boopshoops · 5 months
So deadass right after i said I prolly shouldnt start another comic about TCOAV Yuu,,,, i did it. I blame the little adhd creature running on a hamster wheel in my noggin.
(Don't worry to the remaining individuals who made requests, I didn't forget about you and they're still being worked on LOL)
Uhhhh WIP???? 😳
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yuurionviktor · 7 months
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90s Harrow and Gideon from @griddlebait ‘s semi-charmed kinda life
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rakiah · 5 months
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✨🍂 Happy New Year Everyone 🍂✨
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Eddie quietly falling more and more in love with Steve with every car ride—every time it’s raining, and he watches as Steve does a stupid little run with an umbrella to the front porch so Robin won’t mess up her hair before a marching band concert.
Falling in love with the constancy of it, with every little routine Steve does. It takes a few weeks of listening for Eddie to figure out that when Steve first half-sings, “Good mornin’,” as everyone clambers into the car that he’s imitating the song from Singin’ in the Rain.
Falling in love with how Steve always, always either has the radio on or a tape playing something that he can sing along to, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. How the car’s always this chaotic space but always, always brimming with love and joy—Steve snapping his fingers every few minutes, like, “Oh, Rob, this is our song! You know, when the—yeah, the shift when—no, not that one, the other time that—” (Eddie discovers with fond amusement that many, many songs share the title of ‘Robin and Steve’s song.’)
Steve singing along to the chorus of Mr. Blue Sky whenever Dustin’s called shotgun in the front, and Eddie soon realises, his heart fit to burst, that it’s because Steve must associate the song with Dustin; that he does the same thing with everyone he gives rides to, like it comes so naturally to him, his love for each person intertwined with each song, like he’s making the melody anew every time.
Eddie, tipsy from ‘Graduation Champagne’ courtesy of Nancy, asks Steve once if he has a song tied to him.
“Ah,” Steve says, smiling and bright-eyed in his role as the designated driver, “you have a whole damn catalogue, Eddie.”
And… oh.
Well, Eddie reasons, heart skipping a beat, he doesn’t need to know all of them at once, then. He doesn’t mind waiting, letting each one unfold, like unwrapping an expensive chocolate.
One night the two of them are driving back to Hawkins alone, having spent the day at a mall shopping for Robin’s birthday. They really didn’t need to spend the whole day, had already got her presents within the first couple of hours, but they dawdled, messed around, tried on increasingly ridiculous hats and sunglasses to make the other laugh.
And Steve fiddles with the radio until he finds an obscure station that just plays songs from musicals. And yeah, he sings along, but his voice is a little restrained, almost like he’s shy. Eddie looks at him with a soft smile, suddenly knows he’s seeing something precious, something Steve perhaps reserves for car rides alone. That Steve is letting him into a private moment.
“You have a real pretty voice, man,” he murmurs, quiet enough that they could pretend it goes unheard under the noise of the car driving along.
But as Steve looks ahead, he smiles, and his ears turn red.
He goes for it for the rest of the ride, voice back to its normal volume. He plays it up, trying to make Eddie laugh while they’re waiting for traffic lights to change. Catches his eye and damn near trills, “I feel fizzy and funny and fine, and so pretty, Miss America can just resign.”
And of course, Eddie laughs. Feels his stomach swoop. He knows what this feeling is. Oh, he knows.
As the West Side Story tribute ends, Steve’s voice drops back to his normal register. Turns gentle and sincere as he glances at his wing mirror and sings, almost to himself, “For I’m loved by a pretty wonderful boy.”
Yes, Eddie thinks, you are, you are, you are.
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alena-draws · 2 months
My Hero Academia started off so innocent and it's going so hard now with these last arcs, wouldn't have imagined that, damn
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delizbin · 5 months
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Personal take but totally inspired by the ff Fine Line by the amazing @firstdragonlady
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kopykunoichi · 5 months
No thoughts in my head, just them.
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Left column: chapters 47, 62, 98
Center column: chapters 137, 175, 175
Right column: chapters 201, 225, 225
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plague-of-insomnia · 11 months
I think the worst thing about kuro antis is how much of a disservice they do to Yana.
Acting like she’s a bad storyteller because they don’t like the way she tells her story.
Yana is an incredible storyteller.
She is able to weave together so many threads so there’s always a set up for something and yet she does it in a way that doesn’t distract from the overall story.
Just think about the twin reveal. It was set up as early as the ripper arc I believe and didn’t come out until 100+ chapters later. And yet if you look back you can see all the clues she left.
She carefully chooses how she sets up panels and which POV she uses. She picks her kanji so carefully, often they can be read 3-4 different ways!
To say she’s a bad writer or that she just “accidentally” does things for “fan service” is a slap in the face to the hard work and careful craftsmenship she puts into her work.
If you think she’s such a bad mangaka, if you find her “sexualizing” of characters so repulsive, then why are you in the kuro fandom? Why are you still reading the manga?
I’ve come across plenty of media where I liked the concept but hated the execution. And you know what I did? I stopped reading/watching and moved on. It’s that simple.
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dazaistabletop · 1 year
PSA: Sigma is not a floatation device
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Chapter 1 of a New Dipplinshipping Mini Series is OUT. Introducing...
* ~ The Dichotomy in Our Hearts ~ *
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Kieran and Juliana have just returned from the depths of Area Zero, where Juliana once again is the hero of the story who gets to keep the glory and the legendary pokemon that comes with it. Bitter and jaded, Kieran is left to tend to the wounds of his defeat as he waits to hear about the League's decision regarding who gets to keep the Championship title in Blueberry Academy. He was prepared to do whatever it took to salvage his reputation, but then Carmine delivers the news that they will be going home for a period of time. Will this trip help ease the pain of his loss, or will it be too hard to show his face again - especially to his oh-so-perfect rival of all people?
Juliana has felt the distance grow between her and Kieran, and it's exactly the opposite of what she wants with her crush. She hopes she can reach out to him and somehow make things right, but he seems to be irritable and stressed whenever she does talk to him. In a moment of unexpected vulnerability, she realized that the old Kieran was still inside of him somewhere. Can she successfully team up with Carmine and the rest of Kieran's family to help him soften up again? And can she find a way to tell him about her feelings?
This story will be told in five chapters, and everything has already been planned out in advance. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this, and I hope you can too. Please let me know what you think if you decide to read it! 💕
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osamusriceballs · 6 months
The Accident - Part IX
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: None
Words:- ~ 1,2 k
About: The phone call with Atsumu! What could he possibly want from you?
Part I II -> Next Part
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"Y/n? It's me, Atsumu Miya."
You glance at Yachi with wide eyes, and she nods frantically, clearly excited by the call. She urges you to respond, gesturing for you to say something to him.
"Oh, yes. Atsumu. Is everything alright?"
"Everything's good. Don't worry. I just wanted to let you know that I've talked to my lawyer, and apparently, we both can't have the same lawyer for the divorce. I've contacted Samu's lawyer, though, and they're willing to help us out. I'll cover the cost, don't worry. They're discreet too, so we don't need to worry about the public getting involved." You try to focus on his words, but his voice flows like honey through the speaker, causing your heart to skip a beat. Yachi taps your shoulder, urging you to respond once again. You clear your throat and quickly start to answer.
"Oh. Thank you. I really don't know what to say. I've been thinking about the public, especially since I found out you're in the Olympic team. I was wondering if the situation would cause problems for you."
"No! No, yer not causing me trouble. It's not like we're under a dating ban. Most of us just try to be discreet about our dating life. Some fans are... a bit obsessed." There's a brief silence, and you debate if you should mention stumbling upon his profile and complimenting him for it. You're technically still strangers, yet it feels like you're the early stages of actually dating.
"But don't worry about that; your husband will take care of that, 'kay?" His tone turns playful, and you snort at the comment. "Okay. Let me know how I can help." You ease back into the couch, Yachi attentively watching you with a curious expression.
"Of course. You could start by telling me about your plans for next week. We need to talk to the lawyers; can you fit me into yer schedule sometime?"
"I have the next week off, so just let me know when works best for you." You smile at the thought of seeing him again, ignoring Yachi's encouraging grin.
"Sure. How about Wednesday? We can have dinner after the appointment; I can show you Onigiri Miya, if ya want? You can say no too; I just thought it would be a good idea to get to know each other. We started rather... unusually." Your cheeks heat up at the memory of how you technically met—waking up naked and married.
"Oh! That sounds lovely, actually. I've seen some pictures of Onigiri Miya, and I'd love to try Osamu's food."
"You've seen pics? Found my Instagram, didn't ya?" His teasing tone intensifies, and you feel even more heat rushing to your cheeks.
"I just- I wasn't trying to-" You stammer, the image of a shirtless Atsumu vivid in your mind.
"Just teasin' ya. Are you getting shy on me now? We literally slept in the same bed; I'd stalk my husband's Instagram too if I woke up married like that." He teases, and you can't help but get flustered.
"I wasn't stalking!" You clarify and clear your throat uncomfortably. "Did ya make sure to follow me? I wanna stalk my wifey too." He laughs, clearly unfazed by the situation, and his lightheartedness quickly transfers to you. "I didn't. I just had a short look; I don't know if I remember your username."
"Oh? You only remember the food on my page? Guess that's the only thing I'm good for. Only known for being the brother of the famous Osamu Miya, chef, and successful restaurant owner. I'll ask Samu to post some pictures of me to gain more followers." He sighs dramatically, and you snort at his exaggerated acting. "Did you just laugh? You seemed so tense before; I'm glad yer feeling better already."
"Thank you. I really appreciate everything." You smile, and even though you can't see his face, you're sure he's smiling too. "And I'll make sure to follow you. Maybe it will help raise your popularity- I want your volleyball career to thrive, after all." He laughs at your words, and you notice Yachi looking at you with raised brows, clearly curious about what you're talking about.
"Maybe I can finance us someday with my volleyball skills. Stick along, wifey. I'll get you an even prettier ring then." You blush feverishly and cough nervously while glance at the ring on the couch table. "The rings don't look too bad actually. The diamond looks almost real."
"Oh, about that. It is real, so make sure to wear it often to show off."
It takes you a few moments to process his words, and you take a sharp breath through your nose as you look at the ring. "What do you mean it's real? Like a real diamond?" Yachi stares at the ring too, and her mouth is agape as she hesitantly reaches for it, holding it in the light. It shines beautifully, and you lean forward to inspect it closer.
"Yeah, real diamond and all that. I found a receipt in my pocket. The rings are from a real jewelry store. I got the certificates for them too. I'll give you the one for your ring when we see each other again."
"I don't know what to say- Atsumu-" You hesitate, gazing at the ring once again. The diamond is not small, not overly huge, but tastefully big enough to shine brightly. "Don't mention it. We'll talk next week? I'll message you the time. I can pick ya up, or we can meet up there; I'm fine with both."
"Okay. Thank you. See you next week, Atsumu."
"See ya, wifey."
You hang up with a smile and stare at the screen for a few moments, until Yachi starts to laugh right next to you.
"'See you next week, Atsumu'- the way you made sure to say his name, ohh, y/n, you're crushing on him."
"I don't even know him, Yachi! And we're in no position to be liking each other; it's just business!" You shake your head and furrow your brows.
Atsumu is a nice guy. Funny, charismatic, kind. And extremely good looking. You know that you realistically have no chance to score a catch like him, and yet, you find yourself married to him. You wonder if he is regretting the whole situation, even though he seems to play it cool. He's on top of his career and you're just distracting him right now in this important phase. He's probably just worried about his reputation, worried that you'd go to the media and claim that he had forced you to do something. He might just be nice to you because he's scared- scared that you could potentially ruin his career. You need to make sure to always remember that and not to let his words get to you.
You'd have to make sure you don't fall for him— or else you'd end up with a broken heart.
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yourqueenb · 6 months
Me reading today’s Blades chapter:
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susielesbianism · 7 months
obviously I don’t want Deltarune to become a full-on horror game, but I would quite honestly LOVE it if it started embracing more and more horror elements as it goes. There’s just something about the way Toby does horror that is just. chef’s kiss. It would be so fucking cool to see more of that
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hey just wanted to comment on ur fanfiction that u wrote and edited and posted to let u know that ummmm u wrote the character with flaws?? sorry but did u realize that u gave the character flaws?? i don't really like this character because they have flaws did you mean to give ur main character flaws?? just wanted to let u know that character has flaws and i don't like that!!
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morangoowada · 5 months
Flowers are interesting
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milogoestogreendale · 9 months
me when im typing up a first draft without really thinking and accidentally rickroll myself
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