#Sugawara Tenmangu
kyotodreamtrips · 2 months
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The Sugawara Tenmangu shrine (菅原天満宮) in Nara, had a special room with bonsai plum blossoms, on display.
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macleod · 1 year
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sou fujimoto crowns temporary shrine in japan with planted bent roof
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is the head shrine of Tenmangu shrines in Japan that permanently enshrines the spirit of Sugawara no Michizane, who is widely revered as the god of learning, culture, art, and sincerity. The shrine is worshiped not only all over Japan but also around the world, and nearly 10 million worshipers visit it annually.
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dajkag · 1 year
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Szóval ma megint kifejezetten szentélylátogató napot tartottam. Az első hely a Yushima Tenmangu szentély volt, ahol több másik szentélyhez hasonlóan ahol már Oszakában és Kiotóban is jártam, Sugawara no Michizane (Tenjin) Kamija lakik. A szentély leginkább a diákok körében népszerű, akik sikeres vizsgákért szoktak itt imádkozni. Itt egész sokan voltak ezen a szép szombat délelőttön, de meglepő módon magamon kívül kizárólag csak japánokat láttam. Egy nagyon szép, rendezett szentély, gyönyörű parkkal és a világ legjóságosabb arcú bikaszobrával. A Sugawara no Michizane-nek szentelt szentélyekben egyébként azért találhatók meg a bikaszobrok, mert a legenda szerint a költőt halála után egy ökrösszekér húzta a hintót. A bika azonban egy helyen hirtelen megállt, és nem volt hajlandó továbbmenni. Sugawara no Michizane-t később ezen a helyen, Fukoukában temették el, ahol később a Dazaifu Tenmangu szentélyt emelték.
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A következő két szentély a Gojoten Jinja és a Hanazono Inari Jinja volt, amelyek gyakorlatilag egy területen találhatók az Ueno Parkban. A Gojoten Jinja három Kamija Okuninushi, Sukunabikona, és Sugawara no Michizane, itt tehát főként betegségekből való felgyógyulásért és sikeres vizsgákért imádkoznak a látogatók. A Hanazono Inari Jinja pedig egy gyönyör kis Inari szentély, sok karmazsinvörös toriival. Mindkét szentély nagyon kellemes és nyugodt hangulatú, a sok turista ellenére is. Így a cseresznyevirágzás idején pedig különösen gyönyörűek.
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Végül pedig a Kanda-Myojin szentélyban voltam, ami egy minden szempontból lenyűgöző hely. Egyrészt építészetileg, másrészt az 1300 éves múltja miatt, végül pedig azért, mert itt láttam először omamori automatát. Ez a szentély egyébként arról is híres, hogy mivel a tech-világ egyik középpontjában, Akihabarában található, így akár az elektronikai cikkeink védelme érdekébe is vásárolhatunk itt omamorit.
Egyébként édesanyám gyakran mondogatta nekem fiatalkoromban, hogy "hülye vagy, fiam", amit egy ideje nem mondott, mert szerintem azt hiszi, hogy így 30 felett már nem vagyok annyira hülye, de hát az a helyzet, hogy hazafelé betévedtem egy bolhapiacra az Ueno Parkban, ahol a napi (vagy inkább a heti) büdzsém maradékát két dologra verhettem el: az egyik egy Yamato Transport kisautó, a másik pedig az olcsó kimonóárus portékája volt. Szóval hát az a helyzet, hogy kicsit fáj a szívem a kisautó miatt, de belegondoltam, hogy csak 35 éves leszek idén, úgyhogy hirtelen felindulásból vettem egy haorit, ami amúgy szerintem kurva jól néz ki, de így igazából ötletem nincs, hogy mikor és hová tudnám én ezt felvenni, pláne, hogy egy rendes kimono szetthez most akkor minimum egy olcsó nagagit is szereznem kellene obival meg ilyenekkel. DE amúgy annyira kényelmes anyaga van, hogy beszarsz.
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Igen, persze, nyilván tudom, hogy nem így kell hordani, csak úgy felkaptam mutatóba a pólóra és a mackóalsóra, kövezzetek meg. Mazsom-san sokkal elegánsabb nálam.
Ja, amúgy ez a tízezredik posztom.
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heartshinebeauty · 9 months
Tenjin Matsuri 天神祭
Today we are celebrating Tenjin Matsuri 天神祭 which literally means "The Festival of the Heavenly Gods".
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The festival honors the deity of scholarship Sugawara Michizane 菅原 道真. 
He was a scholar, poet, and politician of the Heian period.
He is regarded as an excellent poet, particularly in Kanshi poetry 漢詩 and is today revered in Shinto as the kami 神 of learning.
Many Shinto shrines in Japan are dedicated to him. 
Michizane had an exceptional talent in both Kanshi, poetry in Chinese, and Waka, poetry in Japanese.
His primary interest was Kanshi because in those days the immersion in Chinese culture was regarded as a proof of refinement and scholarship.
Since his excellence in Kanshi was well known throughout the Court, Emperor Daigo suggested him to compile his Chinese poetry. And therefore he published Kanke Bunso 菅家文草 and dedicated it to the Emperor in 900.
 After his exile he continued to work on Kanshi and compiled them into the Kanke Koshu 菅家後集 it contains 46 Kanshi and was completed sometime before his death in 903.
Tenjin Matsuri is a spectaculair festival celebrated on the 24th and 25th of July in many places around Japan. 
One of the places is at Tenmangu Shrine 天満宮 at Kitaku, Osaka.
Tenmangu Shrine was built in 949 by the order of Emperor Murakami. And it's one of the many many shrines dedicated to Sugawara Michizane. 
The origin of this festival dates back to 951, two years after the foundation of the shrine. When kamihoko, a portable shrine with a halberd on its top, was released into the river near the shrine and a temporary funeral hall was built at the place where the kamihoko washed ashore.
 Local people who worshiped at the shrine rode on boats and welcomed the arrival of the kamihoko, which was said to mark the beginning of the festival.
The first day of the festival begins with the Yoimiya festival to pray for the success of the Hokonagashi ceremony. 
It is followed by the actual ceremony in which the sacred halberd is released from the Hokonagashi bridge at the sound of a ryuteki 龍笛 flute. 
On the following day the spirit of the Tenjin deity is transferred to a portable shrine called mikoshi 神輿 and paraded around for about 4km from the Tenmangu Shrine to the point of embarkation attended by as many as 3,000 festival participants. Mikoshi is then transferred onto a boat and accompanied by a 100 more river boats. While it moves towards the Naka river to the Okawa river with amazing fireworks overhead.
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maidoookini · 2 years
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This is totally one of the Osaka traditional scenaries in July. Tenjin Matsuri, festival, is held by Osaka Tenmangu shrine. Sugawara Michizane is enshrined there and it has had more than 1000 years of history. #osaka #tenjinmatsuri #traditionalfestival https://www.instagram.com/p/CgbrBb2P-Yu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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japanicus-nerdus · 4 months
Photo of the Day: Dazaifu Starbucks
Starbucks in Japan seem to be a little different than here in the States. I have come across several specially designed stores in Japan outside of the normal Starbucks fare. This one is along a promenade leading up to Tenmangu Shrine, a very popular shrine.  The shrine is dedicated to scholars. The deity was actually a real person, Sugawara Michizane. He had been exiled to Kyushu, where he ended…
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discopomp · 4 months
0000 Warbunton Shrine | 0001 Doroshi Hachimangu | 0002 Hamamura Shrine
0003 Katakana Shrine | 0004 Mishima Shrine | 0005 Bazumitama-sha
0006 pomponne Shrine | 0007 Eifuku Shrine | 0008 Eifuku Temple
0009 Cue Gri Jinja | 0010 Princess Shrine | 0011 Tonarino Shrine
0012 Laem Shrine | 0013 Para Shrine | 0014 Kuroneko Jinja
0015 Yasaka Jinja
0016 Tenmangu Jinja 天満宮神社:
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Tenmangu Jinja, also on the Kyoto region like the previous Yasaka Jinja, is also based upon a real Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. This Shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, a scholar and politician who was also the god of education, Tenjin. As such, it's a popular destination for students, to pray for good results in their education (and acceptance into their school of choice). You may notice the bulls around the Shrine- according to legend, a bull pulling Michizane's funeral procession stopped at a certain spot and refused to move, the spot was then built as a Shrine to him (and he was born in the Year of the Ox, and cattle are sacred messengers to Tenjin- it's a lot of cow connections). Some of the bull statues are rubbed for luck. The round seals on this goshuin are of the 7 Lucky gods, who pilot the treasure ship at the New Year. You might see them, and their treasure ship, at various Shrines while you are getting your goshuin!
Goshuin Project 2024
0017 Itame Ham Shrine | 0018 Japonica Shrine | 0019 Neochi Shrine
0020 Okinawa Shrine | 0021 Kokuryu Shrine | 0022 Ni Jinja
0023 Piyopiyo Shrine | 0024 Noha Shrine | 0025 Saihate Inari Shrine
0026 Koyagi Shrine | 0027 Hamstar Shrine | 0028 Haiku Shrine
0029 Sen-Cat-Shrine | 0030 Venezia Shrine | 0031 Hinamizawa Shrine
0032 Kanaru Shrine | 0033 Mr. Louis Shrine | 0034 Susukino-Inari Jinja
0035 Shiki-Shinto Shrine | 0036 Apo Hachimangu | 0037 Salmaru Grand Shrine
0038 Il Micio Shrine | 0039 Son Clave Shrine | 0040 Drobak Shrine
0041 SnowPastel Shrine | 0042 Nadeko Shrine | 0043 Katsudon Shrine
0044 Mambo Shrine | 0045 Sessha Mambo Shrine | 0046 Umigami Shrine
0047 Yozakura Shrine Ocean | 0048 Sakura Shrine | 0049 Akiba Inari Shrine
0050 Lazy Shrine | 0051 Honpou Inari Jinja | 0052 Togetsu Jinja
0053 Neko Jinja | 0054 Kusanagi Shrine | 0055 Ouse Jinja
0056 Nekoma Shrine | 0057 Lion Temple | 0058 Usagi Shrine
0059 Kiyomizu Temple | 0060 Kingyo Jinju | 0061 Azuki Shrine
0062 Megumi Jinja | 0063 Sea Butterfly Shrine
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trivia-jp · 4 months
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太宰府天満宮 だざいふてんまんぐう
太宰府天満宮(だざいふてんまんぐう)は、福岡県太宰府市に位置する神社で、菅原道真(すがわらのみちざね)を祀っています。以下に、太宰府天満宮に関する詳細を説明します。 1. 歴史と由来: 太宰府天満宮は、平安時代の学者・政治家であった菅原道真を祀る神社として知られています。道真は、学問や文化の神として尊敬され、彼の死後、天神信仰の中心的存在となりました。彼を祀るため、多くの天満宮が全国各地に建てられましたが、太宰府天満宮はその中でも最も格式の高いもののひとつです。 2. 境内と建造物: 太宰府天満宮の境内には、豊かな自然と歴史的な建造物があります。本殿や拝殿、鳥居などの建築物は、古来の様式を残しつつ、度重なる改修や再建が行われています。境内には、梅の木や枝垂れ桜など季節ごとの花々が美しい景観を作り出しています。 3. 節分祭や学業成就: 太宰府天満宮では、毎年2月25日に菅原道真の命日を祝う「節分祭」が行われます。多くの参拝者が訪れ、豆まきや行列が行われます。また、学業成就や試験合格の祈願をする場所としても知られ、試験シーズンには多くの受験生やその家族が訪れます。 4. 文化財: 太宰府天満宮の境内には、多くの文化財や歴史的な遺物があります。国の重要文化財に指定された建造物や史跡があり、歴史や文化に興味を持つ人々にとって貴重な場所です。
Dazaifu Tenmangu Cultural assets of Saga
Dazaifu Tenmangu is a shrine located in Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and is dedicated to Michizane Sugawara. Below are details about Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. 1. History and origin: Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is known as the shrine that enshrines Michizane Sugawara, a scholar and politician from the Heian period. Michizane was revered as the god of learning and culture, and after his death, he became a central figure in Tenjin worship. Many Tenmangu shrines were built all over the country to enshrine him, but Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is one of the most prestigious. 2. Precincts and buildings: The precincts of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine are home to rich nature and historical buildings. Buildings such as the main shrine, worship hall, and torii gate have been repeatedly renovated and rebuilt while preserving their ancient style. In the precincts, seasonal flowers such as plum trees and weeping cherry blossoms create a beautiful landscape. 3. Setsubun festival and academic achievement: At Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, the Setsubun Festival is held on February 25th every year to celebrate the anniversary of Michizane Sugawara's death. Many worshipers visit, and there is a bean-throwing event and a procession. It is also known as a place to pray for academic success and exam passing, and many examinees and their families visit during exam season. 4. Cultural properties:
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shalomanna · 8 months
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Santuario Dazaifu Tenmangu
Famoso por estar construido sobre la tumba de Michizane Sugawara, un erudito, político y poeta que adquirió gran importancia en el siglo IX antes de ser desterrado de Kioto a Dazaifu(prefectura de Fukuoka) debido a su extrema rivalidad con el clan Fujiwara.
Murió en Dazaifu en el año 903 y se piensa que la primera versión de Dazaifu Tenmangu (el patio interior) se construyó en 913.
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konradnews · 1 year
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Constructs Special "Temporary Hall" for the First Major Renovation in 2024
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Constructs Special “Temporary Hall” for the First Major Renovation in 2024
Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine will undergo the first major renovation of its important cultural property “Gohonden” in 124 years to mark the 1,125th anniversary of the death of Sugawara Michizane in 2027. The current main hall was rebuilt by Takakage Kobayakawa, Lord of Chikuzen, about 430 years ago, and was designated as a national important cultural property in the grand and splendid style of the…
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kitslong · 2 years
Tengami symbols around shrine
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Tengami symbols around shrine movie#
Perseverance does pay off and the reward is mesmeric you learn that the entire world is built from modulations. You begin your journey without understanding what is required of you FRACT does not hand-hold but is more effective because of it. Surprisingly Fract is also reminiscent of Dear Esther, not in theme but in its sense of place, its verisimilitude and its effort to convey singularity with the surroundings. They would not be misplaced in the Metroid Prime universe on a sonically procedural planet. Pools of liquid energy hum and lustrous machinery sits beneath glowing towers. Effulgent light boxes draw you in like a moth, but here they can actually be enjoyed at your own pace. What is apparent when you first enter FRACT OSC is that the incandescent aesthetics are inspired by the above. Rez may send us to synaesthesia but perhaps at the expense of recalling what happened along the way. But again, astonishing as that game is we are pushed through levels like a virtual tourist penetrating firewalls in visceral furore. Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s Rez also assimilates a computer generated world. But for a location that is so ripe for exploring, it is a wonder that we are ushered so quickly into battle on the grid.
Tengami symbols around shrine movie#
Content mined from the movie the light cycles, recognizers and the solar sailers are an obvious fit for a traditional game. Of the numerous attempts to make the film Tron interactive, few have deviated from an action experience. Many shrines are dedicated to local kami without association to other shrines.Format: Windows/Mac, Steam, Humble Store, GOG, Another example is Kanazawa's Oyama Shrine which is dedicated to Maeda Toshiie, the founder of the powerful, local Maeda clan. The most famous example are the several dozens of Toshogu Shrines dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, including the famous Toshogu Shrine at Nikko. Some powerful clans in Japanese history established and dedicated shrines to the their clans' founders. Shrines dedicated to the founders of powerful clans.More than one thousand Sengen Shrines exist across Japan, with the head shrines standing at the foot and the summit of Mount Fuji itself. Sengen Shrines are dedicated to Princess Konohanasakuya, the Shinto deity of Mount Fuji. The most famous Tenjin Shrine is Dazaifu Tenmangu near Fukuoka. Tenjin Shrines can be recognized by ox statues and plum trees, Michizane's favorite trees. They are particularly popular among students preparing for entrance exams. Tenjin Shrines are dedicated to the kami of Sugawara Michizane, a Heian Period scholar and politician. Of Japan's thousands of Hachiman Shrines, the most famous is probably Kamakura's Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, while their head shrine is Usa Shrine on Kyushu. Hachiman Shrines are dedicated to Hachiman, the kami of war, which used to be particularly popular among the leading military clans of the past. There are thousands of Inari Shrines across Japan, among which Kyoto's Fushimi Inari Shrine is most famous. They can be recognized by fox statues, as the fox is considered the messenger of Inari. Inari Shrines are dedicated to Inari, the kami of rice. Imperial shrines can be recognized by the imperial family's chrysanthemum crest and by the fact that they are often called "jingu" rather than "jinja". They include many of Shinto's most important shrines such as the Ise Shrines, Izumo Shrine and Atsuta Shrine, and a number of shrines newly built during the Meiji Period, such as Tokyo's Meiji Shrine and Kyoto's Heian Shrine. These are the shrines which were directly funded and administered by the government during the era of State Shinto. There are tens of thousands of shrines across Japan, some of which can be categorized into a few major groups of shrines.
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kyotodreamtrips · 2 months
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Enjoy the fragrance of these beautiful flowers. It has been said that “The Cherry may be the prettier of the two, but once you have seen the red Plum Blossom in the snow at the dawn of a spring morning, you will no longer forget its beauty.” Fujiwara no Kintō.
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chzblocnotes · 6 years
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24.05.2018 | Sanctuaire Tenmangu. On vient s’y recueillir dans l’espoir de réussir ses examens scolaires ou ses prestations scéniques. C’est un étonnement de comprendre au retour, en préparant cette publication, que le poète Michizane Sugahara (ou Sugawara) est la divinité priée. Dans l’enceinte du sanctuaire, un charmant diorama raconte sa vie. Cette scénette illustre l’époque où il était gouverneur de la province de Sanuki : “in order to save farmers who were suffering from a long drought, he climbed to the top of the hill and prayed for rain”.
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dajkag · 1 year
A mai nap alapvetően katasztrófa. Szakad az eső és valamiért csütörtökön az összes rohadt múzeum is zárva amit meg akartam nézni. Szóval a program gyakorlatilag annyi volt, hogy szarrá áztam. Szerencsére azonban belefutottam néhány nagyon szép szentélybe.
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A Heian Jinja alig pár percre van a szállásomtól és hát teljesen ledöbbentem azon, mennyire monumentális és gyönyörű építmény. Kiotó 1100. évfordulójára épült 1895-ben, és az első, illetve az utolsó kiotói császárnak állít emléket. A főépületek a Heian-kori császári palota épületeinek kisebb méretű replikái.
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A Shirakumo Jinja a kiotói palota (szintén zárva volt ma…) szentélye. Nagyon hangulatos, különösen esőben. Az irodában nem volt senki, a kis házba pedig nem akartam becsengetni mert valaki fuvolán játszott bent, szóval egy ideig csak meghúzódtam az eső elől és hallgattam. Amikor végül vettem a bátorságot, egy nagyon kedves papnő fogadott és igazán szép goshuint kaptam tőle.
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A Goou Jinja egy rendkívül fotogén szentély, baromi sok vaddisznóval. Rengeteggel. Az itt lakó Kami Wake no Kiyomaro, a szentély pedig azok körében népszerű, akik alsótesti sérülésekből való felépülésért valamint könnyű születésért imádkoznak. Itt használtam életemben először szelfibotot, amit már most rühellek.(Ja, a szelfi már a kijáratnál készült, egyébként le szoktam venni a sapkát.)
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Végül pedig a Sugawarian Tenmangu Jinja, ahol Michizane Sugawara Kamija lakik. A szentélyben található egy szent kő, amelynek egy bizonyos módon történő megérintése a legendák szerint képes az olyan betegségek gyógyítására, mint a daganatok és a súlyos bőrbetegségek. A szakadó eső miatt itt már nem nagyon fotóztam, ellenben az egyik eddigi legjobb élményem volt, itt ugyanis egy nagyon kedves fiatal pap fogadott, akitől a goshuin mellé még egy kis origami madarat is kaptam.
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Zárásképp két reggeli kép még azelőttről, hogy elkezdett volna zuhogni az eső.
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thisworld1 · 2 years
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At Sugawara Tenmangu Shrine, Japan. Photography by katsu_e46
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Kuil Wakaura Tenmangu (Wakayamashi)
Kali ini aku akan sedikit bercerita tentang salah satu kuil yang ada di kota tempat tinggalku, yaitu Wakayamashi.
Terletak di sebelah selatan kota Wakayama, tempat ini dinamakan Wakaura. Ada dua kuil yang terkenal di Wakaura, yaitu kuil Toshogu dan kuil Tenmangu.
Kuil Tenmangu adalah kuil yang terkenal di kalangan pelajar, karena kuil itu menyembah dewa pengetahuan. Mau tahu bagaimana ceritanya?
Sebelum itu, kita lihat dulu foto-fotonya ya!
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Keren bukan?
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Namun teman-teman kalau mau ke sini harus super duper hati-hati, karena tangga yang kita naiki nanti cukup curam dan berbatu. Meskipun begitu ada jalanan menanjak yang cukup aman, sebagai alternatif hehehe~
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Pemandangannya indah sekali, ya?
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Nah, orang ini adalah dewa pengetahuan yang aku ceritakan tadi. Orang ini bernama Sugawara no Michizane. Orang Jepang suka menyebutnya dengan Tenjin-sama, yaitu istilah untuk menyebutkan Sugawara no Michizane sebagai dewa pengetahuan.
Siapa sih, Sugawara no Michizane ini?
Sugawara no Michizane hidup di era Heian (1100 tahun lalu), merupakan seorang cendekiawan, penyair, politikus yang diakui oleh kaisar. Suatu saat, ia ditugaskan untuk pergi ke Kyuushuu karena banyak orang yang iri padanya. Tanpa kembali ke Kyoto, ia meninggal. Banyak kejadian alam yang aneh setelah ia meninggal, seperti hujan yang tidak turun sehingga tidak bisa memanen, orang-orang yang mengejarnya ke Kyuushuu banyak yang meninggal di usia muda, serta turunnya halilintar di kediaman kaisar. Orang-orang yang ketakutan segera membuat kuil dan menobatkan Sugawara no Michizane sebagai dewa pengetahuan supaya “amarahnya” reda. Kuil Tenmangu yang terkenal adalah kuil yang berada di dekat tempat meninggalnya Sugawara no Michizane, yaitu Fukuoka, bernama Kuil Dazai Tenmangu.
Adanya dewa pengetahuan, pasti berhubungan dengan pendidikan, bukan?
Kuil Tenmangu sangat populer di kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, dan juga orang kantoran. Mereka pergi ke kuil Tenmangu, berdoa supaya diberi kelancaran dan  ilai bagus dalam ujian, lulus ke universitas yang diinginkan, maupun sukses dalam pekerjaan.
Aku, misalnya.
Setelah mendaki tangga yang curam itu, aku segera mengambil berbagai foto dan mampir ke toko kecil di dekat gerbang. Di situ aku membeli ema (papan kayu bergambar) dan omamori / jimat kelulusan. Karena ahun 2017 merupakan tahun ayam, gambarnya pun disesuaikan.
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Segera setelah membeli, aku disodorkan spidol dan pulpen. Di meja terdekat, aku menulis permohonanku dalam bahasa Jepang. Kira-kira isinya begini jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia “Semoga bisa lulus tepat waktu di 2018. Chika Imelda”. Amin. Setelah itu, aku menggantungkan ema di tempat yang disediakan, 
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Oh, aku juga berdoa dan melempar koin juga. Begini langkah-langkahnya.
1. Menunduk sekali
2. Membunyikan lonceng
3. Melempar koin ke dalam kotak persembahan. 5 dan 50 yen sangat direkomendasikan karena dipercaya membawa keberuntungan.
4. Memunduk lagi sebanyak dua kali
5. Menepuk tangan sebanyak dua kali
6. Berdoa dalam hati
7. Menunduk sekali lagi
8. Berjalan menuju torii, balik badan menghadap kuil, membungkuk sekali lagi
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Fiuh. Itu kali pertama aku berdoa di kuil.
Untuk jalan turun, aku mengambil rute turunan karena aku terlalu takut untuk menuruni tangga curam tadi hahaha~
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