#Sorry for having nothing really finished.
hollandsfavbabe · 3 days
Wet & Wild II
pairing: art donaldson x reader
synopsis: in which you, a swimmer, and art, a tennis champ, change each other's lives for the better when you challenge his match-like stance on life
warnings: SMUT, porn with a plot, sexually explicit language, cursing, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, nipple play, locker room sex, swimmer lingo
word count: 5.5k
part 1
tags💜: @midnightwrriting @no1runawaymilkdad @ihave-aboringlife @blahhucantmakeme @laniirackssss @blood-bloss @lmaoyani @geminiflanagansblog @ruyaas-world @hrlzy @povobsessed @stephstephstephsteph @chakin @10ava01 @lem0ns77 @velvrei @hdhdhdndhdndk
a/n: sorry if the tags aren’t working, I tried to include everyone that wanted it. lmk if you have questions on anything. hope you enjoy!!
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A week has passed since the last time you’d seen Art and you try to rid any thoughts of him from your mind as you enter the women’s locker room, the day so early that the sun has only just risen. You’d only spent a few hours with him, but he feels more important to you than a mere acquaintance, especially considering you’d let him have more of you than most people would ever get to. You try to tell yourself it won’t matter if he shows or not, but deep down you know that it will. Regardless, overthinking won’t help you in the water so you shove it down as you steadily pull on your tech suit, careful not to rip the delicate fabric. Your headphones are currently blaring your hype playlist in your ear, but you slide them off once you notice movement to your left as Chloe opens her own locker.
“You ready?” she asks you, pulling out her own racing suit from the depths of her swim bag.
“Not really,” you admit, giving up on stretching your tight suit to your full body frame for the time being as you opt for a tie-back bikini top instead. Your shoulders are ever so grateful. “I’m so nervous.”
“Why? Because of your race or your little tennis boyfriend?” she teases, lips quirking into a classic Chloe smirk. As your best friend, she was the first and only person you told about your interaction with Art at the party and, of course, she had been teasing you about it since. While during practice it was amusing, you are not in the mood for jokes right before a race, especially one of such importance.
You furrow a brow, shaking your head to signal that it’s not the time for such jests concerning the blonde. As the good friend that she is, Chloe immediately understands as she moves to help tie your suit straps, a simple task that you are unexpectedly failing at due to the pressure of the meet ahead of you.
“You’re going to do great,” Chloe comforts, placing an assuring hand on your shoulder once she’s finished with your straps. “I’m sure of it.”
“What if I don’t break the record?”
“Who cares? You can try again next time. If that’s the worst that can happen, you don’t have anything to be nervous about,” she smiles in assurance. “Besides that record is as good as yours -” she makes a gesture to your tech suit that has the most magical of time bending abilities if wielded by the right swimmer. “You’ve worked so hard for this. Nothing can stop you now.”
“Thanks Clo.” you grin at her appreciatively, and though your nerves don’t settle in the slightest, you feel more comfortable living in cohabitation with them now. They’re so much easier to manage when you’re not alone.
It’s only minutes before the rest of your team has arrived and you have hours before your event is scheduled to take place, yet it only feels like seconds before you’re being seated in the waiting room amongst your competitors, tech suit finally fully on. Rousing music plays through your headphones though you are sure to skip any songs that seem even the slightest bit romantic. You try to slip into the right headspace, the line between confident and cocky that has always aided you in not panicking just before you step up to the blocks in the past. You try to find it, using any method at your fingertips, but it’s no use. You can’t seem to find it no matter how hard you try and suddenly it feels as if the weight of the world is crashing down on you when the door opens and your event is called. You stand with the other women and together you line up behind the blocks.
The sun shines much higher up in the sky than it had been when you dove in during warm ups, blaring down to reflect off the red of your cap that bears the Stanford logo in white along with your last name. You take your rightful place behind the starting block of the middle lane, and though you already wrote your heat and lane in black sharpie on your forearm just to be sure, you can’t help but worry that you’ve already missed your race.
It’s only when the head announcer calls your event on the loudspeaker that you stop dwelling on it, her voice echoing through the stands that seem so much taller now that you're in the center with so much pressure resting solely on you. You rake though the rafters to your left, hoping to be comforted by the sight of Chloe or one of your other teammates until you realize that they are more than likely preparing for their own events in the warm up pool.
It's then, just when the swirling hurricane of emotions is hurtling toward you, that you see him. He’s seated in the first row, blonde curls circling his head like a golden crown and a wide smile lighting up his face when he sees that you’ve finally spotted him, one that you can’t help returning as he mouths sweet wishes of luck to you.
Art came. He actually came!
The storm subsides and all of a sudden you’ve lost all your inhibitions. Instead of buzzing anxiety, you are filled with a new light and the confidence of a record breaker. It’s all so clear with Art in the stands and as his presence wafts away your storm of worries, you come to the realization that you can do it. You know you can.
The whistle of an official blares through the speaker and on cue you slide on your goggles and mount the block. You’re really starting to feel the compression of your suit as you bend into your diving position, waiting for the magic words. The signal that it’s time to race and leave everything you have in the pool as you go.
“Swimmers, take your marks…” 
You take one last breath before the sound blares and you dive off the block. It all comes naturally to you and with the help of your suit, you find yourself breaking out farther than ever before.
You only have a few strokes until you’re at the end of the pool when out of nowhere, the girl in the lane beside you starts to catch up to you until the two of you are neck and neck and it doesn’t escape your attention when she flips a split second before you’re able to.
You know it’s not about winning, you told Art that, but it’s as if a fire has been lit behind you and you’re suddenly determined to go for the gold. You push yourself harder than you ever have before and though you're not sure where the energy has come from, you know it’s exactly what you need. You’ve failed if you’re able to get out of the pool without stumbling.
Before long you catch up to the swimmer beside you, taking your first and only breath as you summon the last of your power, pushing through the water like a jet-ski. At once you’re behind the flags and unlike before, there’s no one beating you to the touch pad resting on the side of the ending wall as you slam your hand down and come up for air.
The crowd erupts with applause once you finish and at first you’re under the impression that it’s because of your win until your eyes glaze over at the scoreboard and nearly burst from your skull at the sight of the result.
You had accomplished your goal. There it was, a time faster than the Stanford record glowing right beside your name. But you didn’t just pass it by a few flimsy hundredths. Your new record was more than a second faster.
You can hardly believe it and you know if the proof weren’t right in front of you, there’d only be disbelief instead of this crashing wave of accomplishment and pride. Though you’re in severe oxygen debt from the race, you find yourself screaming in excitement at your gigantic accomplishment.
“We have a new record!” an official announces through the loudspeaker once the other girls have returned to the starting wall, followed by your name and new time. You search for Art again once you’re out of the water, all but failing to suppress your grin as you find him clapping in the stands and smiling down at you as if you were the most precious stone in the world.
Your teammates are filled with the same immense pride when you join them in the locker room once the meet is over. You’ve since changed from your tech suit, switching out the tight fabric for your cozy hoodie, tie-back bikini top, and a towel tied around your waist. The suit in question now hangs in your locker with the rest of your clothes that you had been in the middle of putting on before the congradulations began.
“I fucking told you!” Chloe shouts, clapping you on the back like you had just won the lottery. You imagine such a feat couldn’t match the pride you feel now.
You almost say that you can’t believe it, but the words stall on your lips. You actually can believe it, this is something you’ve been working tirelessly for. And now, after a long hard race, the record title is finally yours.
“Did I see a certain blonde in the audience?” Chloe smirks, nudging you as you wave goodbye to one of your other parting teammates.
“Maybe,” you drawl, trying your best to hide your growing grin, but the thought of the man makes you feel like flying through the air as year worth of buried emotions bubble up to the surface. You haven’t felt anything like this for a very long time.
“You know what that means…” Chloe whispers to you after you pull away from a hug with one of the other girls who like everyone else, is on her way out. The night’s party is being hosted at a house that’s a longer commute than usual in honor of the women’s tenth annual win and unlike your teammates, you aren’t in any hurry to get there knowing the a portion of the celebration will surround you.
“Drinks on you?” you guess, pretending you are clueless as to what she’s getting at. You hope it’s enough to deter her from whatever inevitably grotesque she’s about to say, but you know it’s to no avail as she laughs and shakes her head.
“Nice try,” she smiles, nudging you with her elbow. “I meant that he’s definetly going to fuck the shit out of you next time you see him.”
You cringe bashfully at her words, hitting her on the shoulder as she backs away from your shrunken form.
“Chloe!” you chide, though you both know no real anger lies within your tone. She’s been like this since the day you’d first met her: always the same old loving, indecorous Chloe.
“Just saying.” she shrugs before turning to say her goodbyes to the last lingering one of your other teammates.
You turn to open your locker, finally ready to change out of your damp towel until you’re startled by the clacking footsteps of unfamiliar tennis shoes heading in your direction. You assume it’s another random spectator who had bypassed the many signs clearly stating that the locker room is for athlete occupance only, but at once you find you’re very wrong when you turn to see who it is.
Art stands before you and though it was his decision to invade the women’s locker room, he looks as surprised as you.
“Hey,” he says, almost breathlessly. You’re thankful when you notice that Chloe is fully dressed to your left, just pulling on her knit cardigan.
She smirks smuggly at the sight of him, swinging her bag over her shoulders before sending you a wink and a swiftly muttered, “Told ya.” Without another word she exits, leaving you and Art utterly and completely alone.
“You realize this is the women’s restroom, right?” you jab as you hear Chloe shut the door behind her, though it’s all in good fun. As far as you know, no one is coming anywhere near the locker room for the next several hours.
“I was waiting outside for you,” he states, gradually lifting his hands from their tense place in the front of his jean pockets. “I thought everyone else had already come out, but I guess I was wrong.”
“That’s just Chloe,” you laugh, gesturing in the direction of the exit path your best friend had just taken. “Don’t worry, she won’t tattle.”
He chuckles, amused by your jest before he takes a slow step closer to you. Like a sparkler to your stomach, you become acutely aware of the tension between the two of you, growing like the blush colored blossoms of a cherry tree in spring. “I’ve thought about what you said.”
This makes you smile.
“You were right.”
You’re heart flutters, so light that if it weren’t encaged within your chest you’re sure it would’ve floated away. He pauses to take another tense step in your direction, now only a foot away.
“Do you know how Tashi and I met?”
“I don’t, actually,” you say, words laced with a twinge of sarcasm.
“Right,” he laughs, realizing the folly behind his question. It was more rhetorical than anything, but he begins the story like a spider spindiling its web. “Well it was only about a year ago. We met at the US open. Patrick and I both went after her and you know what she told us?”
You wait for the answer.
“She said she’d give her number to whoever won our match. That was the first time I ever lost and it was to my best friend.”
“That’s who was at your match, wasn’t it?” you ask.
Art nods solumnly, though the pain that had been etched on his face from your last meeting has vanished, as if the thorn in his side has been replced by a budding rose.
“I didn’t know Art, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he urges. “It’s all okay now. I’ve realized that none of it matters anymore and it’s all because of you. If I’m being honest, I thought maybe if I won my match, then Tashi would leave him. But it’s not what I want anymore. I don’t want to be the winner she’s running to. I don’t want to have to earn her love.”
“What do you want?”
There’s a pause, a distinct moment where the glint in his blue eyes from the bright lights above conveys a clever message to you than any words could. Then he speaks.
“I think you know what I want.”
It’s all the confirmation you need to know that he’s finally playing the same game as you. He’s unbearably close now as his head reaches up to gently rake through your stringy wet hair. You welcome his touch, breath catching in your throat at the feeling of his fingers as his lips hover just above yours. If you’re being completely honest, you haven’t stopped fantasizing about it since the night of the party. Since the moment he had kissed you.
“You were right,” he whispers as his hot breath tickles the tips of your top lips with every placid word. “I don’t care about winning anymore. The only point I want to score is you.”
“That’s a really bad joke.” you remark, pointing out the obvious from his corny declaration. But Art doesn’t share your smirk, his face settling in an expression that’s much more sensual.
“I’m not kidding.”
You feel the immediate shift in energy as your smirk fades to parted lips and Art’s longing gaze moves downward from your eyes. What little space left between you is squashed as you allow him to pull you even closer, noses prodigy one another as Art’s fingers drift from the tips of your hair to cup the back of your head. It’s almost salivating the way he looks at you and you’re suddenly eager to remember what he tastes like.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks through a whisper, so quietly that if you hadn’t been right in front of him, you surely wouldn’t have heard it. It’s milliseconds before you’re nodding exuberantly with more urgency than a speeding ambulance (something you might need if your heart decided to beat any faster).
“Pleas-” you start, but Art’s on you before you can even get the word out, covering your lips with his until all you can taste, smell, and feel is him. Everything is him.
He’s gentle with you at first, testing the waters as his lips pass smoothly over yours. You lift up your hands to invite him in, squeezing the toned flesh of his arms before you drag them slowly up to the nape of his neck. You toy with some of the curls that rest there, twirling them between your fingers while sinking into the sounds he makes in return. He lets out a soft moan into your mouth, and at once his tongue melds with yours. You match the new intensity, swallowing each low groan.
Unlike your last encounter, it’s Art who pulls away this time, forcing you to scowl at him in confusion, eyes squinting and lips puffy. He twists his head to the left, glazing at the wide space behind him as he slowly moves the both of you backwards to the nearest flat-board bench until one of its edges grazes the top of his shin.
“What are you doing?” you ask through a whisper, leaning forward so that your lips titillate the tip of his ear which sends inadvertent shivers through his whole body. Art turns back to you, smirking as he leans in for another sloppy kiss, earning a salacious sound from you before his lips shift from yours and trailing from the corner of your mouth to the line of your open jaw where his teeth scrape against your skin. You can feel him grinning as he makes you emit the softest of moans.
“I want to make up for the other night. I said some things - I’m not proud of.”
You give a giddy chuckle as you cup his cheek, amused by the fact that he thinks his past behavior was inexcusable until Art’s head dips to suck on the tender skin of your neck and you can’t help but whine. You’re glad you have the lung capacity of a swimmer otherwise you might’ve fainted from the near constant lack of oxygen.
“Art, honestly-” a sudden gasp is ripped from you as you feel him nipping at your sweet spot, crumbling like a tin can under pressure. “-it’s fine.” you barely manage to finish your sentence.
He places a few more steady kisses to the column of your neck, working his way down to your clavicle. You tip your head back, an unintentional effect from the sensation of his lips as he lays the last just near the edge of your collarbone before raising his head to look at you and it’s almost as if he can see right through you.
“Does that mean you don’t want what I’m offering?” he questions, glancing down at the steady movement of your chest as it rises and falls beneath your hoodie. You don’t recall when in the last few minutes he managed to move his hands down to your waist, but you can feel them now as clear as ever. He grips the sides of your hoodie, nimble fingers sliding under the thick gray fabric until they find the skin beneath and his touch feels like fire, sparking flames along your hips with every small caress. It’s so hot that you aren’t sure how Tashi could pick anyone over him. You aren’t sure how anyone could deny him for that matter.
“No…” you admit and at once his hands start to travel higher and higher until they reach the bottom band of your bikini, inflaming the whole of your torso as he meets the straps still tied neatly together in the middle of your spine forming a perfect bow. His fingers follow the provided path, meeting at the center of your back as he starts to twirl one of the tails of the knot around his pointer finger.
“May I?” he asks, his tone so deceivingly politely as he gently tugs on the string. He waits patiently for your consent as his eyes pan up from your chest to your expression. You can’t get the words out, already too overwhelmed from the sizzling sensation of his touch, but you make sure to nod with the utmost enthusiasm. Who were you to tell Art Donaldson no when he was so eager to touch you? And you, in turn, were so eager to feel him.
He smiled at your agreeance and instantly unfastened the tie of your suit, pulling on the strand until the entire bow came undone. He lips pressed against yours once more before he settled down on the bench and raised the hem of your hoodie just enough to expose your stomach, peppering kisses to every inch of you.
You released your hold on him to assist in pulling the hoodie over your head, tossing it behind you where it lands in a crumple pile near the metal door of your locker. Without any tension left to hold it up, the triangle cutlets of your bikini slump to reveal two perfect pebbled nipples, leaving the towel looped around your waist as your only source of coverage.
Usually you’d feel insecure being so bare for a man that’s practically a stranger, but from the dazed look Art gives you as he takes in the sight of your figure, you find that you don’t mind it in the slightest.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” Art mutters almost involuntarily, sending shock waves down straight to your core. The words came bursting out before he could find the strength to hold them back, his brain too busy processing your beauty to have any control over any sort of filter. You return your hands to his head of blonde curls just as he presses one last kiss to the center of your abdomen, exactly below your rib cage.
The movement is so sudden that you can't count the seconds that pass before he grabs at your breasts, each hand perfectly cupping the mounted flesh. His mouth is slower, trailing kisses up the valley of your chest.
His thumb works the sensitive skin encircling your nipple, running over the hardened peak in an unperceivable pattern that forces another well earned moan from your lips. It’s encouragement for his other hand that immediately drifts upwards to mirror the actions of the other. Every pinch and slight movement is like gasoline to your fire, all pouring in a downward stream to the part of you that grows more needy with every passing second. You could cry from the sensation of it all, the intensity only growing when you feel him pass his tongue over your left nipple. You try to suppress any sounds this time, teeth biting down on your lip as you curve your head back, but it forces its way out despite your efforts. You grip the hair fixed to his crown and pressure him forwards so that he remains in place.
“Shit, that feels - really good.” you praise, your phrase strung together like an old beaded bracelet as changes in pace break apart each word. When Art does part from your breasts, it’s to press wet kisses down the line of your abdomen as flickering thumbs replace his mouth. He pauses as he reaches the softest portion of your stomach, stopping just above the knot that is covering your very bare lower half, and though you don’t recall informing him about your lack of undergarments, you are sure that he already knows.
“I need to taste you,” he whispers against your skin.
He doesn’t ask you for permission anymore, but instead glances up at you from his spot on the bench and it’s everything you need to understand what he wants from you. And of course you want it. You’re sure if he wastes a second longer to tend to your throbbing center, you might just pass out in his sturdy arms.
“Please, Art, I need you,” you’re able to get out, though it’s breathy and delicate from the way that he’s rendered you.
He’s quick to oblige as he takes the top of your towel cover in between his perfect white teeth and yanks the fabric hard enough for it to fall to your feet. He’s on you in an instant, one of his hands moving to support your shaky frame as he slides a knee between yours to spread you open.
He coaxes every cry out of you with his tongue, wet and skilled as he traces it along each fold, his nose bobbing against your swollen clit not dissimilar from his left hand that still lies atop your breast. You press him closer to you as he swirls his tongue around you, over and over and never in the same way more than twice in a row. It’s overstimulation at its best, overwhelming you until you're trembling in his grasp and before you know it, you’re riding the edge of the wave to pure pleasure.
“Fuck, Art! I’m- I’m-“ you can’t even finish your sentence, he feels so good. He hums against you in amusement, the vibrations of his voice meeting your core in a melting sensation that you find yourself grinding into uncontrollably.
“On my tongue,” he promotes against you before licking a steady stripe along your center. It’s then that you know you’re done for. Your cry is almost inhuman as you leap off the edge, diving into the heart of the wave as Art finally relinquishes his hold on your breast and uses the newly unoccupied hand to pierce into your arousal, calloused fingers curling into you as he helps you down from your high. Even after you cum you know you still have more in you. And you can tell from the growing bulge in his pants that Art isn’t done with you either.
He stands to kiss you with dampened lips as the taste of your own arousal invades your senses, but you withdraw from the embrace after only a few seconds to ask him your burning question, desire already regrowing like a flooding river of need.
“Art, I need you,” you start, pulling at the canvas material of his button up. “Please, please fuck me.”
“Oh fuck,” he mumbles before pressing his mouth towards yours and back you up to the wall of lockers that are neatly arranged behind you.
Granted by his permission, you unfasten each button of his shirt until it’s enough to pull it off him which he happily helps you accomplish. You can’t tell who’s more desperate for you to feel the dense muscle of his chest as he places your palms face down on his pecs, granting you the assurance you needed to explore his body.
You take your time, squeezing and prodding just as he had done to you until one of your hands is low enough on his stomach to palm him through his light wash jeans. The soft whimper he returns is nearly enough to send you over again. He pulls back as he lets you undo his belt, eyelids fluttering after you’ve unbuttoned and unzipped the only thing keeping you from him. You’re quick to pull him out, not at all shocked by how hard he is and it’s a major ego boost knowing it’s all because of you.
“See what you do to me?” he whispers against your lips as if you needed more proof of his longing for you. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Please,” you beg. “I need to feel you.”
Art is quick to oblige as his calloused fingers grip the soft skin of your hips, so rough that you can feel every callus from his racket as he pushes you against the lockers, thrusting up into you. While he’s dying to continue, he hesitates so that you can acclimate to his size. It takes no longer than a second as you release a guttural groan and wrap a leg around his waist, aiding him in hitting even deeper within you.
“Fuck!” you cry, throwing your head back against the cold metal as Art nips at your neckline again. You’re drowning beneath the blissful rocky wave and from the sounds that he’s making, almost re-enacting one of his matches just for you, you can tell that Art is too.
It happens so quickly that your mind struggles to understand it, spinning wildly as the wave pulls you under once more along with Art who finishes in a similar amount of time. You lean into his chest, breathing heavily as you take in the heavenly scent of his undoubtedly expensive cologne and slightly wincing as he pulls out of you slowly. He ducks to pick up your fallen towel as he starts to clean you up.
The realization that it’s over doesn't quite hit you until Art helps you get dressed, buckling his belt back up only once you’re decent and in return you hand him a spare shirt so he doesn’t have to redo every button on the one you’d nearly torn off him.
“Thanks,” he smiles gratefully, pulling on your shirt which fits tighter around him than it would around you, though it’s nothing to complain about as every miniscule ripple of muscle is on display.
You’re both thinking the exact same thing as you exit the locker room, hand in hand with the same guilty expression on your face as you pass an incoming janitor who is too busy scowling to ask Art what he was doing in the women’s locker room. It’s obvious from the encounter that it won’t be your last and as Art drives you to the planned frat party, you’re even sure that it’s not the last of the night.
Time proves you right as you’re seated next to Art a few weeks later, curled into his side as you share a large plate of the appetizer combo at a local Applebees. It was the only thing open after a long day of matches and meets and steamy rendezvous in between. The two of you were going on steadier than the trunks of ancient trees as you continue to support each other, you attending all of Art’s matches ( even if it meant skipping a practice or two) and Art cheering for you at all of your meets. You’re not sure if it’s the consistent attendance, but the both of you were only getting better at your respective hobbies by the day, particularly Art who hadn’t lost a match since meeting you.
You’re both jokingly arguing over who gets the last quesadilla when a familiar woman stops near your table, joined by a man you’d never seen before, though you recognize him from several of Art's detailed stories. He straightens beside you, gathering himself to greet the new company.
“Hey guys, long time no see!”
“Art,” Patrick nods to his friend before smiling to you and offering his hand, one that you take without a second thought. “I’m Patrick.”
“I know,” you admit. “I’ve heard a lot about you. You must be Tashi.” you turn to the girl and you can’t help, but analyze the peculiarities of her expression. It’s clear she is content with her own man of choice, but something about the way she looks at you tells you that she’s still involved in the tennis philosophy you managed to screw out of Art. She looks at you like you’re a player she’s lost to. And from what Art’s told you, you're certain it’s the first time Tashi has lost.
“It’s nice to meet you.” she fakes a smile before pulling Patrick to the door, careful not to stay long enough for the conversation to lead anywhere important. It’s awkward and strange, but you know it’s for the best. You’re not particularly interested in anything she has to say anyways.
“Did you see that?” you ask, pointing in the direction of the doorway that the couple had used for an easy escape.
“What?” Art wonders, looking towards you in anticipation.
“I think she’s looking for a new winner.”
Art leans in to peck the apple of your cheek, assurance that no matter the circumstance, he’ll never be available to the likes of Tashi Duncan again.
“Must be because I’ve won,” he reasons, “-because I have you and there’s nothing she can do to separate us.”
You smile at his sweet words, praying that he never ceases to use his talent for affectionate poetry as you lean in to kiss him. Whether he wins or loses or even never plays again, you couldn’t care less about the outcome of his career. As long as Art’s happy, you’re prepared to take on any challenge you’re put up to, whether on the court or in the pool.
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minswriting · 3 days
sleepy cuddle fuck w/ spencer!! 🤍
nsfw | mdni | spencer reid x reader | somnophilia, sleepy sex, unprotected sex, etc.
when spencer had woken up next to you with a raging hard on, he knew that it wouldn’t go away easily. he had his arm draped over you while you had a leg over his. he pulled you closer to him, his cock hitting your thigh. you were dressed in nothing but one of spencer’s shirts while he wore absolutely nothing.
spencer knew he just had to have you.
with a deep breath and the brief acknowledgment that you had given consent to be woken up with sex before, spencer reached between you both, guiding his cock to your cunt. the moment he past your folds, he let out a small whine, feeling the heat and wetness on his tip. he slowly eased into your entrance, closing his eyes as your cunt wrapped around his cock.
spencer stayed still for a moment, just relishing in being inside of you. when he bottomed out, you let out a small noise in your sleep. spencer buried his face in your neck, holding you close to him as he began to thrust his hips slowly. there was no need to go fast. all he needed was to be close to you.
“oh my god,” he whispered against your skin, letting out small whines and moans in your ear.
the slow movement of spencer’s hips and the soft noises he was making lured you out of your sleep, causing you to let out your own noises as his cock was buried inside of you. “well good morning,” you whispered shakily, clinging onto to spencer.
“needed you so bad,” he said, moving his head so that it was pressed against your forehead.
“mmm,” you replied, pressing a soft kiss on spencer’s lips. “it’s a great wait to be woken up,” you said, giving him a soft smile.
spencer gave a breathless chuckle. “good,” he whispered, kissing your lips. he maintained his slow pace, just holding you close as he leisurely thrusted his hips. your soft moans of pleasure were more than enough for him. he just adored the closeness he felt with you.
when the two of you had eventually finished, you checked the time, causing you to frown. “it’s four in the morning,” you exclaimed, looking at spencer.
he sheepishly smiled. “sorry,” he exclaimed, clearly not that sorry.
you rolled your eyes, snuggling back into spencer. “now do it again but like in a few hours,” you replied.
“sounds like a plan to me.”
sleepy sex with spencer is just so soft. there’s no need for rushing because all he really needs is to be close to you.
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pinkyqil · 3 days
Baby it raining outside // lia wälti x r
A/n: hope y'all enjoy the fic feel free to send in requests or your opinions about the fics have written so far, obviously the way leah is described in the fic doesn't mean she acts like this in rl hope you enjoyed reading.
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One thing you and lia could agree on was that you both hated the rainy days. the sound and smell of it especially how the humidity changes whenever it rains.
so today both of you decide to spend it indoors seeing you both didn't have anything scheduled even.
though you don't enjoy rainy days. it was the best days to wacht movies and snuggle up and drink some hot coco. seeing that was today's plans.
As you where finishing up setting things down lia came into the room looking like she's seen a ghost.
"What's up with you wälti". you asked her with a teasing tone.
"Nothing babe".she said not making eye contact while fidgeting with her hands.
"Do you really expect me to belive that so last time what's going on".
"Please don't be mad I might have agreed for leah to join us tonight".
"And why might that be". you asked with your hands going through your hair. it wasn't that you hated leah. it's just that it was quite obvious that she liked lia and would always try to intervene with you and lia's relationship which you hated.
You could stand her little crush cause lia was yours not hers. but her butting in on your dates together was starting to get you.
"She called me asking if I had any plans saying she was lonely and I just offered for her to join us".
"Can't she make her own plans and why would you invite her". You we're all irritated at the thought of leah interrupting yet another moment between you and your girlfriend.
"I'm sorry baby i promise to make it up too you" she said looking sorry.
"Whatever when is she coming?". You asked
"She should be he-".interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing.
"Looks like she's here already".
"I'll get the door". lia told you
"Make sure she takes of her shoes and dries herself off I don't need spect of rain around our home". You told her
"Don't worry I will". She said before going to open the door.
Hearing there footsteps as the headed down to the living room you could hear leah giggling about something. Sometimes you felt wiping whatever smile was on her face whenever she was around lia.
The movie went well expect when Leah tried getting closer to lia and kept complaining about the movie best part of your day was when she left you could finally have your girlfriend to yourself instead of williamson being all over her.
"I'm sorry for how she was acting tonight".lia said trying to apologize.
"Obviously I'm not okay with her being here today but next time give me a heads up whenever she calls especially if on our date night". you told her
"So do you forgive me?".
"Of course I do could never be at you for that long". you told her as you pulled her in for a deep kiss.
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jiminsblondehair · 2 days
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┃ 𝓳. jungkook ¦princess treatment.
⋆。˚✩ a/n: hiii! decide to post again since my post did really good?? (surprisingly 😭) this is more of like little blurbs instead of actual writing but wtv!!! enjoy 💓
warnings: intoxication?? i think this is all but lmk!!
reblogs and cmnts are appreciated ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
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• jungkook is DEFINITELY the kind of guy to treat his girl like a princess, so when he spoiled you on your birthday it wasnt a surprise.
• the pin pad made a chime signaling that the transaction went through, the woman behind the counter handed you your LV shopping bag. you thank her as you and jungkook walk out of the store,
• “you don’t have to spoil me y’know..” you protest (or at least try to), jungkook chuckles as he kisses the top of your forehead
• “it’s my baby’s birthday, of course im gonna spoil you. if i could I would give you the world.” he whispers the last sentence, but since you guys are walking together hand in hand it wasnt hard for you to hear him.
• you looked at him with an affectionate gaze, not realizing you had been doing this for while he looks at you with a sheepish grin.
•”what..do i got somethin’ on my face?” he touches to make sure nothings there but you just giggle at him. he tilts his head in confusion, his doe eyes sparkling while doing so.
• “it’s nothing koo, you just sound cute when you talk all lovingly..” you smile at him and he scratches the back of his neck with an awkward smile,
• you stand on your tippie toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek, you grab his hand and lead him farther into the shopping center.
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• the rest of the day had been spent with you and jungkook going around the mall buying everything you had wanted, especially the cute custom necklace you had bought with kooks initial.
• “thank you hun!,” he sways the both of you side by side as you embrace him in a hug.
• “anything for my pretty girl” jungkook stated.
• you had never felt more blessed to be with someone like jungkook, he treats you like a princess. he cares so much about you, he tries to understand you when something is wrong, and overall you can tell he truly does love you.
• “im sorry to let go baby..but im kinda hungry from walking around all day” jungkook sighs and you loosen your grip around him. still hugging him, you look up at him and ask,
• “where ya wanna go then?” you rest your chin on his chest and wait for an answer.
• “it’s your day angel, you pick” you smile up at him and with that the two of you head out to your car to finish the day off with dinner.
• you absolutely love when jungkook spoils you but in the back of your mind you also know that your gonna have to spoil him 10x more on his birthday.
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little blurb bc I thought of it while writing 🙊
“baby are you sure about this?” you hesitate for a second, wondering if this was a good idea since kook was a little very intoxicated.
you two had gotten some drinks at a bar and since it was your birthday jungkook thought you both should loosen up by getting a few drinks (guess who had more than a few!!), but while you guys were at the bar table he kept babbling about wanting to get a tattoo of both of your guys initials. at first you thought he was just drunk and was just joking around..but he kept talking about it and you no longer thought he was kidding.
so here you are, waiting for kook to finish getting his tattoo. about 30 or so minutes pass and you see him walk out with a big smile on his face, he shows you the tattoo with both of your guys initials in a heart.
“it looks amazing koo, but lets get going now..yea?” you grin at him and he responds with a soft nod. you pay the artist and thank him as you guys leave the shop.
you take his hand and you both head home into the night.
©️ jiminsblondehair | TUMBLR
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thoughtsforsoob · 1 day
Hii! I was wondering if you could do beomgyu fingering you under the table at a restaurant? Tyyy!!
a/n: hehe thank you for this anon! im going to try my best to make this good! inbox is always open!
beomgyu had invited you to dinner with the boys on this particular night. you agreed because you were excited to see the boys again and hang out with your boyfriend at the same time. so, when time rolled around to get to dinner, beomgyu had told you to get ready and that he was going to pick you up from your apartment. Having been told that, you immediately pick out your cute outfit (whatever you wanna wear) and start to do a little hairstyle and some makeup. beomgyu never expected you to dress up or even do any kind of makeup but it made you feel happy so you did it anyway. 
When you were done doing all your steps to get ready, you met him outside and you both headed down to the restaurant together. nothing seemed different or out of place on the way so you were greatly surprised when you felt a hand on your thigh while appetizers were coming to the table. sure, beomgyu had occasionally rested his hand there but it only meant one of two things. 1, it was just a coincidence or 2, he was going to finger you. you were really hoping for it to just be a coincidence since everyone was surrounding you. you continued to make conversation with the boys despite this action. your face hadn’t changed in expression so you were good.
while finishing up your appetizers, you were talking to soobin about a bread recipe you wanted to try (you were asking if he wanted some when you eventually made it). suddenly, you feel a slim finger tracing up and down your slit, stopping at your clit to add extra stimulation, you bit your lip just a bit. soobin raised an eyebrow with concern, “are you okay?” you nod and let go of your lip. “sorry. im getting a cramp in my thigh.” you looked down at your legs and then back up at him. “I'm sorry.” he shook his head and frowned, “don’t apologize. you can’t help it. Are you going to be alright?” you nod and with that, you two continued your conversation. you left feeling the gently finger rubbing up your slit through your panties until beomgyu finally pushed then aside discreetly and slid a finger in. you looked over at him with wide eyes and leaned closer to his ear. “why?” you whispered lowly and he just gave you a smile, kissing your forehead. you felt dizzy from the whiplash his actions were causing you. He was completely disrespecting you under the table and being such a gentleman above the table. The boys hadn’t really been suspecting anything until you started to fade out of the conversation, eyes fixated on beomgyu. Taehyun was the one to speak up and ask if there was something wrong between you two. You immediately snap out of your daze and shake your head. “Oh no, he’s just really handsome.” They all playfully gagged at your answer and Taehyun was the one who remained suspicious. He didn't want to say what he was thinking but he gave beomgyu ‘the look’ and beomgyu gave it back to him. This made you suddenly extremely shy. 
Beomgyu’s movements did not falter as he locked eyes with taehyun. You didn't know what to think but you felt yourself teetering over the edge of an orgasm. You looked to beomgyu and he looked down at you. He knew exactly what you wanted because of the squeezing of his fingers. He just nodded and you leaned against him, letting yourself go. You tried to not make it so obvious but at this point, everyone at the table was watching you look absolutely blissed out. They didn't even want to ask what had gone on because they more or less had an idea. They just stared at you two as beomgyu raised his hand back up, trying not to draw attention to himself from the rest of the restaurant as he licked his drenched fingers.
(part two with a gangbang???? Guys i'm so tempted please make me do it)
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thevoidstaredback · 2 days
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
The first thing on the day's agenda was to make breakfast. Now, Dick wouldn't exactly call himself a chef, and Alfred's banning him from the Manor kitchen can attest to that, but he'd been cooking meals for himself since he moved out. Were they edible? Yes. Did they taste good? Sometimes. He'll get better! He swears! He just needs some practice.
Danny was in the kitchen before Dick was even awake, apparently, because the kid was flipping a pancake onto a plate. "Good morning!" he said.
"Um, morning," Dick responded.
"I hope you don't mind, but I made pancakes for breakfast."
"No, I don't mind- I'm supposed o making you food, though."
"Because I'm an adult."
A soft snort. "Barely."
Danny shrunk in on himself, shoulders hunched and head down. He turned off the stove, set the hot pan to the side, and properly plated the pancakes, giving Dick more. "Sorry. I, um, don't have much of a filter in the mornings."
"It's alright," Dick made sure his body language, expression, and voice were all soft. "Not a morning person?"
"Not in the slightest."
He took a bite. "So why're you awake?" He paused before taking another bite. "These are really good."
"Thanks," Danny looked away with a small blush on his cheeks. "I'm here to help you. Part of that includes making sure you eat in the mornings before work."
"You know you don't have to, right?"
"I know, but I want to." He took a few bites of his own breakfast. "From my own experiences, not eating before starting the day can make you really sick, especially if you have a demanding job like you do."
Now isn't that a red flag to add to the growing collection. "You're own experiences?"
"Yeah," Danny said between slow bites, "My parents weren't good cooks unless it was my dad's fudge or my mom's cookies. My sister tried, but, well, she could only do so much with what we had."
"So, where'd ya learn to cook?"
"My friend's parents taught me a few things when I was over at their place."
"Cool, cool."
Silence took over the apartment as they two finished eating. Despite Danny's protests, Dick insisted on doing the dishes because Danny had cooked. Then, they two set about getting for the day.
Truthfully, Dick didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to. Danny was going to be alone in his apartment all day with nothing to do! A kid's worst nightmare, that is. Sure there are some books in his room, but would Danny like them? More things to figure out.
Danny met Dick at the door just as he was set to leave and handed him some paperwork.
"What's this?" Dick asked.
"Your hour cut request."
"My what?"
"I told you that you need to cut back your working hours from fifty a week to forty. Give that to your boss today."
"And if I don't?" He raised his eyebrow in question. Cutting back his hours would probably be a good thing, but someone else would have to take that time from him. He didn't want to put that work on anyone!
Danny's eyes started to water, going wide and sad as he looked Dick in the eye. "Then I'll be sad." He sniffled for affect. "Do you really wanna make me sad?"
Damn it.
Danny had no intentions of staying home all day. In fact, he fully planned on shadowing Dick some more, just closer this time. Partly to check out his relationships with his coworkers, but also to make sure he actually submitted his appeal. He also was going to make sure the chef approved it, but what Dick didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
Part 6 Part 8
Tag List: @flame-343 @ghestie93 @anarinette @aglmry @peachtreewriter @evix-syne666 @loudlypanickinginvenezolano @lumosfeather18581 @blueliac @talia-scar123 @cyber-geist @violet-foxe @currentfandomkick @jaguarthecat @moonchild0924 @tonicmii @bushbees @idekwutoput @justalittleghostkid
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penkura · 2 days
In My Heart
Note: I know I literally just did Penguin calming down his child yesterday but Law doing the same took over my mind, I'm so sorry I just had to do this today. I really hope you all enjoy this!
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Your son Rosinante was an easy baby, he was quiet and would sleep quickly, his first full night of sleep happened only a month after he'd been born. You and Law could calm him down instantly when he started to fuss and cry, and that was nearly six years ago, he’s still easy to calm down when he’s upset, all you have to do is gently speak to him and he’s perfectly fine.
Your daughter Cora, however, was not as easy to calm down. She takes much more attention and time to quiet when she starts to cry, even Rosi trying to help her relax, though he keeps his hands over his ears as she wails when she’s upset. He’s happy to have a baby sister, but he never though she’d be so loud.
One night when Cora is six months old, she’s been inconsolable for hours, she’s been in pain more recently from teething, keeping all of you awake until well past one in the morning from her crying. Rosi has taken to having you hold him while he keeps his ears covered and eyes closed, trying to fall asleep, as Law holds and gently bounces Cora, though it does nothing to alleviate her wailing, even when he moves her up to his shoulder, she still grips his shirt and cries.
Law brings Cora over to your bed with him, sitting beside you and watching Rosi hide his face in your sleep shirt, eyes shut tight while you stroke his hair and try to shush your daughter yourself. You start to hum and rub her back gently which causes her wailing to quiet just a bit and gives Law an idea on how to calm her and get Rosi to sleep too.
“Here, I’ve got an idea,” Law sets his free hand on your shoulder briefly before putting it on Cora’s back, clearing his throat a bit which causes you to perk up and smile, “Come stop your crying, it’ll be all right. Just take my hand, hold it tight.”
While Law sings and Cora starts to settle, Rosi uncovers his ears, opening his eyes just a bit to watch his father and sister. You kiss the top of your son’s head, causing him to wrap his arms around your neck and lay his head on your chest, finally getting the quiet he needs to sleep too while you lean your head on Law’s shoulder.
“Cause you’ll be in my heart. Yes, you’ll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more.”
It’s been a while since you’ve heard Law sing, he’s normally shy about it even around you, but he’d started doing it more when Rosi was a baby, and now realizes he’d had the answer to calming down Cora from the start. She slowly settles completely, staring up him for a few minutes before her little eyes close and breaths even out, finally falling asleep and forgetting why she was even crying in the first place.
By the time he finishes the song, Law notices all three of you have fallen asleep, you still holding Rosi while leaning against him and Cora has slightly loosened her grip on his shirt. It makes Law smile as he leans back against the headboard of your bed, closing his eyes to try and sleep as well. To know the three of you are so comfortable around him, that you’re his own little family and you all feel more than safe enough to sleep easily, Law’s not sure he ever expected such things to happen, or to become a reality after everything he’d been through.
He knows his family would have loved you, that they and Corazon would’ve been absolutely in love with your children too. You’ve told him they’d all be so happy to see how he’s grown up, everything he’s built on his own, and now with you.
He's sure his family and Corazon are proud of what he’s become.
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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Stuck in an Elevator (18+)
Word count: 5,979
Warning: Smut, Panic attacks, Make up sex, unprotected sex, cumshots, Anal stuff, creampies, Fingering, Teasing, positions: Standing up, against the wall
Plot: Reader, Caitlin Foord and Katie McCabe have had a rough past. Katie and Reader used to be best friends, but had a major falling out and it was extremely bad the way things ended between them. Katie has turned into a bitch and has been a major asshole to Reader. After a long game against Ireland of Katie shit talking to the reader and Katie getting physical with the reader the game ends. Reader takes the elevator to the lobby for dinner, suddenly the elevator stops, the doors ping and open. Reader sighs as she she sees Katie McCabe. Katie joins reader in the elevator. But what happens when the elevator goes down 4 floors and gets stuck? Now reader is trapped with her enemy and it’ll take hours before they are rescued.
*Y/n's pov*
It was game day, I was a rookie and just started playing for England. We were playing against Ireland today, I had my AirPods in and was listening to music. My leg was bouncing like crazy, Leah was sitting next to me. Leah places her hand on my leg and helps me relax.
"Deep breaths love." Leah says.
I nod and take a couple deep breaths. "You okay love?" Leah asks me.
I nod and close my eyes. "S-Sorry really nervous. First time playing/ representing my country." I say. My hand were shaking really bad.
"Here drink some water love." Leah says and hands me an extra water bottle that she had.
"T-Thanks." I say. I take the water from her and take a drink, the water helps me relax a bit.
"You are an amazing player Y/n. You have nothing to worry about." Leah says.
I smile. "Thanks Le, none of this would've been possible without you."
"Hey you are my best friend. Of course I'm gonna help you out and be by your side." Leah says.
We get to the stadium, we get off the bus and head towards the locker room. As we are walking to the locker room we run into Ireland as they are also heading to their locker room.
Me and Leah spot Katie. Katie glares at me, geez if looks could kill I'd definitely be dead by now. She walks past us.
She shoulder checks me as she walks past which makes me stop walking and pause. "You're Dead Y/n. Your ass is mine." She spits out venom laced in her voice.
"Fuck off McCabe. Go to your locker room." Leah says.
Katie smirks and looks at me. "Go! Now." Leah shouts.
Katie walks away and heads to their locker room. Leah wraps her arm around my shoulder and we walk towards the locker room.
"Come on bud. We got a game to play, save it for the pitch." Leah says.
I smile and peck her cheek. "Let's go bud." I say.
Me and Katie have some really bad history. Katie and I both dated Caitlin Foord, Katie was a piece of shit and cheated on Caitlin with Ruesha. Katie and Caitlin broke up, Katie blamed me for their break up and accused me of stealing her girl.
Caitlin and I started dating after we hooked up a few times after her and Katie broke up. Issues got worse between Katie, Caitlin and I. One day me and Katie actually got into a fist fight.
Leah and some of the girls had to jump in and break it up and separate us. Caitlin was sick and tired of the drama. Me and Caitlin went on break for a month.
One night Caitlin got really drunk and came back home with another girl while I was asleep in our bedroom. I woke up when I hear noises coming from downstairs.
I came downstairs and saw Caitlin and another girl naked, and caught them having sex. I packed my bags that night and left her. I haven't talked to Caitlin in 3 years.
Leah was there for me when I was at that low point in my life. Katie McCabe has hated my guts ever since. Me and Leah get to the locker room, we get changed and join the girls and warm up.
Truth is I actually had a crush on Katie, I was actually in love with her. We finish warming up and start the game. I steal the ball from Katie, I dribble the ball up field. I'm about to kick the ball when I get side tackled and take a nasty fall.
I look over and see Katie getting back up. Of course it was fucking her, I try to get up but Katie shoves me back down.
"Fucking bitch." Katie mutters so I was the only one who heard it.
I feel a sudden rage rise in me, I shoot up to my feet and shove Katie. "Fuck you McCabe!! What is your problem?!"
Katie is shocked but shoves me back. Leah, Lucy and Millie jump in and pull me back. Ruesha and a couple Ireland players jump in and hold Katie back breaking up the altercation.
The ref blows the whistle and gives Katie a yellow card. Katie holds her hands up and laughs, she shakes her head and walks away. The ref looks at me and gives me a warning.
We go back to our spots and continue playing the game. I get the ball again, Katie was in front of me. She tried to steal the ball from me but I nut meg her. I smash my foot into the ball.
The ball flies past the goal keeper and sails into the back of the net. 1-0, Katie glares at me. I smile at her and Do a little bow.
We continue panting the game, Katie gets the ball she runs past me. I try to take the ball but Katie trips me, she rams her body into mine and we both fall to the ground.
I groan, I banged up my knee a bit. I get up, Katie was still on the ground. I hold my hand out for her to help her up. Katie tosses the ball to me, I catch it with one hand. Katie swats my hand away.
"Fuck off." Katie mutters and walks away. I sigh and head back to my position. I give the ball to the ref, Leah pats my back.
"Fuck her, you are playing really well Y/n. You already scored for us." Leah says.
I smile and nod, Leah smiles and taps my butt. Leah and I have hooked up a few times. We are best friends but we are also kinda of friends with benefits.
We continue to play the game. Katie scores, the score was tied 1-1. The game ends and we win 5-4, I scored 4 goals and Leah helped me score the 5th one. Katie scored 3 goals and Rushea helped her score the 4th one we line up and shake hands, Katie walks past me and doesn't shake my hand.
We shake hands with the other girls. We grab our things and head back to the locker room. The team showers and gets dressed, I shower and get dried off and change into new clothes.
I sit on the bench in front of my locker and fiddle with my fingers lost in thought.
*3 Years Ago*
"Fuck you Y/n! I'm gonna beat your ass." Katie says. I turn around and pop her in the face, Katie tells in pain and holds her face.
"You bitch!" Katie shouts. She goes to swing at me but the rest of the team quickly jumps in and holds us back separating us.
"What the fuck is going on here?!" Leah shouts.
"She's trying to steal my girl from me!" Katie says.
Caitlin hears this and steps forward. When this catches her attention. "Katie that's not what happened."
The girls all pause when they hear this being said. "What are you even talking about?" Viv asks confused.
"Katie here was caught cheating on Caitlin with Ruesha Little-John." Beth says.
Viv looks over at her girlfriend confused. "Is this true?" Viv asks directing her attention to Caitlin.
"Yes it's true." Caitlin says.
I shake my head and walk away Caitlin and Leah follow behind me. Me and Caitlin have been dating for a year now. We were getting serious I was shopping for a ring.
Caitlin stops me as she catches up to me. "What the hell was that Y/n?" Caitlin asks me. "Not cool babe." Caitlin sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.
"Babe I di-" Caitlin cuts me off.
"I can't do this right now. I can't, I need some time to think and figure things out." Caitlin says.
I look at her confused. "Hey what does that mean?" I ask confused.
"It means that we are gonna take a break. Take some time to figure out what we both want." Caitlin says.
I don't say anything, I just grab my things and walk away. I get in my car and drive off heading back to my house. Leah and the girls try to text and call me but I ignore their texts and calls.
*one month later*
Caitlin and I have been doing good. I bought her a ring and I'm gonna pop the question today, I just bought the ring. I get in my car and drive to Caitlin's house.
I get to her house, I park in the drive way and see another car in the drive way but don't think anything of it thinking that it might be her sister or one of her parents.
I smile, I grab the ring and go into her house. I smile and make my way into the living room. My heart drops and tears roll down my cheek as I see the sight in front of me.
I'm met with the sight of Caitlin naked and having Sex with Sam Kerr. "What the fuck?" I say.
Sam quickly covers herself with the blanket.
"B-Babe? What are you doing here. I-I thought you weren't coming over until tomorrow." Caitlin says putting her shirt and panties back on.
I look at Kerr and then back at my girlfriend. "How long has this been going on?"
"Bab-" I cut her off.
"How long?" I ask her again.
"A month." Caitlin says and looks down.
"The entire time we were on break you were fucking Sam behind my back?" I ask her crying.
Caitlin tries to speak but I cut her off. "Don't bother, I'm fucking done."
I toss the ring box to Caitlin. Caitlin gasps when she sees what it is, Sam sees the ring and her face drops.
"Oh fuck." Sam mutters.
I shake my head, crying and walk towards the front door.
"Baby, wait. Please, can we please talk about this?" Caitlin asks.
"There's nothing to talk about." I say.
Caitlin tries to stop me, she was hysterical and sobbing. "Baby please, don't go. I'm sorry."
I look at her one last time tears rolling down my cheeks. "Goodbye Caitlin, have a nice life. Maybe you can propose to Sam and give that ring to her." I say.
I open the front door and walk out. Caitlin follows me out into the drive way, I cry and get in my car. I start the car and drive away, Caitlin stands in the drive way crying as she watches me drive away.
I drive to a friend's house. Someone I know who I can talk to. I get to Leah's house, I park my car and knock on the front door. I stand there crying on the front door when she opens the door.
*back to present day*
I notice Leah kneeling in front of me. She takes my hands in hers. "Hey, you okay love?" Leah asks.
I nod. "Can we head back to the hotel? I'm tired." I say.
"Yeah of course, come on." Leah says.
We grab our things and get on the bus. The bus leaves the stadium and heads back to the hotel. We get off the bus and go inside the hotel.
"I'll see you later at dinner. Try to take a nap before, you look tired." Leah says.
I nod, I hug her and head up to my room. I unlock the door and go into my room. I close the door behind me and lock it. I take my shoes off and plop down onto the bed.
Dinner was at 6:30 pm it was 3:30 pm. I set an alarm on my phone for 5:30 pm, I set my phone off to the side and fall asleep. I start dreaming about Katie and Caitlin I groan and wake up.
My alarm blares through the room. I sigh, I turn off my alarm and run the sleep out of my eyes. I get up and start getting ready for dinner.
My phone was at 25% I sigh, I forgot to put it on the charger. I put my slides on, I grab my key card and my phone and leave the room.
I get in the elevator and press the button to the lobby. The doors close and the elevator starts moving down. It goes down a floor, the doors open and I see Katie McCabe standing there.
She groans and gets in the elevator. "Which floor you going to?" I ask.
"Lobby." Katie says in annoyance.
I nod and ignore her bitchy comment. I press the lobby button again, we are staying in the 8th floor. Ireland is staying on the 7th.
"Katie...." I trail off.
Katie looks at me confused. "What?" She asks softly.
"What happened between us?" I ask. You could hear the pain in my voice.
Katie sighs and looks at me. "You know exactly what you did."
"What? Please tell me what did I do? Cause I wasn't the asshole who cheated on my girlfriend." I say.
Katie sighs and looks down. "I was fucking drunk Y/n. I made a mistake. You took my girl from me."
I sigh and rub my face. "Katie I didn't steal Caitlin from you. She broke up with you when she caught you cheating."
Katie chuckles. "Yeah right, I saw the way you looked at her when me and her were together."
I sigh. "I wasn't looking at her. I never looked at her as more than a friend when you two were together."
Katie glares at me. "What the fuck are you on about Y/n."
"Exactly what I said!" I shout and punch the wall.
Katie immediately stops talking getting startled by my actions.
"I never fucking stole Caitlin from you! You cheated on her, she came to me when she needed a friend. It took her 3 months to get over you! It took a couple of dates before her and I started dating!" I say.
Katie stops and looks at me shocked by my sudden outburst. "You hated me for all these years. I never did a single fucking thing to you! All I did was punch you in the face!"
Katie stands there lost for words. "What's wrong Katie? Nothing to say?"
Katie is quiet for a moment and then speaks up. "I didn't know about that." She says quietly.
"Yeah because you blamed me and refused to hear my side of the story. We were best friends you cut me off and became a dickhead after Caitlin ended things with you." I say.
We get interrupted as the elevator goes down 5 floors and stops. I sigh, fucking perfect. I start to quietly panic as I press the "Emergency call" buttons. We are told to get comfy cause it's gonna take them a few hours to get to us.
Katie and I both groan. We stand there and lean against the wall and mess around on our phones. Katie had a sucker in her mouth, there was tension. A bunch of tension between us that we didn't know what to say or do.
30 minutes go by and my phone dies. "Fucking perfect, my phone is dead. What about you?" Katie asks.
"Yeah mines dead too." I say.
I sit there and take deep breathes my phone was distracting me so my mind was occupied. Now my phone is dead and I'm starting to panic as I think about the situation we are in.
*Katie's pov*
I was sitting there lost in thought sucking on my sucker thinking about what Y/n told me. "K-Katie?" Y/n says.
I look over at her, she was panicking and struggling to breathe as she began to have a panic attack. "Woah woah Y/n focus on me bud." I get up and stand in front of her. "Hey deep breaths." I say.
Y/n grabs onto me gasping and trying to breathe, I get an idea as she continues to have a panic attack. I grab her hand and slip it under my shirt and bra and place it on my boob.
"Shhh take deep breaths love. Focus on my breathing match your heart beat with mine." I say.
Y/n nods and takes deep breaths. "Yes there you go love."
Y/n smiles a bit and continues to match her breathing with mine as she takes deep breaths. I blush a bit and get a little wet as her hand was still on my boob.
Y/n calms down, her breathing was back to normal, both of us are quiet and are just looking at each other. There was definitely some sexual tension, my scent was strong in the elevator.
Y/n looks down at my lips, I look down at her lips. Y/n rests her head against mine, I moan as she squeezes my boob a bit. "Mmm fuck." I moan.
Y/n smirks, she leans in and kisses me, our lips move in sync. Y/n plays with the hem of my shirt. "Mmm take it off." I say.
Y/n slides my shirt and bra off and tosses them to the side. I giggle and moan as she kisses my neck down to my chest she kisses and sucks in my neck leaving a few hickys. I moan as she does this, Y/n kisses down to my chest she kisses and suck on my chest and boobs leaving hickys.
Y/n lowers herself and gets on her knees, she kisses from my chest down to my stomach and toned abs. She kisses and sucks on my abs leaving hickys I moan and run my fingers through her hair.
She kisses from my stomach and abs down to my shorts. I bite my lip as she kisses my clothes pussy, I was soaking wet. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
I moan and massage my boobs, Y/n playfully tugs at the waistBand of my shorts silently asking for permission. "Take them off." I say.
Y/n slides my shorts and panties down my legs and tosses them off to the side. Y/n kisses and sucks on my thighs leaving a few hickys.
"Y-Y/n please don't T-Tease. I need you." I say begging.
"Mmm yeah baby?" She asks swiping her finger up my folds collecting my juices with her finger. "Fuck baby you're soaking wet.... How long have you been like this?"
"...3 days." I say and blush darkly in embarrassment.
"Mm why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Y/n asks.
I chuckle at her comment. "Cause we weren't on speaking terms."
Y/n smirks and flips me around, I giggle and moan as she grabs the back of my neck gently and pins me against the wall. Y/n comes back up and rubs my clit with her fingers.
My breath hitches as she does this. I quietly moan. "Mmm you've got a fucking dump truck on you baby." Y/n sexily says squeezing and slapping my ass.
I moan in pleasure as she does this. "What do you want daddy to do baby?" Y/n asks. Her words made me weak and even more wet.
"M-Make me yours." I moan out, I didn't trust my words, I wanted her to Dom me so fucking bad. Y/n presses her front against my back, I bite my lip as I feel her bulge press/ rub against my ass.
Truth is I always wandered how big she was and I always fantasized about her fucking me. Y/n kisses the back of my neck, she trails kisses from the back of my neck down to my ass.
Y/n gets on her knees, she spreads my legs a bit. Y/n kisses my pussy and ass. I moan in pleasure as Y/n starts to eat out my ass from behind.
"F-Fuck." I moan, I push my ass back against her face as she continues to eat out my ass. Y/n slips a finger in my pussy and slowly starts fingering me as she continues to eat my ass.
Fuck I didn't know Y/n liked to eat ass, I was such a slut for anal. I wanted to feel her balls deep inside my ass. Y/n slips in a second finger and fingers me a bit faster as she goes to town and continues to eat my ass out like crazy.
I moan and grind against her face and fingers. "Fuck Y/n." I moan loudly in pleasure. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she continues to eat my ass and finger me faster.
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Y/n baby, I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure, Y/n continues to eat my ass as she fingers me faster and rubs my clit her thumb.
I gasp and moan, I can't take it anymore. I cum all over her fingers. Y/n helps me ride out my high, once I come down from my high Y/n pulls her fingers out of me. I lick and suck her juices off my fingers.
Y/n giggles, she kisses my ass and spanks me. She comes back up and kisses me. I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on her lips.
Y/n flips us around I kiss her deeply and lower my hand and rub my bulge over her shorts as I kiss her. Y/n moans in the kiss as I rub her bulge over her shorts.
I grab the waist band of her shorts and her shorts and boxers down her legs and toss them off to the side.
*Y/n's pov*
I pick up Katie and smash my lips against hers, Katie kisses back. I pick her up and push the tip of my dick inside her and slowly sink her down on my dick. We both moan as Katie sinks down on my dick and takes my length deep inside her.
"Mmm fuck, you're really deep in there." Katie moans out in pleasure.
I smirk. "I'm gonna destroy your tight pussy." I say, I slowly slide Katie up and down on my dick.
Katie moans. "Mmm fuck. Katie moans she scratches my back as I slide her up and down on my dick a bit faster.
"Mmm so tight and wet." I moan.
"Mmm fuck, feels so good." Katie cries out in pleasure.
"Mmm make me your cum dumpster." Katie moans.
"Mmm I bet you would love that. Wouldn't you? Huh slut? You wanna be my cum slut?"I ask teasing her.
Katie moans. "Fuck yes please daddy. Please make me your free use slut, make me your personal cum dumpster."
I moan in pleasure and slide her up and down on my dick faster and faster. "Mmm fuck baby, your pussy feels so good. I don't think I can last much longer."
"Mmm fuck yes, give me your cum baby." Katie moans.
"Yeah McCabe? You a slut for daddy's cum? You want daddy's cum deep inside you?" I ask teasing her as I slide her up and down on my dick faster and harder.
My dick hits her g spot at an angle. "Mmm your cum slut." Katie moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the elevator. "Mmm fuck daddy I'm close, ahh I'm squirting, I'm squirting." Katie moans.
Katie moans, I feel her shake and buckle against me as she squirts all over my dick and abs and on the ground.
"Let go baby, cum for daddy." I say seductively.
*Katie's pov*
Holy fuck this felt amazing. Y/n was balls deep inside me, god I was so close to cumming and it's only been 10 minutes.
"Let go baby, cum for daddy." Y/n whispers and nips my ear. Her words made me weak and made me super wet, she was so sexy when she is a Dom.
She was really deep in there, mmm she feels so fucking good balls deep inside me. I moan in pleasure as my walls clench around her, I was close to cumming. I couldn't take it anymore I moan and throw my head back as I cum all over her dick. Some of my cum drips down her dick.
Me cumming sends Y/n over the edge, Y/n busts her load deep inside me. I gasp and moan as she fills me up with her load. "O-Oh my g-god." I moan as she shoots thick ropes of sticky cum deep inside me.
I sigh in pleasure as I feel her warm juices oozing inside me, Y/n cutely moans in my ear and nips my ear. Fuck she was till unloading her massive thick seed deep inside me,
"Mmm fuck, give me all your cum." I moan and dig my nails in her back as she comes down from her high. Cum still oozing and spurting inside me.
I moan. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside Me." I sexily moan. I smirk, "that was just the first load. I'm not done with you just yet." I moan.
*Y/n's pov*
Creampie #1:
I feel Katie cum all over me. Her cumming sends me over the edge, I bust my massive load deep inside her pussy. We both moan as I stuff her pussy full of cum.
Katie moans and throws her head back as I fill her up with cum. Katie moans and looks me feel in the eyes. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum deep inside me." She sexily moans.
"Mmm such a cum slut." I moan.
We both moan as I help her slide off my dick. Thick cum oozes out of her and glazes her folds and drips into my dick and onto the ground. I set Katie back on the ground.
I smirk and make her face the wall, I spread her ass cheeks. I slide my dick inside her tight asshole, we both moan, her walls immediately clench around me. Katie gasps and places her hands in the Wall.
"Mm fuck." Katie moans.
I grab her hair, I wrap her hair around my hand and pull her hair. Katie moans as I pull her hair, I place my other hand on her ass we both moan as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
"F-Faster." Katie moans.
I moan and spank her ass, I dig my nails into her ass as I thrust into her faster and faster than before. "Mmm fuck baby, you're so tight I don't think I can last much longer."
I moan as her walls clench around my dick. Katie giggles and moans. "What's wrong daddy? Scared you'll tap out too soon?" Katie asks teasing me.
"Mmm shut up." I smile and shake my head.
I kiss her as I thrust into her faster and harder. "Gah fuck, it's so good. I don't want to cum just yet it's only been 10 minutes." I cutely pout.
Katie giggles and moans as she slides back and forth on my dick. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. "Mmm fuck baby I'm close to cumming." I moan in pleasure.
"Give me all that cum baby." Katie moans in pleasure as she slides back and forth on my dick, her skin slaps against mine as our moans fill the elevator.
I moan and grab her ass as I continue to pound her ass from behind going even faster and harder than before. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
I quickly pull out of her, I make Katie get on her knees. I quickly stroke my dick, Katie smiles and massages her boobs.
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load all over her tits and face giving her a massive facial. Thick cum shoots all over her cheeks, chin, nose, forehead some coats her eyes. Some cum even goes in her mouth. I moan as I slowly stroke my dick, coming down from my high, the last of my cum oozing in her mouth and on her tits and on her face.
Katie giggles as my cum coats her face. "Mmm fuck that was amazing." I say.
I help Katie stand back up, cum was still oozing out of my dick and onto the ground. I slide my dick back inside her ass.
"Gah fuck." Katie moans.
I place my hands on her ass and thrust in and out of her faster than before. "Fuck.....fuck....fuck." Katie squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan, I dig my nails into her ass as I pound into her ass from behind faster and harder. Katie moans and slides back and forth on my dick .
"Fuck daddy, you feel really good deep inside me." Katie moans.
"Mm yeah? Daddy's dick deep inside your tight ass stretching you out?" I moan.
"Yes, I love it daddy. I love it so much." Katie moans.
I moan and massage my boobs as I thrust into her ass faster and harder I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm fuck baby. I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Cum baby, pump your load deep in my ass." Katie moans out in pleasure.
I smirk and moan as I pound her ass as fast and as hard as I can. I moan as I feel my balls tighten. I try to warn Katie but I'm unable too.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep in her ass. Katie moans and sighs in pleasure as I unload my massive seed in her ass.
"Mmm fuck yes, give me all your cum." Katie moans.
I slowly thrust in and out of her the last of my cum oozing inside her ass. Once I come down from my high I slowly pull out of her, cum oozes out of her ass and drips down her folds and onto the floor.
I spin her around, I grab her leg and rest her leg on my shoulder Katie giggles and squeals as I do this. She moans as I run her folds with my tip.
"Put it back in baby." Katie moans.
*Katie's pov*
I moan as Y/n rubs her tip through my folds. I moan and look down at her dick. "Mmm put it back in baby."
Y/n nods, she slowly slides her dick in my tight pussy. We both moan as I take her length deep inside me.
"Mmm fuck." I moan, I take a moment to adjust to her size. "M-Move." I moan.
Y/n rests her head against mine , she wraps her arm my waist and slowly thrusts in and out of me.
"Mmm fuck, so wet and tight." Y/n moans.
I giggle and kiss her, we both moan in the kiss as she thrusts in and out of me a bit faster, her balls slap against my skin. Our moans are muffled in the kiss.
We both moan in the kiss as she continues to thrust in and out of me faster and faster. "Mmm fuck McCabe, your pussy feels like heaven." Y/n cutely moans.
I giggle and kiss her. "Don't hold back baby. Drain your balls in me." I moan out in pleasure.
Y/n moans, she massages my boobs as she continues to thrust in and out of me, I moan and wrap my arms around her neck.
Y/n goes at an angle and starts pounding my g spot. I moan and gasp in pleasure. "Oh fuck, yes right there." I moan.
I rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes as she continues to fuck my brains out. Y/n moans and goes faster and harder than before.
I moan as I feel that all too familiar knot forming in my stomach. "Mmm I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Me too." Y/n cutely moans. Her breathing gets heavier letting me know that she was close to Cumming.
*Y/n's pov*
I moan, I feel my balls tighten. Some of my precum leaks inside her. I was so close to busting my load deep inside her.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside Katie. Katie gasps and cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
"Mm fuck, there's so much." Katie moans in pleasure as I continue to pump her full of cum.
I moan and kiss her deeply as I continue to slowly thrust in and out of her as I continue to pump her full of cum.
I help Katie ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Cum immediately pours out of her cum pours onto my dick onto the ground and down her thighs.
"Mmm fuck." Katie moans.
I smile and kiss her, I set her leg back down. Katie hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry Y/n." Katie says.
I hug her back and gently rub her back. "It's okay baby, I'm sorry too."
"Can you forgive me?" Katie asks crying.
"Yes I forgave you a long time ago Katie." I smile and kiss her, I wipe her tears away. "Let's count this as a fresh start."
Katie smile and nods crying. "I would really like that."
I nod and smile, I hug her tightly. I kiss her temple and rub her back. "It's okay love. The past is the past, let's just put it behind us and move forward."
We hear talking through the doors. "Here let's get dressed." I say.
Katie nods. "Yeah we probably should."
We get dressed, I smirk and grab her panties. "Keeping these." I say.
Katie giggles. "They are all yours." She puts her bra and shirt back on and then slides her shorts on.
I put my boxers and shorts back on, I slip my bra and shirt back on and stuff her panties in my pocket. I smile and kiss Katie deeply and lovingly.
The doors open. I pull away, I hand Katie her phone. Katie takes her phone she smiles and looks at me. "Do have a pen or marker?"
I pat my pockets. We were doing film during dinner so I had a pen in my pocket. "Oh yeah I do." I hand it to her.
First responders finally get the doors open. And help us out of the elevator. We are met with worried teammates. I see Leah, Leah looks at me and smirks. I blush darkly and look away.
Katie smiles, she gently grabs my hand and writes her number on my hand. "Text me later. I'll help you out with anymore Wood you get." She winks. She blows a kiss and walks away.
I blush darkly, and check out her ass as she walks away. I can't believe I just fucked Katie McCabe in an elevator.
Leah giggles and wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Nice one love.” She laughs. “Oh my god I can’t believe you and Katie just did it in the elevator.” She teases me.
I blush darkly. I laugh and rub the back of my neck. I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “Come on let’s go eat dinner I’m starving…. Sex is a major work out.” I say.
Leah giggles at my comment. “Yeah I’m aware. Come on let’s go get some food in you.”
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delulu-4-idols · 1 day
I love you
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Seungcheol x reader
Genre: fluff, comfort
Word count:449
The first thing you hear as you begin to stir in the early hour is a soft groan from the man who is supposed to be sleeping next to you. Your eyes are quick to adjust as you wake, your hand reaching out to touch his shoulder “Hey baby you okay?” “yeah just my knee”
You see him wince, your hand begins rubbing his bicep affectionately.
“What were you doing?” “I was just gonna go get something to drink.” You sigh softly “Cheol, you could have woken me up to get it.” You feel him lace his fingers with yours, a small smile on his face “didn't want to bother you” You immediately shake your head “You could never bother me, I love helping you. I'll go get you water, you stay here.”
You lean over to kiss his cheek, and then lean down to peck his injured knee gently as you stand to exit the room. You let out a soft sigh as you get to the kitchen, you know it's been hard for Seungcheol ever since he's been in recovery, you know that he's been feeling useless around the house, and that he's been antsy since he hasn't been able to help as much. 
As you finish getting the water you head to your room and see him sitting up in bed with a pout on his lips, you hand him the water and move to get in bed next to him kissing his lips quickly. “No pouting cheol.” He looks towards you as he places his water down “I'm really sorry that you've had to help me so much, and I would understand if you started feeling differently about our relationship, especially since I’ve been very difficult with you a lot lately.”
You frown as your hand reaches to caress his cheek, you smile at him “oh my baby, I wish you knew how much i love helping you”  your thumb runs over his cheekbone as you look at him “My love for you runs so deeply that if I never loved you my soul would be nothing, you complete me.” You lean forward to kiss his forehead “I love helping you, and while it is frustrating how difficult you can be, I could never feel anything but love for you. I love you.” He looks at you, his eyes a little watery. “Thank you, for everything you've done and continue to do. I love you” 
You wrap your arms around him as you pull him against you, being careful of his knee “Don't thank me.” He feels you kiss his head softly as you run your fingers through his hair lulling him back to sleep.
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adriennebarnes · 6 hours
Wrong Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles pranks Y/N by calling her the wrong name to see how she would react, it did not go well
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: inspired by @23victoria post “what did you call me” also I figured Y/N put Charles through two TikTok pranks, it’s only fair Charles pulls a prank on her. Same universe as “say it back” and “can you get out?” Also, super sorry if your name is Romina.
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Charles was on TikTok because he couldn’t sleep and saw a video where a girl called her boyfriend by the wrong name. He decided to take it upon himself to pull this prank on his girlfriend. He just hopes she doesn’t get angry.
“Muñeco, im getting groceries for dinner, I’ll be back soon!” Y/N calls out.
“Okay, Mon ange.” Charles said, getting off the couch to say goodbye to his girlfriend properly. “I love you.” Charles kissed Y/N.
“I love you too.” Y/N said before leaving. Charles decided to play video games and when he heard the door open 30 minutes later, that’s when he decided to put his plan into action. Y/N was putting the groceries away in the fridge when…
“Hey Romina, what did you buy?” Charles said and Y/N closed the fridge and the bags that were on the counter were long forgotten because she was now in front of the TV.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked.
“I said ‘hey Y/N, what did you buy?’ Are you feeling alright?” Charles asked, pausing his game. He felt so guilty for the gaslighting.
“The hell you did, you just called me Romina. Who the fuck is Romina?” Y/N asked in a louder tone.
“Romina, calm down.” Charles said and that’s when he knew he fucked up.
“First of all, you never tell a woman to calm down, have you learned NOTHING from watching TV or having other girlfriends? Second, you just called me Romina AGAIN! So please, calmly tell me…” Y/N said as she went to their bedroom to get one of her chanclas 🩴 “who the hell is Romina before I become like my mother and beat your ass with this chancla.”
“There’s no need to get violent, Y/N.” Charles said.
“Really? Then tell me why did you call me Romina.” Y/N said.
“It was a prank.” Charles said. “I saw a TikTok of girls calling their boyfriends by the wrong name and I wanted to see how you would react.” Charles confessed shyly.
“You chose THAT prank, specifically THAT one, to pull on me, a girl who has been cheated on before?” Y/N asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I didn’t think it through actually.” Charles admitted.
“Menso, i was actually gonna hit you.” Y/N said.
“You love me too much to hit me.” Charles said.
“That’s true. Anyway, I have to finish putting the groceries away because someone decided to be a pendejo and prank me. Like why would you prank me? I’m a freaking delight.” Y/N said, walking save to the kitchen
“You pranked me twice, ma Belle!” Charles exclaimed, following her.
“Okay but those were cute pranks, that prank would have ended up with me in jail.” Y/N said, putting the groceries away on the fridge, freezer, and pantry.
“I would never let you go to jail.” Charles said,
“Hey, so while I’m cooking dinner, I’m gonna put on some music, okay.” Y/N said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” Charles said and they kissed. Y/N out her phone on full volume to CUIDADITO by Becky G and Chiquis, singing out loud and specific part.
“Yo no soy celosa pero si eso pasa me transformo en otra. Te poncho las llantas dormirás afuera y esa misma noche le marco a mi suegra para que recoja a la cochinada que un día parió. Te rayo el carro te quiebro los vidrios y voy a llamar a todos mis amigos para que me ayuden que en un pisteada lo arregló yo. Nomas cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno que todo eso lo hago y hasta más me atrevo y no mas te advierto que cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno de la que te salvaste da gracias a dios que nomas fue una broma.” Y/N sung, changing the last two words (which are originally ‘un sueño ’ which means ‘a dream’). I’m not a jealous woman but if that were to happen, I become a different person. I’ll slash your tires, you’ll be sleeping outside, and I’ll call my mother in law that same night to pick up the piece of shit she gave birth to. I’ll key your car, break your windows, and I’ll call my friends so they’ll help me, I’ll handle it in one good beating. If you cheat on me, just be careful because I would do all of that and even more, I’m just warning you to be careful if you cheat on me. You got lucky, thank god it was only just a prank
“Mon ange, what’s that song about?” Charles asked curiously.
“The song is about a women who dreamt that her husband cheated on her. She would have done some crazy shit if he actually cheated her so he’s fucking lucky it was only a dream.” Y/N said with a smile.
“But you sang ‘broma’ and that’s means ‘joke’…” charles said,
“Or prank.” Y/N said,
“You sang that for me?!?” Charles yelled.
“Yes I did so you know, cuidadito.” Y/N warned.
“I Don’t know whether to be scared of you or attracted to you.” Charles confessed and Y/N laughed.
“Both work, mi Amor. You want lomo saltado or tallarines saltado?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the difference?” Charles asked.
“Lomo has French fries and is served with rice, tallarines is pasta.” Y/N said,
“Pasta please.” Charles said,
“Of course, muñeco.” Y/N said, chopping the steak into little strips while humming the music to CUIDADITO and Charles stared at her because he found himself humming too.
“You know I would never cheat on you, right Y/N?” Charles asked just to make sure.
“Of course I know you’d never cheat on me. But the song is so catchy.” Y/N commented and that made Charles feel so much better. He walked up to Y/N and hugged her from behind as she continued to chop the steak, he kissed her shoulder.
“I love you,” Charles said,
“I love you too.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it! A silly little one shot for giggles 🤭
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6esiree · 9 hours
More Than Just A Sugar Baby Pt. 2
Summary: Imagine you’re Vox’s and Adam’s sugar baby and one of you start’s to develop feelings?
Warnings: NSFW, AFAB reader, penetration, rubbing, swearing, if you squint there’s a bit of angst in Adam’s part. Heaven bucks are void in Hell so he just protects you from the loan sharks. Sorry, I’m a sinner thru and thru. Anyway, MINORS DO NOT READ!!!
A doll like you didn’t belong in the porn industry—that’s what Vox told you when you asked for Valentino. But he only offered you financial salvation to get back at the moth, tired of his on and off relationship with him. How could you not accept, though, especially when porn had been your last resort? When you took Vox’s hand, he never anticipated that your arrangement would turn into something more than a simple act of revenge, but that was entirely his fault.
“Always such a good girl for me—fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Vox had your legs folded against your chest, your eyes squeezed shut as he pounded into you at a ruthless pace, the room filled with the filthy sound of your squelching cunt. You let out a loud whine as his fingers found your swollen clit, trying to coax another orgasm out of you. One, two, three, four—you counted in your head, milking his cock for what might have been the fifth time that night, the man clearly pent up.
“Such a greedy little—” Vox said, his screen buffering, “—cunt.”
He was so, so close, his thrusts growing sloppier with every second. You reached out and grabbed Vox’s shoulders, bringing him in for a kiss, but then Valentino’s contact popped up on his screen. “Shit, Val’s calling…again,” You groaned, falling back onto the mattress in defeat. The moth had called Vox about, what, several times already? It was really starting to turn you off.
“Decline it, I’m—fuck!—about to finish,” Vox said, sighing in relief as you swiped your finger across his screen. “That’s better—don’t want to cum to that fucker’s contact.”
You understood his reaction, made aware of the pair’s history when Vox eventually opened up to you. But as far as you knew, whatever love they had for each other was dead. Well, at least on Vox’s end, because Valentino was still pestering him. “Yeah, I bet,” You said before interrupting yourself with a moan, the head of his cock hitting into that velvety spot inside of you.
“Val found out about you,” Vox suddenly said, catching you off guard. “He pissed me off, so I told him that I didn’t need him anymore because I had you.”
You blinked, clearly confused. Why would Valentino care if Vox had a sugar baby? Relationships like that were purely transactional, a mutual agreement with no feelings involved. Unless Vox was suggesting that he told him that you two were a thing—no, that couldn’t be. You were a nobody compared to the man on top of you, so why would Valentino care?
“I don’t get it,” You started, your brows knitted together. “Why would Val care about me when I’m just…you know, nothing serious?”
Throughout the whole time, Vox never let up on fucking you, but he did slow down his pace and abandon your clit with your question. A funny feeling stirred in your chest as he peered down at you with an unreadable expression, seemingly debating his response. But then Vox released your legs, your throat bobbing in anticipation as he grabbed ahold of your jaw, making you look at him.
“Come on, sweetheart, you seriously can’t be that dull,” Vox said, your cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
“I just didn’t want to assume, that’s all,” You stammered, looking everywhere but at him. “So, uh, are you going to want me to pretend as if we’re a thing from now on?”
“Pretend?” Vox grunted, burying his cock deep inside of your cunt as he leaned into you. “Wouldn’t it be better if it were real?”
The man was a powerful and influential overlord, so you would be set for eternity, but you also came to know him more intimately as the time passed by. He treated you pretty great with your arrangement, so surely he’d be better as a partner, right? “I—yes?” You said, your eyes fluttering shut when he rolled his hips, feeling rewarded for your response. “That’s my girl,” Vox said, his cock pulsating inside of your cunt.
“Your girl,” You repeated, unable to believe the turn of events, but you weren’t complaining.
Vox hummed, leaning down to give you that kiss you had tried to give him earlier, his hand relaxing against your jaw. “How about we take a shower after this, hm?” He spoke against your lips, his eyes flitting down to see your cunt swallowing his cock, your juices dripping down your thigh. “You won’t electrocute me?” You joked. It was funny until Vox pulled out of you dragged you off the bed by your ankles, telling you “Why don’t we find out, sweetheart?” as he picked you up and took you to the bathroom.
For an Angel, you found Adam to be pretty selfish and egotistical, saving you from the loan sharks pursuing you during the extermination in exchange for the ‘privilege of getting fucked by the first man alive.’ You only agreed because you needed an easy way out of your situation. When you nodded your head, he shoved his tongue down your throat, one hand on your breast while the other slithered past the waistband of your panties, whatever happened afterwards lost within a random sinner’s apartment.
“Fuck, babe. I just got here and you’re already so wet.”
Your face was pushed into your pillow, Adam’s chest slack against your back while he entered you from behind, your cunt eagerly swallowing every inch of his cock. He groaned into your shoulder, the edge of his mask digging into your skin, but the way he slowly massaged your clit as he bottomed out compensated for the slight discomfort it caused you.
Adam wasn’t usually this…attentive, his movements quick and sloppy as he tried to make the most out of your little meetings. But tonight, he was being gentle with you, seemingly focused on your pleasure by the way he slowly started to thrust into you, his free hand toying with your nipple. Your cunt fluttered around him, overwhelmed by all the different sensations.
“You like that?” Adam rasped into your ear, goosebumps littering your skin at the sound of his voice. “What about this, huh?” He continued, rolling the hardened bud in between his fingers.
You tried to answer him, you really did, but you were only able to muster a moan as he pulled out of you completely, the head of his cock pushing past your slick folds and back into your hole with a slow, hard thrust. “Shit, well, I guess that’s good enough,” Adam chuckled, your face flushing in embarrassment. “Shut up,” You said, but then he squeezed your nipple, making you yelp.
“Don’t tell me to shut up, bitch,” Adam grunted, lifting himself from your back, a whine escaping your throat as his hands moved to your hips.
“Call me a bitch one more time and the deal is over,” You said, glaring at him from over your shoulder, but you didn’t actually mean it.
“I don’t think that’s in your best interest, babe,” Adam said, picking up the pace and finally fucking you properly. “I’m the one who’s keeping you alive with every extermination—isn’t that just fucking ironic?”
The sound of skin slapping against skin enveloped your room, including your cries and his groans of pleasure. You constantly thanked Charlie for making the walls thick, Adam driven by the fact that he was doing something so…forbidden. But that wasn’t the only thing—he had developed a soft spot for you, feeling a distant ache in his chest whenever he heard the clock tower ring, his cue to leave.
“I can—ah, fuck, right there!—take care of myself just fine,” You said, his thrusts growing more unforgiving. “Sinners can’t truly kill each other anyway.”
“Yeah, but you can still feel pain,” Adam said, pulling out of you completely, leaving your cunt clenching around nothing.
Before you could think about asking him why he had stopped, Adam flipped you onto your back, your eyes widening as you stared back into his face, his mask nowhere to be seen. He rarely ever took it off, so of course you were surprised. “Come on, baby, I can take care of you better,” Adam said, the head of his cock brushing against your clit as he leaned in to kiss you—now that was a first, but you accepted it anyway.
Your eyes fluttered shut as his lips glided against yours, the stubble on his chin scratching at your skin, but you couldn’t care less. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling your bodies together by grabbing onto where his wings connected to his back, swallowing the yelp that escaped his throat. Apparently, they were sensitive, because he suddenly plunged his cock back into you.
“Adam! Fuck, slow down!” You cried out, your grip on his wings tightening.
“You’re so lucky I can’t impregnate you,” Adam panted, putting his forehead against yours. “Fuck, why do you have to be a stupid fucking sinner?” He added, sounding disappointed. “You don’t belong here—you should be up in Heaven, with me.”
“You don’t—what?” You said, slightly taken aback. You thought Adam had told you that he could take better care of you just to continue your arrangement, but no, there was more to it. “You don’t actually mean that, Adam.”
“Is it really hard to believe that someone like me wants more than just a simple fuck?” Adam said, sounding pained, but he still reached down to massage your clit to help you finish alongside him. “I guess that’s my fault, huh?”
“I’m sorry,” You said, and you would have offered him more words if your orgasm hadn’t hit you. “Fuck—‘m so sorry.”
Adam thrusted into you one last time, his hips stilling as he emptied himself deep inside of your fluttering cunt with a heavy sigh, his fingers withdrawing from you. “Don’t be, babe,” he said before capturing your lips with another kiss. As much as you enjoyed it, you couldn’t help but wonder where you stood with Adam—until he told you that he’d figure out a way to see you more often, and not just for sex.
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wayfayrr · 1 day
"Wait no you're not supposed to get hurt."
First of the 400 follower raffle winners!!! took a little longer to write than planned but it's here! This is for @the-moon-files and it's masc!human!reader with the chain, it doesn't touch on all of the hcs I have for humans/hylians but it's made very clear that there is a difference :3c
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“Um, [name]? Are you sure you don’t need a potion, that gash you got on your leg seems like it’ll get infected if you don’t use a potion or anything other than bandages.”
“Thanks for the concern sky but-”
“Yes, I know most potions don’t work for us. It’s why luv and bertie spent so long perfecting recipes that have any positive effect.”
Us? US? After months of traveling with the chain, having to explain new differences between me and them sky decides to drop a bomb like this???? Is he messing with me or something? My face must have said exactly what I’m thinking considering he pulled back with a nervous giggle. 
“I forgot to mention it, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah you did. It would have been very nice to know I’m not the only human here earlier.”
“Sorry, I was so happy not being the only one anymore that I forgot… to actually tell you. But really can’t this whole thing wait until we’ve dealt with your injury?”
That’s fair, I’m still a tad bitter over it but I can understand. He’s got a look of guilt and concern on his own face now, his hands twitching and half reaching for the gash on my leg before pulling back reluctantly. Begging for my permission to help with puppy dog eyes glancing back and forth simply begging for approval. Hopefully he hasn't noticed that it's a bit worse than just a gash.
“If you’re sure that it won’t just be a waste of supplies then go ahead I guess.”
“I’m certain it’ll help you, not as much as it would the traveller or the champion but it’ll help.”
The potion feels strange in the wound as he goes about applying it, it’s almost similar to antiseptic but with less of a sting. Not anything like what I thought with how the other links down them like it’s honey or something, maybe they just taste a lot better than they feel. Maybe they’re just different for humans. No way to really tell. Before long he’s finished with that though, moving on to simply bandaging it. 
“Skyyyyyyyy you’ve been over here hogging his attention for ages when are y- oh I…”
It seems wind didn’t notice the reason sky’s been ‘hogging’ me then, does that mean that sky was just watching me in the battle. Probably just cause he’s enamored by not being the only human now, nothing to look into beyond that. I’m overthinking it. 
“[name]? When did - Twi said humans are invincible, how did you - how did they - You’re alright right?”
“I’m alright kiddo, sky’s just been helping me with some of his own potions.”
“Wait twi’s been saying what?”
Seems Sky’s just as shocked as I am, he wouldn’t have said anything otherwise, so this isn’t commonly known. Or true but that’s another thing. Was it his attempt at getting wind to not be so wound up that most potions and magic is about as effective on me as carrying water in a sieve. But that just means that if something were to happen, like maybe y’know - right now, he’s going to get more messed up than otherwise. Twilight wouldn’t do that, he’s a bit dense sometimes but he loves the sailor like a brother. Does that mean this is just something he believes himself? He grew up in ordon it’s not impossible.
“Wind please when did Twilight say that?”
“He said it when we found out [name] is a human, why are you so bothered by what twi is saying about him?” 
“I think sky is just worried about any rumours going around, no need to snap at him for it.”
“Yeah, just worried about rumours, yeah.”
“Well if anyone should be worried about those ‘rumours’ it should be ME - what if… what if you got hurt worse… we wouldn’t be able to - we wouldn’t know… even if we were to use a potion it'd just blend in with your blood and we could miss places...”
The exact reason why twilight shouldn’t have told wind this is happening right now, and I don’t know how to comfort him. He’s crying and stressed over me getting hurt despite sky-treating it, despite me being fine. It’s not like it’s just wind upset either, I don’t think I’ve seen sky so stressed in all the time I’ve known him. It’s almost like he’s been caught in a lie, wait now that I think about it his ears look hylian, has he not told the chain either? Too many questions and not enough time or words to get all the answers. And he knows I want them.
“I- I’m going to tell wild that he’ll need to make some more potions. I’ll send twi over as well if he’s not busy with anything else. Your leg should be fine now, just don’t move too quick or take the bandages off unless it’s to replace them with clean ones.”
And now sky’s gone, leaving me with an overwhelmed wind. Who looks honestly more confused over Sky leaving the way he did than upset over me being hurt, which is somewhat of an improvement I guess? It’s better than having him stressed out over a little gash. 
“Was it just me or was sky-”
“Really nervous? I’m sure he’s got a reason to be kiddo, who knows maybe he’s just anxious over me getting infected.”
Oh, I should not have said that, it’s like wind didn’t even consider that that could possibly happen. And now I’ve sparked his worry all over again. 
“hey I didn't mean to -”
“If you can get infected we've gotta be extra careful and and - [name] we've gotta tell time before he pushes you way too hard and something else happens.”
“Nothing else is gonna happen, I'm fine I promise you that.”
How long is he going to be pouting over me getting injured, it’s not a big deal, I’m not going to die or anything. 
"What're you two doin' that's causin' Sky to act up like some cuccos durin’ a lightnin' storm?"
His ears drooped faster than wolfies tail would start to wag if you offered him some pets. Which proves the fact that twilight wasn’t telling wind a lie to make him concerned for no reason, he genuinely thought that humans couldn’t be hurt. I - don’t really know what to think now, I mean it is good that it wasn’t him lying intentionally but how long has he lived with humans, how long has he had to learn that this isn’t true??? He’s what 24? Has Rusl or no one else gotten hurt in any of those twenty-four years? 
“Ya - ya got hurt ‘nd didn’t tell?”
“Well sky was helping me and then-”
“Neither of ya thought ta tell? Y’ain’t think I shoulda known?”
Is - is he going to start crying? I knew twi was pretty soft-hearted but to start crying over me not thinking to tell him about just a small little cut into my leg? Why’s he so personally offended that he wasn’t told any sooner, does he really care so much about someone he’s only met recently? 
“I mean, I thought that’s what sky was going over to you for?”
“I well yeah, yer right, that’s part of why he did.”
“Hey are we missing the point!? [Name] got HURT when you said humans were near invincible!”
“That really isn’t the important thing right now wind, I think twi only said that so you wouldn’t worry about me. Right?”
Go along with it, see on my face that I’m trying to get you to go along with this so that wind doesn’t get more stressed and just go along with it. Please. If he doesn’t then I will never be able to move on from this, and I don’t think that anyone would appreciate being lectured for something that you genuinely have no control over. 
“Ah righ’, wind you know I were only sayin’ that so you wouldn’t worry, yeah?”
“Oh sure you say that now, but before it was all ‘Humans were blessed to be invincible by the spirit ordona because of the goddess hylia’s hatred of them.”
“Aigh’, and I was tellin ya that so you won’t worry.” 
Well wind clearly doesn’t believe him, he doesn’t sound certain of himself either to be honest. But the sailor seems to be done stressing over it now, ran himself out of energy it seems. Nuzzling into my side with a pout. 
“Come on kiddo, it’s not worth a grudge with one of your big bros.”
No response, But a very disappointed twi now. Offended from me not apparently telling him fast enough or whatever, which just feels like a weird reason more than anything. Besides even that it’s not like he’s known me long, he really shouldn’t be as bothered as he is. 
“Wind please, I don’t think it’ll do me any good staying on the floor like this either.”
Hinting at something worse happening did just the trick as I hoped and got him up onto his feet, while giving me the silent treatment as twi helps me to my feet. Just gotta hope that the break won’t get any worse now that I'm standing. Or noticed. I’m already lucky enough that sky didn’t pick up on it, because I know that the second anyone learns it’s going to pull us all to a halt. Hell for all I know he’s hiding that he saw it to go tattle on me to time, never would have known that he could lie so well so I can only hope he won't use it like this. But what do I know, he could do anything just to get some extra sleep in.
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idontcare4urmom · 3 days
little red dress
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soft!dom! chris x reader!gf!
content:you were aware of the effect you had on your boyfriend,but that didn’t stopped you from wanting him to drool all over you,there was a party on the town and you got dressed up until Chris sees you and completely loses it.
warnings: smuttt,pet names (baby,slut,etc.), praising kink,dirty talk,teasing,fingering,sucking,slight fluff at the end and more
a/n: my first language is not English,so sorry if it’s bad cause it’s also my first fic,please be nice<3 ——————————————————-
today was the day,you were about to attempt to one of the ‘biggest’ parties in L.A. with influencers.sure,you were only invited cause your boyfriend was also invited,and you knew that but you couldn’t care less.you were simply excited to meet new people.
you had already had picked up your outfit so you wouldn’t be in a hurry, even though the party was in more than 2 hours. nothing could go wrong with black high boots that boosted your height,a mini leather jacket and a perfect mini red sparkly dress you bought for the occasion.
when you tried it on the store,you knew that you had to get it,it was almost like it was made specifically for you.it complimented your figure and face in a way that you knew you were going to drag looks on you,not to mention that it curved your ass and tits like a glove,and the length of it stopped right above your bare thighs,perfect right?
you eventually started to get ready,picking a nice matching red lace lingerie to match with your dress,even though no one will really see it,at least that’s what you thought .you wore the dress after and tugged with a bit of struggle the zipper up,taking a quick glimpse of yourself afterwards in the mirror to admire yourself before starting to do makeup.
you were about to finish with the final details of your pink glossy lipstick,popping your lips together until you heard a knock on the door.
“baby? are you almost done? we have to leave in like 10 minutes” your boyfriend’s voice echoed through the other side of the room,you didn’t even had realized how much it took you to get ready.
“almost done,you come in you know” you responded,curious about how your man will think of your looks.
there was a click on the door before it banged close,causing you to turn your head and look at Chris who was now staring at you.he was pretty much checking you out and his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he broke the silence “wow..you look hot”.
the comment made you giggle under you breath and respond sarcastically “i always do”.you could feel the brunette boy rolling his eyes but what didn’t you expect was a sudden feeling of hands cupping both of your ass cheeks.
“yeah you are not lying,but this dress fits you better than anything else i have seen you wearing” Chris exclaimed right into your ear,you could swear that his voice was lowered which made you narrow your eyes in confusion but also interest.
“thanks,but get your hands off” you bratted,which made him chuckle and grope them tighter “what about no?”
you scoffed at his answer,turning around to answer but suddenly feeling him grabbing your face and pulling you into a hungry kiss.your eyebrows furrowed but you couldn’t resist the urge to make out with him for a minute.
the kiss soon turned sloppy,both of your tongues fighting for dominance until he tugged on your bottom lip,making you moan. “red is really your colour” you heard him say as you felt his hands lifting up your dress,causing your breaths to get heavier.
“Chris,the party” you warned in a worried tone,which made him smirk for no reason,his hand slipping in between your thighs “you really think I care about that baby? I couldn’t give a damn less”.
the next thing you knew was him taunting you.his fingers barely grazing your pussy that was already dripping wet,opening your mouth to complain but he quickly pushes you into the bed,hovering on top of you and pushing two fingers into your tight hole.
“oh shit!” you groaned at the stretch,his free hand going backwards to tug down the zipper of the dress that was making his cock throb.when he pulled it down his eyes roamed into your body and on your lingerie set,making his fingers thrust in and out of you fast.
“fuck,such a slut,wearing this shit to get me turned me on when you know i can’t resist you” his words made you clench around his fingers and whine pathetically.his head tilted down to place rough kisses on the hook of your neck and creating big hickeys,while his fingers curled up to hit that spot inside you.
you were a moaning and whimpering mess already,and he couldn’t help to think what you will do when his length will be buried into your cunt later.
“i..I am gonna cum” you whispered after some seconds,your voice raspy and Chris pulled with no warning his fingers out,making you frown and him to respond with a simple explanation of “going to save it for later”.
he then left from on top of you and stood up straight,his hands quickly moving to his belt to unbuckle it before shoving down his jeans and boxers,exposing his fully hard self with pre-cum leaking all over his red tip.
your breath hitched at the sight and you desperately wanted to get on your knees,but before you knew he pushed firmly your legs apart and spread them from him,his eyes darkening when he saw how ready you were,your juices glistening all over your thighs.
“hm,so wet,such a perfect sight,all this for me?” he cooed and praised,which only made you nod and feel your desire increasing.
he got in between your legs and positioned his tip against your entrance,starting to tease by grinding his hips against yours,making you groan again at the friction. “Chris,please..” you couldn’t help to beg,which even surprised yourself,but you didn’t regret it cause the next thing you felt was him entering you with a rough and deep thrust.
you practically screamed his name and arched your back,your hands reaching to tug on his hair locks which only made Chris grunt.his pace was fast and almost painful,making sure you felt him completely,and you couldn’t help to move your hips along with his in sync.
the panting from both of you and the skin to skin clapping filled the room in matter of seconds,his head once more leaning down but to lick all over your stomach soothingly while his dick was pounding into your g-spot with no mercy.he soon undid your bra and took one of your nipples into his mouth,sucking and flicking his tongue over the flesh.
the knot on your stomach was already felt,which also was noticeable by Chris and making him speak in a low,slightly hoarse way “already sweetheart? you are gonna make a mess on my cock like the perfect whore you are,hm?”
you only clenched at his words again,your one hand leaving his hair to grasp at the sheets for support,your orgasm already forming again and your legs began to shake.
“you aren’t going to finish yet, understood? he warned,making you look up at him with pleading eyes while his own blue one were looking almost brown,making you shiver and nod at his question “good girl,I know you can hold it for a little longer”
you couldn’t explain it but his voice was both rough and soft at the same time,and it was for sure turning you more.his length continued to tear you apart,basically hitting your spot over and over again while your eyes were watery.even though he had told you to not reach your climax yet,you were unaware that a few specific movements from you will sent him over his own edge.
it was basically you wrapping your legs tightly around his waist to encourage him silently to go deeper,while your nails digged into his lower back and leaving marks behind.with an unexpected loud groan from his lips and his hips bucking up,his muscles flexed and he released his seed deep into your cunt.
you moaned a little when he pulled out after some seconds,leaving you panting and your chest rising and falling,you quickly recovered when he rolled into his side and pulled you with him so he can cuddle you tightly.an exhausted yawn escaped from your mouth into the comfortable silence and he planted a kiss to your forehead “tired?”
“you fucked my brains out,what did you expect” you responded,making you both burst out laughing until some minutes after you were asleep into each other arms.
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sanospet · 2 days
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𝘲𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦 : his words were sharp, jagged, barbed, piercing into your misshapenly taped together soul, something you’d worked so hard to mend and heal during your time alone, yet it shattered all too easily once more, it’s dust slipping through your fingers.
“i’m the only one you’ve got left,” he prodded, “and you need me.”
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warnings and notes!
stalker tomura . literal chasing lol . toxic relationship . quirkless au . usage of pet names (“kid) . reader has relationship trauma . isolated reader . tomura being really mean . dacryphilia is you squint REALLY hard, lol . naïve (kinda) reader . short argument . gender neutral reader . readers pronouns/sex/gender aren’t mentioned . proofread but there still may be some spelling mistakes, enjoy <33
authors note:
is this mayhaps also inspired by “chxse - whatsaheart” … yes, also by “if it ain’t me - whatsaheart” but only slightly, i wanna make a dedicated fic for that song, lol. sorry, his music has got a chokehold on me rn and it inspires so many tomura fics…i have so many concepts in my drafts right now, you have nooo idea, lol. anyway, this is kinda a similar tomura to my “kryptonite” fic, except he’s quirkless here, that’s all, lol. there may be an influx of tomura fics because i am in love with that man beyond belief so ummm…yeah, hope you enjoy the fic though, thanks for reading, and happy prideeeee!!! mwuah <33
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a heavy layer of mist hung in place of the clouds, the moonlight failing to pierce through it, wind unwelcoming and cold against your warm skin.
yet a light golden glow of comfort nestled in your chest as the night replayed in your fuzzy mind.
the soft laughter that flowed through the bar you’d spent countless hours at, time gliding by as you met up with some new friends, sharing stories and jokes over drinks. the relentless need to glance over your shoulder dissipating throughout the night, finally allowing yourself to unwind, relax and have fun.
the melody flowing through your headphones kept you in high spirits, a gentle, tired smile stretching across your lips as you walked home.
though, as you continued on, despite your mind pleading for you to stop overthinking, your gut told you otherwise, that strong urge to have a peek behind you as unease settled in, took over, and you did.
neck snapping sharply in the direction, you came to a halt, fingers lowering the volume of your music with a click click click, taking a headphone out just to be sure.
the street was docile, deserted, filled with nothing but the quiet whirring of the tall street lamps lazily illuminating the parked cars and cracked pavement.
a shaky breath slipped past your lips as your eyes finished scanning your surroundings at a rapid pace, lingering just beyond the horizon before finally turning to continue on.
nothing was there, yet the suspicion remained, regardless of how silly your mind made you feel for it.
hands clenched into tight fists, balled at your sides, your heartbeat rose and you couldn’t shake the feeling of a pair of eyes…a sharp, venomous gaze searing through you.
a feeling you knew all too well, you were sure of it.
hot, acidic bile threatened to climb up, core burning as you could almost…hear them.
the footsteps trailing behind you, and your confirmation was in them growing heavier and heavier as they neared.
willing yourself to gain speed, your adrenaline filled body was forced into motion, gazing back for just a moment to reveal a shadowy figure that was hot on your hills, your body moving into a sprint as a result.
the wind almost cut your skin as you ran against it, the sudden gasp you let in setting a fire in your lungs, mind frantically searching for the best solution on how to lose them, going home now out of the question.
your legs gained a mind of their own as they pulled you forward with each lunge they took, earning you enough distance from the person to evade them with your next turn.
it was a tight space, an alleyway sandwiched between two tall buildings,
running down it slightly, soon coming to a stop, wind being knocked out of you at the sight before you, your heart sank to the depths of your stomach as the tall, looming wall came into view.
a deadend.
body tense as the haunting presence made itself known, the harsh footsteps that trailed behind you coming to a stop, boots scraping against the asphalt.
quieting your shaky exhale as much as you could, “what do you want, tomura ?” your voice was as stern as you could currently manage with the raging anxiety that currently encompassed your being, slight trembles pushing through the crevices.
tomura noticed, though he paid it no mind, hands placed lazily in his pockets, demeanour relaxed as he replied, “ahh, and here i thought you’d forgotten about me,” your stomach churned at the sound of his voice, having not heard it in so long, a flurry of horrible memories saturated your mind as he continued, sarcasm laced thickly in the words he spoke, “ignoring my calls and texts like im just some random guy,” scoffing, “im wounded, truly.”
the intense fear you’d been engulfed by began to slowly be poisoned by sheer annoyance at the man’s audacious attitude, shifting on your feet to finally meet his searing crimson gaze.
breath hitching, heart clenching, stomach dropping, that sense of fear threatened to consume you once more, yet you pushed on as best as you could, “we broke up, tomura.”
the statement was bland, harsh, tainted with frustration and it was met with a soft laugh, barely audible, a gentle exhale through his nose.
“you broke up with me,” a slight shake of his head, “i never agreed to it, nor did i accept it,” he corrected taking a few steps closer, you retreated in turn, back soon meeting the wall, him, catching up to you as he continued.
“i gave you time, didn’t i ?” his fluffy white hair had grown much longer since the last time you’d seen him, falling to the side as he tilted his head in question, slight mockery tainting his words, “gave you enough space to figure out your thoughts ?” his hand moved to cup your wine flushed cheek, thumbing gently against it, eyes softening as they stared down into the pretty ones he missed so much, “so let’s go home, yeah ?”
your gaze remained harsh, defensive, “i’m not going anywhere with you, tomura.”
the bite in your words earned the quirk in tomura’s brow, hand dropping down to his side in disgust at your refusal, the warmth the alcohol brought you long gone by now, the unforgiving air nipping at your cheeks.
“yeah ?” he questioned, tone growing slightly hostile, “and what’s here for you, hm ?”
brows furrowing at the question, irritation seeped through your tone as you vented, “i’m building a life h—“
yet his voice cut yours short, “your friends ? your family ? they’re all gone, no ?” rhetorical questions soaked in venom as he spoke, “left you all alone for me to pick up the pieces that is you, to take care of you when you couldn’t do so yourself, right ?” he continued on, warning, “it’ll happen again,_____, you know that. when you’re the problem, they’ll all leave in the end.”
his words were sharp, jagged, barbed, piercing into your misshapenly taped together soul, something you’d worked so hard to mend and heal during your time alone, yet it shattered all too easily once more, it’s dust slipping through your fingers.
“i’m the only one you’ve got left,” he prodded, “and you need me.”
taking in a sharp intake of breath, your heart clenched, eyes stinging, “you’re the problem, tomura…” sighing, “you m-manipulated me, gaslighted me…for years…it’s all on you.” volume growing weaker as you strung the words together, slight cracks slipping through as your eyes welled.
“i see your new friends have taught you some big words, kid, but those are some bold accusations to throw at the person who saved you from yourself,” face scrunched at the comment, octave dropping “you owe me.”
shaking your head at the words, tomura watched as your tense muscles relaxed slightly, the threatening tears in your eyes spilling over with loss, body slumping in defeat and he moved to swipe them away.
“apologise.” he whispered, voice gentle enough to break your will completely, and your body rocked in his grip as you sobbed into his chest, feeling your strength draining, physically and emotionally upon contact, his hand raking through your hair in comfort as the words spilled out.
“i-im sorry,” you stuttered through choked whimpers, it was automatic, a trained part of you jumping out suddenly to satisfy the command.
tomura hummed in response and you continued, “f-for leaving you…for c-calling you such things…” soft pleads slipped past your lips, the part you’d buried so deep within yourself rearing its head again, “p-please, i just…” the fear of angering tomura had you trailing off, but you pushed to continue, “…i don’t want it to be like before,” you spoke in one breath and your heartbeat quickened as tomura pulled away, lifting your chin to meet his gaze.
“it won’t be,” he promised, eyes as gentle as his voice, and though you knew it was a lie, a flowery bouquet of bait that would die out soon, never to be replaced, you accepted them wholeheartedly. your current crave for his touch propelled your ignorance to the lie, your desire for tomura’s approval, for tomura’s praise, for tomura’s satisfaction at the hands of you.
“you’ll be fine, kid.” he continued, eyes shifting to your lips as he neared you, meeting in a harsh kiss full of emotion, muscles relaxing at the contact. his hands found your waist, pulling you in, your own lacing in his lengthy hair as your lips moved, both wishing you could get even closer, give each other more of yourselves.
parting, you remained close as you let out a melody of pants together before he spoke up, “show me to your new place, then, yeah ? we’ll have you moved out by morning.”
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shroomsroom · 2 days
Could you do a Dallas Winston x fem reader, where she is like all clingy infront of the gang (she’s actually just super horny) and so dally had to take her home and “take care of her”
I hope this makes sense, if not feel free to not write it. I love your work sm!
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Summary: You’re being clingy with Dallas, but it’s really because you’re feeling a little needy.
Warnings: mentions of dallas not eating well, smut, fem-reader, light fingering, light breast-play, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, cumming inside, light biting, sharing a cigarette. Author's Note: i need to get back into writing full stories and not hcs lol
You and Dallas were hanging out at the gang’s place, like you did every weekend. It was a hot summer day and most of them were hanging out with their shirts off, but no one really caught your eye like Dally. His body was chiseled from years of fighting and his poor eating schedule and the sweat glistened off of him like he was glass. You physically could not tear your eyes from him but he seemed oblivious to your struggle. No matter what you tried, propping your legs on his lap or even tugging at his arm, nothing would pull him away from the card game he was invested in. Only when you completely retracted from him, curling in the corner of the couch by yourself did he notice. He looked at you, concern embedded in his brow but he saw the way you fiddled with the hem of your shirt and the reddening blush growing on your cheek. 
He reluctantly placed his cards down and gestured for you to get up. “Sorry, gotta take my girl home now,” He mumbled, a lame excuse but the rest of the guys were too busy to pay any mind. Dallas strode out of the Curtis’s house with you following quickly behind him. Only when he got to your place did he speak. “Damn, dollface, couldn’t even wait for me to finish the game?” He smirked, placing his hand on the small of your back to urge you into the bedroom quicker. You shook your head sheepishly. He pushed you back onto the bed, feeling up the sides of your body while he smiled at you. “That’s alright, just lets me know that I do a helluva good job in bed.” He teases, slipping your shirt off of you. He massaged your breasts for a couple of seconds, easing you into the feeling of getting touched so intimately. After a while, his hands moved to your pants, quickly unbuttoning them and pulling them down. He let out a low whistle as soon as he saw how wet you were. “Stop teasing me,” You groaned, blushing like crazy. He chuckled before slipping in a finger. Dallas’s prep was fast and rough because of how impatient he was, but it did the job. It opened you enough for him to it not to hurt but for you to feel it stretch you. He inserted himself inch by inch, slowly, watching your face the whole time. As soon as he bottomed out he sighed shakily, like he was struggling to not cum in your tight pussy. “Damn,” He groaned, pressing down on your stomach to feel his bulge, making you moan, “Feel that doll?” He whispers against the shell of your ear and you arch your back into his chest. He moves slowly at first, letting you adjust before he picks up his usual fast and rough pace. “Feel how good you’re taking me?” He asks, pausing every so often in his sentence to let out a low groan. You moan in response, your walls clamping down on his length, making him speed up. “God, you’re just sucking me in, huh?” His hand finds your clit, circling it in slow but rough motions. Your eyes roll back from the pleasure of it all. It’s white, searing pleasure that catches your breath in your throat and makes your muscles tense and your toes curl. The coil tightens and tightens until it snaps and you’re clenching down onto Dallas’s dick, nails ripping holes into the bed sheets from how tight your holding it while your crying his name. You only have seconds to recover from your mind-blowing orgasm until he’s started up again, detirmened to chase his own high. He lets out little grunts and groans from the pleasure until his hands are finding your torso, holding you up against his chest as he bites your neck and climaxes. He lets out a shaky breath, pulling himself out of you and watching his cum drip down your thighs and onto your sheets. He sighs contently and musses up your hair, lovingly. He flashes you a smile that borders mischevious and genuine love before putting on his boxers and lighting a cigarette for you both to share.
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𝕸𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑
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Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Chris Turpin
Word count: ~7800
Warnings: 18+ only!! This is deranged, deprived, and delusional, don’t look at me. Smut including: m/m sex, multiple orgasms, cum play, overstimulation, blood, Talk about Jake being in hospital, making deals with the devil
Lisbon - Winter 2023
I never thought I’d meet the Devil in Portugal. Certainly not on the last night of my most expeditious tour of spellbinding Europe. Most of all, I never thought the Devil would be someone I already knew.
“Feeling sick Josh?” Jake asked his brother as he watched him stir his third cup of hot herbal tea.
“No, my throat is just killing me” he replied as he took a large gulp of the tea before it even had time to cool down. “Feels dry and scratchy”.
“Well don’t overdo it tonight. Just because it’s our last night on this leg doesn’t always mean you need to show off”. Jake placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder, his tone kind and gentle though his words still picking lighthearted fun.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” Josh rolled his shoulder, knocking Jake’s hand from him and continued to sip his tea hoping to calm the tender muscles in his throat before stage time. He couldn’t shake this feeling he had though, a strange and unsettling feeling he’d had since waking up this morning. He’d tried to brush it off as pre show nerves, but he knew what those felt like and this was different. It’s like his body and his mind were trying to tell him something, warn him to be on alert because something was coming. Something bad.
“Great job everybody!” Their team clapped and congratulated them on another excellent show as they each descended the stairs of the stage, the roaring of the crowd behind them growing more muffled and faint as they made their ways back to the greenroom.
“Josh!” One of the stage hands called after them and Josh turned on his heel to see a man hidden behind a large vase full of flowers. “These came for you”.
“Me?” Josh pretended to act surprised like he’d never gotten flowers before, though these were definitely the largest he’d ever received.
“Who are they from?” Danny asked as he sidestepped around Josh and his excessive bouquet.
“Don’t know” Josh set the heavy vase down on the table next to the sofa and shifted through the foliage at the base for any indication of who’d sent them. When he finally found a small card, he flipped it over and his stomach dropped. The only thing on the stark white was an ‘X’ but in a hauntingly familiar handwriting.
“Seems like a waste to me” Sam huffed as he flopped down onto the couch and pulled one of the flower petals between his fingers. “Don’t know how you’re going to get this on the plane home tomorrow. They should’ve sent a bottle or something”.
Josh slapped Sam’s hand away, who in turn shouted “Hey!” and rubbed the back of his hand like it had really hurt. “Don’t touch” Josh asserted with a squint of his eyes. He had a gut wrenching feeling he knew who sent him these flowers, but he didn’t know why. Regardless, he knew it had to be bad news.
Sam grabbed Danny by the arm and the two of them left for their dressing rooms as Josh still studied the ominous card and Jake hydrated with a bottle of water.
“What’s the matter?” Jake asked, sensing some tension coming from his other half.
“Oh, nothing” Josh stuffed the card into the waistline of his suit since it didn’t have any pockets and tried to hurry out of the room, but as soon as he opened the door he came chest to chest with another crew member.
“Sorry, this just came for Jake” the man handed Josh a letter to pass along before scurrying off to finish his duties. Josh closed the door again, deciding to stick around a little longer to see what it was about.
Jake seemed confused when he took the black envelope from Josh’s hand and tore it open, his brows furrowed as he read until his expression softened and his face lit up. “You will never believe who’s here” he smiled as he jumped off the couch in excitement, ready to get out of his stage clothes and dressed to leave in a hurry.
“Who?” Josh questioned in return as he followed Jake down the hallway to his dressing room next.
“Chris!” Jake explained with a bright smile on his face, a friend they had made on the road who Jake particularly had taken very fondly too. “That bastard says he was in the area on some business that finished early. Said he couldn’t make it to the show but he can get a drink”.
“Oh…” Josh didn’t share the same enthusiasm for seeing their so-called friend after so long. In fact he would've been content never seeing the man again, but that would’ve been wishful thinking. It all started to make sense now though, the feeling of impending doom he’d been experiencing, the cheeky bouquet, his throat…
“I’ll come with you” he blurted out right before Jake could shut the door in his face to jump in the shower.
Jake frowned, but not because he didn’t want Josh to come. “If you’re not feeling well you should get some rest. We will probably be out late catching up, and you know things with him can get a little… out of hand”. Jake’s frown faded back into a smile as he recalled the last night he’d spent out with his friend drinking. It was after a show they’d played together in Wisconsin, and although he couldn’t remember much of the night, he remembered watching the sun come up laying in the grass at a park.
“I said I’m fine” Josh pouted, standing in the doorway so Jake couldn’t close it. “What, you don’t want me there or something?” He didn’t want to be sassy in this instance, or make his brother feel guilty for wanting to go out with a friend alone, but Josh couldn’t let him be alone with Chris anymore. At least not until he knew it was safe.
“No, you should come” Jake sighed in defeat, “it will be fun”.
“If you say so” he stepped back now, allowing Jake his space to get ready and headed towards his own dressing room.
Josh took a long shower, his mind fueled by the steam surrounding him as it worked in overdrive trying to reconcile what was happening. If this was really happening. When he got out he already had a text from Jake.
Hurry up, car is waiting in the parking lot.
Josh dressed in the clothes he’d packed for after the show, not really what he would’ve chosen to go out in, but still presentable enough in case they were spotted. Once he finally made his way outside Jake was calling him over through the rolled down window.
“Come on! He’s already waiting for us!” Jake hollered, not caring if anyone lurking around might hear them.
“I’m coming, damn” Josh replied, zipping his jacket up and jogging over to the car glad it had already been warmed up before climbing inside.
“So what did he say he was here for?” Josh questioned as he stared out the window at the cityscape lit up by street lamps.
“Don’t know, some business” Jake replied with a shrug. He didn’t seem bothered by the fact it was odd he was running into a friend overseas. Whether the friend was from Europe himself or not, Josh thought it was strange.
“We can get a cab back to the hotel” Jake told their driver when they reached the bar, not wanting him to wait up for them.
“Listen,” Josh grabbed a hold of Jake’s arm when they stepped back out into the crisp winter air, “I have a bad feeling about this”.
“About what?” Jake turned to face him, confused and slightly hurt by Josh’s reluctance.
“About Chris” Josh whispered, looking around to make sure he wasn’t outside waiting for them and hearing this whole conversation.
“Why would you say that?” Jake tugged his arm from Josh’s grasp, growing more irritated and concerned by the second. “He’s my friend”.
“I know he is, but just promise me that if things get tense we can leave”. Josh was begging already, reaching out to Jake again who stepped back out of the way.
“I said you didn’t have to come”. Jake’s brows furrowed, he was torn between still being excited to go inside, and worried about why Josh was acting so absurd.
“I know, let’s just go in” Josh decided to brave it and walked ahead of Jake, his eyes scanning the packed bar for the man in question.
“Over here!”
Jake found him first, walking quickly over to where Chris stood up from the table he’d saved, the two meeting each other in a hug before sitting back down across from each other.
Josh slid into the booth next to Jake, who eyed him sideways to watch how he reacted when Chris thanked them for coming out so late.
“This isn’t late for us, we’re usually up a good few hours after the show anyways, right Josh?”
Josh nodded, avoiding eye contact with the man across the table.
“Well, what are you drinking?” Chris asked, already starting to stand again so he could order from the bar.
“You know what I like” Jake smiled up at him, confident that the friend he remembered Chris being would save that information about him.
“Coming right up” Chris smiled back, sending a quick wink to Jake before turning his attention to Josh. “And for you dearest?”
“I’ll get my own” Josh answered curtly, standing as well and taking off to the bar first.
“Did you get my flowers?” Chris asked with a playful smirk on his face as he leaned on the bar next to Josh, waiting to get the bartender’s attention.
Josh squeezed his hands that he had folded over each other, a phantom pain on his palm having flared up since arriving. He knew what it was, but he couldn’t bring himself to look down and see if the old seemingly healed wound had somehow reopened.
“What are you doing here?” Josh murmured underneath his breath, glancing back to check and make sure Jake was still waiting for them at the table. “I thought I had more time”.
Chris chuckled, obviously taking amusement in Josh’s distress. “Oh you do, I just wanted to check in and see how my friend was doing. Seems like he’s recovered well”.
“Jake is fine” Josh spat back, his protective tendencies over his brother overtaking him.
“And i'm glad to see it” Chris chuckled again, not even a bit concerned with Josh’s defensiveness.
“I take it you didn’t tell him anything?” He asked after they put in their orders, the bartender making their drinks quickly so she could move on to the next waiting patron.
Josh didn’t reply, only grabbed his drink when it was ready and headed back to their table, trying to collect himself on the way. How could he have told Jake anything about what happened? He still hardly believed it himself.
A few drinks in and Chris and Jake were still laughing with each other as they got caught up. Josh stayed mostly quiet, pushing around melted ice in his glass with the stir straw, his hand still clenched where it rested on his thigh beneath the table.
“Well, I’m glad to see you’ve been doing well” Chris reached over the table and took one of Jake’s hands in his own, making him adjust in the booth and lean closer to the table. “You know I visited when you were at the hospital”.
“You did?” Jake was surprised to hear this, glancing over at his brother for answers that Josh didn’t want to give. “Wait, they let you visit?” He started to think back on the whole ordeal, remembering how hard it was for even his family to visit with Covid protocols still in place.
“Josh remembers” Chris revealed, pretending to not understand why he wouldn’t have said anything. “Don’t you?”
“I remember” Josh bit out through gritted teeth, Jake being the one he avoided eye contact with now and he stared Chis in the eye.
Jake pulled his hand from the table and leaned over to whisper, “Josh can I talk to you?”
“Be right back, bathroom” he told Chris as he followed Josh out of the booth, waiting until they were in the hallway to the bathroom to begin his confrontation. “Did something happen between you two while I was in the hospital?”
“It’s nothing” Josh replied, fighting off a wince as his palm burned again.
“So something did happen?” Jake scoffed, knowing Josh would only say it’s nothing when he was avoiding telling the truth.
“See this is what I meant when I said I had a bad feeling” he tried to explain, without really explaining anything at all which only made Jake more upset. If only he could think he would come up with something to tell him, but the pain just kept growing, overpowering all his senses. “Fuck, my hand hurts!”
He finally turned his hand over and looked down, seeing the faint scar that had once faded into the creases of his palm inflamed and irritated. The red X that had been marked into his skin now fully visible.
“Tell me what happened” Jake pushed, ignoring the distress Josh was currently in.
In their distraction, they hadn’t seen Chris join them in the hallway until his voice echoed through, “tell him Josh”.
“Jake, we need to go” Josh pleaded again, cradling his hand to his chest as he started to breathe heavily.
“No, not until you tell me”.
“I promise you I will tell you everything, but please not here. Not around him” he glanced over to see Chris standing in their way, hoping there was an emergency exit somewhere near them they could escape from if needed. “He’s- he’s not good”.
“He’s right” Chris began toward them, his hands stuffed in his pockets to seem harmless, though Josh really knew what he was capable of. “I’m not good”.
“What do you mean?” Jake turned towards Chris now, searching for the answers no one would give him.
Josh used his good hand to grab Jake’s arm again and pull him back, trying his best to protect him even if Jake didn’t know yet why. “Jake, you have to believe me, Chris, he’s-”
Before Josh could finish whatever sentence he had, Chris smiled wickedly and cocked his head to the side. “I’m the Devil”.
“You were dying Jake” Josh explained how desperate he was, sitting in that white room next to his twin wasting away in a bed.
“So you made a deal with the devil?” Jake repeated what Josh had told him only a moment ago, still trying to wrap his head around everything.
“I made a deal with him, yes” Chris responded, “to save your life in exchange for his voice”.
Jake winced, falling back against the booth of the table they’d found empty in the darkest corner of the bar. “His voice? But why?”
“Because it’s his livelihood. It’s what makes him successful, special” Chris replied simply, like it was as obvious as asking for his soul.
“So in two more years Josh won’t have a voice anymore?” He grabbed his brother's hand laying next to him, regretful now for having been such an ass to him earlier. He was only frightened that Chris was here to collect early.
“That’s correct”.
“So why are you here now then?” Josh asked next, still worried that there was something else he wanted rather than to just torture him with his presence.
“I’m here to offer you another deal” Chris smiled, his charm never wavering.
“Whatever it is, hell no” Josh replied without hesitation, trying to flee from the table, but getting caught by Jake’s hold on his hand.
“What’s your offer?” Jake wanted to stay and indulge him. He couldn’t imagine what would be worse than Josh losing his voice, so he wanted to know what else he could possibly want.
“He’s the thing, Josh is just a means to an end. Who I really want is you, Jake”.
“Me?” He was shocked, wondering ‘whatever did the devil want with me?’
“This is what I do” Chris explained, “I find talented successful people and I turn them to me. I’ve had my eye on you ever since we met but I never found a good enough reason to convince you to make a deal with me. Your band was already growing in popularity, more than you could ever have dreamed of. You’re not in it for the money or the fame. You’re already living your dream. What could I offer you to agree to an eternity of service?”
Josh squeezed Jake’s hand, a silent plea to leave, but Jake wanted to hear more. He wanted to know what Chris was convinced he finally had to offer him.
“Except Josh’s freedom”.
“No Jake” Josh tugged him closer, forcing him to look at him. “I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me”.
Tears started welling in both their eyes as Jake tried to maintain his composure. “But you did it for me” Jake choked back a sob, his throat clenching around his words.
“Yes, I did it for you and I’d do it again, but what’s done is done” he held his injured palm out, showing Jake the red X that had been carved into his flesh over a year ago. The symbol of the contract he’d made to save his twin's life.
Jake ghosted his fingertips over the welts, Josh trying not to wince at the pain. “So if I agree, Josh will be let go? He won’t lose his voice, ever?”
Josh tried to argue with him again, but Jake curled his fingers up around his scar and pushed his hand back to his chest. “Is that the deal?”
“I’ll break his contract. It will be like he never made it to begin with” Chris assured him, already grinning at his cunning ability to entrap Jake the way he’d wanted. The only way he knew he could. By the use of his family.
“I have some stipulations though. If I’m to serve you for eternity that is” Jake asserted, wiping his cheek dry of the one tear he couldn’t keep contained.
Chris chuckled, no doubt entertained by Jake’s assertion considering who he was trying to barter with right now. “I’m listening”.
“Nothing happens to my family, ever” Jake started, that being the most important to him. He didn’t want anything like this to happen to a loved one again.
“Fine, you’re the only one I want anyways”.
“Next, I want to start another band, and you're going to help me”.
“Jake” Josh groaned, unsure about why he was demanding that of all things.
Jake looked at him again, regret and sorrow coloring his expression as he tried for once to actually telepathically explain: he said I’d been free while I’m still touring. I won’t make the three of you give up the rest of your lives to save me.
“Done” Chris responded, actually interested in what Jake had in mind. He’d been quite bored for a while now, and now that he’d have Jake soon he could use something else to consume his time.
“So what do we do? I need to sign something in blood?” Jake looked around nervously, thinking if Josh had that scar on his palm from his deal then he’d have to offer his to be cut open too.
“Go back to your hotel, I’ll come when the time is necessary”. With that Chris left them alone, Josh crumpling onto his arms against the table as he couldn’t hold back his emotion any longer, and Jake running circles on his trembling back.
Jake waited in Josh’s room until he was finally asleep. It was early in the morning but still sure to be dark outside for a few more hours at least. Josh tried to convince him to change his mind, to let it be and leave him to face the consequences of his own deal he’d made. Of course Jake couldn’t allow that, Josh had made that deal out of fear. When he thought there was nothing else he could do to save his life, and Jake couldn’t go on living knowing he’d be the cause of Josh’s pain for the rest of his own.
When Jake finally made it to his room he didn’t flip the light on, just kicked his shoes off at the door and made his way to the shadowy figure who lay waiting for him.
“Did you console him?” The figure asked as Jake continued to ignore him, shedding his outermost layer and tossing the jacket onto the chair across from the bed.
“As best as I could, but how do you tell someone everything is going to be alright when they know what you’re doing?” Jake fussed as he collapsed onto the edge of the bed.
“I want you to know that I didn’t want to bring him into this. I quite like him actually, especially after giving himself up like that for you. I just needed a way to have what I wanted”. It was odd hearing him plead with Jake to believe him, even in some sick way to forgive him, but at the same time when Jake looked up at him he still saw his dear friend staring back, and it confused him- made his heart clench.
Chris had never made Jake uncomfortable or been any cause for stress. In fact, the two of them had hit it off almost immediately after meeting. He’d been so thrilled to see him tonight, ignorantly oblivious to what he was walking into, and yet Josh had tried to warn him.
“Why me?” Jake still didn’t understand, he was just a man after all. What had he done to bear the burden of the interest of the devil himself?
Chris slowly approached, stopping just a few feet from where Jake sat frozen in place, and crouched down before him. “Because you’re you” he quizzically explained, “your talent, your drive, your passion, I want it all”.
Jake shook his head, “I still don’t understand. What’s wrong with me? Am I no good?”
A hand found its way onto Jake’s knee, snaking between his legs and coming to rest hot against his thigh. “You're perfect Jake”.
“No,” Jake sucked in a shuddering breath, feeling his body tremble with fear, or anticipation, or something else, he couldn’t discern the difference in this moment. Not when he had those piercing eyes staring right up at him. “I think there is something wrong with me. Because I know I should hate you, I know I should fight this harder, but I can’t, and I’m not”.
“Why not?” Chris tried to suppress his smirk this time as his other hand came to rest on Jake’s opposite knee as well.
“Because I know I should be scared of you, but instead I’m drawn to you still. I always have been”.
Chris gave Jake’s thighs a gentle squeeze, trying to show him that his touch wasn’t harmful. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, I won’t hurt you”.
Jake knew he must’ve been hysterical at this point, or perhaps he was already under some wicked spell, because he let out a soft laugh which filled the warm room. “I feel like that is exactly what the devil would say to you. I don’t know if I can trust that”.
“And what would your friend say to you to make you trust them again?”
“I don’t know” Jake sighed, the frustration getting to him once more as he covered his eyes with his forearm so he could attempt to think straight. “Trust is earned not given”.
“I can earn your trust again, we’ve got a lot of time. You’ve no reason to be in a hurry anymore”. Chris moved to stand again, pressing his knees to the edge of the bed between Jake’s legs and used one hand to slowly pry the arm away from Jake’s face.
“There really must be something wrong with me” Jake trembled again when Chris didn’t let go of his arm, his nimble fingers smoothing down and around Jake’s wrist, “but if I’m going to hell anyways I might as well make it worth my while, right?”
Without a second thought about what he was doing, Jake grabbed Chris by the collar of his button down and yanked him closer, bridging the small gap between them until their lips were crashing together.
The kiss was desperate and eager, Chris allowing Jake to take command as he bit down on his lip hard enough he tasted the warm metallic of blood. Jake pulled back, expecting to see the fresh wound, but Chris’s lips were perfect as ever, the only evidence there had ever been a tear in the pinkened skin was the lingering taste on Jake’s tongue.
“So, what’s next? Where do I sign?”
It felt like the air in the room shifted, maybe the heater kicked on Jake couldn’t tell, but he felt a warmth growing in the pit of his stomach as Chris silently scooped him up by the small of his back and deposited him back further onto the bed.
Jake immediately wrapped his arms around Chris’s shoulders and pulled him in again, their kiss taking its time now as fingers mindlessly worked on the buttons of each other's shirts.
“We can do this the fast way” Chris softly spoke against the curve of Jake’s neck as he placed kisses there next, sending a shiver down Jake’s spine despite the flush spreading across his chest and brow.
“Or?” Jake dared.
“Or,” he felt Chris’s lips curl into a smile against his jaw, “I can take my time and you can savor this”.
“So you’re going to fuck me then? Is that how this works?” Jake continued to challenge with the tone in his voice and the way he tangled his fingers into the golden locks that framed the face of the figure above him.
Chris answered him with another kiss, a deep kiss that flooded Jake’s senses with the taste of black tea and the smell of the salty ocean. “I’m going to worship you” he continued, his sultry voice smoother than dark chocolate as his hands slipped Jake’s linen shirt off his shoulders and found purchase along his waist. “Tonight will be your first taste of eternity”.
Jake licked his lips, holding his breath as he felt his body starting to tremble again underneath the palms that caressed up his chest then sailed down until they hit shore on the waistband of his pants.
“Wait-” Jake jerked back up when those steady fingers found destination at his button, skillfully slipping the plastic through the hole with one hand.
Chris paused where he was, knowing that Jake would allow him to continue when he regathered his sorts.
“I want to… can I… touch you too?”
Taking one of Jake’s hands in his own, Chris placed his palm against his chest, Jake settling down as he felt the thrumming of a heart beat just behind the rib cage. He somehow hadn’t expected that, but the feeling calmed him, it felt real.
“You’re going to be mine Jake,” he reached over with his other hand and cupped Jake’s face, swiping his thumb over his cheek bone then his lips as Jake’s eyes fluttered closed, “but first that means I’m yours”.
Jake tore Chris’s shirt the rest of the way off his body before removing his own that still barely clung to his frame, capturing him in another kiss as he pressed their now bare chests firmly together.
“Mine?” Jake pulled away for a split second to ask.
“Isn’t that what you want?” Chris answered him with a provocative cock of his brow. “I saw the way you looked at me when you thought no one was watching”.
Resuming his affections Chris placed open mouthed kisses against Jake’s collar now, arms coming around him again as Jake cradled his head against his chest. “The way you wanted me” he continued between kisses that grew harder and deeper, pulling a whimper from deep within Jake’s throat, “made me want you even more”.
“You can have me,” Jake whined when his nipple pebbled over after being played with by a cool wet tongue. “You can have me like this… but let Josh go, and let me live”.
Chris stilled again, lifting his head to look Jake in the eye. “I’m sorry dearest, but that’s not up for debate”.
Jake frowned. He could try begging but he knew it would only damage his character in Chris’s eyes, ultimately getting him nowhere but a little less respect. All that was left now was to accept his fate, and he did that by laying back down and opening his arms.
Chris rejoined him, starting back at his chest and slowly working his way down until Jake was lifting his hips, silently asking for his pants to be removed next. “Do you want me to leave these on for now?” Chris asked as his fingers ghosted the elastic of Jake’s boxer briefs.
“No, I want it all off”.
With that Chris curled his fingers underneath the fabric and pulled both his pants and underwear down past the swell of his hips, Jake pulling his legs free one by one until he was left in absolutely nothing on the bed.
“You’re beautiful even here too” Chris mused as he wrapped his fist firmly around Jake’s already hardened length. He watched closely as he gave a tentative tug, noticing the way Jake’s eyebrows knit at the center when he pressed the pad of his thumb firmly against the underside and followed that prominent vein up to the sensitive head of his tip.
Jake’s back arched slightly off the bed as the strokes grew faster and tighter, bringing him to the edge faster than he would ever admit after the fact.
“Wait, I’m gonna-” he grabbed Chris’s wrist in a feeble attempt to slow him down and at least prolong the inevitable.
“It’s okay, cum for me Jake” Chris commanded, fascinated by the way the man below him squirmed and fought until finally he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Thick ropes of creamy white shot across Jake’s abdomen as Chris worked him through it, waiting until Jake had descended back down from his high before he removed his hand and brought it to his lips to lick his thumb clean.
“So much for not being in a hurry” Jake huffed, sitting up onto his elbows to examine the mess he’d made.
“Don’t worry, we’re not done” Chris smirked, standing from the bed to slip out of his own pants. “Do you have any lube?”
“No” Jake blankly answered as he stared at the man in front of him in awe. His muscular thighs, slim waist and broad shoulders. Even in the near pitch dark he could see him perfectly, golden and nothing short of angelic.
“Do you not come prepared, or did you use it all?” His smile grew wider as he noticed Jake staring.
Jake rolled his eyes, but that was really just an excuse to avoid eye contact before a blush could spread across his face. “I usually keep it in my overnight bag, but before we got on the flight to come overseas I forgot it was too big to bring in my carry-on” he explained. “I had to throw it away. Sam made fun of me for three days”.
Jake felt the bed dip as Chris crawled back over to him. “That’s alright, we can just use this” with two fingers Chris started to gather up Jake’s cum from his stomach. “We don’t want to let it go to waste anyways, do we?”
A whimper slipped from Jake next as Chris positioned himself between his legs, moving his cum slicked fingers towards his entrance. “What? Did you want a taste first?”
Jake had never once thought about wanting to taste himself, but he still felt his head nodding as his pupils blew wide when we watched Chris bring his hand back to his mouth and lick just a small amount dripping from his middle finger, preserving the rest for its other intended purpose. Holding it there on his tongue Chris leaned back over and Jake opened his mouth willingly, their tongues dancing together for a moment of distraction as his fingers went back to massage his hole. Once he was slicked up Chris pressed the first inside, coaxing a groan from Jake that he swallowed down.
“Good, that’s it” he praised as he worked that finger in and out, only pushing deeper after he felt Jake fluttering around him then relaxing. He took his time working him open, adding a second finger only when he was ready, and then slowly a third until Jake was thrashing around again.
“Mmm, need more” he panted, a glistening of sweat collecting across his brow and underneath his lip.
Chris retreated his third finger, then pushed inside harder and as deep as he could, hooking his two fingers until he was reaching somewhere deep inside.
“Fuck!” Jake moaned sinfully, back arching off the bed again as his now neglected cock lay hard and leaking again.
With the spot that made him see stars found, Chris stayed there committing its precarious location to memory until Jake was gripping his thigh, digging his blunt nails in as hard as he could.
“You said your mine..” Jake managed to gasp out between moans.
“Yes?” Chris concurred, though he questioned Jake’s intention for bringing it up now.
He squeezed Chris’s thigh again, craning his neck to try and get a look at him, still looking calm and collected as Jake gradually unraveled piece by piece.
“I want you”.
Chris chuckled, giving a few more calling motions of his fingers before he slowly pulled them free and lifted one of Jake's legs to his shoulder. “I want nothing more” he confessed as well, turning his lips to the shaking knee he held and peppering kisses there until he felt Jake wiggling his hips.
“Someone is still impatient” he taunted, but shifted to line himself up anyways, quickly losing his own patience as Jake gave into desire.
Jake’s jaw went slack as his body fought the first couple of inches, but soon he was melting back into the mattress and Chris was sliding all the way inside.
“I feel… so full” Jake groaned, waiting to adjust to the size he was taking before he reached over and pulled Chris down for another taste of that rich darkness.
There was no need to express readiness, they could both feel the tension give way as Chris started to rock his hips forward, Jake throwing his head back onto the pillows in bliss. Free again, Chris leaned back and angled his thrusts upwards, nailing Jake right in that special spot he’d found earlier.
“Right there?” Chris provoked with another harder pointed thrust, sending Jake into a fit of moans and desperate grasps of the sheets beneath him.
“Right fucking there” he managed to respond coherently, his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth hanging open as he gasped for air between the noises that tore their way from his throat.
Suddenly the rocking of the bed Jake hadn’t even registered was pounding into the wall behind them stopped, and before he could express his dismay Chris was scooping him up by his underarms and lifting him into his lap.
“You want me? Take me” Chris instructed, picking away the strands of hair around Jake’s mouth and brow that had clung to his sweat.
Jake swallowed hard then wrapped his legs around Chris’s waist, placing his hands against his shoulders and leveraging himself just right to begin to bounce up and down. Chris grabbed two handfuls of Jake’s ass, groping him more than he helped. Jake didn’t mind, he was faring just fine as he slipped one hand between their bodies and started to stroke himself along.
“I’m gonna cum again” he whimpered, feeling his cock twitching wildly in his hand as it worked to produce once more.
“This is only going to sting for a moment” Chris whispered, his words confusing and just barely comprehensible to Jake who was working so hard to get himself back on that edge of darkness.
A sting did come, sharp hot pain coming from his chest as Chris used the nail of his thumb to carve an X into Jake’s skin.
“No!” He cried out, tears falling from the corners of his eyes as the shock of it all ripped him from his impending orgasm. His chest tightened, lungs fighting for air as his blood seared in his veins. “I can’t breathe, Chris I can’t breathe!”
“Shhh,” Chris soothed, kissing at his jaw and exposed throat until he started to lap away at the open wound, collecting droplets of blood and sweat with each flick of his tongue. “It’s over, you did so good”.
He moved Jake’s hand that had stopped working over himself and started up where he’d left off, pulling more sobs from Jake as his body shook from all the sensations it just had to withstand.
“Are you going to give me one more?”
Jake glanced down, realizing only now that he had already come again, but he was still painfully hard and needing more relief. He tossed his head from side to side, boarding on over stimulation when his thumb began to pass back over his slit with firm pressure.
“I think you can Jake” Chris encouraged him, stopping his thrusts to focus his attention between them.
Jake’s grip on Chris’s shoulder tightened as he felt his muscles lock into place. He stared down at himself, amazed as he came for a third time, the creamy substance just barely leaking from his tip in between Chris’s fingers.
They sat still for a while as Jake caught his breath, then Chris gently lowered him back onto the bed.
“Rest, your body is going to be weak” he kissed Jake’s temple, smoothing his hair again as Jake laid there limp and completely spent.
Jake worried what he was supposed to do now, but those worries faded away when his eyelids grew heavy and sleep took him into its comforting embrace.
A banging at his door woke him.
“Jake come on, late check out it at 3” the sound of Josh’s voice seeped into his hotel room.
He sat up in the bed, weary of what was going on around him and the state he’d been left in last night. When he stood though he found that despite some wobbly legs he’d been cleaned up and tucked into bed safely.
“Jake!” Josh banged again.
“Hold on!” Jake hollered back, grabbing the hotel robe from the bathroom before opening the door to see his twin starting to grow frantic with worry.
“Are you alright?” Josh glanced around the room, not noticing anything out of place but still suspicious nonetheless.
“I’m fine” Jake answered him, clutching the robe closed tightly across his chest. He remembered all of what had happened last night up until falling asleep.
“Well, are you going to get ready? We kind of have a flight to catch. You can sleep on the plane home”.
“Yeah, just let me shower real quick. I’ll meet you guys down there at 3 ok?”
Josh’s eyes narrowed. He could sense something was off, but more importantly when he woke up this morning the pain and the scar on his palm was gone. “Okay, but hurry up we can’t be late this time”.
Jake assured him he would be down in time and shut the door before hurrying back into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, mentally preparing to see a large ugly fresh wound on his chest, but when he slowly peeled the robe back he was met only with a faint scar. His fingertips traced the lines, the X carved into him marking the deal he’d made.
After the shower he dressed in something comfortable for the airport, always dreading the long haul flights even in the comfort of their upgraded seats they were now able to afford.
He made his way down the hallway, suitcase and overnight bag both in hand, his mind racing with thoughts of last night while he waited for the elevator to deposit him onto the lobby floor.
Sam and Danny had apparently managed to get up early to grab breakfast and were already packed away and ready in the van to take them to the airport, but Josh waited behind to make sure Jake made it.
“Hey, can I talk to you real quick?” Jake asked him, knowing they needed to have this conversation in private before getting onto the van with the others.
“Sure” Josh replied, staying seated on the couch in the small lounge by the front desk.
Jake sighed, he didn’t know how to break it to him easily so instead he just came right out with it. “Chris was in my room last night when I left you”.
Josh shifted in his seat, anger and betrayal and sorrow flooding his thoughts, but he maintained his composure out here in the open. “I had a feeling”.
“Really?” Jake questioned, sitting down next to Josh and taking his hand, not even remembering that it had been bothering him before.
“Yeah, I’m free now. I can feel it” he turned his hand over in Jake’s, showing the clear skin no longer adorned with his mark. “You made the deal with him didn’t you?”
Jake thought for a moment, things clicking in his head as he realized that if Josh had made a deal first then did that mean he and Chris had… “What happened when he met with you? In the hospital I mean?”
Josh squirmed again, it wasn’t something he liked to reminisce on considering he’d blocked the memory out for so long he’d even managed to convince himself it was never real in the first place. “We went into a room,” Josh began, eyes growing distant like he was picturing it now. “He told me what the deal was. You would make a recovery and in exchange I would lose my voice in four years. When I agreed he used his thumb and cut my hand like this” Josh used his finger to trace the invisible X. “Then he kissed me”.
Jake physically recoiled a little bit, so what he feared was true?
“And then he left. I went back to your room and fell asleep. When I woke up the nurses were rushing in because you were regaining consciousness”.
“He just left? Did you see him again?”
“No”. Josh shook his head. He hadn’t wanted to see him again, not ever, and certainly not last night.
“So you and him… you didn’t?”
Josh looked over at Jake, not following where he was going.
Jake lowered his voice in case curious ears had come looking for them. “You didn’t sleep with him?”
“What? No!” Josh immediately responded, then his eyes grew wide. “Wait, did you?”
“It doesn’t matter”. Jake jumped up and grabbed his room key out of his back pocket to return to the desk, “come on, let’s go”. Josh followed behind him trying to get him to answer his question but Jake only ignored him.
“Jacob Kiszka?” The clerk asked when he handed in the key. “This was left here for you”.
He handed over a letter, just like the one he’d gotten after the show. It had to be from Chris. Jake tore the letter open, eyes scanning the contents quickly.
“Well?” Josh dropped the last subject, more concerned with what Jake was reading now.
“I’m not coming home” Jake spoke shortly as he read the letter over once more.
“My flights were changed. I’m staying in Europe during the break. To work on the new band”.
Josh was slightly relieved, he was afraid Jake was being taken away from them already even though from what he’d heard last night their deal was Jake wouldn’t have to do the devil's bidding as long as he still toured.
“He can’t just do that can he? That wasn’t what you discussed at the bar. He can’t just-” Josh tried to figure out how to prevent Jake from staying, but he felt powerless knowing who he was up against.
“It’s ok” Jake steadied his brother with a hand on his shoulder as he folded the letter and kept it in his pocket. “Don’t worry, I’m staying. We will work and record, and by Spring time I’ll be back ready to finish out this tour. We’ve still got projects we’re working on, hell Danny’s already convinced everyone we’ve got another album ready to go. I won’t be disappointing anyone”.
Josh let out a long exhale. He wanted to fight this, tell Jake he had to come home, but what he saw in Jake’s eyes told him he could trust that he would soon enough. Jake was excited, he’d always had more he wanted to share, more music he wanted to produce outside the realm of what they had already established together in their band of brothers. Maybe this was going to be good for him, as backwards and fucked up as that did sound- starting a band with the devil.
“Call me, anytime for any reason”. Josh demanded, throwing himself onto Jake and wrapping his arms tightly around his midsection.
“Of course, I’ll see you soon. Make up something to tell Sam and Jake for me okay?”
Josh nodded, wiping his face dry against Jake’s jacket.
St. Louis - spring 2024
Everyone was more than excited when Jake returned home. Of course Sam and Danny wanted to hear everything about what he’d been up to while staying behind in Europe.
Jake told them stories of the places he’d stayed. The countryside they’d traveled, and the sites he’d seen all in the interest of gaining inspiration for the new band - Mirador.
He recounted large English mansions that housed their own recording studios he’d spent hours in writing and recording, leaving out all the extra time he’d spent fucking his new bandmate between sessions.
With what little time they’d had, it all came together just in time to start opening on the spring leg of the Starcatcher tour. They didn’t have a full finished record yet, but the announcement was made anyways. There was no turning back now, not that there ever really was.
Jake took the stage, Chris watching him in his element with a smile on his face. Everyone in the crowd waited with baited breath, excitement filling their souls as the first notes they played together rang loudly through the stadium and Jake stepped up to the mic…
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