#This is such a misuse of the tag system
grungost · 2 months
Hiiiiiiiii :3 (again)
Haha, I would *never* stop posting for almost three quarters of a year... Anyway, Senior years almost over, whatever, more importantly Dragon's Dogma 2 was released and is absolutely incredible. Once again breaking out the superlatives: one of my favorite overall games. Ok, I don't think I even want to go into that, so what am I writing about here? This is basically public journaling, or would be if anyone really read these. I'm not complaining, though, it's pretty much fine. I started watching House MD, another absolute banger show, scratches a similar itch to SVU, but instead of being about cops its about doctors and occasionally disparages cops (edit: obviously a positive, just to make that clear). I read Roadside Picnic, the book that Stalker is originally based on, that was super good. I don't read as much as I used to when I was in grade school or whatever. I started reading Gardens of the Moon, first book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series; haven't gotten far, but its cool. Uhhh, I don't think there's much else really. Still like magic; I didn't even read everything I wrote in my last post, but I saw it was about some magic stuff and I still think that stuff's neat. Oh, there have been a bunch of really good original songs from some of the Hololive JP members (I don't think I ever mentioned that particular interest of mine, I'm pretty into both JP and EN vtubers), Suisei's "Bibidiba," Kobo's "Help," and Marine's song that I don't remember the name of. Whatever the latest one was. All of them bangers.
I don't think I ever mentioned that I got really into Fear and Hunger in the past year. Oh wait, that happened after my last post! Man, that was back in October and my last post was in August. Anyway, Fear and Hunger; what a difference between when I first found out about it. When I first played it, it had such an oppressive atmosphere, genuinely upsetting at times, if only on account of the fact I'd never played a game so visceral, bodily, and sexual; pretty unique experience. Once you get into the swing of things though its just a bunch of fun. Oh, it was incredible though, making it to Mahabre for the first time; I was sick for a significant portion of the summer, had a hacking cough and a persistent headache or something (wasn't Covid, thankfully), and when I first went there, the music, the bizarre underground sunlight, the feeling of digging into the secret and divine realm that undergirded everything I'd been through to that point, all of it was heightened by my dizziness. It was pretty worrying at the time when I was so tired and had a coughing fit long enough that I passed out for a minute or so, but in retrospect it totally enhanced the experience and I can't help but appreciate how the experience as a whole positively affected my perception of the game. I won't talk as much about F&H 2, it wasn't as good. I appreciated that it was going for something else, but I much prefer the straight up fantasy setting of the first one. don't get me wrong, still a great game, just not my favorite.
I think that about wraps it up. I'm not gonna promise consistency again, but maybe I'll keep my page up in a tab and it'll remind me to write sometimes. Maybe if I had a topic... Maybe I could write about Fox Junction, a PS1 JP-only roguelike that isn't especially fun but has such an incredible atmosphere I can't help but love it. Maybe I could write about Tunic, my favorite game of all time (I still don't remember, but there's a good chance I already did in my previous post on account of how similar the subject matter is re: synchronicity and a spiritual world). Or maybe, just maybe, I could write another long, rambling post about nothing in particular. Who's to say what I'll end up writing about, there's simply no way to be certain. Alright, later!
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konako · 5 months
Hello. You are truly the queen of all things Ruby Lucas.
I was hoping you or one of your fellow Ruby stans can help me find a Regina/Red ficlet.
Regina is pregnant with Ruby’s child. During a full moon she has trouble sleeping as the baby is restless. She goes outside and the baby calms in the moonlight. Ruby returns from prowling the woods to find Regina basking in the moonlight. They make love outside before returning to bed with Regina draped in Ruby’s cape so she can sleep.
Does that sound familiar? I’ve gone through the few redqueen fics on ao3 and can’t find it. I’m beginning to think I dreamt it.
Hmmmm. Let's see... I don't think I've personally read anything like this, so I have no memory of a fic that could resemble it. But a quick AO3 search using the character filters and the word "pregnancy" returned these two stories:
Absolutely Ridiculous by purrpickle
Golden sails across the sky by thegirl20
If none of those are it, the case could then be:
the author missed the tags that would help us find the story;
you read it in another language and the search needs different filters;
it's a tumblr fic, which is harder to track (have you tried @foxofthedesert? they're known for writing INSANELY GOOD fics on tumblr posts — I am never to blame for any of those, never);
it's on another site. Is FF.net still a thing? good luck;
it has, sadly, been deleted. rest in peace, Red Queen Baby;
it was indeed all a dream and you should see it as a higher calling to write the story yourself.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Hopefully my OUAT buddies can help you!
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atanx · 2 months
why, WHY, do all tags like "konoha-critical" on AO3 redirect to "Konoha Bashing", like, it's not BASHING, it's saying it how it is. Bashing is like making a caricature of someone or something with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. That's what bashing is. Saying "yo, Konoha is a literal military dictatorship that cannot exist with the absence of conflict. Konoha is a mercenary institution that takes missions such as murder and assassinations including of completely innocent people. Konoha turns children into soliders, sending them to kill and die. Konoha indoctrinates its citizens into uncritical thinking and unconditional loyalty to a corrupt system. Konoha lets the Hyuuga do slavery. Konoha mistreated an ethnic minority until they snapped and then killed them for it." is not BASHING. Its the truth and it bears more acknowledgement.
Criticism isn't complete and utter caricature.
Its so frustrating and stupid that it gets lumped in with bashing, where the village is full of people constantly trying to kill naruto or some shit. It makes good Naruto fanfics so fucking hard to find.
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
queen do you have any fic recs to hold us over until you make your writing return
I'd actually appreciate some myself! A large number of the authors I had been following (both slash and reader insert) have either gone inactive or on hiatus. I'll occasionally peruse the latest AO3 offerings (Tumblr searches are often fruitless for a number of reasons, that's an entirely different topic tbh) but the fact is, the fic world is so scattershot in our fandom right now, I haven't been reading much lately 🥲
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b-1327-1 · 5 months
I will only achieve freedom and peace of mind once fanfic writers stop tagging oc works as “x reader”
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pixiecaps · 9 months
people learn to not main tag something that has nothing to do with that post challenge FAILED
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enby-mori · 8 months
posting not only in the main tags but ship specific isn't going to accomplish much. all you get is blocked lol.
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qyuryyus · 10 months
when will people understand that nsfw doesn't just mean sexual nudity and beyond. it includes ANYTHING that wouldn't be safe to look at in a public environment. i saw an artist posting busty furries in provocative poses in lingerie tagged as 'sfw furry'. bro that's not sfw. don't advertise yourself as a sfw artist if one brushstroke could turn your art into softcore porn
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 1 month
We try so hard not to engage in syscourse but we're breaking our rule this once.
Dear anti-endos: get the fuck out of the pro-endo tags. Crosstagging in that way is quite literally just misusing the tagging feature, plain and simple.
The whole point of tagging on tumblr is to be able to see the content you want to see while avoiding content you don't want to. That system can only work if users respect the point of tags and use them how they're supposed to be used.
Setting all syscourse aside, wether you believe in endogenic plurality or not, you're just being a petty and pathetic asshole.
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Okay I'm seeing some misuse of tags on AO3 so let's just clarify:
De-aging is not "I am making this character younger in this fic, as if they have always been younger, in order to work with some shipping, or for a role swap."
De-aging and Age Regression are lumped together in AO3's tag system due to the thematic overlap.
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(Neither of them are "for the purposes of this fic, character B is younger than in canon, so that there isn't an age gap with character A.")
It is a parent tag, with a variety of tropes equated to it. Due to the overlap of themes, a lot of people don't differentiate when tagging unless they are specifying for an individual character.
De-aging: magical/sci-fi reverse aging, usually instantaneous. Refers specifically to a physical return to youth. Mental/developmental age change is optional, and retaining adult memories is optional.
Age regression: a character is reverted to childhood developmentally and mentally, possibly with memories, possibly without; physical regression is optional, but if it's tagged with the "age regression/de-aging" tag instead of just age regression, it's usually going to be both.
IRL, "age regression" refers to an individual mentally returning to a younger age, usually childhood, generally as a coping mechanism. It is not the same thing as age play. In fic, however, a mental/developmental regression in this manner may be tagged as non-sexual age play, in order to separate itself from the sci/fi fantasy plots, though "Age Regression" as an individual tag, without mention of de-aging, may still refer to a mental reversion as coping.
Both tropes are in some way about a character who is in-text usually an adult being, temporarily or permanently, returned to a previous point in their life, whether mentally or physically, sometimes both.
"This character is, and always has been, younger than the canon, in order to facilitate the plot I want." does not fall under de-aging, or age regression, as the change is not itself an event or plot point
In my experience, de-aging is usually for fluff or angst purposes, much like time-travel fics where a character runs into a younger version of themselves or their loved ones, and proceeds to take care of them.
Mental regression sans physical is usually used either as a kink thing, or as mental health exploration in the same vein as depression comfort fics, falling into the family of sick fic.
If you dabble in the de-aging parts of fandom, let me know your thoughts!
(If you don't have a backround in de-aging fandom as either a writer or a reader, just try to listen to what's being said by those of us who are already in here and have been for a while.)
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AITA for tagging posts as inaccessible?
honestly i don't even know how to phrase this. my blog has a very robust tagging system; i tag every character, fandom, etc etc, and try to catch as many triggers and such as possible. i want people to be able to curate their experience on my blog! and one thing I've noticed is that... a lot of people don't add image descriptions to their art, and with the rate i reblog things, my choices are either stop reblogging people's art, ask for an image description to be added and just hope i don't get completely ignored, or add one myself - which works for the most part, but writing up image descriptions for others' art is a pain, and i get fatigued easily, so I can't do that often. instead, i reblog these posts as usual but add two tags - "inaccessible" and "no id."
howerver, recently, a fandom blogger that i admire made a vaguepost. the general gist of what they said essentially falls under "stop harrassing people to add descriptions to posts - if you want to encourage behavior in a community, that's not the way to go about it."
never once have i heard of anyone harrassing people over image descriptions; the closest thing i can think of is people getting backlash for intentionally misusing alt text (in a malicious sense, such as the alt text claiming it is a nice photo of a meadow while the actual image is ableism against blind people. this is an actual example i have seen.), and even then that's clearly not what they were talking about. nobody else in the fandom has ever so much as mentioned image descriptions anywhere, either - literally the only thing i could see their post being about is my tags
I'm really not sure how what i do would count as harassment, though? I'm adding a label that's accurate - "your post is inaccessible." this isn't an opinion, such as "this post is bad." it's saying very frankly that the post isn't fully accessible. OP seemed very upset, however, and i think I've been softblocked???
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nyaagolor · 23 days
Bad Polls and the Art of Engagement Bait
So as anyone who follows this blog probably noticed, I posted a poll yesterday. Sorry ace attorney tumblr, it was bait. That was part of a little social experiment to test some theories I had about engagement bait and the tumblr "algorithm"-- and it was a resounding success!! I even made a replicate, that being a similar poll only hours later, which had basically the same result. Somehow. Now that the cat is officially out of the bag, I thought it would be fun to talk about it!
The entire point of this little social experiment was to combine some observations I had about what posts do well, the general attitude of tumblr users, and how to maximize engagement with minimal effort within fandom spaces. Thus, I'm combining all my thoughts into a little guide: how to make the lowest effort, highest engagement post possible:
Recognize that negative engagement on tumblr travels father than positive engagement Tumblr may not have an algorithm, but the system is still set up in a way where negative engagement rewards the poster more than positive engagement. A simple "like" is enough to show agreement or approval, but dissent or shock requires replies or reblogs (the latter of which are significantly more common). More reblogs = more people seeing the post, and thus posts that elicit a negative reaction tend to travel further than positive ones
Capitalize on the fact that people love to bitch about things when given the opportunity Generally speaking, going onto a random post you hate and exclaiming how much you hate it is a bit of a tumblr faux pas. Same thing with venting about how much you dislike something. While bringing up the topic yourself and being snippy to specific people are frowned upon, however, places like polls that provide an opportunity to bitch about things are a great outlet, and a LOT of people will take it
Take advantage of the poll's inherent anonymity This may seem counterintuitive-- the person posting the poll and everyone reblogging it aren't anonymous at all! This doesn't matter though, only the votes do. The anonymity of the votes on a tumblr poll turn the opinions of others, no matter their relative size, into a nebulous opinion of the indeterminate masses. THIS is the most important part of the engagement bait, because tumblr users love to complain but aren't likely to do so to someone directly for fear of hurting their feelings or getting called out for being rude. If you can take a dissenting opinion and remove the actual user from the equation, people are far more likely to share exactly what they think about it-- this is when the "no reading comprehension" and "you people seriously think (X)" and "ugh I hate fandom" takes come out en masse. Tumblr users may be mean, but more importantly we are also cowards. In the case of the poll I posted above, even extremely small minority opinions were being commented on in almost every single reblog, despite the fact that these opinions made up less than 10% of the votes for a majority of the poll's run.
More buzzwords, less nuance Buzzwords and a lack of nuance work together to make engagement more likely-- buzzwords are often both overused and misused, while a lack of nuance (typically in the form of a yes or no question) eggs people into explaining themselves. Combine these two and you add people justifying themselves, arguing with others, and complaining about the buzzword in general into your reblogs, boosting your numbers even more. In my case, I chose the lowest of the low when it comes to poll topics: "Is (recognizable character) (buzzword)?". How people fell for this twice I'm not sure, but it works!
If things are getting boring, stir the pot yourself You can use alt accounts or just make up tags yourself, but I was too lazy to do this. However, there's always the option of cherrypicking-- screenshot outlandish or dissenting tags, even if it's just one in a sea of hundreds, and post that in a reblog with an incredulous caption. Bringing tags to the attention of the majority invites new focus on those tags AND your poll, giving people another outlet to add their takes. Some people will likely even reblog it Again.
Now that the bait is set, watch people in your notes talk over themselves like a flock of seagulls
Congrats! You've now made a successful bait poll. Fortunately or unfortunately, mine worked so well that people fell for it twice, both of them got thousands of votes each within the day, my notifications are overflowing, and popular blogs have made posts referencing it. Point proven, hypothesis verified. As they say: easy website.
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gwydion-aacblog · 1 year
gwydion , he/him (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) e/o (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿) , 20s
( icon - white man , brown red hair and beard , pink sunglasses , black collar , white shirt , sparkly green background )
nonverbal . physical disabilities . mild intellectual disability . autism . plural , personal reject DID name .
AAC user , full time and in write as well . disabilities make language and words hard . still not reason to assume " like kid " - gwydion do sometimes swear and talk about " adult " things .
prefer person first language . ( with autism , with intellectual disability )
he/him . not they/them . not OK take away gender because think disability make " not able to know " or " less " man . himself and himselves both OK .
before follow
support right to exist as most true self and self label if no one get hurt and no people boundary broken . gender , system origin , alterhuman , religion , sexuality , be free .
not include : radqueer and transid , people on purpose misuse disability words . these do end in boundary broken , people hurt , and speak over .
not able understand tone tags or neopronouns . support , but , please avoid use when talk direct to gwydion .
please do not ask or say : for gwydion to find label , to recommend AAC , any comment or " compliment " about how write .
do not interact with gwydion's plural posts if have problem with plurals reject disorder name or trauma only origin .
what is AAC ? / AAC as language?
AAC etiquette in conversations / all AAC etiquette posts
alternatives to " go nonverbal " / why ?
autistic regression experiences : nonverbal as adult / language skills
do not comment on : AAC / language skills
be considerate : wrong words / " stubborn " views
intellectual disability tag
plural tag / " nonverbal headmate "
please remember
even with mild level intellectual disability is not easy always say everything want say , and , not always understand everything . sometimes understand community words and " discourse " if is very close relevant in life . but also many times not .
can not give perfect answer everything . not appreciate when say something and people start ask " what if this what if that " . if post say is basic , not need ask what if what if .
sometimes lose or forget messages because get lots activity . sometimes also choose not answer , because answer lots before , or not know how answer .
try really really hard stay OK to post , but if something push overwhelm upset too quick , might meltdown . words like " go away " is only way can say need things stop for now . promise is not hate attack .
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I gotta start somewhere. I've been learning a lot about indigenous history and activism as I work on deconstruction, and a sentiment I come across a lot is bitterness towards Christianity. I cannot emphasize enough how much I fully understand. The rough bit is that sometimes when I read their work, I get the implication that there's nothing worth saving in the Church/Christianity- that to hold on to it is to hold on to all the colonialism and white supremacy and yuck.
As a disabled trans Christian, I get that, but it still hurts. I love God and am a Christian despite everything. I want to be an ally to indigenous people, but I want to follow God this way too. I know those aren't mutually exclusive, but it feels that way sometimes. Do you have any insight for me to find peace in this regard?
Thank you.
Hey there, thanks for the question, sorry for the delay!
This is something I've also wrestled with — a question I ask myself over and over, and probably always will. I cannot offer you peace, because as Jeremiah 6:14 says, "There is no peace!" — not while our faith continues to be wielded as a weapon against so many peoples. What I can offer you are some of the thoughts that have allowed me to continue to be Christian with hope that this faith can be better than what it's long been misused for, and the resolve to do my part to make it so.
First, that Christianity isn't unique in being co-opted by colonialist powers.
Any belief system can be twisted for violence, and many have been. If Christianity didn't exist, white supremacy still would — colonialist powers would have found a different belief system to twist into justifying their evils.
That absolutely does not absolve us from reckoning with the evils that have been done in Christianity's name! This isn't about shutting down critiques of Christianity with "uh well it could have been any religion" — as things played out, Christianity is the religion responsible for so much harm, and we need to acknowledge that and listen to groups who tell us how we can make some form of reparations.
But for me at least, there is some comfort in understanding that Christianity isn't, like, inherently evil or something. Recognizing that it isn't unique even in its flaws helps me look at the problem with clearer eyes, rather than wallowing in guilt and shame, if that makes sense.
Next, that there are Indigenous Christians, and Black Christians, and other Christians of color — that oppressed peoples have found things worth cultivating within Christianity! If they can find something worthwhile in this faith, it would be arrogance for me to deny it.
For instance, even when white slaveholders edited Bibles to remove too much discussion of liberation, even when white preachers emphasized verses about slaves being obedient to their masters, many enslaved people recognized how Christian faith actually affirms their equality and the holiness of their desire for liberation.
Black Theologian Howard Thurman opens his 1949 book Jesus and the Disinherited with a question asked to him by a Hindu man who knew the harms white Christianity had done to both their peoples: “How can you, a black man, be Christian?” The long and short of Thurman’s answer is that, in spite of the pain and exploitation too often inflicted by Christians in positions of power, the oppressed have always been able to see past that misuse of the Christian message to the true message lived out by Jesus Christ: a message of liberation for all.
For more thoughts on why and how to keep being Christian in spite, in spite, in spite...I invite you to look through my #why we stay tag.
How I wish that Christianity had never gotten tangled up in Empire! but it did, and it still is, and because for good or ill I cannot help that my spirit is stubbornly drawn towards the Triune understanding of the Divine, the best I can do is to use my privilege and what small influence I have within Christian institutions to move us towards decolonization. What some of that's looked like on the level of my personal beliefs:
I am firmly against any form of proselytizing. I don't support evangelism financially, I speak out against it, I don't platform it. (If someone wants to hear about my faith, they'll come to me — I don't run after them. And if someone does want to have that conversation, I aim to make it a dialogue, where we are learning from each other.)
I continuously work to recognize and uproot Christian supremacy within myself — the beliefs I didn't even realize where there until I started digging. That has included challenging any inkling within myself that Christianity is the "best" or "most right" religion. (One book that's helped a lot with that is Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor.)
I seek wisdom from and relationship with Christians of color. Their insights are vital to our faith, and I try to use what small influence I have to uplift them.
On that last note, here are some resources I recommend as you continue to explore these questions:
This First Nations Version of the Christian Bible is gorgeously written, and a great way to explore scripture through a Native lens.
Native by Kaitlin B. Curtice is a lovely poetic memoir that explores how one person has sought to hold both her Christian faith and Potawatomi identity within herself. (She also has a new book out that I haven't read yet but really want to!)
God is Red: A Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria Jr.
Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys by Richard Twiss
I haven't read any of these 4 books but they look good too
This video with advice to non-Indigenous Christians
If anyone has any resources to add, please do!
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amatonormawhat · 1 month
ace bot-fighting army, what have you been doing with the posts that are probably normal people who are using unrelated tags?
like, random posts gets the ace tag (maybe the user is ace) or sexy underwear shots get all the individual LGBTQ tags, including ace
I’ve been just blocking if I think there’s a chance it’s a regular person who’s misusing (imo) the tagging system (don’t want to see underwear pics in my feed, thanks) — and report-spam/blocking only if it has obvious signs of being a porn bot. any tips on knowing the difference? when do you use something other than “spam” for report type?
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sixshotsinatumbllr · 2 months
I give you: Bunnings Warehouse!Crowley
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So, following on from some posts about Aussifying Good Omens with @mrghostrat and a few others, I've started a multi-chap fic featuring Crowley as a Garden Specialist from Bunnings, and Aziraphale as a Lions Club volunteer at the Community Barbecue.
(For those of you not in Australia, Bunnings is a chain of large hardware warehouses. There's a million of them all over the country. Each weekend, a community group runs a fundraising barbecue at the front of each store).
The fic is completely drafted, I am working on editing at the moment, and hope to have the start of it up in the next week or so. No spoilers, but it features misinterpreted booty texts, goon of fortune, misuse of the intercom system, and Beelzebub as store manager (who has become my favourite character).
In the meantime, I've been working on some art for the fic.
Let me know if you want a tag when I post it.
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