#Trolls ocs
enzogabriella · 6 months
Trolls 3 Image memes now that movie has finally come out so we don’t have to wait anymore
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felsicveins · 4 months
I think John Dory should have 7 (evil) exes and you have to defeat all of them in order to date him.
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Choose your fighter 💥💪
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doofazoid · 3 months
human Starlight Trio!!
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Bro didn't even get a chance
Wanted to try my hand at the drawing Otto with your oc trend, but like this little guy is the only one I got so here they are in da void.
I thought this would be a funny bit but realized halfway through it was very similar to one felsicveins already did here but again I was already halfway done so I was like screw it I'm finishing it XD
Otto belongs to @felsicveins
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queam · 5 months
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Goth trolls
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adore-mimy · 3 months
A little snippet of Brozone in my Into the Shadows Au.
They were getting surrounded by Shadows while finding Floyd. Though them Finding Floyd also found him much more different from when they last saw him. Guess that’s what Happens after going solo for 20 years.
Also wanted to know who’s story y’all wanted to know first? (I’m trying to make a comic to start of the storyline)
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staplegxnn · 5 months
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Sketch dump, sketch dump, silly silly art dump
(Fliff designs based on @ohposhers fliff designs tehe)
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geelk · 5 months
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I really wanted to draw some troll sonas/ ocs so I thought why not draw the sonas of some of my favorite trolls artists! Hope you all enjoy it was so fun drawing all your amazing characters💕
Ocs and sonas belong to @0ketlyn-s , @funktrolls , @tea0w0stache , @nervousskull , @ohposhers , @metalheads-trash-bin , @painfully._.average (instagram), @telinks.art (instagram)
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deakinscbuck · 2 months
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Some Cliva sketches and I did redesigns for the Cliva children ( so it would match with their parents designs better)
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troll-prince · 21 days
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My half of an art trade with @palmrrclaymore (FOLLOW HER 💥💥💥🔫) where I went waaaaaay overboard with what I was originally supposed to be doing cause I just love those their lil guys so much it makes me wanna combust 💥💥💥
Bonus close ups cause I did NOT do lineless rendering for 10 or so hours just to have all the detail be hidden away lol
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petracozbi · 1 month
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I think it’d be funny if Clover and Trevor met JD, while hitchhiking between troll kingdoms
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enzogabriella · 6 months
Trolls 3 Incorrect Quotes now that the movie out now so we don’t have to wait anymore!
Thanksgiving Edition 🦃🥔🍂🍁🍽
John Dory: Welcome to the hunger games!
Poppy: this is Thanksgiving!
John Dory: that is mahogany!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clay: Viva come stuff the turkey
Viva: ok
walks in Clay: where’s the turkey?
Viva: gobble gobble
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CJ: why did they stop leaving pies on a window sill?
Keith: Too many people floating in the air when they smell it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poppy: ok on the count of three everyone say what there thankful for! 1..2..3!
Poppy: everyone here!
Clay: Viva’s mental health improving!
Viva: My mental health improving!
Bruce: my wonderful family
John Dory: my awesome reunion skills
Branch: seeing my 3 brothers again, oh and John
Floyd: me being alive
Shallow: pizza!
Kid Ritz: me being included
Aven: my life being mentally ok again
Veneer: Aven
Crimp: anti depressant
Velvet: me, duh
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Dory speaking in a serious voice: we’re going back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu
John Dory: that’s right we’re going back in time to the first thanksgiving to the first thanksgiving to get turned off the menu
Branch: …who are you talking to?
John Dory: this guy right here *pointing to a mirror* he knows exactly what I’m talking about
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Branch: WHERE’S THE TURKEY?!
Floyd: it’s in the cabinet
Branch: oh
John Dory: now we know to never steal Branch’s turkey
Branch: Clay did you put the turkey in the fridge to defrost a few days ago?
Clay: yep, totally!
Branch: you forgot
Clay: what?! no! Why would you say such a thing?!
Branch: your looking up, how to defrost turkey in 5 minuets
Clay: shut up! Go mash some potato's or something
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruce: John, you know what season it is?
John Dory: uh, Halloween season?
Bruce: yea, but do you know what else it is?
John Dory: what?
Bruce: It is “I ask you whether you’re coming back for Thanksgiving, you say you’ll think about it and then we got caught up in something that leads to you and Clay fighting, so you say you’re not coming back, which leads to me and Clay fighting and with your jointed effort you two make me cry like the world is ending, so Floyd has to put a stop to it. And eventually you come back for Thanksgiving and we have a semi-nice holiday” season
John Dory: …
Bruce: so you coming home for Thanksgiving?
John Dory: I’ll think about it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃🥔🍂🍁🍽
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felsicveins · 2 months
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Wow, now we know where Patty was
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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tea0w0stache · 3 months
I’m playing the friend ordering for another rn
But me and a small group of friends are doing a trolls themed ttrpg campaign and one really loves your heavy metal trolls and the stuff you’ve built for them and wants to build/play one for it, but he’s kinda a nervous wreak so I’m asking for him lol
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what PERFECT timing !!! ive been working on this for a while now. more will be added obviously, but for now here's what i have!!
and since im a HUGEE dnd nerd too; if you have any questions, i can try to answer them in dnd terms too :)
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bigfatbreak1 · 7 months
Candid footage of Veneer trying to get along with children. Brite and Zat were none too chuffed to find out disgraced-pop star Veneer would be their brother in law.
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the-vegetarian-artist · 4 months
Asking you about your ska troll concept! They look so cool and I would love to learn more about them
@shadow-ray4 thank you for asking, genuinely was positive that no one would ask 😅😣 but I am HAPPY to share! To start here are the full refs I've done so far and explain as much of the concept as I've developed in my brain lmaooo (ALL MAJOR DEETS undercut cause its gonna be LONG)
@goldendaydna also helped with this and lowkey a concept we are semi working out since her sona Golden Tempo is an Urbano Troll (a recently named concept lol)
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Ska Trolls are Big, Bright, and BOLD. Together, these elements create an energetic, highly danceable, highly vibe-able troll genre. They also explode into confetti and confections when excited or surprised. Dont worry they pop back up as if nothing even happened leaving a pile of candy and crepe paper on the ground. (Ska trolls are super popular with the kids.) They practically live for the music, known for dancing for several days straight with hardly a rhyme or reason to stop.
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*Like even the smallest of surprises just make em POP! (Bonus Branch doodle cause why not??)
Adara, my sona, is a 4th Generation Ska Troll (her father being a 3rd Gen while her mama is a punk rock troll) so TECHNICALLY shes Ska-punk, but she still has the appearance of your standard Ska Troll so it's more a music specific.
Her great great grandparents being a reggae leaning funk troll and a rocksteady leaning funk troll who formed The Underground after being seemingly left behind along with other alt/subgenres of the main 6 kingdoms when they split. A place for alternative trolls like herself and her friends could live and PARTY HARD without micro judgments against their music. It's a haven for other trolls who feel they dont quite fit a specific genre or even one at all, but also HELLA secluded from the rest of the Trolls so they look different and SOUND different. (Cave acoustics and all) The surface likely gets trimmers and even earthquakes from their raging parties. (I'm still fleshing this out but I have this piece of "concept art")
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*Its literally a bioluminescent shroom town. Like glowing mushroom homes, food, ect- glow worms on the cave ceiling like stars in a night sky. All the various alternative genre of trolls have like a glowy eye thing that allows them to just see naturally in the dark too-
*these were some posters I took heavy color influence from for Adara's pallet (I know they arent all ska, but punk, reggae, and rocksteady aesthetics were an addition)
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Obviously I took most inspo from pinatas, party/confetti poppers, and the sorts mainly because the funk trolls poop...well. baked goods and I wanted to play off that but lean into the crazy evolution the trolls have canonically in the universe that foam at the mouth for 👀 🤲 But I wanted to make sure her colors and patterns gave off not just Funk influence, but also micro subculture influences that are within The Underground. (This including but not not limited to, how closely Ska Trolls were to the Urbano Trolls communities within The Underground)
*Exchanged tassels and stringy fur textures for more paper textures. Like literally walking, talking, breathing pinatas fr
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*Queen Essence I love yuuuu
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They are bigger than the average Funk troll and have very similar features to them, but texture and color wise are very different. They much more vibrant and staturated. Giving a mix of felt and crepe paper. They have tails as sortve as an evolutionary trait but also it gives maximum party mode as it can hold objects and act as an extra hand. Their ears are also longer and slimmer, making it harder for them to lift or perk up so they stay droopy unlike their funk counterparts. They are all naturals at brass instruments (mainly trumpet) and ALWAYS have a hop in their step.
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*edit if the pics keep messing up... imma have to just remake the post 😭
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