#Self Insert Development Ask Game
angelbitezzz · 3 months
I got a bone to pick with you, Sans. How hard is it tibia honest with someone instead of humerus for once? Don’t get so rattled by the questions. Just get a spine and answer, and ulna bother you again!
Would you smooch a ghost?
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Angel's voice cuts through the stream. Sans's eyes raise to somewhere off camera, and briefly you can see some blue begin to spread under his eye sockets before he abruptly turns the camera away.
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She tosses the towel over the end of the stair banister and threw herself back into the couch, the camera shaking again as he turns it back.
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Looks like Angel is back and availible for questions once again!
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creation-help · 2 years
Which oc started out as a fanfic/hc version of a Canon character? Or a Fandom/self insert/au version of a character, but has since developed into it's own thing?
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m0stlygh0st · 4 months
2, 3 and 9 for your trollsonas please please PLEASE 🥺🥺✨️
Slepp!!! Thank you so much, my friend!!! 💕🥹
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
So I think both Ruby and Evie come around somewhere after the second movie! Evie (originally a pop troll) explores more with rock a lot more, and Ruby(the country troll) ends up enjoying pop a lot more than she thought she would. As for scenes, I really only have Ruby’s knocked out so far whoops I think it would go something like this:
The trolls of Lonesome Flats are out and about and mingling with some new faces — and some not-so-new faces— in town who might be curious to learn more about Country music. Delta Dawn gets the musical ball rolling and during some sort of Country Cover Mashup™️ with everyone, and eventually Ruby and Hickory end up dancing into each other. :3
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
I think they would feel pretty comfortable and chill with her! Ruby is the kind of troll you can tell your problems to if you just need to sing or yell or yodel your feelings out. People trust her pretty readily!
Though, I see Ruby specializing in singing murder ballads (for no reason other than most of the country music I listen to are murder ballads LMAO)— many of which fall in that realm of “the backing music: 😊💕☀️🌼 / the lyrics: 😭💀😱😧” vibe— so the second someone catches on to whatever she’s singing, they’re just like:
“… Oh! :)”
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Ruby I think would be close with Delta Dawn and after some time, Dickory.
I see Ruby and Delta being childhood friends; growing up, chasing tumbleweeds and singing about ✨death✨ together. You know, 🌻just country troll things~🌻 LMAO
Dickory definitely takes time to warm up to this new Country troll his brother is constantly bringing around, but when the two exchange stories and Ruby starts to express genuine interest in learning more about yodeling and wanting lessons, Dickory is cool with her. :3
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flowering-darkness · 2 months
"I should back up that last post to my documents so I won't lose it. it turned out quite long"
that last post: is seven pages long when I paste it into a document for safekeeping
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nulltune · 1 year
five interesting facts about Hakuno & five things you consider uncanny. Go!
THANK YOU SUE FOR MY LIFE!!!! talking abt hakuno is my hobby fr so thank u 4 enabling me ehe <3 here we go!!
5 interesting facts about hakuno:
her name is an annagram of kimi no na hakushi which translates to "your name is blank". i think it's suuper neat because 1. it gives you the impression of it being an insert name here kind of thing that's common for self-inserts, but it's a nice way to start off hakuno's character journey of becoming her own character from a blank slate and 2. it's a pretty straightforward way of telling us that her name, much like herself, is blank. empty. there's nothing there ^_T
speaking of- you know how with mc characters, there's usually a silly haha kind of dialogue option? that's present for hakuno too but i like it because it's more like an illusion of choice than something more like a self-insert thing. the point hakuno makes in the end is essentially the same, she's just being a lil goofy about the delivery, y'know! i'm not even kididng btw sgfkshfj hakuno herself admits sometimes that she did do it to get a rise/see the other person's reaction to it. moon lady's got a lil michievous side ✨️
she knows the sa-shi-su-se-so which is an expression to memorize essential ingredients for japanese cuisine. so it's safe to say that she'd at least know the basics of cooking, though it's a lil headcanon of mine that although she knows it theoretically, she absolutely flops at the execution (and if you wanna make this more nuanced, you can think of this through the lens of food as a love language-)
she "doesn't particularly like octopus". we don't get a reason why, but it's kinda funny when considering the sea motif in fate/extra! maybe hakuno wouldn't like seafood in general? this isn't that interesting but agfkshf we barely get any information about hakuno herself ya kno!!! which makes sense considering she doesn't even know herself, but that's why i treasure these little crumbs !!
i've noticed this in my reread of fate/extra, but i feel like hakuno brings up the fact that she's "not alone" Quite A Lot post chapter 4 or so. it's her only solace after finding out the truth of her existence so it makes sense why that fact is important to her, but i also like to think that repeating it so much is her (likely unconscious) way of trying to cope with how truly lonely her existence is :,)
5 things i consider uncanny:
OH MAN THIS IS A PERFECT THING TO ASK BC there's always hints about something being "off" about hakuno. in hindsight, it's pretty sad when this disconnect with everyone and everything else seems almost inherent to her existence when all she wants is to be a normal human and find her place in the world </3 and spoiler alert: She Is Not and She Does Not. but it's neat!
there's this one hakuno dialogue response that was essentially her introducing herself in an almost automatic "pavlovian response" — it's a small hint about her true nature as an artificial intelligence but i wish we got more of this aspect explored tbh! how much of her is real? how much of her is her? it could really mess up hakuno's head but it'd be hella interesting to see !
her reaction to being felt up by someone as a first meeting was seriously underwhelming ! a lot of hakuno's reactions to things are pretty tame and iirc it's been noted that she's strangely calm for someone in such a high-stress situation (enough to cripple even the finest soldiers, according to rin). it's likely her being so numb to it all tbh ^_T but it's still pretty weird hakunochan!!!
this one's kinda graphic but there's a scene where hakuno tries to reach her servant-- even as her body is literally being broken down and deleted in the process :,) i say it's uncanny because damn it's a great scene but hakuno's thought process behind it all is a widdle fucked up!! look at what she has to say when she goes numb from the pain + her stomach collapsed: "I just feel gross, like I’ve turned into a skeleton-monster. Though with my body being lighter, I’ll be able to walk faster, which is nice." HELLO??!? (bassbooted)
this one comes a ccc anthology chapter but basically hakuno was asked to pose for a photoshoot and she has no problems wearing a suggestive nightgown, a bikini, and a wedding dress but Draws The Line at a maid outfit (girl?) (she ended up wearing it — and absolutely slaying the look, if i do say so myself — but was Very embarrassed)
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sunshineandviolets · 2 years
Hii!! 4, 11 and 12 for the oc ask game?🥰💚
Hi !!! thanks for the ask <3 !!!
4. Which OC has went through the most changes in appearance before you were satisfied with it?
Honestly, it was Divya. not just most changes in terms gender stuff - but defo appearance. like figuring out how short short their hair was. originally they had a bob with a fringe, can y'all imagine? also figuring out clothing aesthetic, going back n fourth between if i wanted her to have skirts at the start then slowly went to more punk to more street casual. Then comes the tattoos, tbh still figuring out all of them out. but at the moment just started with a simple sunflower one and a diva lamp on her shoulder. but i also wanna give him more too - just dunno what lol.
11. Which one of your OCs is most similar to you?
hmm I wouldn't say completely similar but the closest ones would be Shanaya & Rahul
12. Which one of your OCs is the least like you?
Reiko, Autumn, Akira, Rekha !
OC Ask Game
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bokettochild · 2 years
Hiya, Owl! You want to hear about an OC of mine as well?
Rheileen (or as she prefers, Rhei)
Rhei is just a walking book. Like, she loves stories, probably just a bit too much, and tends to live in the past because her mind is in a history book more than it is in current events, which probably isn't for the best all things considered.
Rheileen is somewhat of note in her country for having a place at the side of the one of the duchesses currently vying for the unfilled throne of the kingdom, and she's set to marry the duchess's son. Unfortunately, Rhei has literally no interest in that abusive piece of crap man, and spends all her time making as busy as she can with anything and everything else in order to avoid him. the only reason she hasn't called of the wedding altogether is because she feels a sense of duty to her people and doesn't want him ruling them alone (not that he'd actually let her do anything more than be a trophy wife but still).
She's a very genuine person most times, but wary of all other people, so she tends to mask any stronger feelings in order to not get in trouble for them. Once her trust is gained though, she is everywhere at once and could 100% talk your ear off for hours.
She isn't the most patient person, and has a particular hatred for incompetence that often leads to her having issues sharing responsibility or working with others because it's usually easier to just do things herself. She doesn't like taking the lead either, but often times is called on to do so simply because so few other people are often willing or capable. She's a decent leader, but doesn't handle the pressure of leadership well.
On that point, she tends to take on too much at any given time and has to be forcibly stopped by other people from doing more than she's capable of.
She's pretty darn empathetic, which also works against her because do you know what it's like feeling the stress and anger of a room of adults discussing political and religious matters? It sucks, and tends to stress her out.
That said, she does love being around people and while she's not the best at coming up with subject matter, she's good at keeping it going and encouraging other people to talk.
She loves creating, but isn't particularly good at any of her hobbies, although she won't drop them because she likes them too much. Dancing is her favorite but she's also highly self conscious of it because it's sort of looked down on in her culture.
Her least favorite color is orange, and favorite is green. Her favorite food is apples or literally any sweet and crunchy thing she can eat on the go, and she has a habit of sort of dancing in place whenever she's trying really hard to think. Child can't hold still, at all, must be moving in some way or keeping busy or she will fall asleep.
She's from a large family and tends to take joy in bringing them up, although it's always in the past tense. Hero's journey nonsense has her separated from her family and they think she's like, dead as a doornail, which honestly she's okay with, but she still loves them and will talk about them for the express purpose of watching jaws drop at how off the hook insane everyone in her family is (also, how many siblings do you have?)
So...yeah :)
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selfinsertsahoy · 1 year
🙉, 🐣, and 💗 for whichever s/i you feel is the most developed, and 🎯for whichever s/i you've developed the least so far!
Both of my S/Is are pretty underdeveloped, so this was a bit of a coin toss, but I have been meaning to introduce my TAZ: Amnesty S/I!
My Amnesty self insert is named Percy. They are the adopted child of Duck Newton. I haven't fleshed out the timeline much, but, you know. [Insert "you are my dad" Vine.]
Sounds: Rustling leaves, chirping birds, crackling campfire. Like their dad, Percy spends a lot of time in the forest, surrounded by nature. I think they'd also be into retro video games, so I'd add the beep-boops of 80's video games as a bonus.
Childhood: Percy's best childhood memories are meeting Duck and becoming part of a family! Since I haven't settled on a timeline, I'm not sure if Percy's childhood was pre-canon or post-canon. Either way, small town life means close connections with the whole community.
Arcs: I have an arc in mind where if Percy's adoption was pre-canon, Minerva joining the family is an important arc. Minerva is still learning how to be a person on Earth when Duck starts dating her, so she and Percy clash a bit. It's never nasty or violent between them - the clashing is a meaningful character moment for both of them as they learn to put aside their differences.
For my less developed S/I, I chose Gwen, who is dating Eda the Owl Lady from The Owl House!
Incredibly good at/bad at: Gwen graduated from Hexide long before mixed magic studies were allowed, so while she is quite good at illusion magic, her knowledge of other types of magic is very rudimentary. She doesn't know how to play any instruments, but seeing Luz and Eda embrace wild magic inspires her to try in hopes of learning bard magic. She's also good at painting!
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what-even-is-thiss · 6 months
It’s interesting how in-jokes often turn into regular surrealist jokes to outsiders.
There’s this recurring character in the elder scrolls series named M’aiq the liar who says things that only really make perfect sense if you’re familiar with previous games in the series, previous versions of M’aiq, and fan discourse leading up to the game. And there are people like that. But most people playing the game don’t know he’s a meta developer insert character and don’t know everything he’s referring to.
I was one of these people until literally two days ago when I got confused by running into this seemingly useless weird cat man again and again and wondering what the hell he was doing there. I dove down the rabbit hole and now I understand. And I understand both sides of experiencing this character.
Take for example this quote he has in Skyrim:
"Werebears? Where? Bears? Men that are bears?"
This is a weird line out of context. Funny, I guess. What’s a werebear? I haven’t come across any of those yet. Later I’ll come across one as an enemy on Solstheim but I don’t know that yet. What is this cat talking about? Whatever.
But what this is referring to is twofold. In Oblivion, the previous game one of his random lines was:
"Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq."
THIS was a reference to werewolves being cut from Oblivion. The player can’t be one and they don’t appear as enemies.
But the werebear line also refers to the fact that in previous games people claimed there were werebears in skyrim so a bunch of people hoped they could become a werebear in Skyrim the game. That was never made an option and werebears weren’t added as an enemy until the Solstheim DLC.
But to me who doesn’t care about discourse outside of the games just running into this cat asking random things about bears is just… what is this man? He’s dressed like a priest, he’s talking about bears, his name is “the liar”. Funny, I guess?
Inside jokes, author self inserts, 4th wall tapping. Your experiences of all these things depends on how who you are and what you know and who you know. As a writer studying this one example is weird to me. I’m dissecting M’aiq like a frog. And not in a fandom or blorbo kind of way. Like as a professional inspecting someone else’s technique.
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lapinparka · 8 months
One of the things I really love about Neku is how I feel he's written as person first and a playable character second.
This is obviously clear in the beginning, where a lot of his actions or thoughts will end up frustrating the player, or outright making them hate him. But I think it comes back at the end too, during the final duel, at the point where his development has made a lot of people forget the kind of person he was at the start.
There's a lot of cases where people don't understand why Neku lowers the gun, or complain about him doing it. I've actually seen instances of people either mad that he doesn't shoot, try to rationalise it by believing his final entry fee is the bullets in his gun (despite this contradicting the outcome of the scene), or at one point, in the comments of a YouTube video, claim that the scene should've had two choices, which allows the player to pick whether he pulls the trigger or not.
These kind of reactions fundamentally miss the fact that Neku is not the player. He is not a self-insert character. There are points in the game when he is conflicted, where you can choose between two things and he'll do either - but when he's truly set on something, there's nothing you can do to make him stray from that path. He won't abandon Sota. He won't join Megumi. And he won't shoot Joshua. You're not even given a choice in the last situation, because it was never about you.
Many other games would have the option to shoot, and moreover, would have the choice to lower the gun result in the Bad Ending. This is why people are fine with him aiding Sota or turning down Megumi - because those are the classically "heroic" options. Choosing one boy over a city of people - the same boy who just revealed he caused Neku's death - is not generically, universally relatable, or feel good, and the scene itself reflects this too. It's sombre, painful, accompanied by tears. It's Neku making a choice that he believes will result in Shibuya's destruction, a choice the average player absolutely would not make, and that's what causes the confusion or anger. It also really serves to reinforce how Neku understands Joshua in a way both people in Joshua's own life and people watching him through the screen don't.
Neku will connect with people you dislike. Neku will make choices you disapprove of. Neku won't shoot Joshua, ever. The game itself asks you to try and understand why he does this, like Neku himself tries to understand those around him, but some players just won't make that effort.
Neku is such a good character because you can relate to him, you can try to understand him, but he isn't and will never be you.
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Behind The Screen
[TWST AU]: Self-Aware AU, but with logical takes.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu/[Y/N] was playing TWST one day and then something off-putting happens.
[TW]: Mild cursing
[(A/N)]: I know. This AU has been done multiple times with most of them being…possessive. I decided to try the concept, but with my own take on it. Also MC/Yuu/[Y/N] is around 16-18 years old in this AU.
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MC/Yuu/[Y/N] is just your ordinary gamer who loves the game, Disney: Twisted Wonderland.
They played that game almost everyday ever since it was first released.
They get to experience everything from leveling up the characters (especially their favorites who may or may not be bias towards) to collecting items.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N] fell in love with the storyline and laugh at the humor whenever something ironic and sarcastic happens.
All fun and literal games until one day something happens.
As MC/Yuu/[Y/N] logs into TWST and expected a character greeting them with a gift each day, there wasn’t anybody on the screen.
They thought it’s probably a glitch. It happens.
Shrugging off the weird occurrence, they continue the game as usual, leveling up the characters and winning in battles.
As they were reading through a chapter, something slips up.
Ace Trappola, everyone’s favorite little bastard accidentally mentioned how MC/Yuu/[Y/N] look stupidly cute today with their new haircut.
They freaked out a little.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Okay. I may need more sleep or did I hear Ace right about my looks for today?
Ace: *Sweatdrops*
Deuce: *Whispers* Ace, say your line. You’ll blow our cover.
Ace: *Whispers back* You too, Dunce-face. You’ll get us in trouble.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …I’m not dealing with this shit.
Ace: No wait-
They exit out of the game and starts texting to a friend of theirs asking advice on what to do with a possibly possessed app game operated by the Japanese branch of the huge corporation.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Okay, that’s it. I’m reporting this to the development team and possibly FBI because what kind of sick game is this?
Riddle: No wait! Prefect!
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Don’t “Prefect” me! I know how this shit goes, and it ends badly.
Lilia: Oh dear. You read too many Yandere fics, haven’t you.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …How do you know that?
Ace: Duh! It’s obvious. We’re in your phone. We sometimes sneak into your search history.
Jack: I’m afraid to ask questions about your…free time.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: You don’t have to know, Jack.
Vil: You need a better wallpaper, honestly. Who edited this abomination?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Uhh…I did the wallpaper.
Vil: …You need to work on your photoshop skills.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: You’re telling me you listened to everything I spoke about this past year?
Riddle: Unfortunately, yes.
Leona: You cursed at us for being “too handsome” and “how stubborn” we can be.
Azul: Let’s not forget you spilled some secrets nobody else would know. You still sleep with a stuffed dolphin after 4.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Luckily nobody ask for my phone.
Kalim: Your world sounds a lot of fun to learn about. I always wonder what it’s like outside with no magic involved.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Believe my words, it’s not pretty.
Vil: I heard you talked about some fashion brands. Louis Vuitton?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Yeah…That and other brands are expensive as Hell here.
Idia: I was wondering about your Otaku culture…
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Oh! There is enough to talk about with new anime and manga coming out everyday.
Malleus: *Peeks into images of Gargoyles*
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Tsunotarou? What are you doing on Google Images?
Malleus: Oh. Forgive me, Child of Man. I was curious about your device.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Nah, it’s fine. Just be careful when you’re searching for something.
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[MC/Yuu/[Y/N]’s Bedroom]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: *Fanning over a character* Jesus Christ! I can’t with this guy!
[Insert an image of Yoru from Valorant.]
[(A/N): I couldn’t help myself.]
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Deuce: Huh? Hey, isn’t he from-
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Oh, yeah. I sometimes dabble into Valorant and he’s one of my mains.
Ace: So your type is the edgy bad boy type~?
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Don’t even try, Ace.
Ace: *Threw his hands up in defense* What? It’s not like I can leave here.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Touché.
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deirdra-hearts-nadia · 8 months
I've been thinking about the fandom for The Arcana, and I have come to the conclusion that it's weird as hell. In my 20+ years participating in online fandom spaces, I've never seen a fandom quite like this one. I've seen drama, sure, but the core of most fandoms is a large community of people who love the same media and come together to celebrate it.
The Arcana fandom is not like that. From the very beginning we're more fractured, more factional, more fragile than most. You just have to look around at all the posts lamenting the death of the fandom every 2 weeks to see that something is really wrong here.
And I think a lot of it has to do with the nature of the canon. I am not saying this to criticize The Arcana, the devs, Dorian, or my fellow fans. I have just noticed that, as a piece of media, this game occupies a very unique space that is reflected in the way its fans interact with canon and with each other.
Welcome to the TED talk ain't none of y'all asked for.
Part of what makes this fandom unique is the evolution of fandom as a whole in the face of new types of media. As gaming becomes more mainstream and games themselves become more complex, the way we engage has necessarily changed in response.
Books/ movies/ shows are slightly more static in terms of canon than video games; canon is what it is and how you interact with what is there is largely to do with who you are. Everyone has the same base material to engage with, and that results in a certain amount of constancy. You can't interact with The Princess Bride in a way that changes the movie, only in ways that change your own perception. There isn't a whole lot of room for OCs without rewriting canon, so fans tend to consume OC-based fiction and art with the assumption that it's likely to be self-insert wish fulfillment fantasy time. That isn't always true, but there is a reason the term Mary Sue was coined.
Otome games and other choice-based video games make a very different fan environment, because the way you interact with canon is completely different. You have to build a character in order to interact with the story, and your choices directly impact your experience of canon.
But most western choice-based games are in the context of a larger RPG universe, e.g. Fallout or Dragon Age. There is a lot more to the story than the romance plot and so there's a lot more world to experience, contextualize, and build upon. There's certainly plenty of unhinged ShepxGarrus erotica, but there's also an abundance of fanworks that engage with the plot, the worldbuilding, and the canon characters with relatively little of the player's character needing to be on the page at all.
By contrast, most otome games that make it to English-speaking fandom spaces are Japanese. The romance is the point, but we also start from a place of wariness of our fellow fans. Because there's a huge difference between "harmless weeb" and "orientalist fetishizing creepo," and you know going in that both ends of the spectrum are possible, there is an amount of caution. We curate our space, looking for the creators who align with our expectations and values before we ever begin to interact.
The Arcana falls in a very unique and odd space because it is an otome, but made by Americans, with an attempt at a diverse fantasy cast. It's intended to be for American/ English-speaking audiences and is marketed as such. But making a romance game in America is challenging. Our way of approaching online media, especially smartphone-accessible media, is super fucked up, right? We are constantly trapped between the dichotomies of moral duty (Must Protect The Children) versus appealing to the customer base (Boom Anime Babes with Tig Ol Bitties). Because this is a mobile game, the developers can't make money if the game is removed from the app store, so they want it to be rated teen at the most. But the enticing bit, the thing that captures a potential fan's attention, is the flirtation and sexy implications. So from the jump they're in a weird space purely because they chose to make a mobile game instead of an indie video game released on Steam or similar.
So now you have an inherently split audience: mature adults who know they're getting into a potentially explicit romance game, and young adults/teens who have grown up in a more insulated internet culture where normal words are replaced with Orwellian doublespeak, like "unalive" and "spicy time".
THEN you add in the fact that the developers tried to build a diverse fantasy world, which is a fantastic idea both from an inclusionary standpoint and a broader audience standpoint. But because they didn't employ any actual sensitivity readers (did they think they didn't need them because fantasy can't have racism? Did they justify it as not being in the budget? Would love to know what's going on there) they fell right into a lot of the classic traps. We've been over these time and again, so I won't get into them here. Suffice to say, there has been Discourse. The presence of those issues means that more experienced fans will see those things and call them out, and that criticism causes even more of a split: the zealous apologists versus the critics. And critics can fall into two further categories: those who love the canon and want to see it do better, and the bitches who just love having something to bitch about.
Unfortunately, this combination means that there are inherently factions to this fandom, with staunchly opposed approaches to the media. So even before you enter a fandom space, it's already wildly fractured simply because of the nature of base canon.
THEN add to that the fact that this game is a dating sim. And to engage with a dating sim, you have to build a character and make choices based on that character. Some people will approach this work as storytelling, and some will approach it as an escapist expression of self. Neither of these ways of engaging with canon is wrong. Enjoying a dating sim as Me But Better is fun and completely valid! Engaging with a dating sim as a storyteller collaborating with the developers is fun and completely valid! But the two approaches are opposed in purpose, and that can make it difficult for the two types of fans to engage with one another's work.
Storytellers will well and truly invest in building a character. They may even build out communities, countries, cultures, and languages to make their world all the richer. They are investing hours of blood, sweat, and tears into Their Craft, pouring themselves into an opus of quality fanwork. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to big feelings. Fan artists and writers may feel underappreciated if all they get out of their hard work is 2 likes and a gif of a wolf making AWOOGA eyes. They may feel that critique of their work is unwarranted, or that there's no point creating if no one will engage.
The romantics will engage with canon and fanwork from the perspective that "this is my fantasy romance time". Their OC isn't so much Original Character as Optimized Characteristics--that is, their perfect self. They are here for wish fulfillment fun times in the relative privacy and anonymity of the internet, and good for them! But that may mean that criticism of canon or their fan work feels excessively personal--it is very hard to detach the ego from the OC when that OC is a projection of your best self. They may view any critique as a personal attack as opposed to a good-faith attempt at engagement or conversation. This can lead to defensiveness, or to leaving the fandom outright if it feels too hostile.
Unfortunately all of these factions cause rifts in the community. This sometimes turns into fandom vigilantism, where people begin to see any fan who doesn't wholeheartedly agree with them as an enemy. I've seen friends experience bullying and cruelty over their OCs and their art. I've seen predators use the isolated nature of the fandom to further isolate and prey upon already vulnerable individuals. I've seen some really shitty stuff.
But I have also seen beautiful community flourish. I've made friends who feel more like family than my actual relatives. I've seen people work through struggles and overcome deliberate attempts to tear us apart, finding forgiveness and friendship along the way. I've seen myself and others grow because of the community and inspiration we found here. And I saw all of that because I found my people. And I hope, Arcana fandom, that the rest of you can find your people too.
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
How come Rooster Teeth's other shows do not get as much hate as RWBY does?
There are SEVEN Reasons why RWBY gets all this hate.
Hbomberguy lying. Prior to Hbomberguy's hate video? RWBY videos were ranking in tens and hundreds of thousands of views. Videos were mostly accurate. Then Hbomberguy made a 3-hour hate video that could be debunked with 5-10 minutes of google search. Everyone began hating RWBY because the bald neck-bearded man who made hate videos encouraged people to hate the writers and the show by spreading misinformation. And the people who did do the google searches were drowned out by mob mentality of ignorance, the mob ignorance that is hbomberguy's audience. And so that misinformation spread like wildfire. And from his hate video, others were inspired. MangaKamen was the next, who kept screaming that he was a victim of the RWBY Fandom and encouraged people to pay him to make anti-rwby hate videos in which he made his BS. As a result, anti-rwby videos swarmed youtube, drowning out the positivity. And hatred grows on Youtube and Twitter. And you don't want to wade through several tons of hate videos just to reach a good RWBY Video or channel. So Hbomberguy created an atmosphere of hate that drowns out positivity.
2. Money Hatred is a popular business. Just ask the various hate groups funded by JK Rowling's video game Hogwarts Legacy. Ask the GOP who fleece their constituents for money. Ask the youtubers who make hate video after video, not only pulling in youtube ad revenue, but also promoting a patreon so that their followers can pay them to hate further. Judgmental Critter has been called out by many for using RWBY over all her "other content" in making money. type in RWBY without using a channel blocker extension on your phone or youtube browser. All you'll see is that hate. Celtic Phoenix demanded money to make a fixit fanfic in which he promotes the patriarchy and toxic masculinity. Hate, lies money....all created through hating on RWBY.
3. Misogyny You knew this would be brought up. I will die on the hill that the reason so many neckbeards hate RWBY is because: It took a very fanservice concept (girls fighting monsters) and gave them stories, personalities, development, and Bechdel-passing relationships, while it took two male power fantasies (gritty edgelord who uses prolific violence and morally grey actions to pursue a noble goal, and tactical mastermind who makes difficult sacrifices for The Mission) and made them failures. It gave women the roles typically held by men. It eliminated mansplaining and made MEN, instead of women, the target of "Reason why you suck" speeches. It made women equal to men in brains and brawn. It took toxic masculinity and shat on it. Many men and women who defend the patriarchy and spit at feminism were furious at RWBY being a genuinely feminist show. So much so, they spread lies and attacked the writers and VAs. Vexed Viewer harassed Barbara Dunkelman. TheFloofArtist harassed both Barbara Dunkelman AND Arryn Zech, by spamming gore and snuff fanart towards the VAs. Judgmental Critter harassed Arryn Troche. Fatman Falling stalked and harassed a girl who talked on Twitter about liking RWBY. Hbomberguy repeatedly harassed miles and kerry. EruptionFang publicly lied and said that Miles and Kerry were bullied by fans into providing "crotch snot". Four female protagonists. The men are just side characters to serve the women's roles. When people say that their "fanfiction is better than the show" You won't see female protagonists by themselves. No, you'll see them as arm candy to a white male savior protagonist who tells women that they suck and saves the day with the power of toxic masculinity while straightwashing every woman in sight. White Male OCs....doesn't quite work well in the later volumes, which is why many people hate the post-beacon era, because the non-school setting focuses on women and takes away chances for the white straight male self-insert.
4. Being an asshole/Victim Complex For RWBY Haters, the ability to lie, hate, harm, and all the while claim they are victims. It brings out the worst in people online. The horrible pleasure people take in destroying what a small company has worked so hard to make. The desire to rant and complain and insult a show and its fandom while calling yourself a fan as some sort of shield to defend oneself from being called a hater in the same breath as telling people to stop watching RWBY or saying"rwby bad". The insistence that you cannot enjoy a show unless you tear it apart and refuse to give a fair respectful positive take. Look on youtube comments and you will see RWBY Critics harassing RWBY Fans. Look on Twitter, and see men and women attacking the animators and writers. Now putting words in dead man's mouth is nothing new, just ask GOP. But the RWBY Haters deify Monty because Hbomberguy used said dead man, who Hbomb insulted while alive, in order to be awful. That's why rwby haters use the word "toxic positivity". They want to make it seem that their victims are the evil ones, to silence them from speaking up. Its why "Valid criticism" is BS. Its an excuse used to spread hatred and call that hatred "criticism". MangaKamen makes yearly videos insulting RWBY. ONE PERSON insulted him...ONE. He screamed bloody murder and accused the entire fandom. The word "toxic positivity" means that anyone defending RWBY is unable to take criticism, and that anyone speaking up is toxic. While "valid criticism" means that the worst lies against RWBY and the fandom can be seen as legitimate, which again allows people to be their worst selves. Men and women alike have the power to be this inhumane. Worst part is that you don't even have to be conservative to be this evil. Vexed Viewer harassed Barbara Dunkelman. TheFloofArtist harassed both Barbara Dunkelman AND Arryn Zech, by spamming gore and snuff fanart towards the VAs. Judgmental Critter harassed Arryn Troche. Fatman Falling stalked and harassed a girl who talked on Twitter about liking RWBY. Have you noticed how much RWDE and R/RWBYCritics love to be "holier than thou" with their attitudes and act as if they are "saving others from RWBY" and its fandom?
5. Homophobia. Bumbleby is basically Korrasami but better. It introduces the interest in each other sooner. It has the women talk to each other and support each other. Both the writers and animators and even Voice Actresses all support Bumbleby. Its completely opposite from ATLA where the VAs supported the toxic ship that is Zutara. But? Two women can spend entire seasons together, people will call them "just friends" but a man expresses interest in a woman and talks to her for several minutes? "Its true love". Even better, Coeur Al Aran, who admits to never watching RWBY and makes fixit fanfics that replace women with men as protags and straightwashes everything? He saw adam cut off yang's arm, and decided to make an adam fanfic where adam sleeps with yang and blake is abusive to adam. The hatred of adam and jaune fanfic writers towards bumbleby is so toxic, those who write jaunexteam rwby or adam fanfics have mostly been found to be homophobic/misogynistic. Despite all of Yang and Blake's interactions, people insist that Sun is "entiteld" to Blake, and that Yang and Blake's relationship came out of nowhere...or is "woke and pandering". Also, if you've seen that hentai artists on twitter LOVE to make fanart of a male self-insert with lesbians.... Its a sick fetish of theirs, and its not just RWBY that suffers this, but Honkai Star Rail suffered that from HimeHingHoi or some artist who drew a white male self-insert knocking up two lesbians.
6. Headcanons- "Your show isn't doing what I imagined it to be doing, and since its not doing what I think its supposed to be doing, that makes it bad" Adam introduced trying to kill civilians in the black trailer and in season 2 tells Cinder that he will persuade the White Fang to keep dying for her cause. People are angry that in V3 he is an irredeemable mass murdering psycho. Ironwood introduced as a man who merges huntsmen system into his own private army, gets ozpin fired by going behind oz's back, and weaponizes the human soul into an android that he uses the vytal festival to test. And despite having two seats of power, does nothing to help others. People furious that he became a paranoid dictator. Ruby and Yang: Introduced as sisters, confirmed as half-sisters by monty. We see that Taiyang is the father of both. QrowxSummer shippers: Livid that the writers repeatedly state that Qrow is not and never will be Ruby's father, and so they pretend to be illiterate and not able to tell the difference between step-sisters and half-sisters because they're so delusionally obsessed that the writers should lie to them for a garbage theory and ship. Just because somebody watches the show, doesn't mean that the writers should do what they demand of them. Blacksun shippers love to claim that the writers were bullied into Bumbleby, but said writers and VAs said Bumbleby was planned from the start. RWBY Critics were bloodthirsty when Barbara basically put blacksun and jaunexblake and jaunexyang headcanons 6 feet under into the grave. Just because the show doesn't do what you think it should? Does not mean its bad. So many haters are ridiculously self-entitled.
7. Corruption and Revision- "I fell in love with what RWBY Could Have Been" People didn't want a show about female lgbt protagonists. They wanted a show where they can fetishize women being damsels in distress needing a straight white male character to guide them. RWBY gives a giant middle finger to the straight white male protagonist and to the patriarchy and to straight-shipping. So when they say "the fanfiction is better" or they promote a rewrite, or they say "the porn is better"... it all comes down to their straight white male OCs... it comes down to their revenge fantasies against female characters (one loser made a wrestler OC comic where his Male OC beat up women)... It comes down to their fixit-fanfics that put men on a pedestal and put women under the bootheel of the men they glorify. Their idea of "wasted potential" or "ruined potential" involves tearing apart what makes RWBY great, and remaking it in their sick twisted image. Just look to the GOP for real life example, or Galactic Empire for fictional example.
And here you have your answer. The Seven Reasons RWBY Haters exist.
Edit: Just had a chat with a nice lady on Reddit, and she gave me another way of thinking about things.
"Media that's come out of patriarchal societies (so, the overwhelming majority of all media) tends centers the perspective of males by default. Ditto cisheteronormativy, ethonationalism, ableism, etc., resulting in predominantly cisgender heterosexual neurotypical protagonists belonging to the ethnic majority.
And if you grow up as a cis straight white boy in America, you don't even notice.
And if you grow up as anyone else, then your options are either to learn how to empathize with characters who don't look like you, or, to pass on this whole "Media" thing altogether.
So while I can sit through 5 seasons of Better Call Saul and still call it some of the best television I've ever seen, a man who's never learned how to empathize with characters from backgrounds different from his own can't even approach something like She-Ra.
It's incredibly noticeable when boys- for instance- refuse to play TLOU2 after the inciting incident, or people angry at those who think Persona games should bring back female player characters.
The way forward is more representation, all the time, forever. And you can tell a lot about a person by how much the preceding sentence contorted their face into a contempting scowl"
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themadzarka · 8 months
Deltarune Self-Insert Mod (DR-SIM) is a Deltarune AU in-development with its main major change being that the player and the vessel are the same person, instead of Kris being controlled by their own SOUL.
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Reddit mini-Ask Series / RedSoul Introduction
Is this actually a fangame/Deltarune mod?
Despite the title of the AU, this isn't a fangame nor a mod. It's a YouTube animated series in development. Currently there isn't any way to follow the main story.
How long has DR-SIM been in development?
A full year (post updated in 03/2024). The concept, theme and story took me a long time to properly flesh out. Hallucinating a Deltarune AU to the same J-pop songs over and over demands a lot of energy, you know?
Who is Pinkle?
Pinkle(OC) is the main character of DR-SIM. She steals Kris' role in this AU, being taken into the Dreemurr family instead and leading the main trio of her, Susie and Ralsei.
Is Pinkle YOUR self-insert?
Where is Kris in this AU?
Who's Kris?
Why does Pinkle look like [insert character here]?
It's intentional.
What is the main story of the AU?
Pretty much Deltarune's story but with a valley emo girl as the protagonist.
That's it...?
Obviously I wouldn't leave it like that, the storyline also features a sub-plot happening a few years into the past, which is why there's a lot of young Asriel and Pinkle art on this blog.
Are Pinkle and Asriel siblings?
As much as Pinkle likes to refer to Toriel and Asgore as mom and dad, she doesn't like the idea of Asriel being her brother, to his dismay. He learned to accept that (she's gonna be creepy either way).
What are the headcanons featured in this AU?
I try to be close to the original Deltarune as possible, leaving its mysteries unsolved unless the plot calls for an answer, although anything added from me will be discussed and be considered exclusive to DR-SIM.
Do existing characters get redesigns?
Most of them only get tweaks, but a lucky few need more attention for the sake of storytelling. (ie: Ralsei)
Aside from Pinkle, are there going to be other original characters?
If there are, they need to wait for their turn, we already have a very colorful cast of characters from the original game.
Any ships?
Although this AU was born from a restless hyperfixation on a ship, romance is not a focus despite LOVE being a leading theme.
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yourblankey · 10 months
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Almost Friendzoned
Pairing: Haruka Tenoh x fem!Reader
Genre: comedy, romance, friendzone no more, a bit of romance with Motoki.
Summary: Haruka gets jealous when Y/n seems to have a good conversation with Motoki in the arcade.
WARNING: friendzoning, jealousy, and violence(?).
A/N: YAY! Another re-write. Just trying to rewrite all the stories I could remember because my dummy self didn't write it down on another platform to save it!
"Haruka, ever heard of a mountain's ear?" The woman sighs, laser-focused on the arcade car racing game that she was in. "No, Y/n. I know what you're trying to do. I'm gonna win this race and you're going to get me another snack for when I do." Y/n scoffs. "Yeahhhh— no. Just because you've been on a winning streak, doesn't mean you get to push your lu—"
Next thing the girl knew, Haruka had passed the finish line in first place. The racer turned to Y/n and smirked victoriously. "It's not luck. It's talent. Go get me a snack. And the next round, you're getting me a soda." The loser of the bet groaned and leaned away from the chair. "Man. I should really stop making bets with you..."
Haruka chuckles and taps the girl's cheek with her fingers. "Don't worry, I'll make sure your pockets are dry." Y/n clicked hee tongue in annoyance, her cheeks developing a small blush due to the affection she had received from her friend. "I should be saying that to you."
Y/n finally started walking to the snack machine. She lets out an exasperated sigh and inserts money into the machine. She makes a selection and waits for the machine to drop it.
After waiting for more than ten seconds, she hums in confusion and clicks the button again. "Are you kidding me?" She mutters in slight frustration and shakes the machine. "Ugh. Why, why, why..." She starts to aggressively shake the machine.
"Woah woah hey..." Y/n immediately stops and turns around to the voice and sees Motoki. "Oh. Hi, Motoki. How was your day?" She asks as if she did not assault the machien. He chuckles lightly, smiling widely at her. "Pretty good. Having trouble?" He points behind her.
She chuckles nervously. "Aha— yep." He smirks a bit. "Allow me." He steps towards it, making her step away so he could do whatever.
"What was your choice?"
He bangs the top of the machine and it finally works, dropping it. Y/n could mentally feel her jaw drop to the floor. It wasn't out of amazement but in shock since she was so aggressive with it but all it took was a bang to the top.
Motoki grabs the snack from the bottom and hands it to her. "Here ya go." He said in a pleasant tone. "Thanks..." She grabs the snack.
He gives her his best cute, cheeky smile and nods. "Of course. Hey, how are you doing? It's been a while since you've came to the arcade!" He leans on the Machine, crossing his arms. "Yeah— I've just been busy. I got a new part-time job so..." He gave her a look of surprise. "Oh really? What kind of job?" He leans in a bit closer in interest.
"It's nothing. Just a concessions attendant."
"That's cool. You should've just come here. We'd gladly give you a role here. Better yet, we could play some games together."
"Well I will look into that—"
She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turns and sees Haruka with an unreadable expression. "Let's go." Before Y/n could say anything, the woman had already pulled her away to the door.
"Oh my— SEE YA, MOTOKI!" Motoki's puzzled expression he had on before turned into a happy expression when Y/n had said her goodbyes to him. He waved back to her until she was out of sight.
"GAH— Haruka! Can you calm down? I'm not a car and neither are you!" The woman finally stops, making Y/n run into her back. She falls to the ground and on her bottom.
"Ow." Y/n mumbled. Haruka chuckled and helped her up. "Y/n, there's something I need to tell you." She said, awfully close to her. "It better be sorry..." The girl jokingly added, making both of them giggle.
"I'm just... gonna be straight about this. I love you." Y/n looks up at her. She knew exactly what the gorgeous woman said but decided to play dumb to tease her.
"Of course! I love you too. You're my best friend." Haruka deadpanned. "I— no. I mean— I love love you. I am in love with you." Y/n smirks. "That's not straight at all."
The secretly-desperate woman blinked at her reply, making Y/n laugh. "Of course I love love you too." Haruka lets out a breath that she didn't know she was holding and hugged her.
"You scared me..." She mumbled, burying her face in her neck. "Yeah... Were you jealous?" Haruka blushes in embarrassment. "Uhh... kind of...?" Y/n pats her cheek. "How cute..."
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galoogamelady · 2 years
i know you probably get this a *lot* but im curious, what was the thing that inspired you to make Buttons for the first time? Was he just made up in fo3 first, then developed into his own character, or did he exist before that?
I was too scared playing Fo3 as a self-insert character so I wanted to make a dude instead. Buttons was the most appealing looking guy I could make with the default Fallout 3 character creator... and that is how he became.
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^literally the moment of his conception
He was Buttons from the very beginning, can't tell you a good enough reason why. I guess I wanted a non-threatening nickname for him. His personality and drawn image were developed while playing the game(s) and answering a lot of asks on this blog with art and lore. If you went all the way back you could probably follow along with all of my old cringe drawings.
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