#Sinister!Stephen strange x Reader
ironstrange1991 · 2 months
You're My Comfort
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The reader has a bad day at work and Stephen comes to take care of her.
Word Cont: 2,1k
Warnings: None, just fluff.
A/N: I am still struggling with authors block, but I'm happy for finishing this little something. It's not much, but I was in need of a comfort fic. Hope your guys like it and have a good read.
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You arrived from work without even realizing how you managed to drive home. Stephen was busy talking to some Avengers in the living room and you just walked past them up the stairs and straight to your shared room.
You were too tired to even get undressed even though you knew you would feel better after a shower, but still all you could do was kick off your shoes and fall face down on the bed letting a wave of silent crying take over you.
You were tired of your job, tired of the way your boss seemed to suck out your soul along with all your energy, but at the same time you felt bad for feeling that way. After all, you should be grateful to have a job in the first place, or at least you should be grateful that your job doesn't put you in danger or be as physically draining as Stephen's. You lost count of how many times he came home injured and yet he never complained. You on the other hand, seemed like a crying little girl and thinking that way only made you feel even worse and it was a vicious cycle that you couldn't get out of. Feeling bad about feeling bad and so on.
You were still face down, tears silently streaming down your face, when you heard the soft creak of the door opening and closing and the muffled sound of boots on the floor announcing the approaching footsteps. You immediately turned your face away because you didn't want Stephen to notice you were crying and then you felt the mattress dipping.
He touched your arm gently.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" His baritone voice held a note of concern.
You didn't answer, you just shrugged your shoulders like you did when you were a child and your mother asked why you were crying. Many times you didn't even know why you were crying, but you cried anyway and that was exactly how you felt today.
You felt his hand on your head stroking your hair gently and before he could say anything, you crawled closer to him and laid your head on his lap wrapping your arms around his waist. He seemed to like it because his body shook with what you thought was a small laugh. Contrary to what your irrational side told you, Stephen didn't care about your anxiety crisis or those moments where you couldn't say exactly what was happening. He was already used to dealing with your fluctuating moods.
"Can you at least tell me you're okay, so I don't worry?" He asked and you nodded.
"You're okay then. Nothing bad happened?" He insisted and you nodded again.
"Good." He continued stroking your hair in silence.
"I know I've been working a lot these last few days, but if that's what's making you upset..."
"It's not that." You replied with a choked voice. Of course he would find a way to blame himself. When Stephen learned to be less selfish and egocentric, he simply turned completely the other way and became extremely altruistic, which you didn't like, much less approve of.
"Then talk to me, sweetheart. I don't like seeing you like this." His hand had now gone down to the middle of your back, playing with the strands of your hair.
"I'm just tired, I guess."
He sighed "You think so? Y/n you've been working non-stop for the last few weeks."
"There was nothing else to do. You weren't here most of the time and the company needed me."
You can almost see Stephen's eyes rolling back in his head. "They like to take advantage of you, that's what. You're too good for them."
You did not answer. You knew he was right, but you didn't want to give in. He returned his hands to your head and began to caress your scalp with his fingertips lightly and you let out an involuntary groan.
"Feels good, uh?" You could hear the smirk in his voice. Always so proud that he managed to turn you into a puddle of goo whenever he touched you.
"I'm exhausted. I need to sleep. I barely slept at all last night." You confessed to what he vehemently rebuked.
"You know I don't like seeing you in this state. You need to take better care of yourself."
You shook your head. "Right now I don't think I can take care of myself at all. I'm too tired."
He chuckled, surrendering to your charm and drama.
"Do you want me to run a bath for you or would you prefer the shower?"
He asked, already running his fingers through your hair to get it out of your face. He did his best to tie them into a bun.
"You will stay with me?"
"If you want. But you know where this is going to take us, don't you?"
You denied "No funny business tonight. I'm too tired."
He hummed "As you wish, love. Come."
He patted your shoulder for you to allow him to stand up and extended his arms to help you up.
"Too tired to walk." You grumbled and he let out a small laugh.
"Come on. I'll carry you, little girl."
You found somewhere within you the strength to smile and tease him, "Yes, daddy."
He scoffed, but picked you up bride style and took you to the bathroom. He sat you on the toilet and ordered "Raise your arms. Let's take these clothes off."
You obeyed and let yourself be undressed by him slowly. It was different. Although he was used to ripping off your clothes and fucking you senseless, in that moment he was actually being gentle and there was nothing in his eyes but affection.
"Get up so we can take off that skirt." He asked and you did as he ordered. He took off your panties too, leaving you completely naked for him. A light shade of red tinting your cheeks.
"Bathtub or shower?" He asked to be sure and added it right after. "There's no way I'm leaving your side."
You nodded "Bathtub. With lavender and bubbles. Lots of bubbles."
He nodded, but instead of doing the whole process like a normal person, he moved his fingers and the bathtub filled with hot water. With a smirk he snapped his fingers and the water turned lilac and your nostrils were invaded by the delicious smell of lavender as you watched the water fill with foam. "As you wish, madam. Come."
He gave you his hand and helped you get into the tub, and you moaned contentedly with the feeling of the hot water surrounding your body.
He quickly undressed in front of you and that was a sight you would never get used to. Your eyes devoured every inch of his body before he entered the bathtub and sat right behind you.
He moaned softly as well letting the hot water relax him completely.
"Christ, I needed this." He confessed and you leaned your back against his chest feeling yourself being hugged by his strong arms and you leaned your head back letting your eyes close for a minute.
"What a shitty day I had" You blurted out, earning a small laugh from Stephen.
"It is not funny"
He buried his face in your hair, "I know. Want to tell me about it?"
You sighed, "Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I think I'm just tired of that environment, those people. Of doing the work of two or three and not getting any recognition for it. I'm tired of leaving that place feeling empty as if I had left my soul there."
Stephen listened in silence. He was good at that, at listening silently and letting you vent. It was one of his many qualities.
"And I feel bad for feeling this way. It feels like I'm being ungrateful. I know I should be grateful for being in a job in the first place, but I can't feel grateful right now and on top of that I feel silly complaining about my silly problems when you have to deal with so much..."
"Hey, don't do that!" Stephen scolded you. "Don't belittle your problems by comparing them to the things I do. It's not fair. Your feelings are valid, sweetheart and there's nothing wrong with feeling the way you're feeling right now. We just need to think of a way to make it better because I've noticed that this days when your come home like this have become more constant. You're always too tired and sad and I don't like seeing you like that."
You sighed feeling his lips on your neck and your skin prickling.
"I think I just need to stop thinking for a few minutes. My mind is my worst enemy, you know. The more I think the worse I feel."
Stephen hummed and continued placing kisses on your neck "I can help with that." His hands went down to your breasts, caressing them lightly.
"I said no funny business." You scolded him and he giggled softly and you felt him conjure up a soft sponge still under the water and started rubbing your back and neck with it. You can't stop a little moan from escaping your lips.
"I don't deserve you, Steph." You confessed to what he hummed, using the sponge to rub your arms, your belly, your thighs, every place he could reach.
"I usually think the same thing when you take care of me."
"Guess we don't deserve each other then." You teased.
"Or we were made for each other. I like this option better."
"Because you're a romantic. You want to be tough, but deep down you're soft, Stephen."
He let out an incredulous laugh "I've been called many things, but romantic is the first time."
You smiled, keeping your eyes closed and reveling in the touch of his hands when he puts down the sponge and started massaging your shoulders gently. His hand was shaking, but you even liked that feeling.
"You're different with me." You insisted. "I watch you with everyone else and you're different when you're with me, sweeter and more affectionate."
He hummed petulantly. "You didn't expect me to treat Stark and Wong the way I treat my girlfriend, right?"
"It's not that. I just think you allow yourself to be your most natural self when you're with me and I like that."
"I like it too." He agreed kissing the back of your neck.
The two of you were silent for a few minutes, his hands continued massaging your shoulders lightly and although he couldn't put too much pressure on the act, it was enough to relax you. The sound of cars passing on the street occasionally broke the silence of the Sanctum, as well as the sound of the water that was slowly cooling and his calm and steady breathing.
Eventually your eyes started to get heavy and Stephen must have felt the way you let the weight of your body rest on his because he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked genuinely worried.
You hummed positively and he sighed looking relieved.
"Good. Now I think we can finish here and go straight to bed, what do you think?"
You didn't have time to respond because your stomach growled embarrassingly loud to which Stephen let out a small laugh.
"Food first, then. Come." He asked and the two of you got out of the tub.
When you finished getting dressed, Stephen in just pajama pants and you in a nightgown, you ran to get under the covers and get comfortable.
"I'll get you something to eat. How about a sandwich?"
You nodded and then asked "What did you have for dinner?"
He shook his head "To be honest, I didn’t even remember to eat. It was a pretty busy afternoon."
You scolded him with a look, "Then I guess you can bring sandwiches for both of us."
Stephen nodded.
He came back a few minutes later with a plate with some sandwiches cut in halves, which you quickly devoured. When you both finished, neither of you was willing to get up, so Stephen just placed the plate on the bedside table and adjusted himself on the pillows, letting you lay on his chest.
"I know I've said this before, but you're so good to me, Steph."
He sighed, stroking your arm gently.
"I love you." You said, closing your eyes and feeling the tiredness of the day overwhelm you.
Stephen placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Taking care of you is what I love doing most, sweetheart. I love you. You have no idea how much."
You hummed softly "Yes I do because I love you just the same."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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iamsherlocked1479 · 5 months
Happpy New Year
Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader
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Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: explicit content 18+, slut shame, chocking
Description: Stephen doesn't like that you recived a compliment, he doesn't like that somebody would even consoder they had a chance with you.
Most people are drunk right now, you’re not denying that you were, of course nobody leaves a Stark party completely sober. All beat it, most of the guests haven’t left yet, they were currently counting down to midnight last you heard the ball will drop in 10 minutes, but you couldn’t care right now. You’re currently pressed up against the padded wall of what looks like a gym, technically you hadn’t left Stark Tower yet, with your legs neatly parted over Stephen's shoulders as his tongue glided through your slick folds. 
“Oh fuck steph- we’re gonna miss the countown, we have to- shit.” Your eyes squinted shut and your hand tightened in his hair as he drew you closer to an orgasm. Your statement was thoroughly met with a grunt and a quick “I don’t care sweetheart” as his tongue continued to lap its way around your clit.
This had all started because Thor complimented your dress, he meant no harm of course only stating that you should belong with the Asgardian gods. But like always Stephen was jealous, he hated that a man would even consider himself worthy of being able to see you the way he did, a goddess in your own right. So after that one incident, at exactly 11:49pm Stephen had enough of the looks you were getting, even though you only had eyes for him, and proceeded to pull you into the nearest empty room and show exactly how only he could make you feel.
“Shhh, sweetheart, don’t want anyone hearing those sweet sounds you make for me.” He said, snaking his hand up your body to cover your mouth as you came. He lifted your legs off his shoulder and pinned you between him and the wall. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he kissed you, your hands continued to work on the buttons of his shirt as they had done earlier before he dropped to his knees for you. “Ah, ah sweetheart” he grabbed your wrists and moved your hand to his tight trousers where you palmed him through his clothes, “we gotta do this fast, i want all the others to see me kiss you at midnight.” He purred as he spun you around, tracing his cock between your folds before pushing you against the wall with a deep thrust. 
You didn’t like jealous stephen, but you loved the way he fucked, he was normally so gentle and kind making sure to touch and kiss you everyway possible before slowly drawing out orgasm after orgasm. But jealous Stephen, he fucked hard, he wasnt one for yelling or arguing, so he would take out his frustrations by pounding into you, he wanted to prove how fast he could make you cum how only he could make you feel that good. 
“You’re mine you know that right?” He purred as he sucked and nibbled at the pulse point on your neck leaving a purple mark for all to see. His cock had the perfect curve making it rub right against your g-spot in this position.
“Steph- please, i know im yours, fuck” you cried as his hand snaked around your neck bringing your head to his. He squeezed slightly, not enough to make it hard for you to breathe, but enough for your hand to clamp onto his wrist and walls to clench around his cock.
“Did you like the way Thor looked at you?” He moved his free hand to pull your dress down just enough to expose your tits to the world. “Did you want him looking at these?” He groaned with his cock twitching inside you. He grabbed on one of your tits, roughly massaging it in his hand and pinching on the nipple. “You know you’re so beautiful, I know you know every man smart enough wants you, admit it you like the attention.” He hissed, kissing your neck and thrusting even harder causing a pile of weights to tumble to the floor. “Tell me sweetheart, do you enjoy the attention?”
“Ye- shit, yes stephen. Fuck.” You moaned, your legs shaking at the overstimulation. He spun you around so that you could see yourselves in the mirrored walls, one hand gripped your chin and pointed you towards the mirror, while the other clung around your abdomen holding you in place as he kept himself inside you.
“Look at you.” He hummed in satisfaction, you looked at what you saw, your dress creased, tits popping out over the top of your dress, mascara running down your face, legs shaking, “look at us” you looked at him through the reflection, eyes darkened, hair stuck with sweat to his forehead, shirt falling down his shoulders and his trousers down only just enough to get his cock out. It was a sight to see, yet a sight you and stephen both loved to see, he loved showing you what he can do to you, and you loved that stupid dumb sarcastic smile of his. 
His arm that wrapped around your waist slid down to your clit as he continued pushing inside you, his fingers played with your clit using his precum that dripped from you as a lubricant, adding to the pleasure. You squeezed your eyes shut as you could feel that knot tightening, threatening to break as your insides fluttered. Stephen moaned at the sensation of your walls clenching around him.
“Open your eyes” he demanded “I want you to watch as I make you cum, i want you to realise you’re a slut, but you’re my slut.” He grunted as he felt himself drawing closer to his release, his fingers now frantically swiped up and down your clit and with his cock still hitting your g-spot, the sensation became unbearable and the knot snapped, this felt different your felt yourself dripping onto him and creating a small puddle on the hard gym floor. Your knees buckled and you melted to the floor where Stephen set you on all fours, still making sure you can see yourself in the mirror. He kept himself inside you as you slumped, trying to catch your breath
“You see that, that's how good I can make you feel. Tell me what you are.” he said, giving you a single hard thrust causing the sound of skin on skin to echo through the dark room.
“Yours.” you said through breathless moans, this landed a firm yet satisfying slap on you ass as he sped up his motions.
“My what?” he said “speak up” he said moaning, following his own ecstasy
“Your slut.” you cried out, holding yourself up as you could see in the mirror that he was completely lost in the chase for his own orgasm, so you angled yourself that you were pushing yourself onto him every time he entered you. “I’m your slut stephen, yours and yours alone, my pussy is made for you.” your words only encouraged him as he moaned with the satisfaction that the lesson he had been trying to teach you had finally sunk in. 
“That's right sweetheart, your mine” His trembling hands practically vibrated as he gripped the fat of your hips turning his knuckles white. You looked in the mirror, the smell of sex filling your nostrils, you looked at the sight behind you, his biceps straining through the sleeves of that white dress shirt you loved so much, his muscular chest shining with sweat. That was the man you fell in love with, every inch of him, even his salt and pepper temples he hated so much, you loved him.
“Say it again sweetheart.” he begged, he was so close.
“I’m your slut Stephen. I want you to fill me up, make your slut drip with your cum Stephen.” you called out with a victorious smile as he came, strengthening his grip on your waist. His body caved on top of yours as he littered your shoulder with kisses.
“Did you fuck out that atitude?” you asked with a giggle
“I don’t have an attitude.” he stated, sitting back on his knees and watching his seed drip from you. “I just like to make my opinion clear.” he smiled when you jolted as he pushed his cum back into your sensitive hole.
“I think you did.” you got up and put your underwear back on, which had been left at the door, the face he pulled when he realised you were just going to keep his seed inside you almost wanted to make you do it all again, but you did have a deadline to meet. You watched as he buttoned up his shirt and tucked himself back in place. “You know I love you and only you right?” 
“Of Course i do.” he walked over and kissed your forehead “i just wished other people understood that.” he clicked his fingers and your makeup and hair neatened themselves up like nothing had happened and linked his arm into yours.
“It was just a compliment Stephen, Thor didn’t mean anything by it.” you laughed to yourself as the hum of the party grew near
“You don’t know that for sure.” Stephen joked back as he grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed one to you.
“I know you’re jealous.” you looked at him and he rolled his eyes
“So what if I was?” he smiled “Sometimes i think you prefer it.”
“So what if I did?” your brow quirked, he opened his mouth to say something when you were interrupted by the rest of the guests beginning to count down and stephen lead you to the balcony where the others where
“3… 2… 1… Happy new year!” Stephen pulled you towards him and locked his lips with yours with a passionate kiss, you had to grip your glass so that you didn’t drop it on impact, he pulled you closer to him, allowing you to rest on his chest before finally parting.
“Happy new year sweetheart.” he smiled and gave you another peck
“Happy new year.” you smiled back
“Now correct me if i’m wrong but we need to go home, i haven’t seen you naked since last year.” he pulled your wrist
“That joke wasn’t funny last year and it still isn’t” you gave him a pity laugh
“Then why are you following me?”
A/N: I have to say i might have gotten a little carried away with some of the language there, but im not appologising, this was based of a dream i had a few weeks back and i thought i'd turn it into a lil end of year gift for you all because in january i will have bneen posting for two years which is crazy to me because this year we have grown from around 50 followrrs to 250! which is even more crazy so, hope to get back into the swing of things next and hope you all have a great new year love ypu all sm! <3
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geeky-politics-46 · 10 months
Show Me/Her Prize
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: You discover Stephen's little panty stealing habit and request a demonstration of what he does with them.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - mutual masturbation, dirty talk, panty stealing, slight dom/sub, sub Sinister, slight degradation, fingering, reference to oral sex, reference to vaginal sex, pet names, language
This is a follow-up to my story "His Prize". The idea was first posited in a comment from @ppatricia34me & the mutual masturbation theme requested by @ironstrange1991. Thank you for the ideas, as I'm quite proud of this one!
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"Stephen, did I drop some laundry in the hallway? This can't be all of it." 
Your voice echoed through the Sanctum and quickly found your lover's ear. From his spot in the living room, where he had been perched with some ancient tome he was rereading, Stephen stood up and started to scan the hall you had just come from for anything you may have dropped. 
He carefully placed the book down and continued looking around the floor to no avail. There didn't appear to be anything you had dropped and left behind. He even retraced your steps, ending in the doorway of the master bedroom. Where he found you sitting on your shared bed sorting through a large load of freshly dried laundry.
"I didn't see anything in the hall, my love. Why? What's wrong?" 
By now, you had started separating the clothes into distinct piles. One for his robes, one for his casual wear and boxers, one for your daily clothes, one for your pajamas, and lastly, one for your bras and panties. The last pile was definitely the smallest and seemed to be the source of your conundrum. Without looking up from the pile, you answered. 
"It's just weird, I can only find one pair of my underwear, and there should definitely be more than that." 
Oh shit. 
He tried to keep his expression neutral as you rooted through the piles of clothes again. Checking to make sure they weren't stuck inside sleeves or pant legs. Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and slight frustration. 
He knew you weren't going to find them because he knew where they all really were. Sitting in the bottom right-hand drawer of his desk in his study. All stained with his cum. Having taken them to enjoy on his own. He didn't realize he must have pilfered quite so many. He certainly didn't intend for you to notice.
Or maybe he secretly did. Why else would he have kept doing it? Why else would he let himself take another pair without returning the last pair? It had all started with that purple lace pair he loved so much. Now, his drawer held a veritable rainbow of colors and fabrics. 
Really, it was all your fault. He had never been this way before you. Never stolen another girlfriend's panties before. Never been this insatiable before. It was just something about you that had him so obsessed and needy. He practically felt drunk every time you touched him. You just had this power over him. How could he resist taking your panties? 
He could fix this though. All he had to do was make it look like you had just missed a pile of laundry in the dryer. He would just go get your underwear out of his drawer, except maybe that favorite purple pair, use his magic to clean them and then bring them back, saying they were still in the dryer.
Yeah, that was it. That was what he would do. In the future, he would just be more careful about keeping his little collection under control because he definitely didn't intend to stop. He just had to go get them before you finished what you were doing and went to go check the dryer yourself.
"Tell you what, my love, why don't I go check to make sure you didn't miss some clothes in the dryer or drop them in the basement. You know how dark it can get down there. Don't you move a muscle." 
With that, he turned on a heel and walked out of the room in large strides that were just a bit too quick to appear innocent. You waited just a moment to follow him. Assuming that if he was up to something, you wanted to catch him red-handed. 
As soon as he was out of your view, he nearly ran to his office. Quickly unlocking the drawer with his magic and pulling all of your panties up onto his desk. Noticing just how out of control his habit had gotten, but still not wanting to give back any of them. Not when he now had such fond memories of each and every pair.
He quickly started sorting through them, trying to find the purple pair he refused to surrender, and maybe one or two others he just couldn't bear to part with. Did he want to keep the comfy cotton ones that weren't super sexy but held your scent the best? Or did he want to keep the tiny little black lace ones that hardly qualified as panties but looked so good both on you and wrapped around his cock? 
That was how you found him. Standing behind his desk with a mountain of your panties in front of him. Black lace pair in one hand and the cotton pair in the other. Eyes darting back and forth like he was dealing with a filthy Sophie's choice.
Once he realized you were standing in the doorway, he could have quite literally died of embarrassment. He wanted to crawl under the desk and pretend this was all some hormone driven nightmare. His cheeks immediately flushed bright red. Actually, they matched the really soft crimson red pair of your panties that had little penguins on them that also happened to be sitting right in front of him on his desk.
"Uhhh… don't freak out okay. This isn't what it looks like." 
That was the best response to your questioning face that he could come up with. He knew it wasn't a good response. Is it ever good when you have to use the phrases 'don't freak out' or 'this isn't what it looks like'? 
What made it even worse was that he couldn't seem to pry his fingers loose from your panties. So, instead of dropping the two the pairs he had been holding, he reflexively hid them behind his back. 
You tried as best as you could to not give away how close to falling apart with laughter you were. Of all the things you thought you might find, this was definitely not what you would have guessed. Stephen's flustered 'teenage boy caught with a Playboy' appearance made him look even more adorable and 100% guilty. 
You have never felt more confident in your entire life. The big scary sorcerer who was ready to threaten you with death when you fell into his world had not only fallen for you but also apparently had a naughty little habit of stealing your panties. By the looks of the white-ish stains streaked across each and every pair, it also appeared he quite enjoyed himself with them too.
"Well, I guess this answers my question about where all my panties have gone. Doesn't it Stephen?" 
You slowly started walking towards him with an extra sway in your hips. Your steps were slow and deliberate. Letting your fingers drag against the knick knacks around the room as you passed by them. Your body practically thrummed with energy. You felt so powerful seeing how your lover was so utterly entranced by you.
"Are you really that much of a needy boy that you resorted to stealing all my panties to jack off with? Only leaving me a single pair to wear. I guess you are a greedy boy, too. My greedy little panty thief. I can just imagine all three fun you've had with these. I can see it too."
You could see the effect your words were having on him. Somewhere between shame and arousal pooling in his eyes as he softly nodded. Adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed hard. His hands came back around to the desk. His fingers flexing and then grabbing at the pile of your soiled panties. Like a cat pawing at a scratching post. 
"My naughty boy. Tell me baby, do you like them better fresh off my pussy or after you've made them all messy by covering them with cum?"
A groan pulled from deep in his throat at both. Fuck, he didn't want to chose. He loved both. Your essence and smell was obviously why he stole them in the first place, but he kept them afterward because he loved seeing them marked with his cum. It was the same appeal of seeing you covered in his cum.
"I know you aren't shy Stephen, with all the filth you normally say when we fuck. Cat got your tongue honey? Don't worry, I'm not mad at you naughty boy. In fact, the thought of you being so needy and horny that you steal my panties is really hot. It makes me feel like the powerful one." 
By now, you had made your way over to stand next to him behind the desk. His eyes followed you the entire way even though his hands still hadn't let go of your panties. You reached up to brush a tendril of dark hair back from his face. Gently letting the back of your fingers caress his cheekbone on the way back down.
"You're so pretty, Stephen. Do you know that? I don't think I tell you that enough." 
You felt your cunt flutter at the way he keened at your praise. He was still so unused to being complimented, especially by you. He had spent years tearing himself down and you were quite enjoying building him back up. Slowly watching him become more confident in your presence and in your affections.
Reaching down, you carefully untangled his hands from the pile of your panties on his desk. Taking his hands in yours before leading him to sit down in the large armchair behind his desk. Letting your hands come to rest on his broad shoulders after leading his hands to sit on your hips. 
You were very thankful that you had neglected getting dressed that day. Still wearing the oversized t-shirt you had slept in the night before. It made the next part of your plan so easy to execute. 
"Show me, Stephen. I wanna see."
He was sure his brain had completely melted into a puddle at that point. There was no way you were actually asking what he thought you were.
"I said show me, Stephen. Show me what you do with my panties. I want to see how you play with your cock when you are in here alone. Just you and my panties that you have such a bad habit of stealing."
Without looking away from you, he started to reach back over to the desk to grab a pair of the panties that he had squirreled away. Only to stop suddenly when you tutted and shook your head no at him. Making his brow furrow in slight confusion. 
"I don't want you to use any of those panties, Stephen. I want you to use the ones I'm wearing right now. Go ahead. Take them off of me." 
He nodded gently while biting on his lower lip. Clearly fighting the urge to start disobeying your orders and throw you on the desk. He did find this dominant side of you ever so enticing though. He rarely let his more submissive side show, but this he could get used to. 
He placed his hands back on your body, this time letting them graze teasingly up the sides of your thighs. Coming to rest so his thumbs could slide under the waistband of your panties. Glancing up briefly to make sure he was doing what you wanted, the mischievous smirk on your face answering his question. A single nod falling before he started moving again.
Using the gentlest motions he could, he carefully slid your panties down your legs. Letting them pool at your feet and holding out his hand to you so you could steady yourself as you stepped out of them. 
Once you had finished, you moved to sit yourself up on the edge of Stephen's desk. Ready to enjoy the show he was about to put on for you. You signaled for him to continue.
"Go on, baby. Pick them up." 
Without taking his eyes off of you, he leaned down and delicately picked up your panties like they were a precious treasure. His long, beautiful fingers barely gripping the fabric with one hand. His other hand moved to start undoing the belts of his robes before moving to unfasten his pants. His bulge was now quite pronounced. 
You were getting more aroused by the second. You wanted to indulge your own need and slide your fingers between your legs, but you had a plan. That plan was to make him beg to touch you. You wanted to wait to touch yourself until he was on the verge of crumbling.
Even now, he looked a mess. Hair disheveled, breathing heavy. His cock already so hard and flushed. His tip was weeping precum already. His hand gripping his shaft lightly and making long languid strokes. He was clearly being very careful not to make himself cum quickly.
"You have such a pretty cock Stephen. So big and hard. Does it hurt, baby? Bet I know what would make it feel better. Why don't you go ahead and wrap my panties around that pretty cock." 
A wicked smile on your face as he did exactly as you told him. Who knew he could like being told what to do so much? Who knew your panties would look so good wrapped around his shaft? 
You watched for a moment as he stroked himself with your panties. Occasionally moving to adjust the soft fabric so he could caress his balls with it or slide it up and over his dripping slit. Creating little wet stains from his precum before sliding it back up and down his veined velvety length.
"Tell me why you like stealing my panties so much, Stephen? I think I'm starting to like it myself. It's like you're marking your cock as mine." 
He groaned at your statement and bucked his hips up. The urge to fuck his fist faster threatening to overtake him, but he was still holding out hope that he would get the chance to bury himself in your cunt before this was over. So he answered you, in as much detail as his brain would allow at the moment. All while continuing to stroke himself for your enjoyment. 
"I like it because I'm fucking addicted to you. I want to fuck you every minute of the day. This way I get the smell and feel of you without having to bother you. The best is when they are still a little wet when I get a hold of them. Like I got you riled up and wet earlier in the day, or maybe we already fucked and you were leaking a bit of my cum. Have to fight the urge to lick them clean while jerking off." 
You bit your bottom lip and moaned at his answer. It was one of the sexiest things you had ever heard him say. Any self-control you had left was quickly crumbling. Falling apart completely when he added one more sentence.
"... and this is your cock, darling. All of me belongs to you. Always will." 
Your legs started to spread on their own when he told you he belonged to you. You both knew just as well that you belonged to him just the same. Deciding to reward him, you slowly spread your legs before bringing one foot up to rest on his desk. Spreading yourself wide so you were fully exposed to him. 
"Well, this is all yours, Stephen, and I'm sure you can tell how turned on watching you has gotten me. See how wet I am just from watching you stroke your cock for me?" 
A wicked grin on your face as you brought one hand to your cunt and pulled your pussy lips open. Making sure he could see your innermost petals glistening for him. He reflexively licked his lips when he saw your slick practically dripping from your hole onto his desk. His hips now thrusting up into his hand and your panties uncontrollably.
You knew there was no way that he could hold himself back long enough to give you time to make yourself cum with him. You could still enjoy yourself and get him to finish the job after you enjoyed your show. Knowing that watching you play with yourself would help push him over the edge quicker.
So you let your fingers start rubbing at your cunt. Working to spread your wetness over your folds. Sighing at the feeling of finally getting some direct stimulation. You pulled your hand away and slapped your pussy a couple times. Groaning at the tingle it sent through you. Letting your fingers trail back up to circle your clit as you leaned on your other arm for support.
Your bottom lip had made its way between your teeth. Your eyes were hooded and just as hazed with lust as Stephen's. Both of you were completely lost in each other without even touching each other. 
You lowered your hand to slide two fingers in and out of your cunt. Knowing how much Stephen loved it when he could hear how wet you were for him. Your body did not disappoint as you started to thrust your middle and index fingers in and out of yourself. Somewhat frustrated that your fingers weren't as long and thick as Stephen's and that you couldn't quite reach your g-spot the way he could.
It still felt incredible though. Making sure to keep your palm grinding over your clit as you finger fucked yourself. A high pitched moan when you hit the perfect rhythm making Stephen start to lose his own pacing. Knowing he was about to hit his point of no return he couldn't hold back his whimpers any longer and he did something he never thought he would do. He begged.
"Oh fuck baby. I'm gonna cum so fucking hard for you. Can I cum? Please let me cum." 
Groaning at his unprompted begging, you vigorously shook your head, yes. Summoning your sweetest voice, you answered him and granted his request. 
"Cum for me Stephen. Show me how you cum all over my panties. Fill them up like a good boy."
He made sure to hold your panties so that they caught every thick warm spurt of his cum. Making sure to spread it around on the fabric, specifically aiming for the crotch of your panties. He had become well practiced at it. In a way he felt like it turned your panties into artwork. Pieces dedicated to how much he loved you. His orgasm was prolonged by having you there watching and touching yourself. Leaving the fabric somewhat soaked as he kept a hold of them. Once again, he wanted to keep them for himself. Just like all the others.
Once he had started to catch his breath and opened his eyes you pulled your fingers out of your pussy and brought your soaked fingers to his lips. Smiling when he greedily took them into his mouth and began sucking your nectar from them. Letting him enjoy a little treat before offering him a compromise to his panty stealing problem. 
"Tell you what, Stephen, I'll make you a deal. You can keep one pair of my panties for every orgasm you give me tonight. Sound like a plan?" 
You had barely finished your proposition before Stephen was shoving your hand away and pushing you to lay flat on his desk. Moving to loop his arms around your legs. Diving face first into your cunt and starting to devour you like a man starved. 
He didn't even bother tucking his cock back into his pants. He knew he would be hard again before long, and he intended to make you cum enough times he could keep his entire collection.
You might not have any panties left by the time he was done with you, but you would have a hell of a consolation prize.
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Back to Fluffy Sinister Strange masterlist
Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls @tobios-shawty @evelyn-kingsley @rmoonstoner
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strangelockd · 1 year
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highonmarvel · 9 months
The Other Side
Searching for your Stephen, you find another, and he won’t let you go this time.
An entry for Day 4 of the exciting @sintember challenge!
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Prompt: The Other Side, ft Sinister Dr Strange of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).
Warnings: DUB-CON!, possessive behaviour, developing Stockholm Syndrome. 18+! [And I haven’t watched Dr Strange in so long, please pretend I know what I’m doing.]
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You had lost Stephen and America, and you were now left in a crumbling world, a universe broken, with no way to get home. Based on the wrecked state of the world, you thought there wasn’t a Dr Strange here, that he had been defeated and his opponent left ruin. Though he wasn’t your Stephen, the thought still deeply upset you, that Stephen could be defeated, and maybe yours would be.
You push open the door of the Sanctum, you want to call out to him but you know there’s no point. The heavy door falls shut behind you. All the antiques and strange paintings and ornaments that once decorated the foyer have been shattered, some are deteriorating, and a dark mist floats through the cold temple, enveloping you, nearly strangling you, you feel.
Upstairs. You know you have to head to the Window of the Worlds.
You walk to the window, engraved with the Seal of Vishanti. It’s cracked, black lines not belong to the symbol run in all directions across the glass, that has a purple tint, nearly a faint violet glow. You want to touch it, when you hear your name whispered.
You spin, and there stands Stephen. Not your Stephen. This Stephen is… different: he looks older, streaks of grey paint his dark hair, with sunken eyes.
“Stephen!” you call, taking a step forward, “Or, Dr Strange, I need your help, please.”
“You’re here,” he murmurs, slowly walking towards you.
“I- I am,” you sputter, a little confused and off put by his trance-like demeanour, as his curious eyes never leave you, “I lost Stephen—my Stephen—and I need to get back.”
“I am your Stephen.” his voice is so low, so low you wouldn’t have heard it were you even a notch below the level of hyper-awareness he’s activated in you.
He steps into the light, and you gasp and take a step back. Visually, he’s not much different to the average person, but his eyes are dark, a familiar blue you once knew sealed up in an endless black; you can’t read them as he continues to walk towards you. You still.
He stops in front of you, and raises shaky hands to cup your face, his lips parted slightly as his foreign dark gaze analyses every inch of your face. His fingers are cold, ice cold, so cold they burn, like dry ice; you wince at the contact but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“No,” you whisper, “No, I’m not yours, and you’re not my…”
You raise your hands to gently grasp his wrists, and freeze when you see it. His fingertips are darkened, stained with a black so profound, so dangerous in sheer aura that you know what it’s from.
He’s been tampering with the Dark Hold, the book of sins so evil you barely know of it, just the name elicits chills; Stephen, your Stephen, barely discussed it, he never did until he found out about the Scarlet Witch’s use, and even still he said very little; you got the feeling that though his knowledge seemed limitless, he knew little here, and very deliberately he kept himself in the dark, because if he knew, he’d indulge.
And indulge he has, this sinister Stephen holding your face gently in his hands, as if these hands haven’t caused unfathomable destruction. You should have known—you knew—that Dr Strange could not be defeated. He wasn’t conquered, never could he be: he conquered.
“That’s me,” he smiles and reassures you. Though his eyes and fingers are stained, that boyish smile you know to be yours is the same as ever.
“What did you do?” is all you can muster in a shaky breath, a tear slipping down your cheek, he watches it fall.
“I did what was necessary, and you…” he strains his voice to prevent himself from choking on his words and he smooths a calloused finger over your skin, wiping away the single tear that had spilt, “You were gone.”
His eyes soften, and, despite the cold of his hands, they’re warm, his eyes, his body too, you notice, noting he’s much closer to you than you realised, and definitely too close for comfort. You don’t even know if you can call him insane, mad with power, and furthermore, you can’t tell what he meant by…
A cold hand snakes over your shoulder and his fingers grasps the back of your neck, pulling you towards him. When he kisses you, you stiffen, but, really, for barely a second, because his lips, they feel so familiar. This man is like your Stephen, you can feel it, but you see a different image; he’s like your Stephen if he had no self control, or even just a little less than he has now.
The thought hits you: you could never deny Stephen. Even if you could, say, by the grace of some higher power, even if you could walk away, Stephen always gets what he wants. There isn’t even a higher power you can turn to: there is no power higher than Stephen.
“You’ve come back to me.”
What can you even say? You’re sure he isn’t delusional, you’re sure he knows you’re not his, and you’re sure he doesn’t care. You nearly resign to your fate, but the thought burns you so hot you hurriedly blurt out,
“What happened to her?”
To you. Did he…?
He doesn’t answer, he stays gazing into your eyes, a sombre-looking but relieved smile on his face, like he’s reconciling the fact that he was wrong; he’s never wrong, but he never thought he would see you again. He simply repeats, “You’ve come back to me.”
“Stephen, no,” you state, firmly, yanking his hands off your face and holding his wrists down between you two. He seems mildly shocked, you’re sure he would have been able to overpower you if he you didn’t catch him slightly off guard. But no, you should know you could never be apart from him, whether you want to or not.
Magic ropes wrap around your wrists, tying a knot and pulling them close together, so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if they sliced your hands off. Stephen’s magic is golden, pure, this man—you don’t even want to call him Stephen—his magic is corrupt; purple, with black shadows swirling the violet pulses emitting from the shapes he draws.
You panic, forcing your head down to look at your bound wrists and then snapping your head back up to him. You open your mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a shrill little squeal as you’re lifted a few centimetres off the ground. The same purple and black vines wrap around your ankles, forcing them together.
You notice this is the first time you’ve been above him, floating just high enough for him to have to raise his chin to study you. You always thought this would give you some kind of dominance (fleeting and artificial as it may be), to be over him, but no, you never stood a fucking chance.
You barely struggle, afraid that if you shift around too much you’ll drop to the ground, so all you can do is be still as he circles you, examining you. Another thing; he doesn’t seem to just look at you, he studies you, like looking for flaws in a sculpture. What happens if he finds them?
“You know,” he finally speaks after several minutes of inspecting you, “All this…” he turns you towards the window. There’s a rift in the sky, with seemingly everything in it, everything in existence, it’s overwhelming, “I did for you, honey.”
He’s lying, he must be; though you can imagine yourself getting a little carried away now and then, in no universe could you ever see a version of yourself prepared to bring about mass destruction, the ends of literally infinite lives, no; you may be imperfect, but the collapse of an entire universe? He’s either lying or being intentionally ambiguous. Maybe he’s not lying, just misleading.
“You didn’t; you did it for her,” you half-lie; while it’s true he could only have done this for a different version of you, you doubt she would have authorised that, but you use her as sort of a scapegoat anyway.
He flicks his fingers and you spin to face him. He lowers you just enough so you’re at eye level, and despite your best efforts, you genuinely can not read his gaze; you can’t find any hint of what he may be feeling, it’s just a void, but it’s not, it’s not a void; you know there’s something there, something you’re missing.
You’re sure he’s going to say something, maybe continue his little game of pretending you’re his, but just as you anticipate the opening of his mouth, you violently spin again, this time towards the door, with a shriek. He walks in front you, and you follow behind, like you’re being pulled by a rope, like a dog on a leash who’s trying to play with something when the owner is fed up and wants to go home.
His bedroom door slams shut behind you and you’re lowered onto bed with a gentleness the human touch could never give, his magic softly laying you like you’re the most precious thing, and based on the look he’s giving you, you damn well might be.
Your soft rest hazes your mind for a moment, but you’re snapped back to the cold of the Sanctum when you feel him hover over you.
“I’ve missed you…” he whispers.
You don’t know when your pants came off, but you feel him run a practiced finger over your clothed slit. Oh, God, he feels exactly like your Stephen; the foreignness of his eyes and slight change in demeanour don’t seem to mean anything when he still feels exactly the same, it’s fucking with your mind.
You love your Stephen, more than anything, and you know this isn’t him. You try to push him off but when he slips a finger inside of you, you can’t help the shudder that vibrates through you.
Can I get Stockholm Syndrome so easy? you wonder to yourself, more berate yourself, as you try desperately to ignore the feeling of his fingers inside of you, moving in and out just the way you like, he knows what you like, he knows your body just the way Stephen does.
Because he is Stephen.
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strrvnge · 2 years
Teacher’s Pet
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDN, porn with(out) plot, oral (f receiving), power imbalance, slight daddy and doctor kink (I don't know if it even exists), Also I wrote this instead of sleeping so forgive any mistakes, tell me if I miss any
Summery: Stephen Strange is your tutor and you’re his student, only that today there will be a different kind of lesson
‘’I can’t do this’’, you said with a huff and let your hands fall on the sides. Stephen had been trying to teach you a new spell for almost an hour and for almost an hour you had been failing to do the movements right.
‘’Of course you can’’, he reassured you and got back into position to start again. "Lets-"
‘’No Stephen. That’s it I can’t, I can’t do it’’ You've always had trouble concentrating no matter how thrilling or mind-blowing the new spell was however you were dedicated and passionate about it so you always did it right after a few tries. Also you didn't want to disappoint Stephen.
You had always been interested in the notion of magic as a child, I mean who wasn't. But after some unfortunate events caused by some Avengers' mission that turned your life around you found out that magic wasn't that much of a children's story, it was real and there was a place where you could be taught. So you went for it.
Entranced and curious you always had a thirst to learn more. You were at the top of your class, with knowledge beyond it so when Stephen became the Sorcerer Supreme and took notice of your performance he decided to quench that thirst of yours. You knew it was a chance of a lifetime and soon you had moved into the Sanctum and you had a tutor. What you didn't expect was to develop feelings for that tutor so strong that you couldn't focus on your studies anymore.
"Come on Y/N! Stop whining and let's try again" You really tried to convince yourself it was a stupid school crush. He was older, illegally handsome, intelligent and you spent almost everyday together but then you noticed you couldn't stop thinking about him.
"No I- What are-" You looked at him as he walked behind you.
"Just let me show you. Is that alright?", he cut you off and your eyes widened
"Sure" you looked away staring at the wall so he wouldn't see the scarlet colour across your cheeks. You stood firmly on your foot terrified of the slightest step back as there was a high chance you would fall to his chest. You weren't sure how far behind you he was but you could smell his strong perfume, tingling your sensations.
"Don't forget how to breathe", he chuckled and you realised you've been holding your breath for too long.
"Good point", you whispered. Still from behind you he brought his hands in front of you and slowly, making with his hands the movements that you so much hated. "Just watch my hands"
You hummed in agreement as you observed his hands closely, the lines starting from his fingertips and then going down till all of them meet. You had noticed before-those long, skillful fingers could never go unnoticed- making you wonder what else they could go.
Yes you were desperate. Almost two years without sex of course you would think like that about fingers.
"You're paying attention aren't you?", he chuckled, snapping you out of your thoughts. Like a kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar you gave him a guilty look and smile, realizing you had been staring at his fingers rather than the movement they made.
"Of course I am", you laughed awkwardly and abruptly turned around to look at him,losing lightly your balance you took a step back and hit his chest.
"Caught you" He had a firm hand on your side before lightly squeezing your waist to keep both of you still.
"Thanks", you said embarrassed
"Sure, just be more careful. Now let's continue" You nodded obediently and went to step away and take your previous position, however his firm hold held you in place, making your bodies press against each other. "
Pressing himself harder against you to come closer, his face rubbing your hair as he spoke to you, reminding the movements your hands were supposed to do.
"Like that?" You asked, finding it impossible focusing on the lesson rather than how his hold went further down your waist or how good he smelled.
"No Y/N it is nothing like that" Once more your hands fell on your side and you huffed and disappointed. "Weren't you paying attention when I showed you- Come on don't give me that look"
"What look?" You turned and looked at him confused, before realizing how close you were standing.
"The crying puppy look" Placing a stand of hair behind your ear, his fingers, your eyelashes fluttered as he stroked lightly the side of your face before he quickly pulled back. "Let's try again, hm?" He coughed.
Placing first his hand on your waist your voice hitched as he pressed his body against yours and gripped your wrists.
"You should do it now" He softly and you took a deep breath. He felt muscular against you and firm yet his touch on your wrists was so careful and gently, as if he was scared he'd break you.
Deciding to get over with it you started performing the movements he previously showed you, pushing aside any inappropriate thoughts.
"There you go" your jaw dropped slightly at the sudden sensation of something hard pressing against you. A soft whine escaped your lips as you realised what exactly that was; Stephen hard member pushing against your ass.
"You're doing so wonderful" he pressed you harder against his body, now his tip teasing your ass.
"Oh, Stephen-" your head dropped on his shoulder and with half open eyes you looked at him.
"You're the sweetest thing I've ever seen", he mumbled against your neck, as he traced kisses down your cleavage. "Tell me you want this too"
"Please more than anything" his cock twitched and he possessively his grip on your waist got tighter before starting kissing the side of your face.
"Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to keep my hands off you? Or should I mention how hard I get every morning? You have to use my shower because yours isn't supposed to work. You're such a dirty liar"
"It really doesn't work", your chuckle soon got lost under some heavy panting as he started sucking your jaw.
"Is that why you leave your panties in my bathroom? You know I have three pairs of thongs and fun fact they aren't mine" He couldn't count how many times he finished just by holding your panties. He was fascinated by them, their vibrant colours, the lace, the little bows on them.
"You're filthy" You joked and his teeth sunk down onto the sweet spot of your neck.
"Maybe" a small smirk curved on his lips, before his hand moved from your stomach down to your clothed core and then palmed it. "But I'm not the one who's wearing the shortest dresses when we're having lessons. Now that's really filthy"
"Jesus Doctor" Pushing past your panties he entered a finger in your core making you shiver under his touch. Your walls squeezed his finger, trapping it inside you. Moving away from your neck he quickly took his finger out of your pussy, making you gasp. Putting it in his mouth he sucked the sweetness off his finger.
"You sweet sweet thing" He hummed, still tasting you on his lips.
"Please need you"
"Go sit on the desk, sweetheart" He ordered, suddenly letting you go.
Hesitantly you walked to his desk before looking at him, any previous confidence now all gone leaving behind a shy little girl.
"Sit on the desk baby and spread those legs for me" He watched you walk across the rolm and then squeezing your legs together as you sat on the cold surface. Stephen approached you before sinking down on his knees, his hot breath heating your core. "Come on, show me what's between those beautiful legs?"
Pushing your legs over his shoulder and your skirt over your hips, he lustfully gazed over your mound before kissing your inner thigh. You jumped back the tick hair of his goatee tickling your soft skin.
He had been waiting for months for this moment, sitting face to face with your warm aching to be touched pussy, ready for him to suck its juices. He wanted to take you apart slowly, sensually tracing your body with his fingers and tongue, before taking you against that very desk and fuck you dump till you can't think of anything but his cock. But he couldn't. Not when he spent months longing to taste your sweet cunt, suck those pretty folds of yours dry.
He pulled you by the hips closer to his mouth, before kissing from your ankle up your inner thigh and then biting it. Shocked, you gawked at him who proudly looked down at the mark he had left.
"Let's take those awful panties off" Supporting yourself on the desk you hoisted your hips and watched as his hand got lost under your skirt and then pulled down a little pink thong. "You really wanted me to see this hm? I'm keeping those" With a dirty smirk on his face he stuffed it in his pocket, adding it to his collection.
"Now let's pay attention to this needy pussy" He doesn't waste time licking a flat strip up your pussy before latching into your clit, making you gasp loudly."Such a sweet cunt. All wet for me" his voice muffled in your tight walls.
"Please" you moaned, spreading your legs further for him to go deeper and help with the ingrowing heat. "Fuck, please Sir"
He groaned at the name, one of his hands leaving your hips to palm his hard bulge through his pants. "It's Doctor"
His tongue flicked against the bundle of nerves before sucking on your leaking juices, your eyelashes fluttered at the feeling.
You couldn't believe what was happening. Just a mess in a pretty dress with your so much older tutor between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man and you were letting him.
You were so dirty. Squirting on his face so desperately for him to pleasure you."Thats it make a fucking mess baby. Let daddy clean you all up afterward too"
Pulling his hair he shoved him closer to your pussy, his nose nuzzling on your clit in the process.
The combination of sweet burning feeling his tongue and lips left behind and the harsh rubbing of his goatee had you on edge.
His tongue flicked against your clit, his warm breath fanning over your wetness you’re so out of it, you can barely stay still. Your legs started trembling, your hips moving up and down, grinding down his face needy for release. "Fuck"
"My stupid, sweet girl. So fucking desperate for me. Are you gonna cum for me? Show me how well you can follow orders?”He already knew the answer to that, he could tell from your unsteady breaths and unfocused eyes. If he knew Wong wouldn't return back in a few minutes, he’d take you to his bedroom and try to see how well you'd take his cock now that he had stretched you all nice and open.
You looked at him with a pout as he beckoned for you to cum and massaged your little nub. He kept an eye on you, watching as you mumbled so shamelessly his name as you came undone, grinding on his face. "Yes, yes, yes"
He slurped all of your juices, your grip on his hair becoming more loose while you rode the last waves of your orgasm. Suddenly keys were heard and the large door of the Sanctum opened.
"Shit Wong's back", you cursed and Stephen raised his face for your pussy His beard glistening.
"You're the fucking pretty" He said still between your thighs but you wasn't sure if he was talking to you or himself.
"Come on" You stood up and fixed your dress before bringing a hand to his beard and whipped the evidence. He watched mesmerized as you licked your palm and then walked away with a smirk.
"Looking forward to our next lesson, Doc"
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winsteria · 2 years
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This post contains fanfic recommendations for Sherlock Holmes (BBC) and Stephen Strange and his variants. I thought it would be nice to share and recommend to all of you the fics that I love! <3
Note: Most of the recommended fics are fluff, but there will be some angst too. Fics that contain smut will be marked with (S), so for those who don't read them can be aware.
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➥ Doctor Strange
✦ Karaoke Night by @annesthaeticc
✦ Uncle Stephen by @writingliv
✦ Musée de l'Orangerie by writingliv
✦ Glimpse of Us by writingliv
✦ Paper Hearts (Series) by @classickook
✦ All I Ask (Part 1) by @brunchable
➥ All I Want (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ One Dance (Last Part) by brunchable
✦ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 1) by brunchable
➥ Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 2) by brunchable
➥ (S) Can't Love You in the Dark by (Part 3) by brunchable
✦ A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant To Be (Mini-series) by brunchable
✦ Karaoke Confessions by @getlostsquidward
✦ Annoying by @spookyspecterino
➥ Defender Strange
✦ Wardrobe Mix Up by @lykaonimagines
✦ Give Me The Reason by lykaonimagines
➥ Sinister Strange
✦ Notes & Letters by lykaonimagines
✦ Actions Speak Louder by @geeky-politics-46
➥ Supreme Strange
✦ My One Constant by lykaonimagines
✦ Something Interesting by lykaonimagines
✦ Touch Starved by @starks-hero
✦ Comfort by starks-hero
✦ Deep Water by starks-hero
✦ Dinner With the Family by starks-hero
✦ Danger Night's by starks-hero
✦ Different by starks-hero
✦ Sentiment by starks-hero
✦ I'm Here by starks-hero
✦ Meet the Parents by starks-hero
✦ His Remedy by starks-hero
✦ Darling It's Cold Outside by starks-hero
✦ Always On My Mind by starks-hero
✦ Christmas by @geeks-universe
✦ Bedside Manners by @luxwritesfanfic
✦ Don't Take The Money by luxwritesfanfic
✦ Missed You by @sherlockxreader
✦ The Case of the Unread Article by sherlockxreader
✦ I Want One by @victoriaholmeswriting
✦ The Holmes Family by victoriaholmeswriting
✦ Corpses and Roses by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Iridescence: A Composition by french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
✦ Soulmates by writingliv
✦ Night Terror by @fandom-puff
✦ The Feeling Is Mutual by classickook
✦ Safe In Your Arms by classickook
✦ ILY by annesthaeticc
✦ Puppy Luv by annesthaeticc
✦ Bad Hair Day by annesthaeticc
✦ Here Comes The Sun by @aephereal
✦ Pancakes by aephereal
✦ Late Nights & Violins by @daydreamtofiction
✦ Consequences by @theconsultingdetectiveswife
✦ Limerence by @galactic-academia
✦ Spiraling by @stupidthoughtsinwriting
✦ Morning Light by lykaonimagines
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So, that would be the end of this post. If your work is here and you want to remove it from this post, please kindly inform me in the comments and I will remove it! <3
— winsteria
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just-a-strange-boy · 8 months
There aren't many beautiful things left in Stephen Strange's world, a vast and cold place. But at least he has you - the most beautiful person he had ever come across. He wants to make sure to prove it to you and worship you accordingly - not even letting sleep come between the two of you.
Pairing: Sinister Strange x Reader (GN)
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), somnophilia, questionable consent, unprotected sex, Sinister being...not that sinister actually
A/N: I do like dark Sinister. But you know what I enjoy more? Sinister who would do anything for you, because he is a massive simp. And so damn horny for you.
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If Stephen Strange could have chosen one word to describe you it was that.
There was always something so beautiful about you. Often times he found himself entirely enamored with the sight of you, wondering how someone could be so mesmerizing, so enthralling, so infatuating. Catching a glimpse of you at the right moment, the whole world seemed to stop around him.
Whether it was in the soft, warm candlelight or in the scarce daylight of this world or like now, in the bright moonlight seeping through the windows and falling upon your sleeping form beside him. He had eyes for you only, addicted to the sight of you.
You were so unique.
He had always known. Ever since you had stumbled into his life and messed with it, he had known. There was something indescribable about you, it seemed impossible to fully capture your likeness. Words couldn't do your beauty - may it be your physical form or what was deep down inside of your soul - justice. One thing he was very certain of though: no one could ever be like you.
You touched him in ways that Stephen didn't think anyone ever could.
For so long he had been convinced of his own coldness, that he was simply unlovable and repulsive, that he was doomed to stay alone forever because he couldn't love anyone fully, truly. But then you had come along and chipped away at the hard demeanor bit by bit, breaking him down and building him back up, all with your love.
You had brought warmth to his coldness, love to his hatred, liveliness to his lonesome days.
Neither of you was doomed to live a life of solitary and anguish anymore. Just like he meant to give a purpose to you, you had given him meaning again.
And the best thing was that all of you belonged to him.
Sometimes Stephen couldn't quite believe it himself, to deserve someone as perfectly imperfect and wonderful as you.
Part of him was still oddly suspicious sometimes, afraid that once you were offered the chance, you would rather flee this world and leave him behind than stay with him, even in a world falling apart, forever. But you had proven him different so many times, because you were still there. You had remained right here, with him, and sworn to stay.
After all this time, he still couldn't really believe it. That you were here. That you were with him. That you had told him that you loved him and continued to prove it to him every day.
He often lacked words to proclaim his love to you. There was no way that shallow phrases would be enough to describe what he felt for you. It was easier to show, but even the little acts of service never felt enough to him. He would do anything for you and give you all. You deserved the world, this one and any other, if not the entire multiverse.
Even though he was only able to share what he had and there wasn't much left in this world, you still stayed around.
So he supposed there was a possibility that you did know after all. That his love for you went beyond the bounds of anything he had ever known, was a stronger force than any magic he had ever used, and that he would simply do anything for you.
Sometimes his love for you was overwhelming, left him restless, like now as he sat awake in bed, watching you, his wondrous partner, in the moonlight. It sent a soft glow to your skin, almost shimmering. You simply lay there, remaining in your deep slumber, breathing softly, the thick woolen blanket having slipped aside, now barely hiding your naked form, leaving most of you uncovered and for him to admire.
He would never grow tired of the sight.
He chuckled. So typical. You always preferred to sleep on your left side, one arm tucked under your head, body turned away from Stephen, displaying your back to him.
There were little reminders of your previous love-making, red streaks where his fingers had dug into your skin, bruises and bites where his mouth had latched onto you, and seeing them in contrast to the light tone of your skin made his heart swell with affection, and admittedly obsession.
You truly were his. And he would always make sure of marking you accordingly. You simply looked so pretty wearing his marks.
As Stephen's gaze traveled along the plane of your back, the expanse of your shoulders, limbs lax with sleep, he was surprised when you stirred slightly, curling further into yourself as you shifted your legs, an utterly adorable sound and soft breath slipping past your lips, before continuing in stillness.
Smiling down at you, Stephen carefully reached out to brush a hand through your sleep-ridden hair, carding through the soft strands that had grown longer and longer in time.
There was a relaxed sigh escaping you next as he began stroking the back of your head, fingertips softly grazing the scalp down to your nape. When you still wouldn't stir, Stephen thought it safe to assume you were continuing to soundly slumber. He didn't mean to disturb. But you had this magic over him, pulling him in, and he was entirely mesmerized with you.
In his profuse admiration, he couldn't help himself but touch more, marveling how the moonlight kissed your skin in this most beautiful way, your nakedness reminding him how perfect you were in every way, at any given time. How wonderfully submissive and pliant you always tended to be, for no one but him.
Certainly you wouldn't mind if he were to proclaim his affection and love, even in sleep. You never minded being the object of his relentless desire, all of his love focused on the wonderful creature that he thought you were, downright obsessed with taking you apart as he pleased.
Of course, you would allow him to do anything. You had little shyness, nothing ever seemed to be off-limits for you, and once again Stephen thought you were simply made to be his, suiting his every need, every little filthy plan of his.
But how, he wondered, would you react to this? Would you stir? Would you wake? Would you perhaps be responsive under the impression this was all a dream? Would you be startled to find out that it was not?
You looked so beautiful there and then, too good to be true, and he wanted to savor the moment, embrace you wholly and worship you accordingly.
Stephen smiled to himself, letting his hands slide lower and folding the blanket back, grazing the tender skin of your back, fingertips trailing the traceable ridges of your spine – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, where the trapezius muscle ended and the latissimus dorsi began – and further down, slipping the blanket lower – sacrum and coccyx, gluteus maximus.
He could have studied you for hours and hours, like a doctor tending to his favorite subject, and found himself incapable of stopping his hands from wandering, gently tracing your backside.
Making sure to not startle you awake, he slid down next to you eventually, carefully pressing up to your naked form, bodies perfectly slotting together like they always did, embracing you.
You always felt so soft under his hands, your smell was simply intoxicating, not too mention the beautiful sight, and being so wrapped up in all of you did a plenty amount of things to Stephen, his cock stirring with arousal as he rubbed it against the swell of your ass.
His hands slid further along the tender skin, fingers trailing your upper thigh, moving along the protruding hip bone, down to the pelvic area, only lightly grazing your inner thighs and eventually the apex in between.
He hummed and wondered if you would be easily aroused in this state too, unaware of the attention paid to you. But you didn't stir, remaining entirely calm, even as Stephen carefully shifted the position of your leg, skilled fingers tracing your sex with the gentlest touch, hand fully wedged between your thighs as he went on exploring, finding you still lightly loosened from your earlier love-making.
Stephen always considered it convenient to have magic at hand. His intention was not to harm or hurt you, never that. While you occasional sought out this wicked pain during sex, a primal rawness, the sting of bites or fingers digging into each other's skin, now was not the time.
He didn't want to disrupt you, wanted to worship you and have you fully, revel in your beauty, your soft sleeping form.
So with magical handiwork and quick lubrication, he eased into you with gentle fingers, opening you up in a way that would usually coax out the sweetest sounds and moans from you, though not tonight. Not even the rhythm of your breathing changed, ever so softly, relaxed and at peace.
Feeling you properly loosened, he went on to slow replace his fingers with his hardness, sliding into you so easily, finding his way home, pushing deep within you. Being with you always made him feel at ease, calmed his mind, quieted his restlessness and his thoughts.
Stephen reveled in your warmth, the comforting grip you had on him, taking him in so well, and he pressed up more to your relaxed body, circling one arm around your form, holding you tightly and securely.
He would never let any harm come to you. He would protect you forever. Love you fiercely. Until the world around you would finally cease to exist and the universe would swallow you both whole – and even then, he would be content because at least he'd been able to have you.
How could he ever let go of something as wonderful as you, of your perfect imperfection, your wholesomeness? It would be so foolish. You were his whole world.
Stephen gently began to move within you, slow and careful thrusts filling you out, enjoying the warm and smooth sensation around him, welcoming him in.
He buried his face in soft strands of your hair, taking in a deep breath, basking in the intoxicating smell that always clung to you, and feeling so much like he was truly at home.
The Sanctum had been his sanctuary, his residence for so long, but ever since the incursion and the extinction of life as it was, it had never quite been an actual home to him, more so a prison.
Not until you came along and made it a place worth living at again. Because you were his home, much more than any place could ever be.
Settling on a gentle rhythm, he brought your bodies close. Stephen wished he were able to read your mind now, wished he could look into your beautiful head, wished he could sense what you felt right now and if you perhaps found yourself enjoying it as much.
Closing his eyes and resting his forehead against your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to your pale skin, he allowed himself to get lost in you and take his pleasure, rocking into you, pliant and relaxed and so wonderful.
His heartbeat quickened a little, he was breathing heavily against your back and perhaps it was that or his thrusts becoming so much more intense as he went greedy with lust, which caused you to stir in your sleep.
The relaxation seemed to ripple away from your body, muscles suddenly tensing and winding up, and Stephen could feel you clench around him, which caused a huffed moan to slip past his lips.
Then you simply hummed, inhaled deeply and pressed back into him.
The immediate response to his advances made Stephen shudder, more arousal surging through him, plunging deep into the tight hold that you had on him, until he was fully seated within you.
A small grumble, a little huff, stirring again. It was even more exciting for him to not know whether you would be waking up any second now. Perhaps you would stay in your sleeping state, thinking you were only dreaming. Perhaps you were pretending.
Whatever it was, it made Stephen want you even more and he continued thrusting into you shallowly, making use of your wonderful body, loving you whole-heartedly.
You mewled softly, whimpering even, small little sounds escaping you whenever he pushed deep inside.
A heat had fallen over the two of you, an unspoken and forbidden passion, whereas you still seemed to remain in your slumber, though not entirely unresponsive. Oh, did you know what was going on? Did you know what to await? How would you feel waking up with Stephen's cock nestled inside of you and the stickiness of your love-making between your legs?
His hands returned to travel your chest, front and center, feeling your heartbeat, which was quickening occasionally, but more so a steady sign of life that Stephen cherished so deeply.
With calloused fingertips he brushed lower, following the trail down to your navel, down to your crotch, and brushing over your arousal, finding you very responsive to the intimate attention. While there was no buck of hips, no pressing against his hand in return and you remained relatively still, you were obviously aroused.
In return, Stephen wondered how he could possibly get you to react. How he could possibly wake you up, pull you from your deep slumber with the element of surprise, if not even initial shock or embarrassment.
Then again, he was certain that you would have never refused his advances either way, enjoying to be used by him as he pleased, as it too was your hearts desire to fulfill Stephen's needs whenever you could.
He groaned into your ear, a noise of pleasure and indescribable lust, hips continuously rocking into you, sinking his cock into you and pulling back out and all over again, a steady but gentle rhythm that sent shivers down his spine, body filled with immense lust, and he wasn't all too surprised about his orgasm nearing, buried in your tight heat, pressed so close to you, his one and only.
Maybe it were his noises, the careful movements, the proximity, the intrusion or simply that you were wearing off sleep for another reason that made you stir beside him.
A silent gasp for air, the initial urge to pull away, before shuffling back to get comfortable in his embrace, realizing what was happening, but too heavily in this dream-like state that you wouldn't refuse him altogether.
"Stephen?", you muttered softly, your hand searching to reach for the one that had found its way to the apex of your thighs, carefully trying to bring pleasure to you alongside his thrusts. You placed yours above his.
"Yeah, my love", he whispered back, breath brushing over the delicate skin of your nape, "My darling, I just had to have you."
While others would have perhaps reacted in fear or immediate flight, you still didn't refuse any of his advances, pressing back into him in means to feel him deeper, to take him all in. There was a small moan escaping you, all too pleased with what he was offering, a part of you secretly enjoying he found you so hard to resist, flattered by his relentless desire and adoration.
"You're insatiable", you hummed drowsily, sleepy, your nimble fingers on Stephen's hand between your legs, drawing lines along the familiar scarred tissue as he was still keen bringing pleasure to you.
"You're all too beautiful, my love, and hard to resist. My sleeping beauty, my everything", Stephen praised you softly, feeling his orgasm approaching, especially now that you were soft and pliant and so very responsive. He didn't care about corrupting you, didn't care about the debauchery and potentially using you to his own pleasure.
It was all too late anyways, you already were a beautifully deranged pair, but of course he would never find the intention to do harm to you.
It was all worship.
To his surprise, he wasn't the first one to come.
There was something undeniably wonderful and fulfilling about you going rigid, a shudder going through you all of the sudden, breath hitching, an unexpected noise of pleasure escaping your throat, like you hadn't quite awaited to be brought all the way to the edge. You weren't as vocal as normally, not as passionate, weren't falling apart under Stephen's hands like you usually did – but it was still a beautiful thing to witness while you came.
So beautiful and admirable that Stephen couldn't help but fill you right up with his come in response, groaning softly as his balls tightened and pleasure surged through his body, rocking further into you, holding you in his tight embrace as he emptied himself within you.
He never wished for it to be otherwise, always wanted it to be just the two of you, forever and ever, for as long as your universe lasted.
"Sleeping beauty, huh?", you muttered after a while, urging Stephen to tighten his hold around your middle, before pulling the blanket back up over your forms, "Couldn't have waited until the morning to wake me up for sex?"
Stephen chuckled lowly, planting a kiss on your shoulder. "I could have, but then you and I would have missed out on this experience. I daresay it was worth it. You know me, my love", he responded quietly, remaining seated deep inside you, unfazed by the slickness and sticky mess between your bodies.
"Yeah, I know you all too well", you replied with a sleepy mumble, "And love you all the same."
116 notes · View notes
Last Updated: 2024-01-30
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Dr. Stephen Strange stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ You Belong to Me by geeky-politics-46 • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 • 𑁍 • 🚫 •
Summary: "Awoken from sleep by the teasing kisses of your sorcerer, but one look in his eyes tells you something is off. Is he really your Stephen Strange? Or is he something more sinister?"
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✑ A Natural│Prt. II by geeky-politics-46 • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Stephen begins teaching the mystic arts to your daughter, and you both ruminate on your current pregnancy."
✑ Actions Speak Louder by geeky-politics-46 • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "When the only person in his world gets sick he realizes just how much she has changed him."
✑ At Your Mercy by geeky-politics-46 • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Stephen is having a bad day. Luckily you know just how to take his troubles away."
✑ Don't Blame Me by getlostsquidward • 18+ • 〔A᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll, and Stephen decided he'd pay it the world, the universe – if it meant having you back in his arms."
✑ I'll Give You the Stars and Moon by strangelockd • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "[It's] finally here! Your wedding day to [Stephen and] he has a few surprises up his sleeve to make your best day ever even better than you could dream."
✑ In Another Universe by omgstarks • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "You and Stephen are stuck in Sinister's universe. He agrees to help you but at what cost?"
✑ Make Love to Me by ironstrange1991 • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When cold weather and a thunderstorm [leaves you] terrified [you find] comfort and warmth in Stephen's arms]."
✑ Messed Up Kind of Love by getlostsquidward • 18+ • 〔E᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Whenever Stephen comes back from his dream walking with that faraway aggravated look in his eyes that indicates he had once again failed, your heart breaks a little each time."
✑ Personal Space by geeky-politics-46 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You try to set some boundaries in your new relationship together, but it still ends the same way... with you both naked."
✑ Poisonous Touch by brunchable • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "Stephen wakes up [bound to a chair] with magic... [to find] you tied up and gagged on the bed, right in front of him."
✑ Swapped Places by vickiee-mcmuffin • 18+ • 〔E〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "Stephen returns home after a 2-week-long mission, and he seems desperate to touch you. But the Stephen you give yourself to, isn't the Stephen you knew and cared for."
✑ Why Don't You Run From Me by strange-dreams-are-made-of-these • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Stephen was searching for help from one of his other self's in the multiverse, but seeing a variant of you makes him realize how bad he has been to you."
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✑ Cold by dino-fart • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Last of His Day, the by clouded-dreams2 • 〔A〕 •
✑ Let Me Take Care of You by dino-fart • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ More than the Stars by dino-fart • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ My Angel by dino-fart • 〔F〕 •
✑ My Hero by dino-fart • 〔F〕 •
✑ Never Doubt My Love by strangelockd • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Salvation by strangelockd • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Take Care by dino-fart • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Til the End of Time by dino-fart • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ You're Cute When You're Angry by dino-fart • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Stephen Strange Master Index
Authors: @brunchable || @clouded-dreams2 || @dino-fart || @geeky-politics-46 || @getlostsquidward || @ironstrange1991 || @omgstarks || @sanctumsanctorumshenanigans || @strange-dreams-are-made-of-these || @strangelockd || @vickiee-mcmuffin ||
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ironstrange1991 · 4 months
A Very Busy Sorcerer
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen has been very busy the last few days and the reader decides he needs a moment to relax.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: SMUT: Handjob and some dirty talk. Use of the word daddy one or two times. Mostly fluff.
A/N: Working two jobs I haven't had much time to write, but I managed to finish this one for you guys and I hope you like it.
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One of the things you tried not to do was disturb Stephen when he was working. You were still getting used to the idea of ​​living together, even though you had been dating for almost 2 years and you were used to him sleeping in your apartment or you sleeping at the Sanctum almost every day, but actually living together was completely different and you wanted to show him that you knew how to respect his space and that you understood how busy he was.
However, since Stephen had set the date for the next mission with the Avengers he was always stressed, always worried and barely left the library, always reading and preparing for whatever he had to do. - As time went by, you stopped asking him to explain his missions to you. Today was no exception, Stephen was in the library, he was there all day in fact and even though it was Saturday, Wong was still wandering around the Sanctum instead of going back to the Kamar Taj like he normally did on the weekends, and you were bored and upset at being left aside and knowing that soon you would be alone in that huge house.
But you weren’t worried about yourself, you were worried about Stephen. He had barely been eating the last few days and when you brought it up he always said he was fine, but all that nervousness and stress couldn't be further from fine. You just wish you could find a way to make him stop and breathe for a minute and perhaps relax a little bit before going out on his mission. If you could just get him to talk to you a little, or eat something healthy, you'd feel less worried.
You found yourself searching for Wong to make sure he wasn't in the library too and found the Sorcerer Supreme in the Window of Worlds room doing who knows what. Having decided, you went to the library and found Stephen at his desk reading a huge book. He was so absorbed in his reading that he even noticed you approaching, even though Cloaky broke free from his shoulders and flew towards you.
He only noticed you when you were already at his side, asking so that the sentient relic could leave your both alone for a moment. Cloaky flew away happily and you smiled feeling a warmth in your heart. Sometimes you caught yourself thinking it was weird to have so much affection for a piece of clothing, but Cloaky was so much more than that you end up telling yourself every time.
Stephen sighed heavily as if he expected you to complain to him, even though he knew you never complained. Maybe he simply knew he had crossed the line today.
 "Sweetheart, I know its Saturday and I know I should be spending some time with you, but I really need to find this specific spell..."
You shushed him wrapping your hands around his shoulders and positioning yourself right behind him. "I know. I didn't come here to complain, Steph. Do what you have to do." You said in a honeyed voice and began to massage his shoulders slowly. "I just want to spend some time with you while I can, if that's okay. I promise I won't disturb you."
He sighed heavily as you started working on a knot on his right shoulder and you could feel him melting under your touch and that was one of the things you loved most in the world.
"You could never disturb me, sweetheart. Hmm, this feels so good. I don't deserve you, Y/n."
"Shh. Enjoy it."
You smiled to yourself and continued with the massage and Stephen did his best to turn his attention back to his book which from what you could see was all written in runes.
It wasn't your intention to distract him, but you couldn't help but feel a little proud when you noticed how much he was melting into your touch, the slight moans he made every time you put more pressure on an area of ​​his shoulders that needed to be worked on more carefully and – of course – it didn’t took long for dirty thoughts start to creep into your mind.
As the minutes passed, your hands began to become more daring, going down his defined chest covered by his blue robes and he sighed contentedly when your lips began to place little kisses on the back of his neck, going up to bite his earlobe and finally whispering into his ear.
"Does it feel good?"
He groaned, lolling his head back and closing his eyes and resting it on your chest.
"It's perfect. I'm so tired, sweetheart. You have no idea."
You nodded "Yes I do. I’ve been worried about you all day. That's why I'm here. I wanted to make you relax a little bit."
He hummed positively, "God, it's working. I love the way you work your hands, Y/n. They're delicate, but firm at the same time. Perfect."
You felt your heart flutter in your chest and decided to dare a little by running your hand down his chest until you reached his belt. "Yeah? What if I use them here. Do you think I can make you relax even more?"
Stephen almost purred feeling your fingers ghosting over a growing bulge. He let out a low moan when you held him over his pants, rubbing your hand against him to tease him and then you dedicated yourself to unbuckling his belt.
You placed a kiss on his neck and walked around his chair, placing yourself between him and his desk. Stephen moved the chair back, giving you more space and watched you kneel in front of him with a big and warm smile.
You unbuttoned his pants and quickly took his cock out. He was already half hard and you couldn't resist giving him a little kiss on the head as he moaned a little louder this time but quickly tried to compose himself.
"Sweetheart...Wong is still at the Sanctum."
You smiled mischievously, licking your hand and started pumping him up and down slowly.
"I know."
Stephen let out a nervous chuckle, but his cock quickly hardened in your hand. "You know he could come in here at any moment, then.” Though his words should sound like a warning, his voice broke with sweet moans and you thought they were really cute.
“Oh fuck... these hands... devilish."
You giggled, stopping just for a second so you could spit on his cock and go back to stroking him. The wet, lewd sound only adding even more to his pleasure.
Stephen bit his lower lip hard to try and suppress a loud moan at which you tsked.
"It's okay, let me hear you, Steph. Wong is up stairs, it's just you and me here. You know I love hearing your moans, they make me so wet. Sometimes I touch myself just thinking about it, replaying the sound on my head."
Stephen gasped as you held him tighter twisting your hand while moving it up and down. His legs shook a little and he moaned loudly for you just the way you loved to hear.
"So fucking dirty, sweetheart. Oh I love it! I love when you work your hands in my dick. The best handjob I ever had."
You smiled proudly. "Yeah? You're flattering me just because you want me to make you cum."
Stephen moaned even louder this time.
"God yes, please. I need you to make me cum, sweetheart. But it's not only because of that. You're perfect. You know I always say this. You’re always so good to me."
One of the things you loved most about Stephen was how controlling and rough he could be in sex and at the same time be sweet and affectionate. He was always so sweet when he let you have control over him like that, and you loved it.
You spat on his cock again and started working with both hands, rotating one from the base to the tip and the other massaging his balls. Stephen let out a groan and caressed your face, his thumb pulling your bottom lip down.
"Why don't you put that little mouth to work for me, uh? I'm dying for a blowjob."
You smiled mischievously, but even though his voice sounded so pleading and sexy, broken by small moans, you didn't give in. You know he would take back control to himself if you let him fuck your mouth, and you were loving that little submissive moment of his.
"I want you to cum on my hands, Stephen. You just told me how much you love them. They are not enough?"
"Yes I do.  Shit! They’re more than enough, sweetheart. I could cum just from thinking about them as I did so many times. " He whispered between moans and his thighs trembled under your hands and his cock throbbed. "Fuck… but I need it faster, need more."
You bit your lip holding back a moan of your own. Seeing your man in that state was a huge turn on for you.
"Fuck Stephen... I'm so wet right now. Pussy is begging for you, and I know you want me too. So badly. You wanna put your cock inside me, don't you? Fell my pussy stretching around it..."
"Fuck yes." Stephen groaned and his cock jumped in your hand.
You started to work both hands on his cock, feeling him throb beneath them. He was so close, all he needed was a little push.
"Come on then, Steph, show me how much you love my hands. Cum all over them, make a mess for me. I just want you to feel relaxed, you deserve it. Have been working so hard these last few days. I just want to make you feel good."
"Oh yeah, sweetheart..." He moaned loudly. "Keep talking to me."
You smiled, satisfied now that you had him the way you wanted. "Give me your cum, daddy. Love you so much. I just want to be a good girl for you, wanna make daddy cum in my hands. I know you love my hands, Stephen. Show me how much. Give it to me."
Stephen let out a loud groan and started to cum. Warm and thick ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling onto your hands.
"There you go, Steph" You praised.
"Oh fuck... oh sweetheart. God, I love you, sweet girl." The words escaped his trembling lips as his body shook. His cum running down your fingers, some soiling the top half of his robes. A delicious mess.
He caressed your face, laughing softly, the sound making your heart jump in your chest.
"Such a good girl for daddy. Love you so much, Y/n."
You smiled sweetly at him watching as he conjured a cloth and began to clean himself as best as he could, but you knew it would take a lot more than that to get the smell of cum out of his robes.
He took your hands and began to gently clean them and then got rid of the dirty cloth and buttoned his pants and belts again with a flick of his fingers.
"I'll let you get back to work now." You said, getting up and threatening to leave, but he was faster. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to sit on his lap.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you go that easily?" He threatened with a smirk.
"I don't want to disturb your work, Steph."
He buried his face in your hair inhaling deeply.
"Too late for that, don't you think? Or did you really think I could go back to work after a handjob like that?"
You let out a small giggle "I didn't mean to."
He pulled your hair to the side and purposefully rubbed his goatee across the crook of your neck making your skin prickle. "Well, I think that was exactly your intention and now you got what you wanted."
"And what exactly did I want?" You asked, feigning innocence.
Stephen bit your earlobe "Making me hard for you, wanting to fuck you senseless until you ask me to stop."
"That’s not true." You said petulantly, turning to look at him and pulling him to your lips. "I never ask you to stop." You said biting his lip.
Stephen held you tight in his lap, standing up and opening a portal to his room. Work would have to wait.
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257 notes · View notes
lykaonimagines · 2 years
Notes & Letters - Sinister!Strange x Reader
Sinister Strange version of the reader accidentally lets him know they’re in love with him. 
Paring: Sinister!Strange x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,932
Description: After a more than rocky start to the interactions between Y/N and Stephen after being pulled into his universe, she finds she’s actually fallen for the man. Now how exactly does she tell the man she’d rebuffed the affections of so many times, that she does actually feel the same?
Other Things: Fluff. 
Warnings: Some swearing. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome? (He did tear her out of her own universe, but this is pretty soft). 
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Tossing another sheet into the fireplace beside her, Y/N stares at the flames slowly turning the paper to ash with a grimace on her face.
How many times had she tried to write this letter? Whether it was making badly written words vanish from existence with a spell, or letting them burn in the fire place, she felt she was no closer to her goal than she had been when she first sat at the large desk in the… morning?
She’d long lost the grasp on actual time since she’d gotten here. This universe felt like a void frozen in time, slowly disintegrating to its fated end. A fact that once scared her, but she now found a semblance of balance and normalcy in.
Though the light of day didn’t change and clocks were of little use, she’d found she had started to be able to gauge an hour on her own. The routine the two last beings in this universe had found was probably to thank for that.
Her day always began to Stephen rousing her from her sleep for breakfast; a gentle hand on her shoulder and soft smile on his face as her eyes first opened to him each day. When she’d first arrived they had a hard time speaking, her own outrage and confusion and his frustration often hit a boiling point. So he had taken to leaving her notes.
A list on the table top asking for her favorite breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. A list on her bathroom mirror asking for any products she needed. Another on the wardrobe looking for her preferred clothing types and colors. She’d grown to appreciate them as maddening as the entire situation was.
The fact he was trying to make her comfortable. Make sure she had everything she needed or wanted, keeping his distance from her and only seeking her out to inform her of meals.
She’d at first thought he was angry but felt he had to provide now that she was there, but every look her gave her said otherwise. At first they just held utter adoration. A look she felt she had never earned, that was misplaced from another version of herself and forced on her with far too much intensity. But over time it… calmed? It was still there, in each glance he gave her, but there was more.
She’d started to look forward to the other looks she got from him. Amusement. Contentment. Pride. A gentle smile in the morning, a full laugh that lit up his face after a dumb joke she told him. A smug smirk and nod of approval as she mastered a new spell under his direction.
He was a surprisingly good teacher. While her own late Stephen had often gotten frustrated when she struggled to memorize the spells and replicate them in his time as her Master, this Stephen was different. He’d stand before her and mimic the hand movements step by step, carefully adjusting her hands by the wrist when she struggled. She’d often found herself apologizing for mistakes and wasting his time, but he just helped her reset and assured her that he was spending his time exactly how he wanted.
She’d found herself wondering several times over the course of her time in this universe, what she would do if time was no object. If she could do anything with her time forever. The answers were originally always things that reminded her of home that she missed and the Stephen she had lost years ago. But overtime she found her mind moving to the Strange of this universe.
What would she do if had forever? Train with him and become the best sorcerer she could, two powerful magical beings standing side by side looking over a dying world… ok that one was weird. Evidently she’d been watching too many movies.
What else would she do? Cuddle up to the man on the couch with a movie on the dusty old tv he swore hadn’t been used in decades before she showed up. Conjuring up hot buttery popcorn that left a shine on his smiling lips that she could just lean over and… nope even weirder.
Literally anything else? Stephen shirtless and crawling up her bed with a gleam in his eyes and his hands seemingly leaving a trail of fire on her skin in their wake as they traveled up her… ah fuck.
When exactly these feelings had taken root in her brain she wasn’t sure. It clearly wasn’t overnight. She didn’t suspect a spell of any sort. He hadn’t done any one thing in particular. But once she realized it, it seemed obvious. One moment she hated him, despised him, wanted nothing to do with him. She felt like she was ready to burst into a rage or drop crying to the floor in his presence. Then the next… he’d been kind. Understanding. Accommodating. Caring. Helpful. Other than their initial arguments, he’d always kept his voice low and calm. His hands always to himself unless helping her. Giving her her own space. And she come to see how beautiful he was.
In many of the same ways as her late boyfriend, but many of his own ways as well. Eyes that at first glance appeared to have gone black, were an almost midnight blue. But when the light of the lamp, fireplace, or spell hit them just right, they lit up like the richest cobalt jewels. His slightly longer hair and different style also grew on her, framing his face in just the right way. And she’d be lying if she admitted the darker color palette on his robes didn’t do something for her.
As the feelings grew, she found herself now leaving him small notes. One weird drawing slipped under his plate when he wasn’t looking. “I’m Strong. I’m Fierce. I’m Badass,” stuck to the mirror in his bathroom, one she barely escaped without getting caught, her giggles tipping him off that she was up to some kind of mischief. And probably her favorite, a full sheet ripped from her journal taped to the front of the desk in his office stating, “Bestest Sorcerer,” and several doodles of sparks and a badly drawn sling ring.
She loved those moments when he found her notes, twisting the paper in between his fingers, and a genuine smile on his face for a moment before he rushed away.
Then she started collecting the new ones he left her, tucked into the back of her journal. A heart on a note stuck to a post of her bed. “You’re radiant,” on one on her mirror in the bathroom. “Your abilities are endless,” stuck to the current spell book she’d been reading through.
She needed to tell him… no, she wanted to tell him. She wanted something more with him. She wanted to cross that boundary they’d set up. That thought should terrify her. But it doesn’t. He had seemed content just having her here, not being on his own, being able to see her each day. Yet she’s the one that wants to change that.
Turning back to the journal in front of her, she runs her fingers across her initials etched in the the soft blue leather of the cover. He always put his all into everything he’d done for her. Tried to give her the best he could, the best of himself.
This letter had to be perfect… but how do you admit that the person you’d once cursed, shoved, and berated for literally kidnapping you to another universe; now holds your heart?
It felt like she was writing an apology mixed with defining Stockholm Syndrome more than anything in all her attempts.
Flipping to a clean page, she bites at her lip and starts another go at it. Her free fingers drum on the desk as she writes, slowing as her brow furrows and she scoffs at the line she’d written. However, she powers through to the end. Finally ripping the sheet from her journal and reading it over.
Awful. Just… awful.
Crumbling the newest page into a ball, she stands up from her chair and stretches, tossing the ball towards the fireplace as she walks out of the room to go find Strange.
Y/N’s presence in his office wasn’t an abnormal occurrence, yet every time she entered, Stephen couldn’t help but smile at her and stop whatever he’d been doing, “Do you need something my love?”
“Could I go for a walk maybe?” she asks quietly, a forced smile trying to hide the troubled look on her face.
“You want to walk out there?” he asks with a raised brow. “There’s nothing but debris and buildings being torn apart into the atmosphere.”
“I know, I’ll just stay on the street.”
His eyes narrow as a reason finally clicks into his brain. The implication weighing heavy on his heart. He’d thought… well he’d hoped… no.
“Are you trying to find a way to run away from me?” He asks, his voice going gravely. “There’s none out there, only destruction.”
“What? No,” she insists with widened eyes. “I know that. I just really need some air, and to get out of the Sanctum for a little bit. Clear my head.”
“Clear from what?”
“I’ve just been thinking a lot of things lately, and I want to sort out my thoughts,” she replies, leaning against his desk. “Is… there something I can do that would make you believe me? Or make you feel better about it.”
Sucking in a deep breath he closes his eyes in thought before nodding and conjuring a glowing purple pendent in his hand and offers it to her, “Protection spell. Should you touch something decaying or…” He trails off with a hazy look in his eyes.
“Or?” she presses him, his eyes flickering back to her.
“If you hear the sound of magic, a portal, footsteps, anything. Either immediately hide or head back here. Whatever is safest in the situation. You need only speak my name and I will be there, understood?”
Tilting her head as she looks at him, she realizes there’s fear in his eyes, “What are you expecting to be out there? You think someone is going to show up and take me? Please be honest.”
“As much as that is a concern, I’m more concerned…” sighing deeply his hand holding the pendent toward her shakes before his elbow drops to the desk. “If another variant of myself were to show up here, he’s more likely to kill you than take you anywhere. This isn’t the universe you were meant to be in, many of my variants will sacrifice you for what they believe is the betterment of the multiverse. Hoping to avoid further incursions. When clearly it’s already too late for this universe anyway.”
“So if I see another you, he’d try to kill me? He’d really do that to me?” she asks, a hurt expression spreading across her face.
“If they don’t know where to take you and they’re focused on incursions, yes.”
Her gaze drops to the floor, kicking at the wood aimlessly.
She glances back up at him and gives him a weak smile, “I’m sorry. I guess I just felt like… I’m not sure. I’m known two of you, so a part of me I guess thought that if I had ever met another, he’d at least be… nice to me? I don’t know.”
“Some versions of me take what they believe is right as their guideline. It’s not to say they don’t also have a Y/N back in their universe that they also know well. They will just probably not extend that curtesy to you. Any that are purposely moving across the multiverse aren’t doing so without a reason.”
Nodding slowly, Y/N reaches out to accept the pendent from him and slips it over her neck. “I’ll stay safe.”
Strange nods stiffly, holding back the wave of doubt in his mind telling him to make her stay, “I’m trusting you Y/N, please don’t make me have to come find you and drag you back. Please.”
“I’ll be back, safe and in one piece,” she smiles assuredly at him.
“If you need me, just say my name. Whether it’s danger, you’re lost, or you just want me to portal you back,” he responds, his hands tightly gripping the armrests on his chair.
Seemingly watching his internal struggle, she leans across his desk and presses a kiss to his cheek, “Thank you Stephen.”
His eyes widen at the gesture and use of his actual name, releasing much of the tension in his body as he relaxes into his chair, “Be safe, I’ll see you soon?”
“Soon,” she promises with a nod and heads out of the room.
Once he hears her footsteps fade away and the sound of the large front door opening and closing, he allows himself to brush his finger tips across his cheek. Somehow the spot still felt warm in her absence.
Now far too distracted to go back to the spell sitting on his desk, he gets up from his chair and stretches before heading across the Sanctum.
He’d noticed her writing furiously into her journal earlier and tearing pages from it, and he’d made it a habit to make sure she never ran out of pages.
Walking over to the desk he places his hand on the cover and watches as the journal is quickly refilled with paper before turning toward the fire place.
Immediately his gaze goes to a small paper ball sitting beside it, something she’d intended to burn?
Stooping to pick it up, he twists it around in his fingers trying to decide what to do with it. He should probably just burn it. But it probably wouldn’t hurt to take a glance at it first. She’d been scribbling at that desk for days and burning countless sheets of paper. And he may hold the answer to what she’d been doing. Possibly what had been troubling her, and the sudden need to get out of the sanctum.
Moving her journal aside, he unrolls the little paper ball and flattens it against the desk slowly, realizing he’s looking at a letter… to himself?
Once he’s smoothed out the wrinkles he takes a seat at her desk to read over the paper.
“Dear Stephen,
Well that’s already a lame start but here we are so buckle the fuck up. I don’t know how to write this. I want to be eloquent and confident and have words just fly out fluidly conveying my feelings. But try as I might, that’s not working. I’ve written this same letter now at least fifty times. Each time a glaring failure I wipe from existence or toss into the fire. Watching the pages go up in flames like my chances of actually saying this in some real meaningful way. So I’m just going to say this my way, exactly what’s in my head. The chances are this will end up in the fire as well, but who knows, maybe this will be the one that feels right.
I love you. I don’t know exactly when I realized, but when it finally hit me it took over all my senses. Everything I’ve done and now do is colored by the fact I now know that to be true. And I’ve had to fight the urge to respond to you saying it for… months now? Weeks? Maybe a year? I have no clue. I just know when you look at me with that smile and tell me you love me, my insides turn to mush.
And I just… want more. Like fuck. I want to cuddle up with you on the couch, I want to just sit in your lap when you’re at your desk and play with your hair, I want to kiss you when you’re laughing at some lame joke I made, I want to crawl into the same bed with you every night, I want your hands on me. I want it all and I don’t know how to say it. The number of times I just thought of leaning over your desk, sinking my fingers into your hair and pulling your head towards me and capturing your lips with a kiss… Might be going a little bit insane myself with all the scenarios running through my head.
Also I forgive you. I don’t know how else to really cover this. I was mad and scared and rightfully freaking out. I was kidnapped from my universe by a variant of my dead boyfriend and woke up in a dying world. I said a lot of awful things, I felt a lot of awful ways. I can’t apologize for feeling like I did, because come on. And it’s weird saying I forgive you for something I know you don’t regret doing, but at this point I’m… happy you did? And that sounds crazy to say. But I’m happy I’m here now. Well I mean if this doesn’t go well and you read this and don’t feel the same way anymore then maybe not…
That’s something I’ve been worrying about. That one day as you get to know me better, you’ll realize I’m different from the Y/N you lost and not want me here anymore. I know she was me, but I’m sure there are differences. You have similarities to the Stephen from my universe, but also a lot of differences too. So I hope my differences don’t drive you away. I know your love was for another and translated onto me, and I suppose it could be said my love for my past Stephen might have been brought over onto you as well in some form. The similarities soothing the ache on my heart from his loss, but distinct differences I’ve fallen in love with.
I’m in love with the man that wakes me with a smile and breakfast each day. Leaves me little notes around the Sanctum to find. Patiently teaches and guides me. That stops what he’s doing to conjure tea and snacks for us to sit and discuss the latest book I read. The man that does everything to make a collapsing universe feel like home and a place I want to be solely because you exist in it.
I’m not sure I’ll give you this letter, the chances are low since I hated every other one thus far. But if I do, I love you. And thank you for loving me the way you have and not trying to force me to feel the same. You loved me fully despite my countless rebuffs, and seemed content to just be as we are despite it all.  And well, I hope we can be more now, and I look forward to spending forever with you, however long that may be.
Love, Your Y/N”
Blinking slowly at the piece of paper in his hands, Stephen takes a moment for it to all sink in. All the things he’d wanted, hoped for. She wanted too. She loved him too. She’d spent days trying to write this for him. She called herself his Y/N.
Suddenly her absence in the Sanctum felt overwhelming. Every nerve in his body felt electrified, the need to go out and find her and finally have her in his arms nearly making him do so.
But he needs her to know he’ll trust her. And he… he needs her to come back. On her own accord. Not because he dragged her back.
Taking a deep breath, he folds the letter in half and sticks it in her journal, scribbling a quick message to her on the sheet below it.
Stepping away from the desk, he knows trying to study or focus on anything right now is a futile effort. So he takes himself to the room closest to a family room they have. He sits down on the couch, willing his muscles to unclench as he uses his magic to make the tv turn on, playing the first movie that came to mind.
“What if she doesn’t come back?” Echoes around in his head as the words from the film don’t seem to reach his ears. What if another him did show up and take her away back to her universe. Or his own. The idea of someone snatching her away from him causes him to grip the couch tightly below him.
Another him that isn’t a monster. Here playing hero and saving the girl from eternity in the tower with the beast. Younger and less broken, wooing her right out from underneath him.
His mind races and his body practically vibrates as he fights to keep himself in his seat and his eyes on the tv. It’s one of the rare moments when he reflected on his use of the Darkhold, and he wonders if he’d been struggling so violently in this situation if he hadn’t used it. But then again, if he hadn’t, this universe wouldn’t be falling apart, and she wouldn’t be here in the first place. He wouldn’t have been alone, but he might as well have been.
After the death of his Y/N, he steadily slipped away. While he was constantly surrounded by apprentices, students, and other masters, the loneliness he felt was crushing. Like a gaping wound in the middle of his chest that he was expected to “move on from” and continue his days saving a universe that took away his everything. He grew tired of the sympathetic looks, the nice words about who she had been, and attempts to reach him.
When he had first off-handedly mentioned wishing he could find another Y/N, just to have her back, Wong had immediately shut him down. Mentions of therapy, taking time off, getting help to process grief. No. He didn’t want to forget her, and as much as he wanted the sharp pain in his chest to go away, he feared if it did he’d truly fully lose her.
No he had to do something different. He had to have her back. The only solution that dulled the pain to an ache. Hours upon hours going through books, traveling to find other ancient texts he’d heard stories of. The day he first got his hands on the Darkhold, was the first day he had a true ray of hope since he’d lost her.
However, things very quickly got out of hand. He destroyed his own universe, killing everyone in it… and continued to torture himself with dreamwalks into happier versions of himself. Ones where Y/N was alive and staring back at him adoringly. Where he could feel her lips on his skin, see the adoration in her eyes, and just… be happy for a few moments.
A few moments of happiness for another shred of his sanity.
He’d eventually found his favorite universe. A Y/N that seemed so similar to the woman he lost, he almost couldn’t believe it. He visited her regularly, whether it be through dreamwalking or slipping into her dreams. Though he always disguised himself in her dreams, making sure he looked like the version of him that she loved. Some days it felt like it only thing keeping him alive, yet it tore his heart out over and over every time he left the dream.
The day he couldn’t reach the Stephen of that universe to dreamwalk, he spent the rest of the day waiting for her to fall asleep, entering her dream to find her a mess. She clung to him and sobbed, begging for him to come back. That it couldn’t be real that he had died. That she couldn’t live without him, to please come back for her.
And so he did. It wasn’t easy, and it took him some time, but he had managed to finally pull her into his universe. Though his happiness was quickly shattered by her reaction. Perhaps he’d expected too much. That she’d embrace another form of himself to dull her hurt as he wanted.
Their early arguments were wicked, venomous words dripping from both their tongues. But the looks she gave him even as she just crossed the room pierced his heart the most. Words he could deal with easily enough, however the adoration he used to see in her eyes replaced by disgust and hatred… that was far harder to accept.
He’d spent years aching for her to look at him again, actually look at his face and give that adoring loving gaze. He tore apart his own universe to have it. And she could barely even look at him without outright malice.
He had decided to retreat at that point. It was preferable to live a life where he could feel her presence in the house even if he didn’t get to interact with her. The last thing he wanted was to snap on her one day, his years of abusing the Darkhold making him uneasy to where he might go if she stabbed too deeply into his bleeding heart with her words and looks.
So he’d left notes and spent months on end avoiding her for her. Until she started seeking him out herself. Coming to the table to eat dinner with him, sitting in a chair in his office as he worked. Slowly they began to talk, and ever-so-slowly he saw the anger fade from her eyes. A warmth came back to them eventually, a smile aimed in his direction, a hand on his sleeve to tug him to the training room for more lessons.
The first note he found had nearly moved him to tears. “We’ve got each other and that’s a lot.” Just a single sticky note on his nightstand with song lyrics, yet it meant far more. She’d accepted they were in this together, and remembered their brief discussion of music.
The months passed and he found more and more notes, each one he carefully collected into a folder in a drawer on his desk, not wanting to let even one go. And he found himself starting to leave her notes once again, it became one of his favorite activities.
How she’d smile at him when she found one made his heart beat rapidly in his chest, and he found himself hoping. He wasn’t going to push it, he didn’t want to push her away. But hope that maybe one day…
The loud creek of the front door tears him from his thoughts, and he focuses all his attention on the sound of it closing and familiar footsteps taking the stairs up.
She passed through the room quietly, seemingly unaware of his presence as she walks toward her bedroom.
Exhaling deeply as she passes into the next room, he feels his body finally relax. She came back.
Stepping back into her bedroom, Y/N pulls the purple glowing pendent from her neck to place it on the desk next to her journal.
The walk really had helped. The air wasn’t exactly as ‘fresh’ as she was used to from walks back in her own universe, and the ever dying landscape wasn’t the most welcoming scene. But just being outside and walking nowhere without any aim, lost in her thoughts had helped her sort through her feelings a bit more.
Maybe she was ready to give that letter another go… she should let him know she’s home, but maybe that would be a good time to give him the letter?
Running her hand over the cover of her journal, she freezes as she notices a piece of paper sticking out from it. Hadn’t she gotten rid of all the loose pages?
Flipping it open, her heart nearly stops as she’s faced with the now flattened version of her last letter that should very much have been ash by now. Grasping the paper in her hand, dread fills her. Had he read it? That was possibly the worst version she’d written. Shit. Did he know?”
Looking back down at her journal, she sees words written in a messy script, “I love you too. Perhaps meet me back in the family room to discuss this further?”
The family room? She’d just been in the… well shit. He read her letter and she walked right past him when she came back.
Putting the paper down with shaky hands, she turns toward her open bedroom door and takes a deep breath.
She heads back to the family room as her every muscle seems to clench in anticipation. Reaching the room she notices the muted tv screen playing some movie, something she’d missed before. Along with the sorcerer relaxing on the couch in front of it, his head turning to her with a soft smile, “Enjoy your walk?”
“I- y-yeah,” she stutters, tentatively crossing the room to get closer to him. “Helped me sort some things out.”
“What things would those be?” he asks as he gives her a knowing look and pats the couch beside him.
She goes around the couch to sit beside him, hands clenching one another as she tries to think of an answer. He knows. She knows he knows. He knows she knows he knows. But what the fuck does she say?
Finally biting the bullet, she unclenches her hands and slides one across the couch toward him, palm side up as she glances at him hopefully, “My feelings.”
He slides his own hand over to hers, fingertips brushing across her skin slowly before intertwining their fingers, “Have they changed since the words I read?”
“No,” she says softly, gently squeezing his hand as a tremor makes it shake against her. “Just made me more sure. Though I had hoped to be… to say it better. I know you read it so you know I’d written a crap ton of them. That was probably the worst, I was frustrated and nowhere near the way I wanted to sound.”
“It sounded like you, and that’s what I care about,” he responds, lifting their hands up to press a kiss to the back of her hand. “I would be lying if I didn’t admit I was surprised.”
“I thought I was sort of subtly hinting, but evidently not well.”
“I was just savoring the fact you no longer looked at me like you wanted me to drop dead,” he chuckles. “Beyond that I was just enjoying your company, hoping too much for more seemed foolish.”
Looking over at the sorcerer, she runs her thumb along his knuckles and tries to find the right words.
“You are your own person,” he responds to the silence hanging between them. “You are Y/N, you look like the Y/N I lost, and you have the same heart I fell for all those years ago. But you aren’t her.”
“Is… that a rejection?” She asks softly, swallowing the lump in her throat.
He raises a brow and smirks at her, “Never. I just want you to know I’ve separated the two of you in my mind. I’ve gotten to know you, and I’ve fallen for you. I’ve told you I love you many times, regrettably many were holding a dead woman over your head and making you be her. And for that I apologize. I can’t and won’t apologize for bringing you here, I’ve been happier than I’ve been in a very long time.”
“I’m sorry for being as hostile as I was at first. I mean you did kidnap me to another universe, I was livid. But I’ve realized I really hadn’t been happy since my Stephen died. And there were a lot of days I’d lay there in bed thinking I’d do anything to bring him back, anything to be that happy again. And I can’t blame you for having the same mindset after the same kind of hurt, and just having the ability to do something about it. If the roles were reversed, I can’t… I can’t say for certain I wouldn’t have gone down the same path. And I can’t hold against you something that the back of my mind ached for when in the same situation. So I understand,” she says as she looks back into his eyes and squeezes his hand.
His own eyes widen in surprise at her declaration, “I never would have thought that you’d…” His voice trails off and he looks down at their clasped hands and slides closer to her.
His free hand lifts to cup her cheek gently, guiding her face toward his own until their lips brush in a whisper of a kiss. “This is your chance to change your mind,” he says softly, his lips dragging along her own.
She reaches her own hand up to thread her fingers in his hair, a smile curling on her lips as she presses him in closer to her, “Never.”
A small growl comes from his chest, grazing her lower lip with his teeth before nipping it quickly and soothing the sting with his tongue.
“Stephen…” she groans against him, taking the moment to drop her hold on his hand and climb into his lap.
“Do you know how long I’ve ached for this?” He whispers lowly against her as he presses slow kisses from the edge of her mouth to her jaw, leaving what feels like a trail of fire in their wake on her already warm skin.
“Then… shut up and kiss me,” she groans against him and tugs slightly at his hair, pulling a deep laugh from him.
“So impatient,” he mumbles against her skin and works his way back up to her lips, pulling back just at the edge of her mouth. “If you want it, take it love.”
Narrowing her eyes at him, she pulls his head closer and brings his lips crashing into her own, moving urgently against them before pulling his bottom lip into her mouth and running her tongue along it.
He sighs happily into the gesture while running his nails down her back and shifting her hips in closer to his own.
Releasing her hold on his lip, she presses several soft kiss to them and presses her forehead to his.
“I love you, for eternity. While I’m living and even when I’m not,” he declares as his warm breath tickles her nose.
“I love you too Stephen,” she replies and shifts in his lap to lay her head against his shoulder. “And there’s no where else I’d rather be than here with you.”
“Likewise,” he wraps his arms around her body and nuzzles her hair. “And I’ll make sure you continue to feel that way.”
“And how do you intend to do that?”
“Darling I’ve had nothing but time to come up with all the things I’d do for and to you if you’d allow it,” he grins and whispers into her ear. “So as you said so elegantly, here we are, so buckle the fuck up.”
“I feel like that statement fits whatever you’re referring to far better than what I was referring to,” she chuckles and looks up into his eyes that shine a brighter blue from the glow of the fire in the nearby fireplace dancing in them.
“You’ve no idea,” he practically purrs as he leans her back in his arms to look down at her face. “Prepare to be worshipped my love, I’ve all the time in the universe to give you, and not a single thing I’d rather do.”
Stephen Taglist (Sinister Edition): @stephenstrangeaddictions @ironstrange1991 @gaitwae @geeky-politics-46 @elicheel @frostandflamesfanfic @tokoyamisstuff @singhfae @jotaros-bara-tiddies @kon-pan-16 @stanny-uwu @sparky22122 @typical-bistander @hunterofshadows04 @evelynrosestuff @asgardianprincess1050 @pop-rocks-and-skittles @namethathasnotbeentaken @peachywoong  @valeriegreyy @floralover1 @cumberbitch @lightmeuplivly @lucimorningst4r @bluebear142077 @strangeobsessed  @bymoonlightfics @strangeions @sherlux @qhbr2013 @lovingly-unlovingme @thelaststraw3 @vereon @veryladyqueen @ultrasilentwhispers @azu21 @clockblobber @ben-er-ino @guyfieriii @classickook​ @mochuchi​ @rbymoon​
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If I’ve tagged you in something you didn’t want to be tagged in (certain variant, a warning you aren’t comfortable with, etc) just message me and I’ll make a note on my sheet to make sure you aren’t tagged in anything like that again.
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geeky-politics-46 · 4 months
Am I getting the urge to write a last-minute Valentine's story for our OG Stephen? Yes. Yes I am.
Or should i do it for Sinister Strange?
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strangelockd · 9 months
Hii!! How are u? 🥰
Could you write something with the prompts 7.“how mad would you be if i kissed you?” and 2.“my lipgloss is all over your lips.” from the fluff list with Stephen pls
Fates Embrace
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Sinister Strange x FemReader
Summary: Your sick at the Sanctum and Stephen being poor with words tries to comfort you in his own special way leading to a much greater surprise.
•Im slowly chipping away at my requests and this one was so long overdue. I really tried keeping it fluff but i couldn’t help myself. There were many directions that this fic could have taken but I hope you love it. The story was inspired by Harry Styles and you can find the song on my Sinister Playlist•
“Sinister was fully convinced that if you tasted half as divine as the forbidden fruit of Eve, then he absolutely understood her succumb to the surrender of temptation”
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You had been nauseous for days, and no amount of rest seemed to make it better. With a shaking hand, you reached for the bed pan, the cool porcelain a welcome contrast to your already warm skin. Setting the bed pan on the floor, you groaned, wiping the leftover vomit from your cheek. Yep you definitely were sick no doubt. Despite having everything you needed from herbal tea to nausea medication, Sinister still paced the room in a worry for your health; you are his world after all.
Leaning against the foot of the bed Sinister pawed the comforter on the four poster bed, “are you sure there's nothing else I can do for you my love,” eyeing you like a hawk he was seeking your gaze making sure you were not just playing the hero. Stephen could always see right through your poker face. Letting out a small hum you smiled reassuring him, “Babe relax, it's just a little bug. You as a doctor even said it's more than likely a common cold, trust me I will be fine in a few days.”
Sinisters chilled hands slowly slithered from the warmth of the blankets, searching for your feet, which were hidden under the many layers of blankets, “Yes yes I know my pet, it's just that I can’t help but worry for you so,” his grip tightened more around your ankles as if you would disappear like smoke. Sinister had always felt alone in the world, and he had never expected to find someone who could make him feel so connected and loved. He had believed that he could never be happy, but you knew deep down that Sinister was willing to do anything to keep you in his life. The thought of losing you was unbearable to him, and it felt like his own personal hell.
Seeing the worry laced in his eyes you shot him a comforting smile,“Stephen, trust me I'm not going anywhere. You know i'm with you forever in this life,” extending your arms outwards beckoning him to join you. Sinister for a second was taken aback; feeling a sudden warmth spread over him he couldn't help but grin, his heart swelled with your irrevocable love so much that he could burst. Letting out a soft contented sigh he couldn't help but feel unbrimmed joy for being so wanted by such a divine woman. For how could he say no to his queen, the very person he would sacrifice his own life for.
Kicking off the heavy boots they made a slight thump against the wooden floorboards as your husband manifested a beautiful purple indigo smoke. The smoke cascading around him as he opted to change into his comfiest pair of dark purple pajamas leaving you in awe. You have been with him for years and even doing basic things, Sinister was the pure definition of elegance and it bever failed to leave you breathless. Feeling the weight of his form shift on the mattress, Sinister slowly made his way across the burgundy comforter. He snuggled close to you, wrapping himself in the warmth of the covers sighing contentedly.
Sinisters scarred hands reached over to gently cup your jaw placing a delicate kiss to your forehead. He nuzzled his nose against yours adding softly, “…In this life. And the next my love. For I have crossed oceans of time to find you and I will never lose you,” his finger traced your cheek softly as his blue eyes searched yours, the sentiment making you blush a deeper red. Placing a hand above his you leaned in to his touch, batting your lashes softly you couldn't help but melt into his eyes that reflected your very own.
“And you'll always have me, Stephen Strange,” breathing in his scent you closed your eyes, “For my heart and soul are yours and yours alone,” breaking the gap Sinister leaned into your lips. The sudden connection made you moan as he traced your lower lip with his tongue tasting your skin. It was so hypnotic, so mesmerizing that you suddenly snapped back to reality pulling away not wanting him to catch your cold. Feeling your resistance his strong hands only pulled you flush to his chest.
“Babe, don’t! You'll catch whatever I got,” you protested. Sinister couldn't help but chuckle at your declaration.
“Darling, I'm a man with the power of gods. It will take more than a cold to stop me from adoring you”, feeling the brush of his goatee against your delicate earlobe. His lips were so close to yours that you could feel his heat radiating from them. His lips ghosted your collarbone, his breath sweet and warm as he continued to ghost across your soft skin, sending a shiver of pleasure through your body and a fire of desire awakening in your core. Cocking his head to the side Sinister gently pinched your chin between his thumb and forefinger, eyes laced with mischief he had a better idea in mind.
“How mad would you be if I kissed that beautiful mouth of yours?” He smirked, taking note of your sudden tight grip on the crimson sheets. Hes such a fucking tease…
Pulling away once more in an attempt to resist, you looked into his eyes and you could clearly tell that all your husband wanted to do was to be there to make you feel good no matter what. “I dunno,” biting your lip you smirked, “why not find out.” The familiar feeling of his hands slithered against the back of your neck as he pulled you in slowly, kissing you once more he tasted the sweetness of your lips. The essence of strawberries sticking to his mind imprinted on his eidetic memory forever. He wanted to drown in you for the rest of his days. You both pulled away chuckling like a couple of school kids as his hands sought your face tracing your jawline, his breath welcoming against your soft delicate flesh.
“Delicious,” he cooed, giving your lower lip a gentle nip.
Damn him…
Sinister always brought you great joy even on days you were not at your best, times when you were sure he would leave after seeing your unsavory sides. You knew that deep down he would walk through fire for you, proving all too well his devotion time and time again leaving you with no doubts. Sinisters hands trailed down your curves resting at the slope of your hips guiding you to his lap. You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his once more as his hands traced your thighs gripping them firmly. Pulling away to look into your eyes he smiled brushing your cheek with unbridled admiration.
“I love you y/n,” he proclaimed, palms giving a slight tremble, “you know that right?”
Your heart swelled at the profession of his words only for them to taper, it broke your heart knowing he was alone for so long and yet still felt uncertainty about your devotion. Years if self loathing convinced him that his blackened heart was too difficult to bear, that he was a burden and needed to hide from the light forever. But here you are loving it through all the dirt to bare something of a diamond underneath the crevice of his newly alivened heart.
Heart racing you leaned in kissing him deeper, showing him how much he truly means to you. His moans drowning all thought as you pulled away looking him in the eyes. “And I love you Stephen Strange. I always have,” nibbling his earlobe in return you felt his grip tighten. You were sure there would be mark’s later no doubt, but in the moment you couldn’t care less. He growled pulling you in for another kiss, taking note of your nightgown riding up your thighs he smirked suddenly flipping you to once more your backside.
“Stephen!” You cried feeling him slither down between your thighs taking note of what's below. Or lack thereof.
“Hmm no panties?” His eyes suddenly turning dark and piercing it shot right to your center causing you to involuntarily rock your hips against his goatee.
“Mmm ya,” giving a teasing smile, “Didn't feel like it,” flashing him a cheeky wink it only spurred him on more to dig into your needy heat inhaling your arousal.
“You naughty girl,” his voice laced with a husky desire as you felt the welcoming sensation of his fingers slipping deeper into your thighs. His fingers gliding between the folds of your heat as his thumb traced circles around your clit.
“Always so wet for me my pet,” slipping two fingers inside he watched as your body writhed against his touch, “and my cock isnt even inside you yet,” he teased, pumping his digits at a steady pace. Sinister watched in awe as he felt your pussy clamp down like a vice around his fingers.
“You're such a good girl. Do you know that? Do you know how beautiful you look coming undone by my hands?” His eyes glowed under the light as he watched on, your legs trembling. He felt them spread wider, practically welcoming him to feast upon you. You get off on the praise, and he knows it all too well. Your body arched and pebbled against his touch as if you were fabricated just for him. Your reaction alone was enough to make his stiffened cock ache between his trousers. The only thoughts going through his mind were mine mine mine…like a sacred prayer only for you.
“I adore you. Your absolutely beautiful,” he purred, pressing his face into you deeper he traced his tongue over your wet folds making you moan deeper only urging him to need more. Sinister wanted to drown in your essence for this was his paradise and his alone, you locked around him wanting to be entangled in this state for eternity. Swirling your clit in a figure eight his mouth continued its assault as he felt your climax grip around his digits, you were close and nothing felt more sweeter or divine than this very moment. You moaning for him and only him alone. Your fingers laced through his ravenous strands pushing him deeper as his hands reached up, ripping the straps off your gown to expose your perfect bare breast on display. His hands immediately seeking your exposed nipples, giving them a gentle twist. It was just enough to send you over the edge as his right hand continued pumping in and out of your throbbing cunt claiming him only tighter.
Sinister takinging in the staggered rise and fall of your breath he placed his hand on the flat of your stomach in an attempt to steady yourself. For a moment he felt something…a heartbeat. But it…it can't be? His heart fluttered and flipped all at once with the sudden possible realization but there was something more pressing that demanded his attention and that was you.
“Ste-Stephen I’m gonna!”
The echo of your pleasured moans suddenly snapping him back to reality. This is the only thing he ever wants to do, be lost in you. Devoting every waking moment to your pleasure.
“That's it! That's my girl,” His thumb pressing firm circles on your clit as his lips traced yours, “your so beautiful when you come”
Your mouth shot open in a silent scream as you arched off the mattress, your heat riding his digits as he finger fucked you through your orgasm. The curling of his hand making you see stars, he truly did have magic hands in more ways than one.
Sinisters mind suddenly shot to the thought of what he felt in the base of your tummy. Tracing his palm over his chest he instinctively placed the other over your lower tummy, your elbows propped you up as your heart fluttered when you casted your gaze upon your husband.
“Stephen? What's wrong?” You asked with bated breath.
“Nothing my love,” he spoke with promise, his gaze still fixated on your belly, “hold on and let me see here”
At first the sensation was warm as if being cloaked by a blanket fresh from the dryer. A soft purple glow emitted from your abdomen as you both witnessed what was clearly a little baby in your belly no more than 10 weeks. The motions of its little arms made tears form in your eyes. You couldn't believe it, and neither could Sinister but here you are in fact pregnant.
You traced his features taking note of his reaction, noticing the swell of tears in his eyes he sniffled looking up at you, “And I thought I've seen everything,” you brushed a stray strang away from his forehead; he couldn't help but grin wide.
Come to think of it It's not like safe sex was a part of your repertoire. You both were more shocked it just took this long to finally happen.
“You're not upset, are you Stephen?” Your heart filled with sudden rising dread at the silly question. The seconds felt like minutes as you waited on for your husband's answer.
Eyes widened he practically leapt forward his hands sought yours as he paused just a fraction from your lips. You couldn't help but feel the sudden thrill of it, his unbridled excitement and joy seemed to penetrate every cell of your body. The comfort of his large hands made you lean into his touch, you took a breath as he craned his neck down ensuring you met his gaze. The calm timber of his voice was slow and smooth like the sweetest of chocolate and all you wanted was to melt into him.
“Heavens no my sweet angel. I am beyond thrilled. For you have given me all the more reason for being alive, and I couldn't possibly love you more than in this moment.”
Hearing the soft sniffles he leaned forward nuzzling foreheads peppering you with kisses that spoke of promise, you just couldn't believe that you are with child. Instinctively you couldn't help but draw his palm forward over your bare belly once more, the soft purple glow emitting from his palm glowed once more revealing the miracle underneath leading Sinister to smile.
“So much for you being sick,” he chuckled, kissing you once more. Rubbing your belly softly you placed a hand above his, joining the three of you in unison.
“Seems like the doctor is getting a little rusty with diagnosing,” you teased, feeling him give a playful yet gentle shove so as to not hurt you or the baby.
You smiled leaning in, nestling your face against his. “Oh hush now kiss me once more”
For a moment, all was still and peaceful and you never wanted it to end. Wrapping his arms around your waist you took in the warmth and familiarity of him. With a contented sigh, he whispered, "I love you."
Tears rolled down your cheek as his thumb took the liberty of wiping them away gently. Your lips sought his as you mended once more into each other like the sand meets the sea. You've kissed many times but yet somehow it feels like your millionth and first all wrapped up in one. Sinister was fully convinced that if you tasted half as divine as the forbidden fruit of Eve, then he absolutely understood her succumb to the surrender of temptation. For nothing ever tasted so sweet.
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@withalittlehoney @deepbatched @bakerstreethound @thealleydog @sassenach-on-the-rocks @blxckdragonfly @asherloki @pinkthick @stewardofningishzida @geeky-politics-46 @lokidokieokie @strangesgirls @silversword7000 @newavenger @icytrickster17 @lucimorningst4r @lady-harvey @evelyn-kingsley @battledress @budugu @kentucky-criedfricken @km-ffluv @datauthorress @azu21 @cemak @sobeautifullyobsessed @aphroditesdilemma @huxs-waifu @strangesslut @butchers-girl @strangesthirdeye @vickiee-mcmuffin @eternal---autumn @jasmarie2600 @kats72 @bobateadaydreams @iobsessoverfictionalmen
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
hiii~ can you please do a dark sinister strange x reader?? pls i really need it😩😩i love emo stephen sm and im so desperate for a dark fic of him. maybe reader could be in christine’s position? where stephen is so obsessed with bringing her back. except that, this time (kind) stephen failed to protect reader from (evil) stephen and (evil) stephen managed to have her
Don’t Blame Me
Sinister Strange x Reader
A/N: Sorry for the lazy writing lol. Also, Don't Blame Me is his anthem, change my mind.
Summary: The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll, and Stephen decided he’d pay it the world, the universe – if it meant having you back in his arms.
Warnings: yandere themes, kidnapping, gaslighting, manipulation, obsessive behavior, Stockholm syndrome
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The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll, and Stephen decided he’d pay it the world, the universe – if it meant having you back in his arms.
Stephen Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme – he wields the power of the gods. What man wouldn’t be happy, contented?
But it drives him crazy, because for all this power that he holds, why wasn’t he able to save you? Why was the multiverse so cruel, that not even in one of the infinite universes, he couldn’t find one where he was happy, where he is with the person that he loves the most?
Stephen has the power of the gods. He is a god, and he’ll do anything to get you back. He’d cross the line by using dark magic, waste his time studying, and lose his mind every time he loses you time and time again. He’d go as far as killing his variants.
Love has just made him crazy and no one could ever blame him for that.
It’s been some time since Stephen had come up to meet this universe’s Strange, so despite the eerily scary ambiance of the Sanctum, you put on your brave face and followed him inside.
Goosebumps form on your skin as you ascend the grand staircase, which looks like it ends up in the clouds, not to mention the boundless sea that stretches to the horizon.
As you arrived at the study, you caught a glimpse of a man’s silhouette by the large window, presumably this universe’s Stephen. But where is your Stephen? “Hello?”
He slowly turned around, confirming your hunch. “Stephen…?” you whispered, uncertainty lacing your voice. He doesn’t look that different, but he sure looks grim. His eyes, though the same cerulean ones, feels darker, just like this world. However, as he watches you, a glimpse of excitement shone through, and you daresay the life in them were slowly reappearing.
The man’s heart leaped as he heard your voice, calling his name. Oh, how he longed for this moment to happen. There you are, the love of his life, in the flesh. After everything, he thought he wouldn’t be able to see you, hold you again.
“I fought so hard to get you, and thank heavens I can finally rest,” Stephen responded, his voice deep and hoarse, but he said it with so much passion it left you wondering, what happened to your variant?
As if he could read your thoughts, he continued. “Y/N L/N got in a car accident. I was driving and stupid me, I didn’t notice the truck coming behind us,” he walks towards you at a slow pace. “She died.”
Your eyes widened in that information, equal shock and devastation flooding your chest. A little part of you though was relieved that it didn't happen to you.
“I tried everything to get her back, to save her. I rewound time, after time to prevent that accident from happening and I still couldn’t save her. Your death in this universe was an absolute point in time. I can’t think of a life that doesn’t have you in it. So I sought other ways. I looked into the multiverse to see if we could have had a life where we’re happy, where I have you…” he paused, the dreamy look in his eyes fading as he pressed on. “But as you can see, I have failed over and over, and over. Until now.”
Stephen stopped in his tracks, standing close to you. It gave you the perfect view of his face, the sullen look, the deep bags under his eyes. The implication of the last part of his statement has flown over your head as something inside you wants to caress his cheek if it gave a little sense of comfort.
“Where’s Doctor Strange? The- the Stephen that I’m with?”
His eyes averted yours, looking down at his feet. “He’s gone.”
“What?! What do you mean, gone?”
“Doctor Strange isn’t here anymore, in this universe. He went back to yours.”
Excuse me?
“How- what exactly happened here?”
“He needed to use the Darkhold to get home, and I let him. In exchange for you.”
You gaped at him incredulously. You were unable to get a word out about how absurd and outlandish this was. Turning your back to him, you paced back and forth to let it sink in your mind.
“There has to be a mistake. He… he won’t just leave me here alone,” your voice cracks, on the verge of sobbing.
“But you’re not alone! I’m here with you. You don’t have to worry about me leaving you, ever, Y/N.”
“You have to help me return to my home, too. We still have to stop Wanda, I- I have to help them. I have to go back, please.”
Stephen was getting pissed. You’re not listening to him.
“I’ve dedicated myself to you! It’s only fair that you do the same,” he had raised his voice, making you snap out of your thoughts.
He rubbed his temple. “I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. It just makes me sad that you don’t want to be with me. Don’t you love me? Don't you dream of spending the rest of your life with me?”
You froze on your spot, the feelings that you have for Stephen that you desperately try to suppress and tramp down for the past few years coming out in the open at his words.
It wasn't unrequited – it was a case of right person wrong time, or something along those lines – but is there ever a right time in a world that needs constant saving? Where countless threats might jeopardize your reality, there was simply no time and space for extraneous things like love in your line of work, Stephen himself had said. It’s too much of a risk.
It was hard, working to save the universe side-by-side with the person you love protecting the realm, the reality, while seeing others have and live that normal life that you couldn’t have, probably won’t ever have.
But in a world that is beyond saving, where there's no threat that looms over apart from its imminent collapse – and just until then, will you be able to live that life you always wanted?
Time in this universe has proven pointless and irrelevant as the never-ending gloomy skies surrounded the city and the Sanctum, making it hard to tell if it was morning or night, not that it matter anyway.
Stephen would sometimes cast an illusion to give you a false sense of normalcy, and there are times that you would get lost in temporary bliss, this twisted fantasy of having a domestic life with the man you love. There are times that you’d stare at the dark clouds of matter as it collapses.
You’ve given up on tracking how many days you’ve been here, the little flame of your hope slowly diminishing as days go by. Sleepless nights were spent crying, trying to escape from this haunted place, resenting your Stephen, and pleading with his counterpart to show you a peek of your universe–just so you could see your home one last time.
What happened to Stephen and Wong? America and Wanda? You were assuming that they had succeeded in preventing Wanda wreak havoc in the multiverse. They have to if it had cost you your freedom, or else all of this would be in naught.
This Stephen was… still Stephen, yet it feels like he isn’t. No words can really describe it. Those parts of him that you know so well, and love, would always shine through the cracks of his seemingly much darker personality, but often you could feel fear bubbling into your chest because he displays a behavior you can’t quite place. But you remembered that he is the guardian of the Darkhold, and he has read and used it, therefore making him corrupted.
So you blamed it all on the book of the damned and tried to look past his uncharacteristic actions. He is still Stephen, after all.
Above all that, he won’t just leave you alone in a destroyed universe without even so much as a goodbye. And in the back of your messed up mind, you found it very romantic that this Stephen was willing to fall from his grace just for you.
“This happened to your universe because of your incursions… for me?”
“It doesn't matter what happens to them as long as it means to have you.”
That was probably the most soul-stirring words someone has ever said to you.
Every day you would ask Stephen to open the Darkhold and let you see your universe. The first few tries; he was politely declining you or would divert the conversation. Few more tries, he raised his voice at you, something your Strange has never done – and you recoiled in fear, running away as much as possible from him. He never stopped you from leaving the Sanctum, he let you run free on the desolated streets of New York City.
You would find him offering his hand to you as you fall to your knees, realizing you’ve been running in circles, and there’s nowhere to go.
You didn’t know what had made him change his mind, because after reluctantly asking him one more time, Stephen relented.
And this time, you wish he didn’t. You wish he just continued rejecting your request until you got really tired of asking.
What you saw… shattered your already broken heart.
Through that red ball of magic, you let your tears silently fall as you watch your Stephen, smile and stare lovingly as he does to you, at this woman who you’ve never seen in your life.
You weren’t sure how long has it been that you were here, and you don’t want to care anymore, seeing as he had evidently moved on with that gorgeous blonde woman. He has no plans of rescuing you from this universe. He’s probably forgotten about your entire existence.
The man on your side scoffed and was about to speak, but as he looked at you, at the pain etched on your face, and the way you were tightly holding into his arm, he chose not to.
“This is why I’m not letting you see him.”
“You… knew?” that prompted you to look up at him.
“I took a peek at your universe last time. I didn’t want to tell you because I know it’ll break your heart. Do you understand now?” his large hands cupped your jaw, wiping your tears with his thumb. “I was saving you from heartbreak, Y/N.”
“I can’t believe it- I thought he…”
“You really think he’s going to save you? That he loves you? Darling, he was ready to give you up to save the multiverse,” he gently tilted your head up to meet his gaze. “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
His words hit too close to home, making tears fall more uncontrollably.
“Don’t shed a tear over someone who isn't worthy of you! Come on, you know how much I hate seeing you cry. You’re not pretty when you cry.”
You nodded, accepting the handkerchief Stephen conjured from thin air.
“Stop crying about him and let me hold you.”
The sobs reduced to sniffles, the intense emotion you had felt cooling down a bit. You sheepishly closed the small distance between you, resting your head against Stephen’s broad chest.
He let out a long, deep sigh as if he just finished a long journey.
A Cheshire cat grin broke across his face as your arms wrapped around him, his hand coming up to caress your hair. He was worried that he made the wrong decision of not killing that Stephen, but for once he was glad that he didn’t.
He has no idea who that woman was, or if his variant had really moved on from you. All he knows is that letting you see for yourself that your Stephen doesn’t want you anymore, that he was the only one who would truly love you was a God-given gift. The timing was impeccable as if the multiverse had let it happen.
Now, you would never ask of him or anything about your universe. He would never let you go through that pain again. No one would be able to hurt you, as long you’re with him.
You’d never think of leaving, of running away. He will make sure that you won’t think of anything but him, and him only. He will finally get his life-long obsession dream to spend the rest of his life with you, his beloved.
“No one will ever love you the way I do.”
You’re back in his arms. Finally, Stephen has found the beauty of this destroyed universe.
“This is your new home, our home.”
tags: @thenastoaster @apricxtt @pianogirl2121 @midnight-lestrange @s1xthirty
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strrvnge · 1 year
This is a fic request, imagine dr strange x reader, he’s her dads best friend and they both have. A huge crush on each other for a very long time, he finally confesses in an agnsty way when she’s all I thought you cared about me, and it's a slow burn. THANK YOU I have been dreaming about this for nights 😭
I can't explain how much I love thisss!!! Also I'm sorry for taking so long to write this the last past months were kinda weird so... I hope you like this.
This is a bit different from your request, Stephen and reader are already secret dating
(note this request was my excuse to rewatch all too well, also Stephen's kinda an asshole in this)
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So this is our table Stephen must be here any moment. Should we have a drink as we wait?"
Your father had been one of the best professors Columbia had ever seen, teaching there for over 20 years with numerous successful doctors being taught by him, one of them being Stephen Strange too.
In fact Stephen was one of your father’s all time favourite students and for a person as handful as your father that meant a lot. Since you were a teenager you could remember your father speaking of Stephen's accomplishments in family dinners, how great, how bright, how much potential he had. He was like the son he never had.
So even after he graduated due to his admiration for your father and your father's pride for him their relationship turned into a very strong friendship. And then you met him.
Of course both of you knew it was wrong. The age difference was one very obvious problem, the fact he went out for beers every friday with the father too but neither of you could deny the tension between you two.
So it started from shy smiles and lingering looks during dinners, to innocent touches in the little of your back and flirty remarks that to an outsider were just two friends teasing each other (the outsider being your father).
It was just flirting. What harm could it be? you thought
It was all innocent and fun until… it wasn't. The hand from the little of your back moved down to your waist, sometimes even turned into a soft squeeze. Nothing uncomfortable, yet nothing that was enough. You soon found yourself looking over your next illicit affair, dressing up in every dress and colour you knew complimented you, your heart ready to explode as you did so. You soon wanted more.
The problem was that you got it. Everything you asked for.
"Oh here he is" You quickly looked at the entrance of the restaurant and there he was. You couldn't help the little smile on your face. It had only been two days since you last saw him but you had already missed him. Always looking great and handsome and then she came in, took his hand and together approached your table.
"Happy birthday you old man!" Stephen hugged him "Sorry for being late. This is Dr Cristine Palmer"
"It's great to meet you,sir. Stephen has told me so much about you. I've read a lot of your work too. Big fan"
You knew she would come too. Your father said she was Stephen's date, Stephen said she was just a colleague. He needed a date for your father's birthday and "Christine is a very good friend that was available for the night. Nothing more" he had said and had kissed your forehead and you believed him.
"So Dr. Palmer, are you working a long time with Stephen?"
You could still feel his hand around you from your last get away weekend. His kisses down your neck, the hot sun in your face as you sat near the lake, the song you danced to in the kitchen could still be heard in the back of your head and if you focused hard enough you could still feel the overwhelming feeling you swore was love.
And despite that, she was sitting opposite of you. Bright like a rey of sunlight, successful, pretty, your father must already love her but most importantly so did Stephen. No matter how many times he denied it to you you couldn't shake off the feeling.
And there he was, sitting beside her, not ashamed or hiding his face. It made you wonder if that would ever be the case with you? If he would ever be as proud and happy to have you by his side,in restaurants and during walks, in family dinners and even in those dull charity events. Introduce you as something more than his friend’s daughter, as something more than a kid he had to drag along.
But then again perhaps things were better the way they were. A close and private relationship is always best even if they meant your friends and family don't even knowing, right?
Some boring conversations and introductions later the food had come and you sat quietly in your seat having lost all your appetite. No one had asked you a question in 45 minutes.
"So what are you studying?"
You looked at Christine quite confused as the whole table went silent waiting for your answer not having heard your voice for long time. You bit the inside of your cheek as Stephen took a sip of his drink and wrapped his hand around her shoulder looking at you too to speak.
As if he didnt know
And then he gave you a small smile
"I'm studying for a PhD in English Literature"
"Oh that's interesting"
"I had hundrwny different children become doctors but i couldn't get mine to do it’’ your father said with a bitter laugh yet loud enough for the whole table to hear his disappointment and you sighed.
"Technically you'll become a doctor too. Just the different kind one" Stephen smiled and Christine nodded sensing the tension.
She looked so pretty and relaxed it made you wonder if she knew what Stephen was doing last weekend, or perhaps for the past six months.
Actually he had developed quite a routine with you that sometimes had you asking yourself how no one had noticed your affair. Calling him every morning before your morning classes, sometimes even having lunch together, meeting you every friday night for your usual secret rendezvous on the other side of the city. You slept at his place, you ate at his place… it was only a couple weeks ago he was looking around apartments with you in New York, searching for somewhere nearby his place. It was only last weekend you ditched your friends for a little taste of him, a getaway weekend he planned just for the thrill of it. You had turned 25 in his arms for god’s sake.
"Well that was fun" Christine said to Stephen as you walked out of the restaurant.
Soon the dinner was over and while you tried hard not to overthink how comfortable another woman was with your boyfriend you were in a terrible mood.
"Yes it was" you looked over them and you almost wanted to throw up. You looked as she placed her hand on his shoulder, you looked as she kissed his cheek.
"Are you gonna head home, would you want me to call you a cab?" Your mother asked
"It's alright, I can walk her home" Stephen said and you looked up to him puzzled. "A friend of Christine is gonna pick her up so.."
"Thanks Stephen. Well goodnight" your father said and you started walking to your place.
"Your father was kinda harsh on you today" he finally spoke
"Isn't he always?" You murmured under your breath, your eyes pinned on each of your steps not daring to meet up with his eyes.
"Someone's moody"he said playfully trying to lighten up the mood.
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and turned to look at him for the first time.
Noticing the sadness on your face he halted, wrapping his hand around your waist to turn you around before quickly realising what he did and let you go. Biting your tongue to hold back the tears you looked at him, the look of betrayal and sadness all over your face.
"What's wrong baby?"
Your stomach felt like a knot, tying your insides so tightly you wanted to cry. You knew you probably just played around and it wasn't anything serious for you to be jealous but honestly you didn't know why it hurted so much watching him with another woman. You just couldn't take it.
"You can tell me" He talked sweetly and the concern in his voice almost made you smile. Sure he kissed her but it was you he walked home, your place he spent the nights to, it was you he cared about. And perhaps it didn't have to be official to make it real, perhaps being a secret made it even more special. Right?
Smiling you stepped closer, shortening the distance between you, before pulling him from the collar and kissed him deeply.,
In the end it didn't matter how many women he took out to dinners if he came back to you at night. He was yours.
"Y/N" he laughed uneasily, taking a step back, breaking the kiss.
"What?"You smiled, still a bit fuzzy from the kiss. He looked at you trying to find the right words before finally saying
"I think it might rain. We should walk a little bit faster," he said and started walking as if nothing had happened. Confused, you looked as he walked away, not understanding what had just happened.
"Y/N?" He called your name, noticing you had stood behind.
"I just kissed you and you talk about rain?" You said and he just stared at you waiting for you to quit it and start walking with him.
Instead you stood at your place stubbornly not moving an inch till he answered you. Taking a deep breath he took a few steps closer to you.
"Not in the street, there are people watching" he whispered as if he was talking about something bad.
"Well people we don't know"you said, firmly staying at your place, puzzled by his unusual behaviour.
Biting his inner lip, as he always did when stressed, he looked around quietly, not daring to look at you.
"say something"
"Come on dont do this"
"Do what? You are the one who doesn't want to kiss me"
"What do you want me to say?" He said angrily "I don't want people to see me making out with a kid Y/N. I have a career"
"A kid?"you laughed, looking at him with wide eyes, not believing what you had just heard. "A kid?" You repeated shocked "Was that what I am for you?" You asked, a sudden feeling of anger and betrayal creeping over you.
"Come on dont act like this. Let's go home" he sighed trying hard to avoid picking up a fight with you.
"No!" You exclaimed, taking a step back.
No you weren't going anywhere. How could he say such a thing? After you've been through together you were everything but a kid. "Why don't you want to kiss me? You kissed her"
"Christine is different" he said and then instantly regretted his words.
"Yes she is. Because she's supposed to be a friend whereas I-"
"You what?" He snapped, slowly getting tired of your act "What are you?" You stared at him in shock, your eyes welling up.
"Fuck" he muttered running his hand through his hair. He took a deep breath before sweetly taking your face into his hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he apologised, kissing your head but you flinched away. "Of course I want to kiss you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
"How could you say that?" You asked with a bitter laugh.
"I'm sorry" he said again but it wasn't enough. You hated how that made you feel. You weren't crazy, he didn't want to kiss you and you had to know why.
"I'm not a kid Stephen" you said now more serious, taking a step back to look at him.
"I know"
"Then why wont you kiss me?"
"Fuck Y/N why you have to do this!" He exclaimed and but you just stared at him.
"You kissed her" you murmured
"Don't get me wrong you're sweet and beautiful but none of this was serious and you know it" he said, his voice now low and gentle as if he was trying to explain something to a child. And perhaps he was, because you stared at him wide eyed trying to grasp each of his words, yet everything he said sounded so foreign in your ears.
"No I don't. We never talked about it, for me to know"
"We didn't talk about it because there wasn't anything to talk about." He explained, still not understanding why you were acting like that, his ignorance making you even more angry. "We both know it was -"
"What?! A one time thing?" You cut him off, defensively crossing your arms over your chest "Well don't get me wrong but it was more than one time Stephen"
You couldn't believe he thought of you as a child.
"This was never serious and you know it. Actually it's not just not serious it's wrong too" he finally said and you could swear your heart skipped a beat.
You took a couple steps back, looking anywhere but him, trying to hold back your tears.
"Perhaps if you were older" he said trying to soothe you but you just stayed silent.
"Do you like her?" You broke the silence and even in a city as alive as New York your words couldn't be more loud.
You didn't want him to answer that, too afraid of the answer. Yet you knew, somewhat hoped he would say just the thing you didn't want to hear.
"Y/N" his inability to look you in the eyes was enough of an answer.
"Do you like her, Stephen? Is that why you say this?"
"What no! Stop looking outside for the problem-"
"Oh you can say it. Say I'm the problem but don't deny that you love her"
"Love her?! Are you listening to yourself? We've just fucked a couple time, thats it" he said defensevily
"No Stephen no it's not just fucking. It's messages in the middle of the night, calls, parties, she is involved in every aspect of your life. And the worst thing isn't that you allow it, it's that you like it" you said now starting to get angry
"She's my friend and coworker"
"She's everywhere. Everywhere in your life and I'm nowhere"
"This is exactly why this can't work. You're so immature and needy"
"Why am I wrong? Where am I in your life? Who knows about me except for you? What the hell" you exclaimed looking at the other side.
"What the hell" you repeated now talking more to yourself.
You couldn't believe it after everything you've been through, everything you've done for him, all the lying to everyone you knew, the secrets you kept for him. How he let you all those months love and care for him, when he made you feel so special and sacred. What a fool you were.
"This is embarrassing" he said and you turned around and glared at him.
"You're so cruel Stephen. So cruel" you spat "I don't want to see you ever again"
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asherloki · 11 months
Hi! I made a prompt list ! Feel free to use it, reblog it and request with your idea!
"I loved you since long ago, before we even met"
“Stop messing with my hair! I curled it this morning!”
“I love you, but sometimes I really want to throw you off a cliff.”
”I thought you were a princess or royalty.” "how did you know?"
"You're a literal goddess"
“If this isn’t meant to be, I don’t know what is.”
“It’s hard to explain, so I’m not gonna try to explain and you can figure it out for yourself.” “Fair.”
“Love isn’t something you can control.” “I know, so I’m leaving before it can.”
“Who are we to each other?” “You tell me.”
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” “Stay with me for long enough and you’ll be able to.
“How do I make you feel better?” “Go get me a cheesecake, coffee, and chips, that’ll make me feel better.” “Fine.”
“Bite me.” “I thought you’d never ask.”
“You are the most idiotic but adorable human on the planet.”
“Stay with me.” He hugged me tightly. “Please.”
“I promised…” He gasped for breath. “That I would protect you. And I intend to keep the damn promise.”
“I’ve never met someone like you.” “Because everyone in this world is different and there isn’t another face like mine? Duh?”
"Everyone I loved chose other women over me" "I choose you over myself."
“Let her go. Now.” His hand gripped tightly on his wrist. “Or else this isn’t going to end well for that little nose of yours.”
“Gosh, you’re so handsome.” I paused. “I think I just said that out loud, didn’t I?” He gave me a wide grin, “Yeah.”
“Listen to me, you’re both my queen and your parents’ princess.”
"I looked for you in every century I was in, before finally getting you".
“If we aren’t meant to be together, then I don’t even know anymore.”
“I’m not getting involved in this, you’re doing this yourself.”
“So? What’s so urgent that you had to call me out at one in the morning?” “I just wanted to see you again.” “Oh fuck you.”
“I will say I love you everyday to make sure that you remember you’re very much loved in this world.”
“You just never cease to amaze me, do you?”
"Loving you is a commitment for me itself".
"People say so" "they don't know me and my love for you."
"I forgot to even ask her name ".
"How can you look cute even while being mad?"
"You make me feel like I've never been in love before."
"Say it, blame me." "I forgive you, you're never to be blamed, we're fine".
"People says I'm odd" "you're incredible."
“Hey, I know it’s a mess, but it’s our beautiful mess. We’ll fix it together.”
“You’re all talk. Why don’t you show me what you really mean?”
“Don’t go. I don’t even know who I am without you.”
"you never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment."
“You’re so cute when you’re sleepy.”
You've done everything for me, it's my time to be your knight ".
"I started loving you with the intention of never stopping."
"I know you, no other opinion can make think differently."
"I am not easy to deal with no?" "I don't like easy".
"I never thought I'd get someone who'll love me more than anyone else"
"don't push me away" "I'm here to pull you back".
"I don't want a lover if it's not you".
"I don't know who are you to me." "Perhaps someone you were looking for."
"do you know what love is?" "Yes" "what?" "For me it's you".
"you are violent! I like it".
"you are a pink rose, just needed a gardener to bloom at it's best."
"everything seems different and out of control." "Trust me, I'm still the same."
"the moon, it's just like you".
"will you stick with me even if I am not the person you knew anymore?" "You're always my person, and I'm always yours".
"I'm an open book." "But the genre is mystery, it's hard to solve it, buf I'm here for the adventure."
"I know you more than I know myself."
"you don't know how beautiful you are to me, since day one" "you found me when I was a mess." "Still, a beautiful mess".
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