#Sales Person
wrongydkjquotes · 1 year
Nate as salesperson Ena and Buzz as Meanie Ena
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grandmasterpotent · 1 year
Now Hiring. Submit Your Resume Today. ✉️ [email protected]
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otaviogilbert · 7 months
Many discussions revolve around the concept of the "right person in the right seat," especially when it comes to sales. However, it's crucial to understand that the ideal salesperson may vary significantly depending on the specific type of sales, the company, or the product. In this video, we dive deep into the concept of tailoring your sales team to match your unique requirements.
If you like to explore business, entrepreneurship, and success. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned pro, or simply seeking valuable insights, you're in the right place.
Watch this video about "Unlocking Sales Success: Finding the Right Salesperson for Your Unique Needs | Marcio Goncalves" by Marcio Goncalves, PhD on their youtube channel.
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timothy-kang · 10 months
7 Nuggets of No Excuses by Brian Tracy (vol.5)
1. Break your bad habits holding you back. 2. Self-respect 3. What kind of lifestyle would you have? 4. Pareto principle works out in the world. 5. Willingness to work harder than other people 6. Overcome natural tendency. 7. Top 20 percent of salespeople earn 80 percent of the money.
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pipelinesignals · 1 year
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12 Cold Calling Best Practices That Work
Below are  the cold calling best practices that every sales professional should apply to their outreach campaigns:
More Details Visit ->
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
Real Estate: Dreams, Dead Lines, and Continuing Education!
Real Estate runs in the blood, in the stars, and it makes life interesting. I am currently licensed and renewing my Salesperson License. Here a tune plays in my head: “let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”. I posted this to a previous business blog, but I got into Tumblr as a way to continue marketing and marketing like activities despite the burnout from the marketing business. But enough about marketing, let’s talk Real Estate!
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7/2017: First attempt to learn the courses needed to get my Real Estate exam after I quit my W2 job and started to focus more on my/partners business becoming self employed.
7/2018: Did not complete the courses in time and re enrolled.
7/2018-10/2018: Finished course 1 of 3
10/2018-11/2018: Finished course 2 of 3
11/2018-12/2108: Finished course 3 of 3
1/2019: Enrolled in crash course
2/2019: Applied/Qualified for Examination
3/2019: Studied and Scheduled Exam
3/15/19- Realty Pro 100’s newest agent!
9+ Months
4 Books Read
1,700+ Pages Read
63 Quizzes taken
2,990 Questions
4 Certificates
$600+ Total Costs (So Far)
= 1 Salesperson License!
This is normally where I would be like, “Look at all the free time I have and how much money I have made!” But working for yourself, especially in this capacity-means you have no check unless you finish a deal. So between that taking up more time than you would think, and working with a partner-I sadly can not tell you how much that license has paid off for. I am glad to be licensed and do work that needs a license, as I was doing it without one at one time. I also know I would not spend enough time with my partner if I did not work with them, so in that regards also worth it. 
“Life ain’t about what you do, it’s who you do it with”
Fast forward to 4 years later and we are in 2023! My license is up for renewal, or I could go for my Brokers License? If I got my Brokers license, I would be the Broker of Record for my partners property management company. But to do that, I have to prove I have been actively working the last couple of years. Most agents when they do a transaction-have their name on it. I work with my partner, so his name is on any transaction I have ever done. So I will keep my renewal simple and just renew my Salesperson license. 
Something that shocked me is the amount of...options? Videos? E Books? Books? and then....like 7 different Continuing Education options? Implicit Bias and Expanded Fair Housing were automatic inclusions, thank you soft society. I decided to go with the Property Management one, and away we go!
2/2023: Started the continuing education with First Tuesday. 
45 Hours of studying (25 hours of Landlords, Tenants, and Property Management; 2 hours of implicit bias, 3 hours of office management and supervision, 3 hours of Agency, 3 hours of Fair Housing, 3 hours of Trust Funds, 3 hours of Ethics, 3 hours of Risk Management)
2 books read
580+ pages read
30 quizzes taken, 9 Exams
300+ questions
1 certificate
$59.15+ Extra Costs! (Only +$245 to renew it for another 4 years...)
= Renewed Salesperson License!
My reactions were either: (this is a law?) or (that’s how that works!) or (I give up on California). Fun fact, did you know if you have x amount of years of experience being licensed, plus turn 70 years old...after 70 you don’t have to do any more continuing education? So, assuming nothing majorly changes, I have one renewal down and about 10 more to go? 
Did you know that I am actually a 3rd Generation Real Estate Professional? My Grandmother did and does it, to this day, with the help of my sister and uncle. My mom did it, she used to be the agent while her 2nd husband was the loan guy-I was the person that helped put up signs for open houses. And then there’s me. In a business/personal relationship with an Investor who has his brother help with property management, whose momma used to do loans, whose brother’s GF does escrow, whose best friend is a contractor. I don’t know why I thought I would get away from the real estate side of things, unless of course I got into cars instead! Did I mention, we are also a car family? Vroom Vroom!
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isbergillustration · 7 months
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No Ghost Sightings
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dyke-stuck · 4 months
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redraw of this
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manicdreampixie · 2 years
Sales conference was a success.
Two well planned after hours events.
A boat load of snacks and an inside sales rep asking my new manager if she was a member of MY team not the marketing team.
Also we have an over under going on the new MM.
My bet is 3 1/2 months.
Most say under 6.
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berrymeter · 2 years
if i see you fuckers try to give jkr’s new book the “morbius treatment” i’m going to end you. morbius was a mediocre film no one cared about & it did have jared leto which made it suck more but the film itself wasn’t anything noteworthy afaik, however this book is filled to the brim with bigotry & i would fucking hate to see it get more attention because you morons tried to be funny about a transmisogynist who is actively contributing to worsening the lives of trans women everywhere & especially the UK. think for a fucking second
editing this because some of you are insufferable. i am jewish, disabled, autistic & plural. i know she is all flavours of fascist. this post is specifically bringing up the biggest reason why giving her a platform is bad: the legislations that use her writing as a way to push their claims are specifically anti-trans. i am begging you all to honest to god shut the fuck up & stop expecting this post to be informational on what she's done wrong because that is NOT the purpose. if you want a post citing every wrong deed she's committed, go reblog one. this isn't it. if you dislike my wording so much, steal my post & edit it for yourself.
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lar-mx · 6 months
writing prompt #5
The room fell silent, Steph wasn't expecting the pain filled look they were giving her. The question repeated itself in her head a couple of times as her mind searched for a way to save the situation.
"I see you don't have an answer." The silence was still palpable in the room as well as the cold she felt when she saw those beautiful blue eyes lose their shine. "I should have known it was too good to be true, tell bru… Mr. Wayne that if he wanted to know about the projects so much, he could come ask for them himself instead of using a sugar trap." Steph tried to say something before an alert went off on Danny's phone, at which point she saw the panic that took over his eyes, before he ran to an adjacent hallway that led to a room, in which she was not. I had had the opportunity to enter. As she followed him she could see how Danny took a series of vials and several injections. She hesitated a moment before walking through the half-open door. At that moment she saw how he proceeded to apply several of the injections to a girl of about 5 or 6 years old. Steph knew just by seeing her that she was Danny's daughter. and some of the things they discovered while investigating the Nightingale medical company made a lot of sense.
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julykings · 9 months
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summer’s end
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willowser · 7 months
another thing about the assistant angle is like. being there when bakugou reaches the hero top 40 and branches off with kirishima and sero and denki for their own agency. it's a bit of a mess bc they're barely twenty years old but—you're his only employee. he can barely afford to pay you and he doesn't even really know what you're supposed to do besides answer the phone and he's so emotionally unavailable but you're there, every single day. friendly with his friends. sometimes you bring lunch in for all of them and it's out of your own paycheck and it's not the best but you do it, for them. he lets you make the schedule for two weeks and you fuck it up so bad, but eventually you get it right and you try to be so fair—and that's hard to do, in the pro-hero world. there's nothing fair about a twenty year old man with trauma up to his ears risking his life every night because he doesn't know how to live with just himself, as just a man and not a hero, but goddamn it if you don't try to keep it fair, for every single one of them. you're one of his emergency contacts. you pick them up in the middle of the night when they're all the way across town, in another district police department bc that's where they caught the guy and where they have to turn him in. sometimes you bring their clothes or costumes home and wash them bc they don't get the chance. like it's everything.
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paunchsalazar · 3 months
trying to divorce myself from personal bias here - I really think a Kyoya Ootori in 2024 would be openly gay and monetize it more than he already was….. with the numbers gays pull it’s simply the most logical choice
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plushieanimals · 6 months
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Garfield wearing Gimme! sweater - Dakin (1981)
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coldasyou · 4 months
Lover being considered a flop on Twitter dot edu bc it sold like 800,000 copies in the first week and not a million is SO funny like you can not be serious about that
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