#lets pretend it makes sense
sky-kenobye · 4 months
Fic idea that I've been obsessing over in the last couple of days:
TLDR: Obi-Wan gets dumped on his wedding day, Anakin suggests they get married instead to save Obi-Wan the humiliation (and money), he agrees, they get married and nobody realises the stunt they pulled (except for the few people they told), and they both realise that actually it's great to be married to each other and that they wouldn't have it any other way, and probably get their happily ever after.
(A lot more details under the cut for those who are interested!)
Obi-Wan is getting married to someone (I was thinking Satine at first but I don't want to bash on her just because she's in the way of my ship so let's say an original character 🤷), Anakin is his best man, and it's a kinda big and traditional wedding and they did the 'you can't see your bride until the ceremony' stuff, so Obi-Wan is already at the city hall(?), while the bride will be coming later, just before the start of the ceremony.
It's less than an hour before the start and some early guests are already getting there. One of the bride's guest (Padmé?) is arriving when she gets a phone call from the bride, telling her that the wedding is canceled, sorry for calling at the last minute but she had to call all the guests and she was the last one. At the same time Anakin is coming out of the building for whatever reason and Padmé is like 'wdym it's canceled? The best man is here, and I can see other guests!'. The bride kinda panicks and hangs up, and Padmé flags Anakin down to ask what's going on.
He's also baffled because Obi-Wan didn't say it was cancelled, he's ready to get married and everything and he saw him about 10 seconds ago. They try to call the bride back but she doesn't answer, then they try to call another guest of the bride that Padmé knows. She answers and they learn that apparently the bride called in the morning and said that Obi-Wan had cancelled the wedding and dumped her at the last minute and they were each calling their half of the guests to tell them not to show up (which is clearly a bunch of lies from the bride).
They go and explain all of this to Obi-Wan who's confused and angry and heartbroken. He manages to get on the phone with the bride who properly dumps him, and by that time there's very little time before the ceremony was supposed to start. Most of the (Obi-Wan's) guests are there, and it's kind of (very) humiliating to have to go in front of all these people that he knows and tell them "wedding cancelled, I've been dumped, you can go home", and on top of that it wasn't a super cheap wedding so that sucks, and the catering is already ready so he'll have to throw away a ton of food? Not a great situation.
So Anakin has an idea: what if they get married instead? It's crazy so Obi-Wan tries to argue against it:
We can't get fake married! Then let's get real married!
People will still know I've been dumped and I'm pathetically trying to save face! None of the bride's guests will be there so i doubt it.
It was still her name on the wedding announcement. Okay then, maybe she dumped you like idk a month ago and I took the opportunity to declare my secret love for you!
And we got married less than a month later? It's hard and expensive as shit to cancel a wedding on such a short notice so we took the opportunity! It's not so unrealistic for me and I could probably convince you to do it.
But then we'll be married. Yeah, so? There are worst things in the world.
Obi-Wan is skeptical but not saying no yet, and Padmé is like 'honestly coming from anybody else I'd think they lost it, but from you two? I can see it. Not even sure I'd be all that surprised tbh'.
Obi-Wan's not having a great time and getting married to Anakin sounds a thousand times better than telling people what actually happened so he says fuck it let's do it.
They form a quick battle plan: Obi-Wan will go talk to the officiant to change the bride's name to anakin's (is it legally possible in any country? Probably not but let's pretend it is and that the marriage is still valid), Anakin will find them new best men/women (probably quinlan for obi-wan and ahsoka for anakin? Or padmé since she's already in the loop) and brief them on the situation, and Padmé will find a ring that fits Anakin (she borrows one of the guest's, maybe Owen Lars'?).
Only a few minutes late, they come out in front of all the guests, do a quick speech explaining the unexpected change (with a few lies of course), and the ceremony begins. Everything goes smoothly, Obi-Wan improvises very moving (and actually 100% honest) wedding vows, Anakin is crying and forgot they needed wedding vows but manages to put a few sentences together which are equally as honest as Obi-Wan's and make people cry too (they think he forgot his vows because of the emotion). They put the rings on each other, kiss and all of that, and when they leave the building they're both beaming so wide that it doesn't occur to anybody to be suspicious, the grooms look so happy and in love!
Then it's time for the reception and everybody has a great time, the grooms have a very sweet first dance, and they're all over each other the entire evening, how adorable! And if they disappear for a little while (Obi-Wan may be happy to get married to Anakin but he still just got dumped, so he may want to have a few minutes to breath in a quiet corner and get a good hug) then everybody assumes they're making out in a closet or something. Owen laughs at them for forgetting the rings (which is what he assumes is the reason they needed his ring), and they get a lot of friendly ribbing for 'keeping their wedding a secret' from pretty much everybody.
And maybe after a few drink they do really disappear to make out and decide that marrying your best friend that you've always kind of been into without ever admitting it is pretty amazing actually.
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unsealed-box · 6 months
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Wouldn't be a Disney villain without some green eh?
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pine-arten · 6 days
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now look at this
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frillsand · 9 months
Hey, I hope you’re having a good day/night!!
I was curious if we could learn a bit more about Janet? I know that we probably should hate her, but I can’t help but being sympathetic towards her. Being an assistant is already stressful, so having a sassy boss definitely isn’t making her life easier.
Of course, only if you want to share!!
Thank you!
Very understandable that people would feel bad for Janet. But she wasn’t always an overworked assistant.
She was Welcome Home’s first director
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She wasn’t too fond of the fact that she was stuck working on kids shows. And she especially didn’t like Wally in particular, she didn’t like how easy he got a job as a co-director for his own show. Don’t know if it’s because he’s a puppet or not but she does mostly hate him and ignores the others .
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She tried sabotaging the show on a few other occasions but nothing that would stop production.
Until Janet went as far as to destroy the set.
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Everything was broken and damaged. Props were broken, mural panels were painted over, and a lot of equipment was destroyed.
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Upon discovery, Wally made the mistake of entering first, unsteady prop walls came down and almost crushed him.
It was obvious who had done it, Janet wasn’t exactly subtle with her dislike of Wally( she also completely forgot the existence of security cameras). The producer didn’t like that and she was almost fired but Wally made a proposition.
She either gets kicked out of the industry or accept a job as Wally’s assistant.
Janet, obviously not wanting to get banned from her line of work, accepts the offer. And as generous as the offer sounded, Wally didn’t do it with the kindness of his heart, he planned to make her job a living hell for almost killing him that day.
Anyway lesson of the story, don’t be like Janet. Use your brain and refrain from almost accidentally killing your coworkers
If you see mistakes, no you don’t 💕
All art for this post was by @artsybug0 😘🫶
Thank them because I wasn’t going to draw anything of this in the first place As you can tell by all my blank background art, I hate drawing scenery so much
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killjo-q · 3 months
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jellolegos · 1 year
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Greeting her trophy wife
(they’re both the trophy wife)
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doctorsiren · 3 months
may I request some prosecutor wright angst 🥺👉👈
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when he comes back during Farewell, My Turnabout
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wistfulwatcher · 3 days
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in a n o t h e r life
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Random Codywan headcanon:
After many complains and some pressing by the Jedi for some more gear for the clones than only the bare essentials, every clone is reluctantly equipped with one sweatshirt-like black by the kaminoans. Officially for "colder temperatures", inofficially (intended by the Jedi) for comfort and to give the clones at least a tiny little opurtinity to custumize their outfits. (Let's just pretend they have time for that in the midde of a war)
And after the complains that the standard-blacks aren't distinctable enough to actually belong to one clone, because they get all mixed up after the next wash anyway, each of these sweatshirts comes with a embroidery reading "Property of insert Clone's number".
Of course the Clones are not having that. In the 212th, a small group of dedicated Clones make it their mission to redo every single one of these embroiderys and replace the number with the clone's name before the sweatshirts are delivered.
Anyway, Cody doesn't end up really wearing his. Not because he doen't like sweatshirts, but because it's just a little to tight to his taste. It does, however, perfectly fit Obi Wan, who's a bit leaner than Cody, so he ends up frequently stealing it. (It gets cold when they're doing paperwork together until late at night and he's not going to walk all the way back to his own room just to get one of his).
Cue, emergency council meeting on one of these evenings and Obi Wan's called to give a quick report, so he's standing there in the middle of the meeting, "Property of Cody" embrodied on his back and chest. Mace is just staring him down in true "Are you f*ing serious? I'm so f*ing done" fashion and the other masters can hardly hold back their giggling. Cody, who's standing in the background of the call, is embarrassed and blushing like crazy when he gets what's going on. Obi Wan is beaming. He thinks it's hilarious. He wears the sweatshirt to every single council meeting from now on.
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zivazivc · 29 days
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A proper look at Brook, my weirdest weirdo, and the offspring of a very unusual throuple. She's a Blues-Rock Troll, mostly inspired by bands like Delta Rae and Larkin Poe.
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anintroverteddarling · 5 months
TW; SLIGHTLY SUGGESTIVE(???), Im not sure but it feels like I've done smth illegal ASKDJNADSFKJADNFS
I tried to draw smth cute again but ended up looking... uh...
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but then I added in
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Overall, intrusive thoughts won that night help--
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sableeira · 9 months
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“Allow me to introduce you to the original you.”
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dahldahlbills · 2 years
jumob psyisen 100
some frames and gif version
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ghostgirlonline · 17 days
I watched ldshadowlady's new (not so new) after life movie (while drawing this) and decided to draw my fav skin of her.
so here, have cat lizzie :3
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close up:
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the clod and the pebble
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zombie-eats-world · 8 months
Reminder to all those out there that a ‘crack-pot’ theory refers to theory’s that are mostly built on vibes. Dadodile has canon evidence and seeded foreshadowing.
Crocodad/dadodile/crocomom, whatever you wanna call it, is not a crack-pot theory and if you want to pretend it isn’t plausible that’s just you ignoring evidence at this point.
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