#Then a bunch of other stuff happens but we'll get to that later
tizeline · 4 months
OOO, I like the implication that the yokai trio are gonna watch their dad get devoured by Shredder and achieve the same effect the scrapped Shredder!Splinter arc we almost got!.... unless you're going in a different direction than canon 👀👀👀👀
Oh wow, I didn't even think about adapting the Shredder!Splinter plot in any way in the AU XD. But I've already mostly figured out how I wanna do the season one finale and beginning of season 2, and I don't wanna change it now soooo....
I'm actually gonna stick pretty close to canon, Draxum is gonna put on the Dark Armour only to, not too long after, get slurped like a Capri Sun and unceromoniously spit out, and then Shredder is gonna start running around wrecking shit. That still isn't gonna be too fun for the Drax Trio to witness, of course!
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rubylovessharks · 5 months
floyd leech x fem reader x jade leech smut warning: this has some yandere details and this is smut. kinda dark (?) reader is fine with it though. this didnt start with an established romantic relationship with the twins but did end with one. from my (very short) research i have found some stuff about how moray eels get to the point of mating, which is to have enough food, for the water temperature to be warm and if i remember correctly the ok sign for them to mate is their mouth being open (?) so ive been thinking of this scenario for the past few days. this was longer then intended :(
You were in the Monstruo Lounge with your friends after you all finished all of your tests for this semester, you all wanted to celebrate together. So here you are talking and waiting for your orders but you feel eyes on you. I mean it makes sense because you are in a dorm full of scheming guys, so you can never tell what any of them is thinking. Yet the unnerving feeling of being watched doesn't seem to end. Little did you know that a set of twins were looking your way from not too far preparing you and your friends order.
"Ughh I just don't get why shrimpy hangs out with those guys! Like are they better then us? no!" The taller of the two pouts his face as he talks with his twin. "Now now Floyd, there's no need to worry. I know she prefers us a lot more then her..." he pauses for a moment there as to find a better word then the one he is thinking, "friends." his signature smile on his face as he finishes making your food. "how about you help me get these orders to the customers and then we'll call our lovely pearl for a little..talk?" "ohhh~ that sounds sooo much more fun then handing out orders!"
And here was your food. Delivered by the Leech twins. Their smiles uncanny yet charming, you think to yourself. It really was true that you like them over your friends. Your fantasies just as twisted as theirs, you wouldn't even mind if your food was spiked just so they could take you down into the depth of the sea.
"I hope you all enjoy your food and drinks." Jade says with a smile. His head then turns to you, "i hope you won't mind if he had a chat after you finish your dish? Me and Floyd had something we wanted to talk to you about." It wasn't everyday you were called to a one on two chat with your crushes, you nod a bit to fast with a smile that was too wide. "We hope you enjoy your meal! We worked reaaal hard on it, we even got you extra!" Floyd says as he waves to you while he and his brother walk away.
You finish your food quickly as you were excited for your interaction with the twins. You bid your friends farewell and walk to the Monstruo Lounge bar table to find the twins, instead you are greeted by Floyd. "You actually came! Saves me work. C'mon Jade is waiting in our room!" He tells you, seeing your confused look he adds, "what you didn't think we wanted to talk here. With all of those hungry eyes on you."
as you walk over to their room Floyd takes your hand roughly, squeezing it. He is also tagging you a bit but other then the rough treatment nothing really happens on your way to their room. Although you seem to notice that Floyd's eyes are on you and not the way ahead. Once you get Infront of their door Floyd slams it open, not enough to break it but you are sure they'll need to fix it later...
In the room Jade is standing there with a bunch of different stuff mostly food and bottles of water, and there's even more on their tables. "I brought them!" Floyd takes you as if showing his brother a prize he won, big smile on his face. "Floyd i am sure you are leaving a ton of bruises on them...You should let them go a little." Jade says as he finishes putting all the stuff he had in his hands on the table and turns back to the both of you. "oh come onn.. We are gonna leave marks on them anywaysss! Why not start now.." Your face turns to one of confusion after what Floyd said, what did he mean by 'we are gonna leave marks anyways'...?
"My Floyd you are scaring the poor thing." Jade gives Floyd his usual calm face. "Do not worry pearl, it won't hurt too much." he looks at you now, yet his words don't help you understand the situation any better. "I do hope you ate all of the food we gave you. We would be very upset if you didn't." He gives you a hurt face "yeaah we worked so much just to keep you from bein' hungry in our lil' session~" now you are even more confused.. "Oya? It seems she doesn't know what we are talking about. My did you not tell her brother?" "huhhh? Was I supposed tooo.."
"Alright then, dearest I hope you noticed the temperature this season. Eels don't have an actual mating cycle. We get to mating when the water temperatures are warm, that there's enough food to eat and we have all of these conditions." Now you get it...All that extra food, that talk about marks.. All of it was their natural instincts. Wait- what does that mean that they took you for that?!
"ahha! Red fits you well shrimpy~!" "It seems our little prey has understood their situation." You weren't actually listening, still trying figure out how you got both of your crushes to pick you as their mate you don't even notice as Floyd pushes you over to his brother who pushes you on the bed. "Do not worry pearl, we will take good care of you." Jade smiles at you as he starts taking your uniform off. "Can't we just rip it though?? Like she won't need it anyways if she is gonna be staying here.." "my brother where are your manners."
You try to ask what is it that they mean by that and you immediately feel small after asking. They laugh at your question, your stupid, stupid question. "My shrimpy you are so silly!" Floyd gets closer as he says that, "you won't need to go outside when you are our mate. All you need to think about is being a good lil' wifey or us, yeah?" "Floyd's right dear. The outside is no place for you, with all of those hungry, hungry people just wanting even one bite out of you! You are a lot more safer here with us." they flash a smile at you, one that should be considered creepy yet you aren't afraid at all. Instead you give one smile of your own, maybe not as creepy and sadistic, yet still a smile that says a lot from how you feel about your situation.
"Oh what a cute smile you've got there shrimpy! I just wanna squeeze you to death!!" Floyd falls on top of your body as he says that and immediately starts to touch your squishy parts. You guess that he isn't a huge fan of your clothes as he starts to claw at them trying rid of them. "Oya oya Floyd no need to claw at her clothes." The shorter twin tries to calm his twin down yet to no avail as the taller one broke the fabric with his unkept nails, scratching a bit of your skin in the processes. Seeing as he already got to break down some of your uniform he continues until he finishes destroying the piece of clothing off your body, leaving you naked and easy for the taking.
"See! I told you it'll be better if we just cut her clothes to pieces!" Floyd tells his brother, big smile on his face. His brother looks at you before answering Floyd, "my, I guess you were correct." As you look at Jade Floyd gets to work on your body, his not so human tongue all over your neck and some of your chest, licking and licking until he puts his mouth on your body.
Sharp teeth nibling on your body threatening to draw blood, as he gets closer to your most sensitive spot and he bites it. And he bites it HARD. You let out a small scream as tears well up in your eyes and you immediately feel a set of fingers on the top of your head. "shhh. As I said before this doesn't hurt too much, please try to endure for us love." Jade pets your head trying to keep you from thinking too much about the pain. You try to keep yourself from making any more pained sounds as Floyd's mouth lets go of the spot, Jade shoos Floyd to let him comfort you further as he licks the wound.
"Hey hey shrimpy now even if someone sees you they'll know who you belong to! Ain't that funn~?" You nod at him as your hand reaches to Jade's head as he still licks your wound from Floyd. "YEAH!? Greatt!! I'm so happy to know we both agree this is for the best" his smile grows wider by the second. You suddenly feel a soft kiss being placed on another sensitive spot of yours, Jade loooks up at you from his spot before speaking. "Now I want to warn you before I mark you as well love, I promise to be gentle just bear with me, alright?" you nod at his words preparing yourself before the second assault, and as Jade promised his bite is indeed more gentle then Floyd's yet it still hurts a lot.
"Heyy shrimpy how 'bout you jerk me off as Jade continues to mark you up?" You look over to Floyd as he already has his pants off and his dick out. So now you have one hand that is clenched on Jade's hair and the other is jerking Floyd's cock. You take time to take in the details of his privates, a lot more girthy then long, it gets more red as it gets to the head it would probably hurt to take into your mouth. Yet you don't think you will be against it. The closer Floyd is to orgasam the louder his noises are.
You feel Jade stop what he was doing and his head's direction turns to Floyd. "Don't you want to have your first orgasam of the session inside of her Floyd?" "ugh get off my back I can paint both her outside and insides white. It doesn't matter!" Even though it is clear Jade doesn't approve of his twin's way of thinking, he can do nothing as Floyd releases his come over your stomach and chest.
"Heyy Jade think lil' shrimpy could take the both of us in the same time?" Floyd looks over to Jade with a sadistic smile, "my not with her dry her flods are!" your privates are in fact not dry at all, how wet do you even have to be to properly take them?! "Oh don't worry love. I'll make sure you can take us both as soon as I finish eating you out." "whatt? I was hoping I could eat her out first!" "you can take her mouth if you'd like. I'm sure it's just as fun."
Right when they finished arguing they both got into position. They lay you down on the bed so your head would stick out for Floyd to have easy access to your mouth, and for Jade to have an easy access to your privates. Jade's own mouth is skilled enough to please you to orgasm after a short while of just some licks and tongue fucking, while Floyd abused your mouth and throat already getting close to his second orgasm.
That's what your few next hours looked like. Sucking on Floyd's cock as he throat fucks you and his balls slap your face. Having Jade in between your legs fingering you, sucking on your clit and of course, tongue fucking you. You came so many times by now you have lost count! Of course Floyd isn't any different.. Stuffing and messing your throat, mouth and face with his sticky cum.
"Don't you think she is ready to finally take us both?"
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carionto · 8 months
What Humans call the "Thousand Yard Stare"
As more and more Humans interact with and integrate within Coalition stations, reports, closer to hushed whispers really, began to circulate of some Humans being... discomforting... to be around.
Initially we thought it was just rudeness or passive aggressive behavior or any number of subtle actions or choice of words, no matter how advanced or civilized there will always be some assholes.
However, when some of these "offenders" were presented to us peacekeepers, we found them to be perfectly polite and reasonable. As our conversation continued and shifted topics, whenever there was a lull or the focus was on another speaker for a longer time, the Human's gaze drifted somewhat.
Sometimes she would look to the side and it was harder to tell what her exact expression was, but every so often she would be looking at one of us, but... not. It was as if she was staring at something behind us, through us even. Beyond the walls of the station, it even felt as though beyond space and time itself.
It was one of the most unnerving and chitin-chilling feelings we've ever felt, but then the Human seemed to notice our change and became that friendly and cheerful person once again:
"Sorry, my mind drifted there for a bit. What were you saying?"
And the conversation continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary for the Human.
Upon our return to our office, one of the Human peacekeepers heard about our impromptu assignment and offered this explanation after we told him what happened:
"Oh yeah, I think that person was a retired firefighter or rescue worker of some kind. Professions like that can be dangerous and you'll eventually encounter something horrible at a disaster site or crime scene. Probably saw someone die, or a person they rescued later didn't make it, or it was a kid... It's the toughest when you're the last one a child sees before..."
There it is again. That look, but with a tinge of sadness this time. We didn't know he was carrying such memories. The untimely death of anyone is a difficult time for those that survive, especially when it is the young whose life was still just starting. It seems Humans with their heightened senses and sensitivity to the feelings of others these kind of experiences imprint a far stronger memory than for most.
"Anyway, we've got a bunch of names for such things, but typically we call it the thousand yard stare. It's an old measurement unit, don't worry about it. I think the meaning may have changed a bit over the years, but basically some people go through traumatic stuff and they decide, consciously or not, to sort of... detach themselves from reality. It's a coping mechanism.
A few people thrive on horrible things, but they're the exception. Most of us would go crazy or depressed or any other infinite bad possibilities our brains can go in if we don't find a way to separate ourselves from certain realities. It can get real bad otherwise. It's rare, but a few go truly nuts and try to inflict their pain unto others. Most end up suffering alone for a long time. And some can't take it anymore and decide to end it themselves.
Thankfully therapists and support options are widely available, so those kind of scenarios are really rare, like... suicide accounts for about three out of a hundred thousand deaths last time I saw those charts. Plus drones and automation take care of most of the dangerous tasks, leaving the vast majority of cases to be caused by interpersonal relations actually. A broken heart is one of those traumas we'll never get rid of it seems. That's just life, I guess."
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amsgrey · 7 months
Deja Vu II
Part I
Okay so, I have been researching more and trying to get things at least somewhat accurate before I wrote part two. In the first part, I wrote TBI, with further research, what I was actually trying to write is an Anoxic brain Injury (still technically a TBI). The whole idea there is when the brain is starved of oxygen critical functions are impacted and there can be a whole bunch of differing symptoms after it. OBVIOUSLY, I am NOT a medical professional, so take everything with a big ol' grain of salt. I am thinking of writing some more parts to this but purely when I have time bc adult life sucks. I kept the ending open but also al actual end, unlike the first part. Hope it is somewhat enjoyable.
WARNINGS: Medical stay, seizures, talk of needles + medical procedures, hospitals, Will and Jay being their usually angsty selves, poor writing and zero editing
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Abrams looked between the Halsteads, not sure what his place was. Everyone remembered when Pat Halstead passed, mostly because the Halstead brawl was talked about for weeks. Will Halstead was known for causing headaches for plenty of people around Med, he was the topic of gossip all through the building.
Abrams was saved by the bell - literally. His pager started beeping, excusing him from the brewing storm between the brothers.
"I'll put in for the tests," He tossed over his shoulder, disappearing into the stream of medical workers.
"Will." Jay snapped, glowering at his brother.
Will scrubbed a hand down his face, "Abrams needs to run more tests."
"More tests?" Jay pressed, "What just happened, Will?"
Will shook his head, looking at his younger brother he knew, telling Jay how bad this might be, would destroy him. Jay hated hospitals, hated medical things in general. Will couldn't look him in the eye and plant the same fear he had gnawing at him.
"I don't know, Jay," Will sighed, "I'm not a neurologist."
Jay didn't want to accept his answer, but Will didn't give him much of a chance. He turned back to your hospital room, forcing a smile as he entered.
"What was that about?" You asked, exactly where they left you.
"Just more tests," Will smiled. He stopped at the top of your bed, checking you over with doctor's eyes. You could always tell when he flipped between Big Brother and Doctor because Big Brother Will wore his emotions. Doctor Will was better at keeping his poker face like he was now.
Will's eyes flittered around the monitors before settling back on yours. His eyes softened, the slight furrow in his brow disappearing and a smile pulling on his lips again.
"You feeling alright?"
You nodded, "I'm just tired."
Will nodded, he reached out and brushed the hair off your forehead, "Get some sleep, yeah? We'll be here the whole time."
Jay reached out and squeezed your hand, before pulling up the blanket and tucking you in.
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A few hours later, you were sitting up in your hospital bed while a Neurology Tech attached electrodes to your scalp. Jay had left for home, for a shower and clean clothes. He promised he would bring back your blanket and pillow and some other stuff to make you more comfortable, seeming Will said it would be okay.
While he was gone, Will sat at the end of the bed, holding your hand through the Electrode placement. After the Tech finished, you were attached to a monitor with wires upon wires, all differing colours. The tech apologized for the cap that sat over all the leads, promising it wasn’t too bad.
“it’s a new fashion trend,” you joked, smiling at the tech, “Nuero floor chic.”
The tech laughed, continuing her work. When she was done, she walked you through what she had done. Explaining the placement and the leads, and how it all worked.
"This is your personal EEG," She explained, gesturing to the boxy machine on wheels that your wires were attached to, "Try to keep it close."
She explained a few more things, then promised to return in a little while. In her absence, Dr. Abrams stopped through again. He looked over the techs work, mumbling to himself and making medical comments only Will understood.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
You had already taken a nap, so you weren't as tired as you had been.
"Sick of sitting," You said, stretching your legs and accidentally nudging Will in the process. Will playfully batted at your feet, feigning offence.
Abrams pulled at the EEG machine on wheels, testing how the wheels glided, "If you are feeling up for it, you can go for a small walk."
You lit up, "I can?"
"If you take it slow," Abrams ordered, "And Will is by your side."
Will nodded, "Are you feeling up for it?"
Will helped you detangle yourself from the blanket, letting you adjust to being fully upright for the first time that day. Your feet dangled over the bed as you took a moment to compose your spinning head. Will pulled a pair of socks over your bare feet, muttering something about keeping your toes warm. He held your arm as you stood up, supporting your weight as your body adjusted again.
"You alright?"
"Mmm," You responded, focused on staying upright.
"Okay," Will wrapped an arm around your waist, "One step at a time, we'll try to make it to the nurse's station and back."
It was slow going. With every step you took, it felt like the world was twisting, like walking through an earthquake. Will's arms hovered around you, only holding you up when you needed the support. He was so steady in his support, his warm presence keeping you grounded and calm.
Two steps outside of your room, Jay bounded up with your pillow and blanket tucked under his arm.
"They're upright," He commented, "Nice hair, too."
He reached out and pretended to ruffle your hair, careful to avoid touching the wires around your head. You reached out to smack his hand, but missed drastically.
You frowned at Jay, frustration barely contained, "Sshut. uphh."
The words sounded fumbled through your gritted teeth. Abrams had mentioned how you needed to take things slow and Will tried to tell you that it might be frustrating at first, but you weren’t expecting to feel such anger. It was gnawing away at you. A week ago you were dancing around with Makayla, wrangling her for a weekend while Kim and Adam worked. You had run around, danced, sung, every little thing that made Makayla happy. Not you hardly knew how to move your feet, could hardly tell what direction was up.
The anger grew and held firm in your head, making itself known with its red cloud fogging your mind.
Will grabbed your hand, "You okay?"
Your vision blurred, everything swaying and twisting as you fell forward.
Will was faster than Jay was, for once. He saw the signs a mile away, already braced for when you would fall. He held you to his chest, lowering both of you to the ground and cradling your head as your body started to convulse.
Jay immediately dropped what he was carrying, falling to his knees by your side. Jay looked up at Will trying to ask silently what to do, but the eldest Halstead had gone full doctor mode.
"Need some help over here!" Will shouted, calling for the nurse's assistance.
"I need you to breathe,” Will spoke with such certainty, like he was treating any other patient.
“You’re okay,” Will kept repeating, “Just breathe, I’ve got you.”
Jay was ushered out of the way by the nurses, who crowded in with monitors and equipment to help Dr Halstead. All Jay could do was watch helplessly.
Jay held his breath as the medical team got you off the ground and transferred you back to the hospital bed. The leads they had removed that morning were reattached, placed on your ashen skin.
Dr Abrams rushed into the room and ordered Will to get out of his way, the forced politeness gone now the situation was emergent. Will stepped back, somewhat dubiously, letting Abrams run his team.
“How did you do that?” Jay asked when will stood by his side, the pair of them watching as Abrams and the team worked.
With a dose of meds, the convulsions stopped, but the team checked over the leads and kept working.
“Do what?” Will asked, turning to look at his brother. Jay had grown pale, the fear and anxiety he felt spelt out across his features. His eyes kept darting from you to the heart monitor screen like it was going to flatline.
“Stay so calm?” Jay whispered, taking a deep breath for the first time in the last few minutes. The nurses placed a mask over your face, securing it behind your head and then leaving the Halsteads and Abrams in the room.
“Jay…” Will tried to find a way to explain it, how he could just shut off his fear in that moment to help you. But he couldn’t find the words.
“She’s stable,” Abrams spoke in the silence that had formed, “From now on, we’ll keep giving her (insert med) to keep her relaxed. No more strolls, even if it is supervised.”
Will nodded, taking it in.
Abrams was mostly speaking to Will, Jay was by your side, focused solely on you. He held your hand, careful to avoid the IV that was in the back of it. He watched you breathe, every-time you exhaled, he watched the mask fog up. He listened to the quiet puffs and the melodic beeping. You were okay. He kept trying to force himself to remember that. You were okay.
“Hopefully we can get this under control. In the meantime, we’ll keep monitoring, keep on with the EEG testing for the next few hours. Hopefully we’ll learn more.”
Will nodded, clapping Abrams on the back, “Thanks, Sam.”
The big brother in him wanted to press for answers, but the doctor in him knew that sometimes Doctors didn’t have the answers. If Abrams knew, he would share.
Will did a check over you and the monitors with his eyes, again. Then looked over to Jay, who looked completely deflated. It was no secret that Jay hated hospitals and medical treatment in general, especially needles. Spending time in hospitals usually gave him the creeps and he would always say to Will, “I don’t know how you do it, man.”
But Jay hadn’t complained even once. Not when he was watching the IV get put in your hand, or while you were attached to countless machines. Will knew it was because he felt hopeless. The same look that he wore at their dads bedside he wore now. Will stood and stared for a while, the memory playing in his mind in time with real life. This was different. You weren’t on life support like your father had been, things were different. That didn’t change the memories Will had of his dads last moments plaguing his mind.
“I stayed calm because i had too,” Will finally spoke. Jay looked up, watching his brother cross his arms over his chest and take a deep breath.
“I had to stay calm, for her.”
Jay shook his head, “I just froze, Will. And you-“
“Trained for years to react in medical emergency situations, spent years working the ER,” Will interrupted.
“Jay,” Will reached over the bed and gave jays shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “I do this every day. I know how to tune out the emotions and focus on medical stuff.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Will sat on one of the chairs, mirroring Jay across the bed, “Listen. I could never get used to being shot at, could never be shot at and react how you do. Because I’m not trained, I’m not good at that. You aren’t a doctor Jay, stop beating yourself up over something that was a basic human reaction.”
Jay didn't answer, letting silence fall over the room. Neither one of the brothers was up for a conversation, mostly just consumed with their own thoughts as they watched you sleep.
You had stirred a few times in the coming hours but mostly stayed sleeping. Will told Jay that it was a combination of the medication and the stress of recent events catching up with you. In his words, it was nothing to worry about.
"Hey," A soft voice called from the door, Will and Jay stood to greet Hailey as she stepped into the room.
Will and Jay had been off work since you had gotten worse, staying by your side or close by ever since. Both Voight and Goodwin understood, giving them all the time they needed.
"I brought some supplies," Hailey joked, handing food over to the brothers, "And I stopped by home and Wills, got some clothes."
"Thanks, Hailey."
"Yeah, Of course." Hailey stood by Jay, taking his hand for his comfort. "How's she doing?"
Will relayed the events of the day, the incident in the hall and all the things that had happened since. Things were moving fast, more tests and hopeful treatment plans were being talked about.
"It'll be okay," Will finished, mostly trying to convince Jay more than himself. He knew the look on Abram's face, knew that everything was far from okay.
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Will told Jay to go back to work after a week, promising him that sitting by your side was a one-man job. Will had spoken to Goodwin, who agreed to let him take his occurred PTO for as long as he needed. So for the three weeks you were in the hospital he stayed by your side. You weren't used to having Will there every single minute of every single day, but you didn't mind it too much. Mostly he helped you go on walks or watched over you like a personal nurse. You knew that he and Jay were worried, but the overprotective brother act was suffocating at times. During the last week of your stay, you managed to convince him to let you have more space - that when he left the room you wouldn't make a break for it like Jay would. He agreed hesitantly, mostly hanging around from lunch until you fell asleep at night. You complained to Jay when he visited every day, but you were thankful he was there.
On the last few days of your time in the hospital, you were more independent, nothing like what you were before the accident, but more than before. You could walk small distances unsupported and some of your fine motor skills came back. The PT had told you it was common after TBI's for patients to lose control of their movements and motor skills, she promised that you would get better as time went on.
Dr Abrams had spoken to Will and Jay about Rehabilitation centres, there were a few in the city that focused on TBI rehabilitation but Will had been dragging his feet. Jay wanted to do what was best for you, even if it meant you might have to stay in a rehab facility. Will had a sour taste in his mouth over it all.
"Come in," Goodwin called from inside her office.
Will pushed open the door, greeting Sharon and Peter.
"What can I help you with, Doctor Halstead?" Sharon asked after Peter had left.
Will explained his plan, reviewing all the details he had sorted out. When he finished, Sharon was nodding in approval.
"Are you sure about this?"
"I am," Will was sure nothing could change his mind now.
"Okay then, I will talk to Dr Archer, and see how we can help," Goodwin bid Will the best, letting him continue on his way.
Will met Jay right outside your room, almost running straight into him.
"Will," Jay grabbed his brother's arm, "We need to talk about the rehab facility-"
"Yeah," Will nodded, "I know, i have a plan."
Will ushed Jay back into the room. He gestured to Jay to a chair and took a seat at the end of your bed. You were expecting him to stop by, sitting up properly on the bed expecting some kind of serious conversation from the eldest Halstead.
"What is it, doc?" You joked.
Will smiled, reaching out and holding your hand, "I have spoken to Dr Abrams and Sharon Goodwin and I have decided that we won't be trying to find a rehab facility."
Jay sighed, he had been arguing with Will about this for the better part of the week. "Will-"
"I think you should stay with me," Will told you directly, "I've taken a leave of absence, I think you should be home and recovering."
You looked to Jay, who was just as surprised. Jay hardly got caught off guard by Will, right now he had never been more surprised.
"Are you sure?" Jay broke the silence that settled over the room.
"If that is what you want?"
You could feel the joy blooming in your chest, a wide smile breaking across your face, "Yes. Please, yes."
Will mirrored your grin, pulling you into a tight hug and kissing your forehead. At times like this, you were reminded how much Will and Jay became like parents to you after your father's death. Although it was painful for all of you, you didn't have a good relationship with your father. He was never caring or affectionate, he never came to your sports games or awards, that was all Jay and Will. They stepped up and took care of you, they always have and promised they always would. You were so drained from the last few days of tests and the week in the hospital that you felt like you might burst into tears.
Will could sense your fragile state, staying sitting by your side and holding your hand. Jay got to his feet and pulled you into a hug too, then clapped Will on the back. 
“So when am I allowed out?” You pressed, hoping to be home and somewhere familiar. 
“Slow your roll,” Jay laughed, “There's still things that need to be organized.” 
You let out a loud dramatic sigh, “I hate it here,” You whined. 
Will wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him and playfully messing up your hair, “It won't be too much longer, promise.” 
“Pinky promise?” You raised your finger, dramatically pouting. 
Will indulged you, linking his pinky through yours and giving you a serious stare, “Pinky promise.”
taglist: @halstead-severide-fan
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sky-kenobye · 4 months
Fic idea that I've been obsessing over in the last couple of days:
TLDR: Obi-Wan gets dumped on his wedding day, Anakin suggests they get married instead to save Obi-Wan the humiliation (and money), he agrees, they get married and nobody realises the stunt they pulled (except for the few people they told), and they both realise that actually it's great to be married to each other and that they wouldn't have it any other way, and probably get their happily ever after.
(A lot more details under the cut for those who are interested!)
Obi-Wan is getting married to someone (I was thinking Satine at first but I don't want to bash on her just because she's in the way of my ship so let's say an original character 🤷), Anakin is his best man, and it's a kinda big and traditional wedding and they did the 'you can't see your bride until the ceremony' stuff, so Obi-Wan is already at the city hall(?), while the bride will be coming later, just before the start of the ceremony.
It's less than an hour before the start and some early guests are already getting there. One of the bride's guest (Padmé?) is arriving when she gets a phone call from the bride, telling her that the wedding is canceled, sorry for calling at the last minute but she had to call all the guests and she was the last one. At the same time Anakin is coming out of the building for whatever reason and Padmé is like 'wdym it's canceled? The best man is here, and I can see other guests!'. The bride kinda panicks and hangs up, and Padmé flags Anakin down to ask what's going on.
He's also baffled because Obi-Wan didn't say it was cancelled, he's ready to get married and everything and he saw him about 10 seconds ago. They try to call the bride back but she doesn't answer, then they try to call another guest of the bride that Padmé knows. She answers and they learn that apparently the bride called in the morning and said that Obi-Wan had cancelled the wedding and dumped her at the last minute and they were each calling their half of the guests to tell them not to show up (which is clearly a bunch of lies from the bride).
They go and explain all of this to Obi-Wan who's confused and angry and heartbroken. He manages to get on the phone with the bride who properly dumps him, and by that time there's very little time before the ceremony was supposed to start. Most of the (Obi-Wan's) guests are there, and it's kind of (very) humiliating to have to go in front of all these people that he knows and tell them "wedding cancelled, I've been dumped, you can go home", and on top of that it wasn't a super cheap wedding so that sucks, and the catering is already ready so he'll have to throw away a ton of food? Not a great situation.
So Anakin has an idea: what if they get married instead? It's crazy so Obi-Wan tries to argue against it:
We can't get fake married! Then let's get real married!
People will still know I've been dumped and I'm pathetically trying to save face! None of the bride's guests will be there so i doubt it.
It was still her name on the wedding announcement. Okay then, maybe she dumped you like idk a month ago and I took the opportunity to declare my secret love for you!
And we got married less than a month later? It's hard and expensive as shit to cancel a wedding on such a short notice so we took the opportunity! It's not so unrealistic for me and I could probably convince you to do it.
But then we'll be married. Yeah, so? There are worst things in the world.
Obi-Wan is skeptical but not saying no yet, and Padmé is like 'honestly coming from anybody else I'd think they lost it, but from you two? I can see it. Not even sure I'd be all that surprised tbh'.
Obi-Wan's not having a great time and getting married to Anakin sounds a thousand times better than telling people what actually happened so he says fuck it let's do it.
They form a quick battle plan: Obi-Wan will go talk to the officiant to change the bride's name to anakin's (is it legally possible in any country? Probably not but let's pretend it is and that the marriage is still valid), Anakin will find them new best men/women (probably quinlan for obi-wan and ahsoka for anakin? Or padmé since she's already in the loop) and brief them on the situation, and Padmé will find a ring that fits Anakin (she borrows one of the guest's, maybe Owen Lars'?).
Only a few minutes late, they come out in front of all the guests, do a quick speech explaining the unexpected change (with a few lies of course), and the ceremony begins. Everything goes smoothly, Obi-Wan improvises very moving (and actually 100% honest) wedding vows, Anakin is crying and forgot they needed wedding vows but manages to put a few sentences together which are equally as honest as Obi-Wan's and make people cry too (they think he forgot his vows because of the emotion). They put the rings on each other, kiss and all of that, and when they leave the building they're both beaming so wide that it doesn't occur to anybody to be suspicious, the grooms look so happy and in love!
Then it's time for the reception and everybody has a great time, the grooms have a very sweet first dance, and they're all over each other the entire evening, how adorable! And if they disappear for a little while (Obi-Wan may be happy to get married to Anakin but he still just got dumped, so he may want to have a few minutes to breath in a quiet corner and get a good hug) then everybody assumes they're making out in a closet or something. Owen laughs at them for forgetting the rings (which is what he assumes is the reason they needed his ring), and they get a lot of friendly ribbing for 'keeping their wedding a secret' from pretty much everybody.
And maybe after a few drink they do really disappear to make out and decide that marrying your best friend that you've always kind of been into without ever admitting it is pretty amazing actually.
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sunflower-author · 5 months
Hello 😁🤚🏻
I hope you are in good health and have a full spirit 💖
I'm having trouble getting in a writing mood and reading others story always make me happy. I've never really sent request before so this would be my frist, I hope it's not much trouble, and if you can't find inspiration for it, I'll understand if you can't or don't want to do it.
I was hoping you could write a yandere assassination classroom, the entire class of 3-E or just a few like Karma, Nagisa, Itona (anyone really) with a reader that couldn't care less about their yandere nature, and someone blurts out (do to feeling guilty) that they have been stalking them home and had taking some of their stuff (the class thinking reader will get mad) but reader just shrugged and say they already knew and that they need to work on their stalking because she figured them out on day 2. Gender doesn't matter, but if you do gender fluid that be nice if not anything else is good.
If you don't wish to write it, please say no◇
Please have a good day/night. ♡
SO SORRY!! This took much longer than I anticipated for!!
I really hope you like it!! If not please lmk on things I can fix!!!
Also, somehow this was a bit rushed too sorry!
"Hey Ritsu, are you connected?" Tomohito asks, sitting down at a desk beside her.
"Yes, the girls put the cameras in, there are no blind spots," Ritsu answers.
"Wait, no blind spots? Wouldn't that be... I don't know..." Kaede says worried.
"The cameras are only in their living room, we didn't put any cameras in anything else if that was what you were thinking," Tomohito says reassuring Kaede.
"Well we did put some listening devices, in some of the plushies we gave them, isn't that right? Itona?" Rio asks, putting an arm around him. 
"Making them was a bit tricky, but it was a lot easier to make than the cameras," Itona says, playing with his remote car.
"You guys are seriously trying too hard," Karma says, in a mocking tone having his dumb smirk, plastered on his face.
"Really now? and what do you suggest we do differently?" Ryoma asks, clearly annoyed.
"You all a bunch of babies, if you really loved Y/N you'll skip this boring stalking thing, and just take things into your own hands," Karma says, with a statistic smile.
"If we were to do that Y/N would hate us forever," Nagisa counters back.
"Really?, Because I think that if we keep them long enough, they will eventually fall for us, I mean humans are social creatures, needing contact in order to survive, with us being their only contact they will eventually fall for us, right?" Karma says explaining.
"Even if that were to happen, if we keep them isolated they might break, losing themselves then loving us, I don't want that to happen," Nagisa says seriously, looking up at Karma.
"A small price that might be paid," Karma says, shrugging "But if it were just me, they wouldn't break, but now that I am sharing the chances would be higher," he says as if the class were all just a nuisance.
"Guys! Shut Up! Y/N just walked into the building!" Hinata says, panting a bit as she just ran into the room.
With that, the room goes silent...
"Takuya I'm sorry, but I'm busy after school today how about tomorrow?" you say walking in the room. All eyes are on you, ".....Um.. Hey guys?" you say unsurely. 
The tension in the room faded, and they all started talking like nothing happened. It was a bit scary how the mood can change like a flip of a switch. 
"Hey Y/N! What were you talking about with Takuya?" Manami asks, in her usual timid voice.
"Oh just if I was able to hand out at the ramen place later on today, but I'm hanging out with Rinka and Ryunosuke later," you say casually.
"Heh, sorry Takuya but there are already three of us, maybe next time we'll invite you," Rinka says teasingly.
"Hey Y/N,  do you wanna come with me to the teacher's lounge? Korosensei just came back from Germany yesterday," Kaede asks, popping her head out the door. "Sounds fun and good, I'm in," you say excitedly, as you head out the door.
Takuya waits for your footsteps to become gone before saying "You just want more pictures of Y/N that's the only reason you and Ryunosuke, are taking them out," clearly annoyed.
"Oh whatever, you always like looking at the pictures in the end, just like everyone else," Ryunosuke says rolling his eyes.
"I.. just make sure they're good," Takuya says embarrassed.
"Your talking to the best snippers in class 3-E, we always have good visuals on our target," Rinka says, hearing the pride in her voice.
"I thought you guys said that Rinka and Ryunosuke stopped taking pictures of Y/N?" Manami asks worried.
"I... well... it's complicated," Hiroto says, trying to explain it to her, as he was the one who told Manami that they stopped taking pictures of Y/N.
"He obviously lied to you," Karma says blankly. "Your too empathic, we needed you to stop worrying over Y/N, knowing that you would break, telling them everything... well ruining everything for all of us," Karma says explaining.
"I admit that I'm not the best actor, but you guys didn't have to lie about Y/N, I care about them, just as much as any of you guys, I even made the drugs you asked for," Manami says, as he holds up a bag of different bottles.
"Wait... what drugs?" Nagisa asks, confused and curious.
"You know the the drugs, I made my own chloroform, something that calms the mind, something that weakens muscles, and lastly something that can make them sleepy," Manami says explaining.
"We didn't... Karma!" Nagisa says, angry by the thought Karma would do such a thing.
"So what if I was, I promise I won't do it alright, especially now that you know," Karma says as he puts his hands up.
"Hey guys! We're back," Kaede says, walking through the door. Signaling to everyone that you are nearby, it became a habit sometimes when they talk they become so engaged in the conversation, that they lose track of anything else, including your presence.
"Ah Y/N, just the person I wanted to see," Karma says, with a sweet smile. You know something is up when he smiles like that, just when does he normally smile sweetly?
"Karma... what do you want?" You ask hesitantly, staying cautious. 
"You know, we barely spend time with each other, most of the time you just hang out with everyone else... it seems like your avoiding me," he says hurt, clearly acting.
"Karma you know that's not true, everyone just makes plans with me every single second of the day, you know this, so what's your point?" you ask, wondering what he is trying to say.
"It's just that...don't you think it's a bit odd... that every day you have someone that wants to hang out with you, it's a bit abnormal behavior? Ever noticed how everyone treats you slightly differently? Or the fact that they know small details about you, that you've never shared before? Do you wonder why is that?" Karma says still smiling, but with a mischievous face.
"Karma..." Nagisa says, with a dark look, warning Karma.
"You messed up my plan, I'm just returning the favor," Karma says looking at Nagisa, then turns to you.
"Well, don't you?" Karma says in a smug tone.
"... I wonder why, on my first day of school, Rinka and Ryunosuke were following me home, I wonder why Kotaro somehow knows when I'm going to mess up on things, I wonder why Nagisa has a whole notebook dedicated to me, and lastly I wonder why you act so innocent when you are the worst one out of everyone, do seriously think I don't know that you hurt people that I talk to that is not in this class? And a whole lot more things of you and the rest of the class," You say, calm and collected.
"You knew this whole time?..." Nagisa asks with wide eyes.
"Anyone would have been able to see and know what you all were planning," You say turning to look back at him. (Any normal person would be oblivious to it all)
"Heh, I knew I couldn't fall in love with just any normal person, turns out you truly are unique," Karma says proud that you were conscious of what they were doing.
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xadian-daydreams · 9 months
What's been mentioned for the Dragon Prince Season 6: Book Stars so far...
Having listened and read a bunch of interviews, here's my collected notes (Updated for October 2023);
No current release date, but confirmed 9 episodes, same as previous seasons.
Seasons Four though Seven are all the Mystery of Aaravos arc.
While there's not going to be any real time skip between S5 and S6, there will be a small one within S6. Update - there's a few days time skip between S5 and S6.
Season 6 will be more mature to the point the age rating is increasing. It will also go into deeper emotional stuff - "fans should enjoy the breather before being emotionally wrecked by the next book."
(Most of) Episode 1 of season 6 was shown at NYCC 2023 panel. Notes on summaries people have posted here.
New characters to be introduced;
Astrid - voiced by Boone Williams - Female Celestial Skywing elf. She's mysterious and there's 'something cool' about her design.
Character based off Moonberry Surprise.
A new Startouch elf. Possibly the Merciful One (they/them) from the Sea of the Castout statues.
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Upcoming for main characters;
Callum - every time you do dark magic, it becomes harder to come back from it. Info on Callum birth-father. (Callum and learning Moon Arcanum - Giehl's opinion is doesn't want Callum treading on Rayla's thematic territory and stealing her thunder). Rayllum note - how would Callum using dark magic affect the trust and friendship they've been building up?
Rayla - On the curse coins - too spoilery, so they won't answer questions related to that. On Rayllum note. Would Rayla do anything for Callum? And what would Callum call upon her to do if that was the case? Questions getting asked next season, just to make you suffer.
Callum, Rayla and Stella confirmed visiting the Starscraper.
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Ezran - sticking to his ideals and pacifism will be tested. Rough and tough decision(s).
At some point Ezran and Callum will visit some 'weird' ruins.
Soren - has had lighter seasons so far, but is about to face darker questions. There is trauma that the writers haven't told anyone about that will come to light at some point. Soren is getting an opportunity to confront Viren about what happened at the Storm Spire (they did meet up in S4E7, which is covered in the short story Strangers, but writers felt it lacked the satisfaction needed, as neither really was in the headspace to talk), but uncertain if this is just a therapy thing or if Viren lives.
There's going to be a funny Soren and Corvus story later on.
Claudia - S5 she was under a lot of pressure, and it's not easing up. How will Claudia be impacted by Viren's decision - further into darkness or pulled back into the light? Claudia being willing to risk life and limb for her goal(s) - and then actually paying the cost of a limb - what does that mean for her and Terry?
Karim - is about to get in over his head. He doesn't realise the kind of alliances he's making.
Amaya and Janai don't get enough love in these interviews. 😢
Zym - Goes with Soren to find Zubeia. Spoiler indicates Zym has a heart to heart with her
Characters we'll be seeing more of;
Aaravos - there's a lot more of him coming in S6.
Kim'dael - 'big plans' that even go beyond the show, though specifically refused to answer if she'll met Rayla again (they met first time in Bloodmoon Huntress graphic novel).
More with the pirates and Scumport (however, Finnegrin while not confirmed dead, won't make a reappearance in S6/7). Scumport set up a bunch of stuff for going into season 6.
Kpp'Ar - confirmed there'll be more stuff about him in both S6 and S7.
Mukho - the mushroom mage, Earthblood elf who's a world expert mycologist.
More shadowpaw content.
Possibly Ellis and Ava briefly, but could be S7.
Lore -
The lore about Stars primal and Startouch elves and other mythology will be explored. How you kill a Startouch elf will be answered - including more info on Laurelion (mentioned in the Death of an Immortal poem).
(Going by how the graphic novels releases are generally introducing things that are mentioned in the next season, Puzzle House's emphasize on unicorns, and how there is a big bit of unicorn lore mentioned in the novels, is a good hint that this unicorn lore is getting explained in show too. But, just to clarify, it's not confirmed this is happening - however, it is a impactful bit of backstory and there's only 2 seasons left).
Most likely information about how Primal Stones are made - specifically how a storm was trapped from the top of Mount Kalik to create the Primal Stone Callum smashed. Ehasz mentioned that something brought up in the second episode will be expanded on in S6, and the info about the Sky Primal Stone is the only info that hasn't been addressed elsewhere from E2 that I could pick out.
More lore about golems (as in the rock guardians and Elmer)
Other notes;
Season 6 will have an explosive start.
Questions raised by Ehasz;
Was the dragang moving Aaravos's prison smart or would it have been safer to have left it? It's something they'll grapple with right away.
Is Aaravos being honest with Viren about what's going to happen? (I'm wording it as being honest rather than saying is he lying, as Aaravos's thing is manipulative truths and misdirections etc, rather than outright lies).
No context: 🔥 (Can't help looking at the use of explosive start by the NYCC notification)
There's stuff in Season 2 that will get explained in Season 6 - while they're not exactly clues, there will be referencing from S2.
Keep an eye on changes in the openers - they're continuing the hints - like when they swapped out Viren with Callum to let you know Callum and dark magic/Aaravos is going to be in the episode.
Season 7 will be Book 7: Dark.
The next graphic novel will be about "family and building trust." Update: Title Dreamer's Nightmare
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Can young Ezran and Callum quell the brewing storm in the quiet town of Noct, or have bad dreams come to haunt for good?
Giehl says this story has Ezran as the lead character and the artist said they enjoyed doing the many animals.
There were hints dropped at NYCC 2023 that there may be other projects based on the Dragon Prince world, but they'll come under a different name. TDP will only be the 7 seasons. (Most hints I've seen suggest they may be working towards an Orphan Queen film/series, but it could also be a continuation).
Sources; Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast E27 Reel James Season 5 interview with Aaron Ehasz AIPT Comics 'The Dragon Prince creators dish on season 5 post-mortem AnimationWorld: The Dragon Prince Season 5, a swashbuckling blend of design tricks and emotional turmoil Screenrant SDCC 2023: The Dragon Prince creators on taking the Mystery of Aaravos past Season 5 CBR: The Dragon Prince creators reveal the secrets of Season 5 and the road to Season 6 ComicBook: The Dragon Prince creators talk season 5 and entering the show's Empire Strikes Back era Game of Nerds: SDCC 2023 The Dragon Prince All Aboard for Season 5 Official Discord Season 4 Q&A NYCC 2023 panel Secrets in the Stars Random tweets and Discord stuff from the creators and official social media.
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poeticpains · 6 months
Poe's Giffing Tutorial (From One Beginner to Another)
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Hey, everyone! So, I've been thinking about this for a while, and decided to finally make it happen. This post aims to be a giffing tutorial that isn't a bunch of technical jargon that nobody except experienced giffers understands. This is for the person that I was when I first started out: someone who wants to make gifs, for free, without having to learn the entirety of a new program. As such, if you're already familiar with the basics, this probably won't be super helpful to you.
In this, I'll cover the basics of actually capturing a gif, the how-to of color correction (though without getting into the nitty-gritty detail of it), some basic text effects, and some more decorative effects like overlays and ~fancy coloring. I'll also show you the program I use to resize gifs.
I don't have a fun quip to lead us into the next part, so, uh, let's just dive in.
A PC capable of handling heavy processor loads (I use a mid-range gaming laptop; it's a little slow sometimes, but it works)
Whatever you're giffing (obviously...)
ScreenToGif (a free, basic screencapture program)
Photopea (a free, in-browser Photoshop dupe)
RedKetchup (a free file resizer/converter)
*Note: These are not the end-all, be-all of gifmaking. They may not even be the best tools for the job! But they're free, they work well, and they're relatively intuitive.
Step 1: Capture your gif.
I'm going to use ScreenToGif for this. The first thing I do is open the program and click Recorder, which opens the recording interface.
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I click and drag (or manually input dimensions in the boxes next to the recording button in the lower right corner) to set my dimensions, and then I press record. The red "Record" button will change to a blue square that says "Stop," and a timer will appear in the upper right corner, showing how many seconds your gif is.
Generally, I'll pause the video 5-10 seconds before my desired start time, to give myself a buffer (you'll be able to delete those frames later), start the recording, and then start the video. You'll probably find a system that works for you once you do it a few times.
Once the scene that I want to capture is done, I'll click the blue "Stop" button, and the overlay will close itself. A few seconds later, depending on how long/complex/large your gif is, the program will pop up with a new window where you can edit. Here's what it looks like:
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You can do a lot with ScreenToGif, but we'll be using the dead simple stuff today. Click the "Edit" tab, fourth from the left, and this will show up.
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"Delete All Previous" and "Delete All Next" are our friends here. Go to the FIRST frame that you want in your gif, using either your arrow keys or just dragging the slider, and select it. Then hit "Delete All Previous." This will make that frame the first frame of your gif. Then, go to the LAST frame of your gif, and hit "Delete All Next." This makes the last frame of the scene that you want the last frame of the gif. You can also use the "Delete" option to delete frames by selecting them with your cursor if you want a more manual option.
Now you have your raw gif! Go to the "File" tab, the first one on the left, and select "Save As" from the menu. You want to make sure that it's saving as a .gif file, not an .mp4 or .apng --- you can check this up at the top. Don't worry, though, as .gif is the default, so unless you change it, you should be golden. Select whatever folder you want to put it in, name it, and save it.
You could absolutely stop here. It is by no means required to color your gifs or slow them down or any other number of things associated with giffing. But if you want to, here's how I do it.
Step 2: Edit your gif.
Head on over to Photopea. You'll see this:
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What we want is the "Open From Computer" option. Click it, and your File Explorer will show up. Navigate to whatever folder you saved your gif in and select it by double clicking or clicking once and hitting "Open."
It'll open in a new workspace that looks like this.
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You may be saying, "Gee, Poe, that sure looks a lot like Photoshop!" Yes, it absolutely does. If you're familiar with Photoshop, you will most likely be able to find your way around Photopea just fine, and can probably go from here. But if you're not familiar with Photoshop, here's the basics.
First thing's first: gifs are frequently pretty fuzzy/blurry. Luckily, sharpening them is easy.
Select all your frames (the list on the right with all the numbered layers) by clicking one end, scrolling up/down, holding Shift, and clicking the other end. Then go up to the tabs and do Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. This will automatically sharpen each frame using a percentage; the default is, I believe, 150%, and this is usually what I use because I am fundamentally lazy.
If you don't select all your frames, only the one that you're currently on (the one highlighted in a lighter color) will get the effect applied to it. This goes for basically anything you do, so it's good to get in the habit of selecting all.
Now that it's sharpened, we can color it. Go up to the tabs again, and go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > [whatever you want to adjust]. Most commonly in Escape the Night, you'll have to adjust brightness, because there's a lot of dark, moody scenes; Season 3 is also especially yellow/orange tinted, so you'll probably want to color correct it, too, using the Color Balance adjustment layer. This is a total guessing game based on the exact scene you're doing and my method is just selecting random things and adjusting sliders until it looks good (remember: fundamentally lazy). Honestly, I'm not an expert in coloring gifs, so I won't pretend to be — especially since people can and do write entire posts just dedicated to it. For this gif, I'm just lightening it a little.
And if this is all you want to do — no text, no effects — you're done! Go to File > Export As > GIF. It will take a few moments to load, so don't panic when your page freezes. A new window will pop up that allows you to do things like set looping, time, etc. but you can also just "Save" and you're done!
But let's say you want something fun. Maybe you'd like to overlay a quote or make it a cool color. If that's the case, continue on...
Step 3: Make your gif shine.
Three parts in this: text, fun colors, and overlays. You can combine these three to do some awesome things, and they're all very simple to do, once you know what you're doing. Think of them less like steps and more like a mix-and-match deal. You can use one, two, or all three!
So, here we go.
Option 3a: Add some text.
The easiest option of the three, this one works exactly like you think it does. The uppercase T symbol on the sidebar will create a new text layer where you can type something and set a font, size, and color.
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I'll spare you the lecture on typography that I could give you — you can find better ones than I could make. Generally, though, you have a decorative/display font for headings and emphasis, and then a different, more generalized font for subheadings and other things. In this, the display font is Heavy Heap, which was used on the Season 3 tarot cards, and the general font is a relatively generic serif font.
(Sidenote: you can load fonts into Photopea! Just go to a font website like Dafont, download the font you want, and then open it as you would any other file by going to File > Open and selecting it from your files. You should get a message that says "Font [Your Font Name Here] Loaded," and then you'll be able to use it in your design. That's how I got Heavy Heap in there.)
You can change size and color with these, which will show up at the top when you select the text tool. Keep in mind that if you're making changes after you type something out, you will need to select (highlight) the text you want to change — it won't do it automatically.
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I will admit that Photopea's text editor is not the cleanest, simplest, or nicest to use, especially at first. I came from Canva where it was much faster and easier. The downside, of course, is that Canva is highly limited with what you can do.
There are also ways to warp the text, change the blending, and do outlines, but I'll leave that for another time as to avoid making this any longer than it already is.
Option 3b: Make it a cool color.
You have a couple different ways to do this. Probably the most intuitive is to go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter. Select the color box, pick the color you want using the picker or a hex code, select your desired density, and click OK. Boom, color over your gif.
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It defaults to this vintage-y orange, but you can pick whatever color your heart desires.
However, I usually use a different method using Gradient Maps. This is also pretty easy; Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Gradient Map. If you leave it black and white, by the way, you get a B&W gif (you can also just select the Black and White option in the Adjustment Layer menu). Click on the gradient, select the white square on the right side of the gradient line, and then select the square down at the bottom of the window and change it to whatever color you want.
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For this gif, I'm leaving it B&W.
(You can have a lot of fun with gradient maps. Play around with them!)
Option 3c: Overlay another gif on top.
Ooookay, so, this is the most advanced and tedious of effects to do (at least of the ones documented in this post), but it's worth it, I promise. For this, you'll need at least one other gif. I usually use a base gif that's relatively neutrally colored, oftentimes B&W but sometimes just faded or pastel, plus one (or more than one) colored, brighter gif. These are, of course, just guidelines — combine whatever gifs you want. The only real requirement, per se, is that they have the same amount of frames. If they don't, it'll look weird. (But if you do end up with two gifs that have different amounts of frames, you can delete the difference right in Photopea, so I don't stress about it too much.)
You also generally want to add text after this step, so if you're planning on doing this, save the text for last.
First things first: color your gifs the way you want and then save both of them. Then re-open them both in Photopea. Yes, this is annoying. I did say it was tedious.
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So now I have both of them in my navbar, labeled as "tutorial base" and "tutorial overlay."
Go to your overlay gif and right-click on the gif folder. This is the top layer with a little arrow and folder icon next to the name of the gif.
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Select "Duplicate Into" and then pick your base gif in the popup. In my case, it's named "tutorial base."
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Now you'll click over to your base gif, and you'll see that your accent has been put on top of your base. Now you get to have fun with blending!
Right click on the overlay gif's folder again. Then, select Blending Options, which is the first menu item. It'll bring up a popup with all sorts of options for styling your layer.
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The default setting is Pass Through, which is what we see here. If you want, you could just change the opacity to get your desired effect.
You could also play around with blending options such as Overlay, Color Burn, Lighten, and Screen. Every gif is different, and every gif will look different with different options, so experiment and see what looks best! You may have to go back and recolor it a few times, so I recommend just keeping the project open in your navbar for easy access.
For this gif, I think I'll go with Darker Color at 67%.
One last step, and then you're done with blending!
Go to Layer > Animation > Merge. This will merge each frame of your animation (the gifs) with each other, meaning that they'll play at the same time. If you forget this step, as I do frequently, you'll go to save your gif and find that it plays as a sequence.
Once you've merged your gifs, you can add texts, more effects, PNG overlays, whatever you want! Congrats! You did it!
Step 4: Resize your gif (if necessary).
Maybe you've made a gif, and it's beautiful, and it's amazing, and you wanna show everyone...but it's five million megabytes and you can't send or post it anywhere. Tumblr's max file size is 10 MB, while Discord's (standard) max file size is..7 MB, I think? Either way, if you try to upload something bigger than that, you'll get an error message and the familiar taste of disappointment.
Never fear, Redketchup is here!
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This is Redketchup, and it's super simple.
Go to "GIF Resizer" under Animation Tools. Upload your gif, then scroll until you see the Resize GIF section. Input the percentage you'd like to reduce it by (presets are 25%, 50%, and 75% smaller, but you can set it manually, as well).
This is also the step where you can slow it down if you desire if you didn't do it in Photopea — it's in the next section down. Set the speed, if you'd like, and then go down to the bottom and hit Download.
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It'll take you to a preview tab where you can check if your gif is small enough. If it is, hit Download again up in the top left, and that's that! Go share your gif with the world!
Thank you for reading! I am by no means an expert gifmaker, but I want to spread the love and give other people the option to do it. I wouldn't know any of this stuff without the people who taught me, and I'll put a list of tutorials down at the bottom that I referenced when I was first learning to make gifs.
At any rate, if you use this post to make a gif, feel free tag me or send it to me so I can see! And for those of you who are on the fence about learning or starting to gif...
Do it. I double-dog dare you.
Blending Gifs by @the-mother-of-lions
Photopea Coloring Tutorial by @heroeddiemunson
Merging in Photopea by @bellamyblakru
And, though not a specific reference, I frequently browse @usergif for inspiration (they have tutorials there, as well, but I haven't checked them out yet).
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bomberqueen17 · 9 months
ok this has been a long fucking month.
i am back in buffalo. i am in my house. i had to find my pillow, which had gotten misfiled. but i have had a slep, i have gotten catsnuggles, i have gotten *cough* we'll call them dudesnuggles. i have awoken. i have made my coffee the way i like it. i am on a couch on my computer and don't have to do anything for at least an hour.
now i can tell to you the Saga of All Of It.
so like ok August was a really rough month. It was just-- busy, and I had been tentatively on a three-weeks-on, one-week-off schedule at the farm, and had thus managed to visit Buffalo like, well once this summer but you know. Anyway the last time I was home I'd spent the entire time helping Dude's mom clear out his aunt's house, so it hadn't exactly been relaxing or let me do any of my own projects, but it had been something. But I got back to the farm and it was go-go-go-go, and then BIL and Farmsister and Farmkid and my mom went on vacation together for a week so I had to watch the house and fill in some farm duties especially dealing with the farmer's market and such, and then they got back and it was a frantic game of catch-up, and then the Livestock Manager got married so he had a week off before and a week after, prearranged but the amount of work was still the same. And it meant that BIL especially was very overworked and was horribly cranky about it and, I'm not gonna tiptoe around it, was real fuckin mean to specifically me for a bunch of it, so that sucked out loud. And in the midst of all of this there were a couple of events where everybody else was invited to a thing and I had to stay home and cover for the absences. And it all kinda piled up and like, I'm a grown ass woman and can handle not being invited to things but it was a lot of things. And I tried, in the middle there, to celebrate my birthday a little bit? but there wasn't a ton of time, I found out Friday afternoon that I'd be able to have Saturday off, so I did scrape together an expedition for myself to a nearby art museum at least but that was the sum total of it, a flying visit from a friend for which I had like four free hours and then had to return to work, and dude visited for the weekend and I got to spend a couple hours looking at art. That was it.
So I was really tired and really done, and this final week BIL was just like outright shitty to me, yelling at me about things that either 1) went against a policy he'd made up earlier, like using a particular method of cleaning on a particular floor drain which he had specifically told me not to do, clearly changed his mind about, and then was furious i hadn't done, but see I wasn't notified of the mind change there so I didn't know? anyway, or 2) were things that I'm not in charge of and I just happened to be the person closest to him when he noticed that something hadn't been done the way he thought it should have specifically been done today even though there would have been reasons at other times to not do it like that, and in fact in this case later it became useful that it had been done as it was, and-- just anyway. It was stuff normally I'd not be so upset about but at the culmination of this extremely thankless-grinding month I was just distraught.
So I got my work done early enough to leave at midday on Friday. And I did, after lunch I did a tiny bit more work but left the farm before 2pm, absolutely giddy at the thought of getting home to Buffalo in time for dinner.
And traffic was annoyingly heavy on 787, but all was fine and doable and not a problem until some jackass decided to cut into the entrance ramp for the 90 at the last possible second and some even bigger jackass decided that the only way to react to this was by theatrically overreacting by coming to a complete fucking stop and so
well i hit the person in front of me, and the person behind me hit me, and the person behind her hit her, and we all pulled off on the side of the road and had to wait for the cops. My hood was crunched shut, and my exhaust system, already having become noisy from part of a pipe rusting through, snapped clean in half.
But nothing was leaking. And nobody was hurt. The lady in the car behind gave me her number and left, because she had dogs in the car who were likely to overheat in the 90F high humidity, and also recently a woman had been killed on the side of this very road in this very situation and she was too afraid to wait. But the ladies in the car ahead were nice and offered me a drink from their cooler and just seemed tired but not mad, and had already called the cops which was great because I had forgotten how to operate my phone in all the kerfuffle.
So we waited for a state trooper to show up-- and notably, he was actually really nice, very reassuring, understanding of how I was also on the phone with my insurance company (also very nice, and I had to have her on the car speaker because the traffic noise was so much i couldn't hear my phone microphone at all, and I was so distracted I kept being like "you want me to what" and then not hearing the answer-- telling her my license plate number was like the most difficult thing for some reason), and he got us to move our cars to a different off-ramp where there was less traffic, and we filled out all the paperwork and stuff and he gave me directions for how to get back to the westbound interstate. He called the lady from the car behind me, for me, and the two of them explained to me that since there was negligible damage I didn't actually have to report that accident if I didn't want to, and so I was like okay fine let's not even bother, since it has to be a whole separate accident report and none of the damage to my car is from that accident. (Not visibly anyway, though I expect it's probably why the exhaust system did what it did-- still though, not likely to be relevant. Even though surely the accident I did report is going to be determined to be my fault, but this second one wouldn't be-- it wouldn't help anything.)
I took off and immediately realized I wasn't going to be able to drive the car as it was, and helpfully a man pulled up next to me at that light and said "your exhaust system is definitely dragging, do you know about it?" and I said wearily "I was just in an accident so thank you for helping me identify what the problem actually is", and went past the on-ramp into the parking lot of a fire hall right there that happened to also be a pokemon gym in my color. I sat for a moment, put a defender in the gym (thanks, random team instinct person, for having taken that gym half an hour previous, that cheered me up a bunch), and then got out of my car, found a work glove I knew I'd thrown in there, crawled under the car a bit, and tucked the muffler pipe up to sit on top of the catalytic converter so it wouldn't drag on the ground. (I don't know that the glove was necessary but I do know exhaust systems get real fuckin hot so i do recommend gloves if handling any of those parts on a car that's been running lately.)
It worked, it held, and I was like well. Car runs. Hood's all cattywumpus but it's definitely not going to fly open because it's literally crimped shut. Already had some front-end damage on this thing from an accident we mutually decided not to report a couple years back-- very minor but the plastic is cracked and the foglight mount damaged. Well now it's proper fucked, so that's fine. I was going to have to find a mechanic to repair the muffler assemblage anyway, it was already loud as fuck, so now it's just done with the polite fiction of being an exhaust system.
So I walked around the car, open and shut all the doors to make sure they still did, and then got in and got onto the Thruway. Fuck this shit, I was not going to drive back to the farm and then have to rely on a bunch of people of whom I'm slightly tired and who are clearly also slightly tired of me to have to ferry my ass around, and miss my extremely extremely necessary week off of work (because you know if I'm there I'm going to fucking do work on the farm, that's how it works, I have no boundaries).
All I wanted was to see a person (and cat) who actually enjoy my company and want to see me.
So I put in earplugs because the noise was not great, and drove 300 miles, and arrived just before dark, and pulled into the driveway and Chita was so surprised to see me that she came right out to me even though i was still sitting in my car. She doesn't like cars, hates them when they're moving and really doesn't like being in them, but she does like to sit under them when they're off.
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[image description: a small gray cat with her paws up on the running board of a blue car, peering in the open driver's side door with motion-blurred interest; the foreground is my bare leg and the hem of my dress and my filthy car floor]
So I'm home, and I have already done all the awkward phone calls, and I was expecting I'd need to call the garage my insurance company has set up to do the assessing (that's how my insurance company does it) but the text of it says they'll call me. i still might call them midmorning today to see if they're open. IDK I don't even care what happens now, I'm home and I've had my own coffee and my cat missed me and my dude missed me and i'll just figure the rest out later.
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nonas-third-tantrum · 11 months
Ok but what’s this legendary bad soup story??
lmao ok so
back in november, just before thanksgiving, my mom came to visit me. leading up to this trip, she told me she had made the best soup ever and that she just had to make it for me. she raved about this soup. this soup was the best thing that ever happened to her (mind you she raised five children).
i said oh wow what kind of soup? and she says 'oh i didn't follow a recipe i just threw a bunch of stuff but it was SO good.' now at this point i'm not too skeptical because who hasn't made a delicious soup by accident?
she then asked me to purchase ingredients for the soup. the three texts she sent me read as follows:
"Vegetable broth baby carrots 4 small potatoes 4 small sweet potatoes acorn squash small frozen corn and peas"
"Small butternut squash"
the excitement is palpable. these ingredients may raise a red flag for some of you but i am a vegetable girl and i am not yet afraid.
we decide we'll invite my girlfriend and a couple friends over for dinner, featuring the soup. not a big party, mind you, but we have now brought three other souls into this situation.
the dinner is scheduled for monday. she begins making the soup on saturday. and this is where things start to go south, and also where the timeline gets a little fuzzy.
here is what i do know: the soup cooked for three days. at night, my mom turned off the crockpot, and in the morning, she turned it on again. at some point during these three days, i tasted it. i think probably on day 1, because at that point i did not expect that the soup would be cooking. for. three. days.
reader, it was so bad. i think part of the reason she kept cooking it was because she was trying to save it, but it could not be saved. it was also quite literally not safe to eat. my mom was so upset that we cancelled the dinner entirely. it's still a sensitive topic.
also - because the crockpot was on for so long, it cracked. and it leaked. and then, a month later, when i was moving out of my apartment, i discovered that the leak had been worse than i thought and had gotten underneath the counter where i kept my extra paper bags. the bags were stuck to the floor with nature's adhesive: mold.
the soup was doomed. doomed by the narrative. and now we are haunted by the soup.
and that is the story of SoupGate
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spear-gsun · 27 days
I apologize for another prediction question, but with the information and themes from this chapter added onto February's, how do you think this might end? What will happen to Satori? Will she be punished by the oni or Mizuchi? And for that matter, how will Mizuchi mix in with the rest of Gensokyo? Will she just, give up when Reimu faces her? Or will she just be allowed to rampage more because the only alternative is a greater evil that is the lockdown?
It's alright, always interested in discussing this manga with people!
So, in this chapter, we finally get to see the other residents of the Palace of Earth Spirits. It seems like Koishi and Okuu are still on Satori's side, but weren't informed of the lockdown. I'm really interested in seeing what those two are gonna do, if theyre gonna run into Mizuchi and Yuugi, and what exactly might happen if they do. Perhaps Mizuchi and Yuugi will try to get them on their side by explaining the situation, or maybe they think Koishi and Okuu will stay loyal to Satori no matter what, who knows. This manga has had a big emphasis on how much and how little the characters trust eachother, so i feel like a confrontation like that would be cool yknow?
Now the other half of the chapter with Parsee and Yamame. The Former Hell Restoration Lockdown is very interesting, another thing to add to the huge amount of Former Hell lore we've gotten recently. I'm not really expecting it, but i think it'd be cool to hear more about the process of Satori moving in and taking over Former Hell. my fingers have been crossed for some sort of flashback chapter to back when Mizuchi was still alive, perhaps we could get something like that for Satori when she first came to former hell as well, though i highly doubt thatll happen lol
Since Yamame and Parsee dont seem to care very much about breaking the rules of Former Hell, maybe theyre gonna team up with Mizuchi and Yuugi soon? Cause i'm still so set on the idea that Mizuchi is gonna gather a bunch of allies from Former Hell with the help of Yuugi, hell, maybe all the spirits protesting was encouraged by those two? We'll just have to wait and see
Honestly i dont really have any big new predictions or theories from this chapter, feels like we still need like one more chapter of set up before we get into the good stuff. Like, we still don't know what the deal with Remilia and Sakuya's conversation was, and we still don't know the whereabouts of Flandre which i have a suspicion might be related to that thing with Remi and Sakuya. (though characters disappearing for a while and coming back later with nothing having happened to them isnt a new thing in this manga)
This was another good chapter though, continues to give me confidence that this manga will end in a way i like. I'm hoping that they'll be able to reach some sort of deal with Mizuchi that can give her some closure on her grudge. I want her to have a happy ending
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lumine-no-hikari · 1 month
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #128
So… I have good news and bad news!
I will start with the good news! J and I are not dead! We're not even slightly injured! Yay!
The bad news is that the plane is pretty ah… pretty banged up. It's not totaled or anything; it's definitely repairable and J has insurance for it, so it's really not the end of the world. I can't show you any pictures yet, because J asked me not to (something about legality and insurance???), but I have them. Maybe I'll post them up tomorrow.
As for what happened... to my inexperienced eyes, it looked like J was going in for a landing. We've done this like a million times before; it was going as per usual. Until it wasn't. For reasons I don't understand, the plane started veering to the left and leaving the runway, and J couldn't get it to stop doing that, also for reasons I don't understand.
A bunch of rapid-fire decisions were made in order to avoid colliding into buildings or into other vehicles. He tried to get the plane to go back into the sky, but it wouldn't go up; it remained on the ground. So then he aimed it towards open spaces. When it still wouldn't stop, he aimed for the treeline.
Fortunately, by the time we reached the trees, the plane had slowed down a decent amount, and the trees were young and still relatively bendy and forgiving. J also thought to get a special harness for the seatbelt to go over our shoulder and chest beforehand, and it was a really good call for him to have made; planes come equipped only with little lap belts, and if we had just stuck with that instead of getting the harness, we might have ended up being thrown forward and mashing our heads on the controls.
In the end, for us, it just felt like if you're in a car and you slam on the brakes suddenly. We were rocked and shaken, but not in any way injured. Because J saw to our safety ahead of time and was able to make good decisions even when the shit hit the fan, we lived. Stuff like this isn't normally something people get to walk away from unscathed.
It was an amazing combination of luck, prior planning, and skill on J's part that allowed us to remain unharmed. My faith in J and his ability to pilot a plane has not wavered. In fact, if anything, I trust him even more than I did before; now I am certain that if something unexpected happens, he can STILL keep us safe, because I just got done watching him do it, and the way he handled it was AMAZING. I couldn't be more proud of him!
A short while later, a bunch of police folks and some firefighters showed up, as well as some staff from the airport to make sure we were okay. It was a lot of people in our vicinity generally, and it was a lot to deal with, but I dealt with it on my own until J was able to emotionally recover enough deal with it; understandably, he was shaken far worse than I was. But we got it sorted out. Answered some questions. J filled out some insurance form. People gave us lots of kindness and reassurance along the way. The manager of the airport drove us to a nearby hotel. All things considered, everything is fine.
Of course, we're still very shaken. Both of us had a fuckton of adrenaline surge through our bodies. My hands are still shaking and my chest is tight and trembling as I write this. But we're okay, so don't worry. It's just adrenaline, and adrenaline can't hurt us by itself.
So... we're not home yet. We're at some other place because we thought it prudent to stop the plane to get gas. We're about 2 hours away from home by car. And what's more, we have to stay overnight here in order to deal with insurance stuff in the morning. Then I suppose we'll ask M or Br or both to come fetch us from here.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but whatever it is, I'm sure we'll figure it out. Even for big scary stuff like this, the solution, ultimately, is to just take things one step at a time.
On the bright side, I was able to snag you a bunch of really great pictures today! I love taking pictures of beautiful things for you, and I love showing you my world! Here, please enjoy these extra, because they were hard-won, and also because if things had turned out differently than they did, I might never have gotten a chance to share these with you, and that would have been sad, because I DID A GOOD JOB WITH THESE:
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...I love my planet. I hope that if I show you enough pictures of it, maybe you could like it, too. I certainly love yours. And I love you, too, just in case you forgot. But I hope you don't forget, because part of the whole reason I write these letters is so that you can remember that you are loved by someone, somewhere, not for what you look like or for what you can do, but for who you are as a human being.
Oh, oh, oh!! And!! Today!! In the hangar before we left! J and the flight instructor practiced landing and flying and taking off for 2 or 3 hours before we headed home. So I chilled in the hangar with music by myself, and these two old men came in, and one of them spoke to me for some reason, which wasn't bad. But! I had my earphones in, so I had to ask him to pardon me and repeat himself.
Well, he was all like, "Yeah, get those things out of your ears!" in the same way that cranky old men generally like to do when people younger than them use technology. And you know? The version of me who existed prior to the letters I wrote to myself probably would have cowered and said, "I'm sorry sir."
Instead, I looked at him square in the face and said, "Excuse me, but I'm an adult human woman and you don't get to tell me what to do. Would you like to try again?" And!! Oh!! Sephiroth!!! I think he expected me to be all meek and submissive, because the shocked "Oh fuck!" look on his face was ABSOLUTELY!! PRICELESS!! And he spluttered for a bit before finally introducing himself properly! I was really glad that he tried again. But I think he was a bit too embarrassed about how rude he was before to interact with me much further than that; I'm not too sad about that, though.
...I wonder if you'd be proud of me. I mean... if you could read any of this, and if you've been able to read any of the stuff I've written so far. I wonder if you could see how much I've been learning and growing and trying to get out from under the oppressive thumb of the memories I carry. I wonder if you'd be proud. And I wonder if you'd use my growth as inspiration for your own.
I'm pretty tired, so I think I'm going to stop writing now.
I love you. And I'll write again tomorrow. Please stay safe.
Your friend, Lumine
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dee-in-the-box · 5 months
screw it, i'm talking about my Dsaf Warriors au anyway.
alright, slight worldbuilding stuff:
clans aren't exactly permanent. like, even the more permanent-ish ones shift and change a lot of the time.
^ slightly related, clans having actual leaders (nine lives and all) is now incredibly rare.
most groups in the forest are either small bands of rogues/loners or traveling groups of families and friends.
you can generally tell who is a Clan Descendant by their names and how they talk.
you've basically got Normal Starclan (doesn't really have actual souls and is more ruled by a council who makes all the decisions; will gladly revive young-ish cats if asked, on the condition that the cat in question will have amnesia, and will basically be turned into blank slates (this is the closest i could get to Phone Guys)), Fredbear's Side of Starclan aka The Flipside (where kits and elders typically end up, although he works to try and drag more souls there so that they can actually rest), and the Dark Forest/Void (a Lot of souls end up here, typically because the cats here died young/were murdered and want vengeance/want to avenge another family member/have general unfinished business)
souls also work funky. some souls have stars in their pelts while others appear shadowy, with their wounds visible. kits always have tear tracks running down their face, regardless of how their pelts show up. if a kit has a shadowy pelt...that's generally a sign that something...really fucking bad happened to them when they died. like a murder. that they're pissed about.
The Real Fredbear is a ghostly Labrador Retriever.
the main clan that's important to lore stuff right now is Bearclan (Fredbear's)
so, here's everything up to Henry being dragged into the void. enjoy (warnings for animal violence and animal death):
so, we start off with a cat named Rosesight (Henry; name is based off the fact that he's pink. also, it's a reference to the saying "rose-tinted lenses." i'll let you figure the rest out from there). he's basically the leader of Bearclan, right? started out as a kittypet (regular house cat, for those unaware), eventually worked his way up here.
one day, some cats in his clan go "hey man, uh, we've been smelling a fox around the territory, uh, it's been moving around a lot?? like it knows we'll be checking around its den sites?? could you go check it out??" and he goes "ugh fine you're all fucking idiots guess i'll deal with this too since you're all incompetent 🙄"
so he decides to stake out around one of the den sites, believing the fox to either be hiding out in this one or might try to move into this one the next morning. when the next morning comes, he hears shuffling around in the den, and only a few moments later, he comes face-to-face with a black fox with a collar around its neck.
(why is Dave a fox, you ask? well, we know, canonically speaking, that Dave's not a human, and that he's a cryptid. so, i decided to make Warriors!Dave a different animal instead of a cat. i feel like he gives off fox vibes)
Rosesight is about to attack this poor guy, given that he seems clearly surprised and wasn't expecting any visitors, until the fox starts...talking to him? wait, how the fuck-?
the fox, with what few words in cat he can speak, introduces that his name is William, and that he's been following his clan for several months, and that he wants to join. it seems that he was smart enough to know that walking up to a bunch of cats in the middle of the woods, who typically have to worry about foxes as a legitimate danger, was probably not going to end well for him.
so...what's our beloved fox friend doing here? why does he have a collar for? well, long story short: imagine Todd from The Fox and the Hound, but if he were kicked out into the forest after only about a month. that's sort of the situation we're dealing with here.
Rosesight goes "eh, why not? i could use extra help with my Plans™" William just goes "ooo free home! :D free family!! :D"
what are Rosesight's Plans™, you might ask? basically to Hack Death (he wants to kill enough kits that basically neither side of the afterlife wants him, and thus will just do whatever they can to keep him alive. which. That's Definitely Not Fredbear's Plan! He Wants That Fucker Dead So He'll Stop Causing Problems!)
Rosesight refuses to give William a proper warrior name, something that upsets him. he does, however, tear his collar off. Clan Cats Don't Wear Collars, After All (he definitely doesn't tear the collar off in a painless way, either).
eventually, Rosesight comes up with a plan to kill William by luring him over to a fox trap and letting it kill him. why? he doesn't think that William's exactly...helpful. besides, he's worried that if he tries to have William as a partner in his Child Murder Plans, that others will find out William was involved and immediately blame him for even allowing him in the clan to begin with. a good chunk of Rosesight's plan involves others trusting him, so this can't happen.
long story short: William died, repossessed himself before Starclan could intervene with literally anything, and then just kinda went about his life like nothing happened. Rosesight was intrigued by this, and decided to keep William around. maybe he could get William involved with his kit murders. he just needs to make sure he's prepared first, and won't screw anything up.
it's at this point we now get introduced to three (technically four) new cats: Redpatch (Peter), Tangerinetooth (Jack), and Heartkit (Dee). also technically Caroline, Redpatch's kittypet mate that he kinda sorta went to live with. the trio were a family of Clan Descendants, and they just kinda chill.
Heartkit and Tangerinetooth live in an abandoned, run down barn in a field on the edge of Bearclan's territory.
Heartkit is between 3.5-4 moons (months). she's rather young, but she's been weaned. for a kit her age, she is quite capable of caring for herself. okay...maybe she still needs assistance, given she is Basically A Baby, but you get the idea.
Rosesight, who Really doesn't like Tangerinetooth and doesn't want him in or around the territory, Wakes Up One Day And Chooses Violence (< is about to kill a man's sister to hopefully drive him out)
William Doesn't Want Him To Choose Violence (< grew close to Tangy and his sister, and really doesn't want to help kill Heartkit)
Heartkit Gets Kidnapped And Murdered By The River. Rosesight steals the ribbon tied around her neck and leaves her body there.
Tangy finds her body after waking up and noticing she was missing, buries her, and gets understandably pissed about the fact that she was murdered.
he decides to hunt Rosesight down to kill him, but unfortunately Rosesight is several steps ahead, and lures out a stray dog to maul him to death.
Fredbear revives him, but his soul, going by the name Blackjack, roams the Earth, following Rosesight and William around to hopefully drag one or both of them into the Void.
Heartkit, now a shadowy spirit, realizes that she can now guide other dead kits to The Flipside. she also begins to follow William and Rosesight, hoping to either rescue kits from being murdered, or to guide their souls to the afterlife. sometimes she succeeds in saving them, usually luring them off until Rosesight and William leave under the guise of going off to play a game or to try and get help.
Rosesight also just kinda. repeatedly kills William. mostly by strikes to the head or around it. this starts to fuck William up mentally.
Rosesight runs into two cats on his Murder Adventures: Burntpelt (Steven; i can't think of names) and Redpatch. both of them witness him kill kits, try to stop him and get killed. Starclan brings 'em back, as blank slates, and they stay with the respective clans they were found by. Burntpelt gets his name changed to Clifffall (was found, barely conscious, by a cliff), and Redpatch is changed to Dogstrike (was also mauled by a stray dog. like his brother)
Rosesight tells William about his dead son, Violetkit. William, finally fed up of not having an actual warrior's name (and also, y'know, Very Fucked Up Mentally), decides to change his name to Violetsight, as a way of trying to make it incredibly clear that he wants to a) be taken seriously, and b) become Rosesight's son. Rosesight goes "What The Fuck" and just leaves him, going off on his own.
bad idea! because now Blackjack is dragging him into The Void!
so now we have Tangerinetooth, a Very Fucked Up Cat trying to save and release the souls of the dead kits, Violetsight, a Very Fucked Up Fox who's still committing kit murder, Heartkit trying to Also save and free the souls, Blackjack making sure Tangy stays on track, and Clifffall and Dogstrike, who have no memory of anything and are basically just doing what they've been told to do (run their respective Very Dysfunctional Clans).
and, of course, Rosesight deciding to cause Problems from the Void.
feel free to ask questions! this is just a very basic run down of the first half of the plot.
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siriannatan · 1 year
Some eldritch Jimmy with side of flower husbands…
I got this little idea in-between wither hubby one-shots so here it is :}
Ever since he found the hat and the badge Jimmy had this weird feeling he was missing something. Some part of him... That he forgot something. He barely remembered who he was before the hat actually. 
That weird feeling only got worse when he found and rescued the old sheriff.
It was so bad that after the... bridge incident, he went back to that cave to investigate. There was no way the man was fully stuck there. There were tools. Too many supplies for it to be an accidental cave-in. It looked more like he was ... hiding. But from what? Or who... And it wasn't anywhere close to where he found the hat.
Another funny thing.
When he came back from the investigation the old man was gone. The man was gone. All his things were gone. Several bottles of doubtful quality alcohol Jimmy managed to brew, gone too. No note, no message. Nothing. Just gone.
And Jimmy was even more confused. He seemed to like it in Tumble Town. He seemed really interested in teaching Jimmy how to be a better sheriff... 
'Do I even want to be a sheriff?' Jimmy thought. Almost nothing good has happened to him since he found the damn hat and badge...
Is it even your memory? a little voice in his head asked. 
Was it? He had barely any memories from before the hat...
Who are you even without it? Who is Jimmy?
The voice was right. Who was he outside the toy sheriff? Was he always this tiny? He couldn't remember anymore but it did annoy him... So probably not? Who was he outside being the sheriff? Who was he outside making sure other empires weren't attacked by bandits? Who was he without the hat pulling him along?
No one... did he even exist before he picked up the hat?
He was so busy thinking he didn't notice the hat pulling him somewhere until a group of pillagers was shouting at him. At spawn. He was at spawn by fWhip's plan for the meeting hall and everyone was there. Even the old man and...
Jimmy was tired of being pulled like this. Of people completely ignoring everything he did. Making fun of him. Of being made to do stuff he did not want to do. Of limits. And there were only two things he could blame for it.
The hat and the badge.
"Don't do it boy!" the old sheriff yelled at him, shocking everyone.
Not it was not the hat or the badge. It was this. Damn. Old. Man.
Jimmy just laughed and tore the badge away from his shirt. It almost felt like it screamed too. And he pulled the hat off. The kind of screaming stopped and... And he was free.
"No more rules, old man. Rules are boring!" Jimmy yelled, dropping the cursed things. He had half mind to just step on them. They did nothing but hurt him. And he felt so much lighter now, and memories were coming back to him.
He was no sheriff. He was no man of the law. All Law ever did was try and limit him. Chain him down. He could not help but laugh and laugh and laugh as his wings stretched and flapped. Both sets. He ran a hand through his hair and stretched. His normal height was back. No more hat on his head. No more need to be a perfect, prim and proper little sheriff.
"You guys really chose a bad moment to show up," he looked at the pillagers with pity. It was not his old gang. They most likely ran as far as they could once he was gone and were hoping he'd never find them again. Cowards...
"You think we'll be afraid just cuz yer ain't tiny anymore, sheriff?" the illager leader huffed. "Get 'em, boys."
Jimmy grinned. "No helping, I really need a good stretch after that damned hat," he barely glanced at the shocked group of leaders behind him. Scott looked very worried. "I'll be fine, they're just a bunch of idiots who need numbers to get anything done," he added to maybe calm the pretty man. Scott was a bit nicer... and damn pretty. Scott was okay for now but only because Jimmy liked his face. He'd think about others later. Scott was just too sparkly to not put on the list of pretty things to steal.
For now he had different things to think about. Like how to deal with the idiots charging at him. There was a very simple solution. "When in doubt just punch," Jimmy grinned as the first illager reached him and punched him as hard as he could sending him flying a good distance back and landing with a nasty sound. "I ain't no sheriff anymore, so I ain't gotta be nice," he chuckled as a black, tar-like shadowy substance started to drip off his wings.
He was going to have fun.
Scott had a weird feeling he was the only person worried about what was wrong with Jimmy in a 'is he going to be okay' way and not a 'are we going to be okay' way. The tar thing did not look like it was good for Jimmy's new, pretty golden wings - he had to quickly put it away asking if Jimmy would give him a few for another time. And punching illagers was usually not a good idea but Jimmy didn't seem to mind that much. He'd probably regret it later when he realised how much his knuckles probably would hurt from all this punching.
"What happened?" fWhip asked blinking at the ball of rage the usually nice sheriff was now. "And what do we do about it?"
"There ain't nothing we can do... He broke the old witch's magic... Ol'Goldie, it would seem was too much..." the old sheriff said. He was already starting to retreat. Likely the reason behind the seal. "He doesn't seem too hostile... just don't give him reasons to want you dead and... you should be okay... he... he's something different. Be careful," he said, nodded and just booked it in the other direction. 
"Well, I am and good terms with him now and whatever the hat was is sure creepy to lock all that into a toy," Joel nodded but he did not look too convinced. His agreement was with the Law. Not ol'Goldie as the old sheriff called Jimmy. "Any idea what Jimmy is, miss Shubble?" the got asked the witch.
"No... I think I read about something similar ages ago but that was much bigger and scarier. Like fifteen feet tall, all eyes, wings and claws and stuff..." she said very unsure. 
"So a smaller version of that thing?" Sausage offered, maybe hoping it meant Jimmy wasn't as scary as the old sheriff made him sound.
Scott had his doubts but he'd rather keep an eye on Jimmy. As much as Sheriff Jimmy was annoying this new Jimmy was interesting. He did hear legends of a cursed bandit with inhuman abilities. Could it be... about Jimmy? That would be...
Oh. Jimmy was done with bandits and ready to follow them... So Scott did the most logical thing and grabbed the former sheriff. "It's okay Jimmy, you can punch them if they ever come back... Your hands are bleeding. Come on, someone should look at that," Scott just talked. He had no plan but he was not to have Jimmy run into some trap or bandit's main base. 
And he was about to talk more but Jimmy just fell down to the ground and Scott, whose whole weight was focused on keeping Jimmy in one spot fell along with him. "Fine. But only because you're pretty," Jimmy sighed and shuffled so his head was in Scott's lap. "Old man ran away? No matter, I'll get him for the stupid hat another time... What are you guys staring at? The damn seal took a lot to break so I'm having a rest, proceed with whatever was going on here," he huffed and looked up at Scott. "Mhm, you're really pretty, I might steal you if you keep it up," he chuckled and yawned. 
Scott could not help but blush a little. Jimmy was quite handsome as a tiny sheriff. But a tall and scary Jimmy?  Sign him up. "I can come by your place when I'm not too busy at home," Scott chuckled. "And the meeting was almost over. fWhip tried contacting you but there was no reply."
"Damned hat's doing. It was mind controllin' me and stuff," Jimmy sighed. "And I'm okay with you visitn', I'd have to think on others but I don't feel like it."
"Have a nap then, I'll wake you up when it starts getting dark," Scott could not help but smile a bit. 
"Much obliged, dalin', but please, no flowers in the feathers, they're delicate," Jimmy hummed, already slowly falling asleep. 
Scott just nodded. A bit worried about what he'd say. For a scary thing, Jimmy was darn cute. And no one else was too willing to come too close so for now he had Jimmy all to himself. All of Jimmy's wounds were already fully healed and completely okay.
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honoringthehorrific · 2 months
Is Late Night with The Devil worth tuning in for?
Don't adjust those sets...spoilers in 5..4..3..2...
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First off sorry for not being able to find a gif from the movie! Tumblr gave me a real hard time with that one.
Second off I would like to say I do not support the use of AI art. I think it is abysmal. I watched this movie with my partner after saving up points at our local theater for free tickets. If this still supports the movies we see in some way please let me know and I will be sure to find another way to better watch these movies without supporting their actions...🏴‍☠️🦜 It just may mean you get your reviews a touch later!
Onto the movie. The aesthetics were very enjoyable I could appreciate the ties back to satanic panic and the fascination with the occult. The costuming, the filming of the movie, it all felt right and very few times did I feel my immersion in it break. I feel like maybe there were one or two shots where the actors looked too well made up if that makes sense.
One fun fact my partner pointed out was that you can see the twin towers in the opening shots and the city cut aways because they were built 4 years prior! I really liked that this movie didn't shy away from showing us the towers mostly because I feel like that's something that would have broken the idea we are in the 70s.
While the filming was fitting and awesome the effects were....I would say B tier at points. I think it adds to the charm of course I can always appreciate a homemade effect but it does slightly pull me out of this being something that really happened. Don't get me wrong I know it's not trying to be the next Blair witch "true story" but i feel like there is some level to this that wants the audience to feel that this is real.
My partner notes too that cutting it from a television camera view to the audience view might have helped as well!
Onto the fun stuff, we get hints throughout...sorry no, not hints...we get TOLD throughout the movie that our star of tonight's show, jack delroy, is in a fraternal organization...sorry, i mean cult. He is in the Bohemian Grove cult. We get told there are rumors of this in the opening almost documentary style retelling of Jack's fame and struggles with being as good as Johnny Carson. We'll come back to that.
Tonight is 1977. Halloween night. Sweep week. A night where Jack really needs to scrape in the views. He has no idea that the plans he has this evening will go awry...recently his wife madeline who will be reffered to by her "special nickname" mini has passed away from lung cancer. Tonight's show is also jacks first one back and man is it a doozy. We get to see how he banters with his co-host and honestly kind of berates him. I had this struggle with jack where I wanted to like him but every time I tried I just got these kicks and hints that he was kind of an asshole? But it's show biz, who isn't? His first guest is a medium who intends to commune with the dead. He seems like other shoddy Vegas types until he accurately assess a family who lost their son and brother to suicide. It's later revealed to be a bunch of hooey when the next guest a renowned skeptic chats with the family and realizes they were questioned prior to the show.
The first chilling moment we get that isn't the use of AI art is the medium seemingly becoming possessed by the grieving spirit of mini however no one claims the name and only later does jack reveal he thinks the message was for him.
I'm not gonna foot around it. The use of AI art while not overly used and egregious it's present. Personally it being present feels like an issue. It bugs me and it should bug you. I know many people want to cut it a break for being an indie film but it doesn't take much to put some money towards what was it? 5-6 pieces of art? Yeah some people will have higher rates for working on this but I'm sure they could have found someone to do the art if they felt theirs wasn't up to par. I don't think they're fully evil or anything for it. I don't support AI art but I can understand the other side of the argument. However when you turn a blind eye to one film and it does well it doesn't matter if it's an indie project or not. It makes the big guys think hey we like this. Give the devil an inch and he'll take a mile right?...
That all being said I could ignore the cut aways kind of??...I paid attention for mistakes the first few times before the sight of them just elicited an annoyed eyeroll from me.
As the movie progresses we meet the skeptic. He's offering checks to people who can prove without a doubt that they're the real deal and he says hes not lost a nickel yet. The medium claims he doesn't want the money and when Jack vouches for him and says the last message was meant for him the medium's behavior gets more and more erratic before he finally spews black vomit all over the studio including onto the skeptic.
Little do we know on the way to the hospital our medium turns up dead. This starts to brew panic in the crew and our co-host as our next guests are brought on. June and Lily. Lily was found as a 10 year old by the authorities as the only surviving member of a satanic cult that kind of parodies the satanic church and Anton lavey. Lily is possessed by a demon she calls mr.wriggles. mr.wriggles is an interesting one alright! Wether it's trauma, the demonic possession or my boyfriend's theory- autism. Lily exhibits off behaviors like staring directly into the cameras and seeming very monotone at times. It isn't until Jack pushes for and honestly...kind of corners June on live TV that June and Lily decide to showcase Lily's ability. Man does this demon have something to say.
The demon begins by noting that him and Jack know each other hinting at a tie between the Grove cult again. Before intent focuses again on June. Calling her out for her and jacks relationship and telling her to remember what happened to his last whore. Possession doesn't cease until June slaps the girl. Let me tell you I didn't trust this at all. June goes to undo the straps after some crazy electrical issues and levitation and I just felt uneasy the whole time. That typical feeling while watching these movies of "are you stupid??" Lily in my eyes had a very sinister look to her still that later gets touched on again. We then get the skeptics explanation and recreation with hypnosis. Making our co-host believe his phobia of worms is suddenly real life with them wriggling from his neck stomach and lastly eyeball. Only for us to cut back to reality with his activation phrase and see that none of it was true. They watch the tape back and realize that the whole audience was hypnotized because none of that truly happened on their TV sets. However when watching back what happened with Lily it triggers the girl.
She levitates and glows while her head splits open. She immolates the skeptic when he offers the hefty check in exchange for his life and hangs her guardian/doctor by the necklace meant to keep the demon at bay. And unfortunately our chunky loveable co-host gets his neck snapped when trying to "the power of Christ compels you" the demon away. It isn't until we get this gorgeous dream like sequence after Jack seemingly gets away. Him going through the routine of the show only to try and escape. Him telling us to turn off our sets and stop watching before we get a sequence with the cult and him drinking from a chalice as he meets his wife. She reveals that he sacrificed her health for fame. He didn't know. And this is where I felt sympathetic for him....the entire time he was unaware...he murdered her unintentionally. And so she asks him to murder her in the physical. Take the ritual knife from Lily's old home and finish her off before the cancer can take her....only for him to plunge the knife into her and reveal that the dream was fake. And he has stabbed Lily to death. He stands and we get a heart wrenching scene of him trying to say the skeptics activation phrase to wake up while surrounded by the carnage he somewhat unknowingly caused...
Overall I give this 3 worms out of 5.
The AI made my eyes roll and the effects were corny but the premise and scenery and aesthetics were beautiful. I sort of reccomend it if you can watch it in a non supporting way.
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Gear up, kids, because this will be a long one.
It's been a while since I posted a new comic. Pretty soon there'll be a bunch, because I've been sitting on a mountain of scripts and just started making progress on actually making them into comics. I wanna build up a nice little backlog that I can queue up and not worry about for a long while. In the meantime though, I have something I hope will tide you guys over.
There's been a problem with my comic from the very beginning I've never really thought to address for years, and until now, I never found a good place for it. That problem is "worldbuilding." Originally when this comic started out, it was just a Psychonauts comic. Then I got into Mystery Kids, and the MKs just showed up out of nowhere.
If you're still interested, click under the cut. If you already find this post boring and kind of long, just skip it.
We never got any information on how the Mystery Kids club started or how they all met. For the longest time, I kind of just defered to the collective fandom's various disorganized headcanons and ideas and stuff. But I think enough time has passed that those ideas have all changed, been forgotten about, or branched off into their own individual works.
So, it's finally time for me to fix that by giving this comic its own set of lore and backstory. In this post I'm going to explain how everything happened, how the kids came together and what order everything happened in. This is kind of written for my own personal amusement, but also as a guide to keep in mind when I'm writing new stories in this setting, to keep things consistent.
The first step for this little exercise is to figure out when all the stuff in the original "canon" happened. This is where things get a little messy, because we have to figure out a proper order for everything so all the pieces can fit into place.
First, we have to come up with a system for naming the different eras and phases where things happen, so we can more easily compartmentalize the different events. So we'll call the first year the Mystery Kids are together "Year One." Anything before that we'll call Year -1 or -2.
Year -2 is where we'll put the events of Paranorman. They happen in Fall, around Halloween probably. Nearly the end of the year. It's important to set this part the furthest back for reasons we'll get into later.
Year -1 is where we'll put Coraline and Psychonauts. Dipper and Mabel are still in Pidemont. There are a few references in the comic to Raz still having a water problem due to "the curse." But in PN2 he conquers the curse. We'll chock that up to lingering after-effects and him trying to get past the mental block.
Near the end of Year -1, Aggie returns and reunites with Norman in events identical to how they played out in Ask-Norgatha. A lot of things that happen are very similar to that old blog, with the exception being Norman and Aggie don't get together. That comes later.
Year 1 is when Gravity Falls happens. Coraline and Norman are family friends (or cousins? I haven't decided, maybe not. Maybe 'honoary cousins'?) Anyway, so: things play out pretty much how they did in that fan episode people made. Doctor Loboto (during a villainous relapse, or a manic episode) comes to Gravity Falls, Raz and Lili chase after him, Coraline and Wybie come with Norman's family on a vacation to Gravity Falls. Aggie stays behind because Norman doesn't want her to get lost. At this point, her Poltergeist powers haven't kicked in yet and other people can't see her, meaning she'd have no way to get home.
So, during Loboto's shennanigans, the kids all come together to stop him. That's when we move into…
Note: in this period, my comic has a lot of Holiday specials. We're operating on Peanuts rules here, where the time-scaling slides around to keep the characters from aging. But we'll say in the "real" canon, the stuff that happens on Holidays actually happen on regular days, for the most part. If things "have to" happen on a Holiday, they'll all happen on the same one, just at different times. We'll try not to think too hard about this, because it's just a cartoon. We're out to make a consistent world, but not to arbitrarily restrict ourselves. None of this stuff happened in the "real" world anyway.
Anyway, moving right along to the rest of "Year 1." This is for the comics I made while the show was still airing, so things all kind of click together.
This is where the first Mystery Kids Adventure happens. The kids are all united and save the day. All of this happens right in the middle of the events of Gravity Falls. From then on out, the kids have adventures together on and off, but its a little hard because they have to travel a pretty great distance to hang out together. They keep in touch on social media and stuff, occasionally finding ways to fake excuses to go out and travel together. But mostly, the group is pretty disorganized.
Dib is also a mindless fanboy of the group and wants to join, but everybody thinks he's weird and annoying, so they try their best to politely blow him off. Then he builds a teleporter that lets the kids get together easier, but the thing just barely works. Dib is made a "junior member" and just sort of hangs around.
The kids have a "clubhouse", but it's just a shanty shack built by Soos, half a mile away from the Mystery Shack.
At some point during this period, the Bedlam returns and the kids have to team up to stop her. Aggie helps somehow with her newly-emerging poltergiest powers. The Bedlam is defeated, and that's the last "real" adventure they have for a little while. They don't have a reliable way to meet up anymore, so they only get together for parties and stuff. This is where the Season 3 Finale happens, if you've read my archives.
From Season 4 and onwards, everything that happens to the Mystery Kids happens in Year 2. That's where we are now.
It starts with Dib on one of his own little adventures. Somehow, he ends up stumbling on an abandoned treehouse that used to belong to the Kids Next Door. It hasn't been populated in years, but its full of still-functional tech that just got left behind. With it, Dib's able to power-up the teleporter technology and now the Mystery Kids can come together whenever they want. You need to stand perfectly still for like five minutes for the teleporter to work, so it isn't a "get out of danger free" plot device.
Seems like a REALLY important development to happen offscreen and go totally unmentioned, right? Well… I thought of it retroactively, so, whoops! But it's fine. We'll just have to make a flashback comic later where the kids find it.
So, from now on, everything that happens in the comic happens here, in Year 2.
If you've read this far, I'd like to thank you for humoring my nonsensical fanfiction ramblings for my silly mspaint webcomic. I hope you had fun and got as much out of that as I did. I'm really happy I was finally able to put it all together in one coherent place.
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