#This is not a Lu Guang hate post
shimmeringweeds · 9 months
EDIT: this is a outdated mid S2 analysis. It’s not a terrible read but - my thoughts are always evolving with new info and greater understanding. So if you’ve finished S2, I’ve got a better take :)
Cheng Xiaoshi always dives blind.
He knows his instructions: deliver the message, find the secret, change nothing. He may even have a rough time frame for when the information can be found. Still, Cheng Xiaoshi never knows what's coming.
But Lu Guang knows. (Spoilers through s2 ep 9 + ep 10 preview)
Buckle up. Long post. This knowledge has pestered me for two years. Since Emma. I've found ways to chalk it up. Lu Guang just scans the photos, and doesn't see details until they happen; or Lu Guang thinks this will ensure past remains untouched; or Lu Guang is doing this to protect Cheng Xiaoshi.
I've also chalked it up, predominately, to story telling. What fun would there be if Cheng Xiaoshi knew what was going to happen? There would be no surprises! Boooooriiiiiing.
I'm not satisfied with that.
You know, each time Lu Guang withholds information, I find a way to forgive him. That is to say, I feel distrust; a need to forgive him that Cheng Xiaoshi never seems to let linger because of his unyielding faith in Lu Guang.
There are many moments where, if Lu Guang had just told Cheng Xiaoshi what was coming, he could have prevented discomfort and pain.
Exhibit A: Emma.
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Instead of telling Cheng Xiaoshi that the situation is going to be okay, that nothing will happen, that her mom is going to call and interrupt. Lu Guang tells him to basically get on with it and then proceeds to lecture him in typical fashion.
"What a great personality," we think sarcastically, having known him for all of 5 minutes.
The scene is played off comically, because what else can Cheng Xiaoshi do? But he's visibly flustered on rescue, and I don't think that has to do with feeling Emma's emotions.
Okay, you say that this is how the writers are narrating the rules. Driving into our heads that the past cannot be changed. Yeah. You're right. How convenient for the writers.
That is not the only moment in this episode where Lu Guang essentially just tells Cheng Xiaoshi to be patient or ignore it instead of giving him the information he needs, but this post will be long enough. And again, we can chalk all those moments up to Lu Guang thinking he knows best (and being wrong).
Episodes 2 and 3 are tame. There are no surprises in the narrative except Cheng Xiaoshi's own mistakes, which cause Lu Guang to be sightless. Nothing to hide until episode 4.
The Earthquake:
Lu Guang makes the call to not tell Cheng Xiaoshi about the earthquake. Gods, I wouldn't either, spare him that pain. But that kindness backfires spectacularly, and the pain dealt is greater than the pain spared.
Does Lu Guang learn a lesson here? He's so careful with Xiaoshi, keeping his distance and not pushing him to do anything he doesn't want.
The next photograph is for DouDou. It's a surveillance footage and Lu Guang's knowledge is limited. Nothing can be done about the mess up. But the next dive is into Doudou. Cheng Xiaoshi smells the ball and looses consciousness. At the start of the photograph, Lu Guang says. "But the whole time, I was unable to get a good look at the human trafficker's face, as well as how she took DouDou away." He warns Cheng Xiaoshi to be careful, and when the ball rolls he declares, "It's here!" before falling silent. He doesn't warn Cheng Xiaoshi about the ball until it's already too late.
Chalk it up. After all we don't know what exactly it is Lu Guang can see in the photograph. Just that he can see 12 hours into it. Maybe he couldn't deduce sniffing the ball would lead to DouDou's abduction? That's reasonable. But how could he miss the ball entirely? Why not warn Cheng Xiaoshi in more detail? Even if Doudou needs to be taken, doesn't Lu Guang trust Cheng Xiaoshi to act? I'm left scratching my head.
For the rest of the season, the lead is predominately taken by Cheng Xiaoshi. Lu Guang is there, but he lets Cheng Xiaoshi have this. He trusts. And for the first time before diving, he warns. Before diving, he warns that Xu Shanshan may not be alive. But he doesn't know the future. And the decision to dive is Cheng Xiaoshi's to make.
Li Tianxi's photo.
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Lu Guang hides the photo. He say's he can't see all the details due to his condition. I'll believe that. Flash back to Lu Guang looking at his phone, like he's trying his power on other, familiar, photographs (before deleting them, I guess, but.....didn't they already do that? Is he trying photos of the present?)
Of course he doesn't tell anyone about the photo. He wants to protect Cheng Xiaoshi. He can't see what it is they'd be diving into.
Of course this is no big deal to Cheng Xiaoshi, because Lu Guang himself has ensured that Cheng Xiaoshi will be a pro at diving blind.
Cheng Xiaoshi makes the call and, by god, if Lu Guang doesn't look exhausted when he agrees.
Lu Guang doesn't even warn him that Li Tianxi is mute. Right out of the gate. Is that really how little he could see? Okay. So we operate with the assumption that, right now, Lu Guang cannot see far in advance. Cheng Xiaoshi stresses, did he mess up? Isn't this a big deal? Lu Guang assures him that he can still see where the are going. Doesn't say where. Okay. That just means the future isn't dark. Lu Guang really can't see ahead right now. That's reasonable. And so we let the rest of the dive go... watching in horror at the events that unfold. Lu Guang apologizing to Cheng Xiaoshi in the photo. That if he could have seen, he wouldn't have let him dive.
Here's the thing. Two(?) nights prior, Lu Guang shows off a pretty bad ass skill. He sees into the security footage of the WHOLE DAMN HOSPITAL. How is that easier, soon after surgery mind you, than quickly scanning the photograph for even a hint of what might happen? (Or maybe Lu Guang can only scan the photograph once, before diving in. And he really couldn't see in that moment with a freshly opened stab wound. Apparently that's my new "chalk it up" theory, as of just now.) Remember, Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't know Lu Guang did that. He thinks Lu Guang was guiding them using live security footage, not becoming the eyes of the whole damn hospital.
When it comes to any present moment between them, Lu Guang is quick to give advice, nagging after Cheng Xiaoshi's behavior like a mother hen. But giving advice about the future? He doesn't do that. Maybe he can't do that.
Maybe no matter how badly Lu Guang wants to shout the future loud and clear, he is being prevented. Maybe it's a rule bound to his power. Maybe it's a rule bound to this "game."
Episode 10 preview. We want answers. We suspect Lu Guang has them. But guess what?
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His lips are sealed. Literally.
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curapicas · 2 months
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Oh look, the donghua is doing the heavy lifting for me and juxtaposing them on its own volition. (kind of a continuation of this)
Plot-wise, Li Tianchen's relationship with Lu Guang hinges basically on trying to manipulate and hurt Cheng Xiaoshi to do his bidding through hurting LG (worth noting this implies an understanding of such attachments, and the viciousness stems from a certain resentment of it + his twisted personality). I don't even remember if he's aware LG also has powers.
but tbh the funniest thing coming out of LTC vs CXS&LG is that, in a weird way, he was actually letting off his anger on the "right target", kinda? Technically? Of course I'm not saying LG deserves it nor that LTC was being anything but unhinged. But I do believe there's more than meets the eye (and probably informs the ways Lu Guang can be confronted on the narrative, more on that by the end)
Bc this show is competent, many characters have parallels with each protagonist, and LTC-LG are no different. There's a post I couldn't find that went on their reactions to their most precious people dying in front of them: whereas LTC loses all hope, LG has the means to go back, and thus doesn't even try to let go. Alas, they're both tacticians who, despiste meaning well for LTX and CXS, end up manipulating them into inaction/ignorance;
And they do so bc both feel adrift and out of options - but the show focus a lot on how powerless LTC feels about his life for it to not be a big factor. LTC fights so hard for a modicum of control that I don't even think it registers how he impacts LTX, meanwhile LG has so many variables stacked against him and his empathetic partner that he ends up prioritizing CXS' survival, even above their connection (he keeps to himself Emma's death, for example)
In the twins past, LG was the one that guided CXS into staying on task. And before that, he hid the photo even from the police. Tbh he'd never see it that way, but isn't this accidentally the best revenge for his stabbing? lol
Either way, LTC loses his hope, blames CXS and believes him to be what LTC hates the most, a nice guy who's secretly a jerk. Except. Who is actually closer to this description? A guy who can be polite but will stay passive if that affects CXS too much, to the point of lying about saving Chen Xiao's mom?
Curious to me he was also pretty straight forward in calling LG a jerk, and maybe it's just because LG botched his kidnapping attempt. But maybe he has pretty good instincts bc I don't think he even knows why he hates the man so much, lol. After all, for all Li Tianchen knows, everyone is a jerk who stands by and watch.
And maybe it makes him even angrier because he finally met someone who also has powers and is willing to call him "friend" and "play" with him. Considering his one friendship was with Liu Xiao, someone he's aware has plans, he might've even considered to have his own pet project on CXS. But the thing is, this person already seems to have a way more genuine friendship, and it's with LG.
Summary: LTC, if only he knew, would hate LG for not changing his past + being a guy who's very much capable of standing by and watch + having an actual friendship with CXS
DISCLAIMER: I think on his own right, Lu Guang values kindness in general. But LTC's vision is too black and white to even account for that.
While I'm on the topic of LG: while his passivity keeps him from being of any effective help to the twins, he's also keenly aware of the butterfly effect and that he could possibly make things worse instead, something CXS has been confronting throughought the story.
And yet. His objective is what ultimately makes us see this approach as instead of wise, more akin to the desperation of a grieving man - not unlike LTC who by the end of s2, gives up altogether of hope and follows the Big Bad. Besides, it somewhat clashes with the fact CXS actually does make a difference for the clients, be it by making the past more tender (Chen Bin's wife has sweeter memories, Dou Dou's life was actively made less worse) or the present better (lesbian noodles make up, Dou Dou's father and Qiao Ling reconcile), which is also something LG is aware of, since he agreed to deliver Chen Xiao's messages. So far I don't personally see a clean, objectively correct approach, thus I'm willing to bet it'll be whatever is diametrically opposite of Liu Xiao's, lmao
-kinda unrelated, but I've seen people mentioning an interview where Li Haoling-laoshi (aka the director) said he tweaked a little with Li Tianchen before s2, and he was meant to be (even more) obsessed with Cheng Xiaoshi, making this whole post even more hilarious
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withlovedayasu · 11 days
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⟡ — will you write me a love letter, honey?
i’m dayasu !! a writer, who looking for friends ⟡ 9teen, she/her, single, esfp, bisexual, russian
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FANDOMS ⟢ dc comics, trigun, link click, haikyuu, steven universe, my hero academia, my adventure time, genshin impact, honkai star rail, love & deepspace . . . !
MUSIC ⟢ arctic monkeys, mother mother, mitski, i don’t know how but they found me, teddy hyde, matt maltese, 6arelyhuman, ricky montgomery, maroon 5, deftones, i hate kate, sir chloe, the dresden dolls . . . !
FAVS ⟢ bruce wayne, dick grayson, neuvillette, navia, gallagher, lu guang, wolfwood, legato, bokutou . . . !
KINNIE ⟢ wolfwood, bakugou, kageyama, amethyst, marceline, gumball . . . !
LIKES ⟢ talking abt fixations, cats, chocolate, writing, nuts, stickers, music, initiative, “princess”, feedback . . . !
DISLIKES ⟢ awkwardness, fatshaming, bullying, lateness, past, mistakes, math . . . !
GAMES ⟢ genshin impact, honkai star rail, cookierun: kingdom, love & deepspace . . . !
DNI ⟢ racism, sexism, homophobia and etc . . . !
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꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ HSR / GI WRITING ACC ₊
BFY : writing acc, a lot of content and a little of shitpost !
꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ DC WRITING ACC ₊
BFY : writing acc, a lot of content and a little of shitpost !
꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ SIDE ACC ₊
BFY : only shitpost, maybe some fandoms posts :D but still mostly stuff about me !
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i don’t bite, if you wanna be friends or mutuals just let me know 💌 my dm’s open for everyone <3
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baoshan-sanren · 1 year
best cdramas I’ve watched since the last one of these posts in 2023 (and some I’m still looking forward to seeing)
A League of Nobleman (watch on WeTV VIP | watch on AppleTV | watch on Viki | watch on bilibili | watch on YouTube) Adapted from the novel "The Mystery of Zhang Guo" (张公案) by Da Feng Gua Guo (大风刮过) starring Jing BoRan, Song WeiLong, Hong Yao, Guo Cheng and Wang Duo. Definitely gay, but in like a very focused, we-have-a-mystery-to-solve way. Loved the acting and the plot; cannot believe people actually gave Song Weilong shit for his acting in this drama. He was aMAzing. The downside is that the editing grew progressively sloppier as the drama progressed, and although majority of the visuals were very satisfying, I never realized how crappy the quality of the light was until I tried gifing some of the scenes. The upside is Jing BoRan holding kittens. Enough Said. 7/10
The Blood of Youth (watch on Viki | watch on YouTube) Adapted from the novel "Shao Nian Ge Xing" (少年歌行) by Zhou Mu Nan (周木楠) starring Li HongYi, Liu XueYi and Ao RuiPeng. Love this goddamn drama. I adopted the entire cast within the first 3 episodes and then I spent the next 37 terrified that half of them would get killed off. There’s def some major character death in this drama my chickens, so keep that in mind (and not a canonical death either, from what I understand). Anyway, this is my fave genre by far so I’m never really picky, but this drama is exhilarating and gorgeous from beginning to end. Highly recommend. 9/10
New Life Begins (watch on iQIYI | watch on Viki | watch on YouTube) Adapted from the web novel "Qing Chuan Ri Chang" (清穿日常) by Duo Mu Mu Duo (多木木多) starring Bai JingTing and Tian XiWei. Just sweet and fluffy. The plot is easy and devoid of complexities, but very satisfying nonetheless. The acting is definitely on another level. The entire cast has bonkers chemistry, and it’s about time someone made good use of Bai Jingting’s comedy potential. One of the top 5 easy viewing dramas on my rewatch list.  8/10
The Legendary Life of Queen Lau (watch on Viki | watch on YouTube) Adapted from the web novel "Huang Hou Liu Hei Pang" (皇后刘黑胖) by Ge Yang (戈鞅) starring Li JiaQi and Li HongYi. Loved this. Although it doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects, this is basically a comedy from beginning to end. Not gonna lie, I mainly gave this a go for Li Hongyi, but it’s hard to even notice him when Li Jiaqi is in the room. There’s no shame in being overshadowed by superior talent :) 7/10
(yeah, after all this, I rewatched Nirvana In Fire again)
Under the Microscope (watch on Apple TV | watch on Bilibili | watch on iQIYI VIP | watch on Viki) Adapted from the novel "Xian Wei Jing Xia De Da Ming" (显微镜下的大明) by Ma Bo Yong (马伯庸) starring Zhang RuoYun and Wang Yang. Continuously impressed by Zhang RuoYun’s skills. This drama is 90% grit and tension. Drool-worthy visuals. Interesting plot. Sound mixing that gives me a Mo Ran style boner. Make your friends watch it and they will hate you. 9/10
Till The End of The Moon (watch on YouTube | watch on Apple TV | watch on Viki) Adapted from the web novel "Hei Yue Guang Na Wen BE Ju Ben" (黑月光拿稳BE剧本) by Teng Luo Wei Zhi (藤萝为枝). Starring Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu. This was so breathtakingly gorgeous. The chemistry between the actors, the visuals, the special effects, the costumes, everything is stunning in this drama. The romance is by no means original, but still manages to draw you in. Absolutely worth watching at least once. 8/10
Still waiting on:
Immortality - based on danmei novel The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by 肉包不吃肉 starring Chen Feiyu and Luo Yunxi (you can think I’m a clown but you’d be wrong bc I’m a wholeass circus)
Winner Is King - based on the danmei novel Sha Po Lang by Priest starring Tan Jianci and Chen Zheyuan
Step By Step Lotus - based on historical novel Return to Ming Dynasty as Prince by 月关 starring Zhang Binbin and Luo Yunxi
Eternal Faith - based on danmei novel Heaven Official’s Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu starring Zhai Xiaowen and Zhang Linghe
Joy Of Life Season 2 - based on wuxia novel of the same name by 猫腻 starring Zhang Ruoyun and Li Qin
Story of Kunning Palace - based on the novel 坤宁 by 时镜 starring Bai Lu and Zhang LingHe
Flying Phoenix - based on danmei novel of the same name by 風弄 starring Dai Jingyao and Shu Yaxin
The Story of the Bat - based on danmei novel Bat by Feng Nong starring Mao Zijun and Zhang Yao
The Longest Promise - based on xianxia novel Zhu Yan by 沧月 starring Xiao Zhan, Ren Min, and Zhang Yunlong
Mysterious Lotus Casebook - based on wuxia novel 吉祥纹莲花楼 by Teng Ping 藤萍 starring Cheng Yi and Zeng ShunXi
Follow Your Heart - historical drama starring Song Yi and Luo Yunxi 
The Thirteen-Hongs in Canton - historical drama starring Zhu Yawen and Yu Haoming
White Cat Legend - based on manhua of the same name starring Ding Yuxi and Zhou Qi
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wrathyforest · 7 months
So.. tumblr speaking, can we suppose that our (current) Cheng Xiaoshi is a reblog of the original post (timeline) Cheng Xiaoshi (which was deleted), but continue to live as a post reblogged by Lu Guang 🤔🤔🤔
Like, everyone can see it through Lu Guang's reblog, but when you go to the original, it's nowhere to be found :D
I hate tumblr for doing this though...
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iridescentscarecrow · 4 months
link click s2 ep 12 spoilers but
i'm thinking about the earthquake arc in s1 again:
lu guang tells cxs that him changing things "could cause the disappearance of the life we have now." he also tells him this is impossible.
i've seen many people conclude that this isn't a lie at all. that's what's chilling about it. lu guang puts cxs in a jar and makes him avoid making any changes to the timeline, even the ones that cxs desperately feels and wants, just so that lu guang can keep his tenuous grasp over the reality he's concocted for them, the one where he knows the position of every single piece and can thus control.
the earthquake arc is based with context because it's rooted in lu guang's Massive Fucking Lies.
i hate him. you can see the very real desperation underlying his manipulation. you can consider the implications of that one dialogue he has about the nature of coming to terms with grief.
he's such a massive hypocrite! cxs treasures each life he jumps into, he projects into and empathises with them. lu guang tells him to detach from this, to stick to the rules, but he would ruin the world if it meant keeping his "important friend" safe. it's giving Severe god complex and tbh this is something cxs actively contributes to. remember him begging lu guang to allow him to save "my mom"? or in the trunk of liu min's car, begging desperately for the absent lu guang's directions? the fight post the earthquake and then them hugging almost immediately, that awful early hint of codependency, of mutual entrapment?
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caspersickfanfics · 2 months
Current WIPs
If anyone has thoughts/questions about any of these or is excited for a specific one please let me know as it might help me focus on a single fic for once LOL. Otherwise uhhhhh just wait a bit and hopefully I'll finish something up soon-ish.
Messy (500 words of brainstorming): Kaveh, sick out of both ends. Struggling bc idk how graphic I wanna get here 🙈
Too Feverish to Think (nearly 4000 words): somehow this has become two separate fics...... one where Cyno's emotional with Nari and another where he's convinced he's poisoned and doesn't want anyone to come near him (featuring Kaveh/Alhaitham and Tighnari ofc). Sneak peak to version 1 here.
Group Sickfic (1500+ words of brainstorming): seasick Cyno, Alhaitham, and Kaveh. Based on this HC post // More here!
Waking up Puking (500 words): Link Click fic!!!!! Finally!!!!!! Sick Lu Guang cause I wanted to do something with the bunk bed situation but now it's giving me troubleeee
Away from Home (3500 words): Prequel to Sharing a Receptacle. Nari goes to the desert with Cyno and gets sick along the way. I wanna do backstory stuff with this one so it's still kinda in brainstorming phase
Out of Character (300 words): sick Kaveh! I'm scared to write him and Alhaitham, I'm not sure I can make them mean enough to each other and still capture the gay vibes
Migraine (5500+ words but only like 1200 are gonna stay... the rest I need to delete cause I hate it :) ): Tighnari has a migraine and is cranky with Cyno I've been working on this one for literal months why is it not done yet i'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!
Chaotic Body Temperature (600 words of brainstorming): Cyno gets a strange sickness after a trip to Dragonspine. Based on this HC post.
Fake "Faking It" (500 words of mainly brainstorming): Sick Arataki Ito with Kuki Shinobu as caretaker!
Evil Tighnari (500+ words of brainstorming): More of a psychological torture fic than a sickfic. Whumping all of the Sumeru gang but especially CynoNari ofc. Expanded on here, please check the warnings!
Kidnapped CynoNari (1800+ words): this one will have a lot of warnings and it's like. half torture half sickfic with a lot of handwavey plot stuff.
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miyamiwu · 11 months
Link Click – Everything We Know about Agents and their Abilities as of Season 1
Our WiFi is still down, and I used up most of my data to download all episodes of season 1 so I can rewatch it (and because I hate streaming shitty mp4s online). Since I can't start on Season 2 right away, I might as well just consolidate all the info we have from Season 1.
Now, before I start, let me just define the word "agent" that I used in the post title. Link Click's title in Chinese is 时光代理人 (shiguang dailiren), which literally translates to "Time Agents." As such, I'll refer to those with special abilities as an agent. Whether or not all agents have abilities related to time is something we don't know yet for sure.
I rewatched in the original Chinese audio with two different English fansubs (I won't refer to the official subs because those were terrible). Text in square brackets are my inferences. You may not take those as facts.
If you find any of the info here to be inaccurate, just send me an ask or tell me in the notes!
Episode 1
Lu Guang’s Rules
1. They have only twelve hours in the photo.
2. Cheng Xiaoshi must follow Lu Guang's instructions and not mess with anything.
3. They have to disregard the past and the future.
1. Cheng Xiaoshi is the one who enters photos, and Lu Guang is the one who leads the way.
2. Cheng Xiaoshi's eyes turn yellow when using his powers, while Lu Guang's turn blue.
3. The person Cheng Xiaoshi becomes will also inherit his yellow eyes.
4. Cheng Xiaoshi's body in the present time disappears while he is in the photo.
5. Only Lu Guang knows what will happen next in the events of the photo. Cheng Xiaoshi has to rely on his instructions.
6. Lu Guang was able to tell Cheng Xiaoshi what exactly to write in Emma's report, [indicating that what he sees in the past is very detailed].
7. Cheng Xiaoshi inherits [to some extent] the feelings and memories of the person he becomes.
8. While Lu Guang is asleep, he loses his connection with Cheng Xiaoshi.
9. Lu Guang can record [and very quickly at that] what Cheng Xiaoshi sees in the past. This is evident in him being able to immediately obtain and put into his phone the information Cheng Xiaoshi scanned on Mr. Zhu's laptop.
Episode 2
When Cheng Xiaoshi enters a photo, he becomes the person who took the photo.
Episode 3
1. Cheng Xiaoshi does not inherit the physical limits of the person he becomes. This is evident in how, even though Chen Xiao is nearsighted, Cheng Xiaoshi's vision remains the same.
2. Once the past is disrupted, Lu Guang can no longer see, to some extent, what happens next.
Episode 4
1. Cheng Xiaoshi can leave the photo by clapping his hands.
2. Cheng Xiaoshi has no control over the original host's body's instinctive reactions. (Like Chen Xiao's heart beating fast when he meets his first love)
Episode 5
No new info in this ep
Episode 5.5
They cannot enter a photo that has already been used.
Episode 6
1. When Lu Guang uses his abilities on a surveillance video, then within twelve hours, he can have a panoramic view on all surveillance images within one kilometer. However, blind spots in the video also become his blind spots.
2. When Cheng Xiaoshi enters a surveillance video, he doesn't have to become someone else. He can enter as himself.
3. Even if it's a surveillance video, they still only have twelve hours to work with it.
Episode 7
1. [When entering multiple photos/videos, especially those of which times overlap, then the photo/video Cheng Xiaoshi enters later will be changed based on any history changes in the photo/video that comes before.]
2. Multiple Cheng Xiaoshi's can exist in the same timeline.
3. While Cheng Xiaoshi is unconscious in the photo, Lu Guang loses his connection with him.
4. Even if he becomes a child in the photo, Cheng Xiaoshi still has the strength of an adult.
Episode 8
Even when Cheng Xiaoshi cannot clearly hear what is being said to him inside the photo, Lu Guang can still record it. (Lu Guang was able to record what Dong Yi said to Xu Shanshan even though Cheng Xiaoshi wasn't paying attention.)
Episode 9
1. Cheng Xiaoshi can enter a photo on his own by clapping his hands.
2. To be able to communicate with Lu Guang while in the photo, Cheng Xiaoshi has to clap hands with him upon entering.
3. Cheng Xiaoshi enters photos as the executor, and Lu Guang is the observer.
4. While Cheng Xiaoshi was screaming in the trunk of Liu Min's car, which was right before he exited the photo, light was emitted. I don't know if this was just an artistic effect, or if there was actual light in the scene at that time.
Episode 10
No new info in this ep
Episode 11
1. [Although it wasn't shown where Cheng Xiaoshi was when he entered Xu Shanshan's photo, we can assume that it was still in the living room like usual because we see Lu Guang sitting there like always. If Xiaoshi had been anywhere else, Lu Guang should've brought up some questions. Thus, we can further assume that Cheng Xiaoshi can exit from a photo and end up in a place different from where he entered. He entered Xu Shanshan's photo from the living room, yet he exited into the dark room to meet the murderer.]
2. [During his fight with the murderer, Cheng Xiaoshi would disappear into a photo after landing a hit on him. We then get a brief glimpse of what happens in the photo. It is unknown if the murderer can also see what Cheng Xiaoshi sees while in the photo. However, after disappearing, Cheng Xiaoshi can still communicate with him. I'd like to assume, then, that after hitting the murderer, followed by a clap to enter the photo, Cheng Xiaoshi forms a connection with the murderer like what he does with Lu Guang. The murderer can then see what Cheng Xiaoshi sees and hear what he says even after the latter enters a photo.] Edit: this has been disproven in season 2
3. In all of the other victims’ photos, Cheng Xiaoshi had become the one who personally took the photo (we can tell by who has yellow eyes). However, in Emma’s family photo, which was taken via setting a timer on the camera and leaving it on the stand, Cheng Xiaoshi did not become Emma and had instead entered as himself. We can see him standing at the side while Emma and her family are together. This is in contrast to all the rules set before. Not personally holding the camera should not be a factor because Episode 2 had shown that it doesn’t count.
4. The murderer has red eyes and can walk just fine. They say they weren't the one who wanted to kill those people, and then they calls themselves an agent. (I will now use they/them pronouns to refer to the red-eyed agent because we don't know their actual gender yet.)
5. Liu Min, without the red-eyed agent, has black eyes and lame legs.
6. Liu Min has no memory of what the red-eyed agent does while they're in control of his body.
7. The red-eyed agent can kill the person they're possessing and it won't kill them.
8. The red-eyed agent does not have to be right next to a person in order to possess them.
9. [The red-eyed agent can possess multiple people at the same time. We see "Qiao Ling" attacking Lu Guang and "Liu Min" killing himself happen one after another. It is unknown whether or not these two events actually happened concurrently and were not just shown to us in that order as a creative effect.]
10. Cheng Xiaoshi was kicked out of the video after Emma fell to her death. We can tell by how he suddenly appears again in the living room with his hands still outstretched in reaching for Emma (which means he didn't clap himself out of the video). I don't know why this happened. Cheng Xiaoshi entered a surveillance video, not a photo that Emma took. The video shouldn't be tied to Emma's life.
And that's all! If I missed anything, just say it in the notes. Just please don't spoil me of any new info from season 2 🙏
Edit: a season 2 version of this post is up!
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teruki-inoue21 · 9 months
What S2E12 might mean for the “future” of Link Click
It’s been a long 10 weeks, and we’ve been thru 11episodes. Now that we’ve been blessed (or rather cursed?) with the PV of the last episode of Link Click II, I want to clarify a few things regarding what could happen later on in the plot, like in Link Click III or whatnot. So, let’s go!
• Qiao Ling’s (MORE improved) role
=>So, abt our ladyboss, Qiao Ling. In the first season, she didn’t have much of a role. The only notable thing I remember her doing is introducing new ppl to the series. Like, Xu Shanshan, Master Si Wen, etc etc. But this time in season 2, she has a bigger and more important role. She’s fighting side-by-side with CXS, helping in the investigations, being a great elder sister for Xixi, AND formulating plans too. However, the PV for the last episode gave us an even bigger reveal as to what will or might happen to her going on with Link Click III.
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Now that Xixi is dead (f**k Qian Jin), it seems that she has transferred her powers to Qiao Ling. Welp, people with these powers have always been the prime focus of the show, and now that Qiao Ling ALSO seems to have powers, there’s no doubt that her importance in the story will be much more from now on. I personally believe that in the event CXS actually ends up dying, she’ll be a key role to get LG to try again to save him. More on that later.
• Qian Jin
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=> What can I even say about this guy? I’ve hardly seen anyone so loathe worthy and despicable in anime history. But I’m not here to hate on this guy RN. What I’m here to talk about is his connection to the main characters, some hidden characters, and his motives.
Now, Episode 11 has clearly shown us his motive. He wants to use CXS to go to the past and stop his wife from her supposed betrayal. (I swear, dude’s just TOO hung up on his wife who he murdered HIMSELF!) . But what’s odd is that his motive is just too personal. What I mean by that is that, when the poster for Qian Jin dropped, his shadow was the supposedly infamous Hat Guy aka Liu Xiao. This tidbit made all of us think that he HAD to working with/for Liu Xiao, and thus, his motives shouldn’t be personal. But here we are, with his motive having NO connection to Hattie. So why was his poster designed like this anyway? Maybe Hattie was the guy who told him about CXS? But even so, that makes Hattie’s role too meh for the plot..
• Liu Xiao aka the Hat Guy (and more new characters?)
=> Even though it’s been 11 out of 12 episodes, we still know almost nothing about Liu Xiao except for the fact that he’s abroad. But despite being so ambiguous, all of us know the amount of significance this guy has over the events of Link Click. Or do we?
Let’s talk about that.
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Ever since the very first episode of Link Click, we know that the client who gave our main trio the Emma job wasn’t Emma herself, but rather someone anonymous. Thanks to @mimicha-arts ‘s post, we know that someone was keeping tabs on CXS, LG, and QL. Now, let’s say that it was Hattie. That would make a lot of sense, since he seems to be some kind of overseer of the events unfolding or some grandmaster himself (I’m saying that due to the fact that he’s being likened to be similar to Lu Guang).
But even if that’s the case, what could be his motive? Well, even I know shit about that. However, as I said in an earlier post, I believe that the big bad of the series isn’t Qian Jin, but Liu Xiao; and that he would have a showdown against Lu Guang. Maybe Liu Xiao was shown as the shadow to Qian Jin to show us how evil he could be? Cuz think of it like this: shadows are dark, right? So, if Qian Jin’s evil, doesn’t it make PERFECT sense if his shadow, LIU FRIKING XIAO, is MORE twisted and/or evil? Yeah…
So, we’re wrapped up with Hattie now. BUT, what if I told u there were MORE characters to be introduced?
Take a look..
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Now, there’s someone on the roof of that one building. I may be wrong in thinking that it’s a new character and could simply be Chen Bin, but part of me still wants to believe that it’s a new guy, probably with special powers too, (as for whether they’d be an ally or enemy, I’ll leave that part to you guys).
• The Contents of Liu Min’s phone
=> This topic has been a major question since the first episode of Link Click II, and hasn’t been answered still. Liu Min’s phone. What’s even in there that Qian Jin had to literally kill his own mentee to get that thing? What’s so important in that phone that even this far in ep11, it’s a major item for the villains? Is it related to Liu Xiao? Quede Games? Does LTch need it to go back in time?
As for the answers, all I can do is speculate. I think that, as Liu Xiao IS Liu Min’s brother, there has to be some info on him there. Then again, it might also be related to Emma and Quede? But whatever it is, it’s a very important material. If not explored in II, I believe it will be important for III.
• Lu Guang and alternate timelines
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=> And now, to the infamous “Lu Guang is a time traveler” theory. Well, we all have the general go-thru for This theory. In a given timeline, CXS dies, and to save him, LG keeps jumping thru time over and over again …
I believe I’ve already talked about how the alternate timelines theory is important for the plot of Link Click III. Here’s the post
• The meaning of “Can’t Live Without A Good Brother”?
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=> Episode 12’s title says the most ominous yet very emotional line: “Can’t Live Without A Good Brother.” Such a thought-provoking title, don’t y’all think?
Funnily (or ironically, I don’t even know at this point) enough, this sentence can be thought of by two perspectives. Y’all guessed it - Qiao Ling AND Tianxi’s. So let’s go over those and deduce whatever plot points we can find for Link Click III.
Li Tianxi’s POV: So, the photo that started it all, for our pink-haired twins features a line written in crayon by Xixi, which says, “I can’t live without my good brother.” Odd, no? How she calls her brother good despite knowing that he’s actively involved in killing a multitude of people? Well, this is Link Click we’re talking about; and this, there’s always a reason for everything. Let’s say that Tianchen really IS a good person, or at least he wants to be (from Xixi’s perspective ofc). Why wouldn’t he be? He cares about Xixi a lot, prioritizes her safety first, even his deal with Qian Jin exists so that he can ensure safety for his sister. He even said in episode 11 that doing all this killing business for Qian Jin was truly hell for him and he wanted to escape. Hmm.. know what this sounds like to me? A pinch of sister complex! Yup! Tianchen is a really good brother. And all he’s done and has Been doing is so that he can have a better life with his sister. The fact that Xixi wrote “I Can’t live Without My Good Brother” means that she doesn’t want to lose her brother to the forces of evil that include Qian Jin… and maybe, that one childhood friend of Tianchen’s? (Of course I’m talking about Liu Xiao, and there u go, I mapped out the possible Link Click III content from here and how , even tho dead, Xixi will be crucial to the plot of what I predict will be Lu Guang V Liu Xiao). In that case, we can conclude by saying that Li Tianchen actually is a quite tragic character (more on that on a separate post).
Qiao Ling’s POV: Now, I’m most excited to talk about her POV, since I believe her insight on “Can’t Live Without A Good Brother” stems from CXS’s death in S2 (which I think is guaranteed to happen). Over the course of these two seasons, we’ve seen and have come to love the dynamic between Qiao Ling & Cheng Xiaoshi. S2E8 even shows how much QL cares about CXS, as she always looks out for him not just as a friend, but as a sister as well. So, let’s all assume that CXS and LG lose the fight against Qian Jin, and at the end, CXS dies. Remember what I said about Qiao Ling inheriting Xixi’s power and how that can help play a role in Lu Guang’s attempt to change/reverse CXS’s death? Well, here we are. Given that CXS dies, we can all imagine how distraught QL and LG will be. It is then QL decides to use Xixi’s power to transfer CXS’s power to Lu Guang (that’s the most reasonable thing to do, as Lu Guang knows better about diving in the past than Qiao Ling), but in a worse case scenario, she uses it herself? Whichever the case, I believe this is the way the staff will answer how Lu Guang has been time traveling despite not having the power to do so, and also kick start the events of Link Click III.
The Overseas Trip
=> Another thing that has technically been confirmed by the director, Li Haoling himself? All of us know that the director has said that the overseas trip that CXS and LG went on during their university days will definitely come into play later on. So far, whatever hint of that we have is the ED, THE TIDES, where the duo go on and investigate (?) a house that looks identical to the house of the main character of the 2002 movie, The Time Machine; and a rough animation draft of CXS and LG in holiday clothing riding a car. I say that, the overseas trip is not just limited to the ED. Sure, the ED is definitely showing us something related to that, but considering that trip is how both CXS and LG (or just CXS since according to the alternate timelines theory, LG should already have his power) unlock their powers, it DEFINITELY will come into play in Link Click III.
• Emma?
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=> Very few characters in anime (or should I say donghua) always haunt the narrative of the story even after they’re dead. Such is really the case with Emma. Even though we see her die (yet again) in S1E11, she still appears on the S2 OP, VORTEX. BUT, she is literally NOWHERE in the main events of S2. Well, it would definitely make more sense to include characters who have more roles in S2 in the OP (Like Milady Wang Juan, Capt. Xiao Li, prolly also Xiao Ma?) rather than a character who seemingly has no role in the season, right? That is PRECISELY why the fact that Xiao Li doesn’t appear in the OP despite being so important but EMMA does, alludes to the fact that we’re not done with her arc yet. This means that, yep, Liu Xiao is linked here…
Welp, there ain’t not conclusion, not yet. Not until there’s a confirmation AND a trailer for S3 and we get to see Liu Xiao face reveal.
Til then, I’ma go feral sitting on my toilet seat and thinking about S3….
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readreactrant · 2 months
Do you have top favorite character (or characters, if you feel like listing multiple) of all time from any media (animanga, tv series/cartoon/movies, books, etc)? Why love them?
Late reply cuz I kinda forgot abt this one hahah (٥↼_↼)
But oh do I have a LOT of them.
Starting off...
Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya (MHA): they're amazing as a ship in their own right but as characters their both so deep and interesting with many layers and nuances interlaced between them.
Mikage Reo (Blue Lock): aside from easily getting attached to characters the fandom hates for no legit reason *coughs in Bakugou and Takemichi* he's literally the most perfect, precious cutie patootie. Not only that he's WIFE MATERIAL which is something instantly found attractive about him, the things I think about OMG (๑♡⌓♡๑)
Dante (Devil May Cry): I was fifteen and he was the coolest video game character I ever saw. Couldn't tell you which of the games tho, only watched and commented while my brother played. I did watch a few episodes of the anime but it's been so long I don't remember if I liked or hated it.
Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen): We love a chaotic king, like yasss bitch, kill those innocent civilians yayyy!!!
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter): Blond and bitchy just the way I like em.
Sano Manjiro (Tokyo Revengers): How are you the best fighter but oozing such bratty bottoms energy I love him!!!
Tyki Mikk (D.gray Man): He's a keeper when he can literally reach into your chest to stop your heart, sorry I don't make the rules (^^)
Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket): I'm rewatching the anime and why is he low-key so funny??? Aside from that drama just follows him constantly and I'm so down that.
Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling): Daddy and babygirl. The ultimate combo.
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish): *bursts into tears*
Yato and Yukine (Noragami): They're the only reason I considered picking up the manga when I realized there was probably no third season coming. Like I need to know how they're doing but I'm so lazy. They bounce off each other so well and I don't think I can like one without the other.
Lu Guang (Link Click): he came back in time for his boyfriend?!??! Season 3 where are you?!?!! (〒﹏〒)
Benimaru (Reincarnated as a Slime): Red haired, ogre Daddy.
Chloe Decker (Lucifer): I have a problem liking female characters cuz many of them rarely stick with me but I love her, she's cool, and in my honest opinion very well written.
Kaburagl T. Kotetsu aka Tiger (Tiger and Bunny): We stan single fathers with washed up energy. All he needs is a tall, blond brat to push his buttons.
Natsusa Yuzuki (Number 24): He's so sassy and dramatic I need him as my bestie ASAP. All that while having the whole cast wrapped around his fingers, truly the embodiment of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. I don't care if you disagree.
Lloyd Frontera (Greatest Estate Developer): The only taskmaster I'd willingly serve, they call him ugly I call him 'Sir'. Maniac???where?? All I see is a man trying to get his bag and be happy.
But that's all from me babes, those are all the characters I can think of off the top of my head. Mainly got to this cuz I don't think I'll make any real fan or shipping post this cuz I've got art and deadlines to attend to. Hoped anon likes my answers and I'll get to answer more questions like this.
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
So let's talk about Link Click.
I was contemplating whether to make it in individual posts or just... Write EVERYTHING in a long one.
But I picked the latter, so buckle up and bear with me.
Or y'know, just Scroll past this if you don't wanna go through a prolonged ramble about some series ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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(spoilers for... Pretty much the whole thing down there ⬇️)
How much can we traumatize Cheng Xiaoshi: the series
So let's start with the characters
And by that I just mean the trio, I'm not gonna talk about everyone because... well yeah.
1. Qiao Ling
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She's really pretty + doesn't have a bad personality. That's about enough for me to like her.
As you may know, She was the one in charge of bringing in business. Almost all of the cases were brought in by her.
I love how everyone assumed the person who ran the shop was an old lady, and how that pisses Qiao ling off. 👌
2. Lu Guang
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A white haired anime boy. We all know what happens to these...
That aside, I'm a sucker for bleached/ white hair... So.. 😳😳😳
He's the calm type, which I find adorable. Even his voice was pretty soft, I think it fit him well.
I especially adore how he was like, basically Cheng Xiaoshi's common sense? He was always there like "dude, no. Think man. I beg you" though... Ahm the other barely listened to him so...Oof?
He seemed to be so done with Cheng Xiaoshi's shit, but like in an affectionate way.
3. Cheng Xiaoshi
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The writers either absolutely loved or just straight up hated this guy. No like seriously, out of all three of them he was the one who had to live through every single painful story... The poor guy can't catch a break.
If you haven't already guessed, he's my favourite. I mean come on! An emotional, reckless, somewhat irrational dumbas with a tiny ponytail?? How can he NOT be my favourite?
His bromance with Lu Guang is so sweet AND his relationship with Qiao ling just brings me joy.
PLUS I LOVE ME A NOT COMPLETELY SERIOUS CHARACTER. Seriously imagine the exact same series but EVERYONE is fully Serious. I still need my dose of dumb characters y'know.
Though his recklessness did get out of hand at some point... But THEN IT PAYED OFF....but then it didn't.. i- ANYWAY
I think he had the most growth in the series. And you know me, character growth? SIGN ME TF UP.
I'll be talking about the lesson/s he learned in a little more detail...later in the post.
Now let's talk Concept
The idea of two characters, one being able to see some of the events occurring around the time a picture is taken, and the other being able to ENTER thsoe pictures of a certain span of time, helping solve different people's issues/ major cases is just GENIUS!
I can't stress how much I enjoyed going through snippets of different stories while also remaining in the same plotline.
*cough* Cheng Xiaoshi definitely did not though *cough*
It was beautiful seeing different people's lives and struggles through the eyes of a character that, just like me, is just experiencing those scenarios for the very first time.
Unlike Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi didn't know what was going to happen, He was genuinely sad, angry, happy...etc whenever a certain event would occur, and he'd drag the viewers along with him ( AT LEAST ME.)
It's just really good ok , I didn't expect to love it as much as I did! 😭
That aside,
Let's talk about...
The events.
I'll talk about each case/story on its own because... Well yeah. The finale... Gets its own bit.
(I'm not going to be talking about all of them in order because of the Emma thing)
1. Lesbian Noodles
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I don't care what anyone says, that's basically what this one was.
It was the sweetest out of all them, and arguably the least troublesome.
Just two gal pals, a secret noodle ingredient, and a lot of cuteness.
And may I just say they're both Extremely gorgeous?
It was simply a short bittersweet story, with lessons like "People change" and stuff.
2. The kidnapping (Ft. Rip-off power rangers)
So uh. I kinda loved this one because
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She got what was comin' for her.
Basically long story short, A child had gone missing , his parents both coped very differently.
Now due to my lack of knowledge about mental illness, I won't talk about the mother much. All I'll say is that it was pretty painful.
As for the father, I loved how determined he was to find his son, and how patient he was with his wife. He was just all around great.
Now as one of his attempts to find his lost son, Father man fella decides to go to ask our beloved thruple trio for their vague magical help. And they agree because duh.
Cheng xiaoshi goes through his usual daily dose of trauma, this time by getting drugged and kidnapped by a human trafficker who for some reason believed in ghosts.
Thankfully, it all works out and he beats the hell out of her + gives her some trauma of her own so we good.
I just like how this whole one worked out, and somehow had a good ending.
Also we get this:
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*chef's kiss*
3- College romance
Eh it was fine. But compared to the rest of the cases I didn't really feel much coming out of it. Like aside from the fact that at the end... We think the girl whose name I can't remember is dead or something ( which...well yeah) and the whole.... Strange person calls them ( which later leads to my favourite part of the whole series). That was pretty cool.
But yeah the whole thing was just... Two people who liked each other, one probably confessed his love to the other at a very stupid time. Dude, she's drunk. Like tell her tomorrow or something. OR EARLIER. But anyways... Some parts were funny.
DON'T GET ME WRONG THOUGH IT WAS GOOD I just prefer the others over it.
4- *incoherent sobbing noises*
Ah where do I start with that one?
Okay so trauma. Lil ponytail man got a lot of it in this one.
He had to first get attached to a basketball team, a cute girl and a mother figure
Then just have them all
Wonderful, Lots of fun!
I actually teared up at the end of that one, and judged myself pretty hard for it but we good.
It was just really heartbreaking seeing the very end of it I guess. Plus it was the most down-to-earth out of all of them in my opinion? ( Literally... because earthquake...um...yeah i'll heard out)
I also felt it was really different from the rest, because this time, Cheng Xiaoshi was SUPPOSED to change some stuff. Mostly because the result in the end would still remain the same: everyone fucking dies.
I completely understand why Lu Guang refrained from telling Cheng Xiaoshi everything, but I couldn't help but feel bad for Cheng Xiaoshi anyways. It was really heartbreaking seeing him think he was fixing stuff by delivering the messages, only to discover eveyrone was going to die anyway... Then when he thought he could at least save the mother, turns out Lu Guang never intended to have them save her anyway, and she STILL DIES.
The whole scene with him being hugged by the mother as she dies was just... God just stab me, it'll hurt less.
When all is said and all is done though, it was honestly my favourite case.(not to be mistake. for favourite episode... That's a different story).
Mostly because of the basketball match that took place. I mean come on.... A BASKETBALL MATCH. AN EPIC BASKETBALL MATCH. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
Also this guy was very entertaining:
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5-Emma's fucked up life
okay uh can... Can someone like... Give Emma a hug please? GIVE THE POOR LADY A REASON TO LIVE.
This poor woman was driven to KILL HERSELF because of all that she's been through.
Like... Like let's recap her life shall we?
She grew up with a pretty average but happy family, and eventually left to work in the city like she always wanted to.
Pretty good so far right? Yeah.
Then she gets promoted. Oh that's goo-
Her boss harrasses her, and offers her money from fuilthy sources to keep her mouth shut about a certain issue.
She's stuck at work almost 24/7 and eats takeout, but not just any takeout ONES WITH LITERAL WORMS?????? and if that wasn't enough, she has to deal with her boss trying to smooch her every now and then.
Sounds horrible right?
There's more.
When Cheng Xiaoshi does his thing and sends a message that she misses her parents on her behalf, she decides to finally go see them... And we think she's gonna have a happy ending.
Until some blonde 2000s low-budget hacker movie cosplay shows up and asks if she wants him to drive her to the Station.
That's when we know She's fucked.
And we find out that SHE DIED.
But that wasn't all there was to it, she wasn't killed, nonononono, it gets even more depressing.
So she gets in the car, ok? Then turns out it's not just any blondie, IT WAS THAT ONE RICH BLONDIE WE THINK IS A SERIAL KILLER. He chokes her under the claim that she'd stolen his money (which I never fully understood whether she actually did?)
OH BUT WAIT she doesn't die yet.
Thankfully, Cheng Xiaoshi with his wonderful timing yells out/ screams on terror because it's
*Que Funky music* just another day in traumatown 😄
So blondie leaves an unconscious Emma in the car, and goes out to see who just yelled. He finds no one, cuz... Cheng Xiaoshi clicked out of the photo,and goes back to the car, driving her to the hospital. BUT SHE WAKES UP. HE THINKS SHE'S A ZOMBIE NOW???. LMAO WTF? Then a car accident happens.
He gets crippled, and she's STILL ALIVE, but is literally so done with everything, she walks to the nearby bridge, ready to DIE.
Now, it's time for my favourite part of the whole series
The Finale
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That aside , the finale just made me really satisfied, we finally got to see Cheng Xiaoshi's growth displayed, and everything he learned Throughout the series payed off in one smartass Masterplan to lure in crazy blondie and have him arrested.
The part where Cheng Xiaoshi catches up with Emma and delivers his wonderful speech about all that he'd learned from the lives he had to live was just wonderful.
We see Cheng Xiaoshi finally come to terms with what he'd been struggling so long to understand. The past is the past, and it can't be changed. The present is what we have, and what we should focus on, and the future is what we can always fiddle with through the present.
Allthroughout the series, tweaking the past never did anyone any good. It only made things worse, brought about endless regrets, and maybe involved people that wouldn't have even been inconvenienced if the past wasn't changed.
Cheng Xiaoshi finally realises this.
The past, has passed. Let it be.
If People were to spend their present days wallowing about the past without looking forward, they would end up deeply regretting that.
The past is something one should learn from, but never aim to change. We aim to change our future. And that's through our present.
And when Cheng Xiaoshi came to that realisation, it helped him divise a plan to capture the blondie, and made him - just- more efficient and mature.
And I honestly thought that was gonna be like a... Sentimental good ending or something, where Emma lives and stuff y'know?
But the series really went: Fuck you, and your happy ending, HAVE A FINAL PLOT TWIST SUCKERS.
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I can't even begin to say why I find this amusing. The series literally pulled a sike on us, and I'm all for it.
I was just there staring at the screen like
I don't even know if I'm in awe or if I'm sad about Lu Huang. LIKE SO MANY CONTRASTING EMOTIONS ALL AT ONCE.
But to be fair it's refreshing to see.Happy endings aren't always exciting or satisfying.... And despite all the pain this one brought, I personally think it was... SOMETHING.
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shimmeringweeds · 6 months
This is completely unnecessary ( I'm really just sliding my Link Click rewatch notes into the tag), but for the fun it:
Hypocrisy is living a lie, but that doesn't make one a liar. So I got curious. Lu Guang's hypocrite label has been well earned, but does it cause him to lie? Is he a liar? I think fandom leans towards "no?," but let's find out anyway!
Provided below is a reference list of every last question Cheng Xiaoshi has ever asked Lu Guang in series (and I mean every question) + every answer Lu Guang gives. Color coded by response and explained when necessary. Season 2 opens the floor up to everyone.
Categories include Direct Answer, Non Answer, Half Truth, and Lie.
This post covers Season one. Season two is covered in a reblog below. The final tally is also in a reblog below for anyone who is just curious about that. Criteria below the cut.
Criteria notes: This list focuses solely on the act of lying to a trusted partner in response to a question asked. Keeping secrets does not, actually, count as lying, so long as you are honest about it. People are allowed a box of secrets and no one is entitled to the key. This compilation will also not dock points for the hypocrisy, or the uh..... questionable ability limitations. I will however, use the aforementioned knowledge as a basis for reasoning. This is far from scientific. Any conclusions I draw from the evidence can be challenged. Court is in session ⚖️
You will notice that there is no category for "truth." This is because all truths are covered by a "Direct Answer." "Direct Answer" indicates that Lu Guang is not hiding anything in direct relation to the question. In a "Direct Answer," he will answer Cheng Xiaoshi's exact question honestly. Nothing more required. Omission of extra knowledge is (frustratingly) allowed, because unless Cheng Xiaoshi has asked for that knowledge, it doesn't need to be given. So watch those closely.
Non Answer = an avoidance of the question with words or silence.
Half Truth = a partial, truthful answer to the question. The question asked for more/there is a second, hidden answer tied to the question.
Lie = an answer that denies a truth.
Color coding:
Present Question, Past Question, Future Question
Direct Answer, Non Answer, Half Truth, Lie
Q. Any chances? A. Yes. But only one. (a non specific answer complements a non specific question. This sets the precedent for a direct answer. Keep an eye on how often it occurs.) Q. Now, should I finish this spring roll? A. Hold on. Q. Hold on for what? A. unanswered Q. How's it going? Are you satisfied now? A. *miserable sigh* Q. Do I have a boyfriend or not? A. No. Q. What is going on now? I did what you told me. What is the matter with him? A. Calm down. Repeat after me. Q. What should I do next? A. You forget his words? Prepare the material. Q. She just keeps doing this day by day? A. We said, linger no more around the past. (Every rule repeated will be counted as non answer if it avoids the question.) Q. You mean the meeting at 9 A.M. tomorrow? A. Mn. Q. It's midnight. Who? A. Leave it. Q. Will they come back? A. ................. All right, go to sleep. Q. When should we start? A. Take it easy. They're not all there yet. Q. Then tell me how long I need to wait? A. It's a secret. (note: This is the scene that inspired all this. I feel CXS's frustration here so much. LG stressed that there was only one opportunity and that this is it, only to deflect every question. He even checks his watch because he knows exactly how much more time. Yet, this is a direct, honest answer. "I will not answer," is an answer. I hate him lol. Q. In your opinion, if I really did something, will everything change because of it? A. You really didn't do something stupid, did you? Q. I really want to know. How is she doing now? A. I said, never ask about the future. Past Question(1) Present Question(6) Future Question(7) Direct Answer (7) Non Answer (7)
Q. Do you have any questions? A. What are their names? Q. Why did they break off their friendship? A. Just do the job instead of caring about the whole story. Q. If we disagree with each other some day, shall we break up, too? A. It's almost time. (to be quite fair, CXS deflects his own question with tomfoolery before LG can respond.) Q. Is there really a secret recipe? It's just a pot of stew. A. Coming soon. (vague as hell, yet blissfully direct. wow.) Q. Do we have any other chance? A. None. She's crying all night at home, not going anywhere. Q. Can I go eat that for the last time? A. No! Q. What should I say? A..................... Q. What does it taste like? A If you dare change the photo shop into a noodle shop, I'll leave right now. Past Question (1) Present Question(5) Future Question (2) Direct Answer (4) Non answer (4)
Q. A few words? That may affect the past. You sure about this? A. It will be fine. Nothing will be changed. Q. Can I get rid of them? (regarding the glasses) A. There is nothing you can help with in the match. Just sit there till the end. (eeeeh. It's very long winded way of saying "no.") Q. I can take photos right? A. Void. No time to answer. But it's telling that CXS was just advised twice to stay put and chill, but the moment he adjusts the script....? oof. not a good start to this arc. Q. Did I just affect the historical track? A. Yes, you did. But the results have not changed. Q. Is it in the plan? Should I play or not? A. The past has been disrupted by you. I can't foretell what would happen before they lost the game. ( ie. your call) Present Question (5) Direct answer (4) Void (1) This is such nice episode with such a clean tally. THE TRUST.
s1 e4 - The formatting on this one doesn't want to stick. If it still doesn't work... I'm sorry.
Q. What exception? A. At some point in time, there is an important node. Q. Lu Guang, where are you? x2 A. silence <counted as 1 Q. You asshole. Where have you been? A. The client's words were written on the note. I didn't know where Qiao Ling placed it. (I'm calling bullsh*t on the silent treatment but you can read it as DA. So we will excuse the friendly, "you were deliberately tricking me"/"I'm not you" banter that follows (was it a question? subs say no.)) Q. Why? (in regards to the major node being unaffected.) A. Void. The chemistry teacher conveniently interrupts and gives his own answer… sure dodged that knife!) Q. Liu Meng puts everything on her face, how could he miss that? A. Let the past be. We just need to deliver the words. Nothing else. Q. She makes her steps first. What should I do? What should I say? A. Instructions given. Q. Is that really okay to say so? Q. Will they eventually miss each other? A. Yeah. A. The result will not change as long as the node does not change. (1. I'm calling the second answer a half truth, because you can draw a yes/no conclusion about them missing one another. So it's not a non answer, nor is it direct. 2. CXS doesn't ask about the node again. He just says "okay. you're always right." like the angel he is.) Q. Are you sure it's okay if I just repeat after you? A. Don't worry, the result will not change, even without any quarrel. (at this point CXS does question to himself why this mission is so weird. He does not question LG.) Q. No matter how the process changes, they are all doomed in the end. Am I right? A. …..Past Question(1) Present Question(7) Future Question(2) Direct Answer(4) Non answer (3) Half Truth(2)
s1e5 (where your tally might differ from mine)
Q. Can you save my mum? Can you please let me save her only? A. All right. I'll tell you what you should do. (okay. okay. Let's chat. We can and should analyze this answer to hell and back. Originally I had this labelled as a direct answer, but if so....then this is a direct answer that CXS later sees as a lie. CXS was not in the wrong for that. This statement is a conceding and LG does follow through on this. However, LG at least partially believed that CXS's actions wouldn't matter in the face of a death node (the next question is my evidence, as is Emma in ep 11.) As much as I want to believe he had hope, I think the fear of changing things prevented true action. They hide under the table, the place where Chen Xiao survived. But then Chen Xiao's mom mentions the camera, and Cheng Xiaoshi goes to get it. LG is silent. They need that camera/photograph. He knows what will happen. Chen Xiao cannot die. His mom dies because she covered him. LG gave up before CXS did (and god, CXS stayed until her last breath.) This wasn't true teamwork. LG deserved the punch. Yet it's not a lie. He never said he would save her. So I'm labeling this as a half truth, for half sincerity. Q. Will the earthquake never happen? A. *No answer and continued silence as CXS goes to get the camera; the earthquake happens. CXS is again asked to exit the photo.* (I do believe that silence betrayed CXS more than the conceding to help. It just sends the point home. I've got a lot of sympathy for both of their perspectives though.) Q. Why do you lie to me? Why do you still want her dead? A. In order to make everything stay the same. (another answer you can analyze to hell and back, but I read it as complete and brutal honesty.) Q. If I can't save them, then what's the point of delivering the words? A. Fool. I have said, past or future. Because we can't change the past. Don't question the future, as the future will be changed because of us. (This is the first time I think the rules really do serve as an answer if you read into it. LG also clarifies this statement as a proper, unprompted answer in e6. Present Question: (4) Direct Answer: (2) Non Answer (1) Half Truth (1)
Q. Isn't this what you figured out at a glance? A. It's impossible. Q. Can't you just figure out the old master's tricks by foreseeing the events that happened 12 hours after the picture was taken? A. That's such an intuitive detail. I still need you to visit the scene in person and become my eyes. (giggle snort at that face saving answer tbh, I kind of want to label it a half truth.) Q. Where the hell did you go? A. *yaaaaawn* where are you? (the yawn is a direct answer /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ ) Q. What now? A. Stop. You're too early. Q. Is this where it ends? A. It's not over yet. Q. How is he still fighting? A. But what I'm seeing is what happened back then. (a polite way to say "I have no f*cking clue") Q. I thought you always said never ask about the future? A. I'm here to keep an eye on you. (the áojiāo answer lol) Present Question(7) Direct Answer(6) Half-Truth(1)
Q. If you use your predictive ability to see from the surveillance video, how will it be like? A. Within 12 hours, all surveillance images within one kilometer, I can have a panoramic view of them. etc. Q. Can you see Dou Dou? Who took him away? A. The one who took Dou Dou must have surveyed this area long ago. He used the surveillance camera blind spots perfectly. Q. This time will I become a CCTV? A. Stupid. What are you thinking about? Just follow my instructions. (LG probably thinks that was a direct answer. CXS's face said it was not.) Q. Where did they go? A. The second alley on the right. Present question(3) Future Question(1) Direct answer (3) Non Answer(1)
Q. Look at this. Can we find some new clues? A. It's possible. Q. Where am I? A. I don't know. I couldn't perceive anything when you were unconscious. ( I am assuming that is truth. There is no reason for it to not be, unless secrets run deeper than we think.) (and yeah, that's it for e7. CXS does make comments, but they aren't questions directed at LG. CXS is too busy being unconscious/ doing his best and LG is too busy being stressed/proud. Have I mentioned how much I love this episode?) Future Question(1) Present Question(1) Direct Answer(2)
Q. What do you think? Can we help? A. (to Xiao Li) I've looked at the general situation. I’m sorry, but this time, there's nothing we can do. (First Lie! First Lie! Though technically it was answering XL not CXS.....) Q. Lu Guang, that's it? Did you see it clearly? A. ....... (QL shushes CXS for him.) Q. Are you sure you saw it clearly? You rarely ever say no. A. Who was the one who wanted to take a break? Q. What? You agree, just like that? Hey, wait a minute did you say help? This is clearly a deal, why should we do it for free? A..... (again, QL shuts up CXS first.) Q. Is there no justice in this world? How could you beat up the person who's going to help you? (this isn't a valid question, CXS is just rambling aloud but uh.......... honorable mention. This is a line LTC and QJ really needed to hear lol) Q. Then what am I supposed to do now? A. Try to create a situation where he wouldn't be able to attack. Q. I forgot you had this ability. So, what exactly did Dong Yi say back then? A. I've already passed the message to Xu Shanshan.... *he reads the message* (that first line is what makes me question events in Dou Dou's photograph, but that's not the focus...) Past Question(1) Present Question(5) Direct Answer(2) Non answer(3) Lie(1)
Q. Then isn't this because I....? A. Now is not the time to let your thoughts run wild. Q. Eh, is there no other way? A. Unfortunately, that's the only way. Q. Then what if I high-five myself and enter the photo...? A. You'll loose contact with me. If that happens, you won't know anything about what will happen in the photos. Q. How is it? Did they catch that bastard? A. No. Lack of evidence. Present Question(4) Direct Answer(3) Non answer (1) 2/4 questions are a flashback. Since the two act mostly separate in this episode.
Q. How is it? Did you find a clue? A. Last night around half past one, a masked man broke into Xu Shanshan's house and attacked her. (with some intense speculation, this is a half truth, but I'm not going there.) Q. Am I supposed to yell at myself? A. You accepted the arrangement, go on. Q. This time can you let me take the lead? A. You? What do you mean? (this is not a non answer, because it directly asks for clarification of the question.) Present Question(3) Direct Answer(3)
Q Do you remember the message the murderer left when Qiao Ling last called Xu Shanshan? A. Yes. Q. What if I'm the person who made an appointment with him? A. Are you saying that because of us diving back into the photo, we have created an alternate timeline? - CXS A. That's right. Honorable mention 1: Q. Didn't you say nothing in this world is an absolute? A. *too busy being in shock/getting stabbed* Honorable mention 2: Chen Bin: Even though you guys caught him, methods like this aren't encouraged. In the future, you have to let us know as soon as possible. LG: Oh, I'm sorry. We only just realized that he might come and cause trouble, so we took some temporary measures. (for the look CXS gives him at the easy dishonesty in this statement. It's almost a shocked Pikachu face lol. I kind of want to add that to the lie tally...... but it wasn't a question (and does lying to police count, let's be honest.) I'm adding it. Past Question(1) Present Question(1) Direct Answer(2)
Final Tally:
Past Questions (5) Present Questions (50) Future Questions (14)
Direct Answers (42) Non Answers (19) Half Truths (4) Lies (1) +1 honorable mention
Not bad, eh? 42 direct and honest answers and 24 other. Honestly, that's impressive considering the circumstances. Of course, you can view these answers from different perspectives, or you can break them down further to nudge a half truth closer to a lie or a direct answer, for example.
It should also be noted that, in regards to Qiao Ling, Lu Guang also does not lie. He is very honest with her too. There is potentially one half truth regarding Xu ShanShan's photograph, but that is only speculation. (I wonder who proposed keeping her out of the ability loop? Even so, they probably just told her they preferred to work in secret. Not a lie.)
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oneflydude · 3 years
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#i agree op sometimes you just need a rustic future with aliens and not white buildings that look like a minimalist and a capitalist had a ch
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man when i was watching a prison escape video i wasnt expecting LORE BUT HOLY SHIT WAS IT GOOD
23 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 18:57:21 GMT
link click fandom 
xiaoshi’s eyes go yellow
lu guang’s eyes go blue
the spirit person eyes goes red
all im saying.. is …. . 
primary colours gang 😋
25 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 16:21:49 GMT
I fucking love bad buddy because the things they fight about in the start of the show are so stupid.
they're not fighting about some murder of a second cousin or the fact that it's an ancient long standing feud that must be carried down generation to generation blah blah. no they fight about the fucking silliest, stupidest shit ever. and that's why I love the show.
it's simply just a breath of fresh air, seeing these two families going at it about bins of all things. it's not some big overarching melodramatic plot, which to me makes the show just a tad more realistic.
also it's just funny how the main pairing fought over BINS I cannot get over this they are both so petty it's hilarious.
31 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 15:56:36 GMT
31 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 11:51:52 GMT
thinking about the fact c!tommy spent two months without seeing nothing but darkness, hearing nothing but the voices of people long gone, not being able to feel his body, or move his body (im guessing? im not sure, but im rolling with it). pair that with the fact the only sounds tommys been able to hear in pandora vault are dream, himself, the gaurdians and the lava and bloody hell tommy would not have a fun time if he leaves the prison.
he's spent so long in dark, enclosed and practically silent spaces that the outside is going to be so much for him and he would hate it. the sensory deprivation, while it hasnt been drastic, would certainly have effects on tommy. hell, even after he was brought back he shouldve at least had blurry vision. you know when you wake up on school days, when its still dark and ur parents turn the lights on, and imediately you try to shield your eyes? (might just be a me thing) yeah im guessing thats what its like for tommy only 10 times worse.
39 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 23:01:34 GMT
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Why millions of Chinese people are filing for divorce every year
Divorce is no longer social taboo in China.
1.85 million couples registered for divorce with the government in the first six months of 2017, an increase of more than 10% compared to the same period in 2016.
Domestic violence and extramarital affairs are the leading causes of divorce in China.
When Zhou Ying from Guangzhou ended her 10-year marriage last year she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.
Not only did the 38-year-old get custody of her eight-year-old son, as well as possession of the family flat and a substantial portion of their shared savings, she no longer had to face the constant arguments that had become a feature of her marriage.
There was little romance left between Zhou and her husband, and eventually the relationship became too exhausting for both of them, she said.
“We were in love at first sight and it will always leave a scar that the relationship ended in divorce, but I think it is less painful than if we hated each other and let the boy live in a hostile environment,” Zhou said. “Financially I can support me and my boy. My quality of life is not affected.”
Unlike older generations who may have settled for an unhappy marriage, divorce is no longer socially taboo in China.
Couples can either register a divorce with the civil affairs authority, indicating they have agreed to go their separate ways, or they can sue for divorce through the courts, which can rule on custody of children and how to dispose of any assets.
In the first six months of this year, 1.85 million couples registered for divorce with the civil affairs authority alone, an increase of more than 10 percent compared with the same period last year.
Three decades ago, in 1986, 460,000 couples registered their divorces with the civil affairs authority – the most common route taken. By 2016, that annual number had risen to 4.15 million.
The average age at which people in China get married is 26, according to a 2015 survey by the All-China Women’s Federation.
Many relationship experts and lawyers put the rising divorce rate down to higher expectations and growing financial independence, especially among women.
But buried in the sharply climbing statistics lies a darker truth: domestic violence and extramarital affairs together are the leading causes of divorce in China.
Beijing No 2 Intermediate People’s Court said in March that 93 percent of its divorce cases in the past year involved domestic violence or extramarital affairs.
A survey by Jiayuan, a dating website and service provider, in April found 18 percent of divorced female members attributed domestic violence as the cause. Thirty-eight percent of female divorcees said they were divorced because their husband cheated on them. For their male counterparts, 25 percent said they had been cheated on and 2 percent cited abuse.
Forty-one percent of divorced members had ended their marriage within the first five years.
Lu Xiaoquan, director of Beijing Qianqian Law Firm, said most of the 1,200 legal consultation requests the firm and organization received since its establishment involved domestic violence and extramarital affairs.
Lu’s firm is linked to the non-governmental women rights organization Beijing Zhongze Women Legal Aid Centre.
“Some spouses grew up in a family where domestic violence was prevalent and continued the bad behavior when they grew up. The social environment was highly tolerant of domestic violence, too,” Lu said.
A relationship expert in Jiayuan, who wished to remain anonymous, said domestic violence included physical action as well as lashing out emotionally and “cold violence” represented by neglect or a lack of communication.
Ruby Xu, a 32-year-old health worker in Beijing who is in the process of filing for divorce, said she felt like she had been trapped in an endless nightmare.
She constantly suffered from verbal abuse from her husband, whom she married just months after first meeting him.
She became pregnant soon after they married but was left alone in hospital for weeks when she suffered complications that threatened the baby’s life.
Guang Niu/Getty Images
The abuse escalated to physical a month after she give birth. Her husband usually picked on her for trivial things such as when she bought a medicine prescribed by doctor without telling him, or if she did not rush to the baby the second the infant started crying. He would get very emotional while yelling at her and started to beat her, Xu said.
She tried to endure the abuse for the sake of the baby, but finally decided to divorce her husband after she sustained a skull contusion during a beating. She was thrown out of home and barred from seeing her son.
“I miss my boy so much that sometimes I wait outside my old home in the hope of catching a glimpse of him being taken out to play. It is a very cruel thing not let a mother see her child,” Xu said. “The past three years have been the most painful time of my life. My only hope is for the divorce to grant me custody so I can live with my son again.”
Xu’s divorce case has gone through two hearings and she is now waiting for the decision.
Zhang Qihuai, director of the Lanpeng Law Firm in Beijing, has worked on more than 200 divorce cases in his career. He said the Beijing court’s estimate that 93 percent of its cases involve domestic violence or extramarital affairs matched his experience.
Zhang represented Wang Baoqiang, a migrant worker-turned actor, in the country’s most high-profile divorce in recent years.
The movie star posted on his Weibo account in August last year that he was seeking a divorce because his wife Ma Rong had cheated on him with his agent.
Ma, who insists there is more to the story, although she has yet to give further details, is suing Wang for tarnishing her reputation in a case that is still ongoing.
Flickr/Yinan Chen
“Due to the influence of western culture, couples are pursuing romantic relationships. They are more financially capable of taking their lovers to restaurants and to hotels. Social networks also make finding one-night stands much easier,” Zhang said.
Zhang said couples had raised the bar for their romantic relationships, and were more focused on the “spiritual aspects” of life.
“[Marriage] used to be about providing a stable family structure to ensure the elderly and young children were looked after, but not any more,” Zhang said.
One court in Jinan, Shandong province, has tried to stem the rising tide of divorce by imposing a three-month cooling-off period for couples to think their decision over, according to Xinhua.
Li Jiang, a judge at the district court in Sizhong where the practice started, said he felt a sound family background could have made a difference for some of the juvenile criminals the court tried.
As many as 700 out of every 1,000 cases the court handled were divorces, but the judges believed couples were too quick to seek to end their marriages when they should be working through their disagreements.
They said sometimes the decision had been made in a rush or as a result of parental interference.
At the end of the cooling-off period, couples can either file for divorce as planned or request that their term of contemplation be extended.
NOW WATCH: Everything we know about the mysterious SR-72 — Lockheed Martin's successor to the fastest plane ever
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miyamiwu · 3 years
The Red-Eyed Murderer being from an Alternate Timeline + His Perverted “Crush” on Cheng Xiaoshi + Other Ramblings
This is gonna be a long stream of consciousness essay dump… but I really want to get this out of my mind, so you’re all just gonna have to suffer with my incoherent ramblings haha (Oh btw, this post is gonna have a lot of screenshots… like, a lot)
Okay, so I mainly watched the show with the Funimation subs because it flows more easily, but even though I chose it, I fucking hate how Funimation takes too much liberties with the translation.
Especially with this part in Episode 11:
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I’m too lazy to get a screenshot for comparison, but in the Bilbili subs, the red-eyed guy said, “It really is you, the witness.”
Edit (July 17, 2023): Okay, now that I know a little Chinese, I'm not sure if the word "witness" was really mentioned. I'm able to catch the murderer saying _ _真的是你 (zhende shi ni | really is you), but I can't catch what the two characters they said before zhende/really. I'm bad at recognizing Chinese characters through audio. Will have to check the Chinese subs to be sure
The witness.
Why would he call Cheng Xiaoshi the witness? Witness of what?? And why would Funimation remove that!
Funimation removing that one small detail immediately makes the whole sentence confusing. To say “it really is you” the moment Xiaoshi appeared implied that Red Eyes had met Xiaoshi before when he was using his own appearance, and not in the body of someone else. The addition of “the witness” was a hint for us viewers, but Funimation took that away asdfghjkl
Anyways, fast forwards towards the end of episode 11, and we have this:
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To the Red-Eyed person, Cheng Xiaoshi was someone he met maybe months ago. So that means he’s had enough time to brood over him and develop some kind of perverted attraction to him...
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I seriously can’t be the only one who found these scenes disturbingly suggestive:
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And then there’s this:
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This guy is crazy. But at the same time I can’t help but think that he’s turned into a psycho because he feels alone and isolated for being an Agent. He probably doesn’t know that there are others out there like him, so when he meets Xiaoshi, someone who is so similar to him, he gets excited...
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(I know it wasn’t revealed here to him yet that Shanshan was Xiaoshi, but I’m pretty sure he hoped she was.)
And yeah, this guy really wants a friend. And he’s dead-set on it being Xiaoshi... which then brings us back to this:
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It really is Cheng Xiaoshi.
And he’s so damned happy about it.
However, to the Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang that we’re following in the story, this Red-Eyed person is totally new. They know next to nothing about him and just think of him as a psychopathic murderer (which he definitely is btw. No sob story is gonna change that)
And just seeing the consequences of how they of different past timelines are now meeting on one present timeline really drives home the fact that Cheng Xiaoshi really messed up with that one text he sent as Emma. (I love you Xiaoshi, but sometimes you just really have to listen to Lu Guang 😭. If he says no, then please don’t do anything.)
Cheng Xiaoshi inadvertently letting Emma die was bad enough, and him going into the photo alone during the crime scene was even worse. But you know what definitely hit the nail on the head even more?
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Xiaoshi alerted Lu Min with his scream, driving things more out of control. I believe it was at this partiular point that the timeline started splitting. In the original past where Emma died, perhaps she had simply died from being choked in the car. But because of Xiaoshi, we get this:
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And then the car crashed.... Lu Min was trapped inside, while Emma was able to get out and walk on the bridge. Lu Min ended paralyzed in the hospital at the time of Emma’s actual death, earning him a perfect alibi. And remember when his alibi was revealed in the show?
It was right after Cheng Xiaoshi got out of the picture
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When I first saw the shock on Lu Guang’s face here and followed by that surveillance footage bit, aside from being confused and demanding answers, I didn’t think much of it. But after rewatching this scene again, I noticed how the show particularly emphasized Lu Guang’s shock and Emma being on the bridge by playing that creepy start of the ending song before fading everything into black.
Lu Guang can see the future of a photo within 12 hours after it was taken. I figured that what he originally saw was Emma dying for sure in the car. But now, the future has changed again, and Lu Guang knows that things are gonna go bad
And I’m gonna end this here for now. I still have a lot to say, but it’s almost 1am here and I’m hungry asdfghjkl
Might post a part 2 to continue this
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miyamiwu · 2 years
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#some fans of the untamed were so toxic and started spouting out unwarranted hate against jiang cheng without having even read the book
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In episode 11, Lu Guang had series of flashbacks that confused me when I first saw them, but which all made sense after rewatching...
306 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 17:14:34 GMT
Oh god, the details are so beautiful
242 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 14:40:25 GMT
I find it so cute of Shiguang Dailiren ( 时光代理人) to have Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s name contain characters from the first word in its title.
186 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 17:36:30 GMT
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Here’s an HD version of the new official art.
If Tumblr messes up the quality, here’s an imgur link
136 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 01:47:20 GMT
Vanitas no Carte is not just another vampire story
Although I wasn’t expecting it, I’m kinda happy both the opening and ending songs featured only Noe and Vanitas. Because this is THEIR story. It was stated as so right from the beginning. 
There may be many other complex characters and many other people that touched their lives, but at the end of the day, the whole story is simply Noe’s recollection/flashback of what happened between him and Vanitas. The others are just side characters.
Before the anime came out, I was expecting it to take a typical shounen approach--an emphasis on the fight scenes and mystery solving and stuff. But right from episode 1, it grounds itself as a personal story. And I realized, right, that’s how it should be.
While I was watching the episode, it always seemed like something was off. Although a lot was happening, the pacing still seemed slow. It didn’t look like something people would be excited about in a shounen vampire anime. But that’s okay!
Because this is not another “vampire story.” It has vampires, yes, and they’re also crucial to plot, but at its core, Vanitas no Carte is not a vampire-hunting/vampire-saving story. Instead, it’s a story about how Vanitas and Noe “together wandered life’s path.” It’s a story about discovering what is love, what is life, and what is salvation.
And I’m so happy Studio Bones gets it. They didn’t turn it into some mainstream shounen, even though that would’ve made it more popular. The opening and ending songs will continuously remind us of what it is that truly makes VnC.
121 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 22:09:20 GMT
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