#Slayer on MTV (1986)
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Slayer on MTV (1986)
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spilladabalia · 1 month
Slayer and Megadeth on MTV 1986, My old VHS Tapes
Bring Jeff Hanneman back from the dead and make him World President and Chairman Of The Arts.
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nhoasss · 1 year
Canción del día
Es interesante como escuchar una canción, una melodía o un simple ritmo puede trae a la mente un recuerdo específico, provocar felicidad, nostalgia, tranquilidad o alguna otra emoción.
La música hace sentir bien a uno y tiene muchos efectos positivos como mejorar el estado de ánimo, reducir la ansiedad, mejorar el ejercicio, reducir la depresión… Es por ello que quiero traer a mi blog esa sección que me parece tan chula, para que todos disfrutemos de la música y tengamos un momento agradable al día en conjunto😋
Quiero estrenar la sección con la canción Nothing Else Matters de Metallica.
Metallica es un grupo estadounidense de heavy metal originado en Los Ángeles. Fue fundado en 1981 en dicha ciudad por Lars Ulrich y James Hetfield, a los que se les unirían Dave Mustaine y Ron McGovney. Estos dos músicos fueron después sustituidos por el guitarrista Kirk Hammet y el bajista Cliff Burton respectivamente. Lamentablemente, Burton falleció en el accidente de autobús que sufrió el grupo durante la gira de 1986. Tras la muerte de Burton, ingresó el bajista Jason Newsted, pero renunció en el año 2001. Después de una larga temporada de audiciones, ingresó a la banda el actual bajista Robert Trujillo, de ascendencia mexicana.
Hasta la fecha el grupo ha editado 10 álbumes de estudio, siendo el último de estos Hardwired… to Self-Destruct el cual fue lanzado mundialmente el 18 de Noviembre de 2016, aunque por medio de sus redes sociales anunciaron un nuevo album venidero para el 2023 titulado 72 Seasons.
Se les considera parte de los cuatro grandes del thrash metal, junto con Megadeth, Slayer y Anthrax.​ Además, el grupo ha conseguido numerosos premios musicales, entre los que destacan nueve Grammys, dos premios otorgados por la cadena musical MTV, dos galardones de la Academia de Música Americana (American Music Awards) y dos premios de la revista Billboard, además de pertenecer desde el año 2009 al Salón de la fama del Rock y poseer una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de la revista Kerrang!
Nothign Else Matters es una power ballad grabada e interpretada por la banda. Fue compuesta por el guitarrista y vocalista James Hetfield. La canción está incluida en el emblemático disco de 1991 llamado igualmente Metallica, más conocido como The Black Album debido al diseño de su portada, un tributo al disco The White Album de The Beatles.
Se dice que la letra de la canción está inspirada en las últimas palabras que James Hetfield escuchó de su abuelo antes de morir: Nothing else matters (nada más importa).
También hay rumores que aseguran que James compuso la canción para una ex, mientras hablaba con ella por teléfono, escribiéndola con una sola mano.
Una curiosidad que pocos tienen en cuenta es que Nothing Else Matters es una de las pocas canciones de Metallica en la que James Hetfield se encarga de la guitarra, y no Kirk Hammett, que es lo habitual. Un pequeño guiño a su historia que, al fin y al cabo, quedó reflejada en una de las canciones más importantes de la historia.
En lo personal, a mi me encanta la canción y el significado que tiene me parece muy acertado para esta era tan rara en la que importa más lo que piensen los demás que lo que pienses tu mismo.
La canción en si me transmite mucha calma, me encanta escucharla sobretodo por las noches antes de dormir, aunque también es buena opción para las mañanas y empezar el día de forma tranquila☺️
¿Sois fans de Metallica? Si es así, ¿que os parece la canción? ¿Sois de los que opinabais/opináis que son unos vendidos? ¿U os gusta y os da igual que se aleje un poco del thrash que caracteriza a la banda?
Lo importante eres tú y te debe dar igual lo que piensen los demás.
Espero que os guste la canción del día de hoy y que os guste aún más la sección;)
¡Nos leemos mañana con más música!
~Recuerda que también hablo sobre libros, música, dibujos… Si te interesan estos temas no dudes en seguirme😉
También puedes mandarme algún tema que te guste y quieras que comente por aquí~
[Fuentes: wikipedia.org, culturagenial.com happyfm.es y todorock.com]
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blackros78 · 3 years
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smocatoff · 7 years
Music Retrospective #1: Metallica
In 1981, Danish drummer Lars Ulrich put out an ad in a magazine known as The Recycler for a jamming buddy. The man who answered that add? James Hetfield. Lars then asked Metal Blade records founder Brian Slagel if he could record a song for their compilation album Metal Massacre. Slagel gave them the okay, and the rest they say is history.
Officially forming in October of that year, Metallica would go on to influence the next 30 years of hard rock and heavy metal. And in this review/retrospective of their staggering discography, I intend to give you my critical thoughts and personal take on one of the finest metal bands of all time, and one of the bands that inspired me to become a musician.
Ground rules before we get going: No live albums and no compilations. So no S&M, no Live Shit, no Garage Inc., you get the idea. First album up!
Kill ‘Em All
Starting out with bassist Ron Mcgoveny and shred master himself Dave Mustaine, Metallica enjoyed a fair amount of success on the club scene, and recorded some demos for Metal Blade Records, but due to drug problems and all around shitty behaviour, James and Lars gave Davey boy a bus ticket and told him to get out of the band, with McGovney leaving soon after. The line up that would grace the debut record Kill ‘Em All would be James, Lars, and new guitarist Kirk Hammet and bassist Cliff Burton. Oh boy, what a debut album it was.
Firing on all cylinders with scorching riffs and solos, this album provides you with some of the best 80s thrash metal that you can find. Kirk Hammett and James Hetfield provide blistering thrash metal guitar work, with some of the heaviest riffs and firey solos you can find. Further, the mastery of Cliff Burton’s bass work is on full display, most notably on the incredible solo known as “Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth)”. My personal favourite song would have to be the 7 minute biblical head banger, which Dave Mustaine would later perform on in its original incarnation on Killing is my Business (We’ll talk about that band another time), “The Four Horseman”. While a great album, it is certainly not a perfect one.
Kirk had been told to emulate Dave’s playing as much as possible during the recording of this album, and while stellar, it would pale in comparison to the unique style Hammett would eventually adopt later on. Moreover, I was never a big fan of lower quality, 80s thrash production style, so I was not the biggest fan of hearing James’ voice caked in reverb and the playing not as tightly knit as on later albums. Plus, the weakest song on the album has to be “Phantom Lord”. I’m sorry, but this is some weak ass, generic thrashy bullshit. Nothing memorable about that song.
Overall, an essential album for metal fans, and Metallica fans especially.
8.5 out of 10
Ride the Lightning
With thrash metal beginning to flourish in the early 80s with the likes of Slayer and Anthrax gaining prominence, as well as bands like Exodus and Sodom starting to form and get noticed, Metallica maintained its foothold atop the mountain and did so with 1984’s “Ride the Lightning”. Becoming more technical and pristine in their playing and production, Metallica evolved into the band we know and love on this album. Incorporating acoustic guitars, more complex arrangements, slower tempos, and providing some of the grandest sounding metal I have ever heard, Ride the Lightining is a treasure. From brooding ballads such as Fade to Black, the magnificent title track, the Hemmingway inspired anthem For Whom the Bell Tolls, this album features Metallica venturing into more morose and serious lyrical content, resulting in some of their best material ever. My personal favourite song, a little gem of a diddy known as “Escape”.
I doubt you could find a song you didn’t like on this album. Highly recommended. With Metallica getting this great, I don’t know how we’re going to top this album. But oh boy, do they ever top this album.
9.5 out of 10
Master of Puppets
In the year Nineteen hundred and eighty six of the common era, the gods bestowed upon us MASTER OF FUCKING PUPPETS. Good god. This. Fucking. Album. Easily Metallica’s most pristinely produced, tightly performed, and expertly written album. Evolving to combine the more progressive, grand arrangements of “Ride the Lightning” with the more straightforward, blistering thrash of Kill ‘Em All. Kirk Hammet and James Hetfield’s guitar work raging through with precision and soul, and Lars ripping out some of the most blistering drum work he has ever done, with Flemming Rassmusen and the band conjuring the most pristine and polished sound they could. There is a reason why this is regularly cited as one of the finest albums in metal history. Not a single bad song can be found on this album. Personal Favourite? Jesus god, throw a dart. But if I had to choose, I have always had a soft spot for the heavy as hell “The Thing That Should Not Be”.
This was the first Metallica album I heard, but even if you shed the nostalgia goggles and look at the album with critical eyes, you still find a towering classic of the genre. Unabashedly recommended, buy it yesterday. 
10 out of 10
...And Justice for All
Metallica has reached an all time high...but tragedy would strike, and take the band to a very personal low, as bassist Cliff Burton would pass away due to a bus accident on September 27th, 1986. With the tragic passing of Cliff Burton, Metallica was short a bassist. Enter Flotsam and Jetsam member Jason Newstead *cut to interview regarding Jason joining Metallica* With Newstead entering the picture, Metallica would then release the follow-up to the staggering Master of Puppets known as And Justice for All. Look, this is great album in its own right, but this album had to follow Master of Puppets. This album could not live up to such hype. But despite personal tragedy and a insurmountable challenge of trying to match, or even top, a bonafide masterpiece, Metallica managed to pump out a highly respectable album.
Continuing down the grander and more progressive road they had been travelling since Ride the Lightning, they also incorporated much darker and more brooding lyrics and guitar tones. This is no more exemplified by the song which resulted in Metallica’s first music video, the number one music video on MTV when it was introduced, and their first American hit on the Billboard Top 100, “One”.
While a very good album, Justice falls flat in certain respects. Firstly, while there aren’t necessarily bad songs on this album, some of the songs like “The Shortest Straw” and “Frayed Ends of Sanity” are a tad on the weaker side. Also, there’s the whole bass thing...so for whatever reason, whether it be as a form of hazing, or because of feelings regarding Cliff,  Lars told the album’s mixer, Steve Thompson, to lower the volume on the bass, and despite questioning this, he was made to do it anyways...Okay...
Really? Are you serious? Just because you’re “hazing the new guy”, or you miss your friend, or are just the self absorbed putz even Metallica fans know you to be, it doesn’t give you the right to pull childish bullshit like purposefully messing with the mix of a widely released album. Now, the other hazing bullshit, I don’t care about that. Pulling a rib on the boys can be light hearted fun, but when personal shit like that bleeds into your work and you leave an album without bass lines to properly fill it out, you officially become a prick. Despite me standing by his side for Napster (I’ll explain that thing another time), this is just juvenile. Luckily, a fan mix called “And Justice for Jason” remedied that, and allowed people to hear what Justice would have sounded like if it were properly mixed. Hell, despite Lars being a primadonna and taking certain things a bit too personally, Newstead has always remained fairly chill about the situation.
Overall, despite the bullshit with the bass mixing and some weak cuts, ...And Justice for All is a solid follow up to the towering classic that is Master of Puppets, and is definitely worthy of your collection. Recommended.
8.5 out of 10
Metallica (The Black Album)
With Newsted established as the band’s new bassist, and with song ideas brewing during their tour for Justice, Metallica hopped back into the studio with brand new producer Bob Rock, and popped out the highest selling record the band would ever produce, the self titled album commonly referred to as The Black Album. Lauded by many music publications, with 4s and 5s being thrown at it like Shibata throws out stiff kicks, everyone seemed to love it. However, does it truly live up to that acclaim? My answer: not quite.
Do not get me wrong, this is one of Metallica’s first five albums, so it’s a great fucking record. Pounding, groove laden metal riffs coupled with more melodic songwriting, it was a clear departure from the progressive, grandiose thrash metal of their previous 3 records, yet it still retained Metallica’s style and seminal songwriting. There are some superb cuts, with headbanging anthems like “Sad but True” and the smash hit “Enter Sandman” as well as my personal favourite hidden gem “Holier than Thou”, but there are some weaker, dare I say filler level cuts such as “Through the Never”.  Yeah, call me when your case of the word vomit ends guys. But overall, this is a stellar record and it is a very important benchmark for Metallica, as well as 90s metal. Moving on!
8 out of 10 
Short haircuts? Check. New sound and experimentation with genres that alienates even the most steadfast of fan? Check. Trying even fucking harder this time for mainstream attention? Check. Yup, Metallica’s gone full fucking 90s on us. Load is for sure a weaker album than the Black Album, and it is full of hard rock snoozers like “Bleeding Me” and “Poor Twisted Me”, but when this album turns it up and actually goes, good god does it go. Hard rocking headbangers like “Ain’t My Bitch” and “Wasting my Hate” as well as more melodic, downpaced rock such as my personal favourite track “The House That Jack Built”, While the music may have mellowed out, Kirk and James’s guitar playing has not and they rip out some killer riffs on this record. Hell, even the really far out there experiments work very well, such as the pop-y sounding “Hero of the Day” and one of the best fucking modern, mainstream country songs ever “Mama Said”. Like, that is a sad statement on the genre when fucking Metallica outdoes the sorry excuses for country acts that were starting to permeate the genre in the 90s, and we are talking dick cheese such as Billy Ray Cyrus, Kenny Chesney, and all that shit.
Metallica’s “Load” is not for everyone, but if you look past and ignore all the 1st degree filler that is on this record, there are some superb cuts that rank among Metallica’s best work in my opinion.
6.5 out of 10
Metallica went into the studio to record Load and actually had enough material to fill a double album. Metallica decided to delay the release of a majority of this material in order to perfect it, and the result of this was 1997’s “Reload”. Continuing down the more commercial hard rock path they had started travelling, Reload offers, in my opinion, a more consistent and sonically pleasing offering than its predecessor. With alot of the grader experimentation from Load being scrapped, Metallica decided to unleash some pure fucking rock and roll, with James and Kirk throwing down headbanging riffs and Lars producing some memorable drum beats. With powerful hard rock beatdowns like “Fuel” and “Attitude”, as well as slower, more melodic and groove laden songs like “Devil’s Dance”, “Unforgiven 2” and “Where the Wild Things Are”. While this album is better than Load, it does have its share of filler like “Bad Seed” and “Slither”. My personal favourite song though has to be the somber ballad “Low Man’s Lyric”. While Reload is certainly not a return to form for the band, it is a more consistent and better offering than Load and certainly worth a listen.
Metallica wouldn’t release a proper studio album for another six years, releasing other offerings in the meantime, such as the cover album Garage Inc., as well as S&M, a live show Metallica did with a full symphony orchestra.  This period would also prove to be one of the most tumultuous times in the band’s career, which is expertly shown in the documentary “Some Kind of Monster”. During this harrowing period, bassist Jason Newsted left the band, citing creative and personal differences, including Jason’s want to do other projects. There was also...Napster...welp, we had to do it. Let’s talk about Napster 
Okay, so basic rundown of the issue. Metallica records a song entitled “I, Disappear” for the soundtrack of Mission Impossible 2. However, a demo of the song was leaked, and ended up getting radio airplay. The band was able to trace this leak back to a file found on Napster, which led them to also find out that all their shit was on Napster. Lars then filed a lawsuit, and after a whole giant legal battle involving Metallica and a ton of other artists, Napster was forced to file Bankruptcy and was shut down for good. People...did not like this. With people staging mass destructions of Metallica CDs, and many media outlets just roasting the fuck out of the band. It was not a pleasant time for the boys. Here’s the thing though. Amidst all the media hoopla and everyone jumping on the “fuck Metallica” bandwagon...the band was in the right. Firstly, Music is a business like any other, and while these artists do for the most part love what they do, they are in this to make a living out of it, i.e. MAKE MONEY. Piracy of music, while admittedly not a big blow to the artists, is still a blow to their profits. Could you blame someone for trying to take down something that was giving away their product for free without their permission? Secondly, a fucking DEMO was leaked. Meaning the song was in the rough stages of its production. It was like that unfinished version of X-Men Origins, or that trailer of The Mummy without all the sound effects. It doesn’t look good on the band, so you should obviously shut that down and shut it down fast. In summary, Metallica did nothing wrong and took down a program full of stolen shit, and people had a hissy fit about it because “muh free music!” Fuck those morons for not understanding how business works.
After the turbulent tides of this period had begun to subside, with James getting clean after a year of rehab, a new bassist being found in Rob Trujillo, and being honored on MTV Icons, Metallica would drop their next studio album and it would prove to be a return to form...sort of...not really.
7 out of 10
St. Anger
This album is one of the most reviled things in music history. Every fan, every critic pretty much hate this record and think it’s an abomination. But, and you’re probably gonna stop reading for this (you probably stopped after the Napster thing), I don’t think it deserves the shit it gets. Don’t get me wrong, 2003’s “St. Anger” is a flawed record for sure. From the odd production, guitar tones, drum sounds, and some of the most tedious songwriting Metallica has ever engaged in, this album is far from a masterpiece. But, that does not mean this is not devoid of highlights. Despite its repetitious nature, there are some gems on this record, and some great riffage from James and Kirk, plus Lars puts on an incredibly underrated drum performance. My personal favourite song has to be the badassery of a diddy known as “Shoot me Again”. This is not a great record, do not get me wrong. It’s arguably the weakest thing Metallica has ever done. but if you give it a chance, there are some solid gems on this record. With Metallica reformed, they would hold off another 5 years on a new record, but we did not expect the course correction that came.
6 out of 10
Death Magnetic
Welcome back, Metallica! With the band parting ways from Elektra records, Metallica was in need of a record label for their new album. Enter the legend known as Rick Rubin. Signing with Warner Brothers and hiring on Rubin as a producer (I use that term liberally by the way because Rubin doesn’t do much producing these days and leaves it up to his underlings), Metallica popped out the staggering comeback known as Death Magnetic. Released in 2008, this album proved to be Metallica’s best record since the Black Album, nixing the repetitive nature of St. Anger and returning to the more grandiose, progressive and technical thrash metal style that made them the legends they are. The guitar work on this album is superb, with James and Kirk laying down some excellent riffs and incredible guitar harmonies. This also proved to be a return to form for Lars Ulrich, laying down some of the most precise drum work he has ever done. My personal favourite song would have to be the insanely heavy instrumental, something that Metallica hasn’t done since Justice, the song known as “Suicide and Redemption”, which like “Call of Chuthlu” and “Orion” before it, served to show off the technical side of their bass player, and Rob Trujillo lays down some killer bass licks in this song. 
While this is arguably their best songwriting in many years, the production leaves a little to be desired, and that’s putting it nicely. The major culprit in all of this? Those fucking guitar tones. Like, what the fuck did you do? It sounds like a two chainsaws grinding against each other, and it splits your fucking ears. Like, listen to that album with good headphones and at a fairly high volume, it’s painful. But, see, here’s the thing. Slayer (A band we will be talking about in the near future), also had Rubin and his crew as producers for World Painted Blood, and it worked for Slayer because that suits their sound. This does not suit Metallica, and it fucking kills an otherwise excellent record. Despite the pitfalls in the production, Metallica’s “Death Magnetic” is a fantastic return to form, and will kick your ass. Buy this record.
With Metallica back on the rise, what new projects would await them? *Listens to Lulu*...DONE!
7.5 out of 10
This album...is SHIIIIT. 2011’s collaboration with, of all fucking people, Lou Reed entitled “Lulu” is a failed experiment. Combining the styles of two artists, namely, the experimental, 60s and 70s rock music of someone like Lou Reed and the thrash metal headbanging of Metallica, they did not fit together at all. And listen here folks, collaborations between odd pairings of artists can work. Korn’s team up with various dubstep artists on The Path to Totality album generally was a solid effort by that band; David Bowie, being the musical chameleon he is, fit like a glove when Nine Inch Nails and him worked on remixing “I’m Afraid of Americans”; when Weezer and Lil Wayne teamed up to do “Can’t Stop Partying”...ok, point taken. But still, odd pairings in music can work. But this just didn’t. From the sloppy songwriting put forward by Metallica, to Lou Reed’s rambling street preacher vocal style which only works on certain songs, this album sounds like Lou Reed decided to just rant over a bunch of b-sides Metallica had left over and had no idea what to do with. I suppose if I had to pick a highlight from this album, it would have to be the 2nd last song “Dragon”, a heavy offering that actually manages to marry the styles of these bands quite effectively. But overall, just avoid this record, outside of hearing a couple songs. It’s not for Lou Reed fans, it’s not for Metallica fans, i’ts for no one. Say it with me homeboys, MOVING ON!
3 out of 10
Hardwired to Self Destruct
With the dogshit that is Lulu behind them, Metallica embarked on a few years of touring, playing pretty much nothing but old shit, playing for the first time with the big four, as well as doing fan requested setlists, it was time to head back into the studio and make some kick ass music. The result of this was last year’s Hardwired to Self Destruct. This album is both stronger and weaker than Death Magnetic. It is stronger in that it is much more tightly produced, with those chainsaw guitars being replaced with a more crisp sounding tone more in line with their previous output. With the band getting up there in age, they however show no signs of slowing down, with James’ voice not showing an instance of faltering since blowing it out all those years ago. Further, the guitar work on this album is superb, and Lars lays down some tight and precise drumming. However, this album isn’t the tightest in terms of songwriting, and begins to falter around the end of disc one and by disc two they let out some grade A filler like “Man-Unkind”. Yeah, this song sounds like they’re trying to hearken back to the days of Load with this one, and those days are gone and should stay gone. But this album is not devoid of highlights, with my personal favourite track being the cybernetic dystopian fury of the closing song “Spit Out The Bone”. Hell, the first disc on this album fucking slays, with tracks like “Moth Into Flame” and the grandiose, almost Maiden-esque “Atlas Rise.” Overall, a solid album full of really heavy songs, but the band’s age is showing, and the idea well is starting to run dry. It might be time to hang it up. But we’ll see.
7 out of 10
Well, I thank you for reading this tirade about one of my favourite bands of all time, the incomparable Metallica. Hope you have a good day.
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cesarsantosjr · 5 years
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Reposted from @territoriorockargentina (@get_regrann) - 15 de octubre de 1981, nace la banda de Thrash Metal ''Metallica'' en Los Ángeles pero con base en San Francisco desde febrero de 1983. Fue fundada en 1981 en Los Ángeles por Lars Ulrich y James Hetfield, a los que se les unirían Dave Mustaine y Cliff Burton. Estos dos músicos fueron después sustituidos por el guitarrista Kirk Hammett y el bajista Jason Newsted, Dave Mustaine fue despedido un año después de ingresar en la banda debido a su excesiva adicción al alcohol y su actitud violenta, y fundó la banda Megadeth, siendo sustituido por Kirk Hammett ex guitarrista de Exodus. Por otra parte, el 27 de septiembre de 1986, la muerte de Cliff Burton en un accidente de autobús en Suecia, durante una de sus giras, provocó la entrada al grupo de Jason Newsted, quien, tras su abandono quince años más tarde, sería sustituido por el bajista actual, Robert Trujillo. Las ventas totales de Metallica superan los 120 millones, y se les considera parte de los cuatro grandes del thrash metal, junto con Megadeth, Slayer y Anthrax.3 Además, el grupo ha conseguido numerosos premios musicales, entre los que destacan nueve Grammys, dos premios otorgados por la cadena musical MTV, dos galardones de la Academia de Música Americana (American Music Awards) y un premio de la revista Billboard, además de poseer una estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de la revista Kerrang!. Para más información ingresa a: TerritorioRock.com #metal #rock #heavymetal #metalhead #deathmetal #guitar #metalcore #blackmetal #thrashmetal #punk #hardrock #metalband #metalheads #guitarist #livemusic #rocknroll #deathcore #gothic #metalgirl #efemeridesrock #territoriorock #elyusty - #regrann (en Chiriquí, Chiriqui, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qBrk5jyqD/?igshid=tx39s2t4nhdf
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Metallica Tee Shirts A Tribute On the Band
Metallica Tee Shirts - A Tribute for the Band
The name Metallica is synonymous with significant metal and if you at any time attended any in the major metal concerts you'd see them flooded With all the Metallica tee shirts. What greater tribute to your band than to Activity their tee shirts when at their concerts!
The Metallica band started off off from Los Angeles, California, in 1981 with the duo James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. They had been later on joined by Dave Mustaine, Ron McGovney, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo, Cliff Burton and Jason Newsted. Like a band they had been highly motivated through the heavy steel band Diamond Head within the fashion UK. Quickly immediately after, they relocated to San Francisco.
Their tee shirts fork out them the tribute they have earned, flashing names like "Dying Magnetic", "Grasp of Puppets", and "Journey the Lightning". Their debut release in 1982 was "Metal Massacre", accompanied by "Kill 'em All" in 1983. Their third album "Grasp of Puppets" in 1986 was called influential and was deemed one of the best large thrash metal albums.
Their early releases coated instrumentals; rapidly tempos and aggressive musicianship, As a result positioning them amongst the 'large four' thrash metallic bands as well as Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeath. Their tee shirts are an apt tribute for his or her quite a few achievements.
The 1st Grammy Award nomination that Metallica received was for "Justice for All" in 1989 for the Best Tricky Rock / Steel Efficiency Vocal or Instrument classification. Though Metallica was the envisioned favourite to acquire, the award went to a different band. This little question, developed some controversy among the push and fans. But their tee shirts have stood them in fantastic help to be a tribute.
Metallica has unveiled three Reside albums, 9 studio albums, 5 prolonged plays, forty five singles and 24 new music films. The band has also won 9 Grammy Awards. With such a span of achievements as tee fronts they could not receive a much better tribute to demonstrate their status as major thrash metal band.
December 2006 observed Metallica release a DVD with all their new music films ranging from 1989 to 2004, by using a sale of 28,000 copies in the initial week itself. Metallica also turned the very first band from the history of your Billborad 200 to obtain 5 consecutive studio albums debuted at number one with their album "Demise Magnetic" which marketed as a lot of as 490,000 models.
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Metallica was inducted into your San Francisco "Stroll of Fame" in March 1999. They had been also rated the 3rd "Biggest Heavy Steel Band" by MTV. In April of 2009 Metallica was inducted to the "Rock and Roll" Hall of Fame.
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Metallica's achievements are lots of! It is difficult to recount all of them here in assistance of the credit of attributing tee shirts to them like a tribute to the band. They surely have proved their truly worth being a band which is so deserving and hugely acclaimed.
Metallica continues to be a considered one of its kind challenging thrash band to get acquired this kind of acclaim and supporter following. Enthusiasts would proudly love to use the Metallica Band Tee Shirts as a tribute.
Metallica t shirts are offered at ShirtHunt.com, amongst the most popular band t shirts on the web retailer! Fast shipping and delivery to almost any state of the earth! Obtain your tee now!
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marcoshassanlevy · 5 years
Marcos Hassan
Septiembre 28, 2018
Luego de sesenta años del rock, hay músicos que se han convertido en vestigios monumentales. Figuras que reflejaron las emociones de una generación, envueltas en sonidos que daban una patada de adrenalina y el público podía gritar con una sonrisa en el rostro. Figuras que subieron a escenarios multitudinarios y se convirtieron en héroes, dioses o monstruos. Su impacto es irrefutable y los golpes que dieron se quedaron para siempre.
Los orígenes de estos íconos siguen siendo una fuente de intriga para fans. Para algunos, resulta obvio que su popularidad se haya vuelto apoteósicade nacimiento, entre talento y carisma. Pero hay otros más cuya fama se ha hecho por no quitar el dedo del renglón y darnos arte que apela directo a las emociones. Éste es el caso de Metallica.
Autores de ya varios éxitos de la radio y MTV, vendedores de millonarios discos y giras mundiales donde siguen reuniendo a muchas generaciones, lograron su éxito a través de canales fuera de lo común y cimentaron lo que se convertiría en un ritual de vida para muchos jóvenes al abrirse a nuevos mundoshasta hoy. Durante sus primeros años rechazaron la imagen de rockstar, saliendo al escenario con jeans y camisetas de sus bandas favoritas como Misfits o Venom; tampoco estaban consternados por lanzar sencillos a radio o video. Tomando como ejemplo el hardcore punk del cual se inspiraron, todo lo que hacían intentaba que la atención de sus escuchas siempre fuera a su música y nada más a ello. Así fue como se fundó la escena del thrash metal, distanciándose del glam metal de Mötley Crüe, Poison y Bon Jovi, para darnos música cruda, rebosante de realidad y sin glamour. Metallica y sus contemporáneos, como Exodus, Anthrax, Megadeth y Slayer, empujaron la música a niveles extremos insospechados, casualmente encontrando gente que se identificaba con ellos en todo el mundo.
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Esta etapa se explora en el volumen 1 del libro Nacer, Crecer, Metallica, Morir de los autores Ian Winwood y Paul Brannigan, editado por Malpaso Ediciones. Cubre el periodo entre la formación del grupo hasta el lanzamiento de su disco homónimo —conocido entre fans como el Álbum Negro— en 1991. Los autores se adentranen los pormenores de la historia de la banda, sus relaciones entre sí, entrevistas con sus miembros, así como de colaboradores y gente cercana.
El libro hace un recuento de sus interminables giras, en las que tocaban música pesada y emocionante con toda la intensidad que les demandaba, con la que daban forma sonora a sentimientos como el miedo y la frustración. Si algo une la narrativa de su obra hasta 1991 —conformada por canciones como “Seek & Destroy”, “Fade To Black”, “Master Of Puppets” y “One”—sobre adversidad, depresión, guerra, adicciones, corrupción, hipocresía— es la rabia contra una sociedad conformista, la frustración frente a esperanzas rotas, dolor y muerte que son inevitables en la vida, pero a lo que quisiéramos renunciar.
En su primera década lanzaron cinco discos, cada uno más ambicioso y expansivo que el otro. Su influencia en el género del heavy metal fue casi instantánea, logrando que muchos siguieran sus pasos o por lo menos emprendieran una rivalidad amigable para ser más pesados que el cuarteto de Los Ángeles. A la vez, la carrera de Metallica durante estos años es quizá una de las más trágicas y ambiciosas en la historia del rock. Por poner un ejemplo, en 1986 muere el bajista Cliff Burton tras un accidente mientras la banda se encontraba de gira; un mes después ya habían reclutado a su reemplazo y otro mes después ya estaban tocando en vivo de nuevo.
Hoy Metallica sigue siendo un monstruo dentro del rock; aunque su obra ya no tenga la emoción de antes, sus giras son grandes eventos en todo el mundo. Leer este tomo, así como escuchar los discos que dejaron durante esta década, invita al redescubrimiento. El sentir joven y rabioso por ganarle a la muerte sigue presente, lo cual hace a Metallica vital para todos aquellos que quieran sentir la emoción de uno de los más grandes del rock.
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