peach-moths · 7 months
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four brothers + four moths
Rottmnt Moth List | Raph | Leo | Donnie | Mikey
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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daily-tma · 7 months
Trick or treat!!
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Have some candy and Happy Halloween everyone :D
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lilac-rose-writes · 1 month
As someone who's been writing Kindergarten fanfics since 2021, I have to say that I'm excited by the new trailer!
In all the time I've known this fandom, it's been rather inactive & very small. Now don't get me wrong, that's absolutely lovely. The Kindergarten community is is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of being in, everyone is so talented, and being so small means that pretty much everyone knows pretty much everyone! These past few years have shaped me so much as a person, and I can attribute a great deal of my current writing skill to having these games available to take inspiration from & write about.
They mean a lot to me, and being able to write about the cast so much for so long has allowed for a sort of understanding & connection with their characters that I haven't really experienced on such high a level anywhere else. It's like I know these kids and their messed-up world, and having new elements added into the mix that I can't control is, I admit, the tiniest bit daunting.
After all- what if the new game doesn't live up to expectations? What if I don't enjoy it as much? What if the characterisation is different? What if everyone else likes it and I don't? Where the HELL are my hoodie children???
But at the same time, this is such a wonderful opportunity to welcome new artists & writers to our little community, and to potentially have a huge boom of beautiful contributions. Despite being so active under the Kindergarten tag on AO3, I only really joined the fandom 3 years ago, and KG2 was made in 2019. As long as I've known it, this place has been pretty dead.
Since coming to tumblr a few months ago and seeing all of the brilliant art and AUs on here, I've grown sure that this will continue be a fabulous fandom to be a part of, no matter what the new game brings. It's so full of creative, talented people, and I look forward to seeing it come a little more to life once again!
Thank you all for the past 3 years, and for everything that came before. I can't wait to see what we'll do next <3
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death-by-moth · 3 months
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any creature with colors from this photo/nf
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What a strange little lizard…
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Yay! Thank you guys so much for voting for Peony in round one in @kirbyoctournament !!! She is so grateful and so excited/nervous for round two! Her ask box is open for any questions for or about her!
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mokutone · 11 months
Ok so like… I sent you an ask a little over a year ago to gush about how you’re one of my all time favorite blogs, and how you pushed me to draw more. Well, it’s a year later and I’ve been doing a ton of art and I’m continuing to study art in college (even though I was previously unsure about my major since I was feeling kind of burnt out). Anyway, I just wanna say thanks a ton for just being generally cool and awesome, and here’s a long overdue quick yam doodle, since I believed in my last ask I promised I’d sketch him for u.
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(May be a little janky since I rarely do pencil sketches anymore so I’m a bit rusty)
WAAAHHH!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!! that's so sweet—I'm so glad you took the time to tell me this, and I'm glad that you're feeling up to drawing more!!! mwah mwah i am kissing u on the forehead. i hope that you get what you want out of your studies, and that your relationship to your art flourishes!!!
and thank u so much for this drawing of yamato!!! i love him!!! he's so cute...i love how u drew his nose and eyes especially!!!
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hunterbunter3000 · 11 months
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As you can see, I got kinda carried away with the rendering :3
If ya want me to add anything like scars or more tattoos just ask and I'll get on it :D
Now it's time to do the other pieces and further my brainrot
This is me rn:
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It's cause I'm fucking dead.
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unfortunate--moth · 6 months
Reverse 1999 really, truly, and spiritually is... The Yuri Game.
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I answer your request for brainrot. So you know the scene where Kaitlyn and Dylan are at the lodge and Kaitlyn's talking about being in an abandoned ski lodge? She can make a comment about a skiing vacation sounding really good at the time, to which Dylan asks if she's ever been. She says no, and Dylan says a few trips down the bunny slope and she'd be set, which makes me think Dylan knows how to ski. And now I can't stop thinking about the counselors all going on a skiing trip together.
PLZ friend, now i want that fic to exist!!
it's kind of crazy to me that Kaitlyn hasn't been skiing but maybe that's just bc i picture her amazing at everything 🙃 i bet Emma's actually good at it. Jacob for sure goads Nick into racing down one of the big hills & they both eat shit. Abi prolly draws really cute sketches of them all in their winter gear ahhhhh 😩
then they all get hot chocky after 🥺 in front of a big fireplace
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
is there a ttrpg with GIGANTIC monsters, and i mean SO BIG that we're irrelevant to them? like moving set pieces? i absolutely adore stories like that
THEME: Giant Monsters
Leviathans, Kaiju, Titans, Colossi... the titles for these majestic beasts are many, but their unifying characteristic is that they're damn huge.
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OLDHOME: Children Chasing Giants, and OLDHOME: Trip to Turtle City by Takuma Okada. 
OLDHOME: Children Chasing Giants is about a tradition where children leave home for the first time and go out into a strange and beautiful world in order to return something precious to a stranger.
The default setting takes place in a world where towns and cities have been built on the backs of colossi. Long ago the ground became uninhabitable due to the actions of selfish people, and the last remnants of good rock and soil came alive.
In OLDHOME: Trip to Turtle City, you return to the city you grew up in. Your friend group was scattered some time ago as people left to find work, or a home on a different colossus. Somehow, you've all managed to find your way back. You're together again in this place that was once home.
Visit the places you remember from your childhood. Catch up with your friends and flashback to the old times. What has changed? What has stayed the same?
Children Chasing Giants is a game that requires at least 3d6, a standard deck of playing cards, and something to write in. It’s a game that requires answering prompts in order to learn more about the world around. Trip to Turtle City requires a coin, some writing materials, and if you like, some pictures. It is a game about reconnecting after a long time away from friends, and learning about how they have changed. If you like cozy games that focus more on chatting than strategy, this is a game for you.
We Who Seek Titans, by Viditya Voleti.
You seek Titans. More specifically, the remnants of them. Long, long ago these greater beings roamed, and long, long ago they died off. Their bodies fell apart piece by piece as they travel to their ancient grave. You wish to reach this land and record the enormous relics left in its wake.
We Who Seek Titans is a record-keeping, world-building, and map making game for 1+ players. Go on a journey as you bask in the glory of the nature, local culture, and the finding answers in history and the land.
This is a game that is still in development, but if you buy it at it’s current price, it looks like you get all further updated versions. The Titans of this game are part of the past, but you get to decide what they look like and what your characters are looking for. If you like journaling games, world building games, or map-making games, you should check this out. You can also check out this game with the same name, by floating chair.
Carapace, by TorTheVic
In Carapace, your ancestors isolated themselves in the Caves to seek protection from the awakened Marble-Titans a long time ago. Now, a major crisis has struck, and the cave-dwellers must rediscover the Outside  in order to survive.
Players control Marble-Seekers; bug outcasts with almost no other options in life. Their goal is to gather Marble from the Outside and pay for the Cannon they ordered. 
Once it's ready, they'll be able to tackle the Titans and either emerge victors, showered in titles and glory... or die trying.
Carapace acknowledges Titans as part of the background lore, so you’ll be spending less time interacting with them directly. However, because the group’s success depends on bringing a Titan down, you might decide to bring your party all they way to Titan-slaying as an endgame moment. This game uses the Into the Odd System, by Chris Mcdowall, creator of Electric Bastionland.
24XX Goliath, by Brick Road Games
To defend ourselves from the monstrous Leviathan, experimental technology was used to create massive mecha called Goliaths. Since the war ended most Goliaths were re-purposed for civilian use. Now, the Leviathans have returned, stronger than before. Pilots from all walks of life are being drafted to fight back.
24XX Goliath is your standard 24XX hack, except your also build a mech, alongside your character. You will be fighting creatures large enough to flatten cities, in robots nearly as large as the monsters themselves. In this case the Leviathans are certainly large enough to disregard humans as less-than-significant; but humans have found a way to scale themselves up in order to fight back. If you prefer games where the monsters are big and hostile, if you like games with action and combat, if you like a quick game that isn’t too expensive and doesn’t require prep, this is the game for you. 
Facing the Titan, by Gulix
We are the Company. Hunters, warriors, mages, scholars, nobles, barbarians, we have been brought together for one purpose: to put an end to the reign of the Titan. This gigantic being has caused ruins and desolation to our world for generations and generations. We have each followed a mystical instruction, a physical training, a spiritual journey. The decisive day is approaching. The one where our Company will be gathered. The one where we will stand up to the Titan. We have prepared for this confrontation, but we must not neglect our instincts in this battle. Let us get to know each other and rediscover each other after all these years. Tonight, let us share our experiences so that tomorrow those who survive can tell the stories of those who fall.”
Facing the Titan is a GM-less, zero-prep roleplaying game, for one-shots games of about 3 hours. It has been designed and playtested for groups of 3 to 5 people. A solo mode is also available.
This is a game based on Swords Without Master, by Epidiah Ravachol, which means it’s GM-less and doesn’t require any prep. It focuses on one singular Titan, which you will choose out of a list of Titans. Your characters are directly opposed to the Titan: they need to destroy it in order to walk free. If you like communal games where the giant monster is an active threat, if you like structured storylines with beautiful lore and extremely creative Titans, you should check this out.
Moth-Light, by Dissonance (Justin Ford)
Centuries ago, humanity fled to Beacon, an alien planet caught in a permanent eclipse. What happened then is lost to the ages. What remains survives in the shadow of giants, worn away by time, bolstered solely by the promise of a better tomorrow.
Enter Moth-Light, a speculative fiction game that imagines a post-fall world plagued by alien predators known as Moths. In this place players will confront issues of trust, form pacts, and pursue personal goals to further their story and cement the bonds that bind them.
Moth-Light is inspired by various genres of speculative fiction, including Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nausicaä, Mass Effect 2, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Shadow of the Colossus, Legend of Korra, and more. As players, you have a number of ways to determine exactly what genre of game you’d like to play: is it a hard-science horror game set on an isolating planet? Is it a hopeful future about teamwork and the beauty of alien life? Or is it something in-between? You get to decide. What remains true is this: you are humanity stranded on an alien planet, sharing your space with giant alien predators. 
Moth-Light is currently still in beta, by oh my god what a beta it is. There are four different playkits currently available, with Google Sheets that help you work through your world-building process in a way that really designs a beautiful, unique, detailed setting that is open enough for your creative players yet guided enough for players who need a bit of inspiration. The characters themselves get tied directly to the setting and the plot, and by the end of creation, you should have a very good idea of where your characters want to go and what is likely getting in their way. Moth-Light is Forged in the Dark, but it’s not just a re-skin of Blades, it is its own beast. It might be a bit of a learning curve, but the setting itself is worth the time. (Also did I mention the art is gorgeous?)You should check out this game.
The Wildsea, by Felix Isaacs
Some three hundred years ago the empires of the world were toppled by a wave of fast-growing greenery, a tide of rampant growth spilling from the West. This event, the Verdancy, gave rise to the world you’ll explore as you play - a titanic expanse of rustling waves and sturdy boughs known as the Wildsea.
Now chainsaw-driven ships cut their way across dense treetop waves, their engines powered by oilfruit, ropegolems, honey, and pride. Their crews are a motley, humanity’s weathered descendants rubbing shoulders with cactoid gunslingers, animated wrecks and silkclothed spider-colonies, humanesque slugs with driftwood bones and other, stranger things. Each has a role and a reason to be out on the Wildsea, and it’s their stories - your stories - that this game is designed to tell.
Adventures on the Wildsea start as hooks, elements of the setting or of a character’s history with the potential to blossom into an arc - a story for you and your crew to experience. While playing through an arc you roleplay scenes, montages, and journeys to make decisions, take actions, and resist your baser impulses. Completed arcs, and the triumphs and disasters within them, will allow you to develop your character as you play. 
The Wildsea has a fantastically beautiful setting, with trees large enough to hold an entire city and squirrels the size of dragons. If you want a game where the creatures and the landscape are bathed in green, where the relics of the old world sit amongst the bones of giant monsters, where the entire table contributes to the obstacles and adventures you embark upon, The Wildsea is for you.
Ryne, by Adam Dixon
Our world is shaped by the Remnants—titans as tall as mountains and as long as valleys. We are the people who live in the patchwork world that they have created. We have built our homes and communities, we’ve learnt how to survive and travel in the strange landscapes that they’ve created. We adapt as their territories shift around us. We live in the shadows of indifferent gods.
Ryne is a wild fantasy TTRPG about communities holding things together, in a world that is falling apart.  Nothing here is stable, but it is filled with wonder—villages pulled by moss-furred beasts, rivers that run up mountains, trees that glow in the moonlight, and, always, a shambling colossus on the horizon.
This is a Powered by the Apocalypse game that uses emotions as your stats. It’s unique in that you choose what your stats are named, and any emotions outside of your character’s immediate purview can still be rolled under a catch-all stat called Fabric. Right now the playtest kit has four rulebooks, an overview of the world, the core rules, a story seed and a one-shot scenario. Ryne is currently funding on Indiegogo, with a number of different options to choose from, from digital copies to a physical rulebook to custom art prints! If you like deep stories about connection and a breathtaking, patchwork world that your table will stitch together, this game is worth checking out. 
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framie4 · 4 months
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FINALLY I made a character sheet for my tfsona!!!
Name: Sunfall (they/them)
An independent, neutral medic with a savior complex the size of Cybertron. Sunfall is confident, determined, and just a bit unhinged. They're willing to treat anyone and do anything to save a patient... even when it's experimental or ethically dubious. Originally a seeker, they've reformatted themselves into a frame that is (according to them) more suited for a medic.
Their signature procedure is transplanting a dying patient's spark into their own body to keep them alive during treatment. Sometimes they bite and tear the patient's spark out with their teeth, which has earned them the nickname of "sparkeater". On battlefields Sunfall can be seen with a face smeared with energon and a chest filled with sparks.
Likes: a challenge, saving others, making political connections
Dislikes: failure, being ordered around, Shockwave (Sunfall and Shockwave have legendary scientific beef that spans thousands of publications and academic conferences)
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copper-skulls · 3 months
Somft request thoughts, grillby + fuku cooking together? Gaster making a snow angel!! Cozy sweater wearing grillster? Two deaths gasTER GETTING A GOOD NAP PLS 🙏🙏🙏
i love all of these so much and I really want to get to them all!!! But for now, good nap two deaths gaster :)
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I got to look at images of kittens holding onto their plushies for this one.... I do recommend.
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unikorpi · 1 month
What’s your favorite FR breed? :) modern and ancient, or just altogether. Doesn’t matter! <3
Modern is a difficult choice between skydancer and fae, but I think skydancer just barely gets the first spot! Out of ancients it's aether!
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aecholapis · 10 months
Wanna talk a little bit about your favourite little guy?
Always! :-D
This is Helios, the world's most pathetic guy:
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A summary of his lore is under the cut.
He has no luck and is cursed with being my favorite OC ...which means I put him through The Horrors™ all the time. He is a small helicopter built for reconnaissance and his Earth alt mode would be an Airbus H135 (formerly known as the Eurocopter EC135).
There are two versions of him (actually, it's three but the first one has become irrelevant): one is the main character of my original Brave (Yuusha) story and the other is a side character in my little TF fan continuity, but he gets treated like a main character by pretty much everyone who knows about him.
His Brave version works for the Space Police Organization and it's his job to capture his former coworker Ironwing who has stolen secret files. After his brother died, he buried himself in his work to forget about the loneliness and misery if even for a while. Helios was given a new mission and a ragtag team of misfits to command. They had to hunt down Ironwing and his team, but that would prove a challenge.
In TF, he was Ambulon once. Then he crossed paths with Proteus and angered him on accident. As it turns out, the senator was so furious that he ordered him to be reframed. With his memories erased and spark planted into a new body, Helios of Polyhex was forced to work for Proteus as his in-house executioner, assassin, guard - if it sounds edgy: you name it, he has done it - and most importantly, Helios was his personal scapegoat.
When he first left the assembly line, he was told that Aegis was his brother (but they are not spark-related) and that if he didn't adhere to his employer's wishes, Aegis would have to suffer for it. However, Aegis was murdered and this made Helios realize that they were not related in any way, and yet he did not seize the opportunity to rid Cybertron of Proteus, nor did he flee.
If he had left, they would have found another poor mech to do his job and they would have ruined their life too.
And so he stayed.
Then the war broke out and Proteus and his subordinates left the planet before the situation escalated and they roamed the universe until one day Helios was sent down to a planet's surface to search for possible Energon substitution. While he was away, Decepticons attacked their ship and killed everyone on board, leaving him stranded on the alien planet which just happens to be Earth. A human rescue team found him and let him stay with them in exchange for his service as a rescue helicopter.
The thing is, he can't fly.
His original contract had a pointless "no flying during working hours" rule that prevented him from ever taking off (because he was always on duty). Due to underuse, the moving parts in his rotor hub become stuck and corrode which damages it beyond repair. No one has the necessary parts for a replacement and while Earth technology is advanced enough to replicate his hub, they are unable to connect it to his systems.
He helped them out in root mode instead.
One day, a neutral ship, the Stellar Observatory, landed nearby and its crew picked up Helios' signal, following it to the hangar he called his home and offered him to join them on their way back to Cybertron - where the war had just ended.
As their new pilot he finally has the chance to experience what it feels like to be respected and loved. And I ship him with Nightjet (the ship's head of security) and Ironwing (one of the Cybertronians who worked as enforcers for the Galactic Council). The three of them make a nice polycule. So soft. *sighs*
I think that's it for now.
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mothdruid · 1 year
thank you.
this is a little thank you post to everyone that has followed me, reblogged posts, and liked posts from my this year. this has been the first year that i have consistently wrote fic, and i was so glad to share it with you all. from fandom to fandom, many of you stuck with me and i'm insanely appreciative of that. i'm looking forward to the next year of content!
i've made so many mutuals on here that are amazing. from just mutuals in passing to people i talk to on the daily, you're all so amazing and so fucking talented. many of you inspire me to keep writing and to stay on this hell-site. you make the days on here much more enjoyable. from simple 'how are you?' messages to down right filth on the dashboard. it makes me fall in love with you all more and more.
now onto the unimind (@siempre-bucky and @stranger-nightmare)
my year would not have been the same without you two. from the late asf movie nights, to photoshop lessons, to ranting in voice chat. i love you two so fucking dearly. i wish you didn't live so far away so i could bother you both more than what i currently do. i can't wait for my trip kristi <3
just some mutual tags because i love you all (sorry about all of the tags)
@floyd-luvr @wint3r-h3art @rhettabbotts @stargazing15 @nobody7102 @wildbornsiren @inklore @clints-lucky-arrow @greenorangevioletgrass @gretagerwigsmuse @cumholland @bobfloydsbabe @phoebe-danvers @emerald-chaos @sgt-seabass @borikenlove @psychedelic-ink @wecanfeelsofarbutsoclose @sapphireplums @butterbeerkiss @beachbabey @bradshawsbitch @bradleybeachbabe @hangmanapologist @a-lumos-in-the-nox @chrrywined @rosesvioletshardy @withahappyrefrain @rae-gar-targaryen @callmemana @t-nd-rfoot @coyotesamachado @lorecraft @lt-bradshaw @faye-tale @splendiferous-bitch @dirtychocolatechai @targaryenvampireslayer @tom-whore-dleston @cocoamoonmalfoy
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