#Ship Roulette I guess
seaside-lovers · 4 months
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would you still love me if I disguised myself as a human but, in reality, I was a terrifying monstrosity?
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krysissy · 5 months
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hetalia-club · 7 months
I'm not normally one to rant or anything but here goes.
I hesitate to tag this. but I feel it needs to be said, in fact I feel it HAS to be said or I think this fandom is just going to be done for within the next 5 or so years. People need to read this and understand what is happening within the fandom and not continue this behavior or turn a blind eye to it.
This fandom has a SERIOUS problem. I don't say that lightly either. I feel like 99% of this fandom are sweet and caring people. but we have that 1%.
This 1% is killing the community in this fandom. How is it okay to message someone, demand they make a statement on THEIR blog and when they say they don't want to talk about it you then tell them you wish they would die a horrible death?
TW for suicide and SA! (you have been warned) Long rant below. (preempted note to let everyone know that I am fine, I am not posting this for people to feel bad for me. I am using my own experiences as examples, but this is not a 'me' issue this is a fandom issue)
Why is that so normalized here? The vague blogging and the call to arms people in this fandom do is actually disgusting. Picking one person and just beating them down until they eventually leave the fandom and at the SAME people will be like. "Why is the Hetalia fandom so small?" Who wants to be in a fandom where making one statement that's not even bad could get you death threats?
I don't think the fandom realizes how hurtful what they say can be. Sure you might not have liked a post someone made because you disagreed. Well then scroll down, hit the block button and carry on with your life. Why do some of you feel it is acceptable behavior to make mass posts calling out someone or going into their inbox to tell them you wish they would kill themselves?
I say I don't like Spamano and people say they want me dead. I say I don't want to talk about IRL politics on my parody Hetalia blog and my life and entire country is threatened.
I say we shouldn't insert our ships into everyone's lives and let people ship what they want and not feel forced to appease you. and you guessed it people wish terrible things onto me and my body.
I feel the only way this behavior will change is if we start calling it out more. I know it will feel repetitive but I think ignoring it is only making it worse at this point.
I know a lot of people would read this and think "If you don't like it then leave the fandom" well YOU'RE the issue. This is not normal behavior. These are not actions of someone who is mentality well. Why should I leave a fandom I've been in for 10 years because some idiot cannot handle that I don't like shipping characters together? How is that impacting their life at all?
a few months ago I made a post and it was highjacked and someone totally just took it over and added their own thing onto it talking about SA. Totally out of left field not related to what I posted at all. I simply messaged them and asked them if they could please remove the comment as I am a survivor of SA and it don't think it was funny or appropriate to add onto my post and they just said. "No I can say anything I want to. I was talking about Hetalia so it's fine." like what do you mean no!? Who responds that way? What a normal considerate person would do is say "I'm sorry of course! I can just go make my own post." but no they just left it there. It's still there, won't say which post or who it was because it doesn't matter anymore.
But this is the kind of behavior I'm talking about. This weird entitlement of everyone being so defensive and angry all the time. Just wanting to pick a fight over nothing. You never know if simply saying something like (Example) "I don't really like Austria" Could land you 100 anons all saying they wanted you to off yourself. It's like a game of Russian roulette. It's a very stressful environment for a big creator to be in. All it really takes is the wrong person to see a post you made and disagreed with and all of a sudden they are making posts about you without mentioning your name but are CLEARLY about you saying "This person hates all Austrians, they are a neo-nazi and we should all block them and send them hate and also let's just reword what they said to make it sound 100x worse because people won't read the original post and they will just believe us." Who would want to be a creator in an environment like that?
would you believe me if I told you I still to this day am getting someone in my inbox calling for my r*pe because of the stupid fucking beauty pageant poll I did? Is that not insanity? Who is that person? Wtf is their life? I personally could not imagine sending hate to anyone for any reason, and if I did it would be off of anon and I would say it with my chest. Because in order for someone to push it that far they would have to saying some absolutely terrible stuff to make me take time from my day and life to give them negative energy.
The fandom is shrinking because of the 1% driving them away. They come after artists who draw a character in a way they don't like. They come after writers for depicting a character in a way they disagree with. They go after shippers for portraying their ship 'wrong'. They will comment on people's fun little head canons and just leave the rudest most unnecessary comments thinks like "He wouldn't do that" like okay?? Thanks for your insert betty sue. And it's always when you were never trying to set someone off is when they lose their minds. They do not understand even if a blog is big and has a lot of followers it is still THAT creators blog. they are a person not an identity who just churns out content for just you and they have to say and do whatever you want.
Another thing the 1% like to do on here is they will wait for you to say something and then they will jump to attack a person who does the thing you said you dislike and they will tell that person "blog name XYZ said you are a horrible person and I agree kill yourself" That one is a near direct quote I got not too long ago. I got several like that and actually had to message said creator and say "Why are you mad at me?" and they were completely confused, had no idea how they decided to attack me because of what they said. When I tell you that the 1% are sitting there frothing at the mouth wanting to send hate and death threats I mean that 100%
It's not JUST me either. All creators in the Hetalia fandom I'm sure could tell you about upsetting hate they received and had no idea what they even did or said wrong. I have spoken to former Hetalia blogs ones who I used to call my pals before I went on my hiatus and came back. They all said they left not because they started hating Hetalia but they left for their mental health because the 1% got too bold and unchecked. This was never an issue before quarantine. I know it brought a lot of new fans and that's great! But I also feel along with bringing in some wonderful people it brought in some really dark minded people as well. Saying "Just disable anons and move on" is also not a solution. these people are still here and if they're not bothering me or you they are tormenting someone else because that's what these people do. That 'someone else' may only need the tiniest nudge at the edge and they may just actually hurt themselves. You don't know people. You don't know what everyone is going through. You don't know what someone's life is like outside of here.
PLEASE Please! stop telling people to kill themselves. Stop telling people to go get R**ed in a gutter. Get some help talk to a therapist, a friend, a trusted teacher, a life coach, your parents, your sibling. anyone! And if you don't have anyone in your life you can talk to you can message me and we can talk about what you're going through. I'm sure any other Hetalian on here would say the same thing. Bloggers are real people.
International suicide hotlines
Website to help you find a therapist in your own country and in your price range
I know I will more than likely get hate for posting this. Which is upsetting to just know is going to happen but someone needs to say this because it's getting kind of out of control these last couple months I feel.
if you read this through reblog it, spread it around let the people who NEED to see it see it.
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tikiloowho · 8 months
List of random QSMP thoughts It's been a pretty
The Tickets, everyone will get a normal one except for... Q: Quackity S: Slimecicle M: (Missa, Max, Mariana, Mike,) P: Philza That's my guess. We just have to wait for those guys to log in. I'm sure the person selected will have good chemistry with the other 3 and there will be some sort of event where those 4 get a bit of a spotlight. Why? I don't know! 2. The black concrete is more like a leftover residue with how it seems to drip off of things and leave itself floating. I like to think of it as this unstable rift energy. Something tearing into the world and leaving behind an unstable scar. As a Philza main the way he's hesitant to touch it has me thinking he's familiar with leftover dimensional tears and might be worried contact with it could have some side effects. 3. The increase in bird's appearing around the avian residents is making SOOOOO many red flags go off for me. I think it's extra strange that birds have gone missing from other players and suddenly started appearing around the avians. (I don't think Rey randomly appearing before Philza was a coincidence in the SLIGHTEST. He also seems to be getting a much higher variety than the others which is alarming.) 4. Without a president around. Who will uphold the laws of the island? Sure... he said Cellbit is his vice president but technically the Federation does not have to respect this. The President wanted to put laws in place and he would be the final say to who would be put into that correctional facility and for how long.. but if he's not here. Who will decide that? Who will enforce it? I'm pretty sure we're gonna see that task Foolish did come to fruition soon... 5. I don't think those giant structures that are appearing are space ships. They look like the Code. I think they are legitimately connected and shouldn't be attributed to "Aliens". 6. Looking forwards to the casino vibe going on with these dice games and roulette wheels. I feel like Lucky ducks was a test to see if people might like something like that and it was quite a hit.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
Hey, I'm back with another follower celebration request!!! Any chance you’d be willing to do 11 and 13 with again Ezra Bridger? Unsure if this is still open, but if so this would be cool to read! Thanks 😁
Hello gorgeous, @skyofnostars
Thank you for another brilliant request and a good curve ball. So I guess you could see this as a continuation of your previous request, if you want, or on its own.
Hope you love it,
Love oo
The Plan
Warnings: Trouble sleeping, flirting, kisses, forehead kisses, tenderness, discussions of thievery, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You sat in the Phantom looking up to the stars, letting your mind drift back to the old days of when it was Ezra, Sabine, Kanan, Hera, Seb, Chopper and you against the world. Now it was just Hera, Ezra and yourself. Ahsoka and Sabine were still stuck on Peridea. Seb was off training recruits. Hera was busy with Jacen, not to mention dealing with the New Republic nonsense. 
So really, it was just you and Ezra. 
“Can’t sleep?”
You couldn’t fight the smile that appeared on your lips as soon as you heard his voice, you turned your head slightly to look at him, “Hey.”
Ezra simply smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, while his hand played with your hair while his arm leaned against the headrest, “Hey, you okay?” His thumb gently rubbed your forehead back and forth. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay, I reached over for you and you were gone. I figured something was up, you love sleeping too much to let things keep you from it.”
You chuckled, leaning into his touch, “Yeah, I … I couldn’t stop thinking about Ahsoka and Sabine. I mean they’re stuck out there, just like you were.” Your smile slowly started to fall the more you thought about it, “I’m worried we won’t be able to get them back, or even how we can get them back.”
“Actually, I had a thought on that; but…” he held up his finger smiling at you, “you’ll have to follow me to the galley for some hot chocolate … sorry, hot white chocolate for you to learn about my plans.”
The smile on your lips simply brightened as you looked at him, “You haven’t forgotten.”
“You’re favourite drink? Never. Please.”
There wasn’t any further discussion, you simply stood taking his hand in yours and followed him to the galley, and ten minutes later as promised there was a very warm and very soothing hot white chocolate in your mug. You looked at Ezra with all the love and adoration you’ve been unable to shower him with for the past ten years in that one moment. How you were still able to love him after all this time, as though no time had passed at all was a miracle in itself. 
“So you have a grand plan?”
“Oh do I!” He chuckled as he took a sip of his own hot cocoa, he’d been craving it for ten years and now until he was completely sick of the taste, that would be his drink of choice. At least in the evenings, and mornings. Maybe sometimes at lunch. “It’s simple really.”
“Okay, I’m all ears, since it’s so simple.”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.”
The statement was so matter of fact, so simple and so incredibly insane. Your eyes fluttered as you looked at Ezra, utter shock strewn across your face.
“We steal Thrawn’s ship?”
“We steal Thrawn’s ship.” He shrugged, the answer was just that simple.
You scratched your head as you repeated the sentence another five times in your head, each time with different inflections, different tonal variations, and no matter how it sounded in your head, no matter how melodious those words may have flown out of Ezra’s mouth, that was just pure insanity. 
A large sigh escaped your lips as you looked at your mug for a second before looking at Ezra, nodding. “Okay.  Okay. So … let’s say you go through with this absolutely fool hardy idea. That you steal Thrawn’s ship. Not that I’m doubting you, I’ve seen you do enough crazy things to know it’s possible for you to actually accomplish this. However, let’s go through this step by step.” You ran your hand down your face and let out a chuckle. “First, let’s start with the basics. How are you going to get onboard in the first place? I mean you can’t just knock on the front door and say hey I’m here.”
“Why not?”
“You’re not serious?”
“Why not?”
“Ezra! Stop with the questions and just answer me.”
He let out a smile as he took another sip, “Listen we have one of Thrawn’s shuttles. I have one of his stormtrooper uniforms. So … why can’t I just show up.”
“Because it’s Thrawn, that man has plans for his plans. He has backup plans for those plans. And then backups for his backups. I’m sure without a doubt that he knows you’re the one who stole the ship to begin with, and no doubt that stormtrooper had some questions when he woke up naked. So … yeah, I don’t think it would be that easy.”
“Maybe not if I just show up out of the blue, however, what if I snuck back on board during a fight.”
“During a fight?” Somehow this started to sound like a plan and that in itself was scary. 
“Yeah, we could have Hera’s fighters, and maybe some other New Republic soldiers start a battle, while they’re keeping Thrawn and his forces distracted, I sneak on the ship.”
“And then what?”
“Then while I’m onboard, I’ll get them to abandon ship.”
You nodded as you listened, “Knowing you, you’ll probably do some Jedi mind trick thingy” you waved your hand in front of him smirking, “telling the bridge officer or someone in engineering they need to make a ship wide announcement to abandon ship or something.”
Ezra nodded, smirking as he took your hand in his, “Exactly, piece of cake.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, squeezing your hand, “That is, until …” your smile dropped, “until Thrawn decides the easiest way to deal with you is to kill you.”
“Don’t sweetheart me, you know he’s on the verge of a complete and utter mental breakdown. He’s dangerous and he could easily kill you.”
“He’s dangerous but he’s not all powerful. My ally is the force, and it will never let me down.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him, “You better not die, because the only one who gets to kill you, is me. So you tell the force, that it better have your back or else.”
Ezra pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours as one hand pressed your hand into his chest, while the other held the back of your head, keeping you close. “Sweetheart, I’m never leaving you again. Not when I just got you back. Plus we still need to figure out what Thrawn’s planning first, but once we have our opening, I’m going to take it, to get our family back.”
You nodded against his head, “Alright, but I’ll come with you. You’re not leaving my side ever again.”
He pressed his lips against yours, kissing you with determination and promise. “You won’t ever have to leave my side. I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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heronchildlove · 20 days
39 for a Heronchildstairs/Heronfairstairs kiss (or kisses?) ☺️
Kiss roulette prompts - Accepting
39. A tentative kiss
When the ship docked, they were waiting for him at the pier. Even amongst the hundreds of people, Matthew spotted them immediately, James' close presence calling out to him and Cordelia's fiery hair catching his attention like a moth to a flame.
He ran down the ramp to meet them, caution be damned, and was still slightly surprised when they ran towards him, too, but the happiness of their presence and the warmth of their hugs drowned out that insecure part of himself that was always whispering on the back of his mind.
"Jamie bach," he called out startled when James finally let him go, "are you crying?"
"Of course not, why would I be crying? Just because you are finally here again after a whole year and I can finally see you and touch you and hear your voice and-"
"What James means-" Cordelia interrupted the tirade with a laugh, her eyes also a little teary. "Is that we missed you terribly and we are glad you are back and well."
"Angel." Matthew blinked rapidly and closed his eyes momentarily not to let his own tears fall lest their whole reunion turned into a very melodramatic and pathetic ordeal, then smiled to ease the tension. "It's not like I went to a demonic dimension. Uh, not again, anyway. I was just around the corner, and I sent plenty of letters."
The mention of letters brought up a memory that made his heart skip a beat, because on their last exchange... James and Cordelia couldn't possibly mean what he thought they had meant, could they?
James and Cordelia exchanged a cryptic look, Matthew hoped not because they had guessed at his swirling thoughts, though he couldn't fathom what else it ought to be about. Before he could ask or work himself into a frenzy, however, Cordelia was linking her arm with his and James was picking up his luggage.
"Let's get into the carriage before it starts raining and then we can speak more freely." James said, already clearing a way among the crowd for them.
"Yes, we have plenty to talk about. Specially because your letters were always less than reassuring. Must you always get yourself mixed up in seances, Matthew?"
Matthew groaned, always full of mixed feelings over the night he had "met" - and absolutely embarrassed himself in front of - his greatest idol. "Well, first of all..."
He launched himself into one of his stories and famous tirades, barely paying attention to what he was saying. His heart had taken to drumming into his chest and, instead of clearing, his thoughts kept spinning faster and faster.
One year he had spent away. One year he had taken to clear his head, lick his wounds and get over his feelings, but now that he was back it was as if no time had passed at all.
He just couldn't ignore the way his soul had settled into itself for the first time in a year once he saw James, the seemingly countless hooks that were always pricking under his skin and pulling him into his direction finally coming loose as if he was a magnet finally allowed to meet its other half. Or the way his heart had soared at the mere glimpse of Cordelia's hair in the distance, a dam he had battled hard to build coming undone at the first flood as if it was nothing.
He just couldn't deny how everything about them called out to him. How the scent of James' cologne still lingered under his nose from when he had pressed up to him, how Cordelia's arm around his was like a searing fire even through the layers of their clothes. How the world seemed brighter and warmer with them nearby, wonderful in the cosiness of their presence.
Maybe he could have, if it weren't for the letter. Maybe his defenses would have stayed up neatly and his hopes buried deep if it weren't for those words. He could still see them every time he closed his eyes, seared behind his eyelids in James' careful handwriting:
Now that your travel year is over, we urge you to hurry home. Your absence has left a gaping wound in both of us that we just can't bear anymore. It's been a sobering and painful realisation that, no matter what has been said or done, neither of us can live without you - nor do we wish to. I'm sorry if these words seem cruel, but I promise we'll explain everything once we meet, so please come home.
Cruel. Matthew tried to decide - as he did then - if they really were. Maybe. Sort of. Hope was a cruel thing, but only, he thought, if it was unfounded. Their words didn't make it sound unfounded. All they did was make Matthew feel as befuddled as he felt cautiously happy. Their letter exchanges had started distant and cold and full of guilt, but had become more relaxed slowly but surely, and then taken a definitely more intimate turn those last couple of months. Matthew had thought it had all been in his head, his own wishful thinking taking over again, but if that last letter really meant what he thought it did, he could not find them the littlest bit cruel.
Because he knew he couldn't live without them, either.
"Matthew? Matthew, are you okay?"
Cordelia's question brought him back and he smiled at her reassuringly.
"Yes, sorry. Just tired from the trip. I must have spaced out."
"That you did. You didn't even laugh when we told you lil Zachary threw up on Charles the one time he tried picking him up." James pointed out.
"He did?" Matthew repeated with a startled laugh now. "Remind me to pay him my respects next time I see him."
"Will do. He likes the colour green and, to the horror of all of us Herondales, ducks, if that helps."
Matthew felt a pang in his chest at their silly conversation as James helped the coachman secure his luggage to the carriage and he helped Cordelia climb up into it. All these little details and their shared quips were what had made James so unfathomably dear to him from the start. He hadn't realised just how much the years with the bracelet had robbed from James, or how much he had missed him.
"Alright, we are all set." James climbed in beside Cordelia and tapped the roof of the carriage to get them moving. "I've instructed the driver to take us to your flat. For now."
"For now?"
Cordelia elbowed James unceremoniously.
"Jamie is getting ahead of himself. We just entertained the idea that, considering our talk today goes well, if you would want to maybe someday move in with us. If you feel comfortable to, that is."
"Me? Move in with you? ...To Curzon Street?"
"Where else?"
Cordelia elbowed James again, and Matthew would have found it quite funny if he wasn't so busy being completely breathless.
"I think we should have that talk now."
"Don't you want to wait until you are home and settled-"
"No, now. If you are going to keep saying shocking things that make my heart give out, it's better if we stay in the carriage in case we need to quickly divert to a hospital."
Cordelia rolled her eyes as if she wanted to elbow him too, but then smiled.
"Very well, then, I suppose we should get the most shocking thing out of the way first just in case. If your heart survives that, we will be in the clear to finish the conversation. Ready?"
Matthew made a show out of steeling himself to hide the fact he was actually mentally preparing, then nodded. "Hit me."
"We are in love with you."
Simple and direct, one of the reasons why he had fallen in love with Cordelia. He did worry for a moment he was indeed having a heart attack and would need to be hospitalised, but a few deep breaths calmed him down enough to be able to answer.
"Still with us, Math?"
"Barely, but yes. I... have a few questions."
"As is your right. We are sure this is the last thing you were hoping to hear."
"No, in fact. Since we are saying shocking truths..." He closed his eyes and breathed deeply one more time before confessing. "That is exactly what I was hoping to hear, but I didn't really think it would really happen. If I remember well, just one year ago I was told very pointedly that you" he pointed at Cordelia "loved him and not me and that he was your one and only. And you" he pointed at James now "never once gave any sign of returning my affections or even knowing they were there, not even before we became parabatai, so... How? Why now? What could have possibly changed in a year?"
"Well..." Cordelia started, "you went away. For one."
"So what? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? That's a terrible cliche."
Cordelia chuckled.
"May be, but it was something like that. It's not that it made us fonder of you, as I do not think you could be any more dear to either of us, but it just made us more aware. Those feelings we shared in Paris that I thought would go away after I settled things with James just... never did. They remained here, and not having you near just made them that more apparent as I kept thinking of what you would do or say in a situation and missing you and wishing you were here."
"Yes, and you have to remember... I have not been all myself since I was young. I've been tattered to Grace and her whims for as long as I can remember, and it's only now that I'm learning how to be myself and how to handle my feelings as myself again, and you not being here made me realise there were ever only 2 people able to break through Grace's spell: one of them was Daisy, of course, but the other one was you, Matthew. But as you have always been here by my side, I didn't notice it as much as with Daisy, not until you went away and took half my soul and my heart with you. Or, well, one third of it."
Matthew closed his eyes again at the onslaught of emotions their words brought. "I am dreaming. I had way too much lobster for dinner last night and am now in my cabin having queer dreams from which I shall unfortunately wake from very soon."
He yelped when he felt something pinch the back of his hand and he opened his eyes to see James' mischievous smirk and outstretched hand.
"Was that enough to convince you you are not dreaming or should I do it again?"
"That was dreadful and uncalled for is what it was, I was merely being overdramatic. You have become less gracious during this time we have been apart, Jamie."
"And you have taken to stall things way too much. Speak honestly, Math, how do our confessions make you feel?"
"I am being honest, I feel like I am in a dream. A ridiculous wish-fulfilling one at that."
"So you are not displeased?"
"I have never been more pleased by anything in my life. I just still don't understand why or how."
"If you mean how we arrived at such insightful conclusions after being so obtuse about our own feelings for so long, you can thank my parents for that."
That was something Matthew wasn't expecting.
"Uncle Will and Aunt Tessa?"
"Yes." Cordelia confirmed. "It seems all very simple saying it now, but we agonised over this on our own for a long time. James thought he was misinterpreting or making a mock of the parabatai bond, I thought I was being cruel and selfish and unfaithful. It made me so distressed that Tessa noticed and she got me to confess what had been eating at me for the past months. I thought she would hate me for hurting her son even if only in my own heart and thoughts, but instead... She asked me if I thought her or Will were being unfaithful to each other every time they talked to or about Jem and that startled me so. I had never thought about it like that. She was the one that made me consider that this romantic idea I had been fed since young that there's only ever one person that is our soulmate wasn't always accurate and encouraged me to talk to James about it..."
"So she did, and it was not an easy conversation for either of us, but it did lead me to go talk to my father afterwards to get his perspective on things, which was, as my mother's, surprisingly simple: that you are mine as Jem is his. Or rather, that we belong to each other as they do."
Matthew couldn't help but smile. How many times had he looked at Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will and Uncle Jem and yearned for what they had? Sometimes just for someone that loved him as much as those three loved each other, other times that James would look at him and call his name as Will did Jem's. Then, when Cordelia came along, even though things were very messy for all of them at the time, he would be lying if he said that sometimes he didn't wonder if they could solve things as neatly as that. It looked like, even indirectly, his heroes had gotten him the happiness he had always craved, he still couldn't believe it.
"I'm starting to think I should have brought the three of them bigger presents. I've always admired them, did you know? Being in the Ruelle every night, I saw many arrangements like that that seemed amazing to me, and the fact there was one amongst the nephilim, even if none other recognised it, always gave me hope."
"You are wiser than me. Or maybe because I grew up with them I never noticed exactly what they were to each other, only when they pointed it out to us did I realise how clear it all was. Sorry if my being slow caused you even more unnecessary pain."
Matthew shook his head.
"You have nothing to apologise for, most people don't go around seeking what's outside the norm. I'm the one that has always lived in it. Which is why I still need to ask: are you both really sure? Is this not a passing fad, or curiosity, or a mistake? I... Honestly don't see what could be so interesting in me to earn and keep your affections when you already have each other or even why I would deserve them."
"You are you. You don't have to do anything to deserve us. We both know your light and your darkness, and we love you for who you are. Us being blind towards our own feelings is a fault in us, not in you, and we are sorry for having made you suffer so much for it until now."
"Exactly. Besides, you have it backwards. I still don't know what I did to deserve you. I was always just a friendless boring kid and you were like... the sun. But you have always loved me anyway, and I have always loved you. If you don't believe me, you should know: I didn't mention anything about our time in Edom to my father, mind you, but after we talked I realised what happened there, what I did, bringing you back like that... It wouldn't have been possible if my feelings for you weren't bigger than what I had ever allowed myself to notice either."
"Oh..." Was all Matthew could say.
"Me and you love James enough to go to hell for him and he loves us enough to bring us back from it both times. I haven't had the chance to go to hell for you to prove my love for you, too, but I would if I had to."
"No, thank you. We have had enough visits to hell to last for the rest of our bloodlines."
He realised he sounded very frantic while saying it, which was probably what made Cordelia smile.
"So what should I do to prove my undying love for you so you'll take me seriously, Matthew?"
"Literally anything else. Buy me flowers, write me a poem, kiss me-"
"Oh, I can do that last one."
Matthew froze. He hadn't really meant to say the last one, it had just slipped out, and now he didn't know what to do.
"I can kiss you. To show my love. It's a very good idea, actually. Can I?"
Cordelia moved to sit on the seat beside him and the carriage felt very stuffy suddenly.
"I think I'm having another heart attack."
"After she kisses you, can I do it, too? Since we have both started talking about this, I've been thinking about it. A lot. I would like to know what it would feel like or what - if anything - would change."
Matthew groaned.
"You are not helping, Jamie."
Cordelia put her hand on his face and caressed his cheekbone. He remembered what it was like to kiss her, jow soft and warm her lips were. She looked even more beautiful now than that night in Paris, because now he was certain her desire was meant for him.
"Can I?" She asked again.
"Yes." His response was almost a whisper, but it was enough. She leaned close and pressed their lips together slowly, tentatively. It made him gasp, fireworks exploding behind his eyelids. It was such a soft, cautious thing, but it made him more breathless than all their kisses in Paris had.
He had almost forgotten James was there, too, until he asked:
"How did it feel?"
"Right. So right. You should try it too, James." Cordelia answered against his lips and Matthew's head started to spin as he felt the seat dip again as James sat behind him, and a soft hand held him under his chin and tipped his head to the other side.
"Can I?" James asked too, voice more apprehensive than Cordelia's, and Matthew could never have James feeling unsure in any way.
"Please," he asked, and when their lips met, Matthew was sure he had been hit by lightning in that same moment. He and James both gasped, their relationship fundamentally changed forever, but it was a change none of them would ever wish to take back.
"So?" Cordelia asked, giddy.
"Yes, so right." James answered, and Matthew felt like he had been turned to jelly between their embraces.
"Yes," he breathed out. So right, the most righteous thing Matthew had ever felt or done his whole life. "So... What do we do now?"
"Your flat is just around the corner." Cordelia pointed out, looking out the window for a moment. "First, let's get you settled back home and then we can finish our talk and figure things out for now."
"And then we'll have the rest of our lives to figure everything else out together." James added, moving back to his seat and taking Matthew's hand in one of his and Cordelia's in the other.
Matthew looked down to where Cordelia extended him her other hand and smiled. For the first time in his life he knew exactly where he belonged, and he would do everything in his power to remain there. He took Cordelia's hand, too.
"Together." He promised, kissing both their hands to seal his vows.
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android-and-ale · 2 months
The Herald of Surprise - sequel to Replicator Roulette
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Guess who stumbled sideways into starting an occasionally updated new series!
One (1) Daily Shoulder Pat is still my top priority. I'm almost at the halfway point with my beloved 9000 Vulcan OC's on their totally innocent botany ship! I still plan on updating that at least biweekly, more often when I have the chance.
This story (and now a new series!) exists because @celestialvoyeur gifted me with a fanart response to Replicator Roulette. I immediately wrote this story in response to her fanart. Now there are two pieces of her original art in both stories, and a third illustrated story in the works!
The plan is for the "Panic at the Disco" series to be mostly self-contained stories with a shared cast, rolling out whenever I have the time.
I'm posting this with artwork from Replicator Roulette, because @celestialvoyeur's incredible original art for The Herald of Surprise is either too spicy for Tumblr (because butts) or too much of a spoiler.
Michael held up the PADD as though Tilly hadn’t just been trying to hide it from her. On it, a golden tanned human lay face down, naked but for the boxer briefs pulled just under the curve of his ample ass. 
The text on the brief’s wide band was a repeating loop of ‘ ENTERpriseENTERpriseENTER ’ with the word ‘ ENTER ’ perfectly centered between his luscious cheeks. One hand invitingly grabbed his own ass while the other pushed the briefs down his thighs. The shot was tight enough that it only showed him from the shoulders to the thighs, though there was a hint of a possible Starfleet Delta tattoo on his left cheek, obscured under his hand. 
“That’s a nice Starfleet officer with a great ass and adorable dimples,” Tilly smirked, “Your present looks amazing on him.” 
Michael glared at her. “You are not helping.” 
“I’m proud of Spock. He’s been hot enough to pull someone with an ass like that for a few years.” She raised her voice, talking over Michael’s indignant scoff. “Thanks to a little push from Erica, now he’s got the confidence to make it happen.” 
“This isn’t what I intended.”
“Oh I know what you intended.” Tilly rolled her eyes. “But that’s a you-problem, baby. Christmas presents are supposed to be about love.” She grinned at the screen. “From the looks of this our holly jolly Santa Spock came down somebody’s chimney on Christmas Eve.” She rubbed a finger over the mostly obscured Starfleet Delta tattoo. “I hope that for all it was a very good night.”
Michael pushed Tilly off the bed.
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tozettastone · 10 months
Re: tagging wank
Writers don't *have* to tag anything but fandom on AO3. That means you can label all your fics unrated, choose not to warn, no ships, no characters, no additional tags.
What that means is that fewer people will find your fic through tags. That may be a good or a bad thing depending on what you want! It also means that some of the people who are subscribed to your user account might look at the fic and not click on it because they don't want to play squicks roulette today. That's good: they are taking care of themselves.
It isn't your obligation to carefully dissect each piece of writing to discover what might be objectionable about it and add warnings for people. Nor is it mandatory to reflect on specific narrative conventions and come up with all your tags. In many fandoms it's considered polite to specify, sure, but as long as you distinguish between "I have chosen not to warn," and "there are no warnings to give," you have met your obligation to your readers and can go about your merry business.
Tagging more than that helps people find your fics and also helps people avoid specific things in your fics if they don't want to see them. It broadens your potential audience by including those people who would otherwise avoid an untagged fic.
Tagging is a courtesy. It's very nice of you to do it if you choose to. It is not an obligation. IDK why people seem suddenly confused about this but if those people also follow this blog I hope this helps, I guess?
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dogtoling · 1 year
how do you come up with your ocs personalities, designs, and stories? (sorry idk how to word this properly)
Honestly this is a really good question and really hard to answer because I have no idea myself, and it also really depends on the OC. With most of my older OCs like Amber or Peppermint, when i made them initially it was pretty much a random grab bag and I've just been building on that over time to see what works. A lot of the times I'll make an OC and they will just kind of drift over time to be completely different, and that just happens naturally. They don't tell you this about OC or character design but after a certain point it stops being character design because the OC will just have a mind of their own so it can actually become really hard to make decisions like, "what job should this character have?" or "should this OC get a new haircut?" because it's not even your choice at some point. It pretty much becomes "WOULD this OC do such and such".
Historically when it comes to making OCs I've had like, dozens of OCs that never become anything and it's really a case of lacking identity or purposes. A lot of the time when making OCs in the past I've just sat down and tried to design a random character and assign them some kind of super basic personality and gearset from the game, and that often goes NOWHERE. So more recently when I've been making characters I've been trying to start from establishing what kind of character I could include in the general setting, what their "purpose" is, and THEN work on the design and character itself to fit that part.
My most recent character is actually Frillda, and for her I just had the basic premise of "i need a cool meangirl character for this lowkey evil Turf team". And I also failed, because she's not very evil at all, but she still fits the role I think. But that's part of the fun I guess, and I struggled like hell to get her design to a point where it felt good, and considering i've drawn her literally twice it WILL probably change over time.
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But basically when it comes to OC designs and personalities, I find that leaning hard into a theme or personality trait will make a more interesting character than trying to immediately balance out the character into a more "realistic" one. By interesting I mean like, memorable and impactful, to where that character has a clear identity. Once you have that, it in turn becomes much more interesting working out how that character would act in different situations, and how they deal with stuff like anger or unwelcome surprises. So like my current go-to strategy is start simple, don't be afraid to lean into weird or niche themes (there's ALL kinds of people out there and variety makes the world feel more alive), and just kinda build from there. And if a character starts developing some kind of theme, try leaning harder into it and see what comes out of it.
As for stories, it's really random and I MEAN it's really random. Pretty much all my character stories have originated from me going "what if my OC did x or had x thing happen?" and then flipping a coin in my head and seeing how it would affect the general story and other characters. And if the result is interesting or at least mention worthy, then I usually go forward with it. Life works in really unpredictable ways and stuff just happens, so I find that just going with things like that and even embracing stuff that comes out of left field can be really interesting to put in a story. And other times the inspiration just comes from an external thing randomly. like Toast only got run over by a car because of that Four G's post I saw on tumblr and I had to assign them to ONE of those, and Amber and Peppermint are only a couple because I did a shipping roulette meme in like 2017 and they looked cute together so I had to work it in.
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cottagecorezemo · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @zsparz :3
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 13 (one's art, so really, 12)
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 111,676
3. What fandoms do you write for? The MCU and The Alienist, mainly, but right now I'm also doing a Pokemon AU.
4. Top five fics by kudos: Shoot Through the Blur and Under the Ashes (I'm On Fire), then Hot Under the Collar, Russian Dwarf Hamster Roulette, and finally (Been An Awful Good Boy) Santa Zemo.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do :3 I really appreciate comments and the fact that it takes time and effort to leave them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't really think I do angst??
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't really think I do happy endings?? Like, I guess I tend not to write stuff that feels like it even has a definitive ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not in this fandom.
9. Do you write smut? Yes! Love to write smut.
10. Craziest crossover: I hold that my winterbaron/Lilo & Stitch crossover is very sensical.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, although not in this fandom. I had a fic get yoinked and turned into a Tony Stark x Reader fic, and have been plagiarized numerous other times. Just not under this pen name.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, waaay back in the day, like eight pen names ago.
14. All time favorite ship? Look, I wanna be cool and say Winterbaron or Laszky, buuuut it's Wincest. There's just something really enduring and special about Wincest and it's hard to beat.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The third installment of Shoot Through the Blur is really hard and I'm in a weird place with writing right now (in that I can barely do it). But, never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't know my strengths, only my likes and dislikes about the writing process, and characterization is what brings me the most joy personally. Nailing a character's voice and mannerisms and making something unbelievable feel believable via the characterization. It's something I generally pay a lot of attention to.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. I'm not really a plot person; it's never the primary thing that grabs my attention, even as a reader/viewer. I'm very much a character person.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I like it, but I have strong opinions about it too, sweatdrop.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Power Rangers, when I was a little kid. I wrote my own episode in script format.
20. Favorite fic you've written? In the WB fandom, it must surely be Russian Dwarf Hamster Roulette. It was very much a fun write. (I generally judge a fic by the writing process rather than the end product. I kinda hate my own writing. I just love to do it.) I loved writing Zemo POV. Plus for some reason people were really nice about it!!
As usual I'm where memes go to die, and I think everyone's already been tagged for this!! I'm way behind :"]
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 8 - A Plot by Haruhi Suzumiya
Everything Haruhi does is a plot by Haruhi Suzumiya. Haruhi is an incorrigible plotter. Unless you mean the movie she filmed, which is a different kind of plot by Haruhi Suzumiya.
(Two parts.)
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I guess Tsuruya's joining the list of characters volunteering to be Yuki's fallback love interest if Kyon ends up red-stringed. Pretty sure that is a red-crowned crane, specifically? That looks like the red crown on its head.
Nope. Sorry, Tsuruya, but despite being more tolerable in this series, you're still on the shit list.
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The hell does that even mean?
Hot springs episode really is going to hot springs episode at maximum velocity, isn't it?
I know this is going to be an opportunity to play with the Yuki/Kyon vs. Haruhi/Kyon triangle but if we're spinning a roulette wheel of shipping nonsense then I want to see some random bullshit instead. Itsuki/Yuki! Mikuru/Ryoko! Kyon/Tsuruya! The Will They/Won't They shipping war can wait until we get home; For now, let's get crazy!
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Incidentally, the answer is yes. This is the gratuitous fanservice episode that "The Hot Springs Episode" always implied, and it is played as hard as you would expect the show that gave us Mikuru Asahina to play it. In fact, it even takes time for some incredibly gross Mikuru shit while it's at it.
Admittedly still not as bad as that time they drugged her but still pretty bad. They don't even do the "Tsuruya protects Mikuru and fights off Haruhi" thing they've been doing; Tsuruya and Haruhi team up for maximum grossness. It's like they're trying to make up for lost time.
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Apparently "Matchmaking Bath" means voluntary peephole.
Uh. Okay. This episode is weird.
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Nice time loop callout. Though there is no way they've actually fit that many competitions into the short time Haruhi's been with the Literature Club. Taken literally, she pulled that number straight out of her ass.
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Now that we're out of the Den of Male Gaze, the comedy's back. Poor Kyon. We all know it's going to be him. It's always him. It doesn't even need to be rigged.
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Absolutely furious that Ryoko and Tsuruya's match wasn't animated. I have so many questions about Tsuruya's Dance of the Crane technique.
Also, Kyon and Mikuru continue to be useless.
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When the hell did he injure his wrist? Did he beat Kyon's ass so bad he hurt himself?
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Absolutely furious that Tsuruya quit the tournament in its second round, allowing the competition to continue while forever shielding her crane technique from the prying eyes of the camera.
Also, Haruhi, don't think I didn't notice that this is your second bye. You didn't compete in the first round either. You're advancing straight to the finals without ever picking up a paddle. Kyon was right to object to rigged games.
(Is that how Itsuki injured his wrist? Did he fake injury so Haruhi could have a 1v1 with her romantic rival?)
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I'm with Kyon. The first round seemed legitimate but that second round was totally rigged by the Kouyouen kids.
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What the hell!? How dare you deprive us of the pivotal battle between Yuki and Haruhi!? I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAARGH.
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No, for real, the comedic timing of Yuki Show is so good. If they ever bring back Melancholy, whether as a continuation or reboot or whatever, I hope they learn from the successes in this spinoff and build on them.
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That means she won, right? I think that means she won. I am choosing to believe that means she won. Yuki won. I will accept no argument.
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limnall · 3 months
9 Fandom peeps to get to know better
I was tagged by @myulalie, thanks! 🧡
3 ships you like: I'm only really in the Alex Rider fandom at the moment so Yalex, Yassen/John, Yassen/Ian (notice a theme? 😅)
First Ship Ever: Possibly Ten and Rose? Or Mulder and Scully? I've been shipping a looong time so it's hard to remember
Last Song You Heard: Oleander by Mother Mother
Currently Reading: Russian Roulette
Currently Watching: Dark. Partway through season 2, so good!
Currently Consuming: just finished a salted caramel hot chocolate 😋
Currently Craving: water or bubble tea...guess I'm dehydrated today 😅
Tagging: @moviemuncherao3, @icebluecyanide, @archerofunspeakablelove, @too-many-rooks, @lastlymatt, @strangesoulmates, @rirren, @lolli-says-stuff, @known-concepts
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
every sex scene ive ever written. girl help
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
no strong opinion honestly? i think they can be really cute and good character studies but also i don't think there's anything particularly special about the first kiss specifically, like the appeal is the overall story of how the sillies get together or whatever. i like a well-done romance, so the payoff can be satisfying, but also i don't care as much for a romance where the entire payoff is "and now theyre together the end" so much as i like romances where they get together and stay together. so i guess it depends on how we define "first kiss fics' ksjhdj
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
if i'm happy with it mostly. what gets attention from the fandom is always like, a roulette wheel with a strong bias towards certain ships and tropes, so i try not to look at stats. generally tho, other than my own personal opinion of it, i'm always very satisfied if i just get a couple of in-depth comments!!
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
action for sure. the thing about fight scenes and sex scenes is that they both involve choreography of bodies in space, and also require attention to pacing because if your character is getting bogged down in thought and introspection on a battlefield, BONK they're dead. (introspection CAN work in a sex scene depending on the tone, but also like if your guy zones out for too long mid-fuck its like. oh this is not good sex is it kjhkjsdhfkj) and i know my strengths are in introspection and dialogue, so i'm still workin on action stuff!!
i wouldn't say i struggle writing plotty fics per se, but i haven't done it in a while and i do wanna get back into it. (i used to write more plotty stuff than character studies or shenanigans, so i guess ive been diversifying lately skjdfhkds)
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ctrsara · 29 days
(I stole this from @aintinacage because it's been so long since I've been very active on anything, and I'm avoiding things that need to be done...)
Last Song : on purpose: Fireworks and Rollerblades album by Benson Boone - under duress: some weird pop music on the pharmacy's hold line. (Edit: wait, I recognize this one! It's an intense, terrible quality version of Man in the Mirror)
Currently Watching : Nothing really. It's a roulette some evenings (whatever my husband puts on) between Big Bang Theory, Superstore, and The Office reruns
Three Ships : (I honestly had to think, like sailing ships??) BellaxEdward, Irondad, and... um... Peter/Hallie (my own soulmate stories) I guess. Too busy to obsess much lately over fun fandom!
Favorite Color : Teal
Currently Consuming : Nothing. I should have a protein drink before I get super hungry and stress eat cheetos though
First Ship : I'm not sure. Probably Lois/Clark from Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman in the mid 90's... Either that or Riker/Troi from ST:TNG
Relationship Status : married
Last Movie : I have no idea. All the way through? Nothing in the last few weeks.
Currently Working On : I need to check some transcription...
Anyone who wants to, please reblog!
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ahufflepuffhobbit · 1 year
Got a pretty nice, complimentary trope combo for FOTFics January Trope Roulette — Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple × Roommate AU ~
Any ship/pairing really; Bagginshield, of course, but I have been into Bofur getting some love (lately I've been reading Bofur/Nori, Bofur/Dwalin, and Bofur/Fíli) ~ whatever strikes inspiration, I know I'll love it
Hope you're having a lovely day, keep on being fantabulous 💙
This was so fun! I've never written for Bofur/Nori before and I thought it was a lot of fun!
Erebor had slowly - so slowly - become a bustling metropolis again. Bofur was thrilled to see it. It had nearly two thousand dwarrow in it now, and Thorin and Bilbo as well as the rest of the Company had been kept busy making sure everyone was provided for and mending fences, as well as the rest of the mountain. 
Tonight, though, was time for relaxing. One of the lead miners that Bofur worked with when he wasn’t taking care of Company duties had invited him to her birthday party, and Bofur was beyond ready to go. He stepped out into the living room, and glanced towards Nori’s bedroom door. Most of the Company still shared rooms, though there was more space available to them. It was a comfort thing for them. How he had ended up with Nori, he wasn’t sure. Part of him wanted to blame Bilbo. He was the only one besides Bifur and Bombur to know about Bofur’s feelings for the thief turned spy, and Bilbo was certainly in a position to make arrangements…
Nori slipped out of his room with a grin, and Bofur felt the familiar swoop of his stomach when he saw him. He really was ridiculously beautiful. Especially with the deep green jacket he was wearing. Combined with the grey tunic, it highlighted all of Nori’s best features. 
“How do I look?” Nori asked. He did a slow spin so that Bofur could look his fill. He appreciated that kindness, but couldn’t let on. 
“Oh, don’t preen,” Bofur replied with a shake of his head. “You know you look great. Now, lets go, we’re going to be late.” 
Nori shot him a mocking pout. “You’re not even going to let me compliment you?”
Absolutely not. He would not be able to take that. Bofur scoffed and dragged Nori out of their rooms. It only took a moment of silence for Bofur to fill it with chatter about how he knew Zezily, and his guess about the other miners that would be there. He chattered so much that they reached Zezily’s place far quicker than he was anticipating. 
They just grabbed a drink and were talking about the Company meeting they would have tomorrow when Zezily found them. “Bofur, I’m so glad that you came!” 
They shook hands before Bofur introduced Nori. 
“I love that you two matched! You won’t have to worry about someone trying to steal him,” Zezily joked with a grin. Bofur’s heart pounded. What had he done to give the impression that he was with Nori? He was usually so careful to not let anything slip, to be carefree and fun around his roommate so that he would <i>never</i> know that Bofur was in love with him. Sure, they were were mirroring each other with their tunics and jackets, but-
Nori slipped his arm around Bofur’s waist and broke apart every spiraling thought that Bofur was having. He turned to look at the spy, who was wearing a pleased grin as he replied to Zezily. “You like it? Bofur got his tunic a week ago and I loved the color so much, I knew I needed something to go with it. Can’t have him be the only handsome one!” Nori and Zezily let out a laugh while Bofur was trying to understand what in Mahal’s name was happening. Someone who didn’t spend as much time as he did looking at Nori probably wouldn’t notice it, but there was something in Nori’s eyes. He was nervous about something. About them? 
Nori squeezed his side gently, and Bofur shot Zezily a smile. A moment later, she had gone off to greet more guests and Nori led him off to the side. Bofur was trying not to concentrate on how he could feel the warmth of Nori’s arm still on his waist and how he was close enough to smell him. All he wanted was to lean into Nori’s side and never leave; he needed to get away before he did something stupid that ruined their friendship. 
“Breathe,” Nori chided gently. “Whatever your fool head is thinking, it’s wrong.” 
Bofur did as he was instructed and forced himself to meet Nori’s eyes. He could still play this off probably. “I-”
“Nope,” Nori cut in. “I get to talk now, alright?” Nori stood in front of him, shielding him from the rest of the party, and Bofur did know what else to do besides let Nori talk. “I don’t want to dance around this anymore. I thought maybe when I got us to live together it would become clear, but-”
“You did that? I thought Bilbo…” Mahal, he was an idiot. Of course Nori had arranged it. Nori could do anything. 
Nori shot him a pleased grin, as though he knew exactly what Bofur was thinking. “I wanted some time with you. Just you. And I can tell you’re still not getting it, because you think you don’t deserve to get everything you want - which is wrong, by the by - so… I want to court you, Bofur son of Bafur.” 
The sounds of the party disappeared. All he could hear was Nori’s words repeating in his brain, trying to find the joke. Surely, it wasn’t that easy? But Nori was holding a bead out to him and that nervous look was back in his eyes. 
“You’re serious?”
“Rather a cruel prank, don’t you think? Of course I’m serious. Will you give me an answer?”
Well! Bofur didn’t know what else to do but press their foreheads together as he put his hand in Nori’s, the bead held between their hands. He heard Nori let out a shaky sigh of relief. He wanted nothing more than to kiss Nori, but he didn’t want to do it in front of all these people. “We should go home,” Bofur whispered. “So you can put that shiny bead in my hair."
"I know a shortcut," Nori breathed. Bofur's heart thudded in his chest as he saw the rest of his life full of intimate moments like this but also exploring and jokes and <i>happiness</i>.
Send me a trope combination and pairing!
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worldhell-archiving · 6 months
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝐼𝒻 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝐿𝑜𝓈𝑒, 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒟𝒾𝑒 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . accepting. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @arrowablaze ⤸ [ wall ]   my muse shoving yours up against a wall. -- russian roulette your muses based on who you think would be most fun with sasha 👀 (because I think it's funnier the opposite way c:<;)
it's the heat of the moment, floch tells himself. he's not the type, right? but the person he once was would be deemed the fake. ballsy bastard. fingers grip down the wall where his palms press otherwise flat. and her eyes, god, it's hard to look away, and it's hard to keep his own gaze steady; still wavering despite it all. she's probably wondering why. yeah, he's still asking himself that. she's still wounded, isn't she? at the very least, it's not like he slammed her against the wall (...) it's quickly paced steps that have her back up, hands at either side of her head against firm concrete. he'd told her already that he was relieved her injury wasn't fatal. he could use his words just fine. even as they grew colder with the bitterness of marley at his tongue. it didn't matter if they were kids, he'd have thrown them off that flying ship without losing any sleep over it. not after what they did.
sasha is comforting in presence alone. what she brings to their cause is only a glimpse of what made her stand out from any other. she's warm and warmer still. even someone like him could notice that. it should be considered a distraction, a way to withdraw from the brutality, but it's not. none of them are innocent, not with what they've witnessed, and not after what they've done. it's for a righteous cause, because they had to fight -- they did not yield. floch isn't ignorant to the horrors, he just understands it's needed.
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❝ hey. ❞ are his eyes still clouded over, do they look hollow in her eyes? he hopes not. his voice still lacks true warmth, even as he lowers his pitch, speaks in a whisper. his will was unbroken. could she see that now? how he was no longer the coward who groveled at the cruelty of their world. it's hardened them all. sasha could understand that, couldn't she? ❝ If I'm honest (...) I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now. ❞ it doesn't count as a laugh, the way it shakes his tone is without humor, completely dry. but it's there in his eyes. in the way it glints briefly, a flash of life and that awkward boisterous enticement. he's still just a person. in every way and form he is human.
❝ and I guess it's safe to say you could probably toss me to the side any time you want. or (...) no, it might not be as easy anymore. ❞ he's so much stronger than he used to be. far too resilient. he can't be moved by force alone. if she did try, would he budge? yeah, he would, he'd do it regardless. she had free will. she wasn't trapped here.
the second he feels his gaze flicker down to look at her lips was when brows furrow, and all that bravado caves in. he can't deny that he doesn't like how it feels (... she is so close) but he still swallows down, hard, somehow managing to keep his gaze fixed. ❝ would you still try? ❞
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