sidsinning · 1 year
Hellsing has fantastic female characters did I mention that
Underrated af
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One of the major driving points of the entire show are Alucard's complex relationships with each of them
People don't expect that looking at Hellsing from the outside
But look at this man
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He's crazy about them we love him for it
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eliounora · 3 months
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some original art inspired by the flammarion engraving☀️
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mishapen-dear · 4 months
qbadboyhalo died…. qbadboyhalo died On Screen. qbadboyhalo died on screen and was forced to make a choice between a home he hasnt seen in thousands and thousands of years, and his children. qbadboyhalo died crying out begging for his son to live. qbadboyhalo chose to live. qbadboyhalo lied to people about how much he was hurting. dapper hid from his sister to have a breakdown over his father’s death in private. qbadboyhalo’s body was a hundred blocks or less from them for most of the day. dapper is looking for that same body at the bottom of the ocean. i am unwell.
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aethernoise · 8 days
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A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted dyable Constellation pants for my AST glamour, and went back into Eureka Anemos for the first time in over two years. Then, tonight I cleared Baldesion Arsenal and got my very own orb to ponder.
For multiple expansions, I had kinda given up on Eureka. I stopped at level 21 - just entering Pagos - when it was current, and wistfully watched others progress through the 4.x patches without me. It just started to seem like something I'd probably never go back to because it had "been too long" and I didn't have a dedicated group to go with. It seemed exhausting and intimidating.
But then something in me kinda just went "fuck it." I did it, and mostly alone. I relied on pickup groups and the friendliness of familiar faces along the way, and ended up joining CAFE for a newbie-friendly run of BA once I was finished with my new shiny weapon.
Moral of the story is: Do It Scared. Do It Anyway. Just get in there and shout.
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adelaidedrubman · 4 months
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—LOCAL CRINGEFAIL MASS MURDERERS WALK INTO SEX THERAPY. (template found here. | credit to @derelictheretic for both oc portraits used!)
was alerted to the existence of this incredible meme by dearest @henbased and obviously had to do it for the flop couples and try starting off a game. below cut is blank template (+ full res johnjess version for easier reading because tumblr decided to be difficult with me on preserving transparency) and tags to play if you have any failsex couples to share!
tagging: @florbelles @henbased @derelictheretic @nightbloodbix @mccarthycormac @corvosattano @shellibisshe @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika @fourlittleseedlings @blissfulalchemist @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @firstaidspray @josephseedismyfather @cloudofbutterflies92 @stacispratt @strangefable @nonfunctioning-queer @nowandthane @risingsh0t @direwombat @ladyoriza @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies @deputyash @afarcry5fromstraight @orionlancasterr @wrathfulrook + nsfw games opt in here!
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lenorahills · 1 year
Mileven is the most impactful and important representation of a (romantic) relationship between someone neurodiverse/disabled and someone not I have ever seen. They mean so much to me because I’ve never seen a dynamic like theirs on screen; to see someone be unconditionally loved for who she is. I challenge people to tell me where else in media I can find a dynamic similars to theirs because it’s so utterly rare. I’ve had enough of the constant “critiques” because this representation I’ve made form Mileven is scraping the bottom of the barrel and I hold it so dear to me.
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pokemonruby · 7 months
nintendo randomly dropping that a zelda movie has been in development for years smack dab in the middle of a tuesday afternoon was definitely not on my bingo chart holy shit
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a-smol-cosplayer · 1 year
since yall seemed to like my incorrect quotes - here are some fanfic tags for wednesday :D (if u make a comment about the og fandoms these where from ur biphobic, don't be rude)
pre-warning: highly wyler adjacent however there is some wavier and wenclair in there - but they are mostly just general bestie vibes :) also sorry about the quality :/ beggars can't be choosers, other than that here we go!
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djatsbrainrot · 1 year
one thing that stuck with me about camila and billy’s relationship when i first read the book and that i’m thinking about again now that the show is over is that, like… it’s always a little bit of a lie, you know? there’s always (#tome) a little bit of yearning for the potential of their relationship — for what they think their life should be, for what it could have been, for what it might eventually be instead of what it actually is. they’re both trying really hard to live up to the idealized version of themselves (billy in particular), but never quite manage it because the mask is never fully removed. i’m glad the show writers picked up on the same thing!
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randomnameless · 8 months
I've heard you mention before how bad the Zahras chapter is in terms of characterization for the three lords, especially Dimitri, but can you specify the reasons why?
Thanks to the datamine, I can finally get those lines without having to screencap everything from youtube!
For Dimitri, Claude says this :
I'm just gonna come out and say it: After the war, I'm going to abolish the Central Church and depose the archbishop. The people of Fódlan have been shackled by this decrepit system for too long, and I'm ending it.
So okayyy...
Claude just says he has some beef with the person Dimitri welcomed as a refugee. Why?
That's right. Think about it. Who steals your freedom and gives you an endless list of duties and obligations simply because you have a Crest?
Dimitri's obligations and duties are his, not because he has a crest, but because he is a King - just like King of Almyra would have obligations and duties not to let his own people starve or be used as meatshields in Saturday raids, or letting his spurned son mount the biggest invasion ever because he's too busy mopping about his missing son, but apparently the King of Almyra doesn't give a fuck about his people.
And while yes, Dimitri is a King because he was born with a crest as Lambert's son... The need to have a crested King never came from the Church, and let's be real, Dimitri, as the character we know, feels like he has a duty to people and wishes to help because he is Dimitri, even if he was crestless like Ashe, Dimitri would want to help (just like Ashe!).
Who forces you and your friends into a bunch of unwanted marriages and positions of power?
That's not the Church, for sure, but the feudal notion of nobility - even if, let's be real, it is completely hypocritical for Claude to say this, because the same notion of nobility also exists in places around the continent where the CoS has no sway like... Almyra?
And about the unwanted marriages, again, Claude knows (or should know) Lorenz and his marriage problems, it is not the Church who forces people in unwanted marriages, but the responsibilities that come with being a Noble - Lorenz marrying Marianne means both house Gloucester and House Edmund are strengthened and could work more closely, maybe being able to rival Riegan or even overtake them in an "importance" contest, Lorenz marrying Leonie means... House Gloucester stays House Gloucester.
It's also hilarious because AG has a NPC talking about her marriage to House Gautier (I think?), and she never mentions the Church, rather mentions how she ultimately loves her husband.
The church even forbids any official contact with outside regions!
Source : my chamber pot
Dimitri knows well, after having seen Rhea helping Duscurian refugees, that the Church does not forbid contact with "outside regions", hell, Faerghus and Duscur were on relative good grounds, before the Regicide.
Not exactly great for Faerghus, right? Being as close to Sreng and Albinea as you are.
If Faerghus has sour relationships with Sreng, it's because of border raids, but of course a Prince of Almyra will never talk about this :)
And we know Albinea trades a lot with Fodlan, in general, if their damn fruits being in every region is any indication - or this tidbit from the Book detailing the Royal Territories of Faerghus :
Dominic A small but beautiful barony. Its coastal cities have become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea.
Too bad Claude speaks, again, with confidence, about something he doesn't know, but can you imagine a micro-second that Dimitri doesn't know who Dominic trades with? Gilbert, a second son of House Dominic, is pious to a fault - but apparently he never bothers telling his brother that trading with Albinea is BaD, so...
Claude, again, is presenting the contents of his chamber pot to Dimitri, asking him to trust him based on those.
Claude continues, after assuring Dimitri that Faerghus isn't his goal !
And really, our enemy isn't the actual church so much as the people at the top who make all the decisions.
Rhea BaD
So it's not even about the Church in General, but apparently, Rhea (as the people at the top) makes the decisions to, uh, prevent the world from interacting with Fodlan (but there are Morfis merchants in Garreg Mach???) - the same woman who, in AG, we hear busies herself helping children and refugees from Duscur after a fire or what not.
(And that's not talking about the kind of official "contact" Adrestia had with Brigid and Sreng...)
I'm sorry Claude, but if the Alliance doesn't want to have any "official" contact with Almyra, it's not because Rhea forbids said contact, but it's because your father, your brother and your retainer (?) Nader apparently do not see anything wrong with a penis measuring contest that consists in raiding, "rampaging" and "bringing souvenirs" from Fodlan for funsies.
So, after playing 12 chapters in AG where Dimitri knows what Rhea does, we could expect some rebuttal, right?
I understand where you're coming from, Claude, and on a personal level I actually agree with you.
Dimi, no :(
But as King, he is opposed, not because a King has to use his head and can't do stupid shit on a whim (like marrying the still current wife of a foreign leader!)
Yes, for three reasons. First, abolishing the church would deny the king's right to rule Faerghus. Without one, the people will descend into chaos and war. Would you be able to take responsibility for such a thing, once it came to pass?
My Bad!
That mention of the King's right to rule Faerghus coming from the Church was nonsensical during the discourse days, and still is, after Nopes.
If the Kingdom's name is "Holy", remember that a name and a history doesn't mean a thing when people don't want to follow it - again, remember what happened with Adrestia? They pissed on the Church, Rhea acting as a witness is a custom you can ignore whenever you want, and they are actually waging a war against the Church of Seiros, when Seiros herself fucking created (together with Willy!) the country who has her own symbol on their flag!
Faerghus won its independence against Adrestia, Church or no Church, Faerghus existed by fucking over the Empire (as it was led by Loog). Without the Church, and faced with a powerful Empire, are we really supposed to think Faerghians won't rally behind Loog's scion to, hm, protect them or at least ensure their continued independence from Adrestia?
Second, recklessly discarding the church will only incite discord among the clergy and its supporters.
This is a somewhat valid reason, as we know, the CoS helped the Kingdom in recent times, especially after the regicide. But they are also currently helping the Kingdom against Supreme Leader's war of conquest, let it be by taking care of randoms or sending its knights to support Faerghus.
Also, the Kingdom operates on "shat upon by this game" notions of gratitude, love and loyalty - unlike Adrestia, if Supreme Leader's stunt of backstabbing the CoS after they helped her get rid of "corruption" in the Empire is any indication. And I doubt the same Kingdom folk would readily accept it if their King suddenly got rid of the organisation/woman who helped them so much during their time of need.
And finally, a revolution of this nature will not only mean casualties among the commonfolk, but will endanger your own life as well.
I will have to check the JP text because this "revolution" word is a bit contrived - there's no revolution if you're just kicking out a religious organisation in YOUR Kingdom - but yes, commonfolk will be pissed (maybe take up weapons?) even if I'm pretty sure some "noblefolk" will also be pissed at this decision.
And because Dimitri worries about everyone - save for Rhea and the church apparently because they BaD - he also worries about Claude's life.
Leaving the first two for a second, I have some serious issues with that last one. I'm glad you're concerned for my safety, but I can take care of myself
Claude really replies with "leaving logic aside" and the commonfolk casualties he doesn't give a fuck about if GW is any indication, uwu don't worry about me I can watch over myself :)
Ah, good ol' Plot Armor :)
But don't you see? The people you wish to depose are human, just as you are.
Hahahan hilarious Dimitri, those people aren't human ! Supreme Leader told me!
No matter what ingenious scheme you come up with or how careful you try to be, they will suffer.
Is he trying to appeal to Claude's compassion and moral fiber? The guy who is, in GW, invading his country for funsies, staging a double invasion with Sreng forces who are just used as decoy/fodder?
And their vengeance will eventually find you, no matter how hard you try to stave it off. I know full well the guilt that accompanies such actions…and the retribution they provoke
Lol, no.
Who can give a fuck about the suffering of Nabateans/Church folk? Being backstabbed by everyone because of propaganda, and needing to die for reasons as consistent as a baby's first purée?
"don't do that Claude, Rhea will be angry and swear vengeance against you, and blablabla cycle of hatred and retributions and blabla"
Everyone has to deal with the consequences of their decisions. If you let it rule you, Fódlan never changes.
Says Mister "I abolished a Republic and created a Kingdom in the land that used to say "we bow to no king and to no emperor" " or "I'm invading your land and killing your people" or even "I'm enrolling Almyrans in my army who will rampage and bring souvenirs and the Leicesterians (?) are totally okay with it!" ?
Claude who never ever faces any consequences for his bonkers decision through the entire game? That guy? Talks about "dealing with the consequences"? Fodlan changing is more important than Fodlan dying?
(at least that's how it was for the Alliance turned Federation...)
But not taking the time to look where you're going will only lead you to stumble and fall. And if there are those who would be hurt by this, I consider it my duty to help them.
Dimitri wants to help... Claude, who would be hurt with this "revolution", but dgaf about getting rid of the Church, aka Rhea/Seteth/the clergy who would also, obviously, be "hurt" by this stupid idea?
Heh. There you go, trying to save everyone again. You really are too good for me!
Not everyone, as we all understood - the Church can burn :)
To be honest, I'm jealous of how you're not burdened with the same restrictions.
"tbh Claude, I'm jealous of how you don't give a fuck about the number of deaths your actions are causing"
Are we... sure that's Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd talking here? Really? Wasn't he body snatched by Chilon?
Forgot OOC, this line wouldn't even be said by this character.
In the world I'm trying to create, you wouldn't be burdened by them either. You could even… No, forget that. I'm serious about what I said, though. And I really do admire how you want to save everyone. Honestly, if you weren't a king, I think we could've been friends.
"In my world, you too wouldn't give a fuck about the deaths/suffering your actions are creating! You're only worried about them because you are king! But if you weren't, you could be an amoral asshole, just like me! Could we be fwends in an AU plz?"
I feel much the same. Had I joined with you, I might have been able to see a different vision of Fódlan.
Sadly, Dimitri isn't able to throw his compassion and morals to the trashcan, so he cannot join Claude !
And if you consider this line can be said during the GW events (remember, the invasion, killing Matthias, killing his soldiers and his people, etc etc), this is even more insulting.
So, as a good friend said, this Zahrofl convo shits on FE16!Claude (but the games is all about it), but more importantly, it is the only place in the game where Dimitri is Nopes'd, aka, his character does a 180° and/or is butchered because the plot demands so.
Like, anon, can you imagine a second, Dimitri, the Dimitri, wishing he too, couldn't "be burdened"' by the suffering he creates?
Imo, it's on par with Supreme Leader suddenly loving the sun and loving to swim. That character wouldn't be Supreme Leader, just like the person in this convo, isn't Fodlan's Dimitri (tfw Engage's Emblem!Dimitri is more faithful to IS's idea of Dimitri than Nopes lol).
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odiemodie16 · 7 months
today the person sitting in front of me in my lecture was dressed as crowley, like down to the hair and everything, but it was kind of subtle and for that whole class I was debating whether or not it was intentional
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thena0315 · 1 year
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These two...
so close and yet so far....
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… but....they finally made it in the end...
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fic-recommendations1 · 2 months
Instant Kill Mode
By Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so
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An absolute crack fic where Peter just about turns all Tony's hair grey. Karen the ai hates birds and at one point tries to kill Sam because his hero name is the Falcon and is being an over menace
All credit to Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so and marvel
Also edit here i forgot to mention at one point Peter had 31 bricks of crack in his apartment
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mygayrats · 2 years
I only just NOW realized I could make short videos my phone lockscreen,,,
...that being said, i made a new Spamano edit specifically made to fit as a wallpaper
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nico-di-genova · 3 months
I wish all people who spam post in tags a very stop.
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catboii · 6 months
((I'm abt to be all over my draws soon,,,,,,
TL;DR: my kid's phone was insured, we tried to get it replaced, they didn't have it in stock, they replaced it with a better one, which I'm keeping for myself (giving my kid mine)
story time!
so, my kid had an M series galaxy phone, which they threw one too many times and the screen busted (they're on the autistic spectrum and meltdowns can be,,,, alot).
but this was a lil while ago now and they've really turned it around and been coping well without it and not complaining, so i decided that one of their xmas presents could be us getting it fixed/replaced since it was insured and we only needed to cover the excess at £75, which is alot cheaper than fixing the screen off our own back.
well. it wasn't quite that simple apparently. there was a big faff where they apparently sent us an email saying their supplier didn't have that specific phone in stock, so they'd contact us to sort out what we could get instead, but we didn't get it so we were waiting in for the doorstep exchange, and we didn't think it would get sorted in time for xmas, but they did contact us eventually, and they sent my mum an option of 4 phones that they could do instead. S22s...... or for a couple hundred extra we could've gotten into the S23s which is the latest ones, but I can't afford that if I even wanted it
there was a 22, 22+, and 2x 22 Ultras in different colours......
the S22 Ultra costs over £700-1,000 even on Amazon, and upwards of 1,000 on the Samsung website, I got the original M52 5G for £400ish and I think I'm still paying it off on Paypal Credit.
so yeah. I'm getting the most expensive one and swapping my old phone (Note 10, still really good, just a dodgy battery so have to charge it more than their old one, and the screens cracked in a couple places which makes drawing on it a little awkward bc the S pen catches and the pressure's a bit dodgy in spots, not a huge deal though, they love borrowing it and drawing on it)
I don't trust them with a £1,000+ phone. but I'd be silly to pass up the chance to get the flashiest one on the list
(this also means they get my Neko Atsume save, since you can't transfer it. or if you can it was like really complicated)
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