happygoluckypro · 1 year
This is Super Toon Tourney Melee. A viewer voting show where you can never know what to expect. Who will end up victorious, and who will fall from grace? Stay tuned to find out! WATCH the first episode HERE! THIS SHOW IS STRICTLY NON-PROFIT ONLY!
A few questions you might be asking:

Q1. What happened to Willy’s Comicland? Is it canceled? A1. Yes and no. I’ll be honest, I think I put way too much ambition in this silly little project which was only mean’t to be for my love towards the franchise, but lately, it’s died down and I haven’t had as much interest in the series as I once did two years ago. Just like a lot of things, sooner or later you have to move on, and unless a sequel is in production that brings a new wave of fans, I don’t think that’s gonna change. I might still work on it here and there, and who knows, maybe I’ll regain that motivation and pick up the slack, but right now, It’s just not my number one priority anymore. I did it as a hobby, not a job.
Q2. What’s an STTM? A2. STTM, or Super Toon Tourney Melee is a object show viewer voting series inspired by GDNacho’s Super BFB Viewer Voting, expect this time we’re using cartoon characters from different networks. If you don’t know how it works, for every episode, a certain group of people will be put up for voting using a randomizer, then you guys will have to decide whom to vote for to be eliminated. Afterward, I will count the votes. The viewers, aren’t the only thing they should worry about, because every elimination, a twist will be revealed that will put a spin in the voting in some way, meaning even if someone is guaranteed safe, they could still get out by whatever twist is played. Whoever ends up with the most votes from all of this will be out of the game. Then the next round will begin, rinse and repeat until only one remains.
Q3. How often will you upload episodes? A3. I can’t guarantee it will be often, but my goal is to try to get at least one episode out per week. Luckily, editing and putting together the episodes is pretty easy so hopefully, you see a consistent schedule from me.
I think that covers just about everything, if you have any questions, do let me know, and if you would like to watch the episode, the video is above!
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greenwoodsister · 1 year
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deweyduck · 2 years
villains of valley view is so fun!!
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atticuswritersoul · 2 years
05/12/18 : Fume l'espoir
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L'aéroport est bondé. Des enfants, des adultes, des agents de sécurité, il est entouré par la foule. Il voit de loin les escrocs, habitués à arnaquer des touristes. Il voit des mendiants, qui font appel à la charité de l'humanité. Un rictus menace de remplacer son sourire parfait, mais il tient son masque en place. La charité de l'humanité, quelle belle blague ! Comme si un être aussi fou que l'Homme pouvait comprendre le sens de ce mot. Connaissait-il seulement son existence ?             Il se reprend mentalement. Inutile de tergiverser, ou ses pensées dériveraient trop profondément dans ses souvenirs, et alors, Hyperion était certain de perdre définitivement le contrôle. Une de ses mains passe dans ses cheveux blonds vénitiens, déjà parfaitement coiffés. Il se trouve devant l'escale de l'aéroport, où d'une minute à l'autre, la touriste dont il a été chargé de s'occuper arrivera. Il se souvient de son étonnement, lorsque le STTM, le Service de Transports et Tourisme Magiques, lui avait dit de se rendre dans ce grotesque aménagement moldu afin d'accueillir cette sorcière Australienne, cette sorcière qui n'avait pas voulu prendre un moyen de transport magique. Seul un détail chez cette étrangère l'avait fait accepter le travail, autrement il aurait refusé de s'y rendre.              Ses yeux verts froids scrutent avec attention les gens qui déferlent dans l'escale, et il brandit bien devant lui ce carton qui comporte ces deux mots qui l'ont fait changé d'avis. Hope Smoke. L'espoir, ça le connaît. Ce sentiment d'ivresse traître, qui vous transporte dans une autre dimension, et attend que vous ayez fermé les yeux pour pouvoir vous poignarder, et vous brûler à petits feux... l'espoir qui vous fume, ou vous fumant l'espoir, qu'importe le rôle que vous jouez, le résultat final revient toujours au même : vous, seul, au milieu de ce brouillard qui, jadis, était un amas de rêves et de promesses que vous chérissiez.               Il s'est préparé à la confrontation. Exactement comme son géniteur lui a appris, il a appliqué toutes les leçons qu'il a reçues. Vêtu d'un costume moldu sobre mais chic, des chaussures noires cirées et une malle qu'il tient de sa main droite, il patiente. Un sourire resplendissant accroché aux lèvres, qui n'attend qu'un signal de sa part pour déballer son discours charmeur, son regard qui garde l'entrée de ses pensées calculatrices, son visage qui n'exprime que la paix et la sérénité. Il est le calme avant la tempête. L'allumette qui va mettra le feu à la cigarette. Et la question qui semble brûler les lèvres de tout le monde : à qui sera la clope ? À lui, ou à l'espoir ?          Hope smoked by Hyperion. Hope smokes Hyperion. H smokes H or H smoked by H ?         Il la voit, et ses yeux froids s'embrasent. Une soudaine montée d'adrénaline, de stresse, de trac le submerge. Son sourire se creuse encore, formant une petite fossette sur sa joue. Sa peau est mate, ses iris vertes. Pas du même vert que les siens, elle les a plus clairs, moins sombres, plus vifs. Il se fait la réflexion qu'ils sont deux contraires parfaitement opposés, mais que dans leur différence, ils se ressemblent. Ça l'effraie, ça le bouleverse. Il voit ses lèvres couleur rouge carmin, il ressent les épreuves que lui a fait subir le destin. Elle ne doit pas dépasser le mètre soixante, et pourtant, quand son regard se pose sur elle, il voit sa peine et sa douleur, son deuil et sa souffrance, ses craintes et son désespoir. Hope Smoke, ou plutôt Smoked Hope ?
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hideki-henry · 1 year
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STTM Doodles
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almotherorion · 3 years
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One of the villains from my fic Shenanigans Through The Multiverse
I’ve wanted to draw Cevile for a while now but I just never had any ideas for her TwT
Feel free to read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21777508/chapters/51962698
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andimackchat · 4 years
Just binged season 2 STTM over this week (I was behind) and now I need more!!
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ginger-and-mint · 5 years
I have been binging on sweets all day and I had some coke and mentos. Then my bf cam home with a chocolate cake followed by my gf with two large pizzas. I didn't want to waste their money so I ate it all and now I feel like I'm gonna burst! I've been moaning and burping non stop for half an hour!
Okay so two things:
1) This literally does not happen outside of kink fiction. In no corner of God’s green earth do significant others come home with whole cakes or multiple pizzas that they are expecting you to completely consume. Unless that’s a pre-arranged part of your relationship, which would honestly have made this story more believable than claiming you didn’t want to waste their money. That’s also an excuse that is only marginally real outside the realm of kink fiction. I cannot fathom anyone realistically eating a cake and two pizzas rather than opening a refrigerator to put the leftovers inside.
[takes a deep breath]
2) These “tummy trouble asks” are not meant to be a venue for people to type out their fantasies and present them to me like they actually happened. I’ve gotten plenty of stories in my inbox that have seemed fishy to me in the past, but this is the first one I’ve felt is so blatantly fake that I could actually confront the issue.
I started accepting asks like this to hear sweet little stories from people’s lives, everyday moments that make our fiendish hearts quicken even though most people wouldn’t blink. It’s meant to be a Cute Space, a place for us to swoon together over Little Tummy Moments. It’s not meant to be a place for people to vicariously live out their thirsty dreams.
Please don’t do this. If you wanna share a fantasy with me, that’s fine, but don’t try to pass it off as real.
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jorob702 · 3 years
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The FBI claimed our black leaders were a danger to society for standing up and speaking out for us when it came to justice and equality. They treated them like the murderers that they themselves were and never truly owned up to it. America will never be the country it truly can be until accountability is had. ✊🏾 #BlackRevolutionHistory #SpeakToTheMicPodcastShow #STTM https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJI2hrBTnjm9KEPe46Bjk1OcfMIb5T5wvit480/?igshid=1k88slzzburjv
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startrekships · 7 years
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Excelsior studio model from Star Trek: The Magazine
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themaryprincess · 7 years
Thyroid PSA of the day:
The thyroid hormone helps a lot of important parts of your body work properly. When it is not working properly it can mess with your:
Temperature control
Menstrual cycles
Nervous system
If you have symptoms in these areas it’s worth having these simple blood tests to find out if your thyroid is to blame. Ask your doctor to test your TSH, Free T3, Free T4 and thyroid antibodies.
Then, don’t stop there. Look at your test results. If your Free T3 and T4 are in the lower half of the reference range and you have symptoms then you are hypothyroid (although most doctors will not treat you until they fall below the “normal” reference range). If your Frees are above the reference range you are hyperthyroid. Presence of thyroid antibodies will let you know if you have Graves Disease or Hashimotos.
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hannah727 · 4 years
Check out this awesome video I contributed to! Give it a like and share! ☺️
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greenwoodsister · 1 year
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deweyduck · 2 years
honestly i’ve been watching so many clips of kp looking for scenes to gif i might as well just rewatch the whole series
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I typed everything I needed to speak to my doctor about up and printed it out before I went to my appointment. It helped immensely. I made sure she actually typed out all the blood tests she said she would order me.
It’s been twice now that she’s forgotten to test my RT3, and her response is always “We don’t usually test that” when I bring up the fact that she forgot to order that test for me, even though I specifically asked her to order that one and she told me she would. I’ve also asked her like sooo many times to test my TgAb (Thyroglobulin Antibodies) and this time when I didn’t see her type it up, I asked about it again and she didn’t really seem to know what the TgAb test was, even though she had agreed to test it a second before saying that!  So, I haven’t gotten an important test yet because my doctor is an idiot, doesn’t know how to properly test for Hashimotos, and likes to just yes me every time I ask for anything, even if she has no idea what I’m talking about.
I’m going off Armour Thryoid and starting on a synthetic T3 only medication called Cytomel to clear my reverse T3 and help with conversion. She put me on a ridiculously low dose though, so I’m going to have to go back a bunch of times until I’m on the right dose most likely. -_-  I’ve read this medication can permanently lower RT3 even when you come off of it, so that sounds promising. I don’t want to have to take any medication for the rest of my life if I can help it.
I’m also normal person sick :(  so now I have to take antibiotics. Bye bye good gut bacteria :’(
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hideki-henry · 1 year
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Pilot's Welbi from STTM
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