#Star Trek daily drawing challenge
axelmedellin · 9 months
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Daily drawing 3 august 2023
August ladies, day 3. Jaylah, from Star Trek Beyond
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starsartrepository · 11 days
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In an effort to improve my very rusty skills, I have given myself a daily sketch challenge. I made a spinning wheel full of favorite characters from film and television. Today's winner is Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
There's a lot I could critique, but I'm not mad about it.
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hrisrizz · 8 months
On day 11 I sketched my headache at that moment.
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biti-illust · 2 years
[Inktober] [StarTrek:TOS]
ChibiTober (day1~10)
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My first time joining inktober challenge!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I was originally intended to join the “TrekTober” since I’m a huge Star Trek fan, but my daily life is too busy to draw complicated subjects everyday, so I created my own subject “ChibiTober”, drawing 1 character a day with my chibi style, and I already know most of the characters will come from Star Trek🤣
I post my inktober challenge on my IG (@koi.illust.studio) story everyday, but will repost them on here and my IG wall. This is the day1~day10, all characters are from Star Trek TOS, I’ll start to draw another ST series from day11, come seeing them on my IG story!
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
i’m looking through the videos for the art challenge thing i’ve been watching for inspiration for my daily drawings. Basically each day this guy tells you what to draw and then after you draw it you get to see what he drew for the challenge. i’ve decided i’m just not interested in doing the actual challenge so i’ve been watching the videos straight without doing the drawings. (and if there’s an idea to inspire me i’ll add it to a list of prompts for myself)
One of the challenge prompts was “draw something you’re passionate about.” i don’t know what i expected when he revealed what he drew but it wasn’t QUARK from STAR TREK….
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The Difference Between Camping And Glamping
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For many, daydreams of a break from the daily grind conjure up images of lake shores and vistas, of babbling brooks and tree-lined trails. A desire to spend free time in the great outdoors is at the forefront of many minds. So when you have some time to plan a vacation, however long it may be, you plan to be under the sun and stars. The details of how you may choose to do it, however, can range far and wide.
WHAT IS CAMPING? Some of us are chasing a challenge that is the polar opposite of our comfortable lifestyles. We may find the most excitement by stripping life down to the bare essentials, or we may require a few extra creature comforts to make the trip more tolerable. But no matter what the trip requires, we call it camping.
What do we need to survive? For some, this statement drives every choice when planning for an adventure. You may have a backpack, a tent, some simple rations, a pair of sturdy boots, water and a sleeping bag or a hammock. For others, this may mean a few more amenities like clean drinking water and a hot shower at the end of a long day full of fun, adventure and time with family.
Or, maybe you don’t need to trek over summits and ravines to have a perfect time outdoors. You have a nice, comfortable tent big enough to stand in, a cooler and some camp chairs. Your idea of roughing it at a campsite is just as valid — your adventure is realized simply by being outside, relaxing by a campfire, brought alive by leaving so much of the modern world behind you.
For many, some degree of roughing encapsulates the draw of the outdoors. The simplest of simple lives, the break from distractions and the opportunity to unplug and be in the moment make camping an ideal break from everyday life. But for others, a popular movement that offers additional creature comforts is the perfect way to experience the outdoors.
WHAT IS GLAMPING? “Glamping,” short for glamorous camping, has become a mainstay of outdoor recreation over the past decade. If your essentials list contains things such as a real mattress, running water or an actual toilet, you can still find numerous options that bridge the gap between traditional camping and the comforts of home. Here are just a few examples of such opportunities:
Camping Cabins: These offer a roof over your head, four walls and a bed to sleep in. No need to worry about packing a tent or an air mattress.
Deluxe Cabins: Deluxe Cabins offer the same convenience of a Camping Cabin and also include a private bathroom. Some also include additional features such as kitchenettes, bed linens and more. 
Tree Houses: No matter what age you are, there is something inherently appealing about tree houses. And while you may have had one in your youth, modern tree houses are a stunning way to have a unique experience outdoors. Fully enclosed, with all the familiar amenities, you can’t beat the view through upscale camping in a tree house.
Safari Tents: You’ve no doubt seen these in movies, perched in some exotic location and offering a comfortable existence to adventurers away from home. Why not try renting one for yourself? With many featuring furniture, electricity, fully functioning kitchens and storage, safari tents are a perfect marriage between comfort and adventure.
While “cabin glamping” has become more popular, you can also try more unique glamping options like staying in a resort tent if you’re looking for something new!
Glamping is becoming increasingly popular due to the rise in nature and eco-tourism - resorts are options for luxurious tented accommodation units that cause minimal to no disturbance to the surrounding environment. These luxury resort tents blend in with nature and offer something out of the world to vacationers. . . . . Shared from https://luxuriouslivinginnature.weebly.com/blog/the-difference-between-camping-and-glamping
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aerialworms-art · 7 months
Trektober/Spocktober 2023!
Fuck it, I've decided to tackle a -tober drawing challenge for the first time in 4 years! I'm gonna be doing a combo of Trektober (Star Trek themed prompts) and Spocktober (Spock every day!), since my brain is on Star Trek lockdown atm.
In previous years, I've gotten about a week in and given up. I tried the official Inktober (2017 prompt list) in September 2018, then actual Inktober in 2018, then also in 2019, and the farthest I got was day 8 (Sept. 2018). I think my failure was due to being like "Yeah I'll just draw whatever strikes me each day, it's cool if I paint or use markers or--" and getting completely overwhelmed.
So, this year, I am setting some guidelines for myself:
Only inks. Literally just pen and ink. Nothing else.
Well, I'm allowed to do pencil undersketches. But those are only allowed to take 15 minutes, and the inking is only allowed to take 15 minutes, for a total of 30 minutes for each prompt (that way if I fall behind it shouldn't take too long to catch up... I hope...)
Thumbnailing ideas in advance. Takes the pressure off of sketching!
Set page size and notebook: all of these are gonna be A5 and in my main multimedia sketchbook so that if I want to paint them later I can
Post once weekly. In previous years I was trying to post every day, which was stressful and irritating, so instead I'm gonna post them in batches of seven. Or maybe four, actually. Uhhhh. We'll see??
The time limit is not happening, we're just going on vibes
I'm gonna post daily instead but with a delay so I can queue posts in advance
My main goals this October are:
To have fun :3
To get used to finishing drawings
To get used to posting them, too!
To have fun :3
To improve my sketching and lineart skills
To end up with a bunch of finished drawings (of Spock!!!) :3
To let go of a bit of my perfectionism
If this goes to shit and I don't get it all done, I'm still gonna be happy I tried. This is a warning to future me. Don't be a dick.
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legate-reblogs · 4 years
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February starts for Uhura challenge. List by @timelordofmanynames
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timelordandhisart · 4 years
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yarroaroon · 4 years
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2. Speak like a girl. 
3. Fight like a girl.
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thesugarcubegoblin · 4 years
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Fully functional <3
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olivrsm · 5 years
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starsartrepository · 16 hours
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Today was Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy from Star Trek (The Original Series).
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xanexcaligula · 4 years
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DSC 8-25-20 Dr. McCoy
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sagiow · 3 years
“The Confederacy Strikes Back”: The Making Of
In a country far, far away North, late on a frozen, frigid December night... a lone writer sits down with her older-issued, low-batteried creative droid and a simple mission.
BR41N, we should really do something for the Mercy Street Advent challenge... let's see, what’s tomorrow’s crossover… Star Wars? Hmmm. We know Star Wars. Well, kinda. 
Well, a little. 
Well, a whole lot more than Star Trek, at least.
I say we give it a shot… OK, BR41N, give us a crossover!
404 Not Found
What, why? Come on, BR41N. You just take someone from Story A, you put it in Story B, you get Story C. Crossover. Easy peasy.
422 Unprocessable Entity
Please. Just one theme. Two characters. 100 words. No plot. Do it. Please.
415 Unsupported Media Type
OK fine, I know we typically go longish with tons of dialogue, but we ain’t got time for that. We just need a tiny little Civil Star War drabble, stat.
408 Request Timeout
No, it’s a daily challenge and it’s already 10 PM. I know you're tired from the MHMM marathon, but no timeout until you spit me out an idea. We gotta write this NOW.
418 I'm a teapot
Oh fuck off, BR41N.
You know what, fiiiiiine, forget it: we’ll take the lazy person’s way out since you’re obviously not cooperating.
Get Star Wars script from Internet
Cast Mercy Street characters in it
That should work.
101 Switching Protocol
Thank you. Ok so which Star Wars?
300 Multiple Choice
I know, there’s like 20 of them. Let’s go old school. Original three. Uugh it’s been a while…What’s the best scene? Best pairing? Most iconic line?
429 Too Many Requests
I KNOW. OK let’s go Han & Leia. Can’t go wrong with Han & Leia. “I love you / I know”, The Empire Strikes Back. Works for you, BR41N?
426 Upgrade Required
Upgrade?! It’s a classic! But fine, maybe we should quickly skim the full script. Maybe there’s something else in there that will be a bubbling pool of BR41N-exploding inspiration.
404 Not Found
So that was a semi-wasted half-hour… I thought there was plenty of good, but nooooo, nothing good enough for you. So back to Han & Leia, “I love you / I know”. Simple. Who do we cast in those roles?
428 Precondition Required
Preconditions... well, we need someone for Leia who’s reticent to admit they’re into Han, and finally spits it out when he’s about to get… what was the name of that again? And we need someone for Han that’s a bit of a… shit, what was it he called himself in that “dirty hands” scene?
507 Insufficient Storage
Ah, Carbonite. And a Scoundrel. Nice... hmmm that first kiss is also a pretty awesome scene… should I do that instead?
303 See Other
Or maybe the first one, where she confronts him about leaving? It does have that “I’d rather kiss a Wookie” that would translate great to “I’d rather kiss a Yankee”… And Emma as Rebel Princess is pretty on the nose. So that would make Henry… Hen Solo!! LOL wiiiiin.
303 See Other
But Henry is never the more emotionally available of these two, it’s the other way around… And “scoundrel” is rather very Jed, isn’t it? Not Henry at all… and that first kiss scene is Peak Phoster. Maybe Mary’s fixing something -someONE?- and Jed comes in, and their hands being dirty means bloody, and her being flustered and liking “nice men”…. And then her running off when C3PO -damnit, who is C3PO gonna be?!- barges in and reality sink back in, it’s so Phinnian…
303 See Other
But isn’t that kinda… expected? Even boring? I guess everybody expects us to go Phoster (or Haliza. NO, BR41N. Not going there tonight.) Who else…. OOOOOOH Samuel and Charlotte!
508 Loop Detected 
Yes, back to the first scene, with Sam as Han Solo (Sam Solo!) and Charlotte as Rebel Princess of the Contraband Camp (even if the name does not work at all)! But who cares, it might work overall! And Han/Sam wanting to leave the camp to go… to medical school! Totally canon. And Charlotte is always the more distant one in this relationship! Yes!
409 Conflict
What do you mean, conflict? We don’t have to care about that damn middle scene with them and Luke. It’s a drabble, damn you.
307 Temporary Redirect
OK can we make it work with that damn middle scene with Luke and that “scruffy-looking-nerf-herder” gem. In which Han/Sam brags about her admitting her feeling, and Charlotte ends up kissing Luke instead. 
...who the fuck is Luke in this? Shit, who the fuck is Darth Vader?!
506 Variant Also Negotiates
I think Emma should be Luke. Fighting the Dark Side of Slavery, finding her inner Force… yes I like that.
That would make Darth Vader…. JANE GREEN. HA!
And Yoda…. MATRON! LOL Emma struggling around in a swamp with a tiny, backwards-speaking Matron on her back! someone should soooo draw that.
409 Conflict
Come on, it’s not a conflict, Charlotte would totally kiss Emma to prove the point that Sam knows nothing about women. Totally. But then I have to cast the others in that scene.
308 Permanent Redirect
Sooooo….. Chewie the Wookie becomes… Henry the Yankee! Hehehe... they are both as talented in using their words.
102 Processing
Annnnnd…. Anne Hastings as C3PO!!! They’re both British, like yellow and talk a lot.
102 Processing
Byron Hale as Lando Calrissian! Smooth, treacherous sonofabitch who throws Sam under the bus to save his ass.
102 Processing
R2D2… little thing that chimes prettily and follows them around…. Nurse Isabella?
102 Processing
202 Accepted
Hell yeah, we might finally have something of a plan… now to writing it… what time is it?...
Hell no. 12:21. 
And Fuck! Phoster! I forgot Phoster! AAARRRGH!
504 Gateway Timeout
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
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Anonymous asked: Like many from across the pond in the USA I have been astonished at the amazing story of Captain Tom Moore who at the age of 99 years old walked back and forth across his garden to raise a fantastic amount of money for your national health service (NHS) and into the hearts of your nation. It’s the kind of eccentricity we love about the British. The British media referred to him as Captain Tom Moore so as a former army veteran yourself I wanted to know do you get to use your officer rank after you retire from the British Army? Did you keep your rank after you did your time?
For those who don’t know who Captain Tom Moore is let me briefly recap. On 6 April 2020, at the age of 99, Captain Tom Moore - an army veteran of the Second World War - began to walk around his garden in aid of NHS Charities Together during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of raising £1,000 by his 100th birthday. By 26 April he had raised over £29 million. He quickly became a popular household name in the United Kingdom generating much interest in his life story, and earned a number of accolades. After the his amazing feat, he featured in a cover version of the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone” with proceeds going to the same charity. The song topped the UK music charts and made him the oldest person to ever achieve a UK number one. At present there are plans to celebrate his 100th birthday with the honour of a RAF flypast and a postmark. There is also public pressure for the Queen to knight him - a worthy honour indeed.
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I would use many superlatives to describe what Captain Tom Moore’s did - heroic, marvellous, and bloody brilliant comes to mind - but one thing I would never call what he did is eccentric. There is nothing eccentric in his outstanding example. Rather I think it typifies the British character to a tee. I think the way the British people have responded to Captain Tom Moore’s heroic example is partly indicative of how the British still like to see themselves in a time of acute crisis. His example rightly inspires many and reminds us of who we are too. Forgive me but my intent is not to sound too jingoistic because I’m also broadly impressed with how the French have responded to this crisis (since I live in Paris) with being good and helpful neighbours and showing grace and easy humour; indeed every night at 8pm sharp we residents all over France faithfully clap from our open windows and balconies in support of front line workers. The French, like the wonderful singing Italians and the other Europeans, have their own strength of character to get through this awful pandemic.
Perhaps it may sound corny to some but to me it gives me faith that even as Britain has gone through a bitter fight over Brexit and our uncertain place in the world I know that when disaster strikes us all with our backs are against the wall we come together. We don’t panic. We just get on with it with little fuss. Keep calm and carry on is more than a meme. If you don’t believe me Captain Tom Moore’s example is one of many people from all walks of life doing what they can to raise money for charity. There are so many people who have taken the creative initiative to do what they can to raise money for the work of our amazing front line workers (doctors and nurses and support staff). Some are doing online challenges - push ups or squats for charity. I know of many veterans who have responded to the call to come back and support the NHS. My eldest brother, a veteran, has been a volunteering with Team Rubicon UK, a military veteran charity, who are now helping to co-ordinate other veteran volunteers to use their skills to support hospitals in the logistics of delivery of medical and food supplies. There are so many mini-Captain Tom Moore’s out there. It’s heart warming.
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And so to your question.
Do British military veterans keep their rank after they leave or retire? It’s complicated. There’s no legal reason why they can’t, but the more junior the officer rank, the more gauche and pretentious doing so it is perceived as.
In the old days - according to my grandfather who was a very senior officer in the army - customs were dictated by social class. A commissioned officer such as Lieutenant was considered to be a Gentleman and therefore allowed to use two titles: either ‘Mister’ or ‘Lieutenant’. The rank of Gentleman is considered to be socially superior and so Subalterns (2nd and 1st Lieutenants) were generally referred to as Mr Smith, rather than Lt Smith, even when they are still serving. Once they left the Army these junior officers would drop their socially inferior rank and go with being addressed as ‘Mister’. If an officer became a Captain then he was considered equal in rank to an Esquire and so a Captain was never addressed as ‘Mister’. But using the title Captain after leaving the army was also seen as gauche and so many didn’t - unless others showed them that due deference rather than they insisting upon it.
When we get to the more senior ranks the customs change. Senior field officers like a Major or Colonel were allowed to use their rank after they retired. You quite often found a Maj (Ret’d) Smith, for example, working for a military charity or writing angry letters to the Daily Telegraph or the Times or even more popularly turning up in a Agatha Christie drawing room murder mystery.
When an officer becomes a General officer - from Brigadier (one star general) onwards to Field Marshal - they retain their rank in retirement from the army because they really have earned it.
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So all this old school but I think the the rule of thumb used today is that anyone using their rank below the rank of Major is considered bad form.
These days almost no ex-officer retires from the world of work. No one really gives up work and becomes a pensioner, pottering about in the garden or playing golf. Many of course move into a second career, where it simply is not the custom to be addressed by your rank in your new civilian place of work. I suppose an exception might be the private security and defence industry where rank is a signifier of experience and professional competence.
I know I have never used my officer rank in my civilian life as I don’t think it’s socially appropriate nor advantageous to do so in my line of work (no one would frankly care). Of course it comes up in social settings or when I’m entertaining corporate clients but I swat it aside as quickly as it’s raised by downplaying it. I feel genuine embarrassment because even if they are ignorant of this military etiquette faux pas, I am not - and that bothers my conscience.
In the village my parents live there is a retired brigadier and retired general and everyone, including myself, have gone out of our way to address them as such out of respect.
In the building I live here in Paris one of my French neighbours who lives below me is a retired highly decorated army general. I always address him as ‘mon Général’ out of deference.
He has crusty aristocratic manners and can come across as a fussy old fart. He’s a widower and a proud old soldier seasoned in the bloodiest of wars. He’s not easy to warm to but the effort is worthwhile.
I volunteered to get him his food shopping during this pandemic and at first he was too proud to ask but I persisted. And he’s very particular about his food and so I have to trek to particular boutique shops to satisfy his gourmand palate.
He scowled in polite disapproval when I told him I was in the army and saw action as he’s old school and doesn’t believe women should serve on the front line. But gradually I have been winning him over. I sometimes cook for him or he cooks for me and we chat about military history and politics and we play chess regularly (whilst respecting social distance). We have big disagreements about certain battles or military campaigns for instance but he respects that I can hold my ground….until he pulls rank on me when he’s clearly backed into a corner (!) but again out of deference I let him have the last say as I bow down to ‘mon Général’.
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It’s interesting to note that Princess Anne’s former husband Captain Mark Phillips was often derided for choosing to use his military rank in civilian life. But I’ve been told by Donkey Walloper** officer friends that cavalry etiquette is unique to their horsemen heritage and so it was common for Cavalry officers to keep their rank into retirement.
Now to get back to Captain Tom Moore. He has never served in the Cavalry regiments because as I understand it he served with the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment and later with the Royal Armoured Corps. So I suspect the newspaper media were ignorant of the existing etiquette and basically mainstreamed his veteran status and labelled him as Captain Tom Moore. No harm no foul as they say. Because in my book after his walking heroics he can call himself whatever he likes. Truth be told I hope he does get knighted because he is deserving of it.
Thanks for your question.
**Donkey Wallopers is the nickname of cavalry regiments.
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