#Shazam x reader
Who fell first and who fell harder
Batman: He fell first but you fell harder
Superman: You fell first but he fell harder
Aquaman: He fell first and harder
Wonder Woman: You fell first and harder
Shazam: He fell first but you fell harder
Flash: He fell first and harder
Nightwing: You fell first but he fell harder
Red Hood: You fell first but he fell harder
Red Robin: He fell first but you fell harder
Robin: You fell first and harder
Batgirl: She fell first and harder
Superboy: He fell first but you fell harder
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writersmacchiato · 1 year
Dating Billy Batson…
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Pairing: Billy Batson x Reader
Warnings: first time writing for Billy/Shazam!
. . .
• He holds on too tight. He’s scared to lose you, it terrifies him. The constant insecurity that somebody better will come along and swoop you off your feet. Or that you'll get tired of him and leave.
• Once the puppy love/spend every possible moment together/attention starts to wane as everyday life gets in the way, Billy panics. Instead of a natural shift in the relationship, he sees it as the end looming ahead. It’s only after you’re a few minutes late to a date, forgetting to text Billy an update, and arriving to see Billy visibly upset that you realize just how much he’s hurting. Has been hurt. How careful you need to be with his heart.
• You take good measure to get better at communicating after that. Even if it’s telling him you’ll be busy from a certain time so you can’t talk or see him, it makes his heart spin at the fact you’re considering his feelings. He does the same, keeping you in the loop - though turning into his Shazam! counterpart makes that difficult (more on that below)
• Takes forever to open up but once he’s in, he’s in.
—texting you random things he thinks about, sending pics (you’ve seen too many of drooling Freddy and other various unflattering photos of his siblings).
—is SUCH a good listener. Will only interject with things like “-she said what!” or “-that’s like totally insane!”, always things that let you know he’s actually listening. He knows what it’s like to have no one to rely on, so he wants you to know that he’ll always be there for you. For anything. Even if it’s just a bitch sess.
• Grins like an idiot whenever you give him random affection. Kiss on the cheek, a quick hug between class, shoulder squeeze, hand holding. He loves it all
—That said, he's awkward reciprocating it. He never turns away from your affection, but giving it back... it's taken a lot of effort for him to be comfortable doling it out.
—the best he can do without squirming too much is hand holding.
—absolutely loves when you want a hug. the first few times he's stiff and will pat your back until you pull away first. now he loves to be wrapped around you.
• One time he was playing, and losing, a video game, when you came over and sat on the armchair beside him. hand resting on the back of his neck.
—intimacy like that makes him feel so mushy gushy. it's so casual but the affection behind it... makes him swoon.
• Jokingly says his love language is all 5 (words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, and gift giving). he's half-joking. definitely needs a lot of time spent in your company to be reassured that you actually like him and want to be with him romantically (the one text post that goes: “do you like me?” “we’re married.” “answer the question.”)
—words of affirmation: will crumble if you're feeling extra verbally expressive, cheeks flushing red but trying to remain a cool front as he tells you, 'no no, keep going'. the first 'i love you' was such a rollercoaster. in the midst of an argument, you had been upset, worried about him.
“i just love you, okay! and it makes me really scared when i know you're out there being reckless."
his brain shortciruates and any frustration he felt drained away instantly.
“you love me" he whispered almost to himself.
you were exasperated. “of course i do, Billy."
will always feel a thrill in his chest when you say it, no matter the circumstance.
—acts of service: absolutely melts if you do anything for him. at all. even if it's something as simple as getting him a drink because you noticed he finished his old one. of course, once you've done something for him, he feels like he has to pay it back somehow. it takes awhile for you to get through to him that you like doing things for him because you like him, and not because you expect anything in return.
—physical touch: kinda already covered it, but it's reassuring to him. if he's having a low moment all he needs is a hug and he's already feeling better. your presence is soothing. can spend a long time just cuddling (super top secret, no one can know: Billy loves to be the little spoon). will tap your hand three times randomly, a little silent 'i love you'. does it without realizing. is so flustered over kissing. he will get cherry red and then deny being shy while his heart is hammering away in his chest. what a dork.
—quality time: has a set day of the week that you'll do something together, whether it's see a movie, have dinner, go to the park, etc. it doesn't matter what it is but phones are on do not disturb. sometimes all you do is lay in bed and complain about your weeks, ranting and gossiping. he enjoys those dates especially.
—gift giving/receiving: anything you get him, he will keep forever and cherish. will yell at Freddy if he tries to throw something away. "that 'trash' is actually a paper straw ring that y/n gave me!" it could be a literal rock you thought was cool, he's keeping it. has a spot on his desk with the things you've given him. he's always sending you pics of things that remind him of you: sunsets, animals, flowers, anything. and somehow always saves up to get you something for your birthday.
• Does not have a social media presence at all. he only got Snapchat after being bugged by Darla and Eugene. he has seven friends. you’re his number one best friend/highest streak.
• Makes a private instagram account so he can like and comment on anything you post. also to make sure no one is creeping on you, because he knows a caped crusader with lightning fingers that might pay someone a visit. only follows you and Darla back.
• Phone wallpaper is you and him. changes it all the time depending on what photo he's obsessing over.
• Almost cried in front of everyone when you gave him a framed photo of you both for his birthday. it’s on his nightstand and he looks at it every night.
• Loves how well you get along with his siblings but also needs your attention 24/7 so he’s quick to take you on dates away from them. though they somehow end up crashing it 6/10.
• Thought his chest was going to implode when he saw you using chalk outside with Darla one day. he didnt even know you had come over. making him realize you hang out with his siblings without him, he’s a little butthurt.
• Darla is a huuuuge fan of your relationship. She may love you more than Billy. seriously. was so pumped to meet you for the first time, had a sign made and everything. Billy was worried her energy would be too much for you, but you love Darla. If Billy is your number 1 best friend on snapchat, then Darla is number 2.
• Sometimes you'll play video games with Billy and Eugene and Billy tries to hide how shocked he gets when you can beat a level that he can't. he's just really bad, give him a few pointers!
• Billy anagonizes over telling you about his superhero persona. on one hand, it's hard to lie to your face and he knows that it comes off as shady or weird when he's randomly disappearing with a flimsy exuse. but he also doesnt want to endanger you either??
— You put the pieces together very quickly (Freddy whispers very loudly) and enjoy watching Billy squirm for weeks. until one day you happen to have a run in with him in his suped up form.
— “Wow, thanks for the help sir."
"Of course, anything for you. Uh, citizen of Philadephia."
"I wish there was a way I could repay you."
"Your safety is all I need!" Cue thumbs up and a wink, cheesy grin that was so Billy.
"Perhaps a kiss?" You press, watching his face fall as he scrambles for a reply. Your stomach hurts from the effort of not laughing.
"That would not be appropriate. You’re a civilian- I'm a hero! And also way too old. Like 30 years old."
"I don't kiss and tell."
Billy / Whatever the hell his superhero name was mouth drops open in shock. "Don't you have a boyfriend!?"
You make a show of looking around. "I don't see him around."
"Yes, Billy?"
"How could you! Wait."
You burst out laughing.
"That's what you get for keeping this a secret from me! Now tell me everything because I still don't know how this is you."
"Hey, this, is a god and it's really cool."
• After that fiasco, Billy loves to send you videos of him flying around the city (he stopped after a bird pooped on his head), sending goofy selfies as his alter ego that make you laugh. He's taken you on flying trips too but after the bird incident you're not as keen anymore. Though you can’t deny it’s romantic watching the sun set on a really tall building with nothing but you and Billy, talking about your futures.
“You know I’ve heard that college is a sucker for foster kids, I should apply.”
“We could apply for student housing and be roommates.”
“No more Freddy snoring.”
“No more rules, just me and you.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“. . .”
“Actually college campuses have a lot of rules. Probably more than we have right now.”
“…just watch the sunset.”
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 months
Chapter Six: The Summer of a Lifetime
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Heiress of Gotham | Previous Chapter
Summary: With things out of the way and perhaps a little more trust, maybe the reader will finally start to make some progress, and a few friends along the way.
Warnings: Spying, Being Spied On, Insects, Wet T-Shirts, Flirting,
Words: 3.6k
A/N: While this chapter may seem like it takes a lot of twists in turns in the vignettes, it's sort of meant to reflect the ups and downs and small moments we have during summer. Honestly, though, this is perfect for the introduction of certain characters and plotlines I wanted! القرف = ‘shit’
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It'd been an interesting end to the school year, really, and that's aside from the fact that you'd had to deal with and go through the grief of your Mother passing. Within the few months you'd been at Wayne Manor, the family had quickly learned many things about you. Bruce had found out how frugal and tenacious you are, insistent on selling some of your old articles of clothing for money on some app he could never remember the name of, meanwhile refuting the many attempts he'd offered to take you out shopping. Who wants to go shopping with their Dad anyway? He'd been consumed with work, and therefore more time had been turned over to your brothers.
While school was out for both you and Damian, Tim had decided to take summer classes at the nearby community college since it'd make his college applications only look better. Dick, of course, was still working, and Jason, really, you had no idea what was going on with him since it seemed he had most days free and nights taken. While you'd considered the possibility that someone associated with the Wayne family had a night-time job, you also didn't want to think of someone who very quickly became a big brother to you in that manner. That was just... ew. With the three eldest gone or rarely home, you'd been left with Damian and Alfred mostly.
“So… you’re spying on your own child because…?” Tim draws out, leaning against the motherboard as he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Because it’s Bruce? You’re not the first. Thought you would’ve been the wiser, Green Bean,” Dick chides as he manually stitches another loop into his uniform. Seated on the edge of the metal table propped against the railing on the other side of the platform.
“She’s been watching television for over two hours straight. Is this unhealthy?” The man of the hour speaks, eyes unmoving from the image of you through the lens of one of his pesky drones.
“Hey, you’re the one who’s supposed to be parenting, yeah? You chose to bring her on, you choose what’s healthy and unhealthy,” the elder boy retorts, a clear sass in his tone that reminds Bruce where Damian’s gotten it from.
“Hn,” the old man groans, “That doesn’t mean I know what’s standard in teenagedom as of currently,” he grumbles more to himself than anyone.
“Have you tried, I don’t know, just talking to her?” Tim asks, an eyebrow quirking as he doesn’t try and hide the amused smile breaking across his lips.
“You’re one to talk,” Bruce teases the boy. He’s still somewhat resentful of the way he’d handled things with Stephanie a few years ago now.
A huff of annoyance leaves Tim and he rolls his eyes. Pushing off the computer, he turns to head for the stairs when he spots movement on the monitor. Dick doesn’t seem to care, rather, he’s focused on fixing and upgrading his equipment. However, Tim watches from just a few feet behind the old man’s chair. His drone follows you as you get up, bringing an empty dish and glass to the kitchen. You don’t notice, of course, as Tim knows this has to be one of the nano drones, most likely, disguised as a fly following your movements through the Manor just a few hundred feet above them.
It’s uninteresting, really, the way he watches you put your empty dish in the sink along with your glass. Your visage shifts, heading back to the living room, but doesn’t fail to notice the nano drone. “Spotted,” Tim announces, curious to see where this goes.
“That doesn’t mean anything. Most people aren’t fazed by an insect,” Bruce defends, finally taking his gaze off the screen for a mere moment as he turns to Tim. The boy watches as you step closer to the drone; the still fly on the fridge’s handle was easy to spot, and while your eyes quickly move on in an attempt to seem as if you hadn’t noticed the bug, not wanting to disrupt it or scare it away, you step closer to the fridge.
On top of the box lies an item you’ve been grateful for ever since you’d gotten your Mom to buy it offline. Easily stepping on your tiptoes you grab the object’s handle and have your finger ready atop the trigger. Now all that’s left is to catch it off-guard.
The amused look on Tim’s face makes Bruce paranoid; blue eyes racing back to the monitor, he watches as a tennis-racket swatter comes his way. Lifting the nanodrone up and off the surface he barely escapes the touch of the electric swatter. Bzzt! He’s hit. Flying across the kitchen and landing on the counter, he turns the drone around to get you in frame again. “And you thought she wouldn’t do anything,” Tim laughs. An error message pops up, screen turning red along with the artificial voice alert. Clearly you’ve damaged the drone.
“It only took twenty-five percent capacity,” Bruce announced, clicking different keys to get everything back to neutral.
This elicits Dick’s eyes as his focus shifts up to the situation before him. An amused smile graces his lips and he can’t help but sometimes pity the man. Bruce… tries. He means well, but he doesn’t always have the best approach. “Gotta say, this is better than reality tv.” His Father shakes his head and, attention returning to the monitor again after being distracted by Tim.
“You risked a drone for this? Come on, man. This is your own daughter we’re talking about,” Tim chastises, even if he’s still laughing and more than amused by this. If he wants to waste his tech, by all means, let them watch. It’s not like he can’t get more.
The men watch as you look around the kitchen, eyes taking everything in. With an occasional turn, and a flip of your hair, he’s spotted again! This time Bruce sees you coming before he can be squashed. Out of sight, out of mind, he thinks. “Honestly, I’m just lucky she didn’t spot me earlier. Ace and Titus weren’t the most helpful considering they kept tracking my movements, clueing her in. But she didn’t get me until now.”
“I’m impressed she even got you at all, honestly,” Dick comments, drawing their attention again.
“Not a fan?” Tim asks, curious to hear his thoughts. After all, he hasn’t been around as much considering things have been busy with school, and hectic with Stephanie… therefore, he doesn’t know as much about you. He hasn’t spent as much time around you as the others.
Met with a noncommittal noise, Tim watches Dick shrug. “I’ve got nothing against her aside from what she said at her dinner and obviously her hate for the BPD,” he trails off, a shudder running through him, “then again, she was kind of insane when we were moving her stuff. Threatened to kill us and all. Not really the type of vibe you wanna have running around the house, you know? At least, not mine, I’ll tell you that.” With a chuckle, Dick lifts the needle to his mouth, teeth going for the fabric since he hadn’t bothered to grab scissors.
Tim almost laughs along with his brother, that is until he processes what he’d said. “Wait, what-?!” Eyes quickly darting between him and Bruce, he’s suddenly alert. “What do you mean she tried to kill you?! What’re you talking about? Hey- why didn’t you tell me this?” He zeroes in on Bruce, determined to get an answer. “Does Damian know? Why am I the last one to find out about anything around here?” He complains.
“I mean she tried to-“ Dick begins.
“She did not! Dick, stop exa-“ Bruce interrupts.
“Bruce-“ Tim interjects, eyes suddenly on your approaching visage in the drone’s visual. “Bruce!” You’ve got the fly cornered, with one swift sweeping wack, and a press of the button, it’ll die.
“What?!” He yells. As soon as he turns from Tim to the monitor he’s too late. Zzztt!!! They all grimace and wince. An alert pops up on screen:
‘V I S U A L L O S T’
The options to ‘connect to different device’ or ‘relay input’ lie underneath the big text, but ultimately you’d destroyed the thing. With the click of a button Bruce closes the tab and the background of the Manor’s security camera feeds linger. Alfred dances in the office as he dusts along, presumably, to music—Bruce knows his routine. On another, you’re carrying the nanodrone on the electric swatter to the trash, disposing of the ‘fly’ you’d killed. Lastly, Damian is reading, doing his homework as he sits in an armchair by the fireplace in the Library, Titus curled up by his feet.
“Dammit! This is why you can’t just be in here. You’re either here for a purpose or you’re out,” Bruce dictates. “Dick is actually doing something, Tim. You’re just gossiping.” With a defeated drop of his hands to the desk, he raises himself from his computer chair and rounds Tim.
“You still didn’t tell me what happened,” Tim argues, the anger in his voice no longer hiding. “I’m tired of being out of the loop! What happened?” he demands. A sigh weighs Bruce’s shoulders down, and as Dick finally takes in the men before him, he doesn’t dare to add any more flame to the already burning fire.
“She was involved with Marin. Alright? She thought he was coming for her, momentarily figured we were in on it. Satisfied?” Bruce responds, turning to face the boy.
They all know he’s been hurt. That he has trauma… it’s no secret. Yet, it’s only in few and far between moments that the boys are able to see things for what they are in a crystal-clear view. This is one of those times. Their warped views on good and evil, right and wrong, revenge and punishment… they blur the lines of reality in ways he’s sure that you, a civilian, would never understand, and yet… Tim realizes the weight of this.
“Angel Marin. Bludhaven’s biggest mob boss,” Dick informs. A ‘Hn’ leaves Bruce’s lips as he makes his way toward the stairs, and a sigh leaves Tim. With a grateful nod in Grayson’s direction, Tim follows after Bruce.
“You know, someone mentioned your birthday is coming up,” Bruce teases, a hint of a smile hiding behind his wine glass.
The quick flash of a smile overtakes your face before you try to hide it. None of them miss it. “Um… yeah. W-who said?”
It’s invisible, perhaps, to all besides those who know him best, however, Bruce pales at the question, faltering. While you’re good at reading people, you don’t notice. Whether it’s the subject matter or the way everyone’s staring, you simply wait for a response.
“Uh, the-“ he clears his throat, eyes suddenly downcast as he reaches for his knife and fork to cut his steak, “the social worker! Yes, she mentioned it while you were in your meeting.” Obviously a lie. If anyone truly knows Bruce the way most at the table do, they'd know he found it in your files and footprint.
“Oh,” you respond, putting on a fake smile as you too attempt to hide behind the meal. Birthdays can be a big deal for some, and others, not. It all depends, and you aren't sure where things lie in this family. You still feel like an outsider, despite their attempts, and you don't want to burden them further.
“We could have a party!” Damian suggests, to everyone’s surprise.
“You just want a party,” Jason comments with a chortle.
“Is there anything you want?” Dick asks, looking down at you from your side, putting you on the spot. His kind blue eyes stir something within you, and you turn your gaze back to your plate. Busying yourself by cracking your knuckles, your lips purse into a line. With a shake of your head, it’s clear no one is sated.
“There’s nothing you want? At all?” Bruce prods, eliciting your eye contact again. Lips pursing even more you shake your head again.
“Um,” eyes falling to your lap you collect yourself, not allowing your imagination to run wild. “You taking me in was enough. Thank you.” Voice quiet, everyone has their own reaction to your words, albeit unbeknownst to you.
“Oh, shut up! You know there’s at least one thing you want,” Jason teases from across the table.
“Oh? And what’s that since you know her so well?” Tim pries, knowing he’s setting his brother up. Jason hesitates, almost choking on his drink which elicits laughs from the boys, and an amused smile from Bruce. As bickering starts to ensue, you decide.
“I-“ all eyes turn to you, “I want a party!” You announce. With a confident smile, you figure, how bad could it be? After all, parties don't need to be big! Something sweet, the family there, and a boardgame is all you'd need for it to be considered a party to you.
“See? At least I know what she wants,” Damian chides proudly.
“Oh? Well what kind of party would you like?” Bruce asks.
“Who do you want to invite?” Dick inquires.
“What’s the theme?” Jason adds.
“Actually, isn’t your birthday coming up now that I think of it?” Tim voices his concern over to Jason.
“Uh…” Jason shakes his head a little, taken aback, “I mean, I don’t really celebrate anymore since-“
“-the same day as Alfred’s, that’s right,” Bruce saves them, an unfazed smile on his lips, “though I believe we can celebrate both, can’t we?” While you’re not exactly paying attention, to the rest of them there’s a silent, yet menacing request behind his eyes. It’s clear they’re not allowed to speak freely anymore, no matter your new seat at the table of their family.
“Okay, but mine comes first- or did you forget again?” Damian asks with a bite. Upon the silence, he rolls his eyes and goes back to his meal with the exasperated sound of his breath hitting his tongue against his teeth. An audible ‘Tt’ sound.
“I didn’t forget, Damian,” Bruce clenches his jaw and grips his glass a little tighter. Does every family dinner have to turn into a fight? “You know I was with the-“ he catches himself, “Hn- that I had to-“
“-business calls… we’re well aware, Father. Perhaps you’ll do yourself a favor and won’t miss your other child’s birthday,” Damian finishes the conversation. “Not that I count on it.”
Walking through the pool room, you’re focused on texting Daisha, intent on telling her the good news!
‘Omg you’ll never guess what just happened! I’ll ha-‘
A dissatisfied exclamation escapes your lips as you stare at the wet stain on your shirt. “Really?! Dam-“ looking up from your drenched navy tank top, your eyes widen and lips part.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I thought you were Damian.”
You quickly take in the super-soaker and the boy’s apologetic expression, and it’s easy enough to put two and two together. As footsteps quietly click against the tiled floors of the locker rooms leading toward the pool deck, you grab the boy’s hand and drag him back the way he’d come around the corner. There lies a linen closet between the pool, laundry room, and stairwell. With a swift hand, you open the door and shove him in, following after as you quietly shut the door.
A bemused smile appears on his lips as his eyebrows furrow. “You’re his sister,” he whispers with certainty, “I’m Billy.”
Whispering back your name, he repeats it. Visibly eager on saying something else, you place your fingers on his lips to shut him up. He follows your eyesight, both of you staring through the slats in the closet door. With a keen ear, he gets the gist and remains quiet. As moments pass, you can feel the boy staring; curious, you meet his gaze only to find him searching your eyes. You can’t help but notice how pretty his are. Though you almost get swept up in admiring his features, you hear a faint creak only meters away; with a motion of your other hand, you beckon him to hand you the gun.
Transferred into your open hand, you slowly remove your fingers from his lips, cupping the barrel of the super-soaker while the other wraps around the handle, fingers ready at the trigger. With a head nod toward the door, you mouth the words: ‘On three! Ready?’
Billy seems to understand, as he holds his hands up in a ready stance to push open the doors. Together, you both mouth the countdown (which is really a count up, but anyway): ‘One… Two…’
“THREE!” Busting out of the closet, Damian is just a few feet from your right. It’s easy to spin and shoot as you’d been prepared, having watched him walk past the door together. Your brother had jumped, yet shot a few instinctive rounds of water, splashing both you, Billy, and the wall.
“القرف! What the hell! What are you doing here? Who let you play?” Damian curses, holding his gun in a stationary position once you’ve all recovered from the attack. His suspicious green eyes narrow as they dart between the two of you.
“I figured it was only fair since you didn’t let me know about your little game and I got caught in the crossfire,” you reason, pointing to your shirt with the gun.
“I accidentally shot her thinking I had you cornered, so…” Billy’s words die on his tongue. Without sparing the kid a glance, you shove the super-soaker back in his hands before offering him a grateful smile. At least you’d hit Damian once, you figure. With that, you’re more than happy to abandon the boys to their games as you walk toward the laundry room to see if your clothes are finished drying.
“You didn’t tell me she was my age!” You head Billy yell before a series of exclamations and curses follow with the sound of splashing water and rapidly receding footsteps.
As stupid as it was to find your thoughts continuing to drift back toward a certain brown hair, green-eyed boy, you couldn’t help it. Though you’ve grown more tolerable of one another over the past few months, you still can’t believe that one of Damian’s friends is who’s on your mind. Nevertheless, fate would seem to have an amusing time linking the two of you together, constantly running into the other.
You suppose it isn’t strange after all, especially when considering he is one of Damian’s friends… however, you find him over the at Manor more and more often after the initial first time he’d quite literally bumped into you.
“Grab me a juice box? I forgot one too—“ Damian’s voice echoes throughout the theatre as Billy yells back an affirmative answer and heads back toward the kitchen.
“Oh, hey-" You greet, backing up as a familiar figure exits the home theatre.
“Hey- what’s up?” Billy asks, a friendly smile gracing his lips.
"Was just gonna get a snack before we start," you tell him, "Guess we're headed the same way then," you tease. Walking down the hallway and up the stairs to the kitchen, you're aware of your brother's friend just a few steps behind.
“Are you gonna watch with us?” Billy asks hopefully.
“I mean, if that’s okay, yeah, I was planning on it." You respond, not thinking about it too much. After all, you want this popcorn to be good, not a burned pile of charcoal.
“Oh, I didn’t mea-“ Billy goes to correct himself.
“It’s fine. I’ll be down in a minute, I’m just making my own popcorn because the boys would eat it all otherwise,” you joke. Surely since he's friends with Damian he knows what the guys are like.
“That’s smart- that way you don’t have to share and keep passing it back and forth the whole time.” Billy adds on.
“Yeah. Do you want some? I can make another little packet,” You offer.
“Sure! I can do it though, you don’t have t-“ He argues.
“-I don’t mind! I've gotta wait for it anyway and grab some bowls. So I'll see you down there!" With that reassurance, Billy offers you one last smile before taking the juice boxes downstairs.
The older boys and your Father had insisted you pick the movie considering it's your first movie night with the family, and while most of them had been dreading what genre you'd pick, everyone ended up excited to watch a classic comedy most of them hadn't seen in years. Snuggled up under the fluffy blankets with your popcorn and the laughs of your brothers all around, you couldn't help but enjoy the fun.
Most of the summer felt like it was spent in your room. Whether it was trying to explore the things that truly make you happy, or being lonely in a place that still feels entirely all too unfamiliar despite the fact that it's been a couple months.
The material things did help at first, the new environment, the little gifts your Father and brothers would treat you to, like those little Squishmallows you'd always seen and wanted at the store, but never bought yourself. They were more expensive than you'd ever thought to casually pay. Nevertheless, you've started to make your room truly your own. With decorating, personalizing, and getting into your own sort of routine, it seems that everyone has been slowly becoming used to this new lifestyle.
Alfred insisted that as summer begins to come to a close, you all decide on either making time for a vacation, or perhaps you and Damian get involved in extra curriculars. In the sake of preparation for school, you'd taken up driving lessons as you'll soon be old enough to begin the process of obtaining your permit. Then there was also the announcements from the school you'll be attending in the fall; with sports and clubs gearing up for homecoming, tryouts were coming up. Your Father had insisted that Damian consider a sport this year, and Alfred equally has been trying to push you in any sort of direction that'll lead to getting you out of the house and your room.
Needless to say, he wouldn't let go of the idea that your mental health could use less isolation and more friends, hobbies, and pursuance of your 'passions' even if you're not entirely sure what those are yet. It didn't take long for you to succumb to your butler (essentially) grandpa's badgering. Though you have a plan in mind for what sport you'll be trying out for, you haven't revealed them to the family. The way they seem to share everything is... still new, and somewhat unsettling to you.
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic ,@moonlightsolo
hog taglist: @luvly-writer , @clairese1980 , @theroyalmanatee ,@azazel-nyx , @nightrose-18 , @vanessa-boo , @ih4temy5elfs0b4d , @agent-nobody-knows , @scarlett13 , @hoeinthehouse , @huhhuhh , @maxinehufflepuffprincess
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theyluvlyss · 5 months
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𝐬𝐨, 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞...
I literally just came up with this little drabble, and I'm sorry, but it's funny to me, so-
but anyway, two more shazam fics are on the way pretty soon (one freddy, one billy), and then I got a stranger things/mike wheeler request after that, so be on the lookout :) !
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𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝
《 ♡ 》 oneshot/crack-fic
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 :
reader loves it when billy showcases his power. billy loves showing off to his girlfriend. it's a win-win situation, to be honest.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 :
fem!girlfriend!reader x billy batson - she/her/hers pronouns!
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
post shazam!: fury of the gods
𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 :
yelling/screaming (in a good way, dw) - lots of begging from reader lmao - billy being easily swayed bc he wuvs you🥰 - dang, this is kinda crazy sounding outta context, huh? - anyways - this whole thing is just very berry cute, methinks - good vibes only, supa good vibes only✨️ - shrek reference
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
───────── 《 .°•♡•°. 》 ──────────
"Do the thing!"
It was a sudden squeal, almost as if you'd been holding it back for a while. Not to mention, the walk back to his place had been comfortably silent the whole time before, your hand in his with both stuffed off in his coat pocket in order to shield them from the cold, winter weather.
Although, the squeezes you would give occasionally should've been somewhat of a warning sign. Billy just figured it was a silent, "I love you" of some sort, returning the action every time with butterflies in his chest that kept him warm.
He never would've guessed them as a sign for an incoming fangirl moment. And so, to be sure...
"What thing?"
Not that he wasn't genuinely confused, of course.
"Ya'know... the thing that I like?"
He looked down at you, met with your beaming smile back up at him that brought on one of his own. Still unsure, though, merely repeating the words you had jingled to him all of the sudden back to you in a tone of skepticism.
"The thing you like?"
"Yeah!" You chriped, waiting for him to catch on excitedly, only to be mildly disappointed when that moment never came and he shook his head in dismiss.
"...I don't know, I'm still lost."
"Billy, noo..." You whined, nudging him a bit with your side as the walk continued. "Pleaseeee?"
"What thing?!"
And before you could fully explain yourself, you saw a look in the emerald of his eyes that told you he was faking, the boy having caught on by this point and leaving you to huff and turn away.
"...Stop, you know what I'm talking about, you're just being mean."
Deep chuckles came from his chest, Billy nodding to himself in amusement after you had realized he was teasing you. And, because it was in his nature, he continued to do so until you would ask properly.
"You're right, I do know. I just wanna hear you say it."
"Mncht." You clicked your tongue but didn't give in to the vexing feeling of your boyfriend complicating the process, keeping strong at your pleads in hopes to simply just wear him down.
"Billyyy...please do the thing? Please?"
"C'monnnn..." He urged, nudging his shoulder with yours, and was satisfied with the roll of your eyes and his implied directions followed.
"Hmff... Can you pleaaase say the word? Please?"
"You want me to say the word~?" He repeated, this time with a tone of flirtatiousness that you willingly succumbed to, snuggling up to his arm almost too cheesy for your own liking as you gave an eager, "Yes!"
"Mmm, I dunnooo'..."
This boy and his need to taunt, you swore, would be the death of you...! And yet, it was charming enough for you to let it slide.
No, he was charming enough for you to let it slide. Shaggy brown hair and gorgeous green eyes and those cute dimples whenever he flashed you that winning smile...
Plus, you had been on the verge of geeking out the whole day out with him. Your boyfriend is a superhero for Christ's sake! Of course you'd want to randomly see the magic of it all from time to time! And it's not like you ever knew him to shy away from amazing you whenever he could. So...
"Please-please-please with a lot of maraschino cherries on top?"
Billy laughed at your specifics, already in the midst of guiding you towards a secluded area away from crowds and bystanders.
"Okay, okay, but only because you asked so nicely."
"Yes, yay-yay-yay...!!"
Your cheers and giggles of excitement went hushed by your own hands, waiting in anticipation as Billy took some safety steps back away from you and gave one last look around the area. When he was sure he was in the clear, he granted you your wish. Did just as you asked...
He said the word...
...and with a thunderous crash of lightning and a blinding light for only a moment, he was transformed into his older, super-self, and you were laughing wildly through jagged gasps of amazement.
A little bit of a crazy laugh, you'd admit later, but not the point-
"Yeah? How was that?!" Billy-... Shazam asked, his arms spread wide open as he walked closer to you.
"Super loud and scary!" You squealed, hopping around like a little girl who was seeing a fireworks show for the first time, the glowing emblem on his chest casting you and the entire alleyway in gold.
"Yeah?!" Shazam nodded in confirmation with a grin just as wide as your own.
"But it's so hot!!"
"Yeah, it is...!"
Billy's ego? Boosted.
Your fangirl levels? Off the charts.
Hotel? Trivago.
"Okay, now do it again, but back to you-you." You demanded requested, doing a small spin move with your index finger while Shazam dropped his arms to his side.
"-Please?" You cut before he could provide any light scolds or reasons as to why he shouldn't. You were his girlfriend, and you were so cute looking up at him, expecting to see her boyfriend, now, and not some grown man version of him she... liked... but didn't truly care for.
"Yay!" You clapped, moving yourself back this time to avoid a second lighting strike.
And with that, he was back to himself, your Billy Batson, standing with his arms still open in hopes he'd impressed you the way you had assumed he would.
And god, did he go above and beyond.
"AHAHAHA, YOU'RE SO COOL, I LOVE YOU!!!" You nearly screamed, voice rasping over from the sheer amount of pressure you were putting on your throat.
"I love you, too! C'mere...!" He laughed, admiring your excited figure and the way you were already running towards for him to catch you in his arms in a warm hug.
It lasted for longer than you both expected, but was clearly needed as you enjoyed each other's presence and touch.
"You know what you reminded me of, lowkey?" Billy murmured, no need to be any louder when he was right by your ear.
"Hmm?" You hummed, face pressed into the crook of his neck, cold nose tickling his skin.
"...Do the roar."
You pulled away very slowly. Your face went about as cold as your feet were right now, staring deep into Billy's eyes with a look of pure disbelief.
He stared back. Grinning, head nodding as if to say, "Yeah? Right?" like a puppy.
"You know what?" You hummed gently, returning the smile softly while your vision trailed his features and then down to his chest.
You pointed directly to his heart.
"You...are amazingly talented..."
"...at ruining nice moments between us."
You nodded, satisfied with yourself at the light tease.
"Mhm, yeah :)."
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𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐢𝐬-...𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭...𝐢𝐬- 𝐈-...
is it obvious I have such a BAD crush on billy, and this is lowkey shamelessly self-indulgent, or nah🧍🏽‍♀️?
you said nah?
awesome, cool, thanks /ᐠ-⩊-マ.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 :
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 :
1,132 words
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 :
none :(
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
either freddy or billy- or both! (separately)
hoodie stealing?? either reader stealin' theirs or them stealing readers??
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‘Y/n!’ You heard Billy exclaim, freezing you in place.
‘Yeah?’ You called back, hoping he hadn’t finally found out about your little secrete.
‘Have you seen my hoodie anywhere? I can’t seem to find it.’ Your eyes widened as they glanced down at the slightly fleeced red fabric adorning your body protectively. Yes, you had stolen Billy’s hoodie and no you didn’t hold an ounce of remorse for doing so as it was your favourite article of clothing that he owned but there was one slight problem; the red hoodie with the light fleeced insides was also his favourite article of clothing.
‘Nope,’ you replied, trying to be as casual as could without raising suspicion, ‘are you sure Freddy hasn’t thrown it out the window or something?’
‘Trust me I’ve looked and it looks like he’s finally stopped tossing my clothes every time I mess with him and upped his game.’ Billy said as he began to trudge up the stairs and you were startled out of your temporary stupor and rushed to jump onto Billy’s bed, burying yourself under the blankets, making sure that every ounce of red was hidden from view.
‘What’re you doing?’ The boy asked when he saw you tucked tightly underneath his bed, looking over at him innocently. You shrugged, ‘just… felt like lazing in bed.’
‘Uh huh,’ Billy started as he moved to stand at the edge of your bed, watching closely to how you seemed to avoid direct eye contact with him and how your hold on the bedsheets were tight, almost as though you were hiding something. ‘Is that what your planning on doing the entire day? Do you mind if I join you?’
You tensed, breath hitching in your throat but you tried to remain steadfast. ‘Aren’t you and Freddy going down to the comic shop today? You’ve both been planning on doing so for a while that- NO!’ You screeched towards the end when Billy ripped away the bedsheets and saw the hoodie that he has been looking for all morning adoring your body as you looked at him like a deer in headlights.
‘It’s not what it looks like!’
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The boy froze, having been caught with your hoodie between his hands, he looked towards the doorway where you were leaning against the wooden frame, arms crossed and a look of amusement on your face.
‘Stealing my hoodies are we?’ You asked, already having found your answer in his stunned silence.
‘No…maybe…okay yes, yes I am.’ Freddy sighed in defeat. ‘But you can’t blame me! It’s not my fault your hoodies are nice, warm and-‘
‘Smell like me?’ You finished for him, moving over to his side, ears managing to catch his sheepish little ‘yeah…that too.’ As he bowed his head out of slight embarrassment that you might find him weird for doing so but when he heard you chuckle, he felt intrigued enough to look back up into your eyes.
‘Yeah sure, laugh at the weirdo.’ Freddy snarked, you knew he wasn’t upset or mad in the slightest from the way he looked at you brought him close into your side as you held him there. ‘You could’ve said something you know instead of going behind my back and stealing my hoodies, you hoodie stealer.’ You joked, tickling his sides and laughing when he jolted even further into your side.
‘But you know what,’ you said, gesturing to the hoodie still clutched in his hands, ‘keep it.’ Freddy stared at you as though you’ve grown a second head. ‘What?’
‘Keep it.’ You reiterated causally.
‘You want me to keep your hoodie?’ Freddy asks, holding up the bunched fabric in question as if to make sure that it was the same bunched fabric that you were talking about.
‘I think it suits you better then it ever did me.’ You told him as though it were obvious, ‘besides I think it’s cute that you’d want to wear something of mine. So please keep it and wear it to your hearts desire.’
Freddy looked at the hoodie then back to you, then back to the hoodie again as he swallows thickly. ‘May I give it back now and then when it stops smelling like you?’ He asks and a smile graced your lips as you watched the boy wrestle your hoodie over his head and down his body.
‘Of course you can sweetheart, it’s our hoodie after all.’
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reareaotaku · 2 months
Freddy Freeman Headcanons
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Stupid and shy
Nervous little guy
He tried talking to you multiple times, but failed each time
Though, he finally gets his chance when you need a partner for a project
He's quick to whisper to you
You look back when hearing your name to see the injured[?] boy. You weren't very sure, just knew that he had some cane thing to his arm
"Do you want to work together?"
A part of you was relieved. The last thing you wanted to do was find a partner. It was so much nicer for someone to ask to be your partner than for you to ask them
"Sure- Yeah"
Internally he fist pumps so glad he grew some balls and asked
He's so giddy and in love. Thinks you're the cutest person ever
He gets nervous around you and he stutters over his words
Thankfully though you don't hate on/bully him
When you invited to him to your house, he was fascinated being in a girl's room
It was different than he expected
But he didn't mind- Because oh god, he's in your room
He's very sweet to you and wants to introduce you to the things he likes
He's a little embarrassed, but is excited when you enjoy the same stuff
You're perfect to him and could do no wrong
He's very protective over you
You think he's being obsessive, but he wants you to be safe. Why can't you see that?
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Shazam tries talking with the Justice Society...
Shazam: okay i think i got your next incredibly cool name - the Assembly of Super Savers!
Al: what the-?
Cyclone: did you just call us ASS?
Shazam: I-uh...maybe? We can workshop the name later.
Y/N: well its better than Al's idea: Super Friends? Half of us aren't even aquaintances!
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therapy-ghost · 1 year
I had to ask my dad cause I keep forgetting it.😭😭 He said it was Asperger’s but a news article said it’s an offensive term so I don’t know what it’s called and neither does he. (I finished asking but I googled what the new term was, and it’s Asd I think. Google didn’t explain it well😫)
But the request is Reader is dating Freddy Freeman, but like is low-key obsessed with his alter ego, Captain Everything. It’s all they talk about when Freddy mentions heroes. So with the help of Billy, he has Reader meet his alter ego. (Reader doesn’t know they the same person, if it’s not clear) Just a lot of fluff cause I love Freddy so muchhhjjjjjh
Hello again! I was wondering when you were going to be back and what type of writing you wanted and this is not what i was expecting(in the best way possible)!!! Warnings; meantion Autism(Im sorry if ive depicted it wrong in anywayT-T), swearing, im hoping no OOC, longer then usual one shot... and tell me if theres anymore warnings to add!.
GN!Reader x Freddy Freeman
From a young age; your parents, teachers and class mates saw you as strange; always bringing up that one topic that yuo would always bring up whenever you could, and sometimes it was fun, but eventually those peole started to not want to talk to you.
When you reached middle school; You had found yourself a community online that would rant about the very topic you had grown fixed on, Superheroes, thats all they would talk about.
It was your save place where you can place yourself in your own world and rant forever on who's a better hero; Superman or Batman? Obviously Batman!
but in the end you still found yourself lonely in the sea of online friends, cause well... they were online, and sometimes you would be stuck in the real world where you couldnt talk to them.
But that was untill you meet Freddy Freeman; a crutch wielding superhero maniac who instandly caught your attention(And maybe even your heart) in sciences.
And Freddy was not gonna lie when saying that you did the same.
The two of you started to hang out; most of the time with the company of Billy who always felt like he was third wheeling even if he was in a whole other building.
Eventually you two had asked each other out on the very same date and proceeded to believe you had a psychic connection; Match made in heaven to be more accurate.
And right now; after 3 months of you to being officially a thing, were laying on the floor of him and Billy's shared room ranting about hero's, like you always did.
"-Come on! he's dark, mysterious, most likely rich, and has a most of gotham and maybe even the whole world fearing him; you cant say that superman in better then Batman when every villain and civilian knows what his weakness is but doesnt even know where the heck batman is majority of the time" You argued with Freddy, who laughed at your statement and nodded a bit.
"Ok you have a point; but Superman in the man of steel, and whats batman? A depressed man in an emo cosplay that scares people by being a furry-" Freddy's statement made you gasp and hit him on the arm.
"How Dare You!" You playfully yelled; Freddy laughed at this.
"Fine; next is... Shazam or Captain Everypower?" Freddy asked, sounding a bit more excited aout this one then the others.
"Oh come on, am I a fucking joke to you; Captain Everypower all the way!" You cheered abit, sitting up, which Freddy followed along with doing.
"A-And why is that?" He asked in a nervous manner, which you didnt notice, all you did was stand up and get really excited.
"He's funny, he's powerful, he's decent on the officiency level, he's quick with his job, he puts people before himself; and like, you Shazam does the same thing but whats sets them apart is that Captain Everypower is just so much better looking" you made a fainting motion at the end of your rant.
Freddy's excitment in your statement went unnoticed by you once again as he nervously figgeted in place.
"-And it would be so cool to meet him! I bet it feel like a dream to be around him! And to touch his skin; Ive always wondered what bullet proff skin feels like!" You fanned over captain everything "Wouldnt it?" You sat back up and got really close to Freddy, who was panicking on what to say.
"O-Oh you, he's a r-really cool guy; met him a few times, great guy-"
"Does This Mean You Know Him!" You squealed in excitement.
"Y-Yeah, we're practically best friends" Freddy lied, bullets of sweat rolled down his face as he tried to to stumble over his words to much.
"Why didnt you tell me?" You asked Freddy.
"Because h-he wanted it to be a secret; and I was like why, and he was like cause its for your safety" Freedy shakely explained.
"But Why now?" You kepted asking questions to get the answers you needed.
"um....Be-because... He has agreed t-to meet...you" He lied through his teeth, only digging his own grave of regrets more.
You froze, shocked as to what he was say but to stunned to see through his semi-lies.
Um.. are you-"
"Oh My Gosh! Freddy! Thank You! You Are So Cool!" You cheered, jumping at him to get a big hug.
"n-no problem"
"When do I get to meet him? where? what time?" you asked frantically.
"Uhhh... tomorrow, after school, the convenience store down the street; O-of course if h-he's free that is" Freddy shakely answered; making you stand back up and cheer in glee.
"Oh I cant wait: I need to head home but I will see you tomorrow!" And with that you rushed out of the house.
"Wow, that was something" Billy walked over and leaned on the door frame, watching as Freddy panicked.
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into.... Can you help me?"
"Nope" Billy said
The next day you basically floated down the hall you were so happy; and it was very clear to both Billy and Freddy as to how excited you were.
"How did you get me in this plan again?" Billy asked.
"Cause you care for me and I care for the fact that Captain Everypower has a super fan that is hot" Freddy whisper yelled to Billy, who sighed.
"Fine: so the plan is that distract superfan while you get out of school and ready for the little rendez-vous?" Billy asked, making Freddy nodded as the bell rang for the last class of the day.
They nodded to each other and walked off.
The bell hadnt even rang and you were running out of class, to excited to meet Captain Everypower.
You rushed down the hall and to the front door, but before you could get off school grounds, Billy Baston appeared infront of you.
"Hey... um...." Billy hadnt though of a distraction.
"Oh Hi Billy" You Happily said"Whats up?"
"Um...whats got you so smiley?" He asked as he watched behind you as Freddy walked off school grounds as quickly as possible.
"Im going off to meet Captain Everypower" You said with pride, making Billy fake a surprised expression.
“Wow, thats really cool-“ Billy nodded.
“Yeah! well, i have to get going! Bye!” you cheered as you almost bolted off.
“W-wait! Um, Freddy wanted me to tell you that he is unable to make it to the meet up you are having” Billy covered up, panicking a bit more at you excitement.
“Oh, why?”
‘Shit!’ Billy mentally cursed.
“Well, um, he’s-“
“He’s helping me with a projected in art” Darla came butting in the save the day, leaving Billy in relief.
“Oh well, tell him ill see him later; Bye you too” You then ran off; leaving Billy to really let out a sigh of relief and walk home with Darla.
You waited patiently by the convenience store, waiting the arrival of Captain Everypower in his bright blue super-suit and curly hair that reminded you of Freddy’s in a way.
You were almost jumping down the street at how exhilarated you are for this encounter with the hero and types of questions you would attack the hero with; where did he get his powers? What’s the suit made of? What’s it like to fly? What its-
Your thoughts were interrupted by wind crashing down behind you, you turned yourself to see a very frantic looking Captain everypower.
He looked around a few times before spotting you, then straight into himself out.
“Evening citizen” He said, putting his hands on his hips as he broaden his shoulders.
You were gonna faint at how cool this was.
“I heard from my very good friend, Freddy Freeman, that you, my friend, are a fan of me” He confidently walked over, but not with out stumbling a bit; which concerned you.
“Are you ok? You look tired; Do you need to site down?” You frantically asked.
"O-oh yeah, just was off saving the day and s-stuff before coming here" He waved you off, but his responce excited you.
"What type of 'saving the day'?" You asked, almost jumping at him in curiousity of the question.
"Well, some man tried to steal a womans bag and i stopped it, sent him to jail" He proundly said, making you fan over his actions.
"You are so cool!" You yelled out.
These conversations went on for the next 20 minutes; talking about cool superhero stuff and the best ways to take out villains.
But sadly he had to go, and so did you.
So he bid his good bye and flew off, leaving you as a stuttering mess of excitment and the fact that you believed that it was all a dream.
You made your way to Victor and Rosa's place in a dreamed dazed at meeting captain everything, skipping and humming to yourself with a big smile playing on your lips.
You knocked on the door and Victor answered.
"Hi, Freddy's just up stairs if you need him" He stepped out of the way as you nodded, making you way up the stairs of the home and into Billy and Freddy's shared room.
Freddy was laying on his bed, looking tired as he mumbeled to himself about something when you walked in.
YOu threw yourself down beside him, which obviously made him jump.
You hugged his waist tightly; "Thank you thank you thank you so much" You said, kissing his cheek as he becomes very embarrsed.
"N-no problem... I bet he enjoyed his time with you very much" Freddy said, pulling you close as Darla and Billy watched from the door way.
Thank you so much for the request and your patience, I really hope you all enjoyed it.
If their is any request you want the fit onto my request list then pleasse dont fear to send it in.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 months
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not requested
The plan was always for you and Mary to get accepted into the same university, stay together forever, until she got her powers and hung back in your hometown. On the bright side, those powers did make it easier for her to come visit on short notice. Very short notice. “Y/N/N. Hey, out here.” You heard a muffled voice coming from outside your window. Your fourth story window.
“What the hell? Mary!” You rushed to let her in as she hovered in midair. “Someone could have seen you, why didn’t you just call me?” You asked, needlessly trying to help her inside.
“Well, I’m kinda in a rush.” She bared her teeth nervously and chuckled. “Billy needs me back in Philly and he won’t stop freaking out,” she continued on as you stared at her, “but I promise as soon as we wrap that up I’ll be right back here! He called me like, five minutes ago.” You crossed your arms and stayed silent, letting her risk a cheek kiss, and another, and another to ease your anger. Not at her, just the situation. “Please say something.”
“It’s fine, I know it’s what you do now.” You calmly replied, still lightly glaring at your girlfriend.
“You know I’d rather be here.” She frowned with soft eyes, begging you to forgive her.
“It’s not too late, Mary.” You leaned in to kiss her. “Please be back by ten at the latest. There’s no way we are missing that party.”
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @randomfandomimagine // @summersimmerus // @bad4amficideas // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @amirahiddleston // @sydknee624 // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 //
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Can He Save Them
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@gay-dorito-dust for supporting the idea :) I was the anon, I don’t know why it went anon that was not on purpose @sweetheartlizzie07 because they said they wanted to read it, and btw it was inspired by Andrew Garfield y’know
warnings because it is a handful; Crying, Kidnapping, Screaming, Panic Attacks, Death, Acid, Denial, and tell me if you find more please
also, if you find a section that says she/her pronouns, tell me. That’s how I’m used to writing but I’m trying to switch to they/them. But I do still use girlfriend in this fic, I don’t like using partner because it seems kind of weird to me, any suggestions and I’ll change it
Also, it’s an angst fic
”My girlfriend has been kidnapped,” Billy said to Rosa, “Why would I not freak out?! How could someone know I’m Shazam! What did I do wrong?!”
“Billy, calm down,” Rosa hugged him, he was crying, then then the news channel sent out an emergency video to be watched.
Everyone turned to see it.
“Hey, Shazam,” a man in a black mask said, staring at the screen in front of him.
“I hope you’re seeing this, because, I’m not doing it again. But your poor dearest Y/n is with me and, I’m assuming you want them back, yes?” He chuckled, “Either, you give me your powers, or they die, or both! It is your choice, I know you love them, and how easily I could snap their little neck would hurt, would it not?” Then it switched back to the news.
Billy was having a panic attack on the floor, Rosa was in front of him, he was sobbing, he could not breathe, his whole body trembling.
“Billy, Breathe.” Rosa said, “I know people hate getting told that, but please try.”
He did, he really did.
“You go save your girlfriend, okay? But the others are not home, so it’s just you.”
“I..” He leaned into his mothers embrace, unable to bare his hurt.
Shazam saw Y/n, tied up, upside down, about to fall into a pool of acid.
“Hey, where’s the staff?” The guy asked, his voice way squeaker than before.
“You sound so menacing,” Shazam chuckled.
“That’s what they said to!” He whined, “Now, where is the staff?”
“You don’t have it?” Shazam stared at him.
“No, I don’t, which means,” he pulled a lever and Y/n fell in, Shazam screamed.
“And to know it’s all your fault,” he grinned, disappearing with a snap.
Shazam stared into the bucket of acid, they were in there, he flew up, pulled the rope that held them, tying it up so they hung up, he untied them, holding their body.
He then flew away from the acid, down to a pond at a park and placed them in, acid going everywhere, they was dead, he was sobbing.
“No, that’s not fair!” He cried, “Y/n! Y/n!”
The commotion was heard and people went over, Victor stared at Y/n and Shazam.
Freddy went over, staring.
Billy had shut everyone out of his life, he would no longer go on missions, anything, he just hated the thought.
He killed his girlfriend, his love, the person he could always rely on. The person he adored, he trusted.
Their funeral was today, he was crying and sobbing, but their body was not found in the casket, their mother screamed.
Billy had gone silent, his crying stopped, he said nothing, the ring he had in his pocket. The one he was going to propose to them with today if they still had been able to go on that date.
It was a mystery, no one understood. Billy had never been more freaked out, where were they?
Billy was crying in his room, when the door rang to the house. He just so happened to be the only one home. He went downstairs and answered it.
“Hello, honey.” Y/n’s mother smiled, “I’ve got something to tell you…”
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
What if i wrote Black Adam imagines... hmmm much to think about
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Cute moments together
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Batman: One of his favorite moments with you was when you were watching a movie together. You were both cuddling and he had his arm around him. He leaned in to kiss you on the cheek and you happened to turn your head towards him and you ended up kissing on the lips. It was a sweet, tender moment that he will never forget.
Superman: A cute moment he enjoys remembering with you was during a camping trip you took when you first started dating. You had set up your tent in the middle of nowhere and stargazed together. It was a really special moment, just enjoying each other's company and soaking in the beauty of nature.
Aquaman: It was a rainy Sunday afternoon. You had just finished a lovely lunch and decided to head back to the cottage for a little afternoon nap. You walked hand-in-hand through a forest path and stopped at a clearing overlooking the sea. You both laid down beneath a tree and kissed in the rain, your hearts racing as you savored the moment together.
Wonder Woman: One time you and her were sitting together and she was playing with your hair. She was twirling it around her fingers and gently brushing it over your face. You looked really relaxed and comfortable and you had closed your eyes and were just so peaceful. There was this moment where you both looked at each other and just smiled and everything just felt perfect.
Shazam: One of his fondest and cutest moments with you is when you both were sitting outside under the stars, enjoying each other's company as you stared into each other's eyes. The stars were sparkling and the breeze was gentle, creating a truly magical atmosphere. In his heart, he was so happy to be spending time with the love of his life and to have someone with whom he felt deeply connected. That moment remains so special to him, and he never wants to forget the way your eyes glistened in the moonlight.
Flash: One of the cutest moments he remembers is your first date. It was a beautiful sunny day and you went out for lunch at a cute little café. You talked for hours and hours and got to know each other on a deeper level. As you were walking back to your cars, you both stopped to admire the scenery. He put his arm around you and kissed you on the forehead.
Nightwing: The cutest moment he remembers of you and him is when you both were lying in bed late at night, just talking. He looked over at you and said, "I just want to tell you that this is the best moment of my life." He loved the way you beamed with pure happiness and gave him a big kiss on the lips.
Red Hood: One of the sweetest moments he remembers with you is when you went on an overnight trip together. He was driving in the car, and you were both tired and cranky. But then you turned to him and said, "I love you." And in that moment, everything just felt so right. And from that moment on, everything just felt so much better. It made him realize that no matter what happens, he'll always have you by his side.
Red Robin: He remembers when you had just started dating and he stayed over at your apartment for the first time. You both had a really long day and got back at around midnight, and you were both so tired neither of you could barely keep your eyes open, but he still wanted to stay up another 5 minutes to make out before falling asleep. You were both so tired that you literally ended up just nuzzling each other's necks and falling asleep like that.
Robin: One of his favorite memories with you is dancing in the pouring rain together. You got caught in a surprise downpour while out for dinner and when you both realized that the rain wasn't going to stop any time soon. So, without waiting for a second thought, he took your hand and started dancing through the raindrops. It was so refreshing and romantic, and even though your clothes got soaked, it was an unforgettable moment.
Batgirl: One of her favorites is when you were on a date and she made you a little origami heart that said "I love you." It was so thoughtful and sweet. Another time, she surprised you with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and chocolate on your birthday.
Superboy: One that always makes him blush is from last Valentine's Day. He had made a romantic dinner reservation at this French restaurant for you both, but there was an awful snowstorm outside and everything was shut down. So you made the dinner yourselves and had the most romantic night in with just the two of you. It didn't get any more romantic than that.
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writersmacchiato · 11 months
Sleep | Billy Batson
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A/N: Takes place sometime after the first movie, interesting how superhero movies never discuss the trauma of literally almost dying lol this was requested - hope you enjoy!!
. . .
You're in that delirious state of dozing off; not quite awake, but not fully asleep. Sleep is beckoning you and you'll soon fall into its sweet embrace--
You shoot up, blankets getting tangled around your waist, arms swiping through the air.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's me. Freddy. It's Freddy. Geez, you almost took my eye out."
In the dark of the room you squint as your awareness seeps in. Freddy hovering by the bed with his hands held up.
"What the heck-" you look at Darla's sleeping form on her side of the room, "-the hell are you doing?"
Freddy quietly groans into his hands. "What do you think? It's Billy of course. Now scoot."
You contemplate kicking Freddy out of your room, turning over and tugging the blanket over your head. But then your traitorous brain forms an image of Billy in his room alone and you're getting up with a sigh.
"I hate you." You mumble as Freddy takes the spot on your bed, switching out your pillow for his.
He grins. "Goodnight."
The house is dark and quiet but you've made this small trip enough times that you could do it in your sleep, or sleep-deprieved as you currently were.
Billy is sitting on his bed, eyes blank as he stares at the window. He briefly looks over when you open the door, creeping through.
Immediately he objects, the guilt on his face clear. "Just go back to bed. I'm okay seriously."
"I almost believe that." You shake your head, climbing into the bed with him. "Same dream?"
He hesitates, fumbling with the blanket. "Yeah..."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay. Come here." You manage to snag some of the blanket, sinking down until you're comfortable enough to open your arms. Billy wraps himself around you, tension leaving his shoulders when you start to comb your fingers through his hair.
"Goodnight Billy."
You look down to see his eyes shut, breathing steady.
This was becoming routine. You didn't mind, even though Freddy complained about how it woke him up you knew he was worried about Billy. You all were.
Billy had been waking up from night terrors, waking up with the feeling of Dr. Sivana's hands on his throat as him, Billy, not Shazam. He had been embarrassed, seeing as no one else seemed to be suffering through the same thing but you always reassured him.
You kind of liked being able to soothe him, being the one to help him sleep through the night. And, it was funny seeing Freddy's annoyed face every night.
Sleep is calling your name once again when the door creaks open, Darla's sweet face popping through. She tiptoes to the bed, accepting the hand you offer to her.
"Is Billy going to be okay?' She whispers, snuggling up to your other side that isn't weighed down by Billy.
You look down at his face, completely relaxed as he starts to snore. It makes you smile.
"Yeah, Darla, I think so. He's Billy."
She mentions going back to bed, but her eyes are drooping shut with every second and she's quickly passed out on your shoulder.
Billy would be okay eventually.
. . .
"Hey, notice how everyone ends up leaving the room once Freddy gets there?" Billy says to you over breakfast.
You laugh. "Yeah, because it's Freddy. He's so weird."
"I'm literally sitting next to you. I can hear what you're saying." Freddy cuts in, rolling his eyes.
You share a look with Billy, an agreement flashing between you. He picks up his plate and grabs yours while you get the cups.
"Didn't realize he was in the room."
"Yup. Gotta go."
"I hate you both!" Freddy calls to your retreating forms.
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maeizy · 1 year
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Shazam or preferably something on my list like Lockwood and co are my fixtations right now LMAO
Anons are on btw so that's an option
AHHHHH I really want to write for this fandom! And many others. but I lack creativity of my own (LOL)
and I need prompts guys 😭 please request!! I'd appreciate it so much! Or I might actually drive myself to insanity...
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theyluvlyss · 8 months
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𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟...
but when I read it after finishing it, I realized it was too cute not to post, so now, here I am to bless your feed with this short lil' blurb that I love so much.
and I say bless, because I figure, if I love it this much, so will others, maybe🤷🏽‍♀️. Especially my melanated sistas, like, this is quite literally for y'all🩷💋🫵🏽. You're welcome.
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𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 <𝟑
《 ♡ 》 imagine (a little bit crack-fic-ish but that's okay)
  ───────── 《 .°•♡•°. 》 ──────────
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 :
nothing much, really. just billy loving you so much, and he thinks you're cute and all😙.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 :
fem!black-codedasf!reader x loveydovey!billy batson
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞 :
post shazam!: fury of the gods
𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 :
(joking/exaggerative) mentions of suffocating - light cursing, I think? I didn't check lol - that's about it fr, like, this is super duper lovey dovey huggy wuggy kissy wissy wishy washy🥰😻💋💞 - billy being literally obsessed with you (as he should, love a women worshipping king😻) - that's it, I'm pretty sure lol.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
  ───────── 《 .°•♡•°. 》 ──────────
You laid content as you scrolled through the contents of your open TikTok app, savoring in the warmth Billy's body generated while lying comfortably beside you. Hell - he was practically smushed up against you, with no real need to be given it was a plenty sizeable bed you shared, other than the fact that he just couldn't stand to be sharing the same mattress and not be cuddling into you.
Of course, you didn't mind this one bit. As previously mentioned, the Batson boy generated heat at a rate you couldn't be anymore grateful for, yourself always freezing to the touch for seemingly no reason. Plus, you found it endearing how close he constantly wanted to be. As though he were a clingy kitten, seemingly always depraved of your love and affection. And, thankfully, you had plenty of it to go around.
Especially seeing as some of your love went towards memes and all sorts of other funny videos on the internet. Like this next one you giggled at. It held no true meaning, simply a combination of the most recently trending things, all too niche for any newcomer to understand. But you did, being an "chronically online" teenage girl coming with its apparent perks as you let more giggles escape through your grinning teeth.
But, as per the norm, they never remained just quiet giggles. They soon escalated into something further, a fit that could no longer be contained no matter how hard you tried. Plus, with the video looping itself over and over again, you never had the chance to give yourself a break to breathe. You couldn't look away, god, it was just too funny…!
Soon, you were inevitably trying your damndest not to let out obnoxious cackles. You'd feel awful for waking your boyfriend over something as trivial as laughing too loud. But unfortunately, it proved too late for that, the stuttering of your chest being all it took before he was stirring and suddenly-
"So- S… sssss…"
In a horrid attempt at an apology, you ended up mimicking the sound of a snake, eventually pushing out the word "sorry" before exploding into more laughter. At first, Billy was not amused, staring at you through sleepy, low-lidded eyes and with a pout that you'd normally just kiss away if you weren't so busy acting like a loon.
"Why are you even still up…" He barely questioned, his voice a deep rasp as a result of his previous heavy slumber. As if you weren't already a mess, you felt a feather in your chest and stomach at the sound of his sleepy voice. It tickled you, and the video was still playing, and good lord, there was no way you were laughing this hard at what was essentially nonsense.
But you were! And it was so… so… so...
Poor thing, you thought you were going to suffocate, blowing up into another round of giggles. Your eyes were growing misty, and you were fighting so hard to replace your laughter with air, oxygen into your lungs. You couldn't do it, and it occurred to you that you probably looked insane right now with your eyes screwed shut (leaking salty water, at that) and your mouth hanging open with no sound coming out...
You laughed harder at the mental image, if possible.
"(Y/N), dude…" Billy spoke, his tone flat and his stare hard. You couldn't take it, shoving your face into the nearest pillow as you kicked your legs and shook around in silent laughter. You were actually physically fighting to stop and were losing! You were losing badly, stretching out your hand for any source of grounding.
"Will you chill out, oh my god." Billy, once again, hardly asked. But this time, it was through his own curt chuckle, slowly growing entertained by his girlfriend's silliness before loosely allowing his hand to fall into your own. You grabbed it, and finally, you could breathe again. A smile remained stuck on his face. A tired one, of course, but one could also argue that it was in love sickness. He watched your chest heave up and down, waiting until you removed the pillow from your face.
And when you did, he almost wanted to argue that you could, in fact, blush. Because your face was most definitely, visibly a deepened shade right now as you wiped the tears and massaged your sore cheeks. But he'd leave it alone, for now.
"I'm sorry." You spoke plainly after a moment of silence, gathering yourself. "That was deadass just the funniest shit I've ever seen, I don't know what's wrong with me."
Billy's smile grew, staring down at you while laying on his side, listening to your cheery-filled voice explain what on earth was so funny about this video that you nearly asphyxiated yourself cackling at. You laid against the bicep of his arm, curls tickling his skin because you'd more than likely forgotten to put a bonnet on for the evening.
He wouldn't remind you, though. Just for tonight, because he liked the tickle-feeling and the way they framed your face and expanded gorgeously around your head. Like a powerful mane or maybe a halo. He traced the detail in the browns of your eyes and had to stop himself from running a thumb over your brows. And just from the previous events alone, he was sure you had licked away all of your chapstick and gloss, staring at your lips before meeting your eyes once again upon listening to the cadence in your voice dip into a questioning tone.
"Did you see?" You asked, and he nodded.
"Yeah, babe."
Hardly a hum, yet full of adoration. Not that it mattered, because almost as fast as it was put there, your laughing expression had morphed into a playful one of disbelief. An added click of the tongue for full affect.
"Mncht. No, you didn't; you're not even looking…"
There was about a four second pause, Billy finally giving into the urge to run his thumb over your brow, tracing it down your cheek… prodding at the dimple that may/could reside there before running it as lightly as a feather over your lips. You paid no mind one way or the other to his actions, used to them by this point in time. Used to being cherished and observed with such worship and grace, even though it still made you slip into a mild hot flash.
"You're so cute."
Your eyes gazed up into his green ones, finally giving him your attention at such a sudden yet fond statement. At first, you almost let the words, "I know." slip. But then, you figured you might as well just say thank you and urge him back to bed. After all, you had never meant to wake him in the first place, and the guilt of that was finally starting to set in.
And yet…
"You think I'm cute?"
Billy, if he didn't know any better, allowed his heart to melt right there. Your eyes were big and expecting, curious about his thoughts even though he had just let them loose. And your tone full of hope, as if he'd never told you such a thing before. That might as well be blasphemy for him, seeing as he made it appoint to remind you of the way you had basically consumed his thoughts every single day.
And he'd continue to do so over and over and over again until you got it through your head that he was one-hundred percent serious. That he meant it with all of his heart.
"Think." He repeated the word you had murmured with a tone of hilarity. "I know you're cute, I'm lookin' right at you~."
He spoke with a shameless flirt in his drowsy tone, watching as you smiled to yourself. This time, you had no wit to banter up or a cheeky way of saying "I know" to him. All you had was your giddiness, only to then offer up the purse of your lips innocently until Billy got the hint.
"Gimmie kiss~…" He spoke, even though he was the one to deliver such upon your lips. But it didn't really matter because a few pecks later, you were drunk off of them and selfishly demanding more until he had literally kissed you to sleep.
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𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐈 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐰🥲.
i've got to stop letting my own words hurt me like this lmaoo😭. I hope y'all enjoyed ! more on the way soon✨️🤞🏽.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 :
myself <3
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :
none :(
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Intimacy prompt #1: hugging them from behind, laying their heads on the other shoulder.
It wasn’t hard to find Billy when he was cursing up a storm from his place in the living room alongside Eugene, who was blazing through the level without much hassle, where as Billy was struggling to get through his whilst trying to not get shot or blown up like his past two attempts.
However the game they were playing wasn’t known to be merciful for first time players as Billy’s character was subsequently killed as his side of the television became a shade of blood red as the bold lettering of ‘you died’ flashed on screen with the ‘restart level’ and ‘go back to main menu’ were sprawled beneath it in smaller, missable lettering. Billy sighed defeatedly as he put down the controller onto the coffee table, taking the headphone from his head before placing them next to the controller, as he hauled himself out of his armchair muttering about getting a drink from the fridge.
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself Billy,’ you told him as you joined him in the kitchen, ignoring the fact that you heard him scoff, ‘you’ll get the hang of it in due time and soon you’ll be a pro like Eugene.’ You gestured back to the living room, where Eugene had already made it past the last level of the game, was now watching the final cinematic cutscene play out whilst nursing his cramped hands. ‘Don’t fake sympathy for me y/n, I know I’m shit and I doubt I’ll be able to get on Eugene’s level of expertise in gaming.’ Billy replied, taking a sip from his drink as his gaze was firmly lock on the window just over the kitchen sink, that looked out into back garden; Still a tad upset over his amateur loss.
You sighed, already having expected this typical response from him, and moved across the room to cage your arms over his chest, pausing briefly when his muscles stiffened be so your touch before relaxing again as you then tested your head comfortably on his shoulder, where you nuzzled his cheek. ‘What will make you feel better then hmm?’ You asked him softly, your thumbs subconsciously rubbing his sides in reassurance. Wanting nothing more then to provide him a safe place to open up and be comfortable in doing so.
Billy sighed, putting his bottle of fizzy drink down on the counter to put his hands over your own, rubbing the back of them out of habit. ‘I’d like it if you kept holding me like this a little while longer.’ He said, feeling a tad embarrassed of being so open about how he felt after repressing his emotions for so long, he was still a little rusty but with your help Billy had been able to become a lot more accepting of letting others lending him their aid, without feeling as though it was all just transactional. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to move to somewhere more comfortable?’ Billy’s hands tightening on yours when he felt them began to pull away, bringing them back to where they once were.
‘No, standing here with you is fine enough for me.’ He replied in a soft tone. A smile spread across your lips as you made yourself more comfortable by pressing yourself further into his back, arms holding onto him tight. ‘Okay, don’t blame me when your feet start to ache from standing here for too long, or when Freddy starts belting his rendition of ‘my heart will go on’ by Celine Dion.’ You warned Billy playfully as he could only chuckle, moving his head so he could press a kiss to your forehead, whispering against it, ‘I’ll take my chances.’
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