#The four winds
koravelliumavast · 2 years
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I’ve listened to these four albums almost nonstop for the past like two weeks…
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eevee-genshin-blog · 6 months
How'd This Happen?! Pt.2
Holy- I wasn't expecting everyone to like this; But thanks for the support! Please enjoy this part two of the story!
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You stared at the now knocked out Razor. You maybe shouldn't have used a mix of Geo and Electro to knock him out... Now you felt bad, Razor wasn't one of your mains, but you did max out friendship with him. Wait a damn minute... What if this is like that one idea you read on Tumbler?! Where the higher Friendship the character had a better chance of recognizing you! That would give you at least one or two safe people per Nation!!
You're getting off track.. You shake your head and walk over to Razor, and sniff him, you couldn't rely on your human form since, one you didn't have clothes, and two you didn't want to mess up anything; After all... You liked being free and chaotic.
You huff and headbutted Razor, as hard as you could do. It didn't wake him up, but it left a bruise on him. You nudged him, to no avail.
Now how were you gonna fix this... Razor most likely had someone with him, and if they find Razor they'll find you; A black cat with a moon marking on your head, braided fur, blue, silver, and gold paint on you, and a Hilichurl mask on your side...
(The mask wouldn't work on your face, you couldn't see through it, and it was still too big even after the Hilichurls made it so small.)
Yea, this could risk you, but. What's gonna happen? You were starting to get bored now... So a chase would be fun... But you rather not, what if they realized you were the real deal? You didn't want to stay still. But you were starting to dislike the False on the throne.
Actually, you kinda wanted to punch her in the face now... But you'll let them rule for longer. You needed to wake up Razor or move him somewhere. Maybe Cyro would wake him up...
You take a deep breath and gently nuzzle Razor's neck, the boy in question still doesn't wake up. Now, you felt pretty bad about that... Maybe you shouldn't use two elements to knock someone out- A noise behind you, sounding like a person made you panic.
Without thinking, you swirl around and bite someone's leg, Electro bursts once you make contact and the person hits the ground... You let go and freeze... You knocked out Bennett...
Damn it..
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You felt bad now... You dragged them into the forest mainly because you didn't want anyone to see them passed out, nor did you like the idea of leaving the to the Hilichurls... So, they were tied to a tree(with a lot of vines), but they're awake, and not every happy... Bennett's eyes fell onto you, "Erm.. H- hey there... Can you help us?"
Holy shit!! He talked to a cat?
You snorted, turning and walking off. "Hey!" "S- Stupid Weird Smelling Cat!"
After a few minutes, you found where you wanted to go.. But you hoped this wouldn't be a game of Dog and Cat... You found a clearing which hopefully was- HOLY SHIT HE'S A TITAN!!
You stared at the huge Blizzard God- Wait, can you still call Andrius a Blizzard god?
You tilt your head and look at him as he speaks, "What's a tiny cat doing here, where you could be hurt?" He had a teasing tone to it... You were confused, but shapeshifted into a wolf to properly speak to him.
"Sup?" You basically greet him, like he wasn't the literal Wolf of the North, the man who embodied wolves. He seemed amused with your antics.
"Soo... Why aren't you shocked?" You asked him, both confused and happy to speak to someone.
Andrius hums, "As a creature of Teyvat, I am connected to the land... I can realize when the Creator stands before me." You tried processing that but gave up. "So... Can you just help me with something real quick...? I can't turn into my human form right now and I need a bit of help..." You ask, somewhat nervously.
Thirty minutes later, you had brought the giant wolf to where Bennett and Razor are. Both looked horrified at the fact that you a tiny cat, summoned one of the Four Winds... You loved it.
Andrius helped you with getting the vines off of the two explorers. Though while they were shocked, you took the chance to leave after thanking Andrius.
You had no regrets... But now you wanted to meet the other Four Winds...
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itsnotjustgibberish · 1 month
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I just remembered my HMSW Four Winds au and realized I never posted these drawings of them
Overwhelmed with the urge to write like 5 billion CCCC related things so I might make something for this au too
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oxygenisachoice · 5 months
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The four winds ❄️🍃💧🍂
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shittywriterbrain · 9 months
even the great celestial hieroglyphs are bodies of dust illuminated btw. and also if the heavens can be both sacred and dust then maybe so can the rest of us. if you even care
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they-thespian666 · 18 days
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New original characters time! These ones are specifically inspired the the artist the oh hellos (left) and the caretaker (right). This came about because I heard the songs a1- it's just a burning memory and soap back to back and it hit me with such emotional whiplash that it inspired me :]
They are also gay and dating btw
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soapcan18 · 10 months
Thought I’d share these for anyone who hasn’t seen them :) They’re the official descriptions for each of the Anemoi albums on The Oh Hellos’ website!
Notos, the first installment in an ongoing series, is named for the ancient Greco-Roman god of the south wind, who brought storms in the summer. Musically, the record draws from the siblings' memories of summers spent exploring the Pacific Northwest with their grandparents, as well as their experiences with the frequent threat of hurricanes as they grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast. Thematically, the series considers the question: "where did our ideas come from?" Notos recounts a time when the duo weren't even aware there was a question to ask, and reflects on the backfire effect we experience when confronted with new information for the first time.
Once that first question posed in the Notos EP is asked — "where did my ideas come from?" — it opens the floodgates to more. While wrestling with them all can ultimately lead to a fuller understanding of the world around you (and leave you with more empathy than you started with), it can also leave you feeling alienated from the communities you used to identify with. Eurus, released in early 2018 as the second installment in a series, is a continued interrogation of our own beliefs, and as Eurus was the wind most closely associated with autumn, the record seeks to capture the feelings of dark woods, dry branches, dead leaves, and wondering who had migrated — you, or your flock?
Boreas, the northern wind, ushered in the harsh frosts of lonely winter. The arrangements of this third installment evoke images of snow-blanketed darkness, candlelight behind cupped hands, and a vast night sky ribboned with stars and auroras. As we wrote these songs, we found ourselves confronted with the ways we’ve personally and communally reflected the character of this wind — how we often avoid discomfort, even at the expense of others, until we are left cold, hard, and unfeeling. In this record, we ask the winter to instead kindle us into something warmer and softer than who we’ve been.
The series concludes. Zephyrus, the final cardinal wind of this project, brought the gentle warmth of spring that summoned up a new year of growth rooted in the fertile ashes of all the structures that keep us isolated and unfeeling — the kind of growth we can see in ourselves, if we can muster the courage to be vulnerable. The arrangements mirror and embrace this shift, rising up like tender leaves breaking through concrete and cascading down like mountain rivers surging with the first thaw of the season. It’s been a long year; thanks for listening.
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sevarix-blogs · 1 year
The Four Winds
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meebochii · 1 year
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❥ The Four Winds
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On the mountain tall:
This song does a great job of setting the tone, of being that known world that we as the protagonists find ourselves in.  As we look at this through a couple different lenses we can either think of this entire work as either a story about deconstructing christian evangelical fundamentalism or we can think of the entire work of the four winds as a metaphorical piece about the process of growing as a person, of challenging the systems of the world that we live in and finding out how to be better.  Because both of these are fundamentally correct ways to think about the four winds I’ll analyze each song and album from both perspectives.  
We start with On the Mountain Tall and even the title itself is setting, the entire song gives you a very good idea of the level of comfort we have in the known and in the way that we think about the world around us.  This does not mean that the song is passive in any way, however.  The song is very active and shows how you believe, when you are in this system, that you are a part of the creation of a great thing and how good that feels and, to a certain extent how scary anything outside of the great thing you’re building feels.  
Within the context of evangelical christianity the song talks about having a connection to your god and trying to build the belief in that religion because of not only the connection to your god but also the connection that you have with all of the stories that you were taught.  You were taught that there is a kind and loving god who will save you from torment and because of that there is a feeling of comfort and fear at the same time.  
Within a context of a more general idea of growth and backstory the song talks about what it feels like to be complacent in a system, maybe not quite as active in the perpetration of the ideas of the system but you nonetheless feel like this is a part of you, and that there is a piece of you or a community that you would alienate by questioning these norms.  
On the Mountain Tall is very much about the setting of complacency and the comfort that comes from being in a system that works for you.  
Ok time for analysis of specific lyrics with both of these contexts:
On the Mountain Tall
Whisper to me words in a voice so small
Like the one that to Elijah called
Quiet as a candle and bright as the morning sun
There is a clear sense of connection to the purpose of the thing that created this community, whether that be a sense of purpose or to a specific deity depends on the analytical context.  The call to it, no matter which of these things it is, is generally something that is almost subconscious in your thinking in that its existence in your life is obvious, it underscores everything that you do.
Though the fire and wind
Shattered down the hills with a rage unbent
And a fear that shook the firmament
He was not within them, the clatter of brass and drums
This section talks about the existence of other things and people outside of the community that you have for yourself within this connection, the existence of these people creates a sense of fear within your community.  This could even be interpreted to talk about the fear for someone who is outside of your community because you believe that this thing that is so intrinsic to you and so important has to have the same importance for everyone.  
I know you want me to be afraid
I know you want me to love you
These lyrics are repeated multiple times throughout the song, it starts to talk about the fear that happens within a community towards the outside of it.  Whether that fear be a fear of those outside that group, a fear for those outside the group or a fear of becoming an outsider of the group.  All of these fears are present but so is the love that was mentioned in the first part of the first verse.  
Still the wild wind blows
Up out of the grave of an angry ghost
Firing bricks from broken canon and prose
To build a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky
This is the part where we start to talk about building something bigger within this community, taking the pieces that fit the narrative that the community wants and turning it into something greater.  
Can we take a sec and talk about the brilliance of the lyricism here? Firing bricks from broken canon and prose? Beautiful, we are misled by the firing to think that it’s about conquest when it’s actually talking about construction.  This is where the biblical references become obvious by talking about building a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky, a reference to the tower of babel, the excitement of everyone around it about its construction, of the idea of reaching the heavens and really of being a part of something with lofty goals about changing the world is intoxicating.  The sounds of doubt from others is something that you consider either unimportant or long gone, coming out of a grave because you’re caught up in the creation of something greater with the core of your being in mind.  
Also a quick note that broken canon and prose is a little nod to the amount of cherry-picking in the church of bible verses.
After this we have a repetition of 
I know you want me to be afraid, 
I know you want me to love you  
Which really just stresses that in the back of your head the fear is still there to a certain extent even with this great project and all of its intoxicating idealistic beauty.
Still you beat your drums
Raising holy war with every strum
Shouting down the quiet kingdom come
Brushing at your fingers, hoping you’ll come around
These lyrics vaguely allude to the idea that everyone in these kinds of situations believes that everyone around them who doesn’t is either evil or misguided for not falling into step with them.  Everyone who is not helping in the creation of the tower is obviously against it but it’s okay because they’ll come around to it as it happens, they will all be saved eventually and all of the objections of the rest of the world won’t matter.
Musical analysis:
Not a ton of different notes right now, (please leave your own thoughts in comments/reblogs) I just really like how the music matches the song’s content so well, there’s pounding drums in the background from the beginning that moves the content forwards.  The music is intentionally creating a moving but comforting piece that rouses the spirit.  I have been told that it is in a very similar style to the music that is used at youth church camps once you  get too smart for the songs that just repeat the same things over and over again, although since I was never part of evangelical christian circles I will just have to take that at face value.  After listening specifically to make notes on the musicality I’ve noticed that after the first verse we get tyler joining maggie and creating harmonies as soon as the point of the song itself moves outside of the first person and more on the person’s relationship with their community. 
The harmony focusing on being even and almost muted compared to the other parts of the song in ‘I know you want me to be afraid, I know you want me to love you’ really shows that idea of falling into place within the community, especially since it is echoed right after even softer.  The second repetition of this being much louder is because this person has become more comfortable in the community as they find a role within it.  
I also really like the part where it musically creates a beautifully complex upward moving harmony for ‘reaches the heavens in the sky’  for its own reason but combining it with the idea of working together to reach an otherwise deemed impossible goal is chef’s kiss.
As the song continues on, it adds more and more parts and it could just be because it sounds cool but I would think of it as a fun way to show that there are several different pieces that come together to form the beautiful community in an almost overly idyllic way, but that is pure english teacher why-was-the-door-blue level of speculation.
Song link (spotify):https://open.spotify.com/track/24nbKu7Yydp3G3TPd7OAhO?si=583273855d2347c6
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via-rant · 7 months
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THESE LYRICS!!!! Look I have never been a fan of any band for more than a month!!! But these people are lyrical geniuses!!! And the way they deliver it is so beautiful!!! The chorus, the intensity, it feels so safe!!!
Also, this would make like all the characters in PJO cry.
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melit0n · 6 months
Rounds by The Oh Hellos sounds like wind whispering through mountains as old as the soil they stand on. Rounds feels like the warmth of the sun trickling through the gaps in tree's leaves. Rounds tastes like fresh water from a stream that has carved its way, angrily, through limestone and sandstone until it finally gushes calmly through the feild it finds its home in.
Rounds feels like forgiveness. Reconciliation.
With what, I am unsure.
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heyitsspaceace · 1 year
okay so i made this quiz based on the four winds albums by the oh hellos! go check it out!
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Prequel to this post
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Andrius: You're awfully quiet today, Dvalin. Perhaps more than the usual.
Dvalin, Thinking of dismembering Morax: No one plans an assassination out loud, Andrius.
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