#Thanks for indulging me Verse XD
characteroulette · 1 year
DIRECTOR'S CUT! give me the rundown on Lemon Boy!
Oh god uhh. That is three whole chapters lol it's gonna be a bit long oof
Okay so like. The concept started from this Cavetown Album (called Lemon Boy, fittingly) and me singing Lemon Boy to myself one day and going, "huh. Apollo and Snufkin both fit this song. I should do something with that." (I pretty easily spiraled into shipping the two help)
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I wanna be ten feet tall!! I wanna grow big red horns!! I wanna eat fire and snow!! And scare everyone!!
Uhh yeah go listen to Ten Feet Tall it's a good song. Very Apollo vibes.
(I love to write to music, if you couldn't tell. Sprinkling in the motifs or imagery of them is like my fave thing to do it's so much fun.)
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It is very important to me that you understand that Apollo's love language is to shove. This is my headcanon and I will go to the grave pushing this agenda. XD
The concept of Apollo tracking down one of his old foster caretakers was actually something I came up with while jamming out a different story with Tega. It was a nice little heartbreaking thing to include in Apollo's backstory and so I put it here. Shit's fucked, my boy, I'm sorry.
(Maple and Ginger were purely named for food. Also lesbian couple because idk I will also die on this hill that Apollo is gay and had a lot of gay in his life.)
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I am pushing an Agenda and y'all will have to live with it. XD
But for real, I just like the concept of a young Snufkin, not really knowing any other way to console his friend, kissing him first and explaining it after. Snufkin and Apollo can understand each other in a way not a lot of the other kids around them could, so of course they'd also have a bit of a different relationship than those others.
This was also a good setup for the final chapter but it's really the entire reason I wrote this fic, I wanted this scene where Snufkin kisses Apollo and then Apollo pays it forward later in his life.
so uh I wrote the Clay chapter *after* finishing the first and last chapters!! I was originally just not gonna include a Clay segment (he was giving me too much trouble), but then I had a burst of inspiration and slammed it out so hey Clay gets to be in this lol.
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Also furthering my Apollo will bite agenda. I love the idea of Apollo not actually getting bullied because he fought back, but getting ignored and avoided actually because, again, he fought back. I think it fits his character pretty well to have that in his background, considering how desperate he is for validation.
Clay is also weird to me. Like, he's such a blank slate for characterisation that I end up not knowing what to do with him half the time and that kinda makes him boring to me. He's only fun because *I* made him fun, which can be nice but like. The Ace Attorney roster is filled with too many good characters for him to stand out at all. Dual Destinies made Clay an important fixture in Apollo's backstory, though, so fuck me I guess.
Finally, Klavier chapter!! I got to start off with Apollo just buying the concert tickets Klavier sent, which as you know is my favourite little detail. Klavier sending these tickets is such an unhinged move but Apollo then buying them without a second thought is just as unhinged, these two are dumbasses and perfect for one another. XD
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IT'S ME I'M STILL MAD ABOUT THIS. Phoenix goddamn Wright you cannot make Apollo present two (two!!) pieces of forged evidence and then never apologise for it!!! And then Spirit of Justice rolls around with Dhurke's whole deal and!!! Makes everything worse!!!
I have a whole ten or so rants about how AJ's ending is made worse actually by SoJ's inclusion (because how could Apollo be "too new" to law when he grew up with a literal disgraced defence attorney?? How could he have nothing to say on the poisoned system when he's known Dhurke and Khura'in's whole deal for all his life??? I'm upsetti I am so upsetti about this) but I'll save that for another time >T
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I just really like this bit. Absolutely added this scene it does not exist in canon, but. I like Apollo's last line. Maybe one day you won't be such a coward, Klavier. Maybe one day you'll stop running from the truth.
And agh. The whole conversation scene in the lobby is just. Catharsis but not. I ended up playing the comfortable-but-also-not mood the two got stuck in, Apollo reaching out and Klavier dodging his advances (like the coward he is lol) until Klavier finally does accept that offer. I just like their dynamic, two men touched by ruin and reacting to it in vastly different ways. Klavier runs until he sees someone else in need and Apollo reaches out against all of his better instincts. They're my faves <3
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I like the whole scene of them talking outside the car (and fun fact, I have an actual location in mind for them to be at; it's near the Conejo Boulders, which isn't LA whoops but is a view ingrained into my mind), but particularly this bit (of course) --
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YEAH KISS!! it's a parallel (or rhyme??) to the one Snufkin gave him in the first chapter!! It's Apollo internalizing that lesson and paying it forward!! Yeah.
The end bit is funny specifically to me. Like yeah Apollo just spent a whole day making out and talking with Klavier and only when Klavier is like, taking care of him (making breakfast) does Apollo go "oh. Shit. I might desire this man romantically." Like lol amazing my fave. XD
ANYWAY YEAH LEMON BOY. I LIKE IT. At some point I'll finish the two sequel stories I've got in the works....
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despairforme · 7 months
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                    NINE YEARS WITH NNOITRA !!!!!!!!!                                   🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
[ Our 9 year anniversary was a couple of days ago, but I didn't have the time to make a proper post. ANYWAYS HERE WE GO! I cannot believe it's been NINE YEARS?? I'm ????? One more year to go and I will have written him for a whole decade! ;O;//////
I'd like to thank everyone who have interacted with our blog during our 9th year! I've been blessed to receive a lot of asks, and it really motivates me to have so many people engage with my blog and show interest. I've gotten to write some really interesting threads, and built some good connections for Nnoitra, which has been awesome! :O I am blessed and thankful to have such amazing people around me who indulge me as I write my favorite man. Thank you all so much!
This year as been REALLY good for writing Nnoitra! The past years there has been a downward going trend of me writing less and less with each passing year. But! This year I've written 50k more for Nnoitra than I did last year ( and we still have over a month left! ). I'm STOKED to see this development! It means I've gotten to dedicate more time to him and since I love him SO MUCH that is obviously what I want.
For our 10th year, It'll be a big goal for me to find a ship-partner for Nnoitra in his main verse. Once 2024 hits, I'll start the "I write something everyday until Nnoitra falls in love"-challenge. xD !! Because I neeeeed progress for his story in main verse. Me, threatening Nnoitra with bug spray: fall in love my dude.
ANYWAYS - I forever love Nnoitra, forever love writing him. So excited to hit this big milestone of 9 years! Thank you all for interacting with us, and I look forward to the 10th year! ;O;/////// ]
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lovemybluebully · 5 days
Loser Logan
X-men '97-verse
Post Episode 4 (Felt like a good place to stick this before the angst of Episode 5)
M/M Tickle fic
SFW (some swearing, but it's mostly fluff)
I can't help but love Logan and Morph's relationship. It's almost as good as the one Logan has with Nightcrawler. ^_^ This dumb little fic of mine just shows their close relationship, and as per my usual naturally has A LOT of tickling in it. This is a tickle fic after all. I can see Morph being quite the tickle monster, especially since he enjoys making Logan laugh. If tickling isn't up your alley then best to scroll on.
I wrote this showing hints that Morph kinda has a thing for Logan with Logan seeming to get that even though he doesn't reciprocate it, but still loving his friend all the same and letting him indulge a little. Nothing super blatant.
NOTE: I did write Morph as a 'he' in this story. I honestly was just getting confused on how to properly use 'they/them'. Morph has predominantly been depicted as male and goes by ''Kevin" so I figured it was okay. If that bothers you though then maybe you want to skip this one.
Holy crap! I did not mean for it to be this long, but I was just having too much fun writing these two interacting together. I kept trying to end it, but just kept writing more and more each time. XD This is easily the longest fic I've ever written.
Word count: 9,911
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Logan winced as the flavor of the extra sweet liquid overwhelmed his sensitive palate once he took a swig from his beer bottle. Making a face of disgust and shaking his head he set it down on the edge of the pool table in the mansion's rec room.
"That's the last time I let ya choose the beer at the market," he muttered, looking over at his friend, Morph, who frowned in offense before transforming into an exact copy of Wolverine.
"ThAt'S tHe LaSt TiMe I lEt Ya ChOoSe ThE-....," he mocked in Logan's voice before returning to his normal form, swaying a little from the alcohol in his system, "Geez, just dump it out then! No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to drink it."
Logan grunted and rolled his eyes as he reached for his bottle of whiskey to pour himself a shot. Morph could be so overdramatic.
"Look pal, if there's one thing ya oughta know about me it's that I never waste a beer. No matter how bad it may be," he tossed the liquor down his throat.
"That's not entirely true. Remember the other night when I turned into Sabretooth to try to cheer you up? You stabbed the crap out of that six pack I had brought along. You're definitely going to Hell for that one," Morph was quick to point out the incident as Logan recollected and spit out a laugh.
"Oh yeah. An unfortunate casualty in the heat o' the moment. Well with the exception of that time it's not somethin' I do consciously. Not even a crap light beer like this one. An' what's that flavor? Is that....strawberry?" He made another repulsed face as Morph only shrugged this time.
"Ok, you made your point. You pick the next box. But for the record that beer you destroyed the other night, that was your favorite. Thought it would help make you feel better."
"Still did in the end. Even though it sounds like I almost fucked it all up. Hmph, speakin' of that night I never told ya thanks fer all that," a smile quirked at the corner of his mouth as the buzzed Morph threw an arm over his broad shoulders.
"Hey don't mention it. Despite you being a stubborn ass and trying to ignore me there was no way I was going to let you stay in that funk of a mood you were in," his arm tightened around Logan's neck while his free hand gave him a playful head noogie, making Logan growl and shove him away.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm an asshole an' yer a saint." 
"Hey now, you're not just an asshole, you're my asshole........That came out wrong," Morph facepalmed while Logan chuckled quietly, "Oh hey, where's Jubilee at? Surprised she's not down here with us."
"Well she is gettin' older so I doubt she's wantin' to hang around a couple o' guys like us so much anymore. She seems to like that Roberto kid a lot, an' bein' that it's her birthday I imagine she's with him this evening," Logan growled a little as Morph laughed and patted him on the back.
"Easy killer. He seems like a nice kid. Just needs to come to terms with his mutant side, and Jubilee is doing everything to help him out with that. She's blossoming into a smart, beautiful young lady and you should be proud of her."
"Still I'm keepin' an eye on him. An' if he ever does anything to hurt her, I'll make sure he regrets it...slowly," Logan picked up his pool stick and bent over the table to play his next shot, but then chuckled as something came to his mind, "By the way speakin' of regret, real smooth with that jab at Magneto this mornin'."
Morph's face fell as he groaned while the moment from earlier replayed in his head, leaning against the table with beer in hand.
"Ugh, why'd you have to bring that up? That was so embarrassing! I mean, how was I supposed to know?"
"I gotta ask, is it unintentional, or do ya just really like makin' situations as awkward as humanly possible?" Logan was able to get his shot off and sink his ball into the side pocket, but it was immediately followed by a finger poking him in the ribs as he jumped with a half-giggle, "Shit! Quit doin' that!"
The shapeshifter gave a satisfied smirk at his reaction and grabbed a cue stick for his turn at the game.
"You asked for it. But seriously, I felt so bad about what I said. If he already didn't before I'm sure he totally hates my guts now."
"Well I wouldn't sweat it too much. The guy's a prick. Besides I'm pretty sure he ain't in his room cryin' about it right now. He's heard a lot worse than yer tasteless joke so don't flatter yerself," Logan shrugged, rubbing a big hand over his irritated ribs as he begrudgingly finished off his beer.
"I guess so. Still I feel like maybe I should go apologize later. He might appreciate that. What do you think?" Morph was toying with the stick in his hand now as his mind wandered, causing the bigger man to roll his eyes.
"I think ya oughta stop worryin' about it an' take yer damn shot already."
"Sorry, it's the alcohol, I guess. I'm a bit of a lightweight if you haven't noticed," Morph replied, the effects of the alcohol making him a bit unsteady as he squinted and tried to line up his shot, "You know it wouldn't kill you to show a little more compassion once in a while."
"That'll be the day. Besides I think ya do enough o' that fer the both of us, Nancy," Logan grinned and slapped his friend on the upper back right after he had hit the cue ball, sending him face down into the table.
"Excuse me? Did someone say my name?" Morph sounded off with his best Scott Summers voice as he lifted his head to reveal the face of their team's leader, making Logan chuckle dryly.
"Yer a real riot, ya know that?"
"I'm very aware, thank you. And I still scored a point despite you. In fact it looks like I'm winning so far," Morph transformed back to normal and stuck his tongue out at him as Logan surveyed the remaining pool balls left in play.
"Easy to be winnin' when ya cheat. It's a little hard to concentrate when some shit head keeps ticklin' ya," he gave a stern look as Morph just giggled at the thought. 
With Logan's natural hyper senses and Morph's spirited personality and tendency to be physically affectionate it didn't take long for him to discover at some point in their relationship that Logan was unbelievably ticklish from head to toe; something Morph found incredibly hard to resist exploiting at every turn. 
With his adamantium skeleton and healing factor Wolverine was practically impenetrable and his mind was very accustomed to handling the worst pain imaginable so Morph was beyond pleased to find something that could easily crack through his tough outer shell and loosen him up a bit.
It didn't help that Logan always let him get away with it unscathed, but Morph also had the feeling that Logan really didn't mind it too much, despite what he might say.
"It's not my fault the big, bad Wolverine is so adorably sensitive," Morph teased with a pouting face as he gently tugged Logan's sideburn, receiving a half-hearted growl and swat to his hand, "Besides it's the most surefire way to get a smile out of you."
"I don't need ya worryin' about me so much, Morph. It ain't worth yer time," Logan huffed and poured himself another shot of whiskey.
"I think I'm allowed to be the judge of that. You can't shut us all out, you know? No matter how hard you may try. Like it or not, you're stuck with me until the end of time," he smiled broadly as Logan let out a sigh and swallowed the shot.
"I get what yer sayin', but ya have yer own problems that ya need to work out. The things ya went through with Sinister.....shit like that doesn't go away overnight. I know yer always hidin' yer pain behind humor, but sooner or later yer gonna have to deal with it. Take it from me, ya got a long road ahead before ya can even begin to start healin'. So the last thing I want is fer you to be takin' on all my fuckin' issues too," he sulked, leaning against the wall as Morph looked at him thoughtfully.
"You're right about some things, Logan. It is going to take me awhile to get through it all, but I am dealing with it in the best way that I know how. You see, sharing my humor with you all does help heal me. I realize I have a family here; people who actually care about me, and it makes me feel good knowing that I have the ability to make others feel good too. I feel like everyone here brings something to the table, and just having that type of support means the world to me. I can't even imagine what I'd be like if I was out on my own." 
A soft smile came to Morph's face as his mind wandered back. 
"I'll never forget how you did everything in your power to try to get me back on the team, even when you didn't succeed right away. I owe you a lot and believe me I'd never consider you not being worth my time. You have to know you deserve that and more."
"To be honest I don't think I ever deserve anything worthwhile," Logan took it all in and after a few moments of silence he finally nodded, "But ok, I believe ya. Just promise me ya won't take on more than ya can handle. It ain't fair to do that to ya."
"Now it's my turn to tell you not to worry about me so much," Morph grinned and punched him on the shoulder with no effect, "I know I've had my weak moments and even some breakdowns, but I promise you that I'm managing just fine for now. The best medicine I have is being here with you....and the rest of the team. Trust me."
"Yer one o' the few that I do in this whole world, bub. I don't know if that means somethin' to ya, but it does to me."
"It really really does. Truly. I may be drunk, but I promise it's not the beer talking when I say that I love you. Anyways cheer up. This is supposed to be a fun evening, not a pity party," Morph put his arm around Logan's shoulder to give him a firm side hug, feeling his tense muscles relax considerably.
"Sorry. I really am a piece o' work, in case ya haven't noticed. Didn't mean to bring down the mood."
"You're forgiven, but I have to warn you that if you don't smile soon then I may have to do something drastic. I'll have you know that it's always worth my time to hold you down and tickle you until you can't think straight," Morph added, pleased to see it made Logan snort a laugh before he hastily moved away from the other.
"I'm pretty sure that goes against the Geneva Convention, but whatever ya dumbass."
"You know I'm kind of thinking about doing it anyways since you didn't reciprocate my proclamation of love for you," Morph tilted his head and raised a teasing brow as Logan backed further away while shaking his head.
"That ain't necessary. I do love ya, buddy. Yer part o' the family, an' the team's just not the same without ya. Now quit threatenin' me an' just stay away on my next shot here, okay? Hands offa me."
"Alright alright, I won't do anything," Morph made his arms get sucked inside his body, grinning when he saw Logan let out another chuckle, "Oh but first..."
Morph's arm reappeared as he scurried to the nearby radio to turn on the popular music station, the sound of Freak Nasty's "Da Dip" coming out of the speakers.
"Now lets get this party back on track!" Morph declared as he began swaying his hips in place and moving his arms around in flowing patterns, allowing the beat to take over his body.
Logan tried to hold back his amused smirk as he watched.
"Will ya cut that out? Yer ridiculous." 
Morph turned around and made eye contact as he smiled mischievously and started dancing and scooting his way across the room towards his quarry while he sang along to the song.
"I put my hand upon your hip, When I dip, you dip, we dip, You put your hand upon my hip, When you dip, I dip, we dip..."
While belting out the chorus Morph placed his hand on Logan's side as he grabbed at Logan's hand and tried to place it on his own hip with the man struggling to fight him off the whole time.
"Get the hell offa me," Logan laughed at the silliness of his friend as he slapped at his busy hands and pushed back against him, "If ya think yer gonna get me dancin' then yer dead wrong. I haven't had that much to drink. Besides I need to take my turn at the game now."
Morph finally allowed himself to be pushed away as he put on a face of mock pout.
"Aw fine, you old party pooper. I'll let you off this one time, but next time you are gonna be shaking it with yours truly," he snapped his fingers and rocked his hips some more before straightening up and gesturing to the table, "Maybe you can remove that big stick from up your ass long enough to take your shot. Go ahead, I promise I won't touch you."
Logan rolled his eyes and flipped him off as he looked down again at the pool table. 
The only good shot he had was extremely close to the 8 ball so he would have to calculate this just right or he risked knocking it in. He picked up the chalk and rubbed it onto the tip of his cue stick before looking over at Morph, who stood innocently on the other side of the table against the wall, and then bent down to get into playing position.
The prospect of hitting in the 8 ball had him a little nervous, but after a few tense seconds he made his move. The cue ball went hurtling smoothly towards his striped ball before striking it where intended and sending it rolling down the table into the corner pocket.
Logan smirked and was about ready to gloat, but he failed to notice that the cue ball had just knicked the edge of the 8 ball and set it into motion as well. Morph's little gasp and excited pointing of his finger alerted him to it, though all he could do now was just watch and hope for a miracle.
He held his breath as the solid black ball ever so slowly rolled towards the center pocket before teetering on the edge of the lip........and then stopping. Logan released his breath, ready to start bragging again.
"An' that's how it's done," he managed to say just before the 8 ball finished its journey and fell into the pocket with a deafening clacking noise as it landed on the other balls.
It was quiet for a minute before Morph let out a whoop of triumph and punched at the air as he began bouncing around the room.
"I aaaam the chaaampion! I aaaam the chaaampion!" He sang as he obnoxiously danced around his grumpy teammate.
"Bullshit," Logan grumbled and then glared at Morph with accusation, "Ya bumped the table."
"I did not! Don't be a sore loser now. I believe you owe me some money," Morph grinned with a raised brow and held out his hand.
"Alright fine. Even though I'm sure ya knocked that 8 ball in somehow, I'll let ya have this one. What did we say? Ten bucks?"
"Yup, that was the wager," Morph nodded, watching Logan pull out his wallet before opening it with a shake of his head.
"Hmph, I'm a little short on cash right now. I'll have to get ya later."
"Hey no worries, I accept alternate forms of payment," Morph's smile widened while he eyed the bottle of whiskey set out nearby.
"Oh yeah? Think ya've had enough to drink already, pal," Logan smirked as he observed his friend swaying a little on his feet.
"Uh thanks for the advice, dad, but I'll say when I've had enough. I'm starting to lose my buzz here!" Morph made a poor attempt at grabbing the bottle away while Logan just smoothly moved it aside out of his reach.
"Nah, yer done. Yer worse than a teenage girl on prom night. Just as annoyin' too." 
"Ooooh I'm gonna tell Jubilee you said that."
"Well can't blame ya fer that. Ya girls gotta stick together, right?"
"You are just so insufferable, do you know that?" Morph smirked with his hand on his hip, making another grab for the bottle as Logan easily held him back with one hand and grinned.
"Thanks. Comes naturally."
"Aw come on, please? Just let me have one more drink and I'll consider your debt settled."
"I don't think so, bub. Trust me. Fer yer own good." 
Morph had to take pause because Logan's voice had lost its teasing tone and sounded more of genuine worry now. His eyes moved off of the whiskey bottle and looked up to Logan's face to find a look of concern spread over his usually intimidating features.
Despite how Logan normally wanted to portray himself the man certainly could be caught wearing his heart on his sleeves on more than one occasion. Morph felt a little guilt that he was causing his friend to worry about him again, even in such a small way. He certainly didn't want to ruin the mood again.
"Huh. Do you really think I've had too much?"
"Not yet, but I guarantee if ya have anymore you'll regret it. 'Sides it's not a good idea to start drinkin' the hard stuff after ya drank so much beer. Especially when it's like that sweet tastin' shit ya bought," Logan released his hold on him as Morph took a step back and crossed his arms with a joking pout.
"I wish I had your healing factor. Then I wouldn't be such a lightweight."
"It's a gift an' a curse, bub. Really I wouldn't wish it on anyone," Logan cast his eyes down and sighed as he momentarily picked up the whiskey bottle to screw the cap back on securely.
Dammit! He had stirred some gloom back into Logan's current train of thought. All he wanted was to keep the good times going for as long as possible, but he just kept digging the hole deeper every moment he opened his mouth. Time to just give in and admit being wrong.
"Okay okay, you're probably right. No more alcohol for me. I concede," Morph nodded as he bowed out with his hands up in defeat; happy to see Logan brighten up when he did.
"Glad yer comin' to yer senses. Tryin' to save ya from a bad hangover here, idiot."
"Aww my hero!" Morph momentarily sprouted feminine facial features and batted his big eyelashes as Logan sighed and rolled his eyes, "But hang on, you're not getting out of it that easy. You still owe me some kind of payment since I won the game."
"Well I don't have the money so tough shit. An' ya ain't gettin' this alcohol either so what're ya gonna do about it?" Logan smirked as he squared up his beefy shoulders and extended the claws on one fist in an attempt to intimidate his friend into backing down. 
Too bad that whole macho act never worked on Morph, but hearing his smug response definitely gave him some inspiration. He knew exactly just how he could collect some sort of payment and also take Wolverine's ego down a peg.
"Oh I'm not too concerned with either. I'm sure you'll pay me in some way very soon," the shapeshifter dismissed him with a hand before looking past and pointing behind him, "But hey, do you think that maybe Jean would like a drink?"
Logan was surprised because he hadn't detected Jean's scent anywhere near the room, but he still turned his head to look regardless and retracted his claws at the same time. The second he did that Morph plowed right into him like a linebacker and took him to the ground; pool stick clattering to the floor with the both of them.
"MORPH!! What the hell do ya think yer....?!?!"
"Bahaha! I knew you would fall for that! Change of plans, buddy boy! Loser can't pay then loser gets tickled!" Morph crowed with inebriated glee as he scribbled his fingers all over Logan's stomach with lightning speed.
Normally Logan could hold his own for a short while, but the alcohol in his bloodstream and the joking mood he had been in had all of his mental shields disabled, making him feel especially ticklish right now. Not even the thick flannel shirt he was wearing was dulling the sensations and the tickling had him cackling immediately.
"N-No! Daahahahahhahaa-Dohohohon't! Geheheheddoffamehehehehehe, ya stuhuhuhupid ahaahaahasshole!" Logan's left hand reflexively shot out, landing on Morph's face as he used it to try to push the other mutant off of him, but Morph only ducked under his reach and continued his vicious attack.
"Sorry, not happening. You can just keep your alcohol and your lousy ten bucks. Tickling you to death will do just fine," Morph's nimble fingers dug into his wide ribcage, tickling methodically between every rib for maximum effect. With that Logan's raspy laughter deepened as he desperately tried to crawl backwards with one arm while clumsily attempting to fend off his friend with the other.
"Mooooorph stahahahahahop! I wahahahas juhuhust try'na he-help yahahaha!"
"Do I look like I need help? Don't think so! The only one who needs help here is you. Except no one's coming to save you, mwahahahaha!" Morph laughed maniacally while drilling his fast-moving fingers into Logan's sides as the man's arms finally weakened and caved beneath him, collapsing onto his back in a heap of giggles.
Morph observed him fondly as the normally bad-tempered feral spastically twisted and squirmed helplessly while his big arms reflexively wrapped around his upper body in a last-ditch effort to protect himself, even though he knew it wasn't going to help him.
"Aw what's the matter, big guy? Is somebody just a little bit ticklish? Coochie coochie coo!"
"Shuhuhut uhuhuhup! Bwahahahahaah! I swehehehehear I'm gonnahahahahahaha guhuhuhuhuut yaaaa!"
"Yawn. Boring. Heard that one before. You really need to come up with some new material, you know? But if you're serious this time, go ahead and do it. I'll wait," Morph dared with a smirk as he eyed the deadly hands and waited for the claws to emerge. But Logan's hands only flailed around as they tried to guard and block Morph out of gaining access to his sensitive torso; failing quite miserably.
"Yeeeah, I thought as much. I know you'd never hurt me if you could help it. So you just lay there and take it like the big, scary, ticklish man that you are."
Logan cursed that Morph had called his bluff, but what did he expect? The shapeshifting mutant knew him better than pretty much anyone.
"Shihihiiit! C'moohahahahahon! Quit-hahahaha-Quit ticklin' mehehehee!"
"Sure I'll stop.....once you piss yourself," Morph quipped immediately as Logan attempted to growl through his laughter.
"I f-fuhuhuhuckin' hahahahahate yahahaha!"
"Now that's a lie if I ever heard one. Fine, say something nice about me and I'll think about letting you live," Morph proposed while Logan quickly replied without any hesitation.
"Okaahaahaay! Yer goohoohood at b-bein' a dihihihihick!"
"Hmmm, while that may be true that's not exactly a compliment. Try again. Here I'll even give you a moment to breath in good faith," he paused the tickle attack as Logan panted from below him
"....Alright fine....I'll admit, ya are a good lookin' guy. I mean seriously, ya got model potential."
Morph wasn't expecting to hear something like that, and he was immediately put on alert as his face twisted into suspicion of Logan's exact intentions. 
"Oh get out of here, you don't mean that. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm no Sean Connery."
"Sure I do. An' ya know what? If this X-men thing doesn't work out for ya, ya could always take a job workin' as a department store manneQUINAAHAHAHAHaaahahahahhahaha!" Wolverine exploded back into guffaws as Morph jumped on top of him and resumed tickling him even harder.
"Ok, I have to admit that was a good one. But it was also RUDE! You, mister, have just earned yourself a nonstop tickle session!"
"W-Wohohohohorth ihihihihitahahahahahahaahah!"
The banter between them was always constant, but they both understood that it was all in good fun and never took anything to the heart. Not to mention it gave Morph plenty of excuses to really wreck his friend.
"One more chance! Come on, just say one serious thing! You know you appreciate my humor and wit, especially when I'm making fun of the other guys! I'm super good at making you laugh! You've said so yourself!"
Logan was really in over his head with Morph being very familiar with all of his most ticklish spots, but he couldn't stop himself from continuing to tease and provoke the shapeshifting mutant.
"Nohohohot hahahard! Aaahahahahaha! Ye-Yer fahahahaace dohohoes that alohohohone!"
Morph just sighed and shook his head with a pitying smile.
"Keep talking, dummy. It's only gonna make it worse for you. Speaking of worse, lets really get those lungs of your working!" 
From where he sat perched on his legs, Morph used his long reach to bury his furiously fluttering fingers into Logan's very ticklish armpits as the big lug howled in deep, rumbling laughter with his arms futilely clamping down; Morph being able to physically contort and manipulate his fingers to keep them easily working around in the tight crevices.
"Noooohohohohoho! Dahahahammit! Haahahahahahahahahaha! Nohohot thehehehere! Ahahahahalright alrihihihihight! Ju-hahahahhahah-Just st-stohahahahop fer a sehehehehehecond!" 
He was pretty surprised when Morph actually stopped as requested.
"I'm allowing leniency despite my better judgement, so this had better be good. No funny business," Morph crossed his arms with a smirk, looking down from his seat on top of his friend, who took a moment to catch his breath before nodding and taking on a more serious tone.
"Okay....Okay....ya win. Ya know what yer good at, Morph? I ain't lyin' when I say that yer one of the best people I know. Yer good at always showin' up fer the team no matter what the odds. Ya may not be the biggest guy, but ya got the biggest heart. I know I can always count on ya to have my back in a fight. Yer good at makin' things seem brighter when everything else looks grim. Ya have the most positive outlook of anyone I've ever met despite the things ya been put through. An' yeah, yer a pretty funny guy an' ya really do know what to say to make me laugh. On top of all that yer a damn good friend. No one appreciates ya more than me," he finished, seeing the complete look of surprise on Morph's face.
"Logan I....wow, that was.....I wasn't expecting all of that. Did you really mean it?"
"Yeah, of course I did. Ya know me, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I'd go to the ends of the Earth fer ya, buddy," Logan's face was completely serious as he smiled up at him in the most genuine way, making Morph's heart melt.
"I know. You've proved that to me before, and I'll be forever grateful. I can't believe a blob of goo like me was lucky enough to land a friend like you," Morph reached out to put a gentle hand on his shoulder as Logan shook his head.
"No, I'm the lucky one, bub. Also worth mentionin' that yer one of the only people that can even come close to puttin' my mind in a more peaceful place, which ya know ain't easy," he joked, breaking the emotional tension as Morph barked a laugh.
"Hah! That I do know. You really are the most stubborn man I've ever met."
"But ya know what yer good at most of all, Morph? Somethin' yer untouchable at?"
Morph urged him on with his eyes, wondering what other compliments Logan could possibly throw at him, but as he watched his friend's soft smile turn into a smug grin he immediately knew something asshole-ish was about to leave his mouth. So much for that touching moment.
"Always makin' the worst jokes at the wrong times that just make the room so goddamn uncomfortable that ya could cut the tension with a-"
"YOU'RE DEAD!!" Morph declared and transformed into Spiral to give himself six arms as he took ultimate pleasure at seeing his friend's eyes widen in terror before all hands dispatched immediately to mercilessly tickle all over his ribs, stomach and under his arms.
The burly mutant instantly began laughing like crazy, unable to effectively defend against all the assaulting appendages at once and knowing he had completely screwed himself now.
"Mohohohohohohooorph nohohoho! Baahaahahhahahahahahaha! W-Wahaahaahaahaaaait! I tahahahake it bahaahaahaahaahaack!"
Morph temporarily transformed his face into Wolverine's to repeat his recent words.
"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it," he muttered in Logan's growly voice and then just as quickly resumed Spiral's appearance, "That is what you said, isn't it? So sorry to tell you that your request for a take-back is hereby DENIED!"
Morph went in on him hard now with hands even reaching back to tickle around Logan's knees and squeeze at his thighs as the heavily muscled mutant kicked and bucked and used whatever little energy he had left to try to defend himself. They both knew he was done for though.
"You know, you're not that smart. You could've easily used that whole brotherly love distraction to escape, but yet here you are. I should've known, you're really enjoying this, aren't you?"
Morph then giggled with glee as he spotted a new opportunity. In all his thrashing about, Logan's button-down shirt had become untucked from his pants to expose a peek at his hairy, bare stomach.
"Ooooh now what have we here....?" Four of his hands immediately dove underneath the shirt to madly tickle the now vulnerable bare skin of Logan's upper body, causing him to let out an uncharacteristically high-pitched squeal before resuming his chaotic laughter and undecipherable babbling.
Morph couldn't help but laugh at his explosive reaction, still finding it hard to believe that the gruff and tougher than nails Wolverine was so helplessly ticklish; his bulky arms clamping against his body as he futilely tried to stop the hellish movements of the hands inside his shirt.
"So this is how the great Wolverine dies....his big dumb mouth getting himself tickled to death. Hey, that'll look great on your headstone, don't you think? Hehe, c'mon now. Say uncle, ya big lug," Morph smirked as he gazed down at the state of his friend, "You know you're kinda cute when you look like this."
Logan was wheezing for air between harsh laughs as tears leaked out of his eyes, weakly wriggling on the floor and resigning himself to his fate. He desperately scrunched up his shoulders as teasing fingers reached in to scratch all over his thick neck and under his chin before easily finding the sensitive spots behind his ears.
He couldn't even throw out any more of his smart ass replies and joking insults because of how hard he was laughing from the thirty fingers assaulting so many of his weak spots; currently massacring his rock hard abs and muscular obliques.
Big muscles, healing factor, adamantium bones....all completely useless against the tickles.
Morph was always content to keep him laughing for as long as possible, though he left the ball in Logan's court and gave him plenty of opportunities to get himself out of it. Seldom did he ever seem to take it and would blame it on his strong will and stubbornness.
His whole life the man only knew mistreatment and pain of the highest levels, so Morph never wanted to be the reason for Logan to experience anything like that. He made it his mission to only provide him with good touches including hugs, comforting pats and caresses, roughhousing and wrestling matches, and of course playful tickling.
He admitted tickling could be seen as borderline torture, but if Morph had any inclination that Logan really found displeasure in being tickled then he'd never do it to him again. His claws coming out was usually a good indicator when the feral mutant wasn't happy with something.
But no, Logan would goad him on and continue making asshole comments, and even when directly threatened with the consequence he'd refuse to back down until he struck the right nerve in Morph that would end in his own ticklish demise. Then he'd make a show to resist and curse Morph out and eventually beg for it to stop, but Morph could tell he was never entirely serious about it. 
Still there were many times that Morph in fact would stop if he wasn't quite sure, but then some smart-mouthed words from Logan would pull him right back into it. Not that Morph minded this one bit. 
All in all, he was pretty certain that Logan just enjoyed being involved in some harmless physical contact with someone that he fully trusted; someone he knew would never purposely try to hurt him; someone he felt safe with.  That alone was the biggest, unspoken compliment that Logan could ever give him.
Of course Morph would never force Logan to admit any of that though if that's the way Logan preferred it. For now, he would just continue in his quest to drive the Canadian berserker berserk.
"Give up? Are you ready to be nice to your old pal, Morph?" The shapeshifter smirked, finding that poking and probing into Logan's navel could force squealing giggles out of him as his bigger hands frantically tried to push Morph's devilish digits away.
"Quit fighting it. Just let it happen. Hmm let's get these arms out of the way, shall we?"
Morph now used four of his hands to pry Logan's arms away from his body and pin them to the floor while the remaining two dove in for the kill. The fingers began tickling a particularly sensitive area around Logan's hips where the adonis belt dipped into his pants, renewing the man's energy to struggle as he flopped like a fish and howled in hysterics.
"AAAahaahahahahaha! Nohoho fahahahahaaair! Stop stop-Ahahahahahhaahaa!! Pleheeheeheeheease!! No mohohohohohohore!! I caaaahahahahahaha- I caahaan't tahahahahahake ihihihihit!!"
It had reached Morph's favorite part where Wolverine started begging for mercy. It was quite amusing to Morph that the thought to do so would never even cross the tough mutant's mind when under duress and suffering extreme pain through an enemy, but undergoing a ruthless, although good-natured, tickling could always break him in the end.
Morph knew this meant that he was just about tapped out, but that left no reason why he couldn't tease him just a little more. See if Logan managed to work up a second wind.
"I absolutely will if you can answer me this one question........Who's a silly ticklish Wolvie? Huh? C'moooon, you know the answer," he was reaching underneath to tickle the backside of his ribcage while Logan snorted and giggled uncontrollably, arching his back in desperate attempts at reprieve.
Still being the man that he was Logan couldn't resist taking one last stand against his playful tormentor, even though he knew he was going to instantly regret it.
"Fuhuhuhuhuhuck yoohoohoohoooou!!"
Logan was just so adorably predictable.
Morph let his fingers respond to that as they immediately launched into the deepest part of his armpits, sprouting a few extra fingers to leave no spot untickled and causing Logan to scream with laughter as he had no way to guard one of the most ticklish spots on his whole body with his arms restrained like they were.
"OHAHAHahahaahaha!! No no!! Nohohohot thahahahaat!! Bwaahahahahahahahahaa!! Shihihihihiiit!! I'm sahahahahahorry!! St-Staahahahahahhahahaap!! Pleeeeease stahahahahahap!!"
"Stop? Please? You're sorry? What happened to the tough guy a second ago? Hm? What happened to 'fuck you'?" Morph teased him mercilessly as his fingers continued to knead into the pit hollows and squeeze the ticklish muscles on the sides of his pecs, watching a few tears roll down the red face of the hysterically laughing Wolverine.
"Gaaahhahahahhahahahaha!! Pleeheeheeheeease!! Stahahap ticklin'!! Aahahahahahahahaa!! Yer kihihihihihi-killin' meheheheheheehee!! I give up!! I give uhuhuhuhup! "
With that Morph smiled in satisfaction as his fingers finally pulled away and he released his hold on Logan's arms, transforming from Spiral back into his normal form. He'd love to just tickle him all day if Logan would let him, but when the man had had enough, he'd had enough, and Morph respected that.
Logan just laid there with his eyes closed and his head lolled back as he heavily panted for air, though still with a big grin stuck on his face.
"....Fuck......Am I....dead?"
"Nah sorry, you're not getting away from me that easily. But I'm pleased to inform you that your debt is now paid, loser," Morph grinned and reached down to pat his face gently on the cheek as he climbed off of him and sat to the side to watch him start to get his breath back. 
After a few long moments the bigger man slowly regained his energy and hauled the upper half of his hefty body into a sitting position, tugging his shirt back down from where it had bunched up under his chest.
"Shit, that was a helluva debt. Think after that ordeal I'm paid up fer the next several decades."
"Pffft! Yeah, you wish," Morph snorted as he stood up and reached a hand out to help Logan off the floor, letting Logan's hand rest on his shoulder to help steady his legs, "You alright there, buddy?"
"M'fine. Could definitely use a drink though," he smirked and playfully pushed Morph aside as he went straight for the whiskey, not even bothering with a glass as he drank a few gulps right from the bottle and felt his nerves start to relax a little.
"Go on. Drink up, big guy. Gotta get you ready for round two," Morph undeniably teased as Logan almost choked on the alcohol, letting out a cough as he glared over at the other mutant through a side eye.
"Next time I'm just gonna let ya drink whatever ya want an' let ya deal with the damn hangover," Logan grumbled as he lifted a meaty hand to wipe the drying tears off of his cheeks
"Now you're learning. I don't expect you to protect me from everything, you know? Sometimes I just have to face the consequences of my own actions."
"I can't help it, it's an unavoidable instinct. I just....," Logan sighed, "I'd never want anything bad to happen to ya ever again Morph, if I can prevent it. Even somethin' so small. Sorry, I don't mean to meddle so much."
Morph frowned a little that he said something that was making Logan's mood start to dip again.
"No no, you weren't so stop apologizing. I'm very grateful and appreciative that you would go out of your way to look out for me. You're the only one in my life who's ever done that and it's not something I take for granted."
"Yeah, well fer the record I really meant everything I said earlier. Yer my best friend an' ya mean a lot to me. Ya've helped me out in more ways than you'll ever know," his smile returned as he put the bottle down and looked back up at Morph with warm eyes.
"Thanks Logan. And I hope that me getting you to laugh all the time counts for some of that. I know you've got a lot of heavy things on your mind and it makes me feel good to be able to pull you out of that once in a while. Making you laugh always seems to put you in a better mood anyways," Morph smiled back, not expecting Logan to admit to any of that, but surprised when he did.
"Hmph, guess it does. I mean, when ya tickle me like that it completely overwhelms my mind to where I'm just focused on the current situation an' it's honestly hard to think about anything else. Which I guess what yer sayin' is the whole point?"
"Yup, exactly. It just drives all your bad thoughts away for the time being. Just consider me your personal therapist and do not question my remedies," Morph crossed his arms over his chest with a smug look as Logan just shook his head.
"Wasn't. Just wonderin' what goes on in that head o' yers sometimes. I'll admit it does make me feel pretty euphoric after it's all said an' done. My head feels high as a kite right now."
"That's because laughing is good for you! By the way, has anyone ever told you that you have the best laugh ever?" Morph asked with a giddy smile that Logan didn't seem to notice as he snorted and used a hand to dismiss his words.
"Aw cut that out. No need to drive the knife deeper. Besides not many people get me laughin' the way ya do so they wouldn't know."
"Well that's their loss. It's really a good look for you. I love when you smile," Morph threw his arms around him to give him a bear hug as Logan sighed in resignation and softly patted his arm.
"Still gettin' used to it. An' the torture method.....I'm sorry....yer therapy that ya use to get it outta me. Think ya almost broke my healin' factor with that last round," Logan shook his head with a smirk; the nerves below his skin still tingling from the overstimulation.
"Wellllll you did kind of ask for it. I would've stopped a lot sooner if you weren't being such an ass. I don't know if you know this, but you're quite the arrogant bastard. The biggest I've ever met, for the record."
Logan chuckled heartily at his comment.
"Yeah, I'm very aware of that. Not somethin' I can just turn off unfortunately."
"Oh no, please don't ever change. It's always a good excuse for me to tickle you crazy. I haven't heard you beg like that since that one time you thought you were being funny by putting your feet on my lap when we were on the couch watching the hockey game. Kurt was there too, remember?" Morph smiled big time with the memory playing through his mind as Logan squirmed in place at the thought.
"Believe me, I learned my lesson from that one. I'm surprised I'm still alive after what the two o' ya did to me," he shuddered as he remembered the incident.
Unluckily for Logan, Kurt also loved to partake in his ticklish weakness, and he did not hesitate one second to join in on the attack on his good friend as his three-fingered hands and prehensile tail attacked Logan's upper body, using his teleportation to get at him from all angles. 
Meanwhile Morph had decided it would be fun to transform into Nightcrawler as well, giving him the extra tail appendage to tickle between Logan's sensitive toes with the velvety tip while his fingers went to town on his bare soles.
"You have to admit it was pretty funny when Ororo, Jubilee and Rogue all heard your screaming and burst into the room because they thought you were being murdered," Morph giggled as Logan scowled and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Well, that's kinda what I would call it," he growled sheepishly as his toes cringed inside his boots, "Just dealin' with one of ya is more than I can handle. But the both o' ya at the same time? Yeah, that's pretty much attempted murder."
"Shut up, you liked it. So feel free to put those big stompers of yours in my lap any time you want," the shapeshifter gave him a wink as Logan just returned it with a blank face and a raised eyebrow.
"Aww c'mooon, not even for a little massaaaage?" Morph teased as he moved behind the shorter man and rubbed his shoulders before being shrugged off.
"Just fuck off, would ya?"
"Okay okay, no need to get testy. I'm really good at it though, just for the record. I've got plenty of references to back me up," he cracked his fingers and wiggled them up in the air with a cheesy smile.
"I'll keep it in mind," Logan couldn't help the smirk that came over his face as then he looked up at the clock mounted on the wall, "Hmph only 11:20pm, still early. Unless yer ready to call it a night."
"Not yet I'm still feeling pretty awake. I'm more of a night owl these days so I'll be glad to keep you company for a while longer. If you don't mind, that is," Morph added, making Logan glance back over at him questionably.
"Why would I?"
"I don't know. I feel like sometimes I annoy you too much and maybe you'd want some space from me," the shapeshifter answered, feeling a bit insecure as he crossed his arms in front of himself.
"Course yer annoyin'. Yer loud an' ya never stop talkin'. Ya drive me nuts with all yer crazy antics," Logan said matter of factly as Morph felt a tightness in his chest and looked down at the floor in shame until Logan continued with a gentler tone, "But that's on me, not you. Sometimes I just get a lil' bent outta shape too easily so don't take it personal. I'm just a grumpy old prick. If anything, I'd feel like yer the one who would want space away from me."
Morph immediately brightened back up, lifting his head as his frown turned into a soft smile.
"Just know yer great, Morph. Yer always goin' outta yer way to make people happy, even someone like me who doesn't deserve it. You'll never not be welcome to share in my prescence."
"Thanks for telling me that Logan. And for the record no, I'd never need space from you. No matter how much of an insufferable prick you can be."
Logan laughed loudly as he clapped a large hand onto Morph's shoulder and shook him a little.
"Appreciate it, bub. So ya wanna play another game or what?" He asked as he started pulling the pool balls out of the pockets and placing them back onto the table.
"Yeah sure, why not. But we're not going to bet anything this time, right? You obviously don't have any money to put up so unless you want me to tickle the shit out of you again, I'd say you're all out of bargaining chips, buddy," Morph crossed his arms with a holier than thou grin, watching Logan down the remainder of the whiskey.
"Tell ya what bub, if I lose again how 'bout I let ya give me that foot massage?"
Morph smirked at him, leaning against the pool table on one hand.
"Oh is that so? And what makes you think that's what I'd want as my prize?"
Logan just shrugged his shoulders as if he was unbothered by that and began setting up the pool balls.
"Alright suit yerself. Just forget it then."
"Now hold on, hold on. It was just a question. Hmmm but okay, it's a deal. No take backs. This is now a legally binding verbal contract," Morph momentarily transformed into a court judge and banged a gavel onto the table.
Logan chuckled as he finished getting all the balls into the triangular rack.
"Yer a crazy guy, Morph. If I win though yer buyin' me a new bottle....No....two more bottles o' booze," he declared and dangled the now empty whiskey jug in the air.
"Deal, but I don't plan on losing. But hey, it should be a win for you too. I bet with your heightened senses a massage feels extra good."
"I guess so, but I've never known it any other way so ya got yer work cut out fer ya. Let me at least get washed up first though, alright? I showered a lil' over an hour ago, but these boots have seen some miles," he looked down at his feet and rocked back on the heels.
"If you insist. But if you need any help in the shower, I'm always available. You know, if you're having any trouble getting those hard-to-reach areas...," Morph winked and nudged him suggestively, making Logan snort a laugh.
"Thanks, but I think I can manage. Oh an' hey, no cheatin' in this game this time around, okay? That means no bumpin' the table-"
"I told you I didn't bump the table!"
"Whatever. An' if ya tickle me even one time ya automatically forfeit the win. Got it?"
"Okay okay fine. Scout's honor," Morph held up his hand while sneaking his other hand over to give a quick dig into Logan's ribs as the man jumped with a yelp and then glared back at him.
"Dammit! What did I just-?!?!"
"Hehehe, that doesn't count. We didn't start the game yet," Morph snickered as Logan sighed and facepalmed before picking up his pool stick that was still on the floor from his earlier tussle with the shapeshifter.
"Ya know Morph, if I didn't love ya so much I'd kill ya."
"Awwww that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. You know option number two is that you could also just forfeit now and allow me to collect on my winnings," Morph teased as he draped arms over Logan's shoulder and squeezed his bicep, making Logan shake his head and squirm out of his embrace.
"Nice try bub, but Wolverine forfeits to no one. Now stand back. Maybe you'll learn somethin'," Logan leaned over the table, getting his stick into position as he got ready to break. 
He smirked knowing he was going to sandbag it and allow Morph to win again. Like he did earlier when he himself had unnoticeably bumped the table so the 8 ball fell in. Let Morph win just like he always did.
Just as Morph always wanted to keep him happy, he also wanted the same for his friend and more. To let him know that he always had someone rooting for him in his corner and actually gave a damn about his well-being. He'd do whatever it takes to keep his spirits high, even if it came at his own expense.
He knew Morph would be true to his word and give him an amazing massage, which was hard to come by these days, and Logan would relish in every bit of it. Even when it inevitably turned into tickling because he knew Morph wouldn't be able to resist himself with the knowledge that Logan's feet were easily his most ticklish spot.
Logan would of course play his part fully, protesting profusely and laughing his ass off all to Morph's delight while doing his best to not accidentally kick his teeth in with a flailing foot. Though he shivered a little knowing that Morph was more than capable of restraining him and then he'd just have to take it. Though in a weird way he found that he wasn't exactly bothered by the thought of that.
Thinking about it took him out of his game and unable to fully focus as he jabbed the cue ball to break, and while the balls all scattered over the table not one of them went into a pocket. He forced a grumpy face for show as he looked over at his grinning friend.
"Looks like it's going to be an early night. You know you can just skip the shower. I don't mind your musk."
Logan couldn't deny that a massage sounded better sooner than later.
"Well if ya really don't mind....," Logan gave the table a firm bump with his hip, making all the pool balls including the 8 ball fall into the pockets as he shrugged his shoulders while Morph looked at him with a knowing smile, "Damn. Guess I lose again."
"Nah, like I said you're still winning. Tell you what, I'll still even buy you another couple bottles of whiskey after this," Morph promised as he walked to the other side of the room and sat on the end of the large couch placed against the wall, "Here should be good. Whenever you're ready."
Logan was a little hesitant walking over as Morph made a big display of stretching and cracking his fingers before patting his lap. He sat down on the couch and then turned his body sideways, lifting his legs to drop his heavy boots onto Morph's thighs as the other mutant teasingly ran a hand over the top of them.
"Hm. Big feet, huh? You know what they say about that," Morph laughed at his implication, making Logan's mouth twitch into a smirk.
"Nah, what do they say Kevin?" He asked in a teasing tone, making Morph pause with a blush tinting at his cheeks as he was caught off guard by Logan's response and the use of his chosen name.
"W-Well you know.....big feet big.....boots. What were you thinking?! Jeez, get your mind out of the gutter, your pervert!"
Logan chuckled at how easily flustered Morph was as he leaned back on the couch armrest.
"Takes one to know one, bub. Now get rubbin'."
"See comments like that are what get you in trouble. I'll make sure you pay for it later," Morph warned with a devious smile and then got to work, beginning the process of carefully pulling off his boots.
Logan just watched it happening in slow motion, wondering exactly how he let himself get talked into this. Actually, he did know how. And he found himself looking forward to the attention.
"Easy now. Be nice," Wolverine growled a little, the realization of knowing what he was getting into really setting in now.
"Aren't I always?" Morph smirked as he dropped each boot on the floor as they came off and then in a couple swift movements had tugged off Logan's socks as well
"So delusional," Logan shook his head as his now bare toes wiggled a little from the exposure, "At least try not to tickle."
"That's not the current plan and I promise I won't be trying to, but if it does happen then I'm sorry, but it's your fault for being so ticklish," he reached down and firmly squeezed both of Logan's wide, meaty soles as the older mutant rolled his head back and groaned from the touch, making Morph grin, "Looks like you might be okay though."
He began further testing as his fingers pressed in hard and slid down Logan's soft arches to begin kneading into his plump heels while Logan struggled to keep the sounds of pleasure from leaving his lips.
"Fuuuuck.....Damn Morph.....Ya weren't lyin'.....That feels.....fantastic...," he squirmed and moaned with his eyes closed; his reactions causing Morph to beam with pride.
"Like that, eh? I told you I was good," he began rubbing circles from his heels back up into the balls of his feet, finding the skin to be surprisingly supple, "Now answer me this, how does a guy like you have such soft feet?"
Logan just threw his hands up in a shrug as his mind became focused on the sensations though he ended up rumbling in disappointment when Morph's hands pulled away for the moment.
"Easy big boy, I promise there's more where that came from. And if you really enjoy this then perhaps later I could interest you in a full body session," Morph offered with a hopeful smirk and a raised brow as Logan was quick to give a nod.
"Might actually take ya up on that. I haven't had a good massage in.....shit, I can't even remember."
"Well that's about to change right now. So without further ado let's get started off on the right foot here," Morph put his hand on the top of Logan's right foot and laughed at his own pun as Logan made a point to roll his eyes harder than usual.
"Geez, tough crowd. Come on, that was funny," he grinned slyly as his fingers now drifted around to give the sole of his foot a quick tickle.
"AHAH!" Logan barked out a laugh and jerked his foot away before delivering a warning glare and reluctantly placing his foot back onto Morph's lap, "Fucker."
"Hey I had to get at least one in. Now I'm going to keep it professional. If I accidentally do tickle you then just tell me and make sure to keep still. Though I'm going to warn you right now, if you kick me at any point then the massage is over and it's game on. So please give me a reason," Morph teased as he rubbed his hands together and prepared to really get serious.
Logan quietly considered the threat, and while he was looking forward to the massage, he also couldn't resist his urge to live life dangerously. And hell, maybe he was also a bit of a masochist sometimes.
While Morph was prepping, Logan pulled his foot back a little and aimed it right at Morph's stomach before thrusting it forward.
Morph got the wind knocked out of him ever so slightly as he coughed and grabbed the offending foot to push it back. He then squinted evilly back at Logan who had a shit-eating grin on his face while he sat there with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Whoops. Must've slipped."
Morph sighed, thinking he probably deserved it for sneaking in that tickle, and released his hold on his foot.
"Fine. You get one freebie. But do it again and I promise you you're going to be wishing so hard that you could take it back once you see how bad you're going to get it because I'm not stopping until the sun comes up and by the looks of that clock on the wall it's going to be several hours before that comes even close to-UGGH!" Morph grunted as the foot collided with his stomach again.
"Quit babblin' an' just do it, pussy," Logan smirked, the words no sooner leaving his lips before tendrils shot out of Morph's body and tightly wrapped around his ankles to keep him from ever having any chance at pulling his feet away until Morph decided he was allowed to.
And Logan wouldn't have it any other way.
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Okay so a fic related ask - for the Valinor fic do you know who Sigrid and Tilda want to bring back?
eeee, thank you so much for asking! <3333333 I do - there is A List!
Bain and his family did not come back when Bard and the girls did, so they're definitely up there, though the girls are trying to think of others above themselves - but there's Bain, Lotta his wife, Brand, Astrid and Ingrid their children, Marta who is Brand's wife, and possibly others, I haven't worked out whether Astrid and Ingrid marry and/or have kids yet
Imrahil, for Legolas, because no matter how much he says that he knows Imrahil is at peace and all is right, he still misses him awfully, and the temptation to ask for him back when he accompanied his mother to yell at the Valar was very strong (but he knew somehow that if he asked for Imrahil, they wouldn't send Bard back, and Bard was who they needed at that moment)
Arwen and Aragorn, yes I know the whole point in canon is that they won't come back, but this is my AU and I'll be self-indulgent if I want to. Besides, Celebrían misses Arwen terribly, Elrond and the twins miss them both, and Sigrid wants to do something for them as they've done so much for her and her Ada
Thorin, Fíli and Kíli, although Sigrid is worried that when Kíli comes back Tauriel won't need her any more (Tauriel will very much still need her)
Rosie, for Sam, and possibly at least some of their children
Possibly Merry and Pippin (I haven't decided yet whether all the the Fellowship come back by default, and if they do, whether all their friends come back, although the temptation to do something nice for Boromir is enormous, and if he's coming back then Faramir and Éowyn and Éomer and Lothíriel, it's going to get crowded)
And then we're on to the people that Sigrid and Tilda and their friends don't know personally, such as Aegnor and Andreth
And Bëor and probably others who are dear to Finrod - there is a running joke in this 'verse and @lemurious' stuff (it was her idea) about songs being sung about Finrod's Many Lovers, and it amuses me greatly, but I can't remember offhand, other than Bëor, who they might have been (Barahir?)
Possibly Beren and Lúthien, although I'm going to have to introduce Thingol and Melian first, and before I introduce them I'm going to have to get Thranduil's parents in
Haleth, much as Auriel is not fond of the idea of doing something nice for a Fëanorian, uncle of hers or not
And that's about as far as I've got, although I'm sure there are other Silm people who probably ought to be at least asked if they want to return. I'm less worried about them, though, as they have less connection to the central characters and their circle, and I'm going to struggle to fit all of the above in as it is. :D
Wheeee! Anyone else want to ask me stuff about my various WIPs/fics to be written and encourage the muses to do some work for a change? XD
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scienceoftheidiot · 6 months
hello! thank you for that really informative post on the uniforms! I definitely have a better understanding of them now (not sure if that means I'll learn to like drawing them though lol) If you don't mind me asking, what got you into historical costuming (or the era you're into)? It's a really interesting subject and I'd love to know more ☺️
Oh well thank you ^^" I was just indulging in something I find interesting, as well as keeping my brain busy, I'm glad you found it interesting too !
I would say I don't know if I'm into historical clothes or the specific era. Probably the era itself, but as we're reenacting using uniforms, I am especially versed into the clothes and objects of WW1. I am not especially interested in the battles themselves, more in the life in and out of the trenches, on and off the front (I of course have a WW1 AU for Royai that I've been writing for months lol, but I'll get back to it once I'm done with my current long fic).
It's mostly random circusmtances that got me into it, I grew up with history buff parents who loved late 19th-early 20th century stuff (they still do lol and they always have had a lot of objects around), and then met my now husband who's really into reenactment. He used to do so only for WW2, but his focus has shifted now and he's way more interested in the same period than my parents, including WW1.
My husband is from the Chemin des Dames, which is to the French the same thing as the Somme for the British. So he actually grew up surrounded by this history, and yes, even almost (then) a century later, you still see the traces of these everywhere - in monuments and cemeteries of course but also in the land itself, the way it's shaped, and we find things every time we go pick mushrooms in the woods there. Including unexploded bombs. So it's something kinda vivid still, and we now want to keep the history living by doing reenactment.
So, FMA happening in a nondescript European country in the 1910s? Can't help. It's there. I need to make the link XD
Feel free to ask questions if you have them ! thank you so much for showing an interest in this and asking me :)
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sometimesraven · 3 months
20 Questions for AO3 Writers
I was tagged in this FOREVER ago by @the-frankenman-writes I'm sorry it took me so long to get to!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
84,067 (my fics are usually pretty short haha)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Quantum Leap (TV 2022) (18)
Dragon Age (Video Games) (17)
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (11)
Original Work (10)
Dead by Daylight (Video Game) (10)
The Witcher (TV) (6)
The Sandman (TV 2022) (5)
Doctor Who (5)
Elder Scrolls Online (2)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Torchwood (1)
F.E.A.R. (Video Games) (1)
Mass Effect Trilogy (1)
The Champions (TV 1968) (1)
Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (1)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Cold and Dark (Detroit: Become Human)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Original)
Her Sweet Kiss (The Witcher)
Just A Scratch (The Witcher)
Less Than Stellar Judgement (The Witcher)
(,,, people really like my Geraltskier whump fics huh XD)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I respond to basically every comment I get, even if all I can usually manage is some variation of "sfkgjhsfkgj thank you!!" because I have no idea how to take praise but I want the commenter to know they mean the world to me
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
Ooooooooof uhhhhh probably the little Detroit: Become Human ficlet I did called I Will Go Down. TW for suicide XD But there are a lot of angsty fics on there so who knows lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics end pretty bittersweet but I think Hope (Doctor Who) is one of my happiest endings <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, surprisingly! My fics don't usually have much reach tbf. The only time I got anything close to "hate" was an ableist saying my disabled Dragon Age Inquisition OC is unrealistic to the setting and would likely be "with their clan or dead".
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! Usually it's abstract (a la Holy, Holy, Holy) or porn with feelings (a la A Tale of Yearning) but I've been known to indulge in a lil PWP on occasion
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! I have an ongoing Torchwood x Quantum Leap crossover 'verse thanks to @chaos-of-the-endless 😂 I also wrote a Baldur's Gate x Dead by Daylight AU recently!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so (please tell me if you ever do!)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no but some of my fics were inspired by other people or based on RP I've done in the past
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
Oh don't even XD uhhhhh right now it's Jenn&Ian from Quantum Leap and Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier from the Witcher but my shipping loves go so far back I could never name an all time favourite
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Family Reunion :( I've been trying to write it for,,,, basically as long as I've been writing but I can never finish it and then years pass and I hate it and think it's cringe and want to start it from scratch, rinse and repeat)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Taking an impulsive headcanon and running with it. I have so many ficlets just because I thought of a headcanon and NEEDED to put it to the page. I also enjoy angst and hurt/comfort, things that expand on already existing angst and make it WORSE :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In fic writing it's definitely description. I tend to get carried away in dialogue and forget to Say Other Stuff but I think I have a good handle on it now. That and smut, I enjoy writing it but I have to be either In The Mood or shut off my brain so I don't cringe so hard I delete it all bc I struggle with explicit content and get embarassed when things I'm writing are at all Kinky bc I have a crippling fear of judgement
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language for a fic?
As a reader I enjoy it! As a writer, just be careful, stick to one or two words rather than full dialogue if you don't have the time or energy to deep-google that shit
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who <3
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
this changes daily but at the moment I'm loving Something More and the rest of my Sandman fics revolving around the dream OC I made for it. I'm in love with them and I enjoy writing their dynamic with the Endless siblings too <3
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this <3
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hexhomos · 2 years
top 5 jay/vik pet peeves? 👀
I let this ask simmer a bit in the back of my inbox because... oh man you guys really want to see me rant like that? Unbelievable. But I'll indulge anyway since I could on about this forever:
#1 the way people straight up delete everything about Jayce as a character, be it talis or giopara, just to turn around and act like he's "leeching off viktor's genius" or "a big stupid dumb idiot who cant grasp simple concepts XD" "brainless idiotic himbo" like… this is so tiring to me. Are you trying to call him braindead? Because that's what it sounds like. I don't find it funny or charming anymore thanks to the sheer density and frequent malice adjacent to this kind of content.
#2 Related to above, but also found on its own, SPECIALLY in arcane fandom bubbles: a fixation on Jayce's body as a sexual object or sexual accessory to other people as his "Only redeeming character trait". It's become so prevalent I don't like browsing content for him anymore. Fans will legitimately make up bullshit reasons as to why Jayce is lesser than other characters (the council, mel, heimerdinger, viktor, vi, whoever, you name it) and then hold up more brainless no personality idiotbad himboXD porn as the only thing his character could ever amount to. Way to go! You're treating this show's singular brown lead as actually subhuman. There truly are no words. And it's not like it's hard to give Jayce an ounce of interesting things to do: most of what people attribute to viktor as sciency and driven and passionate is something that he shares with jayce; sometimes, its straight up things jayce came up with and worked on all his life getting penned as "viktors thing". I just find fandom, for one reason or another, holds a severe disinterest in treating them as equals. And it makes their dynamic worse. (This last point is not exclusive to arcane, sadly.)
#3 Viktor woobification, and an insistence that he could neeeeever do anythiiiiing wroooooong, regardless of verse. It makes him into such an uninteresting non-character. Viktor was created to *BE* the mad scientist archetype; this was his initial concept and it persists to this day, you can't take away his responsibility for his mistakes, or pretend it was Jayce's fault, and still expect him to be a good character. I don't even know what you're stanning at that point. I've had ppl genuinely argue with me that viktor never hurt anyone in game canon and that JAYCE had stolen blitzcrank and its like ????? Do you even know who Stanwick is. Please just read their bios. Both of their bios. Viktor lies to clean up his own story and even before the lore rewrite he was the one who'd initiate violence by Invading Jayce's Lab And Blasting Him With Laserbeams. This guy's ingame kit requires you to kill 100 minions before evolving a weapon prototype. He has an ability called "death ray". You don't think that's funny? Your loss. (Related: a lot of able-bodied people treat viktor's arcane disability as something to patronize him over, and it can be really, really uncomfortable to see.)
#4 this is gonna seem minor compared to above but watching people try and vilify Jayce at every turn to make Viktor or other characters look better can be so unintentionally funny. They never pay attention to anything about his character, just spin a wheel of bad generic adjectives and go: "JAYCE is an out of touch gazillionaire SOCIAL CLIMBER queaking for STATUS who eats diamond dust, shits gold and hates lesbians; he also PISSED on my WIFE," whole time the guy is just minding his business, indentured for life thanks to vampiric 'patrons' making him swear fealty for project funding, canonically stated to have built a name making gadgets for the working class, doesn't even like socializing in Any Universe (and this is the exact thing him and viktor bond over), etc etc etc... this shit is embarrassing brother
#5 unironic googoo talk jaymel or melvik or anything that exists in the middle genuinely makes me roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel as though people watched the bomb scene and then immediately erased out how disrespectful and manipulative it was. I don't care for any of these pairings nor the implication that you have to 'make good with billionaires to reach ultimate peace uwu' that comes attached to most of their content. The TVshow being as centrist and corporate as it is explains why this exists, sure, but I feel so ?????? When I see people acting like viktor and mel would be best buddies, as if she isn't canonically the richest person in Piltover before we even have a timeskip and *Directly Responsible for enabling and profiting off much of the fuckshit going on in Zaun* lol. Where do you think that money came from? Seriously?? Come on. I cannot fathom how people can see Jayce's interactions with her as leading to any sort of positive outcome. They get 0 romantic buildup worth caring for and are boring as all hell. And the next one is less common but: whenever people try to fit her plotline into leagueverse I just, LOL. The ruling Medarda in league is a 70-something manlet white geezer. Jayce giopara is a fag and his entire bio was designed around viktor. The council plays no part in their story and they're far more interesting for it, thank fucking god.
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grants-blue-eyed-stare · 10 months
I am reading the novel Killer Angels by Micheal Shaara based on the Battle of Gettysburg and it is soooo good. It is historical fiction that strives to be as accurate as possible. The chapters are from different significant people's perspectives.
I've read the first three sections plus a little bit more so far!
Okokok I love it how this book focuses on the people rather than just the battle it portrays. The inner monologues are golden. I LOVE getting the inner feelings of historical figures, it's like reading letters in the form of a novel. Chamberlain and Longstreet's conflicting feelings really illustrate historical views and how people dealt with them.
It is a crime that Fremantle has only one chapter because half of it is like "I'm Bri'ish and drink tea and am fancy" and it's so fun to read. Longstreet and he kinda have a friendship and it's honestly so sweet. They are each other's comfort person.
Joshua and Tom's relationship as brothers is so fun, honestly a good choice of people to focus on. Their relationship reminds me of the meme with the speech bubbles where a person is having some sort of crisis and the other is singing Reeces Puffs (Tom is singing Reeces Puffs).
There is a lot of social history and culture of the era in the book. It is really rewarding to know some of the history. There are historical references in the book that have me going wild. This book gives such a realistic feeling. Of course there is a lot of general stuff, but many small specifics, too, that are easy to miss if you aren't well versed in Civil War history. I really like that the author makes sure to give a background on the most important historical figures in the foreward.
Though it's a war novel like All Quiet on the Western Front, it is much les depressing and I really enjoy the perspectives and characters in it!
I cannot recommend this book enough. Even if you aren't a huge Civil War fan but just like history, I recommend it! AND the movie Gettysburg is based on it. It is a treat to have a good book and a good movie (the book is better though because of inner dialogue).
If you are not convinced yet, there is dialogue about something like a 19th century version of kissing the homies goodnight lol
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Ok my happy rant is over. Thank you for indulging me XD
I will probably post again when I finish it hehe
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ladytauria · 9 months
tbh i thought 11 meant three fav fics / you / wrote so !!! thank you for the recs i can’t wait to read them but i would also like to know 3 fics you’re really proud of
hm. maybe that is what that question means xD
okay, 3 fave fics i wrote…
you know just what i need — this is the longest fic i’ve written (& posted) in a long time! & while having reread it recently there are a few things i would have done differently / things i think could have used more editing, i’m still v proud of it! (& probably judging it too harshly bc, yknow. own worst critic, & all)
in a diner at midnight — this verse is SO self-indulgent & probably not the most IC thing i’ve ever written but it also has the honor of being the first batfic i ever posted. &, self indulgent or not, i have put a lot of thought into the choices i’ve made for it. (altho like the above, there are changes i would make now! tho this time in the vein of, ik more about things now/have thought more about certain aspects & would do it differently. but!)
& then this one is the hardest to pick ^^; it’s a toss-up between a plateful of love & drape me in your warmth. the latter bc i reread this one recently & with the exception of a typo i enjoyed it a lot?? like?? no critical comments, so that’s nice. & then the first bc it just makes me happy.
(also i cannot talk abt writing i’m proud of without at least a passing mention of queen of blood, an original piece that just kind of spilled out in response to a prompt lol)
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vorchagirl · 4 months
i am so sorry this is so delayed, but here’s my fanfic asks for you - prepare yourself, my friend! ^•^
16 - 18 - 32 - 38 - 46 - 53 - 70 - 80
*80: what are some of your least favorite ships to read AND write?
16. Do you write by hand, on phone or on laptop?
I do the bulk of my writing on my laptop, but lately I've been writing more and more on my phone because I often find myself with spare time while I'm out and about. I do write by hand sometimes, but honestly, I find my phone more convenient now that I've mastered the art of phone writing, lol.
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of your required the most research?
I do not enjoy research, lol. But it's an important part of writing, so I do it when I need to. I think the fic that required the most research was Lights in the Sky - I had to do a lot of research for trauma (emotional and physical), different types of wounds, and I had to contact Spanish friends for some help with my Spanish for Vega, and I had to ask my Russian friends to do some transliteration for Rennah's Russian lines. I think Sweet Little Lies is a close second - I had to do a ton of research for that fic too.
32. Do you take fic requests? Why/why not?
Not really, though I hesitate to say definitely no because I never know when an idea will grab me. I'm always open to drabble requests and love when people send those in, but full fics? Not reaaaally.
I used to take full fic requests, and I had some bad experiences with people acting like they owned my work or getting very obsessive with me and my fics. Mind you, I also have had some great experiences. I'm writing Distance because of a fic request, and the lovely person who requested that fic has been nothing short of friendly even though the fic has become much more than intended!
38. What is your most self indulgent posted story?
Lol, this one is easy. My Mass Effect Andromeda x Harlequin Mills and Boon style romance fic 'The Charlatan's Seduction Plan'. This was a labor of love because I genuinely love trashy romances, and my great friend Kit did the art for it. It was so much fun to write, but totally self indulgent!
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life what would it be?
Probably mirror-verse fics where a good wholesome character becomes evil and obsessive. Like my Subject Zero Kaidan fic 'Through A Mirror Darkly'. I like when a good guy goes bad and gets obsessive.
53. What is the most used tag on yoru AO3?
'Romance' - which shocks me. I thought it would be 'shameless smut' XD
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
I'm subscribed to 15 or so writers - not as many as I should be, but I have a bad habit of following fics instead of authors. Though if you post a fic or chapter and I review rather quickly, it's probably because I follow you!
80. What are some of my least favourite ships to read and write?
Honestly, and this is not hateful at all because I love that some of my best friends are passionate about their ships and characters, but my least favourite is anything with a male Shepard or male Pathfinder Ryder, no matter what the pairing. I just don't especially gel with a male Shepard. I guess because there is such an overwhelming lack of female representation in media I gravitate towards strong female characters in fics.
If we're talking specific ships which I struggle to write or read, I suppose my top 3 are probably Ash x Kaidan, Male Shep x Miranda, or fRyder x Jaal.
Having said that, I can usually read anything if people ask me to - and sometimes I love fics which I never expected to. So I'm always open to everything.
Thanks for the ask - sorry this was so long!
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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name. Scotty
pronouns. they / them
preference of communication. Tumblr IMs or Discord (even if I’m selective with whom I hand my Discord to. We need to have talked at least a bit here before).
name of muse. I currently have 12 active muses (both canon and OCs), 3 test muses and 1 request muse on this blog. Mort of them are Rick and Morty muses (all versions of the two titular characters).
rp experience / how  long. I don’t remember for how long exactly I’ve been RPing. It has to be at least 8-10 years. I started on another site and then landed on Tumblr about 5-6 years ago.
best experience. I don’t have a specific episode that I consider the best ever, but in general the best experience for me is connecting with kin minded people and build a world of plots and interactions through of our characters. It’s always a lot of fun and very stimulating. I have a few people I’m especially grateful to in this sense and I hope I’ll have the chance to keep writing with them for as long as possible. And hopefully to meet more like them.
rp pet peeves / deal breakers. This calls for a quite the list xD No rules / muse(s) page. Drama / callout culture. DNI for specific characters. Cyber-bulling of any sort (and yes, this includes harrassing people for liking content that you consider “problematic”. If you do that sort of things, get away from my blog, grow the fuck up and get a life). Untagged posts / untagged NSFW, or too fancy tags that are hard to blacklist. Being a self-absorbed dick in general. People who ignore the starters / replies to ask you wrote for them. People who try to force their personal headcanons / views about my muses on me. People who use the “this is a hobby” excuse to be terrible to their writing partners and to not give back the effort people offer them.
fluff,  angst, or smut. Angst is one of my favourite things to write, so that’s definitely my pick. I still like a happy ending after navigating an ocean of feels, pain, trauma, broken spirits, crushed dreams and so on x’D But yeah, angst all the way. Fluff is good to balance more intense threads, so I don’t mind indulging in that too. As for smut, I’m extremely selective with it. I write it with trusted people only, and only when inserted in the context of a developed scenario / ship.
plots or memes. I’m definitely partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It’s really important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
long or short replies.  I’m a descriptive RPer, so I almost exclusively do multi-para and novella threads. Single para are for brief interactions / crack.
best time to write. I don’t really have a specific time. My inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, it could hit me at every hour of the day and of the night. I usually end up writing at night mostly because it’s when I have more free time.
are you like your muse. I share some traits with most of my muses, but I wouldn’t say that there’s a muse that is exactly like me. If something I’m a bit of a mix of some of them. I tend to be almost as cynic as Rick, I can be a bitch like Summer, and I struggled with bad anger issues in the past like Morty does and I tend to put up a facade / play a certain kind of persona for the world to see Like Blitzo. I’m not super easy to approach (even if it might not seem so), I have plenty of insecurities and I’m really socially awkward, traits that characterises a good number of my muses.
tagged by: @warmongersofzaun & @surgingchef [[ thank you! ]] tagging: @advnterccs @thesafaribaggirl-returns @floweremojifound @esmorothfallen @heamvir @defactomatriarch @finitecurved​ & whoever wants to steal it !
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collidingxworlds · 2 years
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name. Scotty
pronouns. they / them
preference  of  communication. Tumblr IMs or Discord (even if I’m selective with whom I hand my Discord to. We need to have talked at least a bit here before)
name  of  muse. I currently have 6 active muses, 1 test muse and 2 request muses on this blog
rp  experience  /  how  long. I don’t remember how long exactly I’ve been RPing for. It has to be at least 8 years. I started on another site and then landed on Tumblr about 5-6 years ago
best  experience. I don’t have a specific episode that I consider the best ever, but in general the best experience is connecting with kin minded people and build a world of plots and interactions through of our characters. It’s always a lot of fun and very stimulating.
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers. No rules / muse(s) page. Drama / callout culture. DNI for specific characters. Cyber-bulling (and yes, this includes bullying people for liking content that you consider “problematic”. Grow the fuck up and get a life). Untagged posts / untagged NSFW, or too fancy tags that are hard to blacklist. Being self-absorbed dick in general.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut. Angst is one of my favourite things to write, so that’s definitely my pick. I still like a happy ending after navigating an ocean of feels, pain, trauma, broken spirits, crushed dreams and so on x’D But yeah, angst all the way. Fluff is good to balance more intense threads, so I don’t mind indulging in that too. As for smut, I’m extremely selective with it. I write it with trusted people only, and only when inserted in the context of a developed scenario / ship.
plots  or  memes. I’m definitely partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It’s really important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
long  or  short  replies.  I’m a descriptive RPer, so I almost exclusively do multi-para and novella threads. Single para are for brief interactions / crack.
best  time  to  write. I don’t really have a specific time. My inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, it could hit me at every hour of the day and of the night. I usually end up writing at night mostly because it’s when I have more free time.
are  you  like  your  muse. I share some threads with most of my muses, but I wouldn’t say that I’m like them. Perhaps, the one I’m the closest with, personality-wise, is Five. I’m very cynic and pessimistic, I can be very harsh and too straightforward, I’m insanely stubborn, I have real poor people skills and a potty mouth (not always but when I let myself speak freely...yelp) xD
tagged by: @knightinsourarmor (( thank you! ))
tagging: @omniishambles @imprvdente​ @paradiseturnedhell​ @elisethetraveller​ @governmentofficial​ @waywardfeathered​ @rapxir​ @motleysort​ @aubainmary​ @batteredoptimist​ @ncxile​ & whoever wants to steal it !
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catty-words · 1 year
So, I was scrolling in your ao3 profile for the thousand time, as one usually does, and playing with the filters to see if there was any nhie fic I hadn't read before or if I was in the mood to reread any of my favs, when something kinda surprised me: apparently you wrote 34 nhie fics and devi is a character in 29 of them and ben is a character in 30 of them, even though you claim devi is your fave. Just wanted to point that out cuz it made me laugh, especially bc my mind immediately pictured them bantering about it like ofc they would bicker even about who is the most featured character in cori's fics xD
so many points i want to respond to. first - someone suggesting that my bestest blorbos, ben and devi, would care about being the most featured in my fics is possibly the cutest thing ever said to me. top contender, for sure!
second - gahh, i know, i haven't posted anything since last fuckin year, and even then, late last year was pretty quiet on the fic front. i haven't been reblogging prompt games or indulging any of my 'quick' one-shot ideas because inspiration has been very touch-and-go for the last year and i am stockpiling it for 'a lie away from getting you into the mood', the longer installment of the bitty spark 'verse. at the pace i'm moving now, there's a reasonable chance i'll start posting around june. which probably sounds like a long ways away to you, but will be a monumental feat of will on my part - if i pull it off.
thank you for reading my work. thank you for rereading my work.
third - the implication that devi being tagged in fewer of my fics than ben points to her not being my favorite character is reductive. the context matters.
that said, the opportunity to be obnoxious about my fic catalogue is invaluable to me. again, i thank you.
forth - let's get obnoxious!
fics tagged ben but not devi:
- double vision, in a rose blush (three times ben unexpectedly finds himself in the middle of a daydream about devi and the one time it makes perfect sense to him)
- birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it (howard gross does two things right: eats pussy and gives useful sex talks)
- (you have become a) constant (without headphones and a proper distraction for the bus ride home, ben compiles a list of weird things he easily might have said to devi while drunk on grigio)
fics tagged devi but not ben:
- are you sure you want to delete this photo? (cute af daxton prompt fill)
- meet me where you are (on top of the world) (another prompt fill, one that asked for kamala & devi, but then mr. k spilled all over my inspiration)
fics not tagged with either of them:
- the two fabiola/eleanor ficlets i've written
what does it mean what does it all mean: devi's still very much a part of both 'double vision' and 'constant', but she's not tagged because the version of her that we're seeing doesn't exist outside of ben's head. i mean, that's truer of 'constant' than 'double vision', she honestly could have been tagged in the latter, and the devi that lives in ben's head is still very much a real aspect of devi. but since she's not devi on her own terms, it felt/feels disingenuous to tag her as a character in either fic.
so, that makes 'birds do it, bees do it' the only ben fic in my catalogue that doesn't have anything to do with devi. both of the devi-not-ben fics have nothing to do with ben.
if we're going to take away anything from this exercise, though, let's appreciate how my first fic ever, my entry into writing for the show - 'constant' - is about examining devi from ben's pov. it felt/feels most comfortable to me because i'm just as in love with her as he is. because she is undeniably my favorite character.
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
😳 ; What is something or someone you have always wanted to write with? i.e. a particular plot, a character, etc.
munday meme pt. 1 . accepting
This could actually be split in two different answers! There are a few things I've wanted to do in Melissa's original verses (i.e. set in the FFVII compilation, which is where she has the most of her 'canonical' connections, let's say), while I have created other verses aiming to generally have writing done outside of FFVII.
In relation to the FFVII universe as a whole: believe it or not, but I gave Melissa this huge nemesis in the form of one of the game characters (not even one of the big villains, but just an overall unpleasant character) - Don Corneo. And with very brief exceptions, no one has ever picked him as a muse, so I never got to fully exercise how she would feel and act being in direct contact with the man she loathes so immensely, and who she blames for so much of what's wrong with the Wall Market.
I had other items in my wishlist which were eventually fulfilled as of late: having her acting as a bait/going undercover; developing a hateship/enemies to lovers dynamic; having her actually kidnapped/hurt as a result of some carelessness on her side; and even fleshing out an 'evil!Melissa' verse still within FFVII. My mutuals have indulged me lots. :)
In relation to the non-FFVII universes, I am always sad it's so difficult to write in the FFXII community? It's very tiny and most people either deactivate or just move fandoms, but it's been like this since before I gave Melissa her FFXII verse (which is surprisingly developed - but then again, XII is my favorite FF title!).
I used to be super eager to use my Alice in Borderland and Yakuza verses but now, thanks to a few new mutuals (and YOU!), I'm getting my fill of these other medias! :D I mean, I am definitely more than satisfied with the amount of Yakuza/RGG plotting for the last couple of weeks and all that is yet to come! :D
And tagging @ofgeneticperfection too because it was the same prompt as this one! Are you guys combining the prompts behind the scenes or what? xD
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1-mini-1 · 3 years
Soraru x Tonari no Sakata x SaizeP- Even if We’re at Home Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (Gozaitaku demo Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! / ご在宅でも Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!) English Lyrics
Sorry for doing something out of my translation schedule, but I thought Soraru and Sakata’s new song was really cute and wanted to translate it ;w; I also translated all the banter in between verses and stuff. Things aren’t fun right now, but I hope this song can help cheer up those that are going through a hard time because of the pandemic!
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Even if I wear sweats all day, no one will know
Home! Home! Home!
RAKUEN1 the Paradise
I can probably complete my life
Just by spending it at home
But I want to eat out!!!
Sakata: Hello, I’m Sakata!
Soraru: I’m Soraru!
Sakata: Together we’re~
Sakata and Soraru: Sorasaka!
Sakata: I was thinking about how I haven’t gone outside a lot lately!
Soraru:  Well, these are troubling times
Sakata: That’s why everyone’s stockpiling at the same time…Huh!? There’s a toilet paper shortage!? I need to go buy some too!!!
Soraru: Hey, don’t let them fool you! …Yeah, there are more rumors like this now.
Sakata: And there’s a mask shortage too!!?
Soraru: Like I said, don’t let them fool you!
Sakata: Hey! Stay farther than 6 feet from me!!!!
Soraru: No, the importance of social distancing…! (Pexxpa)2 Oh yeah, the three “Mitsus”3
Sakata: If I remember right, it was honeycomb, white honey, and clover honey
Soraru: Are you Winnie the Pooh!? That’s not it
Sakata: Hi Eeyore
Soraru: Who are you calling Eeyore!?
Hooray for home!
I’ll watch the anime I’m behind on
Hooray for home!
I’ll play some games too
Indulging in depravity!
My living radius is 5 meters
Wait, this is kinda bad!
Props to me for doing 4 sit-ups today!
The familiar ceiling
Even if there’s no change, tempura rice bowls are delicious every day
But obviously what makes me feel like I’m living
Is when I’m in front of my mic like normal
Hooray for home!
I always knew music was fantastic!
Hooray for home!
I’m ready to cry when my internet is bad
 A new strain4 of utopia
Don’t they remember my face
At the convenience store that’s nearby?
I’m praying in this song
That they at least nicknamed me something other than “Potato Chips”
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
When you get home wash your hands like a raccoon5
Home! Home! Home!
I’ve already sanitized my whole body
Is it just my imagination that I’ve somehow
Become shinier than I would be during a normal year?
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Part of the enjoying telework crowd
Home! Home! Home!
I’m bare face under my mask
I can probably get 100% completion on my life
Just by spending it at home
There’s just something missing…
Soraru: Oh yeah, let’s have a virtual drinking party
Sakata: Ok!
Soraru: Huh, Sakata, you… what snacks are you eating?
Sakata: Huh? Amanatto6
Soraru: Are you an old man!?!?
Sakata: And puffed cereal
Soraru: Like I said, are you an old man!?!?
Sakata: I guess I should finish up soon!
Soraru: …What are you eating?
Sakata: Imo yokan7
Soraru: ARE YOU AN OLD MAN!?!?
Sakata: Well what are you eating?
Soraru: Huh? Tamago Boro8
Sakata: Are you a little kid!?
Soraru: And a lollipop
Sakata: No you are a little kid!!
Soraru: And my drink is orange juice, of course.
Sakata: You’re a little kid!!!
Soraru: You’re a little kid!!!
Sakata: Hey, don’t make fun of me!!! That’s also what a little kid would do!!!
Soraru: …Oh, it’s 5 o’clock. I have to go home soon ☆
Sakata: Ah, a curfew!!! Haven’t had that in a while. Wait, you’re at home right now aren’t you!?
This is super bad
After 4 sit-ups, my whole body is completely sore
But I want to feel like I’m living
For some reason, I’m shaking in front of my mic
Hooray for home!
Actually, I can’t do this so I’m gonna sleep
Hooray for home!
Tomorrow I’ll make my chocolate do sit-ups
A new strain of dystopia
Don’t they spread rumors about me
At the convenience store that’s nearby?
I’m praying in this song
That they’ve already nicknamed me “Chicken Salad”
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Even if I stay up late, no one will know
Home home home!
It’s midnight now and I’ve been up for a day and a half
My internal clock has already become
An antique clock running mainly on radio waves
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
Sometimes I remember
No, no, no
Actually, I remember it everyday
That stage, the scene I could see from it
That distance that tied us together
Is a little far now but
I’m sure that we’ll meet again!!!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
Until this voice reaches you
Say it! Say it! Say it!
I’ll sing today too so
For the times we’re living in,
We want you to work with us and stay here!
Yay! Yay! Yay! At home
For the day we can meet again
Home! Home! Home!
To you, waiting in your room
It’s a waste to finish your life
By spending it only in your house so
Until the day we can meet again
Sakata: But it’s true that just cooping up at home all the time effects your mental health…
Soraru: That’s true… staying home is fun, but sometimes I want to go see my friends. By staying inside all the time, I learned how precious my peaceful, ordinary life was.
Sakata: Right!
Soraru: I’m sure that if we all endure this together, those peaceful, ordinary days will come back, so let’s all try our best until then!
Sakata: Of course! You can’t just think, “I’ll be fine,” you also have to do it to protect the people important to you!!!
Soraru: Yeah. Also…
Sakata: Also?
Soraru: If you feel yourself getting sad, come listen to this song again.
Sakata: Yeah, maybe you’ll feel a little better?
Soraru: Ok, let’s end this how we always do!
Sakata: Ok!
Soraru: 1, 2, 3…
Sakata and Soraru: Thank you for listening to us! Bye bye!
Translator’s Notes:
1.      Rakuen means “paradise” in Japanese so I just left it because redundant line is redundant
2.      This refers to the manzai (Japanese comedy) duo Pekopa. I’m assuming they had a social distancing sketch or something that’s being referenced but I couldn’t find it so soz (also is it just me or does it look like I bleeped out Peppa the Pig or something XD)
3.      Forgive me for my inability to translate puns and putting so many footnotes lol. If there wasn’t a joke made with the word “mitsu” in the next line, I’d translate it like the “Three closes” or something. It refers to a Coronavirus prevention measure in Japan that warns people to avoid rooms with closed ventilation, close crowds, and close contact. This “mitsu” sounds the same as the word for “honey” in Japanese. Also, the types of honey in the following line aren’t exactly direct translations (shiromitsu is probably closer to being translated as “simple syrup”)
4.      Covid-19 is referred to as “the new strain of coronavirus” in the news in Japan
5.      For those who didn’t know this was a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umbap4pDl0M
6.      Basically candied beans. In my head the closest American equivalent for an old man candy might be Boston baked beans…?
7.      Basically jellied sweet potato
8.      Mini egg Biscuits
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Rambles like a pest on your ask box. Sorry🙇🏾‍♀️
I’m not really interested in the idea of Qrow vs Ironwood because oh ho no would that be the time when Qrow’s semblance is suddenly active and dangerous (ie, advantageous) for Qrow. Which for a passive semblance hasn’t done just shit even minorly but I digress and I explain like this.
RWBY as a whole
Pros: Combination attacks, Blake and Weiss are active dust users
Cons: Ironwood has more experience ( not that the show gives a damn), he is physically stronger than all of them, more than likely has been against multiple foes by himself
Pros: Variety of uses with her sigils much like Winter, summoning abilities
Cons: Ironwood’s strength (based on the Winter fight) matches - over powers her summons
Pros: ...Her semblance which can also be used with dust for traps and trap based attacks, namely fire (and electricity ?)
Cons: Cannot use ice or solid only clones to set him up Ironwood’s gun and strength would easily destroy them
Pros: Her semblance let’s her move fast enough to dodge and move her friends around for safety and attacks, Sniper rifle
Cons: Ironwood is very solid and (despite her semblance’s growth) and could potentially knock her out of it, Ironwood’s gun has surprisingly good range and he has steadier aim, (at least) is familiar with Qrow’s fighting style and will understand her scythe wield fairly well
Pros: High mobility, very close combat oriented assisted by her bullets, her semblance
Cons: Ironwood has extremely good mobility himself with his gun, dodges better than any appointment that Yang has ever faced, also skilled at close combat but has much more solid stance for stronger hits which could lead to a strong possibility of him being able to knock her out before using her semblance
Pros: Very experienced, about as sturdy as Hazel, good mobility, very strong, good aim, thanks to the Vytal Festival and use of his training area his well versed in how the girls fight and what their semblances can do
Cons: 4 vs 1 with RWBY having unique team ups, Ruby’s speed is a potential problem, Yang’s semblance is a big fucking problem, has (unless he has back up ones and time to reload) limited amount of bullets and doesn’t use dust outside of gravity dust, the plot & CRWBY (with heavy emphasis on Eddy)
Could have been a good fight 😒
This is a very interesting ask, I’m super happy to get it and give my opinion on it!
A RWBY V Ironwood fight would honestly have been so much better in my opinion than Ironwood V JNR + Winter and Em. You lay out their skills and weaknesses pretty well. I personally think Ironwood could’ve held his own against all four, and showing them full on struggle to fight one person would’ve created tension and raised the stakes by making their audience go ‘wait, are they gonna lose?’ It would’ve underlined some flaws in Team RWBY’s combat they need to work on, and could’ve been a way to show that they still have a ways to go and aren’t the gold standard and are still more or less teenagers in over their head, and another thing it could do is give the main four a chance to show some hesitance or sympathy. I’d personally prefer it if Winter or Emerald had been there and had been used as a turning point in the fight, using the element of surprise (from Winter) or skills and fighting techniques Ironwood didn’t already know about (in the case of Emerald) to help bring him down while they still struggle with it.
As for Qrow Vs Ironwood, I’d really hate it tbh only because I loved them as friends, shipped them, and I hate how CRWBY has been handling Qrow. Undoubtedly they would just up Ironwood on the scale of bad, and you’re right, make Qrow’s semblance more of a factor, and they’d have Qrow probably treat a win like some sort of victory rather than the loss of a former friend. I don’t care to see it, I think it’d only make me mad. XD
But honestly, a Qrow V Ironwood sparring match as friends/potential ship is a dream and I would’ve loved to see it. Qrow and Ironwood’s styles I feel would compliment each other and Qrow would for sure be trying to show off and look especially good and James would be indulgently exasperated and fond. And I feel like both of them being good at and skilled in hand to hand would be good, as there could be a cute moment where one of them loses their weapon, so the other one tosses aside their weapon too, and they both start throwing punches and fighting that way. Also some of the kids watching in awe and being kind of floored at a real sparring match between two experienced real hunters, and all of them rooting for Qrow except maybe for Yang and Weiss, who unexpectedly root for James would be very cute. Sorry to get on a tangent, but yeah.
TL;DR I fully agree that a RWBY VS James would’ve been more interesting and the fight could’ve been very good, think Winter and/or Emerald could’ve been used as a surprise element to turn the tides, and I’d hate a Qrow VS James fight as they are currently. But I’d love a friendly sparring match in other circumstances. XD
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