#They would probably hate each other or fall deeply in love there's no inbetween
tapeworrmart · 3 months
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Playing barbies with unhinged video game men rn
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
dating ben hardy (and being younger than him) would include... part 2
a/n: as @banana-tree-freddiemercury said in the notes to part 1: you should do a part 2 where he finally meets your parents and maybe doesn't go as well and you have to choose between them but ends in fluff?
thank u for the idea babe!!! i changed it a bit tho
warnings: a bit of angst, fluff, smut, language, typos
here's the link to part 1 !! also i notice that the first part has over 1000 notes and im...screaming??? 
hope you enjoy !!
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so you and Ben have been together for almost a year now
and you both are so in love with each other
but it doesn't mean that your relationship is perfect
you fight occasionally
but this is just stupid bickering
like when you say that Taron Egerton is the handsomest man you've ever seen
or when Ben spends five hours playing FIFA
or when you both are wrong about something but still keep on arguing just to rile each other up
the latter usually ends with having rough sex on the nearest surface
in the bathroom, on the carpet near the TV set, in Ben's car, at a party, in his childhood room
but you never have serious fights
because you have nothing vital to fight about
even though arguing over the color of a new bowl you are buying for  Frankie seems pretty significant to you
you've been invited to your cousin's wedding
and even though the two of you aren't close, you still have to go, because "this is what family demands"
and Ben is more than happy to come with you
because he's been secretly thinking about proposing, and he wants to know how you picture your perfect wedding
he can't just ask you directly
because he thinks it would be too obvious
and because he's a bit of a dumbass
so when the wedding day comes across
Ben's jaw falls to the ground (almost literally), because you look like a goddess in that dress you picked
"you're stunning, Y/N", he looks at you in awe. "I've always known that, but you keep proving and proving how wonderful you are"
and you're so smitten
because, come on, there aren't times when your boyfriend doesn't make you feel all flustered and nervous, as if you were a timid schoolgirl
"you're not too bad yourself", you reply, coming up to stand between his legs as he's sitting on the couch. "this suit looks like you're going to some red carpet event"
Ben's sits up closer to you, so that his hands are on your hips and his face is right in front of your lower stomach. "every event is like a red carpet with you, babe", he breathes out, looking at you with his significant smirk and eyes, fully blown with lust
"t's too cheesy, Ben", you run your hand through his hair and he sighs softly, kissing your stomach through the silk material. "I know you can come up with a better pick up line"
he hums in response, slowly moving his hands from your hips to your ass. "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"
"you'd know better", you bite your lip, "you're the one who fell from the skies, pretty boy"
he looks at you with raised eyebrows and a playful smile on his lips. "touché".
you don't how it happened but the next moment you're straddling Ben and grinding on him
and he's already so hard
"we're gonna be late", he whispers inbetween heated kisses, after he hovers over you on the couch, his cock already out
"I'd rather be fucking my boyfriend than listen to my aunt's bragging"
needless to say, Ben fucks you so good that you even consider staying at home, because your legs are trembling and head spinning
his thrusts are just slow and deep, hitting that exact spot each time when he slams into you
"you're doing so good, baby", he would say to you in a raspy voice, "feel so fuckin' - shit - so great around my cock. so pretty"
but Ben makes you go
because that's what your parents asked you of
you're not late, btw
but your mother certainly notices how fucked out you look
and she does not approve of it
but doesn't say anything
the effect that Ben has on you is incredible: you're not too irritated by your nosy relatives and actually enjoy meeting with the rest of the family
your mum also notices this
and she thinks it's rather good
because you've always been gloomy around your multiple relatives
but now your calm, smiling and laughing at your second cousin Jake's joke
you hate your second cousin Jake
and your mother immediately assumes that this is certainly the effect Ben has upon you
you feel much at ease when he's around
and everyone is asking you about your relationship
Ben answers these questions, because he knows that they drive you mad
the wedding goes pretty well
until you have a moment with your father
it's when Ben goes out to smoke
and your father is immediately coming at you with all that he has
alcohol makes your dad a bit of an asshole
"he's not good enough for you"
"dad, please, let's not do it now"
“Y/N, my dear girl”, your dad is interrupted by his own hiccup, “I’ve been watching him for the whole night. you should’ve seen the way he’s been looking at your uncle’s new girlfriend”
you sigh deeply. “dad, I was the one who made him look at her in the first place. I told him she is very attractive and that uncle Harry has finally found a perfect match for him. I said that. Not Ben”
“but he’s been looking at her at any chance given. when you didn’t see, Y/N. you think I would lie to you?”
and just like that, you’re feeling your heart breaking
because you don’t think you dad would ever lie to you
even if he certainly is doing it at the moment
so you run out of the building to find Ben in the street, finishing smoking
“I’m leaving”, you tell him and then turn around to walk away
but he catches your wrist in his hand
he frowns 
“what’s wrong, baby? I thought you were enjoying the party”
“clearly, I wasn’t enjoying it as much as you do”, you snap, making Ben feel even more lost
and he’s like ???? what’s going on????
“I know you’ve been eyeing my uncle’s girlfriend for the whole night”, you words sound harsh and stupid even to you, but it’s diffucult to stop. this argument is already too idiotic - but you’re riled up by your father’s words too much to shut yourself up
“it’s funny how you notice something that’s non-existent”, Ben replies in a hoarse voice, “when the only girl I’ve been eyeing since the day we met is you”
and these words make you lose it
you give in and stop fighting immediately
and you hate the effect he has upon you
but you also know that it’s true
I mean, it’s ridiculous to even assume that Ben has eyes for someone but you
because he constantly showers you with affection
kisses away your troubles
makes you go on a stroll with him and Frankie whenever you’re feeling down and lonely
and when she jumps on you after “swimming” in the puddle
and you laugh
Ben can’t but be mesmerized by you
because you’re so beautiful and he adores the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh so hard that you can’t breathe
he loves how soft your hands are
and your soothing voice
and your weird obssession with having him play the sims with you 
and the way you curse constantly whenever something happens
usually when you burn something you cooked and the two of you have to order pizza
he adores how every piece of clothing fits you
and he always tells you about it
he also proves his love to you at any chance given
Ben gives you space, when you’re stressed out because of your studying
he leaves you cute notes, like, “don’t forget to have some rest before you smash this exam”, “getting your degree isn’t worth you overworking yourself, so, please, have a little break and drink some tea later, love”, “I love you and hope you will get a good amount of sleep tonight”
he’s willing to stay at home with you whenever you don’t want to go out, even though you try to make him go and see his friends. “I’d rather be home with you”
for the past year, there hasn’t been a single day when you felt unloved or not payed attention to
because Ben never fails to show the love he has for you
he feels like once his heart is going to actually explode from how much love for you it contains
so you know that this fight is stupid right away
“why would you even think that?”
you don’t tell him it’s your dad
because you still hope that they’ll get along once
“I’m just”, you shrug your shoulders. “I don’t know. It’s probably wine getting in my head”
Ben smiles softly and caresses your cheek. “do you wanna go home, baby?”
you nod and the two of you get in a cab, holding each other’s hands thoughout the whole ride home
“did you like the wedding?”, Ben asks when you get into bed forty minutes later
“yeah, a lot”, you smile when he crawls next to you. “I just didn’t like the music. And the bridesmaids’ outfits. And my cousin’s hairstyle. And all of the decorations. But I guess I was the only one who didn’t enjoy those things”
and when you keep on saying what you didn’t like about the wedding, Ben already knew that he would do anything for your and his wedding to be perfect.
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lemon-writings · 4 years
Hamish Update Pt. III
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Genre: Literary fiction // Word count: 77,037
Here we are! Chapters VII-IX! I’ve written these chapters really recently, so I can go a little more in-depth with the process. The second half of this book (and specifically this particular trio of chapters, for some reason) is definitely the part I’m most proud of. Writing everything coming to fruition is just so satisfying. Is this what people who write books with actual plot feel like? Because it makes me consider writing books with real plot.
But in all honesty, I really enjoy writing this part of Hamish. I’m super happy with how everything’s turning out. One problem I do have with the latter half is that it is super depressing to write all the time, especially with the amount of rain we’ve been getting in Ohio right now (we love depression), so it is taking me a little longer to write than normal, since I keep sidetracking with random projects to try taking my mind off the deeper things. But when I am working on it, the words just flow. It’s beautiful.
Chapter VII
Epitaph: “I’m a strange new kind of inbetween thing aren’t I? Not at home with the dead nor with the living.”-Anne Carson, Antigone
Here is what’s been building this entire time: the funeral. That, and everything funerals entail, with the Celebration of Life and whatnot. The first time I wrote this, I read the funeral scene to my mom in full detail, and she started crying, because it reminded her of her father’s funeral. I, personally, loathe funerals, for what boils down to the fact that I am greatly horrified by being in the same room as someone who I once knew to be alive. That, and the crippling fear of death most people experience at least once in their lives.
There’s also a lot of Horacio’s... fantasies. There’s something deeply personal about the way I write him, sometimes, that makes rereading certain parts difficult. Horacio, in his darkest moments, feels he deserves bad things happening to him, nearly craves them, and he hates himself for it. The amount of self-loathing in this work is high.
Horacio, as always, is concerned about Hamish’s state of being alive, because that man always looks halfway dead, and at times, he’s more ghost than living person
The question of if you were dead or alive laid on my tongue, begging to be asked. Maybe I should’ve asked you. Maybe I should’ve checked your pulse. Maybe I should’ve laid my head on your chest and listened to your heartbeat. Maybe I should’ve left with you then and there and avoided the trap Leon kept guiding us to.
Hot take from a Farm Child: broken machinery is one of the most haunting things you can ever see. I could probably wax poetic about how terrible their beauty is, but I really don’t think anyone wants to hear about farm machines for three hours. (On a completely serious note, my uncle’s coat got tangled in a grain auger yesterday, and he could have died. Be safe around farm machinery. Please. It can be really dangerous, even if you’ve been around it for 60+ years.)
Leon’s descriptions are always some variant of men thinking being tall is intimidating. 
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Leon bared his teeth once more, the animalistic beauty of it all making me wonder where Leon ended and his rage began. Primal is often used as a way to pull down others, to say you are not advanced the way I am, but Leon’s rage seemed like an advancement of humanity, a way of saying I have advanced my own humanity through my anger. He was gorgeous in the same way broken tractors on the side of the road are, monolithic kings taken over by the passage of time, their steel teeth rusty and eternal.
Did I reference “Father” by Warsan Shire? Yes. Yes, I did. Hamish is a huge Warsan Shire fan, because, like, it has his vibes. 
You recited a poem about fathers, about death, about life, speaking it as if it were scripture. When you finished, you began again. Or perhaps you never ended, speaking this poem forwards, then backwards, then repeating cyclically.
Chapter VIII
Epitaph: “I could be a wolf for you. I could put my teeth on your throat. I could growl. I could eat you whole. I could wait for you in the dark. I could howl against your hair.”-Catherynne M. Valente, “The Red Girl”, The Bread We Eat in Dreams
There’s a lot of plot stuff that happens in this chapter, so unfortunately, I do have to be a little shorter when it comes to this summary, but let it be said that I am not meant to be a thriller/action author. Do I enjoy watching Indiana Jones and Star Wars? Yes, I do. Should I be writing anything close to that? Absolutely not. It takes a lot of effort to do, and even with that, I would say that any sort of action scene I write is... not exactly “half-baked”, but most certainly not up to par with the rest of my writing. I’ll need to edit this chapter heavily the next time I go through Hamish.
That being said, there are moments in this chapter that I am proud of. Horacio and Ofelia’s interactions in this chapter are some of my favorites, just because they’re some of the only characters in this book who don’t violently hate/distrust each other.
When I mentioned kudzu to my mother, she mentioned it was an invasive species she’d seen a lot of during her time in the south, which just confirmed that it was a great metaphor to use. That’s always a sign, right?
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I looked down at the flowers, then at her, wiser than anyone I’d ever met, the freedom ripping open her seams like something terrible and sharp, the parts of her that were so carefully cultivated spilling out of her like kudzu.
Horacio feels like he’s the only real person in a world of ghosts. The disconnect between Horacio and the people around him is heavily based upon the first time I disassociated. We watched the Blue Man Group in Chicago on a music/Spanish department trip, and the second I walked out of the building, I thought I was a freaking ghost. I had my first panic attack at 14 because I didn’t know if I was actually experiencing life. It was a wild experience.
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Next to Ofelia, I looked out of place. Ofelia was hazy and magical in her presence, looking more like a dreamy memory than a real person, as if I touched her, my hand would touch only air. I was the solid type of real, unfortunately. Tall and unnaturally skinny, with a gritty, starving look to myself, the two of us next to each other were like a pastel-covered, out-of-focus impressionist painting next to a photograph of childhood labor in Industrial Revolution-era factories.
There’s also a confrontation with Leon that has some, um, spoilery moments. Leon is an asshole. I kind of love him.
Chapter IX
Epitaph: “[Grief is pain internalized, abscess of the soul. Anger is pain as energy, sudden explosion.]”-Lauren Groff, Fates and Furies
Again, there’s a lot going on in this chapter. A lot. Marcus the bodyguard makes another appearance (underappreciated character of the book) and acts as a guardian angel. Bless Marcus. Seriously.
This chapter is more introspective than the last, so I enjoyed writing it a bit more. Or... a lot more, actually. I was not created to write action scenes, and I accept my fate. Horacio’s musings on fate are long-winded and beautiful and what I’m meant to write. It’s just a chapter of him reflecting, pining, and wishing he was in a different situation. Which. Fair.
Moments like this make me realize I am a cruel god who treats her characters terribly.
Starting this chapter strong with the true weighted blanket: death.
Death cloaked me like your blanket.
As I said before, Marcus? Underutilized character. I use him as much as I can, but the plot makes it difficult to use him as much as I wish. He’s the man we deserve.
Marcus was smart, was good at playing the game we all played without making it apparent that he was playing it. He knew what he was doing. “I want the best for Hamish,” Marcus said. He looked into my eyes. “You do, too.”
Horacio takes a moment to think awful, rage-colored thoughts about the people around him, which are, of course, one of my favorite things to wax poetic about. He’s a salty man, and he has all rights to be, because this entire work is just “things to be salty about, the novel”. Poor Horace. He just wants to live in a gay daydream, but he’s stuck in a nightmare. 
(Not to sound too Midwestern, but OPE, the shade.)
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These people played their sick, twisted games like gods, forcing everyone to play along for their survival while they watched and knew exactly what they were doing to the rest of us mortals around them. In that moment, I was filled with the type of righteous anger that made me understand why people were drawn to religion. I wanted a higher power to strike them down, to make an example of them all, to say don’t do this, or you’ll end up like them.
I sounded like my parents, like all the religious nuts I’d ever met, the ones who said that those who didn’t fall their doctrine were inferior, were going to die, and suffer for being different. Is that how it begins? Is anger the true root of all cruelty?
That last line, is anger the true root of all cruelty? was probably my favorite line when I first wrote Hamish. It’s sort of become a thesis statement for Horacio’s past and the way he sees the world. 
Lastly, of course, we have
The Jams
We have a fine selection of songs here, a lot from my Lucy playlist (Lucy has one of my favorite playlists I’d ever made).
Oh No!!! - grandson
Temple Priest (feat. Paul Wall & Kota the Friend) - MISSIO
Destroy Me - grandson
BTSTU - Jai Paul
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Pretty Little Head - Eliza Rickman
That’s the tea, y’all. If you’re interested in this and hearing writing updates for Hamish, then ask to be added to the tags list!
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inanotherworld5599 · 7 years
Because We Have You
Summary: Set during Boruto ep 23 after Sasuke enters the fight with Shin.(Anime compliant)
Sasuke hears Sakura before he can see her.
She cries out in pain, a contrast to the earth shattering display of power that had lead him here. Rage, blind rage, something he's not felt for quite some boils to the surface and his Susanoo crashes through the cavern walls pining the Shin's father roughly to the pillar.
He barely manages to dodge and in the process a good portion of his leg is sliced off. Sasuke takes a step forward to decapacitate him once and for all but when he hears Sarada exclaim his attention is quickly diverted to his wife who is breathing heavily and clearly wounded.
He brushes past his daughter bending down to assess his wife. His Sharingan analyses her wound immediately and his eyes focus on the blades that have embedded into her arm so deeply that they've severed almost all of her nerves leaving her arm unusable.
He hesitates for a moment before he pulls the blades out and his expression falters as Sakura who despite her best efforts to keep her face neutral winces.
He quickly pulls away, burning the blades away with his Amaterasu. He glances back at his wife, his Mangekyo spinning worriedly but he won't insult Sakura, not in front of their daughter by fretting over her and making her seem any less stronger than she was.
Sakura had gotten over far worse than this and treating her like he'd done when they were genin by purposely shoving her out of every fight for the sake of her safety was highly demeaning for the talented and strong kunoichi she'd evolved into now.
He still needs reassurance though and he asks anyway,"You'll be able to heal your self now, right?"
Sakura's gaze softens and she smiles. While to their daughter it sounds cold and apathetic from Sasuke's part Sakura is well aware of the restraint Sasuke is exercising. He's trying to respect her best he can, to believe in her strength as a kunoichi and put it over his obvious concern.
"Thank you Anata." She says softly focusing her healing jutsu to repair the damaged nerves and muscles.
Sarada looks at the entire exchange puzzled. Whilst there is nothing outwardly romantic about how her father stands a feet away from her mother as she heals herself there is something strangely personal about the whole thing.
Sasuke does his best not to let his concern show and when he hears Shin dragging himself across the cavern he instantly turns around tearing his gaze from his wife to the bastard that started the whole thing.
"You shouldn't be able to move with your leg like that." Sasuke comments unsheathing Kusanagi and walking towards Shin.
He probably would have cut the bastard into half, not just a small portion of his leg had he not been preoccupied about Sakura.
While Sasuke is no longer the cruel and hateful man he once was, hell bent on revenge, Sasuke has no love lost for the pretend Uchiha who has gone after all the people he cares about the most, starting by disgracing Itachi's memory, impaling Naruto, attacking his daughter. The final straw was having the audacity to kidnap and injure his wife.
It doesn't help that with the multiple Sharingans embedded him he looks distastefully similar to Danzo.
"We will interrogate you once we bring you back to the Leaf."
If you're alive till then.
In a flash one of the Shin clones, a son, puts himself inbetween Sasuke and his father.
"Move." Sasuke says coldly,"I have no qualms with you."
"No." The boy says vehemently,"I shall protect my father."
Dark anger and black rage once again surfaces within Sasuke. He was not going to let this go so easily and he raises the sword to remove the obstruction from his face.
Sarada's desperate voice stops him short and he returns to himself as his blade stops inches from the sons throat.
For a brief moment he's reminded of Sakura, a much younger version of her wrapping his arms around begging him to come back to himself.
Sasuke-kun, please stop it.
And then the pain hits him.
He doubles over as The father Shin withdraws the blade he'd used to impale Sasuke by passing it through his son.
"Sasuke-kun!" The anguish in Sakura's voice is clear and he can hear her move forward towards him. She's stopped short though by the multiple blades that angle towards her and Sarada eying them cautiously.
"The tables have turned." Shin announces,"As expected you're all weak."
Sasuke winces bending down and Sakura's eyes catch the movement as she worriedly calls out,"Anata!"
She steps forward but the blades impale the ground a few inches ahead of her blocking her path.
What do I Do? How do I save you? How do I save our daughter?
She conveys all of it through one word.
Sasuke straightens his back and while he doesn't say anything or even look at her it's enough for Sakura to understand his message.
Trust me.
Sakura instantly relaxes letting a small smile grace her lips.
She turns to Sarada who stares at the whole scene horror and hopelessness written on every inch of her face.
"This isn't enough to bring down your father Sarada." Sakura says confidently,"Trust us Sarada. We'll protect you."
While Sakura means every word she says Sasuke can hear the underlying message relayed to him through his wife's words.
I'll always trust you darling. I've got your message. Now tell me what to do.
He turns slightly, his Rinnegan flashing.
Understanding courses through Sakura and she immediately turns and runs away from Sarada. The blades all focus on her rushing towards her but she doesn't falter and picks up speed trusting in her husband completely.
Wind rushes past her and the world blurs around her and suddenly she's face to face with Shin her chakra laden fist finding it's mark perfectly sending the bastard flying back.
Sakura falls to her knees her legs not being able to support her any longer but she none less the she raises her head and glares at Shin.
"Do not underestimate the power of a parent." She manages to bite out venomously. The world tilts and Sakura collapses, the teleportation from the Rinnegan had taken it's toll on her.
Sarada rushes to her mother's side and Sasuke jerks up but is forced back down as his wound knocks the air out of him.
Sarada manages to help Sakura back up but she's still too weak to stand while Sasuke finally manages to regain his balance instantly putting himself in between his family and the multiple army of Shin that arrives.
A revolt takes place in front of his eyes as Naruto finally makes his entrance. The Father shin is discarded without a care whilst the younger start their attack, overwhelming due to sheer number.
But the father isn't to be forgotten about and the small creature with the teleportation jutsu appears starting to suck both the father  and Sakura along with it.
"Sarada!" He calls out. His voice cracks and this time he does nothing to hide his desperation. His wife is still weak and injured and he's too far away to do anything.
He can't, no, he won't let her slip away again.
For a second he's afraid that his daughter doesn't understand but she's already moving before he can contemplate further.
"I know." She yells, I'll protect Mama!
Her Sharingan activates and she dodges the attacks sent her way easily before sending chakra to her fist.
"SHANNARO!" She yells smashing the creature and cracking the ground around her.
And Sasuke can't help but beam proudly.
All this while he'd been tip toeing around her afraid that she'd inevitibly turned out like him.The bitterness, the hate it was all to reminiscent about how he was a child and he was afraid that Sarada had grown up to become everything he'd tried so hard to leave behind him.
Whilst Sasuke's hate had been directed towards his brother in Sarada's case he was the perpetrator. He had his reasons for not contacting them of course, he didn't trust himself enough to not come back abandoning his mission.
And because of his weakness, his inability to stay away from them unless he'd cut off all contact Sarada had grown up to become like him in the worst ways.
Or at least that's what he'd thought.
Because now as Sarada stands with the Sharingan activated, the ground destroyed around her he can't help but proudly think that while she's his daughter she's also undoubtedly her mother's daughter, fierce, kind and unbelievably strong.
He couldn't be prouder.
Sarada stares at her fist, there is no doubt in her mind who her mother is now that she'd displayed her Mama's signature super strength but she's surprised with how little the information means to her.
When Sakura comes and hugs her tightly, Sarada realises that her Mama would always be her Mama regardless of who gave birth to her.
But there was still one thing that nagged her. How could her father and mother who barely saw each other be so sure about how they felt about each other. How could they understand each other without a word and despite being apart for so long love each other unquestionably?
"How are you so sure that your feelings are connected with Mama?" Sarada asks Sasuke her eyes gazing at him searchingly.
Sasuke stares at his daughter a million answers racing through his head.
Sakura was his teammate, wife and the person he unconditionally trusted. While Naruto may have been his reason to come back to village Sakura had been his motivation to stay, to call it home again.
She'd given him hope and unconditonally loved him, something he had to spend several life times deserving but most of all Sakura had given him Sarada, a family again, something that he never thought he'd deserve to have again.
Looking at his daughter with her Sharingan reflecting the strong unbreabale resolve that could have only been her mothers Sasuke sees so much of himself in her as well his wife that the answer becomes all to clear to him.
"Because we have you, Sarada."
I will be posting another part with how I imagine Sasuke's stay in Konoha to be like in a while! I hope you like it please tell me what you think!
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smolfangirl · 7 years
Sharing is caring
Inbetween trying to not fall asleep while studying and actually studying, I finished this little thing which includes one of my favourite tropes ever (you’ll have to see for yourself what it is). And before I get back together with my textbook, I’ll leave it to you to enjoy :D
The first thing to reach Luna’s ears when she walked into the hotel lobby was Tamara’s voice. Which itself was unusual enough, since her trainer never yelled. But all Luna heard now was how the words stumbled out like a waterfall. As she stepped closer, she tried to understand what the fuss was about.  
“How could something go wrong with that booking? I can’t let these two sleep in the same room, what are their parents going to say?” Next to Tamara, Luna discovered Matteo, who silently fidgeted with a strap of his backpack. She wondered if she got it right, if maybe she would end up in the same room with him. Or if all of this was a trick her mind played on her.
“Something must’ve gone wrong after you cancelled the booking for… Mariano, it was. I’m really sorry”, the woman behind the reception desk replied.
“Can’t we just try and figure out another way to solve this?”, Matteo asked, shifting his focus to Tamara. Luna saw her shaking her head. “No, we need to check in right now, so we can make it to the rink on time and you get the chance to practice. There wasn’t any other time slot available, so we need to hurry…”
“Okay”, Matteo said, still looking completely calm. How did he do that? “Well, Tamara, then we’ll take it as it is. I bet my parents don’t care and Luna’s are used to Simón having sleepovers at hers. And it’s not like anything would ever happen between us. So, don’t worry, okay? I’ll try to find Luna and ask her if she’s okay with it”, her friend suggested right as Luna appeared next to him.
“Ask me if I’m okay with what?”
She pretended to be clueless, not even knowing why. Somehow, Matteo’s words had an effect on her that she didn’t understand. Her heart trembled and her stomach crumbled into a huge knot, making her feel sick for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Tamara turned to her, an apologetic smile on her face: “I don’t know how, but the system booked you and Matteo in for the same room. And we need to go to the rink soon, so Matteo wanted to ask if…”
Said boy interrupted. The intense brown of his eyes nearly burned Luna to ashes. “Are you ready to get promoted to my roommate?”
For a second, she considered saying No. Considered if she’d feel better in a room by herself, if maybe some time alone allowed her to chase away this weirdness she felt. But he was one of her best friends and she didn’t want to hurt him.
“If you don’t take hours in the bathroom, yeah.”
So, it was settled.
Still, all the way to her room, Luna felt like a robot. Taking the stairs, looking for the right room number – everything happened in a daze where she didn’t think about it. In her head, his words, it’s not like anything would ever happen between us, repeated like a broken CD player.
She didn’t understand it, not at all. They’ve been friends longer than they skated together. Friends who supported each other, who made each other laugh when no one else could. And everyone knew that. There was no reason for her to feel upset about what he said. Except…
No. Except she was in love with him.
The whole world turned upside down. Yet, it made perfect sense. She loved spending time with him, loved how easily she let go when he was around. He made her a better person, not only on the rink. And she was in love with him. Funny how she only realized that now after Matteo already crushed her every hope.
Why did she agree to share a room again?
Completely oblivious to Luna’s new-found dilemma, Matteo fumbled with the keys to their room, all while humming along. She had never heard the melody, but it sounded like happiness and distracted her for a minute. While he held the door open for her, his gaze wandered to the middle of the room. And got stuck there.
Luna was glad he didn’t look at her. Well, until she saw their bed too.
“I think they forgot to tell Tamara there was only a king size bed in here.” Luna’s lungs forgot about their job.
Matteo jumped on the bed, not at all worried about this current turn of events. “Shotgun! I’ll sleep on the left side!”
Numbness crept all over her body, freezing her. She knew she had to move, had to do something, or else he’d ask if everything was okay. (It was not.) Avoiding him seemed like the only acceptable option, but this would have proved to be challenge already without sharing a room. And a bed.
The only escape left existed behind the bathroom door. Calculating how much time she could get in there before they met with Tamara in the lobby again, she threw her bag on the floor. Within a minute, she gathered everything she needed to not make Matteo suspicious. “I’m in the shower”, she half-heartedly shouted, closing the door behind her.
Tears came fast and hot, running down her face before she even stepped into the bathtub. Why? Why did she have to be in love? And why did it hurt so much, when she only ever thought of him as a friend all these months before?
Right now, all Luna wanted to do was go back home, crawl under her Matteo-free blanket and eat her mom’s tamales. And cry her heart out in the meantime. She couldn’t, though. Once she left the shower, she had to be strong, pretend everything was fine, pretend nothing had changed.
Crying and shattering, she hoped the water made her pain inaudible.
It took ages for her tears to dry out and even longer to cover up her swollen eyes. When she finally left the bathroom, Matteo sat on the bed, playing on his guitar. He must’ve run his fingers through his hair too many times - for once, it was curly and it looked so good, she felt the urge to take another shower right this second. A cold one, this time.  
“And you acted like I was the one spending hours in the bathroom”, he teased, lifting his head. His smile faded as he really saw her for the first time today. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Yeah, yes. Of course, I mean. Why wouldn’t I be?”, she began to stutter. “Don’t we have to get ready now?” Avoiding his gaze, she searched her bag. For what, she had no idea.
“No, Tamara texted me. Apparently, they changed the schedule and we’ll go there before dinner”, he responded, still not quite convinced. Scanning her, Matteo added: “I mean it, is everything alright? Did you… did you just cry in the shower?” Her whole body stiffened. Of course he’d figure it out. She should’ve locked herself away forever.
“Come here.” As an invitation, his hand patted the pillow next to him. Slowly, Luna sat down. Don’t cry. You can do this. Don’t cry. Don’t make him any more suspicious.
Being near him felt like being stabbed in the heart, and yet something inside her flickered at the same time. Maybe hope, maybe butterflies. Anyway, she had to smash it instantly.
Matteo pulled her into his arms. When she breathed in deeply, his scent clouded her thinking. “What happened?”
You said nothing will ever happen between us and I realized I’m in love with you and I’m sorry – the words clung to the back of her throat, no matter how much she tried to spit them out. The pain hit her in waves, throwing her under the water repeatedly. She heard him whisper her name. “Did I do something?”
Luna shook her head and attempted to rest it against his shoulders. But she pulled back. Intimacy meant being burned alive – he set her on fire just by hugging her more tightly. “I hate seeing you cry… if there is anything I can do, I will”, Matteo promised. He planted a kiss on her forehead and for a moment, time stood still.
Her voice resembled a crow: “You never did that before.”
“I should have”, he sighed, a smile adding to the softness of his tone. He leaned forwards while she looked up in surprise, thus meaning he didn’t reach her forehead like he probably intended, but her lips. His were sweet and soft and warm and Luna snapped back before letting herself get lost. No way could she explain going into the kiss without losing him and his friendship in a heartbeat.
However, she didn’t lose him. Suddenly, his mouth met hers again. While caressing her cheek, he pulled her up onto his lab. She melted. Blood rushed through her veins at the speed of light. Her heart couldn’t decide between skipping beats and jumping up and down in her chest. The world felt so warm now, so bright even with her eyes closed. She kissed him back with all she got.
“Why did you cry?”, Matteo asked as they tore apart. Mere centimeters away, she still felt his breath on her skin.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
Seconds passed by without him saying a word. He simply stared at her in disbelief. Then, he curled the corner of his lips into a smile. “Wow, so… should I feel offended now? That this made you cry?” In response, she shook her head, kissing him one more time. There wasn’t a reason anymore and if she’d die kissing him today, it would have been a beautiful life.
The next day, none of their friends acted surprised when Matteo and Luna won the competition. However, seeing them celebrate with a kiss surely made their jaws drop.
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