#The love of his life
butraura · 3 months
It’s the way that when Buck told Eddie that he and Natalia broke up, Eddie said, “welcome back to the world of the living, Buck; you were missed.” It’s the way that at the graveyard, Eddie said, “to be honest, you haven’t been the same since [the lightning strike] happened… but how could you be?” It’s the way that, to Eddie, Buck died for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but he never came back to life. It’s the way that when Buck said he broke up with Natalia because all she wanted to talk about was death, Eddie saw the light in Buck that he hadn’t seen since before he was struck. It’s the way he missed the Buck he was before he died, but didn’t push him. The way he said, “you don’t have to be anything for anybody,” when Buck said he felt that he had to try to be the “same old” guy he was before the lightning. The way that even though Eddie did miss the old Buck, and he did want to be there for him, he gave him the space he needed to heal, even if it meant healing with Natalia. It’s the way that, when Buck told him that he broke up with Natalia, he raised an eyebrow and immediately welcomed him back. In that moment, Buck was alive again and Eddie had him back. It's the way he loved Buck back to life. It’s the way Eddie loves him to his core.
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undying-love · 4 months
Interesting comments made by Francie Schwartz
"Paul still hasn't come to terms with the way his relationship with John foundered after John chose Yoko after a life being John Beatle. Which explains, in part, his tendency to distort the role he played in his estrangement from the first great love of his life."
"I think it was as close as he could come to expressing his great envy of Yoko. The truth is Paul McCartney has been twice widowed. The first great love of his life was John Lennon, and the second, Linda."
"That Paul started painting after John's death is no coincidence. That competition, the clash, the ebb and flow of *that* relationship, was so central to Paul's being, the only love that comes close to being a reasonable comparison is his marriage to Linda and the births of his children."
"For a reason to hold a grudge [against Yoko], think about the possibility of this: She took John from him. And she didn't particularly want to share John with his "ex significant other" on certain levels."
"Paul hates Yoko for stealing the love of his life away from him. No, not Linda.... John! Paul has never forgiven her for that."
"When John and Paul split up (think of them as a couple for a moment) their second mates had to stand by them."
Note: Francie commented all of this in the old beatles forum rec.music.beatles
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winnie-the-monster · 3 months
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calimanc · 4 months
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hawleywilby · 6 months
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oreo-cookies-fan · 5 months
Berlin quotes that made me scream MARTIN in my head:
Numero uno:
Andres: The love of your life is a fairy tale! I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but … love just fades away. The only thing worthwhile is the beginning. That's the best part of love. When every song you hear reminds you of her. When you're having a meal together and all you do is talk. When everything she says makes you laugh.
Damian: No, no, no. Love is precisely what comes after all that. When the spell is over. Then, during dinner, you're happy to be quiet because you're at peace. To love someone, you must really know them. How can you love someone you don't know?
Numero dos:
(Don't know why the English version didn't translate this, but here it is:) Damian to Andres, while talking about how love ends and makes you suffer: You're a sick narcissist. Crees que estar a tu lado merece ese sufrimiento? (Translation: Do you think that being by your side is worth the suffering?)
Numero tres:
Andres: You see, I have become a fugitive of love. And what I'd really want, if I'm honest, is that it lasts forever. (...) my own experience of love is that it just melts away, you know? I realise the only thing I know, the only thing I've ever known about love is the beginning, but God, what I want, what I really want, is to experience a love that never ends.
((Damian: There's always an end.))
Bonus, because it's about Damian and his wife, Carmen, but it also hit like a line from a Berlermo gifset:
Carmen: Maybe you are the love of my life, but that doesn't mean we'll spend the rest of our lives together.
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sidetongue · 1 year
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a whole outback to run through and moby chooses to attach himself to harold 
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pharaohzeth · 18 days
I like my Masked Deuce teary-eyed and forever suffering.
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powerofelvis · 1 year
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So, I’m reading Baby, Let’s Play House and I just finished the chapter detailing Gladys getting ill and eventually, passing away. I honestly can’t imagine what Elvis felt, losing the love of his life. She was the stronghold of Elvis’ life, and whatever she said, was law. So, in the spirit of learning more about Elvis in every aspect of his life, I wanted to share a few pictures that I love of Elvis and his beloved Satnin.
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listenupcupcakes · 2 months
Have some ears!
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strangerbis-alt · 2 years
Will Byers is truly the kindest boy ever, he gives everything to people even when he has very little, and he'll go out of his way to reassure people even when it hurts him... he's so selfless and sweet, I love him so much
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dii-dead · 1 year
hey god it's me again (yes i gave her freckles <3)
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inafever · 10 months
One of my main problems right now, is that bleeding, Buddy Holly Everyday song, that's playing in my head on repeat and it isn't helping the matter with heartbreak AT ALL
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girlbossdean · 2 years
realizing i've become obsessed with calling cas the love of dean's life
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askblacktears · 3 months
Apresento a vocês, o amor da vida da Malena que eu desenhei no tédio na escola:
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Esse é o olhar paxonado dele na maleninha.
Robertinho, the love of her Life
Se quiserem eu pinto pra vocês saberem como é a paleta de cor dele:]
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gohjuo · 4 months
just know gojo is about to spoil tf out of geto. thank youuuu, goodbye!
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