holocene-sims · 9 months
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july 10, 2021 12:00 p.m. the wedding palace
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 10 months
The Danger Zone (Part 2) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.1k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: It's Phoenix and Coyote's wedding. Also known as the day that Jake Seresin reached his limit.
Series Master List
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You slowly smoothed down your dress in the mirror for maybe the thousandth time, convinced that you could see a very noticeable bump there. Penny assured you that even if you had an actual bump now, it wasn’t noticeable, but your brain still fabricated that image. Part of you worried that someone would make a comment about your appearance, but there was nothing that you could do now.
“Are you okay? You look really nervous,” Emma asked, causing you to look away from the mirror.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” you mumbled, looking down at the ground as you tried to come up with a white lie to cover your ass. “Just nervous about my speech later. That’s all.”
“You were great at my wedding. I’m sure that you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Emma.”
“Anytime,” Emma replied with a bright smile. Squeezing your hand supportively, she turned to head over to the room that Phoenix was getting ready in. “I’m going to go check on Phoenix. But did you need anything else?”
“No, I’m fine. Thanks, Emma.”
You watched as Emma walked off before slowly turning back to the mirror. Resting your hand over your abdomen, you let out a breath to steady yourself.
After you took the pregnancy tests and probably cried to Penny about it for about a half an hour straight, you knew that you needed some time to process everything before talking about it with anyone else. And then there was the whole subject of Phoenix’s wedding, which you didn’t want to upstage in the slightest.
So, you just kept it to yourself. Well, yourself and Penny.
You went to work in the morning, came home, made yourself dinner or picked something up along the way, and just hibernated. You didn’t go to hang out with anyone else outside of the wedding-related events. You just stayed home and got lost in your thoughts.  
Jake texted you every day, but you always made up some lame excuse to get out of whatever plans he tried to set up. The truth was simple—you were terrified of what Jake’s reaction would be. Sure, the two of you had been messing around for several months now—almost a year technically, if you counted all of the months that he was deployed.
But the two of you weren’t together. You weren’t a couple. And you didn’t plan this.
Would Jake even want a kid? Were kids in his life plan at all? Did he even see a slight future with you in order to make it work? Would he dump you on the spot? Would he want to be heavily involved? Would it all go up in flames?
You had no idea. And it wasn’t like you could look at Jake’s childhood for any indication.
He was absolutely tight lipped about his upbringing and you had never been able to crack him. All you knew was that he grew up in Texas and that the slightest mention of his dad got him to shut down. And that was about all you knew about Jake Seresin’s life before the Navy.
It was a recipe for disaster and you were not ready to handle it. So, you avoided him.
And, of course, you were also totally convinced that when you finally sat him down to talk about it, you were going to cry and cause a scene. And that wasn’t taking into account whatever his reaction was going to be. So, you pushed it off. You cared too much for Phoenix and Coyote to even risk interrupting their wedding in the slightest.
But tomorrow, after the wedding was wrapped up, you would tell Jake. You would tell Jake that you were pregnant with his baby.
Jake stared down at his phone for a moment, scrolling through his last few texts to you. He texted you last night after you spent the entirety of the rehearsal dinner avoiding his presence. And Jake just automatically assumed that he did something to upset you, so he sent you a generic apologetic text. But all you responded with was some bullshit about being stressed about the wedding and that was it.
Jake Seresin wasn’t used to being the one who was more attached in a situation-ship.
He never had been. His job and his personality combined ensured that. At a moment’s notice, he could be sent to the other end of the world, which didn’t exactly give him much time to build strong bonds with his partner and inevitably led to strain. And then there was the fact that he was just an asshole who pushed people’s buttons easily.
He had left a long train of relationships—though perhaps he was using that term a little too liberally—in his life that blew up because he was an asshole who ran his mouth when he was pushed to be vulnerable. He had his career to propel him forward and he didn’t need any of the additional bullshit that seemed to come with every relationship, so he just didn’t put up with it.
But this relationship—whatever you wanted to call it—with you wasn’t bullshit. That was real shit. And Jake was growing more and more annoyed that you were dodging his texts and his presence. He was the desperate type, but he really could have used a text back from you. Or just an answer about what he did wrong to piss you off.
Was that really asking too much?
“Why do you look so pissed?” Rooster asked, causing Jake to quickly pick his head up.
Sliding his phone into his pocket, Jake cleared his throat as he turned to face Rooster. He wasn’t too worried about anyone seeing the texts between the two of you. After all, you were saved in his phone as ‘Honey B,’ so it wasn’t like anyone would see your name. And it had been about two weeks since you sent him a sexy photo anyways.
“Nothing. Just want to get this started already,” Hangman lied, adjusting his dress white jacket a bit.
“Right,” Rooster replied, eyeing Hangman curiously for a moment. “Is Javy ready?”
“He’s been ready since like five this morning,” Jake dismissed, glancing back at the room where Javy was by himself. “He wanted to be alone to fix his vows.”
“For the twelfth time,” Jake replied, shaking his head. “He wants to make sure that they’re perfect.”
“Well, Javy’s the type to only get married once. I get where he’s coming from.”
Jake knew that Rooster didn’t intend that as a dig, but he still took it as one. After all, Rooster was setting up to live that picket fence life with a wife and a house and probably a gaggle of kids and a dog or a cat or both. It’d be like a postcard for the perfect family.
And Jake knew that Rooster didn’t think that he was that type to do the same. And Jake also knew that Rooster was probably right about that. And Jake was also pretty sure that him repeatedly hooking up with Rooster’s little sister wouldn’t help Rooster’s image of him. Especially if Rooster ever found out that the first time that they ever hooked up was at Rooster’s wedding.
But he was an asshole, remember?
Rooster was about to add something else when his phone started to buzz. He pulled it out and Jake immediately spotted your name on Rooster’s screen. Ignoring the way that his chest contracted against his will, Hangman listened in as Rooster answered the phone call.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Phoenix wanted me to make sure that Javy was alright,” you stated, sounding amused. “I think that she’s worried that he’ll get cold feet.”
“He’s fixing his vows, according to Hangman,” Rooster responded to you.
“Oh,” you replied, in a way that made Jake wince. “Can you just make sure he didn’t climb out the window or anything like that? Please?”
Hangman nodded and walked over to the room that Javy had taken shelter in. Knocking lightly on the door, Jake opened the door to find Javy fixing his suit in the mirror. When he saw Jake standing there, Javy turned and practically radiated pure joy. Hangman turned back to Rooster, who passed along the message to you.
“Great. We’re going to be on time. Don’t be late, Brad Brad.”
“I think that we can handle it,” Bradley assured you, rolling his eyes lightly. “Bye.”
Jake watched Bradley hang up the call, letting a rock settle in his stomach. Pursing his lips together, Jake pushed all of his thoughts about you to the back of his mind and turned to face Coyote, who was already walking over to him.
“You ready?”
“I was born ready,” Javy returned, grabbing Jake’s shoulder with a tight squeeze.
You could feel Jake staring at you through the entire ceremony. You could feel his eyes on you when you walked down the aisle with your bouquet. You could feel his eyes on you when you stepped forward to take Phoenix’s bouquet and fix her dress. You could feel his eyes on you when you stood behind Phoenix, supporting her as she said her vows to Coyote.
And when Coyote and Phoenix walked down the aisle together, hand-in-hand for the first time as a married couple, you and Jake locked eyes across the altar. And the fact that you were standing there with a bouquet and he was in his dress whites and the tiny detail that you were pregnant with his baby was just a little too much for you to take.
Jake offered you his arm, and after swallowing some nervous bile, you looped your arm through his and started walking down the aisle together. You looked out through the crowd and quickly spotted Penny and Maverick. Maverick waved to you before going back to clapping, blissfully unaware of the situation. And Penny shot you a supportive look that you needed to get your breath back into your lungs.
You could do this. You could make it through one more day.
Jake didn’t say anything to you as you walked down the aisle, probably sensing that it wasn’t an appropriate time to discuss your relationship. But once you were out of the view of the crowd, he gently pulled you to the side. Jake called your name softly, causing you to turn to face him properly.
“Look, I know that it’s been crazy and everything, but I was hoping to talk to you about . . . everything,” Jake spoke softly as the rest of the wedding party walked into the atrium behind you. “Please.”
Gripping your bouquet even tighter, you looked around the atrium for prying eyes and listening ears before turning back to Jake, who looked far more desperate for your attention that you were used to seeing him. And that realization made your heart break just a bit more, since you knew that you were the person who did that to him.
But you couldn’t do it. Not today. Not here. Not at the reception. Tomorrow. It had to be tomorrow.
“Tomorrow,” you stated, a bit firmly. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“Come on, we’re going to miss them,” Emma encouraged, grabbing your hand and pulling you along.  
Jake watched you go with a slightly stunned expression, almost as if he was slapped in the face, as you walked away from him like he was just some random guy. But just as soon as you slipped out of his grip, he put up his usual mask when he spotted the wedding crowd starting to file out.
He expected you to be a bit skittish, but not that skittish. And that made his mind wander to the worst possible situation.  
“One for you and one for you,” Bradley stated, handing you and Emma a glass of champagne each.
After a very awkward photo shoot—at least as far as you and Jake went—everyone moved onto the reception hall for drinks and dinner. But given the information that you found out a few days ago, you stared down at the glass of champagne with a slightly panicked expression. How the hell were you going to spend the whole night dodging alcohol? It was a fucking wedding. A Navy wedding too.
Shit, you didn’t think this through.
“Thank you,” Emma mused, pressing a loving kiss to Bradley’s lips.
“Yeah . . .” you trailed off nervously.
Looking around for somewhere to dump the alcohol, you let out a breath when you spotted Penny and Maverick walking over to you. Penny saw the glass in your hand and nodded discreetly. While the five of you chatted and caught up, Penny switched your glass with her half-empty one.
“Thank you,” you whispered to her, causing her to smile softly.
“Don’t mention it. And you just have to wait for everyone to get through their first few drinks and then no one will notice,” Penny assured you, giving you that maternal support that you desperately needed in that moment. “Worst comes to worst, just dump it.”
“I just need to get through my speech and then I’ll be fine,” you sighed, glancing around the room.
“Ooh, are you looking for Javy’s friend from back home?” Emma asked, causing you to turn to her. “You know, the one who was flirting with you last night?”
“Who?” Bradley questioned, causing Emma to shoot him a look.
“She’s not a teenager. Let her live a little,” Emma scoffed, bumping her husband with her hip before turning back to you. “And I thought that he was really into you.”
“Who is he?” Maverick inquired, earning a look from Penny.
“Oh, don’t you start either. You’re far from a saint yourself, Pete.”
“I’m not looking to meet anyone tonight,” you stated, trying to end the conversation then and there. “Just trying to get through my speech, get a slice of cake, and toss these stupid heels out the window as soon as possible.”
“I have an extra pair of flats in my bag, if you wanted them,” Emma offered, causing you to perk up.
“And that’s why you’re my favorite,” you joked, dragging her away from your brother.
“Love you too,” Bradley scoffed, shaking his head as he watched the two of you walk off.
The reception got going shortly after that. Phoenix and Coyote made their grand entrance, dinner was served, and then it was time for your speech. Everything went smoothly, since you spent the entire week memorizing it. And then Jake gave his speech, during which you alternated between staring at him with damning intensity and hiding from his gaze in a dizzying cycle.
When the dance floor opened up and everyone started to break into their own separate activities, you slipped away to grab a drink. Ordering a ginger ale, you made your way out onto the back balcony where it was nice and cool. Resting your head in your hands, you took a moment to compose yourself.
You were exhausted. Emotionally. Physically. And now that most of the wedding was done, your mind was only focusing on the inevitable conversation with Jake that was fast approaching whether you wanted to have it or not. Mostly because Jake watched you slip away and took his opportunity to speak with you alone.
“Are you alright?” Jake asked quietly, causing you to pick up your head.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, gripping the railing tightly. “Why do you ask?”
“Because for the last week, you’ve been avoiding me,” Jake pointed out, moving to stand beside you. Staring into your eyes, Jake frowned when you immediately broke eye contact. “And now you won’t even look at me.” He called your name, causing you to pick your head up. “What is going on?”
“I can’t talk about it right now,” you stated softly, glancing back into the reception hall. “Can we talk about it tomorrow?”
“Why can’t we talk about it today?” Jake countered, causing you to purse your lips. “What’s going on?”
“I . . . it’s not right to talk about it right now.”
“Why not?”
“It’s Javy and Nat’s wedding. It’s not our event,” you pushed back against Jake stubbornly. You would never forgive yourself if you somehow ruined this wedding and you weren’t even going to approach the subject with Jake until after the wedding was all wrapped up. “And I’m not going to cause a scene at their wedding. It’s not fair to them.”
“How are we going to cause a scene? We’re just talking.”
“We’re both tired,” you pointed out, reaching for your ginger ale. “It’s been a long day.”
“Are there any other excuses that you’d like to use?” Jake asked, causing you to turn your head sharply to shoot him a look. “I mean, is there a list that you’re checking off?”
“Are you seriously giving me that attitude right now?” you shot back, standing up for yourself.
“Well, apparently there’s no other way to get a reaction out of you,” Jake returned, causing you to look away from him.
“Why can’t we just talk about it tomorrow?” you replied with a false sense of calm.
“Because after the last couple of days where all you have done is avoid me and dodge my texts, I’m not convinced that you’ll actually talk to me tomorrow.”
“Well, I’m not talking about it right now.”
“Then I guess we’re never going to talk about it then,” he stated, causing you to whirl around.
Jake shot you one last hurt expression before turning and walking off to rejoin the reception. You thought that he was just trying to call your bluff but when he ignored your calls for him to come back, you knew that he was serious.
“Jake,” you called one last time, but he was already gone.
Turning back to the landscape, hot tears started to roll down your cheeks. Did you just ruin everything? Was Jake done with you forever now? Should you have just fucking talked about it? Should you have just yelled it after him when he stormed off?
Feeling another wave of nausea roll over you, you sought refuge in a dark corner of the balcony. Leaning against the wall, you slowly slumped down and let out a quiet, pitiful sob.
Tags (PRETTY PLEASE have your AGE on your blog or message me about it to be tagged--thank you!):
@mrsjobarnes @wishiwasacasualfan
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bridenore · 2 months
Author rec : The_Sinking_Ship
The_Sinking_Ship is one of my favorite authors. Here are a few recs, listed in alphabetical order.
Chasing Dragons by @the-sinking-ship [98k]
Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself? Sure, Potter is a little rough around the edges in ripped jeans, a rumpled tartan shirt, and a permanent scowl. Draco reckons a haircut and a shave wouldn’t hurt, either. But Potter is also in need of a Healer willing to keep his secrets, and Draco is just the man for the job. It’s a perfectly reasonable exchange. They need only attend a couple parties arm-in-arm, smile nicely for the paparazzi, and tolerate each other long enough to convince everyone they’re smitten. In return, Draco will keep Potter alive and in one piece. But it isn’t long before Draco realises he might be in over his head, because Potter is ten tonnes of trouble packed into a leather jacket, and seems keen on hurtling himself towards death on the back of a flying motorbike. And that says nothing of Potter’s penchant for fire-breathing beasts and things that bite. Ah well, at least they’ll have some fun while it lasts. After all, Draco always did like a bit of danger.
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship [83k]
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less. Now, Draco is stuck in England under Auror Potter’s guard with no friends, no distractions, and no escape. How the hell will he pass the time? And since when did Potter get so bloody fit?
Dwelling on Dreams by @the-sinking-ship [135k]
Draco thought he could avoid Potter for the duration of his brief return to England. He’d stick to his schedule and be back home in Paris, where he belonged, in a few short months. No trouble at all. He had plenty to occupy him, what with the opening of the London branch of his successful apothecary, his innovative research, drinks with Pansy, a backlog of unread potions periodicals. Except Head Auror Potter is everywhere — in Draco's chair, at his door, in his dreams. All six feet of motorbike-riding, combat-boot-wearing, sex-hair-sporting Saviour of the World packed into one unfairly fetching uniform. Potter won’t leave Draco the bloody hell alone, won’t let him breathe, let him forget, let him sleep. Because no matter how fast Draco Malfoy runs, Harry Potter is always hot on his heels.
Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship [61k]
Draco doesn’t consider himself an artist (though the dozens of sketchbooks lining his shelves might suggest differently). Yet ever since Potter returned to Hogwarts, accepting a teaching position alongside Draco, his drawings have taken on a rather singular focus. From the curl of his lips to the exact number of lines that form at the corners of his eyes when he laughs, Draco has catalogued every shade of one Harry James Potter between the pages of his sketchbook. So long as Potter remains none the wiser, Draco will have no trouble controlling his crush. But when Potter comes to him with a dangerous proposition, Draco fears things are about to get so much more complicated.
Never Mind the Bollocks  by @the-sinking-ship [118k]
If someone told Harry six months ago that by autumn he would be single, living on whisky and toast, and dancing the night away with Draco Malfoy, he would have told them to get their head checked. And yet, here he was.
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship [58k]
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
On Target by @the-sinking-ship [13k]
A charity dunk tank, some sorry excuses for friends, a Slytherin with freakishly good aim, a (mostly) empty locker room, and one very small towel. Because, apparently, everyone is dying to get Harry Potter wet.
Sugar Sweet by @the-sinking-ship [5k]
Draco thinks everyone forgot his birthday. (They didn’t.)
Things We Do by @the-sinking-ship [16k]
Drinking, dancing, and the sorts of decisions made after one too many shots of vodka.
'Tis a Far Better Thing by @the-sinking-ship [37k]
'Tis a far, far better thing doing stuff for other people — or however the Muggle saying goes — because Potter is in need of professional help, and Draco is just the man to give it to him. A Drarry Clueless AU.
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship [24k]
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige. But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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nataliawrites · 1 year
Plus-One // Lewis Hamilton
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You stared at the envelope laying mockingly on the counter in front of you. You couldn’t believe it! Your cheating ex-boyfriend actually had the gall to invite you to his wedding … to the woman he cheated on you with.
Having moved on with your life, you could safely say that you did not miss him at all. That didn’t stop you from still being pissed at the way he disrespected you and the way that the so-called friends you shared blindly sided with him in the aftermath.
He made you feel worthless, placing the blame on you for being too plain and too frigid. And you actually believed him for a while. Until you met the man who spent every day since he first laid eyes on you proving just how priceless you really are.
Technically, it’s more accurate to say that your Cocker Spaniel met Roscoe while both dogs were being taken for a walk and it was love at first sight for them. Laughing at how your dogs hit it off, Roscoe’s owner introduced himself and invited you to join them for lunch at a local dog-friendly vegan cafe.
That’s how, two years later, you found yourself traveling the world with two dogs and one Sir Lewis Hamilton. The F1 season meant that you spent a good portion of the year away from home and so it was only during summer shutdown that you finally had time to go back to the Monaco condo that you shared with your boyfriend and look through the giant pile of accumulated mail. Hidden in the middle of the mess of letters was an unassuming envelope postmarked from your parents a few months ago. Opening it revealed the envelope you were currently staring at.
The wedding invitation was originally sent to your parents’ house three months ago (which made sense as your ex-boyfriend had no way of knowing where you currently lived). You were willing to bet that he had no idea just how far you’d come since you found him in bed with another woman and unless he was a frequent subscriber to F1 WAG update pages, he likely had no idea who you were dating. Evidently, he invited you to his wedding just to rub it in your face.
Lewis walked into the kitchen to find you sitting at the island trying to burn the invitation with your mind, “What’s wrong, love?”
“Remember when I told you about my douche of an ex?”
“The idiot who cheated on you?”
“Yes,” you raged at his audacity. “Apparently he invited me to his wedding to the same woman he was cheating with.”
“Okay,” Lewis took the invitation from you and read it over, ever the rational one when off the grid. “Here’s what you’re going to do: you’re going to RSVP and check off that you’re bringing a plus-one with you.”
“No buts. It will be after the end of the season. We’re going to pull up and show him just how much better off you are without him. We’re going to make him regret ever hurting you like that.”
You stood up and kissed him in thanks, “I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend.”
His eyes raked over your form, even exhausted after a long plane ride back to Monaco, he still made you feel like the most beautiful woman on earth, “You’ve already upstaged the bride and you’re not even trying.”
Fast-forward to a week before Christmas, one month after Lewis won his eighth world championship title, and you were making the finishing touches to your makeup in a hotel suite near the wedding venue.
“Lew,” you called over your shoulder, “can you please come help me zip up my dress?”
He came up behind you and ran his hands over your back, pulling up your zipper and sending chills throughout your body.
“Gorgeous,” he kissed behind your ear. “Exquisite,” he turned you around and kiss along your jawline.
You met his lips, “I love you. Thank you for everything.”
“And I love you. Every man at the wedding is going to be jealous that I get to have you on my arm tonight.”
The wedding was an experience from the moment you pulled up to the valet and the teenager who ran up to collect your car caught sight of Lewis. He drove to park your Mercedes with shaking hands and a fresh Lewis Hamilton autograph across his company branded cap.
It was a little bizarre when most of the guests were more focused on your boyfriend than the groom at the altar or the bride making her way down the aisle, but the two of you resolved to gracefully sit together, the picture of quiet elegance. Luckily, you sat far enough back at the ceremony to escape your ex-boyfriend’s notice which will make the moment he finally sees you all that much sweeter.
You zoned out while the officiant droned on and on, focusing on Lewis tracing little shapes along your thigh, only snapping back to attention at “you may now kiss the bride.”
The two of you joined the rest of the guests as they filed out of the ceremony space and into the ballroom for the reception, once again the subject of stares as they tried to figure out whether your boyfriend was who they thought he was, and made your way to your assigned table.
You sighed as you realized that you were going to be surrounded by the “friends” who blamed you for the break up and made excuses for why your ex cheated. You whispered as much in Lewis’ ear.
He pulled you closer, “it’ll be fine, love. I’m here with you.”
As the table filled up, it seemed like the rest of the occupants were too preoccupied with your boyfriend to actually realize that he was seated next to you. But you were feeling particularly petty.
“Hello,” you inclined your head with a slight smirk. “It’s nice to you see again.”
They did a double take.
Amy, who you once thought was your best friend, stuttered out a broken, “Y/N?”
“Hi, Amy! How’s it going since you told me that it was understandable that he cheated because I ‘never put out!’”
She didn’t reply, eyes jumping between you and Lewis.
“Oh, this is my boyfriend, Lewis.”
He gave a curt “hello” and raised your entwined hands to his lips.
James, another one of the friends who once betrayed you called out from the other end of the table, “You and LEWIS HAMILTON?”
“Yes, that is my boyfriend’s name last time I checked.”
James continued to run his mouth, “never took you for a gold-digger but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
Lewis interjected before you could even say anything, “Y/N is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. If anyone’s punching above their weight, it’s me. She’s the one who’s out of my league. It’s not her fault the lot of you were too stupid to appreciate her.”
Amy’s boyfriend, who must be new because they weren’t together when you last saw her, tried to ask for an autograph as the table fell into tense silence but Lewis wasn’t having it.
You really loved your boyfriend.
Later that night after the first dance, Lewis went up to the bar to get you some drinks, first making sure that you would be fine alone for a few minutes.
Someone must have it out for you because that’s also when the newlyweds decided to start making their rounds and when your ex finally noticed you.
“Y/N! You actually showed up. Didn’t think you had it in you to watch us get married,” he sneered. “But it looks like your plus-one bailed on you.”
A glass of champagne was placed by your plate before familiar arms wrapped around you from your back, the smell of Lewis’ cologne instantly comforting you. “Her plus one’s right here.”
You could’ve sworn your ex looked less shocked when you walked in on him that faithful day. “But-but you’re Lewis Hamilton?”
You decided to join in on the fun, “really? I had noooo idea.” You turned to face your boyfriend, “why didn’t you tell me that you’re Lewis Hamilton?”
You turned back towards your ex, “and by the way, the next time you have to send me something, you can mail it to our penthouse in New York or our villa in London or our condo in Monaco or our apartment in Nyon.”
You reached for Lewis’ hand as an upbeat song came on, not letting your ex get in a word edgewise, “come on Lew, let’s dance.”
As Lewis led you to the dance floor, you couldn’t help but be thankful for your ex because if he wasn’t such a moron you probably would have never met the love of your life.
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
I just know that bimbo! reader is the mom that all the kids teachers and friends have a crush on 😭 like when the triplets are in elementary and she goes to pick up the boys by herself I know the teachers be trying to flirt with her. Or the boys friends always wanna come over and talk to their momma LMAO
Aaaaand the trend of every man and woman in Hawkins’s being in love with her continues.
<3 She’s always alone when she picks up the boys because Eddie won’t go with her (He’s worried his kids will be bullied bc of him)
<3 So she goes by herself and people assume that she’s single because her kids go to a private school outside of Hawkins and the ppl there don’t rlly know her and Eddie
<3 Her kids are rlly friendly (they take after her in that way) and they make a lot of friends
<3 And one of these friends has a single dad :0
<3 He thinks he’s being really cool and sneaky abt it when he asks if he and his son can come over so their kids can have a play date
<3 she’s like “oh great, we have a pool btw.” And maybe she winks just a little, because she has a habit of winking at the end of a conversation for no reason.
<3 but this dude totally thinks he’s going to get lucky with her
<3 Her, being the oblivious sweetheart she is, goes home super excited and tells Eddie all about it and he’s instantly like “hmmmm. Sounds fishy.”
<3 when they arrive she practically skips to the door, Eddie close behind her so he can do his protective husband shtick.
<3 She can barely open the door bc he’s got his arms wrapped around her waist and he’s kissing all over her neck.
<3 (with no malice) she swats him away and asks him to grab drinks
<3 she opens the door with this big smile on her face greeted both of them with a hug “oh hi Roy!”
<3 She leans down to talk to the kid “hi Johnny, the boys are in the sunroom. I’ve got some snacks in there if you want.”
<3 the kid brushes past her and into the house, she hoped he would be able to find his way around.
<3 “big house you got, must get lonely.” It’s so clear he’s trying to size up if she has a husband, glancing into the house behind her and then to her fingers to look for a ring.
<3 he’s met with the sight of an array of rings on her hands, any of which could be a wedding ring.
<3 “it’s a big family. You need a lot of space for three boys,” she replies, completely oblivious to his motive.
<3 “and more on the way if I can help it.” Eddie sneaks up behind her, slipping an arm around her shoulder and reaching out to shake Roy’s hand with the other.
<3 to an outside viewer it seems perfectly friendly but on the inside Eddie is seething at the way this guy is looking at his wife
<3 “did you get drinks, baby?” She askes, giggling when he kisses her on the cheek.
<3 “mmm. Forgot,” he murmers, hiding his face in her neck to avoid her gentle scowl.
<3 she goes to fix the drinks instead, knowing Eddie likes the way she makes them better anyways.
<3 this leaves the two men alone to subtly glare at eachother.
<3 when she gets back they instantly straighten up, mostly because they don’t want to make their growing feud obvious. But also a little bit because she had changed into her bikini
<3 it’s a small pink number with a sheer skirt attached to the bottom, which does nothing to cover her ass even if that was maybe the intention.
<3 “fuckin hell babe. Lookin good.” He practically growls, pulling her into an intense kiss. Their lips smacking together for far longer than was appropriate in front of company, especially with his hands ghosting down her sides to grab a handful of her ass. “Bring my drink out to the pool, I’m gonna go get changed.”
<3 when he gets back, in all of his ratty band tee and black board shorted glory he’s upstaged by his wife’s new friend, very much shirtless and very much ripped
<3 he’s got that like that silver Fox 6-pack and biceps the size of Eddie’s head and he just kinda shrinks back and sits down quietly
<3 “Eds baby, take your shirt off you’re gonna get a funny tanline.”
<3 “oh I don’t want to take away from the main show,” he scoffs, gesturing at the man in the pool.
<3 “but babeee. You’re so sexy shirtless,” she whines, grabbing at the hem of his shirt.
<3 he hesitantly peels the shirt off, tossing it down on the patio. “next to that guy I look like a scrawny teenager,” he huffs, crossing his arms over his now bare chest.
<3 “Eds. I love the way you look.” She gets off her chair and crawls into his lap, her warm skin pressed against his.
<3 “I know baby. It’s just…when I look at you and then look at me… I can’t help but think you deserve someone who looks like that.”
<3 “Eddie, you’re my husband and the father of my kids. I don’t want anyone else, I never will,” she assures him, her fingers clutch at his chest as she slowly drags her lips against his.
<3 “mhm.” His fingers are needing at the flesh of her hips, almost enough pressure to leave bruises.
<3 they pull away from eachother when one of their kids yells “ew gross, leave mommy alone.” (They’re very protective and anti-pda)
<3 she lies on his chest, tracing his tattoos (her favorite is the one of her name right above his heart)
<3 the soft touch mixed with the fact she’s barely wearing anything is getting him embarrassingly hard
<3 “hey Roy. Can you watch the kids for a sec we got uh… laundry emergency,” he yelps out before picking her up and toting her into the house.
<3 in his defense they do fuck in the laundry room so he wasn’t completely lying about that part
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Stages of love
How Harry and Y/N were before Stages of grief
[Warning- Fucked up timeline]
Face claim- Lily James
Masterlist // Series Masterlist
Late 2015
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/NCinderella, Harryfan1 and 86,099 others
StylesUpdate 'Cinderella' actress Y/N Monet seen at Harry's concert then them leaving together.
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Harryfan3 She was with her son and ex, they were dancing together whole time🥺
Harryfan1 Wait with her ex are they together or she's with Harry?
Harryfan3 I mean her and Harry simply could just be friends
Harryfan2 the way he's holding her? Naah
Early 2016
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Liked by Yourmom, harrystyles, Y/Nfan3 and 2,986,125 others
Yourinstagram 26 babyyy🍾
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Harryfan1 Happy birthday queen🥳
Y/Nfan3 Milfff🤤
TaylorSwift Happy birthday mon❤️
Yourinstagram Thank you Tay😘
Harryfan3 I want to be her🥺also Happy birthday babe
harrystyles Prettiest girl out there💕
Yourinstagram you flatter me baby🫣
Harryfan2 get.a.room.
harrystyles we did
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Liked by Harryfan2, Harryfan4, Y/Nfan2 and 75,008,124 others
StylesUpdate Harry at Y/N's 26th birthday party he threw for her.
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Y/Nfan2 He was drunk out his mind💀
Harryfan1 both were😂
Harryfan3 He threw her a birthday party🥺
Y/Nfan1 I love them together😍
Harryfan4 and the way he's good with her son too and they hang out😭
Harryfan1 Mom and dad!
On twitter-
DailyMail Former One Direction member Harry Styles and Cinderella actress Y/N Monet have reportedly tied the knot in secret near french countryside after just by dating for more than a year.
1M Likes 9.1k retweets 5.2k Quote retweets 11k comments
Y/Nfan1 I never took Harry as someone who would tie down so early but oh well
Harryfan1 I'm literally shaking omg congratulations to them😭
Harryfan3 That means Harry is Em's stepdad...stepdadrryyy!!😍
Randomuser how is this relevant?
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Liked by Annetwist, Yourmom, Harris_reed and 8,252,004 others
harrystyles 25.03.2017 ❤️💍
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Harryfan1 Bet that necklace costs more than my existence
Annetwist Congratulations kids🥳
Harryfan2 I still can't wrap my head around her, not being natural blonde
Yourinstagram mon éternité❤️
Liked by harrystyles
GemmaStyles Only best decision my dumbass brother has made
harrystyles I agree
Y/Nfan4 She looks so gorgeous😍❤️
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Liked by Harryfan4, GemmaStyles, Jeffazoff and 7,92,567 others
Yourinstagram Mon bébé, mon amour, mon mari. Je vous aimerai pour toujours. 25.03.2017❤️💍
(My baby, my love, my husband. I will love you forever)
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harrystyles mon ange❤️
Harryfan1 Did you guys see the pics her best friend posted on her story😭
Y/Nfan3 omg yes😭
Harryfan1 Em was his best man I can't-
Y/Nfan3 They both ate the wedding looks🤌
Harryfan3 people- don't upstage the bride- Harry- wears white💀
Late 2018
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Liked by Yourinstagram, Annetwist, Harryfan2 and 9,259,485 others
harrystyles Behind the album. Out.Now
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Harryfan3 Petition for Harry to stop giving us heart attack
Harryfan1 I was ugly crying and I'm not ashamed of it
Y/Nfan2 I just know that baby will be gorgeous asf
Harryfan2 yeah greek god summat
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan3, randomuser and 98,765,123 others
StylesUpdate Harry was seen out with his daughter, who was reportedly born a month ago.
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Harryfan1 Girl dad harry supremacy!
Harryfan4 he looks so happy🥺
Harryfan3 Where is Y/N? Shouldn't she also be with him?
Y/Nfan2 Probably at home resting. Postpartum his hard and I think he's very capable of taking care of his own daughter
Harryfan2 I'm dying to know what's her name😭
Mid 2019
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Liked by harrystyles, PillowPerson, Y/Nfan3 and 9,245,897 others
Yourinstagram Amie Monet-Styles
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Annetwist Look at her huge hat. Bless her😂❤️
Yourinstagram yeah she almost fell from the weight of it but wouldn't let us take it off
harrystyles my adorable baby
FlorencePudge Oh my gosh she's adorable
Y/Nfan2 Her tiny hands🥺
GemmaStyles @/yourbestie Our god daughter💗
Comments on this post are limited.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @sunshinemoonsposts @lilsiz @kaverichauhan
if your name is in orange sorry I couldn't tag you
I hope this fits as an apology for making you huys weight for Stages of grief🧍🏻‍♀️❤️
I love you, drink some water
You can talk to me here♡
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SF Headcanons ROUND TWO
CW: Unbridled chaos and possible shitposting
Alan carries around a rubix cube cube with him for stimming, he wonders if he’ll ever solve it.
Charlie logs into Shitter and gleefully trolls all the gullible and bigoted Karens on there.
Many find Pim attractive in a dainty boywife way, Pim who is seriously lacking in social cues didn’t realize at first when people where flirting with him.
Smormu and Pim love harmlessly gossiping to each other in the break room.
Glep killed a man with only his thumb.
Mr Frog made his own “neon green sauce” he advertised on some shitty website and Charlie was crazy enough to try it, he along with like 50 others wound up bedridden for weeks afterwords and they all sued the pants off Mr. Frog, not like it’s any skin off his nose because he’s the richest and most powerful man in the world or whatever!!
Charlie is a Cheech and Chong fan and he has all their comedy albums.
Pim competes with his sister Amy, like even though she’s the golden child Pim knows he’s got what she covets: that lovely figure of his! Pim decides to be petty one day and shows up to Amy’s wedding wearing a little red cocktail dress showing off his curves knowing all the compliments he’ll get. Everyone wonders why Amy is in bridezilla mode all of a sudden because it’s not like Pim wore white nor is it as flashy as her wedding dress so he couldn’t have deliberately upstaged the bride right?
Gwimbly attended a convention with his own panel and everything and gets legitimately emotional upon seeing dozens of cosplayers and fans overall who haven’t forgotten him long after he was abandoned by his crappy company.
Glep is a menace to society on April Fools Day, one time he let a hoard of frogs loose at the Spaghetti Disco and watched the chaos from afar.
Smormu loves wearing cute pastel clothes and she wears different ensembles everyday, she gets a lot of complements as she so deserves because she slays!
Dj Spits eats nails for breakfast without any milk. (Dj Spitz kinnies please DON’T attempt this irl)
Mr. Boss is a time lord, his office is his TARDIS and his son is his companion.
Glep makes Alan read him comic books before bedtime.
Mip is a JK Rowling stan and he eats up everything she says…..don’t be like Mip, Mip is a brainless little shit!!
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ladykissingfish · 8 months
*Madara and Hashirama, taking Izuna and Tobirama to a pumpkin patch*
Madara: Geez, will you two hurry it up already?!
Hashirama: Madara. Come on, we talked about this, didn’t we? This is their first time here, they’re excited, so let them take their time picking out a pumpkin.
*the two lean against a fence, watching as Tobirama and Izuna walk slowly up and down rows of pumpkins, stopping to inspect different ones*
Madara: You realize we could have just gotten them large pumpkins from the market, probably at half the cost of what they charge here?
Hashirama: That’s not the point, love. Picking out your own pumpkin on a farm like this just … it has a different flavor to it, that’s all. Let them enjoy themselves. And anyway what are you in such a hurry to leave for? It’s such a gorgeous day! Almost perfect.
Madara: It’s barely 50 degrees and cloudy. How is that perfect?
Hashirama: Perfect fall weather! And besides … I know you don’t like to talk about this but you know that Tobi and Izu really like each other. But Tobi is so shy around him … spending time at places like this is nice for them.
Madara: *sighs* I know, I know. But they’re too young to date; if I see your brother pull anything I’ll break his hand.
Hashirama: You sure are a romance-killer, aren’t you?
Madara: Izuna is my most precious treasure. You think I’m gonna let just anyone take him from me? 
Hashirama: Is he going to be saying the same thing, when I marry you and take you away, mm? *playfully kisses along Madara’s neck*
Madara, blushing: S-stop it, pervert. And I’m not so easily won. You’re going to have to go a long way to convince me that a Senju is worthy of the hand of the mighty Madara Uchiha.
Hashirama: *whispering in Madara’s ear* Funny because your hand isn’t the part of you I’m most interested in ~
*the two make out for a while, until Izuna comes running up to them lugging a huge pumpkin*
Izuna, to Madara: Big brother! I found the best one! It has no spots on it and it’s perfectly round on all sides!
Madara: You certainly picked a big one, didn’t you? Where’s Tobirama?
Izuna: His is so big he can barely lift it!
Madara: I’ll go help him. You wait here with Hashirama. *walks off*
Hashirama: Hey, how about after this you and your brother come back to our house? We can carve the pumpkins and make some snacks and —
Izuna, voice deepening, eyes glowing red: Listen Senju, I don’t care what you do in private but when we’re in public, you won’t be groping and kissing on my brother like that, you got it?! Have some respect for the Uchiha image, asshole. 
Hashirama: I — I —
Izuna: And another thing, slow the hell down. We’re breaking tradition because I’M going to marry Tobirama BEFORE you get married to my brother. Another ten years and he’s mine. Don’t you dare try and upstage our wedding or … *the two tomoe in his eyes swirl in a circle* You will pay. Got it?
Hashirama: G-got it …
*Madara and Tobirama walk up, Madara carrying Tobirama’s pumpkin*
Madara: I think these guys found the biggest pumpkins on this whole farm. Let’s go pay for these then head out of here. We — Hashirama, what’s wrong?? You look like you saw a ghost!
Hashirama, stuttering while glancing nervously at Izuna: I-it’s nothing. M-Madara. J-just a little c-cold is all.
Madara: *moves toward him* Here, let me help you warm up and —
Hashirama: NO! I mean, I’m okay. Er, here … *hands Madara his wallet* You go pay for their pumpkins … I’ve gotta visit the bathroom really quick … *runs off*
Tobirama: Nii-san is acting very strangely. Maybe I should go check on him …
Izuna: I know what will help … do your transformation jutsu and pretend you’re me. When he figures out you fooled him he’ll laugh and feel better!
Tobirama: Good idea … *henges into Izuna* Be right back.
*a few minutes later, blood-curling screams are heard from the bathroom area and Madara and Izuna look to see Hashirama running full-speed from the “fake” Izuna*
Madara: My goodness, Senju’s are certainly strange.
Izuna, grinning: Agreed.
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companionjones · 1 year
Talk of Weddings
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader, Platonic!William LaMontagne Jr. x Reader, Slight!Hotchniss
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Summary: You and Will talk a bit at a wedding.
Warnings: None!
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    “Look at Hotch and Emily,” William LaMontagne Jr. referenced the two FBI agents moving in sync on the dance floor. “Them two suckers are so in love and they don’t even know it.”
    Playfully, you pushed his shoulder. “Stop giving them crap. I think they’re cute together.”
    “Don’t worry, so do I,” Will assured, “Who knows? We could be attending another one of these events for them some time soon.”
    “You think so?” you asked, excited. “What do you think that wedding’s going to be like?”
    Will chuckled to himself. “Surely, not as beautiful as this one. You did a great job, Y/n. It was a wonderful ceremony.”
    “Thank you so much,” you smiled at him. You looked at your husband, who was chatting to Derek with a big grin on his face. “I just wanted him to be happy. As long as Spencer’s happy, so am I.”
    “I know the feeling. I feel it everyday with JJ.”
    You sat back in your chair as your grin practically took over your face. “Oh my god. To be in the same boat as JJ and Will. That’s like having something in common with Romeo and Juliet.”
    Will joked, “That better not mean you expect all of us to off ourselves.”
    You lightly pushed Will’s knee with your foot. “Of course no, you weirdo.”
    “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Spencer fake cringed as he approached you and Will.
    Will put his hands up in surrender. “Hey, you have first dibs on this one, friend.”
    Spencer faked alarm. “That’s a barbaric way of saying things.” He leaned down to kiss you.
    “Stop joking, you two,” you scolded with no real malice.
    Spencer helped you to your feet. “May I have this dance?” he asked with a bow.
    “Of course,” you mimicked his dramatics.
    “Speaking of, I have to go find my own wife. See if she’s up for dancing herself.” Will went off to find JJ.
    Spencer smiled as he spun you, “Come on, let’s go upstage Hotch and Emily on the dance floor. This is our wedding. They’re not allowed to be the cutest couple here.”
    Your eyes lit up. “I know right?” You laughed as your husband lead you out to the dance floor.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading. Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also really appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, check out my masterlist. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Save A Dance For Me
Summary: You have a wedding to go to, but Jesse, your plus one, isn't able to make it. Luckily, your family isn't above a little trickery to make sure that you're happy.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
Word Count: 962
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I'm in a Jesse mood, so everyone gets Jesse cuteness.
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“I wish you were here,” You say with a small pout as you watch Jesse over the holo. “I don’t want to go to this wedding by myself.”
“I know, cyare.” Jesse replies, his voice warm even across the holo, “I wish I was there too. I know you look beautiful.”
“Not too beautiful, I hope. The last thing I want is to upstage the bride.” You joke weakly.
“By looking much better in the dress you’re wearing? Good luck.” Jesse replies with a loving smile.
“You don’t even know what the bride looks like,” You reply with a laugh, “And you’re biased, love.”
“Absolutely,” He agrees with a lazy smile, “Is that a new dress?”
“Yeah, I bought it specifically for the wedding. Do you like it?” You ask.
“Give me a spin, love. Let me see.”
You carefully set your holo on the table, and stand to give him a twirl. And you laugh when he gives an appreciative whistle. “You like it, I take it.”
His smile is warm, “Gorgeous.”
You grin at him and pick your comm back up, “You’re still biased, love.”
“True enough,” Jesse winks at you, and then his smile softens, “The wedding is in a couple of hours, right?”
“Yeah. I’m about to head out soon. I need to take a taxi to get to the church, and then the reception is at a local park.” You shoot him a sad smile, “I really wish you could be there.”
“I know, cyare. Try to have fun?”
“Ugh. I’ll try.” You scan him for a moment, and smile softly, “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Jesse glances to the side, “I have to go, cyare. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Yeah. Talk to you then.” The call disconnects, and you sigh. You don’t really want to go to the wedding now that you know that Jesse isn’t going to be there, but you did promise that you would. 
So you slip your heels on and grab your purse, and you head out of the apartment. Maybe you’ll take some pictures so that Jesse can see the wedding too. Maybe.
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The wedding was beautiful.
Your cousin was resplendent in white and gold, and she looked so happy when she was walking down the aisle to her new husband. And her husband only had eyes for her, which is how it’s supposed to go.
But now you’re here, at the reception, and the sun is setting, and you’re wondering how long you need to stay before you can leave without being seen as rude.
And then your comm chimes, and you smile when you see that there’s a message from Jesse blinking at the top of your notifications. 
You open the message and blink, confused, at the words typed on your screen. “You don’t look like you’re having fun, cyare.”
You stare, puzzled, at the message. There’s no possible way for him to know if you’re having fun or not. He’s not here.
The comm chimes again, “Look to your left.”
Your head snaps to the left, and there, standing near your cousin, is Jesse. Dressed in nice, but casual clothes, with a broad grin on his handsome face.
You scramble to your feet and hurry over to him, “Jesse!” You say with a laugh.
He accepts your hug eagerly, “Surprise, cyare.” He mumbles in your ear, his arms tight around you.
“I am surprised, I didn’t think you were going to be back in time for the wedding.” You say as you bury your face in his chest.
“I almost wasn’t, but we got lucky. And your cousin here was nice enough to make sure that I had a change of clothes waiting for me.”
Your cousin grins impishly, and then waves to hurry back over to her husband, and you turn your astonished gaze up to him, “I didn’t expect that from her.”
“I mentioned that you were upset to have to come alone, and she was more than happy to make sure that I would make it for the reception, at least.” Jesse grins at you, “My armor is sitting in your mother’s car.”
“My parents are in on it too?”
Jesse’s grin grows, “What can I say? You’re loved, cyare.”
You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck, “I can tell.”
“What do you think, cyare? Dance with me?” Jesse asks, his voice soft and warm in a way that makes you fall in love with him even more.
“I’d be honored,” You reply as you take his hand and allow him to spin you onto the dance floor. One of his hands settle on your hips as he twirls you around the dance floor, his gaze locked on you, and only on you.
“When did you learn how to dance?” You ask, as the first song fades into the second one, and Jesse pulls you closer.
“I am a man of many talents,” Jesse replies smugly.
You squint at him, “My family sent you instructions, didn’t they?”
“Yep. Very detailed instructions. I practiced with Commander Tano.” Jesse says with a grin. 
You laugh, “I’m sure she was thrilled,”
“She didn’t mind, actually. She bullied the other ARCs into learning how to dance too.”
Another laugh falls from your lips, and Jesse ducks his head to ghost his lips against yours. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you look?”
“Not recently,” You reply with a loving smile.
“That was a grave oversight of mine,” He murmurs, “You look divine. Angelic.”
You duck your head as you feel your face heat.
“Someday,” Jesse continues, “I’ll see you wearing a white dress like your cousin, and on that day I’ll be the happiest man alive.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” You whisper to him.
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Everything’s Not Fine
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Tears of Gold AU
A/N: eeeeeeeee war has begun!
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Weddings, you hadn’t attended many but goodness was they a nightmare, sure some adorable little cottage marriages would upstage the pretentious chaos that looms within noble marriages. However your wedding wasn’t scarce of such intentions, and yet here you were attending the wedding of your good grandson at an age where you were old enough to marry him.
Games were being played, and your recent hold on the household had earned you a whisper or two, some obvious and some surprising but either way. You would do anything to protect your sons.
Which brought you here, in a crimson-red gown with gold adorning your neck as you leaned against the railing of the viewing balcony in the throne room, sipping on a cup of cool lemonade as your good daughter-by-law found amusement in today’s ruse.
“I thank the gods that this isn’t my wedding.” She whispered, making you smile.
“Look at them,” you gestured at Margery and Cersei sizing each other up “One has been a queen for twenty years and changed nothing, the other barely is queen and wants to change everything.” You scoffed.
“You think she is toying with Joffrey?” Sansa looked at you puzzled, to her Margery was an honest friend.
“That’s the beauty of being bystanders while the one’s who believe are playing the game, loose their chances.” Ever since the incident with your children, it’s as though a veil had been lifted from your eyes, you trusted no one; other than the ones who had held you at your lowest.
“They rip each other’s head off and we survive.” Sansa cocked her brow at you, she was learning and you were proud. You lifted you cup to clink against hers.
“To the Queen.” The two of you toasted.
“Lady Y/N” Ah the formalities, hearing your titles pour out of your husband’s mouth was such a beautiful sin, since just the night before it whispered the most obscene things in your ear.
“My lord.” Sansa froze, immediately curtsying and partially wedging herself behind you.
“What stories are being cooked about?” It was so obvious the two of you were sizing the room up, there was a subtle curiosity behind his question.
“Queens and their whims.” Sansa blurted out before biting her tongue and darting her eyes to the ground.
You gave her a tight-lipped smile, her untimely humour was something you wished she would show it off more, especially within the safety of her family. Though she was terrified of your husband, just as what she said absorbed into your body. You squeezed Tywin’s arm to not cue a lecture, however behind his stoic stance he looked amused.
“How are you faring today, Lady Sansa.” He asked out of charm
“Well, my lord.” The fear in Sansa’s eyes was prominent. Just as the lot of you awkwardly looked around the room, a rush ran down your spine making your head spin as your weight fell against Tywin for a moment before you found your footing; holding on tight to his coat sleeve.
“Are you alright?” You heard your uncle’s voice approach you as you steady yourself.
“Yes, just…I’m not sure what that was.” You shrugged, shooting your husband an “I’m okay.” Glance.
“Lord Tywin, Lady Sansa.” Ellaria greeted the two nobles with grace and poise. It was odd seeing her full of dignitaries, you smiled at her before pulling her into a hug.
“Ellaria Sand, my paramour.” Oberyn introduced
You could clearly see the disdain behind Tywin’s green eyes, he never liked mixing pleasure with business. Nor did he like mingling with people that were beneath him, to them they were dogs, you’d feed them and coddle them but would not serve them a plate at your table. Clearly being in presence of a bastard made him uncomfortable.
“Forgive the intrusion, my lady.” A hand maiden spoke up nervously, interrupting five nobles at once would be terrifying for anyone considering their king has beheaded people for less. You pulled away from Tywin, leaning in to hear what the girl had to say.
“There has been an incident, my lady. The king’s quarters” She looked horrified as she recollected the details of what she had seen. You frowned at her before excusing yourself to follow along. Eldra had trailed right behind you, a hand hovering over the small of your back, she had been with you since you were a girl and seeing you like this reminded her of the tumultuous pregnancies your mother had gone through. 
When you walked through the doors of Joffrey’s apartments, staff of the household had already gathered amongst the outer doors of his bed chambers. Most of them were hesitant to let you through but what other choice did they have?
A red-haired woman remained bolted on a bedpost with arrows, her blood dripping down her naked form, just as your eyes fell upon her; you looked away in shock. Lifting a palm to your mouth.
On his wedding day…
Your mind was racing in thoughts until another voice pulled your attention behind you.
“This one belongs to Baelish.” Varys took in the scene in front of him. “My lady, looking upon such things in your state…” He sounded concerned.
“H-have her body taken down, cleanse the room. Twice if need be. The Tyrells mustn’t know.” You couldn’t believe that you were covering this up, but it’s what your husband would have had done as well.
“Have my husband called to Maester’s chambers.” You ordered as you followed the lot, carrying the girl’s body covered in a blanket.
When Tywin was discreetly made aware of your request for his presence at the Maester’s laboratory. There was a silent panic that ran through his spine, as calmly as possible excused himself before making a beeline out of the throne room. He saw you standing in front the laboratory doors, looking distressed and all he could think off was if the baby truly had been affecting you sourly.
“What is it? Are you alright?” His eyes darted all over your body and ghostly complexion.
“Your grandson has left no crime untouched.” You sighed, opening the doors to the lab, were on a table laid the dead pleasure maid. “Curtesy of his aiming skills.”
Tywin’s body went rigid, as though anger seeped into his bones. Did he care that a common whore was dead? No. Did he care that his grandson had killed a girl for no reason? Yes. That too under the roof of the red keep, hours before his chambers would now hold his martial bed. He shook his head in dismay.
“I will see to this later, you have to make your way to the sept wife.” His hand instinctively found the small of your back, leading out of the chamber and towards your ladies “There is a palanquin waiting for you.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, trying your best to shake off the image that lay in the king’s chambers.
“Find out if she had a family.” You instructed Ser Aryyk
“But…my lady. She is- was a “
“A whore? She was a woman nonetheless, with people that might have cared for her. Find out.” You cut off as he helped you climb into you palanquin. Your sons let out a loud giggle as they saw their mother enter the palanquin
The Sept had been decorated wonderfully, commoners had huddled by the bottom of its steps to see their favourite nobles and most importantly Margery. She was to arrive last with her father, Joffrey and Cersei got out first, while Cersei merely grimaced at the lowborn, Joffrey gloated in the merriments of men. You required some additional help as you took Fredrick’s arm as you got out. The second the red dress fell within the eyesight of the people below, the cheers and hollers grew louder. You steadied yourself before Fredrick moved behind you, letting yourself be visible to the masses below as they cheered your name. You took a moment to look around, before pulling your sons out. Tyeon decided to stand holding onto your skirts as Jamie clung to your side.
You gave the people a wide smile and a polite wave and the cheers grew louder, the little boys mirrored their mother; sticking their hands out and moving them with all their might. You turned to climb up the stairs one at a time; helping Tyeon climb, where Joffrey stood glaring at you. You walked closer to him, still ashamed at what he had done. However in the public eye, he needed to win the love for his people. The already admired him since the charitable work you and Margery had been doing was in his name.
“Wave at them, my king.” You whispered next to him as he looked at you confused. “Acknowledge them, they will love it. Keep your finger together and your arm up high. Wave.” You nodded at him.
He looked at you absurdly but did as he was bid, he kept his finger together and lifted his skinny arm above his head, flicking his wrist in a way. The hollers grew even louder as their king. You weren’t sure if it was they mother in you, but seeing Joffrey smile at the way his people loved him made you wonder how he could be so cruel. Just as you stood by him, you could feel Cersei's glare burning a hole in your head.
Tywin Lannister arrived on his horse, dramatic and regal as always. The crowd yet again parted, still gasping at whispering at his arrival. The holler quoted down, as each an every one of them remained entranced by him, or wanted to murder him. He watched as his grandson waved at crowds before turning and walking up to the Sept with his mother. You waited at the centre of the grand stairs for him, just as you took his arm the crowds broke out in another set of cheers making you laugh. Tywin lifted Tyeon up who had now made himself comfortable on the marble stairs.
“You being my husband makes you more likeable.” You chuckled, covering your mouth with your finger. He narrowed his eyes at you and shook his head. You gave them one last wave before clutching onto Tywin’s sleeve and walking up the stairs. Right at the top waiting for Kinerva, she looked ethereal in her deep maroon gown, clearly styled to a more Westerosi style and her long red hair still sat free; ending at her hip. You took her hand and smiled at her.
“Neva!” Tyeon wriggled in Tywin’s arm, happy to see his friend again.
“You look marvellous, thank you for coming.” She smiled at you.
“This is my husband, Lord Tywin Lannister and this husband are Kinerva.” You introduced.
His face remained stoic as he nodded at her “I have heard much about you.”
“As have I.” Kinerva grinned.
Tywin led you inside the Sept as Kinerva followed behind with Fredrick.
They hall was bustling with people, mostly distinguishable by the colours they wore or how they did their hair. Tywin led you to a mass of blond people, your family by law. The Lannisters. In the past two years, other than his children and Kevan. You hadn’t been introduced to anybody else. Your body went rigid as you realized he was taking you to them, he looked at you and gave you a slow blink. These were cues that you had learned over the years, Tywin could not behave the way he does with you behind close doors. Instead his reassurance were delivered in the form of squeezes, taps and blinks. You were happier for it, since being at court not very long. It is something you had also been teaching Sansa.
“Ah, it is such a pleasure to meet you my lady” Genna Lannister gushed, she was rather eccentric for a Lannister. “Oh and you too.” She smiled at Jamie who rested his head on your chest.
“May I?” She asked for permission and you nodded, letting her take Jamie from your arms as the other Lannister wives took Tyeon from Tywin’s arms. Genna then noticed your belly.
“Another?” Her eyes were wide with elation.
“Five moons, next fortnight.” You smiled at her.
The procession was commenced by the ringing of the Sept bells, people yet again divided themselves onto each side of the aisle.
“Would this be a horrible time to tell you that I’d always wanted a grand wedding.” It was a joke but internally it was also the truth, every time you would witness a grand wedding this Sept, the little girl in you would boil in jealousy and curse your name for conforming to the small wedding you had. Tywin shook his head in amusement, without faltering his stern look once.
The muffled cheers outside grew ten fold, marking the arrival of the the queen to be. The music began to be played, as disciples of the Sept readied themselves at the door. Then there was silence, everyone waiting in sheer anticipation for the bride.
The bell rang once more.
With that, the door opened.
There stood Margery in a flowered gown, her hair done up a coiled curls as she stood next to her father. You smiled at her wide, she looked gorgeous in her ivory dress. Even Joffrey looked stunned by looking at her and Cersei as expected wished Margery were dead. You were sure Margery’s hairdo was going to be the court’s newest addiction for the season. It didn’t really matter to you, since you never really liked time consuming hair styles.
She took slow steps down the aisle, she caught your eye halfway through, smiling at you as you winked at her. Making her smile grow further, she climbed the steps to the podium where Joffrey awaited her as Mace Tyrell handed his daughter off.
Initially she was to adorn the Baratheon cloak, however since Lannisters held more power over the crown’s name, you were to give your cloak for her to be wrapped in. Cersei suggested that the Lannister cloak and the Baratheon cloak had been cut in half and made into a new one for Margery. However your cloak meant a lot more to you than Cersei’s did to hers. You didn’t want to have yours destroyed for a new one, and clearly the frown on your face was indicative enough for your husband as he ordered for a new Baratheon-Lannister cloak to be made all together.
You watched as the Septon wrapped their arms together as the said the words, the prayer was longer than most noble weddings however beautiful nonetheless. Just as they finished saying their words, Joffrey declared openly his kiss to his new queen. When their lips met, the Sept broke out into an applause, you clapped along smiling at the pair.
“We have a new queen.” Sansa whispered.
“Better her than you.” Tyrion whispered.
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Hi! I have a prompt! Twilight - Tanya/Bella. Tanya realizes Bella's her mate at the wedding. She says nothing to anyone because she needs to keep the peace between the families, Bella's happy with Edward, and she's human so she can't feel the mate bond. Edward knows and tries to keep them from meeting again, but they need the Denali's help to protect Renesme. Ends with Bella&Tanya together. Angst with a happy evening is my favorite ☺️
I am in love with this idea. I am a huge fan of prolonged mating, and this is the first way that I’ve seen Bella possibly being canonically gay.
The Human Reader
Tanya was getting ready for the wedding. She knew almost nothing about the human girl Edward had fallen for but her name, Bella. She had never met the girl, and she didn’t really know what the wedding would be like. So, being from an older time period, she curled her hair and piled it on her head with a yellowish dress cascading down her pale skin. Tanya was just finishing up getting ready when Kate walked in.
“Trying to upstage the human, Tanya?” She asked jokingly. Tanya rolled her eyes. “If I was trying,” drawled Tanya. “I wouldn’t wear this puke-colored dress.” Kate just gasped.
“It is not that bad.” She exclaimed, as her own dress was the color of her skin with gems along it. 
  “Have you seen yourself, Kate?” Tanya asked, smiling slightly. “If you had a mate, I’d be willing to bet you’d be fully ravished tonight.” Kate blushed and looked away. 
  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kate murmured, making Tanya cackle. 
    “Sure, sis.” She then walked away smiling. 
     A few hours had passed, and now Tanya was at the wedding, Edward hadn’t come to say hello yet, nor had the bride appeared. She just held a glass of champagne in her hand and pretended to drink it. Kate and Irene were near her doing the same, when this blonde boy waltzed up to them. “Are you guys sisters?” He asked, it appeared to be one of the human’s friends. 
   “Yes. What about it?” Kate asked, her eyes trained on the mortal. Something about her expression must’ve frightened the human, as he backed up a bit, defensive in a way.
   “N-nothing.” He stuttered. “You all have such beauty I wanted to know.” Once more, he stumbled over his words. Both Tanya and Kate smirked at this. 
    “Thank you, sweet thing.” Tanya purred and watched him go red, then stumble away muttering incoherently. Tanya  and Kate laughed and went on with their lives until the ceremony began. 
   Tanya was seated on Edward’s side, in the first row next to Emmett and Rosalie. The white decor was… straining, to say the least. Alice had done well with choosing decor, but it was just a white overload. It was so bad that Tanya shut her eyes, just until the wedding march sounded. She stood like the rest and looked back at the bride. When Tanya was expecting to find an insignificant human girl, she instead found her breath hitching, and the world shifting. Her eyes widened slightly and her smile fell. One word was berating her brain. 
  She made her eyes unfocus, and she put her face back into the smiling position. No one had noticed what happened, and she would make it stay that way. The human was not hers to claim, Bella was happy with Edward. What more did she need? She couldn’t even feel the bond as a human, it was better if she didn’t say anything. Tanya had been alone for centuries, what would a lifetime be like? The rest of the wedding was a blur to her, even speaking to Bella, she couldn’t hold a conversation long without wanting to scream. She left in the night soon after.
I’m making a part two, it’s just been two days since this was asked for. Sorry for the wait! I’ll try to have part two out within a week!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 14 days
Ridiculous RQG idea that came to me as a little daydream.
Everyone is alive and friends (NPCS included Bertie excluded) AU where one day out of the blue Hamid just looks real upset with something. No one knows what's going on wich is weird because Hamid is very upfront (not because he wants to talk about his trauma but because Hamid somehow has the emotional maturity everytime Azu and sometimes Cel leaves a room and knows other ppl won't share if he doesn't share first).
Hamid just says it's silly. And talks about some party he is unsure if he should go to. He sounds sad ABOUT the party.
So against Azu, Skraak and Zolf's normal ppl who respect privacy, they invade Hamid's appartment (is mostly Sasha, Carter helps a bit). And they find out that Hamid was invited to Gideon's and Liliana's wedding. So they are like "who" except Sasha and Grizzop met Gideon at the university so they're like "his ex Gideon invited him to his marriage what a dick move" and Wilde who looked into both Hamid AND Liliana because of Liliana going missing for a bit goes "wait wasn't Liliana ALSO his ex" and everyone is like "omg poor Hamid wtf".
They go into leaps trying to figure out what to say to Hamid going from Azu's "be supportive of his choices", Cel's "maybe they want to invite him to a polycule?", Zolf's "let's just not mention it ever", Sasha's "he should just not go, right? Easy", Wilde's "we should make sure he goes and he looks fabulous and way better than both of them, he should just totally upstage the bride" and Grizzop "what if we shoot them... non-lethatly of course."
Gets to a point where Barnes just explodes under pressure and asks Hamid about it. And Hamid is like "oh thanks for the concern guys but... WAIT what do you mean both of my exes?"
And Wilde is like "shit got wrong info". Except. Nope. Liliana is the only ex and Hamid is a bit offended that ppl would assume he dated Gideon cause Gideon is the worst. Somehow Hamid ends up going "also guys I'm straight."
Everyone looks at Hamid as if he had just finally turned full dragon in front of them. Someone mumbles an uncomprehending "what?". Grizzop imiddiatly says "no, you're not" and stops mid sentence shocked because he has no evidence Hamid isn't straight. Cel fully blue.screams. Someone faints.
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a-library-of-old · 1 year
I can't respond to this ask directly anymore but pretty much someone asked for Jack married to reader and what the wedding was like, honeymoon, and some general domestic hcs so lez go!
Sorry in advanced if I go to heavy into one aspect or another, I'll try to spead this out evenly tho! And be warned i am very eepy writing this
Let's start this at the wedding planning first. Why you may ask? Because there is no bridzilla like Jacky
All the food deserts have to be made by his employees and lord help them if they don't live up to what he wants
The scheme has tp match his usual aethetic yet somehow be fancier, the outfits need to be big and bold but not upstaging, the entertainment need to make sure they can get this shit right, and of course the colors!
At least one employee was fired for getting the purples wrong infront of Jack to many times
The actual day was lovely however once he calmed tf down. With lavender flowers and your outfits of course being color coordinated at the very least
Don't tell anyone but when he saw you that day? He cried a lil from joy
Now as for your honeymoon? Similar yet different vibes similar in its all the most grand planned out show of wealth/power while still having fun
But diffrent in that first night? Oh you could swear Jack never seen you naked before the way he was looking at you! Which you guys most likely had experience before that night but the hunger and passion Jack lead with? Could've fooled me I'll say that much
As for some sweet domestic things after the wedding and your both just living day to day? Well one he'll be so much more tender behind closed doors
It's like someone else posted, he has to be the big bad scary Jack to the rest of the world but with you? He can be soft and vulnerable. Especially with that final barrier of marriage being broken down
Please try to give him breakfast in bed! He'll feel so honored you baked something for him and getting to spend his morning that way? Oh he stayed so much happier all day!
This isn't to say Jack's gone soft however, as even in the domestic tranquility you guys have his- rougher nature can come through
Specifically with how protective he is of you. 🤷‍♂️ he likes to keep his treasures safe idk what to tell you
Oh and please call him Jacky! He'll act like he doesn't like it but not so secretly? He melts at the name!
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starkdirewolflove · 2 years
Well there was lots going on in this week’s House of the Dragon. I like that Rhaenys seems to genuinely care about Viserys’s wellbeing and accepts her son being gay even when Corlys suggests he will “grow out of it.” They are the only healthy couple in this show and know how best to play the game of thrones.
The Strong’s made their presence felt this episode with Lyonel being a sensible and honest Hand of the King, Larys sewing the seeds of enmity between Rhaenyra and Alicent paving his way to be future Master of Whispers and Harwin showing why he’s nicknamed “breakbones” leaving a positive impression with Rhaenyra. I liked that he was watching everything kick off at the feast then he gets the nod from his father and goes wading in punching and throwing people out of his way, slings Rhaenyra over his shoulder and carries her to safety.
Alicent is coming into her own, showing her true colours (green for Oldtown), acknowledging that she’s a Hightower not a Targaryen and owning it without her father at court to guide her every move. And she’s got the support of her uncle, Lord Hightower. I think Rhaenyra knows now that’s she’s fucked up any kind of friendship they could’ve had for good with her misconstruing truths and manipulations.
Daemon for once is not at the centre of chaos this time, after showing up uninvited to the wedding feast freshly widowed, attracting a potential new bride and trying to talk Rhaenyra out of marrying her gay cousin he just disappeared when all the fighting started.
Criston Cole really went through it this week, he’s obviously got stronger feelings for Rhaenyra than she does for him and it makes him go a bit crazy. First he wants to run away with her and elope to the Free Cities so they can marry for love and he can redeem his honour for breaking his Kingsguard vows, then he feels insulted and rejected when Rhaenyra proposes he be her “whore.” So he doesn’t deny it when Alicent starts beating around the bush suggesting that the princess is no longer a virgin, confesses and asks to be killed to put him out of his misery then just gets dismissed without any resolution. Ser Joffrey and his warnings just tipped him over the edge and he went mental, beat the poor man to death and even hit Laenor when he tried to stop him. So after the carnage he goes to the godswood, strips off his armour, cloak and sword and is about to kill himself when he’s stopped by the Queen. It’s a shame there is a massive time jump next week cos I would’ve liked to see the aftermath of his actions and how he gets away with murdering someone at a wedding. This also solidifies his loyalty shift from Rhaenyra to Alicent. (I wonder if they eventually become lovers since he’s already broken the chastity vow).
Poor Viserys, the man is literally falling apart and trying to hold everything together but nothing seems to work out for him. He needs to get rid of that grand maester cos he’s not helping him at all. Daemon was right about Viserys being a weak king and he knows it, he reacts to things too late instead of taking action to prevent matters from getting out of hand, he could’ve ordered his Kingsguard to stop the fight at the feast but he just stood there watching while Lyonel made sure the princess was safe.
And Rhaenyra, things don’t seem to go to plan for her either. Her happy fake marriage starts off with her fiancé’s lover being murdered by her ex, her uncle comes back from ditching her last week only to do the same again when she gave him the chance to make her his wife if he wanted, her ex best friend/stepmother upstaged everyone by showing up late in a killer dress that was basically a declaration of war and her father collapsed after she exchanged her vows at the rushed, family only wedding with Ser Joffrey’s blood still wet on the floor a few feet away from them. On the bright side it looks like Ser Harwin will be replacing Criston Cole as her sworn shield among other things.
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houseofbrat · 6 months
The King and Queen aren’t attending tonight because they don’t need. They are The King and Queen! They went last year because it was just after QE2 passed. They are under zero obligation to dance to KP’s tune, when KP has gone out of their way to upstage, co-opt or outright ruin every single one of The King’s firsts.
From the Windsor Walkabout when The King first addressed parliament, Kate showing up unannounced to the flower show, The Coronation, the Roya exclusive on Trooping the Color, scheduling EP awards at the same time as the first opening of Parliament, Kate flashing her legs on 3 different arrivals in one morning during the Korea visit etc. etc. etc. William even had a compilation of his speeches released the night before KC3 spoke at COP 28. Tell me you’re pathologically jealous instead of supporting The Crown without telling me…
The King & Queen owe them nothing! And if the cold body language at Horse Guards Parade recently (compared to last year) as well as the cold looks from the government reps present, KP are persona non grata with the big players at the moment…
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You misunderstand.
It's not about "owing" anything. It's about why Charles & Camilla are avoiding a public appearance with The Waleses.
It seems like a repeat of when Camilla "couldn't" attend Eugenie & Jack's wedding because she had an engagement in Scotland to attend!
The official reason given was that Camilla didn't want to disappoint the school children in Scotland. The real reason was more likely to do with Camilla's dislike of Fergie (and Andrew). Can't really avoid the mother of the bride at a family wedding!
Friday, Charles attended an event at Highgrove House, a residence Charles controls even though he rents it from The Duchy of Cornwall. The event was for the King's Foundation. An organization Charles is closely affiliated with. It would take at least a month to have set up that event for Charles due to all the attendees. However, the date of Kate's Christmas carol concert would have been known well in advance due to the scheduling logistics of Westminster Abbey, the performers, and the television crew. Only so many dates in early December...
The King & Queen's avoidance of the Waleses doesn't have anything to do with precedence either.
So why are King Charles & Queen Camilla avoiding public appearances with The Waleses when their schedules could easily allow it if they wanted?
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