R: Is cheating ever okay: Fuck no. Like, if your having problems in the relationship that tempts you to turn to that, you need to either spare the other person the pain of that betrayel and break it off or work with them to get past whatever issues you have, in my opinion.S: 2 habits: Stabbing my nails into my skin and tapping my feet, especially when im nervous T: 3 things i love unconditionally: My beautiful girlfriend, my dogs, aaaaaand... chocolate!U: Favorite time of year: Fall! Because its so pretty and finally cooling off from the shitty heat and humidity!V: Big dreams: I suppose moving up to Canada and hopefully getting married someday!W: If ive done something i regret very much: Definitely, several of them without going into detailX: 3 turn ons: Oh lord, ummm... skirts (not even just short ones, all of them), oral on girls, and... oh gosh, i suppose being dominated?Y: 3 turn offs: This ones harder tbh... idk exactly why, but i dont like porn of girls giving bjs, its just weird to me, i have no idea why. Other than that, fake people, in general, and large amounts of pain.Z: Ask any question: Hehe no question asked!Love ya!
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the-punforgiven · 7 years
I ask you, are you my tagger?
Taged by @one-winged-beauty, thanks!
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN
A- Age: 19? B- Biggest fear: Not being able to do the things I want, essentially C- Current time: 4:26 pm D- Drink you last had: Coffee E- Everyday starts with: Uncomfortably waking up overheated and sunburned because I stupidly decided to put my bed beside the window F- Favorite song: Not a clue, but right now Hello Nurse by A Sound of Thunder is pretty good G- Ghosts, are they real?: I have no reason to believe they aren’t H- Hometown: Not sure, but it’s had acid rain at least twice and people’s sandles melt into the ground over the summer, so I’m pretty glad I don’t live there anymore I- In love with: Noi Not really anything at the moment. Like, I’ve got things and people I love, but nothing I’m really in love with, you know? J- Jealous of: Those people who are actually doing things with their lives, like god dammit, why can’t I be like that? K- Killed someone: No L- Last time you cried: Season 2, episode 24 (I’m kidding, I actually have no idea, outside of that it was within the last seven years, since I have basically no perception of time anymore) M- Middle name: I’m not quite willing to say right now N- Number of siblings: 5 O- One wish: Me and my friends getting god damn superpowers, like for real how sweet would that be? P- Person you last called/texted: My roommate. He always sends me such lovely texts like “Food’s Ready” or “pizza’s here” It really makes me smile Q: Questions you’re always asked: “How long have you been growing your hair?” I mean, it’s a nice question, but I can’t answer. Like, sometime between seven and ten years, getting trims every now and again, I don’t know. I’ve also been asked “What instruments do you play?” and “How long have you been playing?” which are pretty fun to answer, I guess, even if I can’t answer time-related questions very well R- Reasons to smile: Having friends, and knowing that they’re doing what they love, for the most part. (Also the aforementioned texts) S- Song last sang: All Guns Blazing - Sabaton T- Time you woke up: Around noonish U- Underwear color: Black V- Vacation destination: Norway/Finland. There’s just too much cool shit I want to do and see there, honestly X- X-rays you’ve had: I don’t think I’ve had any, actually Y- Your favorite food: Either Pizza or Spaghetti Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo
That was fun, thanks for the tag! So, I guess I’ll tag @infected-at-birth @skylisk-j @magnolia-eclair @coheed-and-canada @pixelizedstratocaster @ewiniarz @thanhlyn @fuckk-this-blog-needs-a-name @nintendude69 and @siop-62 if you feel like it, no worries if not, though
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pantsgander52-blog · 6 years
How pyridium can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Critical: When There's a range of pricing, individuals should really Ordinarily count on to pay the lower price. On the other hand, due to inventory shortages together with other mysterious variables we cannot supply any promise. My girlfriend suffers from very similar signs or symptoms of sunshine depression. Her health care provider puts her on Anti depressants and she will get even worse just like I did. She will be able to see exactly what the Deplin has performed for me. She goes to her medical doctor to inquire about L-Methylfolate and he tells her that she is insane. He ups her dosage of anti-depressant and she will get even even worse. I discuss this with my physician who regretably does not settle for my girlfriends insurance coverage. The individual should breathe in deeply throughout the mouth, right up until their lungs really feel completely filled with air. Make sure the vent higher than the mouthpiece will not be blocked by the affected person's lips or fingers. The affected individual should really maintain their breath for approximately 10 seconds or as long as they easily can. Phenazopyridine is really an azo dye. Irreversible staining of soppy Get hold of lenses has been documented. Hence, individuals shouldn't wear comfortable Call lenses whilst having this medication. Small-performing beta-two-agonists are classified as the therapy of choice for the procedure of acute asthma symptoms. For gentle to moderate exacerbations, the use of a metered-dose inhaler plus valved holding chamber is as productive as nebulized therapy when ideal administration method is utilized. In the event the supplement will not specify over the label that it makes use of Metafolin, Quartrefolic or even the L method of methylfolate, then It is far from proposed to implement devoid of first inquiring on to the producer. Internet. PDR.net is for use only being a reference help. It is not meant to be a substitute for the exercising of Skilled judgment. You must ensure the information over the PDR.Web website as a result of impartial resources and search for other Expert guidance in all therapy and diagnosis choices. In an effort to receive the low cost, you’ll need to find the EpiPen® Discount Card. It is possible to receive this card from your doctor or by going to the EpiPen® $0 Co-Fork out Method website. I made use of the website and was capable of print my card proper then and there. For connection difficulties or other technical issues, send an email to webmaster. A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  The list is ordered alphabetically according to the affliction or disorders, then because of the generic name of every medication. The checklist is just not exhaustive and never all drugs are employed regularly in all countries. Some medications take care of numerous ailments and show up many occasions. Remember to Take note that sharing of personal information with assistance suppliers or disclosures to 3rd events might contain the storage or processing of personal details outside of Canada (which includes in The us) the place nearby privacy legal guidelines may possibly need the disclosure of personal information to governmental authorities below situation that are unique than people who utilize in Canada. In response into the stress, the medicine's maker, Mylan Prescription drugs, mentioned Thursday that it will begin masking nearly $300 of what individuals pay for an EpiPen two-pack. The personal savings card Formerly coated as much as $100. Ben has used in his individual formulations. Folic acid could be the artificial sort that isn't as bioavailable and probably dangerous in These with MTHFR gene mutations. See Dr. The best Side of epipen coupon Ben’s submit on this incredibly subject matter: . Of course – calcium folinate can be quite useful mainly because it supports DNA base creation. Methylfolate supports Exact same creation and homocysteine recycling.
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cybr-grl · 6 years
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Hello there, friend! :-) 
Welcome welcome to my blog from me and the nice Kirbys above!
If you magically ended up on this page and have no clue who I am, my name is Kristina Elle and I post things on the interwebs! I mostly post fashion, beauty, and anime related things and I have a ton of fun doing it!
I post these things on the interwebs because well...I just like it! This is kind of my way of expressing myself creatively and to inspire others to be free and express themselves however they'd like to as well.
I mainly post on Instagram but it’s mostly a photo sharing site so this blog is going to be way more than just images, it’ll be like a portal to my mind and inner thinkings (☉‿☉✿)
I’m not really sure what else to say so I just googled “surveys to kill time” 
.:::A:::.. What’s your current Age? 22, about to turn 23 very soon though! What’s your favorite animal? White tigers and whale sharks Would you ever join the Army? Depends...will I get to wear a holographic uniform?  Are you Available? Available for what? Lunch? Dinner? Is the food free of charge? If so, yes. (but relationship wise, no i am happily married :-)) What’s your favorite kind of Apple? The good kind Are you any good at Art? no i am a trash can
..:::B:::.. Did you ever watch Barney as a kid? I was raised on Barney and can still sing every single song. It haunts me every night Do you know anyone named Bob? yes, i named a plush monkey pencil case i used to own Bob Can you blow a Bubble? yes i can do it with my eyes closed Which fast food restaurant has the best Burgers? personally i really like fuddruckers because you can customize them however you’d like and they have fun retro music playing 24/7 What’s your favorite Band? ITS KKB LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
..:::C:::.. What’s your favorite kind of Cookie? white choccy and macademia Do you have a Cat? no but i wish! i wanna adopt all the cats!!! Do you like Country music? who is she Are you a Caffeine addict? not really, it doesn't affect me as much as i’d like it to Do you think Clowns are at all scary? i think old ladies who get mad at retail workers are scarier than clowns
..:::D:::.. What’s your favorite breed of Dog? shiba inus, corgis, huskies, ALL DOGGOS ARE GOOD BOIS What do you usually get at Dunkin Donuts? whatever is seasonal. i really wanna try the cotton candy drink they just released though! What was your last Dream about? i think i dreamt that i was flying? i wish i had a machine where i could rewatch my dreams Have you ever been on a Diet? when i was in high school i had bad body dysmorphia so i just didn't eat at all all day and only ate dinner  What’s your favorite Dessert? WAFFLES ..:::E:::.. Have you ever ridden an Elephant? yes at the zoo when i was little and didn't know any better Eeyore, Piglet or Pooh? eeyore is hashtag relatable  Do you always give Exact change at a restaurant? nope i don't carry cash so i usually use my card
Have you ever been on a Ferry? yes when i was little but i don't really remember it well so it feels like it was just a dream
Do you like Ferris wheels? yes i love carnival rides
Who’s your best Friend? sonia!!! she’s known me since i was a little piece of shit 
..:::G:::.. Do you care about your Grades? i just try my best and cross my fingers Do you prefer Green or red grapes? red (but cotton candy grapes are my all time favorite) Do you wear Glasses? no but i might have to soon  ..:::H:::.. Who, in your opinion, is the Hottest celebrity? our lord and savior shrek Are you Hungry right now? yes i’m hungry all day everyday 24/7 365 Why were you last at the Hospital? i was birthing an offspring Are you a Health freak? nah i’m just chillin ..:::I:::.. What’s your favorite flavor of Ice cream? either cookies and cream or cotton candy Could you survive without the Internet? no honestly i think i might have an addiction  What three things would you want to have while stranded on an Island? a genie, endless supply of food, some sunscreen ..:::J:::.. Did you ever own a Jack-in-the-box? nope Do you like Jell-O? yup Do you have a Job? yup yup check out my wares fellow kids > depop.com/cybrgrl <  ..:::K:::.. Have you ever been Kayaking? yes i have and i got like rash on my legs from it but i still would love to do it again some time Would you ever Kill someone? only in self defense but even then i’m such a wuss so it’d never happen Do you like Kentucky Fried Chicken? only their coleslaw ..:::L:::.. Do you prefer Lemons or Limes? lemons Is your computer a Laptop or desktop? laptop Do you do your own Laundry? yes mam i am an independent woman  Do you think Losing someone’s the worst feeling in the world? yes that’s one of my fears ..:::M:::.. What’s your favorite store in the Mall? i don't shop at the mall anymore but probably the food court  What Month were you born in? september How much Money do you have in the bank? $0 ..:::N:::.. Have you ever had Nilla Wafers? yes i love them in banana pudding Do you like Nectarines? rip i’ve never tried them  Do you bite your Nails? nope  ..:::O:::.. Do you like Onions? only onion rings from burger king with some mayo but from there i draw the line  What Occupations are you interested in? something fashion related! Do you know where Ontario is located? O CANADA
Do you like the Peanuts? yes especially honey roasted peanuts
Would you ever Parachute off of a plane? HECK YEAH
How old are your Parents? my mom is 48 and my dad is 53
..:::Q:::.. Do you know what a Quail is? why yes, yes i do If you could ask any celebrity any Question, what would it be? what is the meaning of life ..:::R:::.. Do you like the Rain? yes i love falling asleep to the rain and dancing in it Do you know anyone named Rachel? yup yup i know quite a few Do you like to Read? yes i love to read! ..:::S:::.. What’s the best thing about Summertime? longer days and warm summer nights What School do or did you go to? currently attending my local community college for fashion marketing ..:::T:::.. Do you like Tennis? yes especially super mario tennis Have you ever had surgery on your Teeth? i guess when i got my wisdom teeth removed they knocked me out? does that count idk ..:::U:::.. What color are your Underwear? only pg 13 questions allowed on this good christian website When was the last time you were really Upset? this morning i stubbed my toe ..:::V:::.. Who was your Valentine this year? my hubba bubba Do you own a Vest? the last time i owned a vest was during my experimental fashion phase. i wore scarves during the summer and skirts with pants. ..:::W:::.. If you could have one Wish, what would it be? world peace Do you like the Water? yes without it i would be dead ..:::X:::.. Have you ever seen a Xylophone? yes i used to play it too~ i miss my high school band days Have you ever had an X-ray? yup yup ..:::Y:::.. Do you like the color Yellow? YES I LOVE COLOR GIVE ME ALL THE COLORS What did you do Yesterday? laid in bed all day Can you Yo-yo? yup yup  ..:::Z:::.. Do a Zebra’s stripes go vertical or horizontal? trick question! the answer is both What’s your Zodiac sign? virgo but i don't really act like one
So yeah! If you’ve read everything all the way to this point, thank you so much! (◠‿◠✿) I hope this was somewhat interesting and that you, my lovely reader, enjoyed it! I will be posting at least once a week and if you have any questions or comments or suggestions, feel free to send them my way through the ASK link. 
hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss 
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ace-ingit · 7 years

i got tagged twice by my boo @captain-cassian​ thank you for always tagging me honey :) i’m not going to tag anyone on my own but if you see this, please do it yourself and send it to me so i can get to know all of you guys ☺️
a - age: 20 
b - birthplace: western new york 
c - current time: 09:12 
d - drink you had last: starbucks strawberry refresher with soy milk 
e - easiest person to talk to: my best friend from college  
f - favorite song: ‘Savannah’ by The Arkells 
g - grossest memory: actually passing out as i stood up from the toilet in the hospital i was staying in for an infection from my crohn’s disease and the nurse having to catch me and wipe my butt and get me back into my bed. 
h - horror yes or no: no. i do listen to some creepy-ish podcasts but they aren’t super scary 
i - in love?  
yes with my boyfriend of almost 5 months 😊 j - jealous of people? no. i don’t understand jealousy at all 
k - killed someone? no. hopefully it stays this way 
l - love at first sight or should i walk past again? walk by again so i can check you out again 😉  
m - middle name: rae  
n - number of siblings: 1 sister  
o - one wish: to actually graduate college without hating everything  
p - person i called last: my dad to ask when he’s picking me up from college next week  
q - question you’re always asked: what’s asexuality?  
r - reason to smile: naps, starbucks, oreos, geneseo sunsets, bad jokes, the tv show Scrubs, the Arkells, pokemon moon, star wars, star trek, space in general  
s - song you last sang:  
'Superman’ by Lazlo Bane. its the theme song for scrubs and i’m trying to learn to play it on the uke  t - time you woke up: 5am cuz of finals 
u - underwear color: purple? i forget which pair i put on today lol  
v - vacation: washington dc and the french river canada  
w - worst habit: chewing on my nails and ruining my nail art  
x - xrays: i’ve had like a bunch done on my stomach and intestine cuz of my crohn’s  
y - your favorite food: ice cream  
z - zodiac sign: pisces 
and for the second tag, my boo asked me some questions 
1. What is your dream place to live? washington dc or nashville tn
2. Favorite Netflix series? hmmm maybe the crown or stranger things
3. What is the most random thing you have in your room? sand from normandy beach in france
4. Which character from SW is your absolute favorite? ashoka 
5. What is the most influential movie you have seen? One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
6. Favorite Disney character? Rapunzel
7. If you could meet one person in the world right now who would it be? Good Downie from the Tragically Hip so i could tell him how much his music has meant to me
8. You’re stuck on an island with the protagonist from the last show you watched. How fucked are you? Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec so i’m probably alright
9. Which sad song always makes you cry? “Bare” from bare: a pop opera
10. Sith, Jedi or Gray Jedi? Sith
11. Do you have any pets? no ☹️
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griffxtrn · 7 years
26 Things About Me I was tagged by @sorcererofsupremepizza to do the thing. Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most important, HAVE FUN!
A- Age: 20 B- Biggest fear: running out of time, not accomplishing my goals C- Current time: 10:11pm D- Drink you last had: water E- Every day starts with: checking my phone F- Favorite song: It’s always changing. Right now probably Don’t by Ed Sheeran. G- Ghosts, are they real: Nah H- Hometown: Ottawa, Canada I- In love with: People who are extremely passionate about things J- Jealous of: People who find it easy to make friends K- Killed someone: Only in my dreams, m8 L- Last time you cried: Possibly two days ago? But before that, not for a long time. M- Middle name: Technically don’t have one :o N- Number of siblings: 4. O- One wish: To be happy :) P- Person you last called/texted: An old school friend ^^ Q- Question you’re always asked: Nothing, no one asks me questions *cries* R- Reason to smile: SHERLOCK (I agree) S- Song last sang: Send My Love- Adele XD T- Time you woke up: 11:30am ish? I totally slept in today. IT’S THE WEEKEND IDGAF U- Underwear colour: Teal *cryin* V- Vacation destination: London all the way. W- Worst habit: Thinking that everyone hates me XD X- X-rays you’ve had: None other than my jaw for braces D: Y- Your favorite foods: Pizza, Popcorn, Cookies, omg APPLE PIE GUYS.  Z- Zodiac sign: Aquarius :3
I tag @dreaming-of-imladris @the-nerdy-stjarna @sentient-zombo @tomsleftbrow @tmrhollandkay @itmattersmorethanicansay @caycharming @lisagemeni @prepare4trouble & anyone reading this! ^^
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