#Soli Deo Gloria
newgrean · 4 months
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Find a short follow-up panel to this comic here!
Image description below the cut:
ID: A digital Star Wars fan comic. In the first panel Chancellor Palpatine looks across his desk with a placating expression saying, "Master Ti, of course I understand your concerns, but with the state of the war, we simply can't spare any clones to take a seat on the senate."
In the second panel we see Shaak Ti sitting in the seat across from Palpatine slurping a grande iced chai and wearing large, dark brown sunglasses. The word "slurp" is written in an elongated form across the width of the panel, though it passes behind Shaak Ti's head.
In the third panel Shaak Ti holds the chai tea away and stares silently, unbothered, at Palpatine.
In the fourth panel she says, "I'll do it."
In the fifth panel we see a concerned-looking Palpatine glance up as Shaak Ti rises from her seat. The silhouette of her hand holding the iced chai is visible. He says, "But Master Ti! A Jedi cannot sit on the Senate! It's illegal!"
In the sixth panel, we see Shaak Ti from behind as she walks out the office door. Her head is tilted to the right but her face isn't visible. She is setting her mostly-finished chai on a shelf by the door as she says, "Eh."
In the seventh panel, we see the profile of her face as she turns her head just enough so that she can be heard. We cannot see her eyes, only the sunglasses. She says, "I'll make it legal."
In the eighth panel we see a highly-stylized, almost chibi-esque version of Palpatine. He is visibly gulping in fear and the word "gulp" appears behind him in large, capital letters. He is sweating.
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"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" - Ephesians 1:7 NKJV
Happy Easter, He is Risen Indeed 🕊️
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thatdesklamp · 7 months
thatdesklamp's masterlist
'Intrinsic Warmth', Gojo Satoru x reader
'Soli Deo Gloria', Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
'Intrinsic Warmth' oneshots:
'Sometime in Summer, Before 2004'
'The Gojo Household, Winter, 2010'
'Spring, 2007'
'January, 2011'
'One Month Before Suguru Geto's Betrayal, 2007'
Info about me
Writing advice
‘Intrinsic Warmth’: Collector's Edition
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jareeex · 9 months
Deseo, hermanos y hermanas míos, que durante este año puedan vivir más cerca de Cristo de lo que hayan vivido antes. Admirable, sin duda es la paciencia del Salvador al soportarnos año tras año, a pesar de nuestras infidelidades, rebeliones y resistencia al Espíritu Santo... ¡Es asombroso que todavía nos tenga misericordia! .
- Charles Spurgeon
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Soli Deo Gloria
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novelmonger · 1 year
I had such a weird but cool experience in the dream I had last night! I dreamed that my church was having some kind of retreat/conference in this big hotel conference room. The majority of the dream focused on the meal we were having (looks like my dream priorities match my waking ones :/), which at first I thought was supposed to be some kind of potluck, but then there were also caterers. I remember going back for seconds, plus dessert, though I don't remember actually eating anything. There was this weird crab dish I decided to try, and the caterer who was dishing it up said I was brave and no one else had dared try it yet....
Anyway, that's not the point! After the meal, before whatever business was going to take place began, someone stood up at the front and began vigorously leading us all in singing a Psalm. I didn't catch which number it was, but I recognized the tune, and I found the words coming to my lips easily, so I joined in belting it out with everyone else. The dream devolved after the first verse, because I guess my brain couldn't supply any more words, and explained that by giving the people up front technical difficulties with the projector they were using.
But here's the thing: What we were singing wasn't a real Psalm. Or a real hymn. I woke up with the words and tune still ringing in my head, but after a few moments of getting my bearings, I realized my brain had mashed together some words of praise cobbled together from various Psalms and hymns, and put it to the soundtrack of Final Fantasy I, of all things.
Check it out! Sing the words below to this tune:
To God be the glory And all the honor Let his glorious name ring forth Let his kingdom never fade Let all of mankind Love one another Let us serve him gratefully Till we see him face-to-face
(Sorry, I don't know music notation, so I can only provide the words, but hopefully you can see how it would be sung.)
It doesn't rhyme, and the music obviously is not my own creation, but I still think it's pretty cool that my brain came up with this while I was unconscious!
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walk-out-the-closet · 2 years
So a few months ago, I saw that Netflix had a new show, and the banner image for it was of two boys sitting next to and smiling at one another. I was in a place where I was looking for some kind of good queer media, so I clicked on it and hit play. Cut to about a month later and I can’t push the smile off my face as I watch Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring kissing in a photo booth and laying on a towel on the beach. Heartstopper wasn’t the show that made me realize I was bisexual, but it was the one that finally showed me what I want to have someday (and yes, don’t worry, I know that real life is not as magical as a tv show), and it was the thing that finally gave me that push to come out to my friends. It means a ton to me and it always will.
Even as I was in the midst of watching it, though, it gave me a little trouble. I found that by watching Nick and Charlie’s love story, the joy that filled me up when I watched them hold hands and kiss in the rain was usually very quickly replaced by this empty feeling of longing. I knew that if I watched the show on a day when I was feeling especially tired or down, then it would put me in a worse place, because I knew that I wasn’t in a place where I was ready to be open about my sexuality. And even after finishing the show, whenever I would see YouTube edits or gifsets of the characters (especially Nick ❤️), that same pining, empty feeling would come back. I started to worry that any sort of queer media would make me feel the same way.
But now, I’m being reminded of a marvelous little nugget of truth: I actually can’t predict the future. I started to watch Love, Victor about a month ago, and while I still felt that almost explosive joy and happiness whenever I’d see Victor and Benji give each other heart eyes or kiss each other right on the mouth, that emptiness didn’t rush right in and replace it. I don’t really know why, but this show doesn’t hurt as much to watch. Maybe it’s because I’m not particularly head over heels for any of the characters like I was for Nick. But whatever the reason, it’s been really nice to have this show that just gives me happiness instead of one that gives and takes.
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cristo-salva · 2 years
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Romanos 14:5-9Reina-Valera 1960
5 Uno hace diferencia entre día y día; otro juzga iguales todos los días. Cada uno esté plenamente convencido en su propia mente. 6 El que hace caso del día, lo hace para el Señor; y el que no hace caso del día, para el Señor no lo hace. El que come, para el Señor come, porque da gracias a Dios; y el que no come, para el Señor no come, y da gracias a Dios. 7 Porque ninguno de nosotros vive para sí, y ninguno muere para sí. 8 Pues si vivimos, para el Señor vivimos; y si morimos, para el Señor morimos. Así pues, sea que vivamos, o que muramos, del Señor somos. 9 Porque Cristo para esto murió y resucitó, y volvió a vivir, para ser Señor así de los muertos como de los que viven.
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claudiogsaucedo · 6 months
Los reformadores modernos parecen haber olvidado de qué se trataba la Reforma
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Uno de los símbolos más emblemáticos de la idolatría católica romana, la catedral de Notre Dame en París, fue reducido a cenizas ante nuestros ojos en 2019. Había poco que hacer para detenerlo.
Mientras la gente permanecía asombrada y desconcertada mientras casi mil años de historia ardían en llamas y se desmoronaban hasta los cimientos, el grotesco luto de personas de todos los sabores de la cultura y la fe se podía escuchar en todo el mundo.
Si bien fue comprensible que los paganos y los idólatras católicos romanos lamenten la pérdida de un edificio dedicado al espíritu del anticristo, el problema fue que muchos “protestantes”, particularmente bautistas, lamentaron la pérdida del edificio e incluso sugirieron que los reformadores estarían llorando. Que reformadores protestantes habrían lamentado la pérdida de esta gran catedral, un símbolo del cristianismo que buscaban reformar.
Que error garrafal, los reformadores verdaderos veían a la Iglesia Católica Romana como el enemigo del evangelio y el enemigo de la Iglesia y al papado como el anticristo. Prácticamente todas las confesiones reformadas dan fe de esto, incluyendo la de Westminster, la madre de las Confesiones Reformadas y la Confesión Bautista de Londres de 1689.
No hay otra cabeza de la Iglesia sino el Señor Jesucristo; ni el Papa de Roma, en ningún sentido, puede ser cabeza de ella; pero es ese Anticristo, ese hombre de pecado, e hijo de perdición, que se exalta a sí mismo, en la Iglesia, contra Cristo y todo lo que se llama Dios.
Ulrico Zuinglio, una de las figuras más notables de la historia de la Reforma dijo de la Catedral de Notre Dame que era una casa de culto idólatra:
Está claro que las imágenes y otras representaciones que tenemos en las casas de culto han causado el riesgo de idolatría. Por lo tanto, no se les debe permitir permanecer allí, ni en sus aposentos, ni en la plaza del mercado, ni en ningún otro lugar donde se les rinda honor.
y Juan Calvino escribe en sus Institutos de la Religión Cristiana:
Llego ahora a las impiedades monstruosas, que es extraño que se atrevieran a pronunciar, y dos veces extraño que todos los hombres no protestaran contra ellas con el mayor detestablecimiento. Es justo exponer esta extravagancia frenética y flagrante, y así privar al culto de las imágenes de ese brillo de la antigüedad con el que los papistas tratan de adornarlo
Los paganos adoran el trabajo de sus propias manos. No los cristianos. En un tiempo de apostasía donde están involucrados “reformadores modernos”, se está promoviendo el ecumenismo dentro de la iglesia, y los verdaderos reformadores esperarían que los idólatras de la religión católica romana atribuyeran las obras del hombre a “la gloriosa visión de Dios para su iglesia y abandonen todo culto de idolatría a dioses extraños, se arrepientan y reconozcan que solo hay salvación en Jesucristo”.
Este es un recordatorio histórico de cómo el evangelio ha sido suprimido por la Iglesia Católica Romana durante cientos, miles de años.
Los teólogos hablan de las Solas, de la palabra latina sola, que significa "solo". Por lo general, enumeramos cinco Solas:
1. Sola Scriptura, que significa "solo la Escritura"
2. y 3. Sola Gratia, que significa "solo gracia", y Sola Fide, que significa "fe sola"
4. Solus Christus, que significa "solo Cristo"
5. Soli Deo Gloria, que significa "la gloria de Dios solamente"
Lutero y los otros reformadores votaron por la unidad, pero no por la unidad a toda costa. El espíritu ecuménico de nuestra época contemporánea descuida la cautela de los reformadores, estableciendo una unidad cristiana que se construye sobre los fundamentos teológicos más endebles. Contra el impulso actual por el ecumenismo e incluso por el pluralismo, los reformadores nos recuerdan que la unidad fuera de una sólida base bíblica y teológica, construye un gran castillo sobre la arena.
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deremerstudios · 9 months
The Five Solas
BibleART: The Five Solas - the foundational truths of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - Solus Christus (Christ Alone) - Sola Fide (Faith Alone) - Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) - Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory)!
The Five Solas – the foundational truths of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) – Solus Christus (Christ Alone) – Sola Fide (Faith Alone) – Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) – Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory)! Learn more about the Five Solas through this great Gospel Coalition Article. Download a shareable passage or quote, purchase museum-quality wall art, or simply stop by to…
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newgrean · 9 months
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I tend to get ideas for my Easter pics while doodling in church (which is appropriate lol), and this one is based off of an idea I got a few weeks back!  I really like the symbolism of hands, as you can see in a lot of my past Easter drawings, and the image of Christ's blood washing away the sins of those who humble themselves before Him and ask for forgiveness was something that stuck in my head.  I wanted to focus more on the lines of the hands and the blood turning to water and cleansing the hands of the penitent person, along with the person trying to cup and store up that water~
Hope you all have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!
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sometimeslondon · 2 years
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Coat of Arms on a gate in the City of London
Sorry no idea what it represents!
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annagracewood · 5 months
Merry Christmas, y'all and a prayer request and family update
Merry Christmas, y’all. God surely is gracious, isn’t He? This year has been one of tremendous ups and downs. My heart has broken a thousand times this year as some of my children denied their faith. I beg your prayers for them. However, in midst of such pain, the Lord has reconciled a daughter and myself. This is such a huge thing, something I’d prayed for for so many years. She’s a Christian…
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