maddymoreau · 7 months
Character I crushed on that never became an F/O:
Happy Mask Salesman from Majora’s Mask!
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⁽⁽(o 〃^∀^〃)o⁾⁾ Back when I was 15 years old and the 3DS remake came out I thought he was THE COOLEST character!! I vividly remember after school looking at fanart of him for hours.
While I REALLY liked his character and found him attractive it never developed into F/O feelings.
I actually ended up selfshipping with the Deku Butler and still do now (〃•́ .̫ •̀〃)♡!!!
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Words can’t explain how much I absolutely love Eddie Munson with a tall!reader(male/fem/or gn). It gives off such Raven/beast boy, Gomez/Morticia, and Jessica rabbit/roger rabbit vibes. I love it so much.
As a 5’11 girl, when Eddie Munson is 5’10, this speaks to me HARD
Eddie would look up at the reader, especially if you’re wearing boots/platforms/heels etc just adding on to how tall you already are, esp compared to Eddie, and just be in awe. If you walk his back into something, or even pin him to a wall, Eddie’s shutting up for the first time in his life because he is literally just awestruck with you. Even you two leaning against your lockers, Eddie just once again realises how tall you are, by looking you up and down, and is, as always, so impressed by you. And boy does he want you.
Oh Eddie still picks you up. He does it whenever he can. But also he lets himself be a little less careful when he sprints and jumps on you, to get together to give him a piggyback, or catch him in your arms as he bolts. It’s sometimes a bit of a jumpscare when you just see him gunning it for you, focusing.
He’ll boast about his big strong partner. About how you can beat people up for him. How you two can be great partners in crime. All with his arm (slightly raised) over your shoulders. Eddie loves when you lean your chin on his shoulder, or his head, and when you’re leaning on him, or touching/holding him the way he’s never been in the receiving end of before, because he’s always been taller than anyone who would possibly touch him like that, and finally he can experience some of that himself, and it makes him feel really loved and looked after. As he shares being the ‘bigger spoon’ type, the taller person’s tasks, the ‘boyfriend/man’s’ moves, or more dominant roles, in all sorts of physical touchy ways. Even you leaning up to grab something Eddie could grab himself (or maybe he can’t) makes him just a little giddy, and stirred up with warm butterflies inside!
And Eddie is literally above average height! He is not short, so for you to be taller than him?? Eddie is drooling. His heart’s fluttering. Instead of thinking about proving himself to you with his knowledge of intimate times, he’s also picturing you domming him. And you making him yours!
Eddie probably would make Morticia/Gomez references to you anyway at occasional points he thinks of it. But when you two watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit together, Eddie’s taking a look at Jessica Rabbit (remembering how he and all his friends used to have crushes on her), he rerealises the height difference, and comments on your similarities to her. You laugh and hit his arm at first, but Eddie says not only are you as beautiful, radiant, and glamorous as ms Jessica Rabbit, but the height is there, so of course you’re basically Jessica Rabbit. And, well, Eddie always makes it so you really can’t argue with his complements/logic. And he definitely references you as her in your future together now too.
Also in fics, everyone writes reader as shorter, like p much everyone, and as someone who is a girl that’s taller than Eddie, and the same height as Steve, can’t relate smh ✋. I just know they’d be all flustered and awestruck over the supermodel standing next to them. Esp when they see you again wearing shoes that make you even taller! They can’t help but look a little, like at your legs, and where your eyes, and lips, meet the parts of their face, and imagining where your hands, or lips, would fall on them if you moved closer and went for it, like they’re zoned out daydreaming about, staring at your lips, as you keep smiling and talking to them
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the-power-of-stuff · 2 months
Almighty Empress of Sukka! I have a spicy Sukka question for you:
What are some things that Sokka and/or Suki do (unknowingly or otherwise) that get each other in the mood? Like little quirks or habits or clothes they wear or just random everyday stuff that makes the other go 😯🥵🤤? (For example, maybe Suki drinking a milkshake or slurpee with her lips wrapped around the straw is just a bit too much for Sokka to handle. And maybe when Sokka takes his shirt off after a hot, sweaty workout, not matter how awkwardly he does it, Suki gets a little hot and flustered herself.)
Sorry, that was a lot. 😅 But Sukka’s irrepressibly spontaneous love for each other always makes me want to gush! 🥰
And I know you’re busy with Sukka Week right now, so no rush to answer this at all! I’m very patient.
Lord, have I really been sitting on this ask for nearly two years??
I need you to know, Dearest Anon, that it doesn't feel like I've let this ask go for so long because I have actually had it on my mind that entire time, wanting to answer it and waiting until a good enough answer surfaced.
But I think I was going about it the wrong way. I don't really have a lot of headcanons that exist independently of putting a guy in situations. And if I put a guy in enough situations, I might end up repeating similar ideas until they become headcanons (like my headcanon that Suki has a particular fondness for lotus seed buns).
So! It occurred to me that maybe the best way for me to answer this question would be to put these guys in a situation. And now, at long last, we have...Suki getting really turned on by Sokka cooking... 😏
Suki stepped off the back porch of the house, perched the steamer basket full of rice on her cocked hip, and bit her lip. Framed beautifully in her field of view, amidst a glorious backdrop of lush green foliage and the island’s tumbling, sparkling brook, was Sokka, standing over the makeshift grill he’d thrown together from a large cast iron pot and some wire mesh he’d gotten off one of the fishing boats. The air was fragrant with the savory sweet aroma of seared meat, Sokka expertly working the grill in a calculated dance between flame, timing, and seasoning. And Suki’s mouth was watering. 
“Hey there, grill master,” she crooned as she approached, abandoning the rice on the table that housed Sokka’s setup. She ran one hand over his shoulder, down his back, then lower still so she could squeeze a generous handful of ass cheek. 
He yelped before glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, one brow quirked in amusement. “Hungry?”
“Starved,” she said, sidling closer and pressing up against him from behind. Her hands quickly found his hip bones and traced the muscle there before teasing lower by just a few millimeters, and Sokka nearly dropped his tongs. 
“You know Mrs. Kotoji can see us from here…”
Suki turned her head towards her next door neighbor’s house just in time to see the shutters slam shut on one of the windows. “Nothing scandalous for her to see here,” she countered breezily. Then she found the slit in the side of Sokka’s tunic and traced her fingers down his thigh.
“Keep doin’ that and there might be,” he grunted, and Suki chuckled, dropping her forehead between Sokka’s shoulder blades as she laughed. 
“Listen…” she said coyly. With her head still resting against Sokka’s spine, she drew her hands slowly around his hips and up his flanks. “I know you’re still cooking, but once you’re done, you think you could…scandalize me a bit before we eat?”
Something clattered loudly while Sokka fumbled around with the grill, and then suddenly he was whirling around, gripping Suki’s waist and tugging her close. “Tui and La, woman… I will scandalize you so much, you’ll be reading about it in Ba Sing Se next year. In those scandal sheet things. That they circulate in the Upper Ring. Whatever, it made sense in my—” And he cut himself off by closing the distance between his mouth and hers. 
Suki threw her arms around his shoulders, laughing into him as he penguin-stepped them back towards the house. When they collided with one of the porch posts, Sokka used the opportunity to deepen the kiss, slotting one thigh between hers, creating delicious friction for them both. Suki moaned.
“So, you like the way I handle my meat, huh?” Sokka teased, breathy against her lips.
“Oh yeah,” Suki rasped, delighted, sneaking her eager hands back around to Sokka’s backside. “And now it’s my turn.”
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beetolbugs · 11 months
friendly reminder for a very specific community
I don't like ToiletJon I don't support his ass nor do I want anyone who does currently around me, leave <3 thanks
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Hi! We're absolutely loving the ghost so far! We did want to show one thing that we think is a bug! Most of the time when we close him and reopen him, he'll just greet us with "1". It's funny every single time but we just wanted to let you know! -woomy
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also a wonderful meme we made by taking a screencap at the wrong time
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I laughed at the meme for too long because I forgot my own writing
Thank you for reporting the bug! Sadly I do know about this and have no idea what is causing it. Believe me it drives me nuts because it's so noticeable but I'll try my best to find what's wrong 😔
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I thought I would have a lizard back from when I saw them all the time but I do not. I do however have these mosquitos having sex on a car windowsill
Bls delete this if u donut like ilu bye
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(and I mean this with all the affection in the world)
...what in the cinnamon toast fuck
.......it looks like you captured a picture of enormous Kaiju mosquitos banging in the sky, congratulations, 10/10 I am delightfully disturbed
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transbeeduo · 6 months
read that ask abt ranboo being a raisin after reading your breastfeeding posts and i forgot there was. animatic context to it and for a second believed bug drank so much milk ranboo shriveled up like that
IM GONAN FUCKING CRY was so hungry it sucked all the moisture out of ranboo like a juicebox sad!!!!
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tmmyhug · 1 year
Miss girl what are you taking those pictures with? Your eyes?? They’re Gorgeous
ok taking good photos is actually really easy all you need is a relatively recent smartphone camera and a primitive knowledge of editing. all of those pics i edited right inside the iphone photos app. after that it’s a matter of getting a sense of composition and lighting which is gonna be different for everyone. BUT more important than all of that is just. developing your general awareness of the space and light and motion around you. like a tiny ladybug on a flower or the way the light hits those flower petals or the shape of that road or a candid moment between some friends. if you’re not paying attention you miss it - 90% of visual art is learning to see. once you have that the pictures follow naturally !!
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procrastinatorproject · 6 months
29, 39, and 40 for the Star Trek asks, please. ✨
Thank you so much for the questions!
29. Favourite and Least Favourite Episodes:
Ooooh, good question! Let's start with the negativity so we can end on a high note 😅
I... honestly would put most of Picard seasons 2 & 3 in the "least favourite" category 🙈 If I had to pinpoint some lowlights, it'd be "Fly Me to the Moon". It's not a bad episode in itself and in isolation, I might not mind it, but the two times I watched through season 2 in order, this was the episode where I found myself crying and/or shaking with rage and disappointment when it was over. Probably becuase it really drives home that they're serious about where they're going with this series I used to love and it's not somewhere I can follow.
Disregarding that... I have a terrible memory for this kind of thing 😅 And I guess it depends on what you mean by "least favourite".
I think one objective measure to use: I don't ever want to see the ENT mpreg episode again, where everyone acts like Trip Tucker having his bodily autonomy violated in a horrendous way is The Funniest Shit™. That has seared itself into my brain so much that when I was rewatching all of TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT to take notes for the holo-tech database, it's actually the only episode I wanted to skip.
There are also some real bombs in season 1 of TNG, and some of the Ferengi episodes in DS9 are firmly on my "no thank you" list. But yeah, I think the involuntary mpreg takes the cake, honestly.
Now for the much funner part: There are SO MANY episodes I truly love! DS9's "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" and "Badda-Bing Badda Bang", PIC's "Broken Pieces", VOY's "Concerning Flight" (which is apparently controversial?), "Drive", "Bride of Chaotica!", also any VOY episode that has Naomi Wildmann in it...
There are also A Ton of Deep and Dramatic episodes I love, but from my instinctive answers I'm realizing that what draws me to an episode as a "favourite" is apparently "It's fun!" (and likely involves the holodeck? 🙈🤣) So yeah, if we're talking favourite, not best, it's probably something along these lines.
39. You have to relocate to a planet other than Earth, which do you choose?
Hm, that's a tough one. I feel like not that many planets readily spring to mind, so I'll have to really think about this.
It'd probably be near the centre of the Federation for that sweet, sweet post-capitalist utopia (and also because my family is presumably still on Earth and I want to be able to visit Very Frequently.
Vulcan is a big No, because my body does not function above 25° C🙈 I love snow and ice, though, so Andoria might be a real option (though not technically a planet, I guess 😋).
Beyond that, I'm honestly drawing a blank. I think I haven't seen enough TOS/TNG in a while, so I don't remember too many worlds they visited. But yeah, probably somewhere that's close to the Sol, close to the centre of the Federation, has good temperate-to-colder climate to live in... In the end, it would probably very much depend on why I'm relocating and whom with.
40. If you got a Trek inspired tattoo, what would it be?
Another tough one 😅 I don't have any tattoos and don't think I'll ever get any. For one, I'm way too scared of that kind of long-term commitment, but also my skin has Issues™ and I don't know how long a tattoo would look decent.
If I were to get one, though? Let's be honest, it would be some version of the Sirena logo. That little ship has shaped my life in ways more profound than I can even say. Sirena and her crew got me to write again after over a decade, gave me so, so, SO much joy, not to mention all the incredible, wonderful friends I foud along the way (that's you!)
I think for me, Sirena stands for found family, friendship, healing, creativity, allowing myself to feel joy in my nerdiness and head for new adventures. So yeah.
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If not that, probably some variation of IDIC, either the symbol or the saying in Vulcan script 🤔
This was fun! Thank you so much for the asks! And if anyone else wants to know more:
Send Me Star Trek Asks 💗
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ANTS❗️❗️❗️ ants are my favourite bugs and my second favourite animals of all time. i love bullet ants, red ants, fire ants, leafcutter ants, you name it. they're just little guys and they're so so cool
isopods!!! isopods are so fun and theres GIANT ONES THAT LIVE IN THE OCEAN (ik ik they're technically crustaceans but they are Bugs To Me)
rosy maple moth (look them up. just. trust me)
hercules beetle!! bigass horn. very cool
fireflies!!! very pretty :3
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maddymoreau · 2 months
Why is everyone in Fallout 3 extremely hot
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bean bug from bee swarm simulator
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from @octobrushwizard
Design; 7/10 - while the design isn't anything super unique/special, I still like it :)
If you had to guess which entity spawned jellybeans for the players, I think this guys design very clearly conveys it! My guy is made of jellybeans. My only issue with his design is how eye-bleedy it can be. Bee swarm (especially in late game) already has so much going on onscreen and the bright rainbow jumpscare that bean bug doesn't really help the issue. I love colorful characters, I just would personally make it just a little less bright
Character/Purpose; 10/10 - I do actively play bss, I'm don't currently know if there's a way to spawn these guys? I don't know if they're just a random chance spawn or an onett spawn exclusive, or if there's a spawner further into the game.
Anyways, I like jellybeans! They're a good boost for your bees and pollen and I always get happy when this guy shows up! I get to go- "oh! Hello little friend! Extra jellybeans for me? Yay :D!"
It's a passive enemy and you can't attack it, so his only purpose is JELLYBEAN. I know it was also important for some quests in an event, but I'm unsure which event it was. But yeah, he came, he saw, he BEANED.
Overall; 9/10 - cool beans
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spookykestrel · 10 months
tell me about bugs ! /lhnp
Aah ty for the ask this is so general there’s so many facts and things um (edit I didn’t mean to write a whole essay you don’t have to read the whole thing)
Recently I’ve been enjoying learning about spiders which is ever so slightly ironic considering how afraid I was of them and how I still am a bit scared to come across ones I’m not familiar with. Learning about them makes them so much less scary though. A lot of the most venomous and scariest spiders are actually relatively docile and won’t bite unless threatened or they’re a mother with babies. In the US there hasn’t been a death from a black widow bite in 40 years bc their bites are rare and able to be treated. A lot of venomous spiders can actually administer dry bites too or control the amount of venom they inject which is super cool. Since their venom is used to kill prey, when they bite a human it’s usually just in self defense so a lot of bites from deadly spiders aren’t actually that dangerous. Ofc it’s still imperative to seek treatment just in case you have a reaction or they did inject venom (although you’d be able to tell there’s some nasty symptoms). Most cases are able to be treated, too, with anti-venom and while not a pleasant experience they’re rarely deadly.
I feel like there needs to be a picture here to break up this post so uhhhhh here’s a bunch of bees on a clover ( and a Yellowjacket)
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One of my other interests rn is misconceptions/misidentifications. Which ig ties into spider bites. One common myth is that daddy longlegs spiders are super venomous but their fangs are too small to bite humans. This is very wrong for several reason uhh first is that daddy longlegs is a super broad term used to refer to cellar spiders (actual spiders of the araneae order), harvestmen (arachnids in the opilione order so Not Spiders), and crane flies (these are literally flies as the name suggests. They…. They aren’t spiders they have wings they aren’t venomous. Although they do have long legs). Cellar spiders are a little venomous but their venom poses little harm to humans (just a typical insect bite yk) and they rarely bite humans. Harvestmen actually don’t have venom and don’t have fangs just hollow claws used to grip. Which can’t harm people.
anyway harvestman are the absolute silliest guys I love seeing them bounce around
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(Photo credit evanaturalist on inat <3)
Another quickl thing (I promise I’ll stop soon you invoked a topic I’m incapable of being normal about and gave me no limitations or anything so I’m on a ramble there’ll be no survivors etcetc) is also about flies. A lot of people assume those itty bitty sweat bees that hover around you at the park or whatever are actually more likely to be hoverflies (instead of a real sweatbee)! They only have one set of wings (unlike a bee) and no they can’t sting. I told this all to my friend at a concert who was being very annoyed by the one following her around and after explaining them and marveling over the super cool patterning of the calligrapher flies (specific type of hoverfly) they actually came around and admitted they’re very cool and it was a lovely moment bc once you know more about something then you can accept it more yay woohoo.
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^ the black and yellow is deceiving it only has the one set of wings. If you cared the one pictured is a maize calligrapher specifically . Very common in the US and Canada.
Oh and I got a millipede tatto did you see :]
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humblemooncat · 6 months
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I definitely associate amber with U'lohi. It's warm, beautiful and something you instinctively wish you could hold. And, although at first you think you can see right through it, on closer examination there appear to be secrets deep within.
Aww, what a beautiful description! It fits Lohi to a T, right down to even the color palette!
Hopefully MSQ will help us see clearer what's embedded within!
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pushing500 · 8 months
What would cooking the 50 meals do?
It would give Henry a +10 mood bonus for 'inspiration satisfied'. If he doesn't cook 50 meals within the next 8 days, he'll get a -2 mood debuff that says something like 'inspiration not satisfied'.
Henry will get the debuff because I'm not letting him in the kitchen. Some of my colonists have the bonuses at the moment, like Andrei, who wanted to finish a research project (he researched Starship Reactors), or Kawoo, who wanted to tame an animal (she has a giant pet scorpion named Frisbee now).
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I'm pretty sure that the inspiration "challenges" (like cooking 50 meals) come with the Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded mod.
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maxthesillyy · 10 months
(ask for littlepaw)
anarchypaw: hi :3 do you wanna be friends i wanna be friends maybe we could collect bugs and put them in cats fur to scare them
hai :3
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please believe me when i say that it is SOSO happy that people are asking her to be their friend. it gets rid of 60% of the work for it. (genuine) ((also im gonna draw smth for that in a hot second im just a lil burnt out rn :p))
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